Impact of Celebrity Endorsement On Consumers Buying Behavior
Impact of Celebrity Endorsement On Consumers Buying Behavior
Impact of Celebrity Endorsement On Consumers Buying Behavior
Imran Hussain
The rapidly evolving market conditions and intense competition between the firms, force
marketers to adopt competitive strategies to promote their product to the right customer.
Recent developments in consumer behavior and marketing studies emphasize various
elements which impose an influencing impact on consumers and persuade them towards
purchase intentions. This study explores the impact of celebrity endorsement and the
mediating effect of consumer attitude on consumer purchase intention in a developing
country. The study has employed a quantitative research design for which a self-
administrated structured research questionnaire was administered. the data were
collected from 100 university students as respondents. The findings indicate that there is
a strong influence on celebrity endorsements on university students. The celebrity
endorser who possesses attributes such as likability, attractiveness, credibility, and
personality has a positive influence on consumer’s purchase intentions. Moreover,
celebrity endorsements create a positive impact on consumers attitudes towards endorsed
brands and products which stimulate the purchase intention. This research provides some
useful theoretical and practical implications for researchers and marketers on the use of
celebrity endorsers.
Keywords: Celebrity Endorsement; Likeability; Credibility; Personality; Attractiveness;
Buying Behavior and Attitude.
In today’s world celebrities are considered role models especially to the youth. People are changing
their living style related to their favorite celebrities (Ahmed, Seedani, Ahuja, & Paryani, 2015).
Celebrities are individuals who are well-known to the public due to their accomplishments in areas
such as sports, entertainment, politics, broadcasting, corporate and others (Muda, Musa, Naina, &
Borhan, 2014). Celebrity endorsements create a great impact on the buying behavior of the persons. It
attracts customers and ultimately increases company productivity. Celebrities are not always creating
any kind of effect on a person’s mind in terms of buying. However, mostly it gives a great impact on
Journal of Marketing Strategies, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2020
the perception of choosing any product. One always think that if their favorite celebrity is using a
certain product then they should also use it to be like them (Ahmed et al., 2015).
For the last 150 years, advertising is changing in different phases from the classical to modern
advertisement realms. Nowadays it is the best strategy used by marketers to influence customers by
showing celebrities with their products, it includes different appeals, including fantasies, lies,
excitement, absurdity, sexual arousal etc. The main aim of formulating such strategies is to get high
brand revelation, longing, concentration, and curiosity and to do so, marketers attach famous
personalities’ with their products (Ahmed et al., 2015). Previous studies have shown that celebrity-
endorsed products can create a more positive response to consumers’ buying behavior resulting in a
positive attitude. However, some studies have found a weak relationship between celebrity
endorsement, and consumer attitude towards brands, while some indicate a strong correlation between
the two variables (Jamil & Rameez ul Hassan, 2014). Similarly, some of the studies have revealed
some disagreements on the exact role celebrity endorsement has on consumer behavior and brand
(Abdurrahaman, Owusu, Soladoye, & Kalimuthu, 2018).
In the light of these assertions and previous research findings this study intends to investigate the
answers to the following research questions:
Following are the research objectives of this study:
Journal of Marketing Strategies, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2020
As per our research this study emphasis on the main factors that help to enhance consumers’ buying
behavior and consumers’ attitude fora a product through celebrity endorsement. This research also
focuses on marketer’s perspective advantages through celebrity endorsements such as brand loyalty,
profitability, consumer retention and good image of the company.
Celebrity Endorsement
The celebrity endorsement is a promotion strategy to attract customers (Osei-Frimpong, Donkor, &
Owusu-Frimpong, 2019). By analyzing the current market, it has become the need of the marketers to
use the different famous personalities to relate with their brands to create a unique identity of the brand
and to do famous his company’s brand or product, which results in high expenditure for the company
to use that strategy, however nowadays it is used to be a powerful strategic tool to get maximum profit
(Ahmed et al., 2015).
Buying Behavior
Consumer buying behavior or Consumer purchase intention refers to the personal inclinations and
actions related to the product. It may also be defined as an individual’s conscious plan to make an
effort to buy a brand or the person’s motivation in the sense of his/her conscious plan to exert effort to
carry out a behavior. Some studies revealed that famous people are mostly used as brand
ambassador/endorser due to their high reputation among the people and they are also well recognized
among a large group of the population as well. One of the other reasons for consumer buying intention
is that most people follow other people with whom they associate themselves in terms of personality
and other positive attributes, which they find in the famous personalities. Therefore, famous
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personalities often become the medium of spreading brand awareness through commercials since they
gain more attention, recall and loyalty among a large group of audience (Priyankara, Weerasiri,
Dissanayaka, & Jinadasa, 2017).
Some other studies revealed that cognitive and affective dimensions are influenced differently by
negative information (White, Goddard, & Wilbur, 2009). Apart from this, negative information about
celebrity might lead to a negative attitude towards the brand, new venture, or promotion. According to
some researches, celebrity endorsement is taken as strategic promotion (Abdurrahaman & Osman,
Consumer Attitude
Attitude refers to an individual internal evaluation pertaining to any object, issue, person, or action.
Most of the researchers consider attitude as a key factor to come to know the consumer buying behavior
related to any brand, product, or services. Studies suggested that celebrity endorsers would positively
influence the attitude of a larger population. However, a negative attitude towards any celebrity might
affect consumer buying behavior towards any particular brand or services. Previous Literature claimed
that a positive attitude will boost the purchase intention of consumers (Abdurrahaman & Osman,
Celebrity Likability
Celebrity likeability is the “affection for the celebrity as a result of the celebrity’s physical appearance
and behavior” (Priyankara et al., 2017)
Celebrity Credibility
Celebrity credibility is “the extent to which the recipient sees the celebrity as having relevant
knowledge, skills, or experience and trusts the source to give unbiased, objective
information”(Priyankara et al., 2017)
Celebrity Personality
The celebrity-persona para-social identification scale (CPI) is designed to measure how media
consumers develop identification with celebrities or popular fictional characters. Identification is
defined as a persuasion process that occurs when an individual adopts the behavior or attitudes of
another individual or group based on a self-defining relationship (Choi & Rifon, 2009). Identification
is a psychological orientation through which individuals define themselves based on their group
membership and derive “strength and a sense of identity” from the affiliation (Priyankara et al., 2017).
Journal of Marketing Strategies, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2020
Celebrity Attractiveness
The concept of attractiveness does not only entail physical attractiveness. Attractiveness also entails
concepts such as intellectual skills, personality properties, way of living, athletic performances, and
skills of endorsers (Adam & Hussain, 2017). Celebrities can be attractive because they established for
example great sports performances and people have great respect for their achievement and therefore
they are attracted to them (Priyankara et al., 2017)
Operationalization of Variables
Variables Items
Likability Affection Believable Pleasing
Credibility Honest Sincerity Confidence
Personality Good look Skill Courage
Attractiveness Desire Attention Appearance
Consumer Attitude Positive attitude Motivation Negative attitude
Consumer Behavior Creditability Personality Likeability
Ha-1: The consumer attitude mediates a direct relationship between likeability and consumer buying
Ha-2: The consumer attitude mediates a direct relationship between credibility and consumer buying
Journal of Marketing Strategies, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2020
Ha-3: The consumer attitude mediates a direct relationship between personality and consumer buying
Ha-4: The consumer attitude mediates a direct relationship between attractiveness and consumer
buying behavior.
H0-1: The consumer attitude mediates no relationship between likeability and consumer buying
H0-2: The consumer attitude mediates no relationship between credibility and consumer buying
H0-3: The consumer attitude mediates no relationship betweenw personality and consumer buying
H0-4: The consumer attitude mediates no relationship between attractiveness and consumer buying
Research Design
This research is a quantitative study as a theory is intended to be tested not developed, thus the study
is cross-sectional research and explanatory in nature. To conduct the research and for data collection,
the authors have used a survey questionnaire i.e., the primary source of data to collect information and
data from the selected sample. Whereas the type of investigation in this research is causal (cause and
effect) as the impact of celebrity endorsement on consumers’ buying behavior and attitude is
investigated. The sample size of this study is 100 university students from the Institute of Business
Management Karachi, whereas the sampling frame was formulated with the help of the cluster
sampling technique.
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Table 2: Age
Inferential Statistics
Table 5 below illustrate the findings of the inferential statistics of this study:
Table 5
Hypothesis Standardized P-Value Result
Path Coefficient
Ha-1: The consumer attitude mediates a
direct or no relationship b/w likeability 0.65 0.005 Accepted
and consumer buying behaviour.
Ha-2: The consumer attitude mediates a
direct or no relationship b/w credibility 0.54 0.002 Accepted
and consumer buying behavior.
Ha-3: The consumer attitude mediates a
direct or no relationship b/w personality 0.21 0.030 Accepted
and consumer buying behaviour.
Ha-4: The consumer attitude mediates a
direct or no relationship b/w
0.42 0.041 Accepted
attractiveness and consumer buying
1. The consumer attitude mediates a direct relationship b/w likeability and consumer buying
Journal of Marketing Strategies, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2020
2. The consumer attitude mediates a direct relationship b/w credibility and consumer buying
3. The consumer attitude mediates a direct relationship b/w personality and consumer buying
4. The consumer attitude mediates a direct relationship b/w attractiveness and consumer
buying behavior.
The findings of the study demonstrate that celebrity endorsement intends to be an effective variable
that creates a strong impact on consumers buying behaviour, their decisions, and attitudes towards
products. The first attribute employed in this study namely “likeability” which comprises affection,
pleasing and believability demonstrate that consumers are attracted towards the pleasing personalities
of celebrities which create likeability for the celebrity and thus for the product endorsed by the
celebrity. The second variable Credibility for the product is created through celebrity endorsement as
credible personalities create a sense of trustworthiness which leads to buying intention. Similarly, the
variable Personality and Attractiveness create celebrity persona which entices consumers to buy
certain products endorsed by their favourite personalities, in order to purchase products used by
celebrities and to impersonate them.
• A different celebrity endorser of a different gender or different race may produce different
results on consumer buying behaviour.
• This study focused on limited variables of celebrity endorsement that are likability, credibility,
personality, and attractiveness towards consumer attitude and buying behavior.
• These variables were able to explain to a certain extent the attitude and buying behavior of
Journal of Marketing Strategies, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2020
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