Checklist Star Frontiers
Checklist Star Frontiers
Checklist Star Frontiers
This is the Star Frontiers Collectors Checklist, your first aid when collecting Star Frontiers material.
I made this checklist for myself to keep track of what RPG products I own. Many times was I in the position to
photocopy (“Xerox”) a module or booklet that the owner didn’t wish to sell. So gradually my collection
expanded with not only genuine products but also with photocopies. Since the coming of the officially digitized
classic products (ESD’s) and hundreds of homemade scans it is even harder to keep track of what product you
own in what format. With the Collectors Checklist you will be able to sort your whole collection, no matter what
the format is!
HINT: you can even write down the number when you own more than one copy of a product ; )
Feel free to copy/share/print this list. More Collectors Checklists can be found at our new website:
EVERY product, title,logo, name, thingy, whatever! in this list is owned, trademarked, copyrighted, the lot! by TSR Inc/Wizards of the
Coast/West End Games/LucasFilms/LucasArts/LucasGames. Any use herein is not intended to constitute a challenge to their ownership.
Version 1.0 : PDF checklist with cover
Stock № SubCode Product Title Copy Xerox ESD Scan