Topic 5 Growing, Pure Culture and Sterilization
Topic 5 Growing, Pure Culture and Sterilization
Topic 5 Growing, Pure Culture and Sterilization
(FMT 2211)
TITLE: Preparation of Microbiology Culture Media
DATE: 09-03-2021
On January 2021 until May 2021, an assignment was given to the students of Diploma in Fisheries
from university Putra Malaysia, Bintulu Campus. The assignment was conducting a questionnaire for
the Post-Harvest Technology and Processing Fisheries Product for the final semester project. a
questionnaire survey was conducted on reseller and production of Keropok Lekor in Malaysia under
their full consent during the pandemic. the focus of the questionnaire survey was to obtain insight
under current situation of the Keropok Lekor sales during the pandemic crisis. the question a survey
collect data and evaluate the respondents answer for research purposes. the questionnaire survey
manages to reach a total of 20 respondents that are related in the Keropok Lekor business industry
whereby the questionnaire survey provides key information of the Quran States off day Keropok
Lekor business industry situation in Malaysia during the pandemic
1. All of the information of sellers and production of Keropok Lekor were search from every
social media platform
2. A questionnaire about Keropok Lekor was created beach the approval of lecturer
3. The questionnaire was blast and distributed to the seller and production of Keropok Lekor in
Table 1. The name of the respondent and the name of their company
table 1 shows the profile of respondents and their company name in the keropok lekor
industries that had given their response through questionnaire forms.
Figure 1. Percentage of gender of the respondent
The pie chart shows the percentage of respondent gender. We can clearly see that 55% of
the respondent are male while the rest of the 45% are female respondent.
The graph shows the timeframe of each company to operate in the Keropok Lekor
Industries. Among these companies, the longest running company to operate in the
industry of keropok lekor is 21years, while the shortest company to run this industry
is 1 years. The range difference between the longest running company and shortest
running company is 20 years
The pie chart depicts percentage of respondent have receive business no assistance by the
government. From 20 respondent, 100 % of respondents have not receive business assistance by the
government in any monetary, training nor materials.
Figure 7. Respondent monthly budget for buying raw materials estimation on Keropok Lekor
Base on Figure7. We can conclude that the highest budget is Rm20000. While the lowest
budget was RM350. We can conclude the budget range for Keropok Lekor production are in
the range of RM350-RM20000
Figure 8. Respondent monthly income sale estimation on Keropok Lekor
The bar graph shows respondent monthly income sale estimation on Keropok Lekor. From the bar
graph we can see that the most common respond income is RM 7000 with from 2 respondent that
included with 10% of respond while, all other income have the fewest respond with 1 respondent
and included only 5% of respond.
Figure 10. Percentage of respondent sale before and during the Covid-19
The pie chart depicts the percentage of responded sale before and during the Covid-19. From 20
responses, 70 per cent respondents sale are decrease during the pandemic while, 15 per cent
respondents are maintained but, 15 per cent more respondents are increased
Figure 11. Percentage of respondent that counter difficulties during the covid 19 pandemic
The pie chart shows the percentage number of respondent that counter difficulties during the covid
19 pandemic. During this pandemic, 35 % t of respondents are not having the difficulties in getting
their supplies for the daily operation, while the other 65 per cent of respondents are having the
difficulties in getting their supplies for the daily operation.
Figure 12. Percentage of respondent handle the difficulties during the covid 19 pandemic
The pie chart shows the percentage of respondent handle the difficulties in maintaining their
supplies during the covid 19 pandemic. The highest 38.5 % of respondents secure the
supplies with particular suppliers. Following with trying to get supplies from other supplier
with is 38.5%. And finally the lowest percentage of respondent respond was stop selling
product for a while with 22.4%.
Figure 13. Percentage of respondent paid their suppliers on time
The pie chart shows the percentage of respondent paid their suppliers on time during the
covid 19 pandemic. The highest 38.5 % of respondents secure the supplies with particular
Figure 14. respondent response about their business during the pandemic in the scale of 1
to 5.
Base on the Figure 14. shows the percentage respondents that rate their business that able to
generate sale during the pandemic in the scale of 1 to 5. Based on the figure we can see that both
3/5 score and 4/5 score from respondent accumulate 30% each which are the highest. Followed by
2/5score which have 25% response from respodent. Next was 5/5score with accumulate 10% of
respondent. And finally 1/5 score which got 5% of respondent
Figure 15. Percentage of majority sale between offline market and online market
In Figure 15. The pie chart shows the percentage of majority sale between offline market and online
market during the covid 19 pandemic. There are 85% of majority sale come from the online market
where people bought using online through phone and delivery services, with no face-to-face
contact. Meanwhile, there are just 15% of people chose to go for offline market, where they prefer
to come to your place, with face-to-face contact
The pie chart depicts the percentage of respondent getting government assistance for business
purposes. From 20 responses, 80% respondent didn’t try to get government assistance for their
business while, 20% respondent try to get government assistance for their business. This because,
many respondent feel that it not necessary.
Figure 18. Percentage of respondent getting government assistance for business purposes
In figure 18 the bar chart show the percentage of respondent getting government assistant for
business purposes help reduce their business burden. Majority of the respondent respond 5/5 score
which accumulate 57.1% of the response. While the rest respond 3/5 score which accumulate 42.9%
of repondent
Figure 19. Percentage of respondent change their business strategy
Based on the Figure 19 shows the percentage of respondent change their business strategy during
the covid 19 pandemic. There are both equally 50% of respondent that changed their business
strategy and the respondent that do not change their business strategy during this covid 19
Figure 22. Percentage of respondent believe of their business will get better after the
Base on figure 22. The bar chart shows the percentage of respondent belive their business with get
better after the pandemic. We can see 90% the respondent respond 5/5 score which indicate. Most
of the respondent agree that their business will get better after the pandemic.While both 5% of
respondent answer 3/5 score and 4/5 score indicate their business may or may not get better after
the pandemic
In conclusion, the questionnaire survey about Keropok Lekor Business in Malaysia collects data and
information for research purposes on the Keropok Lekor Business during the pandemic crisis. The
questionnaire give a better understanding of knowledge, experiences and views on the practice
within the area of Keropok Lekor Business during the pandemic. In doing so, it made a distinct
contribution to one of the primaries aims of the questionnaire survey, namely to increase the overall
understanding of the Keropok Lekor Business during the pandemic. Hopefully, this report of the
questionnaire survey will have demonstrated that their reflections, too, are well worth listening to,
at different levels of the educational system, with a view to improving both products and practices
within the field of the Keropok Lekor Business.