Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Section: BS Psychology 3A Subject: Abnormal Psychology (PSYCH66)
Date Submitted: May 17, 2022 Schedule: MWF (02:00 PM – 03:00 PM)
The psychological factors involved in physical malfunctioning specifically, illness and disease.
The bulimia nervosa is an out-of-control eating episodes, or binges, are followed by self-induced
vomiting, excessive use of laxatives, or other attempts to purge (get rid of) the food. In anorexia nervosa,
the person eats nothing beyond minimal amounts of food, so body weight sometimes drops dangerously.
In binge-eating disorder, individuals may binge repeatedly and find it distressing, but they do not attempt
to purge the food.
The obesity is not considered an official disorder in the DSM, but we consider it here because it is
thought to be one of the most dangerous epidemics confronting public health authorities around the world
today. The causes of eating disorders has a social dimensions that is a “Glorification of slenderness” on
the media and it influence family, cultural expectations in beauty standards, dietary restraint and etc. The
biological dimensions studies suggest that relatives of patients with eating disorders are 4 to 5 times more
likely than the general population to develop eating disorders themselves. Low serotonergic in
hypothalamus associated with impulsivity, binging & eating disorders. While the psychological
dimensions is that perfectionism is directed to distorted perception of body image, appearance to others.
Drug Treatments is used of antidepressants effective in treating bulimia, its effectiveness is
measured by reduction in frequency of binging. Tricyclic antidepressants are not effective in a long term.
The psychological treatments, CBT-E (Fairburn, 2008) teach physical consequences of binge eating and
purging, and ineffectiveness of vomiting/laxative abuse. It also focus on altering dysfunctional
thoughts.The prevention attempts are being made to prevent the development of eating disorders. These
will educate people about these disorders and body image.
Night eating syndrome consumes 1/3 or more of their daily intake after evening meal, getting out
of bed at least once a night to have a high-calorie snack. Nocturnal eating syndrome is an individual get
up at night to raid the refrigerator, but don’t wake up. The bariatric surgery is that the stomach is stapled
to create small stomach pouch at base of esophagus, severely limiting food intake. The patients must have
1/more obesity related physical conditions.Gastric bypass operation creates bypass of the stomach, limits
food intake but also absorption of calories.
Sleep-wake disorders has its Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep is a part of sleep in which we
dream, has an association with anxiety, overeating, & many other mood disorders (depression). The
Polysomnographic (PSG) evaluation is that sleeping in sleep laboratory with a no. of different devices.
The Electroencephalogram an eye movements, measured by an Electrooculogram, a muscle movements,
measured by an electromyogram; and heart activity, measured by an electrocardiogram.
Insomnia Disorder, difficulty in falling asleep at bedtime, problems staying asleep throughout the
night, or sleep that doesn't result in the person feeling well rested after normal amount of sleep. Primary
insomnia is that sleep problem was not rested to other medical or psychiatric problem and causes
accompanies medical or psychological disorders like pain, physical, discomfort problems in biological
clock control of temperature.
Narcolepsy is an episodes of irresistible attacks of refreshing sleep occurring daily, accompanied
by episodes of brief loss of muscle tone and progress directly to REM sleep, instead of going through the
4 and NREM Stages that preceded it.
Sleep paralysis is a brief after awakening when they can't move or speak, frightening for
individual. Benzodiazepine medications have been helpful for short-term treatment of many of the
dyssomnias, but they must be used carefully or they might cause rebound insomnia, a withdrawal
experience that can cause worse sleep problems after the medication is stopped. Any long-term treatment
of sleep problems should include psychological interventions such as stimulus control and sleep hygiene.
Parasomnias such as nightmares occur during rapid eye movement (or dream) sleep, and sleep terrors and
sleepwalking occur during non-rapid eye movement sleep.
Name: Kyra Zian C. Peralta Subject Teacher: Dr. Leo G. Labrador
Section: BS Psychology 3A Subject: Abnormal Psychology (PSYCH66)
Date Submitted: May 17, 2022 Schedule: MWF (02:00 PM – 03:00 PM)
Name: Kyra Zian C. Peralta Subject Teacher: Dr. Leo G. Labrador
Section: BS Psychology 3A Subject: Abnormal Psychology (PSYCH66)
Date Submitted: May 17, 2022 Schedule: MWF (02:00 PM – 03:00 PM)
Name: Kyra Zian C. Peralta Subject Teacher: Dr. Leo G. Labrador
Section: BS Psychology 3A Subject: Abnormal Psychology (PSYCH66)
Date Submitted: May 17, 2022 Schedule: MWF (02:00 PM – 03:00 PM)
The DSM group’s personality disorders into three clusters: Cluster A: People who are perceived
as odd or eccentric: paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal personality disorders. Cluster B: People whose
behavior is overly dramatic, emotional, or erratic: antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic
personality disorders. Cluster C: People who often appear anxious or fearful: avoidant, dependent, and
obsessive-compulsive personality disorders.
Paranoid personality disorder is a personality disorder characterized by pervasive suspiciousness.
Interpret other people’s behavior as deliberately threatening or demeaning and overly sensitive to
criticism, whether real or imagined.
Schizoid personality disorder is a personality disorder characterized by social isolation. Lack
interest in social relationships and emotions appear shallow or blunted. Schizotypal personality disorder is
a personality disorder that characterized by eccentricities of thought and behavior, but without clearly
psychotic features.
Antisocial personality disorder: A personality disorder characterized by antisocial and
irresponsible behavior and lack of remorse for misdeeds. Diagnosis limited to people 18 years of age or
older and the pattern of antisocial behavior begins in childhood or adolescence.
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a pervasive
pattern of instability in relationships, self-image, and mood. Frequently includes: lack of control over
impulses, deep sense of emptiness, impulsivity and etc.
Histrionic personality disorder. A personality disorder characterized by excessive emotionality
and an overwhelming need to be the center of attention. The emotions are tend to be: dramatic, shallow,
exaggerated while the Narcissistic personality disorder is a personality disorder characterized by inflated
or grandiose sense of self and an extreme need for admiration like self-absorbed, lack empathy for others
and demand to be center of attention.
Avoidant personality disorder is a personality disorder characterized by avoidance of social
relationships due to fears of rejection. The dependent personality disorder is a personality disorder
characterized by an excessive need to be taken care of by others.
Obsessive compulsive personality disorder is characterized by excessive orderliness,
perfectionism, rigidity, and need for control.
The Barnum/Forer Effect occurs when vague statements and descriptions are made about
personality in which people believe to be specifically about them and also explains a person acceptance in
horoscopes, fortune telling, and graphology.
There are problems with the classification of personality disorders. The major concerns regarding
personality disorder classification are the appropriateness of categorical versus dimensional model,
Distinguishing personality disorders from other clinical syndromes, Degree of overlap among personality
disorders, Difficulty in distinguishing between normal and abnormal behavior, Confusing labels with
explanations and sexist biases.
In Psychodynamic Perspectives, the Traditional Freudian theory that focused on problems arising
from the Oedipus complex as the foundation for personality disorders. Hans Kohath that argued that what
matters most is how the self develops and whether the person is able to develop self-esteem, values, and a
cohesive and realistic self. Otto Kornberg, the borderline personality as a failure in early childhood to
develop a sense of constancy and unity in one’s image of oneself and others. Margaret Mahler that
explained borderline personality disorder in terms of childhood separation from the mother figure.
Impulse control disorders is a category of psychological disorders characterized by failure to
control impulses, temptations, or drives resulting in harm to oneself or others.
Name: Kyra Zian C. Peralta Subject Teacher: Dr. Leo G. Labrador
Section: BS Psychology 3A Subject: Abnormal Psychology (PSYCH66)
Date Submitted: May 17, 2022 Schedule: MWF (02:00 PM – 03:00 PM)
Name: Kyra Zian C. Peralta Subject Teacher: Dr. Leo G. Labrador
Section: BS Psychology 3A Subject: Abnormal Psychology (PSYCH66)
Date Submitted: May 17, 2022 Schedule: MWF (02:00 PM – 03:00 PM)
Name: Kyra Zian C. Peralta Subject Teacher: Dr. Leo G. Labrador
Section: BS Psychology 3A Subject: Abnormal Psychology (PSYCH66)
Date Submitted: May 17, 2022 Schedule: MWF (02:00 PM – 03:00 PM)
In Civil Commitment Laws, the laws have been designed to protect people who display abnormal
behavior. La Fond and Durham (1992) argue that two clear trends in mental health law are evident in the
recent history of the United States. The Liberal Era (the rights of people with mental illness dominated)
and the Neoconservative Era (the rights of people with mental illness have been limited to provide greater
protection to society.
There are criteria for civil commitment (1)The person has a “mental illness” and is in need of
treatment, (2)The person is dangerous to himself or herself or others, or (3) The person is unable to care
for himself, a situation considered a “grave disability.” There are also two types of authority permit the
government to take actions that are against a citizen’s will that is the police power, that the government
takes responsibility for protecting the public health, safety, and welfare and can create laws and
regulations to ensure this protection and the parenspatriae (“state or country as the parent”) power, it is
when citizens are not likely to act in their own best interest
Dangerousness is a controversial concept to describe people with mental illness. It is widely held
misperception that people with mental illness are more dangerous and may differentially affect ethnic
minorities. Mental health professionals also can identify groups of people who are at greater risk than the
general population for being violent but what clinicians cannot yet do is predict with certainty whether a
particular person will or will not become violent.
The Procedural Changes Affecting civil commitment are the Supreme Court and civil
commitment, criminalization, deinstitutionalization and homelessness and the reactions to strict
commitment procedures.
Criminal commitment is the process by which people are held because (1) they have been
accused of committing a crime and are detained in a mental health facility until they can be assessed as fit
or unfit to participate in legal proceedings against them, or (2) they have been found not guilty of a crime
by reason of insanity.
Therapeutic jurisprudence was created with prosecutors and defendants, winners and losers. In
contrast, the mental health system is set up to find solutions to important psychological problems without
placing blame on any parties. Society has long recognized the need to identify criminals who may not be
in control of their behavior and who may not benefit from simple incarceration. The challenge is in trying
to do what may be impossible: determining whether the person knew what she was doing, knew right
from wrong, and could control her behavior. An additional dilemma is the desire, on the one hand, to
provide care to people with mental illness and, on the other, to treat them as responsible individuals.
Competence to stand trial is a person determined to be incompetent to stand trial typically loses
the authority to make decisions and faces commitment. A trial requires a determination of competence;
most people with obvious and severe impairments who commit crimes are never tried.
Mental health professionals as expert witness are judges and juries often have to rely on expert
witnesses, individuals who have specialized knowledge, to assist them in making decisions.
Mental Health Professionals as expert witness. The mental health professionals appear to have
expertise in identifying malingering and in assessing competence. Remember that to malinger is to fake
or grossly exaggerate symptoms, usually to be absolved from blame. Mental Health Professionals also
appear capable of providing reliable information about a person’s competence, or ability to understand
and assist with a defense. There are also rights of research participants and these includes (1) The Right to
be Informed About the Purpose of the Research Study, (2) The Right to Privacy, (3) Right to be Treated
with Respect and Dignity, (4) Right to be Protected from Physical and Mental Harm (5) Right to Choose
or to Refuse to Participate in Research Without, (6) Prejudice and Reprisals, (7) Right to Anonymity in
Report of Study Findings and (8) Right to Safeguarding of Records.