KISS 6max and Full Ring Cash Game Ranges: Preflop Online Poker

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Preflop Online Poker

KISS 6max and Full Ring

Cash Game Ranges
Here are directions for using the ranges. For more detailed directions, read Preflop Online Poker.
• Don't follow the ranges blindly. If you've got super foldy blinds, you can raise more hands in the CO
and BTN. If you're up against aggressive 3bettors with position on you, tighten up all of your ranges so
you can defend more frequently.
• You'll open the same CO range in the SB when it's folded around to you.
• You'll raise in the BB with the BTN open-raising range when the SB is the only limper in the pot.
• The ROL stands for "raise over limpers" so that's the range you'll raise over limpers with in the
blinds. Make it at least 5bb+1 per limper.
• In each position, your 2bet call and 3bet ranges are based on the position of the open raiser. Keep in
mind their player type and the range you think they have there. If you can get away with more 3bet
bluffs or wider value 3bets, then do it. If you can profitably call with a wider range because you think
the blinds or the players yet to act won't 3bet, then go ahead. If there are aggressive players yet to
act, then tighten your calling and 3betting ranges.
• The EP ranges are used for UTG and MP in 6max games, and UTG through the HJ in full ring
games. You can tighten up in the earliest positions if you prefer in full ring games.
The Dominoes of Poker
KISS 6max and Full Ring
Cash Game Ranges

Don’t follow ranges blindly. Choose your hands dependent upon your opponents and the situation. Strive for +EV hand choices.

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