Narrative (SPES)
Narrative (SPES)
Narrative (SPES)
On the very first day, an orientation was conducted by the Public Employment Service
Office. In the afternoon of the same day, we are appointed to different offices around the city.
I was assigned in Malitam National High School located at Malitam Batangas City where I
actually resides. First week is all about familiarization and adapting to new working
environment. We are obliged to work within 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM every weekdays. One of
the main task given to us was checking and sorting of returned tablets from students which
requires a lot of patience. It took us a while due to large number of sections and several issues
on the unit. In addition, we also help teachers by doing simple task like organizing important
documents specifically for School-Based Management corner.
The following week focuses on enrollment period for the next school year. In
preparation, we first clean all the designated rooms for both card giving and enrollment
proper. We also printed out enrollment forms together with the schedules so that everyone
will get informed. Throughout the enrollment phase we are assigned in the help desk to
entertain queries. Included to our duty was checking body temperature of those who enter in
the school premises. As it is required in the health and safety protocols ensuring the
protection of everyone. It is also our responsibility to assist and accommodate those who
have clarifications and complaints. Since almost every teacher was busy, we are once
designated in reading area which is mainly a test for qualified incoming grade seven students.
Then the third week highlights the preparation for approaching brigada eskwela with
connection to resume of classes. Cleaning every classroom from every building is the
important thing to do first. Making sure if the comfort rooms are clean and ready to use
anytime. We remove old signage, placards, and other displayed information subsequently
replacing them with new ones. Included in our task is to repair damaged school equipment
such as tables, chairs, shelves, etc. After cleaning, we are going to dispose unnecessary
materials like scraps of metal and bunch of paper to a nearby junk shop. The final week will
probably allotted to administering brigada eskwela and composition of plans for the next
academic year. For almost a month of fulfilling SPES experience, this program serve as a big
help in building, developing and improving my personality. Moreover, it opens a clear view
of my upcoming ventures in life in a wider community with much greater accountability.