Scope of Administrative Law in Bangladesh
Scope of Administrative Law in Bangladesh
Scope of Administrative Law in Bangladesh
Senior Lecturer, Department of Law
American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB)
ID: 19-40889-2
Bangladesh is a new name on the global political map. It was born as an independent and
sovereign state on December 16, 1971, from the ashes of a nine-month bloody war for national
independence that began on March 25, 1971. In reality, Bangladesh's independence resulted in
a significant shift in the country's governmental structure. It also had a substantial impact on
the country's administrative law evolution. It was logical that as the number of governmental
activities grew, so did the number of laws that facilitated and controlled their functions.
Administrative Law has progressed in countries all over the world. It has expedited expansion
and facilitated the speed with which a state's functions and activities are carried out.
Administrative Law, which is as old as administration, has played a critical role in establishing
a state as a development and welfare-oriented one. In the absence of administrative Law, a
country like Bangladesh would be a "police state," as before its independence.
f) Rapid action against domestic issues: Government functions have expanded with the
advancement of science and technology. Modernization and technological
advancement have resulted in significant structural changes in our country. These
structural changes resulted in haphazard urbanization, ruthless exploitation of natural
resources, environmental pollution, rapid transportation and traffic automation, and
economic power concentration, as well as poor health, education, employment, and
training conditions, and incessant labor strikes and lock-outs. Inflation at an all-time
high, accelerated smuggling, widespread corruption, adulteration, tax evasion,
commercial malpractices, violence, and a slew of other issues. Bangladesh's
administration will be unable to effectively address these issues unless a proper
administrative law is put in place.
g) It ensures judicial remedy: Administrative law ensures that a judicial remedy is
available. The judicial branch should be separate from the other branches of
government. It can't do whatever it wants because it's a free organ. So the functions of
judges, as well as their jurisdiction, are determined here. As a result, a victim can seek
redress through administrative law.
h) Ensures easy access to justice: According to Bangladesh's constitution, every citizen
has the right to equal protection under the law, and citizens have unrestricted access to
the courts if they believe their rights have been violated. However, the functioning
process of these courts is often time consuming, and the general public expects disputes
to be resolved quickly and smoothly. To ensure good governance and better service,
special 'Tribunals' have been established under the jurisdiction of administrative law.
The term tribunals refers to the bodies of men who are appointed to decide disputes
between parties. Domestic tribunals and statutory tribunals are the two types of
tribunals in Bangladesh.
i) Strengthening the rule of law: The rule of law is required for a country to be stable.
Administrative law broadens the scope of the rule of law. The rule of law is currently
one of the most debated topics in developing countries. Developed countries and donor
agencies constantly advise developing countries on how to achieve sustainable
development and good governance. Actually, the main focus is on sustainable
development and good governance.
j) Ensure Balance of power: Administrative law defines the authority of various
branches. Each branch has its own set of rules. In order to maintain a smooth flow of
work among government agencies, the balance of power should be transparent.
Administrative law, on the other hand, describes the functions of the government.
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