Module 8 (Arts)
Module 8 (Arts)
Module 8 (Arts)
The Panolong is a carved end beam
of the Torogon
Manunggul Jar
ang tapayan sa manunggul ay
Pottery are objects that are first isang banga na ginamit sa paglibing
shaped of wet clay, then hardened ng mga sinaunang tao sa Palawan
by baking. pottery includes both noong 890-710 BK. Ang banga ay
decorative and practical items such ukol sa sekondaryang paglilibing
as bowls, vases, dishes, and lamps kaya mga buto lamang ng yumao
ang laman nito. itinuting itong
pambansang kayamanan ng
pilipinas at makikita rin sa likod ng with sophisticated pottery and
1000 libo na salapi nephrite adzes and axes were
recovered. Other materials include
Manunggul Jar
stone ornaments and shell beads
Physical Ornaments
Muslim Art
-Muslim Art was very conditioned by
the first pillar of Islam…
Can you remember which was this
-The T’boli distinguish themselves 1st pillar?
from other tribal groups by their The 1st pillar of Islam is..
colorful clothes, bracelets and Faith: there’s no God but Allah and
earrings, this tribe is famous for their Muhammad is its prophet
complicated beadwork, wonderful This implied that idolatry was
woven fabrics and beautiful brass forbidden, so they couldn’t make
ornaments representations of human figures
The Bagobo are proud people with that represented deities (holy
proto Malayan features. They have beings). Therefore, the main artistic
ornate traditions in weaponry and achievements were in architecture
other metal arts. They are noted for Characteristics of Muslim
their skill in producing brass articles architecture:
through the ancient lost-wax process -Basic building Materials:
These people also weave abacca Brick
cloths of earth tones and make Wood
baskets that are trimmed with Plaster
beads, fibers and horse’s hair
-kairouan (Tunisia)
Mihrab to identify the Kiblah
-Cordoba (Spain)
Muezzin calling the faithful to prayer
from the minaret
b) Palaces
-where caliphs lived
Example of important mosques... -Two parts:
-Public area: throne, meeting
-Damascus (Syria)
-Private are: where the caliph
and his family lived -Muhammad’s face is usually not
-They had beautiful gardens with shown
fountains -Books can show “Historical images”
but they are not for praying to
-Some rules relaxed later in some
places, like Iran (Persians)
-So, instead, Islamic art focused on
repetition, using:
Geometric patterns
Geometric Patterns
-Strict Rules about meant you could
not make a picture of statue of God,
a holy person, etc.
Calligraphy: Writing arrangement of arches, usually
forming a ceiling or roof
Islamic Architecture
Islamic architecture and design -Mosque: Place of worship
Please copy:
Samarra, Iraq
-Before an explosion in 2006
Famous Mosques
-The Ka’aba, in Mecca, Saudi Arabia
-More dome of the Rock
-Dome of the Rock Interior
-Great Mosque of Cordoba in Spain
Focus Questions
How do you define a contemporary art?
What are the elements and principles of
contemporary art?
What are the different art forms based on
contemporary art?
Existing artworks are appropriated to
produce another artwork. Is appropriation still acceptable?
Usage of prints, images, and icons to Do you think that the pre-existing artwork
produce another art form. used un appropriation is defaced or
Combines past from the present. devalued?
Revives interests to existing forms of
Performance evolved to “emphasize
spontaneous elements of chance.” (Walker
Art Center)
Interpreting various human activities
such as ordinary activities such as chores,
routines and rituals, to socially relevant
themes such as poverty, commercialism and
Usage of unconventional materials,
mixing of unlikely materials to produce an
artwork. For example, coffee for painting;
miniature sculptures using crayons.
Arts transforming space. For
example, flash mobs, art installations in malls
and parks.
Contemporary Art is a statement
that as artist makes about life, thoughts,
ideas, and many other things that define
human life.
Strictly speaking, the term
“contemporary art” refers to art made and
produced by artist living today. Today’s
artists work in and respond to a global
environment that is culturally diverse,
technologically advancing, and
multifaceted. Working in a wide range of
mediums, contemporary artists often reflect
and comment on modern-day society.
Video phenomenon from MTV to
1. Bold strokes, bright colors
Recording performances, video
2. Abstract, Expressionist, & Surrealist
posting, sharing, live streaming.
3. Art became public.
4. Some artists were self-taught.
5. Different materials were used instead
of the traditional ones.
6. Originality is not an issue in ConArt.
7. Process is important.