broadest in scope?
Operations audit
The basic concept of internal control which recognizes that the cost
of internal control should not exceed the benefits expected to be
derived is known as
Reasonable assurance
Which of the following sets the scope, timing, and direction of the
audit strategy
Other information that the auditor may use as audit evidence least
likely includes
Adjustments to the FS that are not reflected in formal journal
(1) Revenues
(2) Receivables
(3) Inventories
Understatement, understatement, overstatement
A concern; a concern
The reason why the company needs external person to audit its
financial statements despite having in-house auditors is that
Different interests may exist between the company management and
intended users of the financial statements.
"Our audit is subject to the inherent risk that material errors and
fraud, including defalcations, if they
exist, will not be detected. However, we will inform you of fraud
that comes to our attention, unless it
is inconsequential."
Why should the auditor plan more work on individual accounts as lower
acceptable levels of both audit risk and materiality are established?
To find smaller errors
How is the audit program best described at the beginning of the audit
the major reason that the difference and ratio estimation methods
would be expected to produce audit efficiency is that the
Variability of the population of differences or ratios is less
than that of the population of book values or audited values
For which of the following audit tests would an auditor most likely
use attribute sampling?
Inspecting purchase orders for proper approval by supervisors