Student Internal Mark Assessment System
Student Internal Mark Assessment System
Student Internal Mark Assessment System
I hereby declare that the work, which is being presented in the Project
Report, entitled “Web Development with Java Sript and PHP” in partial fulfilment for
the award of Degree of “Master’s in Computer Science and submitted to the Department
of Computer Science, Annai violet Arts & Science Collage, is a record of my own
investigations carried under the Guidance of Mr./R.GLADIS THANKA ROOBI
Department of Computer Science .
Madras University
I have not submitted the matter presented in this Project Report anywhere for the award of
any other Degree.
Annai violet Arts & Science Collage
Phone: 26861611/26864684
--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
Submitted for the Visa-Voce Examination Held on At Annai Violet Arts and Science
College, Chennai-600053
------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
The success and final outcome of the project required a lot of guidance and assistance from many
people and I am extremely privileged to have got this all along the completion of my project. All
that I have done is only due to such supervision and assistance and I would not forget to thank
I respect and thank Dr. C.INITHA LEBANON EBENCY, Principal of Annai Violet Arts and
Science College for providing me an opportunity to do the project and giving as all support and
guidance which made me complete the project duly. I am extremely thankful to her for providing
such a nice support.
I wholeheartedly thank Mrs. Japhia Solomon, Vice principal of Annai Violet Arts and
Science college for all support and encouragement which motivated us to complete the project
I would not forget to remember Mrs. R. GLADIS THANKA ROOBI., MCA., M.Phil.,
Assistant Professor & Head of the Department of Computer Science for her encouragement
and more over for their timely support and guidance till the completion of my project work
I owe my deep gratitude to my project guide Mrs. R. GLADIS THANKA ROOBI., MCA.,
M.Phil., Assistant Professor & Head of the Department of Computer Science who took
interest in my project work and guided me all along, till the completion of my project work by
providing all the necessary information for developing my project work.
I am thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support and guidance
from all Teaching staffs of the computer science department which helped me in successfully
completing my project work.
Also, I would like to extend my sincere esteems to staff in the laboratory for their timely
The Mark sheet Generator is flexible for generating progress mark sheet of students. This system
is mainly based in the database technology and the credit based grading system (CBGS). The
system is targeted to small enterprises, schools, colleges and universities. It can produce
sophisticated ready-to use mark sheet, which could be created and will be ready to print. The
development of a mark sheet and gadget sheet is focusing at describing tables with columns/rows
and sub column sub-rows, rules of data selection and summarizing for report, particular table or
column/row, and formatting the report in destination document. The adjustable data interface
will be popular data sources (SQL Server) and report destinations (PDF file). Mark sheet
generation system can be used in universities to automate the distribution of digitally verifiable
mark-sheets of students. The system accesses the students’ exam information from the university
database and generates the gadget-sheet Gadget sheet keeps the track of student information in
properly listed manner. The project aims at developing a mark sheet generation system which
can be used in universities to automate the distribution of digitally verifiable student result mark
sheets. The system accesses the students’ results information from the institute student database
and generates the mark sheets in Portable Document Format which is tamper proof which
provides the authenticity of the document. Authenticity of the document can also be verified
2 System Analysis 12
2.1 Existing System 12
2.2 Proposed System 13
5 Designs of (Screenshots) 31
5.1 Login Page 31
5.2 Student Registration page 32
5.3 Marks Adding and Evaluating page and View of all sub Marks 33
5.4 Course subject and details Page 33
5.5 Complete view of marks of all subjects of particular student 34
5.6 Complete view of attendance of all subjects of particular 34
6 Implementation 36
6.1 Module Details 36
6.2 Sample Code 37
7 System Testing 43
7.1 Testing Strategies 43
8 Conclusion 47
9 Future Enhancement 49
The mark sheet generator is a system which allows the digital automation of the mark-
sheets of the students. The system will generate the mark-sheets in Portable Document
Format which is globally accepted format for files. To simply put, system is to provide
the mark-sheet for credits based grading system in user friendly and secure manner. The
credits based grading system enables a much require shift in focus from teacher-centric to
learner-centric education. It also focuses on the continuous evaluation which will enhance
the quality of education. It is very much essential to implement credits based grading
system based higher education worldwide. The efficiency of the system would increase
in a leap and bounds considering the fact that system will be automated & would be
corruption free. Along with the above mentioned privileges, it also ensures security
&responsibility of a Engineering colleges conduct internal exams (IA) generally three
times in a semester for each subject. A faculty typically keeps records of marks of each
internal exam in an Excel file.
The Internal marks assessment system helps teacher to reduce the overhead of marks
calculation and to manage them
The most significant feature of the website is the online exam in which student can log
into the system, and give his external examination authority to keep old certificates for a
period of time if non-repudiation data service is provided.
Users are categorized in three categories
To provide an interface through which faculty can assist internal marks of student.
To provided username and password facility and credentials should be checked properly
To provide an interface from where faculty will be generated the report of student.
Predictive model for education: There are a set classification rules that were extracted
from the decision tree to predict and classify the class label for each student.
Provides the capability for users to create their own text, graph or diagram reports, or
allow them to use the standard report supplied with Isograph software product.
2.1Existing System:
In the various departments the admission details of students are kept as manual records so it is
very difficult to maintain the data, a number of registers are needed there is a chance of loss of
data. At the same time does not provide security of data. If we want to get the details of a
particular student we have to search the entire record. Personal details as well as academic details
are stored separately in different registers, so if a person wants to know the details, he has to
refer a number of registers sometimes there is a chance of data inconsistency, and data
redundancy. Computerization reduces the communication gap because anything is programmed
as per schedule and omission of information is not possible.
Association of digital signature and trusted time stamp: Digital signature algorithm
and protocol do no inherently provide the certainty about the date and time at which
underlying document was signed.
Non repudiation: In cryptographic context, the word repudiation refers to any act disclaiming
responsibility for message. It is used to remove old expired certificates from repository. It is
matter for security policy and student will be stored in mark sheet database. And then application
makes mark sheets available via internet on demand
The proposed system allows acceptance of details of each student and to store it in a
database. It prevents unauthorized access. By using the system we can record the course details,
batch details, subject details, internal mark details, attendance details. Using the system we can
easily search the details of particular student. We are providing the help facility for accessing in
a user-friendly manner.
The system being automated and generalized, the system ensures to reduce manual errors
by reducing manual efforts.
An added asset to the feature of system is that it aims at improving and easing out the
work of the existing system in very sophisticated way.
The technology is rapid and able to generate, store & display the mark-sheets of the
The system provides advance reaction capabilities and automatic operator of the internal
calculation based on university rules with the information from the database.
It also works with various standards of the mark-sheets.
3.1Hardware Requirement
Minimum of 1 GB RAM
Pentium IV or higher
Hard disk space minimum 20GB
Operating System – Windows XP and Above.
MySQL: MySQL is a database, widely used for accessing querying, updating, and
managing data in databases.
Servers Requirement:
XAMPP Server
HTML, or Hyper Text Markup Language, allows web users can create and structure sections,
paragraphs, and links using elements, tags, and attributes. However, it’s worth nothing that
HTML is not considered a programming language as it can’t create dynamic functionality.
Web development. Developers use HTML code to design how a browser displays web
page elements, such as text, hyperlinks, and media files.
Internet navigation. Users can easily navigate and insert links between related pages and
websites as HTML is heavily used to embed hyperlinks.
Web documentation. HTML makes it possible to organize and format documents,
similarly to Microsoft Word.
It’s also worth noting that HTML is now considered an official web standard. The World Wide
Web Consortium (W3C) maintains and develops HTML specifications, along with providing
regular updates.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation of a
document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or
XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on
other media.
CSS is among the core languages of the open web and is standardized across Web browsers
according to W3C specifications. Previously, development of various parts of CSS specification
was done synchronously, which allowed versioning of the latest recommendations. You might
have heard about CSS1, CSS2.1, CSS3. However, CSS4 has never become an official version.
JavaScript is a powerful programming language that can add interactivity to a website. It was
invented by Brendan Eich (co-founder of the Mozilla project, the Mozilla Foundation, and the
Mozilla Corporation).
JavaScript is versatile and beginner-friendly. With more experience, you'll be able to create
games, animated 2D and 3D graphics, comprehensive database-driven apps, and much more!
JavaScript itself is relatively compact, yet very flexible. Developers have written a variety of
tools on top of the core JavaScript language, unlocking a vast amount of functionality with
minimum effort. These include:
Browser Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) built into web browsers, providing
functionality such as dynamically creating HTML and setting CSS styles; collecting and
manipulating a video stream from a user's webcam, or generating 3D graphics and audio
Third-party APIs that allow developers to incorporate functionality in sites from other
content providers, such as Twitter or Facebook.
Third-party frameworks and libraries that you can apply to HTML to accelerate the work
of building sites and applications.
PHP started out as a small open source project that evolved as more and more people found out
how useful it was. Rasmus Lerdorf unleashed the first version of PHP way back in 1994.
PHP is a server side scripting language that is embedded in HTML. It is used to manage
dynamic content, databases, session tracking, even build entire e-commerce sites.
PHP is pleasingly zippy in its execution, especially when compiled as an Apache module
on the Unix side. The MySQL server, once started, executes even very complex queries
with huge result sets in record-setting time.
PHP supports a large number of major protocols such as POP3, IMAP, and LDAP. PHP4
added support for Java and distributed object architectures (COM and CORBA), making
n-tier development a possibility for the first time.
MySQL is one of the most recognizable technologies in the modern big data ecosystem. Often
called the most popular database and currently enjoying widespread, effective use regardless of
industry, it’s clear that anyone involved with enterprise data or general IT should at least aim for
a basic familiarity of MySQL.
With MySQL, even those new to relational systems can immediately build fast, powerful, and
secure data storage systems. MySQL’s programmatic syntax and interfaces are also perfect
gateways into the wide world of other popular query languages and structured data stores.
A database is a structured collection of data. It may be anything from a simple shopping list to a
picture gallery or a place to hold the vast amounts of information in a corporate network. In
particular, a relational database is a digital store collecting data and organizing it according to the
relational model. In this model, tables consist of rows and columns, and relationships between
data elements all follow a strict logical structure. An RDBMS is simply the set of software tools
used to actually implement, manage, and query such a database.
Check if id/password
Check if
is correct
is correct
Update the database Update the details
Use cases were developed originally to support requirements elicitation and now
incorporated into the UML.
Each use case represents a discrete task that involves external interaction with a system.
In this phase admin will maintain and view all the details regarding the faculty details
and student’s marks attendance details and subject details. He can even add delete update any
faculty and student details as and when required.
In this phase student register himself /herself and login to the system and attempts the
exam and view’s his result and marks sheet and attendance and grades of all the exams of all
sem’s of all subjects.
verification invalid
verification invalid
Display adm in
User registration
Class diagrams are used when developing an object-oriented system model to show the classes in
a system and the associations between these classes.
NO 53,Violet College Road, Menambedu,Ambathur,Chennai-600053
Name Id
Add Password
Sub_id View
Name sem
Add usn
Sub code Select Course
Faculty Id View college
5.1User Login:
User logs into the system with his username and his password and specifying the
type be it admin, faculty, student.
Faculty can register their names and details through this page. Which they can act as admin.
<? Php
Include ("connection. Php");
$student_id=$_POST ["student_id"];
$cie_type1=$_POST ["cie_type1"];
$cie_type2=$_POST ["cie_type2"];
$cie_type3=$_POST ["cie_type3"];
$subject_id=$_POST ["subject_id"];
$average=$_POST ["average"];
$sql="insert into cie_marks values
mysql_query ($sql);
<script type="text/JavaScript">
Alert ("cie_marks Added");
Document. Location="cie_marks_view.php";
<? php
Include ('connection. php');
$marks_id=$_POST ['marks_id'];
$student_id=$_POST ['student_id'];
$cie_type=$_POST ['cie_type'];
$subject_id=$_POST ['subject_id'];
$obtained_marks=$_POST ['obtained_marks'];
$sql="update cie_marks set student_id='$student_id', cie_type='$cie_type',
subject_id='$subject_id', obtained marks='$obtained marks' where
mysql_query ($sql);
Alert ("values updated");
<? Php
Include ("connection. Php");
$id=$_REQUEST ['id'];
$sql="delete from cie_marks where marks_id='$id'";
mysql_query ($sql);
Alert ("values deleted");
Document. Location="cie_marks_view.php";
The philosophy behind testing is to find bugs. The common view of testing is that are no
errors in program, However it is virtually impossible to prove that no program will be
free and clear of errors. Therefore the most useful approach and practical approach is
with the understanding that testing is the program fail. Executing a program in a
simulated environment is the process of using the software in alive environment in order
to find errors. It can be called as Beta Testing.
System testing is the stage of implementation, which aims at ensuring that the system
works accurately and efficiently before actual operation commences. No program or
system design is perfect; communication between the user and the designer is not always
complete or clear, and time is usually short. The is errors and more errors. The number
and nature of errors in a design depend on several factors:
$(document).ready (function () {
$("#form ID").validation Engine ()
<? Phpinclude ('val.php') ;?>
We have automated the examination system for generating the gadget sheet and mark sheet of
the students. In project phase I of semester VI, we have stated that the project facilitates the
provision of safe, authenticated and web based system and also automated mark sheet
generating for grading system and storage and will directly provide the result in form of PDF.
We saw how the existing systems had their own disadvantages as they could be tampered with
and once the mark sheets were lost, it was difficult to generate new ones.
The system is flexible and changes if any can be made without much difficulty. Every step has
been taken to make the working of the project comfortable as possible for the users.
The Major Advantages Are:
• Easy retrieval of data available in database
• Quick implementation of results
• Very user friendly
• Does not require large amount of memory
• Very less manual work is needed
The system automated and generalized the system ensures to reduce manual error by reducing
manual efforts. An added asset to the feature of the system is that aims at improving and easing
out the work of existing system in very sophisticated way. Also, this system is faster than the
earlier methods of manually feeding, calculating and cross-checking the marks.
• Proper consideration has been given for enhancements in future throughput the
development of the software. But the system can be extended, as the software is
constantly evolving and always has a scope for future enhancement.
• The current system was mainly designed to support the management of the organization.
In the future the system can be enhanced to include details of students who are failed.
Present system has not included such a provision. All the functions have been done
carefully and successfully in the software, and if any development is necessary in future.
It can be done without affecting the design by adding additional modules to the system.
Books Reference:
PHP Complete reference
Web Reference: