Summer Program Planning Guide Final Version March 2016
Summer Program Planning Guide Final Version March 2016
Summer Program Planning Guide Final Version March 2016
APPENDICES............................................................................................................................. 10
Summer Programs Planning Guide: Section One
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) hosts a variety of camps, clinics, workshops and
conferences each summer. This planning guide is intended to provide guidance for those individuals
involved in the coordination and planning of these types of activities, and help them comply with
Texas Department of State Health Services Campus Programs for Minors (mandatory), and Texas
Youth Camps Safety and Health (best practices). This guide covers the following:
A. Programs that involve K-12 participants (minors-under the age of 18) who are on campus for
some type of program that involve use of facilities, such as Student Union, Athletics
department, etc.
B. Programs that involve K-12 participants (minors) involving overnight stay in on campus
residence halls.
Events which minors attend as a member of the public, such as sporting events.
Short duration events such as a campus tour, standardized testing, etc.
Attendance on campus related to enrollment at UTRGV, such as to apply for admission, register
for courses, arrange financial aid, etc.
The mission of the University is to carry out higher education instructional and research programs in
service to the Rio Grande Valley, the state, and the nation. Summer Programs support this mission by
preparing young people to engage in and take full advantage of these opportunities when they reach
college age. Every moment they use the University’s facilities, interact with University student and
non-student camp staff, and discuss their experiences with the friends they make is an opportunity to
become convinced that college is their future. Summer programs, whether offered by the University or
by client organizations using University facilities, should be administered to maximize this benefit.
Special Care
The level of care and supervision appropriate for an enrolled student at the University is not
necessarily appropriate for a summer camp participant, even though the oldest camp participants are
sometimes older than the youngest of our enrolled students. It is imperative that campers be overseen
in a fashion that is appropriate for their age levels and the activities they engage in. The University and
its employees should provide a reasonably safe environment for participants in summer programs and
attempt to ensure that client organizations using University facilities do the same.
Any department or organization that plans to host a summer program will be required to register the
program via the online portal. After registration is completed, the camp director will receive surveys to
ensure key points have been addressed. You can this registration portal at
Key Staff: Camp Director, Camp Coordinator, and Camp Health Officer
The Camp Director is the individual guaranteeing payment, either as a University Oracle Account
Manager, or as the authorized representative of a client organization using University facilities. The
Camp Director is responsible for all arrangements for campus support, and all bills should be paid
from the Camp Director’s account for the program.
The Camp Coordinator is the individual directly responsible for the day-to-day operation of the camp.
The Camp Director serves whenever necessary as liaison between University Units providing support
for the camp program and the Camp Coordinator.
All overnight and athletic camps are required to have a Camp Health Officer who is certified in
American Red Cross Community First Aid and Safety or its equivalent, in the camp and on call at all
times. Certified Red Cross Training can be coordinated through Environmental Health Safety and Risk
Management (EHSRM) at 956-665-3690.
Specific responsibilities for Camp Director, Camp Coordinator, and Camp Health Officer are listed
starting on page 6.
Participation by Volunteers
To adhere to the Fair Labor Standards Act, UTRGV may not ask or require people to voluntarily
perform without compensation jobs that the institution would normally pay employees to do.
Camps may make volunteer opportunities known so that students and others can volunteer if they
wish to. No one should be assigned or pressured to serve in a “voluntary” capacity. Consequences
against individuals who do not “volunteer” are not allowed.
UTRGV non-exempt employees may work additional hours at a camp only with their regular
supervisor’s approval for the additional hours, and they must be compensated for them.
Questions about the participation of volunteers in summer camp programs should be discussed with
Human Resources.
Priority for facility use must be given to University activities, particularly academic activities intended
for enrolled students. Summer Camps may request space, but arrangements will not be approved until
mid-March when the summer class schedule has been assigned classroom space.
To arrange classroom space university employees log in at the top right of,
then click “Request an Event” in the left column.
University Housing and Residence Life will make residence hall lodging available to camps on a space
available basis during the summer months. In order to submit your request or reserve your space,
contact the University Housing and Residence Life Office, 956-882-7191 (Brownsville)/956-665-3439
The University dining hall and the Student Union Food Court are the primary dining locations for most
camp meals, but other types of dining service can be made available upon request. For Catering
options and rates contact, SODEXO Catering, 956-665-7484.
In order to provide a reasonably safe environment for participants in summer camp activities, each
Camp Director should ensure that certain precautions are taken.
The UTRGV Summer Camp Student Rules apply to summer camp participants. See page 49
Measures to Protect K-12 Participants in Campus Programs are outlined starting on page 12. These
measures must be followed at all times.
Child Protection Training
o All camp personnel who come into contact with children are required to attend a training
class in Child Protection prior to any contact with campers unless supervised during the
first work week by an adult who has successfully completed the program. The training
must take place before participating in activities with children and is required to be taken
every two years.
o Camp personnel attending the training will be required to take and pass an examination of a
minimum 25 questions.
o The training is provided either on-line or in person by the UTRGV Department of
Environmental Health and Safety. The training includes:
1. the definitions and effects of sexual abuse and child molestation;
2. the typical patterns of behavior and methods of operation of child molesters and sex
offenders that put children at risk;
3. the warning signs and symptoms associated with sexual abuse or child molestation,
recognition of the signs and symptoms, and the recommended methods of reporting
suspected abuse; and
4. the rules and procedures for youth camps to implement to address, reduce, prevent,
and report suspected sexual abuse or child molestation. See appendix Child
Protection Resources.
o Instructions for self-enrolling and accessing the training are found at appendix page 16.
Qualified Counselors/Staff
o Background screening is required for the Camp Director, Camp Coordinator and all
camp staff and volunteers every year- who are not full time University employees. A
Criminal Background Check must be completed online as provided by the supervising
department. Processes for volunteers and others outside of the university are still being
identified, and will be announced when available.
o Food safety: Camp personnel who elect to cook food for camp participants both through
the use of residence hall kitchens or residence hall barbecue pits, are required to comply
with Texas Food establishment Regulations and will be required to attend a food safety
class either through the local Hidalgo County Health Department or through EHSRM.
Guidance regarding these requirements can be obtained from EHSRM at 956-665-3690.
o Fire Evacuation Training: All personnel who are a part of a UTRGV overnight camp
hosted in a UTRGV residence hall are required to attend Fire Evacuation training hosted
by the EHSRM. This training is designed to ensure that all camp personnel and
attendees exit the building in an orderly fashion in the event of an emergency. Also
included in this training is the use of a Fire Extinguisher. All Camp Directors are
required to ensure that any camps hosted in UTRGV residence halls have the
appropriate amount of evacuation personnel in their camps, and have a minimum one
evacuation assistant for each of the respective floors in the residence halls.
Parent Awareness – Parents need to be made aware of the following points, and the best way to
do this is to hold in-person parent orientation sessions.
o Parents must be provided the “Measures to Protect K-12 Participants in Campus
Programs” and information for reporting concerns or violations to the Director of
Environmental Health and Safety.
o Parents should be aware of the type of activities in which their child may participate;
o Known risks associated with each activity should be clearly explained to parents;
o Safety instructions should be made available and should be easily understood; and
o Mandatory participant forms outlined in this guide must be signed by
parents/guardians before camp begins.
Participant Guidelines
o Current physicals are recommended for camps involving vigorous athletic activities.
o Participants should be in appropriate physical condition for the activity they are
o Participants should be placed in the correct skill level for the activity scheduled, and
o Questions designed to ensure a participant’s level of ability are appropriate, however
questions about disabilities are not appropriate.
Participant Safety
o An adequate ratio of staff to participants should be maintained at all times; particularly
when in residence halls;
Each youth camp shall have at least one adult supervisor who is responsible for
the supervision of no more than 10-15 children in the camp.
For any hazardous activity the supervisor(s) shall be in the immediate vicinity
(within sight and/or hearing) of the campers.
The camp director shall not be included in the supervisor to camper ratio in
camps serving over 50 campers at one time.
o Water related activities require certified lifeguards;
o Safety equipment should be inspected prior to and during camp for safe conditions;
o The University has extensive guidelines for emergencies to help the university respond
appropriately and help you prepare for hazards that may impact your camp.
Information on these guidelines can be found on Appendix page 41.
o Public safety officials should be made aware of the camp and the daily schedule (see
section titled “Security” on page 8); and
o Acceptable procedures for releasing children from camp should be followed (pay
particular attention to procedures followed in accepting/releasing commuters). Camps
that don’t verify government-issued picture ID’s of individuals authorized to make
pickups must use a camp-produced Pick-up Card as described on page 8.
Safe Environment
o Grounds should be inspected prior to and during the camp for safe conditions;
o Equipment should be kept in safe condition and suitable for intended use; and
o Vehicles used for transportation should be properly inspected.
Disciplinary Procedures
Each camper should have a positive and enjoyable experience at any summer program held at UTRGV.
The misbehavior of one camper or a group of campers, should not be allowed to negatively impact the
experience of others. Most programs are of short induration, so prompt action may be required.
Participant rules should be in place. As a best practice, it is highly encouraged for camps to use
incident reports to document incidents that may occur during camp.
5. Familiarize participants with University policies, especially those pertaining to fire and
emergency evacuation procedures, appropriate conduct, possession of controlled substances
and fire arms, and authorized entry into rooms;
7. Maintain discipline of participants;
8. Advise Camp Assistant in the resident halls of supply and maintenance issues in residence
9. Collect and have readily available Medical Release and Consent forms for all participants.
Forms should contain emergency contact, phone number and known medical conditions;
10. Inform the University in advance of early and late arrivals;
11. Complete insurance forms at the time of treatment;
12. Furnish the Camp Director with a camp roster as soon as possible but no later than twenty-four
(24) hours after camp check-in begins; and
13. Ensure that programs and activities conducted on the University campus are in compliance
with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Program Evaluation
During the program it is recommended that program participants complete evaluations. These
evaluations should be used to improve overall camp operations. Camp staff can visit the camps
website and access the toolbox which provides sample documents.
Camp staff are required to obtain parking permits from University Parking Services. Student workers
are eligible to obtain a Zone 2 permit. Others may obtain a Zone 3 or Zone 2 permit. Camp
participants are not generally eligible to obtain University parking permits.
Security, in general, will be the responsibility of the camp staff and University Police Department.
During the program day, camp staff will be expected to stay with campers at all times except for
specific programmatic activities in which it might not be reasonable or appropriate to remain with
them. If such unsupervised activities are planned, care should be taken to make sure each child’s
parent(s) are made aware of them and authorize their child’s participation. At night, a sufficient
number of camp staff/coaches/sponsors/counselors should remain with youth campers in the residence
halls to provide control and security.
Accident/Liability Insurance
All campers, staff and volunteers who attend overnight or athletic camps are required to purchase
accident /liability insurance through the university’s risk management department. This can be
purchased through the Environmental Health Safety and Risk Management department for a nominal fee
by contacting Celia Saenz at x3690. This coverage is offered at no charge to the camp participant. All
Camp Directors are encouraged to incorporate the charge into the enrollment fee. Other insurance
providers must be approved by UT System.
In addition to the insurance, waivers are required for all athletic and overnight camps/programs and
included as part of the registration process. Please note that waivers are required to be signed by the
camp participants’ authorized guardian - minors are not eligible to sign a waiver.
Accident and liability insurance are available for academic related day camps but not required.
Measures to Protect K-12 Participants in Campus Programs
The major potential threat of sexual abuse to K-12 participants in campus programs is from sexual
predators. These individuals generally nurture special friendships with participants and gradually win
their confidence to set the stage for abuse. UTRGV has adopted the following practices to protect K-12
participants in campus programs and activities:
Campus programs and activities for K-12 participants are brought to the attention of Richard
Costello at Environmental Health and Safety to ensure consistency in following standards. This
o UTRGV camps and special programs for K-12 participants
o Camps and special programs conducted on campus by third party organizations who
rent campus facilities for this purpose
o Campus activities like recruiting that involve ongoing contact with the K-12 population
All employees and volunteers that have significant contact with K-12 participants receive
special background checks and training.
The following standards of conduct are enforced uniformly in these activities. Standard
language in application forms for camps communicate these standards to parents of
participants, together with information on how to report violations. No tolerance for exceptions
is allowed. All faculty and staff have the responsibility to report all violations of these
standards to Richard Costello at 956-665-3690 (campus phone) or 956-457-2357.
o Limit physical contact with children
Sex offenders may engage in tickling and physical activities with children as a
screening strategy. Anyone who does not object to these behaviors is viewed by
sex offenders as being more likely to provide a safe haven for further unimpeded
access to children.
Additionally, those who do nothing about these activities also inadvertently
communicate to children that the behavior is appropriate because the conduct is
o One-on-one interactions
Between program staff/volunteers and children should be limited (i.e. at least
two adults should be present at all times with youth)
In personal conferences, the meeting is to be conducted in view of other program
No child or teenager should ever sit on the lap of a program staff or volunteers.
No adult is to allow a child or teenager to sit on his her/lap or lie on his/her bed
No personalized special attention such as giving gifts or personalized
communication such as to participant cell phone or social media accounts.
o Contact between program staff/volunteers and youth
Is restricted to organization-sanctioned activities and times. Program
staff/volunteers should not contact youth outside of program activities or
program specific needs.
o Rough housing or hazing is prohibited
Program staff/volunteers will not wrestle, tickle, or in any way engage a child or
teenager in an activity where the adult's hands might come in contact with the
breasts or genital area of the camper. Staff and volunteers must be particularly
careful about physical contact with campers while in the swimming area.
o No frontal hugs
An adult from time to time may feel a child's need for a hug in order to support
or comfort the child. The adult must use a shoulder to shoulder hug
o Wear appropriate attire
Adults will at all times be dressed modestly. Clothes such as swimsuits, shorts,
and tops are not to be revealing or in any way draw attention to the breasts,
buttocks, or genital area
Program staff/volunteers should monitor the clothing worn by children. Youth
clothing should follow the same guidelines above and should be appropriate for
the weather and program activities.
o Respect privacy
Adults must respect the privacy of campers in situations such as changing
clothes and taking showers. Only in emergency situations should an adult enter
an area where children are unclothed.
In the case of safety, one adult may enter the private area, but whenever possible
two adults should be present.
Campers must also respect the privacy of the adults in these
situations. Therefore it is not permissible for campers or adults to move about
the housing area unclothed.
Adults should sleep in an area where they can exercise the highest level of child
supervision, but not isolate themselves from the general view.
o Control access to children
Limit contact between children and individuals not associated with the program
while youth are under your care. Monitor the comings and goings of all youth
and adults who enter and leave the facility. Be particularly alert to opportunities
that are presented when activities occur in public spaces.
o Conduct activities in spaces that are open and visible to multiple people
Ensure there are clear sight lines throughout the activity spaces. Secure areas not
used for programmatic purposes (i.e. closets, storerooms) to prevent youth from
being isolated.
o Counselor-to-counselor monitoring
Is critical to the health and protection of children and to each other. An
environment of heightened awareness and accountability is essential to
preventing and addressing sexual abuse and molestation. To this end, all
program staff and volunteers are expected to monitor their own behavior, as well
as the behavior of other staff/volunteers
o Camp staff/volunteers should model appropriate interpersonal behavior
Be aware of a child's comfort level with activities, situations, and physical and
emotional affection, and respond in an appropriate and consistent manner to
child behaviors. Use discretion in what personal or private experiences you
share with a child, and never discuss or ask children questions about sexual
Handout - Reporting Abuse of Children
The Department of Environmental Health Safety and Risk Management provides training in Child Protection
(valid for 2 years). Contact this department to setup a training session.
Personnel and volunteers are required to make a reasonable effort to prevent another person from
abusing a child. Personnel and volunteers who believe that a child has been abused or neglected are
required by law to report their suspicions. Failure to report is considered a Class B misdemeanor.
University Police: 956-665-7151 24-hr Child Abuse hotline: 1-800-252-5400
Regional Statistics for 2011 (Texas Dept. of Family and Protective Services Data Book):
Child Abuse Related Victims/Fatalities
Hidalgo County – 2,837 / 8 Cameron County – 2,158 / 6
Willacy County – 171 / 0 Starr County – 260 / 0
Signs of Abuse:
Neglect – Obvious malnutrition; Lack of personal cleanliness;
Habitually dressed in torn and/or dirty clothing; Needs glasses, dental
care, medical attention; Frequently absent or late.
Physical – No reasonable explanation for the injury; Unusual injury for
child’s age; Injury is located on face or back surface of body; Multiple or
frequent injuries; Unusual patterns of bruising, burns, scalding;
Distinctive marks or lacerations; Head injuries; Fear of going home;
Fear of a certain person or family member; Abnormal responses to pain; Abnormal extremes in
Sexual – Knowledge about sexual relations beyond what is normal for age; Inappropriate or
compulsive masturbation; Frequent expressions of sexual activity through language or drawings;
Sexual victimization of other children; Difficulty in sitting or walking; Discomfort in genital region;
Fear of opposite sex; Pregnancy; Physical signs of sexually transmitted disease; Suicide attempts.
Emotional – Speech disorders; Conduct/habit disorders; Substance behavior; Developmental lags.
Instructions for Self-Enrolling and Accessing Child Protection Training
Do not use a cell phone or tablet to complete this online training. Make sure you have a secure
internet connection when viewing the material. Preferred browsers are Firefox or Google
Chrome. There are open computer labs at the Library and Academic Services Building, Edinburg
To self-enroll:
1. Log into your UTRGV Blackboard account using
2. Locate the Organization Search box in the right-hand side of the screen below the My
Organizations box.
3. In the Organization Search box, type in the word “Environmental” and press Go.
4. Click on the Options menu item (chevron in circle) right next to DEHS_2016
6. In the next Self Enrollment page, click Submit.
At this point, the student will be enrolled in the course as a Participant. They will see it listed in the My
Organizations area.
Once enrolled in the Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management Blackboard course, you will
have online access to all of our department's trainings.
Please complete this 1-hour mandatory training and comprehensive exam at your earliest convenience
and prior to working with any minors. Do not use a cell phone or tablet to complete this online
training. Make sure you have a secure internet connection when viewing the material. Preferred
browsers are Firefox or Google Chrome.
Campus Auxiliary Services
The Office of Auxiliary Services offers the following services:
Vaquero Express Shuttle Services
Facility Rentals
V OneCard (ID cards)
Food Services
Print Shop
Vending Services
University Bookstore
Facility Rentals
Facility Rentals for non-University requestors is available through the
Conference & Event Services office. A variety of facilities for special events such
as parties, conferences or workshops are available for an hourly rental rate.
V OneCard Office
The V OneCard is an all-in-one photo identification card that can be used to access a variety of services
and buildings on campus. Summer camps can utilize the cards to participate in Dining Dollars and Meal
Plan options.
Phone: (956) 665-8067
Food Services
All Campus Dining is offered exclusively through Sodexo.
Print Services
Print Services has full service capabilities to handle everything from large format printing, window and
floor decals, business cards, stationary as well as pre-press services such as design and typesetting,
duplicating, color copying, expert printing, and complete bindery. We also provide print services
needed for class projects such as lamination, flyers, posters, banners and pamphlets.
Phone: : (956) 882-3836 (Brownsville) Office: (956) 665-2272 (Edinburg)
E-Mail: [email protected]
Vending Services
Vending Service operations offer a multitude of snack, coffee, soda, juice, sports
drinks and water throughout campus. Credit cards are accepted at most snack and all
beverage vending machines. We also provide coin and V OneCard operated laundry
machines for Unity Hall and Heritage Hall.
Phone: (956) 665-2256
Joint Sponsorships
In order to conduct a joint sponsored event with a University Department, the following conditions
must be met:
1. The program or activity must be upon the invitation of UTRGV. Only the President or his or her
delegate can authorize joint sponsorship.
2. In order for joint sponsorship to be appropriate, the implications of a program or activity must,
in the determination of the President, directly supplement the educational purposes of UTRGV.
3. Established as a public institution without regard to political affiliation or religious faith, UTRGV
cannot be a joint sponsor for political or sectarian gatherings.
4. UTRGV will be responsible for all details of the program or activity, and reserves the right to
approve all copy for advertising and news releases, and may require an accounting of the
income and expenses directly related to the program or activity submitted to the Assistant Vice
President for Campus Auxiliary Services.
5. The scheduling of buildings or facilities for programs or activities of UTRGV shall always have
priority over the scheduling for programs or activities that are jointly sponsored.
6. The fee to be paid by the invited individual, group, association, or corporation will be a matter
for negotiation in each case and will be specified in the agreement providing for the joint
sponsorship. At a minimum, the fee must ensure recovery of the cost incurred by UTRGV.
7. Procedures for requesting joint sponsorship shall be available through the Office of Campus
Auxiliary Services.
If the previously stated conditions are met, the University Department engaging in this activity must
submit an Application for Joint Sponsorship and seek the necessary approvals before any planning or
contracting can take place. Contact the Conference and Events Services Office for more information.
Summer Camps & Conferences
Meal Plans and V OneCard Request Form
Dining Section - Please select the dining option that best suits your needs
Meal Option 4 – Conference Meal Plan
Each participant will receive a pre-set number of meals on a daily basis or as specified by the Camp Coordinator. Issuance of
a Purchase Order will be required for this service.
1-100 101-250 Over 251
Participants Participants Participants
Breakfast/Lunch $15.55 $14.53 $13.58 Qty: Extended Price:
Lunch/Dinner $17.50 $16.37 $15.30 Qty: Extended Price:
Breakfast/Dinner $17.02 $15.90 $14.87 Qty: Extended Price:
Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner $23.93 $22.37 $20.92 Qty: Extended Price:
As a BONUS option, Vaquero Bucks can also be used for other campus services such as for Bookstore purchases or use of
Student Union Game Room.
V OneCard
Is Residence Hall access is required: If YES, which Hall:
Please note any special request/needs:
Billing Section
a. Unless otherwise specified in this section, billing for food service and/or camp cards will be made via Oracle Web
ADI. This consists of:
Meal Plan Option 1 – billing is based on the final count provided 2 days prior to rendering of service.
Meal Plan Option 2 – billing is based on the final count provided 2 days prior to rendering of service.
Meal Plan Option 3 – billing is based on the final count provided 2 days prior to rendering of service.
Meal Plan Option 5 Unrestricted – billing will be based on actual Vaquero Buck usage.
Submittal of this completed form certifies that the Coordinator for this event has obtained approval from the account
manager for billing of these services.
b. Meal Plan Option 4 and Custom Meal Planning/Catering will require issuance of a Purchase Order to Sodexo prior
to rendering of services. If attendance or usage exceeds the original amount issued on the Purchase Order,
departments will be required to issue a separate Purchase Order for the overage.
Department of Housing and Residence Life (HRL)
2016 Summer Conference
Inquire Form
Conference Name: Click here to enter text. Host Department: Click here to enter text.
☐UTRGV Department ☐ Non Profit (501) ☐ Private Have you stayed with us before? ☐Yes ☐No
Contact Name: Click here to enter text. Contact E-mail: Click here to enter text.
Mailing Address: Click here to enter text. Contact Phone: Click here to enter text.
Which campus will host the conference?
☐Brownsville, Texas ☐Edinburg, Texas
Group/Conference Description: Click here to enter text.
Room Occupancy
Arrival Date: Click here to enter text. Departure Date: Click here to enter text.
Total Number of nights: Click here to enter text.
Number of Anticipated Participants (Adults plus Youths): Click here to enter text.
Number of Adults: Click here to enter text. Double Occupancy ☐ Single Occupancy ☐
Overnight Adult Gender Breakdown: Male Click here to enter text. Female: Click here to enter text.
Notes:Click here to enter text.
Number of Youth*: Click here to enter text. Double Occupancy ☐ Single Occupancy ☐
Overnight Youth Gender Breakdown: Male Click here to enter text. Female: Click here to enter text.
*Participants under 18 years of age are considered Youth and as minors need Adult supervision.
Notes: Click here to enter text.
Preferred housing area(s)/building(s) requested (if any): Choose an item.
Does your group/conference require ADA accommodation? Yes☐ No ☐
Please describe special accommodations or other needs: Click here to enter text.
Will your group/conference need parking accommodations during your stay?
No ☐ Yes☐ # of vehicles Click here to enter text. Notes: Click here to enter text.
Will your group/conference need meeting space during your stay? No ☐ Yes☐
Will your group/conference need Food services during your stay? No ☐ Yes☐
Will your group/conference need linen services during your stay? No ☐ Yes☐
Billing Information
The Summer Conference Inquire Form is not a binding contract and does not guarantee rooms requested above.
☐ UTRGV Department Account Click here to enter text. Department Name: Click here to enter text.
☐ Non-University Account Billing Address: Click here to enter text.
Once this form is processed the Department of HRL will send a quote and contract for approval.
For additional Summer Conference Housing information contact the Department of Housing and Residence Life – Edinburg, Texas:
University Center 305 Office: 956-665-3439 | Fax: 665-5055 | Email: [email protected]
Brownsville, Texas: Casa Bella Office: 956-882-7191 |
2016 Summer Camps & Conferences
Participant Conduct
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley expects its students and guests to exhibit and maintain a
high standard of conduct given the educational nature of our institution. Summer Camps & Conferences
participants, staff and guests must comply with all rules and regulations as set forth by the Participant
Participants should conduct themselves in such a fashion as is fitting of community living and show due
consideration and respect to neighbors. Inappropriate and/or disruptive behavior is defined as any
behavior, verbal or physical, which disrupts or is detrimental to the environment and/or its occupants.
Such behavior may include, but is not limited to, lewd or offensive comments and/or behavior, use of
profanity, shouting or loud noise, pranks, damage or destruction of personal or university property,
creation and/or contribution to situations which may be harmful or otherwise detrimental to others,
and/or aggressive behavior.
Pranks: are considered a serious offense to community living. Individuals/group activities that result in
disturbances or distress to others, or that cause damage or destruction to property are prohibited.
Conduct which is disorderly, lewd, indecent, or a disturbance of the peace on University premises or at
University-sponsored activities will be addressed by the Department of Housing and Residence Life staff
and will be referred to the Camp Director.
The Director of Housing and Residence Life reserves the right to issue interim/indefinite suspension of
Housing status to Summer Camps/Conferences participants and/or guests.
Policies & Procedures
Abandoned Property
Personal effects and other property of value that has been abandoned and not claimed within 15 days
shall be considered abandoned property and may be retained by the University as its property or may be
disposed of through sales, donations, or in such a manner as the University in its sole discretion may
No alcohol is permitted for participants/staff/faculty during Summer Camps & Conferences at the
Residence Halls, including The Village and Casa Bella apartments.
Consensual Relationships
Minor participants in camp programs do not have legal capacity to consent, therefore any
relationship between Staff/Camp Counselors/Camp Directors and minor participants will be
considered non-consensual by UTRGV. Staff/Camp Counselors/Camp Directors must avoid
such relationships.
Campus Carry (Effective August 1, 2016) *Pending UT System Approval
Programs or Camps for Minors: Texas Penal Code Section 46.03(a)(1) prohibits the carrying of
handguns on “any grounds or building on which an activity sponsored by a school ... is being
conducted.” UTRGV frequently hosts programs or camps offering recreational, athletic, educational, or
other similar activities for school age children. If such a program or camp is sponsored by a school, the
carrying of handguns is automatically excluded under Section 46.03(a)(1), and nothing further is
required from UTRGV to exclude the concealed carry of handguns for activities sponsored by a school.
UTRGV may sponsor, facilitate, or coordinate programs or camps for minors which are not affiliated
with a school or educational institution. By analogy and extension, locations where children under the
age of 18 participate in a program or camp sponsored, facilitated, or coordinated by UTRGV should be
exclusion zones. Concealed carry of handguns shall be prohibited at programs or camps for children
under the age of 18 sponsored, facilitated, or coordinated by UTRGV.
Courtesy Hours
It is important to maintain a living and learning environment conducive to sleep and study. In order to
facilitate this, Courtesy Hours have been designated to minimize disturbances to participants due to loud
stereos, televisions, other sound-making devices and participants themselves. Summer
Camp/Conference participants should show courtesy and maintain appropriate levels of noise at all
times throughout the day. Items used for the sole purpose of making noise such air horns, whistles,
other items shall not be used within the residential community. Courtesy Hours for all residential
facilities, including The Village and Casa Bella apartments, are from 10 p.m. to 10 a.m.
Any damage to individual’s room and/or common areas, i.e., lounges, lobbies, restrooms, kitchens,
living rooms, hallways, elevators, stairwells, lighting units, etc., will be charged to the Camp/Conference
responsible for the damage. Summer Camps/Conference participants are responsible for cleaning up
after themselves and are responsible to ensure that their activities do not result in dirty, untidy, or
dangerous public areas. Custodians are not required to clean up any mess that is the result of resident
negligence. Participants and Camp/Conferences may be assessed the cost of any extra cleaning.
Personal Trash
All personal trash is to be taken to the appropriate designated disposal site and not left in undesignated areas.
Trash and left over food should not be left in the rooms, hallways, or bathrooms.
Camps and Programs may seek restitutions from individuals found responsible.
In the event of a theft, the Department of Housing and Residence Life should be contacted immediately.
The department will not consider any claims resulting from theft. Summer Camps and Conferences
should work with the University Police Department for resolution.
The University along with the Department Housing and Residence Life are not responsible for loss or
damages to personal property by theft, fire, or other casualty, whether such losses occur in your room,
public areas, or elsewhere in the residence hall. The University and Department of Housing and
Residence Life do not assume any liability for personal injury or personal property damage resulting
from mechanical failure of the water, gas or electrical system; or for negligence by building occupants.
The University and Department of Housing and Residence Life are not responsible for loss or damage to
personal property as a result of fumigation or pest control. If you wish to protect yourself from the
possibility of such losses or injury, it is your responsibility to secure an insurance policy that will meet
your individual needs.
Student Illness or Injury
If a participant is ill or sustains an injury, they must contact the Camp Director and University Police to file an
injury report if necessary.
All decorations should be of a temporary nature so as not to permanently deface or damage the room’s
• Doors/windows can only have 25% of its surface areas decorated.
• No nails, tacks, or screws may be used in rooms.
• All room decorations must be placed on the walls at least 18” from the ceiling.
• Students are prohibited from removing or altering portions of any University furnishing assigned to a
room, such as bed frames, mattresses, desks, shelves, bulletin boards, mini- blinds, etc. (Moving
Fees may be assessed to restore room to original condition)
• Banners, flags, and aluminum foil are not permitted on any window(s). Window coverings are
provided for each room and they are the only window coverings to be visible from the exterior of the
• Obscene material, including but not limited to pornographic literature, drawings, print, or
photographic materials, X-rated movies, and displays of profanity or other offensive language, as
well as references to drugs or drug paraphernalia may not be displayed.
• Candles, potpourri burners, and incense are fire hazards and are prohibited. The lighting and burning
of flame-producing mixtures is also prohibited.
Door Propping & Open Windows
Doors should never be propped. This includes room doors, locked doors to hallways, bathroom doors
and exterior doors. Window screens may not be removed. Throwing things out of windows or using
windows for an entry or exit from a room is not permitted.
The Department of Housing and Residence Life has a zero-tolerance policy towards illicit drugs.
Students are prohibited from possessing, consuming, transporting, dealing, being in the presence of, or
exhibiting disruptive
behavior influenced by the use of such substances. Students are also prohibited from possessing
paraphernalia such as bongs, hookah pipes, deseeding trays, roach clips, one-hitters, pipes, papers, etc.
Anyone found in violation of this policy will be removed from UTRGV Housing and will be subject to
University disciplinary action and possible arrest, imprisonment, or fine according to state and federal
laws. ***The illegal use, possession, and/or sale of a drug, narcotic, or paraphernalia on the campus of
The University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley is prohibited and prosecutable by law.
Participants are prohibited from activating a false fire alarm. Camp/Conference participants will be
subject to a $500 pass-through fee for activating a false fire alarm.
Fire Safety
Camp/Conference participants are required to practice safe exit procedures during fire emergencies.
Camp/Conference participants must clear the building within three minutes and assemble in a location
150 feet from the building upwind of the building. For Heritage/Troxel Hall Camp/Conference
participants, this is under the covered sidewalk. For Unity Hall Camp/Conference participants, this is
The Village apartment’s parking lot or the Police Department parking lot behind the building. For The
Village Camp/Conference participants, this is the intramural fields or the Unity Hall parking lot. For
Casa Bella Camp/Conference participants, this is the Volleyball/Basketball Courts.
The illegal possession of a firearm, illegal knife or prohibited weapon on the grounds of an educational
institution is a third-degree felony in Texas. The following weapons are prohibited: firearms, explosive
weapons, machine guns, short-barreled firearms, firearm silencer, switchblade knifes, knuckles, armor-
piercing ammunition, chemical dispensing devices (an item considered other than OC), zip gun, club or
night stick, and illegal knives.
***The possession of commercially available and legal pepper spray must be used for defensive
purposes only, and must contain no more than 10% of Oleoresin Capsicum.
Flammable Materials & Explosives
Camp and Conference participants are prohibited from possession or use of candles, fireworks, gasoline,
explosives, or any other flammable or hazardous materials.
No University property, including room and lounge furnishings, may be moved from its original space
within the building. Furniture is not allowed in any walkway/hallway.
All Summer Camps/Conferences visitors must be pre-approved by Camp Coordinators and must check
in at the Information Desk at the time of visit. Visits must be coordinated by Camp Coordinators in
advance. Visits must take place in lobby and/or common areas. Guests are not allowed in sleeping
rooms. No overnight visitors are allowed.
Hazing is strictly prohibited! Hazing is “any intentional knowing or reckless act, occurring on or off the
campus of an educational institution, by one person alone or acting with others, directed at a student,
that endangers the
mental or physical health or safety of the student for the purpose of pledging, being initiated into,
affiliating with, holding office in, or maintaining membership in an organization whose members are or
include students at an educational institution” (Texas Education Code, Sections 51.936 through 4.50).
In the event of a hurricane or other disaster, UTRGV has developed a plan for the evacuation of on-
campus residents. Camp Coordinators will be provided updates by the Housing and Residence Life staff.
All persons, including Camp/Conference participants, Camp Counselors, and Tutors, must identify
themselves when asked to do so by Housing and Residence Life staff or other University officials.
Under no circumstances should participants loan out or give their keys to others. Summer Camps &
Conferences will be held responsible for any and all losses and/or actions resulting from misuse of their
keys. Camps/Conference participants and/or staff CANNOT have University keys duplicated or locks
altered. Lost keys must be reported to Residence Life immediately. Replacement fee of $50.00 will be
charged to the Camp/Conference for every lost key. Once a lock or key change request has been
initiated and approved, it cannot be rescinded. Camp/Conferences, when checking-out, must turn issued
keys to the Department of Housing and Residence Life or be assessed a penalty.
Laundry/Vending Machines
Laundry facilities and vending machines are provided for the convenience of participants. If any of the
equipment is out of order, please report the problem to our department.
A Lock Block Key may be provided to some Summer Camps/Conferences to be able to conduct room
lockouts. The lock block box is located at the front desk of the facility which gives you access to the
master key. After each lockout, the master key is to be returned to the box and cannot be taken out of the
facility. Fee for losing a lock block key is $1,000.
Loitering is not permitted. Failure to comply with a request to leave will result in the staff calling the
UTRGV Police Department.
Maintenance issues are to be reported to the Department of Housing and Residence Life as soon as they
are noticed. Emergency Maintenance is defined as situations where damage to person or property is
imminent such as: building power failure, key/lock related problem, major break in water line, or
unresolvable plumbing issues. Every effort should be made to determine if the maintenance issue needs
to be addressed immediately.
Summer Camps and Programs residing in Halls without kitchen facilities are encouraged to make dining
arrangements through Sodexo Campus Dinging. Group meals should not be served within the residence
halls without prior approval from the Department of Housing and Residence Life.
Participants under 18 years of age are considered Youth and as minors, need Adult supervision at all
Missing Students
All Summer Camps and Conference staff and participants are required to report to the Housing and
Residence Life staff and University Police if they have not seen a camp participant and consider them
All Camp Directors and Coordinators are required to maintain up-to-date emergency contact information
for every participant. In the event of a report, the Camp Director will notify Housing and Residence
Life staff and University Police immediately. The Camp Director is also responsible for contacting the
participant’s Emergency Contact and maintain communication throughout the process.
Network Connection Misuse
– Applicable to UTRGV enrolled students and University staff with internet access. The following are
violations of the rules and guidelines governing the use of network connections and will result in
University disciplinary action as well as criminal charges:
The use of any network port for monetary gain, to run or promote a business, or to otherwise profit
Modifying or tampering with network services, wiring, or ports.
The use of peer-to-peer or other file-sharing programs to download copy- righted music, TV
programs, movies, other video, or software is in violation of software copyright laws and is
considered stealing.
Participation in other copyright infringement through the network. Copyrighted materials including,
but not limited to, computer software, audio and video recordings, photographs, and written
Extending the network beyond the single network outlet by using a router, bridge, hub, remote
access server, tunneling NETBIOS, or proxy, and/or engaging in file sharing activities
Attempting to access restricted data or breach any security measures in place on any computer
Sending harassing messages through email, social networking sites, instant messaging services, or
other messaging services, on or off campus.
Use of network to engage in any other criminal activity.
Misuse of a parking pass (loaning it to a non-resident, selling it, transferring it to another person, etc.) is
prohibited and parking permits may be revoked by Housing Director. Parking for participants is
available in spaces marked with “resident” in parking lots. Contact the Housing and Residence Life to
receive a parking permit.
All bicycles parked on campus must display a UTRGV bicycle parking permit. All bicycles must be parked, locked
and stored in the designated Bicycle racks areas ONLY.
Power Outage
In the event of an Outage, remain calm and ask students to stay in their rooms. Rounds of the facility
must be conducted by staff members every 15-30 minutes (use flashlights). Updates will be provided to
Camp Coordinators.
The University understands the desire for privacy and will do all it can to protect this privacy. It is,
however, occasionally necessary for the University to exercise its contractual right to room entry.
Established procedures are designed to ensure reasonable, restrained use of the right of entry. Reasons
rooms may be entered include
but are not limited to:
• When a known emergency exists.
• When there is evidence that a possible emergency or violation of University regulations exists.
• For non-routine or routine maintenance.
• For fire, welfare and safety checks
A member of Housing and Residence Life will first knock and announce who is to be entering. When
Camp/Conference participants are present, they must open the door after staff members have identified
themselves. The room will usually be searched by a Housing Coordinator and/or UTRGV Resident
Assistant. Only items which are specifically prohibited or which pose immediate danger to the health
and safety of the participant(s) will be removed from the room without prior consultation with the
owner. ***All door(s) will be locked after each entry.
Sports and Athletics Activities (including stunting) should only occur in designed recreational areas and
facilities, not inside the Residence Halls.
Smoking: all forms of tobacco, including but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes
(hookah), bidis, kreteks and electronic cigarettes, in all residential facilities (including The Village and
Casa Bella) is prohibited and includes lobbies, courtyards, offices, rooms, bathrooms, hallways,
stairwells, and balconies. Additionally, a 20 foot smokeless perimeter must be maintained from any
building entrance. Smokeless tobacco products are required to maintain proper health standards and
disposal procedures at all times.
Suspicious Person
Unauthorized Entry
Certain areas around or within residential facilities are off limits to summer participants. Restricted areas
include mechanical rooms, custodial closets, roofs, and locked areas. Other prohibited entry points
include balconies and ledges as well as exiting/entering through emergency exits during non-
emergencies. All ADA entrances into the residence halls are for approved resident use only.
Use of University resources for profit, crime, harassment, illegal or unethical activity is prohibited.
Students who vandalize property by damage or defacement must pay for the repairs and will be subject
to further disciplinary action.
Orientation: Summer Camps & Conferences lasting longer than 5 days are required to meet with
the Department of Housing and Residence Life and attend an Orientation.
2016 Summer Camps & Conferences
Participant Agreement
Summer Camp/Conference participants or guests must comply with directions from any University and Camp
officials. Verbal and physical abuse focused toward the staff members by participants or guests will not be
tolerated and could result in Housing privileges revoked.
Administrative Removal
The University reserves the right to administratively remove a resident or guest from University housing who
poses a danger to the health, safety, or welfare of any student, employee, or guest.
Use or possession of firearms, air rifles, pistols, ammunition, paint ball guns and ammunition, stun guns, mace,
pepper spray, slingshots, stabbing weapons, or any other form of weapon is prohibited in the residence hall,
apartments, or vehicles.
False Fire Alarms and Fire Extinguisher Misuse
Students are prohibited from activating a false fire alarm. Summer Camp/Conference participants will be subject
to a $500 pass-through fee for activating a false fire alarm. Additionally, participants shall not disconnect or
intentionally damage any smoke detector, water sprinkler, or any other firefighting equipment in the residential
facilities. Camp/Conference responsible for participants will be subject to damage costs, civil penalties, and
attorney’s fees under Section 92.611 of The Texas Property Code for failure to comply with the foregoing notice.
Flammable Materials/Explosives
Summer Camp/Conference participants are prohibited from possession or use of fireworks, gasoline, explosives,
or any other flammable or hazardous materials. The possession or use of such materials is contrary to state law
and University policies. Clothing irons, curling irons, and hair straighteners may only be used in rooms if they
have an automatic shutoff.
Established procedures are designed to ensure reasonable, restrained use of the right of entry. Reasons
rooms may be entered include but are not limited to:
• When a known emergency exists.
• When there is evidence that a possible emergency or violation of University regulations exists.
• For non-routine or routine maintenance.
• For fire, welfare and safety checks
Safety Guidelines
The University, and by extension, the Department of Housing and Residence Life, does not assume any liability
or responsibility for the loss, theft, or damage to any student’s personal property while in our residential facilities.
The following are mandatory:
Doors and windows shall remain locked at all times.
Report lost keys and broken locks to the Department of Housing and Residence Life immediately.
Immediately report persons who behave in a suspicious manner to the UTRGV Police Department at 956-
665-7151 (Edinburg) or 956-882-2222 (Brownsville).
Thefts, assaults, and health emergencies must be reported to the University Police Department as well as the
Residence Life staff.
Smoking in the Residence Halls is prohibited and includes lobbies, offices, rooms, bathrooms, hallways,
stairwells, and balconies.
Vandalism of any UTRGV property is strictly prohibited. Summer Camp/Conference participants who vandalize
property by damage or defacement must pay for the repairs and may have Housing privileges revoked.
I have read, understand, and will comply with the regulations that apply to all camp activities for living in the
Residence Halls. I understand the program and Department of Housing and Residence Life reserve the right to
enter my room for the purpose of inspection of my possessions, and if reasonable cause exists to believe that I
have violated program rule or regulation, I will be released from the program. I understand that I must comply
with all UTRGV Institutional Rules, Student Code of Conduct, and Resident Handbook Policies.
_______________________________________ ______________________
Participant Name (Print) Date
Participant Signature
I have read and understand that my son/daughter must comply with the regulations that apply to all camp
activities for living in the residence hall. I understand the program and Department of Housing and Residence
Life reserve the right to enter my son/daughter’s room for the purpose of inspection of their possessions, and if
reasonable cause exists to believe that they have violated a program rule or regulation, may be released from the
_______________________________________ ______________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
2016 Summer Camps & Conferences
“What To Bring” Checklist
We are excited to have your group stay with us! Upon arrival, your Camp Coordinator will issue you a
room key to access your assigned room. In the event that you lose your key, please let your Camp
Coordinator know immediately.
Your room will be supplied with a roll of toilet paper and a trash bag upon arrival (a waste basket is not
provided). All trash must be removed at check-out time and disposed in designated areas.
Please review the list below and bring the following suggested items for your stay:
Remember: You are the most important factor in your camp and conference experience. If you do not have all
these items, please do not feel obligated to buy them.
Should you have any questions concerning your stay, please contact your Camp Coordinator.
We look forward to have you on-campus and hope you enjoy your stay!
A copy of the Crisis Management Plan can be found at:
University Recreation
Family Release Form
Release and Waiver of Liability and Covenant Not to Sue
In consideration of my participation privileges through the use of University Recreation (UREC) facilities, services and/or programs,
I hereby accept all risk to my health and of my injury or death that may result from such participation, and I hereby release The
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV), its Board of Regents, officers, employees and representatives from any liability to
me, my personal representatives, estate, heirs, next of kin, and assign for any and all claims and cause of action for loss or
damage to my property and for any and all illness or injury to my person, including my death, that may result from or occur during
my use of UREC facilities, services and/or programs, whether caused by negligence of UTRGV, its Board of Regents, officers,
employees, or representatives, or otherwise. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless UTRGV, its Board of Regents, officers,
employees, and representatives from liability for injury of death of any person(s) and damage to property that may result from my
negligent or intentional act or omission while using the UREC facilities, services and/or programs.
Assumption of Risk
I do hereby affirm and acknowledge that I have been fully informed of the inherent hazards and risks associated with participating
in activities hosted/held by UREC facilities, services, and/or programs. Activities include, but are not limited to, basketball,
racquetball, beach and indoor volleyball, rock climbing, badminton, dodgeball, handball, flag football, indoor and outdoor soccer,
softball, kickball, running, strength training, swimming, table tennis and tennis. Activities will take place in the following areas, but
not limited to, the climbing wall, weight cardio floors, main gym, multiple activity complex (MAC), aerobic studios, racquetball
courts, conference room, lobby, outdoor patio and courts (beach volleyball, outdoor basketball, tennis, softball, football and soccer
fields), and other UREC sites. Specifically, I understand activities such as this could result in physical injuries such as, but not
limited to abrasions, bumps, bruises, cuts, fractures, strains, sprains, nausea, dizziness, headaches, loss of consciousness, stroke
and cardiac arrest. I fully understand these injuries could be severe and even result in loss of life. I understand these injuries may
require immediate medical assistance and that UREC does not have trained medical personnel on site and does not provide
insurance or reimbursement for any medical expenses incurred. Nevertheless, I choose to proceed even in the absence of a
competent medical assistance. Despite the potential hazards and dangers associated with the activities held by UREC, I wish to
proceed and I freely accept and expressly assume all risk, dangers and hazards that may arise from the activities which could
result in personal injury, loss of life and property damage to me.
By signing below, I certify that I am of lawful age (18 years or older) and otherwise legally competent to sign this agreement. I
further understand that the terms of this agreement are legally binding and I certify that I am signing this agreement, after having
carefully read the same, of my own free will.
Also, I acknowledge that photographs and video tapes may be taken during activities within our programs and facilities. By
participating in our programs or entering our facilities, you allow that reproductions of these photographic materials may be used in
promotional activities initiated by the UREC and UTRGV.
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
Date: / /
Date: / /
Signature Signature
Release Form
Release and Waiver of Liability and Covenant Not to Sue
In consideration of my participation privileges through the use of University Recreation (UREC) facilities, services and/or programs, I
hereby accept all risk to my health and of my injury or death that may result from such participation, and I hereby release The
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV), its Board of Regents, officers, employees and representatives from any liability to
me, my personal representatives, estate, heirs, next of kin, and assign for any and all claims and cause of action for loss or damage to
my property and for any and all illness or injury to my person, including my death, that may result from or occur during my use of
UREC facilities, services and/or programs, whether caused by negligence of UTRGV, its Board of Regents, officers, employees, or
representatives, or otherwise. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless UTRGV, its Board of Regents, officers, employees, and
representatives from liability for injury of death of any person(s) and damage to property that may result from my negligent or
intentional act or omission while using the UREC facilities, services and/or programs.
Assumption of Risk
I do hereby affirm and acknowledge that I have been fully informed of the inherent hazards and risks associated with participating in
activities hosted/held by UREC facilities, services, and/or programs. Activities include, but are not limited to, basketball, racquetball,
beach and indoor volleyball, rock climbing, badminton, dodgeball, handball, flag football, indoor and outdoor soccer, softball, kickball,
running, strength training, swimming, table tennis and tennis. Activities will take place in the following areas, but not limited to, the
climbing wall, weight cardio floors, main gym, multiple activity complex (MAC), aerobic studios, racquetball courts, conference room,
lobby, outdoor patio and courts (beach volleyball, outdoor basketball, tennis, softball, football and soccer fields), and other UREC
sites. Specifically, I understand activities such as this could result in physical injuries such as, but not limited to abrasions, bumps,
bruises, cuts, fractures, strains, sprains, nausea, dizziness, headaches, loss of consciousness, stroke and cardiac arrest. I fully
understand these injuries could be severe and even result in loss of life. I understand these injuries may require immediate medical
assistance and that UREC does not have trained medical personnel on site and does not provide insurance or reimbursement for any
medical expenses incurred. Nevertheless, I choose to proceed even in the absence of a competent medical assistance. Despite the
potential hazards and dangers associated with the activities held by UREC, I wish to proceed and I freely accept and expressly
assume all risk, dangers and hazards that may arise from the activities which could result in personal injury, loss of life and property
damage to me.
By signing below, I certify that I am of lawful age (18 years or older) and otherwise legally competent to sign this agreement. I further
understand that the terms of this agreement are legally binding and I certify that I am signing this agreement, after having carefully
read the same, of my own free will.
Also, I acknowledge that photographs and video tapes may be taken during activities within our programs and facilities. By
participating in our programs or entering our facilities, you allow that reproductions of these photographic materials may be used in
promotional activities initiated by the UREC and UTRGV.
Print Name
Date: / /
Date: / /
Climbing Wall Form
for The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Climbing Wall. This is a legally binding agreement. Please read carefully.
Participant Name Parent/Guardian Name if Participant is a Minor
Address: City: State: Zip:
I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE that the sport of rock climbing and the use of the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Climbing Wall located in the WRSC, at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (herein after referred to as the Climbing Wall) has
INHERENT RISKS. I fully understand that these risks can lead to severe injury and even loss of life. Despite the potential hazards and
dangers associated with the activity of climbing, I wish to proceed and I freely accept and expressly assume all risks, dangers, and hazards
that may arise from climbing activities which could result in personal injury, loss of life and property damage to me. I have full knowledge of
the nature and extent of the risks associated with rock climbing and the use of the Climbing Wall, including, but not limited to:
1. All manner of injury resulting from falling off the Climbing Wall and impacting against rock faces and projections,
whether permanently or temporarily in place, or the UREC floor.
2. Rope abrasion, entanglement and other injuries resulting from activities on or near the Climbing Wall such as, but not
limited to, climbing, belaying, repelling, lowering on rope, and rope or rescue systems.
3. Injuries resulting from falling climbers or dropped items, not limited to ropes or climbing hardware.
4. Cuts and abrasions resulting from skin contact with the Climbing Wall.
5. Failure of ropes, harnesses, climbing hardware, anchor points, or any part of the Climbing Wall structure.
I further acknowledge that the above list is not inclusive of all possible risks associated with the use of the Climbing Wall and that the above
list in no way limits the extent of this release form and covenant not to sue.
Signature of Participant Date
Signature of Parent/Guardian if Participant is a Minor, and by their signature they, on my behalf release all claims that both they and I have.
(Parent/Guardian Signature if participant is a minor)
Climbing Wall Form
I _____________________________________________ (name of participant) hereby accept full responsibility for my own safety
while in the UTRGV Climbing Wall area. I agree to abide by, and help enforce, the following Climbing Wall safety policies and rules:
To enter the climbing area, you must turn in a completed signed “waiver” of Liability/Assumption of Risk to the climbing wall
attendant on duty.
Climbers must sign the “Daily Sign-In Sheet” & “Climbing Log” before each climb/boulder during operational hours. NO
Before each climb the belayer and climber must check that the figure 8 knot is tied and harness buckles are correctly
fastened and double back.
Rock climbing shoes or clean athletic shoes are required. Street shoes, hiking boots, sandals, five finger toe shoes and
bare feet are not permitted on the climbing surfaces.
Climbing Wall equipment is NOT allowed to leave the climbing wall area.
Climber may use their own equipment with the discretion of the Climbing Wall Attendant on its ability to perform as a safe
piece of climbing equipment as prescribed by the manufacturers, and must be CE/UIAA certified.
Climbers CAN NOT remove climbing holds, or use bolts and anchor points as holds
Spectators CAN NOT distract belayers, disturb, or be a distraction to other climbers while they are in the act of climbing.
Spectators CAN NOT pass the designated taped area while waiting to be called, and are NOT allowed on padded climbing
NO food or open drink containers allowed in the climbing wall area, obscene language, or jewelry.
Only Climbing Wall Attendants and those approved through UREC can facilitate climbing activities on the climbing wall.
Allow right of way to other climbers who were first on a route on any given section of wall or boulder. Don’t crowd other
NO bouldering passed the dotted line on the Climbing Wall, or below roped climbers.
Report any injuries or wall damage to the Climbing Wall Attendants.
Cell phone use is prohibited when climbing, belaying, bouldering, or spotting.
Individuals under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Parents must sign the “Waiver of Liability” for anyone
under 18 years of age.
NO one under the age of 4 is permitted to use UREC Climbing Wall.
Before each climb the entrance instructor and belayer must check each climber to ensure that the knot and harness buckle
are correctly fastened and that the belay system and belayers harness buckles are safe.
Any infraction of these rules will result in loss of climbing privileges. Repeated infractions will result in loss of future privileges
and possibly additional sanctions. UREC Personnel reserve the right to suspend or terminate privileges for inappropriate or
unsafe behavior.
Belay certification is available to all interested participants over the age of 18. Dates and times for belay certification will be posted
at the climbing wall. Those interested in becoming belay certified must adhere to the following policies/procedures in addition to the
above listed:
The belayers must keep their brake hand on the rope and eyes on the climber at all times.
Belayer must belay while standing up: NO belaying from a kneeling, seated or reclined position.
A belayer who is significantly out-weighed by a climber is required to have a backup belayer.
Any infraction of these rules may result in the loss of climbing privileges. Repeated infractions will result in future loss of
privileges and possible disciplinary actions taken. UREC Personnel reserve the right to suspend or terminate climbing wall
privileges for inappropriate or unsafe behavior.
University Recreation (UREC) reserves the right to suspend any individual permanently, or for a specified period of time, for failure
to comply with the above safety policies and rules, or for any conduct that is viewed by the staff as unsafe or inappropriate.
I acknowledge that I have read and agreed to abide by the UREC safety policies and Rules.
Note: Camps that include activities at the University Recreation Center require additional waivers,
alike camps that involve overnight stays require additional
UTRGV-Summer Camp Participation/Summer Camp Travel
1. ______I am the above named participant who is eighteen years of age or older, (or the Parent/Guardian of the above named participant who is under eighteen
years of age), and I am fully competent to sign this Agreement. I have voluntarily applied to participate in (or give my participant permission to engage in) the
above Activity or Trip. I acknowledge that the nature of the Activity or Trip may expose me (or my participant) to hazards or risks that may result in my (or
participant’s) illness, personal injury or death and I understand and appreciate the nature of such hazards and risks.
* 2. ______In consideration of my (or the permission I give my participant in) taking part in the Activity or Trip, I hereby accept all risk to my (or my
participant’s) health and of my (or his/her) injury or death that may result from such participation and I hereby release the above named Institution, its
governing board, officers, employees and representatives from any and all liability to me (or participant), my (or participant’s) personal representatives, estate,
heirs, next of kin, and assigns for any and all claims and causes of action for loss of or damage to my (or participant’s) property and for any and all illness or
injury to my (or participant’s) person, including my (or his/her) death, that may result from or occur during my (or participant’s) participation in the Activity or
Trip, whether caused by negligence of the Institution, its governing board, officers, employees, or representatives, or otherwise. I further agree to indemnify and
hold harmless the Institution and its governing board, officers, employees, and representatives from liability for injury or death of any person(s) and damage to
property that may result from my (or participant’s) negligent or intentional act or omission while participating in the described Activity or Trip.
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley™
o The following rules and regulations have been designed with the student’s safety in mind.
o Students must follow these rules at all times or risk being dismissed from the program.
1. Students are not allowed to leave UTRGV Campus for any reason.(If it is necessary for a student to be
taken off campus in case of an emergency the parent must authorize their leave, fill out the appropriate
form, and note that the person picking the student up will have to present proper identification.)
2. Students are not allowed to ride in any vehicles, other than University vehicles, with anyone during the
duration of the program for any reason.
3. Students are not allowed to walk alone on campus. If a student needs to get somewhere, they must notify a
Resident Assistant (RA), Program Assistant (PA) or the Coordinator to escort them.
4. Students must attend all classes, breakfast, lunch and dinner. No exceptions! If for any reason you are not
able to due to feeling ill, please notify an RA, PA, or the Coordinator ASAP.
6. Students are not allowed to use a cell phone during class or during planned activities. Any disruptive cell
phone usage will result in the phone being taken away for the remainder of the day.
7. Students will be responsible for any lost or stolen items such as jewelry and electronics which they bring to
9. Students must also adhere to their program dress code and wear appropriate clothing during all classes
and planned activities of the summer program. If any issues arise due to inappropriate clothing action will
be taken.
I, _______________________________, agree to follow the rules as outlined above, and understand that failure
to comply with rules can result in my dismissal from the summer program at UTRGV.
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley™
The following guidelines are to be followed strictly. Please report any exceptions to Dr. Richard
Costello at the numbers above:
Respect privacy
o Camp staff must respect the privacy of camp participants in situations such as changing
clothes and taking showers. Only in emergency situations should an adult enter an area
where children are unclothed.
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
Camp or Program Name Participant Name
Parent Signature Date
For the following, circle appropriate response and explain as appropriate:
Does camper have any limiting medical conditions that you or your doctor feel would limit camp participation?
Yes No If yes, identify and explain:
Is camper currently taking medication that may interfere with ability to safely participate in Camp?
Yes No If yes, identify and explain:
Does camper have a history of allergies or reactions to medications, insect stings, or plants?
Yes No If yes, identify and explain:
Does camper have a history of, or currently suffer from, medical conditions(s) with which we should be aware?
Yes No If yes, identify and explain:
PLEASE READ: As a participant, parent or guardian I understand and acknowledge that my failure to
disclose relevant information may result in harm to myself/my child and/or others during this Camp. By
signing my name I represent and warrant that I have provided all materials and important information to
UTRGV pertaining to my child’s medical, mental and physical condition and that it is accurate and
complete. I agree to notify UTRGV of any changes in my/my child’s mental, physical or medical condition
prior to my child’s scheduled Camp.
By revealing or disclosing the above medical information it will not be used by UTRGV personnel or
employees to determine my child’s ability to participate safely in activities. I understand that, if my child
chooses to participate in activities, he/she does so voluntarily and of his/her own accord and the final
decision regarding participation is solely the responsibility of myself and my child.
Home phone ____________ Work phone ____________ Cell Phone ____________ Email ________________
____ No, my child does not need to take any prescription medication while at Camp (if no, proceed to section C).
____ Yes, my child will need to take prescription medication while at Camp.
This form must be completed fully in order for campers to administer required medication to themselves. A new medication administration
form must be completed for each camp attended by the camper, for each medication, and each time there is a change in dosage or time of
administration of a medication. Requires licensed health care authorization and signature and parent signature.
Prescription medication must be in its original container labeled by the pharmacist or prescriber. Label must include the name, address and
phone number for pharmacist or prescriber.
Containers must hold only the amount required for the time the camper will be attending the Camp.
All prescription medications, including medications for conditions such as food, drug or insect allergies; diabetes; asthma; or epilepsy may be brought to Camp under the
condition that the camper can self-manage care and delivery of medication with written authorization to do so at Camp by a licensed health care provider.
I hereby affirm that this individual has been instructed in the proper self-administration of the prescribed medications(s)
I authorize and recommend self-medication by my child for the above medication. I also affirm that he/she has been instructed in the proper self-
administration of the prescribed medication by his/her attending physician. I shall indemnify and hold harmless the Institution, its governing board,
officers, employees, and representatives against any claims that may arise relating to my child’s self-administration of prescribed medication(s).
I/We have legal authority to consent to medical treatment for the camper named above, including the administration of medication at the above
referenced Camp.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________
Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medication may at times be administered, if approval is indicated by the camper’s parent or guardian. Please complete
the following section to save time if your child needs any of these OTC medications during his/her stay. Note: Unless we have parental
authorization, we cannot administer ANY medication.
____ No, my child does not need to take any OTC medication while at Camp.
____ Yes, my child may need to take OTC medication while at Camp (if yes, complete the section below:
I hereby authorize that the following medications may be given to _________________________________________________ (Child’s Name) if
the need arises. You may dispense only those checked.
____ Ointments for minor wound care, first aid as directed. (antiseptic, anti-itch, anti-sting, antibiotic, sunburn)
____ Tylenol/Acetaminophen as directed.
____ Aspirin/Ibuprofen as directed.
____ Throat lozenges and or spray as directed for sore throat.
____ Micatin or anti-fungus treatment as directed for athlete’s foot
____ Kaopectate or Imodium for diarrhea as directed.
____ Milk of Magnesia, Pepto Bismol or Mylanta for upset stomach or nausea as directed.
____ Rolaids or Tums for acid reflux, heartburn or indigestion as directed.
____ Benadryl for swelling, hives, allergic reaction, as directed
____ Actifed or Sudafed as directed for nasal congestion or allergy relief per instructions.
____ Visine or other eye drops for minor eye irritation.
____ Medicated lip ointment for dry chapped lips, lip blisters or canker sores as directed.
____ Swimmer’s ear drops as directed.
____ Hydrocortisone ointment as directed for mild skin irritations, poison ivy, and insect bites.
____ Medicated powder for skin irritation as directed.
____ Robitussin or other cough syrup as directed.
____ Calamine lotion for bug bites and poison ivy.
____ Sunscreen
____ Bug repellent
____ Other (list any other approved over-the-counter drugs) _____________________________________________________________________
Camp staff reserves the right to use generic equivalents when available for the name brand over-the-counter medications listed above.
I understand that such administration will not be done under the supervision of medical personnel. I also agree that any first aid treatment may be
given as needed.
Any condition which is associated with fever, significant inflammation, and/or does not respond to the above outlined treatment will be followed up
by a consultation with the camper’s parents. Parent/guardian will be contacted if any conditions develop requiring treatment with any of the above
over-the-counter medications that are not checked.
I understand that these over-the-counter medications are not necessarily kept on hand and available to be administered immediately.
I authorize the administration of over-the-counter medications to my child as indicated above. I shall indemnify and hold harmless the Institution,
its governing board, officers, employees, and representatives against any claims that may arise relating to my child being administered the above indicated
over-the-counter medications.
I/We have legal authority to consent to medical treatment for the camper named above, including the administration of medication at the above
referenced Camp.
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
[Summer Camp Name]
Leave Authorization List
Rules, participants are not allowed to leave campus with anyone if not previously authorized by their parent(s) or legal
guardian. In order to assure the safety of your son/daughter, please provide the program with a list of names that you (Parent
or Legal Guardian) approve to pick up your son/daughter in case of an emergency and only if, you are not able to pick up your
son/daughter yourself.
Government-issued picture ID’s or parent pickup authorization card if provided by the camp will be required to pick
up campers.
*Note: If you have special concerns or circumstances about picking up your child please discuss them with the camp director.
Parent/Guardian Name
________________________________________ _____________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Release of Student Information, Pictures, & Video
The personal information that you provide UTRGV will be maintained within the UTRGV DEPARTMENT NAME.
This information is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.
Autorización Para Uso de Información Fotografías y Videos
La información personal que usted proporcione al UTRGV se guardará en las oficinas del programa. Tal
información es protegida por los Derechos de Educación de la Familia y la Ley de Privacidad de 1974.