What Really Happened During The 1872 Cav
What Really Happened During The 1872 Cav
What Really Happened During The 1872 Cav
T he 12th of June of every year since 1898 is a very important event for all the Filipinos. In
this particular day, the entire Filipino nation as well as Filipino communities all over the
world gathers to celebrate the Philippines’ Independence Day.
1898 came to be a very significant year for all of us— it is as equally important as
1896—the year when the Philippine Revolution broke out owing to the Filipinos’ desire to be
free from the abuses of the Spanish colonial regime. But we should be reminded that another
year is as historic as the two—1872.
Two major events happened in 1872, first was the 1872 Cavite Mutiny and the other was
the martyrdom of the three martyr priests in the persons of Fathers Mariano Gomes, Jose Burgos
and Jacinto Zamora (GOMBURZA). However, not all of us knew that there were different
accounts in reference to the said event. All Filipinos must know the different sides of the story—
since this event led to another tragic yet meaningful part of our history—the execution of
GOMBURZA which in effect a major factor in the awakening of nationalism among the
In particular, Izquierdo blamed the unruly Tavera believed that the Spanish friars and
Spanish Press for “stockpiling” malicious Izquierdo used the Cavite Mutiny as a
propagandas grasped by the Filipinos. He powerful lever by magnifying it as a full-
reported to the King of Spain that the blown conspiracy involving not only the
“rebels” wanted to overthrow the Spanish native army but also included residents of
government to install a new “hari” in the Cavite and Manila, and more importantly
likes of Fathers Burgos and Zamora. The the native clergy to overthrow the Spanish
general even added that the native clergy government in the Philippines. It is
enticed other participants by giving them noteworthy that during the time, the
charismatic assurance that their fight will Central Government in Madrid announced
not fail because God is with them coupled its intention to deprive the friars of all the
with handsome promises of rewards such powers of intervention in matters of civil
as employment, wealth, and ranks in the government and the direction and
army. Izquierdo, in his report lambasted the management of educational institutions.
Indios as gullible and possessed an innate This turnout of events was believed by
propensity for stealing. Tavera, prompted the friars to do
something drastic in their dire sedire to
The two Spaniards deemed that the event maintain power in the Philippines.
of 1872 was planned earlier and was
thought of it as a big conspiracy among Meanwhile, in the intention of installing
educated leaders, mestizos, abogadillos or reforms, the Central Government of Spain
native lawyers, residents of Manila and welcomed an educational decree authored
Cavite and the native clergy. They by Segismundo Moret promoted the fusion
insinuated that the conspirators of Manila of sectarian schools run by the friars into a
and Cavite planned to liquidate high- school called Philippine Institute. The
ranking Spanish officers to be followed by decree proposed to improve the standard of
the massacre of the friars. The alleged pre- education in the Philippines by requiring
concerted signal among the conspirators of teaching positions in such schools to be
Manila and Cavite was the firing of rockets filled by competitive examinations. This
from the walls of Intramuros. improvement was warmly received by most
Filipinos in spite of the native clergy’s zest
According to the accounts of the two, on 20 for secularization.
January 1872, the district of Sampaloc
celebrated the feast of the Virgin of Loreto, The friars, fearing that their influence in
unfortunately participants to the feast the Philippines would be a thing of the
celebrated the occasion with the usual past, took advantage of the incident and
fireworks displays. Allegedly, those in presented it to the Spanish Government as
Cavite mistook the fireworks as the sign for a vast conspiracy organized throughout the
the attack, and just like what was agreed archipelago with the object of destroying
upon, the 200-men contingent headed by Spanish sovereignty. Tavera sadly
Sergeant Lamadrid launched an attack confirmed that the Madrid government
targeting Spanish officers at sight and came to believe that the scheme was true
seized the arsenal. without any attempt to investigate the real
facts or extent of the alleged “revolution”
When the news reached the iron-fisted reported by Izquierdo and the friars.
Gov. Izquierdo, he readily ordered the
reinforcement of the Spanish forces in Convicted educated men who participated
Cavite to quell the revolt. The “revolution” in the mutiny were sentenced life
was easily crushed when the expected imprisonment while members of the native
reinforcement from Manila did not come clergy headed by the GOMBURZA were
ashore. tried and executed by garrote. This episode
leads to the awakening of nationalism and
Major instigators including Sergeant eventually to the outbreak of Philippine
Lamadrid were killed in the skirmish, while Revolution of 1896.
the GOMBURZA were tried by a court-
martial and were sentenced to die by The French writer Edmund Plauchut’s
strangulation. Patriots like Joaquin Pardo account complimented Tavera’s account by
de Tavera, Antonio Ma. Regidor, Jose and confirming that the event happened due to
Pio Basa and other abogadillos were discontentment of the arsenal workers and
suspended by the Audencia (High Court) soldiers in Cavite fort. The Frenchman,
from the practice of law, arrested and were however, dwelt more on the execution of
sentenced with life imprisonment at the the three martyr priests which he actually
Marianas Island. witnessed.
There was dissatisfaction among the workers The Filipino clergy members actively
of the arsenal as well as the members of the participated in the secularization movement
native army after their privileges were drawn in order to allow Filipino priests to take hold
back by Gen. Izquierdo; of the parishes in the country making them
General Izquierdo introduced rigid and strict prey to the rage of the friars;
policies that made the Filipinos move and Filipinos during the time were active
turn away from Spanish government out of participants, and responded to what they
disgust; deemed as injustices; and
The Central Government failed to conduct an The execution of GOMBURZA was a blunder
investigation on what truly transpired but on the part of the Spanish government, for
relied on reports of Izquierdo and the friars the action severed the ill-feelings of the
and the opinion of the public; Filipinos and the event inspired Filipino
The happy days of the friars were already patriots to call for reforms and eventually
numbered in 1872 when the Central independence.
Government in Spain decided to deprive There may be different versions of the event,
them of the power to intervene in but one thing is certain, the 1872 Cavite
government affairs as well as in the direction Mutiny paved way for a momentous 1898.
and management of schools prompting hem
to commit frantic moves to extend their stay
and power;
The road to independence was rough and tough to toddle, many patriots named and unnamed shed
their bloods to attain reforms and achieve independence. 12 June 1898 may be a glorious event for us, but
we should not forget that before we came across to victory, our forefathers suffered enough. As weenjoy
our freeedom, may we be more historically aware of our past to have a better future ahead of us. And just
like what Elias said in Noli me Tangere, may we “not forget those who fell during the night.”
The Two Sides of The 1872 Cavite Mutiny