Durability of Belzona 1111 and Belzona 1812 Adhesive Composites

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Durability of Belzona 1111 and Belzona 1812 adhesive composites

Article  in  Polimery -Warsaw- · June 2011

DOI: 10.14314/polimery.2011.471


1 137

2 authors, including:

Tomasz Smal
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa we Wrocławiu


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POLIMERY 2011, 56, nr 6 45


Durability of Belzona 1111 and Belzona 1812 adhesive composites

Summary — The paper presents research of durability (static long-lasting life and fatigue life) of
selected adhesive composites Belzona, which are epoxy adhesives physically modified with metal-
lic and ceramic fillers. The tests were conducted by determining creep curves, short-term strength
of lap joints, static long-lasting life of adhesive joints and adhesive composites. Numerical calcula-
tions, conducted with the Finite Element Method, were made in order to explain (on the basis of
distribution of stress and strain) the phenomena occurring during a long-term load of an adhe-
sive-bonded joint, which are unobservable during experimental research. With regard to compara-
tive analysis’ needs, the research results gained for Belzona composites were compared to the re-
sults gained for an adhesive based on physically unmodified Epidian 57 epoxy composition
hardened with triethylenetetramine (Epidian 57/TETA).
Keywords: strength of materials, adhesive materials, mechanical properties of adhesive compo-


Streszczenie — Okreœlano trwa³oœæ: statyczn¹ czasow¹ oraz zmêczeniow¹ tworzyw adhezyjnych
firmy Belzona (1111, 1812), bêd¹cych tworzywami epoksydowymi, modyfikowanymi fizycznie
dodatkiem nape³niaczy metalicznych lub ceramicznych. Ocenie poddano próbki tworzyw utwar-
dzanych dwustopniowo, poniewa¿ jednostopniowe utwardzanie materia³ów nie gwarantowa³o
minimalnej (koniecznej do realizacji badañ) statycznej trwa³oœci czasowej (rys. 1, 2). Wyznaczano
krzywe pe³zania badanych kompozytów klejowych (rys. 3), okreœlano wytrzyma³oœæ doraŸn¹
po³¹czeñ zak³adkowych wykonanych przy ich u¿yciu (rys. 4) oraz wyznaczano statyczn¹ trwa³oœæ
czasow¹ (rys. 5), a tak¿e trwa³oœæ zmêczeniow¹ po³¹czeñ klejowych (rys. 6, 7) i trwa³oœæ zmêcze-
niow¹ samych tworzyw (rys. 8). Badania numeryczne realizowano metod¹ elementów skoñczo-
nych wykorzystuj¹c system Nastran for Windows. Obliczenia wykonano w celu wyjaœnienia, na
podstawie analizy rozk³adu odkszta³ceñ i naprê¿eñ, zjawisk pojawiaj¹cych siê w trakcie d³ugo-
trwa³ego obci¹¿enia spoiny klejowej, niemo¿liwych do zaobserwowania podczas doœwiadczeñ
(rys. 11—13). Wyniki badañ kompozytów Belzona porównano z wynikami badañ kleju opartego
na niemodyfikowanej fizycznie kompozycji epoksydowej Epidian 57 utwardzanej trietylenotetra-
amin¹ (Epidian 57/TETA). Stwierdzono, ¿e po³¹czenia, w których stosuje siê kompozyty klejowe
modyfikowane cz¹stkami cechuje wiêksza statyczna trwa³oœæ czasowa i wiêksza trwa³oœæ zmêcze-
niowa, a z charakteru krzywej pe³zania mo¿na prognozowaæ szacunkow¹ zdolnoœæ spoin do
d³ugotrwa³ego przenoszenia obci¹¿eñ. Zjawisko pe³zania kompozytów klejowych mo¿na rów-
nie¿ w istotnym stopniu ograniczyæ dotwardzaj¹c je w temperaturze wy¿szej ni¿ temperatura
pokojowa, zwiêkszaj¹c jednoczeœnie trwa³oœæ tworzywa i po³¹czeñ wykonanych przy jego u¿yciu.
S³owa kluczowe: wytrzyma³oœæ materia³ów, tworzywa adhezyjne, w³aœciwoœci mechaniczne
kompozytów klejowych.

The Belzona adhesive composites are materials ap- (static long-lasting life), as well as resistance to changing
plied in repairing damaged elements of machines, vehi- load ability (fatigue life) [3, 4].
cles, and aircraft [1, 2]. Constructional application of this The Belzona adhesive composites are materials based
kind of adhesive materials requires, among others, deter- on an epoxy resin, and in connection with this, they re-
mining their long-term static load transmission ability veal viscoelastic properties, which, among others, have
influence on the durability of joints made with these com-
1) Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, Instytut Techniki Lotniczej, ul. posites [5, 6]. Viscoelastic properties of adhesive compo-
Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warszawa, e-mail: marek.roskowicz@ sites manifest themselves in various phenomena, among
wat.edu.pl which the most significant in the engineering practice is
2) Wy¿sza Szko³a Oficerska Wojsk L¹dowych, Instytut Dowodze- the creep phenomenon [7, 8]. As opposed to mechanical
nia, ul. Czajkowskiego 109, 51-150 Wroc³aw, e-mail: [email protected] joints, where the creep phenomenon occurs in the high
46 POLIMERY 2011, 56, nr 6

temperature, a problem of adhesive materials’ creep in were researched [12]. Surfaces for gluing were prepared
joints is already visible in the temperature similar to the with the sand blasting method using aloxite of F46 grain
ambient temperature [2, 9, 10]. granulation. Glued elements of the specimens were made
The aim of the paper was to determine the durability of 2024 T4 aluminum alloy. They were approximately
(both static long-lasting life and fatigue life) of the se- 2 mm thick and approximately 20 mm wide.
lected materials of Belzona company on the basis of ex-
perimental research, as well as numerical calculations Methods of testing
carried out with the Finite Element Method. Numerical
calculations were made in order to explain (on the basis Creep curves
of distribution of stress and strain) the phenomena occur-
ring during a long-term load of an adhesive-bonded joint, Creep curves [e = f(t)] were gained by compression of
which are unobservable during experimental research. cylindrical test specimens 12.5 mm in diameter and
The Belzona adhesive composites are materials which 25 mm long. The research was conducted with the usage
are physically modified by adding metallic or ceramic fil- of devices presented in paper [11], where the load ele-
lers. Therefore, with regard to comparative analysis’ needs, ment was a compressed spring. The measurement of
the research results gained for Belzona composites were strains’ increase was conducted with a micrometric sen-
compared to the results gained for an adhesive based on sor. Creep tests were limited to 1000 h. The research was
physically unmodified Epidian 57 epoxy composition conducted in the temperature of 60 °C, using a lab drier
hardened with triethylenetetramine (Epidian 57/TETA). with thermo-circulation. The specimens were put under
load, causing a normal negative stress of 30 MPa.
Load capacity of lap joints
Load capacity of shear loaded lap joints was re-
The objects of research were adhesive composites searched in order to select proper values of load in the
Belzona 1111 Super Metal and Belzona 1812 Ceramic durability test. Load capacity was determined with
Carbide FP, products of Belzona Polymerics Limited ZD-10 material testing machine in the ambient tempera-
Company, and the epoxy composition Epidian 57 ture, according to the methodology described in paper
hardened with triethylenetetramine (TETA), products of [11]. Determination was made using 6 specimens (the
Zak³ady Chemiczne “Organika-Sarzyna” SA. remaining specimens were used to investigate static
long-lasting life). The results were verified by statistic
Preparation of the samples methods at the confidence level 1 – a = 0.95.

Hardening of the researched materials was performed Static long-lasting life of adhesive joints
with two following methods:
— Single-stage hardening in the ambient temperature The static long-lasting life was determined using de-
(approx. 25 °C) for the time recommended by particular vices presented in paper [13], able to maintain constant
manufacturers of adhesive composites (Belzona 1111 — value of load. The testing of static long-lasting life of sin-
20 h, Belzona 1812 — 3 days, Epidian 57 — 7 days); gle-lap joints was carried out by loading them in the tem-
— Two-stage hardening — the single-stage hardened perature of 60 °C with the constant force equal to 0.6 of
specimens were subsequently re-hardened in the tempe- their load capacity. In order to provide necessary tempe-
rature of 80 °C for 6 h. rature conditions, the devices with the investigated speci-
Two-stage hardening was applied because, on the ba- mens were placed inside a lab drier with forced air circu-
sis of the earlier research [11], it seems that the ambient lation. The research was carried out according to the
temperature is too low to cross-link materials based on methodology described in paper [13]. The experiment
epoxy resins. All the investigated materials are two-com- was carried out with 5 specimens simultaneously. The
ponent materials, thus, while preparing compositions for scale of lap joints’ durability was the time to the moment
further research, these were mixed in the weight propor- of the specimen’s destruction. The assumed maximum
tions recommended by the manufacturers (Belzona 1111 time of test was 500 h.
— 5 mass parts of the basis to 1 mass part of the hardener,
Belzona 1812 — 4.5 mass parts of the basis to 1 mass part Fatigue life of adhesive materials and joints
of the hardener, Epidian 57 — 10.5 mass parts of hardener
TETA to 100 mass parts of the adhesive). Specimens for The research concerns comparison of fatigue life of
materials’ testing were cylinder-shaped, 12.5 mm in dia- joints made with Belzona 1111 and Epidian 57. Additio-
meter and 25 mm in length. nally, the durability research of materials was conducted,
What is more, the shear loaded single-lap joints during which, after every 1000 cycles, the location of the
12.5 mm long, sized with the above-mentioned materials moving traverse of the materials testing machine at the
POLIMERY 2011, 56, nr 6 47

maximum and minimum load in the fatigue cycle was

Testing of the fatigue life of joints was conducted
using specimens identical to those prepared to determine
the short-term strength. Load in the durability tests was
of a from-zero pulsating cycle character in the range of
0.1—1.5 kN (the maximum load was 0.6 of the temporary
durability of joints).
The specimens for testing were loaded with a
from-zero pulsating cycle of the maximum load equal to
0.35 of the maximum load for Epidian 57/TETA and 0.5
for Belzona 1111, gained in the static compression test. In
order to limit heating of the material the used load fre-
quency was 20 Hz. The fatigue research was conducted
with Instron materials testing machine.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fig. 2. The comparison of stains of specimens cast from Belzona
1812 composite (single-stage hardening — I st and two-stage
Creep curves hardening — II st), investigated in the temperature of 60 °C
under load, which caused normal negative stresses of 30 MPa
In the case of composites which specimens were
hardened in the ambient temperature (a way recom-
mended by the manufacturer) there were sudden in- locity of creep increases rapidly causing material’s de-
creases of the strains registered in the research, which, in struction. The most considerable changes of strains in
the case of Epidain 57/TETA, resulted in its destruction time were visible for Epidian 57/TETA. For the Belzona
(Fig. 1), while in the case of Belzona 1812 Ceramic Car- adhesive composites the changes of strains were less sig-
bide FP (a material with a ceramic filler) the specimen nificant. The least increase of strains was visible in the
within 30 minutes from the beginning of the research be- case of Belzona 1812 material.
came shorter by approximately 30 % (Fig. 2). As a result of the conducted research, it was stated
The creep curves of Belzona 1111 and Belzona 1812 that the hardening temperature of the composite had a
adhesive composites, as well as Epidain 57/TETA mate- considerable influence on material’s susceptibility to
rial which were subjected to two-stage hardening are pre- creep. All the adhesive composites hardened in the am-
sented in Fig. 3. bient temperature were characterized by a sudden in-
As opposed to the typical course of creep of polymeric crease of strains, which in a short time (the first minutes
materials, the curves gained for the investigated mate- and hours of the experiment) caused destruction of the
rials did not have the third stage of creep, in which the ve- single-stage hardened specimens. The exception was

Strain, mm

0.10 3
0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080
Time, h
Fig. 3. The creep curves of adhesive materials determined in the
temperature of 60 °C for a load that caused normal negative
Fig. 1. The strain of a specimen cast from Epidian 57/TETA stresses of 30 MPa in the investigated specimens. 1 — Epidian
hardened in the ambient temperature after 30 min of load 57, two-stage hardening, 2 — Belzona 1812, single-stage
(30 MPa) in the temp. of 60 °C: a) the specimen after investiga- hardening, 3 — Belzona 1111, two-stage hardening, 4 —
tion; b) the specimen before investigation Belzona 1812, two-stage hardening
48 POLIMERY 2011, 56, nr 6

Belzona 1812 Ceramic Carbide FP adhesive composite, ture (according to the manufacturer’s recommendation)
which is a material modified with a considerable amount was used. It seems to be connected with the level of the
of ceramic filler. The initial sudden strains of this material particular material’s cross-linking. The material
(single-stage hardened) connected to incomplete hardened in the higher temperature (precisely, its epoxy
cross-linking of epoxy matrix of the composite, after matrix) has a higher level of cross-linking and, in connec-
a certain amount of time were stopped due to the adjoin- tion with that, it has different physical-mechanical pro-
ing particles of the ceramic filler (after the examination, perties. Probably, at it was shown by research results
the specimens had apparently rough back surfaces). In- gained for Belzona 1111 composite [14], Belzona 1812
sufficiently cross-linked epoxy matrix of the composite hardened in the conditions of ambient temperature
underwent relatively fast cross-linking in the higher tem- shows lesser longitudinal elasticity modulus in compari-
perature of research (60 °C) limiting further displacement son to the two-stage hardened composite (this conclusion
of the ceramic filler’s particles in the epoxy saturant. This could be drawn on the basis of the creep curves — diffe-
phenomenon appeared after several dozen hours from rent values of strain in the moment of load application, cf.
the beginning of the examination when the increase in the Fig. 2). And according to a relation concerning shear
specimens’strain became significantly slower in the form loaded adhesive joints, together with reduction of
of a considerable slowness of the increase of specimens’ longitudinal elasticity modulus of an adhesive, its load
strains. In the case of this composite that was two-stage capacity in the lap joints increases [15]:
hardened, the initial strains were several times smaller sn
P= A (1)
than those in the single-stage hardened composite, what Ek
is more, the final strains were considerably smaller. where: P — destructive force, sn — destructive stress, Ek —
longitudinal elasticity modulus, A — constant that takes into
Load capacity of adhesive joints account, among others, dimensions of the adhesive joint, thick-
ness of joined elements and their chemical properties.
Load capacity of the investigated two-stage hardened
adhesive joints was depicted in Fig.4. The joints were pre- Static long-lasting life of adhesive joints
pared with the two-stage hardening method, since on the
basis of the first stage of the experiment it was stated that The static long-lasting life of adhesive joints is de-
the one-stage hardened material had low mechanical picted in Fig.5 in a form of a bar chart, where x axis is the
properties in higher temperatures. For the comparison time till destruction of a particular specimens.
purposes, there were also research conducted in which In the temperature of 60 °C the two-stage hardened
one-stage hardened Belzona 1812 was used. Belzona 1111 and Belozna 1812 adhesive composites
were characterized by joint’s durability at the assumed
level of 500 h. However, the joints made of Epidian 57 and
3000 single-stage hardened Belzona 1812 were characterized
by low durability since all of the examined specimens
Short-term strenght, N

2500 2444
2297 were destroyed within the first hours of the experiment.
2000 1726 What is more, the fact that values of load for durability
1500 tests were selected on the basis of load capability is also
0 5 500





Specimen number
I s ona

st a

II zon


2.1 3.5





Fig. 4. Short-term strength of lap joints made using investi- 3 3.0
gated adhesive materials (single-stage hardening — I st and 500
two-stage hardening — II st) 1.25 2.5
1.1 2.0
The least considerable load capacity was gained for 1 10 100 1000
Time lgt, h
the joints prepared using Belzona 1812. The achieved re-
Belzona Belzona Belzona Epidian 57
sults for these joints differed considerably depending on 1111 1812 1812
the method of material’s hardening. The joints which II st I st
were two-stage hardened were characterized by load ca- Fig. 5. Static temporal durability of a lap joint made using the
pacity less by approximately 30 % than these joints in investigated adhesive materials (loaded with 60 % of destruc-
which Belzona 1812 hardened in the ambient tempera- tive force in the temperature of 60 °C)
POLIMERY 2011, 56, nr 6 49

Belzona 1111
essential, because this means that joints made using
Belzona 1111 carried long-lasting loads at the level of
1.5 kN — Rt = 6 MPa, for single-stage Belzona 1812 at the
level of 1 kN – Rt = 4 MPa, while for double-stage Belzona
1812 at the level of 0.7 kN – Rt = 2.8 MPa (this value is only

Epidian 57/TETA
approximately 50 % of the load for Belzona 1111 compo-
Comparing the values of static long-lasting life of
joints made using the investigated materials with their
creep curves, it was stated that there was a clear relation
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
between the character of creep curve of the composite -3
and its ability to carry long-lasting shearing stresses in Fatigue life, number of cycles ·10
joints made of it. Fig. 7. Comparison of fatigue life of single-lap joints, made with
Epidian 57/TETA and Belzona 1111, with the maximum load of
Fatigue life fatigue cycle equal to 0.6 of the destructive force

During determining the fatigue life of the specimens

cast from Epidian 57 and Belzona 1111 materials, the connected with the material’s creep under the load of the
measurements of changes in the specimens’ height were fatigue cycle.
conducted. The results of the conducted research are de- A confirmation of this thesis could be the results
picted in Fig. 6. gained during the research of fatigue load of the lap spe-
cimen (glued with adhesive Belzona 1111), where the lo-
cation of the moving head of the materials testing ma-
chine was recorded (Fig. 8). In the first cycles of load, the
change of strains was similar to the creep curve of the ma-
Dislocation of traverse, mm

1.0 terial (despite the fact that the curve presents summary
Epidian 57
strains of the joint and glued elements, it seems that the
strains of the joint had a predominant importance).
Belzona 1111

0.0 0.08
0 50 100 150 200
Number of cycles ·10
Strain, mm

Fig. 6. Dislocations of the traverse head (a change of the speci- 0.07

men’s height) depending on the number of cycles for Epidain 57
and Belzona 1111 adhesive materials 0.06

During the research, the constant increase of strains in
the researched specimens under fatigue load was stated, 0.04
0 20 40 60 80
that is specific for the scope of indefinite creep, and the -3
range of height changes for Epidian 57/TETA was ap- Number of cycles ·10
proximately threefold greater than for Belzona 1111. The Fig. 8. The change in the scope of strains in a fatigue loaded lap
fatigue life of single-lap joints in which the investigated joint in the initial phase of the fatigue investigation [2]
materials were used is presented in Fig. 7.
On the basis of the results of adhesive joints’ testing, it
was stated that the fatigue life of joints made of Belzona On the basis of the experimental research it was evalu-
1111, loaded with a from-zero pulsating cycle is more ated that both static long-lasting life and fatigue life of
than three-times longer than the fatigue life of joints shear loaded lap joints are mainly connected to the phe-
made using Epidian 57/TETA. nomenon of creep of adhesive joint made with adhesive
The comparison of examinations of the fatigue life materials — increase of strains, and not to e.g. the phe-
carried out for both the material itself, and lap joints nomenon of adhesive material ageing. In order to verify
makes it possible to suppose that the mechanism of fa- this thesis a numerical model of a lap joint was built and
tigue destruction of the investigated materials, and thus, analysis of changes in stresses and strains in the joint was
of adhesive joints made of them as well, is significantly conducted using the Finite Element Method.
50 POLIMERY 2011, 56, nr 6

The analysis of stresses and strains in the joint 14

To conduct numerical calculation one should have as- after
sumed a proper model of the joint. Taking the discussed 10 after

tzy, MPa
problems under consideration within the area of durabi- 8 after 100
100 h
after 120hh
lity one should have taken into account the viscoelastic 6
properties of adhesive materials.
To determine viscoelastic properties of an adhesive 4
joint there was used the four-parameters model of Bur- 2
gers body, which represents, in a qualitative way, all the
properties of viscoelastic bodies (Fig. 9). 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
z, mm
Fig. 11. A change in time of tangential stresses (tzy) along (z)
Kp the adhesive joint for Belzona 1111

Ks Cs
s(t) under consideration, the stresses and strains for a time
Cp that guaranteed stable numerical solutions were deter-
mined (up to 120 h).

Fig. 9. Model of physical properties of adhesive joint’s material

used in NASTRAN program to calculate the creep phenome-
0.012 after
For this model the following coefficients’ values were after
after 66hh
0.010 after

declared: Ks, Kp, Cs i Cp, which were estimated according after

100 h
0.008 after
to the methodology presented in paper [16] on the basis after 120hh
of creep curves determined experimentally in the tem-
perature of 60 °C [17]. For Belzona 1111 in the tempera-
ture of 60 °C these had the following values: Ks = 4545
MPa· s, Cs = 21.65 · 109 MPa· s, Kp = 2368 MPa, Cp = 50.43 · 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
109. The model of the joint in which for discretization of z, mm
the glued metal parts there were used 1300 elements, Fig. 12. A change in time of non-dilatational strain in gzy along
while for the adhesive joint there were used 500 elements, (z) the adhesive joint for Belzona 1111
was constructed on the basis of elements of Hex type. The
model was elaborated according to the directives in-
cluded in paper [16] taking the marginal conditions oc- In order to observe changes that occur in the assumed
curring in the experimental research under consider- time frame, determining stresses and strains for interme-
ation. The discrete model of the adhesive joint is diate times became necessary. It was assumed that the nu-
presented in Fig. 10. merical analysis would be conducted for load application
Taking the clear relation between stability of the
gained solutions and amount of the selected time frame
Maximum main strain

after 0 h
0.010 after 6 h
0.008 after 60 h
after 100 h
0.006 after 120 h
X 0.000
Z 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
z, mm
Fig. 13. A change in time of the maximum main strain along (z)
Fig. 10. The discrete model of the adhesive shear loaded lap joint the adhesive joint for Belzona 1111
POLIMERY 2011, 56, nr 6 51

(time t = 0), as well as, for the time of 6, 60, 100 and 120 h. 5. Taking the results of experimental research under
The distribution of tangential stresses (tzy) along the ad- consideration one must state that the static long-lasting
hesive joint is depicted in Fig. 11, while the distribution of life of adhesive joints, in which Belzona 1812 and Belzona
non-dilatational strains gzy and maximum main strains is 1111 are applied, could be at least 500 h in the tempera-
presented in Fig. 12 and 13. ture of 60 °C, with the load not greater than 0.5 of their
The changes of tangential stresses (decreasing the co- load capacity. Taking into consideration the results, it
efficient of stresses’ concentration) as a function of time seems that the researched composites can be successfully
were observed at the ends of the lap — in the most stre- used in expedient repairs of military equipment con-
nuous area of the adhesive joint. Comparing the area of ducted in field conditions. For instance, required work-
stresses’ changes with the whole length of a joint lap one ing life for military planes, which are repaired is 100 h.
could state that the area of changes is still significantly 6. Fatigue life of the joints in which Belzona 1111 com-
limited. posite is applied should exceed 300 thousand cycles if the
The more significant are changes connected with maximum load of the fatigue cycle does not exceed 0.5 of
strains. The value of strains increases along the time of its temporary durability.
load application in the whole volume of the joint — espe-
cially intensively at the ends of the lap (where the level of REFERENCES
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