3. What is the one quote that keeps you motivated in your difficult
“Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better”. This quote by Jim Rohn the American
Business Philosopher always reminds me that challenges are here to build me into a
better person...
4. Which is the best value that you think today’s youth could have?
“Gratitude” is the best value that today’s youth could have. They should realize that in
their success and lives there is the contribution of their parents, teachers, friends, well-
wishers, the society and the nation. They should work on themselves keeping this in mind
and be ready one day to give back to society and their parents.
5. How did you manage to accept and overcome the challenges you faced
during Covid?
There’s a wonderful quote by Zig Ziglar, “If you help enough people to get what they want;
you can have everything you want.” The secret of wading through the challenges of the
Covid crises was "serving the society". We turned our campus hostels into Covid Care
Centre and treated around 40,000 patients successfully with all the necessary facilities.
We helped in the sanitization of villages around. We provided food packets to migrants.
We changed our focus from ourselves to help the society around us.
6. If you get to talk to today’s youth, what advice would you give to
My message to my younger self or the younger generation can be summed up in the
words, “Be diligent”. Youngsters need to become self-aware, have clear goals and then
pursue them diligently. In the process, one should work to be a better person and human
What do you think will help SGIS and SGU in overall growth?
Response-SGIS and SGU will grow when our students grow and find the right direction in
their lives. Our teaching-learning process should be more student-centric. When we put
the students first in every policy we make and everything we plan to do, we will see
overall growth.
How did SGU impact you to become the person you are now?
Response-At SGU campus, I have handled various leaders of different institutes. I have
learnt the importance of interpersonal skills, leadership, communication etc. this
responsibility has taken me out of my comfort zone. I am managing a campus right from
the kindergarten to the PhD level. It has helped me to address each issue on its own merit.
I have become more sensitive to people’s needs, which drives human beings. I am a better
person and a better leader due to SGU. It has taught me the 4Ds and 1C- devotion,
determination and dedication along with commitment.
Vice-Chancellor Dr. Arun
During the exercise, one should enjoy it, try to win but if it doesn’t happen, at
the end of the day you should at least enjoy what you did. unless you enjoy it,
you won’t progress. I enjoy being vice-chancellor and like to come back to the
office. A student should also feel the same, want to come back to school to meet
teachers, peers or classmates and enjoy the day and want to learn something. Do
it with passion and make sure you enjoy what you do.
How do you see SGU in the next 10 years?
The university has great potential and the infrastructure is as impressive as any international campus. The
students are also very focused and now the institute is focusing on making sure that students get to learn
what they desire, we also are supporting the teachers and the helping staff. So, I am sure in the next few years
we will be the preferred university in this area, the students will look forward to getting into this university,
this confidence is developed due to the academics, research in commercialization and engaging with
industries and other stakeholders. Making the three pillars strong, we are also, and then with the given
infrastructure we are implementing and adopting many things like articulation, where we will collaborate
with many foreign and renowned universities in abroad study programs where we will be given a lot of
exposure to the students.
What cultural differences have you observed between Australia and India?
Western culture and our culture are very different, we have a lot of values in our structure for example
families, though they also have families, a lot of independence is observed in Australia whereas in India a lot
of dependence is seen which I think is a lot more important. Another is that we have a strong foundation for
democracy. We value and respect each other. Few things we can learn from them but personally in a nutshell
if we compare, I feel that culture-wise, India has a better culture.
In terms of the education system, there is a contrast. They have done a lot of research and used the trial-and-
error method to come up with a different system that is designed to enhance individual learning which has
come up after a lot of studies and research and I like their system. When we compare, our focus is on how I can
remember things whereas their focus is on how I can understand and apply things, in our case, it is coming
now, we have started project-based learning. Their higher school learning system is ancient in terms of
outside evolution, and they have developed their infrastructure according to that. There the intellectual
ability is supported by infrastructure and thus are able to achieve great results in research.
We lack in that area moreover they have different learning spaces that promote the team and experiential
learning. We have a lot to do but I believe if we work hard, we will be able to do it.
What comes to your mind when you think about the progress of an Empire
like SGIS for which you have worked for the past 10 years?
It comes to my mind that it is an effort of a great team, of challenges, of up-gradation and
never relaxing as there is every day that something needs to be done.
One quote that comes to my mind of APJ Abdul Kalam that " Never be happy with your first
victory and if that happens then people will say that it was your luck" you should keep
on striving and achieving and keep moving.
How has SGIS changed you into the person you are now and what are the
best lessons you have learnt?.
Before I joined SGIS I never believed that I have the potential that I could take care of 4000
children and 500 teachers as I had always worked in schools with limited children about
1000 and limited teachers about 150 or so...and nothing beyond that. But SGIS taught me
that I could establish a Cambridge school, an IB school as well as take care of the entire
CBSE section. I also take care of 30 other schools and their teachers when it comes to their
training or organizing events. This way I could realize my extended potential so to speak.
How did the first wave of Covid affect your work and how did you
overcome it?
The day the school was closed I could not believe that it will not start for many days and it
was difficult as my life revolves around it. I called all the heads of all the departments and
discussed that there should be no difficulties in the learning process of the children and we
need to do something. We immediately decided to adopt the online platform. We were the
first school to switch to online learning ..probably the first school in entire Maharashtra.
We did not waste time discussing the pros and cons. In no time we started the online
learning process. at first, it was regular classes and then extracurricular activities too.
It was smooth sailing for all and we never felt that the learning of children has got affected.
It was the support of staff and they accepted all instructions … they were working much
harder as it was not an easy task. There were financial issues as the fees had to be I
started delivering the books and supplies at the closest pickup points for children and then
we could collect the fees as well this way funds were generated and we could pay the
teachers there was never a time that we could not tide over our difficulties.
MISA Chairperson Dr. Kavita
WhatWhat isteaching
is your your viewpoint
philosophy?on the Gurukul system that was followed
before? Do you think we should have it back?
I'm a strong follower and fan of the Gurukul system. I really believe that students
A teaching-learning program is an excellent program when it is child friendly. I believe in
should be connected to their roots and their heritage and culture. In fact, many things
child-centric program, which gives a lot of opportunity to children to explore his own self,
are practised in my own school. The Gurukul system always emphasizes skill-based
then the world, and also make him an independent learner. If the child becomes research
education about which our new education policy is also going to talk, and I think there
oriented, then my teaching learning program is successful. So I wish to have my children
are many schools that are going to adopt the Gurukul system in modern ways.
touch the horizon and actually fly high with self-study, self-learning, and I believe the
teacher should become facilitator and give the wings to the child to fly.
What is the message for the youth today?
I would like to give the message to my youth that explores the opportunities in your
We heard recently that you were involved in the program, which initiated a school for the
motherland first, see what other career choices are available in India, and see how you
hearing impaired students. So how has helping the gifted students and children reflected
can Excel in your country. Please keep the option open for NDA programs and also
in your own personal life?
UPSC civil services program, which is going to take you a long way. You'll be the
change-makers of the future. India is offering the best quality education and higher
I always believe that the children, those who are of special needs, they're very close to my
education, so first look at that and then at the foreign universities.
heart cause they need maximum help. But at the same time, I also tell my teachers and my
colleagues that have to cater to the children. Those who are above average, cause according
to me, evenisthey're
your teaching philosophy?
special, right? So, if we are catering to some physical ailments of the
A teaching-learning program is an excellent program when it is child friendly. I believe
child or some kind of, learning disability to the child, same way we have to cater the child
in a child-centric program, which gives a lot of opportunities to children to explore
who is above average. Give him the way of differentiated learning in the class, we can cater
their own self, then the world, and also make everyone an independent learner. If the
to the child's learning, give him extra work, give him extra challenges, give him extra
child becomes research-oriented, then my teaching-learning program is successful. So
knowledge, give extra tasks so he can achieve the goals faster than the other class, and also
I wish to have my children touch the horizon and actually fly high with self-study, self-
becomes more knowledgeable and competitive in all areas of life.
learning, and I believe the teacher should become a facilitator and give the wings to the
child to fly. Giving the best quality education to the children has really motivated me to
Do you think that grades affect student’s potential to learn?
come this far and my main aim is to impart quality education to all our children, which
they deserve.
I don't think so because it's an address in India, not in other countries, because India has
become so competitive that if child is getting good grades, he will get a good college and
MISA Chairperson Dr. Kavita
I don't think so because it's an address in India, not in other countries, because India has
become so competitive that if child is getting good grades, he will get a good college and
Board and
Of INSPERIA 2021-2022
Editor in chief's
Dear readers,
Ms. Anjali Gandhi
On behalf of the editor board I am pleased to present ‘Insperia 2021-2022’, a legacy
started with the motto to become the eternal burning flame that will keep inspiring
and enriching the youth to be an inspiration themselves.
This magazine has always hoped to provide a platform to the youth for presenting
various sets of opinions and showcasing their talents in an artistic approach to life and
I am delighted to see their voices inscribed on these pages. These articles are not only
insightful and perspective, which gives us a peep inside the minds of today’s
generation, but also have the ability to speak up about perilous and sensitive topics.
They are the reality with a dose of encouragement warped into a persuasive blanket
whose purpose is to open our eyes to the situation. I thank my excessively hardworking
and supporting editorial team for their efforts. Without them, this journey of ups and
downs would never have been completed.
Pandemic has left its fair share of scars on today’s youth, it has snatched dreams and
veiled them in a cover of dense darkness but don’t stars shine the brightest on the most
faithless nights? Through this magazine, we hope we are able to take a step towards the
normal but with a stronger will to fight and survive.
With the start of the New Year and whatever path lies ahead, full of surprises and
challenges waiting for you to rediscover yourself, I pray you to keep hope in the
melody of the future while your faith turns it into the ability to dance today.
Board and
Of INSPERIA 2021-2022
Satej Shinde (Editor) Gauri Patil (Managing Editor) Viraj Waghule (Editor)
Faculty Advisors
Regular staff meetings are conducted to evaluate our quality of performance and plan
for the future with more innovative methods of teaching and learning programs.
Periodical assessments and evaluations are conducted for the students and their
progress are informed to the parents frequently. Subject enrichment activities are done
by the students and teachers evaluate these as the internal assessment.
Support Classes:
Support classes for the academically backward students are held after the regular class
hours to bring them up at par with the rest of the class.
Workshops – Mindfulness workshop and Men’s mental health has been conducted by
Psychology teacher.
Meditation and Yoga- Our physical education coach conducts the Yoga and Meditation
session for teachers and students.
Educational Trips –
The visual arts students of IBDP went to Panchgani for observing and learn new skills in
regard to sculptures on the 4th of December.
On the 26th of October, the students were taken to visit a sugarcane factory in Shiroli to
inspect and examine the procedure taking place in the factory.
Teachers’ Day:
“A teacher revives the past, create the present and streamlines the future for the
On our teachers’ day, the students recollected the contributions of the teachers in
shaping up their lives and thus creating a new society. The Students entertained the
teachers with a variety of programs including games, dance, skits etc. Students baked
the cake for the teachers. With due respect, the school paid homage to Dr S.
Radhakrishnan, the icon of every teacher.
Children’s Day :
Children are the beautiful flowers of the school garden. We celebrated Children’s day
on the Jayanti of Chacha Nehru. In the assembly, the teachers entertained the students
with a variety of indoor and outdoor games. The school has arranged snacks for the
IBDPand Painting
Career Guidance and Counselling :
On line University Fair was arranged for the students on 14th August ’21. Experts from
different universities provided the necessary support to our students.
Career guidance is organized for the students at the personal and professional level to
choose the right career which is most important for their future
Student Exchange Program-
Gauri Bagli and Aditi Raibagi of DP1 are on an exchange to Japan and Denmark
respectively, and Harshita Hegde of DP2 represented India as an ambassador in
Colombia during the month of October 2021, all of them preaching IB attributes of
International Mindedness and being impeccable global citizens.
Graduation Ceremony
SGIS Organised the first Graduation day on,9th, October 2021 for the 1st outgoing batch
of IBDP. The programme started with an Invocation song by current DP-1 students
followed by Lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries and a welcome speech by Our
Director Principal Mrs Sasmita Mohanty. The cultural program mesmerized everyone
gathered there. All the graduating students in their graduation dress with tassel on their
right received the Certificate from the Chairperson Mr Sanjay Ji Ghodawat, Trustee -
Shri Vinayak Ji Bhosale and Vice-Chancellor Dr Arun Patil. It was a moment that really
added charm to the atmosphere with a sense of achievement.
Conclusion :
“What sculpture is to a block of marble; education is to a human being” _ J. Anderson.
Education is the ability to meet life’s situations.
Once again, we thank all our stakeholders for your support and cooperation.
The strenuous effort of the teachers has been bountifully blessed and we are
thankful to them for the same. To cap it all,
I thank the Almighty for His continuous protection over us
each and every moment of the day and all through the year.
Thank you.
Sebi Jose
Examinations officer
(IBDP and Cambridge International)
Dr. Kavita
from the
Inspiring Heads
School Magazine is a cornucopia of events organized at
school enthusiastically by the students and staff. The
What is your teaching philosophy?magazine reflects the multitude of talents that the school
showcases. Also, the magazine is a wonderful platform
A teaching-learning program is anfor excellent programtowhen
the students it istheir
exhibit child literary
I believe
It in
child-centric program, which givesheartening
a lot of opportunity
to know that to the
children to explore
CAIE Section his own self,
is releasing the
then the world, and also make him an independent
magazine learner.
even amidst theseIfcritical
the child becomes research
I’m surethen
thatmy teaching
students learning
and program
staff must is successful.
not have So I wish
left any stone to have
unturned tomy children
create this
touch the horizon
wonderful and Iactually
magazine. place onfly highmy
record with self-study,
honest self-learning,
appreciation and I believe
for the students the
and staff
of theshould becomeKudos
CAIE Section. facilitator
to theand give the
Editorial wings to the child to fly.
Happy Reading,
We heard recently that you were involved in the program, which initiated a school for the
Dr. Naveen H M
hearing impaired students. So how has helping the gifted students and children reflected
Principal , SGIS, CBSE-Boarding Section
in your own personal life?
Dear students,
I always believe that the children,Youthose
the are of special
future, you areneeds, they're
the hope very
for the close to my
heart cause they need maximum help. Butworld.
and the at the The
time, needs
I also tell my teachers and my
to change...
colleagues that have to cater to theThe
world Those
needs who are above average, cause according
to change...
to me, even they're special, right?As So,Gandhi
if we are catering
Ji said, be thetochange
some physical ailments
that you wish to of the
child or some kind of, learning disability to world.
see in the the child, same way we have to cater the child
who is above average. Give him theAcquire
way of differentiated learning
all the 21st-century in Be
skills. thecreative...
class, we can cater
to the child's learning, give him extra work, give him extra challenges, give him extra
Be innovative... Develop entrepreneurial skill
knowledge, give extra tasks so he can achieve the goals faster than the other class, and also
Don't just work for yourself, work for society, work for people around you who need your
becomes more knowledgeable and competitive in all areas of life.
help. Be a leader and conquer the world...
All the best for your bright future to make the world brighter...
Do you think that grades affect student’s potential to learn?
Archana Patil
Vice Principal,
think so because PrimaryinSection
it's an address India, not in other countries, because India has
become so competitive that if child is getting good grades, he will get a good college and
Dr. Kavita
from the
Inspiring Heads
I am really happy to learn that
CAMBRIDGE & IBDP is coming up with
What is your teaching philosophy? their annual magazine "INSPERIA". I wish
the budding writers a great future ahead.
A teaching-learning program is an excellentKeepprogram
writingwhen it is child
to better friendly.
express I believe in
child-centric program, which gives a lot ofasopportunity
writing is to a children
spontaneous to explore his own
overflow of self,
then the world, and also make him an independent learner. If the
emotions recollected in child becomes
tranquillity. research
oriented, then my teaching learning programby theis successful.
way, everythingSo I wish to have
in life my children
is writable
touch the horizon and actually fly high about
with self-study,
it if you haveself-learning,
the outgoing and
gutsI believe
to do the
teacher should become facilitator and giveit,the wings
and the toimagination
the child to tofly.improvise. The
worst enemy of creativity is self-doubt".
We heard recently that you were involvedNever
in thedoubt
your which
abilityinitiated a school for the
and creativity.
hearing impaired students. So how has helping the gifted students and children reflected
in your own personal life? Regards,
Mr Askar Ali
I always believe that the children, those who
Viceare of special needs, they're very close to my
heart cause they need maximum help. ButCBSE-DB
at the same time, I also
Secondary tell my teachers and my
colleagues that have to cater to the children. Those who are above average, cause according
to me, even they're special, right? So, if we are catering to some physical ailments of the
child or some kind of, learning disability to the child, same way we have to cater the child
who is above average. Give him the way of differentiated learning in the class, we can cater
to the child's learning, give him extra work, give him extra challenges, give him extra
knowledge, give extra tasks so he can achieve the goals faster than the other class, and also
becomes more knowledgeable and competitive in all areas of life.
I don't think so because it's an address in India, not in other countries, because India has
become so competitive that if child is getting good grades, he will get a good college and
The dragon on our flag signifies the boldness that leads
the way for Agnians, from hard work to success, from perseverance to excellence, from
darkness to light. Yellow, the colour of fire, is associated with energy, strength, power,
determination as well as passion, warmth and love. Together, this encapsulates the
pioneering spirit of Agni. All the members of Agni House showed their never-say-die spirit
and enthusiasm during each and every competition this year. We celebrated all the
victories, and all failures were taken as our stride, and all mistakes
converted into useful lessons. This year was challenging for the members but the team
spirit and unity of the house lead us to a win in many of the events as per the guidance of
our righteous housemaster Mr Sebastian Karakunnel, and the teachers in
charge of the house, Mr Sebi Jose, Mr Venkat Aditya, Mr Praveen Kulkarni, and Mrs Suvarna
Dasaradhi Koganti. Agni house was commendable on the scoreboard as we promised. It
would be a disgrace if I would not thank every single Agni house member who worked
tenaciously for the same.
The battalion of Agni house achieved glory in team events such as football, and Basketball.
Co-curricular activities were nailed to perfection. I am, as the captain of the house, very
proud of all the achievements secured by every individual. Even the slightest contribution
is valued. All your Cooperation, efforts and hard work are highly appreciated. We are
gearing up for stiff competition from other houses and look forward to taking part in each
and every event and competition with even more vigour, enthusiasm and team spirit in the
next year.
Thank you.
Captain – Varun Pareek
Vice-captain – Shreevallabh Pujari
“The strength of the team is each individual as a member. The member of each team is an
Akash house emerged like a phoenix as compared to last year. The house has maintained a
marked edge in all the inter-house competitions conducted. Students of Akash house
excelled especially in co-curricular activities accepting all the challenges and also proved
that they are not less than anyone, in track and field too. Challenges are what make life
interesting. Overcoming them is what makes them meaningful. In the race to the Champion
Trophy, we are ahead of others and we will put all our efforts together in the upcoming days
to realize our goal. Akash house participated in all the inter-house competitions with the
motto “Challenges and Problems are the fuel of success” and there was a positive vibration
from the beginning of the year and the outcome was crystal clear visibility in the results
with the students of Akash house wining a maximum number of awards in each event
There is a long list of prize winners of Akash house. Being not be able to mention all, I From
the abundance of my heart congratulate all those who participated in different
competitions and events conducted, with all passion and spirit.
Not to mention the helping hands behind such a great success. Mr Anurag sir and Mrs Janvi
ma’am were our backbones who motivated and encouraged us throughout. “Leaders
become great not because of their power but, Because of their ability to empower others”.
The house is led by Captain Manas Bhandari and Deputy Captain Sanskruti Mali
under the guidance of Mr Shankar Hakke as our HouseMaster. It is a great opportunity for
us to serve the House for the Academic year 2021-2022.
Captain – Manas Bhandari
Vice-captain – Sanskruti Mali
Prithivi house represents the green colour. Green stands for balance, prosperity,
freshness and progress. The symbol itself symbolises that there are fantasies and endless
possibilities. It has earned a lot of respect over the year 2020-2021. We performed well
during this academic year. I Rishi, the captain of Prithvi house, experienced that the
house is very enthusiastic and supportive and had sportsmanship. According to me, the
house performed very well over the year in all the events and many of them turned out to
be winners. Humble respect and sportsmanship are the characteristics that represent my
house. We tried our best to win as many medals as we could. I personally felt that these
are the characteristics that make a man. Life is a race and each and everyone is a part of it
knowingly or unknowingly and have to be competitive. There were times when I was
appreciated but at the same time had to face troubles. Well, life is unpredictable and
there are ups and down to everything. Our house has different talents. They have
participated in various competitions on different levels. I would like to thank all the
teachers, my fellow mates, and the workers who coordinated with us and supported us. I
also thank the almighty for providing me with such good things in life. I personally
learned a lot of new skills which are helpful in the long run.
Captain – Rishi Hamlai
Vice captain – Panchami Kori
Glory Of Trishul House
Trishul house represents the red colour which represents a warm and positive colour associated
with our physical needs and our will to survive. It shows strong and powerful masculine
strength. The colour Red is energizing, it motivates us to take action. Trishul symbolizes the
destruction of negativity and spreads wisdom. The three prongs are believed to be icha (desire)
gyana (knowledge) and Kriya (action). Once we control our desires and act accordingly, we gain
true spiritual knowledge.
Students of Trishul House are known for their togetherness and face tough challenges as a
team. They are creative and highly talented and this is the secret of their success in various
inter-house competitions. They stand strong and united at all times here are the achievements
in the inter-house competitions;
In the Interhouse Basketball Tournament Trishul house was the runner up in CAT 2 CAT 3 and
CAT 4. In the Interhouse Football tournament, Trishul house won in CAT 2 and came as a runner
up in CAT 1. These accomplishments were only due to true dedication, hard work and
Many of our young athletes have taken part in external tournaments at the state, district, and
national levels. Manas Samdariya from 6th B participated in district level Badminton
tournament and secured 1st place. Prajwal Tated from 9th A participated in a state-level
Basketball tournament and secured 1st place, he also came 2nd in District level karate
competition. Om Luniya from 8th B took part in the gymnastics tournament and stood 3rd. We
also have Om Burge from 10th A who participated in the Lawn Tennis tournament at the State
level and ranked 5th. Manvi Bang from 5th A won a bronze medal in the district, state and
national level in the long jump. Students from Trishul House actively took part in the Annual
Sports Meet, as well as in the March pass in their dazzling red uniforms and won many trophies
and medals.
These students have taken Trishul house to greater heights and have made the house and the
school proud with their hard work, teamwork, dedication and self-confidence.
In India, people celebrate festivals like a cool roller coaster ride, gearing up with
cheerful moments, in between witnessing melancholy and getting an upbeat ending.
The same was observed by students of SANJAY GHODAWAT CAMBRIDGE
INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL under the leadership of Professional dance faculty
MR.RAHUL MANE. Republic day was the event that raised the bars of all the events
that took place before the lockdown. The cluster of grades 8 to 10 religiously
performed parotid dance. During the uncertain crisis, online events such as Rock
and Roll were celebrated with an astounding amount of enthusiasm. In the unlock
phase, where the world tends to stabilize, Anant Chaturthi was the very first show.
With the blessings of our beloved BAPPA, there were 80 feet tapping on the floor all
together on a mashup tune. As one goes, another comes hence Dussehra was
welcomed with wider smiles. This festival marks the victory of good over evil and
was conveyed through spectacular moves by little tods, rounding up to 80 or so.
Those steps were highly appreciated by the audience as it was traditional and
Bollywood rolled into one. There was an extraordinary initiative named PROJECT
ROSHNI where life matters. Here a sum of 10,000 rupees was collected to provide
flaccid sunflowers with a blossom. Money raised for a good cause can light up many
souls so the CAIE section organises a carnival for a cause. So to bring a sense of
kindness Khush Bhandari & Asmit Patil performed an awakening dance that
encouraged everyone to donate a little of their hard – work. On the queue comes
Diwali, a symbol of hope for humankind. The troop of 100 dancers rumbled the
stage. Their gaudy coloured outfits left the spectators mesmerized. Last but not the
least, the sports day performance was simply breathtaking. A team of 200 children
depicted the story of Neeraj Chopra, the first athlete to win a gold for India at the
Olympics, with a sense of pride that motivated the young audience to be limitless.
I must add that even the pandemic couldn’t stop these achievers from pursuing their
goals which is quite commendable indeed!
Here is the list of all the achievements in the year 2020-2021:
no exits to run away and all you see are just tall walls that have bound you to a
place. All you may feel is to find a way to break those walls. Actually, breaking
them is possible too. It would sound like a nasty joke if I wrote stop imagining
but nah! The walls I was referring to are the ones we create for ourselves and
they are broken only when we go against our zone to try and shatter them. I
think that is how my experience in Japan till now can be summed up to. It has all
been about shattering my inner confined space of limited thoughts and ideas by
bringing myself to terms with acceptance and absorbing new learning. We often
portray countries like Japan as a utopian society and create pre conceived
notions towards people and that gives rise to generalization but being on an
exchange year till now has taught me one that every society is almost shaped like
an Iceberg what we see is the tip and that we confine ourselves to a room that
accepts just the tip however, what lies beneath is left for us to explore which I
have been trying to do so on my exchange here. I have had random encounters
with strangers trying to help me when I don’t even need to ask for it, people
greeting me with a smile even on a crowded train, people buying me bread
because they were happy that I was speaking Japanese and even strangers
turning to be my friends and suggesting me about places and asking me about
my culture. My experience in Japan has taught me kindness, the importance of
international mindedness, and chiefly gratitude. From how specific each move is
in the tea ceremony and how detailed angles are even to place our spoons to how
neatly do strokes move in Japanese calligraphy I have been breaking down the
wall of my confined space of limited perceived thoughts brick by brick. My
journey till now has also let me exchange my culture with the people here too.
My friends and I have been learning Kannada, cooking chai and daal and taking
lessons on speaking better English. A mutual exchange into breaking our
stereotypes has been guiding our journey. I hope I am able to achieve my motive
of visiting this country as an ambassador and also employ myself with an
upgraded skill set that I can use to be a changemaker in my field. I cannot thank
my sending organizations enough for finding me capable enough and giving me
this prestigious opportunity. What lies before me is a mystery but one can assure
it will be a worthy ride.
I hope I am able to achieve my motive of
visiting this country as an ambassador
and also employ myself with an upgraded
skill set that I can use to be a
changemaker in my field. I cannot thank
my sending organizations enough for
finding me capable enough and giving me
this prestigious opportunity. What lies
before me is a mystery but one can assure
it will be a worthy ride.
My reflection on the experience of short cultural exchange programme:
It all feels like yesterday when I began the journey all the way from home knowing nothing
about what the future was holding for us and I would not trade this insight for anything. I
have no idea where to start from but here I go. Living abroad was a brand new experience; it
is an opportunity to explore new cultures, places, and ideas. I recognize I am a product of
my surroundings and chances - I would not be writing this today. That 1 month in Denmark
was truly a boon, and I owe it to the people who helped me get there, to be cognizant and
reflective. I believe it is my responsibility to think critically and share some of the insights I
have derived from my 1 month of studying abroad. To be honest, I am not an expert on
understanding cultural differences. Through this reflection, I hope I am able to share my
knowledge which will shed new light on the importance of learning from different cultures
and appreciating the world we inhabit.
So, to begin with I have had the privilege of meeting people from all over the world and it is
the most inspiring aspect of a cultural programme. I made friends from Portugal, the U.S.,
Spain, Italy, Thailand, Brazil, Africa, Mexico and of course Denmark; each person has a story
and perspective that varies vastly from the next. I was in awe when I heard stories of people
about their cultures and the hardships they have endured.
I feel very lucky to be born in a motherland like India because the modern, democratic and
secular environment is not in a lot of countries and not all are provided with golden
opportunities like we are. The education system we crib for India is very much wanted by
the students to have a balanced and stable education throughout their learning years as
many countries have their own way of learning which is not accepted worldwide and makes
it very arduous for the students if they want to pursue something beyond their country.
Also, I heard my friends talking about their family issues and a lot of them adjusted to
separated parents. I seek that our culture and the norms in our country help families stay
united and hold them together for a good time and give a chance to so many people in
starting a fresh life. I love reflecting on moments. I was extremely shocked to see people’s
belief in God, we are not the only nation to have faith, and people there have so much
knowledge about God, not only theirs but ours as well. There is something amusingly
satisfying about narrowing the scope, and understanding exactly what specific events
brought you happiness. The time passed in Denmark reminds me of the moments when I
just feel happy, alive and inspired. Every place I went was surrounded by beauty. I have
realized that the world has destinations to explore, cultures to learn from, ideas waiting to
be tapped, and beauty to be discovered. -Aditi Raibagi IBDP
My reflection on the experience of short cultural exchange programme:
Visual Arts At SGIS
Visual Arts implemented in education at SGIS helps students bring out their creativity,
develops their personality, helps students to think creatively, and improves their mental
and imagination skills.
Art has various forms which help students to let out their emotions and skills. Visual arts
refers to Painting, drawing, sketching, photography, crafting, sculptures, textile design,
Digital Painting etc. Visual Art is widely appreciated through paintings, sculptures as well
as short films, documentaries too. For a person to learn visual arts requires years of
consistent practice so they can put their imagination and creativity concisely.
Let us read about the importance of visual arts in education –
Helps kids explore their imagination power –Visual Arts helps children to represent their
thoughts and skills. It lets them explore and perform their artistic skills, imagination and
memories creatively.
Helps in school work – Visual Arts also helps students’ academics as their learning skills
improve with the practice of arts and crafts. They are better at adapting skills and so they
learn faster than the children who are less active in visual arts.
Improves motor skills - Since most arts and crafts activities consist of moving fingers and
hands, they help in developing fine motor skills. Simple actions like holding a paintbrush
and colouring with pencils help strengthen muscles and improve their control. Arts and
crafts activities can enhance the children's dexterity and agility. Students who do art and
crafts on regular basis learn to use art tools and techniques too.
Boost’s self-confidence – Visual Art is a way of representing one’s feelings and imagination
in a form. When students make arts and it is appreciated, then they feel good about their
performance and hence are motivated to do better. This confidence and determination
helps them improve their weak areas and become more open about representing their art
skills.Learning from artists- Children who make visual arts
refer to the work of established artists. This helps them
expand their knowledge of visual arts.
Visual art education helps students in analysis, judgement
skills and improves their own art form.
Swastik Badhe Om Lunia
Kenisha Jain
Scholar's artworks
S. Adaa S. Adaa
Tanya Jacob
Ishan Borgave
Netra Chougule
and Painting
Vedant Navale
Mahek Vhora
and Painting
Pranali Gurav
Yash Oswal
and Painting
Natasha Datar
and Painting
Rachit Vikamshi
Deshna Jain
Library At SGIS
Libraries are not mere spaces anymore, they are much more than that. To make the users more
satisfied and to fulfil their immediate needs for research and academic activities, we have a
beautifully designed and well-furnished library which caters to the various needs of our
students. Our library has a collection of syllabus books, textbooks, fiction and non-fiction books,
newspapers, magazines. The syllabus and textbooks are arranged accordingly to CAIE and IB
respectively. Providing resources and e-books for the teachers and students our library has
access to online textbooks and databases and repositories like SCIENCE DIRECT, DELNET and
NATIONAL DIGITAL LIBRARY (NDL). The School library also collaborated with Sanjay
Ghodawat University Library to access more resources especially for Cambridge and IB
The library has 4,000 fiction and nonfiction books. There are English, Hindi, French textbooks
and reference books available. To keep oneself updated with the current news, different
newspapers like Times of India, Economic Times, The Hindu, and Marathi newspapers like
Pudhari and Sakal are available. Nearly 15 different magazines are subscribed. There are
approximately 1500 e-books.
The first floor of the library provides a space for individual research work along with two
reference rooms and 15 personal computers. The reference rooms can be utilised for conducting
workshops and study classes.
Collaborative studies are an integral part of education. The library classes go hand in hand with
the topics that are taught in the classes. Activities like Book review, Book Talk, Character
Portrayal, creating bookmarks, designing book covers, designing posters and storytelling
activities for
primary and middle school learners are organised.
Library online classes were effectively conducted
during the pandemic.
Activities like reading aloud, storytelling, Blog writing,
Debate discussions, riddles, learning about new l
literary terms were held.
Different websites for reading stories were
shared with the students for remote learning.
(Library Facilitator)
Heart Project
Biology and technology are the two things when used together for a cause are capable
of doing worders, and so is the heart anatomy project. It is the display of how your heart
works, the flow of blood through the heart, and shows you the functioning of the heart.
The project uses an Arduino, a microcontroller, and multiple LEDs arranged in such an
arrangement that, it shows you the flow of blood through your heart. LEDs light up when
blood moves through the desired part, thanks to the Arduino back there helping the
project function. I got fascinated with micro-controllers last year and from then I have
been working with these on projects and prototypes. It is also the interest in biology
which inspired and motivated me to work on the project. It will be kept at school to help
young learners to understand heart-related concepts in a simpler way, helping them
visualize the mechanism of the heart in real life In the end, I thank our coordinator
Indrajeet sir, and the school robotics lab to help me get this project working.
-Satej Shinde
The Force of Waves
It was just supposed to be a normal day. I didn’t ask to have superpowers and be like one of
those superheroes from those comics. Why do I always get tangled up in things like this? I
don’t know why.
Please tell me if you do.
Today was my first day of summer break. And I already planned everything: I would first go
to my friend’s house and then go to the pool and enjoy. My friend’s name was Nicholas, but I
called him Nico. He is a great guy and an awesome friend. We loved to play together and we
were practically best friends. I also loved swimming and especially the water. When I am in
the water, I always feel so powerful as if I can do anything. I know, it is just a silly
imagination. I think so too! After I got ready, I headed towards Nico’s house who didn’t live
that far from me. It is just about a 5 to 6-minute walk which is relieving.
“This is going to be fun!” I thought. “Hi!” Nico shouted.
“Hi, Nico! How are you doing?” I shouted since he was at a far distance.
“Great, how about you?” He asked. “Same,” I replied.
We chatted as we headed towards the pool. We lived in a society where there is a public
pool that anyone in the society can use. Today, there was no one there which was a rare
occurrence. But, it was still good that we wouldn’t have to share it with anyone and that we
could keep it all to ourselves.
“Today is going to be a fun day,” I thought.
I wondered if Nico was wondering the same thing. We opened the gate and went into the
different stalls to change our clothes. It looked and definitely smelled like it hadn't been
cleaned for a long time.
When I got out, Nico had gotten ready before me. We both jumped into the pool.
“Ahh,” he sighed.
I did the same. We hadn’t been at the pool for a long time; mainly because of school. And it
was really hot where we lived; practically unbearable. But, the pool was so cool, it just felt
so nice. Every time I go in the pool or any body of water. I would feel strength rush through
my veins.
And there is that silly imagination again. Nico challenged me to a race.
“3, 2,” Nico started.
“1,” I continued.
“Go!” we shouted together.
I don’t know if I mentioned this, but I am amazing at swimming.
Especially because a. I am good at swimming. b. I would feel that
imaginary rush of energy. c. I loved swimming (which isn’t much of a point). I swam at full
speed. But, Nico was good at swimming too.
Besides me (of course), he was the best person at swimming that I
knew. And guess who won (you would probably think it was Nico, wouldn’t you). The
winner was still me though.
“Good game,” I wheezed.
“Good game,” he replied just as tired.
We decided to relax in the water for a bit. Then, something unexpected happened. A man in
black and white quickly opened the fence and jumped in the pool to get to the other end
“Who was that?” Nico said, startled. “Hey!” I heard a voice say.
We both turned. There were two police who seemed to be chasing him. That could only
mean one thing. I looked at Nico; it seemed that he was thinking the same thing.
“Is he,” I started.
“A thief?” He continued.
“Yes, and I would suggest standing outside” Police 1 answered, confirming my fear.
His eyes widened in shock. For a moment, there was no sound except for some choking
noises. Wait! Choking noises? I slowly turned back. There was my friend, Nico, dangling
from the thief's hand.
“Drop your guns!” the thief shouted, “or the kid gets it!”
They dropped their guns. “And now,” he snickered.
Before I could react, he punched me so hard that I flew backwards onto the land at the edge
of the pool. Where he had got that much strength I don't know. The cops reached for their
“Stop or the kid gets it,” he said as he squeezed Nico’s throat harder. “Ugh ahh,” he croaked.
My eyes smouldered in rage. No one could do that to my best friend. “Hey you little runt;
don’t give me that face,” he said.
But, I didn’t stop. I went into the water until it was at my neck. My eyes bulged, my veins
popped up all over my arms fully visible. I roared in rage. After that, everything was blurry.
I dashed across the water; I had never swum that fast before. But wait, it’s not over yet; it
gets even weirder. I wasn’t even swimming. It was
like the water was listening to my commands. I head-butted him in the stomach.
Surprisingly, he didn’t get pushed that hard, but he was startled enough to drop down Nico.
I brought my arm up; somehow so did the water. A huge body of water the shape of my arm
rose upwards, I made an act of grabbing Nico and it did the same. I plopped him back on the
land. While I was doing that, the thief regained his bearings and attempted to tackle me. I
swirled the water around me creating a miniature water barrier around me. He harmlessly
bounced off. In a surprise, I tried the trick again, but this time; oh my god. I made a
whirlpool in the water. He was getting
sucked in. I willed the water to go up carrying me with it and bringing me high up. I
surrounded myself with water and leapt. After that, I kind of felt sorry for him (I actually
didn’t, but anyone who suffered that would be in extreme agony). I bet he didn’t expect to
be hit by about a hundred gallons of water while in a whirlpool. But he literally got hit out
of the water and right at police 2’s feet.
“Oh my god,” Police 2 said.
“How did you do that?” Police 2 asked.
Nico just sat down in shock at what happened. As soon as I got out of the water, my knees
buckled; my eyes dulled and went back into my cranium as I collapsed. When I woke up, I
was in extreme pain. I didn’t know what happened. It seemed that I had fainted for
approximately one minute. During that time, the thief managed to make an attempt and
throw a dagger at me. Why didn’t he use it before? Hmm, I guess thieves aren’t that bright-
“Ugh,” I groaned, slowly bleeding out. “What should we do?” asked Police 2.
“Called the ambulance of course!” shouted Police 2 in disbelief. “Wait, get him to the water,”
Nico said mysteriously.
“Are you crazy, kid? How will that help?” Police 2 asked. “Guhhhh,” I groaned.
“No, just get him to the water,” he insisted.
The police thought that the kid (aka Nico) was crazy, but they did as he said. As soon as that
happened, I started to feel better. I slowly opened my eyes and realized that my wound was
starting to close and heal. It was a miracle (which was also a miracle). Miracles rarely ever
happen to me; it is rare occurrence.
“I feel better now,” I said as I slowly got up.
“Hey kid, we kind of want to take you to the ambulance,” Police 1 started.
“And then maybe a science lab so we can figure out how you did that,” Police 2 continued.
“Please no,” I said, “just let us go back to our homes and pretend that nothing happened.”
“We can’t do that kiddo,” Police 1 replied. “Do it, or else,” I said in warning.
Are you trying to threaten us, kid? If so, we have weapons that ca-,” he started to say
dangerously until he was interrupted.
I raised the water in the pool as I dangerously willed it to become bigger and come closer.
“You want some?” I said without fear. “Uhh,” the police started to stammer.
They ran away as fast as they could. People could really run fast in the face of danger and
fear. I willed that water to go back into the pool.
“Well, today was a weird day,” I sighed, facing Nico.
Nico had been silent for most of the time during the incident. I assume that he was too
surprised to comprehend anything.
“Yeah,” he stammered.
“Can you do me a favour: let’s keep what happened today a secret? Can you please do
that?” I begged.
“Oh, I most definitely will. I don’t want to see the look of rage and worry on my mother’s
face if she finds out,” Nico replied.
“Same,” I said.
“I guess by then,” he said. “Bye,” I replied.
We both went to our houses quietly. It was quite a big thing that happened today:
surprising, painful and mostly unexplainable. I had no clue what had happened and how. I
decided to let it go and clear my mind for a while. Once I reached my house, my mom
greeted me as if nothing happened; which was true in her case since she didn’t know. She
saw the look of worry on my face.
“Are you okay, Arnav?” my mother said. “Yes, I am,” I replied.
Stopping Time
Today was supposed to be a great normal day. I didn’t ask anyone to give me a magic
stopwatch containing the power to freeze time and a person trying to kill my mother. Why
do things like this always happen to me? It started when I was heading to school. It was
just a normal morning. I was sprinting towards school; I took a shortcut through the park. I
reached the bridge and there were only 2 minutes left. I was nearly there, but something
caught my eye. I saw something faintly glowing with blue light as if it was trying to call
something. I felt as if I were in a trance; I slowly advanced and picked it up. I wiped the dirt
off it.
“What is this?” I said tapping it.
It looks like an amulet. But how was it glowing? I heard a bell ring in the distance.
“Oh no!” I exclaimed running towards the school.
When I reached, the doors were closing. I made it inside, but I truthfully nearly failed. I
dashed into the classroom. I sat at my desk.
“Good Morning Ma’am,” I greeted my teacher along with the other students.
“Good morning everyone; how are you?” She replied.
My teacher’s name is Alexa. But, we have to call her Alexa Ma’am. She is both kind, but
strict. So, she was both great, but scary. And she absolutely hates it if we bring something
that is not allowed in school.
Hmm, maybe just like glowing amulets! I just remember that I have it in my pocket. If she
found out, I would be in big trouble. I started to
slowly and steadily slip it into my backpack. She looked in my direction and I immediately
shoved it back into my pocket.
“Arnav, what is that-” she started to say but was interrupted.
I heard a scream outside. I looked outside the window and I couldn’t believe what I was
seeing. My mother was running outside from some person with a knife. I dashed through
the door and toward the outside.
“Mom!” I screamed
He turned towards me. My mother looked at me in shock.
“Get out of here, Arnav!” she shouted, “Hey you, slowpoke, forgot about me?”
I saw the desperation in her eyes. I understood that she was trying to divert his attention
from me. And I knew my mother; she wasn’t exactly one of the fastest people in the world.
She wouldn’t be able to outrun the killer. His attention went back to her. She ran but fell
“No!” Instead of running away, I sprinted straight towards him.
I tackled him. He fell down, but almost immediately got back up. He kicked me in the
stomach. I fell down and hugged my stomach.
“Uhh,” I groaned in pain.
He slowly approached my mother, toying with his knife. Just then, I noticed two things. He
held it up and was just about to throw it. But not just that, the amulet was steadily and
brightly glowing.
The light wasn’t faint anymore. I took it out of my pocket. And again, just like before, I felt
as if I were in a trance; time seemed to slow down. There were
letters on the amulet! It seemed to be in some type of language I had never seen before, but
then it started to swirl and changed into another language, but written in English.
“Wait, what?” I muttered.
It said ‘tempus momentous’. What in the world does that mean? It sounded like some type
of spell related to time, like in those movies. But, it couldn’t be true. Could it? Just then, I
remembered about my mother. I got up and nearly fell again; my stomach throbbed in
pain. Pain snaked across my body, but I held my ground.
“Hey you,” I groaned.
He faced me and sneered. Instead, of coming towards me, he directly turned and raised his
knife getting ready for the kill. I looked at my amulet.“Please work; tempus momentous” I
muttered as nothing happened,” come on your amulet, tempus momentous.”
Still, nothing happened. “Ugh,” my mother groaned.
I don’t know what got into me, but my eyes bulged and I inhaled.
“Tempus Momentous!” I screamed.
The amulet shimmered and disappeared. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, I
realized that it was quite literal. Nothing was moving. I ran towards the killer and snatched
the knife out of his hand and threw it next to the tree away from my mother. I found a rope
nearby and tied him up. I tied it up the way I would with my shoelace. But, I tied it extra
tight. Everything slowly started to move. And eventually, fully and normally. Everyone,
including my mother, was in shock at how the murderer was tied up.
“Uhh,” I said dizzily and collapsed.
I woke up and found my mother looking over me. “Everything is okay now,” she smiled,”
you saved me.” I smiled back.
“Take some rest,” she said.
I closed my eyes and went back into a deep sleep.
The Story Continues…
-Arnav Naik
When the rain fell down from heaven to give us hope and faith, the mortal souls on a
planet named Earth looked regretful and in despair. All seemed ‘normal’. These souls
seemed incomplete and as though they were finding something that could complete them.
There, a brother and a sister walked looking happy and at ease. They walked laughing and
seeing this could have made anyone smile but the despondent humans found it odd. What
did they have that others did not? What made them so merry? What did they find on this
planet that the other mortal beings did not?
Riya and Neil followed a simple quote written by Shades that says “Life often is not about
the struggles, it’s about the little joys arising out of it.” The little joys, what are they? They
are little things that happen in our lives that make our hearts flutter and fill our minds
with the hope that something amazing might happen if we just live and learn. Riya was an
ordinary girl. She loved all forms of art, loved nature, and everything that had life in it.
While Neil was more of an academic champ. He loved sports and all things related to his
family. They both were different, but there was one thing common in both of them, they
found happiness in the things that they did and liked to do. They had found joy in the
smallest things.
Sometimes when Riya would be sad about something that happened in school or had a
fight with her friends, Neil would always be there for her and cook for her. One day when
Riya was walking home, she saw a dog that was hurt and was whining. She tried to help it,
but it resisted. She did not want to hurt it so she moved away. When she came back, she did
not eat nor did she talk to Neil about it. The next morning when Riya woke up and came to
the dining table, she saw her favourite juice, and the cutest sandwich she had ever seen
kept on the table. The sandwich had a carrot for its nose, a smiley face, and eyes made on it.
Neil was watching for her from his room because he knew that she did not want to talk to
anybody. When Riya gave a huge smile, Neil’s face lit up as well, because he saw his little
sister happy. This was his little joy that made his day a lot better than it might have been.
Neil was a very shy guy. He did not share as much as his little sister, Riya. On days when
Neil would act odd and not chat with Riya, she would go running to him and give him a
huge hug. Sometimes the hug would be short and sometimes a little longer. There would
also be times when he would cry on her shoulder, and after all his sorrow was washed
away with his tears, he would look at Riya with eyes filled with gratitude. Riya felt great
after his brother was back to normal and that he was happy.
One day, their family went on a vacation to the woods. Neil was leaping with joy because
he knew that they were going trekking and he absolutely adored it. Riya was gleaming as
well. She was eager to see all kinds of insects, birds, the woods, and their own music. She
loved the idea of fireflies lighting up the deep blue night sky. She had never seen it before
so she was anxious. These were their little joys. Their mum, Mona, was a musician
and an architect. While coming, she brought her guitar and her beautiful melodic voice.
Singing and playing her guitar made Mona happy. Around night time, all of them sat by
the campfire, recollecting all of their childhood memories and laughing at the silly times.
Ajay, Riya and Neil’s dad, was soothed by the laugh of his family members, he was carefree.
Later after their dinner, Mona sang a beautiful song and then a lullaby that she sang for
both of them when they were toddlers. Just as the song came to an end, Riya and Neil both
had fallen asleep, just like old times. Mona and Ajay were pleased to find their kids so
sound asleep.
It was after a long time that Mona and Ajay sat together watching the stars and just talking.
It gave both of them peace of mind and they reconnected. In the morning when Riya woke
up, she saw dew drops on the leaves of small plants and heard the music created by the
leaves as if all of them were singing a prayer. She also heard the trickling sound of the
water droplets coming down from a small hill beside their campsite. “It is a good morning!”
she thought. Just as she was about to wake her mum and dad, she saw that Neil was
running in the woods. She did not understand why he was doing it so early in the morning!
When he came back she looked at him for a minute and was wondering. But as she saw his
freshened face blooming, she realized that running gave Neil joy and happiness. This story
tells us that we are mortals, so we should enjoy every little part of it. When we find joy in
the smallest thing possible, we are creating a life full of exuberance, thrill and satisfaction.
It is a wonderful thing when we see the ones that we love, the ones that matter in our life,
happy. We may also find wonder and fascination in things that we have never tried before.
You may like to draw but if someday you try to write something and excel in it, it may give
you the same amount or maybe more joy in doing it. There are a lot of times in our lives
when we are unhappy but we should still try to do the things that we love to make our day
better so that we can live a satisfying life in a grateful world. You may not realize it now,
but these small joys you had in your childhood, still brings a smile to your face when
thinking about the time when there was nothing called ‘worry’. The small joys have a vast
meaning in your life and they create memories. We can also say that our lives are like dew
drops. We live until the dewdrop is on the leaf.
-Natasha Datar
The Lion, The Tiger, The Donkey
In this insightful little fable, a donkey and a tiger find themselves in a debate, so they go to
the lion for help. The lion’s response demonstrates how consciousness is king.
The donkey told the tiger, “The grass is blue.”
The tiger replied, “No, the grass is green.”
The discussion became heated, and the two decided to submit the issue to arbitration, so
they approached the lion.
As they approached the lion on his throne, the donkey started screaming: ′′Your Highness,
isn’t it true that the grass is blue?”
The lion replied: “If you believe it is true, the grass is blue.”
The donkey rushed forward and continued: ′′The tiger disagrees with me, contradicts me
and annoys me. Please punish him.”
The king then declared: ′′The tiger will be punished with 3 days of silence.”
The donkey jumped with joy and went on his way, content and repeating ′′The grass is
blue, the grass is blue…”
The tiger asked the lion, “Your Majesty, why have you punished me, after all, the grass is
The lion replied, ′′You’ve known and seen the grass is green.” The tiger asked, ′′So why do
you punish me?” The lion replied, “That has nothing to do with the question of whether the
grass is blue or green. The punishment is because it is degrading for a brave, intelligent
creature like you to waste time arguing with an idiot, and on top of that, you came and
bothered me with that question just to validate something you already knew was true!”
“When ignorance explodes, intelligence moves down another pathway.”
Moral: Be silent when stupid argue with you.
A massive amount of energy can be squandered by arguing with someone stuck in a false
perception prohibiting them from seeing what is occurring. It’s a feckless waste of energy.
They cannot process it, and oftentimes cannot even hear or see it. They’ll combat you with
all kinds of resistance, demonstrating they don’t care about truth or reality, but only the
victory of their beliefs and illusions. There are people who, for all the evidence presented
to them, do not have the ability to understand. It’s an egoic blind, packed with hatred and
resentment from prior experiences that have nothing to do with you or the situation. And
the only thing that they want is to be right as they seek to validate in all kinds of sneaky
ways, calling themselves honourable.
-Arihinjay Patil
Breaking Away
Jonathan Livingston Seagull, in the eponymous novel, decides to steer clear of the pack
and carve a niche for himself; to the dismay of others. He attempts dives and plunges that
seem to others impossible and thus, is at the receiving end of grunts and sneers. But he
triumphs nonetheless and is the sole witness to that exquisite surge of triumph that only a
victor knows.
Slide back to the present. Across the world, one can see a rise in authoritarian nationalism
buttressed by fake propaganda at which certain media outlets excel. These few years have
been quite astounding. It seems, the more we advance materially and technically, the
sharper our fall into cultural primitivism and barbarism. Quite a contradiction, that one!
All the rage that had been smouldering in the breasts of men has, it appears, found an
outlet in the upsurge of nativism and parochialism that has sprung up in all nations. But
wherefore this rage? The human species is quite an article! In him we find the most
laudable and the most detestable aspects residing, coexisting in harmony with hardly a
manifestation of incompatibility.
Francis Fukuyama, at the end of the Cold War and the rise of liberal democracies around
the world at the close of the twentieth century, was so optimistic of a better life that he
termed it the end of history. It seemed Panglossian but there was good reason to believe in
it. Globalization was bringing nations together and one looked forward to the future with
hope and aspiration. It was quite apparent that humanity had learnt its lesson, albeit at
great cost, of the price it had to pay for megalomania, aggressive nationalism and selfish
But not to be . What we see today is apparently a festering of the same vile emotions and
prejudices that caused the two wars. The human realm, it appears, mirrors the play of
nature-the passing of day into night and night today. What Fukuyama imagined to be the
unending dawn of liberalism and democracy has slipped, before our very eyes, into quasi
authoritarianism and an erosion of rights we had taken for granted. As we speak, the
benighted disciples of the present dispensation ruthlessly bulldoze any voice of dissent:
any expression of sanity. The mighty sentinels whose responsibility it is to protect the
constitution merely serve as sounding boards for the establishment. But stranger still is
the folly of the masses. Though their rights are being snatched away, they seem totally
oblivious and, moreover, gullible enough to believe their political masters; that whatever
is being done is ultimately for their own good. We humans, apparently, are doomed.
Though clichéd, the thought of ‘digging your own grave’ comes to mind which is quite
scary in a way but amusing too. Astute observers of the present situation have been
warning us for quite some time of the impending darkness- in case we don’t wake up. But
the same people have been cast as anti-nationals and traitors and many of them languish
in prison on trumped-up charges.
This then is the twilight; not of the morning but of the evening. And soon it will be night. A
night for which the people themselves will ultimately be responsible. And who knows how
long the night will linger!
It is this contradiction that strikes at the root of the human condition. The exemplary
rationality of technology- which is a product of the human mind and the bewildering
array of irrationality and madness that lurk in the same mind. How to reconcile them;
where to find a measure of balance so that one is able to find comfort and solace in an
otherwise bewildering panorama of light and darkness, of rationality and irrationality, of
sanity and madness that reside deep in its recesses? Can the mind know any peace?
In an attempt to navigate this labyrinth, one must feel confounded. Moreover, it is a
consequence of evolution. For anything, evolution is an excruciatingly slow process. We
humans evolve physically and emotionally albeit at a sedate pace. Technology, on the
carry vestiges of these antinomies to the very end. The terror of this knowledge might
cripple us for some time but eventually, it is liberating. Socrates, that wise man,
proclaimed ‘Know Thyself’. Know thyself and you will be set free. We follow this precept
and gradually, within the limitations that nature binds us in, we may realize freedom, a
release that is unknown to many who wouldn’t make an effort.
And it is what many seek- a rupture from consciousness itself. It is the reason why people
frequent bars and dope and watch movies and visit adventure parks. It is the reason why
the Sufis take the love of God to such an extreme; where they lose themselves-
annihilation, fanaa, as they call it- in the love of God and merge their identity with His; and
attain bliss in the union. ‘Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field,’
whispered Rumi for the supple to hear. If we can touch the nadir of despair, we can also
rise to the zenith of ecstasy provided that one realizes that one has to set out on a different
path; a path etched out of one’s own peculiarities and foibles; a different path, in that
sense, for each. This knowledge emerges from deep introspection and a capacity for
careful observation. It is only possible when we shut the world out and move inward; like
the Buddha, whose eyes, though open, seem to be looking within, conscious of the
treasures buried there, untapped.
What a travesty then, it is, to live without living! Ultimately, it is about paring down the
trivial and the superfluous from our lives; a return to the basics, to find a way of life
approaching that of our ancestors; to ponder what is essential and what is not. Like Emily
Gibbs, in Thornton Wilder’s brilliant play, ‘Our Town’ who chooses to return from the
dead to live for a day with the living (she chooses to relive her twelfth birthday) is pained
to observe that they who live to fail to appreciate the joy in the simple, mundane acts of
everyday life. “Goodbye, Mama and Papa. Goodbye to clocks ticking and Mama’s
sunflowers. And food and coffee.”, she mourns in her disembodied state. She is grieved to
find that the living knows little about death but even less about life.
It is not just in studying but in internalizing certain ‘truths’, like Gandhi did, in making
them part of our regular routine that we may notice a change for the better. It is in
stripping down all the clutter to the bare minimum. Happiness may lie in a spare life
divested of all the trappings and accoutrements we cling on to in its pursuit, which
paradoxically, eludes us from clinging to them. Is it any coincidence that the happiest
people in the world are monks who have renounced the world and led a simple life and
meditate on love and compassion? People today often speak of personal space; of time
spent with oneself. Space or ‘marinating in one’s own juice’, as someone put it so well. We
need this space to reclaim and restore ourselves; to become whole again. Eventually, it all
becomes so much more pertinent in the frenzied rush of the modern world where man
lives, unaware of his own living, and belatedly, confronting his own end, realizes he hasn’t
lived at all.
- Fayaz Mulla
(English Facilitator)
Be a man! Don’t cry like a girl! Be strong! Lol, see how sensitive he is!!
These are the words men hear when they try to express their thoughts. Since their
childhood, they are taught to be strong and always take care of the women and children
in the family.
But did you ever think that they might also need that emotional support? That they also
have some baggage that needs to be unburdened??? No, because we also unconsciously
believe that men are macho!! They do not feel any pain as we are always been taught like
that by society and by our parents. Research around the world has shown that men find
it difficult to open up about their mental health and very difficult to cry even if they want
to and one of the biggest factors is a stigma which is an obstacle to people admitting that
they are struggling. They find it difficult to share feelings with their female friends or
partners as they are not habitual and they feel discomfort in sharing anything. They
bottle all those emotions and they vent out through suicide, according to the reports by
WHO rate of suicide in men is 3.54% higher than in females. 6 million men in the US
alone are affected by depression. When they don’t have anyone to speak to so alcohol is
the friend, 62000 men are dying due to substance abuse disorder. It’s a high time we talk
about the issue.
What are the signs??
These are the major signs
Change in mood
The difference in work performance
Hopelessness, loss of pleasure in all the activities
Physical symptoms such as headache, stomach ache etc.
How can we help them??
Let them know you’re there to listen to them without judgment.
Someone who is experiencing mental health problems may find it hard to reach out, so
try to keep in touch. A text message or a phone call could make a big difference. Find out
about local services such as talking therapy or support groups. See if there are any
specifically for men if you think they’d prefer that.
Help them to get help. Reassure them it’s okay to ask for help, and that support is out
there. You could help them contact their GP or accompany them to their appointment if
they want you to.
Take care of yourself. Looking after someone else can be hard, so make sure you consider
your wellbeing too
Man up is not the solution!
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness it is a sign of strength!!!!
-Snehal Khade
(Psychology Facilitator)
The ambiguity embedded into the English word "love" reflects the conflicting nature of
On one hand, to love is to be gripped by an extremely strong sort of desire. In this sense,
when one loves someone — whether family, friend, or lover — one desires to enjoy, own,
or otherwise find fulfilment in that person.
To love, on the other hand, is to place an unusually high value on the life of the beloved
person, to care profoundly, even to the point of self-sacrifice, for their pleasure and
When we love someone, each of these other meanings is at work. But, as anybody over
the age of fourteen knows, and as much of the world's art and literature stands as a
testament, these two purposes of love regularly clash in the most tragic of
Love is both a drive to satisfy oneself and a drive to serve another, to receive and to give
— love is both, self-assertion and self-denial, self-expression and self-transcendence,
the simultaneous growth and effacement of the self.
Raghav Samani
Mon école
L'école est le lieu de l'éducation, de la connaissance et de la sensibilisation. Il répond
aux besoins importants de l'humanité qu'est l'éducation. Les écoles sont très
importantes dans nos vies. Ils ont été la partie essentielle de l'humanité depuis
longtemps. En fait, l'éducation dispensée par l'école est la raison du progrès et du
développement de l'humanité.
J'étudie en 8 classe à l'école Internationale Sanjay Ghodawat de Cambridge.
Mon école a un magnifique bâtiment. La porte principale de mon école est très grande
et large. Il est toujours gardé par les agents de sécurité. Mon école a une grande cour de
récréation verte. Mon école à un grand laboratoire de sciences, un laboratoire
informatique et une immense bibliothèque pour les étudiants.
L'administration de mon école est très bonne. Tous les enseignants et autres membres
du personnel suivent une discipline stricte. Le directeur de mon école est très
intelligent et gentil. Il nous salue tous les jours dans notre assemblée scolaire. Mon
école a les meilleurs professeurs. Ils nous enseignent tous avec beaucoup d'amour et de
English translation
A school is the place of education, knowledge and awareness. It fulfills the important
needs of mankind that is education. Schools are very important in our lives. They have
been an essential part of mankind for a long time. In fact, the education provided by the
school is the reason for the progress and development of mankind.
I am studying in 8th grade at Sanjay Ghodawat Cambridge International School.
My school has a wonderful building. The main gate of my school is very big and wide. It
is always guarded by the security men. My school has a big green playground. My school
has big science labs, a computer lab and a huge library for students.
The administration of my school is very good. All the teachers and other staff members
follow strict discipline. The principal of my school is very smart and kind. He greets all
of us everyday in our school assembly. My school has the best teachers. They all teach
us with great love and kindness.
Nakshatra Upadhye
Wealth and Income cannot buy you
In this day and age, money is key to surviving in this world. One can say as “YOU CAN
NOT LIVE WITHOUT MONEY. Well, as the above saying goes, it is partially true! For,
all production and sale money is required. Everything we see, hear (music, concerts
etc.) has a relationship with money in one form or another.
Happiness is a state of mind, the conscious of the mind. It is a feeling generated by
our brain. A person can be happy while doing the things they love to do. Lots of
people out there in the world argue with the fact that whether money can buy one
happiness or not. For the reasons, I feel HAPPINESS CAN NOT BE BOUGHT FROM
MONEY…. However, yes money can give you happiness.
The rich spend a lot of money on things they like to do; bringing them happiness, but
then again going on regular business tours for months away from family doesn’t
make up for the gloomy environment of tiredness. People who are not rich are full of
joy and happiness too. Yes, they might see things (which are expensive or something
they can’t afford) and get the sudden urge to do that particular thing, but then, they
also know how to control the urge to spend (in most cases) and be satisfied with what
they have. This may sound like lecturing but it is something we really need to learn
from them.
Again, back to the point of “WHETHER MONEY CAN BUY YOU HAPPINESS”, to be
very honest I can’t decide either. There are points or moments where the answer is
yes (though that happiness is quite short-lived) and vice - versa. Being a growing
teenager makes me want to spend money on things I like, when I am sad or so that I
become happy this happiness is temporary and is not the solution to this problem, for
spending money on useless things is futile. In conclusion, the answer for this topic
differs from person to person.
Anvita Bagdia
Teaching and learning require a sound system of delivering information and training.
Equally important is the mechanism of feedback and evaluation, to ensure learning. To
create competent individuals, we cannot neglect human behaviour and the nature
connection. So, all the systems of education, i.e. schools, colleges and other training
institutes should take a holistic approach.
The end result of all the efforts should be commensurate with the goal of education. We
as human beings are the only creatures who have higher capabilities in terms of
intelligence, speech, writing ability and dexterity. We hold more responsibility towards
other human beings, other creatures and nature as a whole. So, all the systems of
education should make sure that their outcome is in line with sustainable development.
Technology is changing the whole educational scenario. The good we get is; greater
access to a greater number of learners, time is saved, cheaper, e-books help reduce the
use of paper. The not so good we get is; physical stress caused by long hours of setting in
front of the screen, the loss of human touch, emotional and social needs are not met,
psychological problems like depuration and anxiety.
To sum up, I would like to suggest, that we should strike a balance between
technological advancement and human behavioural needs. So, we develop as sound
-Safwan Kazi
Children and the pandemic
Run around the park to chase butterflies. Jump into a puddle and splash
muddy water over one of your friends. Planning night overs and gossiping
about teachers. Pulling off pranks on a strict math teacher.
Childhood is a tender age when worldly pleasures move you (often). You fight
with your mum for a phone, but once you get it you want something else. You
are never satisfied.
Not anymore. Since 2020, life for us- kids across the globe is confide to home
which often resembles the four walls of a jail. We used to make excuses every
day not to go to school, but now it's vice-versa. We are dying to see our teachers
and friends. Let's pray school starts soon!
Anvita Bagdia
Anvita Bagdia
A Strife
Education has two negatives for me. It doesn’t give you the liberty to be uncivil
& unsocial. With education we garner knowledge & it enhances all our senses.
We become a person of manners, etiquette & the epitome of being sober. With
learning develops wisdom & the natural culmination to a decent & good human
being. My 17-year-old daughter keeps questioning me about this. I expound it
to her that good nature is synonymous with learning. But, she protests that to
become a good human being the study of moral science is ample. But, I counter
with: a good human being is not only wise with knowledge of all subjects- also
one who is able to show the good & righteous path to others. For that, you need
not be a saint/ religious preacher- but, a good human being. I elucidate that
with the education our mind strengthens & is able to distinguish the things we
should keep ourselves away from.
Shalini’s brother who was a scholar and stood 9th in the IIT entrance left for
the United States for his further studies & now is settled there & is a citizen! So
education makes you selfish and lets you abandon your country? My
daughter’s this query & instance flummoxes me- but, I quip; that’s the exact
reason why education is a necessity for your generation. So that you may make
your country solely self-sufficient with a wide-angle of provisions. Research,
Infrastructure, further education & jobs that cater to your standards. Once you
take care of this- there’ll be no further incidences of brain drain. With
education, you may develop & set up all facilities that one seeks in other
advanced countries!
What about the Indian Doctor who was residing in Australia, but
masterminded the plans & was the safe conduit for information exchange for
one of the Mumbai terror blasts? Isn’t a Doctor’s education plentiful to fight
effective & religious brainwashing? Why a Doctor who vouches to safeguard
lives, opts to take lives? Why can’t your education fight this? - Came back the
repartee questions from Lavanya- my daughter. Well, the going was becoming
increasingly uphill for education & me.
But, I was determined not to quit. I explicate that education perpetually
delineates precise concepts. It is humans’ avarice (for whatever motives)
that makes them disregard what is primary + imperative. Due to religious
& personal afflictions, we tend to condone the verity, which is absolutely
erroneous. If one misinterprets what religious education insists on, then it
becomes the reason for vendetta & the like. Denizens do get misguided and
it is only education that may transmute one into the right fold.
My strife continues with my daughter………….
But, my firm belief in education has led me to what I am today & my
daughter’s education will foretell her future & I’ll try to consolidate it with
the accurate direction.
- Somnath Chakraborty
(English Facilitator)
India emerging as the next best destination for medical tourism post-COVID-19
India has the 6th largest industry for medical tourism across the world.
According to Prof. Ravi Mehrotra – Chief Executive Officer, ICMR-India Cancer
Research Consortium – India can be the number one medical tourist destination in
the coming days because it not only offers all the complex transplant surgery at a
very affordable price but it also has to offer a traditional ayurvedic system of
medicine which is effective in various chronic diseases. From the data collected in
2019, around 697,453 foreign tourists came for medical treatment in India and
though the number took a dip after the lockdown it is expected to rise once again by
This can be predicted by the way India has handled the pandemic situation and the
quick actions taken to prevent deaths. The ratio of the number of deceased to those
who survived was 1.5%. India also has started to produce its own vaccination. The
quality of Indian medical service has catapulted its image immensely as a developed
nation. India also ranked 10th in the medical tourism index during 2020-2021.
India from being one of the poorest countries after colonization has now become one
of the best medical services providers in the whole world. This has been achieved in
just 7 decades after independence. When the west left us we were a country with
nothing, but now we have grown up to a level where people from the west believe in
our medical facilities and trust us with their lives, literally.
Source -
Reference -
- Prabhu Chandramohan
(Business Facilitator)
Rajlaxmi Chavan,
The world is too harsh,
everywhere we go and all we see is stricture,
Being yourself is a sin and speaking up is a shame.
Is this what life is all about-
darkness and pain?
We were silenced and were given a veil,
if we asked why then all we saw was pain
was this destiny playing its game,
or was it just humanity bringing itself down to shame?
-Dhannier Dharamshi
Here the trees bellow,
Birds fly free,
And flowers laugh with glee,
We are happy, as happy as can be
But the humans came and destroyed it all,
Unhappiness and angriness sprawl,
The world could come to an early end,
The nature’s anger will soon descend
We can still save it,
If this is a hazard we quit.
Let’s save this planet once and for all,
Let’s take CORONA as nature's call!!!
Anvita Bagdia
-Harshita Hegde
Don’t do that, don’t do this- they said
Who were they?
People she loved the most
Why? She asked,
Cause they loved her the most
But no, she wanted to do everything she could and everything she wanted
After all she’s a girl, she had her own barriers.
So lonely, so sad,
an overthinking run.
nothing hurts anymore,
I'm just fed up with everything and everyone.
watching them so happy and so glad,
I don't know what to do anymore.
roaming with a clueless mind,
no feelings to bind.
Revati Kadam
Empty bottles and a glass full of wine
That has sufficed for a young man's dine
A painter he is, sells paintings for a living
Artist of homes yet homeless he's striving
The art he propagates
Dull paths it illuminates
He earns more than enough
And spends in a bluff
On his sole companion
Best alcohol in his opinion
They say it is injurious
However, unescorted to him, life is
To us it is addiction
But he leads life in satisfaction
Obiter dictum we do
Conspiracies we brew
But to morality, isn't it opinion imposition Or this is society's another display of
Gauri Bagali
When I thought of giving up,
I stood back up.
To fight for what i held was true,
I thought of giving up.
But that was just a thought.
Still everyday i wake up like anyone else with my head full of thoughts,
And a moment for myself.
Maybe that's how I like it,
I blame nobody else.
~Pranali Gurav
I wasn’t worried about what would happen, if I’m gone
I was worried about what would happen if I lived.
I was paranoid about all the moments I couldn’t relive,
Was it me or was it you?
Or was it us?
The butterfly in me, always wanted to wander
But I have no idea how it’s wings fell off,
Red and blue turned black and white,
Giggles turned into cries,
For I could never tell him, what he made me feel,
like home, after ages.
Because that feeling when you meet the right person, you feel it in your bones.
He taught me that I don’t have to climb a mountain to stand on the top of the world,
He made me talk to the moon, and music always played in my ears,
He made me finesse like the tiny sand grains in life,
He brought meaning to the meaningless,
And, its okay to get lost, as long as you find your way back,
He made me dream while I was wide awake,
He showed me that even a burning forest can be beautiful,
That there is beauty in the most unexpected places,
He brought me spring I would not forget for a thousand years.
-Harshita Hedge
-Harshita Hegde
Say I want to visit
That’s how the rainy days end
Faraway places
Where of you there
Drops of rain wet & wide,
Are no traces.
They water the land which was dried.
A place where I can
They make others hide.
No longer be haunted
By memories
The birds that glide,
But it feels like I’m
reach their nests.
Infected by
While the sun sets in the west,
Something, that has
That's how the rainy days end.
No remedies.
I was so determined
- Gaurav Shetty
To be worthy of your
love and affection
That I didn’t realize
I was losing direction
Now they say I’m just
The girl you left
And I wonder if you
Could ever be so
I say I want to visit
faraway places
But in reality, maybe
All I want is to see
Some familiar faces
-Harshita Hegde
(Short lines)
Walk in casually,
In a house of mirrors especially.
You might differ in shape and size,
But don’t worry life is just alike.
On the opposite wall,
You might see.
That’s a reflection of you.
But not true exactly
House of mirror
When I looked into the house of mirrors,
all I hear is you making me promises-
of staying by my side forever.
All I see is us laughing at your lame jokes.
All I smell is the scrumptious cakes that we burnt.
But instead of staying by my side,
You have joined the colony of stars
still cracking jokes with your new friends.
Apart of me wanted to tell you,
stay back like always.
But I wonder if that would have made any difference to you,
as you walked away showing your back to me.
I wonder did I make any differences in your life
Or was I just a puppet for you,
And you the puppet master
Who made many differences in my life?
Ashmita Shetty
No Justice When Half the World Is Hungry! No matter how you say it, hunger
Child Labour
By Sarah Patel
Childhood is when the soul understands the world,
because till then we are curled.
Ohhh! Those cozy days of childhood,
listening to stories of little red riding hoods.
- Gaurav Shetty
शिक्षक माँ
गुरू वही है जो जीना सिखा दें।
जल जाता है वो दिए की तरह, पल पल मेरी आँखों में,
कई जीवन रोशन कर जाता है, तस्वीर तेरी ही समाई है।
कु छ इसी तरह से हर गुरू
अपना फर्ज निभाता है।
हजारों में न लाखों में,
जीवन जितना सजता है, मेरे तो कण-कण में तू ही समाई है।
माँ-बाप के प्यार से,
उतना ही महकता है, तू देश में, तू ही विदेश में,
गुरू के आशीर्वाद से
सारे विश्व में, तेरी ही परछाई है।
अज्ञानी से ज्ञानी बनाया,
शिक्षा का महत्व समझाया, ईश्वर का साक्षात रूप है तुझमें,
सत्य के राह पर चलना सिखाया, तू तो मेरी प्यारी माँ..है।
गुरु ने हमें जीवन जीना सिखाया।
-माही भूतड़ा, कक्षा ४
माँ-बाप से बढ़कर है गुरू,
ईश्वर का रूप है गुरू,
धन्य हो जाता है वो,
जिनके शर पर गुरू का हाथ होता है।
फै ला है चारों आरे ये घना अंधकार,
आँखों पर नहीं, पर मन पर है इसका प्रकार,
Sarah Patel
We polluted it so much,
that nature sighed.
Nature contains flower, green land,
and to protect this, harmful emissions should be banned.
I wonder can I ever find someone to look from the window
Staring at your soul from the nights that I can’t let go
Will you ever give the look where I forget everything that surrounds me?
Will I ever be good enough to make you love me?
Can we forget the days we stared in each other’s eyes?
like they were some sort of unreachable skies
They looked so mysterious only to find out
they were filled with too many lies.
Today is your birthday You are supposed to grow
I wish you get all the love Which I am incapable to show
Love which I never gave to myself
But saved for you
Hoping you will one day come to know
All the time you hurt me
Leaving the scar to remind me not to come to you again
But that one stare
always Makes me impaired
~ anonymous
A city with it’s will surrounded by hills
Overlooks a sun
Above the the compass of view
And the ombre sky that shows some hints of blue.
One of the most important core elements of the IBDP program – Theory of Knowledge
[TOK], is all set to bring the change in your lifestyle, enabling you to be the best version of
to unleash the NEW YOU. Yes!! It counts.
How do you know? A common question, when interrogated, leaves a person either
nervous, blank or enraged. TOK facilitates the idea of being a good and patient listener
and above all a keen observer to accept the biases in order to have a clear vision of the
future without callousness.
The new world is engulfed by the WEB SERIES as a novel passes time for the young and the
old equally. The time it swaps goes unnoticed and productive leaving your mind into
ASSUMPTIONS. Indeed! The series affects the behaviourism of an individual.
SQUID GAMES – as the LETHAL series comes to an end, it leaves the viewer into a
dilemma, challenging the HONESTY to remain civilized.
How do we know the good and the bad interpretations that the viewer has grasped from
the series? The viewer as a knower, if educated will conclude the series with a remark –
MONEY MAKES MAN MAD. On the contrary, if the viewer knower is illiterate, may have a
complex conclusion – MAD MAN MAKES MONEY.
TOK thinkers, go beyond the inferences drawn above. To what extent is certainty
attainable in the case of the two people watching the same web series? The exploration
takes us to the flip – side, to the thought of pursuing knowledge and compels us to
redefine the term KNOWLEDGE. Thus, knowledge is just not what you gain from your
Alma Mater, but it is from the different vistas namely; SOCIETY – FAMILY –
The so-called illiterates may miss one kind of knowledge and are vulnerable to wrong turns
in life landing themselves into a pickle!!
The SQUID GAMES put the knowledge and the principles of the players to the test. Being
skilful is a factor that knowledge demands which can be useful if it is BALANCED with other
types of knowledge. The killing game portrayed the way of thinking of the players in
organizing the knowledge they had that affected their very existence!!
What exactly happened with the dead when they lost the game, was not known to all the
players – it very clearly stated that this knowledge was the right of the GAME ORGANIZERS
community of the knowers, in order to trap many more players, who can serve the
organizers purpose to make money by illegal means!! HOW BAD!!
Though the sequenced games were varied, it tempted the players to earn in crores at the
cost of losing humanity. Will such earned money JUSTIFY your living? Certainly not. The
protagonist 456 serves to be the best specimen to give adequate evidence who distinguishes
to the best of his ability between knowledge – belief and opinion. He had the concrete
knowledge of playing any game to WIN. He strongly believed that it was wrong to win at the
cost of the lives of the other people but in vain! His opinion turned out to be false, when he
manipulated the old man 001 to win the game, allowing him to die.
Seeing is believing goes the saying. Here 456 hears a gunshot and takes 001 to be dead. In
the real world, he encounters the same old man breathing under treatment and is amazed!!
The plethora of knowledge produced with the values is diversified and leaves one
pondering on HOW DO WE KNOW, WHAT WE KNOW? It prompts the viewer to enter into a
discussion, as I and MY WIFE did [Real Life Situation], after watching the entire series. This
helped us to know each – others points of view, at times heated at times with healthy
arguments. The world needs to communicate – and the best start is at HOME.
Mr Satish M Gandhi
TOK Coordinator
Virtual Diet
Real Mind nourisher
CAS is a vital and core component of IB Diploma Programme which is meant to be the
journey to self-discovery. Being the core, it makes CAS both compulsory and the centre of
the Diploma Programme. It encourages students to grow personally and socially. It also
helps them in developing skills such as communication, cooperation, problem-solving,
conflict resolution, creative and critical thinking, etc., to highlight their own identities.
Students are encouraged to set challenging goals and ensure the commitment and
perseverance to achieve them.
IBDP’s completion of CAS is based on the achievement of the seven learning outcomes. It
must begin at the start of the Diploma Programme and continue regularly for at least 18
months with a reasonable balance between creativity, activity, and service.
During the course of the year, the IBDP students of Year 1 have set the wheels in motion to
use Managebac for recording their CAS activities. They found this online platform easy to
work with, and easy to manage their portfolio. The CAS supervisors enthusiastically took
on the challenge of reviewing the work of students on Managebac.
The school’s Mission and Vision align well with the CAS aims and the IB Mission
statement. The students are provided with ample opportunities to participate in a wide
range of sports that concern the activity part of CAS, viz. basketball, soccer, tennis, track
and field, volleyball, swimming, hockey, cricket; concerning the creative ideas like drama,
band, photography, newsletter, school magazine, art, MUN, writing, dance, music; and the
third component being service, associating with all kinds of service including, direct,
indirect, community, advocacy and research coordinated by both students and teachers.
In our school, IBDP students and teachers have been involved with various projects for the
betterment of society, for learning, as our CAS coordinator has always told us that CAS
does not end in school, it is a lifelong journey and we, the students of IBDP, would like to
carry it with us forever.
Here is a sneak peek of our experiences and projects:
Body Works
Learning Outcomes:
Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the
During this CAS project, I have learnt a lot related to fitness and also other things.
This helped me in planning my work and also I started reflecting on each and
everything I did this is not only for CAS for other things also. I enjoyed the process
and will continue further not necessarily through CAS but also take it up as a
personal project. This project helped me in getting a clear understanding of how
there are different perspectives for each and everyone on their body and how they
maintain that. Some of them whom I spoke to were more interested in Yoga and
stretching while others wanted more cardio and weight training.
-Rachit Vakamshi
Defend Our Youth
Defend our Youth is a CAS initiative by IBDP 2 students, it is an awareness program for
underprivileged students that will deal with training students in basic self-defence. As
the number of physical and sexual abuse rise in the country as well as globally, it is our
duty to protect our youth from being victims of such horrendous acts. In this project, we
along with the taekwondo coaches visited a school for underprivileged students and
taught them self-defence along with teaching them about good touch and bad touch, and
feminine hygiene. For the students of higher classes, sessions on sex education were
taken as well, as this will not only teach them about consent but how to be safe from
sexually transmitted diseases. Our goal for this activity is to educate youth on how to
protect themselves and others around them. The CAS strands we achieved are
commitment and perseverance, global engagement and challenge and skills.
We worked on this project for two months, on weekends, which made a total of 8 half-day
sessions to be conducted.
Working on this project, as a team, we tried keeping everyone on the same page, in the
beginning, one of the backlogs came in, in which we questioned ourselves about if we
were contributing and setting our goals towards the right direction, and with team
discussions, we decided to circulate a google form survey to gain a generalized
perspective, and it helped us figure out what our society required. Exposing them to such
sensitive information was a task, the language barrier acted as a challenge too, we gave
our level best, we separated ourselves according to the knowledge of languages we had, to
interact with the children, to make them feel comfortable, in all of these challenges the
most important aspect which led to success was the teamwork, and innovative ideas
aiming towards a common goal that is the betterment of society.
We as a team, have learnt and grown together, this project helped us create a sense of
empathy in us. Talking about the sessions we have conducted, reflecting upon it, all we
can conclude is our hearts were filled with love and respect, we asked the students to
reflect on what they understood, and Gave them hypothetical situations where they were
asked to act against or for the act, teaching them how to make the right choice. During
this project, we realized the importance of these actions, the mark they can leave on
people’s lives. All we aimed to achieve was exposing students to the outer world (socially,
medically, economically, or otherwise), Helping them realize they can make a difference
and giving them the tools to do so,
Developing awareness and a better understanding of the communities they live in and
from all of our perspectives we are a step closer to achieving all of this.
Defend our Youth has also participated in the IB CAS project competition along with
being a part of the IB conference held in Singapore.
Team Members
1. Vanshika Panchloriya- Founder and project head
2. Harshita Hegde- Media Director
3. Aarya Jain- Head of Content
3. Gurudatta Mali- Tech head
4. Rachit Vikamshi- Head of logistics
Defend our Youth will continue to work with multiple schools and keep creating
change as we help our society to progress with us along with keeping their safety as
our foremost priority.
Cognizance of Autism
As our first year of DP students we collaboratively worked on our first project to create a
video, raising awareness for individuals with Autism spectrum disorder and it turned
out to be a very informative being small yet precise video conveying the message
efficiently. We induced an innovative idea of including paper motion animation to easily
help convey the message across to all age groups. All of us were able to produce a
satisfactory video raising awareness about Autism and even got positive responses from
every viewer with whom the video was shared. The video was circulated to all the
educational boards in SGI and others via electronic mails and through text messages.
The effort and hard work done by each member had really paid off in the end. We
managed to make our content and the video unique by including details and ideas
contributed by each member. This was truly a fruit of our hard work and collaboration,
and through this experience, we could also identify each other's thoughts and assign
tasks according to our abilities. Thus working collaboratively we demonstrated issues of
social significance in the form of CAS.
Let us judge
The judgment day was an inter-school competition where a 5-minute video made by the
students will be judged on the basis of creativity and acting. It should include a courtroom
scene based on either cybercrime or bullying. As a group, we had decided on the topic of
bullying (more specifically mental harassment) because we believed it was a serious topic
and should be discussed more often. This competition was also a way to learn about court
proceedings and the constitution.
When Somnath sir had been given the opportunity to participate in the role play, we had
little to no idea what we were supposed to do. He told us the topics and asked us to do
research to understand the depth of the topic. Once we had enough information, we sat
together to discuss and come up with an interesting plotline. The aim of the discussion was
to familiarize me with the opinions of my teammate and try to come up with a unique idea
that gave a message while simultaneously keeping the audience hooked.
Though in the start we talked and felt that cybercrime could be portrayed in a form of a
court scene we changed it when we found a more enthralling and thrilling plot for the topic
of bullying.
Once the plot and sequence of the events were decided, with the help of the English teacher,
we finalized the final draft of the script. The dialogues were made and allocated keeping in
mind each member’s strengths and weaknesses. The plot revolved around a young lady who
had filed a case of domestic violence against her in-laws and husbands in hopes of getting
out of a marriage without revealing the real reason. As the plot unfolds, the lawyer, the role
which I was playing, tries to prove her claims wrong and free the actual victim of the case.
This role play was an opportunity to strengthen my skills and develop new ones. We had to
be creative and understanding. Work as a team and yet showcase individual talent. As we
approached the topic with a new perspective we had to keep an open mind to accept the new
idea even though there was a risk associated with it.
I learned a lot throughout the process of making the video. Patience and caring were two of
the major learnings. The process itself was knowledgeable and enjoyable though there were
times when I felt we could have changed the way the script was written to make it better. I
hope I get more opportunities like this in the future.
Shramdan Report
Shramdaan is an initiative that we planned as a class on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti and
Lal Bahadur Shastri Jayanti, where we worked in place of the office boys and girls so that
they can relax for a day. We are also thinking about keeping a ceremony in the morning to
make sure they get the recognition and gratitude they deserve alongside some fun activity
for them to enjoy. Food prepared by the class at the end of the ceremony was served.
Shramdaan will always remain in my memory as a lesson to see what is beyond the eyes.
Gandhiji often talked about non-violence and respect for every creature that was granted a
chance at life. On his birthday we walked to follow his footsteps and make sure his ideals,
with the ever-changing world, remain steadfast and uncompromising in our hearts. We
arranged a program in which we will invite all the helping staff presents at the school.
In this program, we planned an activity that was related to painting the image of Lal
Bahadur Shastri and Gandhiji. We wanted them to create memories and feel the happiness
that comes along while trying a new skill. This activity was also done as a part of letting
them know that we care and we understand how much they do for us while we are also
grateful and filled with gratitude for their efforts.
During the program, we gave them an opportunity to speak and provided them with a
platform to voice their thoughts. The wisdom reflecting in their words left us stunned and
yearning for another conversation. After the event was done, we provided them with the
first items made in the Eatassit, the stall opened and inaugurated at their hands during the
program. Delicious dishes and the mouthwatering milkshake was served prepared by the
Seeing their content faces and approval, we considered it a success. After the program was
completed, we were given the specific task of helping staff so they could rest and relax for a
while. I was given the task of the office boy in front of the Director's cabin. Initial I was
nervous and afraid that I may mess it up somehow but with a deep breath dived into the
duty to challenge and test myself. If I did it well, it will be a confidence booster, if not then a
lesson to do better next time.
Throughout the time I was in front of the cabin, I saw the hard work and efforts taken by the
principal but that was not the only thing I noticed, I also realized how much people around
ma'am cared for her. I saw teachers making sure that she had time to have lunch, parents
waiting to talk to her and yet agreeing to go if she was busy and visit later, I saw how little
time was available to have lunch and how efficiently everyone worked so that everything
went smoothly. It was peeping inside a machine and realizing how wonderfully each part
cooperated so it worked well. It was an opportunity to learn about the person I had known
for years and yet was scared of. The fear disappeared at the director's kind smile and quick
reassurances to dispel my doubts. Seeing people from close is different from judging them
from far. Often what we think is not what is there.
The lesson will always remain with me.
Project Roshni
Under the project Roshni, I went to a school which solely selected and brought in students
who were differently able and were from poor families, thus could not afford proper
education. When we reached there after travelling for almost more than half an hour, I did
not know what to expect. This was my first time trying to interact with someone like them
and I wanted them to feel comfortable. We were greeted warmly and though I felt awkward
and out of element at the start, I started to ease around them after a while all of them were
of different ages ranging from 10 to 15. We first prayed to the almighty and then tried to
search for a place where we could teach them to dance and help them understand the
basics of ramp walk. Deciding that the lawn was the best place, we asked permission to
teach them outside.
Having already learnt the steps and the style, it was easy to make them understand with the
help of Rahul sir though he only guided us when he felt we needed help and chose to
monitor instead of actively putting in his input. I think interacting with people who were
closer in age made it easier for them to question and put forth their doubts.
We enjoyed and laughed with them, personally, it didn’t feel any different than interacting
with friends. We even got to touch a local elephant and feed it with the help of the children.
There were times when we had to change the steps because they were finding it difficult to
perform but majorly they were determined and didn’t let their condition affect them in any
There was a lot to learn from the way they led their lives and I will always remember those
lessons. As we parted, we promised them to visit as often as possible and invited them to
our school to perform and present what they had learnt. We also gave them new clothes as
gifts. On the occasion of Dussehra, they agreed to come and present what we had taught
them. When they arrived, I felt happy and eager, a tinge of nervousness also shadowed my
mind as I wondered if seeing so many students would make them upset. My doubts and
worries were dispelled when I saw their grins as they were greeted by other students.
All of the students who had come actively participated in games and quizzes conducted,
winning prizes and learning simultaneously. When they presented, they were confident in
their abilities. AT that moment I realized the pride that our teachers felt in us when we grew
and gave our best. I will always remember the feeling. Interacting with the students surely
made me wonder about the strength each of us has and made me promise myself that I will
my best to help others like them, after all, like said by the head of the school we went to, ‘an
opportunity is all one needs to grow and be noticed,’
-Anjali Gandhi.
Project Roshni
Class photosand Painting
of 2021-2022
Industrious irises
Brainy Badgers of A Level Commerce
of A Level Science
Cambridge Faculty
Faculty and
Photos of Painting
( non-teaching staff )
Dorm Parents
Transport Department
Accounting Department
Security Guards
2021 -2022
"A magazine or a newspaper is a shop. Each is an experiment and
represents a new focus, a new ratio between commerce and intellect."
- John Jay Chapman
Dear readers,
On the successful release of yet another school magazine, we would like
to thank the management, parents, students of Cambridge and IB
school for their help and consistent support without which the Insperia
Magazine 2021-2022 wouldn’t have been possible.
Happy reading
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