College Department Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English
College Department Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English
College Department Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English
This course engages the pre-service English teachers in the selection, development,production, and evaluation of variety of language teaching and learning resources based on the
identified K to 12 learning competencies. Through these activities, the pre-service English teachers are able to demonstrate content knowledge on the principles and procedures of
language materials development. Students show competence in employing innovative strategies on the design and development of contextualized and localized instructional materials
that provide opportunities for meaningful, purposeful language use thereby facilitate language learning anf teaching.
II. COURSE OUTCOMES : Incorporating the graduate attributes based on PQF level 6 descriptor, National Competency-Based Teaching Standards and CMO 46 s, 2012, OLSHCO graduates
must have:
a. demonstrated content knowledge on the principles and procedures of designing and developing contextualized and localized materials (M1);
b. showed competence in the selection and development of language learning materials (M1);
c. pursued lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field-based opportunities. ( M1)
d. evangelized individuals through integration of values formation in all undertakings as a major contribution in sustaining peaceful and morally upright community. (M1,M2)
e. inculcated the value of stewardship, community service and solidarity to address social and environmental issues as our gift to the next generation. ( M2)
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WEEK 2-3 GA1 Relate the principles Unit 1: Introduction to Literature review: Brainstorming:
CV2 and theories of Materials What are the What are materials? Tomlimson, B. (2013).
M1 language learning to Development principles and What is materials development? Developing materials for
the development of A. Definition of theories of language What do others say about current (positive language teaching.
appropriate language materials and teaching and and negative) trends of materials Bloomsburry Publishing
learning materials materials learning that are development? Plc. Retrieved from
through a literature development relevant to materials What should drive materials development?
review B. Current trends and development? What are the principles and theories of /36454579/Developing_Ma
issues in materials language teaching and learning that are terials_for_Language_Teach
development relevant to materials development? ing
C. People involved in
the development of Reflective journal: Tomlinson (2015.
materials I realize that... Principles and Procedures
D. Principles of I feel that… of Materials Development
second language I need to… for Language Learning
acquisition (SLA) Retrieved from
relevant to the
development of
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materials %20Materials
E. Principles and %20Development
procedures of %20Paper.pdf
WEEK 4 GA1 Evaluate the K to 12 Unit 2: Materials Evaluate the K to 12 FGD: K to 12 Eglish Curriculum
CV1, 2 English curriculum in Evaluation English curriculum in The universal criteria which would apply to Guide
M1 terms of materials A. Definition and terms of materials any language learning materials anywhere
used to facilitate principles in materials used for any type of learners. Villalba (2018) Definition
mastery of learning evaluation What principles/ of materials evaluation, its
competencies B. Qualities each unit criteria do the purposes and types.
of material should materials target?
Retrieved from
C. Types of materials
Materials Dip Aleks (2016)
. Retrieved from
Bugler, et al.(2017)
Teachers’ criteria for
determining the quality of
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instructional materials.
Retrieved from
WEEK 5-6 GA1 Apply appropriate Unit 3: Adapting Modify instructional Concept mapping: process of materials Nehal (2016). Materials
CV2 materials adaptation Materials materials to target adaptation Adaptation in English
M1 strategies that target A. Materials learning Language Teaching:
the learning adaptation strategies competencies and Implications for Teacher
competencies and Key features in assessments and to Development. Retrieved
assessments and to materials adaptation suitlearners’needs. from
suit learners’ needs
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Stanely, G. (2013)
Language learning with
technology: Ideas for
integrating technology in
the classroom. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press
WEEK 7-8 GA1 Design a curriculum Unit 4: Curriculum Examine the K to 12 Curriculum mapping for isntructional K to 12 English Curriculum
CV1,2 map that employs Mapping for English curriculum materials Guide. Retrieved from
M1 appropriate Instrructional List the learning
instructional materials Materials Preparation competencies then contnet/uploads/2019/Engl
to target learning Purposes identify appropriate ish-CG.pdf
competencies, activities/
assessments and assessments.
learners’ needs. Cite instructional
materials to target
learners’ needs.
WEEK 9-17 GA1 1. Select appropriate Unit 5: Developing Teaching portfolio Preparation of instructional materials Mozayan, M.(2015).
CV1,2 materials for the Specific Types of Students compile Materials to develop
M1 specific competencies/ Materials the different microskills and macroskills:
macro skills A. Materials for the language learning Are there any principles?
2. Design and/or Teaching of Grammar materials they have ELT Voices. Retrieved from
improve (existing) (criteria)- Week 9-10 designed
contextualized and B. Materials for /Issue_6/EVL_56_1.pdf
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localized materials Teaching Vocabulary
appropriate for the (designing input and Poetsch, S. (2016).Teaching
learning competencies output activities to language: Macro skills.
3. Produce language encourage/ help Retrieved from
learning materials vocabulary learning https://www.indigoz.comau
specific for the and fluency /language/teachmacro.htm
teaching of : development)- Week l
-grammar 11
-vocabulary C. Materials for Carolino, C. et al. (2019).
-reading Developing Reading Instructional strategies and
-writing Skills (alternative materials utilized in
-speaking approach to materials teaching viewing as macro
-listening for teaching reading)- skill by English teachers.
-viewing Week 12 Retrievedfrom
-cultural D. Materials for
awareness Developing Writing content/uploads/2019/01/
Skills-Week 13 4_Instructional-Strategies-
E. Materials for and-Materials-Utilized-in-
Developing Listening Teaching-Viewing-as-
Skills-Week 14 Macro-Skill-by-English-
F. Materials for Teachers.pdf
Developing Speaking
Skills- Week 15 https://www.urbandalescho
G. Materials for
Developing Viewing educational-program/627-
Skills- Week 16 instructional-materials-
H. Materials for selection-inspection-and-
Cultural Awareness- reconsideration/
Week 17
WEEK 18 GA1, 5 Integrated Assessment
CV1, 2, 5
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EL 105 Language Learning Materials Development
Name___________________________________________________________ Course/ Major_______________________________
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