Script and Q&A
Script and Q&A
Script and Q&A
Slide 2 We will present in detail the contents of the three chapters submitted to
CONTENTS and checked by our esteemed panelists.
Slide 3 Let us start with the introduction and background of the study. I will be the
INTRODUCTION first presenter, Jezreel Joy Mangayan.
Slide 6 When a crisis strikes, we cannot fulfill our purpose. One of the first to
CRISIS suffer in crisis is the tourism industry. Whatever the form or the degree,
MANAGEMENT the industry is open to risks, threats, and crises.
Slide 7 When COVID-19 hit, the tourism industry has been affected. This recent
GLOBE WITH crisis has interrupted operations and businesses all over the world.
Slide 9 Our research, therefore, would like to contribute to the growing body of
PREPARING A evidence suggesting that preparing a crisis management plan is
CRISIS... necessary.
Being prepared for crises will help the tourism industry play their role in
achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Slide 10 At this point, I would like to present the theoretical and conceptual
THEORETICAL framework of our research.
Slide 11 This study is anchored to Tony Jacques’ relational model. It has four
THEORETICAL primary elements — crisis preparedness, crisis prevention, crisis incident
FRAMEWORK management, and post-crisis management.
The first two elements are in the preparedness and protection phase. The
third element is the confrontation phase. The fourth element is the
recovery phase.
Slide 12 This is the conceptual framework of our research. To provide the general
CONCEPTUAL structure and guide for the direction of study, we use the IPO model.
The areas studied were the profile of the tourism businesses and their
practices in handling crises and their best practices in managing
problems. The process involves survey questionnaires and statistical
treatment of data. The output is a crisis management plan for tourism
business owners in Cabanatuan City
Slide 13 To be able to come up with a crisis management plan, the aim of the
STATEMENT OF study is to assess the crisis management practices of tourism business
THE PROBLEM owners in Cabanatuan City. Specifically, we aim to answer the following
Slide 17 The three phases of their crisis management practices will be described.
THREE PHASES The three phases are the preparedness and protection stage,
confrontation stage, and recovery stage.
Slide 19 Tourism business owners - to help them evaluate their current crisis
Tourism business employees - because they are at the direct line of
crises and a Crisis Management Plan is essential for their safety and
Lawmakers – they can use this as a basis in creating regulations and laws
Slide 20 We will now present literature and studies that have important findings
REVIEW OF about the global tourism industry and crisis management practices. We
RELATED are Janessa Jaspe and Nicole Valenzuela.
Slide 21 Steven Fink’s model of crisis management consists of four stages. In the
CRISIS prodromal stage, crisis managers should be proactively monitoring,
MANAGEMENT seeking to identify signs of a crisis, and trying to prevent it or limit its
scope. In the acute stage, the activation of crisis managers and their
plans must be done. In the chronic stage, commissioned personnel must
repair damage to buildings and roads. Finally, in the resolution stage,
analysis must be done to implement changes and ensure that there will
be no repetition.
Slide 22 These are some of the studies conducted about crisis management in
CRISIS tourism.
IN TOURISM According to Mones and Cruz, some hotels in the Philippines do have a
comprehensive crisis management plan. There are manuals and alarm
systems to guide them in emergencies.
Slide 23 These are the studies conducted about crisis management practices in
CRISIS the midst of a global pandemic.
PRACTICES... According to Alves, Lok, Luo, and Hao, small local businesses in China
show flexibility in dealing with COVID-19. One of the reasons is that they
have a formal crisis plan.
Slide 24 Although these studies support that crisis is an important topic for the
SYNTHESIS tourism industry, their most important contribution may be that they raise
AND a variety of intriguing issues for future study.To synthesize, studies show
RELEVANCE that while some tourism businesses do have a crisis management plan,
they only have actions for the protection and preparation phase. Studies
show that the confrontation phase and recovery phase of the tourism
industry are lacking.
Some businesses show resilience to the global pandemic, and this only
highlights the need to create a comprehensive crisis management plan
that will include all three phases.
Also, the pandemic has been evolving and has been continuing to put a
risk to travelers and tourists, crisis management practices cannot cope
up. Much work remains to be done before a full understanding of an
effective crisis management plan is established. The researchers will
attempt to assess the crisis management practices to provide a crisis
management plan for the tourism business owners at Cabanatuan City,
Nueva Ecija.
Our research has a good value for domestic tourism crisis research
because it will be specifically conducted during the COVID-19 crisis.
Rebuilding the future of tourism will start by making effective crisis
management plans.
Slide 25 We will now present the research methods to be used in our research. We
RESEARCH are Eduardo Soriano and Rye Allaine Pajar.
Slide 27 We used a software called G*Power 3.1 to determine our sample size.
SAMPLE SIZE The test we used was called priori statistical power analysis. You may
refer to Appendix C, page 45, for the computation of the sample size.
Slide 30 This will be our data gathering procedure. We will begin by asking
DATA permission from each respondent and asking them to sign a consent
GATHERING form. The survey questionnaires will be distributed through a survey
administration software (Google Forms) due to the ongoing pandemic. We
may also contact the respondents by mobile phone for follow-up and to
ask additional questions.
Slide 33 To answer the first statement of the problem, frequency and percentage
ANALYSIS OF will be used to describe the profile of the businesses in terms of nature of
DATA business, years in operation, sector, and annual revenue.
Slide 34 To answer the third statement of the problem, Chi-square test will be used
ANALYSIS OF to determine the correlation between the business profile in terms of
DATA nature of business and sector to crisis management practices.
Slide 35
Slide 36 Thank you so much for listening. We are ready to answer any questions
THANK YOU or clarifications on our presentation.
1. How would you define “crisis”? Crisis and crisis management have numerous
“Crisis management”? existing definitions. As someone who will
work in the tourism industry, a crisis happens
when there’s a sudden internal or external
event while organizations have little power or
control to respond. Crisis management
includes the practices of the organizations to
reduce the likelihood of a crisis, mitigate crisis
impact, and reestablish order after a crisis.
2. Why did you choose this topic? 2.1 The tourism industry is severely affected
with the COVID-19 pandemic. As a student
who is looking forward to working in the
industry, I would like to contribute in
rebuilding the future for tourism. Assessing
crisis management practices in the
Cabanatuan City will have a valuable
contribution not just because a pandemic is
happening but because I believe that crisis
management is important for every
3. What inspired you to pursue this 3.1 The Department of Tourism reported that
research? there is a 36% decline in international and
domestic tourists. I am inspired to pursue this
study because I am thinking of the families
affected by this and because I believe
effective crisis management will help the
industry before, during and after a crisis.
7. When asked about your theoretical We use Tony Jacques’ relational model
framework... because it has four primary elements — (1)
crisis preparedness, (2) crisis prevention, (3)
crisis incident management, and (4) post-
crisis management.
8. When asked about the conceptual As can be seen, our conceptual framework
10. SOP: What is the relevance of Studies by Ritchie and Jiang (2019) and
describing the crisis management Gani and Singh (2019) noted a lack of formal
practices into three phases? crisis or emergency management plans and
recovery practices, hence, it is relevant to
describe the crisis management practices into
three phases to assess whether the crisis
management happens before, during and
after the crisis.
11. SCOPE & LIMITATIONS: Why We believe in the phrase “Think globally, act
Cabanatuan City? locally”. A global pandemic is happening but
we want to contribute and act locally. That's
why we chose Cabanatuan City.
12. SCOPE & LIMITATIONS: Why July As of August 6, the Philippines has 331
to August, 2021. known cases of the highly transmissible Delta
variant. Crisis management practices must
cope up. That’s why we decided that the
study is to be conducted from July to August.
13. What is the basis for the The respondents are tourism business
respondents? owners in Cabanatuan City. A tourism
business owner refers to the proprietor or
administrator of a business in line with the
tourism industry such as hotels and rentals,
restaurants, shops and boutiques, tours,
resorts, and parks. Transportation, lodgings
and accommodations, food and beverages,
and tour and travel service providers will
participate in the survey.
14. What is the expected result of the The expected result of the study are:
study? 1. Profile of tourism business owners in
Cabanatuan City
2. Description of crisis management
practices in three phases
3. Correlation of profile and crisis
management practices
4. Crisis management plan
15. Who will benefit from the study? Tourism business owners, tourism business
employees, local community, lawmakers,
Future researchers, and Tourism Courses
Instructors will benefit from the study.
16. Are the respondents affected by the Everyone is affected by the pandemic. Surely,
pandemic? the respondents are also affected by the
17. Did you determine the effects on The extent of damage that COVID-19 brought
the owners’ businesses? to the owner’s businesses is immeasurable.
We will conduct our survey with an
assumption that everyone has been affected
and is struggling to survive in the industry.
18. Were you able to finish the survey? Despite the current situation, we were proud
to have accomplished the first three chapters
of our research. We believe that our topic is
important and will benefit not just the tourism
industry, but the entire country. If we would
be given a chance to continue and finish our
survey, we definitely will. However, we
weren’t able to finish it.
20. How did you apply purposive We will rely on our criteria when choosing
sampling? members of the population to participate in
the surveys. We will find individuals who do fit
in the particular profile: tourism business
owners in Cabanatuan City. A tourism
business owner refers to the proprietor or
administrator of a business in line with the
tourism industry such as hotels and rentals,
restaurants, shops and boutiques, tours,
resorts, and parks. Transportation, lodgings
and accommodations, food and beverages,
and tour and travel service providers will
participate in the survey.
21. What criteria did you apply to The respondent should be a tourism business
select the respondents? owner in Cabanatuan City. A tourism
business owner refers to the proprietor or
administrator of a business in line with the
tourism industry such as hotels and rentals,
restaurants, shops and boutiques, tours,
resorts, and parks. Transportation, lodgings
and accommodations, food and beverages,
and tour and travel service providers will
participate in the survey.
22. Have you answered the research The adapted survey questionnaire will
questions? definitely answer the research questions.
Section 1 will describe the business profile.
Section 2 will describe the crisis management
practices in three phases.
23. How do you expect respondents to The respondents will respond by answering
answer the questions? the google form which will be sent by the
24. Do you think your research is Yes. The instrument that we adapted is used
valid? from a study which aimed to validate an
instrument to describe the Crisis
Management Performance
Assessment in Industries.
We also plan to measure the reliability and
validity of the instrument.
25. What is the strongest point and The strongest point of our study is its
weakest point of your thesis? relevance in the present times. The weakest
point of our thesis is that it only tries to cover
the tourism industry in Cabanatuan City. We
believe that our research has potential to
save more hospitality and tourism businesses
in the Philippines. Still, we recognize that we
are still newbies in the field of research so we
started in a smaller scope.
26. If you are going to change anything We would want to cover more grounds as
in your research, which would you possible. We would like to get answers from
change? tourism business owners in major cities like
Manila, Cebu, Davao, and all over the
27. What is the role of each One of my roles is to gather related literature
researcher? and studies. This role helps me to realize the
importance of reading a lot because it helps
me to understand our study and to identify the
28. Why did you consider including There are some sources that were published
sources which are more than 5 more than 5 years ago, but the majority of our
years? sources are recent. The reason why we
included literature from long ago is because
we believe that the information they provide is
still relevant and helpful to the points we are
making in our study. We used some “old”
sources as a foundation of new ideas and
knowledge we are trying to produce.
29. Data gathering - how would you As hospitality and tourism students, we
send the google form? already know some people who work in the
industry. We will start there and distribute our
survey form through social media platforms.