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ANSYS Workbench 2023 R2: A Tutorial Approach, 6th Edition
ANSYS Workbench 2023 R2: A Tutorial Approach, 6th Edition
ANSYS Workbench 2023 R2: A Tutorial Approach, 6th Edition
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ANSYS Workbench 2023 R2: A Tutorial Approach, 6th Edition

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ANSYS Workbench 2023 R2: A Tutorial Approach textbook introduces the readers to ANSYS Workbench 2023, one of the world's leading, widely distributed, and popular commercial CAE packages. It is used across the globe in various industries such as aerospace, automoti

Release dateJun 5, 2024
ANSYS Workbench 2023 R2: A Tutorial Approach, 6th Edition

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    Book preview

    ANSYS Workbench 2023 R2 - Prof. Sham Tickoo CADCIM Technologies

    Chapter 1: Introduction to FEA


    Analytical Method

    Numerical Method

    Experimental Method

    Introduction To FEA

    General Working of FEA

    Types of Element

    General Procedure to Conduct Finite Element Analysis

    Coordinate Systems

    FEA Software

    Advantages and Limitations of FEA Software

    Key Assumptions in FEA

    Assumptions Related to Geometry

    Assumptions Related to Material Properties

    Assumptions Related to Boundary Conditions

    Assumptions Related to Fasteners

    Applications of FEA

    Automobile Applications

    Manufacturing Process Applications

    Electromagnetics Applications

    Aerospace Applications

    Types of Engineering Analyses

    Structural Analysis

    Thermal Analysis

    Fluid Flow Analysis

    Electromagnetic Field Analysis

    Coupled Field Analysis

    Important Terms and definitions





    Elastic Limit

    Ultimate Strength

    Factor of Safety

    Lateral Strain

    Poisson’s Ratio

    Bulk Modulus

    Stress Concentration


    Bending Stress


    Classification of Materials

    Aspect Ratio


    Degrees of Freedom (DOF)

    Self-Evaluation Test

    Review Questions

    Chapter 2: Introduction to ANSYS Workbench

    Introduction to ANSYS Workbench

    System Requirements

    Starting ANSYS Workbench 2023 R2

    Toolbox Window

    Project Schematic Window

    Menu Bar

    Main and Tab Toolbar

    Shortcut Menu

    Working on a New Project

    Adding a System to a Project

    Renaming a System

    Deleting a System from a Project

    Duplicating a System in a Project

    Saving the Current Project

    Opening A Project

    Archiving the Project Data

    Units in ANSYS Workbench

    ANSYS Workbench Database and File Formats

    Changing the Unit Systems

    Components of a System

    Engineering Data Cell

    Geometry Cell

    Model Cell

    Mesh Cell

    Setup Cell

    Solution Cell

    Results Cell

    States of a cell in an Analysis System

    Refreshing and Updating a Project

    Adding Second system to a Project

    Adding Connectors

    Connector/Link Types

    Deleting Connectors/Links

    Specifying a Geometry for Analysis

    Creating a Geometry

    Using Help in ansys workbench

    ANSYS Workbench Help

    Quick Help

    Context Sensitive Help

    Exiting ANSYS Workbench

    Tutorial 1

    Self-Evaluation Test

    Review Questions

    Exercise 1

    Chapter 3: Part Modeling - 1

    Introduction to Part Modeling

    Introduction to DesignModeler window

    Sketching Mode

    Modeling Mode

    Screen components of the DesignModeler Window

    Tree Outline

    Details View Window

    Model View/Print Preview



    Status Bar

    Tutorial 1

    Tutorial 2

    Tutorial 3

    Self-Evaluation Test

    Review Questions

    Exercise 1

    Exercise 2

    Exercise 3

    Chapter 4: Part Modeling- II

    Introduction to CONCEPT MENU

    Concept Menu

    Tutorial 1

    Tutorial 2

    Tutorial 3

    Tutorial 4

    Self-Evaluation Test

    Review Questions

    Exercise 1

    Chapter 5: Part Modeling- III

    Introduction to 3D features





    Tutorial 1

    Tutorial 2

    Tutorial 3

    Self-Evaluation Test

    Review Questions

    Exercise 1

    Chapter 6: Defining Material Properties

    Introduction to engineering data WORKSPACE

    Creating and Adding Materials

    Creating a New Material in the Outline Window

    Tutorial 1

    Tutorial 2

    Tutorial 3

    Self-Evaluation Test

    Review Questions

    Exercise 1

    Chapter 7: Generating Mesh- I


    Refining the Mesh

    The Decision Making to Find Optimum Results

    Tutorial 1

    Tutorial 2

    Tutorial 3

    Self-Evaluation Test

    Review Questions

    Exercise 1

    Chapter 8: Generating Mesh - II

    Tutorial 1

    Tutorial 2

    Tutorial 3

    Tutorial 4

    Self-Evaluation Test

    Review Questions

    Exercise 1

    Chapter 9: Static Structural Analysis

    Introduction to static structural Analysis

    Linear Static Analysis

    Nonlinear Static Analysis

    Fatigue Analysis

    Mean Stress

    Alternating Stress

    Endurance Limit

    Endurance Strength

    Stress-Life Approach

    Strain-Life Approach

    Buckling Analysis

    Points to Remember

    General Procedure to Conduct Static Structural Analysis




    Tutorial 1

    Tutorial 2

    Tutorial 3

    Tutorial 4

    Self-Evaluation Test

    Review Questions

    Exercise 1

    Exercise 2

    Chapter 10: Vibration Analysis

    Introduction to VIBRATION analysis

    Modal Analysis

    Harmonic Analysis

    Performing the Modal analysis

    Adding Modal Analysis System to ANSYS Workbench

    Starting the Mechanical Window

    Specifying Analysis Setting

    Plotting the Deformed Shape (Mode Shape)

    Tutorial 1

    Tutorial 2

    Tutorial 3

    Self-Evaluation Test

    Review Questions

    Exercise 1

    Exercise 2

    Chapter 11: Thermal Analysis

    Introduction to thermal analysis

    Important Terms Used in Thermal Analysis

    Heat Transfer Mode

    Thermal Gradient

    Thermal Flux

    Bulk Temperature

    Film Coefficient


    Stefan-Boltzmann Constant

    Thermal Conductivity

    Specific Heat

    Types of Thermal Analysis

    Steady-State Thermal Analysis

    Transient Thermal Analysis

    Thermal Stress Analysis

    Tutorial 1

    Tutorial 2

    Tutorial 3

    Self-Evaluation Test

    Review Questions

    Exercise 1

    ANSYS Workbench 2023 R2:

    A Tutorial Approach

    (6th Edition)

    CADCIM Technologies

    525 St. Andrews Drive

    Schererville, IN 46375, USA


    Contributing Author

    Sham Tickoo


    Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology

    Purdue University Northwest

    Hammond, Indiana, USA

    ANSYS Workbench 2023 R2: A Tutorial Approach

    Sham Tickoo

    CADCIM Technologies

    525 St Andrews Drive

    Schererville, Indiana 46375, USA

    Copyright © 2023 by CADCIM Technologies, USA. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in the database or retrieval system without the prior permission of CADCIM Technologies.

    ISBN 978-1-64057-233-1


    Publisher does not warrant or guarantee any of the products described in the text or perform any independent analysis in connection with any of the product information contained in the text. Publisher does not assume, and expressly disclaims,any obligation to obtain and include information other than that provided to it by the manufacturer.

    The reader is expressly warned to consider and adopt all safety precautions that might be indicated by the activities herein and to avoid all potential hazards. By following the instructions contained herein, the reader willingly assumes all risks in connection with such instructions.

    The Publisher makes no representation or warranties of any kind, including but not limited to, the warranties of fitness for particular purpose or merchantability, nor are any such representations implied with respect to the material set forth herein, and the publisher takes no responsibility with respect to such material. The publisher shall not be liable for any special, consequential, or exemplary damages resulting, in whole or part, from the reader’s use of, or reliance upon, this material.


    To teachers, who make it possible to disseminate knowledge

    to enlighten the young and curious minds

    of our future generations

    To students, who are dedicated to learning new technologies

    and making the world a better place to live in


    To the faculty and students of the MET department of

    Purdue University Northwest for their cooperation

    To employees of CADCIM Technologies for their valuable help

    Online Training Program Offered by CADCIM Technologies

    CADCIM Technologies provides effective and affordable virtual online training on various software packages related Computer Aided Design, Manufacturing and Engineering (CAD/CAM/CAE), computer programming languages, animation, architecture, and GIS. The training is delivered ‘live’ via Internet at any time, any place, and at any pace to individuals and the students of colleges, universities, and CAD/CAM training centers. The main features of this program are:

    Training for Students and Companies in a Classroom Setting

    Highly experienced instructors and qualified engineers at CADCIM Technologies conduct the classes under the guidance of Prof. Sham Tickoo of Purdue University Northwest, USA. This team has authored several textbooks that are rated one of the best in their categories and are used in various colleges, universities, and training centers in North America, Europe, and in other parts of the world.

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    We provide basic and advanced training on the following software packages:

    CAD/CAM/CAE: ANSYS Workbench, CATIA, SOLIDWORKS, Autodesk Inventor, Solid Edge, Siemens NX, Creo Parametric, Creo Direct, Autodesk Fusion 360, SOLIDWORKSSimulation, AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, Customizing AutoCAD, EdgeCAM, and AutoCAD Plant 3D

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    ANSYS Workbench 2023 R2

    ANSYS, a product of ANSYS Inc., is a world’s leading, widely distributed, and popular commercial CAE package. It is widely used by designers/analysts in industries such as aerospace, automotive, manufacturing, nuclear, electronics, biomedical, and many more. ANSYS provides simulation solution that enables designers to simulate design performance directly on the desktop. In this way, it provides fast, efficient, and cost-effective product developement from design concept stage to performance validation stage of the product developement cycle. It helps accelerate and streamline the product developement process by helping designers toresolve issues related to structural , thermal, fluid, flow, electrimagnetic effects, a combination of these phenomena acting together, and so on.

    ANSYS Workbench 2023 R2: A Tutorial Approach textbook has been written with the intention to assist engineering and practicing designers who are new to the field of FEM. The textbook covers the basis of FEA concepts, modeling, and the analysis of engineering problems using ANSYS Workbench. In addition, the description of the latest tools introduced, the enhancement, and new tutorials based on new and enhanced tools are provided so that the users learn and understand their usage properly and effectively. This textbook covers the following simulation streams of ANSYS:

    1. Structural Analysis

    Static Structural Analysis

    Vibration Analysis

    2.Thermal Analysis

    Steady State Thermal Analysis

    Transient Thermal Analysis

    Thermal Stress Analysis

    The main features of the textbook are as follows:

    •Tutorial Approach

    The author has adopted the tutorial point-of-view and learn-by-doing approach throughout the textbook. This approach helps the users learn the concepts faster and apply them effectively and efficiently. Sufficient theoretical explanation has been provided during the tutorial whenever required.

    • Real-World Projects as Tutorials

    The author has used about 30 real-world mechanical engineering projects as tutorials in this book. This will enable the readers to relate the tutorials to the real-world models in the mechanical engineering industry. In addition, there are about 15 exercises based on the real-world mechanical engineering projects.

    • Tips and Notes

    The additional information related to various topics is provided to the users in the form of tips and notes.

    Learning Objectives

    The first page of every chapter summarizes the topics that are covered in that chapter.

    Self-Evaluation Test, Review Questions, and Exercises

    Every chapter ends with Self-Evaluation Test so that the users can assess their knowledge of the chapter. The answers to Self-Evaluation Test are given at the end of the chapter. Also, Review Questions and Exercises are given at the end of the chapters and they can be used by instructors as test questions and exercises.

    Symbols Used in the Textbook


     The author has provided additional information to the users about the topic being discussed in the form of notes.


     Special information and techniques are provided in the form of tips that will increase the efficiency of the users.

    Formatting Conventions Used in the Textbook

    Refer to the following list for the formatting conventions used in this textbook.

    Naming Conventions Used in the Textbook


    If a command is invoked on clicking an item, then that item is termed as tool.

    For example:

    To Create: Line tool, General tool, Extrude tool, Pattern tool, and so on.

    To Generate: General tool, Horizontal tool, Vertical tool, and so on.

    To Edit: Fillet tool, Extend tool, Replicate tool, and so on.

    Action: Rotate tool, Pan tool, Box Zoom tool.

    If on clicking an item, corresponding Details View window is displayed just below the Tree Outline, wherein you can set the parameters to create/edit an object, then that item is also termed as tool, refer to Figure 1.

    For example:

    To Create: Revolve tool, Skin/Loft tool

    To Edit: Slice tool, Chamfer tool


    The item in a dialog box that has a 3d shape like a button is termed as Button. For example, OK button, Cancel button, Apply button, and so on.


    A drop-down is the one in which a set of common tools are grouped together. You can identify a drop-down with a down arrow on it. These drop-downs are given a name based on the tools grouped in them. For example, Blend drop-down, Mesh drop-down, Mesh Control drop-down, Support drop-down, and so on; refer to Figure 2.

    Drop-down List

    A drop-down list is the one in which a set of options are grouped together. You can set values for various parameters using these options. You can identify a drop-down list with a down arrow on it. For example, Extents drop-down list, Color Override drop-down list, and so on; refer to Figure 3.


    Options are the items that are available in shortcut menu, Marking Menu, drop-down list, dialog boxes, and so on. For example, choose the Select All option from the shortcut menu displayed on right-clicking in the Graphics screen; choose the Concrete option from the Assignment flyout; choose the Front option from the Orientation area, refer to Figure 4.

    Selection Box

    Many operations in ANSYS Workbench require you to select entities in the graphics screen or from the Outline pane. After you select the entities/features, you need to confirm the selection in the selection box. For example, if you want to extrude a sketch, you need to select the sketch and then confirm the selection in the selection box. A typical Geometry selection box is shown in Figure 5.

    Free Companion Website

    It has been our constant endeavor to provide you the best textbooks and services at affordable prices. The free Companion website provides access to all the teaching and learning resources that are required during the course of this textbook. If you purchase this textbook, you can access the resources on the Companion website.

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    • Technical Support

    You can get online technical support by contacting [email protected].

    • Instructor Guide

    Solutions to all review questions and exercises in the textbook are provided in this guide to help the faculty members test the skills of the students.

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    You can get online technical support by contacting [email protected].

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    Chapter 1

    Introduction to FEA

    Learning Objectives

    After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

    • Understand the different design validation techniques

    • Understand the basic concepts and general working of FEA

    • Understand the types of elements

    • Understand the advantages, limitations, and applications of FEA

    • Understand the types of analysis

    • Understand important terms and definitions in FEA


    Design validation of a component refers to the sustainability of that component under various loading conditions. In other words, design validation is a process to find the results such as stress, displacement, strain, fatigue life, eigenvalues, heat flux, and so on which leads failure of a component.

    There are three methods to validate any design:

    1. Analytical method

    2. Numerical method

    3. Experimental method

    All these methods are discussed next:

    1. Analytical Method

    An analytical method is a classical approach that involves solution techniques based on formulas and theorems such as bending theory, torsion theory, failure theories, and so on. This is a widely used method in curriculum research. It is a closed-form solution method that gives 100 % accurate results. Most of the time, solutions have been obtained for very trivial problems such as cantilever and simply supported beams. This method is mainly applicable only for isotropic materials such as glass and metals.

    2. Numerical Method

    The numerical method is used to determine a numerical solution by satisfying the governing equations and boundary conditions for the most complex engineering problems. In this method, real-life complex problems can be modeled mathematically. However, several assumptions need to be considered while simulating the problems. Therefore, this method always provides the approximate results to the given problem. This method does not require physical prototypes or models to calculate the response of the models. The numerical method can handle the problem with anisotropic materials such as woods and composites. There are numerous numerical methods available such as Finite Element Method (FEM), Finite Volume Method (FVM), Boundary Element Method (BEM), Finite Difference Method (FDM), and so on. Now a days, these numerical methods can be referred to as computational methods where mathematical models can be written in software codes.

    3. Experimental Method

    In the experimental method, the model is tested physically and actual measurements are carried out in real-time operating conditions. This method is highly reliable and hence used in product prototype testing in the industry. It is possible to accommodate all types of physical and manufacturing errors such as surface finish, surface heat treatment, alloying elements, decarburizing, actual welding pattern, and so on in the testing. In order to carry out physical real-time testing, a prototype of the product must be available. For reliable outcomes, 3 to 5 prototypes must be required to test. This iterative process of testing makes the experimental method more time-consuming and requires an expensive experimental setup. There are various types of equipments are available such as strain gauges, photoelasticity measuring setup, vibrometers, fatigue test sensors for temperature & pressure measurements, and so on.

    The fundamental concepts of Finite Element Method (FEM) also referred as Finite Element Analysis (FEA), which is from numerical method category, have been described next.


    The Finite element analysis (FEA) is a computing technique that is used to obtain approximate solutions to maximum engineering boundary value problems. It uses a numerical method called finite element method (FEM). FEA involves the computer model of a design that is loaded and analyzed for specific results, such as stress, deformation, deflection, natural frequencies, mode shapes, temperature distributions, and so on.

    The concept of FEA can be explained through a basic example involving measurement of the perimeter of a circle. To measure the perimeter of a circle without using the conventional formula, divide the circle into equal segments, as shown in Figure 1-1. Next, join the start point and the endpoint of each of these segments by a straight line. Now, you can measure the length of straight line very easily, and thus, the perimeter of the circle by adding the length of these straight lines.

    If you divide the circle into four segments only, you will not get accurate results. For accuracy, divide the circle into more number of segments. However, with more segments, the time required for getting the accurate result will also increase. The same concept can be applied to FEA also, and therefore, there is always a compromise between accuracy and speed while using this method. This compromise between accuracy and speed makes it an approximate method.

    The FEA was first developed to be used in the aerospace and nuclear industries, where the safety of structures is critical. Today, even the simplest of products rely on FEA for design evaluation.

    The term Finite Element Method has been described next.


    All real-life objects have infinite degrees of freedom and thus solving infinite degrees of freedom problems is very difficult. The Finite Element Method (FEM) reduces the infinite degrees of freedom of a continuous domain into the finite discrete domain with the help of the meshing technique.


    In the finite element analysis, all unknowns are calculated on their values at the limited number of points. These points are called nodes. The entity connecting nodes and forming a particular shape such as quadrilateral, triangular, tetrahedral, hexahedral, and so on is known as an element. This particular shape of an element is used to define the unknown field variables that predict the individual element response to applied loads. The assembly of the responses of all elements in a domain determines the total response of the complete domain. To calculate the value of a field variable (say displacement) at any point other than nodes, an interpolation function is used. This interpolation function is called shape function and the value of this interpolation function may vary with the predefined shapes of the element.


    There are three methods to solve any engineering problem. Finite element analysis belongs to the numerical method category.

    General Working of FEA

    A better knowledge of FEA helps in building more accurate models. Also, it helps in understanding the back-end working of ANSYS. Here, a simple model is discussed to give you a brief overview of the working of FEA.

    Figure 1-2 shows a spring assembly that represents a simple two-spring element model. In this model, two springs are connected in series and one of the springs is fixed at the left most endpoint, refer to Figure 1-2. In this figure, the stiffness of the springs has been represented by the spring constants K1 and K2. The movement of endpoints of each spring is restricted to the X direction only. The change in position from the undeformed state of each endpoint can be defined by the variables X1 and X2. The two forces acting on the end points of the springs are represented by F1 and F2.

    To develop a model that can predict the state of this spring assembly, you can use the linear spring equation given below:

    F = KX


    F = force applied,

    X = displacement, and

    K = spring constant

    If you use the spring parameters defined above and assume a state of equilibrium, the following equations can be written for the state of each endpoint:

    F1 - X1K1 + (X2 - X1)K2 = 0

    F2 - (X2 - X1)K2 = 0


    F1 = (K1 + K2)X1 + (-K2)X2

    F2 = (-K2)X1 + K2X2

    If the set of equation is written in matrix form, it will be represented as follows:

    In the above mathematical model, if the spring constants (K1 and K2) are known and the deformed shapes (X1 and X2) are defined, then the resulting forces (F1 and F2) can be determined. Alternatively, if the spring constants (K1 and K2) are known and the forces (F1 and F2) are defined, then the resulting deformed shape (X1 and X2) can be determined.

    Various terminologies that are used in the previous example are discussed next.

    Stiffness Matrix

    In the previous equation, the following part represents the stiffness matrix (K):

    This matrix is relatively simple because it comprises only one pair of springs, but it turns complex when the number of springs increases.

    Degree of Freedom

    Degree of freedom is defined as the least number of independent coordinates required to define the configuration of a system in space. In the previous example, you are only concerned with the displacement and forces. By making one endpoint fixed, you will restrict all degrees of freedom for that particular node. Which means that, there will be no translational or rotational degrees of freedom for that node. But, there are two nodes still have some degrees of freedom. As these two nodes are allowed to translate along the X axis only, they have 1 degree of freedom each considering that no rotational degree of freedom exist in them. The number of the degrees of freedom on free nodes in a model determines the number of equations required to solve a mathematical model.

    Boundary Conditions

    The boundary conditions are used to eliminate the unknowns in the system. A set of equations that is solvable is meaningless without the input. In the previous example, the boundary condition X0 = 0, and the input forces are F1 and F2. In either ways, the displacements could have been specified in place of forces as boundary conditions and the mathematical model could have been solved for the forces. In other words, the boundary conditions help you reduce or eliminate the unknowns in the system.


    The solutions generated by using FEA are always approximate.

    Types of Element

    Before proceeding further, you must be familiar with the concepts of element shapes which are the building blocks of FEA. These concepts are discussed next.

    Element is an entity into which the system under study is divided. An element shape is specified by nodes. The shape (area, length, and volume) of an element depends on the nodes with which it is made. Based on the shapes elements can be classified as below.

    Line/(1D) Element

    A line element, also called 1D element, has the shape of a line or a curve. Therefore, a minimum of two nodes are required to define it. There can be higher order elements that have additional nodes (at the middle of the edge of an element). An element that does not have a node in between its edges is called a linear element. The elements that have nodes in between edges are called quadratic or second order elements. Figure 1-3 shows some line elements. There are some practical applications such as beams, columns, long shafts, trusses, connection elements, and so on that can be modeled in a 1-D element. The change in material properties along the cross-section of a model is assumed to be negligible.

    Surface/(2D) Element

    A surface or 2D element has the shape of a triangle or a quadrilateral; therefore, it requires a minimum of three or four nodes to define it. These surface elements are also called as shell elements. Some surface elements are shown in Figure 1-4. There are some practical applications such as sheet metal parts, sheet metal cabinets, engine pallets, and so on that can be modeled in 2-D elements. The change in material properties along the thickness is assumed to be negligible.

    Volume/(3D) Element

    A volume element has the shape of a hexahedron (8 nodes), a wedge (6 nodes), a tetrahedron (4 nodes), or a pyramid (5 nodes). Some of the volume elements are shown in Figure 1-5. These volume elements are also called solid elements. There are some applications such as gearbox, engine cylinder block, crankshaft, and so on that can be modeled in 3-D elements.

    General Procedure to Conduct Finite Element Analysis

    To conduct the finite element analysis, you need to follow certain steps that are given next.

    1. Set the type of analysis to be used.

    2. Create model.

    3. Define the element type.

    4. Divide the given geometry into nodes and elements (mesh the model).

    5. Apply material properties and boundary conditions.

    6. Derive element matrices and equations.

    7. Assemble element equations.

    8. Solve the unknown parameters at nodes.

    9. Interpret the results.

    The general process of FEA by using software is dividedinto three main phases: preprocessing, solution, and postprocessing, refer to Figure 1-6.


    The preprocessor is a phase that processes input data to produce output, which is used as input in the subsequent phase (solution). Following are the input data that need to be given to the preprocessor:

    1. Type of analysis (structural or thermal, static or dynamic, and linear or nonlinear).

    2. Element type.

    3. Real constants for elements (Cross-sectional area, Moment of Inertia, Shell thickness, and so on).

    4. Material Model (Homogeneous, Isotropic, and Anisotropic) and Material properties (Young’s Modulus, Poisson’s ratio, Spring Constant, Thermal Conductivity, Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, and so on).

    5. Geometric model (either created in the FEA software or imported from other CAD packages).

    6. FEA model (discretizing the geometric model into small elements).

    7. Loading and boundary conditions (defining loads, pressures, moments, temperature, conductivity, convection, constraints (fixed, pinned, or frictionless/symmetrical), and so on.

    The input data are preprocessed for the output data and the preprocessor generates the data files automatically with the help of users. These data files are used in the subsequent phase (solution), refer to Figure 1-6.


    The solution phase is completely automatic. The FEA software generates element matrices, computes nodal values and derivatives, and stores the result data in files. These files are further used in the subsequent phase (postprocessor) to review and analyze the results through the graphic display and tabular listings, refer to Figure 1-6.


    The output from the solution phase (result data files) is in the numerical form and consists of nodal values of the field variable and its derivatives. For example, in structural analysis, the output of the postprocessor is nodal displacement and stress in elements. The postprocessor processes the result data and displays them in graphical form to check or analyze the result. The graphical output gives the detailed information about the required result data. The postprocessor phase is automatic and generates graphical output in the specified form, refer to Figure 1-6.

    Coordinate Systems

    There are three types of commonly used coordinate systems and they are discussed next.

    Global Coordinate System

    The global coordinate system is used to define the coordinates of points with respect to the single coordinate system in the entire domain under consideration. It is also referred to as Cartesian Coordinate System.

    Local Coordinate System

    The local coordinate system is used to define elements with respect to the individual coordinate system. Every single element has its own coordinate system and all the corresponding nodes of the element are specified by using the respective local coordinate system.

    Natural Coordinate System

    The natural coordinate system is used to define the point within the element by a set of dimensionless numbers, whose magnitude varies from -1 to +1. Natural coordinates are defined with respect to the element rather than with reference to the global coordinates. Also, they are dimensionless quantities.


    There are a variety of commercial FEA software packages available in the market. Every CAE software provides various modules for various analysis requirements. Depending on your requirement, you can select a required module for your analysis. Some firms use one or more CAE software and others develop customized version of commercial software to meet their requirements.

    Since 1970s, some well-known commercial FE codes, such as ANSYS, NASTRAN, MARC, ABAQUS, LSDYNA, COMSOL, Radioss, and OptiStruct have been developed to solve the structural problems. Among them, ANSYS software has the most powerful nonlinear solver, and hence it has become the most widely used software in both academia and industry.

    Advantages and Limitations of FEA Software

    Following are some of the advantages and limitations of FEA software:


    1. It reduces the amount of prototype testing, thereby saving the cost and time.

    2. It gives the graphical representation of the result of analysis.

    3. The finite element modeling and analysis are performed in the preprocessor and solution phases, which if done manually would consume a lot of time and in some cases, might be impossible to perform.

    4. Variables such as stress and temperature can be measured at any desired point of the model.

    5. It helps optimize a design.

    6. It is used to simulate the designs that are not suitable for prototype testing.

    7. It helps you create more reliable, high quality, and competitive designs.


    1. It does not provide exact solutions.

    2. FEA packages are costly.

    3. An inexperienced user can deliver incorrect answers, upon which expensive decisions will be based.

    4. Results give solutions but not remedies.

    5. Features such as bolts, welded joints, and so on cannot be accommodated to a model. This may lead to approximation and errors in the result.

    6. For more accurate results, more hard disk space, RAM, and time are required.


    There are four types of key assumptions that must be considered while performing the finite element analysis. These assumptions are not comprehensive but cover a wide variety of situations applicable to the problem. Moreover, by no means do all the following assumptions apply to all situations. Therefore, you need to consider only those assumptions that are applicable for your analysis problem.

    Assumptions Related to Geometry

    1. Displacement values will be small so that a linear solution is valid.

    2. Stress behavior outside the area of interest is not important. Therefore, geometric simplifications in those areas do not affect the outcome.

    3. Only internal fillets in the area of interest will be included in the solution.

    4. Local behavior at the corners, joints, and intersection of geometries is of primary interest, therefore, no special modeling of these areas is required.

    5. Decorative external features will be assumed insignificant for the stiffness and performance of the part and these external features will be omitted from the model.

    6. Variation in the mass due to suppressed features is negligible.

    Assumptions Related to Material Properties

    1. Material properties will remain in the linear region and the nonlinear behavior of the material property cannot be accepted.

    2. Material properties are not affected by the load rate.

    3. The component is free from surface imperfections that can produce stress concentration.

    4. All simulations will assume room temperature, unless otherwise specified.

    5. The effects of relative humidity or water absorption on the material used will be neglected.

    6. No compensation will be made to account for the effect of chemicals, corrosives, wears, or other factors that may have an impact on the long term structural integrity.

    Assumptions Related to Boundary Conditions

    1. Displacements will be small so that the magnitude, orientation, and distribution of the load remains constant throughout the process of deformation.

    2. Frictional loss in the system is considered to be negligible.

    3. All interfacing components will be assumed rigid.

    4. The portion of the structure being studied is assumed as a separate part from the rest of the system, so that any reaction or input from adjacent features is neglected.

    Assumptions Related to Fasteners

    1. Residual stresses due to fabrication, pre loading on bolts, welding, or other manufacturing or assembly processes will be neglected.

    2. All welds between components will be considered as ideal and continuous.

    3. The failure of fasteners will not be considered.

    4. The load on the threaded portion of the part is supposed to be

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