"Them" and Their Culture "Me" and My Culture

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Dominique Velez

Cookery 12-A


Module 3

What’s New

“Them” and their culture “Me” and my Culture

Marriage Marriage
A man can have multiple wives. He can share his My culture when it comes to marriage can be
wife to his brothers and visitors as a sign of seen as a respect on every side of two people,
hospitality. (Eskimos) whether female or male. Man can marry one
Behavior Behavior
When entering a nearly empty movie theater or In our culture when it comes to behavior, we can
public vehicle, you are rude when you do not sit decide whatever we want just sitting in any chair
beside the only person in the theater or public in the theater. And if we have done something
vehicle. (South Africa) wrong to someone, we know him/her or not we
Hand Gestures Hand Gestures
The V- hand gesture is an offensive When it comes to hand gestures there is no big
sign in United Kingdom, Australia, and difference in other countries just like the V-hand
South Africa. In Japan, China, and gesture because it means Peace to us .
South Korea, using this symbol with
the palm facing the person means
he/she is looking cute in picture.
Child-rearing In order to control their population In our country we cannot kill innocent child. if we
in difficult environments, Eskimos sometimes kill unable to raise a child we take it to an institution
their children if they could not take care of them. related to child care or leave it to a capable
They also kill females more than males. relative. And we have this called Family Planning
(Infanticide) Activity which allows people to attain their
desired number of children, if any, and to
determine the spacing of their pregnancies. It is
achieved through use of contraceptive methods
and the treatment of infertility.
Religion Individuals practicing Hinduism believe in Religion
millions of gods and goddesses. All are Since I am a Baptists a Christian religious group
responsible for governing their lives, destiny, and believe that a person can attain salvation through
fate. faith in God and Jesus Christ.
Reading text Hebrew and Arabic books are read We read what is written on the left side towards
from right to left. the right side.
Table Manners Europeans and Americans use Table Manners
spoon and fork in eating, while Chinese and When it comes to table manners, just like the
Koreans use chopsticks. Europeans and Americans we are also using a
spoon and fork , but we often use our own hands
to eat.

1. I can not say a word about other people’s culture because it is far from the culture my society
has. The best way to deal with that is to just respect each other’s culture.

 some of the cultures of   other countries are far from the culture of my country but some also
have similarities just as the v sign that has the same meaning to us and also to japan china and
south korea . another one is using a spoon and fork like other countries

I cannot say that other people's culture is good and bad because i do not know the origin of their
cultures , but if it is about the marriage of the eskimos i can say that it is not good for me
because it is rude when it comes to women that seems to be a lack of respect for women but i
do respect their culture

 for me some of their cultures i consider right and others wrong because it is contrary to the
culture of the society and the country in which i live and where i grew up 

  of course for me my culture is the best because my own culture has become part of my life and
the culture of others is quite contrary to my outlook on life also our culture is known for its good
behavior and tradition so my culture is the best

  maybe yes or no some countries are happy when other countries adopt their cultures while
others are also unhappy because they feel like their culture is being stolen also i am contented
with my own culture

What i have learned

The topic was about the importance of cultural relativism in attaining cultural understanding.
It matters because culture relativism promotes greater appreciation of the cultures that an
individual might encounter along the way and it is a good way to rehearse the norms and values
of a society that one must subscribe to regardless of his or her cultural origin.
I've learned today how cultural relativism is different from ethnocentrism . 

What i can do
1.I beg to disagree because i believe that no country can be occupied by terrorists . Maybe the
terrorist live in  a certain play in by the whole territory of that country we really don't know what's
going on there because we just rely on the news for information
2. i beg to disagree because each of our culture is unique from each other . we do not have the
same climate , topography , language , and history . our culture is based from this factors . so
really cannot say that one culture is superior from the other.
3.I beg to disagree because this po and opo words are only used by the tagalog people from
visayas and mindanao don't have this word in their language dialect. 
4. I beg to disagree because education does not live itself in the four walls in the classroom.
Mangyan have been very long before the spaniards came in the philippines. they have their own
reasons why they do not associate themselves in the modern society.
5. I beg to disagree because these are just  hearsays  true so be the first victims how come the
area is still populated and  inhabited.
I beg to disagree our forefathers of cam long before us and they have been eating this things
ever since yet they have survived.
7. I beg to disagree because they are just thrifty maybe because of their environment. kind of
weather that they have and the topography of their place have   affected They're being thrifty.

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