Role of TV in National Integration
Role of TV in National Integration
Role of TV in National Integration
It is indeed my privilege and honor to have this opportunity to speak on the topic of
‘Role of Media in National Integration’.
Before I take you to the depth of the subject of media’s role in integrating this nation
– India, We need to know what Nation is and why it is important. We also need to
understand why ‘Internationalism’ one that is being propounded by the Capitalists,
Communists and Wahhabi Islamists hasn’t hold good for the past, present and the
In the current context many people in our country hold the view that any venture that
we undertake should be based on a grand world-thought capable of rendering good to
the whole of humanity eschewing all narrow limitations of the country, community
and religion. In support of this view, some proclaim that in this age of missiles,
rockets and internet distance has vanished, boundaries of countries have become
meaningless and the whole world has shrunk. They, therefore, feel that the very
concept of country nation, etc., has become outdated, that the spirit of world unity
alone should inspire all our activities. They conclude that the modern ‘isms’ which
have taken up ‘internationalism’ as their watchword can alone lead us to that
cherished goal.
At the very outset, let it be made clear that it is not the modern thinkers who are the
first in the field to think in terms of world unity and universal welfare. Long, long
ago, in fact, long before so-called modern age had set in, the seers and savants of this
land had delved deep into this vital question. The ideal of human unity, of a world
free from all traces of conflict and misery, has stirred our hearts since times
immemorial. Our one constant prayer all thought the ages has been:
This means ‘Let everyone be happy, let everyone be free from all ills.’ While the
present day West has not been able to go beyond the motto of ‘the greatest good of
the greatest number’, we have never tolerated the idea of a single human being – why,
of even a single living organism – being miserable. ‘Total good for all beings’ has
always been our glorious ideal.
But coming to the plane of the present-day world, we are faced with the hard reality
of the all-round discord and disruption ravaging human society. Today, humanity Is
divided and subdivided into so many small exclusive groups called nations or states,
each one of them devoted to its own narrow self interest. And it is a matter of
common experience that whenever there groups inspired only e self-interest, there is
bound to be mutual conflict. Obviously, human unity and welfare is impossible so
long as this type of conflict continues. The present state of strife and wars resulting in
human destruction and misery has led many thinkers to conclude that the sentiment of
nationalism which nourishes exclusive self-interest is the major obstacle in the way of
world unity and human welfare. They therefore declare that nationalism should be
rooted out from the minds of men all over the world. The Communist, Capitalist and
Wahhabi ideologies which claims ‘internationalism’ as its sheet-anchor often talks in
this strain.
The Indian Communist, i.e. Communist Party of India (Marxist), has concluded
recently that they are no more communist but ‘Capitalist’. The capitalists are the
people for whom nothing comes first but the financial profits and the Wahhabi’s who
say that theirs alone is the purest part of Islam and thereby dejecting the revered
savants of India like that of Sant Kabir, Khwaja Mohinuddin Chisti and the like, are
all demanding for a ‘internationalism’ of their own kind. Similarly if you go out and
speak to a Naxalite he would say that he wants the whole world to be a part of his
Naxal Movement.
We can thus conclude that nationalism cannot and should not be destroyed. Then the
problem boils down to one of achieving a synthesis of national aspirations and world
welfare. Synthesis lf various kinds have been, in fact, attempted from time to time in
the past. Imperialism has sometimes been claimed to be one such large scale effort to
eliminate conflicts between smaller nations by making them limbs of a single empire.
But as it was basically motivated by self-aggrandizement, leading to revolts by the
subject nations against their oppression and exploitation, imperialism failed to
eliminate the international conflicts.
We can also understand from these cases that nations are not prepared to come
together in a spirit of amity for the welfare of mankind. On the contrary, the national
entities are getting more and more exclusive and their ambitions whetted day by day.
But it is sad that none have understood those lessons of history and the various kinds
of ‘Internationalisms’ continue to exist.
However, we Hindus have a solution to offer. But our solution is not based on
materialism. All attempts and experiments made so far were based on theories or
‘isms’ stemming from materialism. And materialism has no answer to the very salient
and fundamental question: ‘Why at all should people aspire for world unity and
human welfare? Why should they at all feel pained at the sight of man set against
man? Why should we at all love each other?’ From the materialistic point of view we
are all gross entities, each separate and exclusive in itself, who can have no bonds of
mutual affinity or affection. There can also be no inner restraint in such beings which
can make them control their selfishness from running amuck, in the interest of the
humanity as a whole.
After all, any arrangement evolved for achieving world welfare can be fruitful only to
the extent the men behind it are inspired by real love for mankind which will enable
them to mould their individual and national conduct in tune with the welfare of
humanity. Without that supreme urge, any scheme, however good its purpose may be,
will only provide one more alluring mask for the aggrandizement of power-drunk
stations. That has been the uniform verdict of history right up to the present times.
Friends, India needs a free press, or media, in particular the poor of India need it. If
public attention cannot be drawn to problems – such as deep alienation of our people
in the North East or the plight of the tribal – the problems will not go away, in fact,
they will fester and eventually blow up, blowing much of the country with them.
Pakistan, Iran and other countries provide the examples.
The rich and the middle class are well organized and connected, they control and man
the state; if the system is close tomorrow it will be closed on their behalf and to their
advantage. They do not therefore need a free press as much as the poor do who
though so numerous, are unorganized, divided and so manipulated.
The country and the people need a free press even more than they did decades ago –
during independence struggle, as other institutions that could ensure accountability –
the legislature, the judiciary and so on – have become progressively ineffective.
India is one of the free societies in which free expression and discussion have the
opportunity to make a difference. There is scarcely a country outside North America
and Western Europe that affords the media man the freedom we enjoy in India.
We often make much more noise about this restriction or that about, about this
‘pressure’ from the government or that but it is only when we encounter evidence of,
say, psychiatric hospitals in the former soviet union or when we read Jacob
Tiberman’s account of the conditions that an holiest pressman has to contend within
Argentina that we get a glimpse of what real restrictions and real pressure mean.
In India by contrast ‘restrictions’ means laws that are in fact helpfully worded, that
are in any case not enforced, ‘pressure’ means a telephone call from a more or less
fraternal official.
Journalists or media people have far more power than individuals, far more power to
influence events than any other profession.
The Washington Post brought down President Richard Nixon; Indira Gandhi
convinced the world’s press to support against Pakistan – in 1971 struggle to free
Bangladesh. And it was newspaper coverage of the Bofors Gun Scandal that cost
Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, then, his job. Blanket News coverage and, for the first
time, graphic color Television pictures of the horrors and cruelty of the war in
Vietnam helped bring that to an end – and it was partly West German’s television
portrayal of life beyond the communist world – (its broadcast could receive in large
parts of the soviet empire) – that caused people of eastern Europe to rise up and end
the cold war.
National Integration remains a crucial issue in India not withstanding the fact that we
boast of a civilization, which is nearly 5,000 years old. True, some of these diverse
factors may be inherent in the history geography and culture of our country, but there
are also forces that accentuate these factors. Religious fundamentalism is one such
force while linguistics diversities constitute another. There are people in this country
who hold an exclusive view of religion which drives them into sectarian frenzy that
does not admit tolerance of other. Despite a shared culture of so many years,
linguistics diversities have often generated tensions and conflicts among different
communities threatening the fabric of national unity. The same holds good for
regionalism exacerbated no doubt by inequitable development amongst different
region of this country. All the above forces and factors do pose a challenge to India’s
unity and integrity and therefore conscious efforts will have to be made by all
concerned to preserve the same.
The printing press arrived in India at Goa by default. It was on its way from Africa,
and since missionaries carrying the equipment fell sick the printing press stayed on in
The launch of James Augustus Hickey’s Bengal Gazette on 29 January 1780 is
considered the founding date of newspapers in India.
After the first newspaper was published, many other journals – all British owned –
were produced, many of them with official patronage. Some had missionary
orientation and were addressed to Indians, thus included publication in Indian
languages. Among the missionaries who initiated newspaper publishing, Serampore
journals are significant. ‘Dig Darshan’, a monthly Bengali magazine for youth,
‘Samachar Darpan’, a weekly Bengali, and ‘Friend of India’, a monthly in English,
have been noted. The missionary character of these magazines is said to have
prompted a response and to ‘assert national self-respect’, a few newspapers were
published, a move initiated by Raja Ram Mohunroy.
The launch of three journals around 1821, ‘Sambad Kaumudi’ (Bengali), ‘Mirat-Ul-
Akbar’ (Persian) and ‘Brahmunical Magazine’ (English) and the context in which
they were launched, have earned him the credit of being the ‘Father of Indian Press’.
The publications endeavored to counter the tirades of the missionaries and to educate
the population about social reforms. There is a consensus that Raja Ram Mohunroy’s
publications marked the beginning of Indian Journalism.
According to Rev. J Long cited in Natarajan, the ‘Kaumudi’ saw the abolition of Sati
by Lord Bentik.
The first newspaper, however, ‘Bengal Hurukaru’ which was started in 1836, under
the editorship of James Sutherland, is considered as India’s first daily newspaper.
The question that is raised at the end of almost every seminar, convention or meeting
about journalism is: why journalism becomes so insane and ineffectual?
In a scenario where the state has ceased to acquit its bounder duty, where corruption
has permeated to every levels and governance has collapsed, where the Legislature is
divorced from its basic role and judiciary bursting at the seams with a back log of
cases, where Executive is burden on the system, why do topics pertaining to the
frivolities of societies take center stage? And when journalism manages somehow or
other, to do its job, why is it that its intervention does not bear any fruit?’
Juxtapose scenarios from the years 1947 and 2005, a number of secrets start
unfolding. Until 1947, the mere allegation of a MP taking even a modest bribe would
swell into a national issue. In 2004-05, the bureaucracy of India is alleged to take
astronomical bribes: not a single question is heard in the parliament! How has
corruption become so common place, how such a sea-change in the space of decades?
The root cause of change is that ideology has deserted politics completely. When
thinking idealism and dreams vanish from politics, it becomes infertile. Indian politics
is going through this phase of lack of thought, of sterility, hence is bereft of any
initiatives towards change. By itself journalism – or any other profession for that
matter – is not powerful enough to re-mould a society. Journalism, at best, can act as a
watch dog. But power to bring about a change in society rests only with politics
inspired by thinking and principles.
If we want to see how ideology and principles can change a society, we need to go
back to the annals of Indian Struggle. The rise of Gandhi metamorphosed an enslaved
and illiterate India. Gandhi epitomized a lifestyle, an ideology and a value based
political culture. This influence created social servants, each one excelling the other.
Gandhian values injected a new strength, aura and energy into all walks of life, be it
law, education or journalism.
The period of the freedom struggle is regarded as the golden period of Journalism.
The contribution and the sacrifice of the newspaper and magazines of that time are
still quoted. A newspaper called ‘Swarajya’ was published at the time. When post of
the Editor was advertised, it came with the corollary that only those who were ready
to go to the Andaman Jail should apply: Editors of Newspapers were routinely
deported to Kalapani. Even so the editors queued up for the job, Ready to go for jail
for the sake of their principles and idealism – ready to face the suffering! They were
not the ones who wanted to jump on the bandwagon or become MLAs, MPs or
Ministers, unlike today.
Gandhian thoughts remained an inspiration long after freedom. But in the 1980s
leaders bereft of principles started gaining a foothold. That was a time when Indira
Gandhi dismissed corruption as ‘International Tendency’, when the tyranny of the
Congress High Command increased and the internal democracy of the party was
eclipsed. Institutions suffered a body blow. The tribe of flatterers, brokers and rank
opportunists for whom principles and values were mere means to grab power –
increased. When such people assumed power, they brought an end to the value based
politics. Politics devoid of ideology and leaders switching parties overnight became
the order of the day.
It makes me to remember the great words of Benjamin Franklin, who once said:
‘The darkest period in life of a young man comes when he wants to get money
without earning it.’
As of now, the center of attraction is the market and its management philosophers
though whose perspectives the world is being explained afresh. Markets, however,
take profits as the over-riding factor and this is indifferent to the human needs. What
is foremost is the profit or loss of corporate houses because the market is in the grip.
Where is common man in such thing?
Today in general the English language press represents the interests of the upper
middle class, the ruling elite, the ‘global village’ of the wealthy class. It is the same
press that has entrenched the new culture of Page 3 journalism. Fashion, sex, spicy
gossip from elite parties, food, entertainment, pictures of half-clad people, the
glamorous lifestyle of the rich and these forms the contents of Page 3 – a celebration
of the hedonism of the few, which ignores the cruel reality of the deprivation of the
Those who sit in the government have either brought or terrorized journalists and
newspaper owners into aligning with the system. In his previous term, Uttar Pradesh
Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav made journalist beholden to him through
valuable plots of land and large amounts of cash. This entire list has been made
public. Former Supreme Court Judge P. V. Savant did many important things as
President of the Press Council. It was during his term that a list was made public of
major journalists of the country who for decades have illegally occupied government
housing in Delhi. Some even had government residences in their name and rented
them out. In the world of journalism there has been no discussion on such serious
issues. If journalists and journalism are so open to the influences of money, alcohol
and land, how can they possible work for the good of the Nation or National
This is a major drawback that has to be tackled for the media to be active participants
in the National Integration process. Should we fail we might just see that same India
which exist when the British East India Company step in this land.
It is not just the Indian polity that has become fragmented. The fragmentation is
not limited to just poltics. The Indian political system alone, unfortunately, is the
system that is exposed of fragmentation. Today, we can see fragmentation in
Executive and fragmentation in Media too, but this is least exposed, because it is
they who speak about it. Politicians and political parties come out openly when
they speak about caste, community, region, sub-region, language, and the list
goes on.
Take for example the Executive, is it not the fact that, in bureaucracy various
caste, linguistic, regional and sub-regional groups exist. Is it not the fact that in
bureaucracy too, and even lower levels of administration the linguistic groups, the
regional groups and the community groups exist. There are instances where the
political administrators had to take a cautious approach while taking decisions on
appointments of Advocate General, Director General of Police, Chief Secretary
and various other crucial positions.
Is media not fragmented? Don’t we have newspapers that have caste, community
and regional favorites? You have News television channels that, though do not
come out publicly but vouch for a particular community, not to serve immediate
interests but to serve the larger political interests. You have newspapers that
claim to don the role of vanguard and trumpet to be independent yet pursue the
agenda discreetly.
The fragmentation of media has become so serious that there are very few visible
options left to conclude that a particular media house, newspaper or television is
independent. Even if somebody is genuinely independent, it has become very
difficult to prove its independence.
Amid all this comes the news value. Commitment towards to the society, …
commitment towards the Nation, and finally, commitment towards the National
integration. Today every literate home needs a newspaper, when it comes to
television set literacy does not matter. Circulation figures and television ratings
apart, no media in this country wants to compromises on National Integration.
Unity in diversity is the most popular phrase among the netas or neta-turned
editor / owners of television channels or newspapers.
Nobody wants to compromise on the Unity of the Nation. Like philosophers say,
religions are the path to reach the God, they can be many but the God is one.
Media philosophers say agenda (of media) may be any but India is one. Here
comes the conflict. How can you have an agenda that is divisive and yet say I am
for unity? And nobody is prepared to accept that the agenda they are pursuing is
divisive. Nobody is prepared to accept that the agenda they are pursuing disrupts
the national integration.
So what do we do? Do we live with it? Certainly not. We cannot afford to accept
divisive politics, it can be by anybody, media, executive or the legislature. A
cautious editorial approach, that identifies the agenda of those pursuing divisive
politics, is the way out. It is only possible when you have qualified independent
editors (which again is a point for big debate). Independent editors who ensure
that it is always Nation first