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The waste water from the ready-mix concrete plant is from the wash water from trucks,
the washing of central mixing plant, the storm water run off from the plant yard. The
disposal of this water is a concern for the ready-mix concrete owners.
• This water disposal from such plants contains caustic soda and potash, which
is hazardous to the environment.
• The high pH makes the wash water hazardous according to the Environment
Protection Agency (EPA) standards.
1) Dumping the waste in a pit in the work site itself.
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2) Disposing the waste in a land fill. But in landfill method problem arises when the
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sites are not available in plenty.
3) Using the settling ponds.
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4) Providing the storm water detention/retention facilities.
5) Water reuse systems.
6) Chemical stabilizing admixture systems.
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Q. 2 You are an engineer in charge of mixing concrete in an undeveloped area
where no potable water is available for mixing concrete. A source of water is
available that has some impurities. What tests would you run to evaluate the
suitability of this water for concrete mixing? What criteria would you use?
The mortar cubes has to be made with the available water. These cubes have to be cured for
7 days and then tested for its compressive strength. The compressive strength should not be
less than 90% of the normal strength with portable water.
The Vicat test should be conducted on the cement paste made with the available water.
The initial setting time of this pate should not be more than 1.5 hour than the set time of
paste which is made with portable water.
In addition to the above-mentioned test. The maximum chemical limit for the impurities
should be tested.
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The impurities that may exist in the available water are:
1) Chloride.
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2) Alkalis.
3) Sulfates.
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4) Total solids.
The criterion for the water which is be to use for mixing concrete has certain chemical limits.
Maximum chemical limit for the impurities that should not be exceeded in the mixing water
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are, the chloride content in the prestressed concrete construction must be less than 500
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Q. 3 In order to evaluate the suitability of nonpotable water available at the job
site for mixing concrete, six standard mortar cubes were made using that water
and six others using potable water. The cubes were tested for compressive
strength after 7 days of curing and produced the following loads to failure (in
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a. Based on these results only, would you accept that water for mixing
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concrete according to ASTM C94?
The average strength using non-potable water
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16200+14530+15820+14160+16100+15870+14380 = 15294 7
17800+16530+16820+17920+15690+18820+16720 = 17186 7
Percent difference
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Q. 4 Three standard mortar cubes were made using nonpotable water
available at the job site, and three others were made using potable water. The
cubes were tested for compressive strength after seven days of curing and
produced the following failure loads in kips:
Based on these results only,
would you accept that water for
mixing concrete according to
ASTM standards? Explain why.
Average failure load of mortar 15.8+14.4+15.6
cubes with
non-portable water Average = =
with portable water Average = 16.9+18.7+17.4
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= 17.67
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Calculating the 90% of the portable water = = (90%) × 17.67 = 15.903
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Because of the portable water is greater than the non-portable water so
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the given sample of water is not acceptable according to ASTM C94
Q. 5 Three standard mortar cubes were made using nonpotable water
available at the job site, and three others were made using potable water. The
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cubes were tested for compressive strength after seven days of curing and
produced the following failure loads in kg:
Based on these results only, would you accept
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