Lesson Plan 2 Grammar - Kat Johnstone

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Name of the Teacher Date Level of the class Length of lesson

Katherine Johnstone 10 March 2021 Pre-intermediate (A2) 60 minutes

Lesson Type:
Lesson Topic:
Adjectives with -ed and -ing
Lesson Aims: Lesson Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to… By the end of the lesson, students will have…
Understand and use 8 adjectives with -ed and -ing endings to describe one's
feeling or a thing that causes feeling. 1. Understood the grammar point and used -ed and -ing adjectives in
the correct form.
Target language:
Bored/boring; entertained/ entertaining; excited/exciting; relaxed/relaxing; 2. Discussed their feelings towards activities to do at summer camp,
interested/interesting; thrilled/ thrilling; tired/ tiring; amazed/amazing. relating to adjectives ending in -ed and -ing.

Example sentence:
I am so excited about summer camp!

Summer camp is such an exciting experience.

Anticipated difficulties: Suggested solutions:
1. The students are between the ages 11-12, so they may get bored or 1. Create fun and interactive activities in order to create a varied lesson.
distracted easily. move quickly from activity to activity.
2. The learners are pre-intermediate, so they do not have a wide range 2. Give clear, concrete instructions, and use ICQs to ensure the students
of vocabulary and may not understand what they have to do. know what to do. Give an example for the activity before starting.
3. Difficulty distinguishing the different pronunciation of words ending in 3. Use phonemic script to help students establish the difference
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-ed, especially in relation to their L1. E.g., bored, relaxed, excited. between the sounds /d/, /t/ and /Id/. Remind them that the same
letter doesn’t always represent the same sound, and the same sound
is not always represented by the same letter. Teach the students that
if the sound before -ed is /t/ or /d/, the pronunciation is /id/. If the
sound before -ed is a voiceless sound, such as /x/ or /k/, the
pronunciation is /t/. If the sound before -ed is a voiced sound or
vowel sound, the pronunciation is /d/.
Target language analysis:
1. What is the use or function of this Adjectives ending in -ed are used to describe feeling. Adjectives ending in -ing describe what CAUSES the
language? (include a timeline if feeling.

2. In which context are you introducing Topic:

the language? The context will be based on activities at the summer camp.
3. Which concept checking questions will Do you know the difference between ‘bored’ and ‘boring’?
you ask to ensure students understand Do ‘excited and ‘exciting’ have the same meaning?
the meaning? How would you describe how summer camp makes you feel?
What adjectives ending in -ing can you use to describe summer camp?

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4. What is the form of the target Formula:
language? (include positive, negative Verb – confuse
and question forms if appropriate)
The work is confusing.

I am confused by the work.

5. How will your students work out the I will introduce the language through an activity with visual aids.
rules for the structure? Elicit key vocabulary first. first, and then use own voice to prompt confused students.
Explain that students must use -ing adjectives carefully when talking about or to people. If someone is
bored, this does not mean they are boring!

6. What will you teach about the Using the phonemic script next to each word, I will chorus the pronunciation of the new vocabulary,
pronunciation of the structure? placing stress on the -ed and -ing, to confirm that the learners are able to pronounce the word correctly
before moving on. This will help them memorise and understand the words accurately. If the students
struggle with a word, I will break it up into syllables.

Stage Name Stage Aim Time Interaction Teacher’s procedure Students will…
Warmer To introduce the 10 T-S Seat learners in a circle. Explain to them that ball is a ‘hot Students will be introduced to the
topic in an min potato’, and that this game will be used to practice lesson topic with a short, fun group
interesting and S-S adjectives related to summer camp. These must be activity.
fun way. adjectives that end in -ed and -ing. Learners will have to think quickly and
To engage the Start off with -ed adjectives, using the question “How are use their pre-existing knowledge to
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students in the engage in this activity. The random
lesson topic. you feeling about summer camp?” (Example: excited.) nature of the game keeps the young
Throw the ball to a random student. The student must think students focused and on their toes.
of a word as quickly as possible before passing on the ‘hot
potato’ to another student. Stop halfway and change the
question to “What is summer camp like?” Repeat the
exercise using -ing adjectives. (Example: interesting.)

Present To help students 10 T-S Present the target language on the board using visual aids Students will become familiar with the
understand and min and phonemic scripts. meaning, form and pronunciation of
identify the new Differentiating -ed and -ing adjectives: the new language. They will also be
grammar, and to S-T Draw a diagram on the board (like the one included in the able to identify the different sounds of
see the target materials) and underline the ING part to show your -ED.
language in students we are talking about situations/things/people that Students will be able to differentiate
context. make us feel a certain way. Then elicit the ED forms of the between -ed and -ing adjectives.
word from the students. Explain that this is used when we
are talking about HOW we felt in each situation.

Practice To give the 15 T-S Hand out worksheets to each student, explain that they Students will fill out a short worksheet
students an min have 10 minutes to fill in the answers. The students will to practice their writing and reading`
opportunity to S-S spend the last 5 minutes marking their own work. skills, including activities such as circle
practice the the correct adjectives, gap fillers and
grammar in a phonemic script identification.
controlled and Students will identify where their errors
safe lie by marking their own work, and
environment. make their own corrections.
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Production To give the 15 S-S Teacher will divide students into groups of three, place In small groups, students will have the
students a chance min them in small circles, and ask them to discuss their favourite chance to interact with their peers on a
to explore the summer camp activities, as well as: personal level, in order to eliminate
new vocabulary How the activities make the student feel, including at least self-consciousness and gain trust within
in a freer form of 3 -ed adjectives, and what the activities feel like, using at the group setting. This will give them an
practice. least 3 -ing adjectives. opportunity to mingle.
For example, I will tell the students about mine:
“The most exciting activity is teaching you guys! It is always The students will practice the 4 skills -
great when the students are interested in the lesson.” reading, listening, speaking and writing
The students must write down what the person to their - in this activity.
left has said. (10 minutes)

Each group will then swap their information with another

group, so that everyone has a different student’s
information on their chosen favourite activity, what it made
them feel and how it felt. They will have 20 seconds each to
read this to the class. (5 minutes)
Cooler To recap and sum 10 T-S End lesson off with an online grammar game that will This will confirm the students’
up the new min S-S practice distinguishing between adjectives that end with -ed understanding of the topic, as well as
language and and -ing. assess what they have learnt during the
Divide the children into two groups. Give them 1 minute to
review any points lesson.
decide on a team name.
that have come It will be a fun way to finish off the
The game consists of reading a given sentence, and then
out of the selecting and submitting the correct answer. If the answer is lesson, especially for young learners.
practice stage. correct, the student will get a point for their team. Each The competitive aspect of the game will
student will have an opportunity to participate in the game, encourage the students to engage fully.
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and the winning team will get a prize.
If the summer camp does not have access to internet, or a
smartboard, I have created a “physical” version of the game
for the students to play.

Lesson Rationale (700-1000 words):

You should cover: why you have structured the lesson in the way that you have, what each activity will contribute towards the learning aims and how this will
be achieved, other activities that you considered including and why you chose not to use them, what you would do if any of your activities didn’t work in the
way you have planned

The lesson is structured using PPP (Presentation, Practice, Production) methodology. I have chosen this methodology because it is straightforward, which makes
it easy for the students to follow and to remain focused. It exposes the student to the target grammar, followed by controlled practice and then allows the
students to explore the topic more independently in a freer form of practice. This helps learners to commit new information to memory, with plenty of speaking
time and group engagement.
Young learners have shorter attention spans and tend to get bored or distracted easily, so I have planned for each activity to stay between 10-15 minutes long.
This ensures that the learners will be exposed to a variety of activities as the lesson progresses. PPP methodology flows smoothly and makes the transition from
activity to activity easier. The context will be based on activities at the summer camp, so that the lesson is relevant to their lives. Moving from one activity to
others that are related in content and language helps to recycle the language and reinforce students’ understanding and use of it. Interaction patterns vary
throughout the lesson in order to maximise student participation and minimise unnecessary teacher talking time.

Activities and reasons for including them

I have chosen ‘Hot Potato’ as a warmer activity, because it is a fast-paced game that will introduce the lesson topic in a fun and engaging way for young learners.
This is a suitable warmer for young students, and a great way to increase energy levels. The game will assess the learners’ pre-existing knowledge of the topic,
and pinpoint any strengths or weaknesses related to the grammar.
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During the presentation stage I have included visual aids to present the meaning of the grammar. This will help the students establish the structure and form of
accurately and efficiently. I have chosen 8 -ING words and their -ED partners as the base target language for this grammar lesson. For each word, I have
provided the phonemic pronunciation, visual material and CCQs to check the students’ understanding before moving on. The CCQs I have written are meant to
elicit answers from the students. The questions are simple, and they have a concrete answer, which means that dominant students will not take over. The aim
of eliciting answers is to increase student speaking time, which is essential at pre-intermediate level.

The practice stage is used to actively reinforce the new language in a controlled environment. Students begin to use target language independently and commit
new information to memory. During the practice stage, students will have time to fill out a worksheet that is specifically relevant to them. I have made sure that
the worksheet is colourful and engaging for the young learners, so that it is not boring. This will practice their writing and reading skills and test their
understanding of the newly learnt grammar in a controlled environment. Written practice is there to help them internalise the “rules” and understand when we
use ED or ING adjectives. The students will then be given the opportunity to mark their own work, in order to identify where their errors lie and make their own

The production stage of the lesson will give students a chance to interact with their peers on a personal level. This will give them an opportunity to mingle in
small groups, and practice the 4 skills – reading, writing, listening and speaking. By using unique individual stories, this activity will help them personalise the
grammar and use it in context to talk about their experiences. Teaching -ed and -ing adjectives also ties in well with situations which promote strong feelings
and the times when we communicate about those situations.

I have chosen to include a fun, online grammar game to end off the lesson. This will recap and sum up the new language and review any points that have come
out of the practice stage. This game creates a positive memory and experience of learning and it is a great way to motivate students to participate even when
they are tired. The competitive aspect of the game will encourage the students to engage fully.

I have made sure that the timings for each stage are appropriate in that they will give both the students and the teacher enough time to complete each of the
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given activities. Setting time limits for the tasks helps keep students motivated, as they know the task will only run for a set period and helps reassure them that
they won’t run out of language.

Other considerations
I considered including more words in the target language but decided against it due to time constraints and the age of the learners. I also decided against
including too many physically engaging activities, in order to keep the class calm and focused.

If any activity does not work out as planned

If the school does not have a smart board or access to the internet, I have created a physical activity in place of the online game.
If a specific activity does not work out as planned, or the students lose focus, I will bring the learners back by asking them to copy what I do. I will then clap
different rhythms for the students to reproduce until the class has settled and we can continue with our lesson.

885 words

- Grammar.cl. n.d. Adjectives ending in ED and ING English Grammar List. [online] Available at: <https://www.grammar.cl/Notes/Adjectives_ED_ING.htm>
[Accessed 11 March 2021].

- Englishlessonplanner.com. n.d. New lesson plan: Adjectives with -ed and -ing endings. [online] Available at:
<https://www.englishlessonplanner.com/plans/24863> [Accessed 11 March 2021].

- Eurocentres.com. n.d. Using Adjectives Ending in –ed and –ing. [online] Available at: <https://www.eurocentres.com/blog/using-adjectives-ending-in-ed-
and-ing> [Accessed 11 March 2021].

- Roadafterthat.blogspot.com. n.d. Adjectives Ending in -ED and -ING. [online] Available at: <http://roadafterthat.blogspot.com/2018/01/adjectives-ending-in-

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ed-and-ing.html> [Accessed 11 March 2021].

- Cabal, C., n.d. The Supporting Act- A Beautiful Lesson to Work with -Ed/-Ing Adjectives. [online] Blog de Cristina. Available at:
<https://www.cristinacabal.com/?p=9998> [Accessed 11 March 2021].

- Wiseman, J., Wiseman, J., Cavage, C., Zakrzewski, R. and Fitzgerald, D., n.d. 8 First Lesson Problems and Solutions for Young Learner Classes. [online]
Resources for English Language Learners and Teachers | Pearson English. Available at: <https://www.english.com/blog/8-first-lesson-problems-and-
solutions-yl-classes/> [Accessed 11 March 2021].

- En.islcollective.com. 2016. Adjectives ending in -ED and -ING (exercises). [online] Available at: <https://en.islcollective.com/english-esl-
worksheets/grammar/adjectives/adjectives-ending-ed-and-ing-exercises/91136> [Accessed 11 March 2021].

- Kawasaki, J., 2021. Top Tips for Creating Materials for the EFL Classroom. [online] BridgeUniverse - TEFL Blog, News, Tips & Resources. Available at:
<https://bridge.edu/tefl/blog/creating-materials-efl-classroom/> [Accessed 11 March 2021].

- Englishisapieceofcake.com. n.d. pronunciation ed. [online] Available at: <http://www.englishisapieceofcake.com/pronunciation-ed.html> [Accessed 11

March 2021].

- PLUS, E., n.d. adjectives ending in –ING and –ED game. [online] ESL Games | ESL Games Plus. Available at: <https://www.eslgamesplus.com/adjectives-ing-
ed-catapult/> [Accessed 14 March 2021].

- Cotter, T., n.d. Planning a grammar lesson. [online] TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC. Available at:
<https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/planning-a-grammar-lesson> [Accessed 15 March 2021].

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- All images were taken from Google.

Materials (include all physical copies of the materials you plan to use in your lesson, referenced):


Boring/bored Interesting/interested
Boring: /ˈbɔːrɪŋ/ Interesting: /ˈɪnt(ə)rɪstɪŋ/
Bored: /bɔːd/ Interested: /ˈɪntrəstɪd/

Entertaining/entertained Thrilling/thrilled
Entertaining: /ɛntəˈteɪnɪŋ/ Thrilling: /ˈθrɪlɪŋ/
Entertained: /ˌentə(r)ˈteɪnd/ Thrilled:  /θrɪld/

Exciting/excited Amazing/amazed
Exciting: /ɪkˈsʌɪtɪŋ/ Amazing: /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/
Excited: /ɪkˈsaɪtɪd Amazed: /əˈmeɪzd/

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Relaxing/relaxed Tiring/tired
Relaxing: /rɪˈlæksɪŋ/ Tiring: /ˈtʌɪərɪŋ/
Relaxed: /rɪˈlækst Tired: /tʌɪəd/

Draw on board to elicit responses:

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Visual aids
Who is bored and what is boring? Who is amazed and what is amazing?

What is entertaining and who is entertained? What is relaxing and who is relaxed?

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What is tiring and who is tired?
What is exciting and who is excited?

What is interesting and who is interested?

What is thrilling and who is thrilled?

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Practice Worksheet:

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Worksheet created by Katherine Johnstone

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Cooler - Online Grammar Game

You must protect your food from the greedy Read the sentence and choose between the two And chase the bird away!
bird who is trying to steal it… answers. If you choose correctly, you can earn
10 points…

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Cooler – Physical game using flash cards
Sentences: Make a sentence with:

Bored Boring
Interested Interesting

Excited Exciting
Entertained Entertaining

Relaxed Relaxing
Amazed Amazing

10 points per word.

Tired Tiring 30 points for a

Thrilled Thrilling
sentence with two

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Created by Kat Johnstone

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