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E-Mail Marketing Madness

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Marketing Madness!: How To Compel

Your Subscribers to Open Your Emails And
Take Action Now
Dan Lok
©2015 Dan Lok
Table of Contents
Special Unannounced Bonuses!
About The Author – Dan “The Man” Lok
16 Secrets Guaranteed To Make Your Email Profits Soar!
40 Winning Subject Line Archetypes To Make Subject Line Creation A
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 1: The “warning” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 2: The “must do” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 3: The “rubber neck” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 4: The “survival of …” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 5: The “almost too easy” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 6: The “puzzled “subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 7: The “secret to…” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 8: The “quickest way to…” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 9: The “curiosity” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 10: The “case study” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 11: The “fear of…” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 12: The “leverage” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 13: The “social proof” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 14: The “cancelled” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 15: The “how to…” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 16: The “insider” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 17: The “personal approach” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 18: The “revealed” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 19: The “get” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 20: The “devastating” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 21: The “myth” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 22: The “news worthy” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 23: The “personal story” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 24: The “empathy question” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 25: The “quick note” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 26: The “fireside chat” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 27: The “mistake” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 28: The “lies” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 29: The “have you heard” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 30: The “results” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 31: The “frankly” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 32: The “shocks me” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 33: The “need to know” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 34: The “why you shouldn’t” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 35: The “simple way” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 36: The “hate” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 37: The “personal” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 38: The “avoid” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 39: The “what if” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 40: The “didn’t mean to” subject line.
Special Unannounced Bonuses!
Special Unannounced Bonuses!
Thank you for investing in this eBook.
I love to hear from my reader.
If my book has in any way helped you, then I am glad I wrote it.
Your feedback is important to me. I value and appreciate receiving your compliments.
Please email your positive feedback to: [email protected]
When you get in touch with me, you’ll have instant access to 3 special bonus gifts that
will help you implement the strategies in this ebook more effectively.
FREE Bonus #1:
202 “Fill-in-the-Blank” Subject Line Templates - Each of these additional subject line
templates use the proven secrets of the 40 powerful, results-winning subject lines you get
in the main product. Just open the report, glance down the list for the subject line template
that grabs you by the eye-balls, and plug it right into the subject line box of your email
sending software. Before you know it, you’ll have a killer subject line whizzing off
through cyber space bringing back orders and satisfied customers. (A $29.00 Value)

FREE Bonus #2: 257 Spam Words and Phrases to Avoid - Just as the title suggests, you
get 257 spam words and phrases to avoid in every subject line and email message you
write from now on. Sure it includes the obvious words and phrases you’ve probably heard
before … But there’s also a huge long list of less obvious words and phrases — words and
phrases you probably use a lot — but don’t realize could potentially shut-down your
chances of getting your emails delivered. (A $19.00 Value)

FREE Bonus #3: 27 Words and Phrases to Use Sparingly - Again, like the title suggests,
you should use these words and phrases sparingly. Works best if you run your emails with
these words and phrases through the spam score software I’m giving you first — just to
make sure you haven’t used them too often.. (A $9.00 value)

Again, please email your positive feedback to: [email protected]

About The Author – Dan “The Man” Lok
Dan Lok, a multi-millionaire and serial entrepreneur, and an international best-selling
author. Dan is considered the world’s leading expert in internet marketing and is referred
to by many as the “Millionaire Mentor.”

In fact, if you Google “Dan Lok”, you’ll see his name is all over 1,000,000 web pages!
(ONE MILLION) That should tell you something.

Dan’s rise to success did not come easily. When he first came to North America, it was
quite a tough cultural adjustment for him. With his limited knowledge of the English
language, it compounded the communication barrier even more. He only had a few friends
who understood what he was going through.

Most people made fun of him. School life was a real challenge – both inside and outside
the classroom. Eventually, Dan dropped out of college. His early career was marked by
adversity and struggle. Dan got his first job when he was 16. He was a grocery bagger at a
local supermarket, making minimum wage and barely making ends meet. Quite
understandably, that’s the one and only job Dan ever had.

Since then, Dan has only worked for himself. Instead of attending business school, Dan
enrolled in the school of hard knocks where he learned firsthand the painful way of what
works and what doesn’t work in any business.

Through hard work, relentless determination, guidance from his mentors, today Dan is a
multi-millionaire entrepreneur, a respected figure in the Internet Marketing world, and a
highly sought after business mentor, who spends the majority of his time personally
managing his businesses and investment portfolio.

His reputation is well established in the Internet space and publishing field, having
launched several successful internet companies. Companies under his leadership generate
more than $10 million in sales a year, and tens of millions of dollars in revenue in the last
few years.

Dan is one of the rare keynote speakers and business consultants that actually owns a
portfolio of highly profitable business ventures. He is also well known for his keen online
brand perception, social marketing ideas, business growth strategies, new product
promotions, and email marketing genius.
Dan is the founder and CEO of Charm Junction, Inc., which was named Online Retailer of
The Year by Canada Post in 2012. Dan is also the author of a dozen books that teach
financial freedom and entrepreneurial skills, including F.U. Money, Secrets of Canadian
Top Performers, and Lies Salon Owners Believe, etc.

Because of Dan’s transformation journey to reaching the top, in just his early 30’s (yes!),
he believes in giving back to the community, and actively seeks opportunities where he
can share his real world strategies and proven business fundamentals.
Get Dan’s FREE 7-day video training series on how to grow your business and build
your wealth at: http://www.danlok.com
16 Secrets Guaranteed To Make Your Email Profits
Email Marketing Secret #1
The easiest way to have your email read, assuming you’ve used the appropriate subject
line to get your email opened, is for your subject line to ‘speak directly’ to your reader’s
heart and mind. That simply means it must be relevant and something that’s important to
In a very real sense it is the same ingredient for having successful pay-per-click
campaigns. You must ‘carry the conversation’ that’s going on in your readers mind.
This is not as difficult as it may seem. If you’ve done your home- work, you’ll know all
the benefits of your product. You’ll know the single, greatest benefit of your product. And
you’ll know your market. You need to know the deepest concerns of your market. What’s
most important to them.
So many marketers do not do this. So take the time to know this information, and your
emails will have the greatest opportunity to be opened and read.
Email Marketing Secret #2
Research has shown the very first item a reader looks at in a new email is who the email is
from. Not the subject line. So it makes obvious sense to be sure you configure your
autoresponder to clearly identify yourself, or your company.
What you always need to do with your readers, especially brand new subscribers, is to
condition them to recognize you. If you pro- vide great content that helps them, they’ll
become conditioned to look forward to your emails. If not that, then at least they’ll ‘know’
that you always provide great content.
One important way to initially begin the conditioning process is to very clearly state what
they can expect to see in all your future emails. You’ll do this on the post optin page and
in your very first email to them.
Put it right at the top. “Important: All future emails will have, “Mary Marketer,” in the
email ‘From’ line. Or whatever you choose to use. Be sure it’s either your name or your
company’s name.
Email Marketing Secret #3
One of the biggest mistakes email marketers commit is failing to state the only thing your
readers, and potential customers, care about. “What’s in it for me?”
If you have the pulse of your market, you can always let them know what’s in it for them
by including something about the email content. What it’s about. You won’t hit the nail on
the head with everyone, it never happens. But you will hit enough nails if you make the
effort to let them know something about how they’ll benefit.
And do always speak in terms of benefits, not features.
Email Marketing Secret #4
You have 40 proven subject lines in your possession. It’s a great place to start, and they’ll
serve you well for a long time. But all good and great marketers never stop learning,
testing, or doing research. You’ll do the same, hopefully.
Continue your email marketing education by subscribing to all the newsletters by all the
top marketers in your niche area.
What you’ll be doing is creating your own swipe file of email subject lines and email
copywriting. Put them all in a folder and save them. But don’t let them sit there all alone.
Take some time in the future to actually read them because you’ll get some great ideas and
most likely, more great subject lines.
Email Marketing Secret #5
If your newsletter has a name, consider putting the name in the ‘From’ field. Then you’ll
get the most out of the ‘Subject’ field.
Be sure your subject line has no wasted words. Use your most important subject line
words in the first 50 characters. Anything beyond that will probably get cut off in most
email clients.
Email Marketing Secret #6
Keep HTML-format email as simple as possible. The more media you include in your
HTML message, such as graphics, images, audio or video… the more likely something
may not work on your recipients’ PC. Also, sometimes media will trigger the spam filters.
Not good. And keep rich-media content on your host.
Email Marketing Secret #7
If you use HTML messages, make use of alt tags and other text around images. Some
email clients will automatically block images. So if that happens, your reader will still get
the idea of your message. Many email clients also block alt tags, so using surrounding text
will definitely help.
Email Marketing Secret #8
Use relevant links in your emails. If you want to send them to your website, then give
them multiple entry points. For example, two or three order buttons within your message.
Always make it easy for your readers to find the information you want them to read on
your site. Deep link to the info. Don’t just send them to your home page.
Email Marketing Secret #9
Avoid using boring link descriptions that are way too easy to ignore. Instead of “click
here,” word your links such as “Read the rest here… “ or “Download the Flower Report
here!” or “Get your investment white paper here.”
Always be explicit and clear about the actions you want users to take.
Email Marketing Secret #10
It never hurts to encourage spreading the word about yourself. So help your readers do it.
Include a share/forward-to-a-friend link in your emails. Be sure to clearly such links with
icons or some brief text.
Email Marketing Secret #11
Don’t annoy your readers by making them scroll horizontally to read your HTML emails.
So keep your HTML emails 500-650 pixels wide. No more.
You’ll notice email from Yahoo Mail, Gmail, and Hotmail fall within that range. There’s a
reason they do it. So you do the same.
Email Marketing Secret #12
I’ve noticed many successful marketers, who use text email, will have very short
sentences in their email. Very short, about maybe 6- 8 words until it breaks for the next
What they’re doing is making their emails very easy to quickly scan. It works. They are
easy to scan very fast.
So just test using HTML, text, standard HTML suggested length, or text designed for
quick scanning. Ask your readers what they like, then do it. Very simple.
Email Marketing Secret #13
HTML validation for AOL. They’ll block email containing HTML errors. It doesn’t have
to be a major error, either. Any simple invalid HTML instance will trigger the filter and
your email will be completely blocked. Their filter triggers on syntax and formatting
errors. Be aware.
Email Marketing Secret #14
Make the most out of your email structure and design.
Make the top of your email “preview pane” and “disabled images” friendly. Avoid having
large images that fill-in the preview pane. It’s the same concept as used for websites. You
want the “top of the fold” to have relevant information so the user does not have to scroll
down. They see it right away.
Tastefully word your call to action, if you have one, in the top for immediate viewing.
Then go right into your content, and continue to place your call to action further down in
your content.
But don’t overwhelm your reader with calls to action.
Email Marketing Secret #15
It never hurts to give your readers a web version of your HTML email, or the ability to
switch to text.
Even though most email clients and email web interfaces will correctly render HTML,
some of your readers could be using an outdated version. And this may create a message
that makes no sense, or looks bad. So providing options will ensure all of your readers can
read your messages as you intended.
Email Marketing Secret #16
Along the same lines for email usability…
Use a “Format Preference (HTML or Text)” on your opt-in form. And in all your emails,
include a link to a “Profile Update” page so your readers can switch formats if they prefer.
40 Winning Subject Line Archetypes To Make
Subject Line Creation A Snap
Always remember this no matter which subject line template you use:
There are different motivations for any email you send to your list.
1. You can be a ‘great’ person and only provide some helpful advice. You do not ask the
reader to take any action toward making a sale. You will be perceived as doing them a
favor, and it will help solidify your relationship with them.
2. You can provide the same helpful advice and ask them to take action toward making a
3. You can provide great and useful content; and you can either ask for an action toward
making a sale, or not.
4. You can help inform or keep them informed about any relevant, breaking news;
anything you know that will be of value to them, and that they would want to know about.
Knowing about these different motivations automatically multiplies your email marketing
possibilities with your list. Got it?
Please note that all references to creating reports or content include content in any media:
text, video, or audio podcast.
subject line.
How do people react when they either see, or hear, the word ‘warning?’ Right. It gets
people’s attention. But do not overuse this. You don’t want to ‘cry wolf’ too many times.
You don’t want your readers to become blind, like the way people are with banner
As with all your emails, only give your readers real value. So make your warnings valid
and sincere.
1. “Dave, a warning about this new product launch.”
2. “Mary, a warning about your job search.”
3. “Jane, an important warning about niche research.”
If you’re promoting a time-sensitive offer, you can warn and remind about the limited
time. You can also create a sense of urgency which can be very effective.
No product solves all the problems. So you can make a bonus offer that fills any gaps in a
product you’re promoting. Or you can warn people about special considerations about a
particular product: special additional knowledge or skills required, etc.
Your strategy will depend on whether you want to directly profit from the product you are
warning about, or not.
subject line.
People react in different ways when they’re told they ‘must’ do something. It may not be
received well depending on what they must do and who’s telling them they must do it.
So be very sure of several important items: First, be darned sure the ‘thing’ they must do is
totally relevant to them. Be positive it is something you know your list will want to do in
order to get what they want. Second, do all you can to avoid sounding overbearing or
‘bossy.’ Just use your common sense and try to put yourself in the reader’s shoes. Ok?
This subject line works best when you are specific and include your reader’s most wanted
desire. Go ahead and put it right in the subject line. It won’t connect with everyone, most
likely, but when it does connect… and it will, your email will be opened and read.
1. “Tom, 3 must do actions before you’ll ever succeed.”
2. “Rob, 5 steps you must take to grow beautiful roses.”
3. “Elaine, what you must do before sleep for smooth skin.”
There are almost unlimited ways to use the ‘must do’ subject line. If you know the real
benefits of the product you’re promoting, you can easily get ideas for x-number of must-
do tips. The simplest way is to read your sales letter for whatever product you’re selling.
You’ll have no trouble getting ‘must do’ ideas.
All you do in your email copy is clearly explain why they must follow your advice. Let
them know the negative consequences of not doing the must do’s. Then, simply tell them
how your product will satisfy their needs in terms of benefits, not features.
It’s always best to use an odd number of tips and recommendations for anything. People
respond more to odd numbers such as 3, 5, or 7.
neck” subject line.
This subject line is tremendously powerful because it appeals to the ‘dark’ curiosity all
human have. Have you ever noticed how traffic slows down when there’s a car accident.
And it doesn’t matter if the lanes are clear and there’s no reason to slow down? Drivers get
‘rubber necks.’
We’ve all done it. Drivers slow down because they want to look. They want to see if
there’s anything ‘interesting’ to see. You know how popular ‘real life’ TV shows are.
People are amazingly curious about other people’s lives, especially the dark stuff.
The actual subject line you’ll use here is: “bad news”.
But absolutely do NOT overuse this one. You don’t want to always be the bearer of bad
news, and people will tire of it if overused.
1. “Bad news”
2. “Dan… bad news.”
3. “Have some bad news… “
Of course you won’t be delivering really bad news. But do not be totally obvious that you
have tricked them into opening. Avoid just plowing into an offer. Be smart about it…
Right away explain the nature of the bad news. You can discuss a delay of a product
launch. But if you do that make the most out of the opportunity. You can explain the news
and make a bonus offering, or tell them you have added something more to your offer.
Your bad news can be tied to a scarcity element such as limited time, bonuses, low prices,
product availability, or open positions for seminars or coaching, etc.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 4: The “survival of
…” subject line.
Survival speaks to the most powerful aspect of human nature. The will and desire to live.
But here you’ll be tying that instinct to other highly important desires.
Use this subject line with survival of their business or anything directly, or indirectly,
related to their business. And you can cleverly tie this into the survival of their livelihoods
through their business. Or… relate it to the survival of ‘future’ wants; the survival of the
chance and opportunity to succeed in anything.
1. “Rich, your business survival may depend on this.”
2. “Alan, how to survive the next Google slap.”
3. “Barbara, 3 investments to survive the recession.
Be careful how you use this subject line. You’ll only want to use it when it concerns issues
that really mat- ter. We’re talking about survival here! So don’t waste it on trivial
But you can use it effectively when your product accomplishes something of very real
value. Still, if your niche is about growing flowers, then of course the survival of their
flowers is important to them.
If you market educational products, then you can easily talk about children surviving the
fierce competition for college entrance, getting good grades, etc.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 5: The “almost too
easy” subject line.
This is a really great subject line for two reasons. First, everyone wants things easy.
Second, it’s truly almost too easy to think of ways to use this subject line! But again, don’t
overuse it, or any of the subject lines.
1. “John, it’s almost too easy to get traffic like this.”
2. “Steven, it’s too easy to get green grass with this.”
3. “Linda, it’s almost too easy to find clients using this.”
Again, this subject is so great because of its strong appeal to the ‘easy way out.’ And you
can use it with almost any product. You just have to know the bene- fits of your product
and what is most important to your market.
If you promote business opportunities, or internet marketing products, I would strongly
recommend against using this subject line with reference to earning money, making
money, etc. For many people, except the greenest of marketers, telling them that it’s too
easy to make lots of money could be a red flag. And it sounds like hype.
So just be sure the ‘things’ that are too easy really can be accomplished in a relatively easy
way. Support your claims with logic and hopefully some proof. Anything you can do to
sup- port your claims of ‘too easy’ will only help to increase conversions and sales.
“subject line.
There are lots of things that will make people stop in their tracks, or stop and think about
something. And being puzzled about some- thing… well, it always gets our attention
because most people don’t like being puzzled. Most people want to know or understand
what’s going on.
So you’ll use this quirk of human nature, along with curiosity, to your advantage.
1. “Cindy, frankly, this really puzzles me.”
2. “Deb, I’m puzzled about something… “
3. “Mike, does this puzzle you about getting traffic?”
The best way to use this subject line is to relate it the single, greatest benefit of your
product. You’ll get exponential rewards if you absolutely know the most wanted desire of
your readers… and it coincides with the products greatest benefit.
By the way, that’s the way it should always be. But it isn’t that way for many marketers.
So it’ll pay you great dividends to try to make it so.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 7: The “secret to…”
subject line.
This subject line is great because everyone likes to know secrets. The reason for that is
because everyone likes to be special, unique, and feel like they know something no one
else knows. It’s a universal desire in human nature with very strong appeal.
1. “George, here are 3 secrets to boost conversions.”
2. “Andy, 5 stealth secrets to meeting women.”
3. “Liz, research secrets to meeting great men.”
The key to conversions with this subject line is to reveal information that is not widely
known. If your secrets are very common knowledge, you’ll only manage to annoy your
readers. If your market is not highly savvy about internet marketing tactics, then your
success with this subject line will be greater.
If your market is fairly street smart, you can still use this with success if you find a new
angle. You can connect the benefits of your product with an idea for use that’s out of the
box. And it’s really not that hard to find an out-of-the-box idea that is valid.
Of course… the very best use is with a new product that truly has new information,
strategies, or tactics. Just be sure to do your homework with it beforehand.
way to…” subject line.
This subject line has similar appeal as the ‘almost too easy’ line. People want things easy,
and quick! If your product delivers in this department, then you have a winner on your
1. “Jean, the quickest way to healthier skin.”
2. “Jackie, the quickest way to more subscribers.”
3. “Karl, the quickest way to research markets.”
You can easily find many affiliate products that can be used with this subject line. Just
think of how any- thing can be made easier and quicker for someone. Businesses can be
built faster with outsourcing, time can be saved with using an autoresponder, money can
be made faster… and easier when you use a product that gives you 40 proven email
subject lines!
It’s really easy to turn product benefits into time-savers when you use the right
perspective. When you look at things from the angle of saving time. So ask yourself how a
particular benefit will save time for people.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 9: The “curiosity”
subject line.
You’ll notice that many subject lines appeal to simple human curiosity. And it works like
gangbusters because it’s SO darn powerful. It’s evergreen and will never go away.
Curiosity and attention- getting will go very far to helping you win the day.
1. “Ken, you may be curious to know this… “
2. “Susan, I’m curious to know what you think.”
3. “Dale, what curiosity did for this guy…”
This subject line works very well for relationship-building with your readers. You can
easily move into get- ting feedback about anything relevant. Or you can use it to ‘talk to’
your list about common and relevant topics.
Of course you can always use it to present a real life story, which people love, and tie that
into how your readers can accomplish the same thing with your product.
study” subject line.
Case studies are always powerful because they accomplish several things at the same time.
They can provide social proof, and they satisfy our natural curiosity about what other
people are doing.
There’s also an element of acceptance with case studies because there’s an unspoken
feeling of authority, or expert involvement.
1. “Curt, new case study reveals interesting traffic tactic.”
2. “Paul, case study shows dangers with new medicine.”
3. “Alice, 2 case studies on trends in kids’ education.”
This subject line is really easy to use. Of course the key is to find case studies for your
product. It’s easy to find studies for practically any subject on the internet. The kind of
studies that will help you the most are actual studies conducted by research professionals.
If you’re promoting anything related to health or self- improvement, your only problem
will be deciding which study to use. There’s a wealth of case study data online. Business,
and anything related to online marketing, is the same.
So first start with your product, pick the greatest benefit or several major benefits, then
simply find case studies that offer support for your product benefits. That’s all there is to
It’s worth spending time on because you’ll be providing powerful social proof for your
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 11: The “fear of…”
subject line.
Fear! One of the most basic human emotions. Most everyone is afraid of something. And
you’ll use this subject line like you’ll use the ‘survival’ subject line. The use of fear, like
all copy devices, must be done appropriately. And it’s extremely powerful when done
1. “Jeff, your competition knows this, do you?”
2. “Alice, do you know about harmful additives in baby food?”
3. “Wayne, are airline pilots too tired on the job?”
You can easily use this line in almost any niche or market. And there are multiple
opportunities in any market if you look for them.
The use of fear is very effective at driving people to take a desired action, such as signing-
up for a special report or in a direct response sales letter. If you read direct marketing sales
letters that arrive in your snail mail, mail box… you’ll see the use of fear is almost always
used. But the best copywriters don’t solely rely on one copy device. They use fear in
combination with other devices for greater effect.
There are many types of fear: fear of loss, personal injury, health related issues, financial
and business related issues, and self-help applications.
The key to success with using ‘fear’ is to target your market’s most important concern.
Make a list of all the ways ‘fear’ can be used with your product. And then pick the best,
most fearful situation, and marry the two.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 12: The “leverage”
subject line.
This subject line is about advantage. And some people don’t care if it’s fair, or not. So
you’ll be appealing to several emotions here. The sense of greed, the possibility of
knowing a secret, the hope of gain in any terms, finding an easier way, finding a faster
way… on and on.
1. “Tony, get uncommon leverage with your investments.”
2. “Janice, little known but powerful leverage in your business.”
3. “Chuck, give your marketing unfair advantage over all the rest.”
What you’ll need to do first is look at your product and your competition’s product. Then
find ‘one thing’ different that your product has and the other does not. It’s easy to do
unless the two of you have identical products, such as in affiliate marketing.
But even if that’s the case, you can offer a bonus that will give leverage to your affiliate
product. Then… your offer will be stronger. Of course be up front and explain that what
you’re offering does in fact give the buyer an advantage.
It’s how you structure and present your offer that will lead to more sales. If you have your
own product, it’s well worth your time to look at your product’s benefits from the
perspective of finding benefits that will give the user leverage, or advantage.
proof” subject line.
Social proof is a necessity in all advertising because it builds trust. It also works wonders
with conversions because people want to belong and do not want to be left out. It’s yet
another way to influence the powerful forces of human nature.
There are several tried and true ways to give yourself an unfair advantage.
1. “Sophie, see what 1,239 regular folks have to say.”
2. “Amelia, the reviews are in… I’m stunned.”
3. “Todd, can all these people be wrong about this?”
The most common approach with social proof devices is the customer testimonial. Even
expert endorsements, or testimonials, will be used in the same fashion. But still, many
marketers don’t pay enough attention here and don’t get the most mileage from their social
Always try to use pictures with your testimonials. Video and audio is the very best. If
video isn’t possible, then pictures with text and audio are next most powerful. The worst
kind of testimonial, and can actually hurt you, is only text with initials or only a first name
and the state, or country. Using the last format could hurt you because it may create
thoughts of fake testimonials.
One thing few marketers do is provide testimonials in their emails. I rarely see this, yet it
can be a powerful motivator for clicking through to read your offer. Test it and give it a
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 14: The “cancelled”
subject line.
Let’s face it, no one likes to miss the boat about anything worth- while. This is a spin on
the scarcity and sense of urgency strategies. It is very effective for compelling people to
take action.
It also catches people’s attention to see the word, Cancelled, in their inbox. It can create a
minor sense of startle when once read, so it will get attention. But avoid being overly
tricky with this one.
You don’t want it to backfire on you! And never spell it in all capital letters in the subject
1. “Bob, Cancelled… don’t let this happen to you.”
2. “Janelle: Cancelled, find out how to avoid it.”
3. “Yvette, Cancelled: your gardens season if you do this.”
You can do a lot with this subject line. The best approach is to combine it with other
subject line approaches. You can talk about mistakes, news, case studies, etc. And you can
push the fear factor a little with the ‘cancelled’ subject line in your email copy.
And if you’re hitting a lot of ‘hot buttons,’ then you’ll definitely get a response with this
subject line.
This is an old friend, known for decades for it’s response-pulling power. Its universal
appeal and effectiveness makes this a real go-to technique. People have problems in many
areas and they simply want relief. They want to know how to solve their problem right
now and move on with life.
1. “Tammy, how to get the advantage in your next interview.”
2. “Russell, how to write quality content in half the time.”
3. “Tim, how to play the guitar like a pro in 30 days.”
Endless possibilities with this subject line. There are thousands of ‘how to’ products
available. And many were available before the internet came along.
Unless you are extremely new to online marketing, you probably can think of many ways
to profit from this. But here are a few ideas, anyway…
You can very easily create a ‘how to’ report for your niche. Every niche contains multiple
‘how to’ topics. Your report doesn’t have to be literature or War & Peace in length. But it
does need to be solid information in a good format, or structure. You always want to shoot
for creating a good impression.
It doesn’t even have to be used for lead generation, although that’s a popular way to use it.
You can target any concern in your niche, create a report for them and give it to them.
You’ll score positive points which you’ll benefit from later.
You can use the same report, for your list, as an introduction to a product that provides the
real, meaty ‘how to’ information.
subject line.
You know from the ‘secret’ subject line what this one’s all about. The words ‘insider’ and
‘secret’ are almost interchangeable. We all know what insider trading means and what it
It means someone used secrets no one else had, gained unfair advantage, and probably
made-out like a bandit.
That says it all right there. Everyone wants insider info so they, too, can make-out like
1. “Dale, insider secrets to explode your traffic today.”
2. “Carol, use these insider tactics in your next deal.”
3. “Scott, insider techniques from European chefs for tastier burgers.”
You can either create or search for affiliate information products specifically containing
‘insider’ type information. One almost sure-fire way to search is to find a product created
by someone with a lot of experience in the area. The product’s topic is an ‘area of
expertise’ for the creator.
That’s hands down insider type of information. And there’ll be no doubt in anyone’s mind
that it’s insider information.
Or if you’re an ‘insider’ yourself, you can easily create an info product that can be
marketed as such. Also, your insider information does not have to come from work
experience. It can come from real life experiences, as well.
approach” subject line.
The personal approach subject line makes your email seem like it’s from a friend. If
you’ve developed a good relationship with your list, it will only work better to get your
email read. Use sparingly.
1. “Betty, personal from Dan… “
2. “Mark, personal from Dan about the seminar.”
3. “Thomas, personal news for you.”
This subject line is specifically meant to get your email opened and read. So what you can
do with it is completely up to you.
However… since you do not want your reader to feel tricked, make darn sure they’re
opening for a good reason… in their mind!
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 18: The “revealed”
subject line.
When information is revealed, it implies elements of prior secrecy about it. There’s a
suggestion of newness and being among the first to know. So you’ll be pulling in other
emotions of privileged, special, etc.
If you can associate this with ‘experts’, then it’ll be much more powerful.
“Barbara, latest research reveals dangerous trends with autos.” “Stan, revealed for the first
time: hair care ingredient may harm you.” “George, university reveals new findings in
gene splicing treatments.”
What you’ll do here is find relatively recent, at least not very old, information that you can
use in some way with your current product. It doesn’t matter if it’s your own or an affiliate
product. It’s well worth the time and very easy to do. It’s worth it because it’s different
from what very many marketers do.
Many marketers are lazy and will not take the time to do this. You can even go a step farther and create a short report to
expand on your subject line. It can be a simple 5 page free report. If it’s truly good information, you’ll have another
feather in your cap.
subject line.
This can be used as a clear call to action subject line. Many decades of testing in Direct
Marketing supports the benefits of telling your reader what to do. Do this, do this, then
this. It’s just a fact of human nature that the vast majority of people need to be told what to
do in certain situations.
But you can also use this as a way of expressing your human side, again. There’s
something you just don’t get, you don’t understand. And your readers can hear all about
your story and why you’re telling them.
1. “Don, be sure to get this revealing traffic report.”
2. “Ted, get this to find the latest audio trends.”
3. “Nick, I don’t get why this happens to me.”
This one is rather self-explanatory. Your goal with this line is pretty straight-forward. You
want your reader to open and read. But you can find ways to use this that are not so
blatant. The ‘ways’ are contained in your report or product.
Simply look at all the benefits, or features, in your product that your reader can ‘get’ from
using it. You’ll have greater success if you know your market well, which you should, and
you can speak directly to their greatest desires.
If you’re using the third example, above, you’ll tie your story into a product
recommendation or really any desired response you have.
“devastating” subject line.
There are certain words that never fail to command attention. It’s the same principle as the
‘bad news’ and ‘survival’ subject lines. Imagine looking at the front page of a newspaper
and the top headline starts with the word: Devastating.
It stops you in your tracks. Right? That’s what you’ll do with this one; but use it in
1. “Sonia, devastating report on the future of online business.”
2. “Evelyn, insider reveals devastating news for investors.”
3. “Daniel, devastating news for new homeowners.”
You don’t ever want to beat up your customers, readers, or prospects. So if you’re
bringing bad news to the table, very quickly follow-up with a solution for them.
Give them good medicine right away!
And of course your good medicine will be showing them, or reassuring them, that the sky
isn’t falling and a solution does exist. The solution will be your product.
You can either provide your own free report that explains the good medicine, or a product
subject line.
People love mysteries. They love ‘finding out’ stuff, truths, and revelations about their
interests. Or really, just about anything because the vast majority of people are a bit nosey.
If you’re marketing to people in anything related to business, or finance, you’ll easily get
their attention if the myths you reveal are not recycled information. So choose your myths,
But revealing myths will work in any market with great effectiveness if you have
substance in your email.
1. “Jimmy, 5 myths about great guitar playing.”
2. “Sharon, common myths about growing rose bushes.”
3. “Amelia, 3 costly myths about choosing laser printers.”
A very easy way to get something going here is to do a search in google using quotes.
You’ll want to find information about your niche. For example, if your product is related
to playing the guitar: “myths about” guitars
But you can keep doing that and substitute other phrases for ‘guitars’. Like this… “myths
about” guitar playing, or learning guitar, electric guitars, acoustic guitars.
No myths? No problem. Just search in the same way, but use another term that you can
easily present the information as a myth. For example: ‘misconception, lies, and
You can think of others, I’m sure.
And… it’s really very easy to look at your product and get ideas from the benefits. Just
think of the benefit in terms of possible myths. Then do the same kind of search as I told
you above.
Then, create a report in the media of your choice.
worthy” subject line.
Any news is about communicating information. But the way you get the most mileage is
all about perspective and how you present your information.
We all live in information societies. Even though we’re overloaded with it, we still crave it
for many reasons. We don’t want to miss any- thing that may be of value, we want to
know about the things that are important to us. Lots of reasons we all love information.
The key with this subject line is to be sure your content is truly valuable news.
1. “James, important news about next year’s taxes.”
2. “Jill, news about traveling to Europe this summer.”
3. “Dana, news vital to your cat’s health.”
There are tons of possibilities with this subject line because there’s no shortage of news
about practically any topic. That means you’ll very easily find content ideas for your
market. All you’ll do is either use the content for your emails, or create a report.
You can take almost any affiliate product and find good news about it. Then use the news
content as a lead-in for promoting your affiliate product. Simple.
story” subject line.
People love good stories, great stories are even better. It appeals to people of all ages. And
there are many ways you can use your own personal stories to accomplish your goals with
your list.
You’ve probably seen this in action if you’re on the lists of the better marketers. And now,
you can do the same thing.
Your own personal stories are great for building rapport and relationships with your list.
You can show your human frailties with a good or even amusing story. It makes you
become more real to your readers. The more real you become, the more they begin to
identify with you, the more they feel they know you… the more responsive they will be to
your marketing.
1. “Danielle, I was so embarrassed when this happened.”
2. “Eric, want to hear about my greatest business blunder?”
3. “Sheila… this woman really put me in my place.”
What you can do here is look at your product, yours or affiliate, and tie together a story
with the product. Ideally, you want to the problem the product solves… its main benefit…
to relate to your story. If you don’t have a personal story that works, you can use a friend’s
story or a story you read about. It’s best to avoid making up a fake story.
question” subject line.
This subject line can really do wonders for you, if you do it right. Every person on the
planet wants to be understood, heard, and appreciated. And that’s what you’ll do with
subject line.
You can really ‘connect’ with your readers. Doing so will get you much stronger
relationships, and you can find out what the ‘real’ needs, wants, and desires are of your
And then… you can take that information and find ways to give them what they want. It’s
a total win-win. They get their problems solved, you make more money.
1. “Jason, what frustrates you about your golf swing?”
2. “Martha, what’s the hardest part about meeting men?”
3. “William, what stops you cold when you talk to women?”
It’s really best if you have bought and used a product when you use this subject line. The
reason is you’ll know much more about it, and your actual knowledge will allow you to
write more compelling email copy.
But of course it isn’t absolutely necessary. So if you’re promoting an affiliate product,
then really study the copy and its benefits. You want to really get a good handle on the
problem it solves and its benefits. That’s very important, as always.
You can do several things with this subject line.
Hopefully your list will respond and tell you what their problems are, in detail. That’s the
best thing to happen because they’ll be giving you a great blueprint for your own info
product, or an appropriate affiliate product.
Then you can just create the product and sell it to them. It’s really that easy!
note” subject line.
You can do a lot with this subject line in specific situations. We’re all very busy, but
almost everyone can take a few seconds for a ‘quick note.’ Right? It’s much like someone
handing you a Post It note.
Imagine a very busy business executive returning to her desk and finding a Post It note on
her monitor. Of course she’ll take a moment to read it. It’s quick and creates the feeling of
something possibly important and not to be missed.
So you’ll use the same approach and get the most out of it. Just be very sure it really is a
quick note!
1. “Ellen, just a quick note about the seminar.”
2. “Thomas, a quick note about a new audio.”
3. “Carol, a quick note about recent news… “
One important thing to keep in mind; always look for ways to combine the subject lines
and profit ideas tips. Here’s why I say that…
For example, you can take the feedback you got using the empathy question subject line
and do the following. After getting an idea for a new product to ‘solve their problems’, the
problems they just told you about, you can use the quick note subject line.
Send them a quick note. First, thank them for all their great feedback. Then tell them you
may have found a great solution to their pressing problems. And you’ll get back to them
soon about it.
What you’ll be doing is planting a seed in their minds. They’ll be ‘expecting’ to hear back
from you about it. So they’ll be ‘more receptive’ and much more likely to open that email
when you send it to them announcing a new product.
Your open and response rate will be much higher when you have conditioned them to
expect that email.
chat” subject line.
This subject line is designed to be used in several important ways. You’ll use it to
‘condition’ your readers in a special way to expect, look forward to, and most
importantly… open and read your email.
I have seen very, very few marketers implement this idea. Ok?
The entire approach involves creating a feeling of importance to your email. How you
approach this strategy depends on how often you email your list.
Perhaps you’ve noticed that even US presidents have ‘fireside chats’ with the nation? It’s
designed to be special, personal, develop some kind of relationship, and most of all… to
be listened to.
1. “Jordan, your Sunday Special Edition.”
2. “Michelle, your Thursday Evening Edition.”
3. “Marion, your Tuesday Insider is here.”
The whole point of this subject line, and idea, is to condition the minds of your readers to
“expect” your very special email at a certain time of the week and day.
That’s it and nothing more.
So it’ll be your job to make it special. But remember, so many things are all about
perspective. How something is marketed, or presented to your readers… or any other
prospective customer.
So when you’re presenting your “Special Edition” weekly email, do your homework
beforehand. Take the time to properly ‘sell’ the idea of your weekly Special Edition. And
you’ll do that with presenting its benefits.
Write down a list of all the topics you’ll cover every week. It’ll be the same things you’ll
cover, anyway. Right? But be organized about it and present the general topical ideas to
You can also do ‘one thing’ different in this email that you don’t do in your other emails.
Think of something that really will compel someone ‘to want’ to read that special weekly
email from you.
Present everything in terms of ‘benefits’ to your readers. Got that?
Remember, perspective. Make it special for them so they will “feel” special.
subject line.
We all make them. Your readers will have a natural curiosity about yours. It’s along the
lines of other subject lines that appeal to wanting to know about other people. Or hearing a
possibly funny or ‘juicy’ story. Think about the vast TV audience that tunes in every week
to watch videos of other people. People being funny, making mistakes that are funny…
just tripping-up in some way.
That’s why this subject will always be opened, as long as you don’t overdo it… and your
‘mistakes’ are believable.
You can also use the mistake subject line to warn people about making mistakes in just
about any area. But it’s best to be specific using odd numbers.
1. “Elaine, a mistake I can’t believe I made.”
2. “Ed, avoid this stupid mistake I made.”
3. “Alice, 5 common knitting mistakes to avoid.”
Very easy to think of ways to use this subject line. First, we’ve all made plenty of mistakes
and it’ll never stop. Right? Or… just google them! If your product is related to growing
flowers, google like this: “mistakes when growing petunias”, or “mistakes with flower
Super simple to get tons of content ideas. Then, never plagiarize, but just create content of
any length you want. You can create reports in any media; audio podcasts, video,
written… whatever.
You can lead into a product promotion and it’s done.
One important note, though… you might get more response if you find ‘unique’ mistakes,
or ‘uncommon’ mistakes. What I mean is, try to avoid the well-known mistakes that
almost every- one knows about.
You’ll look much better and be perceived more as an expert.
subject line.
The word ‘lies’ has often been used in book and movie titles. There’s a reason for that. It’s
the same reason Hollywood gossip is such a huge industry. Any gossip for that matter.
But the difference here is that you’ll be trying to help your readers. First, you’ll be giving
them a valid warning about something.
Second, you’ll either tell them the truth, or you’ll be showing them how to get the truth.
Since you’ll be the one who has knowledge of the ‘lies,’ then it will be assumed that you
really do have knowledge of the truth. So I recommend you really do possess the truth. If
you don’t, your readers will find out sooner or later, and that won’t be good for you in the
1. “Frank, 5 lies about finding a good tax attorney.”
2. “Sam, have you heard these lies about targeted traffic?”
3. “Kevin, all the lies about SEO and blogs.”
You’ll get all the content you want for any product you’re promoting by using the same
research techniques as mentioned for previous subject lines. But it could be interesting to
google ‘lies’ about your product. I’ll bet you’ll find something interesting. And the more
interesting, the better.
heard” subject line.
You can see a good example of the ‘have you heard’ subject line in example 2, above. You
see… you can combine subject lines, and their power is multiplied for greater effect.
This subject line is also an ‘attention getter.’ Think about yourself, will you stop what
you’re doing if someone says to you, “Have you heard about… ?” Of course you will.
You’ll at least pause for a moment to listen. It could be something important to you,
maybe not. But you’ll want to find out about it. Everyone does.
1. “Emma, have you heard the latest on SEM?”
2. “Gayle, did you hear about the new designs?”
3. “Tyler… have you heard about the playoff tickets?”
You’ll use this announce a new product, if you’re affiliate marketing. Or search for ‘news’
in your niche area. You’ll most likely get enough ongoing content for this subject line.
Try to get timely news.
I would suggest finding good authority websites in your market. These always post current
information. But ideally you’ll want to get info not many others have. Right? So search for
professional organizations in your niche. Or search for relevant news in the search box at
major media sites.
subject line.
Results about anything is news. If it’s relevant to your list, then you’ll have people
guaranteed to want to know about it. You can combine this subject line with others to
create a more powerful and compelling email.
You can also talk about ‘results’ from using anything; whether a service, info product,
technique, strategy, etc. So you’ll want to provide solid and compelling content. If you can
provide case studies or other research data, then so much the better.
1. “Angie, results are in on Hollywood’s new releases.”
2. “Lee, avoid horrible results with offline marketing.”
3. “Audrey, interesting results with new blog traffic plug-in.”
You can take the same approach here as you did in Template 29. Or just tailor your
message to lead into your product.
You can also combine the two approaches. Find some relevant news, and combine it with
the ‘alternative’ results that will happen by ‘not’ using your product.
subject line.
What do you think of when someone uses the word ‘frankly’ with you? If they’re not
being sarcastic, then it creates a feeling of someone being very straight and honest with
you. If they lean a little closer to you, then it feels like they’re sharing something they
don’t want others to hear, or know. Then… it starts to feel like a secret, insider, or
confidential information.
So how you approach using this subject line can produce different effects. And you’ll
bring into play the same powerful emotions used in other subject lines.
1. “Donna… frankly, I don’t understand this.”
2. “Laurie, frankly… this new idea puzzles me.”
3. “Adrian, frankly… this golf ball design doesn’t work.”
This is designed to catch the eye, create a thought, and lead to opening your email. I’ve
used it with other subject line templates in the examples, above.
me” subject line.
The ‘shocks me’ subject line is a ‘newsy’ type of line. You have something very
newsworthy, it had an impact on you, and you just have to tell your friends… your
readers, about it.
You’re doing it to help them, or help them avoid something they’ll also want to avoid. So
you’re relationship-building here as well as helping them.
And of course you’ll be setting yourself up for telling a good story.
1. “Ron, this news shocks me still.”
2. “Justin… this shocked me when I heard it.”
3. “Joel, this may shock you too… “
Use this subject line with news, mistakes, or any subject line designed to present ‘new’
information of any variety. The purpose is to make someone stop in their tracks and ‘just
have’ to find out about it.
know” subject line.
The ‘need to know’ subject line immediately implies something important and possibly
critical to people. It gets people’s attention, and they’ll stop and listen. What makes this
line more effective is the possibility of a time-critical element.
You can use this subject line with great effective if you have a solid report with some fresh
new information relevant to your readers. So not only will your email be read, but your
great content will strengthen the bond.
1. “Erin, info you’ll need to know about your tires.”
2. “Jack, you’ll need to know this for your kids.”
3. “Fred… this is ‘need to know’ info for your campaigns.”
Same concept here as above.
shouldn’t” subject line.
This subject line clearly warns your readers about something. This is another opportunity
for you to be the ‘great’ marketer and friend to your list. Consistently deliver valuable
content, and they’ll know that when you take the time to warn them, they should listen.
And they’ll open your emails.
1. “Ashley, 3 reasons why you shouldn’t get this.”
2. “Terri, 5 reasons why you shouldn’t use this.”
3. “Shane… why you shouldn’t say this to your doctor.”
Similar concept here, but it’s more along the lines of a ‘pebble in the shoe.’ Telling
someone why they really shouldn’t do something will create an uneasiness in their mind.
They’ll wonder about it, wonder if it’s important, and curiosity will get the best of them.
And they’ll open your email and read it. Just like that.
way” subject line.
Another way of telling people about the easiest way to do some- thing. And you know
how much people love things easy, fast, quick, and simple.
1. “Peter, the simplest way to beat the blues.”
2. “Jonny… the simplest way to learn the piano.”
3. “Sean, the simplest way to beat your opponent.”
This is more than just an email opener. You can build an entire business around products
that promise to get results in the simplest way. Not all products do that, as you probably
Again, if you want content… who doesn’t… then ‘simply’ search using variations of the
word simple, in quotes. Of course since you’re using this subject line, your product better
offer ‘the simplest way’ to get results. Right?
subject line.
Hate is a strong word in any language. It immediately produces a reaction in adults in a
serious conversation. So you can use this only in those rare times when you’re feeling
very strongly about a topic.
So if you use it without revealing too much in your subject line, your reader will be very
curious to know what’s bothering you so much. And they’ll automatically wonder if it’s
something they’ll feel the same about. Or they’ll wonder if there’s something potentially
very important for them to know.
1. “David, I hate it when Google does this.”
2. “Nancy, I hate having to tell you this… “
3. “Rob, I hate seeing this happen to good people.”
A mind-stopping email opener… tied to news or relevant information. You can combine
this subject line with other lines for greater effect.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 37: The “personal”
subject line.
Here’s another subject line you can use to further develop your relationship with your list.
The personal subject line works very well for several reasons.
As you know, the internet has been an environment with cold interactions and human
exchanges. That’s precisely why the whole Web 2.0 evolution toward a more ‘social’ and
‘warm’ atmosphere has happened. And there’s no turning back from it.
Your readers are on your list for a reason. You’re the marketer, the expert in your area. So
your readers have some greater amount of respect for you. Making them feel like you’re
personally reaching out to talk to them, personally, will naturally make them feel good.
And they’ll be more responsive.
1. “Chris, personal for you from Dan… “
2. “Kevin… a personal note about your game.”
3. “Kyle, personal for you on getting more subscribers.”
You’re doing much more with this subject line. It helps to develop your relationship which
you should always be doing, anyway.
Just don’t overuse it.
subject line.
This line compels readers to open and find out what’s going on. They won’t know so
they’ll have a natural curiosity about it. They won’t know if it’s something very important
for them, or not. And there’s a hint of possible danger for them.
If you offer useful tips on something meaningful, in their eyes, to avoid… it will only help
them. They’ll appreciate it, and you’ll look good… again.
1. “Gracie… avoid these 3 costly mistakes in your business.”
2. “Cole, avoid these blunders at all cost in your next interview.”
3. “Natalie, simple steps to avoid losing a great promotion.”
You can very easily take the research performed for other subject lines, such as mistakes,
and combine it with this subject line. And it would only help you to make a brief mention
that your efforts are to help your readers as much as possible. But don’t overdo it.
subject line.
This subject line is only limited by your creativity. Ultimately, you’ll use it to tap into the
imagination of your readers.
You can use this to warn them about something, get them thinking about good possibilities
in their lives, or inspire them to consider the possibilities of almost anything in your niche.
It doesn’t have to be a grand design possibility. You can be as specific as you want and
talk about a very narrow aspect of your niche.
1. “Tanya, what if you didn’t have to worry about this… ?”
2. “Lily, what if you could avoid this mistake?”
3. “Kim, what if you could research markets easier?”
A great way to get the curiosity juices going. And then lead into your media report or
product introduction. Yes?
mean to” subject line.
This subject line has a feeling of ‘apologizing’ for something, or admitting a mistake. And
that feeling goes back to the subject lines of admitting your humanness. Being willing to
admit you don’t know everything, or admit that you make mistakes too. It tells your
readers a lot about you and it’s only good.
You can also use this line as a means for telling a story about your- self. And you already
know the power of storytelling from earlier subject line discussions.
1. “Andrew, I didn’t mean to do this…”
2. “Jennifer, I didn’t mean to speak too soon.”
3. “Jade… didn’t mean to be so blunt about this.”
This is a multi-purpose subject line. Get creative with it, if you like. It’s very easy to lead
into talking about mistakes… which can quickly lead into a story. Or do both quickly and
promote your report or product.
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FREE Bonus #2: 257 Spam Words and Phrases to Avoid - Just as the title suggests, you
get 257 spam words and phrases to avoid in every subject line and email message you
write from now on. Sure it includes the obvious words and phrases you’ve probably heard
before … But there’s also a huge long list of less obvious words and phrases — words and
phrases you probably use a lot — but don’t realize could potentially shut-down your
chances of getting your emails delivered. (A $19.00 Value)

FREE Bonus #3: 27 Words and Phrases to Use Sparingly - Again, like the title suggests,
you should use these words and phrases sparingly. Works best if you run your emails with
these words and phrases through the spam score software I’m giving you first — just to
make sure you haven’t used them too often.. (A $9.00 value)
Again, please email your positive feedback to: [email protected]
Table of Contents
Email Marketing Madness!: How To Compel Your Subscribers to Open Your Emails And
Take Action Now
Table of Contents
Special Unannounced Bonuses!
About The Author – Dan “The Man” Lok
16 Secrets Guaranteed To Make Your Email Profits Soar!
40 Winning Subject Line Archetypes To Make Subject Line Creation A Snap
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 1: The “warning” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 2: The “must do” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 3: The “rubber neck” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 4: The “survival of …” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 5: The “almost too easy” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 6: The “puzzled “subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 7: The “secret to…” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 8: The “quickest way to…” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 9: The “curiosity” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 10: The “case study” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 11: The “fear of…” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 12: The “leverage” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 13: The “social proof” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 14: The “cancelled” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 15: The “how to…” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 16: The “insider” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 17: The “personal approach” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 18: The “revealed” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 19: The “get” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 20: The “devastating” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 21: The “myth” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 22: The “news worthy” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 23: The “personal story” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 24: The “empathy question” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 25: The “quick note” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 26: The “fireside chat” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 27: The “mistake” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 28: The “lies” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 29: The “have you heard” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 30: The “results” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 31: The “frankly” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 32: The “shocks me” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 33: The “need to know” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 34: The “why you shouldn’t” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 35: The “simple way” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 36: The “hate” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 37: The “personal” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 38: The “avoid” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 39: The “what if” subject line.
SUBJECT LINE TEMPLATE 40: The “didn’t mean to” subject line.
Special Unannounced Bonuses!

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