San Pascual, John Carlo D. Bsed-Sst2A Activity in Chapter 4
San Pascual, John Carlo D. Bsed-Sst2A Activity in Chapter 4
San Pascual, John Carlo D. Bsed-Sst2A Activity in Chapter 4
Activity in Chapter 4
1. What are the different processes as well as the strategies used in the pre-referral system, in
an inclusive education?
Criterion-referenced assessment
Viewing the student’s performances to the mastery of the skills or ability. This may
or may not follow any standards. It is aa performance based.
Norm-referenced assessment
Formative Assessment
Is the incipient assessment use by the teachers for their students. Whereas it
provided by a feedback in response to the students initial and about the topic.
Summative assessment
This was given by the end-year which aimed to learn all the possible and assess the
effectiveness in learning
Schools that abide highly traditional views of teaching and learning oftentimes view
accommodations, such as time extensions in tests and exams providing an alternative output to
supplement a lengthy written report as being “unfair” to typically developing children, it is
argued that expectation and provision of whatever the support should be the same for all
children. Knowing the different components as well views on inclusive education, do you agree?
As far as the education is concern, we should give all the necessary things for the
learning of everyone. It is practicing the concept of ‘equity” giving who need it the most.
It is not unfair; we are just giving the chance for other to also accommodate the
education just like normal student. This is not necessarily means that we are valuing one
over another, this is somehow “valuing on to empower together” concept. The country
aiming for a global competitive individual as stated in the law. Through this and with this
we can empower all students without depriving their capability to learn.
1. Which of the following statements is false about pre=referral process in inclusive and
special education?
Changing the classroom environments is an example of a pre-referral strategy
2. Which type of assessment tool compares a child performance based on established
standards and competencies and can be sued to describe student performance?
Norm-referenced tests
3. How will educational team determine the best placement for a child with disabilities?
Create a flow hart or a mind map to show different aspects to be considered for a child
proper placement.
Conduct an evaluation
Form an IEP
4. Five-year old Renee has been observed by her teachers to show restlessness and
hyperactivity during who class activities, but she enjoys singing, dancing, and listening to the
stories of animals and unicorns. What steps in pre-referral process will you suggest to the
team to find ways to help Renee?
I think the in Stage 2- Gathering information in which through this we are finish in
determining what specific difficulty that may hinder his or her learning. On this stage,
the teachers or team of professionals interview the parents who is authorized and
trusted person of the student and share some experiences and likes and dislikes of the
child. And also to comprehend and understand what is the exact strategy should impose
and apply of his learning.