Front Office Services NC Iii
Front Office Services NC Iii
Front Office Services NC Iii
TESDA Complex East Service Road, South Luzon Expressway (SLEX),
Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City
Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 1994
(Republic Act No. 7796)
Section 2 The Competency Standards format was revised to include the Required
Knowledge and Required Skills per element. These fields explicitly state the
required knowledge and skills for competent performance of a unit of
competency in an informed and effective manner. These also emphasize the
application of knowledge and skills to situations where understanding is
converted into a workplace outcome.
• Basic Competencies 2 - 41
• Common Competencies 42 - 83
• Core Competencies 84 - 108
This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Tourism Sector (Hotel
and Restaurant) as shown in Annex A.
This section details the contents of the basic, common and core units of competency
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
lead in the effective dissemination and discussion of ideas,
information, and issues in the workplace. This includes
preparation of written communication materials.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
1. Communicate 1.1 Relevant 1.1. Organization 1.1 Organizing information
information communication requirements for 1.2 Conveying intended
about method is selected written and meaning
workplace based on workplace electronic 1.3 Participating in a
processes procedures communication variety of workplace
1.2 Multiple operations methods discussions
involving several 1.2. Effective verbal 1.4 Complying with
topics/areas are communication organization
communicated following methods requirements for the
enterprise requirements 1.3. Business writing use of written and
1.3 Questioning is applied 1.4. Workplace electronic
to gain extra information etiquette communication
1.4 Relevant sources of methods
information are 1.5 Effective business
identified in accordance writing
with workplace/ client 1.6 Effective clarifying
requirements and probing skills
1.5 Information is selected 1.7 Effective
and organized following questioning
enterprise procedures techniques
1.6 Verbal and written (clarifying and
reporting is undertaken probing)
when required
1.7 Communication and
negotiation skills are
applied and maintained
in all relevant situations
3. Identify and 3.1 Issues and problems 3.1 Organization 3.1 Organizing
communicate are identified as they requirements for information
issues arising in arise written and 3.2 Conveying intended
the workplace 3.2 Information regarding electronic meaning
problems and issues communication 3.3 Participating in a
are organized methods variety of workplace
coherently to ensure 3.2 Effective verbal discussions
clear and effective communication 3.4 Complying with
communication methods organization
3.3 Dialogue is initiated with 3.3 Workplace requirements for
appropriate personnel etiquette the use of written
3.4 Communication 3.4 Communication and electronic
problems and issues problems and communication
are raised as they arise issues methods
3.5 Identify barriers in 3.5 Barriers in 3.5 Effective clarifying
communication to be communication and probing skills
addressed 3.6 Identifying issues
appropriately 3.7 Negotiation and
1. Methods of May include but not limited to:
communication 1.1. Non-verbal gestures
1.2. Verbal
1.3. Face-to-face
1.4. Two-way radio
1.5. Speaking to groups
1.6. Using telephone
1.7. Written
1.8. Internet
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Provide team 1.1 Work 1.1 Facilitation of 1.1 Communication
leadership requirements are Team work skills required for
identified and 1.2 Company policies leading teams
presented to team and procedures 1.2 Group facilitation
members based on relating to work skills
company policies performance 1.3 Negotiating skills
and procedures 1.3 Performance 1.4 Setting
1.2 Reasons for standards and performance
instructions and expectations expectation
requirements are 1.4 Monitoring
communicated to individual’s and
team members team’s
based on company performance vis a
policies and vis client’s and
procedures group’s
1.3 Team members’ expectations
and leaders’
concerns are
discussed and
dealt with based on
company practices
2. Assign 2.1. Responsibilities are 2.1 Work plan and 2.1 Communication
responsibilities allocated having procedures skills
regard to the skills, 2.2 Work 2.2 Management skills
knowledge and requirements and 2.3 Negotiating skills
aptitude required to targets 2.4 Evaluation skills
undertake the 2.2 Individual and 2.5 Identifying team
assigned task group member’s
based on company expectations and strengths and
policies. assignments rooms for
2.2. Duties are 2.3 Ways to improve improvement
allocated having group leadership
regard to individual and membership
domestic and
whenever possible
May include:
1. Work requirements
1.1. Client Profile
1.2. Assignment instructions
May include:
2. Team member’s
concerns 2.1. Roster/shift details
May include:
3. Monitor performance
3.1. Formal process
3.2. Informal process
May include:
4. Feedback
4.1. Formal process
4.2. Informal process
May include:
5. Performance issues
5.1. Work output
5.2. Work quality
5.3. Team participation
5.4. Compliance with workplace protocols
5.5. Safety
5.6. Customer service
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to solve problems in the workplace including the application
of problem solving techniques and to determine and resolve
the root cause/s of specific problems in the workplace.
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Examine 1.1 Variances are 1.1 Competence 1.1 Using range of
specific examined from includes a analytical techniques
workplace normal operating thorough (e.g., planning,
challenges. parameters; and knowledge and attention,
product quality. understanding of simultaneous and
1.2 Extent, cause and the process, successive
nature of the normal operating processing of
specific problem parameters, and information) in
are defined product quality to examining specific
through recognize non- challenges in the
observation, standard situations. workplace.
investigation and 1.2 Competence to 1.2 Identifying extent
analytical include the ability and causes of
techniques. to apply and specific challenges in
1.3 Problems are explain, enough for the workplace.
clearly stated and the identification of
specified. fundamental
causes of specific
1.3 Relevant
equipment and
1.4 Enterprise goals,
targets and
1.5 Enterprise quality
OHS and
1.6 Enterprise
systems and data
1.7 Industry codes and
1. Parameters May include:
1.1 Processes
1.2 Procedures
1.3 Systems
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the outcomes required to work effectively
in a workplace characterized by diversity in terms of
religions, beliefs, races, ethnicities and other differences.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Develop an 1.1 Individual 1.1 Understanding 1.1 Applying cross-
individual’s differences with cultural diversity in cultural
cultural clients, customers the workplace communication
awareness and and fellow workers 1.2 Norms of behavior skills (i.e. different
sensitivity are recognized for interacting and business customs,
and respected in dialogue with beliefs,
accordance with specific groups communication
enterprise policies (e. g., Muslims and strategies)
and core values. other non- 1.2 Showing affective
1.2 Differences are Christians, non- skills – establishing
responded to in a Catholics, rapport and
sensitive and tribes/ethnic groups, empathy,
considerate foreigners) understanding, etc.
manner 1.3 Different methods of 1.3 Demonstrating
1.3 Diversity is verbal and non- openness and
accommodated verbal flexibility in
using appropriate communication in a communication
verbal and non- multicultural setting 1.4 Recognizing diverse
verbal groups in the
communication. workplace and
community as
defined by divergent
culture, religion,
traditions and
1. Diversity This refers to diversity in both the workplace and the
community and may include divergence in :
1.1 Religion
1.2 Ethnicity, race or nationality
1.3 Culture
1.4 Gender, age or personality
1.5 Educational background
2. Diversity-related conflicts May include conflicts that result from:
2.1 Discriminatory behaviors
2.2 Differences of cultural practices
2.3 Differences of belief and value systems
2.4 Gender-based violence
2.5 Workplace bullying
2.6 Corporate jealousy
2.7 Language barriers
2.8 Individuals being differently-abled persons
2.9 Ageism (negative attitude and behavior towards
old people)
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
assess general obstacles in the application of learning and
innovation in the organization and to propose practical
methods of such in addressing organizational challenges.
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Assess work 1.1. Reasons for 1.1 Seven habits of 1.1 Demonstrating
procedures, innovation are highly effective collaboration and
processes and incorporated people. networking skills.
systems in terms to work 1.2 Character 1.2 Applying basic
of innovative procedures. strengths that research and
practices 1.2. Models of foster innovation evaluation skills
innovation are and learning 1.3 Generating insights
researched. (Christopher on how to improve
1.3. Gaps or barriers Peterson and organizational
to innovation in Martin Seligman, procedures,
one’s work area 2004) processes and
are analyzed. 1.3 Five minds of the systems through
1.4. Staff who can future concepts innovation.
support and foster (Gardner, 2007).
innovation in the 1.4 Adaptation
work procedure concepts in
are identified. neuroscience
(Merzenich, 2013).
1.5 Transtheoretical
model of behavior
DiClemente, &
Norcross, 1992).
1. Reasons May include:
1.1 Strengths and weaknesses of the current systems,
processes and procedures.
1.2 Opportunities and threats of the current systems,
processes and procedures.
2. Models of innovation May include:
2.1 Seven habits of highly effective people.
2.2 Five minds of the future concepts (Gardner, 2007).
2.3 Neuroplasticity and adaptation strategies.
3. Gaps or barriers May include:
3.1 Machine
3.2 Manpower
3.3 Methods
3.4 Money
4. Critical Inquiry May include:
4.1 Preparation.
4.2 Discussion.
4.3 Clarification of goals.
4.4 Negotiate towards a Win-Win outcome.
4.5 Agreement.
4.6 Implementation of a course of action.
4.7 Effective verbal communication. See our pages: Verbal
Communication and Effective Speaking.
4.8 Listening.
4.9 Reducing misunderstandings is a key part of effective
4.10 Rapport Building.
4.11 Problem Solving.
4.12 Decision Making.
4.13 Assertiveness.
4.14 Dealing with Difficult Situations.
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to use technical information systems, apply information
technology (IT) systems and edit, format & check information.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Use technical 1.1. Information are 1.1. Application in 1.1. Collating information
information collated and collating 1.2. Operating
organized into a information appropriate and
suitable form for 1.2. Procedures for valid procedures for
reference and use inputting, inputting,
1.2. Stored information maintaining and maintaining and
are classified so archiving archiving information
that it can be information 1.3. Advising and
quickly identified 1.3. Guidance to offering guidance to
and retrieved when people who need people who need to
needed to find and use find and use
1.3. Guidance are information information
advised and 1.4. Organize 1.4. Organizing
offered to people information information into a
who need to find 1.5. classify stored suitable form for
and use information for reference and use
information identification and 1.5. Classifying stored
retrieval information for
1.6. Operate the identification and
technical retrieval
information system 1.6. Operating the
by using agreed technical information
procedures system by using
agreed procedures
1. Information May include:
1.1. Property
1.2. Organizational
1.3. Technical reference
2. Technical information May include:
2.1. paper based
2.2. electronic
3. Software May include:
3.1. spreadsheets
3.2. databases
3.3. word processing
3.4. presentation
4. Sources May include:
4.1. other IT systems
4.2. manually created
4.3. within own organization
4.4. outside own organization
4.5. geographically remote
5. Customers May include:
5.1. colleagues
5.2. company and project management
5.3. clients
6. Security measures May include:
6.1. access rights to input;
6.2. passwords;
6.3. access rights to outputs;
6.4. data consistency and back-up;
6.5. recovery plans
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to interpret Occupational Safety and Health
practices, set OSH work targets, and evaluate
effectiveness of Occupational Safety and Health work
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Interpret 1.1 OSH work practices 1.1. OSH work 1.1. Communication
Occupational issues are identified practices issues skills
Safety and relevant to work 1.2. OSH work 1.2. Interpersonal skills
Health requirements standards 1.3. Critical thinking
practices 1.2 OSH work standards 1.3. General OSH skills
and procedures are principles and 1.4. Observation skills
determined based on legislations
applicability to nature of
1.4. Company/
work workplace policies/
1.3 Gaps in work practices guidelines
are identified related to
1.5. Standards and
relevant OSH work safety
standards requirements of
work process and
2. Set OSH work 2.1 Relevant work 2.1. OSH work targets 2.1. Communication
targets information are 2.2. OSH Indicators skills
gathered necessary to 2.3. OSH work 2.2. Collaborating skills
determine OSH work instructions 2.3. Critical thinking
targets 2.4. Safety and health skills
2.2 OSH Indicators based requirements of 2.4. Observation skills
on gathered information tasks
are agreed upon to 2.5. Workplace
measure effectiveness guidelines on
of workplace OSH providing
policies and procedures feedback on OSH
2.3 Agreed OSH indicators and security
are endorsed for concerns
approval from 2.6. OSH regulations
appropriate personnel Hazard control
2.4 OSH work procedures
instructions are 2.7. OSH trainings
received in accordance relevant to work
with workplace policies
and procedures
1. OSH Work May include but not limited to:
Practices Issues 1.1 Workers’ experience/observance on presence of work hazards
1.2 Unsafe/unhealthy administrative arrangements (prolonged work
hours, no break-time, constant overtime, scheduling of tasks)
1.3 Reasons for compliance/non-compliance to use of PPEs or
other OSH procedures/policies/ guidelines
2. OSH Indicators May include but not limited to:
2.1 Increased of incidents of accidents, injuries
2.2 Increased occurrence of sickness or health
2.3 Common complaints of workers’ related to OSH
2.4 High absenteeism for work-related reasons
3. OSH Work May include but not limited to:
Instructions 3.1 Preventive and control measures, and targets
3.2 Eliminate the hazard (i.e., get rid of the dangerous machine
3.3 Isolate the hazard (i.e. keep the machine in a closed room and
operate it remotely; barricade an unsafe area off)
3.4 Substitute the hazard with a safer alternative (i.e., replace the
machine with a safer one)
3.5 Use administrative controls to reduce the risk (i.e. give trainings
on how to use equipment safely; OSH-related topics, issue
warning signages, rotation/shifting work schedule)
3.6 Use engineering controls to reduce the risk (i.e. use safety
guards to machine)
3.7 Use personal protective equipment
3.8 Safety, Health and Work Environment Evaluation
3.9 Periodic and/or special medical examinations of workers
4. OSH metrics May include but not limited to:
4.1 Statistics on incidence of accidence and injuries
4.2 Morbidity (Type and Number of Sickness)
4.3 Mortality (Cause and Number of Deaths)
4.4 Accident Rate
4. Context for Assessment 4.1 Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude to
interpret environmental Issues, establish targets to
evaluate environmental practices and evaluate
effectiveness of environmental practices
ELEMENTS Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
1. Interpret 1.1 Environmental work 1.1 Environmental 1.1. Analyzing
environmental practices issues are Issues Environmental
practices, identified relevant to 1.2 Environmental Issues and
policies and work requirements Work Procedures Concerns
procedures 1.2 Environmental 1.3 Environmental 1.2. Critical thinking
Standards and Laws 1.3. Problem Solving
Procedures nature of 1.4 Environmental 1.4. Observation Skills
work are determined Hazardous and
based on Applicability to Non-Hazardous
nature of work Materials
1.3 Gaps in work practices 1.5 Environmental
related to Environmental required license,
Standards and registration or
Procedures are certification
1. Environmental Practices May include:
Issues 1.1 Water Quality
1.2 National and Local Government Issues
1.3 Safety
1.4 Endangered Species
1.5 Noise
1.6 Air Quality
1.7 Historic
1.8 Waste
1.9 Cultural
2. Environmental Indicators May include:
2.1 Noise level
2.2 Lighting (Lumens)
2.3 Air Quality - Toxicity
2.4 Thermal Comfort
2.5 Vibration
2.6 Radiation
2.7 Quantity of the Resources
2.8 Volume
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the outcomes required to build, operate and
grow a micro/small-scale enterprise.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
1. Develop and 1.1 Appropriate business 1.1 Business models 1.1 Basic
maintain micro- strategies are and strategies bookkeeping/
small-medium determined and set for 1.2 Types and accounting skills
enterprise the enterprise based on categories of 1.2 Communication
(MSMEs) skills current and emerging businesses skills
in the business environment. 1.3 Business 1.3 Building relations
organization 1.2 Business operations are operation with customer and
monitored and controlled 1.4 Basic employees
following established Bookkeeping 1.4 Building
procedures. 1.5 Business competitive
1.3 Quality assurance internal controls advantage of the
measures are 1.6 Basic quality enterprise
implemented consistently. control and
1.4 Good relations are assurance
maintained with concepts
staff/workers. 1.7 Government and
1.5 Policies and procedures regulatory
on occupational safety processes
and health and
environmental concerns
are constantly observed.
2. Establish and 2.1 Good customer relations 2.1 Public relations 2.1 Building customer
Maintain client- are maintained concepts relations
base/market 2.2 New customers and 2.2 Basic product 2.2 Individual
markets are identified, promotion marketing skills
explored and reached out strategies 2.3 Using basic
to. 2.3 Basic market advertising
2.3 Promotions/Incentives are and feasibility (posters/ tarpaulins,
offered to loyal customers studies flyers, social media,
2.4 Additional products and 2.4 Basic business etc.)
services are evaluated ethics
and tried where feasible.
2.5 Promotional/advertising
initiatives are carried out
where necessary and
1. Business strategies May include:
1.1. Developing/Maintaining niche market
1.2. Use of organic/healthy ingredients
1.3. Environment-friendly and sustainable practices
1.4. Offering both affordable and high-quality products and
1.5. Promotion and marketing strategies (e. g., on-line
2. Business operations May include:
2.1 Purchasing
2.2 Accounting/Administrative work
2.3 Production/Operations/Sales
3. Internal controls May include but not limited to:
3.1 Accounting systems
3.2 Financial statements/reports
3.3 Cash management
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to
receive and resolve customer complaints in a range of
settings within the hospitality industry workplace context.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Identify and 1.1 Verbal complaint, 1.1 Communication 1.1 Questioning and
analyse the using active listening techniques communication
complaint and empathy 1.2 Anger management skills
techniques is techniques and 1.2 Research skills
received and conflict resolution 1.3 Analytical skills
accurately recorded techniques 1.4 Identifying relevant
1.2 The exact nature of 1.3 Customer complaints information
the customer 1.4 Records and 1.5 Compilation and
complaint are documentation classification of
identified through 1.5 Enterprise’s policies information and
appropriate and procedures data
communication 1.6 Networking skills
techniques 1.7 Handling
1.3 Register or complaint complaints
file/s in accordance
with the requirements
of the enterprise
information system
are maintained
2. Respond to 2.1 Complaints in 2.1 Communication 2.1 Questioning and
complaints accordance with techniques communication
organizational 10.1 Anger skills
standards, policies management 2.2 Analytical skills
and procedures are techniques and 2.3 Identifying relevant
processed conflict resolution information
2.2 Documentation in techniques 2.4 Compilation and
relation to complaints 10.2 Customer classification of
is obtained and complaints information and
reviewed 10.3 Records and data
2.3 Register of documentation 2.5 Networking skills
complaints/disputes 10.4 Enterprise’s 2.6 Processing
are updated policies and complaints
3. Determine and 3.1 Options to resolve the 3.1 Communication 3.1 Questioning and
agree upon complaint within techniques communication
appropriate enterprise policy, 3.2 Anger management skills
action to resolve procedures and techniques and 3.2 Analytical skills
complaint guidelines are conflict resolution
1. Complaint May include:
1.1 Any expression of dissatisfaction with food and
beverage products or food service by a customer
1.2 Written complaints, e.g. Letter, email, complaint and/or
feedback form
1.3 Verbal, face-to-face, complaints
1.4 Verbal complaints over the telephone
2. Appropriate May include:
communication techniques 2.1 The use of active listening
2.2 The use of both open and closed questions
2.3 Speaking clearly and concisely
2.4 Using appropriate language and tone of voice
2.5 Giving customers full attention
2.6 Maintaining eye contact in face-to face interactions
2.7 Appropriate non-verbal communication in face-to-face
interactions, e.g. Body language, attention and
personal presentation
2.8 and should include:
2.9 Conflict resolution techniques
2.10 Anger management techniques
2.11 Observation of personal safety
3. Organizational standards, May include:
policies and procedures 3.1 Complaints procedures
3.2 Organisational standard report forms
3.3 Job descriptions
3.4 Code of ethics
3.5 Quality systems, standards and guidelines
3.6 Insurance/liabilities policies
4. Documentation May include:
4.1 Letters of complaint
4.2 Customer feedback forms outlining complaints, such
as paper-based customer satisfaction questionnaires,
internet-based customer satisfaction questionnaires
4.3 Complaint emails
5. Options May include:
5.1 Options that satisfy the customer
5.2 Options that partially satisfy the customer
5.3 Options that do not satisfy the customer.
5.4 and should include:
5.5 Options that reflect enterprise policy, procedures and
6. Inform customer of May include:
outcome 6.1 Providing documentation and/or evidence that
supports customer complaint
6.2 Providing documentation and/or evidence that does
not support customer complaint.
6.3 Information (verbal or written) that directly relates to
the complaint being investigated
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to work
cooperatively in a general administration environment in a
range of settings within the labor divisions of the hospitality
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Develop effective 1.1 Relationships with 1.1 Principles of 1.1 Questioning and
team team members and effective communication skills
relationships promote benefits of communication skills 1.2 Research skills
cooperative work 1.2 Feedback 1.3 Analytical skills
consistent with techniques and team 1.4 Ability to research
organizational goals building techniques industry information
and objectives are to build and maintain sources
developed and interpersonal 1.5 Identifying relevant
maintained relationships within a information
1.2 Responsibilities and designated work 1.6 Compilation and
assignments in a group or team classification of
positive manner to 1.3 Communicate information and data
promote effective effectively with a 1.7 Networking skills
relationships within range of people
the work group are relevant to position
undertaken and role
1.3 Courteous and 1.4 Customer relations
appropriate 1.5 Enterprise’s policies
communication with and procedures in
others in a manner, resolving complaints
which reflects and conflict
sensitivity to
individual social and
cultural differences
in accordance with
requirements, are
1.4 Communication
techniques to relay
information in a clear
and concise manner
are used
1.5 Language and tone
appropriate to a
particular audience,
purpose and
situation, taking into
account the relevant
factors involved are
1. Team members May Include:
1.1 Specific groups of employees assigned to complete
designated tasks, or to work together
1.2 The organization as a whole
1.3 Individual branches
1.4 Individual work sections
2. Organizational goals and May Include:
objectives 2.1 Reporting deadlines
2.2 Budgetary targets
2.3 Team participation
2.4 Team and individual learning goals
2.5 Professional development
3. Responsibility May Include:
3.1 Obeying lawful orders
3.2 Confidentiality and privacy requirements
3.3 Safety and care with respect to occupational safety and
health requirements
3.4 Terms and conditions of own employment
3.5 Responsibility of providing a safe environment, free from
discrimination and sexual harassment
4. Appropriate May Include:
communication 4.1 Using active listening
4.2 Using both open and closed questions
4.3 Speaking clearly and concisely
4.4 Using appropriate language and tone of voice
4.5 Being attentive
4.6 Maintaining eye contact in face-to face interactions
4.7 Using appropriate non-verbal communication in face-to-
face interactions, e.g. Body language, attention and
personal presentation
5. Social and cultural May Include:
differences 5.1 Language
5.2 Traditional practices and observations
5.3 Beliefs, values, practices
5.4 Food, diet
5.5 Dress
5.6 Religious and spiritual observances
5.7 Social conventions
5.8 Cultural stereotypes
5.9 Conventions of gender/sexuality
6. Organizational May Include:
requirements 6.1 Legal and organizational policy and procedures,
including personnel practices and guidelines
6.2 Organizational goals, objectives, plans, systems and
6.3 Legislation relevant to the operation, incident and/or
6.4 Employer and employee rights and responsibilities
6.5 Business and performance plans
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required
to maintain a quality customer/guest service within
the hotel and travel industries.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Identify customer/ 1.1 Options to improve 1.1 Principles of 1.1 Questioning and
guest service levels are effective communication skills
requirements identified communication skills 1.2 Research skills
1.2 Needs of customers 1.2 Business 1.3 Analytical skills
and/or guests are environment in 1.4 Ability to research
researched and which the hotel and industry information
assessed travel industry sources
1.3 Deficiencies in operates, including 1.5 Identifying relevant
service delivery are major current information
identified by customer relations 1.6 Compilation and
conducting data and management classification of
analysis issues as information and data
appropriate to the 1.7 Networking skills
industry sector
1.3 Principles of
customer service
1.4 Organization's
business structure,
products and
services and
organization's policy
and procedures for
customer service,
including handling
customer complaints
1.5 Product and service
standards and best
practice models
1.6 Common problems
relating to customer
1.7 Consultation
methods, techniques
and protocols
1.8 Research and or
evidence and
feedback gathering
2. Ensure delivery 2.1 Colleagues to meet 2.1 Principles of 2.1 Questioning and
of quality and exceed customer effective communication skills
products/ service standards by communication skills 2.2 Research skills
services providing appropriate 2.3 Analytical skills
1. Service levels May include:
1.1 Service quality
1.2 Customer satisfaction
1.3 Staff attitude
1.4 Appearance of venue, staff, etc.
1.5 Atmosphere of venue
1.6 Responsiveness of staff to customer requests
1.7 Delivery times
1.8 Prices or costs
1.9 Product or service availability
1.10 Courtesy and politeness
2. Appropriate professional May include:
development 2.1 Mentoring
2.2 Coaching
2.3 Training
2.4 Peer support
3. Evaluate and report on May include:
customer service 3.1 Service quality evaluations
3.2 Customer satisfaction evaluations
3.3 Industry benchmarking
4. Designated groups or May include:
individuals 4.1 Managers
4.2 Supervisors
4.3 Marketing personnel
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, behavior and
motivations required to develop staff rosters. This role
may be carried out by operational supervisors and
Bold and italicized KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
terms are elaborated in
Range of Variables
1. Develop and 1.1 Rosters are 1.1 Effective 1.1 Communications
implement staff developed in communication skills
rosters accordance with 1.2 Role of rosters and 1.2 Developing rosters
company their importance in 1.3 Organizing
agreements and controlling staff information
wage budgets. costs 1.4 Preparing staff
1.2 Operational efficiency 1.3 Factors to be rosters
and customer service considered when
levels are maximized developing rosters
while wage costs are 1.4 Formats for the
minimized in roster presentation of staff
development. rosters and details
1.3 Duties are combined to be included
where appropriate to 1.5 Area of operation
ensure effective use for which roster is
of staff. being developed
1.4 The available skills 1.6 Company
base is utilized standards
appropriately to roster 1.7 Customer Service
the most effective mix
of staff and to meet
different operational
1.5 Rosters are
presented in required
formats to ensure
clarity of information
in accordance with
company standards.
1.6 Rosters are
communicated to
colleagues within
designated timelines.
1. Rosters May include:
1.1 An individual department
1.2 A whole establishment
1.3 A specific project
2.Company agreements May include:
2.1 Number of hours worked in a given shift
2.2 Overall number of hours allocated to different staff
2.3 Breaks between shifts
2.4 Nature of duties allocated
2.5 Use of permanent or casual staff
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, behavior and motivations
required to control and order stock in a range of hospitality
establishments. This role is generally carried out by supervisors
and team leaders.
Bold and italicized KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
terms are elaborated in
Range of Variables
1. Maintain stock 1.1 Stock levels are 1.1 Stock level 1.1 Collect, organize and
levels and monitored and maintenance analyze information
records maintained techniques 1.2 Plan and organize
according to 1.2 Typical stocktaking activities
company procedures as 1.3 Monitoring stock
requirements appropriate to the performance
1.2 Stock security is industry sector
monitored and 1.3 Stock recording
systems are systems
adjusted as required 1.4 Stock security
1.3 Stock reorder cycles systems
are monitored and 1.5 Types of stock
adjusted as control
required. documentation and
1.4 Colleagues are systems that may be
informed of their applied in the
individual hospitality industry
responsibilities in 1.6 Reasons for stock
regard to the loss and damage
reordering of stock. 1.7 Company
1.5 Records of stock procedures
storage and
movement are
maintained in
accordance with
1.6 Stock performance
is monitored and
items are identified
and reported in
accordance with
4. Follow-up orders 4.1 The delivery process 4.1 Stock level 4.1 Collect, organize
is monitored to maintenance and analyze
ensure agreed techniques information
deadlines are met 4.2 Typical stocktaking 4.2 Plan and organize
4.2 Continuity of supply procedures as activities
is ensured by liaising appropriate to the 4.3 Monitoring delivery
industry sector process
1. Stock May include:
1.1 Food
1.2 Beverages
1.3 Equipment such as maintenance and cleaning
equipment, office equipment
1.4 Linen
1.5 Stationery
1.6 Brochures and promotional materials
1.7 Cleaning supplies and chemicals
1.8 Vouchers and tickets
1.9 Souvenir products
2. Stock losses May include:
2.1 Lack of rotation leading to product deterioration
2.2 Inappropriate storage conditions
2.3 Access by pests or vermin
2.4 Theft
2.5 Overstocking
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with skills and knowledge required to prepare
and deliver in-house training sessions in a range of settings
within the hospitality industry workplace context.
Bold and italicized terms REQUIRED REQUIRED
are elaborated in the KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
Range of Variables
1. Determine 1.1 Current competencies of 1.1 Active listening 1.1 Questioning and
training learners are identified techniques communication skills
requirements 1.2 Required competencies 1.2 Record keeping 1.2 Research skills
for learners are identified 1.3 Assessment process 1.3 Analytical skills
1.3 The training gap for 1.4 Enterprise’s policies 1.4 Ability to research
learners are described and procedures industry information
1.4 The identified training gap 1.5 Appropriate sources
with relevant personnel performance 1.5 Identifying relevant
are confirmed assessment information
1.5 Support available for 1.6 Compilation and
training provision are classification of
determined information and data
1.6 Recommendations for 1.7 Networking skills
training are presented
2. Prepare 2.1 Session outlines for 2.1 Active listening 2.1 Questioning and
training plan approved training are techniques communication skills
developed 2.2 Record keeping 2.2 Research skills
2.2 Training content are 2.3 Assessment process 2.3 Analytical skills
developed 2.4 Enterprise’s policies 2.4 Ability to research
2.3 Training resources and and procedures industry information
materials are developed 2.5 Appropriate sources
2.4 Individual training performance 2.5 Identifying relevant
sessions are developed assessment information
2.5 Training requirements 2.6 Compilation and
are organized classification of
information and data
2.7 Networking skills
3. Deliver 3.1 Attendance of learners at 3.1 Active listening 3.1 Questioning and
training the training session is techniques communication skills
sessions confirmed 3.2 Record keeping 3.2 Research skills
3.2 The training venue for the 3.3 Assessment 3.3 Analytical skills
training session is prepared. process 3.4 Ability to research
3.3 Training topic to learners 3.4 Enterprise’s policies industry information
is introduced. and procedures sources
3.4 The training and 3.5 Appropriate 3.5 Identifying relevant
assessment activities performance information
involved in the training assessment 3.6 Compilation and
session is explained. classification of
3.5 Training session is information and data
presented. 3.7 Networking skills
1. Current competencies of May include:
learners 1.1 Observing workers’ practices
1.2 Undertaking peer reviews
1.3 Administering self-evaluation and analysis forms to
1.4 Reviewing data contained in workplace staff
performance systems/databases
1.5 Reviewing application forms and resumes
1.6 Seeking input from managers, supervisors and co-
1.7 Obtaining feedback from customers
1.8 Checking currency of qualifications, certificates and
1.9 Identifying individual learner preferences for training
1.10 Assessing the level of literacy and numeracy amongst
the target group
2. Required competencies May include:
2.1 Reviewing relevant training programs
2.2 Verifying plans for the business
2.3 Reviewing relevant policies and procedures
2.4 Reviewing existing job analysis sheets and similar
2.5 Describing performance standards
2.6 Specifying product and service criteria
2.7 Describing the workplace context, including the
conditions under which tasks are to be completed
3. Training gap May include:
3.1 Specifying the difference between organizational
expectations of staff/learner performance and the
actual level of workplace performance for each
3.2 Confirming identified training gaps with individual
4. Relevant personnel May include:
4.1 Supervisors, managers and owners
4.2 Industry peak bodies
4.3 Subject specialists
4.4 Head office
4.5 Union representatives
4.6 Human resources department
4.7 Staff/learners
4.8 Trainers and assessors
4.9 External consultants
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with skills and knowledge required to plan,
conduct and evaluate a staff performance assessment within
an organization that utilizes formal staff appraisals in a range
of settings within the labor divisions of the hospitality industry.
ELEMENT Bold and italicized terms KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
are elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Plan a staff 1.1 The context for staff 1.1 Active listening 1.1 Questioning and
performance performance techniques communication
assessment assessment for the 1.2 Record keeping skills
business is defined 1.3 Assessment 1.2 Research skills
1.2 Staff performance process 1.3 Analytical skills
assessment options 1.4 Enterprise’s 1.4 Ability to research
available to the policies and industry information
organization is procedures sources
differentiated 1.5 Appropriate 1.5 Identifying relevant
1.3 Staff performance performance information
assessment information assessment 1.6 Compilation and
amongst staff who will be classification of
assessed is shared information and
1.4 The initial focus of the data
staff performance 1.7 Networking skills
assessment for each
staff member is
1.5 Documents to record
identified staff
assessment statistics
and performance data is
1.6 Action plan to guide the
conduct of staff
performance assessment
is designed
2. Conduct a staff 2.1 Workplace-based 2.1 Active listening 2.1 Questioning and
performance evidence of staff techniques communication
assessment performance is gathered 2.2 Record keeping skills
2.2 Employee performance 2.3 Assessment 2.2 Research skills
data is interpreted process 2.3 Analytical skills
2.4 Enterprise’s policies 2.4 Ability to research
and procedures industry information
2.5 Appropriate sources
performance 2.5 Identifying relevant
assessment information
1. Context for staff performance May include:
assessment 1.1 Aligning individual staff performance with
organizational and/or departmental goals and
objectives as stated in the business and other
relevant operational plans
1.2 Optimizing individual staff potential
1.3 Identifying workplace performance goals for
individual staff
1.4 Cross-referencing individual staff performance
against general workplace needs, including
requirements of rosters, levels of trade,
idiosyncratic workplace requirements
1.5 Integrating requirements of individual staff
performance with internal staff training
2. Staff performance May include:
assessment options 2.1 Criterion referenced measurement
2.2 Self-assessment
2.3 Peer assessment
2.4 Manager/owner observation
2.5 Statistical analysis
2.6 Rating scale methods
2.7 Ranking or comparison methods
2.8 Commercially available proprietary systems.
3. Staff performance May include:
assessment information 3.1 Mentioning organization-wide staff performance
assessment at all interviews conducted for new
3.2 Including mention of staff performance
assessment in regular staff activities, including
internal training, briefings, meetings, etc
3.3 Explaining that the staff performance
assessment process applies to all employees
within the business, including supervisors,
managers, etc
3.4 Explaining that the staff performance
assessment process is on-going and cyclical in
3.5 Talking to individual staff, including one-on-one
basis to:
a. Determine the focus of the staff
performance assessment for the up-coming
b. Explaining the support available for staff
c. Re-assuring staff that jobs are not
threatened by the staff performance
assessment process
d. Confirm that all staff, including
management, are subject to staff
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to manage workplace operations in a range of settings
within the hotel and travel industries workplace context.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Monitor and 1.1 Efficiency and 1.1 Understanding of 1.1 Usage of monitoring
improve service levels are operational and evaluation tools
workplace monitored on an efficiency based on and techniques
operations ongoing basis through established industry 1.2 Observation
close contact with day practice/s 1.3 Ability to detect
to day operations i.e. Key result quality and service
1.2 Operations in the area’s (KRA’s) and deficiencies and
workplace and quality Key Performance come up with
assurance initiatives Indicators corrective action or
are ensured to support 1.2 Organizational communicate to
overall enterprise goals and management
goals objectives 1.4 Quality Orientation
1.3 Quality problems and 1.3 Quality systems (Basic)
issues are promptly and Quality 1.5 Results Orientation
identified and adjusted standards 1.6 Building
accordingly with 1.4 Operations Relationships
relevant approvals Management 1.7 Clarifying Roles and
1.4 Procedures and 1.5 Customer Responsibilities
systems are adjusted Experience 1.8 Building Trust and
in consultation with Management Personal
colleagues to improve Accountability
efficiency and 1.9 Critical and Analytical
effectiveness Thinking
1.5 Colleagues are 1.10 Time Management
consulted about ways 1.11 Promoting Self
to improve efficiency Development
and service levels
2. Plan and organize 2.1 Schedule work is 2.1 Knowledgeable of 2.1 Organization
workflow prepared in a manner optimum manpower 2.2 Planning and
that enhances count and Controlling
efficiency and scheduling 2.3 Time Management
customer service 2.2 Operations 2.4 Clarifying roles and
quality Management Responsibilities
2.2 Work is delegated to 2.5 Flexibility
appropriate people in 2.6 Building Trust and
accordance with Personal
principles of Accountability
delegation 2.7 Action Orientation
1. Efficiency and service levels May include:
1.1 Monitoring and measuring performance
1.2 Monitoring customer service satisfaction
1.3 Monitoring costs.
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to coach others to improve job skills in a range of settings
within the hotel industries workplace context.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Prepare for 1.1 Need for coaching 1.1 Duties and 1.1 Core Functional/
on job based on a range of responsibilities of all Technical Skills
coaching factors are identified subordinates 1.2 Clarifying roles and
1.2 Skill deficiencies that 1.2 Policies and Responsibilities
could be addressed by procedures required 1.3 Results Orientation
coaching are identified per position 1.4 Quality Orientation
through discussion with 1.3 Basic Training Need 1.5 Time Management
the colleague to be Analysis 1.6 Building Trust and
coached Personal
1.3 Suitable time and place Accountability
are organized with 1.7 Building
colleague to conduct Relationships
coaching in accordance 1.8 Flexibility and Agility
with enterprise policy,
where appropriate
2. Coach 2.1 Overall purpose of 2.1 Purposes and 2.1 Mastery of required
colleagues on coaching are explained processes of core technical and
the job to the colleagues coaching and functional skills per
2.2 Specific skills to be mentoring job design in order to
coached are explained 2.2 Understanding be able to coach and
and demonstrated Feedback mentor efficiently
2.3 Underpinning 2.2 Coaching
knowledge are 2.3 Empowering others
communicated 2.4 Building Trust and
2.4 Colleague's Personal
understanding are Accountability
checked 2.5 Results Orientation
2.5 Colleagues are provided 2.6 Quality Orientation
opportunities to practice 2.7 Motivating others
the skill and ask 2.8 Building
questions Relationships
2.6 Feedback is provided in 2.9 Emotional
a constructive and Intelligence
supportive manner
1. Coaching May include:
1.1 Explanation
1.2 Demonstration
1.3 Review
1.4 Trainee explanation
1.5 Trainee demonstration
1.6 Feedback
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the skills and knowledge required to input and
record keep financial transactions in a range of settings within
the hotel and travel industries.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
1. Maintain 1.1 Transactions are checked 1.1 Financial Policies 1.1 Core Functional/
Guest in accordance with and Procedures Technical Skills
records enterprise procedures applicable to the needed for basic
1.2 Prepared balances are Front Office auditing
checked in accordance Operations 1.2 Business and
with enterprise procedures 1.2 Basic Financial Financial Acumen
1.3 Discrepancies or errors are Management 1.3 Results Orientation
identified and reconciled 1.4 Quality Orientation
with the concerned staff 1.5 Building Trust and
1.6 Promoting Self
1.7 Coaching
1. Transactions May include:
1.1 Purchasing a fixed asset on credit
1.2 Selling a fixed asset on credit
1.3 Correcting posting errors
1.4 Writing off a bad debt
1.5 Interest expense
1.6 Interest receivable
1.7 Foreign currency
1.8 Withdrawal of stock/assets by owner
1.9 Non-cash transactions, e.g. Writing off depreciation,
stock losses
2. Check balances May include:
2.1 Checking accuracy of debtor account balances, e.g.
cash receipts journal, sales return journal, general
2.2 Checking accuracy of creditor account balances,
e.g. Cash payments journal, purchases journal,
returns journal, general journal
2.3 Checking the total of the debtor's schedule equals
the balance of the debtor's control account
2.4 Checking the total of the creditor's schedule equals
the balance of the creditor's control account.
3. Financial systems May include:
3.1 Sales and sales returns
3.2 Purchases and purchase returns
3.3 Cash receipts
3.4 Cash payments
3.5 Banking procedures
3.6 Stock control
3.7 Cash control, e.g. Security, floats.
3.8 Creditor control
3.9 Petty cash
4. Discrepancies or errors May include:
4.1 Data entry errors
4.2 Sales that should have had an invoice raised
4.3 Goods not delivered but charged for
4.4 Posting errors including:
● Posting of the wrong amount
● Omitting a posting
● Posting in the wrong column
● Posting more than once.
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit deals with skills and knowledge required to
ensure the safety of nominated VIPs on the premises
including escorting them to, in and from the premises and
ensuring their safety during their stay.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
1. Prepare for 1.1 Nature of the visit are 1.1 Safety and Security 1.1 Communication/
visits by VIPs identified by the VIP Policies, Protocols Interpersonal
1.2 Relevant people are and Procedures 1.2 Planning and
liaised regarding the 1.2 VIP Handling Organization
visit Policies and 1.3 Teamwork
1.3 Factors impacting on Procedures 1.4 Self-Management
VIP safety are identified 1.3 Crisis Management 1.5 Establishing/
while at the premises 1.4 Basic First Aid Building networks
1.4 Safety plans are 1.6 Core Functional/
created for the VIP visit Technical Skills
1.5 Resources required are 1.7 Resource
identified to support Management
safety plans 1.8 Customer Service
1.6 Surveillance and Orientation
communication 1.9 Decision-Making
equipment are acquired 1.10 Attention to detail
1.7 Staff is selected to
provide for VIP safety
1.8 Information is provided
to staff in relation to
VIP safety and plans
1.9 Media liaison facilities
and procedures are
1.10 Drills to trial safety
plans are conducted
1. Nature of the visit May include:
1.1 Day and date of the visit
1.2 Time and duration of the visit
1.3 Reason for the visit
1.4 Number, names and positions of others
accompanying the VIP.
2. VIP May include:
2.1 Royalty – local and foreign
2.2 Heads of state – local and foreign
2.3 Politicians – local and foreign
2.4 Pop/rock stars – local and foreign
2.5 Film stars – local and foreign
2.6 Sporting stars – local and foreign
2.7 Celebrities – local and foreign.
These standards are set to provide technical and vocational education and training
(TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to consider when
designing training programs for FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC III
Delivery of knowledge requirements for the basic, common and core units of
competency specifically in the areas of mathematics, science/technology,
communication/language and other academic subjects shall be contextualized. To this
end, TVET providers shall develop a Contextual Learning Matrix (CLM) to accompany
their curricula.
Course Description:
To complete the course, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved:
7.2 Set OSH work • Discussion in actions plans that are • Lecture • Written Exam 1 Hour
targets necessary in achieving the OSH target • Demonstration
9.2 Establish and • Role play on customer and employee • Role Play • Case problem 2 Hours
maintain client- relations • Lecture • Written Test
base/market • Discussion on Basic product promotion Discussion
strategies • Case study
• Preparation of Basic Feasibility study
• Case studies on Basic Business ethics
• Prepare basic advertising materials
9.3 Apply budgeting • Discussion on: • Role Play • Written Test 1 Hour
and financial - Basic cost-benefit analysis • Lecture • Case problem
management - Basic financial management Discussion
skills - Basic financial accounting • Group work
- Business internal controls
7. Plan, conduct and evaluate staff 7.1 Plan a staff • Identify context for staff • Discussion • Observation 4
performance assessment performance performance assessment • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
assessment • Determine the initial focus of the • Lecture • Written
staff performance assessment for • Group examination
each staff member discussion • Interview
• Prepare Documents to record • Simulation
identified staff performance
assessment statistics and
performance data
• Design action plan to guide the
conduct of staff performance
7. 2 Conduct a staff • Identify steps in gathering • Discussion • Observation 4
performance workplace-based evidence of staff • Demonstration • Demonstration hours
assessment performance • Lecture • Written
• Group examination
• Explain how to interpret employee discussion • Interview
performance data
• Simulation
3. Maintain 3.1 Monitor • Check transactions in accordance with enterprise • Lecture- • Written 12 hours
Financial financial procedures Discussion Examination
Standards procedures • Balance transactions accurately • Reporting • Oral
and • Check balances prepared by others in accordance • Case Analysis Questioning
Records with enterprise procedures • Case
• Implement and control financial systems in Analysis
accordance with enterprise procedures
4. Provide for 4.1 Prepare for • Identify the nature of the visit by the VIP • Lecture- • Written 24 hours
the Safety visits by • Liaise with relevant Discussion Examination
of VIP’s VIPs people regarding the • Reporting • Oral
visit • Simulation Questioning
• Identify factors practices • Simulation
impacting on VIP • Case Analysis • Case
safety while at the Analysis
• Create safety plans
for the VIP visit
• Identify resources
required to support
safety plans
• Acquire necessary
surveillance and
• Select staff to provide for VIP safety
• Provide information
to staff in relation to
VIP safety and plans
• Establish media
1. The delivery of training shall adhere to the design of the curriculum. Delivery
shall be guided by the principles of competency-based TVET.
2.2 Enterprise-Based:
Trainees or students wishing to gain entry into this course should possess the
following requirements:
A. (Full Qualification)
1 pc White board
1 pc Easel Stand
4.1.2 Individuals wanting to be certified will have to be assessed in accordance with the
requirements identified in the evidence guide of the relevant unit/s of competency.
4.1.3 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Candidates who have gained competencies
through informal training, previous work or life experiences may apply for
recognition in a particular qualification through competency assessment:
4.1.4 The industry shall determine assessment and certification requirements for each
qualification with promulgated Training Regulations: It includes the following:
Propose Facilitate
Apply critical Evaluate
methods of Evaluate entrepreneurial
thinking and occupational
Lead Work in a applying Use environmental skills for micro-
Lead small problem-solving safety and
workplace diverse learning and information work small-medium
teams techniques in health work
communication environment innovation in systematically practices enterprises
the workplace practices
the (MSMEs)
Receive and Enhance Apply Adopt
Solve/address Access and occupational
respond to Work with self- Support environmental entrepreneurial
routine maintain safety and
workplace others management Innovation work mindset in the
problems information health policies
communication skills standards workplace
and procedures
Work in Solve/address efficient and Practice
Participate in Develop Contribute to Present occupational
Provide club
Receive and process Operate computerized Provide accommodation
Conduct night audit reception
reservations reservations system reception services
Maintain financial
Provide concierge and Monitor routine workplace Coach and mentor others in
Provide cashiering services standards and
bell services operations Job skills
Provide for the safety Plan and establish systems Manage and resolve conflict Manage guests’
Lead and manage people
of VIPs and procedures situations financial records
Front Office Agent - a front office staff in-charge of accepting hotel reservations;
registering and checking–out guest; handling guest inquiries,
request and complaints and F.O. Cashiering.
Electronic Key Card - a computer generated electronic card used as guest room
Replaces Deployment
New Version
Version (TESDA
Revision Document (TESDA Board
(TESDA Board Circular/
No. Description Types* Resolution
Resolution No./ Implementing
No./ Date)
Date) Guidelines)
00 Document Created Not Applicable 2019-70/
Front Office Services Dec 17, 2019
Legend: *Description Types
- Document Created
The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) wishes to extend
thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of business, industry, academe and
government agencies who donated their time and expertise to the development and validation
of these Training Regulations.