Busi 820 Week 8 DBF
Busi 820 Week 8 DBF
Busi 820 Week 8 DBF
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D.8.9.6 In Output 9.6: (a) Describe the F, df, and p values for each dependent variable as
you would in an article. (b) Describe the results in nontechnical terms for visualization and
(a) The One-Way ANOVA test was used to check if there are statically significant
differences between the father’s education revised across the grades in high school, visualization
test scores, and math achievement. The ANOVA table showed that there were statistically
significant differences in the father’s education groups on grades in high school is F (2, 70) =
4.091, p =0.021. (b) There was a statistically significant difference between father’s education
revised groups on math achievement showing F (2,70) = 7.881, p = 0.001. There were not any
statistically significant differences between the father’s education revised groups and student’s
visualization scores, which showed F (2, 70) = 0.763, p = 0.470. In the Test of Homogeneity of
Variances table, the data provides Levene’s test to check the assumption that the variances of the
three father’s education groups are equal for each of the dependent variables. For ANOVA, the
researcher is interested in the test based on means. For grades in h.s. (p = .220) and visualization
test (p = .153) the Levene’s test are not significant. Thus, the assumption is not violated.
However, for math achievement, p = .049; therefore, the Levene’s test is significant and the
assumption of equal variances is violated. In this latter significance, the researcher could use the
similar nonparametric test (Kruskal-Wallis). Or, if the overall F is significant, the researcher
could use a post hoc test designed for situations in which the variances are unequal (Morgan et
al., 2020).
D.8.9.7 In Outputs 9.7 a and b, what pairs of means were significantly different?
In Output 9.7, only the means cores for high school graduate or less and BS are more
were significantly different; the other two comparisons are not significantly different. For 9.7b,
the mean scores for high school graduate or less and BS or more was significantly different, and
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also the difference between high school graduate or less and some college was significant
D.8.9.8 In Output 9.8, interpret the meaning of the sig. values for math achievement and
competence. What would you conclude, based on this information, about differences
differences between father’s education groups in math achievement because there were unequal
variances and ns across groups. The test indicated that the three father’s education groups
differed on math achievement, x2 (2, N = 73) = 13.38, p = .001. Post hoc Mann-Whitney tests
compared the three pairs of father’s education groups on math achievement, using a Bonferroni
corrected p value of .017 to indicate statistical significance. The mean rank for math achievement
of students whose fathers had some college (36.59, n = 16) was significantly higher than that of
students whose fathers were high school graduates or less (23.67, n = 38), z = 2.76, p = .006, r = .
38, a medium to large effect size (Cohen,1998; Ostertagova et al., 2014). Also, the mean rank for
math achievement of students whose fathers had a bachelor’s degree or more (38.47, n = 19),
was higher than that of students whose fathers were high school graduates or less (24.26, n =38),
z = 3.05, p = .002, r = 40, a statistically significant difference with a medium to large effect size.
There was not a statistically significant difference in math achievement between students whose
fathers had some college and those whose fathers had a bachelor’s degree or more, z = -1.23, p
= .23, r = .21. The effect size for this comparison was small to medium, suggesting that it could
be worthwhile to replicate this study with a larger sample (Morgan et al., 2020).
D.8.9.9 Compare Outputs 9.6 and 9.8 with regard to math achievement. What are the most
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Output 9.6 also provides descriptive statistics of mean math achievement test scores,
while Output 9.8 provides a mean rank for each of the three father’s education groups. Output
9.6 also provides a test of homogeneity of variance to test if the variances of the three groups are
significantly different. In Output 9.8, it is not necessary to have such a test of homogeneity of
variances because the Kruskal-Wallis test is nonparametric and does not have that assumption.
Output 9.6 uses on-way ANOVA to compare statistically the means of the three fathers’
education groups on math achievement test scores. Output 9.8 uses the K-W nonparametric test
to make a similar comparison. The p value is the same (.001) for both outputs, indicating a
significant difference somewhere between group scores. Neither test tells us which pairs of
D.8.9.10 In Output 9.9: (a) Is the interaction significant? (b) Examine the profile plot of the
cell means that illustrates the interaction. Describe it in words. (c) Is the main effect of
academic track significant? Interpret the eta squared. (d) How about the “effect” of math
grades? (e) Why did we put the word effect in quotes? (f) Under what conditions would
(a) Usually, the researcher would ignore the lines in the table labeled “corrected model”
(which just summarizes all “effects” taken together) and intercept (which is needed to fit the best
fit regression line to the data) and skip down to the interaction F (mathgr * academic track)
which, in this case, is not statistically significant, F (1, 71) = .337, p = .563. (b) If the interaction
is statistically significant, then the researcher should also analyze the differences between cell
means (the simple effects). The profile plots may be helpful in visualizing the interaction, but the
researcher should not discuss statistically nonsignificant differences because the plots may be
misleading. The profile plots of cell means (which follow the table of between-subjects effects)
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assists the researcher in visualizing the nature of a significant interaction when one exists. When
the lines on the profile plots are parallel, there is not a significant interaction. Note that the
researcher requested that the separate lines represent the two academic tracks because they felt
that this would make a significant interaction easier to interpret than if the two lines represented
predominant level of grades. However, really, either independent variable could have been
represented in either part of the graph (Morgan et al., 2020). (c) When it comes to examining the
main effects of math grades and of academic track, both are statistically significant. The
significant F for math grades means that students with fewer As and Bs in math scored lower on
math achievement than those with high math grades (M = 10.81 vs. 15.05), and this difference is
statistically significant (p < .001). Academic track is also statistically significant (p < .001).
Because the interaction is not statistically significant, the “effect” of math grades on math
achievement is about the same for both academic tracks. If the interaction were statistically
significant, the researcher would state that the “effect” of math grades depended on which
academic track the researcher was considering. For example, it might be large for the fast track
and small for the regular track. In addition to this, the callout boxes about the adjusted R squared
and partial eta squared are important. Eta, the correlation ratio, is used when the independent
variable is nominal and the dependent variable (math achievement in this case) is normal
that is due to between-groups differences. Because eta and R, like r, are indexes of association,
they can be used to interpret the effect size (Morgan et al., 2020). Eta for academic track is about
.40, which is a medium to large effect size. The overall adjusted R is about .46, a large effect
size. (d) In this example, eta (not squared) for math grades is about .41 and thus a medium to
large effect. Notice that the adjusted R² is lower than the unadjusted (.22 versus .25). The reasons
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for this is that the adjusted R² takes into account (and adjusts for) the fact that not just one
variable but three (math grades, academic track, and the interaction) were used to predict math
achievement. (e) The ANOVA table, called Tests of Between -Subjects Effects, is the key table.
Note that the word “effect” in the title of the table can be misleading because the study was not a
randomized experiment. Therefore, the researcher cannot state in the report that the differences
in the dependent variable were caused by or were the effect of the independent variable (Morgan
et al., 2020). (f) If the interaction were significant, the researcher would need to be cautious
about the interpretation of the main effects because they could be misleading (Morgan et al..,
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Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ:
Morgan, G., Leech, N., Gloeckner, G., Barrett, K. (2020). IBM SPSS for Introductory Statistics
Ostertagova, E., Ostertag, O., & Kováč, J. (2014). Methodology and application of the Kruskal-
Wallis test. In Applied Mechanics and Materials (Volume 611, pp. 115-120). Trans Tech
Publications Ltd.
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