Part - B Unit - 5 Multimedia Information Networks Introduction, Lans, Ethernet, Token Ring, Bridges, Fddi High-Speed Lans, Lan Protocol. 7 Hours
Part - B Unit - 5 Multimedia Information Networks Introduction, Lans, Ethernet, Token Ring, Bridges, Fddi High-Speed Lans, Lan Protocol. 7 Hours
Part - B Unit - 5 Multimedia Information Networks Introduction, Lans, Ethernet, Token Ring, Bridges, Fddi High-Speed Lans, Lan Protocol. 7 Hours
UNIT - 5
7 Hours
1. Multimedia Communications: Applications, Networks, Protocols and
Standards, Fred Halsall, Pearson Education, Asia, Second Indian reprint 2002.
1. Multimedia Information Networking, Nalin K. Sharda, PHI, 2003.
2. “Multimedia Fundamentals: Vol 1 - Media Coding and Content
Processing”, Ralf Steinmetz, Klara Narstedt, Pearson Education, 2004.
3. “Multimedia Systems Design”, Prabhat K. Andleigh, Kiran Thakrar, PHI,
1. H. J. Lee, T. Chiang, and Y. Q. Zhang, Scalable rate control for very low bit
rate video, Proc. IEEE ICIP, 2, 768–771 (1997).
2. I. E. G. Richardson, H.264 and MPEG-4 Video Compression – Video Coding
for Next- Generation Multimedia, Wiley, Chichester, 2003.
3. Z. Li et al., ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 and ITU-T SG16 Q.6 Document JVT-
H014, Adaptive Rate Control with HRD Consideration, May 2003.
4. ISO/IEC 14496–2, Coding of Audio-Visual Objects, Part 2: Visual, Annex L,
5. Y. S. Saw, Rate-Quality Optimized Video Coding, Kluwer, Norwood, MA,
November 1998.
6. H. Lin and P. Mouchatias, Voice over IP signaling: H.323 and beyond, IEEE
Comm.Magazine, 38, 142–148 (2000).
7. H. Schulzrine et al., RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications,
IETF RFC1889, IETF, January 1996.
8. M. Handley et al., SIP Session Initiation Protocol, IETF RFC2543, IETF, March
9. M. Mampaey, TINA for services and signaling and control in next-generation
networks, IEEE Comm. Magazine, 38, 104–110 (2000).
Multimedia Communications 10EC841
Multimedia Communications 10EC841
Figure 2-2 Popular LAN protocols mapped to the OSI reference model.
LAN protocols typically use one of two methods to access the physical
network medium: carrier sense multiple access collision detect (CSMA/CD) and token
passing. In the CSMA/CD media-access scheme, network devices contend for use of
the physical network medium. CSMA/CD is therefore sometimes called contention
access. Examples of LANs that use the CSMA/CD media-access scheme are
Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 networks, including 100BaseT.
In the token-passing media-access scheme, network devices access the
physical medium based on possession of a token. Examples of LANs that use the
token-passing media-access scheme are Token Ring/IEEE 802.5 and FDDI.
Multimedia Communications 10EC841
single data packet that is copied and sent to a specific subset of nodes on the
network. First, the source node addresses the packet by using a multicast address.
The packet is then sent into the network, which makes copies of the packet and
sends a copy to each node that is part of the multicast address. A broadcast
transmission consists of a single data packet that is copied and sent to all nodes on
network. In these types of transmissions, the source node addresses the packet by
using the broadcast address. The packet is then sent into the network, which makes
copies of the packet and sends a copy to every node on the network.
LAN Topologies:
LAN topologies define the manner in which network devices are organized.
Four common LANtopologies exist: bus, ring, star, and tree. These topologies are
logical architectures, but the actual devices need not be physically organized in these
configurations. Logical bus and ring topologies, for example, are commonly
organized physically as a star. A bus topology is a linear LAN architecture in which
transmissions from network stations propagate the length of the medium and are
received by all other stations. Of the three most widely used LAN implementations,
Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 networks including 100BaseT, implement a bus topology,
which is illustrated in Figure 2-3.
Multimedia Communications 10EC841
and ring topologies are often implemented physically in a star topology, which is
illustrated in Figure 2-5.
A tree topology is a LAN architecture that is identical to the bus topology,
except that branches with multiple nodes are possible in this case. Figure 2-5
illustrates a logical tree topology.
Multimedia Communications 10EC841
LAN Devices:
Devices commonly used in LANs include repeaters, hubs, LAN extenders, bridges, LAN
switches, and routers.
Note Repeaters, hubs, and LAN extenders are discussed briefly in this section.
A repeater is a physical layer device used to interconnect the media segments
of an extended network. A repeater essentially enables a series of cable segments to
be treated as a single cable. Repeaters receive signals from one network segment and
amplify, retime, and retransmit those signals to another network segment. These
actions prevent signal deterioration caused by long cable lengths and large numbers
of connected devices. Repeaters are incapable of performing complex filtering and
other traffic processing. In addition, all electrical signals, including electrical
disturbances and other errors, are repeated and amplified. The total number of
repeaters and network segments that can be connected is limited due to timing and
other issues. Figure 2-6 illustrates a repeater connecting two network segments.
Multimedia Communications 10EC841
A hub is a physical-layer device that connects multiple user stations, each via
a dedicated cable. Electrical interconnections are established inside the hub. Hubs
are used to create a physical star network while maintaining the logical bus or ring
configuration of the LAN. In some respects, a hub functions as a multiport repeater.
A LAN extender is a remote-access multilayer switch that connects to a host
router. LAN extenders forward traffic from all the standard network-layer protocols
(such as IP, IPX, and AppleTalk), and filter traffic based on the MAC address or
network-layer protocol type. LAN extenders scale well because the host router filters
out unwanted broadcasts and multicasts. LAN extenders, however, are not capable
of segmenting traffic or creating security firewalls. Figure 2-7 illustrates multiple
LAN extenders connected to the host router through a WAN.
Figure 2-7 Multiple LAN extenders can connect to the host router through a WAN.
Multimedia Communications 10EC841
Token Bus
IEEE 802.4 Standard
5 4 3
6 1 2
Multimedia Communications 10EC841
Multimedia Communications 10EC841
Multimedia Communications 10EC841
Multimedia Communications 10EC841
Wireless LANs
z IEEE 802.11.
z Distributed access control mechanism (DCF) based on CSMA with optional
centralized control (PCF).
Multimedia Communications 10EC841
Multimedia Communications 10EC841
UNIT - 6
What is Internet?
Interconnection of computers and computer networks using TCP/IP communication
• Transport Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
What is a protocol?
A protocol is a set of rules defining communication between systems
• Intranet: Use of TCP/IP to connect computers on an organizational LAN
• Internet: Use of TCP/IP to interconnect such networks
• TCP/IP is the basic Internet protocol
• Various application protocols operate over TCP/IP
– SMTP (E-Mail), HTTP (Web), IRC (Chat), FTP (File transfer), etc.
• Rules for information exchange between computers over a network
• ‗Packet‘ based – segment/ de-segment information
• Client-Server (Request/ Response)
– Web browser (client), Website (Server)
• TCP – Handles data part
• IP – Handles address part – Identification of every computer on the Internet – IP
Introduction to IP:
IPV4 Addressing:
Classless InterDomain Routing(CIDR)
IP Datagram Fragmentation:
IP Addresses
For example, the address represents the 32-bit binary number
The binary number is important because that will determine which class of network
the IP address belongs to. The Class of the address determines which part belongs to
the network address and which part belongs to the node address (see IP address
Classes further on).
The location of the boundary between the network and host portions of an IP
address is determined through the use of a subnet mask. This is another 32-bit
binary number which acts like a filter when it is applied to the 32-bit IP address. By
comparing a subnet mask with an IP address, systems can determine which portion
of the IP address relates to the network and which portion relates to the host.
Anywhere the subnet mask has a bit set to ?1?, the underlying bit in the IP address is
part of the network address. Anywhere the subnet mask is set to ?0?, the related bit
in the IP address is part of the host address.
The size of a network is a function of the number of bits used to identify the host
portion of the address. If a subnet mask shows that 8 bits are used for the host
portion of the address block, a maximum of 256 host addresses are available for that
specific network. If a subnet mask shows that 16 bits are used for the host portion of
the address block, a maximum of 65,536 possible host addresses are available for use
on that network.
An Internet Service Provider (ISP) will generally assign either a static IP address
(always the same) or a dynamic address (changes every time one logs on). ISPs and
organizations usually apply to the InterNIC for a range of IP addresses so that all
clients have similar addresses. There are about 4.3 billion IP addresses. The class-
based, legacy addressing scheme places heavy restrictions on the distribution of
these addresses. TCP/IP networks are inherently router-based, and it takes much
less overhead to keep track of a few networks than millions of them.
IP Classes
Class A addresses always have the first bit of their IP addresses set to ?0?.
Since Class A networks have an 8-bit network mask, the use of a leading zero leaves
only 7 bits for the network portion of the address, allowing for a maximum of 128
possible network numbers, ranging from ? Number 127.x.x.x is
reserved for loopback, used for internal testing on the local machine.
Class B addresses always have the first bit set to ?1? and their second bit set to
?0?. Since Class B addresses have a 16-bit network mask, the use of a leading ?10?
bit-pattern leaves 14 bits for the network portion of the address, allowing for a
maximum of 16,384 networks, ranging from ?
Class C addresses have their first two bits set to ?1? and their third bit set to
?0?. Since Class C addresses have a 24-bit network mask, this leaves 21 bits for the
network portion of the address, allowing for a maximum of 2,097,152 network
addresses, ranging from ?
Class E addresses are defined as experimental and are reserved for future testing
purposes. They have never been documented or utilized in a standard way.
If you happen to know the IP address of your provider's DNS server, the
mailserver, the news server and possibly some other machines, you will realize that
very often the first three octets of their IP addresses are the same, for example for the DNS server, for the mail server, for the
news server and for the secondary DNS server. This is not just by
Instead of giving out one IP address by one, there are classes which are
assigned to organizations. A, B, and C classes are the most known ones, with the C-
class the most common one. There are only 127 A-class ranges, or networks, but each
of them has 16,777,214 addresses for hosts. There are 16,384 possible B-class
networks with 65,534 addresses for hosts each and 2,097,152 C-class networks with
254 possible host addresses each.
? How does a host or gateway map an IP address to the correct physical address when
it needs to send a packet over a physical network ?
Devise a low-level software that hides physical addresses and allows higher-
level programs to work only with internet addresses.
Mapping of high-level to low-level addresses is the address resolution problem.
Physical Addresses:
Physical Addresses:
ARP Functionality:
There are two main functional parts of the address resolution protocol:
o Determine the destination‘s physical address before sending a packet.
o Answer requests that arrive for it‘s own Physical-to-IP address
Because of lost/duplicate packets, ARP must handle this to avoid many re-
Bindings in ARP cache (actual cache table) must be removed after a fixed
period of time to ensure validity.
When a packet is received, the sender‘s IP address is stripped and the local
table is updated (ARP cache), then the rest of the packet is processed.
Two types of incoming packets:
o Those to be processed (correct destination).
o Stray broadcast packets (can be dropped after updating the ARP
Application programs may request the destination address many times before the
binding is complete. This must be handled, by discarding enqueued requests,
when the correct binding returns.
Introduction to QoS
• QoS developments in IP networks is inspired by new types of applications: VoIP,
audio/video streaming, networked virtual
environments, interactive gaming, videoconferencing, video distribution, e-
commerce, GRIDs & collaborative
enviroments, etc.
• Quality-of-Service (QoS ) is a set of service requirements (performance
guarantees) to be met by the network while transporting a flow.
QoS Architectures
Problems with the very fabric of The Internet, IPv4, are mounting. The approach of
IPv6, Mobile IP, and IPSec is hampered by fundamental architectural problems. A
superior solution is moving the intelligence up to a higher layer in the protocol stack
and towards the end points.
We have the expertise to design and build innovative P2P overlay software. Our
overlay will offer a secure network connection to either a known person or a specific
computer which is robust against eavesdropping, man-in-the-middle attacks, peer
failure, network failure, packet loss, change of IP numbers, network mobility, and
blocking by NAT/Firewalls. Our solution exposes trust and reputation levels to the
networking layer to lower the risk of DDOS attacks.
IPv8 is an P2P overlay network which unlocks more advanced functionality. Over
the coming 5 years we aim to evolve this technology and offer the following
Direct, safe, and robust communication between you and any other node
Determine the friendship paths between you and any other node by
integrating existing web-based social networks
Estimate the trust level between you and any other node
Exchange of multimedia information of any size or popularity
Transfer of virtual currency (credits) or real money to any other node
This is a protected section. You will not be able to view this without a correct
ToDo?: Also manage internal network addresses, discover external network address,
connect to peers within subnet with internal IP address. Expand with NAT/Firewall
puncturing, UDP/HTTP encapculation, user space TCP rate control, relaying
through proxies.
IPv8 also enables a new interface for performance and network awareness. Currently
every application has to guess the available bandwidth, latency, etc. while all this
information is availbe in the hidden TCP state. Especially for network-dependent
applications this can boost effectiveness and efficiency. (As nicely described years
ago by MIT people in the Daytona paper)
So, managing all streams by a single control loop may bring some benefits.
1. List the reasons why standards are necessary for networked applications involving
dissimilar computer/end systems?[06]
2. List the advantages of email over post mail?[05]
3. Witht the help of schematic diagram explain how email is sent across the internet via
an email gateway.[08]
4. With the help of the block diagram identify and explain the role of following
relatinig to e-commerce over the internet: forms, submit button, CGI scripts,
5. Write short note on HTTP[05]
6. Write short note on HTML[05]
7. Write short note on XML[05]
8. Write short note on SMIL. [05]
9. Draw a call setup based on SIP signaling. [05]
10. Draw the functional architecture of MGCP.[10]
11. Draw the Functional Architecture of MEGACO/H.GCP.[08]
12. What are the functions performed by PSTN Gateways?[06]
13. Explain VoIP Gateways.[05]
14. Explain the essential functions of IPTel Gateway.[06]
15. Explain IPTel Gateway Call Flow.[08]
16. Explain the common terms and concepsts in VoD.[08]
17. What do you mean by phase offset in VoD?[08]
18. Draw the enhanced functional architecture for IN support of IP networks.[05]
19. Draw the Information flow for Click-to-Dial.[06]
20. Explain Pyramid Broadcasting Protocols in detail[07]
21. Explain harmonic broadcasting protocols in detail.[10]
22. Explain the internet telephony architecture overview[10]
UNIT - 7
1. T. W. Strayer, B. J. Dempsey, and A. C. Weaver, XTP – The Xpress Transfer Protocol, Addison-Wesley,
2. W. T. Strayer, Xpress Transport Protocol (XTP) Specification Version 4.0b, Technical Report, XTP
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3. S. Floyd et al., A reliable multicast framework for lightweight sessions and application level framing,
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5. M. Hofmann, Enabling group communications in global networks, in Proc. Global Networking, II, 321–
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6. S. Paul et al., Reliable multicast transport protocol (RMTP), IEEE J. Selected Areas in Comm., 15, 407–
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7. K. R. Rao, Z. S. Bojkovic, and D. A. Milovanic, Multimedia Communication Systems, Prentice Hall,
Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2002.
8. P. H. Ho and H. T. Mouftah, A novel distributed control protocol in dynamic wavelength routed optical
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9. I. Chlamac, A. Ferego, and T. Zhang, Light path (wavelength) routing in large WDMnetworks, IEEE J.
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10. P. H. Ho and H. T. Mouftah, A framework of service guaranteed shared protection for optical networks,
IEEE Commun. Magazine, 40, 97–103 (2002).
11. P. H. Ho and H. T. Mouftah, Capacity-balanced alternate routing for MPLS traffic engineering, in Proc.
IEEE Int. Symp. Comp. Commun., 927–932, Taormina, Italy, July 2002.
12. L. C. Wolf, C. Griwodz, and R. Steinmetz, Multimedia communication, Proc. IEEE, 85, 1915–1933
13. D. Pei and L. Zhang, A framework for resilient internet routing protocols, IEEE Network 18, 5–12
14. M. Tatipamula and B. Khasnabish (Eds.), Multimedia Communications Networks Technologies and
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15. ITU-T Q29/11, Recomm. Q.NSEC, ITU, July 1995.
16. A. Chakrabarti and G. Mammaran, Internet infrastructure security: a taxonomy, IEEE Network, 16, 13–
(2002). 720 NETWORK LAYER
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19. 3GPP TS 33.120, 3G Security: Security Principles and Objectives, May 1999.
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