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Course 3

The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers and its Aligned Systems and

Module 1 – Achieving Teacher Quality through PPST

Session 1 – The PPST Career Stages

Required Task 1: Activity
Use Table 1 to accomplish the tasks below.
1. What are the professional practices displayed by a Proficient, Highly Proficient and
Distinguished Teacher in terms of the following?

Professional Proficient Teacher Highly Proficient Distinguished

Practices Teacher Teacher
Teaching Proficient Teachers Highly Proficient Distinguished
Characteristics are professionally Teachers consistently Teachers embody the
independent in the display a high level of highest standard for
application of skills performance in their teaching grounded in
vital to the teaching teaching practice. global best practices.
and learning process.
Management of They display skills in They have high They are recognized
Learning Programs planning, education-focused as leaders in
implementing, and situation cognition, education,
managing learning are more adept in contributors to the
programs. problem solving and profession and
optimize opportunities initiators of
gained from collaborations and
experience. partnerships.
Collaboration and They actively engage They provide support They create lifelong
Partnerships in collaborative and mentoring to impact in the lives of
learning with the colleagues in their colleagues, students,
professional professional and others.
community and other development, as well
stakeholders for as work
mutual growth and collaboratively with
advancement. them to enhance the
learning and practice
potential of their
Professional They are reflective They continually seek They exhibit
Development practitioners who to develop their commitment to inspire
continually professional the education
consolidate the knowledge and community and
knowledge, skills and practice by reflecting stakeholders for the
practices of Career on their own needs, improvement of
Stage 1 teachers. and those of their education provision in
colleagues and the Philippines.

2. What do you think is your current Career Stage?

Based on the Career Stages above, the current stage I think I belong is the Beginning
Teacher because I am 2 years in the service and needs more improvement and guidance
among my other colleagues. I still need to develop my professional knowledge and skills as
well as my teaching strategies.
3. What do you think would support you to advance to the next Career Stage?
The support that would help me to advance to the next stage are, the school and the
DepEd should offer quality professional development training or support to teachers,
develop systems for instructional coaching, listen and responds to teacher’s concern,
create my own career goals, and keep track of my own progress.

4. What Career Stage do you aspire to ten years from now?

Ten years from my now, I aspire myself in the distinguished teacher where I embody the
highest standard for teaching, exhibit exceptional capacity to improve my own teaching
practice, and create lifelong impact in the lives of my colleagues, my students, and to
other people.

5. Are there aspects of your teaching practice that exceed practices articulated in the
Career Stage 2 descriptors? If yes, please cite them.

6. Is it possible for a newly hired DepEd teacher to exhibit teaching practices in Career
Stage 3 and 4? Explain your answer

Yes, because there are also many teachers who come from private schools and apply to
public schools who are very competent and have more teaching experience that can be
aligned with the career stages 3 and 4.

Optional Task: Formative Quiz

Read the following scenarios and choose the career stage that aligns best with
the described practice.

Scenario Answer Feedback

1. Teacher Marilyn is in her 2nd year of

teaching. She has adapted well to
teaching in DepEd, but she
acknowledges that she still has a lot Beginning Stage When it comes to
to learn from her more seasoned Professional Development
colleagues. Marilyn is in the: seek advice from
a. Beginning Stage experienced colleagues
b. Proficient Stage
c. Highly Proficient Stage
d. Distinguished Stage

2. Teacher Rolly is a role model in his

school. He is a consistent
Outstanding Teacher in the Division
and has been recognized by the Civil Distinguished Stage He is recognized as
Service Commission as a recipient of leaders in education and
Lingkod Bayan Award. Rolly is in the: consistently seek
a. Beginning Stage professional advancement
b. Proficient Stage
c. Highly Proficient Stage
d. Distinguished Stage

3. Teacher Elinor serves as mentor to her Teacher Elinor manifests

co-teacher during LAC Sessions and Highly Proficient the characteristics of
classroom observations. Her fifteen years Stage Highly Proficient Teacher
of experience as an English teacher has
earned her the trust of her colleagues in
terms of in-depth knowledge and skills in
teaching the content and handling
learners’ behavior of different levels. She
is good at collaborating with people and
in providing support. Elinor is in the:
a. Beginning Stage
b. Proficient Stage
c. Highly Proficient Stage
d. Distinguished Stage
4. Teacher Kath can teach alone without the
Master Teacher’s assistance. She has
unique skills in planning, implementing, Teacher Kath possesses
and managing learning programs in the Proficient Stage the unique skills when it
school. Kath is in the: comes to the management
a. Beginning Stage of learning programs
b. Proficient Stage which is one of the quality
c. Highly Proficient Stage of Proficient teacher.
d. Distinguished Stage

5. Teacher Christine has exceptional

skills in influencing people through
her articles in different academic Teacher Christine exhibit
journals. She has been frequently Distinguished Stage commitment to inspire the
invited to different conventions to education community and
share her successful innovation in stakeholders for the
teaching for benchmarking and improvement of education
collaboration. Christine is in the: which is evident
a. Beginning Stage characteristic of
b. Proficient Stage Distinguished Teacher.
c. Highly Proficient Stage
d. Distinguished Stage

Session 2 – The PPST Domains, Strands, and Indicators

1. The PPST defines teacher quality in the Philippines. It has domains which describe the
expectations required of Filipino teachers to be effective in the 21 st century in the
Philippines. How many domains does the PPST have? 7 DOMAINS
2. The Domains collectively comprise of strands that refer to more specific dimensions of
teacher practices. How many strands does the PPST have? 37 strands
3. The PPST defines the work expected from teachers across different career stages. How
many career stages are there? 4 CAREER STAGES

Try it:
Indicator 3.4.2 means that the indicator is under:
Which domain? DOMAIN 3: Diversity of Learners
Which strand? DOMAIN 3 OF STRAND 4: Learners in difficult circumstances
Which indicator? (PROFECIENT TEACHERS) Plan and deliver teaching strategies
that are responsive to the special educational needs of learners in difficult
circumstances, including: geographic isolation; chronic illness; displacement due to
armed conflict, urban resettlement or disasters; child abuse and child labor practices.

Required Task 2: Formative Quiz

Scenario Answer Feedback
Teacher Joy, a Grade 9 adviser, caught
one of her learners smoking along a
secluded corridor when going to the
comfort room. Teacher Joy asked the
learner to remain in the classroom after the
lesson. During the conference with the Domain 2 - DOMAIN 2-STRAND 6
learner, Teacher Joy warned the learner to Learning Management of learner
quit smoking at school otherwise his Environment behavior
parents will be called for a conference.
a. Domain 1 - Content Knowledge and The teacher manages the
Pedagogy learner’s behavior
constructively by applying
b. Domain 2 - Learning Environment positive and non-violent
c. Domain 3 - Diversity of Learners discipline.

d. Domain 4 - Curriculum and Planning

e. Domain 5 - Assessment and Reporting
f. Domain 6 - Community Linkages and
Professional Engagement
g. Domain 7 - Personal Growth and
Professional Development
During the post conference, Mrs. Manuel,
being the school head and rater of teacher-
ratee, emphasized that the use of varied
learning materials aid learners’ Domain 4 - DOMAIN 4 STRAND 1
understanding of the lesson and allow Curriculum and Planning and
learners to practice the application of Planning management of teaching
concepts. She also mentioned that varied and learning process
learning materials also cater to learners’
different learning styles.
a. Domain 1 - Content Knowledge and
b. Domain 2 - Learning Environment
c. Domain 3 - Diversity of Learners
d. Domain 4 - Curriculum and Planning
e. Domain 5 - Assessment and Reporting
f. Domain 6 - Community Linkages and
Professional Engagement
g. Domain 7 - Personal Growth and
Professional Development
Teacher Rolly, a Grade 7 English Teacher,
discussed the rules on Subject-Verb
Agreement in his lesson. During group
work, his learners were tasked to make a
travel brochure for a particular place. He Domain 4 - DOMAIN 4-STRAND 2
reminded them to describe the beauty of Curriculum and Learning outcomes
the place and include short history while Planning aligned with learning
observing correct subject-verb agreement competencies
for their captions.
a. Domain 1 - Content Knowledge and
b. Domain 2 - Learning Environment
c. Domain 3 - Diversity of Learners
d. Domain 4 - Curriculum and Planning
e. Domain 5 - Assessment and Reporting
f. Domain 6 - Community Linkages and
Professional Engagement
g. Domain 7 - Personal Growth and
Professional Development

Optional Task: Activity

Without referring to the PPST booklet, identify in which Domain the following selected
strands belong to. List the strands under the column representing the Domain.

Content Learning Diversity Curriculum Assessmen Community Personal

Knowledg Environmen of and t& Linkages Growth &
e& t Learners Planning Reporting and Professiona
Pedagogy Professional l
Engagement Engagemen

Research- Learner Learners’ Planning and Design, Establishmen Dignity of

based safety and gender, management selection, t of learning teaching as
knowledge security needs, of teaching organization environments profession
and strengths and learning , and that are
principles and process utilization of responsive to
of teaching experience assessment community
and s strategies contexts

Learning School Professional

Positive Management Learners outcomes Monitoring Policies and links with
use of ICT of classroom with aligned with and Procedures colleagues
structure and disabilities, learning evaluation of
activities giftedness, competencie learner
and talents s progress

Required Task 3: Reflection

Go through the PPST booklet and read through the Domains and Strands. Use the table
below to identify Strands which you think could be challenging for you.

Domains Challenging Why is it Input from the Mentor

Strands (you may challenging? (Gray (optional, but highly
just indicate strand area or points for encouraged)
numbers e.g., 1.3) clarification)
Content Knowledge and Lack of ICT
Pedagogy 1.3 resources in the Depends on your
school mentor
Learning Environment 2.3 Teacher is not yet
proficient in handling
Diversity of Learners 3.1 knowledge when it
comes to
understanding of
teaching to suit the
learners’ gender,
needs, strengths,
interests, and
Curriculum and Planning 4.2 Difficulty in giving
tasks that will meet
the learning
Assessment and Reporting 5.1 Difficulty in creating
Community Linkages 6.2 Nowadays, parents
are no longer active
in school due to
Personal Growth and 7.3 Seldom seek help to
Professional Development colleagues

Required Task 4: Reflection

Based on the current default classification, in which career stage are you in?
Based on the Career Stages above, the current stage I think I belong is the Beginning
Teacher because I am 2 years in the service and needs more improvement and guidance
among my other colleagues. I still need to develop my professional knowledge and skills as
well as my teaching strategies.

Module 2 – Embedding the PPST in HR Systems

Required Task 1: Formative Test
Multiple Choice Test: Respond to the following scenarios based on your understanding of
the PPST and the strategic connect of the DepEd HR systems:
Scenario I: Teacher Anthony’s Dreams
EXPLANATION: Teacher Anthony can use the IDP (Individual Development Plan) to
continue to monitor his learning needs which is an important part of the teachers’ Individual
Performance Commitment Rating Form (IPCRF).

Scenario 2: An Advanced Teacher at the Beginning Stage of PPST

EXPLANATION: The situation of Teacher Ruth as an advanced teacher due to her teaching
experience in the private schools falls under the Rewards and Recognition (R&R). She has
high potential for promotion even though she is still in the beginning teacher level. Her
progression across the PPST continuum could be faster if she purposely uses PPST as the
basis for his professional practice

Scenario 3: Teacher Ruth’s Supportive Mentor

EXPLANATION: This falls under the L&D (Learning and Development) of the DepEd HR
systems. The support given to Teacher ruth by her supportive mentor will help her to
become an outstanding teacher. Coaching is an effective professional learning modality that
can help teachers improve their teaching practices as well as learners’ academic

Scenario 4: Possibilities in the Life of a Newly Hired Teacher

EXPLANATION: Although teacher Abel works as a department head in the private school
before and possess a high professional skills and ethics, he is still not exempted from
undertaking the DepEd’s Induction Program. It is still part of the RSP HR System that is
intended to help teachers transition to the public-school system.

Scenario 5: Propelling Teachers Motivation

EXPLANATION: Making close friendships with their school head and Department heads are
not aligned with the PPST and HR systems, if teacher Marlyn and teacher Carmina aims to
get an outstanding award during the school year they should optimize the use of the
Teacher Induction Program (TIP) materials to orient themselves with the context of DepEd,
the PPST and other HR systems, prepare their MOVs according to the guidelines in the
RPMS-PPST and Participate in learning and development that will close their competency
gaps and developmental needs  in short they should aim for their professional

Optional Task: Reflection

Reflect on the strategic relationships amongst the PPST and the HR systems.
The DepEd HR systems are interrelated and anchored on the PPST. These HR systems are
put in place to support teachers’ continuing professional development. Optimizing use of the
PPST and the HR systems enables teachers to pursue their professional goals. The HR
systems are intended to support them.


I-Chart on HR Systems
What are the
HR System What did I learn? What can I do with implications of my
what I learned? new learnings
with my current
RSP Each teacher must Use this as guide to Aim for professional
progress towards see the big picture development
the continuum of of the DepEd
the PPST System.
RPMS-PPST It is the yardstick of Use this to reflect of This will help me to
teacher quality my teaching identify learning
performance all gaps or
throughout the developmental
school year. needs.
L&D teachers are given I will use the IDP as Continuous
the opportunity to my guide in Coaching with my
identify their improving my mentor and other
learning gaps or developmental colleagues will help
developmental needs. me succeed in my
needs professional
R&R It is an essential I will deliver This motivates me
aspect of excellent to seek continuous
performance performance professional
management in all towards my development on
organizations. teaching career. myself.

Session 2: The PPST, RSP and the Merit Selection Plan (MSP) of DepEd
Accomplish the K-W-L-H Chart below.
What do you know What else do you What did you How will you learn
about? want to know? learn about the more?
PPST and HR e.g., read from
systems? online sources
PPST How PPST helps Enables teachers to Through continuous
teachers towards pursue their professional
their professional personal goals development
RSP How is the RSP It intended to help
helps teachers be teachers transition With the help of TIP
familiar with the the public-school and mentors.
DepEd Systems? system.
It is the standard
MSP How long is the process for Through continuous
needed service of promoting best-fit professional
the teacher to be teaching and non- development
promoted? teaching DepEd

Required Task 2: Reflection

Reflect on your greatest learnings about meritocracy and fitness principles on hiring and
promotion. What does this tell you? How will you adjust your professional goal and practice
with DepEd’s expectations from its personnel? Write your reflections/insights on the space
provided below.

The meritocracy and fitness principles on hiring and promotion means that teacher
applicants’ qualifications are assessed based on merit and not based on who they know or
who can help them. so, for a teacher to be qualified in the promotion, the beginning
teachers should use the PPST to monitor their own performance and align their professional
practices with the expectations based on the PPST.

Session 3: The Strategic Alignment of the RPMS with the PPST

Required Task 1: Preliminary Activity


RPMS My Intended Activities per Cycle
(What preparatory activities do you need
to do in between each cycle?)
Cycles Inclusive Dates
Phase I:
Performance First week of August, a Discussion/Issuance of RPMS Tools
Planning and week before start of Self-Assessment
Commitment classes

Phase II:
Performance Year-round Monitoring and Coaching
Monitoring and Mid-year Review and Assessment
Phase III:
Performance 1st week of May, a Year-end Review and Assessment
Review and week after graduation Evaluation of Portfolio
Evaluation Computation of Final Rating

Phase IV:
Performance May Ways Forward and Development
Rewarding and Planning

Required Task 2: Activity

Analyze the two (2) scenarios below and indicate whether the following statements
are true or false.
Scenario A: Teacher Paula is a new BSE graduate Major in Science who has been hired to
teach in a Junior High School.

Scenario B: Teacher Dennis has been teaching Science in a private school for the past four
(4) years. After he completed his doctoral degree, he applied to the same public high school
where Teacher Paula is working. Both Teachers Paula and Dennis are newly hired teachers
handling Science.
Statement Response Feedback
Since Teacher Paula is
inexperienced, her L&D .
needs might be different from TRUE (If True, no need to put
that of Teacher Dennis, who feedback)
has been teaching for the
past three (3) years.

Both teachers may use the

PPST tools to identify their TRUE
strengths and areas in which
they may need support.
Both teachers can have their
L&D needs addressed TRUE
through the RPMS-PPST.

Mentors’ feedback is
important for both teachers to TRUE
monitor their own progress.
They can get feedback from
their mentors whether
formally or informally
Teacher Paula is a new BSE
graduate Major in Science TRUE
who has been hired to teach
in a Junior High School.

Session 4 – Role of RPMS-PPST in Teachers’ Learning and Development

Required Task 1: Activity
Read the scenarios below and answer the question that follows by choosing the correct
answer from the given options.
Scenario 1: Classes have ended. Teachers Rona, Evalou and Rex are planning for their
development needs. Teacher Rona shared with the group that she struggles to meet the
indicators in Domain 2 of PPST. She has been challenged in managing her learners’
behavior. Teacher Evalou admitted that she has not fully developed all core competencies
indicated in the RPMS. Teacher Rex is the top performer among the three. He just got an
“Outstanding Rating” for the school year. Teacher Rex feels that he still needs to participate
in L&D activities to address his developmental needs.

Questions Response
Which of the following explains why all
three of them need to participate in L&D
activity relevant to their needs? Teachers Rona and Evalou need L&D to
address their developmental needs while
Teachers Rona and Evalou need L&D to teacher Rex need to address his
address their developmental needs while performance gaps
teacher Rex need to address his
performance gaps
Teacher Rex needs L&D to address his
developmental needs, while teachers Rona
and Evalou need to participate in L&D to
address their competency gaps
All teachers need to attend L&D to address
their developmental needs
All teachers need to attend coaching
Required Task 2: Professional Development Plan
Prepare your Professional Development Plan that you intend to implement for the current
school year, using the template provided below:

Development Goal Development L&D Modality Target Completion

(Target PPST Activity Date
Content Knowledge Utilize the use of IPCRF
and Pedagogy ICT in the lesson August 2022
Learning I will engage my IPCRF
Environment learners,
individually or in September 2022
groups, in
discovery and
hands-on activities
within the available
physical learning
Curriculum and I will plan and IPCRF
Planning develop effective August 2022
strategies in
teaching to meet
requirements and
varied teaching
Personal Growth I will continue to IPCRF
and Professional improve my Year Round
Development professional
aligned to the

Module 3 – The Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS)

Required Activity 1: Reflection

What have you learned about PPST and RPMS as two separate entities in DepEd? How
about their alignment?
I have learned that the PPST is used as basis for all leaning and development programs for
teachers to ensure that teachers are properly equipped to effectively implement the K-12
program while the RPMS are assessment instruments used to ensure quality teacher
performance at different career stages. The Key Result Areas and Objectives in RPMS are
based on Domains and Indicators in the PPST, respectively. It is user-friendly and serves as
a map on the path of the teachers to follow and meet the standards.

Optional Task
Have you already encountered the indicators used in SYs 2018-2019 and 2019-2020? If so,
briefly summarize your experiences during the RPMS-related activities?
I find it difficult to provide all the RPMS related activities because it is already 4 th Quarter
when I was accepted to the public school.
Session 3 – The RPMS Cycle
Preliminary Activity
Teacher Mary Grace finished two (2) classroom observations before the scheduled Mid-year
Review. Her principal asked her to update her Development Plan. What steps should she
take to do this? Briefly discuss in the box below.
Teacher Grace should update her Development Plan and reflect to the action plan she

Required Task 1: Scenario-based Activity

Study the following scenarios and decide which of the options may be applied to each
A. The data presented is sufficient to infer the statement.
B. The data presented is not sufficient to infer the statement.
C. The statement is false based on the data presented and/or the guidelines.

Statement Answer Feedback from your

Statement 1: School A The statement is false
used all Cases (i), (ii), (iii), based on the data Depend on your mentor
(iv), and (v) in RPMS presented and/or the feedback
2019-2020. guidelines.

Statement 2: The Division The statement is false

is a small division. based on the data
presented and/or the

Statement 3: In School A, The data presented is not

the rater of Teachers I-III is sufficient to infer the
the Master Teacher. statement.

Statement 4: In School A, The statement is false

a teacher III can rate a based on the data
Master Teacher. presented and/or the

Statement 5: In School A, The statement is false

the PSDS can rate a based on the data
Master Teacher presented and/or the

Required Task 1: Reflection

Refer to your COT rating sheets, SAT assessment results, and IPCRF-Development Plan, if
you have any. Reflect on your teaching performance based on the results that these forms
reflect. Briefly discuss what you have discovered.

(Refer to your previous COT Rating Sheets, SAT Results and IPCRF Development

Session 5 – Developing Lesson Plans as Quality Evidence for RPMS

Preliminary Activity
Choose a lesson plan which you have previously crafted. Enumerate all parts and describe
what you have entered on each part.
Sample Lesson Plan are given below.
The example lesson plan given below is Lesson Plan in ESP 4 for the 3 rd Quarter.
Following the IDEA Template, I conduct a short review on the previous topic that has been
discussed and integrate it to another subject in the Introduction part. Then on the
development, I let the pupils watch a song video that is related to the new topic that will be
discussed and provide HOTS questions. I let them watch also a short story video, on the
engagement part I provide group activity to the pupils to apply what they had learned in the
lessons and on the Assessment, I conduct a 10 items short quiz to identify if they had met
the learning competency of the lesson.

Optional Task: Activity

From the lesson plan/exemplar you provided in the Introductory Activity, which portions
demonstrate/highlight COT Indicator 1? Elaborate.
The Review section of the lesson exemplar that I provided in the Introductory Activity is
where I conduct a brief review of the previous lesson, which is about "mga batas na pinaiiral
sa mga barangay," and I examine concepts from other curriculum learning areas that could
be potentially integrated to the current lesson. I determined the level of integration to the
topic matter by determining the learners' knowledge and skills. As a result, I referred the
previous discussion on "mga batas" in the present lesson. After that, I chose
multidisciplinary content to incorporate into the present lesson. I used a concept from
Araling Panlipunan in this case. I used carefully selected content.

Required Task 2: Activity

Using either a lesson plan prepared by your mentor (recommended) or the lesson
plan/lesson exemplar you provided, check which COT Indicators (or RPMS Objectives) are
present. Elaborate on your findings. If an indicator is not present, is it possible to have it
present in the lesson plan? How?

Based on the same Lesson Exemplar that I have provided before the COT indicators
that are present to my Lesson Exemplar are 1. Apply knowledge of content within and
across curriculum teaching areas, wherein I integrate the lesson to other multidisciplinary
content to incorporate it to the new lesson. 2. displayed proficient use of mother tongue
Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and learning , all throughout the lesson I
consistently use the language Filipino to facilitate learning of the pupils. 3. Use effective
verbal and non-verbal classroom communication strategies to support learner
understanding, participation, engagement, and achievement, wherein I provide a HOTS
question to support learner understanding, participation, engagement. 4. Establish safe
and secure learning environments to enhance learning through the consistent
implementation of policies, guidelines, and procedures, I think I provided a clear
implementation procedure during the group activity. 5. Maintain learning environments
that promote fairness, respect and care to encourage learning, where I give equal
praise to all my students regarding with their answer.
If possible, all indicators should be present to the Lesson Exemplar because it is
aligned to the PPST of teachers.
Teacher Learning Area ESP 4
Teaching Date Quarter 3RD
Teaching Time 40 minutes No. of days 1

B. PAMANTAYAN SA PAGGANAP Naisasabuhay ang patuloy na pagninilay para
makapagpasya nang wasto tungkol sa epekto ng tulong-
tulong na pangangalaga ng kapaligiran para sa
kaligtasan ng bansa at daigdig

C. MGA KASANAYAN SA PAGKATUTO Nakakatulong sa pagpapanatili ng kalinisan at kaayusan

ng kapaligiran saanman sa pamamagitan ng:

a. segregasyon o pagtugon ng mga basurang nabubulok

at di-nabubulok sa tamang lagayan.
D. PINAKAMAHALAGANG segregasyon o pagtapon ng mga basurang nabubulok at
KASANAYAN SA PAGKATUTO dinabubulok sa tamang lagayan. EsP4PPP- IIIg-i–22


I. NILALAMAN Pagtulong sa Pagpapanatili ng Kalinisan at

Kaayusan ng Kapaligiran
A. Mga Sanggunian
a. Mga pahina sa Gabay ng Guro
b. Mga pahina sa Kagamitang Pang LEAP WEEK 6-8
c. Mga pahina sa teksbuk
d. Karagdagang kagamitan mula sa https://www.youtube.com/watch?
portal ng Learning Resource v=lL51oGkEkT0&list=RDlL51oGkEkT0&start_radio=1



(Knowledge of content within and
across curriculum teaching areas)
A. PANIMULA Magandang araw mga bata!
Kamusta kayo?
Handa na ba kayo sa panibagong aralin na
ating tatalakayin?

Natutuhan mo sa ating nakaraang aralin ang
tungkol sa pagsunod sa mga batas na pinaiiral
tungkol sa pangangalaga ng kapaligiran.

Magbigay nga ng ilan sa mga halimbawa ng batas

sa inyong komunidad na ipinatutupad sa inyong

Sa katapusan ng araling ito ay inaasahang

matutunan mo kung:

1. Paano ang tamang pagtatapon ng basura

2. Ano ang tamang segregasyon ng iyong mga
3. Ano-ano ang mga nabubulok na basura
4. Ano-ano ang mga di- nabubulok na basura
5. Kahalagahan ng pagtatapon ng basura.

B. PAGPAPAUNLAD Bago natin simulan ang ating aralin ay awitin muna natin
ng sabay sabay ang awiting aking ipapakita.

Naranasan na rin ba ninyo na mag tapon ng

basura kung saan-saan?

Ayon sa kanta saan dapat itapon ang basura?

Ano sa tingin nyo ang mensahe ng kantang ating


Suriin ang mga nasa larawan.

Ano ang masasabi nyo dito?

Saan nila itinapon ang kanilang ga basura?

Kaya-aya ba o maganda bang pagmasdan ang

ganitong uri ng kapaligiran? Bakit?

Maganda ba sa kalusugan natin ang ganitong uri

ng kapaligiran? HEALTH INTEGRATION

Ano nman ang masasabi nyo dito sa larawan?

Ano ang ginagawa nila sa kanilang basura?

Ngayong araw ay mayroon tayong panonoorin na

maikling kwento.
Ano ang masasabi Ninyo sa larawan?

Batay sa larawan na aking ipinakita, sa palagay

ninyo ay tungkol saan ang kwento na ating

Paghahawan ng mga balakid:

1. chloro-fluorocarbons- ay nakakasira ng
atmospera at pagkabutas ng ozone layer kapag
ang mga sangkap ng CFC ay tinamaan ng
mataas na enerhiya tulad ng ultraviolet rays.

2. ozone layer- ay ang nagsisilbing payong ng ating

planeta laban sa mga matinding sinag ng araw.

3. Segregate- ay paghihiwalay o pag-uuri ng mga

basura ayon sa nabubulok at di- nabubulok.

4. Recycle- paggamit sa isang bagay na nagamit

na upang mapakinabangan muli.

Pagganyak na Tanong:

“Ano ang gagawin upang hindi na dumami ng dumami

ang mga basura?”


Mga Katanungan:

1. Sino ang mga tauhan na nabanggit sa kuwento?

2. Ano ang kanilang naging suliranin?
3. Ayon sa kwento ano ang gagawin upang hindi na
dumami ng dumami ang mga basura?
4. Anong aral ang napulot Ninyo sa kwento?
5. Tama ba ang naging payo nib asura kid na
isegregate ang mga basura?

Magbigay ng halimbawa ng nabubulok na basura

Bakit nyo nasabing nabubulok ito?
Magbigay ng halimbawa ng di-nabubulok na
Dapat ba na pagsama-samahin ang lahat ng
basura? Bakit

Ano naman ang iyong gagawin kung makita mo

ang iyong kaibigan o kamag-anak na sama-
samang itinatapon ang mga plastik, lata, bote,
at mga food wastes tulad ng panis na pagkain sa
isang lalagyan lamang?

Gawain 1:

Panuto: Lagyan ng bituin ang patlang ng mga

pangungusap kung tama at ekis X naman kung hindi.

____________1. Nagtatapon ako ng basura sa bintana

ng sasakyan.
___________ 2. Basta ko na lamang inihuhulog sa ilalim
ng upuan ang aking mga kalat.
___________ 3. Nilalagay ko ang mga plastic na basura
sa mga nabubulok na lagayan.
___________4. Pinupulot ko ang mga kalat sa mga
pasilyo at iba pang lugar sa paaralan kahit walang nag-
uutos sa akin.
___________5. Pinag sasama-sama kung ang lahat ng
basura sa isang lagayan.

Tingnan ang larawan ng mga basura sa ibaba. Ilagay ito
sa tamang basurahan. Bilang lamang ang isulat sa


Sumulat ng maikling sanaysay na nag lalaman ng 3-5
pangungusap kung paano ka makakatulong sa
pagpapanatiling malinis ang ating kapaligiran


Paano ang tamang pag segregate ng basura?
D. PAGLALAPAT Ano kaya ang mangyayari kung isasabuhay ng
bawait isa ang ganitong paraan ng pagtatapon ng
Ang basura sa iyong paligid ay dapat na nilalagay sa
tamang lagayan. Hindi itatapon kung saan-saan. Ang
mga basura ay nabibilang sa nabubulok at di-nabubulok
na basura. Ang tamang segrtegasyon ng basura ay
nakatutulong sa maayos at malinis na kapaligiran.

Gawain 2: Sa iyong sagutang papel ay buuin ang

mahalagang kaisipang ito.

kaayusan pagsunog segregasyon

kalinisan pagsasagawa

Bilang bata ay marapat na makatulong ka sa

pagpapanatili ng (1.) ____________ at (2.) ________ ng
kapaligiran kahit saan man sa pamamagitan ng (3.)
___________ o pagtapon ng mga basurang nabubulok
at di-nabubulok sa tamang lagayan; pag-iwas sa (4.)
______________ng anumang bagay at (5.) _________
ng muling paggamit ng mga patapong bagay.

Gawain 3

Mag bigay ng 3 Halimbawa ng nabubulok at 3 di-



Sa isang malinis na bondpaper, Gumawa ng POSTER

na nag papakita ng tamang pagtatapong basura.

Dugtungan ang pahayag sa ibaba ng iyong

naramdaman o realisasyon sa natutunan mo sa ating
VIII. REFLECTION aralin sa araw na ito

Naunawaan ko na_____________________________.
Nabatid ko na _________________________________.
Naisasagawa ko na___________________________.

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