Exercise 30.
Choose the correct participle.
1. My nephew was (amusing / amused) by the clown.
2. It‘s so (frustrating / frustrated)! No matter how much I study I can‘t seem to
remember this vocabulary.
3. This lesson is so (boring / bored)!
4. I‘m feeling (depressed / depressing), so I‘m going to go home, eat some chocolate,
and go to bed early with a good book.
5. I thought her new idea was absolutely (fascinated / fascinating).
6. This maths problem is so (confusing / confused). Can you help me?
7. He‘s very (interesting / interested) in history.
8. The journey was (exhausting / exhausted)! Twelve hours by bus.
9. My exam results were great! It‘s really (surprising / surprised) but good, of
10. He was (frightening / frightened) when he saw the spider.
11. I was really (embarrassing / embarrassed) when I fell over in the street.
12. That film was so (depressing / depressed)! There was no happy ending for any of
the characters.
13. I‘m sorry, I can‘t come tonight. I‘m completely (exhausting / exhausted).
14. We are going in a helicopter? How (exciting / excited)!
15. Don‘t show my baby photos to people, Mum! It‘s so (embarrassing /
16. It‘s okay, it‘s only me. Don‘t be (alarming / alarmed).
17. My sister is so (exciting / excited) because she is going on holiday tomorrow.
18. I hate long flights, I‘m always really (boring / bored).
19. She looked very (confusing / confused) when I told her we had to change the
20. John was (fascinated / fascinating) by Mandarin when he first started learning
languages. He decided to study more and now he can speak it fluently.
Exercise 31.
Choose the correct participle.
1. Caught / catching in the traffic, Sarah knew she was going to be late for work.
2. Caught / catching the ball, the dog ran off to chew it quietly under a tree.
3. Made / making soup, Robert accidentally burnt his hand.
4. Made / making in Japan, the car was on sale at a very competitive price.
5. Explaining / explained in detail, the instructions seemed very complicated.
6. Explaining / explained the working of the new machinery, David kept consulting
his notes.
7. Writing / written the letter, she couldn‘t help crying a little.
8. Drinking / drunk in moderation, this whisky will not do you any harm.
9. Finishing / finished in metallic gold, the car certainly looked as if it was worth a
lot of money.
10. Looked / looking for his number in the phone book, Susie was getting more and
more nervous.
11. Looked at / looking at by millions every year, the ‗Mona Lisa‘ is the most famous
painting in the world.
12. Played / playing in a good location, a street musician can make a lot of money.
Exercise 32.
In the sentences below, fill in the correct participles of the verbs in parentheses.
1. People who constantly complain are very _____ (annoy) to me.
2. Whenever Adrian gets _____ (bore), he goes fishing.
3. The students were _____ (confuse) by the Professor‘s lecture.
4. Most of the news on television is _____ (depress).
5. The Ruttles were very _____ (excite) to learn that their concert was sold out.
6. Babysitting young children can be _____ (exhaust) for many people.
7. Steve was so _____ (fascinate) by the book that he finished it in one evening.
8. Would you be _____ (frighten) if you saw a vampire?
9. After eating a _____ (satisfy) meal, the cat washed her face.
10. When Dagmar looked in the mirror, she was _____ (surprise) to see that she had
a leaf in her hair.
11. He saw his friend _____ (go) out with Sue.
12. The bus crashed into the blue car _____ (drive) down the hill.
13. Peter hurt his leg _____ (do) karate.
14. The umbrella _____ (find) at the bus stop belongs to John Smith.
15. The people _____ (dance) in the street are all very friendly.
16. I heard my mother _____ (talk) on the phone.
17. My uncle always has his car _____ (wash).
18. We stood _____ (wait) for the taxi.
19. _____ (look) down from the tower we saw many people walking in the streets.
20. The people drove off in a _____ (steal) car.
Exercise 33.
Use the appropriate form of Participle I of the verbs brackets.
1. _____(to look) out of the window, she saw there was a man working in the garden.
2. That night, _____(to go) up to his room Shelton thought of his unpleasant duty. 3.
_____(to descend) to the hall, he came on Mr. Dennant _____(to cross) to his study,
with a handful of official-looking papers. 4. The carriage was almost full, and (to put)
his bag up in the rack, he took his seat. 5. _____(to know) that she couldn't trust Jim,
she sent Peter instead. 6. _____(to do) all that was required, he was the last to leave
the office. 7. _____(to return) home in the afternoon, she became conscious of her
mistake. 8. He couldn't join his friends _____(to be) still busy in the laboratory. 9.
_____(to finish) his work, he seemed more pleased than usual. 10. _____(to step)
inside, he found himself in what had once been a sort of office. 11. He left the room
again, _____(to close) the door behind him with a bang. 12.I spent about ten minutes
_____(to turn) over the sixteen pages of "The Times" before I found the chief news
and articles. 13. _____(to turn) to the main street, he ran into Donald and Mary (to
return) from school. 14. _____(to return) from the expedition he wrote a book about
Central Africa. 15. _____(to get) out of bed she ran to the window and drew the
curtain aside. 16. _____(to confuse) by his joke, she blushed. 17. _____(to inform) of
their arrival the day before, he was better prepared to meet them than anyone of us.
18. Sir Henry paused and then said, _____(to glance) down at his watch, "Edward's
arriving by the 12.15."
Exercise 34.
Open the brackets and fill in with the proper participle.
1. He fell asleep _____(exhaust) by the journey. 2. She entered the dining room
_____(accompany) by her husband and her father. 3. A snake _____(sleep) in the
grass will bite if anyone treads upon it. 4. _____(Fill) his pockets with apples the boy
was about to run away when he saw the owner of the garden with a stick in his hand.
5. It was a bright Sunday morning of early summer _____(promise) heat. 6. When I
came home, I found the table (lay). 7. _____(Judge) by the colour of the sun it should
be windy tomorrow. 8. _____(Arrive) at a big seaport, I started to look for a job. 9.
He had received an urgent message _____(ask) him to telephone Sir Matthew. 10. He
looked at groups of young girls _____(walk) arm in arm. 11. In the wood they sat
down on a _____(fall) tree. 12. _____(See) from the hill the city looks magnificent.
13. _____(Not know) where to go he turned to a passer by. 14. _____(Lock) in her
room she threw a fit. 15. _____(Address) the parcel, I went out at once to post it. 16.
She often took care of my little sister _____(give) me a possibility to play with other
boys. 17. _____(Wash) her face in cold water, she came up to the window and shut it.
18. Paul sat down again, evidently _____(change) his mind about going.
Exercise 35.
Rewrite the sentences replacing the italic part with a present participle.
1. She was talking to her friend and forgot everything around her.
2. Since we watch the news every day we know what's going on in the world.
3. They are vegetarians and don't eat meat.
4. The dog wagged its tail and bit the postman.
5. While she was tidying up her room she found some old photos.
6. He was a good boy and helped his mother in the kitchen.
7. As they didn't have enough money they spent their holidays at home last year.
8. The man was sitting in the cafe. He was reading a paper.
9. Since I didn't feel well I didn't go to the cinema.
10. She walked home and met an old friend.
Exercise 36.
Replace the attributive and adverbial clauses in the following sentences by
participle phrases.
1. We were tired and thirsty, for we had been on the road since eight o'clock in the
morning, and it was a hot day. 2. One day towards evening when both the old people
were sitting in front of their cottage, they caught sight of a young girl with a bundle in
her hand. 3. The lady was waiting for her sister who was arriving by the 7.30 train. 4.I
hailed the first taxi that passed by and reached the station at ten minutes to three. 5.
One morning, as Johnny was looking out of the window, he saw in his neighbour's
orchard a great number of fine red apples which had fallen from the trees. 6.
"Villain!" cried he, as he ran down to him. 7. "Oh, sir," said the poor boy who was
trembling with fear, "it isn't my fault." 8. "May I come in?" she said as she pushed the
door a little wider open. 9. "I'm late," she remarked, as she sat down and drew off her
gloves. 10. Here and there were signs that the flower-beds had been trampled upon by
excited villagers who tried to reach the windows. 11. As he did not know the way to
the station very well he often stopped to ask people who were passing by. 12. He
looked like an African savage who was being shown a simple conjuring trick. 13. The
old woman told me with pride that the healthy-looking child that was playing beside
us was her grandson. 14. She returned presently and brought a tray with a jug of milk.
15. The path which was leading through the coppice soon got lost in the high grass.
Exercise 37.
Translate the sentences into English, using the correct form of Participle.
1. Будьте обережні, коли переходите вулицю.
2. Я дивилася на дитину, яка посміхалася.
3. Коли спитали про її думку, вона почервоніла.
4. Кінотеатр, який будується тут, буде одним з найбільших у нашому місті.
5. Я роблю зачіску в перукарні кожну п'ятницю.
6. Вона пошила собі нове пальто.
7. Оскільки дув сильний вітер, погода була погана.
8. Так як в кімнаті було зовсім темно, я спочатку не зміг побачити промовця.
9. Вона витягнула давно забутий лист з його схованки.
10. Сказавши це, я чекаю на наслідки.
11. Написавши свою доповідь, він надіслав її поштою.
12. Того дня ми залишились вдома, дивлячись фільм по телебаченню.
13. Посміхаючись, вона показала мені лист.
14. Вона завжди була добре одягнена.
15. Хто-небудь бачив, як він брав книги?
16. Вам відремонтують телевізор до понеділка.
17. Якщо погода дозволить, ми поїдемо завтра за місто.
18. Чоловік, який розмовляє зі студентами, - наш викладач.
19. Зробивши домашнє завдання, він пішов на прогулянку.
20. Молодий чоловік, який стояв біля вікна, пильно подивився на мене.
Exercise 38.
Translate the following sentences into English using various forms of the
1. Не знаючи французької мови, вона не могла розуміти нас.
2. Проведений аналіз дозволяє зробити висновки про оповідання Дж.
3. Під час написання твору англійською мовою я користувався українськоанглійським
4. Будучи зайнятою, вона не могла поговорити зі мною.
5. Фіксуючи події і зображаючи героїв, письменник розвивав критичний
напрямок в український літературі.
6. Написавши листа, я взяв книгу і почав читати її.
7. Після того як музика була виконана на багатьох концертах, вона стала
8. Питання, обговорюване студентами, дуже важливе.
9. В. Шекспір, використовуючи стилі, перетворював їх у своїй творчості, як
тільки міг це робити він один.
10. Як зазначалося у звіті, ця робота вже виконана.
11. Я купила підручник з української мови, надрукований в цьому році.
12. Студент, який перекладає цю статтю, наш староста.
13. Коли мене запитали незнайомий матеріал, я не міг відповісти.
14. Вивчаючи іноземну мову, ми повинні вчити нові слова.
15. Відвідавши Лондон, ми познайомилися з багатьма відомими мовознавцями.
16. Кожний, хто вивчає іноземну мову, стикається з цією проблемою.
17. Вона говорила дуже голосно, ніби хотіла впевнити нас у своїй правоті.
18. Оскільки художник був дуже популярний, його картини коштували дуже
19. Скінчивши репетицію, актори повернулися до кімнати.
20. Не володіючи достатньо мовою, я не міг зрозуміти, що вони кажуть.
Test 3.
Choose the correct variant.
1. She stayed_____in her room, _____to come downstairs.
a) having locked, refused
b) locked, refusing
c) locking, having refused
2. She had a good practical knowledge of French_____as an interpreter for many
years in France.
a) working
b) having worked
c) worked
3. When we_____from our day's outing came into the kitchen, we found dinner___.
a) returned, serving
b) having returned, served
c) returning, having served
4._____by his elbow, Mary listened to their talk.
a) supported
b) supporting
c) having supported
5._____their meal they went for a stroll in the park.
a) finishing
b) finished
c) having finished
6. Fruits_____in hothouses are not so rich in colour, taste and vitamins as fruits___in
natural conditions.
a) having grown, grown
b) grown, growing
c) growing, having grown
7._____in the reception room he thought over what he would say when he was asked
into the office.
a) waiting
b) waited
c) having waited
8. She used to say sharp and_____words to him.
a) having wounded
b) wounded
c) wounding
9.I admired the grounds and trees_____the house.
a) surrounding
b) having surrounded
c) surrounded
10 She looked at the scene_____to the innermost of her heart.
a) shaking
b) shaken
c) having shaken
Exercise 39.
Find and correct the mistakes if any.
1. Felt tired and having nothing more to do till he came, she sat into the armchair at
the window having looked at the mountains lighting by the sun.
2. On the walls there were some common coloured pictures, framing and glazed.
3. His house was close at hand, a very pleasant little cottage, painted white, with
green blinds.
4. It was the hour of sunset, having unnoticed in the cities, so beautiful in the country.
5. Finished breakfast, he stayed for some minutes in the dining room.
6. Mother smiled looking at the children played in the garden.
7. While reading a book, I came across several interesting expressions.
8. Some questions having touched upon in the report are worth considering.
9. Leaving our suitcases we went sightseeing.
10. Hearing her come into the house he went downstairs.