ETC-EC-EN 2 YR Curriculum
ETC-EC-EN 2 YR Curriculum
ETC-EC-EN 2 YR Curriculum
Mathematics III
Subject Code: BEETC-301T/BEEN-301T/BEEC-301T Credits: 03
Teaching scheme- Lectures (including activity based learning): 3 Hours/ Week
Examination Scheme T (U) : 70 Marks , T (I) : 30 Marks
Duration of University Exam. : 03 Hours
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to provide students with understanding of
1. A primary objective is to introduce and develop advanced mathematical skills of students
that are imperative for effective understanding of engineering subjects.
2. The topics covered will equip them with the techniques to understand advanced level
Mathematics and its applications that would enrich logical thinking power.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
Fourier Series: Periodic functions and their Fourier expansions, Even and odd functions,
Change of interval, Half range expansions. Fourier Transform: Definition and Properties
(excluding FFT), Fourier integral theorem, Applications of Fourier transform to solve
integral equations.
Partial differential equations of first order first degree i.e. Lagrange’s form, Linear
homogeneous equations of higher order with constant coefficients, Method of
separations of variables, Simple applications of Laplace transform to solve partial
differential equations (One dimensional only).
Linear dependence of vectors, Eigen values and Eigen vectors, Reduction to diagonal
form, Singular value decomposition, Sylvester’s theorem (Statement only), Largesteigen
value and corresponding eigen vector by iteration method.
Text/Reference Books:
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Wiley), Erwin Kreyzig.
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics (Khanna Publishers), B. S. Grewal.
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics (S. Chand), H. K. Dass.
4. Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists, L. A. Pipes and L. R.
5. Advanced Mathematics for Engineers, Chandrika Prasad.
6. A text book of Engineering Mathematics (Laxmi Publication), N. P. Bali & M.
Subject Code: BEETC-302T/BEEN-302T/BEEC-302T Credits: 03
Teaching scheme- Lectures (including activity based learning): 3 Hours/ Week
Examination Scheme T (U) : 70 Marks , T (I) : 30 Marks
Duration of University Exam. : 03 Hours
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to provide students with understanding of
8. To learn the principle of Semiconductor Diodes.
9. To understand the working of different types of Diodes.
10. To study the working of Transistors.
11. To understand the internal structure of MOSFET, JFET and IC Fabrication.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
CO1: Understand the principles of semiconductor physics
CO2: Understand the principles of semiconductor diode.
CO3:Understand and analyze the mathematical model of transistors.
CO4:Understand and analyze the mathematical model of unipolar transistors.
CO5:Understand the process of Integrated Circuit Fabrication.
Web links::
Text Books:
1. J. Millman and Halkias : ”Electronic devices and circuits” , TMH Publications
2. Boylestad&Nashelsky : ”Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory” , PHI publications.
3. Salivahanan, Suresh Kumar, Vallavaraj: ”Electronic devices and circuits”,
4. G. Streetman, and S. K. Banerjee, ”Solid State Electronic Devices,” 7th edition,
5. D. Neamen , D. Biswas, ”Semiconductor Physics and Devices,” McGraw- Hill Education.
Reference Books:
1. S. M. Sze and K. N. Kwok, ”Physics of Semiconductor Devices,” 3rd edition, John Wiley
& Sons, 2006.
2. C.T. Sah, ”Fundamentals of solid state electronics,” World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc,
3. Y. Tsividis and M. Colin, ”Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor,” Oxford
Univ.Press, 2011.
Course Objectives:
To study basic concepts, DC circuits, AC circuits, semiconductors, Semiconductor devices, Power
supply, Bipolar and Field effect transistor amplifiers, Frequency response of amplifier.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the practical:
1. The students will get the basic concepts of different semiconductor components.
2. They will be able to understand the use of semiconductor devices in different electronic
3. They will be able to calculate different performance parameters of transistors.
4. They will be able to plot and study the characteristics of semiconductor devices.
1. Minimum 9 Practical including one mini project needs to be conducted(In the list given
below, wherever a,b,c categories listed can be offered to different groups in the samebatch
of praticals.
2. All practicals must be performed on breadboard.
3. One mini project using transistor, MOSFET and general components to be executed on
general purpose PCB
4. Minimum 10 viva and tinkering questions to be asked at the end of every experiment. Viva
questions should be related futuristic variation in the experiments carried out.
5. Minimum 1 practical to be conducted from every unit.
List of Experiments:
1. Familiarization with the Electronic Instruments like function generator, CRO, DC power
supply, use of multimeter as voltmeter, ammeter, Ohmmeter, continuity meter, different
types of transformers and Centre tapped transformer, Dimmer stat, Rheostat, AC voltage
tester, concept of earthing. Measurement of voltage and frequency with CRO and DSO.
Concept of saving and accessing waveform on DSO.
2. Familiarization with different types of passive electronic components like resistor,
inductor, capacitor. And miscellaneous components like winding wire, Ferrite Cores,
connectors, general purpose PCB, and Bread board, relays, diodes, etc.
3. To study basic wiring and design a switchboard/extension board for power distribution of
230V AC and electrical safety, fuses and MCBs, ELCB, contactors etc.
4. To study the concept of phase shift on CRO and DSO and measure phase shift in degrees
and radians.
5. Design a a) forward bias circuit of a 1n4001 diode with a DC voltage of 5V and which will
provide 5mA current with a suitable series resistor. Find unknown resistor and internal
forward resistance of diode using this experiment. Measure forward voltage drop across
diode, b)Design a reverse bias circuit of a 1n4001 diode with a DC voltage of 5V. Measure
the reverse bias current and find reverse resistance of this diode.
6. Design a a) Half-wave rectifier using a capacitor-input filter. Use diode 1N4001 and
Electrolytic capacitor of 100uF and at 3 different resistive loads. Measure peak to peak
ripple voltage. b) Design a Full-wave rectifier using two diodes and a capacitor-input filter.
Use diode 1N4001 and Electrolytic capacitor of 100uF and at 3 different resistive loads.
Measure peak to peak ripple voltage, c)Design a Bridge wave rectifier using four diodes
and a capacitor-input filter. Use diode 1N4001 and Electrolytic capacitor of 100uF and at
3 different resistive loads. Measure peak to peak ripple voltage. Compare answers with two
diode rectifier and half wave rectifier.
7. Design a)Unregulated power supply of 12V DC using bridge wave rectifier. Ripple voltage
should be less than 5mVpp. b) Convert this to regulated power supply using 7812 Linear
voltage regulators.Measure efficiency against input supply variation. Plot the graph of
efficiency verses input supply variation.
8. Design diode 1N4001 as a positive and negative clipper with a peak to peak voltage of
5Vpp and load resistance of 5kOhms. Use suitable frequency. Plot Waveforms.
9. Design a diode in voltage clamping mode with doubling the voltage for input voltage of
5Vpp and frequency of 50Hz.
10. To determine the operating voltages of different colours of LEDs and measure minimum
current and forward bias voltages across them.
11. Design an optocoupler based switching circuit to switch a group of 5 LEDs connected in
12. To design Transistor as a switch using a driving Relay and switch on and off a 230 V AC/10
W LED Bulb using concept and circuit modification of a) a normally open (N/O)
switch(inverter) and b) a normally closed(N/C) switch.
13. To design transistor as an audio amplifier using microphone to amplifier different audio
frequencies of 20Hz to 20kHz, test it on DSOs and save different pattern of waveforms at
different frequencies, Measure its efficiency.
14. To design a) Audio Frequency Oscillator (RC) of 1kHz using transistor by determining
values of R and C for a fixed frequency, b)To design Radio Frequency Oscillator of 1MHz
(LC) by determining values of L and C for a fixed frequency.
15. To design transistorized AstableMultiviabrator for a frequency of 5kHz and 5Vpp.
16. To design a D.C. Power supply of 9V using Full Wave Rectifier of two diodes 1N4007 and
suitable Zener Diode. Calculate efficiency.
17. To design an LED blinking circuit using Transistor BC547 and LDR. Use 12V DC power
supply for biasing.
18. a)To measure the unknown values of inductors and capacitors using the Voltage divider
and AC voltage of 24 V pp and 50Hz frequency, b)To find the value of unknown capacitor
using a series RC circuit and AC voltage of 12Vpp and 50Hz, c)To find the value of
unknown inductor using a series RL circuit and AC voltage of 12Vpp and 50Hz.
19. a)To use BJT as driver for amplifying switching pulses to 9Vpp at different switching
frequencies of 1kHz to 100kHz,b)To use MOSFET as driver for amplifying switching
pulses to 12Vpp at different switching frequencies of 1kHz to 100kHz, c)To use IGBT as
driver for amplifying switching pulses to 15Vpp at different switching frequencies of 1kHz
to 100kHz.
20. To develop an LED blinking of on and off time of 1second each using a charge and
discharge concept of RC circuit.
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to provide students with understanding of
1. To study various digital gates and construction of various logic circuits using basic gates.
2. To study combinational circuits.
3. To study Flip flops & its applications.
4. To study fundamentals of microprocessor & to understand the concept of Assembly
language programming.
5. To study different interrupt techniques.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
CO1: demonstrate the knowledge of: Logic gates, Boolean algebra including algebraic
manipulation/simplification and Application of DeMorgan’s Theorem, Karnaugh map reduction
CO2. construct basic combinational circuits and verify their functionalities.
CO3. illustrate and apply the knowledge of different flip flops to build sequential digital circuits.
CO4. interpret different logic families and their characteristics.
CO5. demonstrate and apply programming proficiency using the various addressing modes and
instructions of the target microprocessor
Course Contents
Number System, Boolean Algebra, Logic Gates and their truth tables, D Morgan’s Laws, k-map
representation (SOP & POS forms), Minimization of logical functions for min-terms and maxterms
(upto 5 variables), Introduction of logic families based on characteristics -Speed of operation,
power dissipation, figure of merit, fan in, fan out.
Arithmetic Circuits, Adders and their use as substractor, ALU, Digital Comparator, Parity
generators/checkers. Multiplexers and their use in combinational logic designs, multiplexer trees,
Demultiplexers, Encoders & Decoders. BCD - to – 7 segment decoder, Code converters.
1 Bit Memory Cell, Clocked SR, JK, MS J-K flip flop, D and T flip-flops. Use of preset and clear
terminals, Excitation Table for flip flops, Conversion of flip flops, Registers, Shift registers.
Counters (ring counters, twisted ring counters), Sequence Generators, ripple counters, up/down
counters, synchronous counters, lock out.
Introduction to Intel’s 8085, Architecture-description, Pin description, Addressing Modes. 8085 instruction
set, Concept of assembly language programming, Interrupts.
Suggested List
1. Analysis of Functions of BCD-TO-7-segment Decoder / Driver and Operation of 7-
segment LED Display
2. Characterization of Digital Logic Families
3. Analysis and Synthesis of Boolean Expressions using Basic Logic Gates
4. Analysis and Synthesis of Logic Functions using Multiplexers
5. Analysis and Synthesis of Logic Functions using Decoders
6. Analysis and Synthesis of Boolean Relations using Digital Comparators
7. Analysis and Synthesis of Arithmetic Expressions using Adders / Subtractors
8. Analysis and Synthesis of Sequential Circuits using Basic Flip-Flops
9. Analysis and Synthesis of Multi-bit Sequential Circuits using Shift Registers
10. Design of Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
11. Washing machine control using basic AND and NOT gates
12. Basics of OR gate and its application in industrial control
13. Basics of NOT gate and its application in an eight bit ones complement circuit
14. Basic NOT gate and its application in fuel level indicator
15. Seat belt warning system using basic AND and NOT gates
16. Basics of AND gate and its application in car wiper control
17. Water level control using basic AND and NOT gates
18. Electronic lock using basic logic gates
19. Universal NAND gate and its application in level monitoring in chemical plant
20. Universal NOR gate and its application in automobile alarm system
21. XOR gate and its application in staircase light control
22. Majority circuit using basic logic gates
23. Cockpit warning light control using basic logic gates
24. DIY Build your own combinational logic circuit using generalized simulator
25. Design of multiplexer circuit using gates
26. Multiplexer using Universal logic gates
27. Demultiplexer using basic logic gates
28. Demultiplexer using Universal logic gates
29. Application of Multiplexer
30. Implementation of 8:1 multiplexer using MSI ICs
31. Design of four variable function using MSI ICs
32. Design of Gray to Binary code converter using MSI ICs
33. Design of Binary to Gray code converter using MSI ICs
34. Implementation of binary adder using MSI ICs
35. Design of binary subtractor using MSI ICs
36. Implementation of 4-bit digital comparator using MSI ICs
37. Design of 8 -bit digital comparator using MSI ICs
38. Construction of half and full adder using XOR and NAND gates and verification of its
39. To Study and Verify Half and Full Subtractor
40. Realization of logic functions with the help of Universal Gates (NAND, NOR)
41. Construction of a NOR gate latch and verification of its operation
42. Verify the truth table of RS, JK, T and D flip-flops using NAND and NOR gates
43. Design and Verify the 4-Bit Serial In - Parallel Out Shift Registers
44. Implementation and verification of decoder or de-multiplexer and encoder using logic
45. Implementation of 4x1 multiplexer and 1x4 demultiplexer using logic gates
46. Design and verify the 4- Bit Synchronous or Asynchronous Counter using JK Flip Flop
47. Verify Binary to Gray and Gray to Binary conversion using NAND gates only
48. Verify the truth table of one bit and two bit comparator using logic gates
49. To implement Half adder & Full adder by using basic and universal gates
50. To study Parallel Binary Adder
51. To study a BCD to 7 Segment LED display decoder
52. Study of Binary to Grey code converter
53. Implementation of Boolean Functions using MUX
54. To study the J-K FF and conversion of D and T flip flop to JKFF.
55. To study a simple two-bit ripple counter
56. Design a synchronous up/down counter
57. Design and Implementation of Various Arithmetic Circuits
58. Design and Simulate Various Code Converters
59. Design and Simulation of Various Counters and Shift Registers
60. Design and Simulation of Arithmetic Logic Unit
61. Design and Simulation of Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexer and Demultiplexer
Web links:
Text Books:
1. Morris Mano : “An approach to digital Design”, Pearson Publications.
2. Ramesh Gaonkar : “ Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with
the 8085”, Penram International Publications.
3. R. P. Jain : “Modern digital electronics” , TMH Publications.
Reference Books
1. WakerlyPearon : “Digital Design: Principles and Practices”,
2. Mark Bach : “Complete Digital Design”, Tata MCGraw Hill Publications.
3. W. Fletcher : “Engg. Approach to Digital Design”, PHI Publications.
Course Objectives:
The course objectives are:
1. To learn the basic methods for the design of digital circuits and provide the fundamental
concepts used in the design of digital systems.
2. To perform a practical based on microprocessor.
Course Outcomes:
After the completion of practicals, the students will
1. Demonstrate the different Boolean Laws & basics of K-map to realize combinational &
sequential circuits.
2. Identify the various digital ICs & understand their operation.
3. Describe the operation & timing constraints for latches, registers, different sequential
4. Solve basic binary math operations using microprocessor & explain the internal
architecture & its operation within the area of manufacturing & performance.
5. Select programming strategies & proper mnemonics & run their program on the training
1. All experiments need to be conducted on breadboard. No readymade kits should be
used.Total 9 experiments including one mini project needs to be conducted.
2. Use LEDs, breadboard, and 5V to 12V power supply for all digital experiments
3. Minimum 6 experiments needs to be conducted from hardware list
4. Minimum 2 experiments to be conducted on Microprocessor 8085
5. Minimum one mini project on general purpose PCB/etched PCB to be conducted
List of Experiments:
1. To verify NAND(IC 4011) & NOR(IC 4001) gates as a universal gate.
2. Implementation of the given Boolean function using logic gates in both Sum of products
(SOPs) and Product of Sum (POS) forms.
3. Design and implementation of code converters using Logic gates.
4. To design and verify operation of half adder and full adder(IC CD 4008).
5. Implementation of 4-bit parallel adder using CD 4008 IC.
6. Implementation and verification 16:1 multiplexer using 8:1 Mux(CD 4051) and 2:1 Mux
7. Implementation and verification of decoder/de-multiplexer and encoder using logic gates.
8. To explore 4 bit ALU(CD 40181) and verify its function table
9. Verification of state tables of RS, JK, T and D flip-flops using NAND(IC 4011) & NOR(IC
4001) gates.
10. Design and implement the sequential circuits such as registers and sequence generator.
11. Simplification and implementation of a Boolean function using k -map technique
12. Design and implementation of Binary,BCD adders and Subtractor using IC 4008 and gates
13. Design and implementation binary and BCD comparator using of using CD 4063
14. Parity generator and checker using X-OR gate(CD 4070)
15. Design and implementation of ripple and synchronous counters using JK(CD 4027) and D
FF(CD 4013) and additional gates
16. Design of counter using ICs like 4029 (ripple) and CD 40192(synchronous)
17. Design and implementations of random sequence counter using JK(CD 4027) and D FF(CD
4013) ICs
18. Study of shift registers CD 54HC194 for different modes.
19. Study of characteristics of typical TTL and CMOS IC’s like fan out, noise margin,
propagation delay
20. Write a program using 8085 Microprocessor for Decimal, Hexadecimal addition and
subtraction of two Numbers.
21. Write a program using 8085 Microprocessor for addition and subtraction of two BCD
22. To find the largest and smallest number in an array of data using 8085 instruction set.
Design of a 230 V AC on off circuit for a 10W LED bulb using a single pushbutton, 2 push buttons.
Automatically this light should be switched off after a duration of 30 second using any digital IC
concept. Use any components, relay or resistors.
Network Theory
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to provide students with understanding of
1. Various methods of analysis of electric networks under transient and steady state conditions.
2. Concrete foundation needed to learn future professional courses.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Apply mesh and node voltage method to model and analyze electrical circuits.
2. Apply network theorems for the analysis of networks.
3. Obtain the transient and steady-state response of electrical circuits.
4. Synthesize waveforms and apply Laplace transforms to analyze networks.
5. Evaluate different Network Functions and Analyze two port network behavior
UNIT- III: Solution of First and Second order Networks (14 Marks):
Solution of first and second order differential equations of different combinations of series and parallel RLC
networks, initial and final conditions in network elements, free and forced response, time constants.
UNIT- IV: Electric Circuit Analysis using Laplace Transforms (14 Marks):
Review of Laplace transform, waveform synthesis, Analysis of electrical circuits using Laplace transform
for standard inputs, analysis of networks with and without initial conditions using Laplace transforms.
Text Books:
1. Van Valkenburg, “Network Analysis”, Third Edition, 2009, Prentice Hall of India
2. Sudhakar, A, Shyammohan, “Circuits and Networks”, Third Edition, 2006, Tata McGraw-Hill.
3. D. Roy Choudhary, “Networks and Systems”, New Age International Publishers, 2nd Edition,
4. Kelkar and Pandit, “Linear Network Theory”, Pratibha Publications.
Reference Books:
1. MahmoodNahvi, Joseph A Edminister, “Schaum’s outline of Electric Circuits”, 6th Edition, Tata
McGraw-Hill, 6th Edition, 2013
2. W. H. Hayt and J. E. Kemmerly, “Engineering Circuit Analysis”, McGraw Hill Education, 2013.
3. C. K. Alexander and M. N. O. Sadiku, “Electric Circuits”, McGraw Hill Education, 2004.
4. K. V. V. Murthy and M. S. Kamath, “Basic Circuit Analysis”, Jaico Publishers, 1999.
5. K. Sureshkumar, “Electric Circuits & Network”, Pearson Publication
6. Del Toro, “Electrical circuit”, Prentice Hall
Course Content:
Standard signals: Step, Impulse, Ramp, Real & complex exponentials,sinusoidal. Classification of
signals: Continuous time(CT) and Discrete Time (DT) signals, Periodic and aperiodic signals,
Deterministic and random signals, Energy and power signals.
Sampling: Introduction, Need for perfect reconstruction, Sampling theorem, Nyquist rate of
sampling, zero order hold and first order hold.Classification of Systems: Continuous time and
Discrete time, Static and dynamic, Linear and nonlinear, Time-variant and Time-invariant, Casual
and non-casual, Stable and unstable, Invertible and Inverse system.
Introduction, Continuous-Time LTI systems: The Convolution Integral, Properties of Linear Time
Invariant systems, LTI Systems with and without memory, Invertibility of LTI systems, Causality
for LTI systems, Stability for LTI systems, The unit step response of an LTI system, Block diagram
representations of first-order systems described by differential equation
SIGNALS (14Marks)
Fourier Series: Trigonometric Fourier Series, Exponential Fourier Series, Fourier Transform
Properties: Linearity,Time Shifting, Time and frequency scaling, Duality, Multiplication property,
Differentiation and Integration, Convolution property.Parseval's relation.
UNIT- IV: Laplace Transform (14Marks)
Review of the Laplace Transform for continuous time signals and systems, system functions, poles and
zeros of system functions and signals, Laplace domain analysis of LTI systems.
Web links:
Text Books:
1. Signals and Systems, A. Anand Kumar, PHI Learning Private Limited.
2. Oppenheim, Wilsky, Nawab, “Signals and Systems”, Person Education Publications
3. J. Nagrath, S. N. Sharan, R. Ranjan, S. Kumar, "Signals and Systems", TMH New Delhi,
Reference Books
1. Simon Haykin, Barry Wan Veen : “Signals and Systems”, John Wiley and Sons
2. K.Lindner, “Signals and Systems”, McGraw Hill International, 1999.
3. B.P. Lathi, "Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems", 3rd Edition, Oxford
University Press, c1998
4. John G. Proakis, Dimitris G. Manolakis,“ Digital Signal Processing”, 4th Edition, Pearson
Prentice Hall, c 200
Course Content:
Purpose of instrumentation, Basic elements of instrumentation, Statistical analysis and measurement of
errors, Principle and operation of ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeters, moving iron and moving coil,
dynamometer, Multimeter and Energy Meter. Transducers, classification & selection of transducers, strain
gauges, inductive & capacitive transducers, piezoelectric and Hall-effect transducers, thermisters,
thermocouples, photo-diodes,photo-transistors encoder type digital transducers, signal conditioning and
Data Acquisition Systems.Sensors for measurement of Liquid level, Gas flow, liquid flow, Pressure,
Humidity, Temperature, Vibration, Acceleration etc.
Web links:
Text Books:
1. Electrical Measurement: A.K.Sawhney, DhanpatRai& Sons Publication, 11 Edition
2. Electronic Measurement Systems, 2nd revised edition, 2009: U. A. Bakshi, A. V. Bakshi,
K. A. Bakshi, Technical Publications Pune
Reference Books:
1. Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement Technique: W. D. Cooper & A.D. Helfrick.,
3rd Edition
To study basic concepts, of all active, passive components, sensors, actuators, and different types
of Electronic components used DC circuits, AC circuits, semiconductors, Semiconductor devices,
Power supply, Bipolar and Field effect transistor amplifiers, Frequency response of amplifier.
Course Outcome:
After completion of the practical the students will be able to
1. Get The Basic Concepts Of Different Semiconductor Components With Their Usage
Physically As Per Their Types
2. Use of Semiconductor Devices In Different Electronic Circuits And Projects.
3. Calculate Different Performance Parameters ofActive and Passive Devices and their
4. Plot and Study the Characteristics of Semiconductor Devices.
a. In each turn it is expected that students will handle all types of components mentioned for
that term.
b. Teacher will give simple masked circuit diagram with description to the group of students
and ask them to generate the bill of material by doing the design calculations. Teacher will
guide how to do the calculations.
c. Teacher will take viva on the content which is covered.
d. In the 9th turn of practical, students will execute the mini project.
e. A detailed instructional manual will be provided to all teachers and students regarding its
step by step execution.
List of Experiments:
1. Study of Resistors(All types and their applications)
2. Study of Capacitors (All types and their applications)
3. Study of Inductors (All types and their applications)
4. Study of Diodes-(All types and their applications)
5. Study of Transistors/ MOSFETs/IGBTs
6. PCB Designing on software
7. Study of Photodiodes/Phototransistor
8. Study of Optocoupler
9. Study of Solar Cell
10. Study of Sensors/Encoders/Accelerometer
11. Study of Actuators
12. Study of All kinds of motors like DC motor/Induction motors.
13. Study of Stepper Motors and their drives.
14. One mini Project on above experiential learning.
UNIT III: Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Microcontrollers (14 Marks)
Editor, linker, Loader, Debugger, Simulator and Emulator. Instruction Set and Formats, Assembler
Directives, Addressing Modes of AVR Microcontroller. Basic programming using AVR assembly
instructions. Introduction to Embedded- C, Integrated Development Environment (IDE), cross
compiler, ISP, simple program for delay generation.
Introduction to ARM and PIC Processors of MSP 430 Microcontroller, 16 bit Micro-controllers
overview; features, Architecture, Addressing Modes. Low power feature of MSP 430.
Introduction to Arduino, Pin configuration and architecture, Device and platform features, Concept
of digital and analog ports, Familiarizing with Arduino Interfacing Board, Introduction to
Embedded C and Arduino platform.
Continuous Assessment (Internal Marks) evaluation guidelines:
1. A total mark allotted for internal marks is 30. Out of this, 10 marks shall be exclusively
allotted to activity-based learning.
2. Remaining 20 marks can be based on continuous tests/ examinations, assignments etc. as
per internal mark policy of the institute.
Suggested List:
1. LCD - MCU interfacing and displaying a string
2. MCU interfacing take a input from keypad and display on LCD
3. Stepper Motor Control Using ATMEGA-16 Microcontroller
4. Interface a LED matrix and display a number on the matrix.
5. Interfacing 4x4 switch matrix with the microcontroller
6. Implementation of Digital FIR Filter on 8051 Microcontroller
7. Serial Communication between micro controller and PC
8. Temperature control using ATmega16
9. Study hardware and software platforms for DCS
10. Simulate analog and digital function blocks
11. Study, understand and perform experiments on timers and counters
12. Logic implementation for traffic Control Application
13. Logic implementation for Bottle Filling Application
14. Tune PID controller for heat exchanger using DCS
15. FBD for autoclavable laboratory fermenter
16. Develop graphical user interface for the fermenter plant
Web links:
Text Books
1. The AVR Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: A System Approach by Muhammad
A. Mazidi, 1st Ed., PHI, 2013.
2. Kenneth J. Ayala, "The 8051 Microcontroller", Penram International Publishing, 1996.
3. Embedded C Programming and the ATMEL AVR by R H Barnett 2nd Ed., Cengage
Learning Publication, 2006.
Reference Books:
1. The 8051 Microcontroller: A System Approach by Muhammad Mazidi, 1st Ed., PHI,
2. D. M Calcutt, Fredrick J. Cowan " 8051 microcontroller: an application based
3. SubrataGhoshal "8051 microcontroller" Pearson Education
Course Objectives:
The course objectives are:
1. To perform a practical based on different microcontroller based systems.
2. To study assembly language programming skills.
3. Interface different peripherals with microcontrollers forits practical use.
Course Outcomes:
After the completion of practicals, the students will
1. Demonstrate the concept of Assembly languages and higher level language programming.
2. Interface various peripherals with 8051,Atmega 32, MSP 430 and Arduino.
3. Simulate the programs on different software platforms.
1. Minimum 9 experiments including one mini project needs to be conducted
2. Conduct at least 2 experiments on general assembly language programming of
microcontroller 8051
3. Conduct at least 1 experiment on interfacing based circuits using microcontroller 8051
4. Conduct at least 2 experiments on AVR Atmega 32 microcontroller
5. Conduct at least 2 experiments on MSP 430 microcontroller
6. Conduct at least 1 experiments on Arduino microcontroller
7. One miniproject needs to be compulsorily developed using any microcontroller on etched
List of Experiments
1. Write and execute ALP for 8051 to convert two digit decimal numbers present in external
data memory into its equivalent ASCII code.
2. Write and execute ALP for 8051 to swap nibbles of 10 bytes present in external data
3. Write an ALP for 8051 to finding the smallest and largest number from given data bytes
stored in internal/external data memory location
4. Write and execute ALP for 8051 to exchange two data strings present in external data
5. Write and execute an ALP for 8051 to exchange the data of two memory location.
6. Write and execute ALP for 8051 to convert two digit decimal number present in external
data memory into its equivalent ASCII code.
7. Write a 8051 assembly language program to copy a data from DATA space( internal Ram)
into the EXTERNAL memory space starting at address 8000H.
8. Assume that 5 BCD data items are stored in RAM locations starting at 40H. Write a 8051
assembly language program to find the sum of all the numbers. The result must be in BCD.
9. Write a 8051 assembly language program to find largest no. of given 10 bytes of data stored
in memory location 5000H
10. MCU 8051 Timer interrupt programming using Timer0 model for blinking LED using
11. Interface 8 LEDs with 8051 and write a program to glow alternate LEDs. Modify the
experiment further to blink an LED lamp of 230V AC/10W with an on and off time of 1
12. Interface microcontroller 8051 with LCD display and display a string of “Welcome to
microcontroller Programming” and a table of 5
13. Design an interfacing of seven segment display with microcontroller 8051 and generate all
numbers from 0 to 9 with a time duration of 1 second.
14. Interface Microcontroller 8051 with DAC and generation of triangular wave of frequency
10kHz triggering through timer (on chip timer)
15. Design a Stepper Motor Controller Using 8051 Microcontroller. Rotate this motor with an
RPM of 150 both in clockwise and anticlockwise directions
16. Design an MCU AVR Atmega32 interfacing with LCD and displaying string and table of
5. Modify this program to interface LM 34 for displaying temperature in Degree Centigrade
and Fahrenheit on LCD display.
17. Write and execute ALP for AVR Atmega32 to generate square wave of 1kHzs frequency
on any one of the pin of output port. Modify this experiment further to generate pulses of
different duty ratios starting from 10% to 90 %.
18. Interface stepper motor with AVR Atmega 32 microcontroller and write a program to rotate
in clockwise and anticlockwise direction at a speed of 150 RPMs
19. Design a water level controller using AVR Atmega 32 in a) timer mode of operation and
sensor mode of operation(I/O programming)
20. Design an interfacing of alphanumeric display with AVR Atmega 32 and generate all
numbers from 0 to 9 and all letters from A to Z with a time duration of 1 second.
21. Establish Serial Communication between two MSP 430 microcontrollers
22. Write a program to interface an LED to the port 2 of MSP 430 microcontroller. Use both
conditions of active low and active high in program.
23. Write a program to generate PWM pulses of 1kHz using MSP 430 microcontroller at a
varying duty cycle of 10 % to 90 %.
24. Interface MSP 430 microcontroller with a matrix keyboard and display different
characters on LCD
25. Using Arduino interrupt programming concept, interface a push button switch with it and
switch on and off an LED lamp of 230V AC/10 W.
26. Design a PWM speed control system of 12V DC motor using Arduinoand run it at a speed
of 10 % to 100%..
27. Write a program to generate saw tooth waveform of frequency 1kHz with Arduino.
28. Design a traffic light controller using Arduino in timer mode for four roads. Use 3 LEDs,
Red, Green and Yellow in each direction.
Course Objectives: -
The objective of this course is to provide students with understanding of
1. The basic principles and techniques used in analog and digital communications.
2. Analog and digital modulation techniques, communication receiver and transmitter design,
baseband and band pass communication techniques, line coding techniques, noise analysis,
and multiplexing techniques.
3. Analytical techniques to evaluate the performance of communication systems.
Course Outcomes: -
Upon completion of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
CO1: Demonstrate a basic need of modulation and various types of amplitude and angle
modulation techniques required for analog communication.
CO2: Analyze various AM-FM receivers, along with the effect of noise on analog communication
CO3: Explain the designing of digital communication systems by applying knowledge of the
various pulse modulation techniques.
CO4: Describe various digital modulation techniques and various parameters associated withit.
CO5: Identify different types of channel coding techniques and analyze the different spread
spectrum methods.
1. A total mark allotted for internal marks is 30. Out of this, 10 marks shall be exclusively
allotted to activity-based learning.
Suggested List
Web links:
Text Books
Reference Books:
1. P Ramkrishna Rao, Digital Communication, McGraw-Hill Publication
2. J.G. Proakis, Digital Communication.
3. S. Haykin, Communication Systems
4. Leon W. Couch: Analog/Digital Communication, 5thEdition, PHI,2008
Analog and Digital Electronics Lab
Course Objectives:
The course objectives are:
1. To impart practical concepts of different analog and digital electronics circuits
2. To understand the basic fundamentals of analog and digital circuits.
Course Outcomes:
After the completion of practicals, the students will
1. Study the practical aspects of linear and non-linear applications of OP-AMP.
2. Design the various wave-shaping circuits, oscillators, signal conditioners and various
application based circuits using OP-AMP and Transistors
3. Study various concepts of analog communication
4. Study various concepts of digital communication.
5. develop an application based project using industry based OPAMP
List of Experiments:
Analog Electronics
1. To use OPAMP for switching on and off a 230 V AC bulb of min 20W by designing
necessary circuit
2. To use OPAMP for speed control of a 5V DC motor
3. To use OPAMP as an amplifier for amplifying thermocouple voltage to proportionate 12V
4. To use OPAMP as a current to voltage converter for amplifying solar cell signal
5. To use OPAMP as a voltage to current converter for converting 0-10V Dc to 4-20 mA DC
6. To use OPAMP as a triangular wave generator of frequency 5kHz
7. Use of OPAMP as PWM wave generator for frequency 10kHz and varying duty ration of
10% to 90 %
8. Use of OPAMP to generate switching pulses for a Power BJT with 15V DC
9. To use OPAMP as a digital latch with single switch and two switches and use it to for
switching of a 230V/10 W LED bulb
10. To design load cell amplifier using concept of instrumentation amplifier and associated
noise handling circuit
11. Design of an RTD amplifier and calibrate its gain with zero offset adjustment
12. To study and Design of a Voltage to frequency converter with linearity
13. To study and Design of a frequency to voltage converter with linearity
14. To design OP-AMP as Integrator and Differentiator and plot its input/output waveforms.
15. To design OP-AMP as Precision Half wave rectifier and plot the waveforms.
16. Design and verify Multivibrator circuits using IC 555 and generate switching pulses of
1kHz at different duty ratios for SMPS switching application
17. Design RC oscillator/ transistorized LC oscillator using OP-AMP and calculate its
18. Design first & second order low pass Butterworth filer with a cutoff frequency of 1kHz.
19. Design of series voltage regulators of 12V/5V DC with a current capacity of 500mA
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand and explain the basic concepts of OPAMP.
2. Demonstrate the working principle of various analog circuits.
3. Analyze analog circuits to evaluate various performance parameters.
4. Design Op-Amp based circuits.
5. Design DC Power Supply.
6. Design Oscillators, filters and drivers.
Course Contents:
Op-Amp Fundamentals: Block diagram of operational amplifier, Differential amplifiers using
transistors. Op-Amp parameters, virtual ground concept, Ideal OP-Amp, Equivalent circuit,
Voltage Transfer curve, Inverting & non inverting configurations.
1. A total mark allotted for internal marks is 30. Out of this, 10 marks shall be exclusively
allotted to activity-based learning.
Suggested List
Web links:
Text Books:
1. David A. Bell, ‘Op-amp & Linear ICs’, Oxford, 2013.
2. D. Roy Choudhary, Sheil B. Jani, ‘Linear Integrated Circuits’, II edition, New Age, 2003.
3. Ramakant A. Gayakward, ‘Op-amps and Linear Integrated Circuits’, IV edition, Pearson
Education, 2003 / PHI. 2000.
4. N. C. Goyal and Khetan ‘A Monograph on Electronics Design Principals’, Khanna Publications
5. Sergio Franco, “Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits”, McGraw
Reference Books:
1. Linear Integrated Circuits Manual I, II, and III: National Semiconductor.
2. Linear Applications Handbook National Semiconductors.
3. Regulated Power supply Handbook. Texas Instruments.
4. Electronics: BJT‘s, FETS and Microcircuits – Anielo.
5. Operational Amplifier Design and Applications Tobey, Graham, Huelsman McGraw Hill.
Course Outcomes:
1. Student will be able to choose appropriate data structure based on the specified problem
definition and analysis the algorithm.
2. Student will be able to handle operations like searching, insertion, deletion, traversing
mechanism etc. on various data structures.
3. Students will be able to apply concepts learned in various domains like Operating
Systems, DBMS etc.
4. Students will be able to use linear and non-linear data structures like stacks, queues,
linked list, trees etc.
Course Contents:
Introduction to Data Structures, Need of Data Structure, Abstract Data type, Types of
Data StructuresAlgorithms: Algorithm, Efficiency of an Algorithm, Time and Space
Complexity, Asymptotic notations (Big O, Omega Ω, Theta ), Time-Space trade-
off.Searching- Linear & Binary Search, Sorting- Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection
Sort, Algorithm design strategies - Divide and Conquer strategy, Merge Sort, Quick Sort,
complexity analysis of sorting methods.
Graphs- Data Structures for Graphs, Graph Traversals Directed Graphs, Graph Storage
Structures (Adjacency Matrix, Adjacency List) Weighted Graphs, Shortest Paths, and
Minimum spanning Trees. Applications of DFS and BFS.
Symbol Tables: static tree tables, dynamic tree tables, hash tables, hash functions,
Collision resolution, overflow handling, Applications
1. A total mark allotted for internal marks is 30. Out of this, 10 marks shall be exclusively
allotted to activity-based learning.
1. Number Systems
2. Expression Evaluation using Stacks
3. Sorting using Arrays
4. Polynomials via Linked Lists
5. Search Trees
6. Expression Trees
7. Graph Traversals
8. Shortest Paths in Graphs
9. Minimum Spanning Trees
10. Bubble Sort
11. Merge Sort
12. Heap Sort
13. Quick Sort
14. Depth First Search
15. Breadth First Search
16. Tree Traversal
17. Binary Search Trees
18. Stacks and Queues
19. Infix to Postfix
20. Unsorted Arrays
21. Hashtables
22. Linked lists
23. Polynomial Arithmetic using linked lists
24. Selection Sort
25. Radix Sort
26. Topological Sort
27. Minimum Spanning Trees
28. Path algorithms: Dijkstra’s shortest path
29. 2-3 Tree
30. Red Black Tree
31. Tries and Suffix Trees
32. Substring search: KMP algorithm
Text books:
1. Data Structures with C, Seymour Lipschutz, Schaums Outlines, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms by Horowitz, Sahni,Galgotia Pub. 2001 ed.
3. Data Structures using C and C++ by Y. Langsam, Pearson Education.
4. Data Structures using C by Tanenbaum, Pearson Education
5. Data structures and Algorithm Analysis in C, 2nd edition, M.A.Weiss, Pearson
Reference books:
1. Data Structures and program design in C by Robert Kruse, Bruce Leung & Clovis
2. Data Structures: A Pseudocode Approach with C by Richard F. Gilberg and
3. Fundamentals of Data Structures, Illustrated Edition by Ellis Horowitz,
SartajSahni,Computer Science Press.
4. Introduction to Algorithms, by Thomas Corman III edition, PHI
5. Analysis and Design of Algorithms: A Beginner's Approach, by Rajesh K. Shukla,
Willey Publications
6. “Algorithms, Data Structuresand Problem Solving with C++”, Illustrated Edition
by Mark Allen Weiss, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
2. The topics covered will equip them with the techniques to understand advanced level Mathematics
and its applications that would enrich logical thinking power.
Course Outcomes:
After completing the course, students will be able to
2. Find an approximate solution of algebraic and transcendental equations, system of linear equations
and first order ordinary differential equations by various numerical methods and MATLAB commands.
4. Analyze real world scenarios to recognize when probability is appropriate, formulate problems about
the scenarios; creatively model these in order to solve the problems using multiple approaches
5. Understand the impact of scientific and engineering solutions in a global and societal context.
6. Create the groundwork for post-graduate courses, specialized study, and research in mathematics.
Course Contents
Introduction, What is MATLAB?, The MATLAB system, MATLAB documentation, Starting and quitting
MATLAB, MATLAB desktop matrices, array matrices and magic squares, MATLAB Expressions, Controlling
command window input and output, Graphics overview of MATLAB plotting, Types of functions.
Text/Reference Books:
(1) Applied Numerical Methods Using MATLAB (Wiley), Won Y. Yang, Wenwu Cao, Jaekwon Kim, Kyung
W. Park, Ho-Hyun Park, JingonJoung, Jong-Suk Ro, Han L. Lee, Cheol-Ho Hong, TaehoIm.
(2) Numerical Methods Using MATLAB (PHI), John H. Mathews, Kurtis D. Fink.
(3) Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists (An introduction with Applications Using MATLAB)
(WILEY), Amos Gilat, Vish Subramanian.
(6) Advanced Engineering Mathematics (S. Chand), H. K. Dass. (7) Probability and Statistics (Schaum’s
Outline Series), Murray Spiegel, John Schiller, R. A. Srinivasan
Course Outcomes
1. Student will be able to understand the basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming and
design simple java programs.
2. Student will be able to apply the knowledge of Inheritance in program development.
3. Student will able to develop programs using polymorphism and interfaces.
4. Student will be able to handle various exceptions using concepts of exception handling.
5. Student will able to use multithreading concepts to develop inter process communication.
6. Student will be able to understand and implement concepts on file streams and operations
in java programming for a given application programs.
Course Contents
Unit-1 Introduction (4Hrs)
Introduction: Features of Java, Byte Code and Java Virtual Machine, JDK, Data types, Operator,
Control Statements – If , else, nested if, if-else ladders, Switch, while, do-while, for, for-each,
break, continue, Methods.
Unit 2: Classes and Objects (5Marks)
Class, Object, Object reference, Constructor, Constructor Overloading, Method Overloading,
Recursion, Passing and Returning object form Method, new operator, this and static keyword,
finalize() method, Access control, modifiers, Nested class, Inner class, Anonymous inner class,
Abstract class.
Unit 3: Inheritance and Polymorphism (5Marks)
Use of Inheritance, Inheriting Data members and Methods, constructor in inheritance, Multilevel
Inheritance – method overriding, Handle multilevel constructors – super keyword, Stop Inheritance
- Final keywords.
Polymorphism: dynamic binding, method overriding, abstract classes and methods;
1. A total mark allotted for internal marks is 30. Out of this, 10 marks shall be exclusively
allotted to activity-based learning.
Text books:
1. Herbert Scheldt, “Java the complete reference”, McGraw Hill, Osborne, 7th Edition, 2011.
Reference Books:
2. T. Budd, “Understanding Object- Oriented Programming with Java”, Pearson Education,
Updated Edition (New Java 2 Coverage), 1999.
Programming and Data Structure Lab
Course Objectives:
The course objectives are:
1. To understand the basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming.
2. To implement the concepts of Inheritance in Problem solving.
3. To apply the concepts of Polymorphism and Interfaces.
4. To implement the concepts of Exception Handling
5. To design and implement various data structures.
6. To develop application using data structures and algorithm and analysis.
Course Outcomes:
After the completion of practicals, the students will be
1. Able to choose appropriate data structure based on the specified problemdefinition and analysis
the algorithm.
2. Able to handle operations like searching, insertion, deletionand traversingmechanism etc. on
various data structures.
3. Apply the knowledge of Inheritance in program development.
4. Develop programs using polymorphism and interfaces.
5. Handle various exceptions using concepts of exception handling.
List of Experiments: