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STD 7 TH Soc Sci History Bridge Course

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Government of Maharashtra

Bridge Course

Subject: History and Civics

Academic Year: 2022-23

State Council of Education Research and Training, Maharashtra, Pune

Promoter - School Education and Sports Department, Government of Maharashtra, Mantralaya, Mumbai
Publisher - State Council of Educational Research and Training, Maharashtra, Pune- 30
Motivation - Hon’ble Ranjit Singh Deol (I.A.S.),
Secretary, School Education department, Govt. of Maharashtra
Guidance- Hon’ble Suraj Mandhare (I.A.S.),
Commissioner (Education), Maharashtra, Pune
Hon’ble Kailas Pagare (I.A.S.),
State Project Director, Maharashtra Prathmik Shikshan Parishad, Mumbai
Editor - Hon’ble Devender Singh,
Director, State Council of Educational Research and Training, Maharashtra, Pune -30
Co-editor - Hon’ble, Ramakant Kathmore
Jnt. Director, State Council of Educational Research and Training, Maharashtra, Pune- 30
Executive Editor – Dr. Neha Belsare,
Principal, State Council of Educational Research & Training, Maharashtra, Pune- 30
Mr. Sachin Chavhan
Senior Lecturer cum Dy. Head, Department of Social Science, State Council of
Educational Research and Training, Maharashtra, Pune -30
Editing Assistance - Dr.Jyoti Rajput
Lecturer, Department of Social Science, State Council of Educational Research and
Training, Maharashtra, Pune -30
Balasaheb Gaikwad
Subject Assistant, Department of Social Science, State Council of Educational Research &
Training, Maharashtra, Pune 30
Annasaheb Kute
Subject Assistant, DIET, Hingoli.
Creating Assistance -
1. Annasaheb Kute,Subject Assistant,DIET,Hingoli..
2. Arun Shinde, Subject Assistant,DIET,Ambajogai.
Instructions for Teachers/Parents/Facilitators

As we all are very well aware about the fact that due to pandemic situation, the schools were formally
closed during the last academic year and the actual classroom teaching and learning could not take place. There
is certainty that schools will restart in the coming academic year. On this background various efforts have been
made by the government in the last academic year to impart education to the students through online mode.
Accordingly, the Bridge Course has been prepared with the dual objective of reviewing the studies done by the
students in the previous academic year and helping them to learn the curriculum of the present class in this
academic year. This bridge course has been prepared for the purpose of pre-preparation for the academic year
2022-23 as well as a revision of the basic and important concepts of previous year's syllabus.
1. The bridge course lasts for a total of 30 days and consists of 30 templates to be completed in a certain
period of time.
2. The bridge course is based on the syllabus of previous class and is a link between the syllabi of previous
and the current class.
3. It is related to the learning outcomes and basic competencies of the previous class’ textbook and is based
on its components.
4. The bridge course includes component and sub-component wise worksheets. These worksheets are
generally based on learning outcomes and basic competencies.
5. This bridge course will be very important from the point of view to revise and reinforce the learning of
the students from the previous class and pave the way to make their learning happen in the next class.
6. Teachers/parents and facilitators should help their children to complete and solve each worksheet on
his/her own, help them wherever necessary.
7. The research department of SCERT, Maharashtra will undertake pre-test and post test for the same.
Teacher should conduct the tests and keep a record of the same.
8. This revised compact bridge course will help students to prepare themselves for the new academic year
2022-23 with confidence.
Best wishes to all the children for the successful completion of this Bridge Course.
Instructions for Students
Dear Students,
Due to pandemic situation in the last academic year you continued your learning and education
through online and in various digital modes. This Bridge Course has been prepared for you with the
objective of reviewing the previous year's syllabus at the beginning of the present academic year and
helping you to prepare for this year's syllabus.

1. The bridge course lasts for a total of 30 days and consists of 30 templates to be completed in a
certain period of time.
2. The bridge course will help you to understand exactly what you have learned in the previous
academic year and to understand the syllabus for the next class.
3. This bridge course should be studied on a day-to-day basis.
4. It consists of day-to-day worksheets. You are expected to solve the worksheet on your own as per
the given plan.
5. Seek the help of a teacher, parent or siblings if you have difficulty solving the worksheet.
6. The video links are provided to better understand the text and activities given in each worksheet for
reference, try to understand the concept using them.
7. Get each worksheet checked with the teacher after completion.
8. Seek the help of teachers, parents or siblings to understand the part that is not understood or seems
Best wishes to you all for the successful completion of this Bridge Course!
Maharashtra State Council of Education Research and Training, Maharashtra, Pune.
Bridge Course Academic Year 2022-23
Std: VII Sub: Civics Day: 1

➢ Lesson - 1) Our Life in Society Reference: Std VI

❖ Learning Outcomes:

Std VI 1) To understand that a society includes people, families, institutions and organisations.
2) To develop a healthy and positive outlook towards the diversity seen around.

Std VII 1) To explain the importance of equality in a democracy .

2) Understand that all are equal before the law.

❖ Let’s recall:
1) Name the things we need to fulfill our basic day-to-day needs?


2) Whose help do we need to fulfill our basic needs?

A) ____________ B) ____________ C) ______________ D) ___________
3) How did man benefit by living in a group?


Do you need help?

● DIKSHA APP LINK- https://bit.ly/3eUhGYM

QR Code : DUT6DB
❖ Let's think :
1) Why did man feel the need to live in a group?



2) What is the inter-relationship between agriculture and society formation?


❖ Let's do this activity:

1) Discuss the process of evolution of man from a nomadic stage to a settled social life.

2) Do a comparative study of man's journey from nomadic stage to a settled social life.

3) Make a list of all the occupations that emerged after the formation of society.

4) Let's understand : What is a society?

Society: Society includes all people - men, women, grown-ups, old people, young children. Our families
are a part of the society. Society also includes different groups, institutions and organisations. The inter-
relationships and interactions between the people, their dependence on one another and sharing also form a
part of the society.
● A Society is formed when people come together to achieve certain common objectives.
● For the smooth functioning of day to day matters man felt the need for rules. It gave rise to the
● All human beings are equal by birth therefore they have the same status as human beings.
● According to the constitution of India, all are equal before the law. The Constitution guarantees the
equality of opportunities.
❖ Questions for evaluation :
1) How is a society formed?


2) Mention the changes that have occurred in man's life due to the development of society.

3) Explain the importance of rules and laws in a society.


❖ For more information: ❖ What did we learn today :

➔ (QR Code DUT6DB) 1) Our basic and day-to-day needs.
➔ DIKSHA APP LINK - 2) Importance of living in a stable society.
https://bit.ly/2MB4VGA 3) The process of society formation.
4) What is a society?
https://bit.ly/2YbqxhQ 5) Importance of laws in a society.
Maharashtra State Council of Education Research and Training, Maharashtra, Pune.
Bridge Course Academic Year 2022-23
Std: VII Sub: Civics Day: 2

➢ Lesson - 3) Rural Local Government Bodies Reference: Std VI

❖ Learning Outcomes:

Std VI 1. Tell the importance of government bodies at the local level.

2. To understand the administration of the government bodies at different levels.
3. To understand that local government bodies are the foundation of democracy.

Std VII 1. Can differentiate between local government and state government.

❖ Let's recall:
1) Which basic facilities do we require to live?
a) ____________ b) ____________ c) ______________ d) ______________

2) Who provides the above facilities?

3) To whom do we complain if we have any problem regarding these facilities?


❖ Let's think :
1) Do you know the elected people's representatives from your locality? Example:

1) Sarpanch 2) Member of Parliament 3) ___________ 4) ______________

● The administration in our country is carried on at three levels.

1) Union Government: The administration for the entire country and subjects such as defence,
Foreign affairs, currency, etc.
2) State Government: The state government (example Maharashtra) makes laws related to law and
order, health, education, etc.
3) Local Government: Administration of the rural areas. Providing facilities like roads, electricity,
water supply etc.

Let's do this activity :

1) Classify the following institutions as Urban and Rural:
a) Municipal Corporation b) Panchayat Samiti c) Zilla Parishad d) Nagar Panchayat e) Nagar Parishad
* Local Government Bodies*


Nagar Parishad

Zilla Parishad

2) Make a list of facilities provided by Gram Panchayat.

Ans: 1) _______________ 2) _______________ 3) _______________ 4) _____________

3) Write in brief :
1) Sarpanch:___________________________________________________________________________
2) GramSevak:_________________________________________________________________________
3) GramSabha:_________________________________________________________________________
4) Fill the given table with the following functions.
1) Roads, gutters, wells, borewells.
2) Providing financial aid to the weaker sections.
3) Promotion of handicrafts and cottage industries.
4) Cleanliness of roads, disposal of waste.
5) Corona Vaccination.

*Functions of the Panchayat Samiti*

People's Public Water of
Industries Education Health Agriculture
Welfare Hygiene Supply the
Primary Providing Helping the farmers improve
education clean agriculture and livestock
The functions of the Panchayat Samiti

❖ Questions for evaluation:

1) Make a list of the various committees of Zilla Parishad. (With the help of internet)

2) Write brief information about the Chief Executive Officer with the help of following points.
a) Appointment:________________________________________________
b) Functions : _________________________________________________________________
3) Imagine you are the Chief Executive Officer of Zilla Parishad, considering the Pandemic situation, which
work would be given preference by you? Describe in brief.

❖ For more information : ❖ What did we learn today :

➔ (QR Code E7GAVI) 1) Various levels government (administration)
➔ DIKSHA APP LINK - 2) Local Government Bodies
3) Functions of the Panchayati Raj Institutions.


Maharashtra State Council of Education Research and Training, Maharashtra, Pune.
Bridge Course Academic Year 2022-23
Std: VII Sub: Soc. Science (Civics) Day: 3&4

➢ Lesson - 4) Urban Local Government Bodies Reference: Std VI

❖ Learning Outcomes:

Std VI 1. Describe the role of the Government at local level.

2. Understand the levels at which the Government functions(Local, State, National)
3. Understand that Local Government Bodies are the base of democracy.
4. Analyse the works and functions of Rural and Urban local Government Bodies in the
field of health and education.

Std VII 1) Identify the difference between Local Government and State Government.

❖ Let's recall:

1) Name the various levels at which the Government functions.

Ans: a) ________________ b) _________________ c) _________________

2) What are the functions of Gram Panchayat?

Ans: a) ________________ b) _________________ c) _________________

3) What are the functions of Panchayat Samiti?

Ans: a) ________________ b) _________________ c) _________________

❖ Do you need help? ( QR Code E7GAVI )

❖ Let's think:
1. The administration of the village is looked after by the Gram Panchayat, who would be looking after
the administration of the city?

2. Which Government offices are seen in your city?


3. Write the names of the Government offices you know.


❖ Let's do this activity:

➢ Activity 1: Make a list of the sources of revenue of the Municipal Council.
Ans: 1) Employment opportunities 2) ______________________
3) ______________________ 4) ______________________
➢ Activity 2: Make a list of problems faced in your city.
Ans: 1) Insufficient Space 2) ______________________
3) ______________________ 4) ______________________
➢ Activity 3: Let us understand the various Government Bodies that function in cities.
*Types of Urban Local Government Bodies*

Nagar Panchayat: Municipal Council: Municipal Corporation:

The villages that are in the process of
becoming towns have a Nagar The Municipal Council is the The local body that provides
Panchayat. We see some areas which form of the local government different services to the
are neither fully rural nor fully urban. body for small cities. people in big cities is called
In such areas, the local government Municipal Corporation.
body is the Nagar Panchayat.

➢ Activity 4: Put (√) sign for the functions of the Municipal Corporation and (×) sign for the functions
which do not belong to the Municipal Corporation from the given list.

1) Water supply. 6) Being present for the legislature convention.

2) Permission for construction. 7) Deciding the time table of Railways.

3) Primary education. 8) Deployment for disease prevention.

4) Salary of the Sarpanch. 9) Demolition of unauthorized constructions.

5) Protection of national borders. 10) Facilitate the city traffic.

❖ Questions for evaluation:
1. What would you do in the following situations?
i) What care would you take before handing over your household garbage to the garbage collector?
ii) Some people are throwing garbage bags from the bridge into the river.
iii) Some people are burning old tyres and garbage on the street.

❖ For more information: ❖ What did we learn today :

➔ (QR Code E7Q6X6) 1) Types of urban government bodies.
2) Facilities provided and Problems faced in cities
3) Functions of the urban government bodies.
Maharashtra State Council of Education Research and Training, Maharashtra, Pune.
Bridge Course Academic Year 2022-23
Std: VII Sub: Soc. Science (Civics) Day: 5&6

➢ Lesson - 4) Urban & Local Government Bodies Reference: Std VI

❖ Learning Outcomes:

1. Describes the role of the government especially at the local level.

2. Identifies various levels of the government- Local, State and Union.
3. Identifies that the local government body is the foundation of democracy.
4. Analyses the functioning of rural and urban local government bodies.

❖ Let's recall:
1. Name the types of local government bodies.

2. Name the types of urban-local government bodies. What are the important functions of Nagar
Panchayat and Municipal Council?

❖ Do you need help? ( QR Code E7GAVI )

❖ Let's think:
1. How does the Gram Panchayat function?

2. How does the Municipal Corporation function?

❖ Let's do this activity:
➢ Activity 1: Complete the following table:
➢ Activity 2: Complete the following table:


Gram Panchayat Zilla Parishad

Officers Post Panchayat Samiti
Total members Minimum 7
Maximum 17
Officers elected by Sarpanch
the people
Deputy sarpanch
Officers elected by Gram sevak
the government

➢ Activity 3: Complete the following table:

*Local Government Bodies Urban- Nagar Panchayat*

Officers Posts Nagar Municipal Municipal
Panchayat Council Corporation
Strength of Minimum 9
Maximum 15
Office bearers President

Officers Executive Officer

❖ Questions for evaluation:

1. Explain the functions of the office bearer and officers in your own words:
i) Zilla Parishad -President:

ii) Block Development Officer:


iii) Mayor:

iv) Mahapor:

❖ For more information: ❖ What did we learn today :

➔ (QR Code E7Q6X6) 1.Comparative study of Rural and Urban Local government bodies.
2. Officers elected by the people in Rural and Urban local
government bodies.
3. Officers appointed by the government in Rural-Urban local
government bodies.
Maharashtra State Council of Education Research and Training, Maharashtra, Pune.
Bridge Course Academic Year 2022-23
Std: VII Sub: Soc. Science (Civics) Day: 7

➢ Lesson - 5) District Administration Reference: Std VI

❖ Learning Outcomes:

Std VI 1.Collects information about the district administration.

2. Explains that individual participation is essential to solve social problems.

Std VII 1. Explains the characteristics of democratic government bodies.

❖ Let's recall:
1. What is the responsibility of a Zilla Parishad Officer?

2. What are the functions of Chief Officer of Municipal Council and Gram Sevak of Gram Panchayat?

❖ Do you need help? ( QR Code E7Q6X6 )

1. https://tinyurl.com/yy2cfx5l 2. https://tinyurl.com/yxdp4gvv

❖ Let's think:
1. Which officers and workers contributed towards the success of the lockdown situation during Covid-

2. Who is the head of your District Administration?

❖ Let's do this activity:
➢ Activity 1:
Q. Read the ‘Order of Restrictions’ imposed by the District Collector of your district for this pandemic Covid
- 19 situation.
➢ Activity 2:
Q. With the help of the internet find out the appointments and functions of the district collector.

District Collector
Agriculture Law and order Election Officer Disaster Management
1.To collect 1. Establish peace in 1. To update voters 1. To rehabilitate those
agricultural tax. the district. list. affected by the disaster
2. 2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4. 4.

➢ Activity 3:
Q. Write the restrictions put forth by your district during covid-19 lockdown.
1. eg. medical services for 24 hrs 3. _______________________________
2. _________________________ 4. _______________________________

➢ Activity 4:
Q. Collect information regarding the role of Government Officers during disaster.

Government Officers Their Role

1. District Collector: --------------------------------------------------------------

2. The Chief of the District Police: --------------------------------------------------------------

3. Tehsildar: --------------------------------------------------------------

4. Chief Officer (Municipal Council): --------------------------------------------------------------

➢ Activity 5:
Q. Which of the following positions would you like to be in? Why ?
1. District Collector:

2. The Chief of the District Police:


3. Tahsildar:
❖ Questions for evaluation:
1.What responsibility will you undertake during a disaster? Write.
2.What is the responsibility of the Tahsildar?

❖ For more information: ❖ What did we learn today :

List- kinds of disaster: 1. District Administration.
➔ (QR Code E7Z2YT) 2. Duty of District Collector.
➔ DIKSHA APP LINK - 3. Functions of Superintendent of Police.
https://tinyurl.com/yy2cfx5l 4. Responsibility of a Tahsildar.
Maharashtra State Council of Education Research and Training, Maharashtra, Pune.
Bridge Course Academic Year 2022-23
Std: VII Sub: Soc. Science (History) Day: 8

➢ Lesson - 2) Sources of History Reference: Std VI

❖ Learning Outcomes: Identifies different types of sources of history and describes

their use in writing of history of this period.

❖ Let's Recall:
1. In the past what materials were used for writing?

2. What would you do if you found an old coin?


3. Make a list of things in your house which belong to you, grandparents times.
❖ Do you need help? DIKSHA App- Review the above lesson -
1. http://bit.ly/3vhTtV2 2. http://bit.ly/3oDoblvh

❖ Let's think:
1) Observe any coin and note down the following things.
(Year of the coin, metal used, inscriptions on the coin)

❖ Let's do this activity:

● Material: Old coin

● Activity:
1. During the reign of Shivaji Maharaj by what name was chalan recognised?

2. Identify the rulers and their period with the help of coins.

3. Obtain historical information with the help of pictures, language, currency notes, coins, artefacts found
in India.
4. With the help of your elders, collect coins, notes and write their historical information. (they know
about metallurgy)

❖ What did you understand?– (What did you understand or learn from this activity? )

❖ Let's practice more-

1) Find more information using this link - 1. https://bit.ly/344k24b 2. https://bit.ly/346y
Maharashtra State Council of Education Research and Training, Maharashtra, Pune.
Bridge Course Academic Year 2022-23
Std: VII Sub: Soc. Science (History) Day: 9

➢ Lesson - 5) Religious Trends in Ancient India Reference: Std VI

❖ Learning Outcomes: Analyses basic ideas and values of various religions and
systems of thoughts during the ancient period.

❖ Let's Recall:
1) What were the teachings of Vardhaman Mahaveer?

2) Which quotes of Gautam Buddha are famous? What value does it uphold?

3) What are the teachings of Christianity?


4) What are the teachings of Islam?


5) Name the holy book of muslim?


❖ Do you need help? DIKSHA App- Review the above lesson -

1. https://bit.ly/2XEdSFl 2. https://bit.ly/3dFKwvR

❖ Let's do this activity:

● Material: History textbook of std 6

● Activity:

1. Write five great vows.

Ans: a) ____________ b) ____________ c) ____________ d) ____________ e) ____________

2. Explain the four Aryasatya (noble truth).

i) Dukha (suffering) - __________________________________________________
ii) The cause of dukha - _________________________________________________
iii) Dukha -nirvana- ____________________________________________________
iv) Pratipad- __________________________________________________________

❖ Questions for evaluation:

1. What were the teachings of Vardhaman Mahaveer?


2. What are the teachings of Christianity?


3. What is at the core of Parsee thinking?


❖ What did you understand?–

Q. Write your views from the above activities: What did you learn from the lesson : Religious Trends in
Ancient India.

❖ Let's practice more-

1) Find more information using this link -
1. https://bit.ly/2XEdSFl 2.https://bit.ly/3dFKwvR
3. https://bit.ly/2MMDD01 4. https://bit.ly/2MB5LDe
5. https://bit.ly/2MDsyhm 6. https://bit.ly/376QBPi
Maharashtra State Council of Education Research and Training, Maharashtra, Pune.

Bridge Course Academic Year 2022-23

Std: VII Sub: Soc. Science (History) Day: 10

➢ Lesson - 7) India during the Maurya Period Reference: Std VI

❖ Learning Outcomes: Analyses fundamentals and values of various religions and

thought systems of ancient time.

❖ Let's recall:
1) What were the occupations of the people during the Maurya period?
2) Which animals’ engravings are found on the pillars erected by Emperor Ashoka?
❖ Do you need help? DIKSHA App- Review the above lesson -
1. https://tinyurl.com/y2a4ew9h 2. https://tinyurl.com/y2ln6ljs

❖ Material: History textbook of std 6, Internet

❖ Let's do this :

1. Explain:
i) Satrap - _____________________________________________________________________
ii) Sudharshan - ________________________________________________________________
iii) Devanampiyo Piyadasi – ______________________________________________________
iv) Ashtapada - ________________________________________________________________

2. Write down the capitals of each division in the Maurya period.

i) East part - _______________________
ii) ii) West part – _______________________
iii) South part - _______________________
iv) iv) North part – _______________________

❖ Questions for evaluation:

1. Write about the public welfare works of Emperor Ashoka?

2)What were the means of entertainment and sports during the Maurya period?
❖ What did you understand?– (Explain what you understand from the above activity?)

❖ Let's practice more-

1) Find more information using this link - Diksha App: Google Earth
1. https://tinyurl.com/y2a4ew9h 2. https://tinyurl.com/y2ln6ljs
3. https://tinyurl.com/y5r2nny7 4. https://tinyurl.com/y5sarfv4
State Educational Research and Training Council,Maharashtra,Pune
(BridgeCourse):Academic year 2022-23
Std : 7th subject :Social Science(History and Civics) day : 11
Reference:-std:7th subject :History and Civics Unit :Maharashtra before the Times of Shivaji Maharaj
Learning outcome :Critically examine the Maratha Mughal conflict.
Let's recall few things first:
1) Name the king who started minting gold coins in India.
Ans: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2) Which were the plays written by Emperor Harshavardhan?
Ans : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3) Write the names of powers in northeast India?
Ans: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4)Who was the founder of the Gupta dynasty?
5)Why was Gautamiputra Satakarni of the Satavahana kings particularly well known?
Ans : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Need help?
२) textbook of std6
Let’s Try
१) Write the names of kingdoms before the times of Shivaji Maharaj.
Required material:-- History textbook of std 6th and internet
1)Which kings invaded the northwestern region of India?
Ans : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2)Who was the founder of Mughal empire?
Ans: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3)When did Babar die?
Ans : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4)Who came to the throne of Mewar after the death of Uday Singh?
Ans: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
● What do you understand?
Write in brief what you learnt in the lesson 'India before the times of Shivaji Maharaj' after doing the above
Ans: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
● Get more information from here:
2)Google App
3) QR Code : E8RO4R
● Find the answers for following questions:
1) Obtain the information about any kingdom you like with the help of the internet.
2)Write information about Historical objects in your area.
State Educational Research and Training Council,Maharashtra,Pune
(BridgeCourse): Academic year 2022-23 Std : 7th subject :Social Science(History and Civics) day :
========================================= Reference
std :7th Unit 1)Sources of History
Learning outcome: provides examples of sources used to study various periods in History.
Let's recall few things first :
1)How many types of sources are there to study History?
Ans: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2)What are 'written sources' of History?
Ans: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3)What are material sources of History?
Ans: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4)What are 'oral sources’ of History?
Ans: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5) What are the sources of ancient Indian History?
Need help?
2) Google Earth
3) std 6th-textbook
Let’s Try
1) Which sources will you use to understand the History of Maharashtra?
Required material/activity :textbook of History, old coins, ancient travelogues, internet.
1) Collect the traditional verses such as owis ,folk songs, folk tales with the help of your elders and find its
historical context.
2) Search any inscription on the internet and note it in your notebook.
Ans : -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3)Find out the name of the currency used during the times of Shivaji Maharaj.
Ans: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4)Find/search information about travellers who visited ancient Maharashtra..
Ans : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

● What do you understand?

1)Write in brief what you understand by doing the above activity.
Ans: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For more information:
2) Google App
● Let's find the answers:
1)Name the ancient temples in Maharashtra.
Ans : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2) Write the names of historical places in Maharashtra.
Ans : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3) Write the names of forts in Maharashtra.
4) Name the various festivals in Maharashtra.
State Educational Research and Training Council,Maharashtra,Pune
(BridgeCourse): Academic year 2022-23 Std : 7th subject :Social Science(History and Civics) day :

============================================= Subject: History

Reference std:6th

Learning outcome : lists out significant contributions of important kingdoms, dynasties

● Let's recall few things first :
1) Name the kings who started the minting of gold coins in India.
Ans : -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2)Which city did Kanishka establish in Kashmir?
Ans : -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3)Why did Emperor Harshvardhan donate his wealth among the people every five years?
Ans : -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4) Make a comparative chart based on the following points:
Points Gupta dynasty Vardhan dynasty
Extension of the empire

Need help?
1) DIKSHA App https://tinyurl.com/y3w5odoj

2) Google Earth
3)std 6th History textbook
Let’s Try
1)Write the coronation of Shivaji Maharaj in your own words .
Required material: textbook of History, old coins

1)Write information about Indo-Greek kings.
Ans: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2)Write information about the Shunga dynasty.
Ans : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

● What do you understand?

3)Write down what you understand in the lesson 'States after the Maurya empire' by doing this
● Get more information from here:

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