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General lnformation 1=3

General Information


Arrows and Symbols

This service manual uses various symbols in order to
describe different service operations.

2 2

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4 5

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7 a

a \o»

10 11



(1) Front of Vehicle
(2) View Detail
View Detail
Ambient Air Mixed with Another Gas or
Indicate Temperature Change
Motion or Direction
View Angle
Dimension (1:2)
Ambienthlean Air Flow or Cool Air Flow
Lubrication Point—Oil or Fluid
Task Related
Sectioning (1:3)
Gas Other Than Ambient Air or Hot Air Flow
Lubrication Point—Grease or Jelly
Multidirectional Arrow

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
134 General information

Acronyms and Units

Acronym Meaning Definition
Indicatesthata vehiclehas 2 drivenwheelsOR thata 4WDvehicle
2WD Tw0-WheelDrive usesonly2 wheelsforpropulsion.So itcan bethedescriptionofa
vehicleconfigurationOR theoperationalmodeofthedrivetrain.
Four—wheeled vehiclewitha drivetrainthatallowsall fourwheelsto
controlonvarioussurfaces.Can be usedto describethe
4WD Drive
Four—Wheel configurationof thevehicleOR as theoperationalmodeofthe
drivetrain.4WDvehiclesusuallycanturn2 wheelsoffto bein a 2WD
mode.See also AWD.
A/C Air Conditioning Thecoolingand dehumidification ofindoorairfor thermalcomfort.
Usedin contextof convertingelectricalanalogsignalstodigital
A/D Analogto Digital signals.
Systemon motorvehicleswhichpreventsthewheelsfromlooking
ABS AntilockBrakingSystem whilebrakingwhichhelpsthedrivermaintaincontrolin heavy
AC AlternatingCurrent An electricalcurrentwhosemagnitudeanddirectionvarycyclically.
Methodof impressingdataontoan alternating-current (AC)carrier
AM AmplitudeModulation waveform.
APP AcceleratorPedal Position A pedalthatcontrolsthethrottlevalve.
AlI-wheel-drive systemsaredesignedtofunctionon all typesof
AWD Drive
AlI—Wheel fourwheeldrive.See
switchedoff.This can also be calledfull—time
Americanwiregaugeis a standardizedwiregaugesystemused
since 1857predominantlyin theUnitedStatesforthediametersof
AWG AmericanWire Gauge round,solid,nonferrous,electricallyconductingwire.
E.g.a wireofAWG1Ohas a diameterof2.588mm,AWG20
correspondsto a diameterof0.812mm.
B+ BatteryPositiveVoltage Theelectricalpotentialon thepositiveterminalofthebattery.
BARO BarometricPressure Atmosphericpressureas measuredby a barometer.
BodyControlModule This modulesuppliesvehicleoccupantswithvisualand audible
BCM informationandcontrolsvariousvehiclefunctions,
BECM BatteryEnergyControlModule Controlmoduleused to regulatethebatteryvoltage.
BrakePedal Position Positionofthefootpedalthatmovesa pistonin themasterbrake
BPP cylinder.
CAN ControllerArea Network Serialdataconnectionbetweencontrolmodulesby Bosch
Chassis ControlModule The modulethatcontrolsvariousvehiclefunctionsontheChassis,
CCM likeEngine/TransMount,ActiveGrilleAir Shutter,Load
CompactDisc A smallopticaldisk onwhichdatasuch as music,text,orgraphic
CD imagesis digitallyencoded.
CompressedNaturalGas This a substituteforgasolineor dieselfuel.Itis madeby
CNG compressingnaturalgas (whichis mainlycomposedby methane
(CH4),in a percentagerangeof70%to 98%)
CarbonMonoxide This is a productofthe incompletecombustionofcarbon-containing
CO compounds,at roomtemperaturethisis a gas. Itconsistsof one
CarbonDioxide Chemicalcompoundcomposedoftwooxygenatomscovalently
C02 bondedtoa singlecarbonatom.
ConnectorPositionAssurance Partof an electricalconnectorthatpreventsthe connectorfrom
CPA movingoutof its socket.Usuallyneedsto be pressedto unlockthe
ClutchPedal Position A leveroperatedwiththefootthatcontrolsthecouplingthat
CPP connectsor disconnectsdrivingand drivenpartsofa driving

2013 (5377994)
General information 15

Acronyms (cont'd)
Acronym Meaning
Used in conjunctionwithCV joints,whichsame connecttwoshaftsat an
ConstantVelocity always have the rotationalspeed
CV withoutvariations.
speeds oftwo
A transmissioninwhichtheratioofthe rotational vehicleorother
shafts,as theinputshaftand outputshaftof agiven range,providing
CVT ContinuouslyVariableTransmission machine,can be variedcontinuouslywithina improves fuel economy.
an infinitenumberof possible ratios which

Drive D on thetransmissiongearselectorlever.
D radio(carries
DigitalAudio Broadcast Technologyfor broadcastingofaudiousingdigital
DAB informationvia digitalsignal) transmission.

DirectCurrent Continuouscurrent,constantflowof electriccharge.

DC underneaththe
DataLink Connector This is an electronicconnectortypicallylocatedThe connectorhas
driver's side dashboard, j ust above the pedals.
DLC 16 pins.
DigitalMultimeter Electronicmeasuringinstrumentthatcombines an ammeter,voltmeter,
one unit.The most basic instruments include
DMM and ohmmeter.
Dual OverheadCamshaft Dual overheadcamshafts(DOHC)are higher higher speeds because
theyproducemorepower,andcan runat
they allowan engineto have four valves per cylinder.
DOHC camshafthandlesthe
Each camshaftoperatestwoof thevalves,one
intakevalves,andone handles the exhaustvalves
or sootfromthe
Diesel ParticulateFilter Devicedesignedto removediesel particulatematter
DPF exhaustgas ofa diesel engine.
DaytimeRunningLamps Whitelightsmountedonthefrontof an automobile intended for daytimeuse,to
switchonwhenthekey is turned andare
DRL increasethevisibilityofthe automobile.
the distance
DistanceSensingCruise Control A typeof cruisecontrolthatautomaticallymaintains
DSCC betweenvehicles.
for digitalsignal
DigitalSignal Processor VAspecializedmicroprocessordesignedspecifically
DSP processing,generallyin real-time computing.
DiagnosticTroubleCode An electronicsignalstoredin an automotive
DTC presenceof a faultdetectedby that computer.
7A popularopticaldisc storagemedia formatthesize ofa CD. Used
DVD mainlyfor moviesbutalso fordata. DVD has no spelledoutversion
DVD (officiallyitdoes notmeanDigitalVideo Disc or Digital
itjust meansDVD).
for antilock
ElectronicBrake ControlModule This modulecontainsa microprocessorand software
EBCM brakingsystem operation.
This electronicmoduleworkswitha vehicle's sensors and engine
EngineControlModule controldevicesto insure thatthe engine operates at maximum
performs three vital functions.
efficiencyand Analyzes thedata
Receives electronicsignalsfromenginesensors. (based on the pre-set
ECM and makesan engine performance decision
Sends an “output c ommand" to an
A measureofhowhotor coldthe fluidwhich flowsthroughthe
EngineCoolantTemperature enginein orderto preventits overheating,transferring
ECT device to other devices that utilizeor dissipate it.
producedby the
and otherdevicesto
ElectricallyErasableProgrammable A non-volatilestoragechip used in computers calibration tablesor device
storesmall amounts of volatile data, e.g.
EEPROM Read-OnlyMemory configuration.
ExhaustGas Recirculation ls an NOx (nitrogenoxide and nitrogendioxide) EGR worksby
used in mostgasolineand diesel engines.
the engine
recirculatinga portionof an engine'sexhaustgas backto
EGR cylinders.
Electromagneticinterference(alsocalledradio frequency
ElectromagneticInterference interference)is a disturbance that affects an electrical circuitdueto
EMI conduction or electromagnetic r adiation
emitted froman external s ource.

2013 (5377994)
1‘6 General information

Acronyms (cont'd)
Acronym Meaning Definition
ESD ElectrostaticDischarge The suddenand momentary electriccurrentthatflowsbetweentwo
objectsat differentelectricalpotentials.
EV ElectricVehicle A categoryofvehicles thatonlyhavean electricdrivesystem.
EVAP EvaporativeEmission A systemthatcontrolsthefuelfumesin thefueltank.
FM FrequencyModulation Intelecommunication thisis a waytoconveyinformationovera
carrierwaveby varyingitsfrequency.
FWD Front-WheelDrive A formof engine/transmission layoutusedin motorvehicles,where
theenginedrivesthe frontwheelsonly.
GeneralMotorsLocalArea Network A locaI-areanetworkis a computernetworkcoveringa small
GMLAN geographicarea,likea homeorvehicle.This specifictypeof LAN
connectsseveral controllersinsidethevehicleandwas developedby
GPS GlobalPositioningSystem Satellite—based navigationsystemmadeupof a networkof24
satellitesplacedintoorbitbytheUS. Departmentof Defense.
GSM GlobalSystemfor Mobile Globallyacceptedstandardfordigitalcellularcommunication.
Gross VehicleWeight Maximumtotalweightofa roadvehicleor trailerthatis loaded,
GVW includingtheweightofthevehicleitselfplus fuel,passengers,cargo,
HD HeavyDuty Robustdesignto accommodatelargeworkloads.
HighIntensityDischarge A typeof lightthatproducesa brightlightby usinggas filledbulbs.
HID (gasis usuallymercury,metalhalide,and high-pressuresodium)
Uses verylittlebatterypowerandis a very"cool"light. ‘
HeatedOxygenSensor Heatedoxygensensorshavean internalheatercircuitthatbringsthe
sensoruptooperatingtemperaturemorequicklythanan unheated
H028 sensor.An oxygensensormustbe hot(about600—650°F) beforeit
willgeneratea voltagesignal.The hotexhaustfromthe enginewill
provideenoughheatto bringan 02 sensoruptooperating
HeatingVentilationAir Conditioning This systemis sometimesreferredtoas climatecontrol.Ventilation
HVAC airductsinstalledthroughouta vehiclethatsupplyconditionedair to
a roomthroughrectangularor roundoutletvents,
lZC Circuit
Inter-lntegrated SerialdataconnectionbetweenIntegratedCircuits(microchips)
insidea controlmoduleinventedby Phillips
lAT IntakeAir Temperature Temperatureoftheairenteringintakeairflowsystemof theengine.
lCE InternalCombustionEngine An enginein whichthecombustionoffuelandan oxidizer(typically
air)occursin a confinedspacecalled a combustionchamber.
lD Identification Numberor Code thatidentifiesa componentor controlmodule.Can
bewrittenon thepartor betransmittedon a busor via radio.
lSP InternetServiceProvider A companythatfurnishescorporationsand individualconsumers
withvariousservices,mainlyaccesstothe Internet.
ISS inputShaftSpeed Rotationalspeedoftheinputshaftofa transmission.
LAN LocalArea Network StandardnetworkconnectionPC’s.
LCD LiquidCrystal Display A thin,flatdisplaydevicemadeupof anynumberof coloror
monochromepixelsarrayedin frontofa lightsourceor reflector.
LightEmittingDiode Smalllightbulbs thatfiteasilyintoan electricalcircuittheydo not
LED havea filamentthatwill burnout,andtheydo notgetespeciallyhot.
Theyare illuminatedsolelybythe movementof electronsin a
LlN Local lnterconnectNetwork Computernetworkingbussystemusedwithinautomotivenetwork
architectures.SimilartoCAN, butcheaperand less powerful.
LPG LiquefiedPetroleumGas A mixtureof mainlypropaneand butane,producedcommerciallyand
storedunderpressureto keepit in a liquidstate.
MAF Mass Air Flow The amountof air drawnintotheengine
MAP ManifoldAbsolutePressure Pressurein theengineintakesystemafterthe throttlevalve
referencedtoa perfectvacuum.

2013 (5377994)
General Information 1:?

Acronyms (cont'd)
Meaning Definition
MultipleDiagnosticsInterface A deviceused by GM dealersthatenablesa PC to communicate
MD] thecontrolmodulesin a vehicle.
MIL MalfunctionIndicatorLamp An indicatorofthe internalstatusof a car engine.
MOST MediaOrientedSystemsTransport Serial communicationbusto transmitaudioandvideo information.
N Neutral A stateof thetransmissionin whichit is notengaged.
NiMH Nickel MetalHydride A typeof rechargeablebatterythatuses a hydrogenabsorbing
forthe negativeelectrode.
NitrogenOxides Refersto anyofthefollowingoxygencompoundsof nitrogenor a
mixtureofthem.NitricOxide,Nitrogendioxide,Nitrous Oxide,
NOx Dinitrogen Dinitrogen
trioxide, tetroxide, D initrogen pentoxide.

02 Oxygen A colorless,odorless,tasteless,gaseouschemicalelementwiththe
chemicalsymbol0 andatomicnumber8.
028 OxygenSensor An electronicdevicethatmeasuresthe proportionofoxygen(02)
thegas or liquidbeing analyzed. ‘
A generictermreferringto a vehicle'sself—diagnostic and reporting
OBD Diagnostic
OEM OriginalEquipmentManufacturer A producerthatprovidesa productto its customers,who proceedto
modifyor bundleit beforedistributingittotheircustomers.
OSS OutputShaftSpeed Rotationalspeedof theoutputshaftofa transmission.
P Park A statein whichthe transmissionis set so onecan leavethe
PCB PrintedCircuitBoard A thinplateonwhichchipsand otherelectroniccomponentsare
PCM PowertrainControlModule A controlmodulethatfeaturesthefunctionsofboth,theengine
the transmissioncontrolmodule.‘
An internationalstandardsbodyand tradeassociation withover
IndustryAssociation 100membercompaniesthatwas foundedin 1989to establish
standardsfor IntegratedCircuitcardsand topromote
PCMCIA interchangeability amongmobilecomputerswhereruggedness,low
power,and smallsize werecritical.
PIN Number
PersonalIdentification A secret numericpasswordsharedbetweena userand a systemthat
can beused to authenticatetheuser tothesystem.
PPE PersonalProtectiveEquipment Protectiveclothing,helmets,goggles,or othergarmentdesigned
protectthewearer'sbodyfrom injury.
Low Park, Reverse,Neutral,Drive,Low (automatictransmission
pRNDL Park. Reverse,Neutral,Drive, positions).
PTC PositiveTemperatureCoefficient Refersto materialsthatexperiencean increasein electrical
resistancewhentheirtemperatureis raised.
A splineddriveshaft,usuallyon a tractoror truckthatcan be usedto
PowerTake-Off attachment o r separate machine. This
providepowerto an
PTO mechanismallowsimplementstodrawenergyfromthetractor‘s
PVC PolyvinylChloride A thermoplasticcopolymer.
PWM Pulse WidthModulation Squareshapedtypeof signalthatcarriestheinformationin theratio
betweenonand offtimes.
R Reverse Rearward:directedor movingtowardthe rear;
RAM RandomAccess Memory A typeof computerdata storage.Ittodaytakestheformof
circuitsthatallowthe storeddata to be accessedin anyorder.
This is theheatintensityof theradiatorcoolantmeasured in degrees.
RadiatorCoolantTemperature systemthat removes theengine
The radiatoris a partof thecooling glycol)
RCT heat.Coolantis a mixtureof waterand antifreeze(ethylene system,
whichlowersthe freezing pointof thewater in thecoolant
thisfluid also picksup heatfromtheengineand transfersit to
RadioDataSystem A standardfromthe EuropeanBroadcastingUnionfor sending
amountsof digitalinformation using conventional F M radio
RDS broadcasts.

2013 (5377994)
128 General information
Acronyms (cont'd)
Acronym Meaning
A frequencyor rateof oscillationwithin the rangeofabout3 Hz and
Radio Frequency to frequency of alternatingcurrent
300GHz. This rangecorresponds detectradiowaves.
RF electrical signals usedto produce and
and otherelectronic
Read-OnlyMemory A class of storagemediausedin computers modified. '
devices. Data stored in ROM cannot be
assemblies,and systems
RegularProductionOption A threedigitllettercode givento parts, RPO codes designate
originally installed onthe vehicle. These
RPO optionsandare assignedby GeneralMotors.
An auxiliarysetof controlsthatoperate the mainaudiosystemfrom
Rear Seat Audio therearseat.Rear passengers can also operatea differentmedia
RSA sourcethanthefrontpassengers.
A commonengine/transmission layoutin whichtheengineis in the
Rear-WheelDrive rearmid-engineand
frontof thevehicle,butthefrontmid-engine,
RWD rearengine layouts arealso used.
levelin thevehicleas
The volumecontrolis setfor a desiredsound
Speed ControlledVolume thevehicle increases its speed, the sound levelis adjusted.
The namegivento airbag modulesusedin
SDM Sensingand DiagnosticModule Card.Thisis used
SubscriberIdentityModule Partof a removablesmartcard IntegratedCircuit as mobile computersand
for mobilecellulartelephonedevices such
SlM cards securely store the service-subscriberkey
mobile phones.
allowsusersto change
usedto identifya subscriber.The SIM card from one mobilephoneand
SIM phonesby simplyremovingtheSIM card
another mobile phone or broadband telephony
inserting itinto
SupplementalInflatableRestraint Technicaltermfor theair bag.Air bagis a stretchable to provide cushioningto
whichinflatesduring an automobile accident
prevent injuryto the passengers.
SIR the passenger'sheadand torsoto
This is an interfacethatenablesthe serial (onebit at a time)
Serial PeripheralInterface exchangeofdata betweentwo devices. An SPl operatesinfull
mode. This means that data can be transferredin both
duplex technologylike CAN
SPl directionsatthe same time.Itis a standardbus
or |2C.
softwarein control
Systemthatenablesrepairfacilitiesto updatethe
Service ProgrammingSystem modules.
towingcapacityofa pickup
A passengervehiclewhichcombinestheofa minivan.
SportUtilityVehicle truckwiththe passenger—carrying space
to a vehicle
Indicatorlampor symbolfora malfunctionrelated
ServiceVehicle Soon componentor system.
Message spokenonradioregardingtheroute. movementof vehiclesor
TrafficAnnouncement pedestriansthroughan areaor alonga The buttonson radios
often labeledTA.
TA thatenablethis announcementsarealso
A motorwhichmovestheenginethrottle plateor valve,controlledby
ThrottleActuatorControl limitsthe amountofair
the enginecontrolmodule.A throttleplate engine.
TAC enteringa internal c ombustion gasoline
TransmissionAdaptivePressure The transmissioncontrolmodulelearnseach accordingly.
characteristicsand adjusts fluid pressure
engineto an automatic
Resides in a torqueconverterto connectan are correctto
TorqueConverterClutch transmission.The clutch is applied when conditions
crankshaft t o transmission inputshaft.
TCC achievea 1:1ratioof engine
TransmissionControlModule A modulethatcontrolselectronicautomatic provided bythe Engine
sensorsfromthevehicleas wellas data
Module to calculate how and whento changegearsin the
TCM Control and shiftquality.
vehiclefor optimumperformance,fuel economy
The pistonis in its highestpositionrelativetothe
Top Dead Center chamber.
TechlineinformationSystem The PC-based globaldealershipdiagnostic most recentservice
the technicianthe abilityto reference the
TIS informationvia theservice department‘s c omputer.
TerminalPositionAssurance An additionallockingmechanisminsidean
TPA holds thepins in place.
2013 (5377994)
General information

Acronyms (cont'd)
Meaning Definition
A telecommunication systemfor broadcastingand receivingmoving
TV Television soundover a distance.
USB UniversalSerial Bus A typeof communicationbus connectionbetweena computeranda
VehicleCommunicationsInterface A diagnostictoolthatcommunicatesto modulesof multiple
VCI communicationprotocolsin a vehicleby convertingvehicleserial
datainto PC serialdata communication.
VlN Number
Vehicle Identification Used by manufacturersto uniquelyidentifymotorvehicles using
VehicleStabilityControlModule This moduleuses informationfromseveralsensorsto detecta apply
ofvehicletraction,thenworks withthe antilockbrake systemto
VSCM individualbrakesto helpkeep thevehicleon its intendedpath.
Vehicle Speed Sensor Sends data regardinghowfast thecar is travelingat themomentof
VSS driving.Itis designedto be ableto recordthe rateat whichthe
vehicle’scrankshaftis spinning.
Whenthe throttlebladeor valveis at its maximumopen position,
WideOpenThrottle maximum airto enteran internalc ombustion gasoline
WOT allowing
engine. ‘
WLAN WirelessLocalArea Network Standardto transmitdigitaldatavia radiofrequency.
XM SatelliteRadio Holdings(XM)is oneof twosatelliteradio
servicesin theUnitedStatesand Canada.XM provides
. . pay-for-serviceradio,analogousto cable television.Itsservice
XM (SatelliteRadio) includes73 differentmusicchannels,39news,sports,talk,and
XM entertainment channels,21 regionaltrafficand weatherchannelsand
23 play-by-playsportschannels(2008).
A markuplanguagethatdefinesa setof rulesfor encoding
documentsin a formatthatis bothhuman-readable and
XML ExtensibleMarkupLanguage

Units cont'd
. , (_ ) _,,
Units Unit Meaning Definition
U ‘t M _ D f‘ "ti
a m e n o km/L kilometer/Iiter Flow
"2' 8 Met " 9 A ' ' "
L/100km Litersper 100 Kilometers Flow
n; Aquare e er Elreat_ l
L/h Litersper Hour Flow
Ah AmpereH Electrical
lein Litersper Minute Flow
C Cmplerebour Elec rtcal
MPG Milesper Gallon Flow
ouom ectnca
Electrical ,, Flow
dBm DecibelMeter mg/s Milligramsper Second
Electrical ,, Flow
dBmV DecibelMillivolt mg/stroke Milligramsperstroke
mV/DIV MillivoltsperDivision Electrical ft feet Length
MillivoltsperSecond Electrical , Length
mV/s El ' | In Inch
Q Oh
m Meter Length
111 ectrlca
Electrical . ,
V Volt
m1 Mlle Length
V/DlV V It D' ' ' El t ' l bar Bar Mechanical
V/ Voltsper Ml'nl'smnd Elec flea]
bar/min Bars perMinute Mechanical
V2118 V)?t: per l Isecon Electrical
in.H20 Inchesof Water Mechanical
C ab' M'll' t Flectnca
u l I r OW in.HZO/s Inchesof Waterper Mechanical
mm3/stroke Strolfe Imeers pe
Flow second Mechanical
l/h Gallons er Hour Fl kPa/s KilopascalsperSecond
98/ p d
N Newton Mechanical
/S:Sk gramsper 88:00:: Flow
m N-m NewtonMeter Mechanical
g S ro e Krla 8per r: 060 Flow
0 re s e Pa Pascal Mechanical
kg/100km p r
K}.o?ne{2r ow
Pals Pascals perSecond Mechanical
kg/h KilogramsperHour Flow

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
1:310 General Information

Units (cont'd) Units (cont'd)

Unit Meaning Definition Unit Meaning Definition
Metersper Second Movement
lb ft PoundFoot Mechanical m/s2 Squared
. '
PSI Pound-Forceper Mechanical
SquareInch MPH MilesperHour Movement
Counts Misc. mm/s MillimetersperSecond Movement
Cycles Misc. d Day Time
Decibel Misc. h Hour Time
Degree Misc. hh:mm:ss Hour:Minute:Second Time
°C DegreeCentigrade Misc. ms/DIV Millisecondsper Division Time
DegreeCrankshaft Misc. min Minute Time
CA Angle ' ‘ s Second Time
DegreeFahrenheit Mtsc. s/DIV Secondsper Division Time
F Time
Is DegreeperSecond MISC. -mm-dd Year-Month-Day
Hz Hertz Misc. W (2digits)
Kilobitpersecond Misc. Year-Month-Day Time
kbit/s . . preferred)
yyyy—mm-dd (4digits,
Ix Lux Misc.
3 .
PartsperMillion Misc. rn CUb'cMeter Volume
Percent Misc. gal Gallon Volume
Percentsper Minute Misc. L Liter. Volume
Percentsper Second Misc. mL milliliters Volume
%lsec Volume
Pulses Pulses Misc. US gal US Gallon
Ratio Misc. US pt US Pint Volume
RevolutionsperMinute Misc. US qt U_SQuart Volume
RPM Weight
Misc. kg KIIOgram
Steps Steps
Misc. . . .
W/m2 Watts er 8 uareMeter Customer Concern Verification
p 9
g g (Acceleration) Movement
. Sheets
km/h KilometersperHour Movement ._ .
The GM Customer Concern Verification Sheets have
m/s Metersper Second Movement been designed to improve communications between
m/sa Metersper Second Movement the service customer and the technician. The more
Cubed clearly the technician understands the concern and its
symptoms, the more likely the concern will be fixed
right the first time.

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
General information "in’l'l

Engine and Transmission ID

and VIN Location, Derivative and


is the
The vehicle identification number (VIN) plate
identifier of the vehicle. The VIN plate is located
instrument panel (VP)
on the upper left corner of the
and can be seen through the windshield from the
outside of the vehicle:
ID and VIN Location, Derivative and Usage
Vehicle, Engine and Transmission
Character Description
Position Definition
1 UnitedStates
1 CountryofOrigin 3 Mexico
Manufacturer G GeneralMotors
Make 1 Chevrolet
A ChevroletSonicLS (Automatic)
B ChevroletSonic LS (Manual)
C ChevroletSonic LT (Automatic)
4—5 Vehicle Line/Series D ChevroletSonicLT (Manual)
E ChevroletSonic LTZ (Automatic)
F ChevroletSonic LTZ (Manual)
5 69 —Sedan,4—Door, 4 Window,Notchback
6 Body Style 6 48 —Sedan,4-Door,4 Window,Hatchback
A Active ManualBelts,AirbagDelete
Active ManualBelts,Airbag- Driver& Passenger
C Front(1strow)
Active ManualBelts,Airbag- Driver& Passenger
D Front(1strow), & FrontSeat Side (1strow)
RestraintSystem Active ManualBelts,Airbags—Driver& Passenger
Roof Side
7 Front(1strow),& Front Seat Side (1strow),
(all seatingrows)
Active ManualBelts,Airbags—Driver& Passenger Seat
Front(1strow),FrontSeat Side (1strow)& Rear
Side (2ndrow),RoofSide (allseatingrows),Driver&

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
'l-1'2 General Information

Vehicle, Engine and Transmission ID and VIN Location, Derivative and Usage (cont'd)
Position Definition Character Description
B RPO LUV Engine—Gas, 4 Cylinder,1.4L,MFl,DOHC,
Turbo,VVT,Alum,E85 Max
RPO LDE Engine—Gas, 4 Cylinder,1.6L,MFl, DOHC,
C VVT,VariableCamshaftPhasing,VariableIntake
8 EngineType RPO LFJ - Gas, 4 Cylinder,1.6LMFl, E100Max
G) RPO LWE Engine—Gas, 4 Cylinder,1.8L,MFI,DOHC,
VVT, 103KW
RPO LUW Engine—Gas/Ethanol,4 Cylinder,1.8L,
Check Digit Calculatedby POMS
10 ModelYear 2013
11 PlantLocation
(DAUXI RamosArizpe
12~17 PlantSequenceNumber PlantSequenceNumber

1.6L (LDEILFJ) Engine ID and VlN Derivative M20-6 (MZ7) Transmission ID and VIN Derivative
Locafion Location
Refer to Engine Identification on page 9953. Refer to Transmission IdentificationInformationon
page 17—593.
6T30/6T40/6T45/6T50(MH9) Transmission ID and
WM Derivative Location
Refer to Transmission Identification Informationon
page 17—31 7.

2013 (5377994)
General information i=13

Anti-Theft, and Service Parts ID Label

Vehicle Certification, Tire Placard,

Certification Plate Location

x ‘0
a .,


The vehicle identification number (VlN) plate is

attached to the top of the front end upper tie bar which
is located under the radiator opening upper cover.
Identification Plate Location

GM DAEWOOAuto& TeohologyCompany———@ )

[ ]

KG 0
“3—;| @@@®
@® KG


Legend (5) Combination Weight (GVW +Braked Trailer

(1) Manufacturer Name Weight)
(2) Whole Vehicle Type Approval Number (6) Maximum Permissible Axle Weight —Front
(3) VlN (Vehicle Identification Number) (7) Maximum Permissible Axle Weight —Rear
(4) cvw (8) Body Color

2013 (5377994)
'l«l4 General Information

Tire Placard

fi \
1(70 l l .
Thecombinedweightof occupantsandcargoshouldneverexceed kg or lbs.
ne doitjamalsdépasser1:
Lepoldstotaldesoccupantsetdu chargement kg ou lb.

“EA“ E

9522211533 I I I
Q /

The tire placard label is located on the driver side B- Rpo Description
pillar and displays the followmg assessments: _ .
. Tire size A69 Restraint- SeatBeltTensnoner, Front,VAR. 2
. Tire pressure A70 Restraint- Seat BeltTensioner,Front
__ LockControlRR CMPT - LID,REM CONT
Front A90 ELEC Release
—Rear . . .. L00k ControlRR CMPT - LlD, REM CONT
—Various loading conditions A94 ManualRelease
RPO Code List AAL Restraint- Knee,Bolster,LH /RH

The following table provides the description of the ABR Window‘ ManualOperated'FrontDoor
Regular Production Option (RPO) codes that are ADL RestraintSystem-Seat,Inflatable,Driver&
available on the vehicle. The vehicle's RPO list is Passenger,SingleStage
printed on the Service Parts Identification Label. AE2 Latch_RearCompartment,Safety,Manual

RPO Description AG5 eP

:Z'Ieats s t M I2w
01A TrimColorSeat- Jet BlackVAR 1 AH3 AdtusterFasstesngetr“:3 ‘ '82? D éy
01E TrimColorSeat - DK Titanium AH9 AdJ_USterFrontseat- Manual 2Way’Dr'Yer
01K TrimColorSeat—Brick R JutsértPron‘ lea _ Balrt‘uaAd'tay’Hn'vehrt
01s TrimColorSeat- MED Titanium AHU Fretfmra'”rov's'ons' e 5' “‘5 e“ 9'9 ’
02R TrimCOR)"Seat' MED Cashmere AJ3 RestraintSystem—Seat, inflatable,Driver,
02v TrimColorSeat- Jet Black & StitchingBrick Front
1A9 TrimColorDoorPanel - MED Cashmere AJC figjfigmgread) FrontSeat,UP/DOW”
T' D P l - DK T't '
1N: r1mColor oor ane . Ianium AJD Restraint- Head,FrontSeat,Up/Down,
1BF TrimColorDoorPanel - Brick Fore/Aft Adjustment,FoldingPassenger
4AA InteriorTrim- Jet Black AJG Driver&
RestraintSystem- Seat,in_flatabte,
4AQ InteriorTrim_ V DK Pewter Passenger,Front& SeatSide,SingleStage

5EA Equipment- Package,C02 - Reduction AKJ W'ndSh'eldStyle' Shade Band

9L3 TireSpare_None AKM WindowType- Clear

A33 Window—PowerOperated,Rear DRS AKN WindowType‘ Tinted

A55 Window—PowerOperated,Driver AKP WindowType' 80'5"Absorbing
- htRear Com art -
t—Lid, ALO Sensorlndicator-inflatable
. RestraintFront

L k C ntrolRI
Tgfigateo, p men Passengerl ChildPresenceDetector
A66 Window- PowerOperated,Passenger AM7 Seat RearT Folding
AMA Seat Rear—SplitBack,Folding,Headrest

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
General information ’llS

RPO Description
AN1 Seat Rear - Bench Suppression
AQ2 Net—Convenience,Package iflw
AQP Restraint—Head, Rear Seat, Center CD4 wig System—Windshield,Pulse, Variable
AR1 RestraintSystem_ (None)
CF5 Roof- Sun, Glass, Sliding,ELEC
Seat‘ FrontBKT' Standard _ .
SystemRear —Seat, SHLDR, D05 ArImRest FrontISeat,Dr1ver
RETR, 3 Point,3 SHLDR
AT7 W/
D31 Mirror,
AU3 Lock Control—Side Door,Electronic Mirrorl/S FrontVAN - Sunshade,wlo
/. D6J Passenger,w/ Mirror
and RH,
AWB 253:1? g¥§f2mpfififir—Seat, LH HandleO/S Door —Body Color,Chrome
Driver D7A
AXG Window_PowerOperated_Express HandleO/S Door- Black
Up I Down HandleO/S Door- Body Color Black
Driver D75
AYO RestraintSystem—Seat, Inflatable, D87 Handle_O/S, L/Gate,R/CMPT,
Roof Side
and PassengerFront,Seat Side,
Driver& Handle' O/S' LlGate, R/CMPT’ COW
RestraintSystem- Seat, Inflatable, D91
AYC PassengerFront,Seat Side, Roof Side, D90 Sensor- FrontAirbag(EFS) - Single
Single Stage MirrorO/S_LH & RH, RemoteControl,
Driver& DCB
RestaintSystem—Seat, Inflatable, & Rear ManualFolding,Black
Passenger Front,Front Seat Side . Control,
AYF Knee MirrorO/S- LH & RH, Remote
Seat Side, Roof Side, DG2
————/ . ManualFolding,Color
B37 govermg—Floor Mat, Frontand Rear, / Control,
ux11a DG6 MirrorOlS - LH & RH, Remote
ry CONT, Electric,ManualFolding,Heated,Color
B9U LOCkControlRR CMPT - L/GateREM //.
l/S FrontVAN - Sunshade,Dr1ver&
ELEC Open/Close DHG Mll‘i‘OI‘
Passenger,wlo Mirror
ICDJompartment —Stowage,FrontSeat,
assen er DL6 MirrorO/S- LH & RH, RemoteControl,
. g _ Electric,ManualFolding,Color
Equ1pment j SeCUFItySystem, . Control,
BAH Immobilization,Step Two DL7 MirrorO/S- LH & RH, Remote Color
, Electric.Heated,PowerFolding,
BCM Covering- Load Compartment,Movable MirrorHS FrontVAN - Sunshade,w/Mirror,
BCO Plant Code - Bogota,Colombia We Cover
BGY Plant Code - DongYue, China MirrorIISFrontVAN - Sunshade,
-- _ DLV Passenger,w/Mirror& Cover
BPF EggfiaerEnggismnsFront,Lower
DUJ Ashtray- Smoker‘sPackage
BTT Alarm_RemotePanic
E17 BumperT 2'5 mph
BTV RemoteStart—Engine BumperT 5'0 mph I
BUP Plant Code - Bupyeong1, Korea Handle' ”8' Door, Chrome
BXQ Ornamentation - EXTR, PLR APLQ, Reveal, E22 Handle—Assist, Rear
Black Handle—Assist, Passenger
C25 WiperSystem- Rear Window,intermittent Chrome
E3E Handle-0/s, LlGate, RlCMPT,
Heater- Heating/DefrosterSystem, f/. , .
C32 —2 kg
Fire Extingu13her
Reinforced,Electric E7Y
Heater—Duct,RR PASS E91 Pocket—FrontSeat Back, Passenger
f/I 035 . . ,
HVAC System- Heater, OutstdeAir,w1thFan EBL TrimSeat- Cloth,Flash
C41 . . ,
Defogger- RR Window, Electric EBM TrimSeat—Cloth,Breva
C49 . ._ _
C60 HVAC System- Air ConditionerFRT,
MAN ECE TrimSeat—Leather(TBD1—GSV)(GMDAT)
Controls Ratio- TransaxleFinal Drive4.11
C7B HVAC System_Air ConditionerFRT, FE1 SuspensionSystem_ Soft Ride
Core Not Required,Fan Speed - System_ Spec1al ~ and
- Ride
Switch- DirectionalSignal,Wiper,Reverse FE4
080 Mount,STRG WHL
FE9 Certification—Emission,Federal
C91 Lamp' INTR' ROOf’Courtesy Fuel System- Electronic,Returnless
Reading FHA
095 Lamp,'NTR' Roof,Courtesy8‘ Dual Ratio- TransaxleFinal Drive3.47

2013 (5377994)
la'lo General information

RPO Description RPO Description

FHF TrimDoor—HardTouchPaint GQJ PrimaryColor- Exterior,GrandCanyon
FHG TrimDoor—SoftTouchPaint BrownMET (894T) I
FHN VehicleFuel-GasolineE5 GQM mfigyggggor' EXter'or'Boracay3"”
FHP VehicleFuel‘ GasolineE20 GQV PrimaryColor—Exterior,FlameRed
FHS VehicleFuel‘ GasolineE85 GQW PrimaryColor- Exterior,UrbanGrey (658R)
FHT VehicleFuel' GasolineE100 J93 BrakeSystem- Power,FRT Disc,RR Drum,
FHY VehicleFuel- DieselB10 ABS, 15"
FP9 Ratio- TransaxleFinalDrive3.55 J94 Brake?gstem- Power,FRT Disc,RR
FV1 Ratio-TransaxleFinalDrive3.72 B k S t P FRTD' RR D
ra e s em- ower, ISC, rum,
FV2 Ratio- TransaxleFinalDrive4.18 J97 ABS, 14X
FV5 Ratio—TransaxleFinalDrive4.19 JBD Booster_Brake,SingleRate
FV7 Ratio- TransaxleFinalDrive429 JBE Booster_Brake,DualRate
FVE Ratio- TransaxleFinalDrive4.63 JDE Bumper_Front&Rear,Lightweight
FVG Ratio-TransaxleFinalDrive4.64 JPW BrakeSystem_powerIFRT Disc,RR
FX1 Ratio- TransaxleFinalDrive3.94 Drum,14
FX3 RideAnd Handling—AutomaticElectronic K12 Filter- Air:Pollutant
Controlled K33 CruiseControl- Automatic,Electronic,
FXB Ratio- TransaxleFinalDrive3.65 SpeedGovernor
FY2 Ratio_TransaxleFinalDrive3J4 K34 CruiseControl- Automatic,Electronic
G83 - _TganIsaxleEthal
IEatio ~ DrIISveII4I4IZI
- d SII K4E Battery—LN3,AGM, 12V,7OAH,
GAN MngGrg6§6gfl X enor, WI0 a e Iver K09 Generator—120Amp
PrimaryColor—Exterior, CarbonFlash Met K60 Generator—100Amp
(G)5010 K97 Generator—80Amp
GAZ (Péigaéglfolor—Exterior,OlympicWhite KA1 Heater_Seat,Front
_ , KE3 Knob—TRANS CONT Lever,Chrome
GBA PrimaryColor—Exterior,Black(G)8555
, _ KG9 Generator—140Amp
GBE PrimaryColor- Exterior,CrystalClaret ,
Tintcoat(G)5050 Kl2 Knob-TRANS CONT Lever,Polyurethane
GBV PrimaryColor- Exterior,CyberGray MET KL7 Conversion—PropaneGas (LPGas)
(G)637R KL9 ENG Control- Stop/Startsvs
GCD PrimaryColor- Exterior,BrightWhite(686H) KNV Knob_TRANS CONT Lever,SatinSilver,
GCN PrimaryColor- Exterior,VictoryRed 9260 Chrome
GCO PrimaryColor- Exterior,SCO Yellow(9414) KPK Heater- Oil Pan
PrimaryColor- Exterior,InfernoOrange KPL Cap - FUGI Fill,Locking
GCR MET (502Q) KRK Knob-TRANS CONT Lever,Leather,Satin
PrimaryColor—Exterior,MistyLake Silver,Chrome
GCW ' Met(683R) KTD Key- PrimaryRigid,AdditionalRigid
GEL mangggmor ‘ EX‘e’W»Dynam'cOrange KTF Key- PrimaryFoldable,AdditionalFoldable
PrimaryColor ExteriorSuperRed KTH LockControl-Side DoorLock/Unlock
_ ' . .
GGE (G)717R KTI Klt,Tlre-lnflator
GlY PrimaryColor- Exterior,GalaxySilver KTJ LockControl- Side DoorLock/ Unlock,
MET (519F) TrunkRelease
GJP PrimaryColor- Exterior,Grenada KTK LockControl- Side DoorLock/ Unlock,
Black(446P) RemoteStart
GLF PrimaryColor- Exterior,Space Blue KTL LockControl- Side DoorLock/Unlock,
Metallic819T TrunkRelease,RemoteStart
GMN PrimaryColor—Exterior,Desert ‘ KTM Key- PrimaryFoldable,AdditionalRigid
Bloom(8768) . ..
I I KTN Equtpment- AdditionalKey (NoButtons)
cos 13G”)???
JCO'Or'EXter'Or’Chew Red MET L2| Engine- Gas, 4 Cyl, 1.4L,MFI,L4, DOHC,

General information 'l=17

RPO Description
RPO NA3 EmissionSystem—Japan
Engine- Gas, 4 Cyl, 1.4L,MFI,L4, DOHC, (Rear
L2N Lock —ElectricalChild Lock System
LCU Engine- Gas, 4 Cyl, 1.4L,MFI,DOHC, Certification- Emission,Geographically
FAM AlB, GMDAT RestrictedRegistrationfor Vehicles
LDC Engine- Gas, 4 Cyl, 1.2L,MFI, 14,000 LBS GVW
PT—JV, VariableCamshaftPhasing EmissionSystem—EEC 09
LDD Engine—Gas, 4 Cyl, 1.4L,MFI,DOHC, EmissionSystem—Federal,NLEV
VariableCamshaftPhasing,FAM 0 NF7
DOHC, VVT, Steering—Power,Non-variableRatio,
Engine- Gas, 4 Cyl, 1.6L,MFl, Intake
LDE VariableCamshaftPhasing,Variable
Module (VIM) NPH ExhaustSystem- HeavyDuty
LDV Engine- Diesel,4 Cyl, 1.3L,L4, Dl, NQU EmissionSystem—Korean,ULEV
Turbo,55KW, 190NM
DOHC, VVT, NT3 EmissionSystem—EEC 00
Engine- Gas, 4Cyl, 1.6L,MFI,E85
Variableintake Module (VIM), MAX NT4 EmissionSystem—EEC 05
Engine—Gas, 4 Cyl, 1.6L, MFI, E100 MAX NT7 EmissionSystem—Federal,Tier2
VehicleDrive—Left HandDrive NU6 EmissionSystem- California,PZEV
LHD Interface,
Engine- Diesel,4 Cyl, 1.3L,CRl,
DOHC, NZA Control- SteeringWheel,Wireless
LSF Radio & Phone, Handsfree
Engine- Gas, 4 Cyl, 1.4L,MFI,DOHC, ORN Plant Code - Orion,MI,USA
Turbo,VVT. ALUM, GME, E85 MAX PZY Plate - Skid Front& Rear
LUW Engine-Gas, 4 Cyl, 1.8L,MFI, 103KW, Q1G Tire All - 185/75R14SL 89H BW
51KW Q1H TireAll —P195/65R15SL 89H
LWD Engine- Gas, 4Cyl, 1.2L,MFI,DOHC, BW HW2
VVT, Q1W Tire All - 195/65R158L91H
LWE Engine-Gas, 4 Cyl, 1.8L,MFI,DOHC, HW3
103KW, GME Q1X Tire All - 205/55R16SL 91H BW
Transmission- Manual5 Speed, Opel,
030 TireAll - P205/50R17SL 88V BW
2ND, 1.323 3RD, 0.946 4TH, BW HW3
M26 MM, 1.96 Q5| Tire All - 205/5OR17SL 89V
0.7565TH,F17 (WR) HW3
Q6K Tire All - 195/65R15SL 91H BW
M97 ShifterInterlock- Brake,TRANS HW4
06L TireAll - 205/55R16SL 91H BW
MDC MoldingB/S Upper- Bright
Brazil, Jack —Mechanical,withTools
MEM Transmission- ManualFWD 5 Speed,UR) Q8E
180MM,3.9091ST,0.6745TH (F17; QBO Tire All - P185/75R14SL 89H BW
MFH Transmission- Manual5 Speed, D16 QLG Tire All —P205l55R16SL 89H BW
X24F BW AL2 (Low
MH9 Transmission- Auto6 Speed, HMD, QZF TireIAll- P195/65R15SL 89H
SHD, Resnstance)
MX3 Transmission—Manual5 Speed,Y4M
1ST 3.667,5TH 0.761 RHD Vehicle Drive—RightHandDrive
HW2 (Low
Transmission—Manual5 Speed, GMDAT, RQ4 TireIAlI- 195/65R15SL 91H BW
D16 Intermediate Semi—wide, 72MM, ReSIstance)
3.7271ST,0.7635TH Wheel—14X5.5,J,Steel,Design1
Opel, 76.5 RRB
MZ4 Transmission- Manual6 Speed,WR) Wheel—15X6.0,J,Aluminum, Design 1
MM, 3.821ST.0.615 6TH, (M32 RRK
Transmission- Manual6 Speed, Opel,
76.5 RRL Wheel - 15x60, J, Steel, Design
MZ7 6TH (M20) 1
MM, 4.2731ST,0.614 RRV Wheel—16x6.0,J,AIuminum,Design
N08 Lock Control- Fuel Filler Door,REM R87 Wheel —17x65, J, Aluminum,Design1
N12 ExhaustSystem—Rear Exit T39 Lamp- TurnSignal,AUX
N30 SteeringWheel—Deluxe T3U Lamp—FrontFog
N33 SteeringColumn—TiltType T3W Lamp ISystem—DaytimeRunning,
IntenSItyLow Beam
N34 SteeringWheel —Leather,3 Spokes Regular
SteeringColumn—Tilt,Telescoping T3X Lamp ISystem—DaytimeRunning,
N37 lntenSItyLow Beam
Steering—Power,Non—Variable Ratio
N40 T43 Spoiler—Rear
N45 SteeringWheel—3 Spokes Acoustical
N54 SteeringWheel—3 Spokes, Sport Headlamps- Halogen
N81 Tire Spare- Full Size

2013 (5377994)
l-‘l8 General information

RPO Description RPO Description

T67 Battery—LN3,FLA, 12V,70AH,512ENCCA UQQ SpeakerSystem—(None)
T83 HeadlampsControl- AutomaticOn - Off UQJ RestraintProvisions- Child,lSOFIX 2
. PointOnly
TB1 Lamp—TaIIandStop,Korea
. RestraintProvisions—Child,ISOFIX 2 Point
TBU P'am COde' 6 OCtOberC'tynEgypt UQK Point/LATCH (INC2 TopTether
TCU LicensePlate- Front& RearMounting,ECE POIntS)
TD1 Reflector—SafetyTriangle RestraintProvisions- Child,ISOFIX 2 Point
_ . UQL Only,Point/ LATCH (WC 3 TopTether
TL6 GrIlle~RadIator,Black . Points)
TM7 Battery—‘LN2,FLA, 12V,6OAH,438ENCCA U88 Radio_AM/FMStereo,Seek /Scan,CD,
TN9 Battery—LN1,FLA, 12v,50AH,375ENCCA AutoTone:ClockvETR, MP3. RDS
TR1 Lamp_Tail& Stop USR Receptacle- USB
HeadlampsControl_ LevelingSystem, UTJ TheftDeterrent—Electrical,Unauthorized
TRS Manual Entry
_ ' L I TheftDeterrent- Mechanical,Double
1:: :1“: 8:111:51?” .
U04 HPOIeréI eIar,Nt I ga e, por UW4 SpeakerSystem~4, Custom
80m; Inge (In: t K'l t UW6 SpeakerSystem—6, Custom‘
U18 Lpee (”Indef—I25”:8” ’ 'IomeIer UYO Battery—LNO,FLA, 12v,4OAH,300ENCCA
025 Cgfifie‘synter'or’ear °mparme” ' v22 Grille—Radiator,Chrome
U2K DigitalAudioSystem_S-Band V48 Coolant—EngineMaximumProtection
U58 RadioFaceplate—IntegratedCenterConsole V5M Calibration‘ TOM,NeutralldleControl
U68 Center
Display—DriverInformation V01 ProvisionOptions‘ Europe
U71 Antenna_ RoofIRadio VDB Provisions—FirstAid Kit
Antenna_Roof Radio GPS Phone, VEE BumperFront- BodyColor,Front& Rear
UBA ’ ’ ’ . . _
S-BandXM VGC PaIntEtchPreventIve
Protector- FIIm,
UC1 Speedometer—Instrument, Miles VHY Protector_ BodySheetMetal,High
U03 Control- SteeringWheel,Radio& Phone, CorrOSIon PreventIve
RedundantControls VK8 Holder~Eyeglasses
UD7 Sensor Indicator_ Rear ParkingASSiSt VKD LicensePlate- Front& Rear Mounting,SAE
UDB DisplayInstrument —DriverInfoEnhanced t Graph't
pane|Center _Instrumen, Ie
(Segmented) VMO SilverMET
DisplayInstrument —TripOdometer Bumper- FrontLowSpeed,Rear Light
UDG (Segmented) VMT Weight
UE1 CommunicationSystem-Vehicle,G.P.S.1 VYK panelCenter_instrument,Jet Black
UE3 CommunicationSystem-Vehicle.G.P.S.3 W1Y Control_SteeringWheel,Radio,Redundant
UG7 TheftDeterrentI-VehicleTrackingand Controls
RestartPrevent'on WU5 Switch—IlP LP Dimmer
UGM Sensor Equipment-OutsideAir Temperature ChaSSIS -
I, EngIne
- _ p rotect'IonK't
Sensor XL4 Compartment
UHO Indicator—Seat BeltWarning, LH XL7 FrequenciesRating_315MHZ,Long
UH1 Indicator—Seat BeltWarning, RH D'Stance '
UH5 Indicator— Seat BeltWarning,RearSeat XL8 FrequenciesRating' 433 MHZ
Radio_AM/FMStereo,Seek/Scan,CD, XX7 Radio—Provisions,installation,VAR3
UH7 ETR: Clock DSPIMP3 WMA USB. AUX/ YF5 Certification- Emission,California
IN,WirelessInterface . .
_ , , , YG3 Ornamentatlon —EXTR, Head&TaIlLamps,
UJ2 lndIcator- EngIneOIILIfe ChromeBezel
UJM TirePress Indicator- ManualLearn YG5 OrnamentationI- EXTR, Head&TailLamps,
UL5 Radio_(None) HIghGloss FInIsh
UM7 Radio—AM/FMStereo,Seek/Scan, ZAA TireSpare‘ Compact
Clock, ETR
UPF WirelessInterface- ShortRange,VoiceREC

General lntormation 1:19


Metric Fasteners
using the
This vehicle provides fastener dimensionsapproximate
metric system. Most metric fasteners are
fasteners. Make
in diameter to equivalent English
replacements using fasteners of the same nominal
diameter, thread pitch, and strength.
metric fasteners
A number marking identifies the OE number also
except cross-recess head screws. The
indicates the strength of the fastener material.
identifies a
A Posidrive® or Type 1A cross-recess use a
metric cross-recess screw. For best results,
or equivalent, in
Type 1A cross-recess screwdriver,
Posidrive® recess head screws.
GM Engineering Standards and North lSO-defined
Industries have adopted a portion of the
was to
standard metric fastener sizes. The purpose
fastener sizes used while
reduce the number of thread size.
retaining the best thread qualities in each nearly the
screw, with
For example, the metric M6.0 X 1 replaced the
same diameter and 25.4 threads per inch
thread pitch is
English 1/4—20and 1/4—28screws. The thread
coarse and fine
midway between the English
Fastener Strength Identification


Class) (3) English Bolt, Grade7 (Strength
(1) English Bolt, Grade 2 (Strength (4) English Bolt, Grade8 (Strength Class)
Grade 5 (Strength Class)
(2) English Bolt,

2013 (5377994)
'l -20 General lnformation
(5) Metric Nut, Strength Class 9 (6) Metric Bolts, Strength Class increases as
Numbers Increase

The most commonly used metric fastener strength order to determine if the fastener may be reused and
property classes are 9.8 and 10.9. The class the applicable thread—Iockingcompound to apply to the
identification is embossed on the head of each bolt. fastener.
The English, inch strength classes range from grade 2
to grade 8. Radial lines are embossed on the head of
each bolt in order to identify the strength class. The
number of lines on the head of the bolt is 2 lines less
than the actual grade. For example, a grade 8 bolt will
have 6 radial lines on the bolt head. Some metric nuts
are marked with a single digit strength identification
number on the nut face. ~~M
The correct fasteners are available through GM SPO. 12345
Many metric fasteners available in the aftermarket parts
channels are designed to metric standards of countries
other than the United States, and may exhibit the
- Lower strength
- No numbered head marking system
° Wrong thread pitch
6 7 9
The metric fasteners on GM products are designed to
new, international standards. The following are the
common sizes and pitches, except for special
~ M6.0X1
° M8X1.25
- M1OX1.5
(1) Prevailing Torque Nut, Center Lock Type
- M12X1.75 (2) Prevailing Torque Nut, Top Lock Type
- M14X2.00 (3) Prevailing Torque Nut, Nylon Patch Type
- M16X2.00 (4) Prevailing Torque Nut, Nylon Washer
Prevailing Torque Fasteners
(5) Prevailing Torque Nut, Nylon InsertType
Prevailing torque fasteners create a thread interface (6) Prevailing Torque Bolt, Dry Adhesive
between the fastener and the fastener counterpart in Coating Type
order to prevent the fastener from loosening. (7) Prevailing Torque Bolt, Thread Profile
All Metal Prevailing Torque Fasteners Deformed Type
(8) Prevailing Torque Bolt, Nylon Strip Type
These fasteners accomplish the thread interface by a
designed distortion or deformation in the fastener. (9) Prevailing Torque Bolt, Out-of—RoundThread
Area Type
Nylon Interface Prevailing Torque Fasteners
These fasteners accomplish the thread interface by the A prevailing torque fastener may be reused ONLY if:
presence of a nylon material on the fastener threads. 1 The fastener and the fastener counterpart are
clean and not damaged
Adhesive Coated Fasteners
0 There is no rust on the fastener
These fasteners accomplish the thread interface by the - The fastener develops the specified minimum
presence of a thread-Iocking compound on the fastener torque against its counterpart prior to the fastener
threads. Refer to the appropriate repair procedure in seafing

Metric Prevailing Torque Fastener Minimum Torque Development

Application Metric I English
All MetalPrevailingTorqueFasteners
6 mm 0.4NW 4 lbin
8 mm 0.8N-m 7 lbin
10mm 1.4N-m 12Ibin
12mm 2.1N-m 19|bin
14mm 3N°m 27lb in

2013 (5377994)
General Information 1:21

Minimum Torque Develop ment (cont'd)

Prevailing Torque Fastener
Metric Specification
Metric English
Application 37lb in
16mm 7N-m 52 lb In
20 mm 10.5N-m 93lb In
24 mm
Nylon InterfacePrevailingTorque 0.3N-m 3 lb in
5 mm 0.5Nm 5 lb in
8 mm 1.1N-m 10lbin
10mm 1.5N-m 13lbin
12mm 2.3N'm 20lb in
14mm 3.4N-m 301bin
16mm 5.5N-m 49lb in
20 mm 8.5N-m 75lb in
24 mm

Minimum Torque Development

Prevailin 9 Torque Fastener
English Specification

All MetalPrevailingTorqueFasteners 0.5N-m 4.5lb in

1/4in 0.8N'm 7.51bin
5/16in 1.3N'm 11.5lb in
3/8in 1.8N-m 16|bin
7/16in 2.3N'm 20lb in
1/2in 3.2N°m 28lb in
9/16in 4N1m 36lb in
5/8in 7 N-m 54lb in
Nylon InterfacePrevailingTorque 0.3N-m 3 lb in
1/4in 0.6N-m 5|bin
5/16in 1N°m 9 lb in
3/8in 1.3N-m 12|bin
7/16in 1.8N-m 16lb in
1/2in 2.5N-m 22lb in
9/16in 3.4N-m 30lb in
5/8in 5N-m 45 lbin

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
1122 General information

Thread Inserts
General Purpose Thread Repair Kits.
These kits are available commercially.
Repair Procedure


:1 \

4. Thread the thread insert onto the mandrel of the
\ \ installer. Engage the tang of the insert onto the end
of the mandrel.
Note: The insert should be flush to one turn below the
4962 5. Lubricate the insert with light engine oil, except
Warning: Refer to Safety Glasses Warning on when installing in aluminum and install the insert.
page 0-5.
6. lfthe tang of the insert does not break off when
Note: Refer to the thread repair kit manufacturer backing out the installer, break the tang off with a
instructions regarding the size of the drill and tap drift.
to use.
Avoid any buildup of chips. Back out the tap every few Registered and Non-Registered
turns and remove the chips. Trademarks
1. Determine the size, the pitch, and the depth of the Listed below are Registered Trademarks (®)or
damaged thread. Ifnecessary, adjust the stop Non—RegisteredTrademarks (TM)which may appear in
collars on the cutting tool and tap to the required this service manual.
2. Drill out the damaged threads. Clean out any Registered and Non-Registered
chips. Trademarks
3. Lubricate the tap with light engine oil. Tap the hole. A
Clean the threads.



General information 1423

and Non-Registered Registered and Non-Registered

(cont‘d) Trademarks (cont'd)
C HomelinkTM
Caterpillar® HYDRA-MATIC®
C-Quam® Illumination®
Delco® Intune®
Delco Electronics® LOCTITETM
Delco Freedom® LordFusorTM
. M
DelcoLoc II®
Delco Moraine® MAGNASTEER®
DelcoRemy® Maxifuse®
DelcoSound® Metripack®
Delco Supreme® Micropack®
DelcoTech® Minifuse®
DELCORE® Mr Goodwrench®
DEx-COOL® Northstar®
Dolby® PASS-KEY®
Duraguard® PK3®
Durastop® Posidrive®
DuramaxTM Pro®

EatonCorporation® Quad4®
F RapidFire®
G ScotchBriteTM
GeneralMotors® ScotchguardTM
GM® Signals®
GM GoodwrenchService® SikkensTM
GM Optikleen® Soft—Ray®
GM PartsTM Solar—Ray®
GM Pass® Stabilitrak®
GM Ultralite® Sunrayce®
GMAC® Superlube®
Goodwrench® Syclone®

2013 (US/Canada)
Sonic (5377994)
'l 24 General information

Registered and Non-Registered

Trademarks (cont'd)


Ultralite® 2760548
Caution: Failure to properly support the Remote
Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter assembly while
Velcro® replacing the key blade may cause internal damage to
the transmitter assembly.
WeatherpackTM 1. insert the RKE transmitter in the fixture as shown.

Door Lock and Ignition Lock Folding

and Non-Folding Key Cutting
High Security keys are available from the service parts
Obtain the key code from the security card or from the
GM Dealer World, Parts, Key Code Look Up system.
Ifyou have the key code and access to a Triax—E.,BD
Laser or other code key cutting machine from the GM
Dealer Equipment Catalog, you may cut a new key.
Ifyou have the original key and access to a Matrix 8,
BD Laser or other key duplicating machine, you may
duplicate the key.
Ifyou do not have a high security key cutting machine,
order the side out key from the service parts system.
Include the key code in the NOTE field. Indicate the
timing and the method of the shipment.
inspect the new key operation in the lock cylinder.
Ensure the new key operates effectively.
Door Lock and Ignition Lock Folding Note: Itmay be necessary to dress the pin drift on a
Key Blade Removal and Installation grinder to maintain the diameter in order to drive the pin
through the housing.
Special Tools
2. Using the 80-51098 fixture, drive the retention pin
80-51098 Flip Key Blade Fixture from the transmitter assembly as shown.
For equivalent region tools, refer to Special Tools on
page 1—32.

2013 (5377994)
General lnior‘mation 1225

the roll pin flush
transmitter 6. Using the 30-51098 fixture, drive
3. Remove the key blade from the to the surface. .
4. Install the coded blank into the transmitter blade
assembly, insure the indentation on the key
faces the retention pin.

Note: Use caution not to damage the surface,
plating, in the following steps.
pin half way
5. Using needle nose pliers, insert the
into the transmitter assembly.

2013 (5377994)
1226 General information

Front Side Door Lock Cylinder 5. Turn the cylinder so the side with the 4 tumbler
spring wells faces up. This side uses right
Coding (Free Wheeling) tumblers.
Special Tools 6. Insert the tumbler springs into the 4 spring pockets.
80—49753Assembly Tool 7. The first tumbler closest to the front of the lock
cylinder to be loaded will be the second key cut
position, the second number in the key code.
Install the remaining tumblers for the key cut
positions 4, 6, and 8. Press the tumblers in place
until they are secure.
8. Check the correct loading of the tumblers by
inserting the key into the cylinder. All tumblers
should be flush with the lock cylinder body.
9. Insert the key and lightly lubricate the cylinder body
diameter and tumbler surfaces and a small amount
in the head of the cylinder using the supplied
10. Insert the sleeve (4) onto the cylinder assembly.
11. Insert the clutch (5) and driver(6) onto the
cylinder (1).

The door lock cylinder uses 8 of the 8 cut positions. The
tumbler positions are staggered from side to side, 4 on
one side and 4 on the other, are not self—retaining,and
are not snap in. 2197418
Note: All lock cylinders for side milled keys have right 12. Load the cylinder into the BO—49753assembly tool
and left tumblers. The location of the tooth of the so that the clutch (1) indexes with the notch in the
tumbler determines whether it is right of left. opening of the tool (2).
Illustrations in this procedure show the right tumblers
on the top and the left tumblers on the bottom.All
tumblers are marked 1R, 1L, 2R, or 2L. The number
being cut depth and the letter meaning right or left.
1. Hold the door lock cylinder (1) so the side with the
4 tumbler spring pockets faces up, pocket nearest
to the cylinder head.
2. Insertthe tumbler springs (2) into the 4 spring
pockets. This side uses left tumblers.
3. Install the tumbler(3) for key cut position one in the
slot nearest to the front of the lock cylinder. Install
the remaining tumblers, key cut positions 3, 5, and
7, following the key code and same process. Press
the tumblers in place until they are secure.
4. Check the correct loading of the tumblers by
inserting the key into the cylinder. All tumblers
should be flush with the lock cylinder body.

2013 (5377994)
General information 1127
16. Install the free wheel pin (11)in the sleeve (4) and
clutch (5) and insert the assembly into the case (9).
17. With the lock cylinder assembly installed in the
case (9), install the retainer(10) and stake the
retainer in place using a small punch and hammer
to peen the case material onto the exposed ends of
the installed retainer (10).
18. Insertthe key into the lock and function the lock to
check for proper assembly and smooth operation.

Front Side Door Lock Cylinder

Coding (Non Free Wheeling)

13. Load the assembly tool with the lock cylinder into a
vice and tightenthe vice ONLY enough to hold the
tool and lock the cylinder in place.

The door lock cylinder uses 8 of the 8 cut positions. The
tumbler positions are staggered from side to side, 4 on
one side and 4 on the other, are not self—retaining,and
are not snap in.
Note: All lock cylinders for side milled keys have right
and left tumblers. The location of the tooth of the
tumbler determines whether it is right of left.
Illustrations in this procedure show the right tumblers
on the top and the left tumblers on the bottom. All
tumblers are marked 1R, 1L, 2R, or 2L. The number
being cut depth and the letter meaning right or left.
1. Hold the door lock cylinder (1) so the side with the
14. insert the roll pin (7) into the driver (6) and install it 4 tumbler spring pockets faces up, pocket nearest
using a 1/16inch pin punch. to the cylinder head.
15. Insert the buffer(8) in the case (9),verify the buffer 2. insert the tumbler springs (2) into the 4 spring
is properly seated. pockets. This side uses left tumblers.

2013 (5377994)
128 General information
3. Install the tumbler (3) for key cut position one in the 12. With the lock cylinder assembly installed in the
slot nearest to the front of the lock cylinder. Install case (5), install the retainer (6) and stake the
the remaining tumblers, key cut positions 3, 5, and retainer in place using a small punch and hammer
7, following the key code and same process. Press to peen the case material onto the exposed ends of
the tumblers in place until they are secure. the installed retainer (6).
4. Check the correct loading of the tumblers by 13. Insert the key into the lock and function the lock to
inserting the key into the cylinder. All tumblers check for proper assembly and smooth operation.
should be flush with the lock cylinder body.
5. Turn the cylinder so the side with the 4 tumbler Lock Cylinder Coding - Ignition
spring wells faces up. This side uses right
6. Insert the tumbler springs into the 4 spring pockets.
7. The first tumbler closest to the front of the lock
cylinder to be loaded will be the second key cut
position, the second number in the key code.
Install the remaining tumblers for the key cut
positions 4, 6, and 8. Press the tumblers in place
until they are secure.
8. Check the correct loading of the tumblers by
inserting the key into the cylinder. All tumblers
should be flush with the lock cylinder body.
9. Insert the key and lightly lubricate the cylinder body
diameter and tumbler surfaces and a small amount
in the head of the cylinder using the supplied
10. Insertthe sleeve (4) onto the cylinder assembly.

The ignition lock cylinder uses 8 key cut positions, 1—8.
The ignition cylinder tumblers (3) are located on
alternate sides of the cylinder (5).They are not snap—in
and are not seIf-retaining.Itfollows the key code with
the first tumbler being the first depth of the key code,
closest to the head of the key.
11. Insert the assembly into the case (5).

2013 (5377994)
General information 1 =29

Note: All lock cylinders for side milled keys have right The first tumbler (3) to be loaded will be the second
and left tumblers. The location of the tooth of the key cut position, the second number in the key
tumbler determines whether it is right of left. code. Install the first tumbler in the slot over the
Illustrations in this procedure show the right tumblers spring. install the remaining left tumblers following
on the top and the left tumblers on the bottom. All the key code and same process, pressing the
tumblers are marked 1R, 1L, 2R, or 2L. The number tumblers in place until they are secure.
being cut depth and the letter meaning right or left. Inspect for correct loading of the tumblers by
inserting the key into the cylinder. All tumblers
1. Hold the ignition cylinder assembly (5) so the side should drop flush with the lock cylinder body
with the tumbler spring pocket located closest to diameter.
the head of the cylinder is facing up.
With the key in the cylinder assembly insert the
2. Insert the tumbler spring (7) into each of the round connector (6), insert the retainer spring (2) in
4 spring pockets of the cylinder assembly. This the retainer slot located in the cylinder assembly.
side of the cylinder used left tumblers. insert the retainer (1) lining it up in the slot over the
3. The first tumbler (3) to be loaded will be the first spring. Depress the retainer and hold.
key cut position, which is the first number in the . Insert the cylinder into the sleeve (4) as shown in
key code. install the tumbler in the slot over the the print. Make sure the actuator stays located
spring. install the remaining right tumblers properly in the cylinder.
following the key code and same process, pressing
the tumblers in place until they are secure. When the key is removed, the lock should stay
4. Rotate the cylinder assembly. Insertthe tumbler
spring into each of the spring pockets of the 10. Lightly lubricate the outside surface in the tumbler
cylinder assembly. This side of the cylinder used area of in the lock body and down the key slot
right tumblers. using the provided grease. Insertand extract the
key 5 times to lubricate the keyway.
11. Insert the key and function the lock 3 times to
distribute the grease inside the sleeve.
12. Verify the key position for inserting the lock into the

2013 (5377994)
'l=30 General information

Rear Compartment Lid Lock Cylinder Coding

The rear compartment lid lock cylinder uses 7 of the . Check the correct loading of the tumblers by
7 cut positions. The tumbler positions are staggered inserting the key into the cylinder. All tumblers
from side to side, 4 on one side and 3 on the other, are should be flush with the lock cylinder body.
not self-retaining, and are not snap in. Assemble the restoring spring (4) onto the rear of
Note: All lock cylinders for side milled keys have right the cylinder.
and left tumblers. The location of the tooth of the Tape the pad (5) onto the housing (6).
tumbler determines whether it is right or left.
Illustrations in this procedure show the righttumblers Grease the housing.
on the top and the left tumblers on the bottom.All Insertthe lock cylinder (1) into the housing (6).
tumblers are marked 1R, 1L, 2R, or 2L. The number Remove the key from the cylinder.
being cut depth and the letter meaning right or left. Install the lever (7) onto the end of the cylinder(1).
1. Tumbler spring (2) and tumbler (3) are to be . Attach the E-ring (8) to the cylinder, then crimp it to
assembled into the cylinder(1). In this case start retain the lever assembly.
with the tumbler nearest the cylinder head and Snap the rod retainer (9) into the hole in the
work through until the last tumbler at the base. Use |ever(7).
the key as a tool by pushing it in step by step to 10. Insertthe key into the lock and function the lock to
hold the already assembled tumblers in place. check for proper assembly and smooth operation.


General information 1:131

Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle

Note: The use of a LOW PROFILE LIFT ARMS

SYSTEM may be required to avoid unwanted contact
with the vehicle body and structure depending on lifting
equipment used. Refer to the manufacturer
recommendation for their applications of low profile lift
arms system for their lifting equipment.



- Perform the vehicle lifting orjacking procedure on
Danger: To avoid any vehicle damage, serious
personal‘injury or death when major components a clean, hard, dry, level surface.
are removed from the vehicle and the vehicle is - Perform the vehicle lifting orjacking procedure
supported by a hoist, support the vehicle with jack only at the identified lift points. DO NOT allow the
stands at the opposite end from which the lifting equipment orjacking equipment to contact
components are being removed and strap the any other vehicle components.
vehicle to the hoist. Failure to perform the previous steps could result in
Danger: To avoid any vehicle damage, serious damage to the lifting equipment or the jacking
personal injury or death, always use the jackstands equipment, the vehicle, and/orthe vehicle contents.
to support the vehicle when lifting the vehicle with Lift
Vehicle Lifting— Frame Contact
a jack.
Caution: Perform the following steps before beginning Front Lift Pads
any vehicle lifting orjacking procedure: When lifting the vehicle with a frame-contact lift, place
- Remove or secure all of the vehicle contents in the front lift pads on the rocker outer panel weld flange,
order to avoid any shifting or any movement that as shown.
may occur during the vehicle lifting orjacking
procedure. Rear Lift Pads
- The lifting equipment or thejacking equipment When liftingthe vehicle with a frame—contactlift, place
weight rating must meet or exceed the weight of the rear lift pads on the rocker outer panel weld flange,
the vehicle and any vehicle contents. as shown.
- The lifting equipment or the jacking equipment
must meet the operational standards of the lifting
equipment orjacking equipment manufacturer.

2013 (5377994)
1-32 General information
Vehicle Jacking Special Tools Ordering Information
Caution: When you arejacking the vehicle at the front The special service tools shown in this service manual
locations, be certain that the jack or thejack lift pad that have product numbers beginning with J, BO, GE,
does not contact the front fascia, front fascia air dam, CH, DT, EN, EL, SA, OR KM are available for
or the front fenders. Ifsuch contact occurs, vehicle worldwide distribution from:
damage may result. When jacking at selected front SPX Service Solutions
locations additional clearance may be required for the Kent-Moore Tools
jacking points. 28635 Mound Road
Note: When you are lifting a vehicle with a service Warren, MI, USA, 48092-3499
jack, block the wheels at the opposite end from which
you are lifting. Usejack stands to provide additional Phone: 1-800-GM-TOOLS (US & Canada)
support. Monday through Friday
8:00 am—7:00pm Eastern Standard Time
When using a service jack under the front of the vehicle Fax: 1-800-578-7375 or 586-578-7321
use one of the following locations: (Us &
Canada only)
Front of Vehicle
The TECH 2, MDl diagnostic tools & accessories,
Place the service jack pad in the same location as dealer equipment
shown for the front lift pads.
Dealer Equipment and Services
Rear of Vehicle 5775 Enterprise Dr.
Note: Placejackstands ONLY under strong and stable Warren, MI, U.S.A, 48092-3463 ,
vehicle structures. Phone: 1-800-GM-TOOLS (US & Canada)
Place the service jack pad in the same location as Monday through Friday
shown for the rear lift pads. 8:00 am~6:00pm EST
Fax: 1—586—578-7205
Special Tools and Equipment (US only) or
www.des— only)

Illustration Tool Numberl Description

_ 30-51098
Flip Key BladeFixture



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