Assignment 2b Report BUS10012
Assignment 2b Report BUS10012
Assignment 2b Report BUS10012
We as a team came up with and brainstormed many solutions including but not limited to:
Getting refurbished devices to be used for education and tutoring purposes or paying a tutor in a regional area to
tutor an Aboriginal child or teenager.
Correct historical curriculum added into Aboriginal education services for Aboriginal and First Nations People
Identifying the underlying problem with current Aboriginal and First Nations People
A supporting new model system for improving community standard within schools
Constant reviewing of our newly improved implemented system
Live progression and updates for our crowd funding campaign to all our supporters via email
News and updates for the campaign to be listed on Facebook, a medium for communication between us and the
Continuous supply of useful resources and tools such as books and devices required for learning for these Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islanders students.
Utilize modern educational technologies such as eBooks to maximize reach affordably.
In the end, our group decided on trying to change the historical component of the curriculum, using news, updates, and social
media to further inform the community about the problems plaguing Indigenous Australians living in Australia, and
continuous supply of useful resources such as stationery and refurbished devices to Aboriginals in rural areas as our 3 points
discussed. We believe these 3 points best fit our implemented crowdfunding campaign plan because they are relatively simple
and inexpensive to implement to a crowdfunding campaign and easy to manage during the planning phase.
We decided to trial it using Crowdicity and getting ratings, comments, and feedback from our Swinburne Peers. The link to the
post in question is:
The feedback we received from our campaign that we posted on Crowdicity was quite mediocre. For our scores, we
were rated at 6.3/10 for how influential our pitch was, 5.8 for the clarity of our pitch and 6.2 for the likelihood of
investment. These relatively low scores (compared to other pitches) show that we may have missed out on different
aspects of the pitch such as content or presentation. Upon reflecting on our work, we feel like we did not elaborate
enough on our proposed solution, it was quite lacking in detail. We felt like we only covered the overall goal of our
solution without describing the ‘inner lining’ and breaking down where the money was going to be allocated. So in
hindsight, we were just missing detail.
The major learning curve for our team in retrospect to our work is the fact that not everything is as straight-forward as
we assumed. The research that we initially conducted was quite smooth sailing but as we slowly delved into the finer
points, progress started slowing down. This was especially prominent when we were searching for specific statistics. We
had high expectations for the work we produced, believing that the amount of detail we put into the pitch was
adequate. We also believed that the method of presentation was relatively enticing to the average viewer/investor,
even though we later learnt that it was not as creative as other pitches. Now that we have completed this pitch, if we
were to do one in the future, we would try to make it as creative and different as possible to further catch the attention
of viewers.
For our strengths, we believed that we included relevant details that were critical to our pitch. For example, we had set
a realistic funding goal and tipping point. As detailed in our pitch report, we did not want to make the mistake of setting
a ludicrous goal, believing it would shy away potential investors for being unrealistic. We also devised an elaborate
reward structure that was well thought-out to provide an incentive for donators.
There are many opportunities for improvement on our crowdfunding campaign however the main reason, on why the
campaign was rated low (compared to others), is since we didn’t go into further detail on most areas, we discussed in
the campaign which most definitely let us down as a whole. The first opportunity for improvement could be, elaborating
on the proposed solution, as it was only around 60 words where there probably could have been a few more sentences
explaining some of the resources these kids will be receiving and what they do plus their purpose in description.
Another opportunity for improvement would be in our introduction to include a more detailed overview as opposed to
just the one sentence explaining our problem. This would then give the viewers more information on our campaign
before they finish reading the introduction. We would also improve on our transparency with where funding money
went and the areas that it would go to i.e., schoolbooks, tuition fees, teachers. This was an important part that we didn’t
really delve into. Overall, most areas of our campaign have been completed very well, talking about most things that
were needed and important, however, the only main issue that hurt us is the lack of detail which most likely took our
campaign from a 7-8/10 to a 6/10.
If it were a real crowdfunding campaign, the things I would change is that I would include more detail (particularly in
certain areas like the solution) over the campaign so that the viewers and audience have a better understanding of what
the campaign is truly about. I would still do the same things we did during this campaign as the presentation was set out
very well and was also easy to read, the pitch itself was also transparent and easy to listen to however viewers might be
asking a lot of questions about this campaign as there may be many missed areas or areas that simply were not covered
enough making it hard for the audience to fully understand it. If anything, we have taken inspiration from other projects
and for future pitches, we would consider presenting in a video format with our physical bodies in the presentation to
add a touch of personality. Motivational stories from other pitches were powerful and definitely caught our attention so
the inclusion of one in the future would be effective. We learnt that this was a better way of conveying our message
compared to a simple PowerPoint presentation with voiceovers. Once more detail is added and a few of these areas are
fixed, it really takes up the marks and potential for this campaign to be great as the only real issue was the lack of extra
Reflection on Design Thinking and Innovation
Design thinking is a structured, step by step, method to assist in creatively solving social problems. It is a human-centered
approach which we believe is beneficial when looking to resolve the education problems Indigenous Australian’s face today.
There are complicated cultural factors contributing to the minimal access to educational resources in remote communities, as
well as the lack of Indigenous historical material in the nation’s educational curriculums. Because of this, an empathetic
approach was required. It was important to empathize with Aboriginals and understand their history when thinking about
their needs and requirements in the education space. This first step of the design process allowed us to understand their way
of life and what’s important to them.
We learnt that many First Nations people within remote communities live simple lives and wish to remain living there to
support their family; and that the land and their people hold paramount importance to them. These factors affect the way
kids of these communities can be encouraged to learn. An understanding of modern-day Aboriginals’ hurt and pain regarding
white settlement is also extremely important in delivering the history of these events in curriculums with compassion, as it is a
very sensitive topic. Once we had defined the issue in education, we brainstormed ideas in the next phase, which allowed us
to benefit off one another’s creative skills and various ways of thinking. We were then able to pinpoint our problems in the
prototype phase through trial and error and then through the testing phase we were able to receive feedback through
‘Crowdicity’. We found the design thinking process to be an efficient and structured method to produce creativity in the
pursuit of resolving our social problem. It assisted us greatly in capturing our ideas and allowed us to attempt to make a
positive difference to the lives of Indigenous Australians.
First Nations people are heavily affected by social problems due to the difficulty of living in remote and isolated communities.
Access to education and infrastructure is minimal due to the lack of funding in these low socio-economic communities. Living
a simple live is the mindset of Ingenious and first nations people not knowing the full extent to how disadvantaged their
situation is. By analyzing this and incorporating our ideas and beliefs we firmly believe there is a way to improve their current
situation. By implementing a plan long-term targeting, a key area e.g., education funding for one school. We can aim to start
small and work our way to the top. We learnt throughout this exercise over the weeks that targeting social problems is more
than just working together as a group. It’s a process that allows us to discuss ideas and branch on our strong point areas. We
tackled many challenges throughout the process. Starting off with teamwork skills which improved over the course of the
semester. There/s always a risk throughout the design thinking stages especially during the define stage. Where we discussed
what our problem was and how we could tackle it to form a solution. Our team found this stage the most difficult.
As discussed previously our main course of action was how we could differentiate ideas from one and another and how we
could combine our beliefs and ideas to form a solution for our social problem. In the design thinking process from define to
ideate we recognized that individually we had separate ideas. However, we understood to progress throughout the
assessment we had to come towards a conclusion. In saying that we formed a hierarchy system to divide key areas of tasks
and to then work towards our goals. Establishing a system and organizing a group is the most difficult part when working in
the design thinking stages. Recognizing what your skills are towards others and how we can combine ourselves collectively is
most difficult. However, by bouncing ideas of each other and working together we were able to reach a common goal
throughout the process. Apon reading our feedback from ‘Crowdicity’ we were able to discuss with another what our faults
and key areas on improvement will be and how we can learn from our experience individually and collectively. Furthermore,
we believe that our challenges helped the group grow throughout the design thinking process when working on our social
Appendix: Team Charter
Please complete all 6 elements of the contract.
1. Team Name: (Team 4)
1. Team Membership:
Please complete for all team members in the team
Name: Email: Phone Number: Strengths and Cultural Profile
Skills (Individualist/Collectivist)
As a group we personally agreed that our team effectiveness scale lands at a 6 out of 10. We had a few difficulties earlier on
and towards the end of our teamwork progression. One issue we had during the assignment was having to rewrite one
element of the report, with it not being completed to a satisfactory standard.
Our team’s leadership category was under envisioning and social leadership. Which is targeting a vision within the group and
socially understanding your peers within the space of the group. We found our leadership came under these two sections.
We believe the skill and resources we used were delegating and brainstorming off each other. We created a vision of our
groups plan at the beginning. Delegating each role to individual members or collectively as such. For an example assigning a
task to two members to complete.
As a group we firmly believe a “10” would look the same as the perfect group. As such each member is completing tasks on
time to a high standard. Tasks are completed with no disruptions or any excuses in that nature. There would also be a
prominent leader that can take charge and organize sections with the rest of the team, delegating work at each section.
A shift as been made and now our group is scored at a 7/10 on the scale. In a term of improving our team’s effectiveness we
could agree that our time management skills have improved. Nearly all members are submitting tasks on time to a moderate
As a team we believe that the key areas we can improve are organization skills, time management, delegation, general
content knowledge. Our strong points were socially working collectively as a team however lacking in knowledge areas for
certain tasks at hand.
Anon 2022, 5 Steps of the Design Thinking Process: A Step-by-Step Guide, viewed 24 May, 2022, <
Udoagwu, K 2022, 6 Different Team Effectiveness Models to Understand Your Team Better, viewed 26 May, 2022,
Anon 2022, Inside Inspiration Discovering Team Effectiveness, viewed 27 May, 2022,
CareerFoundry. 2022. Stage 2 in the Design Thinking Process: Define the Problem. viewed 26 May 2022,
Dam, R 2022, 5 Stages in the Design Thinking Process, viewed 27 May, 2022,