Final Research 1 3
Final Research 1 3
Final Research 1 3
Department of Education
A Research Submitted
Mr. Michael John T Paco
Every student is a unique person with their own ambitions and interests. A student should be
aware of their interest in the field they select is important when choosing a job or degree to
pursue in order to choose the path of study that would best suit their talents after graduating
from junior high school. Students must decide the academic path they want to take when they
reach senior high school before choosing their college major. Prior to choosing on the course
they will take in college, students must select the academic track they will begin in Senior High
School. The academic path, the technical-vocational-livelihood track, and the sports and arts
track are the three alternatives available to students before they enroll. Accountancy Business
and Management (ABM), Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and
General Academic Strand (GAS), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) are the four
Everything has an impact on the academic path students choose. They must either talk about
what they want to study in college, what their parents want, or whether they think they can
succeed. Everything counts when making a big choice. Senior high school students need a lot
of professional advice, especially when choosing a track career. For the duration of this time,
Students must be clear about the career path they selected in order to get ready for a future
fulfilling work. The choice of the ideal career is one of the biggest and most important decisions
that any student must make. This might predict whether or not a person will succeed in the
future. At this age, self-realization is essential, and choosing the right path is the first step. The
choice of senior high study stream is one of the most crucial choices you will make while
beginning your career. Knowing your areas of expertise may help you make the best choice.
Students who are good at making judgments may reveal aspects of their character by stressing
their advantages and disadvantages. The kids might then be able to focus on their areas for
development as a result.
The academic elitism view on the misalignment between senior high school strand and college
course is that only knowledgeable individuals in the field with immense academic qualification
are deemed to achieve higher scores in academics, thereby increasing the chance of academic
success (Rambe, & Moeti, 2017). The theory claims that in highly competitive academic
environments, only those individuals with meritorious academic background can endure
academic challenges in terms of difficult quizzes and projects (Mukharji, 2017). The tendency
towards academic elitism is most pronounced in highly competitive and highly regarded
academic tracks, such as college. The academic elitism theory contends that college students,
especially the freshmen, who have strong prior knowledge on the course taken, will be able to
adapt with the environment and obtain excellent marks. The theory also claims that students
who have either poor academic background and knowledge on the chosen course, are
suppressed and left behind in their academic track. In light of this theory, the phenomenon of
misalignment between senior high school strand and college course is perceived as barrier for
adjusting and achieving high learning outcomes in college. The theory argues that students who
have no prior knowledge and poor academic background to college course are predicted to
1. What is the personal profile of
the students in terms of :
A. Age
B. Sex
C. Strand Process
D. Grade Level -Construction of the
questionnaires Output
2. What are the factors that -Validating the questionnaire FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE
affect students from choosing -Floating the questionnaires DECISION OF UPCOMING
their desired track : GRADE 11 STUDENTS ON WHAT
-Collection of data
A. Learning environment factor -Interpretation of Analysis CHOOSE.
B. Learning style factor -Conclusion
C. Physiological factor -Recommendation
3. Is there a significanct
relationship between the factors
and the decision the student
made when deciding what
academic track to enroll.
In general, the goal of this Study is to predict which Academic Stream will
The upcoming Senior High School students would select. Specifically, It is made to
A. Age
B. Sex
C. Strand
D. Skills
E. Knowledge
2. How different is the track you chose between the other academic track?
4. Is there a connection between the track you have chosen and you parents` choice?
1. The decision of the student-enrollee and the additional elements that influence the decision's
2. The enrollee's chosen track and the alternative track are significantly related.
Researchers: This study's conclusions and recommendations will act as a manual, a source of
information, and a guide for researchers who are performing or plan to conduct related
investigations. They will receive a thorough summary of the subject, along with information
about any gaps in the research that require further investigation. Guidance counselors and
advisers will learn more about the actual situation of senior high school pupils as a result of this
study. With this information as a starting point, they can start a counseling program that is
effective while taking into account the unique requirements of troubled senior high school kids.
They could also set up the systems for counseling and guidance.
Students: The results of this study will assist students in developing a plan to successfully
balance their academic and social lives, as well as their studies and free time. Additionally, it will
help students understand the nature of their skills and abilities and how to use the senior high
Teachers: This study`s conclusion will act as a reference on how will a student decide if they
are certain on the course of the track that they are taking which affects the Teachers who has
the ability to teach lessons base on the track that they are focused on.
This study focused on the variables that link to and have an impact on students' decisions to
enroll in Grade 11 Senior High School in Capaoay, San Jacinto, Pangasinan, in the academic
year 2022-2023.
The San Jacinto National High School seniors in grade 11 who are having difficulty determining
The respondents were Senior High School students in Grade 11 for the academic year 2022–
2023. This study was restricted to the information acquired during the course of the first
Fulfilling - Making someone satisfied or happy because of fully developing their character or
Predictor - A person or thing that predicts that something will happen in the future or will be a
consequence of something.
Cognitive - Relating to the mental process involved in knowing, learning, and understanding
Empirical - Based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than
Culmination - The highest or climactic point of something, especially as attained after a long
Phenomena - A fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose
This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies underlying the
A. Related Studies
Local Studies
Education and Review (2019). In the study, senior high school students' academic tracks and
strands are discussed in relation to personality and socioeconomic aspects. It provided the
following answers: Which academic path are seniors in high school choosing? How may
there a substantial connection between personality and socioeconomic variables in senior high
school students and the academic path they have chosen? How well do socioeconomic and
psychological traits influence the academic path chosen? 225 seniors from the Maria Aurora,
research study during the 2018–2019 academic year. Questionnaire with the aid of interview
were used as data gathering instruments and subjected to frequency distribution, percentage,
weighted mean, test of correlation and regression. Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
strand is the first choice among the respondents. Personality factors obtained a weighted mean
of 3.51 described as agree, considering that strand which were important and vital in deciding
and choosing future career, giving them the challenge to bring out their best, and further
development with their values as a person lead the factors. Likewise, supporting the needs of
their family and valuing in the future" ruled the socioeconomic factors in choosing
strand. Students chose General Academic Strand (GAS) strand still on the process of deciding
what degree they will be going to enroll in college which manifested on the finding that high
significant correlations were observed to all personality and socioeconomic factors in choosing
Global Studies
(Alexander Mati, Jane Ciumwari Gatumu , John Rugendo Chandi 2018). Involving students in
decisions that affect their academic outcomes has been linked to improved academic
performance in studies, but little has been done to gather student opinions on the proper level of
such involvement. Students play a significant role in shaping educational outcomes, as well as
how well they perform on tests. Therefore, it's crucial to research the effects of their inclusion in
the major decision-making processes at the schools. This study sought the opinions of students
on the impact of their participation in decision-making on two different fronts: choice of schools
to enroll in and formulation of school rules and disciplinary measures for school rule-violators
using data from twelve public day secondary schools in Embu West Sub-County of Kenya. It
was discovered that giving students a voice in important educational decisions increases their
motivation, sense of ownership and consequently their propensity to follow rules, personal drive
to achieve both personal and group goals, and overall higher academic achievement. Insofar as
it is practical and tenable, it was advised that students participate in all decision-making levels.
The Kenyan government has made substantial investments in education. The creation of
numerous educational commissions, committees, and task groups serves as proof of this. The
Ominde report of 1964, which tried to modernize the education system left over from the
colonial authority to make it more applicable to Kenyans, was one of the earliest such initiatives.
The National Committee Report on the Education Objectives and Policies, which highlighted
Kenyans' ambitions for socioeconomic and cultural advancement, came next. Launching
community-sponsored day secondary schools, also known as "Harambee schools," which refers
accomplishments. A day school is an initiative in which the community and the government work
together; the community pays for the building of the school, while the government hires and
supports the teachers. Other government initiatives included the Mackay Report of 1981, which
helped establish the 8-4-4 educational system, the Kamunge Report of 1988, and the
Commission of Inquiry into the Kenyan Education System, whose goal was to adapt the system
to the country's changing needs in order to foster social cohesion and national unity. Despite the
fact that students are important stakeholders and recipients of educational outcomes, the
groups, did not focus on include them in important decision-making processes. The creation of
free and mandatory elementary education from 2003 until the present has resulted from several
commissions, task forces, and committees. Overenrollment in day secondary schools is one of
the latent repercussions of this elementary education being made mandatory. This has put a
strain on the existing resources, which, as is the case in Kenya's Embu West Sub-County, has a
negative impact on students' performance in the final national exams. The inference is that
action must be taken to encourage students to achieve better academically. Of course, there
are several factors that affect how well pupils perform. The requirement to involve students in
making decisions about their academic lives may be one approach. This relates to what
Uhumuavbi hinted at when he said that students' participation in school choice effects how they
do academically. Here, the emphasis is on how less probable it is for students to act in ways
that hinder their ability to learn when they know how to address their needs through responsible
decisions. Investigating students' choice of school and rules as a potential contributing factor to
their academic achievement in Kenya's Embu West Sub-County has become crucial. It was
commonly known that the twelve day secondary schools in this subcounty did poorly on the
Kenya National Examinations. Students have a fundamental right to take part in making
decisions that impact them, according to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. According to
the reviewed literature, students may choose their schools and create their own rules. Parents,
teachers, and school administrators are some of these stakeholders. Parents believe they have
a right to select the schools to which they enroll their children because they are responsible for
paying for their education. They frequently don't want to involve their kids in those decisions, as
Abagi suggests. Students are thus denied the chance to actively participate in making decisions
from a young age. Thus, students enroll in the schools that their parents have chosen for them
and may start their academic careers with low morale, which is likely to result in poor
performance. This study set out to accomplish two goals: I to investigate whether parents'
decisions about and selection of schools for their children have an impact on their academic
performance; and (ii) to investigate whether administrators' decisions about rules and
Chapter III
This chapter represents the method done by the researchers. It contains the following
questions: Research Design, Locale of the Study, Respondents of the Study, Research
Research Design
The study was conducted at the 4th District of Pangasinan, mainly at the municipality of San
Gulf and West Philippine Sea. It has a total land area of 5,451.01 square kilometers
of Pangasinan. The municipality has a land area of 44.18 square kilometers or 17.06 square
miles which constitutes 0.81% of Pangasinan total area. The respondents answered a
Figure 3.1: Map of
Pangasinan with
The respondents of this study were 45 students selected from Grade 11 San Jacinto National
High School. The researcher selected these respondents to give the information that was used
to determine the factors that affects the decision of grade 12 students on what academic track
Survey through questionnaire was the method used to gather information as data from the
respondents. The questionnaire was composed of two parts: (1) Personal Profile and (2)
Questionnaire. The first part’s purpose was to determine the personal profile of the respondents
while the second part was intended to determine the factors affecting the decision of students
The whole study’s duration was the whole 1st semester of the school year 2022-2023. The
questionnaire was administered to 45 respondents through Google form. The researcher had
immediately floated the questionnaire to the respondents after the questionnaire was approved
by the researcher’s Practical Research I teacher. After getting results, the researcher had
tabulated the data. Statistical treatment was used to analyze the data.
Frequency count and percentages was used to describe the personal profile of the respondents
of this study. The frequency represents the response to an item in the sample size of
Formula: %= ()f
% = percentage
f = frequency
n = sample size
100 = constant
In determining the factors that affects the students decision on what academic track will they
enroll in San Jacinto National High School, the researcher used the average weighted mean
X 1 W 1+ X 2 W 2 + X 3 W 3 + X 4 W 4 + X 5 W 5
X = Frequencies
W = Weight
3.41-4.20 Agree
To determine if there’s a significant relationship between factors affecting the decision of the
study on what academic track will they choose in San Jacinto National High School Senior High