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COMM5980 New Media Ecology

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COMM5980: New Media Ecology

Fall 2019
Tuesday 6:30 to 9:15 p.m.
WMY 301

CHEN, Hsuan-Ting, PhD Office: NAH 422

Office Hours: Tuesday 3 to 5 p.m. or by appointment
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
TA: Ivy Fong [email protected]

Course Description and Goals

This is a course about the business ecosystem of the media industry. The study of the relationships
between different parties in the economic interplay becomes more and more complicated when
moving towards the new media era. The role of the originator, publishers, aggregators, syndicator,
distributors, advertisers, consumers are all playing a different and important role to make the whole
system work. New technology provides a possibility of new consumer behaviors, which will derive
the new business model. Impact of new technology keeps the media industry ever evolving. This
course will teach a number of theories and strategic frameworks for students to analyze the new
media industry, and understand how it will transform, innovate and disrupt the existing and future

Expected Learning Outcome

After taking the course, students will be able to:

1) Develop a strong understanding of the ecosystems, economic interplay, business models and
the “rules of the games” of the new media industry.
2) Understand the contemporary media planning environment through the discussion of
current events, trends, controversies, and ethnical dimensions.
3) Be knowledgeable of the key theories and frameworks to analyze the new media industry.
4) Analyze problems, identify new opportunities, develop innovative ideas, conduct necessary
research and determine the best approach to create business values (Strategic thinking,
creative thinking, and problem-solving skills).
5) Gain conceptual knowledge of media industries, relationships between those institutions,
media types/vehicles and other contact points available to reach diverse audiences.
6) Be able to effectively use the critical thinking skills involved in the media planning process.

Required Texts and Readings

Reading will be announced and provided by the instructor via the blackboard one to two weeks
before the class where they will be addressed.
*Our class site: http://nme19.blogspot.com/
*Our blackboard: https://blackboard.cuhk.edu.hk

Missed Classes/Deadlines and Late Assignments

If you miss a class, please arrange with your class members to find out before you return to the class
what you missed while you were gone. You are responsible for the content of all class sessions,

whether it is included in the text or not.

Missing classes regularly will be grounds for a grade reduction at the instructor’s discretion. Failure
to attend on more than three occasions will result in your course grade being substantially lowered,
or your dismissal from the course.

If an emergency prevents a student from meeting the deadline of a presentation, the student must
notify the instructor before the presentation. Otherwise, the student will not be eligible for a make-
up. Make-up presentations will be granted only for a limited time and only for valid, documented
reasons, such as serious illness, family emergency, jury duty or military reserve obligation. Absence
excuses are subject to verification. Presenting a false excuse will be considered a violation of the
academic integrity rules.

If the deadline of an assignment is missed, all late work must be turned in within one week after it is
due and will be downgraded for one letter grade whether it is 1 or 7 days late. No late work beyond
the one-week period will be accepted. Missed assignments will receive a zero.

The following criteria will determine course grades.

Class participation 5%
Case-based group discussion 20%
Short essays and responses 25%
Exam 20%
Group project and report 30%
Total 100%

Class Participation (5%)

Students are expected to take an active role for each class. They are encouraged to ask good
questions in the class and guest speaker sessions.

Case-based group discussion (20%)

Discuss in small groups on business cases or issues related to the new media industry. Students
will be asked to present the main points of the discussions in the class.

Short essays and responses (25%)

Write two short essays (500 - 800 words each) for the topic that relates to the topics or key
concepts from this course. Students will need to post the short essay on the class site
(https://nme19.blogspot.com/) and also need to respond to two other people’s post.

Exam (20%)
The examination will cover key topics and areas introduced in the class. The exam may include
multiple-choice questions and short-answer questions. The purpose of the exam is to encourage
students to remember the key concepts covered in the lecture, guest talks, and readings.

Final group project (30%)
Media report
Students will form a “digital agency team” (4 to 6 people) on a group project. You will work
closely together to collect information and develop a media plan for a business of your choice.
There are two major parts of the group project:
i) Information and Data collection: The team should identify a business case or research
topic. The team will need to develop a research plan, conduct the research, collect
necessary information and related data and present the information of a company or a
business case using the frameworks discussed in the class.
ii) Analysis and Strategy: The team will need to analyze the situation, develop strategies,
generate innovative ideas or solve the problem by using one or more of the frameworks
discussed in the class.
The team will collect all the necessary data, analysis, identify insights and recommendation,
summarize the conclusion and key learning for the business case. Each group member will need
to present the key summary of the project at the end of the semester

Note: The grade for the Group Project and Report and the Case-based Group Discussion will be
determined according to:
- The level of understanding of the key concepts and frameworks that are discussed in the
- The ability to apply strategic thinking, creative thinking, and problem-solving skills
- The ability to adopt solution/recommendation based on business constraints and
- The ability to communicate and present key points to the target audience

Grade Descriptors

Grade Overall course

A Outstanding performance on all learning outcomes.
A- Generally outstanding performance on all (or almost all) learning outcomes.
B Substantial performance on all learning outcomes, OR high performance on some learning
outcomes which compensates for less satisfactory performance on others, resulting in overall
substantial performance.
C Satisfactory performance on the majority of learning outcomes, possibly with a few
D Barely satisfactory performance on a number of learning outcomes
F Unsatisfactory performance on a number of learning outcomes, OR failure to meet specified
assessment requirements.

Course Calendar

Please note that the following course calendar is subject to change with adequate notice to students
Date Topics

W1 3 Sep. Introduction to new media ecology

An overview of electronic and digital media in the society

W2 10 Sep. The media business environment: Markets, business, models, mergers,

alliances, and partnerships

W3 17 Sep. The media market place and strategy I

W4 24 Sep. The media market place and strategy II

W5 1 Oct. National Day

W6 8 Oct. (1) Situation analysis—The market and the media competitive analysis

(2) Guest speaker session:

Speaker: Cheryl Pan, Account Director at BlueCurrent Hong Kong
Time 6:45 p.m.
Location: YIA LT6

W7 15 Oct. Role of media planning in brand support

Integrated marketing communication (IMC)

W8 22 Oct. Corporate image and branding

W9 29 Oct. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Communication and Sustainability in

Digital Age Forum
Speakers: Citibank, H&M, etc. (Detailed information will be announced)
Time: 6:45 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Location: YIA LT6

W10 5 Nov. (1) Final project consultation

- Arrange consultation time and location with the instructor

(2) Guest speaker session

Speaker: Lawrance Yang, Managing Director Hong Kong & Regional Director
APAC at iProspect
Time 6:45 p.m.
Location: YIA LT6

W11 12 Nov. Buying behaviors and audience research

The target audience and consumer psychology

W12 19 Nov. (1) Social media and mobile strategy
Experiencing new media technologies

(2) Exam

W13 26 Nov. Final Project Presentation I

2:30 pm to 5:15 p.m. (Location will be announced)

W14 26 Nov. Final Project Presentation II

6:30 pm to 9:15 (Location: WMY301)

Feedback for evaluation

Students are welcome to give comments and feedback at any time during the class. Stop by to talk to
the instructor. You can also send me emails.
References on Academic Honesty and Plagiarism
Information regarding the University’s academic honesty and plagiarism policy is located at
http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/policy/academichonesty/. Some further advice is given below.

Plagiarism is the copying of passages from other sources without proper citation or attribution. Any
assignment which shows evidence of plagiarism will be penalized severely. The minimum penalty is
one demerit and a zero grade for the assignment.

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