Aiss - Ss Questionnaire
Aiss - Ss Questionnaire
Aiss - Ss Questionnaire
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Copyright Regd. No. ©A-73256/2005 Dt. 13.5.05
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On the next pages, there are some statements covering your school problems,
which have three responses alternatives •Always• and 'Sometimes' and 'Never•. Read
every statements carefully and decide whether you want to answer it with . If your answer
is in "Always", then tick the right mark 0 under "Always", if in "Sometimes", tick the right
mark 0 under "Sometimes" and if in "Never", tick the right mark 0 under "Never".
Remember your answer will be told to any person, so please give the correct answer
without hesitation. You may take your own time, but try to finish it as soon as possible.
Your responses will be kept confidential.
Scoring Key
Area Raw Score z-Score Level of Adjustment
Sr. No.
I. Emotional
II. Social
Ill. Educational
.' I
. Total
Consumable Booklet of AISS-ss I3
.. ..
(sr. No. Statements Always Sometimes Never)
21. Do you think that the teachers in school do not pay any attention
to your problems ?
22. Are you often sad and distressed in the school ?
23. Do you like to join your classmates working together?
24. Are you satisfied with the progress in your studies ?
25. Do you feel the teachers neglect you ?
26. Do you try to attract the attention of your teacher to yourself in
the .class?
27. Is it a burden for you to study something ?
28. Do you get yourself worked up and try to harm a student when
he complains against you ?
29. Do you often like to be alone ?
30. Are your teachers always ready to solve your problems
concerning your studies ?
31. Are you often dissatisfied with your school ?
32. Do you establish a friendly relationship with the .students in the
33. Do your teachers in the school praise you ?
34. Do you try to rationalise your mistake ?
35. Do you like to sit in the front seats in the class ?
36. Do you often get less marks in examination ?
37. Do you resent it when your teachers ask you a question in the
38. Do you have a friendly association with your fellow students ?
39. Do you like the idea of having more holidays in the school ?
40. Do you get wild when one of your classmates jokes with
I Consumable Booklet of AISS-ss
Statements Always Sometimes Never)