Front Office Services NC Iii

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The document outlines regulations and standards for Front Office Services qualifications and competencies based on the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) Act.

The Training Regulations (TR) serve as the basis for developing curriculums and assessment tools, registering and delivering training programs, and establishing competency assessment and certification arrangements.

The Training Regulations document contains sections on the qualification definition, competency standards, training arrangements, and national assessment and certification arrangements.



TESDA Complex East Service Road, South Luzon Expressway (SLEX),
Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City
Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 1994
(Republic Act No. 7796)

Section 22, “Establishment and Administration of the National

Trade Skills Standards” of the RA 7796 known as the TESDA Act
mandates TESDA to establish national occupational skill
standards. The Authority shall develop and implement a
certification and accreditation program in which private industry
group and trade associations are accredited to conduct
approved trade tests, and the local government units to promote
such trade testing activities in their respective areas in
accordance with the guidelines to be set by the Authority.
The Training Regulations (TR) serves as basis for:

1. Development of curriculum and assessment tools

2. Registration and delivery of training programs; and
3. Establishment of competency assessment and certification arrangements.

Each TR has four sections:

Section 1 Definition of Qualification - describes the qualification and defines the

competencies that comprise the qualification.

Section 2 The Competency Standards format was revised to include the Required
Knowledge and Required Skills per element. These fields explicitly state the
required knowledge and skills for competent performance of a unit of
competency in an informed and effective manner. These also emphasize the
application of knowledge and skills to situations where understanding is
converted into a workplace outcome.

Section 3 Training Arrangements – contain the information and requirements which

serve as bases for training providers in designing and delivering competency-
based curriculum for the qualification. The revisions to Section 3 entail
identifying the Learning Activities leading to achievement of the identified
Learning Outcome.

Section 4 Assessment and Certification Arrangements - describe the policies

governing assessment and certification procedures for the qualification.
Page No.



• Basic Competencies 2 - 41
• Common Competencies 42 - 83
• Core Competencies 84 - 108


3.1 Curriculum Design 109 - 130

3.2 Training Delivery 131 - 132
3.3 Trainee Entry Requirements 133
3.4 List of Tools, Equipment and Materials 134
3.5 Training Facilities 135
3.6 Trainer’s Qualifications 135
3.7 Institutional Assessment 135










The FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Qualification consists of competencies that a

person must achieve to perform a range of skilled guest service tasks using discretion and
judgment such as in the monitoring of workplace operations, coaching and mentoring job skills,
maintaining financial records and providing safety of VIP’s.

This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Tourism Sector (Hotel
and Restaurant) as shown in Annex A.

The Units of Competency comprising this Qualification include the following:


400311319 Lead workplace communication
400311320 Lead small teams
400311321 Apply critical thinking and problem-solving techniques in
the workplace
400311322 Work in a diverse environment
400311323 Propose methods of applying learning and innovation in
the organization
400311324 Use information systematically
400311325 Evaluate occupational safety and health work practices
400311326 Evaluate environmental work practices
400311327 Facilitate entrepreneurial skills for micro-small-medium
enterprises (MSMEs)


TRS141201 Receive and resolve customer complaints
TRS141202 Work cooperatively in a general administration environment
TRS141203 Maintain quality customer/guest service
TRS141204 Roster staff
TRS141205 Control and order stock
TRS141206 Prepare and deliver training sessions
TRS141207 Plan, conduct and evaluate staff performance assessment


TRS122301 Monitor routine workplace operations
TRS122302 Coach and mentor others in job skills
TRS122303 Monitor and control financial standards and guest records
TRS122304 Provide requirements for the security of guests

A person who has achieved this Qualification is competent to be a:

● Front Office Team Leader

● Front Office Supervisor

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 1


This section details the contents of the basic, common and core units of competency



UNIT CODE : 400311319

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
lead in the effective dissemination and discussion of ideas,
information, and issues in the workplace. This includes
preparation of written communication materials.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
1. Communicate 1.1 Relevant 1.1. Organization 1.1 Organizing information
information communication requirements for 1.2 Conveying intended
about method is selected written and meaning
workplace based on workplace electronic 1.3 Participating in a
processes procedures communication variety of workplace
1.2 Multiple operations methods discussions
involving several 1.2. Effective verbal 1.4 Complying with
topics/areas are communication organization
communicated following methods requirements for the
enterprise requirements 1.3. Business writing use of written and
1.3 Questioning is applied 1.4. Workplace electronic
to gain extra information etiquette communication
1.4 Relevant sources of methods
information are 1.5 Effective business
identified in accordance writing
with workplace/ client 1.6 Effective clarifying
requirements and probing skills
1.5 Information is selected 1.7 Effective
and organized following questioning
enterprise procedures techniques
1.6 Verbal and written (clarifying and
reporting is undertaken probing)
when required
1.7 Communication and
negotiation skills are
applied and maintained
in all relevant situations

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 2

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
2. Lead workplace 2.1 Response to workplace 2.1 Organization 2.1 Organizing
discussions issues are sought requirements for information
following enterprise written and 2.2 Conveying
procedures electronic intended meaning
2.2 Response to workplace communication 2.3 Participating in
issues are provided methods variety of
immediately 2.2 Effective verbal workplace
2.3 Constructive communication discussions
contributions are made methods 2.4 Complying with
to workplace 2.3 Workplace organization
discussions on such etiquette requirements for
issues as production, the use of written
quality and safety and electronic
2.4 Goals/ objectives and communication
action plans undertaken methods
in the workplace are 2.5 Effective clarifying
communicated promptly and probing skills

3. Identify and 3.1 Issues and problems 3.1 Organization 3.1 Organizing
communicate are identified as they requirements for information
issues arising in arise written and 3.2 Conveying intended
the workplace 3.2 Information regarding electronic meaning
problems and issues communication 3.3 Participating in a
are organized methods variety of workplace
coherently to ensure 3.2 Effective verbal discussions
clear and effective communication 3.4 Complying with
communication methods organization
3.3 Dialogue is initiated with 3.3 Workplace requirements for
appropriate personnel etiquette the use of written
3.4 Communication 3.4 Communication and electronic
problems and issues problems and communication
are raised as they arise issues methods
3.5 Identify barriers in 3.5 Barriers in 3.5 Effective clarifying
communication to be communication and probing skills
addressed 3.6 Identifying issues
appropriately 3.7 Negotiation and

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 3


1. Methods of May include but not limited to:
communication 1.1. Non-verbal gestures
1.2. Verbal
1.3. Face-to-face
1.4. Two-way radio
1.5. Speaking to groups
1.6. Using telephone
1.7. Written
1.8. Internet

2. Workplace discussions May include but not limited to:

2.1. Coordination meetings
2.2. Toolbox discussion
2.3. Peer-to-peer discussion


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Dealt with a range of communication/information at one
1.2 Demonstrated leadership skills in workplace
1.3 Made constructive contributions in workplace issues
1.4 Sought workplace issues effectively
1.5 Responded to workplace issues promptly
1.6 Presented information clearly and effectively written
1.7 Used appropriate sources of information
1.8 Asked appropriate questions
1.9 Provided accurate information
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Variety of Information
2.2 Communication tools
2.3 Simulated workplace
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Case problem
3.1. Third-party report
3.2. Portfolio
3.3. Interview
3.4. Demonstration/Role-playing
4. Context for 4.1. Competency may be assessed in the workplace or in a
Assessment simulated workplace environment

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 4


UNIT CODE : 400311320

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and

attitudes to lead small teams including setting,
maintaining and monitoring team and individual
performance standards.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Provide team 1.1 Work 1.1 Facilitation of 1.1 Communication
leadership requirements are Team work skills required for
identified and 1.2 Company policies leading teams
presented to team and procedures 1.2 Group facilitation
members based on relating to work skills
company policies performance 1.3 Negotiating skills
and procedures 1.3 Performance 1.4 Setting
1.2 Reasons for standards and performance
instructions and expectations expectation
requirements are 1.4 Monitoring
communicated to individual’s and
team members team’s
based on company performance vis a
policies and vis client’s and
procedures group’s
1.3 Team members’ expectations
and leaders’
concerns are
discussed and
dealt with based on
company practices
2. Assign 2.1. Responsibilities are 2.1 Work plan and 2.1 Communication
responsibilities allocated having procedures skills
regard to the skills, 2.2 Work 2.2 Management skills
knowledge and requirements and 2.3 Negotiating skills
aptitude required to targets 2.4 Evaluation skills
undertake the 2.2 Individual and 2.5 Identifying team
assigned task group member’s
based on company expectations and strengths and
policies. assignments rooms for
2.2. Duties are 2.3 Ways to improve improvement
allocated having group leadership
regard to individual and membership
domestic and
whenever possible

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 5

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
3. Set 3.1 Performance 3.1 One’s roles and 3.1 Communication
performance expectations are responsibilities in skills
expectations for established based the team 3.2 Accurate empathy
team members on client needs 3.2 Feedback giving 3.3 Congruence
3.2 Performance and receiving 3.4 Unconditional
expectations are 3.3 Performance positive regard
based on individual expectation 3.5 Handling of
team members Feedback
knowledge, skills
and aptitude
3.3 Performance
expectations are
discussed and
disseminated to
individual team
4. Supervise team 4.1 Performance is 4.1 Performance 4.1 Communication
performance monitored based on Coaching skills required for
defined 4.2 Performance leading teams
performance criteria management 4.2 Coaching skill
and/or assignment 4.3 Performance
instruction Issues
4.2 Team members
are provided with
feedback, positive
support and advice
on strategies to
overcome any
deficiencies based
on company
4.3 Performance
issues which
cannot be rectified
or addressed within
the team are
referred to
according to
employer policy
4.4 Team members are
kept informed of
any changes in the
priority allocated to
assignments or
tasks which might
impact on
needs and

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 6

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
4.5 Team operations
are monitored to
ensure that
needs and
requirements are
4.6 Follow-up
communication is
provided on all
issues affecting
the team
4.7 All relevant
documentation is
completed in
accordance with

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 7


May include:
1. Work requirements
1.1. Client Profile
1.2. Assignment instructions
May include:
2. Team member’s
concerns 2.1. Roster/shift details
May include:
3. Monitor performance
3.1. Formal process
3.2. Informal process
May include:
4. Feedback
4.1. Formal process
4.2. Informal process
May include:
5. Performance issues
5.1. Work output
5.2. Work quality
5.3. Team participation
5.4. Compliance with workplace protocols
5.5. Safety
5.6. Customer service

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 8


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1. Maintained or improved individuals and/or team
performance given a variety of possible scenario
1.2. Assessed and monitored team and individual
performance against set criteria
1.3. Represented concerns of a team and individual to
next level of management or appropriate specialist
and to negotiate on their behalf
1.4. Allocated duties and responsibilities, having regard to
individual’s knowledge, skills and aptitude and the
needs of the tasks to be performed
1.5. Set and communicated performance expectations for
a range of tasks and duties within the team and
provided feedback to team members
2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1. Access to relevant workplace or appropriately
simulated environment where assessment can take
2.2. Materials relevant to the proposed activity or task
3. Methods of Assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1. Written Examination
3.2. Oral Questioning
3.3. Portfolio
4. Context for Assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or
at the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 9


UNIT CODE : 400311321

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to solve problems in the workplace including the application
of problem solving techniques and to determine and resolve
the root cause/s of specific problems in the workplace.

elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Examine 1.1 Variances are 1.1 Competence 1.1 Using range of
specific examined from includes a analytical techniques
workplace normal operating thorough (e.g., planning,
challenges. parameters; and knowledge and attention,
product quality. understanding of simultaneous and
1.2 Extent, cause and the process, successive
nature of the normal operating processing of
specific problem parameters, and information) in
are defined product quality to examining specific
through recognize non- challenges in the
observation, standard situations. workplace.
investigation and 1.2 Competence to 1.2 Identifying extent
analytical include the ability and causes of
techniques. to apply and specific challenges in
1.3 Problems are explain, enough for the workplace.
clearly stated and the identification of
specified. fundamental
causes of specific
1.3 Relevant
equipment and
1.4 Enterprise goals,
targets and
1.5 Enterprise quality
OHS and
1.6 Enterprise
systems and data
1.7 Industry codes and

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 10

elaborated in the
Range of Variables
2. Analyze the 2.1 Possible causes of 2.1 Competence 2.1 Using range of
causes of specific problems includes a analytical
specific are identified thorough techniques (e.g.,
workplace based on knowledge and planning,
challenges. experience and the understanding of attention,
use of problem the process, simultaneous
solving tools / normal operating and successive
analytical parameters, and processing of
techniques. product quality to information) in
2.2 Possible cause recognize non- examining
statements are standard situations. specific
developed based 2.2 Competence to challenges in the
on findings. include the ability workplace.
2.3 Fundamental to apply and 2.2 Identifying extent
causes are explain, sufficient and causes of
identified per for the identification specific
results of of fundamental challenges in the
investigation cause, determining workplace.
conducted. the corrective 2.3 Providing clear-
action and cut findings on
provision of the nature of
recommendations. each identified
2.3 Relevant workplace
equipment and challenges.
2.4 Enterprise goals,
targets and
2.5 Enterprise quality
OSH and
2.6 Enterprise
systems and data
2.7 Industry codes and

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 11

elaborated in the
Range of Variables
3. Formulate 3.1 All possible options 3.1 Competence to 3.1 Using range of
resolutions are considered for include the ability analytical
to specific resolution of the to apply and techniques (e.g.,
workplace problem. explain, sufficient planning,
challenges. 3.2 Strengths and for the identification attention,
weaknesses of of fundamental simultaneous
possible options cause, determining and successive
are considered. the corrective processing of
3.3 Corrective actions action and information) in
are determined to provision of examining
resolve the recommendations specific
problem and 3.2Relevant equipment challenges in the
possible future and operational workplace.
causes. processes 3.2 Identifying extent
3.4 Action plans are 3.3 Enterprise goals, and causes of
developed targets and specific
identifying measures challenges in the
measurable 3.4 Enterprise quality workplace.
objectives, OSH and 3.3 Providing clear-
resource needs environmental cut findings on
and timelines in requirement the nature of
accordance with 3.5 Principles of each identified
safety and decision making workplace
operating strategies and challenges.
procedures techniques 3.4 Devising,
3.6 Enterprise communicating,
information implementing
systems and data and evaluating
collation strategies and
3.7 Industry codes and techniques in
standards addressing

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 12

elaborated in the
Range of Variables
4. Implement 4.1 Action plans are 4.1 Competence to 4.1 Using range of
action plans implemented and include the ability analytical
and evaluated. to apply and techniques (e.g.,
communicat 4.2 Results of plan explain, sufficient planning,
e results. implementation and for the identification attention,
recommendations of fundamental simultaneous
are prepared. cause, determining and successive
4.2 Recommendations the corrective processing of
are presented to action and information) in
appropriate provision of examining
personnel. recommendations specific
4.3 Recommendations 4.2. Relevant challenges in the
are followed-up, if equipment and workplace.
required. operational 4.2 Identifying extent
processes and causes of
4.3 Enterprise goals, specific
targets and challenges in the
measures workplace.
4.4 Enterprise quality, 4.3 Providing clear-
OSH and cut findings on
environmental the nature of
requirement each identified
4.5 Principles of workplace
decision making challenges.
strategies and 4.4 Devising,
techniques communicating,
4.6 Enterprise implementing
information and evaluating
systems and data strategies and
collation techniques in
4.7 Industry codes and addressing
standards specific

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 13


1. Parameters May include:
1.1 Processes
1.2 Procedures
1.3 Systems

2. Analytical techniques May include:

2.1. Brainstorming
2.2. Intuitions/Logic
2.3. Cause and effect diagrams
2.4. Pareto analysis
2.5. SWOT analysis
2.6. Gant chart, Pert CPM and graphs
2.7. Scattergrams
3. Problem May include:
3.1. Routine, non – routine and complex workplace and
quality problems
3.2. Equipment selection, availability and failure
3.3. Teamwork and work allocation problem
3.4. Safety and emergency situations and incidents
3.5. Risk assessment and management
4. Action plans May include:
4.1. Priority requirements
4.2. Measurable objectives
4.3. Resource requirements
4.4. Timelines
4.5. Co-ordination and feedback requirements
4.6. Safety requirements
4.7. Risk assessment
4.8. Environmental requirements

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 14


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1. Examined specific workplace challenges.
1.2. Analyzed the causes of specific workplace challenges.
1.3. Formulated resolutions to specific workplace challenges.
1.4. Implemented action plans and communicated results on specific
workplace challenges.

2. Resource 2.1. Assessment will require access to an operating plant over an

Implications extended period of time, or a suitable method of gathering
evidence of operating ability over a range of situations. A bank of
scenarios / case studies / what ifs will be required as well as bank
of questions which will be used to probe the reason behind the
observable action.
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1. Observation
3.2. Case Formulation
3.3. Life Narrative Inquiry
3.4. Standardized test
The unit will be assessed in a holistic manner as is practical and may
be integrated with the assessment of other relevant units of
competency. Assessment will occur over a range of situations, which
will include disruptions to normal, smooth operation. Simulation may be
required to allow for timely assessment of parts of this unit of
competency. Simulation should be based on the actual workplace and
will include walk through of the relevant competency components.

These assessment activities should include a range of problems,

including new, unusual and improbable situations that may have
4. Context for 4.1 In all workplace, it may be appropriate to assess this unit
Assessment concurrently with relevant teamwork or operation units.

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 15


UNIT CODE : 400311322

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the outcomes required to work effectively
in a workplace characterized by diversity in terms of
religions, beliefs, races, ethnicities and other differences.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Develop an 1.1 Individual 1.1 Understanding 1.1 Applying cross-
individual’s differences with cultural diversity in cultural
cultural clients, customers the workplace communication
awareness and and fellow workers 1.2 Norms of behavior skills (i.e. different
sensitivity are recognized for interacting and business customs,
and respected in dialogue with beliefs,
accordance with specific groups communication
enterprise policies (e. g., Muslims and strategies)
and core values. other non- 1.2 Showing affective
1.2 Differences are Christians, non- skills – establishing
responded to in a Catholics, rapport and
sensitive and tribes/ethnic groups, empathy,
considerate foreigners) understanding, etc.
manner 1.3 Different methods of 1.3 Demonstrating
1.3 Diversity is verbal and non- openness and
accommodated verbal flexibility in
using appropriate communication in a communication
verbal and non- multicultural setting 1.4 Recognizing diverse
verbal groups in the
communication. workplace and
community as
defined by divergent
culture, religion,
traditions and

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 16

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
2. Work effectively 2.1 Knowledge, skills 2.1 Value of diversity in 2.1 Demonstrating cross-
in an and experiences the economy and cultural
environment that of others are society in terms of communication skills
acknowledges recognized and Workforce and active listening
and values documented in development 2.2 Recognizing diverse
cultural diversity relation to team 2.2 Importance of groups in the
objectives. inclusiveness in a workplace and
2.2 Fellow workers are diverse community as
encouraged to environment defined by divergent
utilize and share 2.3 Shared vision and culture, religion,
their specific understanding of traditions and
qualities, skills or and commitment to practices
backgrounds with team, 2.3 Demonstrating
other team departmental, and collaboration skills
members and organizational 2.4 Exhibiting customer
clients to enhance goals and service excellence
work outcomes. objectives
2.3 Relations with 2.4 Strategies for
customers and customer service
clients are excellence
maintained to
show that diversity
is valued by the

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 17

Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
3. Identify 3.1 Diversity-related 3.1 Value, and leverage 3.1 Addressing
common issues conflicts within of cultural diversity diversity-related
in a the workplace are 3.2 Inclusivity and conflicts in the
multicultural effectively conflict resolution workplace
and diverse addressed and 3.3 Workplace 3.2 Eliminating
environment resolved. harassment discriminatory
3.2 Discriminatory 3.4 Change behavior towards
behaviors towards management and customers and co-
customers/stakeho ways to overcome workers
lders are resistance to change 3.3 Utilizing change
minimized and 3.5 Advanced strategies management
addressed for customer service policies in the
accordingly. excellence workplace
3.3 Change
policies are in
place within the

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 18


1. Diversity This refers to diversity in both the workplace and the
community and may include divergence in :
1.1 Religion
1.2 Ethnicity, race or nationality
1.3 Culture
1.4 Gender, age or personality
1.5 Educational background
2. Diversity-related conflicts May include conflicts that result from:
2.1 Discriminatory behaviors
2.2 Differences of cultural practices
2.3 Differences of belief and value systems
2.4 Gender-based violence
2.5 Workplace bullying
2.6 Corporate jealousy
2.7 Language barriers
2.8 Individuals being differently-abled persons
2.9 Ageism (negative attitude and behavior towards
old people)


1. Critical aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

of Competency 1.1 Adjusted language and behavior as required by interactions
with diversity
1.2 Identified and respected individual differences in colleagues,
clients and customers
1.3 Applied relevant regulations, standards and codes of practice
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Access to workplace and resources
2.2 Manuals and policies on Workplace Diversity
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Demonstration or simulation with oral questioning
3.2 Group discussions and interactive activities
3.3 Case studies/problems involving workplace diversity issues
3.4 Third-party report
3.5 Written examination
3.6 Role Plays
4. Context for Competency assessment may occur in workplace or any
Assessment appropriately simulated environment

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 19


UNIT CODE : 400311323

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
assess general obstacles in the application of learning and
innovation in the organization and to propose practical
methods of such in addressing organizational challenges.

elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Assess work 1.1. Reasons for 1.1 Seven habits of 1.1 Demonstrating
procedures, innovation are highly effective collaboration and
processes and incorporated people. networking skills.
systems in terms to work 1.2 Character 1.2 Applying basic
of innovative procedures. strengths that research and
practices 1.2. Models of foster innovation evaluation skills
innovation are and learning 1.3 Generating insights
researched. (Christopher on how to improve
1.3. Gaps or barriers Peterson and organizational
to innovation in Martin Seligman, procedures,
one’s work area 2004) processes and
are analyzed. 1.3 Five minds of the systems through
1.4. Staff who can future concepts innovation.
support and foster (Gardner, 2007).
innovation in the 1.4 Adaptation
work procedure concepts in
are identified. neuroscience
(Merzenich, 2013).
1.5 Transtheoretical
model of behavior
DiClemente, &
Norcross, 1992).

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 20

elaborated in the
Range of Variables
2. Generate 2.1 Ideas for 2.1 Seven habits of 2.1 Assessing readiness
practical action innovative work highly effective for change on
plans for procedure to foster people. simple work
improving work innovation using 2.2 Character procedures,
procedures, individual and strengths that processes and
processes group techniques foster innovation systems.
are conceptualized and learning 2.2 Generating insights
2.2 Range of ideas (Christopher on how to improve
with other team Peterson and organizational
members and Martin Seligman, procedures,
colleagues are 2004) processes and
evaluated and 2.3 Five minds of the systems through
discussed future concepts innovation.
2.3 Work procedures (Gardner, 2007). 2.3 Facilitating action
and processes 2.4 Adaptation plans on how to
subject to change concepts in apply innovative
are selected based neuroscience procedures in the
on workplace (Merzenich, 2013). organization.
requirements 2.5 Transtheoretical
(feasible and model of behavior
innovative). change
2.4 Practical action (Prochaska,
plans are DiClemente, &
proposed to Norcross, 1992).
facilitate simple
changes in the
work procedures,
processes and
2.5 Critical inquiry is
applied and used
to facilitate
discourse on
adjustments in the
simple work
processes and

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 21

elaborated in the
Range of Variables
3. Evaluate the 3.1 Work structure is 3.1 Five minds of the 3.1 Generating insights
effectiveness of analyzed to future concepts on how to improve
the proposed identify the impact (Gardner, 2007). organizational
action plans of the new work 3.2 Adaptation concepts procedures,
procedures in neuroscience processes and
3.2 Co-workers/key (Merzenich, 2013). systems through
personnel is 3.3 Transtheoretical innovation.
consulted to know model of behavior 3.2 Facilitating action
who will be change (Prochaska, plans on how to
involved with or DiClemente, & apply innovative
affected by the Norcross, 1992). procedures in the
work procedure organization.
3.3 Work instruction 3.3 Communicating
operational plan of results of the
the new work evaluation of the
procedure is proposed and
developed and implemented
evaluated. changes in the
3.4 Feedback and workplace
suggestion are procedures and
recorded. systems.
3.5 Operational plan 3.4 Developing action
is updated. plans for continuous
3.6 Results and improvement on the
impact on the basic systems,
developed work processes and
instructions are procedures in the
reviewed organization.
3.7 Results of the new
work procedure
are evaluated
3.8 Adjustments are
based on results

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 22


1. Reasons May include:
1.1 Strengths and weaknesses of the current systems,
processes and procedures.
1.2 Opportunities and threats of the current systems,
processes and procedures.
2. Models of innovation May include:
2.1 Seven habits of highly effective people.
2.2 Five minds of the future concepts (Gardner, 2007).
2.3 Neuroplasticity and adaptation strategies.
3. Gaps or barriers May include:
3.1 Machine
3.2 Manpower
3.3 Methods
3.4 Money
4. Critical Inquiry May include:
4.1 Preparation.
4.2 Discussion.
4.3 Clarification of goals.
4.4 Negotiate towards a Win-Win outcome.
4.5 Agreement.
4.6 Implementation of a course of action.
4.7 Effective verbal communication. See our pages: Verbal
Communication and Effective Speaking.
4.8 Listening.
4.9 Reducing misunderstandings is a key part of effective
4.10 Rapport Building.
4.11 Problem Solving.
4.12 Decision Making.
4.13 Assertiveness.
4.14 Dealing with Difficult Situations.

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 23


1. Critical aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

of Competency 1.1 Established the reasons why innovative systems are required
1.2 Established the goals of a new innovative system
1.3 Analyzed current organizational systems to identify gaps and
barriers to innovation
1.4 Assessed work procedures, processes and systems in terms of
innovative practices
1.5 Generate practical action plans for improving work procedures,
and processes
1.6 Reviewed the trial innovative work system and adjusted reflect
evaluation feedback, knowledge management systems and
future planning
1.7 Evaluated the effectiveness of the proposed action plans.
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Pens, papers and writing implements
2.2 Cartolina
2.3 Manila papers
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Psychological and behavioral Interviews
3.2 Performance Evaluation
3.3 Life Narrative Inquiry
3.4 Review of portfolios of evidence and third-party workplace
reports of on-the-job performance
3.5 Sensitivity analysis
3.6 Organizational analysis
3.7 Standardized assessment of character strengths and virtues
4. Context for 4.1 Competency may be assessed individually in the actual
Assessment workplace or simulation environment in TESDA accredited

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 24


UNIT CODE : 400311324

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to use technical information systems, apply information
technology (IT) systems and edit, format & check information.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Use technical 1.1. Information are 1.1. Application in 1.1. Collating information
information collated and collating 1.2. Operating
organized into a information appropriate and
suitable form for 1.2. Procedures for valid procedures for
reference and use inputting, inputting,
1.2. Stored information maintaining and maintaining and
are classified so archiving archiving information
that it can be information 1.3. Advising and
quickly identified 1.3. Guidance to offering guidance to
and retrieved when people who need people who need to
needed to find and use find and use
1.3. Guidance are information information
advised and 1.4. Organize 1.4. Organizing
offered to people information information into a
who need to find 1.5. classify stored suitable form for
and use information for reference and use
information identification and 1.5. Classifying stored
retrieval information for
1.6. Operate the identification and
technical retrieval
information system 1.6. Operating the
by using agreed technical information
procedures system by using
agreed procedures

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 25

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
2. Apply information 2.1. Technical 2.1. Attributes and 2.1. Identifying attributes
technology (IT) information limitations of and limitations of
system is operated available software available software
using agreed tools tools
procedures 2.2. Procedures and 2.2. Using procedures and
2.2. Appropriate and work instructions for work instructions for
valid procedures the use of IT the use of IT
are operated for 2.3. Operational 2.3. Describing
inputting, requirements for IT operational
maintaining and systems requirements for IT
archiving 2.4. Sources and flow systems
information paths of data 2.4. Identifying sources
2.3. Software required 2.5. Security systems and flow paths of data
are utilized to and measures that 2.5. Determining security
execute the project can be used systems and
activities 2.6. Extract data and measures that can be
2.4. Information and format reports used
data obtained are 2.7. Methods of entering 2.6. Extracting data and
handled, edited, and processing format reports
formatted and information 2.7. Describing methods
checked from a 2.8. WWW enabled of entering and
range of internal applications processing
and external information
sources 2.8. Using WWW
2.5. Information are applications
extracted, entered,
and processed to
produce the
outputs required
by customers
2.6. Own skills and
understanding are
shared to help
2.7. Specified security
measures are
implemented to
protect the
confidentiality and
integrity of project
data held in IT

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 26

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
3. Edit, format and 3.1 Basic editing 3.1 Basic file-handling 3.1 Using basic file-
check techniques are techniques handling techniques
information used 3.2 Techniques in is used for the
3.2 Accuracy of checking software
documents are documents 3.2 Using different
checked 3.3 Techniques in techniques in
3.3 Editing and editing and checking documents
formatting tools and formatting 3.3 Applying editing and
techniques are 3.4 Proof reading formatting techniques
used for more techniques 3.4 Applying proof
complex documents reading techniques
3.4 Proof reading
techniques is used
to check that
documents look

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 27


1. Information May include:
1.1. Property
1.2. Organizational
1.3. Technical reference
2. Technical information May include:
2.1. paper based
2.2. electronic
3. Software May include:
3.1. spreadsheets
3.2. databases
3.3. word processing
3.4. presentation
4. Sources May include:
4.1. other IT systems
4.2. manually created
4.3. within own organization
4.4. outside own organization
4.5. geographically remote
5. Customers May include:
5.1. colleagues
5.2. company and project management
5.3. clients
6. Security measures May include:
6.1. access rights to input;
6.2. passwords;
6.3. access rights to outputs;
6.4. data consistency and back-up;
6.5. recovery plans

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 28


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1. Used technical information systems and information
1.2. Applied information technology (IT) systems
1.3. Edited, formatted and checked information

2. Resource Implications The following resources MUST be provided:

2.1. Computers
2.2. Software and IT system

3. Methods of Competency in this unit MUST be assessed through:

Assessment 3.1. Direct Observation
3.2. Oral interview and written test

4. Context for 4.1. Competency may be assessed individually in the

Assessment actual workplace or through accredited institution

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 29


UNIT CODE : 400311325

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to interpret Occupational Safety and Health
practices, set OSH work targets, and evaluate
effectiveness of Occupational Safety and Health work

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Interpret 1.1 OSH work practices 1.1. OSH work 1.1. Communication
Occupational issues are identified practices issues skills
Safety and relevant to work 1.2. OSH work 1.2. Interpersonal skills
Health requirements standards 1.3. Critical thinking
practices 1.2 OSH work standards 1.3. General OSH skills
and procedures are principles and 1.4. Observation skills
determined based on legislations
applicability to nature of
1.4. Company/
work workplace policies/
1.3 Gaps in work practices guidelines
are identified related to
1.5. Standards and
relevant OSH work safety
standards requirements of
work process and
2. Set OSH work 2.1 Relevant work 2.1. OSH work targets 2.1. Communication
targets information are 2.2. OSH Indicators skills
gathered necessary to 2.3. OSH work 2.2. Collaborating skills
determine OSH work instructions 2.3. Critical thinking
targets 2.4. Safety and health skills
2.2 OSH Indicators based requirements of 2.4. Observation skills
on gathered information tasks
are agreed upon to 2.5. Workplace
measure effectiveness guidelines on
of workplace OSH providing
policies and procedures feedback on OSH
2.3 Agreed OSH indicators and security
are endorsed for concerns
approval from 2.6. OSH regulations
appropriate personnel Hazard control
2.4 OSH work procedures
instructions are 2.7. OSH trainings
received in accordance relevant to work
with workplace policies
and procedures

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 30

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
3. Evaluate 3.1 OSH Practices are 3.1. OSH Practices 3.1. Critical thinking
effectiveness of observed based on 3.2. OSH metrics skills
Occupational workplace standards 3.3. OSH Evaluation 3.2. Evaluating skills
Safety and 3.2 Observed OSH Techniques
Health work practices are measured 3.4. OSH work
instructions against approved OSH standards
3.3 Findings regarding
effectiveness are
assessed and gaps
identified are
implemented based on
OSH work standards

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 31


1. OSH Work May include but not limited to:
Practices Issues 1.1 Workers’ experience/observance on presence of work hazards
1.2 Unsafe/unhealthy administrative arrangements (prolonged work
hours, no break-time, constant overtime, scheduling of tasks)
1.3 Reasons for compliance/non-compliance to use of PPEs or
other OSH procedures/policies/ guidelines
2. OSH Indicators May include but not limited to:
2.1 Increased of incidents of accidents, injuries
2.2 Increased occurrence of sickness or health
2.3 Common complaints of workers’ related to OSH
2.4 High absenteeism for work-related reasons
3. OSH Work May include but not limited to:
Instructions 3.1 Preventive and control measures, and targets
3.2 Eliminate the hazard (i.e., get rid of the dangerous machine
3.3 Isolate the hazard (i.e. keep the machine in a closed room and
operate it remotely; barricade an unsafe area off)
3.4 Substitute the hazard with a safer alternative (i.e., replace the
machine with a safer one)
3.5 Use administrative controls to reduce the risk (i.e. give trainings
on how to use equipment safely; OSH-related topics, issue
warning signages, rotation/shifting work schedule)
3.6 Use engineering controls to reduce the risk (i.e. use safety
guards to machine)
3.7 Use personal protective equipment
3.8 Safety, Health and Work Environment Evaluation
3.9 Periodic and/or special medical examinations of workers
4. OSH metrics May include but not limited to:
4.1 Statistics on incidence of accidence and injuries
4.2 Morbidity (Type and Number of Sickness)
4.3 Mortality (Cause and Number of Deaths)
4.4 Accident Rate

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 32


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1. Identify OSH work practices issues relevant to work
1.2. Identify gaps in work practices related to relevant OSH
work standards
1.3. Agree upon OSH Indicators based on gathered
information to measure effectiveness of workplace OSH
policies and procedures
1.4. Receive OSH work instructions in accordance with
workplace policies and procedures
1.5. Compare Observed OSH practices with against approved
OSH work instructions
1.6. Assess findings regarding effectiveness based on OSH
work standards
2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1 Facilities, materials, tools and equipment necessary for
the activity
3. Methods of Assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 Observation/Demonstration with oral questioning
3.2 Third party report
3.3 Written exam

4. Context for Assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 33


UNIT CODE : 400311326

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude to
interpret environmental Issues, establish targets to
evaluate environmental practices and evaluate
effectiveness of environmental practices

ELEMENTS Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
1. Interpret 1.1 Environmental work 1.1 Environmental 1.1. Analyzing
environmental practices issues are Issues Environmental
practices, identified relevant to 1.2 Environmental Issues and
policies and work requirements Work Procedures Concerns
procedures 1.2 Environmental 1.3 Environmental 1.2. Critical thinking
Standards and Laws 1.3. Problem Solving
Procedures nature of 1.4 Environmental 1.4. Observation Skills
work are determined Hazardous and
based on Applicability to Non-Hazardous
nature of work Materials
1.3 Gaps in work practices 1.5 Environmental
related to Environmental required license,
Standards and registration or
Procedures are certification

2. Establish 2.1. Relevant information are 2.1. Environmental 2.1. Investigative

targets to gathered necessary to Indicators Skills
evaluate determine environmental 2.2. Relevant 2.2. Critical thinking
environmental work targets Environment 2.3. Problem Solving
practices 2.2. Environmental Personnel or 2.4. Observation Skills
Indicators based on expert
gathered information are 2.3. Relevant
set to measure Environmental
environmental work Trainings and
targets Seminars
2.3. Indicators are verified
with appropriate

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 34

ELEMENTS Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
3. Evaluate 3.1. Work environmental 3.1 Environmental 3.1 Documentation
effectiveness practices are recorded Practices and Record
of based on workplace 3.2 Environmental Keeping Skills
environmental standards Standards and 3.2 Critical thinking
practices 3.2. Recorded work Procedures 3.3 Problem Solving
environmental practices 3.4 Observation Skills
are compared against
planned indicators
3.3. Findings regarding
effectiveness are
assessed and gaps
identified are
implemented based on
environment work
standards and
3.4. Results of environmental
assessment are
conveyed to appropriate

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 35


1. Environmental Practices May include:
Issues 1.1 Water Quality
1.2 National and Local Government Issues
1.3 Safety
1.4 Endangered Species
1.5 Noise
1.6 Air Quality
1.7 Historic
1.8 Waste
1.9 Cultural
2. Environmental Indicators May include:
2.1 Noise level
2.2 Lighting (Lumens)
2.3 Air Quality - Toxicity
2.4 Thermal Comfort
2.5 Vibration
2.6 Radiation
2.7 Quantity of the Resources
2.8 Volume

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 36


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1. Identified environmental issues relevant to work
1.2. Identified gaps in work practices related to Environmental
Standards and Procedures
1.3. Gathered relevant information necessary to determine
environmental work targets
1.4. Set environmental indicators based on gathered information
to measure environmental work targets
1.5. Recorded work environmental practices are recorded based
on workplace standards
1.6. Conveyed results of environmental assessment to
appropriate personnel
2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1 Workplace/Assessment location
2.2 Legislation, policies, procedures, protocols and local
ordinances relating to environmental protection
2.3 Case studies/scenarios relating to environmental protection
3. Methods of Assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 Written/ Oral Examination
3.2 Interview/Third Party Reports
3.3 Portfolio (citations/awards from GOs and NGOs,
certificate of training – local and abroad)
3.4 Simulations and role-plays
4. Context for Assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or
at the designated TESDA center.

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 37


UNIT CODE : 400311327

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the outcomes required to build, operate and
grow a micro/small-scale enterprise.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
1. Develop and 1.1 Appropriate business 1.1 Business models 1.1 Basic
maintain micro- strategies are and strategies bookkeeping/
small-medium determined and set for 1.2 Types and accounting skills
enterprise the enterprise based on categories of 1.2 Communication
(MSMEs) skills current and emerging businesses skills
in the business environment. 1.3 Business 1.3 Building relations
organization 1.2 Business operations are operation with customer and
monitored and controlled 1.4 Basic employees
following established Bookkeeping 1.4 Building
procedures. 1.5 Business competitive
1.3 Quality assurance internal controls advantage of the
measures are 1.6 Basic quality enterprise
implemented consistently. control and
1.4 Good relations are assurance
maintained with concepts
staff/workers. 1.7 Government and
1.5 Policies and procedures regulatory
on occupational safety processes
and health and
environmental concerns
are constantly observed.
2. Establish and 2.1 Good customer relations 2.1 Public relations 2.1 Building customer
Maintain client- are maintained concepts relations
base/market 2.2 New customers and 2.2 Basic product 2.2 Individual
markets are identified, promotion marketing skills
explored and reached out strategies 2.3 Using basic
to. 2.3 Basic market advertising
2.3 Promotions/Incentives are and feasibility (posters/ tarpaulins,
offered to loyal customers studies flyers, social media,
2.4 Additional products and 2.4 Basic business etc.)
services are evaluated ethics
and tried where feasible.
2.5 Promotional/advertising
initiatives are carried out
where necessary and

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 38

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
3. Apply budgeting 3.1 Enterprise is built up and 3.1 Cash flow 3.1 Setting business
and financial sustained through management priorities and
management judicious control of cash 3.1 Basic financial strategies
skills flows. management 3.2 Interpreting basic
3.2 Profitability of enterprise 3.2 Basic financial financial statements
is ensured though accounting 3.3 Preparing business
appropriate internal 3.3 Business plans
controls. internal controls
3.3 Unnecessary or lower-
priority expenses and
purchases are avoided.

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 39


1. Business strategies May include:
1.1. Developing/Maintaining niche market
1.2. Use of organic/healthy ingredients
1.3. Environment-friendly and sustainable practices
1.4. Offering both affordable and high-quality products and
1.5. Promotion and marketing strategies (e. g., on-line
2. Business operations May include:
2.1 Purchasing
2.2 Accounting/Administrative work
2.3 Production/Operations/Sales
3. Internal controls May include but not limited to:
3.1 Accounting systems
3.2 Financial statements/reports
3.3 Cash management

4. Promotional/Advertising May include:

initiatives 4.1 Use of tarpaulins, brochures, and/or flyers
4.2 Sales, discounts and easy payment terms
4.3 Use of social media/Internet
4.4 “Service with a smile”
4.5 Extra attention to regular customers

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 40


1. Critical aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate :

of competency 1.1 Demonstrated basic entrepreneurial skills
1.2 Demonstrated ability to conceptualize and plan a
micro/small enterprise
1.3 Demonstrated ability to manage/operate a
micro/small-scale business
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Simulated or actual workplace
2.2 Tools, materials and supplies needed to demonstrate
the required tasks
2.3 References and manuals
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through :
Assessment 3.1 Written examination
3.2 Demonstration/observation with oral questioning
3.3 Portfolio assessment with interview
3.4 Case problems
4. Context of 4.1 Competency may be assessed in workplace or in a
Assessment simulated workplace setting
4.2 Assessment shall be observed while tasks are being
undertaken whether individually or in-group

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 41




UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to
receive and resolve customer complaints in a range of
settings within the hospitality industry workplace context.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Identify and 1.1 Verbal complaint, 1.1 Communication 1.1 Questioning and
analyse the using active listening techniques communication
complaint and empathy 1.2 Anger management skills
techniques is techniques and 1.2 Research skills
received and conflict resolution 1.3 Analytical skills
accurately recorded techniques 1.4 Identifying relevant
1.2 The exact nature of 1.3 Customer complaints information
the customer 1.4 Records and 1.5 Compilation and
complaint are documentation classification of
identified through 1.5 Enterprise’s policies information and
appropriate and procedures data
communication 1.6 Networking skills
techniques 1.7 Handling
1.3 Register or complaint complaints
file/s in accordance
with the requirements
of the enterprise
information system
are maintained
2. Respond to 2.1 Complaints in 2.1 Communication 2.1 Questioning and
complaints accordance with techniques communication
organizational 10.1 Anger skills
standards, policies management 2.2 Analytical skills
and procedures are techniques and 2.3 Identifying relevant
processed conflict resolution information
2.2 Documentation in techniques 2.4 Compilation and
relation to complaints 10.2 Customer classification of
is obtained and complaints information and
reviewed 10.3 Records and data
2.3 Register of documentation 2.5 Networking skills
complaints/disputes 10.4 Enterprise’s 2.6 Processing
are updated policies and complaints

3. Determine and 3.1 Options to resolve the 3.1 Communication 3.1 Questioning and
agree upon complaint within techniques communication
appropriate enterprise policy, 3.2 Anger management skills
action to resolve procedures and techniques and 3.2 Analytical skills
complaint guidelines are conflict resolution

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 42

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
identified and techniques to resolve 3.3 Ability to research
reviewed customer complaints industry information
3.2 Action to resolve the 3.3 Communicate sources
complaint with the effectively with all 3.4 Identifying relevant
customer is agreed relevant people information
and confirmed. throughout the 3.5 Compilation and
3.3 A commitment to the complaint resolution classification of
customer to resolve process information and
the complaint is 3.4 Written complaints data
demonstrated 3.5 Workplace records 3.6 Networking skills
3.4 Customer is informed and documentation. 3.7 Resolving
on the outcome of 3.6 Enterprise’s policies complaint
investigation of and procedures in
complaint investigation regard to receiving
and resolving
customer complaints
4. Refer complaints 4.1 Complaints that 4.1 Communication 4.1 Questioning and
require referral to techniques communication
other personnel or 4.2 Anger management skills
external bodies are techniques and 4.2 Analytical skills
identified conflict resolution 4.3 Ability to research
4.2 Complaint to techniques to resolve industry information
appropriate customer complaints sources
personnel for follow- 4.3 Communicate 4.4 Identifying relevant
up in accordance with effectively with all information
individual level of relevant people 4.5 Compilation and
responsibility are throughout the classification of
referred complaint resolution information and
4.3 All necessary process data
documentation 4.4 Written complaints 4.6 Networking skills
including investigation 4.5 Workplace records
reports to appropriate and documentation.
personnel are 4.6 Enterprise’s policies
forwarded and procedures in
4.4 Complaints which regard to receiving
cannot be resolved to and resolving
an appropriate person customer complaints
are referred

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 43


1. Complaint May include:
1.1 Any expression of dissatisfaction with food and
beverage products or food service by a customer
1.2 Written complaints, e.g. Letter, email, complaint and/or
feedback form
1.3 Verbal, face-to-face, complaints
1.4 Verbal complaints over the telephone
2. Appropriate May include:
communication techniques 2.1 The use of active listening
2.2 The use of both open and closed questions
2.3 Speaking clearly and concisely
2.4 Using appropriate language and tone of voice
2.5 Giving customers full attention
2.6 Maintaining eye contact in face-to face interactions
2.7 Appropriate non-verbal communication in face-to-face
interactions, e.g. Body language, attention and
personal presentation
2.8 and should include:
2.9 Conflict resolution techniques
2.10 Anger management techniques
2.11 Observation of personal safety
3. Organizational standards, May include:
policies and procedures 3.1 Complaints procedures
3.2 Organisational standard report forms
3.3 Job descriptions
3.4 Code of ethics
3.5 Quality systems, standards and guidelines
3.6 Insurance/liabilities policies
4. Documentation May include:
4.1 Letters of complaint
4.2 Customer feedback forms outlining complaints, such
as paper-based customer satisfaction questionnaires,
internet-based customer satisfaction questionnaires
4.3 Complaint emails
5. Options May include:
5.1 Options that satisfy the customer
5.2 Options that partially satisfy the customer
5.3 Options that do not satisfy the customer.
5.4 and should include:
5.5 Options that reflect enterprise policy, procedures and
6. Inform customer of May include:
outcome 6.1 Providing documentation and/or evidence that
supports customer complaint
6.2 Providing documentation and/or evidence that does
not support customer complaint.
6.3 Information (verbal or written) that directly relates to
the complaint being investigated

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 44

6.4 Information (verbal or written) that is presented in a
calm and accurate manner
7. Appropriate person May include:
7.1 Immediate superior within the organisational hierarchy
7.2 Specialist customer service staff
7.3 External bodies


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Demonstrated ability to apply anger management
1.2 Demonstrated ability to apply conflict resolution
1.3 Demonstrated ability to use effective communication
skills to accurately determine the nature of complaints
1.4 Demonstrated ability to obtain written and verbal
information relevant to the complaint
1.5 Demonstrated ability to working with enterprise policies
and procedures to resolve customer complaints
1.6 Demonstrated ability to initiate escalation procedures at
an appropriate time within the complaint resolution
1.7 Demonstrated ability to maintain effective communication
lines with customers, other personnel and management
in order to resolve customer complaints quickly
1.8 Demonstrated ability to apply knowledge of different
cultures and cultural characteristics appropriately in
communications with customers and colleagues from
diverse backgrounds
2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
Training and assessment to include access to a real or
simulated workplace; and access to workplace customer
service standards, procedures, policies, guidelines, tools and
equipment and in particular those procedures, policies and
guidelines that guide effective complaint resolution.
3. Method of Assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 Case studies
3.2 Observation of practical candidate performance
3.3 Oral and written questions
3.4 Portfolio evidence
3.5 Problem solving
3.6 Role plays
3.7 Third party reports completed by a supervisor
3.8 Project and assignment work.
4. 4. Context of Assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at
the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center.

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 45



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to work
cooperatively in a general administration environment in a
range of settings within the labor divisions of the hospitality

elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Develop effective 1.1 Relationships with 1.1 Principles of 1.1 Questioning and
team team members and effective communication skills
relationships promote benefits of communication skills 1.2 Research skills
cooperative work 1.2 Feedback 1.3 Analytical skills
consistent with techniques and team 1.4 Ability to research
organizational goals building techniques industry information
and objectives are to build and maintain sources
developed and interpersonal 1.5 Identifying relevant
maintained relationships within a information
1.2 Responsibilities and designated work 1.6 Compilation and
assignments in a group or team classification of
positive manner to 1.3 Communicate information and data
promote effective effectively with a 1.7 Networking skills
relationships within range of people
the work group are relevant to position
undertaken and role
1.3 Courteous and 1.4 Customer relations
appropriate 1.5 Enterprise’s policies
communication with and procedures in
others in a manner, resolving complaints
which reflects and conflict
sensitivity to
individual social and
cultural differences
in accordance with
requirements, are
1.4 Communication
techniques to relay
information in a clear
and concise manner
are used
1.5 Language and tone
appropriate to a
particular audience,
purpose and
situation, taking into
account the relevant
factors involved are

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 46

elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1.6 Issues that may lead
to, or involve conflict
with team members,
or refer to
appropriate persons
are recognized and
1.7 Routine workplace
documentation is
completed accurately
and in a timely
2. Participate in 2.1 Individual 2.1 Principles of 2.1 Questioning and
team responsibilities within effective communication skills
assignments the workgroup in communication 2.2 Research skills
accordance with skills 2.3 Analytical skills
organisational 2.2 Feedback 2.4 Ability to research
requirements are techniques and industry information
identified and met team building sources
2.2 Cultural differences techniques to build 2.5 Identifying relevant
within the team are and maintain information
recognized and interpersonal 2.6 Compilation and
accommodated relationships within classification of
a designated work information and data
group or team 2.7 Networking skills
2.3 Communicate
effectively with a
range of people
relevant to position
and role
2.4 Customer relations
2.5 Enterprise’s policies
and procedures in
complaints and
3. Contribute to 3.1 Both internal 3.1 Principles of 3.1 Questioning and
team customer and effective communication skills
development external customer communication skills 3.2 Research skills
needs and 3.2 Feedback 3.3 Analytical skills
expectations in techniques and team 3.4 Ability to research
accordance with building techniques industry information
organization to build and maintain sources
standards, policies interpersonal 3.5 Identifying relevant
and procedures and relationships within a information
within acceptable designated work 3.6 Compilation and
time frames are met group or team classification of
3.2 Encouragement and 3.3 Communicate information and data
support to other team effectively with a 3.7 Networking skills
members to identify range of people
and organise relevant to position
professional and role

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 47

elaborated in the Range
of Variables
development 3.4 Customer relations
opportunities are 3.5 Enterprise’s policies
given and procedures in
3.3 Formal feedback resolving complaints
and informal and conflict
feedback on
individual and team
performance regularly
from colleagues and
supervisors to identify
and implement
improvements to
products, services,
processes or
outcomes are sought
3.4 Personal work
standards in a
manner that supports
the workgroup and
requirements are
3.5 Positive contributions
to the planning
process to improve
work practices are
3.6 Non-discriminatory
attitudes and
language when
interacting with
customers, staff and
consistently are used

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 48


1. Team members May Include:
1.1 Specific groups of employees assigned to complete
designated tasks, or to work together
1.2 The organization as a whole
1.3 Individual branches
1.4 Individual work sections
2. Organizational goals and May Include:
objectives 2.1 Reporting deadlines
2.2 Budgetary targets
2.3 Team participation
2.4 Team and individual learning goals
2.5 Professional development
3. Responsibility May Include:
3.1 Obeying lawful orders
3.2 Confidentiality and privacy requirements
3.3 Safety and care with respect to occupational safety and
health requirements
3.4 Terms and conditions of own employment
3.5 Responsibility of providing a safe environment, free from
discrimination and sexual harassment
4. Appropriate May Include:
communication 4.1 Using active listening
4.2 Using both open and closed questions
4.3 Speaking clearly and concisely
4.4 Using appropriate language and tone of voice
4.5 Being attentive
4.6 Maintaining eye contact in face-to face interactions
4.7 Using appropriate non-verbal communication in face-to-
face interactions, e.g. Body language, attention and
personal presentation
5. Social and cultural May Include:
differences 5.1 Language
5.2 Traditional practices and observations
5.3 Beliefs, values, practices
5.4 Food, diet
5.5 Dress
5.6 Religious and spiritual observances
5.7 Social conventions
5.8 Cultural stereotypes
5.9 Conventions of gender/sexuality
6. Organizational May Include:
requirements 6.1 Legal and organizational policy and procedures,
including personnel practices and guidelines
6.2 Organizational goals, objectives, plans, systems and
6.3 Legislation relevant to the operation, incident and/or
6.4 Employer and employee rights and responsibilities
6.5 Business and performance plans

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 49

6.6 Policies and procedures relating to own role,
responsibility and delegation
6.7 Quality and continuous improvement processes and
6.8 Client service standards
6.9 Defined resource parameters
7. Language and tone May Include:
7.1 Using simple, concise language that can be easily
understood by the audience
7.2 Using appropriate tone, i.e. not patronizing, not too loud,
not too soft, not yelling, not angry
8. Conflict May Include:
8.1 Group conflict
8.2 Conflict with individuals
8.3 Conflict with co-workers
9. Appropriate persons May Include:
9.1 Supervisors, managers
9.2 Colleagues
9.3 Human resource personnel
9.4 Members of the public
9.5 Clients
10. Workplace documentation May Include:
10.1 Letters
10.2 Memos
10.3 Faxes
10.4 Emails
10.5 Invoices and purchase orders
10.6 Policies and procedures
11. Cultural differences May Include:
11.1 Forms of address
11.2 Levels of formality, or informality
11.3 Non-verbal behavior
11.4 Work ethics
11.5 Personal grooming
11.6 Family obligations
11.7 Recognized holidays
11.8 Special needs
11.9 Preferences for personal interactions
12. Internal customer May Include:
12.1 Colleagues working in another department
12.2 Team members
12.3 Supervisor or managers
13. External customer May Include:
13.1 Suppliers
13.2 People who buy the goods and services the enterprise
14. Organization standards, May Include:
policies and procedures 14.1 Complaints procedures
14.2 Organizational standard report forms
14.3 Job descriptions

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14.4 Code of ethics
14.5 Quality systems, standards and guidelines
15. Professional development May Include:
opportunities 15.1 Coaching, mentoring and/or supervision
15.2 Formal and/or informal learning programs
15.3 Internal and/or external training provision
15.4 Work experience and exchange opportunities
15.5 Personal study
15.6 Career planning and development
15.7 Performance appraisals
15.8 Workplace skills assessment
15.9 Quality assurance assessments and
16. Formal feedback May Include:
16.1 360-degree assessment
16.2 Customer satisfaction surveys/forms
16.3 Team evaluations
16.4 Performance reviews/appraisals
16.5 Workplace assessment
17. Informal feedback May Include:
16.1 Critical incident reviews
16.2 Impromptu questioning of customers to obtain view
of products and/or service provided
16.3 Chance discussions with customers
16.4 Coaching and mentoring
16.5 Seeking the opinions of others
16.6 Comments from supervisors, colleagues or clients
16.7 Personal, reflective behavior strategies
18. Non-discriminatory May Include:
attitudes and language 18.1 Language in relation to race and ethnicity
18.2 Not making assumptions about physical or intellectual
18.3 The use of non-discriminatory language in relation to
the portrayal of people with disabilities
18.4 Using and gender inclusive language

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 51


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Demonstrated ability to apply active listening techniques
1.2 Demonstrated ability to use effective communication skills
to build and maintain interpersonal relationships within a
designated work group or team
1.3 Demonstrated ability to apply the principles of good
teamwork to assist self and others to complete
assignments within designated timeframes
1.4 Demonstrated ability to interpret and comply with a range
of legislative and procedural requirements relevant to
security operations
1.5 Demonstrated ability to actively seek and interpret
feedback on quality of work performance and identify
opportunities for professional development to develop and
improve future career options
1.6 Demonstrated ability to communicate in a clear, concise
and accurate manner which reflects sensitivity to
individual social and cultural differences
2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1 Training and assessment to include access to a real or
simulated workplace; and access to workplace standards,
procedures, policies, guidelines, tools and equipment
3. Method of Assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 Case studies
3.2 Observation of practical candidate performance
3.3 Oral and written questions
3.4 Portfolio evidence
3.5 Problem solving
3.6 Role plays
3.7 Third party reports completed by a supervisor
3.8 Project and assignment work
4. Context of Assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at
the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center.

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 52



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required
to maintain a quality customer/guest service within
the hotel and travel industries.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Identify customer/ 1.1 Options to improve 1.1 Principles of 1.1 Questioning and
guest service levels are effective communication skills
requirements identified communication skills 1.2 Research skills
1.2 Needs of customers 1.2 Business 1.3 Analytical skills
and/or guests are environment in 1.4 Ability to research
researched and which the hotel and industry information
assessed travel industry sources
1.3 Deficiencies in operates, including 1.5 Identifying relevant
service delivery are major current information
identified by customer relations 1.6 Compilation and
conducting data and management classification of
analysis issues as information and data
appropriate to the 1.7 Networking skills
industry sector
1.3 Principles of
customer service
1.4 Organization's
business structure,
products and
services and
organization's policy
and procedures for
customer service,
including handling
customer complaints
1.5 Product and service
standards and best
practice models
1.6 Common problems
relating to customer
1.7 Consultation
methods, techniques
and protocols
1.8 Research and or
evidence and
feedback gathering
2. Ensure delivery 2.1 Colleagues to meet 2.1 Principles of 2.1 Questioning and
of quality and exceed customer effective communication skills
products/ service standards by communication skills 2.2 Research skills
services providing appropriate 2.3 Analytical skills

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 53

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
professional 2.2 Business 2.4 Ability to research
development are environment in industry information
assisted which the hotel and sources
2.2 Products/services are travel industry 2.5 Identifying relevant
ensured to meet operates, including information
customers’ needs and major current 2.6 Compilation and
reflect enterprise customer relations classification of
standards and management information and data
2.3 Consistently ensure issues as 2.7 Networking skills
products/services appropriate to the
meet customer needs industry sector
and reflect enterprise 2.3 Principles of
standards customer service
2.4 Organization's
business structure,
products and
services and
organization's policy
and procedures for
customer service,
including handling
customer complaints
2.5 Product and service
standards and best
practice models
2.6 Common problems
relating to customer
2.7 Consultation
methods, techniques
and protocols
2.8 Research and or
evidence and
feedback gathering

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 54

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
3. Evaluate 3.1 Systems, records and 3.1 Principles of 3.1 Questioning and
customer service reporting procedures effective communication skills
in order to identify and communication 3.2 Research skills
report on any changes skills 3.3 Analytical skills
in customer 3.2 Business 3.4 Ability to research
satisfaction are environment in industry information
compared which the hotel and sources
3.2 Customer service travel industry 3.5 Identifying relevant
evaluation outcomes operates, including information
are evaluated and major current 3.6 Compilation and
reported to designated customer relations classification of
groups or individuals and management information and data
3.3 An agreement on issues as 3.7 Networking skills.
appropriate courses of appropriate to the
action to overcome industry sector
problems is obtained 3.3 Principles of
upon consultation with customer service
designated 3.4 Organization's
individuals/groups business structure,
products and
services and
policy and
procedures for
customer service,
including handling
3.5 Product and service
standards and best
practice models
3.6 Common problems
relating to customer
3.7 Consultation
techniques and
3.8 Research and or
evidence and
feedback gathering

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1. Service levels May include:
1.1 Service quality
1.2 Customer satisfaction
1.3 Staff attitude
1.4 Appearance of venue, staff, etc.
1.5 Atmosphere of venue
1.6 Responsiveness of staff to customer requests
1.7 Delivery times
1.8 Prices or costs
1.9 Product or service availability
1.10 Courtesy and politeness
2. Appropriate professional May include:
development 2.1 Mentoring
2.2 Coaching
2.3 Training
2.4 Peer support
3. Evaluate and report on May include:
customer service 3.1 Service quality evaluations
3.2 Customer satisfaction evaluations
3.3 Industry benchmarking
4. Designated groups or May include:
individuals 4.1 Managers
4.2 Supervisors
4.3 Marketing personnel

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 56


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Demonstrated ability to identify the needs and priorities of
the organization delivering services to customers/guests
1.2 Demonstrated ability to distinguish between customer
requirements and customer satisfaction
1.3 Demonstrated ability to provide constructive advice on
customer/guest service practices
1.4 Demonstrated ability to respond to and report on
customer feedback
1.5 Demonstrated ability to design strategies to improve
delivery of products and services
1.6 Consistency of performance across a range of situations
that demonstrates knowledge, understanding and skill in
implementing the principles and practices of maintaining
quality customer/guest services
2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1 Training and assessment to include access to a real or
simulated workplace and relevant documentation, such
as strategic plans, information on the internal and
external operating environment and customer
satisfaction data; and access to workplace standards,
procedures, policies, guidelines, tools and equipment.
3. Method of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Case studies
3.2 Observation of practical candidate performance
3.3 Oral and written questions
3.4 Portfolio evidence
3.5 Problem solving
3.6 Role plays
3.7 Third party reports completed by a supervisor
3.8 Project and assignment work
4. Context of 4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at
Assessment the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center.

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 57



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, behavior and
motivations required to develop staff rosters. This role
may be carried out by operational supervisors and

Bold and italicized KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
terms are elaborated in
Range of Variables
1. Develop and 1.1 Rosters are 1.1 Effective 1.1 Communications
implement staff developed in communication skills
rosters accordance with 1.2 Role of rosters and 1.2 Developing rosters
company their importance in 1.3 Organizing
agreements and controlling staff information
wage budgets. costs 1.4 Preparing staff
1.2 Operational efficiency 1.3 Factors to be rosters
and customer service considered when
levels are maximized developing rosters
while wage costs are 1.4 Formats for the
minimized in roster presentation of staff
development. rosters and details
1.3 Duties are combined to be included
where appropriate to 1.5 Area of operation
ensure effective use for which roster is
of staff. being developed
1.4 The available skills 1.6 Company
base is utilized standards
appropriately to roster 1.7 Customer Service
the most effective mix
of staff and to meet
different operational
1.5 Rosters are
presented in required
formats to ensure
clarity of information
in accordance with
company standards.
1.6 Rosters are
communicated to
colleagues within
designated timelines.

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 58

Bold and italicized KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
terms are elaborated in
Range of Variables
2. Maintain staff 2.1 Time sheets and 2.1 Effective 2.1 Communications
records other documentation communication skills
are completed 2.2 Area of operation 2.2 Updating and
accurately and within for which roster is maintaining records
designated timelines being developed
2.2 Staff records are 2.3 Records
updated accurately management
and maintained or
stored in accordance
with establishment


1. Rosters May include:
1.1 An individual department
1.2 A whole establishment
1.3 A specific project
2.Company agreements May include:
2.1 Number of hours worked in a given shift
2.2 Overall number of hours allocated to different staff
2.3 Breaks between shifts
2.4 Nature of duties allocated
2.5 Use of permanent or casual staff

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 59


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the
factors and issues which impact upon staff rostering
1.2 Demonstrated familiarity with typical formats and the
key information to be included
1.3 Demonstrated the ability to prepare staff rosters which
meet wage budgets and which provide a level of
staffing sufficient to ensure the delivery of high quality
customer service.
2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1 Project or work activities which allow the candidate to
prepare rosters for a workplace and to evaluate their
cost efficiency and operational effectiveness against
nominated standards
2.2 Preparation of more than one roster to meet the staffing
requirements of more than one operational situation
3. Methods of Assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 Evaluation of the staffing costs and observing service
levels at an event for which the candidate has prepared
3.2 Oral or written questions to assess knowledge of
specific factors which affect the design of rosters
3.3 Review of portfolios of evidence and third party
workplace reports of on-the-job performance by the
4. Context for Assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or
at the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 60



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, behavior and motivations
required to control and order stock in a range of hospitality
establishments. This role is generally carried out by supervisors
and team leaders.

Bold and italicized KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
terms are elaborated in
Range of Variables
1. Maintain stock 1.1 Stock levels are 1.1 Stock level 1.1 Collect, organize and
levels and monitored and maintenance analyze information
records maintained techniques 1.2 Plan and organize
according to 1.2 Typical stocktaking activities
company procedures as 1.3 Monitoring stock
requirements appropriate to the performance
1.2 Stock security is industry sector
monitored and 1.3 Stock recording
systems are systems
adjusted as required 1.4 Stock security
1.3 Stock reorder cycles systems
are monitored and 1.5 Types of stock
adjusted as control
required. documentation and
1.4 Colleagues are systems that may be
informed of their applied in the
individual hospitality industry
responsibilities in 1.6 Reasons for stock
regard to the loss and damage
reordering of stock. 1.7 Company
1.5 Records of stock procedures
storage and
movement are
maintained in
accordance with
1.6 Stock performance
is monitored and
items are identified
and reported in
accordance with

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 61

Bold and italicized KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
terms are elaborated in
Range of Variables
2. Process stock 2.1 Orders for stock are 2.1 Stock level 2.1 Collect, organize and
orders processed maintenance analyze information
accurately and in techniques 2.2 Plan and organize
accordance with 2.2 Typical stocktaking activities
company procedures as 2.3 Monitoring stock
procedures appropriate to the performance
2.2 Stock levels are industry sector
maintained and 2.3 Stock recording
recorded ensuring systems
information is 2.4 Stock security
complete, correct systems
and current 2.5 Types of stock
2.3 Incoming stock is control
checked against documentation and
purchase and supply systems that may be
agreements and all applied in the
necessary details hospitality industry
are recorded. 2.6 Reasons for stock
loss and damage
2.7 Company
3. Minimize stock 3.1 Stock losses are 3.1 Stock level 3.1 Collect, organize and
losses identified and maintenance analyze information
recorded according techniques 3.2 Plan and organize
to company 3.2 Typical stocktaking activities
procedures. procedures as 3.3 Identifying stock
3.2 Losses are reported appropriate to the losses
in accordance with industry sector
company 3.3 Stock recording
procedures systems
3.3 Avoidable losses are 3.4 Stock security
identified and systems
reasons behind 3.5 Types of stock
these losses are control
established documentation and
3.4 Solutions to loss systems that may
situations are be applied in the
recommended and hospitality industry
related procedures 3.6 Reasons for stock
are implemented to loss and damage
prevent future 3.7 Company
avoidable losses. procedures

4. Follow-up orders 4.1 The delivery process 4.1 Stock level 4.1 Collect, organize
is monitored to maintenance and analyze
ensure agreed techniques information
deadlines are met 4.2 Typical stocktaking 4.2 Plan and organize
4.2 Continuity of supply procedures as activities
is ensured by liaising appropriate to the 4.3 Monitoring delivery
industry sector process

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 62

Bold and italicized KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
terms are elaborated in
Range of Variables
with colleagues and 4.3 Stock recording
suppliers systems
4.3 Routine supply 4.4 Stock security
problems are systems
followed up or 4.5 Types of stock
referred to the control
appropriate person documentation and
in accordance with systems that may
company policy. be applied in the
4.4 Stock is distributed hospitality industry
to agreed locations 4.6 Reasons for stock
loss and damage
4.7 Company
5. Organize and 5.1 Stocks are 5.1 Stock level 5.1 Collect, organize
administer organized at maintenance and analyze
stocks appropriate intervals techniques information
according to 5.2 Typical stocktaking 5.2 Plan and organize
company policy and procedures as activities
procedures appropriate to the 5.3 Monitoring delivery
5.2 Stocktaking industry sector process
responsibilities are 5.3 Stock recording 5.4 Organizing stocks
allocated to staff systems
5.3 Accurate stock 5.4 Stock security
reports are produced systems
within designated 5.5 Types of stock
timelines control
documentation and
systems that may
be applied in the
hospitality industry
5.6 Reasons for stock
loss and damage
5.7 Company

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 63


1. Stock May include:
1.1 Food
1.2 Beverages
1.3 Equipment such as maintenance and cleaning
equipment, office equipment
1.4 Linen
1.5 Stationery
1.6 Brochures and promotional materials
1.7 Cleaning supplies and chemicals
1.8 Vouchers and tickets
1.9 Souvenir products
2. Stock losses May include:
2.1 Lack of rotation leading to product deterioration
2.2 Inappropriate storage conditions
2.3 Access by pests or vermin
2.4 Theft
2.5 Overstocking

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 64


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Demonstrated the ability to maintain continuous stock
supply within a specific hospitality industry environment
1.2 Demonstrated the ability to meet accuracy and speed
requirements for completion and maintenance of stock
2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1 Project or work activities that allow the candidate to
demonstrate stock control and monitoring over a period of
2.2 Use of real stock items
2.3 Use of industry-current stock control technology or
2.4 Involvement of internal/external suppliers
3. Methods of Assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
3.1 Review of activities undertaken by the candidate to
monitor stock for a given period of time for a specific
outlet i.e. order and re-order points
3.2 Written or oral questions to test knowledge of reasons for
3.3 Review of workplace reports and records related to stock
control, prepared by the candidate
3.4 Review of portfolios of evidence and third party workplace
reports of on-the-job performance by the candidate
4. Context for Assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at
the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center.

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 65



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with skills and knowledge required to prepare
and deliver in-house training sessions in a range of settings
within the hospitality industry workplace context.

Bold and italicized terms REQUIRED REQUIRED
are elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variables
1. Determine 1.1 Current competencies of 1.1 Active listening 1.1 Questioning and
training learners are identified techniques communication skills
requirements 1.2 Required competencies 1.2 Record keeping 1.2 Research skills
for learners are identified 1.3 Assessment process 1.3 Analytical skills
1.3 The training gap for 1.4 Enterprise’s policies 1.4 Ability to research
learners are described and procedures industry information
1.4 The identified training gap 1.5 Appropriate sources
with relevant personnel performance 1.5 Identifying relevant
are confirmed assessment information
1.5 Support available for 1.6 Compilation and
training provision are classification of
determined information and data
1.6 Recommendations for 1.7 Networking skills
training are presented
2. Prepare 2.1 Session outlines for 2.1 Active listening 2.1 Questioning and
training plan approved training are techniques communication skills
developed 2.2 Record keeping 2.2 Research skills
2.2 Training content are 2.3 Assessment process 2.3 Analytical skills
developed 2.4 Enterprise’s policies 2.4 Ability to research
2.3 Training resources and and procedures industry information
materials are developed 2.5 Appropriate sources
2.4 Individual training performance 2.5 Identifying relevant
sessions are developed assessment information
2.5 Training requirements 2.6 Compilation and
are organized classification of
information and data
2.7 Networking skills
3. Deliver 3.1 Attendance of learners at 3.1 Active listening 3.1 Questioning and
training the training session is techniques communication skills
sessions confirmed 3.2 Record keeping 3.2 Research skills
3.2 The training venue for the 3.3 Assessment 3.3 Analytical skills
training session is prepared. process 3.4 Ability to research
3.3 Training topic to learners 3.4 Enterprise’s policies industry information
is introduced. and procedures sources
3.4 The training and 3.5 Appropriate 3.5 Identifying relevant
assessment activities performance information
involved in the training assessment 3.6 Compilation and
session is explained. classification of
3.5 Training session is information and data
presented. 3.7 Networking skills

3.6 Opportunities for learners

to practice skills are

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 66

Bold and italicized terms REQUIRED REQUIRED
are elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variables
3.7 Feedback to learners is
3.8 On-going safety of learners
during training delivery and
practice is ensured

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 67


1. Current competencies of May include:
learners 1.1 Observing workers’ practices
1.2 Undertaking peer reviews
1.3 Administering self-evaluation and analysis forms to
1.4 Reviewing data contained in workplace staff
performance systems/databases
1.5 Reviewing application forms and resumes
1.6 Seeking input from managers, supervisors and co-
1.7 Obtaining feedback from customers
1.8 Checking currency of qualifications, certificates and
1.9 Identifying individual learner preferences for training
1.10 Assessing the level of literacy and numeracy amongst
the target group
2. Required competencies May include:
2.1 Reviewing relevant training programs
2.2 Verifying plans for the business
2.3 Reviewing relevant policies and procedures
2.4 Reviewing existing job analysis sheets and similar
2.5 Describing performance standards
2.6 Specifying product and service criteria
2.7 Describing the workplace context, including the
conditions under which tasks are to be completed
3. Training gap May include:
3.1 Specifying the difference between organizational
expectations of staff/learner performance and the
actual level of workplace performance for each
3.2 Confirming identified training gaps with individual
4. Relevant personnel May include:
4.1 Supervisors, managers and owners
4.2 Industry peak bodies
4.3 Subject specialists
4.4 Head office
4.5 Union representatives
4.6 Human resources department
4.7 Staff/learners
4.8 Trainers and assessors
4.9 External consultants

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 68

5. Support available for May include:
training provision 5.1 Time
5.2 Physical resources
5.3 Human resources
5.4 Financial resources
5.5 Training venues
5.6 Training resources and materials
5.7 Management support for the initiative
5.8 Established internal career paths based on internal
training delivery
6. Recommendations May include:
6.1 Providing verbal and/or written presentations
6.2 Explaining the need for training
6.3 Quantifying costs associated with failing to address
training needs
6.4 Describing the benefits that will flow from undertaking
6.5 Identifying the assessment to be applied
6.6 Quantifying the costs associated with training delivery
6.7 Seeking approval and support from management and
7. Session outlines May include:
7.1 Confirming general content and/or topic areas that
need to be addressed in sessions that may be group
sessions or one-on-one sessions, and focus on
theory, or demonstration, or both
7.2 Locating training content and/or topics in the correct
7.3 Allocating timeframes for training content and/or
7.4 Describing the objectives and outcomes for individual
training sessions
7.5 Seeking input from subject and workplace specialists
to training content and/or topics
7.6 Obtaining approval from relevant personnel for
proposed training sessions
7.7 Confirming resources exist to support proposed
training sessions
8. Training content May include:
8.1 Ensuring accuracy of proposed content
8.2 Ensuring comprehensiveness of proposed content
8.3 Ensuring compliance with legislated requirements
relating to proposed content
8.4 Verifying sequence of proposed content
8.5 Complying with the requirements of mandated or
selected training documentation, including training
curricula, competency standards, job analysis, etc
8.6 Identifying topics and sub-topics for training delivery

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 69

8.7 Identifying relevant sources of information for
assistance with training preparation and delivery,
including internal and external sources
8.8 Identifying the underpinning attitudes, skills and
knowledge for each area of proposed content
8.9 Identifying and/or confirming specific workplace
needs, including description of the context for all
proposed training
8.10 Mapping training content against identified
competencies required by staff/learners
8.11 Emphasizing workplace safety at all stages of training
delivery and in all training content
9. Training resources and May include:
materials 9.1 Matching training resources and materials against
identified workplace need
9.2 Identifying specific materials and resources, including
manuals, texts, work books, workshop guides,
handouts, standard operating procedures, posters,
videos, sample items, demonstration items
9.3 Ensuring currency and relevance of existing materials
for future application
9.4 Purchasing ready-made generic training materials and
9.5 Preparing establishment-specific training materials
and resources to address identified workplace need
9.6 Ensuring training materials and resources reflect
identified individual differences, including learning
style preferences, literacy and numeracy
requirements, language requirements
9.7 Accommodating imposed limitations on the
development and acquisition of training resources and
9.8 Seeking input from workplace specialists, other
trainers, training organizations and past workplace
9.9 Reviewing evaluations that have been conducted on
previous training and integrating relevant lessons into
proposed training
10. Individual training May include:
sessions 10.1 Preparing sessions for individuals and groups
10.2 Assembling identified and agreed training content
into training programs, where appropriate
10.3 Identifying the dates and timing for individual training
sessions, including start and finish times, and
supplementary training provision
10.4 Identifying and accommodating requirements for
practice sessions to enable skills development,-
including on-the-job and off-the job practice,
provision of supplementary and top-up training,

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 70

where required, and job rotation, work-sharing, out-
of-work placements
10.5 Identifying and allowing for necessary workplace
assessment, including identification of forms of
assessment to be used, development of assessment
tools, where necessary, and allocation of time to
enable required on-the-job, off-the-job and
supplementary assessments to be conducted
10.6 Determining venues for training delivery, including
on-site and off-site
10.7 Identifying training strategies and techniques to be
used to deliver identified content, including oral
presentations, simulations, project work,
demonstrations, field trips, guest speakers, role
plays, interviews, surveys, portfolios of evidence,
mentoring, coaching, computer-based training, self-
paced learning, lectures, discussion
10.8 Identifying equipment, materials, items and
consumables required to enable identified training
delivery, including sufficient hand-outs required for
the identified number of learners
10.9 Ensuring training sessions enable attainment of
identified objectives and outcomes
10.10 Developing session/delivery plans for individual
training sessions
10.11 Matching training materials and resources to content
of individual training sessions
10.12 Ensuring total training program accommodates
identified need for all learners for each training
10.13 Factoring in the need to accommodate individual
differences, where practicable to do so.
11. Training requirements May include:
11.1 Obtaining promised financial and other resources to
support training implementation/delivery
11.2 Obtaining identified training materials and resources
11.3 Promoting training sessions internally to
staff/learners, including use of management to
encourage participation and engagement with training
11.4 Obtaining necessary equipment and consumables to
support training delivery
11.5 Arranging for identified external training support to be
available, such as guest speakers, government
officials, trainers, assessors, subject experts
11.6 Preparing hard copy training support materials, such
as notes, exercises, presentations, etc
11.7 Recording details of learners wishing to participate in

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 71

11.8 Being accountable for time and money spent on the
preparation of training and the purchase of materials,
11.9 Readying the training venue for training
11.10 Meeting with supervisors to explain the proposed
workplace training, including soliciting their
cooperation in relation to releasing staff for training,
and offering assistance for maintaining necessary
workplace staffing levels during training periods
11.11 Arranging access to identified areas, equipment, etc
for training and/or assessment, including
demonstrations and practice
11.12 Ensuring safety of the equipment and venue to be
used for training and/or assessment purposes,
including understanding of the emergency
management plan that applies to the training
venue/area, and presence of required safety and
first aid equipment
11.13 Identifying criteria for determining training
11.14 Establishing guidelines for training plan
implementation, including dissemination and
explanation of guidelines to trainers and relevant
other people
12. Attendance of learners May include:
12.1 Reminding identified learners of the time and venue
of the training session
12.2 Liaising with supervisors to obtain release of learners
from work duties
12.3 Encouraging learners to attend
12.4 Seeking assistance from support staff to record
names of learners who will be attending
12.5 Asking management to encourage staff/learner
13. Training venue May include:
13.1 Cleaning and tidying the venue
13.2 Ensuring all required equipment, etc is available
13.3 Checking the operational readiness and safety of
equipment, etc
13.4 Testing all training delivery items, such as
overheads, projectors, computers, etc
13.5 Adjusting the environment to make it comfortable for
13.6 Obtaining catering, where applicable
13.7 Obtaining and laying out all training resources and
materials, including consumables
13.8 Arranging the furniture to optimize the identified
outcomes and objectives of the training session

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 72

14. Training topic May include:
14.1 Explaining the need for the training
14.2 Motivating learners
14.3 Selling the benefits to learners of successfully
completing the training
14.4 Illustrating points with industry examples and
14.5 Identifying the intended outcomes of the training
session for individual learners, the department and
the organization
14.6 Explain how this training session integrates with
other training, where applicable
14.7 Identifying the consequences of failing to achieve the
required level of competency for the training topic
14.8 Explaining the opportunities for practice that have
been arranged
14.9 Describing the assessment procedures, where
14.10 Identifying any relevant time frames that apply to the
learning and attainment of competency
14.11 Providing an overview of the training
15. Training and assessment May include:
activities 15.1 Explaining time restrictions that apply to both training
and assessment
15.2 Identifying the level of competency required
15.3 Matching proposed activities with individual learning
15.4 Explaining any allowable adjustments that may be
able to be made to both training delivery and
assessment activities
15.5 Confirming training and assessment dates/times and
15.6 Explaining the composition of assessment, including
theory and practical; on-the-job and off-the-job; verbal
and written assessment; sources of valid evidence
that can be used to judge competency, etc.
16. Training session May include:
16.1 Adhering to the prepared training/delivery plan,
including coverage of content/objectives, and
implementation of activities
16.2 Altering training delivery to accommodate individual
learner differences/needs as they arise
16.3 Applying task and maintenance functions of
16.4 Making on-the-spot training decisions
16.5 Monitoring learning activities, learners, the training
venue and relationships between learners and


FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 73

16.7 Applying contingency management, where
16.8 Responding to requests from learners, where
16.8 Ensuring the pace of the training aligns with the
delivery plan
16.9 Encouraging learners and maintaining a safe and
supportive learning environment
16.10 Intervening and addressing safety issues and
interpersonal conflict situations
16.11 Adjusting the prepared delivery plan to effectively
accommodate issues arising during the training
16.12 Applying appropriate interpersonal skills to facilitate
the learning process
16.13 Using effective verbal communication skills to deliver
training, provide supplementary information, and
monitor the training session
16.14 Providing extension activities to learners, as
17. Opportunities for learners May include:
17.1 Opportunities to practice during the training sessions
17.2 Opportunities to practice in a dedicated
training/practice area out of work
17.3 Provision of supervised on-the-job opportunities,
including supervision by trainers, supervisors, and
other senior/experienced staff
17.4 Integration of on-the-job and off-the-job practice
18. Feedback to learners May include:
18.1 Ensuing feedback is provided sensitively
18.2 Using positive feedback to motivate and encourage
18.3 Recognizing effort and not just success
18.4 Providing negative feedback using the positive-
negative-positive sandwich methods
18.5 Being sincere in the giving of feedback
18.6 Being open as a trainer to feedback from learners
18.7 Using verbal and non-verbal techniques to provide

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 74


1. Critical aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

of Competency 1.1 Demonstrated understanding of host enterprise policies and
procedures in regard to the provision of workplace training
delivery and assessment
1.2 Demonstrated ability to investigate and effectively determine
the training requirements for a nominated group of workers in
a defined workplace context
1.3 Demonstrated ability to prepare an effective and practical
training/delivery plan to address a nominated training
topic/area in a given workplace context for a defined group of
at least six learners; the training/delivery plan
1.4 Demonstrated ability to deliver a nominated training session to
identified learners in a given workplace training context
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 Real or simulated workplace
2.2 Access to workplace standards, procedures, policies,
2.3 Tools and equipment.
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Observation of practical candidate performance Oral and
written questions
3.2 Portfolio evidence, including data on learner competencies,
training needs, training standards and documents relating to
session/delivery plan, and training resources/materials
3.3 Problem solving
3.4 Role plays
3.5 Third party reports completed by a supervisor
3.6 Project and assignment work

4. Context for 4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at the

Assessment designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 75



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with skills and knowledge required to plan,
conduct and evaluate a staff performance assessment within
an organization that utilizes formal staff appraisals in a range
of settings within the labor divisions of the hospitality industry.

ELEMENT Bold and italicized terms KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
are elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Plan a staff 1.1 The context for staff 1.1 Active listening 1.1 Questioning and
performance performance techniques communication
assessment assessment for the 1.2 Record keeping skills
business is defined 1.3 Assessment 1.2 Research skills
1.2 Staff performance process 1.3 Analytical skills
assessment options 1.4 Enterprise’s 1.4 Ability to research
available to the policies and industry information
organization is procedures sources
differentiated 1.5 Appropriate 1.5 Identifying relevant
1.3 Staff performance performance information
assessment information assessment 1.6 Compilation and
amongst staff who will be classification of
assessed is shared information and
1.4 The initial focus of the data
staff performance 1.7 Networking skills
assessment for each
staff member is
1.5 Documents to record
identified staff
assessment statistics
and performance data is
1.6 Action plan to guide the
conduct of staff
performance assessment
is designed
2. Conduct a staff 2.1 Workplace-based 2.1 Active listening 2.1 Questioning and
performance evidence of staff techniques communication
assessment performance is gathered 2.2 Record keeping skills
2.2 Employee performance 2.3 Assessment 2.2 Research skills
data is interpreted process 2.3 Analytical skills
2.4 Enterprise’s policies 2.4 Ability to research
and procedures industry information
2.5 Appropriate sources
performance 2.5 Identifying relevant
assessment information

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 76

ELEMENT Bold and italicized terms KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
are elaborated in the
Range of Variables
2.6 Compilation and
classification of
information and
2.7 Networking skills
3. Evaluate a staff 3.1 Staff performance 3.1 Active listening 3.1 Questioning and
performance assessment interview is techniques communication
assessment prepared 3.2 Record keeping skills
3.2 Individual staff 3.3 Assessment 3.2 Research skills
performance with staff process 3.3 Analytical skills
member is reviewed 3.4 Enterprise’s policies 3.4 Ability to research
3.3 Staff performance and procedures industry information
assessment targets for 3.5 Appropriate sources
next period is prepared performance 3.5 Identifying relevant
assessment information
3.6 Compilation and
classification of
information and
3.7 Networking skills

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 77


1. Context for staff performance May include:
assessment 1.1 Aligning individual staff performance with
organizational and/or departmental goals and
objectives as stated in the business and other
relevant operational plans
1.2 Optimizing individual staff potential
1.3 Identifying workplace performance goals for
individual staff
1.4 Cross-referencing individual staff performance
against general workplace needs, including
requirements of rosters, levels of trade,
idiosyncratic workplace requirements
1.5 Integrating requirements of individual staff
performance with internal staff training
2. Staff performance May include:
assessment options 2.1 Criterion referenced measurement
2.2 Self-assessment
2.3 Peer assessment
2.4 Manager/owner observation
2.5 Statistical analysis
2.6 Rating scale methods
2.7 Ranking or comparison methods
2.8 Commercially available proprietary systems.
3. Staff performance May include:
assessment information 3.1 Mentioning organization-wide staff performance
assessment at all interviews conducted for new
3.2 Including mention of staff performance
assessment in regular staff activities, including
internal training, briefings, meetings, etc
3.3 Explaining that the staff performance
assessment process applies to all employees
within the business, including supervisors,
managers, etc
3.4 Explaining that the staff performance
assessment process is on-going and cyclical in
3.5 Talking to individual staff, including one-on-one
basis to:
a. Determine the focus of the staff
performance assessment for the up-coming
b. Explaining the support available for staff
c. Re-assuring staff that jobs are not
threatened by the staff performance
assessment process
d. Confirm that all staff, including
management, are subject to staff

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 78

performance assessment
3.6 Notifying staff well in advance of any meetings
and special events relating to staff performance
3.7 Using experienced/senior staff to assist in selling
the benefits’ of staff performance assessments
to new staff
3.8 Developing individual staff performance
assessment deed/workplace contract, setting out
the agreement between employee and
supervisor exactly what will be assessed and
how it will be adjudged during the identified
period in terms of targeted staff performance
4. Initial focus of the staff May include:
performance assessment 4.1 Understanding that future staff performance
assessment deed/workplace contracts will flow
from the results of the initial staff performance
4.2 Identifying legitimate and equitable targets for
the staff member, including negotiation of these
targets and genuine agreement on what will
count as practical and objective targets
4.3 Ensuring staff understand the criteria that will be
used to judge their workplace performance,
including specification and description of key
performance indicators (kpis), performance
targets, etc
4.4 Getting staff to sign their copy of the staff
performance assessment deed/workplace
4.5 Filing a copy of each staff performance
assessment deed/workplace contract
4.6 Giving individual staff members a copy of the
paperwork associated with their agreed
individual deed/workplace contract
5. Documents to record May include:
identified staff performance 5.1 Performance checklists
assessment statistics and 5.2 Data collection forms
performance data
6. Action plan May include:
6.1 Identifying resources to support individual staff
performance assessments
6.2 Identifying timelines for individual staff
performance assessments, including dates and
hours required for training and other necessary
pre-requisite information to be learned, informal
staff assessment interviews/meetings,
mentoring, external training, as appropriate

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 79

6.3 Identifying personnel responsible for activities
contained in the plan
6.4 Identifying activities to be used during the
identified staff performance assessment period
6.5 Obtaining agreement from individual staff that
their staff performance assessment
deed/workplace contract contains legitimate
and achievable goals and timelines
7. Workplace-based evidence May include:
7.1 Implementing the individual and agreed action
plans for individual staff
7.2 Ensuring informal elements of workplace
performance are included in the capturing of the
formal workplace information
7.3 Using prepared forms to ensure the identified
data is captured
7.4 Using multiple sources of data collection to
ensure 360º information is obtained
7.5 Ensuring objectivity in data collection
7.6 Involving relevant others in the data gathering
8. Employee performance data May include:
8.1 Determining patterns within the data
8.2 Identifying strengths and weaknesses of
individual staff
8.3 Making decisions and developing conclusions
based on the objective data captured
8.4 Seeking supporting information to validate
conclusions reached
8.5 Disregarding irrelevant data
8.6 Comparing actual performance data against
specified and identified targets and statistics
8.7 Maintaining privacy and confidentiality of
information captured

9. Staff performance May include:

assessment interview 9.1 Developing a plan on how to conduct the staff
performance assessment interview
9.2 Ensuring familiarity with the facts that relate to
the individual staff performance assessment,
including the captured data, the key
performance indicators (kpis) contained in the
relevant staff performance assessment
deed/workplace contract
9.3 Determining the context of the staff
performance assessment deed/workplace
contract, including identification of the need for
encouragement, congratulations, extension,
disciplinary action etc

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 80

9.4 Identifying specific supporting evidence to be
used in illustrating points that need to be made
during the interview
9.5 identifying future courses of action that may be
taken for the staff member during their next staff
performance assessment period
9.6 preparing recommendations to make to
individual staff
9.7 identifying a location and time for the
evaluation/staff performance assessment
interview, including the venue so that it
facilitates a positive interaction between staff
member and supervisor
10. Individual staff performance May include:
10.1 Meeting privately with individual staff
10.2 Reviewing the objectives set out in the
individual staff performance assessment
deed/workplace contract for the period
10.3 Reminding the staff member of the cyclical
nature of the staff performance assessment
10.4 Explaining the data, facts, statistics that have
been captured in relation to the identified
targets for the period in question
10.5 Explaining interpretation of facts and
10.6 Providing opportunity for the staff member to
make input and comment on the
information/data provided
10.7 Congratulating the staff member on positive
10.8 Encouraging staff member where
performance has fallen short of the identified
key performance criteria (kpis) set for the
period, where appropriate
10.9 Counseling staff member where it is deemed
actual staff performance has fallen short of
agreed criteria/ key performance criteria
(kpis) due to lack of application, including
supportive mention of disciplinary action that
may follow if performance does not improve
to the minimum required level
10.10 Offering support of the organization and the
staff for staff to achieve the required
performance standards and targets

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 81

11. Staff performance May include:
assessment targets 11.1 Extending current targets
11.2 Introducing a new focus for the period,
including inclusion of new key performance
criteria (kpis) as opposed to revised key
performance criteria (kpis)
11.3 Determining timelines that should apply to
the targets/ key performance criteria (kpis)
11.4 Identifying support and resources to assist in
achieving the targets/ key performance
criteria (kpis)
11.5 Obtaining agreement from the staff member
regarding the revised/new goals, support and
11.6 Signing the new staff performance
assessment deed/workplace contract for the
11.7 Giving staff member signed copy of the staff
performance assessment deed/workplace
11.8 Filing the staff performance assessment
deed/workplace contract

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 82


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Demonstrated understanding of host enterprise policies and
procedures in regard to staff performance assessment and
staff development
1.2 Demonstrated ability to plan the staff performance
assessment focus for a nominated real or simulated staff
member in a designated workplace environment for a given
1.3 Demonstrated ability to collect, analyze and draw conclusions
from information and data captured as a result of a
nominated staff performance assessment for a given period
1.4 Demonstrated ability to conduct an evaluation and feedback
session/interview with a nominated real or simulated staff
member in relation to a designated set of key performance
criteria (KPIs) matched against a nominated set of key
performance criteria (KPIs)
2. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:
Implications 2.1 Access to a real or simulated workplace; and
2.2 Access to workplace standards, procedures, policies,
2.3 Tools and equipment
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Case studies
3.2 Observation of practical candidate performance
3.3 Oral and written questions
3.4 Portfolio evidence
3.5 Problem solving
3.6 Role plays
3.7 Third party reports completed by a supervisor
3.8 Project and assignment work

4. Context for 4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at the

Assessment designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 83




UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to manage workplace operations in a range of settings
within the hotel and travel industries workplace context.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Monitor and 1.1 Efficiency and 1.1 Understanding of 1.1 Usage of monitoring
improve service levels are operational and evaluation tools
workplace monitored on an efficiency based on and techniques
operations ongoing basis through established industry 1.2 Observation
close contact with day practice/s 1.3 Ability to detect
to day operations i.e. Key result quality and service
1.2 Operations in the area’s (KRA’s) and deficiencies and
workplace and quality Key Performance come up with
assurance initiatives Indicators corrective action or
are ensured to support 1.2 Organizational communicate to
overall enterprise goals and management
goals objectives 1.4 Quality Orientation
1.3 Quality problems and 1.3 Quality systems (Basic)
issues are promptly and Quality 1.5 Results Orientation
identified and adjusted standards 1.6 Building
accordingly with 1.4 Operations Relationships
relevant approvals Management 1.7 Clarifying Roles and
1.4 Procedures and 1.5 Customer Responsibilities
systems are adjusted Experience 1.8 Building Trust and
in consultation with Management Personal
colleagues to improve Accountability
efficiency and 1.9 Critical and Analytical
effectiveness Thinking
1.5 Colleagues are 1.10 Time Management
consulted about ways 1.11 Promoting Self
to improve efficiency Development
and service levels
2. Plan and organize 2.1 Schedule work is 2.1 Knowledgeable of 2.1 Organization
workflow prepared in a manner optimum manpower 2.2 Planning and
that enhances count and Controlling
efficiency and scheduling 2.3 Time Management
customer service 2.2 Operations 2.4 Clarifying roles and
quality Management Responsibilities
2.2 Work is delegated to 2.5 Flexibility
appropriate people in 2.6 Building Trust and
accordance with Personal
principles of Accountability
delegation 2.7 Action Orientation

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 84

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
2.3 Progress is assessed 2.8 Results Orientation
against agreed objectives 2.9 Promoting Self-
and timelines Development
2.4 Colleagues is assisted in 2.10 Coaching
prioritization of workload
through supportive
feedback and coaching
3. Maintain 3.1 Workplace records are 3.1 Policies and 3.1 Results Orientation
workplace completed and submitted Procedures on 3.2 Quality Orientation
records accurately within required workplace record
timeframes filing and storage.
3.2 Records are delegated
and monitored prior to
4. Solve 4.1 Workplace problems 4.1 Basic procedure on 4.1 Analysis
problems and are identified promptly customer complaint 4.2 Critical and Analytical
make and analyzed from an handling. Thinking
decisions operational and customer 4.2 Service Recovery 4.3 Results Orientation
service perspective Programs 4.4 Quality Orientation
4.2 Corrective action is 4.5 Coaching and
initiated to resolve the Delegating
immediate problem 4.6 Action Orientation
where appropriate 4.7 Building Teams and
4.3 Team members are Relationships
encouraged to participate 4.8 Building Trust and
in solving problems they Accountability
raise 4.9 Decision Making
4.4 Effectiveness of solutions
in the workplace are

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 85


1. Efficiency and service levels May include:
1.1 Monitoring and measuring performance
1.2 Monitoring customer service satisfaction
1.3 Monitoring costs.

2. Quality Assurance Initiatives May include:

2.1 Quality systems
2.2 Quality standards.

3. Quality Problems May include:

3.1 Difficult customer service situations
3.2 Equipment breakdown/technical failure
3.3 Failure to deliver promised service to customers
3.4 Procedural inadequacies or failure
3.5 Unrealistic or impractical product development or
marketing, resulting in operational difficulties
3.6 Poor rosters giving rise to inadequate/inappropriate
staffing levels
3.7 Inadequate financial resources
3.8 Delays and time difficulties.

4. Procedures and Systems May include:

4.1 Customer Experience Management
4.2 Front Office procedures
4.3 Reservation procedures
4.4 Housekeeping procedures
4.5 Financial procedures

5. Schedule work May include:

5.1 Staff Rosters
5.2. Shift allocations
5.3 Meal breaks

6. Principles of delegation May include:

6.1 Defining employee’s responsibility
6.2 Communicating authority
6.3 Clarifying expected results

7. Supportive feedback and May include:

Coaching 7.1 Performance reviews
7.2 Advice

8. Workplace records May include:

8.1 Staff records
8.2 Performance Reports (KRA’s and KPI’s related)
8.3 Financial records/reports

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 86

8.4 Front office transactions, vouchers and
8.5 Customer records
8.6 Audit Records
8.7 Inventory/Stock Records
9. Workplace problems May include/relate to:
9.1 Organizational
9.2 Employee
9.3 Customer
9.4 Compliance
9.5 Administrative

10. Corrective action May include:

10.1 New procedures and/or processes
10.2 Revisions to workplace procedures and/or

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 87


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Demonstrated effective monitoring and responding to a
range of common operational and service issues in the
1.2 Demonstrated application of the principles of quality
assurance, workflow planning, delegation and problem
1.3 Demonstrated consistency of performance across a
range of situations in implementing the principles and
practices of managing workplace operations.
1.4 Observed safety measures applicable to worksite
1.5 Communicated effectively with others to ensure
effective work operation

2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:

2.1 Access to a real or simulated workplace
2.2 Access to workplace standards, procedures, policies,
guidelines, tools and equipment.

3. Methods of Assessment Competency in this unit may be assessed through:

3.1 Direct Observation
3.2 Oral interview and written test
3.3 Role plays
3.4 Problem Solving
3.5 Third party reports completed by a supervisor

4. Context of Assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at

the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 88



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to coach others to improve job skills in a range of settings
within the hotel industries workplace context.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Prepare for 1.1 Need for coaching 1.1 Duties and 1.1 Core Functional/
on job based on a range of responsibilities of all Technical Skills
coaching factors are identified subordinates 1.2 Clarifying roles and
1.2 Skill deficiencies that 1.2 Policies and Responsibilities
could be addressed by procedures required 1.3 Results Orientation
coaching are identified per position 1.4 Quality Orientation
through discussion with 1.3 Basic Training Need 1.5 Time Management
the colleague to be Analysis 1.6 Building Trust and
coached Personal
1.3 Suitable time and place Accountability
are organized with 1.7 Building
colleague to conduct Relationships
coaching in accordance 1.8 Flexibility and Agility
with enterprise policy,
where appropriate

2. Coach 2.1 Overall purpose of 2.1 Purposes and 2.1 Mastery of required
colleagues on coaching are explained processes of core technical and
the job to the colleagues coaching and functional skills per
2.2 Specific skills to be mentoring job design in order to
coached are explained 2.2 Understanding be able to coach and
and demonstrated Feedback mentor efficiently
2.3 Underpinning 2.2 Coaching
knowledge are 2.3 Empowering others
communicated 2.4 Building Trust and
2.4 Colleague's Personal
understanding are Accountability
checked 2.5 Results Orientation
2.5 Colleagues are provided 2.6 Quality Orientation
opportunities to practice 2.7 Motivating others
the skill and ask 2.8 Building
questions Relationships
2.6 Feedback is provided in 2.9 Emotional
a constructive and Intelligence
supportive manner

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 89

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
3. Follow up 3.1 Progress is monitored 3.1 Understanding 3.1 Observation
coaching with new skills in the procedures and 3.2 Coaching
workplace and provide techniques 3.3 Follow-through
supportive assistance as mentorship
required 3.4 Results Orientation
3.2 Progress as required is 3.5 Quality Orientation
reported to the 3.6 Motivating others
appropriate person 3.7 Emotional
3.3 Performance problems Intelligence/Interpers
or difficulties with the onal Savvy
coaching are identified, 3.8 Building Trust and
rectified and referred to Personal
the appropriate person Accountability
for follow-up 3.9 Promoting Self

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 90


1. Coaching May include:
1.1 Explanation
1.2 Demonstration
1.3 Review
1.4 Trainee explanation
1.5 Trainee demonstration
1.6 Feedback

2. Factors May include:

2.1 Requesting coaching from colleague
2.2 Own observation and workplace experience
2.3 Direction from other colleagues.

3. Skill deficiencies (that could May include:

be addressed by coaching) 3.1 Customer service skills
3.2 Technical or practical skills such as operating
equipment, making something or completing
3.3 Selling or promoting products and services.

4. Suitable time and place May include:

4.1 On-the-job during work hours
4.2 Before or after work
4.3 In a simulated location away from the actual
5. Purpose of coaching May include:
5.1 Skills development
5.2 Address performance problems
5.3 Request of supervisor or other person.
6. Specific skills May include:
6.1 Skills required to support introduction of new
6.2 Skills required to support introduction of new
6.3 Skills required to support introduction of new
6.4 Skills required to complete a job or task
effectively and efficiently
7. Underpinning knowledge May include:
7.1 Knowledge of processes and procedures
7.2 Knowledge of principles and practices
7.3 Knowledge of the theory that underpins technical

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 91

7.4 Communication skills that contribute to productivity
and good relations between employees and
7.5 Teamwork skills that contribute to productive
relationships and outcomes
7.6 Problem solving skills that contribute to productive
7.7 Technological skills that contribute to effective
of tasks.
7.8 Planning and organizing skills that contribute to
long-term and short-term strategic planning
7.9 Self-management skills that contribute to
employee satisfaction and growth
8. Feedback May include:
8.1 Guiding the person being coached
8.2 Being a core part of coaching sessions
8.3 Being constructive so that the person being
coached feels encouraged and motivated to
improve their practice
8.4 Being timely so that the person being coached can
immediately apply to their work
8.5 Being linked to a clear statement of orderly
progression of learning so that the person being
coached has a clear indication of how to improve
his or her performance
8.6 Being focused on achievement, not effort; the
work should be assessed, not the person being
8.7 Being specific to the learning outcomes of the
coaching session so that assessment is clearly
linked to learning
8.8 Guiding people to become independent learners
and their own critics
8.9 Providing a developmental approach for
achievement of a certain skills set
9. Monitor progress May include
9.1 Identifying the progress of the person being
9.2 Identifying if changes to content of coaching
sessions/s need to be made
9.3 Identifying changes to coaching processes that
need to be made

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 92

10. Performance problems or May include:
difficulties 10.1 Feedback from customers
i.e. Customer satisfaction
10.2 Feedback from supervisors
10.3 Observation of work performance
10.4 Performance reviews.

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 93


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Demonstrated job coaching with constructive and
supportive feedback
1.2 Demonstrated clear communication with people from a
diverse range of backgrounds
1.3 Demonstrated application of knowledge on basic
training principles
1.4 Observed safety measures applicable to worksite
1.5 Communicated effectively with others to ensure effective
work operation
2. Resource Implications The following resources should be provided:
2.1 Access to a real or simulated workplace
2.2 Access to workplace standards, procedures, policies,
guidelines, tools and equipment
3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 3.1 Case Studies
3.2 Direct Observation
3.3 Oral interview and written test
3.4 Role plays
3.5 Problem Solving
3.6 Third party reports completed by a supervisor
3.7 Portfolio evidence
3.8 Project and assignment work
4. Context of 4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at
Assessment the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 94



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the skills and knowledge required to input and
record keep financial transactions in a range of settings within
the hotel and travel industries.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
1. Maintain 1.1 Transactions are checked 1.1 Financial Policies 1.1 Core Functional/
Guest in accordance with and Procedures Technical Skills
records enterprise procedures applicable to the needed for basic
1.2 Prepared balances are Front Office auditing
checked in accordance Operations 1.2 Business and
with enterprise procedures 1.2 Basic Financial Financial Acumen
1.3 Discrepancies or errors are Management 1.3 Results Orientation
identified and reconciled 1.4 Quality Orientation
with the concerned staff 1.5 Building Trust and
1.6 Promoting Self
1.7 Coaching

2. Complete 2.1 Financial/statistical 2.1 Financial Policies 2.1 Core Functional/

financial reports are finalized and and Procedures Technical Skills
reports verified on time applicable to the 2.2 Results Orientation
2.2 Financial/statistical reports Front Office 2.3 Quality Orientation
are forwarded promptly to Operations
the appropriate

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 95


1. Transactions May include:
1.1 Purchasing a fixed asset on credit
1.2 Selling a fixed asset on credit
1.3 Correcting posting errors
1.4 Writing off a bad debt
1.5 Interest expense
1.6 Interest receivable
1.7 Foreign currency
1.8 Withdrawal of stock/assets by owner
1.9 Non-cash transactions, e.g. Writing off depreciation,
stock losses
2. Check balances May include:
2.1 Checking accuracy of debtor account balances, e.g.
cash receipts journal, sales return journal, general
2.2 Checking accuracy of creditor account balances,
e.g. Cash payments journal, purchases journal,
returns journal, general journal
2.3 Checking the total of the debtor's schedule equals
the balance of the debtor's control account
2.4 Checking the total of the creditor's schedule equals
the balance of the creditor's control account.
3. Financial systems May include:
3.1 Sales and sales returns
3.2 Purchases and purchase returns
3.3 Cash receipts
3.4 Cash payments
3.5 Banking procedures
3.6 Stock control
3.7 Cash control, e.g. Security, floats.
3.8 Creditor control
3.9 Petty cash
4. Discrepancies or errors May include:
4.1 Data entry errors
4.2 Sales that should have had an invoice raised
4.3 Goods not delivered but charged for
4.4 Posting errors including:
● Posting of the wrong amount
● Omitting a posting
● Posting in the wrong column
● Posting more than once.

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 96

5. Designated persons May include:
5.1 Supervisor
5.2 Bank
5.3 Organization’s authorizations department
5.4 Line management
5.5 Statutory body

6. Financial/statistical reports May include:

6.1 Daily, weekly, monthly transactions and reports
6.2 Break up by department
6.3 Occupancy
6.4 Sales performance
6.5 Commission earnings
6.6 Sales returns
6.7 Commercial account activity
6.8 Foreign currency activities
6.9 All types of payment

7. Designated timelines May include:

7.1 Within agreed period
7.2 Monthly
7.3 By month end
7.4 Within organizational deadline

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 97


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Demonstrated effective audit financial procedures within a
travel and hotel industry context
1.2 Demonstrated consistency of performance across a range of
situations in implementing the principles of double entry
bookkeeping and accrual accounting.
1.3 Demonstrated confidentiality in financial information and
1.4 Communicated effectively with others to ensure effective
work operation

2. Resource The following resources should be provided:

Implications 2.1 Access to a real or simulated workplace where financial
procedures can be audited
2.2 Access to workplace standards, procedures, policies,
guidelines, tools and equipment

3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:

Assessment 3.1 Direct Observation
3.2 Oral interview and written test
3.3 Case Studies
3.4 Problem Solving
3.5 Portfolio

4. Context of 4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at the

Assessment designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 98



UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with skills and knowledge required to
ensure the safety of nominated VIPs on the premises
including escorting them to, in and from the premises and
ensuring their safety during their stay.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
1. Prepare for 1.1 Nature of the visit are 1.1 Safety and Security 1.1 Communication/
visits by VIPs identified by the VIP Policies, Protocols Interpersonal
1.2 Relevant people are and Procedures 1.2 Planning and
liaised regarding the 1.2 VIP Handling Organization
visit Policies and 1.3 Teamwork
1.3 Factors impacting on Procedures 1.4 Self-Management
VIP safety are identified 1.3 Crisis Management 1.5 Establishing/
while at the premises 1.4 Basic First Aid Building networks
1.4 Safety plans are 1.6 Core Functional/
created for the VIP visit Technical Skills
1.5 Resources required are 1.7 Resource
identified to support Management
safety plans 1.8 Customer Service
1.6 Surveillance and Orientation
communication 1.9 Decision-Making
equipment are acquired 1.10 Attention to detail
1.7 Staff is selected to
provide for VIP safety
1.8 Information is provided
to staff in relation to
VIP safety and plans
1.9 Media liaison facilities
and procedures are
1.10 Drills to trial safety
plans are conducted

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 99

ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
2. Implement 2.1 Pre-arrival 2.1 VIP Handling 2.1 Planning and
plans for VIP preparations are Procedures Organizing
safety applied 2.2 Safety and 2.2 Detail-oriented
2.2 Final pre-arrival Security Policies, 2.3 Customer Service
checks are conducted Protocols and Orientation
2.3 VIPs are met and Procedures 2.4 Quality Orientation
escorted to the 2.5 Action Orientation
establishment 2.6 Results Orientation
2.4 Safety of VIPs during 2.7 Communication
stay are maintained
2.5 Departure of VIPs are
3. Conduct 3.1 Staff who were 3.1 Evaluation/ 3.1 Communication
evaluation of involved with project is Debriefing 3.2 Planning and
plans following de-brief Procedures Organizing
departure of VIP 3.2 Responses to 3.3 Clarification of
breaches are analyzed. Roles and
3.3 Draft Safety plans are Responsibilities
prepared for future VIP 3.4 Critical and
visits on the basis of Analytical Thinking
feedback received and 3.5 Quality Orientation
analysis undertaken 3.6 Results Orientation

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 100


1. Nature of the visit May include:
1.1 Day and date of the visit
1.2 Time and duration of the visit
1.3 Reason for the visit
1.4 Number, names and positions of others
accompanying the VIP.
2. VIP May include:
2.1 Royalty – local and foreign
2.2 Heads of state – local and foreign
2.3 Politicians – local and foreign
2.4 Pop/rock stars – local and foreign
2.5 Film stars – local and foreign
2.6 Sporting stars – local and foreign
2.7 Celebrities – local and foreign.

3. Relevant People May include:

3.1 VIP managers and handlers
3.2 Local authorities including police
3.3 Staff and entourage accompanying the VIP
3.4 Security staff engaged by the VIP
3.5 Security staff engaged by the authorities
3.6 Government/embassy staff.

4. Factors impacting on VIP May include:

safety 4.1 Access to the premises relating to crowd control –
including blocking of access by protestors and/or
4.2 Physical hazards that may exist within the
premises - slippery floors, heights, stairs
4.3 Assault
4.4 Demonstrations – including potential for conflict,
projectiles and delays
4.5 Media presence – relating to privacy and
confidentiality issues
4.6 Visual lines-of-sight – and considerations relating
to cameras, snipers and shooters
4.7 Drugs and excessive alcohol consumption –
relating to venue response where VIP is affected
by drugs or excessive alcohol
4.8 Members of the public causing nuisance and/or
4.9 Weather and darkness – including consideration of
how these elements impact on the level of safety

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 101

5. Safety plans May include:
5.1 Preparing necessary ‘prior to arrival’, ‘on arrival’,
‘during stay’ and ‘on departure’ procedures
5.2 Liaison with relevant people
5.3 Identifying roles and responsibilities
5.4 Verifying appropriate insurance is in place to cover
identified contingencies
5.5 Allocating individuals to VIPs
5.6 Communication strategies
5.7 Preparing running sheets – ‘on arrival’, ‘during stay’
and ‘on departure’
5.8 Controlling ingress and egress – including
identification of restricted and ‘no-go’ zones, rear-of-
premises access, staffing of doors, restricting
movement of members of the public and
unauthorized persons
5.9 Identification and tagging of authorized personnel –
including security checks of same
5.10 Screening of mail (including emails and faxes),
parcels, vehicles and telephone calls
5.11 Emergency response procedures – such as
trigger points for ‘lockdown’ and ‘flee’ responses
5.12Evacuation procedures – including safe transport
arrangements, safe route and safe evacuation
point/s based on differing threat types.
6. Resources May include:
6.1 Personnel – internal and external including those
provided by VIP including security checks as
6.2 Transport – to, within and from the host
6.3 Firearms and ‘less than lethal’ equipment – such as
batons, sprays, restraints, handcuffs
6.4 Protective equipment – including helmets and
6.5 Communication equipment – portable radios,
mobile telephones and land-line telephones
6.6 Electronic surveillance and detection equipment
6.7 Facilities to screen areas and restrict access and
6.8 Authorities to override traditional internal scopes of
6.9 Plans and maps of the layout of the host
establishment and environs
6.10 External assistance for road closures, crowd
control, identification checking, access limitation –
private security companies and local authorities,
including police

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 102

6.11 Personnel to undertake checks of premises - dog
searches, physical searching, electronic
surveillance, staff checks, checks on vehicles
entering site
6.12 Rosters for staff
6.13 Running sheet to guide security activities
7. Surveillance and May include:
communication equipment 7.1 Electronic surveillance equipment
7.2 Electronic detection equipment
7.3 Closed circuit televisions, recorders and monitors
7.4 Portable radios, mobile telephones and land-line
7.5 Patching facilities into communications systems
used by support agencies and personnel
7.6 Establishment of a control and communications
7.7 Conducting tests of all surveillance and
communications equipment
8. Staff to provide for VIP May include:
safety 8.1 External security companies and guard
8.2 Police
8.3 Personal bodyguards
8.4 Internal security staff
8.5 Staff provided by, or accompanying VIP
8.6 Security checks
8.7 Identification of authorized staff
9. Information to staff May include:
9.1 Providing details of visit and VIP on a ‘need to
know’ basis only
9.2 Maintaining secrecy regarding preventative
measures that have been taken
9.3 Advising of changes to standard operating
procedures – including revisions to restricted
areas, new no-go zones, allocation of standard
duties to other personnel
9.4 Advising of emergency and evacuation procedures
that have been established
9.5 Notifying staff of drills to be undertaken prior to
actual arrival of VIP
9.6 Prohibiting taking of photographs and seeking of
9.7 Prohibiting staff contact with media

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 103

10. Media liaison facilities and May include:
procedures 10.1 Preparing media releases
10.2 Procedures for media contact in the event of
problems, emergencies, or breaches of security
10.3 Nominating single media contact person for the
host establishment

11. Drills to trial safety plans May include:

11.1 Practicing emergency procedures
11.2 Implementing all details of the safety plans that
have been developed
11.3 Involving outside agencies and personnel
11.4 Testing communications and surveillance
equipment and protocols
11.5 Conducting response trials focusing on
potential/probable safety breaches
11.6 Staging simulated breaches of security to test
11.7 Revising safety plans on the basis of
feedback/observation of trials
11.8 Re-running drills based on alterations made to
safety plans on the basis of observation and
12. Pre-arrival preparations May include:
12.1 Training staff in required responsibilities and tasks
– including use of relevant equipment, application
of designated protocols
12.2 Supplying necessary food and beverages
12.3 Providing necessary support facilities – toilets,
wash room, make-up room, media interview room,
change room
12.4 Erecting barricades and cordoning off areas in
accordance with safety plan
12.5 Restricting public access in accordance with
safety plan
12.6 Implementing re-allocation of duties and standard
operating procedures in accordance with safety
13. Final pre-arrival checks May include:
13.1 Confirming functional operation of
communications and control center
13.2 Keying off lifts in accordance with safety plan
13.3 Conducting sweep of area for suspicious
packages and unauthorized persons
13.4 Confirming identity of all persons within restricted
13.5 Checking locked areas

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 104

13.6 Confirming lines of sight are protected and/or
available as required
13.7 Conducting communication checks
13.8 Confirming key personnel are in position in
accordance with safety plan
13.9 Confirming security of all areas in accordance
with safety plan
13.10 Up-dating staff of last minute changes
issuing ‘all clear’ notification

14. Meet and escort VIPs May include:

14.1 Securing arrival area and entry route to ‘first
arrival’ location
14.2 Identifying VIP/VIPs
14.3 Integrating and liaising with external security staff
to facilitate arrival
14.4 Handling secure entry to building
14.5 Monitoring crowds and observing environment for
threats – including intoxicated persons, drug-
affected persons, persons causing public
nuisance, political activists, mentally deranged
14.6 Notifying communication and control room of
threats, progress and deviations from scheduled
running sheet
14.7 Requesting assistance where threat or problems
14.8 Matching security level to degree of threat or
danger identified
14.9 Adapting security procedures on the basis of VIP
requests and preferences, where possible
14.10 Accompanying VIPs to designated ‘first arrival’
14.11 Confirming security of ‘first arrival’ location
14.12 Handing over security at ‘first arrival’ location to
designated ‘first arrival’ location staff.

15. Safety of VIPs during stay May include:

15.1 Conducting on-going sweeps and searches
15.2 Maintaining restricted access to facilities and no-
go zones
15.3 Confirming security protocols are being adhered
15.4 Checking identification of persons in the vicinity
15.5 Liaising with external security staff and authorities
15.6 Maintaining vigils on doors, windows and other
designated locations – inside and outside the
15.7 Checking vehicles – including vehicles entering
the premises and those parked close by

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 105

15.8 Removing unauthorized vehicles and persons
15.9 Screening calls, communications and deliveries
to VIPs
15.10 Restricting the movement of VIPs where security
is compromised
15.11 Escorting staff who are serving VIPs
15.12 Providing static protection services
15.13 Maintaining surveillance, communication and
monitoring activities in accordance with safety
15.14 Modifying standing plans in response to threats
or other issues arising
15.15 Providing notification to staff of progress and
changes to plans and previous advices.
16. Departure of VIPs May include:
16.1 Keying off lifts in accordance with safety plan
16.2 Conducting sweep of area for suspicious
packages and unauthorized persons
16.3 Confirming identity of all persons within restricted
16.4 Checking locked areas
16.5 Confirming lines of sight are protected and/or
available as required
16.6 Conducting communication checks
16.7 Confirming key personnel are in position in
accordance with safety plan
16.8 Confirming security of all areas in accordance
with safety plan
16.9 Updating staff of last minute changes
16.10 Issuing ‘all clear/ready to exit’ notification
16.11 Integrating and liaising with external security
staff to facilitate departure
16.12 Handling secure departure from rooms and
16.13 Monitoring crowds and observing environment
for threats – including intoxicated persons, drug-
affected persons, persons causing public
nuisance, political activists, mentally deranged
16.14 Notifying communication and control room of
threats, progress and deviations from scheduled
running sheet

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 106

16.15 Requesting assistance where threat or problems
16.16 Matching security level to degree of threat or
danger identified
16.17 Adapting security procedures on the basis of VIP
requests and preferences, where possible
16.18 Accompanying VIPs to designated departure
16.19 Confirming security of departure location
16.20 Checking vehicles – including vehicles entering
the premises and those parked close by
16.21 Removing unauthorized vehicles and persons
16.22 Handing over security at departure point to
another designated security staff
17. De-brief staff May include:
17.1 Meeting with internal staff involved in security to
discuss security procedures that were
implemented with a view to identifying security
breaches and improving planning and responses
for future VIP events
17.2 Obtaining feedback from external security staff
and authorities
18. Responses to breaches May include:
18.1 Watching and analyzing video-tape of the event –
arrival, during the stay and departure
18.2 Interviewing staff involved in the security event
18.3 Interviewing persons who breached security
18.4 Answering standard security questions, such as:
why did it happen? Who was involved? Where
did it happen? What happened as a result? What
could have happened as a result? How can it be
prevented in the future? Was it an equipment or
human failure?

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 107


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

Competency 1.1 Demonstrated preparedness to undertake a trial of a
safety plan for the visit of a nominated VIP
1.2 Demonstrated ability to identify surveillance,
detection and communication equipment required to
provide for the safety of a nominated VIP
1.3 Demonstrated liaising with media, authorities
and external service providers in relation to the visit of a
nominated VIP
1.4 Demonstrated pre-arrival security checks and other
related preparations for a nominated VIP
1.5 Demonstrated meeting and safely escorting a
nominated VIP to a designated ‘first arrival’ location
1.6 Demonstrated safety of a nominated VIP during an
identified length of stay at a designated establishment
1.7 Provided a secure escort and protection services for a
nominated VIP on departure from the establishment at the
conclusion of a stay
1.8 Demonstrated ability to evaluate and improve safety plans
following the stay of a nominated VIP at a designated
1.9 Observed safety measures applicable to worksite
1.10Communicated effectively with others to ensure effective
work operation.
2. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 2.1 access to a real or simulated workplace
2.2 access to workplace standards, procedures, policies,
guidelines, safety and security tools and equipment.

3. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:

Assessment 3.1 Direct Observation
3.2 Oral interview and written test
3.3 Case Studies
3.4 Problem Solving
3.5 Third party reports completed by a supervisor
3.6 Role play
3.7 Simulated exercises

4. Context of 4.1 Competency may be assessed in actual workplace or at

Assessment the designated TESDA Accredited Assessment Center

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 108


These standards are set to provide technical and vocational education and training
(TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to consider when
designing training programs for FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III

They include information on curriculum design; training delivery; trainee entry

requirements; tools and equipment; training facilities; and trainer’s qualification.


TESDA shall provide the training on the development of competency-based

curricula to enable training providers develop their own curricula with the components
mentioned below.

Delivery of knowledge requirements for the basic, common and core units of
competency specifically in the areas of mathematics, science/technology,
communication/language and other academic subjects shall be contextualized. To this
end, TVET providers shall develop a Contextual Learning Matrix (CLM) to accompany
their curricula.


Nominal Training Duration: 40 Hours (Basic)

96 Hours (Common)
220 Hours (Core)

64 Hours Supervised Industry Learning (SIL)

Course Description:

This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes in

accordance with industry standards. This covers competencies that a person must
achieve in performing task such as monitoring of workplace operations, coaching and
mentoring job skills, maintaining financial records and providing safety of VIP’s. These
competencies are required to individuals who will work as Front Office Team Leaders,
Supervisors and a pre-requisite for Front Office Services NC IV.

To complete the course, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved:

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 109

(40 HOURS)

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal

Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
1. Lead workplace 1.1 Communicate • Read • Lecture • Written Test 2 Hours
communication information o Effective verbal communication methods • Demonstration • Observation
about o Sources of information • Practical
workplace • Practice organizing information exercises
processes • Identify organization requirements for written • Role Play
and electronic communication methods
• Follow organization requirements for the use
of written and electronic communication
• Perform exercises on understanding and
conveying intended meaning scenario
1.2 Lead • Describe: • Group • Oral evaluation 2 Hours
workplace o Organizational policy on production, discussion • Written Test
discussions quality and safety • Lecture • Observation
o Goals/ objectives and action plan setting • Demonstration
• Read
o Effective verbal communication methods
• Prepare/set action plans based on
organizational goals and objectives
1.3 Identify and • Describe: • Group • Oral evaluation 2 Hours
communicate o Organizational policy in dealing with discussion • Written Test
issues arising issues and problems • Lecture
in the • Read
workplace • Effective verbal communication methods
2. Lead small 2.1 Provide team • Discussion of Company policies and • Group work • Role Play 1 Hour
teams leadership procedures • Role Play • Written Test
• Read web pages on situational leadership • Lecture/
• Role play on situational leadership Discussion
• Individual

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 110

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
2.2 Assign • Read web pages on performance • Individual Work
responsibilities management • Case Study
• Role Play
• Case study on allocating roles and
• Written Test 1 Hour
responsibilities based on competencies of
current staff

2.3 Set • Role play to communicate performance • Lecture/

performance expectations with staff Discussion • Role Play
expectations • Discussion on performance issues • Role Play • Written Test 1 Hour
for team
2.4 Supervise • Discussion on performance monitoring • Lecture/
team • Role play on providing feedback on Discussion
performance performance • Role Play
• Role Play
• Role play on performance coaching • Case Study
• Written Test 1 Hour
• Discussion on keeping the team informed of
team performance
• Case study on Team performance
monitoring and feedback
3. Apply critical 3.1 Examine • Show thorough knowledge and • Group • Case Formulation 1 Hour
thinking and specific understanding of the process, normal discussion • Life Narrative
problem- workplace operating parameters, and product quality to • Lecture Inquiry (Interview)
solving strategies recognize non-standard situations • Demonstration • Standardized test
techniques in • Show mastery of the current industry • Role playing
the workplace hardware and software products and
• Discuss process of identification of
fundamental causes of specific workplace
• Show mastery of knowledge and
understanding of the process, normal
operating parameters, and product quality to
recognize non-standard situations

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 111

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
- Relevant equipment and operational
- Enterprise goals, targets and measures
- Enterprise quality OHS and
environmental requirement
- Enterprise information systems and data
- Industry codes and standards
3.2 Analyze the • Show thorough knowledge and • Group • Case Formulation 1 Hour
causes of understanding of the process, normal discussion • Life Narrative
specific operating parameters, and product quality to • Lecture Inquiry (Interview)
workplace recognize non-standard situations • Demonstration • Standardized test
challenges • Show mastery of the current industry • Role playing
hardware and software products and
• Discuss process of identification of
fundamental causes of specific workplace
• Show mastery of knowledge and
understanding of the process, normal
operating parameters, and product quality to
recognize non-standard situations
- Relevant equipment and operational
- Enterprise goals, targets and measures
- Enterprise quality OHS and
environmental requirement
- Enterprise information systems and data
- Industry codes and standards
• Identify extent and causes of specific
challenges in the workplace
• Use of range of analytical problem-solving

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Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
• Formulate clear-cut findings on the nature of
each identified workplace challenges
3.3 Formulate • Show thorough knowledge and • Group • Case Formulation
resolutions to understanding of the process, normal discussion • Life Narrative
specific operating parameters, and product quality to • Lecture Inquiry (Interview)
workplace recognize non-standard situations • Demonstration • Standardized test 1 Hour
challenges • Show mastery of the current industry • Role playing
hardware and software products and
• Discuss process of identification of
fundamental causes of specific workplace
• Show mastery of knowledge and
understanding of the process, normal
operating parameters, and product quality to
recognize non-standard situations
- Relevant equipment and operational
- Enterprise goals, targets and measures
- Enterprise quality OHS and
environmental requirement
- Enterprise information systems and data
- Industry codes and standards
• Identify extent and causes of specific
challenges in the workplace
• Use of range of analytical problem-solving
• Formulate clear-cut findings on the nature of
each identified workplace challenges
• Discus strategies on devising,
communicating, implementing and
evaluating strategies and techniques in
addressing specific workplace challenges

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Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
3.4 Implement • Identify extent and causes of specific • Group • Case Formulation 1 Hour
action challenges in the workplace discussion • Life Narrative
plans and • Use of range of analytical problem-solving • Lecture Inquiry (Interview)
communicate techniques • Demonstration • Standardized test
results • Formulate clear-cut findings on the nature of • Role playing
each identified workplace challenges
• Discus strategies on devising,
communicating, implementing and
evaluating strategies and techniques in
addressing specific workplace challenges
4. Work in a 4.1 Develop an • Show understanding of cultural diversity in • Small Group • Demonstration or 1 Hour
diverse individual’s the workplace Discussion simulation with oral
environment cultural • Recognize norms of behavior for interacting • Interactive questioning
awareness and and dialogue with specific groups (e. g., Lecture • Group discussions
sensitivity Muslims and other non-Christians, non- • Brainstorming and interactive
Catholics, tribes/ethnic groups, foreigners) • Demonstration activities
• Demonstrate different methods of verbal and • Role-playing • Case studies/
non-verbal communication in a multicultural problems involving
setting workplace diversity
• Apply cross-cultural communication skills issues
(i.e. different business customs, beliefs, • Written
communication strategies) examination
• Show affective skills – establishing rapport • Role Playing
and empathy, understanding, etc.
• Demonstrate openness and flexibility in
• Recognize diverse groups in the workplace
and community as defined by divergent
culture, religion, traditions and practices

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 114

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
4.2 Work effectively • Explain the value of diversity in the economy • Small Group • Demonstration or 1 Hour
in an and society in terms of Workforce Discussion simulation with oral
environment development • Interactive questioning
that • Discuss the importance of inclusiveness in a Lecture • Group discussions
acknowledges diverse environment • Brainstorming and interactive
and values • Discuss the importance of shared vision and • Demonstration activities
cultural diversity understanding of and commitment to team, • Role-playing • Case studies/
departmental, and organizational goals and problems involving
objectives workplace diversity
• Identify and exhibit strategies for customer issues
service excellence • Written
• Demonstrate cross-cultural communication examination
skills and active listening • Role Playing
• Recognize diverse groups in the workplace
and community as defined by divergent
culture, religion, traditions and practices
• Demonstrate collaboration skills
4.3 Identify • Explain the value, and leverage of cultural • Small Group • Demonstration or 1 Hour
common issues diversity Discussion simulation with oral
in a • Discuss the inclusivity and conflict resolution • Interactive questioning
multicultural • Describe the workplace harassment Lecture • Group discussions
and diverse • Explain the change management and cite • Brainstorming and interactive
environment ways to overcome resistance to change • Demonstration activities
• Demonstrate advanced strategies for • Role-playing • Case studies/
customer service excellence problems involving
• Address diversity-related conflicts in the workplace diversity
workplace issues
• Eliminate discriminatory behavior towards • Written
customers and co-workers examination
• Utilize change management policies in the • Role Playing

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Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
5. Propose 5.1 Assess work • Show mastery of the following practical • Interactive • Psychological and 1 Hour
methods of procedures, concepts (e.g., 7 habits of highly effective Lecture behavioral
applying processes and people, character strengths that foster • Appreciative Interviews
learning and systems in learning and innovation, five minds of the Inquiry • Performance
innovation in terms of future, adaptation concepts and • Demonstration Evaluation
the organization innovative transtheoretical model of behavior change) • Group work • Life Narrative
practices • Demonstrate collaboration and networking Inquiry
skills • Review of
• Show basic skills in research portfolios of
• Generate practical insights on how to evidence and third-
improve organizational procedures, party workplace
processes and systems reports of on-the-
job performance.
• Standardized
assessment of
strengths and
virtues applied
5.2 Generate • Show mastery of the following practical • Interactive • Psychological and 1 Hour
practical action concepts (e.g., 7 habits of highly effective Lecture behavioral
plans for people, character strengths that foster • Appreciative Interviews
improving work learning and innovation, five minds of the Inquiry • Performance
procedures, future, adaptation concepts and • Demonstration Evaluation
processes transtheoretical model of behavior change) • Group work • Life Narrative
• Demonstrate collaboration and networking Inquiry
skills • Review of
• Show basic skills in research portfolios of
• Generate practical insights on how to evidence and third-
improve organizational procedures, party workplace
processes and systems reports of on-the-
• Set up action plans on how to apply job performance.
innovative procedures in the organization • Standardized
• Set up action plans on how to apply assessment of
innovative procedures in the organization character

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 116

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
• Generate practical insights on how to strengths and
improve organizational procedures, virtues applied
processes and systems
5.3 Evaluate the • Show mastery of the following practical • Interactive • Psychological and 1 Hour
effectiveness concepts (e.g., 7 habits of highly effective Lecture behavioral
of the people, character strengths that foster • Appreciative Interviews
proposed learning and innovation, five minds of the Inquiry • Performance
action plans future, adaptation concepts and • Demonstration Evaluation
transtheoretical model of behavior change) • Group work • Life Narrative
• Demonstrate collaboration and networking Inquiry
skills • Review of
• Show basic skills in research portfolios of
• Generate practical insights on continuous evidence and third-
improvement party workplace
reports of on-the-
job performance.
• Standardized
assessment of
strengths and
virtues applied
6. Use information 6.1 Use technical • Lecture and discussion on: • Lecture • Oral evaluation 4 Hours
systematically information - Application in collating information • Group • Written Test
- Procedures for inputting, maintaining and Discussion • Observation
archiving information • Hands on • Presentation
- Guidance to people who need to find and • Demonstration
use information
• Organizing information into a suitable form
for reference and use
• Classify stored information for identification
and retrieval
• Operate the technical information system by
using agreed procedures

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 117

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
6.2 Apply • Lecture and discussion on: • Lecture • Oral evaluation 2 Hours
information - Attributes and limitations of available • Group • Written Test
technology (IT) software tool Discussion • Observation
- Procedures and work instructions for the • Self-paced • Presentation
use of IT handout/
- Operational requirements for IT systems module
- Sources and flow paths of data • Hands on
- Security systems and measures that can • Demonstration
be used
- Methods of entering and processing
• Use procedures and work instructions for the
use of IT
• Extract data and format reports
• Use WWW applications
6.3 Edit, format • Lecture and discussion on: • Lecture • Oral evaluation 2 Hours
and check - Basic file-handling techniques • Group • Written Test
information - Techniques in checking documents Discussion • Observation
- Techniques in editing and formatting • Self-paced • Presentation
- Proof reading techniques handout/
• Use different techniques in checking module
documents • Hands on
• Edit and format information applying different • Demonstration
• Proof read information applying different
7. Evaluate 7.1 Interpret • Discuss the OSH standards, principles and • Lecture • Written Exam 1.5 Hours
Occupational Occupational legislations • Group • Demonstration
Safety And Safety and • Identify OSH work practices issues Discussion • Observation
Health Work Health • Discuss standard safety requirements • Interviews /
Practices practices Questioning

7.2 Set OSH work • Discussion in actions plans that are • Lecture • Written Exam 1 Hour
targets necessary in achieving the OSH target • Demonstration

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 118

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
• Group • Observation
Discussion • Interviews /
• Questioning
7.3 Evaluate • Practice evaluating safety data (Historical or • Lecture • Written Exam 1.5 Hours
effectiveness Simulated) • Group • Demonstration
of Discussion • Observation
Occupational • Interviews /
Safety and Questioning
Health work
8. Evaluate 8.1 Interpret • Discussion Environmental Issues regarding • Lecture • Written Exam 1 Hour
Environmental environmental - Water Quality • Group • Demonstration
Work Practices practices, - National and Local Government Issues Discussion • Observation
policies and - Safety • Demonstration • Interviews /
procedures - Endangered Species Questioning
- Noise
- Air Quality
- Historic
- Waste
- Cultural
• Updating of existing occupation practices
8.2 Establish • Discussion on • Lecture • Written Exam
targets to - lower production costs and energy • Group • Demonstration
evaluate consumption Discussion • Observation
environmental - Environmentally Sound Processes • Demonstration • Interviews /
practices 1 Hour
- Resource Efficient Questioning
- Recycling and Waste Management
• Simple case study regarding energy
8.3 Evaluate • Identifying effective environmental • Lecture • Written Exam
effectiveness of practices relevant to the • Group • Demonstration
1 Hour
environmental industry/occupation Discussion • Observation
practices - Implementation of energy efficiency • Demonstration

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 119

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
• Case Study • Interviews /
• Third Party
9. Facilitate 9.1 Develop and • Discussions on business models and • Lecture/ • Written Test 2 Hours
Entrepreneurial maintain micro- strategies Discussion • Portfolio
Skills For Micro- small-medium • Discussion on Types and categories of • Case Study • Work Related
Small-Medium enterprise businesses and business internal control • Demonstration Project
Enterprises (MSMEs) skills • Discussion on Relevant National and local
(MSMEs) in the legislations affecting businesses
organization • Prepare promotional materials
• Practice basic bookkeeping

9.2 Establish and • Role play on customer and employee • Role Play • Case problem 2 Hours
maintain client- relations • Lecture • Written Test
base/market • Discussion on Basic product promotion Discussion
strategies • Case study
• Preparation of Basic Feasibility study
• Case studies on Basic Business ethics
• Prepare basic advertising materials
9.3 Apply budgeting • Discussion on: • Role Play • Written Test 1 Hour
and financial - Basic cost-benefit analysis • Lecture • Case problem
management - Basic financial management Discussion
skills - Basic financial accounting • Group work
- Business internal controls

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 120

(96 Hours)

Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies Assessment Nominal

Methods Duration
1. Receive and resolve customer 1.1 Identify and • Explain how to received verbal • Discussion • Observation 4
complaints analyse the complaint using active listening • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
complaint and empathy techniques • Lecture • Written
• Identify through appropriate • Group examination
communication techniques the discussion
exact nature of the customer • Simulation
• Identify steps in maintain register or
complaint file/s in accordance with
the requirements of the enterprise
information system
1.2 Respond to • Explain how to process complaints • Discussion • Observation 4
complaints in accordance with organizational • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
standards, policies and procedures • Lecture • Written
• Explain how to obtain and review • Group examination
documentation in relation to discussion
complaints • Simulation
• Identify steps in updating register of
1.3 Determine and • Identify procedures and guidelines • Discussion • Observation 4
agree upon on how to resolve the complaint • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
appropriate • Demonstrate a commitment to the • Lecture • Written
action to resolve customer to resolve the complaint • Group examination
complaint discussion
• Simulation

1.4 Refer complaints • Identify complaints that require • Discussion • Observation 4

referral to other personnel or • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
external bodies • Lecture • Written
• Group examination
discussion • Interview

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 121

Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies Assessment Nominal
Methods Duration
• Explain how to forward all • Simulation • Oral
necessary documentation including Questioning
• reports to appropriate personnel
2. Work cooperatively In a general 2.1 Develop • Explain how to develop and • Discussion • Observation 4
administration environment effective team maintain relationships with team • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
relationships members and promote benefits of • Lecture • Written
cooperative work consistent with • Group examination
organizational goals and objectives discussion • Interview
• Identify communication techniques • Simulation
to relay information in a clear and
concise manner

2.2 Participate in • Identify individual responsibilities • Discussion • Observation 4

team within the workgroup in accordance • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
assignments with organisational requirements • Lecture • Written
• How to recognize and • Group examination
accommodate cultural differences discussion • Interview
within the team • Simulation

2.3 Contribute to • Identify the internal and external • Discussion • Observation 4

team customer needs and expectations • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
development • Explain how to seek formal • Lecture • Written
feedback and informal feedback on • Group examination
individual and team performance discussion • Interview
regularly from colleagues and • Simulation
• Identify the non-discriminatory
attitudes and language when
interacting with customers, staff and

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 122

Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies Assessment Nominal
Methods Duration
3. Maintain quality customer/guest 3.1 Identify • Identify options to improve service • Discussion • Observation 4
service customer/ guest • Explain how to assess needs of • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
requirements customers/or guests • Lecture • Written
• Identify and conduct data analysis • Group examination
on deficiencies in service delivery discussion • Interview
• Simulation

3.2 Ensure delivery • Explain how to ensure • Discussion • Observation 4

of quality products/services meet customers’ • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
products/services needs and reflect enterprise • Lecture • Written
standards and improve on service • Group examination
levels discussion • Interview
• Explain how to ensure team • Simulation
performance consistently meets
enterprise standards
• Explain to colleagues how to meet
and exceed customer service
standards by providing appropriate
professional development
3.2 Evaluate • Explain how to review • Discussion • Observation 4
customer service customer/guest satisfaction with • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
service delivery using appropriate • Lecture • Written
methods that produce verifiable • Group examination
data discussion • Interview
• Identify steps on how to evaluate • Simulation
customer service evaluation
• Obtain agreements on appropriate
action to overcome problems

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 123

Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies Assessment Nominal
Methods Duration
4. Roster Staff 4.1 Develop and • Explain how to developed rosters in • Discussion • Observation 6
implement staff accordance with company • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
rosters agreements and wage budgets • Lecture • Written
• Group examination
• Identify the role of rosters and their
discussion • Interview
importance in controlling staff costs
• Simulation
• Explain how to present roster in
required formats to ensure clarity of
information in accordance with
company standards
4.2 Maintain staff • Explain how to complete time • Discussion • Observation 4
records sheets and other documentation • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
within designated timelines • Lecture • Written
• Explain procedures in updating, • Group examination
maintaining and storing staff discussion • Interview
records • Simulation
5. Control And Order Stock 5.1 Maintain stock • Explain how to monitor and • Discussion • Observation 6
levels and maintain stock levels and • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
records performance • Lecture • Written
• Identify the steps in monitoring • Group examination
stock security and adjusting discussion • Interview
systems • Simulation
• Explain how to maintain records of
stock storage and movement
5.2 Process stock • Explain how to process orders for • Discussion • Observation 4
orders stock in accordance with company • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
procedures • Lecture • Written
• Identify steps in maintaining and • Group examination
recording stock levels discussion • Interview
• Simulation
5.3 Minimize stock • Identify reasons for stock loss and • Discussion • Observation 4
losses damage • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
• Explain how to identify stock losses • Lecture • Written

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 124

Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies Assessment Nominal
Methods Duration
• Identify the recommended related • Group • Interview
procedures and solutions to loss discussion
situations to prevent future • Simulation
avoidable losses
5.4 Follow-up orders • Explain how to monitor delivery • Discussion • Observation 4
process and ensure continuity of • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
supply • Lecture • Written
• Identify routine supply problems • Group examination
• Explain how to distribute stock to discussion • Interview
agreed locations. • Simulation
5.5 Organize and • Explain how to organize stocks • Discussion • Observation 4
administer stocks • Identify the stocktaking • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
responsibilities • Lecture • Written
• Demonstrate how to produce • Group examination
accurate stock reports discussion • Interview
• Simulation
6. Prepare And Deliver Training 6.1 Determine • Identify required competencies for • Discussion • Observation 4
Sessions training learners • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
requirements • Describe the training gap for • Lecture • Written
learners • Group examination
• Explain the identified training gaps discussion • Interview
and recommendation for training • Simulation
6.2 Prepare training • Explain how to develop session • Discussion • Observation 4
plan outlines, training content, training • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
resources and materials and • Lecture • Written
individual training session • Group examination
discussion • Interview
• Simulation
6.3 Deliver training • Explain the training and • Discussion • Observation 4
sessions assessment activities involved in • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
the training session • Lecture • Written
• Identify steps in preparing training • Group examination
venue for the training session discussion • Interview
• Simulation

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 125

Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodologies Assessment Nominal
Methods Duration
• Identify safety of learners during
training delivery and practice

7. Plan, conduct and evaluate staff 7.1 Plan a staff • Identify context for staff • Discussion • Observation 4
performance assessment performance performance assessment • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
assessment • Determine the initial focus of the • Lecture • Written
staff performance assessment for • Group examination
each staff member discussion • Interview
• Prepare Documents to record • Simulation
identified staff performance
assessment statistics and
performance data
• Design action plan to guide the
conduct of staff performance
7. 2 Conduct a staff • Identify steps in gathering • Discussion • Observation 4
performance workplace-based evidence of staff • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
assessment performance • Lecture • Written
• Group examination
• Explain how to interpret employee discussion • Interview
performance data
• Simulation

7.3 Evaluate a staff • Prepare staff performance • Discussion • Observation 4

performance assessment interview • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
assessment • Identify steps in reviewing • Lecture • Written
individual staff performance • Group examination
• Explain how to prepare staff discussion • Interview
performance assessment targets • Simulation
for next period

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 126

(220 hours)

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal

Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Outcomes Methods Duration
1. Monitor 1.1 Monitor and • Monitor efficiency and service levels on an ongoing • Lecture- • Written 6 hours
routine improve basis through close contact with day to day operations Discussion Examination
workplace workplace • Identify quality problems and issues and make • Reporting • Oral
operations operations appropriate adjustments accordingly with relevant • Case Analysis Questioning
approvals • Case
• Adjust procedures and systems in consultation with Analysis
1.2 Plan and • Schedule work in a manner that enhances efficiency • Lecture- • Written 12 hours
organize and customer service quality Discussion Examination
workflow • Delegate work to appropriate people in accordance • Reporting • Oral
with principles of delegation • Case Analysis Questioning
• Assess progress against agreed objectives and • Case
timelines Analysis
• Assist colleagues in prioritization of workload through
supportive feedback and coaching
1.3 Maintain • Complete workplace records accurately and submit • Lecture- • Written 6 hours
workplace within required timeframes Discussion Examination
records • Delegate and monitor completion of records prior to • Reporting • Oral
submission • Case Analysis Questioning
• Simulation
• Case
1.4 Solve • Identify workplace problems promptly and analyze • Lecture- • Written 12 hours
problems from an operational and customer service perspective Discussion Examination
and make • Initiate corrective action to resolve the immediate • Reporting • Oral
decisions problem where appropriate • Case Analysis Questioning
• Monitor the effectiveness of solutions in the workplace • Simulation
• Case

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 127

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Outcomes Methods Duration
2. Coach and 2.1 Prepare for • Identify the need for coaching based on a range of • Lecture- • Written 36 hours
mentor on job factors Discussion Examination
others in coaching • Identify skill deficiencies that could be addressed by • Reporting • Oral
Job skills coaching needs through discussion with the colleague • Simulation Questioning
to be coached practices • Simulation
• Organize with colleague a suitable time and place to • Case Analysis • Case
conduct coaching in accordance with enterprise Analysis
policy, where appropriate • •

2.2 Coach • Explain to the colleague the overall purpose of • Lecture- • Written 40 hours
colleagues coaching Discussion Examination
on the job • Explain and demonstrate the specific skills to be • Reporting • Oral
coached • Simulation Questioning
• Communicate clearly any underpinning knowledge practice • Simulation
required • Case Analysis • Case
• Check the colleague's understanding Analysis
• Provide the colleague the opportunity to practice the
skill and ask questions
• Provide feedback in a constructive and supportive
2.3 Follow up • Monitor progress with new skills in the workplace and • Lecture- • Written 12 hours
coaching provide supportive assistance as required Discussion Examination
• Identify performance problems or difficulties with the • Reporting • Oral
coaching and rectify them or refer them to the • Case Analysis Questioning
appropriate person for follow-up • Case

3. Maintain 3.1 Monitor • Check transactions in accordance with enterprise • Lecture- • Written 12 hours
Financial financial procedures Discussion Examination
Standards procedures • Balance transactions accurately • Reporting • Oral
and • Check balances prepared by others in accordance • Case Analysis Questioning
Records with enterprise procedures • Case
• Implement and control financial systems in Analysis
accordance with enterprise procedures

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 128

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Outcomes Methods Duration
• Monitor financial systems and provide input on
possible improvements to appropriate personnel
• Identify and resolve discrepancies or errors according
to level of responsibility and in consultation with
designated persons
3.2 Complete • Complete routine financial/statistical reports accurately • Lecture- • Written 12 hours
financial within designated timelines Discussion Examination
reports • Forward financial/statistical reports promptly to the • Reporting • Oral
appropriate person/department • Case Analysis Questioning
• Case

4. Provide for 4.1 Prepare for • Identify the nature of the visit by the VIP • Lecture- • Written 24 hours
the Safety visits by • Liaise with relevant Discussion Examination
of VIP’s VIPs people regarding the • Reporting • Oral
visit • Simulation Questioning
• Identify factors practices • Simulation
impacting on VIP • Case Analysis • Case
safety while at the Analysis
• Create safety plans
for the VIP visit
• Identify resources
required to support
safety plans
• Acquire necessary
surveillance and
• Select staff to provide for VIP safety
• Provide information
to staff in relation to
VIP safety and plans
• Establish media

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 129

Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodologies
Competency Outcomes Methods Duration
liaison facilities and
• Conduct drills to trial safety plans
4.2 Implement • Apply pre-arrival preparations • Lecture- • Written 24 hours
plans for • Conduct final pre-arrival checks Discussion Examination
VIP safety • Meet and escort VIPs • Reporting • Oral
• Maintain the safety of VIPs during stay • Simulation Questioning
• Facilitate departure of VIPs practices • Simulation
• Case Analysis • Case
4.3 Conduct • De-brief staff who were involved with project • Lecture- • Written 24 hours
evaluation • Analyze responses to breaches of safety that Discussion Examination
of plans occurred • Reporting • Oral
following • Prepare draft safety plans for future VIP visits on the • Case Analysis Questioning
departure of basis of feedback received and analysis undertaken • Case
VIP Analysis

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 130


1. The delivery of training shall adhere to the design of the curriculum. Delivery
shall be guided by the principles of competency-based TVET.

a. Course design is based on competency standards set by the industry or

recognized industry sector; (Learning system is driven by competencies written to
industry standards)

b. Training delivery is learner-centered and should accommodate individualized and

self-paced learning strategies;

c. Training can be done on an actual workplace setting, simulation of a workplace

and/or through adoption of modern technology.

d. Assessment is based in the collection of evidence of the performance of work to

the industry required standards;

e. Assessment of competency takes the trainee’s knowledge and attitude into

account but requires evidence of actual performance of the competency as the
primary source of evidence.

f. Training program allows for recognition of prior learning (RPL) or current


g. Training completion is based on satisfactory performance of all specified


2. The competency-based TVET system recognizes various types of delivery modes,

both on-and off-the-job as long as the learning is driven by the competency
standards specified by the industry. The following training modalities and their
variations/components may be adopted singly or in combination with other
modalities when designing and delivering training programs:

2.1 Institution- Based:

• Dual Training System (DTS)/Dualized Training Program (DTP) which contain

both in-school and in-industry training or fieldwork components. Details can
be referred to the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the DTS Law and
the TESDA Guidelines on the DTP;

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 131

• Distance learning is a formal education process in which majority of the
instruction occurs when the students and instructor are not in the same place.
Distance learning may employ correspondence study, audio, video,
computer technologies or other modern technology that can be used to
facilitate learning and formal and non-formal training. Specific guidelines on
this mode shall be issued by the TESDA Secretariat.

• The traditional classroom-based or in-center instruction may be enhanced

through use of learner-centered methods as well as laboratory or field-work

2.2 Enterprise-Based:

• Formal Apprenticeship – Training within employment involving a contract

between an apprentice and an enterprise on an approved apprenticeable

• Informal Apprenticeship - is based on a training (and working) agreement

between an apprentice and a master craftsperson wherein the agreement
may be written or oral and the master craftsperson commits to training the
apprentice in all the skills relevant to his or her trade over a significant period
of time, usually between one and four years, while the apprentice commits to
contributing productively to the work of the business. Training is integrated
into the production process and apprentices learn by working alongside the
experienced craftsperson.

• Enterprise-based Training- where training is implemented within the

company in accordance with the requirements of the specific company.
Specific guidelines on this mode shall be issued by the TESDA Secretariat.

2.3 Community-Based – Community-Based – short term programs conducted by

non-government organizations (NGOs), LGUs, training centers and other TVET
providers which are intended to address the specific needs of a community.
Such programs can be conducted in informal settings such as barangay hall,
basketball courts, etc. These programs can also be mobile training program

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 132


Trainees or students wishing to gain entry into this course should possess the
following requirements:

• Must have completed the 10-year basic education or an Alternative Learning

System (ALS) Certificate of Completion with grade 10 equivalent holder
• Must possess good communications skills
• Must be computer literate
• Can perform basic mathematical computation
• Must be competent in Front Office Services NC II qualification gained through
training or experience or certification

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 133


List of tools, equipment and materials for the training of a minimum of 25

trainees for Front Office Services NC III are as follows:

A. (Full Qualification)


4 sets Microsoft Office i.e. Excel, Word, PPT, Etc.


4 units Computer with Property Management System and



5 sets Sample Manpower roster/schedule

1 pc White board

5 pcs Empty envelopes

5 pcs Luggage Tag

1 pc Easel Stand

50 pcs Easel sheets

.1 box Whiteboard markers

5 sets Sample Inventory Stocks Monitoring Form

5 sets Sample Staff Assessment Forms

5 sets Sample Financial Reports (FO)

5 sets Sample Safety Plans

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 134


Based on a class intake of 25 students/trainees

Area in Sq. Total Area in Sq.

Space Requirement Size in Meters
Meters Meters
Lecture 8 x 7 m. 56 sq. m. 56 sq. m.
Learning Resource Center
3 x 5 m. 15 sq. m. 15 sq. m.
21 sq. m.
Circulation Area
Total workshop area: 92 sq. m.


• Must be a holder of National TVET Trainer Certificate (NTTC) Level I in Front Office
Services NC III
• Must have at least two years industry experience in any Front Office related works
as supervisor


Institutional assessment is undertaken by trainees to determine their

achievement of units of competency. A certificate of achievement is issued for each
unit of competency.

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 135


Competency Assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making judgments

whether competency has been achieved. The purpose of assessment is to confirm that an
individual can perform to the standards expected at the workplace as expressed in relevant
competency standards.

The assessment process is based on evidence or information gathered to prove

achievement of competencies. The process may be applied to an employable unit(s) of
competency in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the national qualification.


4.1.1 A National Certificate (NC) is issued when a candidate has demonstrated

competence in all unit/s of competency of a qualification with a promulgated
Training Regulations.

4.1.2 Individuals wanting to be certified will have to be assessed in accordance with the
requirements identified in the evidence guide of the relevant unit/s of competency.

4.1.3 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Candidates who have gained competencies
through informal training, previous work or life experiences may apply for
recognition in a particular qualification through competency assessment:

4.1.4 The industry shall determine assessment and certification requirements for each
qualification with promulgated Training Regulations: It includes the following:

a. Entry requirements for candidates

b. Evidence gathering methods
c. Qualification requirements of competency assessors
d. Specific assessment and certification arrangements as identified by industry

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 136

4.2.1 Self-Assessment Guide. The self-assessment guide (SAG) is accomplished by
the candidate prior to actual competency assessment. SAG is a pre-assessment
tool to help the candidate and the assessor determine what evidence is available,
where gaps exist, including readiness for assessment.
This document can:
a. Identify the candidate’s skills and knowledge
b. Highlight gaps in candidate’s skills and knowledge
c. Provide critical guidance to the assessor and candidate on the evidence that
need to be presented
d. Assist the candidate to identify key areas in which practice is needed or
additional information or skills that should be gained prior `
4.2.2 Accredited Assessment Center. Only Assessment Center accredited by TESDA
is authorized to conduct competency assessment. Assessment centers undergo
a quality assured procedure for accreditation before they are authorized by
TESDA to manage the assessment for National Certification.
4.2.3 Accredited Competency Assessor. Only accredited competency assessor is
authorized to conduct assessment of competence. Competency assessors
undergo a quality assured system of accreditation procedure before they are
authorized by TESDA to assess the competencies of candidates for National

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 137

(Hotel and Restaurant)

Propose Facilitate
Apply critical Evaluate
methods of Evaluate entrepreneurial
thinking and occupational
Lead Work in a applying Use environmental skills for micro-
Lead small problem-solving safety and
workplace diverse learning and information work small-medium
teams techniques in health work
communication environment innovation in systematically practices enterprises
the workplace practices
the (MSMEs)
Receive and Enhance Apply Adopt
Solve/address Access and occupational
respond to Work with self- Support environmental entrepreneurial
routine maintain safety and
workplace others management Innovation work mindset in the
problems information health policies
communication skills standards workplace
and procedures

Work in Solve/address efficient and Practice
Participate in Develop Contribute to Present occupational

Team general effective entrepreneurial

workplace career and workplace relevant safety and
Environme workplace sustainable skills in the
communication life decisions innovation information health policies
nt problems practices in workplace
and procedures
the workplace
Lead in Lead towards
Perform higher improvement of improvement
Utilize Contribute to
order thinking Manage Manage Occupational of
specialize Develop the practice Sustain
processes and innovative evaluate Safety and environmental
specialized and lead of social entrepreneurial
apply work usage of Health work
communication teams justice in the skills
techniques in instructions information Program, programs,
skill workplace
the workplace Policies and policies and
Procedures procedures
Manage Develop Manage
Manage and Advocate Manage
and Evaluate higher Incorporate systems in implementatio Develop and
sustain strategic Implementation
sustain order thinking innovation into managing, n of sustain a high-
effective thinking for of OSH
high skills and adjust work and environmental performing
communication global programs in the
performing problem solving procedures maintaining program in enterprise
strategies citizenship workplace
teams information the workplace

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 138

Work Maintain Plan, conduct
Receive and Prepare and
cooperatively quality and evaluate
resolve Control and deliver
in a general customer/ Roster staff staff

customer Order stock* training

administration guest service performance
complaints sessions
environment assessment
Perform child Plan and Use the
Maintain Develop and Manage
protection Manage implement a assessment
hospitality supervise quality
duties relevant finances within series of system for
industry operational customer
to the tourism a budget training training
knowledge approaches service
industry events outcome
Monitor and Evaluate the
Develop and protective Establish and Gather and Maintain Manage and Manage
evaluate the effectiveness
update tourism environments maintain a present quality resolve financial
effectiveness of
industry for children in business product customer/gues conflict performance
of training assessment
knowledge tourism relationship information t service situations within a budget
outcome system

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 139


Provide club
Receive and process Operate computerized Provide accommodation
Conduct night audit reception
reservations reservations system reception services

Maintain financial
Provide concierge and Monitor routine workplace Coach and mentor others in
Provide cashiering services standards and
bell services operations Job skills

Provide for the safety Plan and establish systems Manage and resolve conflict Manage guests’
Lead and manage people
of VIPs and procedures situations financial records

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 140


Concierge - a front office section taking charge of guest inquiries,

requests and complaints.

Computer Literate - Is defined as the knowledge and ability to utilize computers

and related technology efficiently, with a range of skills
covering levels from elementary use to computer
programming and advanced problem solving.

Front Office Agent - a front office staff in-charge of accepting hotel reservations;
registering and checking–out guest; handling guest inquiries,
request and complaints and F.O. Cashiering.

Reservation - the process of requesting for room accommodation in

advance in a hotel or other commercial establishment.

Electronic Key Card - a computer generated electronic card used as guest room

Back-Of-The-House - non-guest contact departments such as Accounting/Finance

Property Standards - based according to the hotel, hotel school, training

institution or similar/related commercial establishment.

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 141


Qualification Title: Front Office Services NC III

Qualification Code: TRSFOS319

Replaces Deployment
New Version
Version (TESDA
Revision Document (TESDA Board
(TESDA Board Circular/
No. Description Types* Resolution
Resolution No./ Implementing
No./ Date)
Date) Guidelines)
00 Document Created Not Applicable 2019-70/
Front Office Services Dec 17, 2019
Legend: *Description Types
- Document Created

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 142


The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) wishes to extend
thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of business, industry, academe and
government agencies who donated their time and expertise to the development and validation
of these Training Regulations.



Professor/Industry Expert Consultant/Professor/Industry Expert
ASEAN Master Trainer ASEAN Master Assessor
Far Eastern University (FEU) The Filipino Hospitality
Claro M. Recto Ave., Manila Canadian Tourism and Hospitality


National Assessor/Trainer Industry Expert-Consultant/
UNO Caregiver and Domestic Founding President/Auditor
Mngt. Training Center, Inc. Association of Administrators in
Hospitality Hotel and Restaurant
Management Educational Institutions
ASEAN Master Trainer


Board of Trustees Executive Director/Chair
Tourism Industry Board Foundation, Inc. Lyceum of the Philippines University
(TIBFI) Intramuros, Manila/TIBFI
ASEAN Master Trainer ASEAN Master Assessor


National Union Workers in Hotel National Union Workers in Hotel
and Allied Industries and Allied Industries
(NUWHRAIN-Restaurant Sentro) (NUWHRAIN-Restaurant Sentro)

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 143

The Participants in the Validation of these Training Regulations

Michelle Karen B. Baruc Jimmy Belleza

Lyceum of the Phils.-Batangas Divine World College University-Calapan
Angelina Blanco Felix B. Casin
Asian School of Hospitality Arts Lyceum of the Phils.-Manila
Lhodie Mae De Guzman Rommel Engalla
KL Tower Serviced Residences Royal Carribean, Norwegian Cruise Line,
The Venetial Macau, Resorts World Manila
Cynthia C. Fuentebella Catherine Belle Guilas
IServe, Inc. Solaire Resort
Michelle Grace Estorga Lizette Lazarraga
The Bayleaf Intramuros Computersense College of
Communications & Technology
Mark M. Mahilum Jonna Kathryn G. Pasion
Quest Apartment and Hotel Adelaide Joji Ilagan Career Center Foundation, Inc.
Jefferson Potugana Racquel R. Raymundo
Hospitality Software Solutions & Lyceum of the Phils. University
Consultancy Svs. Co. Ltd.
Ma. Elizabeth G. Qurante
c/o Canadian Tourism & Hospitality

The MANAGEMENT and STAFF of the TESDA Secretariat

• Qualifications and Standards Office (QSO)
• TR Development Team/Facilitators
- Ma. Isabel G. Gamurot
- Evangeline A. Cosep
- Howard Mark N. Plete

FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III Revision 00 Promulgated (12/17/2019) 144

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