Msoc Uk

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of the

Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church

(Jacobite Church)


Malankara Parishes and Congregations

Table of Contents


Article - 1 Name & Definitions

Article - 2 Faith & Tradition Proclamation
Article - 3 Aim and Objective
Article - 4 Spiritual Head
Article - 5 Ownership
Article - 6 Jurisdiction
Article - 7 Allegiance
Section – a) Allegiance of the Region
Section – b) Allegiance of the Metropolitan/ Patriarchal Vicar
Section – c) Allegiance of the Vicar / Priest / Deacons
Section – d) Allegiance of the Office Bearers
Section – e) Allegiance of the Council Members
Section – f) Allegiance of the Parish / Congregation
Section – g) Allegiance of the Spiritual Organisation
Article - 8 Composition of the Region / Diocese
Article - 9 The Regional Delegate Meeting
Article -10 Governing Body of the Region / Diocese
Article - 11 Rights and Duties of Office Bearers
Article - 12 Accounts & Audit
Article - 13 Parishes / Congregations
Article - 14 Spiritual Organizations
Section - a) Sunday School Association
Section - b) Students Movement
Section - c) Youth Association
Section - d) St. Mary’s Woman’s Association
Section - d) Prayer Fellowship

Article - 15 General
Article - 16 Complaints & Disposal
Article - 17 Application of funds and property
Article - 18 Dissolution
Article - 19 Amendments
Article - 20 Specific Issues

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit one true God. Glory be to
Him; and may His Grace and mercy be upon us for ever. Amen.



The name of this organization shall be ‘Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church, United
Kingdom Diocese’ alias Jacobite church. It is a Religious organization having an official
Seal / Stamp and Letter Head. The location of the registered (central) office shall be in
England. The council follows the Canon Law (Article 2, close 6) and Bylaw for its


A) Patriarch – The Patriarch of Antioch and all the East, Supreme Head of the Universal
Syrian Orthodox Church. Title - His Holiness (HH)

B) Catholicose - The second highest hierarchical position of the Church. He is the Head
of Church in India. Title - His Beatitude (HB)

C) Metropolitan/Patriarchal Vicar – A diocesan Bishop of Malankara Jacobite Syrian

Orthodox Church from India, who is appointed by the Patriarch. Title -
His Grace (HG)

D) Episcopal Synod – The meeting of all spiritual leaders that includes the H B
Catholicose and all Bishops under His presidency in India

E) Diocese - A region of Parishes and congregations under the supervision of a Bishop.

F) The Council – Administration body of the Diocese which includes Clergies and
representatives from all parishes.

G) Board of Trustees - The elected members from the council to represent council in the

H) Vicar - The priest of the Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church (India), who is
duly appointed by the H H Patriarch / Patriarchal Vicar through a bull. He is
the spiritual leader of a parish.

I) The Canon – A set of ecclesiastical law / rules which considered to be authoritative

scripture for the function of the church. The author/compiler of the
Hudayo Canon used by the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church is Mor
Gregorious bar Ebroyo.
J) MSOC. UK – This stands for Malankara Syrian / Syriac Orthodox Church, United
Kingdom. (alias- Jacobite Church)


1. The ‘Malakara Syrian Orthodox Church UK’ is an integral part of the Universal Syrian
Orthodox Church and a Diaspora community of Jacobite Syrian Christian Church in
India led by H. H Moran Mor Ignatius, the Patriarch and the Supreme Head of Antioch
and all the East, reigning on the Apostolic Throne of St. Peter, who founded the Throne
in A.D 37 and is the chief among the disciples of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

2. The Universal Syrian Orthodox Church is Catholic, Apostolic and Univalent. The
Spiritual, Priestly, Disciplinary and Faith related powers, rights and supremacy of H.H.
the Patriarch on the throne of St. Peter at Antioch is undisputable and it is the duty of
each member of the Church to maintain to believe in and abide by that supremacy.
Further, the Apostolic and constitutional relations to the Patriarch of Antioch to be
maintained in the Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church, UK as it existed in the past.

3. Each member of the Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church, UK has the duty and
obligation to maintain the custom and faith in – the Holy Trinity, the human incarnation
of Jesus Christ - the Son of God, the out coming of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Church, the
Holy Bible, the sanctity of traditions and their Godliness, the Nicene Creed, celebration
of the 7 sacraments, intercession of St. Mary and other Saints, requiems, funeral prayers,
timed prayers, lent, fasting, observation of Sundays and other days related to Jesus
Christ (Maranaya days), consecration of Churches, the succession of the Holy Throne of
St. Peter at Antioch and the trio to maintain the ecclesiastical ordination of the
priesthood, infant baptism, the Holy Cross, the three Holy Synods and relics of Saints.
Nobody has any right or power to make any resolution against the aforesaid principles.

4. All members of the Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church are bound to honour and respect
H. H. the Patriarch of Antioch and H. B. the Catholicose, all Metropolitans, Episcopacy,
Cor - Episcopacy and Priests who are under the supremacy of the Patriarch of Antioch.

5. This constitution is subject to the spiritual decisions taken by the Universal Holy
Episcopal Synod from time to time.

6. The Canon of this Church is the Judite Canon, which was summarised by Bar Ebraya in
A.D 13th century, ratified by H.H. Moran Mor Ignatius Elias III, the Patriarch of Antioch
in 1929 and followed in the Universal Syrian Church. ( Malankara Syrian Orthodox
Church, UK does not accept the Canon printed in Paris in 1898 after correcting the

7. The Properties / assets belong to Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church UK shall be aimed
for the church activities such as Gospel ministry, charitable work (poor & needy) and
other developments of the church. It shall not be partitioned to any individual/s of the
church and nobody shall suppose to claim for the above wealth.


Aim of this organization is to advance and maintain the Christian faith, tradition and
doctrines of the Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church in UK.

1, To provide all the religious rites and sacraments for all members in accordance with the
Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church in India.

2. To establish congregations for conducting Holy Eucharist, Sacraments and Services
according to the faith of the Church.

3. To make availability of Priests& Holy Sacrament materials to parishes all over UK

4. To launch charitable institutions for the welfare of members of the Church and for the
poor and needy.

5. To organize Leader ship training camps, Personality development programs, Faith &
Traditional liturgy and Courses / Activities for Sunday School Teachers, Students
Groups, youth association & women’s association.

6. To conduct Retreats, Gospel Service and Family conference to embrace personal and
family oriented spiritual development to the members.

7. To Publish or distribute information through electronic news letters, Magazines,

directories and Liturgical books etc.

8. To ensure that the Church and the Council has the governance and information
structures, systems, processes and spiritual leadership necessary to deliver its mission
efficiently, effectively and with the highest standards of probity.


His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East,
Supreme Head of the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church, of the Holy Apostolic Throne of
Saint Peter and His legitimate successors in office shall be the supreme spiritual,
ecclesiastical and administrative head of the Diocese. Such spiritual, ecclesiastical and
administrative jurisdiction and authority cannot be changed, altered, modified or revoked.
His Beatitude Aboon Mor Baselios, Catholicos of the East and the second highest
hierarchical position of the Church. He is the local Head of the Church in India, who will
have spiritual powers in the Diaspora community in UK.
His Grace, Metropolitan / Patriarchal Vicar is a diocesan Bishop from the Jacobite Syrian
Orthodox Church, India who is appointed by the H H Patriarch by the recommendation of
the Catholicose. The Patriarchal vicar shall administer the spiritual and temporal affairs of
this diocese and shall be under the direct jurisdiction of His Holiness the Patriarch.


The legal and equitable owner of the all properties (movable or immovable) belongs to the
Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church UK, Governed and Managed by MSOC council UK.
No individual/s shall hold or posses any assets of the Diocese, of any kind. The property
shall be bought only by the Diocescan Council. The council shall not have the right to sell
any property without 4/5 majority decision in the delegate meeting and the knowledge of
the H H Patriarch and H B Catholicose.


The MSOC UK and all its parishes shall be under the direct jurisdiction of His
Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, Supreme
Head of the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church and His successors in office. His Holiness
shall be the appellate authority whose decisions shall be firm final and without appeal on all
Spiritual, Sacramental, Ecclesiastical, Temporal and Disciplinary Matters or any dispute
within the Diocese.
As it is a Diaspora community of Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church in India, His Beatitude
Aboon Mor Baselios Thomas I and His successors in office shall have spiritual powers in
the administration of the Diocese.
The Metropolitan / Patriarchal Vicar is the representative of His Holiness the Patriarch with
the recommendation of His Beatitude Catholicose in India. He shall administer all the
sacramental, ecclesiastical and temporal affairs of the Diocese in order to uphold the true
faith of the Holy Church.
The jurisdiction of this organization is all Malankara Syrian Orthodox Churches in the UK


Section – A Allegiance of the Region

Being a part of the Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church and under the Universal
Syrian Orthodox Church, this Diocese shall hold allegiance to the Supreme Head, His
Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius and His legitimate successors in office; also to His Beatitude
the Catholicose of the East, to the Holy Episcopal Synod and to the Patriarchal Vicar
appointed by the Patriarch from time to time.

Section – B Allegiance of the Metropolitan / Patriarchal Vicar

The Metropolitan/Patriarchal Vicar appointed and authorised by His Holiness shall

govern spiritual and temporal affairs of the Diocese, under the supervision and control of
the Patriarch and His legitimate successors in office. If and when the Metropolitan/
Patriarchal Vicar deviate from the allegiance or denounce the Holy Throne of St. Peter or
when he is de-recognised by H. H. the Patriarch or H B the Catholicose of the East / the
Holy Episcopal Synod, his spiritual, ecclesiastical, sacramental and administrative powers
shall cease thereafter.

Section – C Allegiance of the Priests and Deacons

The Vicars, Priests, or Deacons appointed by the Metropolitan / Patriarchal Vicar

with the knowledge of the Patriarch, shall serve the parish / congregation or any other
institutions or trusts in the Diocese, directly under the supervision of the Metropolitan/
Patriarchal Vicar. If and when the vicars, priests or deacons deviate from their allegiance or
when they denounce the Holy Throne of St. Peter or when they are de-recognized by H. H
the Patriarch / H B the Catholicose / H G Patriarchal Vicar / Holy Episcopal Synod, their
spiritual, ecclesiastical, sacramental and administrative powers shall cease there after.

Section – D Allegiance of the Office Bearers

All the elected or appointed office bearers of the Diocese shall discharge their
respective duties in complete allegiance to the Holy Throne of St. Peter and the Patriarch of
Antioch and All The East and his representative, the Metropolitan / Patriarchal Vicar. If
and when an office bearer deviates from the allegiance or denounces the Holy Throne or
denounces the Apostolic Bulls / Orders from His Holiness, His Beatitude, and the
Metropolitan / Patriarchal Vicar, his temporal and administrative powers shall cease there
Section – E Allegiance of the Members

All the members in the affiliated parishes shall carry out their respective duties and
responsibilities in full allegiance to the Diocese and to the Universal Syrian Orthodox
Church and to the Throne of St. Peter, H H the Patriarch, H B the Catholicose, Holy
Episcopal Synod and the Metropolitan / Patriarchal Vicar. If a member of a parish within
the Diocese deviates from the allegiance or denounces the Holy Throne of St. Peter, his
membership rights shall cease there after.

Section – F Allegiance of the Parish / Congregations

All the Parishes / Congregations under the Diocese, are subject to the Spiritual
administrative, supervision and control of His Holiness the Patriarch, His Beatitude the
Catholicose of the East, to the Holy Episcopal Synod and of the Patriarchal Vicar who is
appointed by His Holiness. When a parish / congregation deviates from the allegiance to the
Holy Throne of St. Peter or denounces the Patriarch, the Supreme Head or acts against the
orders of the Patriarch or the Catholicose, their membership rights shall be revoked by the
Patriarchal Vicar and the parish administration shall be taken over through an Apostolic
order from The Patriarch.

Section – G Allegiance of the Spiritual Organizations

All spiritual organisations under the Diocese, are subject to the spiritual and administrative
supervision and control of the Patriarchal vicar, who is appointed by His Holiness the
Patriarch. If any member of a spiritual organization within the Diocese deviates from the
allegiance or denounces the Holy Throne of St. Peter and its Hierarchy, his / her
membership rights shall cease there after



All parishes/ congregations under the Holy Apostolic See of Antioch and All the East, with
faithful believers who are following and professing the Syrian Orthodox faith and its
venerable traditions (hereafter referred to as Malankara Parishes), are the only legitimate
members of the Diocese. Any person who is not a member of the (Malankara) Jacobite
Syrian Orthodox Church shall not be admitted as a member of this Region / Diocese. Each
MSOC Parish must adhere to the Universal Syrian Orthodox faith and apostolic orders and
guidance beyond doubt through the Sacrament of Baptism and other Holy Orders and
confess the faith as confirmed in the Nicene Creed. No MSOC Parish shall be established

within the Diocese without prior written permission from the Metropolitan / Patriarchal
The minimum requirement to form a new Malankara Parish shall be fifteen Jacobite
Syrian Christian families that are not members of any of the Malankara Parishes of the
Diocese. A new parish must not from forty miles of an existing parish. Every faithful shall
hold membership only in the church with in his/her living area. All new Malankara Parishes
must be affiliated with the Diocese and they shall obey the rules and regulations of the Holy
Church and the M S O C UK Diocese.
Diocese can acquire, alter, improve (subject to such consents as may be required by
law) of property of any kind for which the regional council, will have the power to
make relevant document required by law for such registration and legal documentation.
This document shall be authorized in the Delegate Meeting and the Patriarchal vicar.


The Diocese shall have a Delegates’ Meeting, consisting of all the MSOC Parishes within
the Diocese. The Delegates shall meet at least once a year or as needed. It shall make
decisions with majority of members attended on administrative matters of the Diocese with
the approval of the Metropolitan / Patriarchal Vicar. Diocese Metropolitan shall preside the
meeting. In the absence of Metropolitan/ Patriarchal Vicar, any Metropolitan with a written
authorization from H H Patriarch / H B Catholicose shall preside over the Delegates
The representation from a parish to the delegates meeting is specified to be the
Vicar, Secretary, Treasurer and a lay representative (Age 21 years & above), for parishes
having up to 25 families, two lay representatives for Parishes having up to 50 families, three
lay representatives for Parishes having up to 75 families, four lay representatives for
Parishes having up to 100 members and five lay representatives for Parishes having over
hundred families. The elected representatives shall produce a certification from the Vicar of
that Parish stating that they are the elected representatives, indicating the date of
membership or general body meeting during which the election was held. The Diocesan
Council members shall participate in the Delegates Meeting as observers without voting
rights unless they are elected as delegates by the respective parishes. In the absence of a
Vicar in a particular Parish, the Metropolitan/ Patriarchal Vicar shall have the power to
authorize the representatives from that Parish.
The Patriarchal Vicar’s bull shall be sent in advance stating the forthcoming
delegate meeting. Written notice with Agenda, time, date and place shall be informed by the
Diocesan secretary to the vicars and secretaries of the Parishes at least four weeks prior to
the meeting. In an emergency situation it shall be at least one week advance notice to call
the meeting. The Delegates Meeting shall elect one member from each Parish to the
Diocesan Council. All priests serve in the region shall be the members of the council. The
Council shall have the primary responsibility of assisting the Metropolitan / Patriarchal
Vicar in managing the day to day affairs of the Diocese. The Delegates’ Meeting shall elect
3 clergymen as Vice Presidents for the Youth Association, St. Mary’s Women’s
Association, Students Movement and 1 Director for Sunday Schools.
The term of office of all elected office bearers shall be two years. All elected
candidates and their positions shall be confirmed by the Metropolitan / Patriarchal Vicar
and declared as soon as the elections are over. Within one month of the Annual Diocesan
Delegates Meeting, the decisions of the delegates meeting shall be sent to all Diocese
All decisions taken by the Diocesan Delegates Meeting from the properly distributed
agenda items shall be binding on all the member parishes. The Board of Trustees /
Managing Committee and the membership or general body meetings of a member Parish
shall have no authority to overrule, amend, revoke or disobey the decisions of the Diocesan
Delegates Meeting. Any decisions of relevant matters not included in agenda but presented
as other matters allowed by the Chairperson shall be ratified by 2/3 majority before enacted
as a law or a decision of delegate meeting.
The Diocesan Delegates’ Meeting shall
1. Plan appropriate funds for the activities of the Diocese; (to accumulate, raise, keep &
apportion of funds)
2. Approve or disapprove annual accounts and reports.
3. Enact and decide on amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws.
4. Formulate general policies and fund raising programs for the functioning of the
5. Elect Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor/s and other members Diocese Council.
6. Buy, sell, rent, lease, create mortgage or acquire properties for the Diocese.
7. Decide the amount of the Diocesan dues to be collected from each Parish.
8. Annually account all the properties of the Diocese be they movable or immovable.


Clause – 1 Composition
The Diocesan governing body shall be called the Diocesan Council. The Council
shall consist of a Metropolitan/ Patriarchal Vicar, priests, elected lay members and three
metropolitan nominees. The ratio of clergy and laymen shall be decided in the Delegates’
Clause – 2 Election & Term of Office
Total membership of the Diocesan Council shall be one member per parish, priests
and the Metropolitan/Patriarchal Vicar. Two clergies shall be elected for the post of Priest
Secretary and Council Secretary, a lay person shall be elected as a Treasurer and a Joint
secretary can be elected if needed. The term of office shall be two years. Immediately
following the election, with the approval of the Metropolitan / Patriarchal Vicar, the names
and designations of the members shall be announced in the Diocesan Parishes.
Clause – 3 Meetings
The council shall meet at least three times in a year at a convenient time, date and
place with the consent of the Metropolitan / Patriarchal Vicar. A council meeting can be
also convened in circumstances where the metropolitan /Patriarchal vicar finds it needed or
a majority of council members give a written request to call the meeting. Metropolitan /
Patriarchal Vicar shall preside over the meetings. Written notice with agenda, date, time and
place shall be sent to the members by the secretary, at least two weeks prior to the meeting
of the Council. In an emergency meeting it shall be three days notice. A half plus one (½ +
1) majority shall constitute a quorum. The council shall form decisions for the over all
growth of the church & execute according to the delegate meeting decisions. The agenda
for annual general body meetings shall be prepared by the council and the same shall be
published at least one month prior to the meeting.
Annual reports and annual accounts of all income and expenditures of the diocese shall run
from April 01 to March 31 financial year. The budget for the following financial year shall
be constructed in the meeting.
Bank accounts for the Council shall be jointly operated by the Metropolitan
(Chairman), the Secretary and the Treasurer and every cheque should be signed by any two.
Clause – 4 Board of Trustees
MSOC Council UK has a board of trustees for administrative purpose in accordance
with UK charity law. The council shall have 11 elected members (as Council Chairman,
Secretary, Treasurer, 2 priests and 6 lay members) in the council as board of trustees. This
committee shall elect form the diocesan Council. The board of trustees shall act according
to the decisions of the delegate meeting & diocesan council. The term of office shall be two
years. Guidance & advice can be obtained from qualified persons by inviting them to the
meeting as needed if such circumstances arise in the Diocese. The board of trustees shall
meet at least once in every three months. One week notice with agenda shall be sent in
advance to convene the meeting. In an emergency situation this can be done with 48 hours
notice by email / phone message. A three- quarters (3/4) majority shall constitute a quorum.
Clause – 5 Resignation and Re-Election
If the Secretary or the Treasurer resigns from office, such resignation shall be
submitted to the Metropolitan / Patriarchal Vicar. The Metropolitan/ Patriarchal Vicar at
such a situation, shall appoint a council member to complete the term of the resigning
officer after convening a Council Meeting. The resigned Secretary or Treasurer shall
present all of the current minutes, records and account books, stock register and bank
accounts / materials to the Council. The elected auditor shall verify the books and accounts
before the appointment of a new office bearer. If a member of the Council resigns or by
death, the Patriarchal Vicar, in consultation with council, shall nominate a person from the
same parish to finish the remaining term.
Clause – 6 Removal
Any elected member of the Council may be removed from office, by the vote of two
thirds (2/3) majority of a quorum of the Delegates’ Meeting, upon willful violation of this
bylaw/ Governing document of the Diocese or deliberate actions against the best interests of
the Diocese or the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church or its Patriarch of Antioch /
Catholicose of the East / Patriarchal Vicar.
Any member who fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the council shall be relieved
from his position as a council member. However, upon the vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the
council, any member may be relieved from his office, for proper cause.


Section - A) The Metropolitan / Patriarchal Vicar

1. Provides general supervision and spiritual leadership for the smooth functioning of the
2. Shall visit the MSOC Parishes / Congregations.
3. Sends pastoral letters and issue authorised letters.
4. Ordains priests and deacons.
5. Appoints and transfers priests as and when necessary.
6. Grants permission to form new MSOC Congregations in consultation with MSOC
7. Approves or disapproves elected office-bearers from parishes with a written
notification. Receives annual reports on the activities of the parishes.
8. Convenes and presides over regional / diocesan delegate and council meetings.
9. Distributes the Holy Mooron, Holy Oil and the Thabilaitha when such a need arises.
10. Selects candidates for the pastoral ministry and arrange their training.
11. Provides overall supervision and leadership to spiritual organizations and presides
over their meetings.
12. Attends the Malnkara Holy Episcopal synod.
13. Counsels and acts as a mediator in a dispute between members or parishes.
14. Always abides to the directions of H. H. the Patriarch and H B Catholicose. He shall
have the right to hold office only so long as H. H. the Patriarch recognizes him as the
Metropolitan / Patriarchal Vicar of the Diocese.
15. Administers all affairs of the Diocese.

Section – B) Priest / Vicar

The Priest in the performance of the following duties is responsible directly to the
Metropolitan /Patriarchal Vicar:
1) He provides general supervision and spiritual leadership in the parish for its wellbeing.
2) He shall present at his Parish regularly in order to be available to the parishioners
3) He shall conduct necessary spiritual services and celebrate the prescribed liturgies in
accordance with the rules and regulations of the Malankara Jacobite Syrian Orthodox
4) He shall endeavor to encourage attendance at the church services and shall ensure that
every member is registered in the church record and holds a basic membership in the
Malankara Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church.
5) He shall be responsible for the formation of all spiritual organizations in the parish and
shall be presiding in such meetings.

6) He shall, as often as he is able to do so, visit the homes of all the members and also the
sick members of the parish.
7) He shall offer the holy sacraments of the church and shall issue sacramental and other
certificates up on request from the faithful.
8) He shall register all baptisms, marriages and funerals.
9) He shall be responsible in preserving the Holy Mooron and other Holy Oil.
10) He shall ensure that the parish board of trustees remitted annual Ressisa for the Patriarch
and Metropolitan share to the council.
11) He shall preside over all meetings of the Managing committee / Board of Trustees, and
the church general body. He shall administer all the affairs of the parish in consultation
with the board of trustees except spiritual matters.

Section – C) Council Secretary

1. He shall be a priest from the Diocese, living in UK.

2. His term of office shall be two years and shall not elect the position for more than two
terms consecutively.
3. He shall assist the Metropolitan/Patriarchal Vicar in executing the decisions of the
Council and the Delegates Meeting.
4. He shall be responsible to send invitation notice for calling the meetings and shall keep
records & minutes of all the meetings. Each meeting minutes shall be signed by the
chair person of that meeting and will be read in the next meeting for approval and
5. He shall handle all the correspondences of the Diocese as directed by the
Metropolitan/Patriarchal Vicar.
6. He shall be an authorized signatory along with the council treasurer for all bank
accounts of the Council.
7. He shall prepare the annual report and the same shall be submitted in the Council for
approval before presenting in the delegates meeting.
8. He shall send copies of the annual report and the audited accounts to each MSOC parish
once they have passed in the Annual Delegate Meeting.

Section – D) Council Treasurer

1. He shall be at least 32 years of age and a previous council member, with permanent
residency in UK.
2. His term of office shall be 2 years and shall not be elected for more than two terms
3. He shall keep an inventory of the diocesan properties.

4. The Treasurer shall write and keep the bank statements, cheque book, cash book, ledger,
stock register, receipt books and payment vouchers in the office of the council and shall
be ready to produce any of these if asked by the council. He shall be able to produce all
above documents for the purpose of auditing.
5. He shall prepare and present the budget and accounts in the council and delegate
Meetings. The accounts shall be approved by the council and audited there after prior to
the presentation in the delegates meeting. He shall collect all dues of the diocese from
the church / others and shall be responsible to pay off all council bills.
6. Be a signatory of the diocese bank accounts jointly with the council secretary and
7. He shall be in charge of all funds decided in the diocesan delegate meetings.

Section –E) Council Members

1) It shall be the duty of all members of the council to attend liturgical services, obligatory
to a faithful, at their parish.
2) They shall perform all duties imposed on them by the bylaw of the organization and
shall perform such duties as are generally performed by trustees under similar
circumstances, among the said duties being the following;
3) He/they may be the member/s in the board of trustees if elected by the council and to
perform all the duties thereof.
4) Shall recommend the service of a properly qualified priest for the church;
5) Shall be present in the council / trustees meeting when such a meeting is called;
6) The outgoing Secretary and Treasurer shall be ex-officio members and they will have
rights similar to the elected members of the Council.


The auditor is responsible for auditing all accounts related documents and stock register. He
can also verify the minute’s book and files for the purpose of auditing.
The annual account, passed in the council meeting shall be audited by the auditor(s).
The auditor shall submit the audit report and suggestions in the annual delegate meeting of
the diocese. A copy of the audit report shall be handed over to the council at least a month
prior to the annual delegate meeting. He is responsible for auditing charities formed by the
council, if any. If necessary, MSOC council can appoint an external auditor for accounts.



All Malankara Parishes & religious organizations incorporated with MSOC council
shall also function with the resident country’s Religious Law.

Each Malankara Parish shall be internally administered in accordance with its
respective bylaw. If a parish does not have a bylaw, it shall follow the Jacobite Syrian
christian church constitution (2002).
If there is a valid conflict between the Diocesan bylaw and any Parish bylaw, it shall
be dealt appropriately by the Diocese Council. If it is not resolved at the Council level, it
shall be brought to the Delegates’ Meeting for final resolution / disposal.



It is a joint responsibility of the Director and Diocesan Council to establish Sunday Schools
in the diocese at the Malankara Parish level. Each Sunday School shall have an elected
Head Teacher and qualified teachers. Classes are to be conducted from year I to XII and
each year shall have its own curriculum approved by the Metropolitan and Regional/
Diocesan level (MJSSA) Sunday School Committee. A Sunday School Committee shall be
formed at the Diocese level with the Metropolitan/Patriarchal Vicar as Head, a Director,
Secretary, Treasurer and other regional Inspectors for overseeing the affairs. The election
of the office bearers shall be conducted at the annual convention and their term shall be 2
years. The association shall have representation at the Diocese delegates meeting as
observer. The Sunday School Committee may form regional districts and its office bearers
as and when it is necessary.


The Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Student Movement (JSOSM) in the United Kingdom
is established for teenagers between ages of 14 and 21 years. In bringing together students
of our Church under this umbrella, the movement aims to foster and build relationships
between each other in a Christian environment. It seeks to give direction and enable the
development of personal skills, attitudes and aspirations. Annual events provide a sense of
communal belonging and the recognition of our cultural heritage. JSOSM shall have a priest
as vice president and a central committee elected in the annual event.


The Youth Association shall be comprised of all the youths between the ages of 22
and 40 years within the jurisdiction of Diocese. They shall form primary units in each
Malankara Parishes and shall be governed by the Bylaws of the unit’s respective Parish,
under the guidelines of the Metropolitan/Patriarchal Vicar, the Vice President, the Diocesan
Council and their Diocesan level office bearers. The Youth Association shall meet at least
once a year during the Annual Diocesan Convention, and as many times as may be required
to address matters related to the youths. A Secretary, a Treasurer and other regional
organizers shall be elected at the annual meeting held at the Annual Convention and their
term shall be for two years. The Youth Association shall have representation at the
Diocesan delegate meetings as observer. The Secretary shall keep the records of all
meetings and the Treasurer shall be the custodian of the Youth Association funds, if any.


The St. Mary’s Women’s association (Martha Mariyam Vanitha Samajam) shall be
comprised of all the women 22 years of age or older within the jurisdiction of Diocese.
They shall form primary units in each Malankara Parish and shall be governed by the parish
Bylaw. The diocesan level central committee shall function under the guidelines of the
Metropolitan / Patriarchal Vicar, the Vice President and the Diocesan Council. It shall meet
at least once a year during the Annual Diocesan Convention and as many times as may be
decided by the office bearers. The association shall have representation at the Diocese
Delegate Meetings with observer status. A Secretary, a Treasurer and other regional
organizers shall be elected in the annual meeting of the Annual Convention and their terms
shall be two years. The Secretary shall keep the records of all meetings and the Treasurer
shall be the custodian of the women’s association funds, if any.


The motto of this organization is ‘Worship, Gospel and Serve’. This is an

organization within the framework of the Diocese for the spiritual nurturing of faithful
people through prayer meetings, gospel conventions and Bible study classes. It also enables
faithful to become aware of the spirituality in daily life and lead a faithful Christian life in
fellowship with God and other human beings. The organization shall form primary units in
each Malankara Parish (family units) and shall be governed by the bylaw of the respective
Parish under the leader ship of the Vicar. Prayer fellowships / Family units in each UK zone
shall meet at least once a year to conduct annual convention and retreat. Diocesan level
activities of this organization shall be functioned by the guidelines of Metropolitan
/Patriarchal Vicar and diocesan council.


Clause :
1) The duties and responsibilities of the Joint Secretary of the Council:
In the absence of the Secretary, the Joint Secretary shall assume the role of the Secretary
with the consent of the Council. The Joint Secretary shall assist the Secretary and
Treasurer in carrying out their duties
2) Though certain terms of office have been specified in this Constitution, all bodies and
authorities shall continue in office until the next body or authority assumes office. This
shall not apply to a case where a body or authority is removed from office in accordance
with the provisions in this Constitution.
3) The Diocesan Council shall collect Metropolitan share into the Council Account and also
collect and send the canonical ‘Ressisa’ to His Holiness, the Patriarch every year.
4) Generally the President of a meeting will have no vote. However at a meeting of a body
mentioned in this Constitution, if there is a tie, the person presiding over that meeting
may cast his vote to decide the matter
5) During all meeting and gatherings, members are strictly forbidden to act or speak so as to
bring dishonor to the church or to the Patriarch. Anybody doing so must be ousted from
the place, and in case such a member insists upon defying the order, then the appropriate
law enforcement authorities shall be called in.


Clause - 1
Complaints about an elected member or a clergy or person administering a MSOC
UK Parish or performing Regional/ Diocese level duties are to be filed with the
Metropolitan/Patriarchal Vicar in writing with a copy to the Secretary of the Council.
Complaints of misconduct, financial irregularities, moral misconduct of any kind, deliberate
attempts to destroy or damage church or Regional/ Diocese properties, the bringing of
dishonor to the name and goodwill of the Church, participating, attending and having Holy
Sacraments with the excommunicated or other religious factions against our church
dogmas, canons, practice and traditions, etc. are considered grave and will be dealt with

Clause - 2
Complaints regarding Administration of Malankara Parishes or inter Parishes,
liturgical, spiritual organizations, faith etc. shall be forwarded to Metropolitan / Patriarchal
Vicar in writing. Two or more persons of good standing shall bring this kind of complaint.

Clause - 3
All complaints shall be submitted to the Metropolitan/Patriarchal Vicar in writing.
Anonymous complaints shall not be entertained under any circumstances. Within thirty
days after receiving the complaint, the Metropolitan /Patriarchal Vicar, in consultation with
council will set up a commission to conduct an inquiry.
The commission shall be headed by His Grace and other members who shall be
appointed from a panel of clergy and laymen by the council. The commission will submit a
written report of its findings within thirty days of its appointment to the
Metropolitan/Patriarchal Vicar. The Metropolitan / Patriarchal Vicar in consultation with
the council will take the necessary action based on the report of the commission.

Clause - 4
If a complaint is rejected, the complainer(s) has the right to lodge the same again
within three months of the dismissal of the complaint if there are reliable new evidences to
submit. If the outcome is unsatisfactory, then he/she/they shall file the same complaint to
the H B Catholicose or H H Patriarch for further appeal.

Clause – 5.
Any individual/s those who ever underwent the disciplinary action as deviated from
the faith and tradition of the church or excommunicated from the church wish to readmit to
the church and if church reinstates his/their membership he/they shall prove his/their
allegiance and faith of the church and shall not bear any official positions in the MSOC
Council for the following five years.

Clause – 6
Church membership is terminated if a member:
Defies the faith and discipline of the Malankara (Jacobite) Syrian Orthodox Church,
authority of His Holiness the Patriarch of the Antioch and all the East, His Beatitude the
Catholicose of the East (India) and the Authority of the Metropolitan appointed by the
Actively participates in any other denominational groups or assemblies that are against our
holy church doctrines, excommunicated by the Patriarch / Catholicose or by the
Metropolitan in charge for any reason whatsoever he/she shall cease to be a member of this
Member or members who are terminated from the membership of this Church either
individually or collectively shall cease to have any claim or rights over the Church or the
assets of the Church.
A person terminated by any of the above mentioned reasons shall not be attending any
administration & spiritual body in the church / council.


17.01 The Board of trustees may employ or engage under a contract for services, such of
their number as they may determine provided that:
17.1.1 the trustees in each case are satisfied that it is in the interests of the Council to
employ or engage under a contract for services the trustees concerned.
17.1.2 the trustees in each case are satisfied that the terms of employment or
engagement are reasonable in respect of the employment or of the services
provided and are subject to regular and objective review; and
17.1.3 The procedure set out in the clause 17.6 is followed on each occasion
17.2 Any Regional / Diocesan Council member/ trustee who possesses specialist skills or
knowledge and any firm or company of which such a trustee is a member,
consultant, partner, trustee, officer or employee, may charge and be paid reasonable
fees for goods or services supplied to the Council on the instructions of the other
Trustees (but only if the Board of trustees are satisfied that the requirements set out
in clause 17.1 are met)
17.3 At no time may a majority of trustees benefit directly or indirectly from payments
made under clauses 17.1 and 17.2. Where a payment to a person connected with a
trustee would represent an indirect benefit to that trustee and such payment would
cause the number of trustees benefiting under clauses 17.1 and 17.2 to represent a
majority of the Board of trustees then the prior written consent of the UK Charity
Commission must be obtained.
17.4 Subject to clause 17.3 a person may be appointed as a council member (trustee) not
withstanding that he or she is employed or otherwise engaged by the Church and
receives remuneration in that capacity.
17.5 No Diocesan Council member may receive from the Council any payment of money
or other material benefit (whether directly or indirectly) except: -
17.5.1 Under clauses 17.1 and 17.2 (employment or engagement fees);

17.5.2 Reimbursement of reasonable out of pocket expenses (including hotel
and travel costs) actually incurred in the administration of the Council;
17.5.3 Interest at a reasonable rate on money lent to the Council
17.5.4 A reasonable rent or hiring fee for property let or hired to the Council
17.5.5 An indemnity in respect of any liabilities properly incurred in or about the
administration of the Council (including the costs of a successful defense to
criminal proceedings)
17.5.6 Benefits received by the Diocesan Council member where such benefits are
no different to those received by other members; and
17.5.7 In exceptional cases, other payments or benefits (but only with the prior written
approval of the UK Charity Commission)
17.6 Whenever a Diocesan Council member or a person connected to a Diocesan council
member has a personal interest in a matter to be discussed at a meeting or the
Diocesan Council or any committee, the diocesan Council member / trustees or
connected person concerned must:
17.6.1 Declare the interest before discussion on the matter begins;
17.6.2 Withdraw from the meeting for that item unless expressly invited to remain in
order to provide information;
17.6.3 Not be counted in the quorum during that part of the meeting; and
17.6.4 Withdraw during the vote and have no right to vote on the matter.
17.7 The restrictions on trustee benefits in clauses 17.1 and 17.2 also apply to any person
connected with a trustee. For the purpose of this clause a person is connected with a
trustee if that person is:-
17.7.1 A child, parent, grandchild, grandparent, brother or sister of the trustee; or
17.7.2 A Spouse of the trustee or any person falling within sub-clause 17.7.1 above
17.8 Funds which are not required for immediate use or which will be required for use at
a future date must be placed on deposit or invested in council’s bank account until
17.9 Investments, land and other property of the Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church
Council in UK may be held:
17.9.1 In the name of the Diocesan Council or;
17.9.2 In the name of a trust or a corporate body registered or having an established
place of business in England and Wales under the control of the Diocesan
Council or by a financial expert acting on their instructions or;
17.9.3 In the name of a trust corporation as a holding trustee for the Church which
must be appointed (and may be removed) by deed executed by the Diocesan
Council; or
17.9.4 In the case of land, by the Official Custodian for Charities under an order of
the UK Charity Commission or the Court.

Section – 1
18.1 If the members resolve to dissolve the diocese Council, the trustees will remain in
the office as Charity trustees and be responsible for the winding up of the affairs of
the Council in accordance with this clause.
18.2 The Diocesan Council / Board of Trustees must collect all the assets of the Charity
and must pay or make provisions for all liabilities of the Charity.
18.3 The Board of trustees must apply any remaining property or money:
18.3.1 Directly for the aim and objects
18.3.2 By transfer to any charity or charities for the purposes the same as or
similar to the charity.
18.3.3 In such other manner as the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales
(“the Commission”) may approve in writing in advance.
18.4 The Delegate Meeting may pass a resolution before or at the same time as the
resolution to dissolve the Council specifying the manner in which the Diocesan
Council / Board of trustees is to apply the remaining property or assets of the
Council and the Council shall comply with the resolution if it is consistent with the
clause 18.3.1 to 18.3.3 inclusive in sub-clause 18.3 above.
18.5 Under no circumstances shall the net assets of the Charity be paid to or distributed
among the members of the charity (except to a member that is itself a charity)
18.6 The Board of trustees must notify the UK Charity Commission promptly that the
Council has been dissolved if the trustees are obliged to send the Council’s accounts
to the Commission for the accounting period which ended before the dissolution,
they must send to the Commission the Charity’s final accounts.
Section – II
This Diocese and its office bearers or members shall not have the power to dissolve this
organization as long as the Malankara Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church in India and Holy
See of Antioch and all the East exist.
Section - III
In the event that no person or persons of the Universal Syrian Orthodox faith are left in the
United Kingdom, a bonafide representative of the Holy See of Antioch with proper
authorization, shall have full power to administer the Diocese and all of its properties

ARTICLE – 19 :


Article 2 clauses No 01 to 07 of this bylaw is the basic principles of this Church and
are of fundamental nature and can not be changed / altered, amended or expunged by any
bodies or offices constituted in part I of this bylaw.
Part I, Articles 1, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7and Part IV, Article19 shall not be amended under
any circumstances but and can be add article 3. Amendments to the other articles (Part II,
III and IV) of the Bylaw may be proposed by any member in good standing and such
proposals shall be submitted in writing to the Metropolitan for submission to the Regional /
Diocesan Council. The Council at its next meeting shall consider the proposal. If the
Council approves the amendment, the copy of the amendment to be made has to be
circulated to all the members of the Delegate Meeting minimum four weeks in advance.
Then it shall be submitted to the next Diocesan Delegates meeting. The amendment shall
take effect if the delegates meeting approves it with a three fourths (3/4) majority of voting
from the members present.
If H. H Patriarch approves this byelaw to be a constitution, the above mentioned
amendment shall subject to the approval of the His Holiness, the Patriarch of Antioch and
all the East.


The By-law is based on the Malankara Jacobite Syrian Christian Church Constitution
(2002) and guidelines of British Charity Laws. If the Constitution does not address any
specific issue pertaining to the administration of the Diocesan or the Parish, the ruling by
the H H Patriarch shall prevail.

In cases of a contradiction between the Canon and the Constitution or a difficulty in

interpreting the Constitution in the light of a canon law, the order of the H. H Patriarch shall
The End
This Bylaw/ Governing document is prepared by the elected Bylaw sub-committee and presented
in the diocese council on 09/02/2014. The council then discussed, approved and forwarded for the final
approval of delegates meeting. this bylaw was further discussed and passed unanimously in the
delegates meeting of Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church, UK Diocese held on 06/04/ 2014 at St.
Gregorios J S O Congregation Watford.

This bylaw is set for the protection of the true faith and maintenance of ancient traditions of
our Jacobite Church and for the smooth functioning of the MSOC council UK Patriarchal
Vicariate administration. This bylaw is prepared by the designated bylaw subcommittee,
that then presented in the MSOC Council Meeting which held in February 9th, 2014. This
bylaw then discussed clause by clause and passed unanimously in the annual delegates
meeting of priests and church representatives, which was held in London, 6th April 2014.
We are now pleased to grant our approval for this bylaw for the Malankara Syrian Orthodox
Church Council with effect from today 6th April 2014. Henceforth all affairs of our MSOC
council UK patriarchal vicariate should be administered in accordance with this bylaw. We
appreciate the enormous services rendered by the members of the bylaw committee in
drafting, preparing and finalizing this document which would be a landmark in the history
of UK Patriarchal Vicariate.
May God bless you

Bishop Mathews Aphrem Metropolitan

(Patriarchal Vicar of Malankara Parishes
& Congregations in the United Kingdom)


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