Summary of SQ3R Reading Strategy NEW
Summary of SQ3R Reading Strategy NEW
Summary of SQ3R Reading Strategy NEW
Read the objectives, introduction, bolded words, conclusion, summary, headings and
subheadings, and the diagrams. This will give you a broad sense of the direction and scope of the
topic and allow you to become familiarized with new terms. As you survey, activate any prior
knowledge you have regarding the topic and show interest in the steps the authors take to reach
their conclusions.
Formulate your own questions based on the information you have gathered at the prereading
stage: turn headings into questions, turn boldface or italicized phrases into questions, use the
chapter’s questions, and use course objectives to focus on particular ideas.
Read actively by underlining and marking in your text and by answering your questions. Mark
your text and answer your questions using your own words rather than using the phrases in
your text. Match your rate of reading with your comprehension level and slow down and/or
reread if you do not understand.
Recite, from memory as much as possible, the important points under each heading after you
read a section. Out loud and in your own words, recite the key features of the topic and how it
relates to previous sections. This recitation can be done by writing, but doing it aloud benefits
auditory learners and takes less time.
Review immediately after reading a section. This should be relatively brief, not more than 5
minutes, and can encompass answering your questions and outlining sections out loud and from
memory. To inhibit forgetting, try reviewing weekly, and every time you read another section,
review the previous section in the same way.
Robinson, F. P. (1970). SQ3R: Effective study (4th ed.). New York: Harper & Row.