Findings Conclusions/Recommendations
This study reinforces the value of It was concluded that the blended
data-based analysis in the approach resulted in complementary
scholarship of teaching and learning. strategies which partially addressed the
The affirmation that the hybrid course conventional criticisms of both cognitive
design described here can be a and competency-based pedagogical
potentially effective means to develop approaches.
students' higher-order thinking.
Assessment Tasks
1. In your own words and in not more than 5 sentences each, explain:
A.) Tolmans Purposive Behaviorism
- Tolmans Purposive behaviorism is the combination of Gestalt Psychology and
Behaviorism. It claims that learning is influenced both by the environmental
context and cognitive process. It also asserts the role of mind maps in facilitating
effective learning. Furthermore Tolman believed that learning needs a purpose.
Learning is more effective if the learner has the goal and motivation.
- As the theory suggests, Bandura's social learning theory posits that learning
happens within a social context. Wherein individuals learn through observing
other people's behaviors. Together with observation is the important role of
modelling (the person or thing in which the individual follows). Bandura's Social
Learning Theory also considers the influence of cognition in learning. Just like
Tolman, Badura's ideas are also a combination of behaviorism and cognitive
Findings Conclusions/Recommendations
Assessment Tasks.
1. In your own words, describe the different Gestalt Principles.
The six Gestalt principles namely: Law of Proximity, Law of Closure, Law
of Good Continuation, Law of Pragnanz and Law of Figure/Ground guides a
person as he/she makes a perception. Every Law or Principle signifies every kind
of perceptions that a person draws based on a certain situation. Simply this six
Gestalt principles are the ways on how a person collect , process and restructure
2. List at least five ways to apply gestalt psychology in the teaching and
learning process.
Module 10 .
Research Connection.
Du Gyu KIM and JaeMu LEE
Dept. of Computer Education,
Busan National University of Education
24 Gyodaero, Yeonjegu, Busan 611736, REPUBLIC OF KOREA
Findings Conclusions/Recommendations
These are the results of this study. There are some implications from this
First, there were very significant study. First, it is helpful to apply the PBL
improvements in the students’ model to improve information processing
abilities. abilities; therefore, program research and
Second, the number of students who development to improve information
inserted photos, pictures, tables, and processing abilities using various
graphs in their reports to help in its teaching-learning models (Goal Base
understanding increased from 9 Scenarios, Action Learning, etc.) based
percent to 86 percent. on learning by doing in addition to PBL
Third, their information processing should be continued. Second, ICT
abilities improved because this was literacy training should precede PBL work
not cramming method of teaching; if information processing abilities is to
but, instead, the process of solving a improve. Each school, therefore, should
problem and making a ‘task plan’ provide ICT literacy training time as part
based PBL. of the national curriculum in order to
improve the students’ information
processing abilities and make them
suitable for the information age.
- IPT informs students about the mental processes that occur during learning. It
also gives an important input for students on the proper strategies to effectively
master a concept. As for teachers, they should find meaningful ways in teaching
that that would facilitate effective acquisition, storage, and retrieval of
Module 11.
Topic: " Baking a Cake"
Objective: To be able to bake a cake.
Grade/Year Level: 10
Findings Conclusions/Recommendation
Assessment Tasks.
Research Connection
Findings Conclusions/Recommendations
It was found out that in later studies There is no consistent evidence across
not only is the assumption of the four studies in support of the efficacy
unfamiliarity apparently taken for of advance organizers. There is no
granted, but further, that there is no evidence that a sound operational
specification of methods to ensure definition of an advance organizer eludes
that this assumption does in fact hold even Ausubel himself.
true for the sample data.
Collect different examples of graphic organizer. Indicate how each one is
•Five-Paragraph Essay
Help students write five-paragraph essays with a graphic organizer. This
printable is customizable. Use for standard essay types including narrative,
descriptive, and persuasive.
•Analogy Organizer
Use this analogy organizer when teaching new concepts to your class. Your
students will find it easier to understand new ideas if you compare them to
concepts they are already familiar with.
•Steps in a Process
Use this graphic organizer to describe and order the steps in a process. This
printable is customizable.
•Triple Venn Diagram
Use this three-part Venn diagram to identify differences and similarities.
•KWL Chart (Version 3)
This simple KWL chart can be used in all curriculum areas and all grade levels.
The activity will keep your students organized with new information they learn as
well as key aspects of the topic that they want to learn more about.
•Cause and Effect
Students are asked to identify cause and effect of a story with this graphic
•Five Elements of a Plot
Five elements of a story's plot (introduction, rising action, climax, falling action,
and resolution) provide the structure for this graphic organizer.
Assessment Tasks.
1. In your own words, explain Ausubel's subsumption theory.
-For me Subsumption is how connected or related a new information is to the
prior or accumulated knowledge of a student. The degree in which the new
information to be learned is related to the existing knowledge determines the
success of the learning process
2. Obtain a material such as a book chapter about this topic and prepare an
advance organizer about it.
Theories related
to the Learner's
3. Give at least 4 advance organizers and state their use.
Kohlberg's 3 Levels and
Vygotsky's On Language Bronfrebrener's Bio-
6 substages Organizer
of Moral
Development and Zone of Proximal Ecological Systems
Use this analogy organizer when teaching new concepts to your class. Your
students will find it easier to understand new ideas if you compare them to
concepts they are already familiar with.
•Steps in a Process
Use this graphic organizer to describe and order the steps in a process. This
printable is customizable.
•Triple Venn Diagram
Use this three-part Venn diagram to identify differences and similarities.
Constructivist Theory and a Teaching and Learning Cycle in English
Ratria Rintaningrum
Research Connection
Findings Conclusions
It was found out that there is a It is therefore concluded that
significant positive effect of the Constructivism theory proposed by
integration of Constructivism theory for Jerome is beneficial for second
second language learner to acquire the language learners to acquire English.
second language which is English. It is therefore suggest that teacher of
second language must incorporate the
Constructivism theory in the process of
second language acquisition.
2. Write a simple plan on how to teach this topic using Bruner's principles.
Enactive Level?
Iconic Level?
Symbolic Level?
How will you apply the spiral curriculum approach in this topic?
I can start introducing the topic on lower grades then will be revisited
again at every grade level but with an increasing level of complexity or
Describe how you can use discovery learning for this topic.
Research Connection
The concern for Memorial University’s The researchers drew on several data
faculty of education when introducing an sources: students’ comments in their
optional all-course master’s route was that ongoing electronic Site Scape Forum
students would complete a series of courses postings to each other, which we identify in
Knowledge Construction and Dissemination in Graduate Education
Roberta Hammet and Alice Collis
that, though valuable in themselves, could this paper as “SSF posting”; students’
result in a program that did not provide comments in a final course evaluation
opportunities for students to make teleconference session (fall 1999) and
connections between the knowledge written responses (winter 2002);
explored in the discrete courses and that did comments from second readers
not enable graduate students to see (professors) of students’ research papers;
themselves as producers of knowledge. To and students’ comments about
address this issue, the faculty required dissemination, including their descriptions
students to complete a culminating of the modes that they used to share their
course,the Research and Development knowledge with a wider audience. With the
Seminar. students’ knowledge and consent, we
archived these data.
The purpose of this study was to determine
if those outcomes were being met. The
research question we explored was: Does
our research and development seminar
facilitate knowledge construction and
dissemination by graduate student
Findings Conclusions/Recommendations
The findings confirm that students We have concluded that our curriculum,
constructed knowledge through interaction which incorporated a social constructivist
during web conferences. They created new approach and promoted critique, in turn
understandings while drawing on previous enabled graduate students to construct
and current personal and professional and disseminate knowledge. It did help
experiences and knowledge, and engaged them become directly involved in
in meaningful dissemination activities in their knowledge construction and dissemination
schools and communities.
MODULE 14 Application
1. Think of a topic related to your field of specialization.
2. Indicate how you can apply constructivism for students to construct
their own understanding of the topic.
Topic: " How to use Powerpoint Presentation"
Grade/Year level: 10
Synapse Strengtheners
1. Give the characteristics of a constructivist teacher through poem or a
drawing or a clip art.
Constructivism occurs in a external change of behavior
Emphasizes key ideas in an in-depth manner
Teacher should only be a facilitator
Students engage on hands on activities more
To ensure transfer, teach a few topics Ask first about which parts of speech
in depth rather than many topics they are very familiar and those that
tackled in a shallow manner. they do not know much about.
Topic: The Five Macro Skills
Year/Level: 12
WICS Model Tasks or Activities for your Learner's (at least 3 each)
Research Connection
The purpose of the study is to identify Verbal data from five expert problem
and describe some elements of solvers were collected using protocol
creativity that may be used to construct analysis (Ericsson and Simon, 1993), a
a framework of creative problem technique developed to study cognitive
Creativity in Problem Solving: Uncovering the origin of new ideas. (2005).
Carol R. Aldous
Findings Conclusions/Recommendations
It was found out that Chelsea the The protocols reported above indicate
Grade 11 mathematics student that the formation of a new idea has
appeared to shut out associative three aspects. First, preverbal and non-
reasoning entirely, relying totally on an verbal processes (including spatial
analytical approach. Such an thinking but not exclusively so) are
observation, should it generalize to involved. Second, creativity may
other students, is cause for concern incorporate pre-conscious or non-
and has implications for mathematics conscious activity. Third, creativity
and educational curricula. gives rise to a feeling or intuition.
Indeed the production of a new idea
would appear to entail moving between
thinking and feeling, and between
focused and defocused states of
Assessment Tasks
1. Explain Torrance's 4 criteria of creativity.
Fluency for me is about coming up with different answer or alternatives to
solve a task or challenge at hand.
Flexibility on my own understanding is about flexible diverse the
alternatives in order to answer also diverse problems or task.
Elaboration is somewhat about adding more specific details on how to
specifically solve a problem. It is also about oneself to others shoe, to
widen up the horizon and thinking to come up with the best solution
Originality talks about the production of original ideas, in which the learner
derive it from a certain concept, then make his own original interpretation.
2. Practice creative thinking.
Use in eating, use as a knife, use as a drum stick, use as a microphone,
use as a mirror, use to scope anything.
Fluency- how many uses did you come up
-Ex. spoon can use as a mirror while eating, in which one can see if there is
some left over on his/her mouth.
B. Incomplete Figures.
Behavior 1 2 3 4 5
9. I like homework. ✓
Research Connection
The main objective of the present A sample of 200 students (100 males
study was to examine the relationship and 100 females) was selected from
between extrinsic and intrinsic different colleges of Karachi. The age
motivation on academic performance. of the participants ranged from 18-21
Furthermore, this study explores years (with mean age of 18.56 years).
gender difference on the variable of Their educational level was at least
extrinsic motivations, and intrinsic intermediate and socioeconomic status
motivation. was middle and high class. The
Academic Motivation Scale (Vallerand,
1992) was administered to assess
academic intrinsic and extrinsic
Effect of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation on Academic Performance
Nadia Ayub
Education and Social Sciences Institute of Business Management
motivation and academic performance
was measured through last GPA. In
order to interpret the results Pearson
Product Moment Correlation
Coefficients was calculated to assess
relationship between academic
Findings Conclusions/Recommendations
Variables Affecting suggest
Student that intrinsic
Motivation Basedand
on AcademicTo conclude, findings of the study
Ercan YILMAZ1,extrinsic
Mehmetmotivation and academic
ŞAHİN2, Mehmet illustrates
TURGUT2 and Ahmet that motivation improves
performance were positively academic performance of the students.
Faculty of Education, Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey
correlated(r=.563; n=200; These findings suggests that when
sig=.000).Furthermore, gender teachers are caring and supportive and
difference was found (t=4.324, p <.05) emphasize the teaching learning
on motivation and academic process over the performance
performance. To conclude, findings of outcomes, and when they give
the results illustrates that motivation feedback, children tend to be motivated
improves academic performance of the to achieve and to expect success
students. In addition, there is gender (Daniels, Kalkman, & McCombs,
difference in motivation type and 2001). In addition, there is gender
academic performance. difference in motivation type and
academic performance.
Research Connection
Findings Conclusions/Recommendations
The most important areas affecting According to the research results, the
student motivation are the field of most important factors affecting
teacher teaching methods (Teaching student motivation are the fields of
methods and strategies, use of teacher, teachers’ classroom
instructional technologies, making management skills and their teaching
topics interesting, use of materials, methods. In this research, factors
formation of student centered learning having less influence on the student
environment, use of mobile motivation are parental communication,
technologies in lessons, integration of student characteristics and study fields.
education and teaching with real life, In addition, relational search type was
conformity of assignments to student used more than others, mostly
level, giving the course resources from students were selected as the study
the students' own lists, providing group and most researches were
positive feedback), repeated 140 conducted in USA and Turkey.
times, and the field of teacher
classroom management skills having
the frequency of repetition 167 in
5 Minute Non Stop Writing.
that motivation is influenced by the internal and external factors that learners
have. Internal factors refer to the learners' internal processes that happen inside
him/her. On the other hand, external factors refer to the environmental factors
Positive effects from this factors can result to students' motivation, while negative
Findings Conclusions/Recommendations
The findings supported the hypothesis The results about the effect of
H1 which stated that there is a positive motivation on student achievement can
relationship between motivation and be summarized as below:
student achievement. • Motivation has a positive low level
The results of moderator analysis effect on student achievement [r = .27].
supported the
The Effect of hypothesis
Motivation H2 which
on Student Achievement. • Regarding moderator variables, the
stated that the Sevil publication
Orhan-Özen year of the publication year, publication type, the
research plays a moderator
Usak University, role in the
Usak, Turkey country (culture) where the research
effect of motivation on student was carried out, the school subject and
achievement. The findings of the sample group play a moderator role in
research supported the hypothesis H3 the effect size of motivation on student
which stated that the publication type achievement. This meta-analysis study
of the research plays a moderator role is therefore important in that it
in the effect of motivation on student suggests that the studies which focus
achievement. The results of moderator on the relationship between motivation
analysis supported the hypothesis H4 and student achievement should
which formulated that the country investigate more deeply the changes
(culture) where the research was according to the sample group. Finally,
carried out plays a moderator role in this research suggests that there is a
the effect of motivation on student need to conduct further qualitative
achievement. Finally, the findings of studies and comparative meta-
the moderator analysis supported the analyses including motivation types as
hypothesis H6 which formulated that another moderator variable.
the sample group plays a moderator
role in the effect of motivation on
student achievement.
Synapse Strengtheners
Synapse Strengtheners.
1. Rev. Father Joseph V. Landy, SJ, in his book "Letter to a Young Teacher:
The art of Being Interesting", cites 5 elements that are especially useful for
gaining attention in the classroom, to wit: 1) The activity, 2) The reality, 3)
The Vital, 4) The Humor, and 5) The Novelty. Are these elements found in
the affective traits of the facilitating teacher given by Stronge in this
Yes, all the 5 elements are found, even though there are some elements
differ with their term but their over all idea is similar to the affective traits of
a facilitative teacher introduce by Stronge in this module.
2. Make clippings of articles on school bullying. React to one article of your
A reaction on the article about school bullying from the Children's
Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute.
Bullying is a very prevalent problem that children experience usually in their
schools. There are three types of Bullying:
First is the Physical Bullying- the physical abuses, more common on boys.
Second is the Relational Bullying- manipulation of social standing or reputations,
which is more common on girls.
Lastly is the Cyber bullying- bullying happens in the cyberspace.
Regardless of the types bullying has universal bad effects to victims. The usual
negative effects are Depression which is one of the best motivations for one to
commit suicide. Bullying is a societal problem that can be best solved by the
members of the society. Parents, peers, Teachers among others should take
important actions to help lessen or for the best vanish any bullying cases.
As a future educator I have the responsibility to maintain a friendly ambience in
my classroom. I should model to my students that bullying is unrightfully and
should strongly be discouraged. I should make sure that if there is any bullying
case; it should be immediately addressed and taken to action to prevent further
catastrophic scenarios.
Assessment Tasks
1. Describe an ideal classroom atmosphere by means of simile and
Assessment Tasks
Design a classroom that is conductive for learning. Indicate the color of
paint, arrangement of desks, teacher's table, and other fixtures.
enough spaces for students to work comfortably. The room is properly ventilated
and with proper lighting. The teacher's table is situated where the he/she can see
the whole classroom. Over all a classroom conductive for learning is equipped
with enough utilities and teaching equipment that would encourage students to
Make students own the lesson objective. Allow them to set their own
personal learning targets based on the lesson objective.
3. Sharing of Realizations.
- From this module I realized that teachers should strive to make assessments
Assessment Tasks
Fill out the matrix below to summarize and synthesize your learnings and
4. Strategic Thinking.
Modules: Learners must use varied
The successful learner can
strategies in learning. As a
create and use a repertoire of
future educator I should be
thinking and reasoning
the one to introduce learning
strategies to achieve complex
learning goals.
Metacognition is the key to
learn. As future educator I
5. Thinking about thinking. Modules:
should teach my students to
Higher-order strategies for
practice metacognition.
selecting and monitoring mental
operations facilitate creative
and critical thinking.
Learning occurs in a social
context. As a future educator I
6. Context of learning.
should be knowledgeable
Learning is influenced by
about the different social
environmental factors, including
context that surrounds a
culture, technology, and
instructional practices