Noise Detector With Automatic Recording System Using Arduino
Noise Detector With Automatic Recording System Using Arduino
Noise Detector With Automatic Recording System Using Arduino
Abstract—In this project we will be using Arduino the limit has been surpassed and the wifi module
coupled with sound sensor module to detect, pick connects to the app and the sound sensor which is
up and record the noise/sound when detected above very sensitive to the change of noise records and
the certain level set by us and get and stores the send it us.
recorded noise to us using an app which is
connected to the device via Bluetooth in a setup of II. COMPONENTS
IoT. This device has many applications in the real
life situations and scenarios. It can be used in I. Vibrational Motor/ Buzzer
libraries as a remainder for keeping silence, home A buzzer or beeper is an audio signalling device,
security in the case any intrusion and in any other which may be mechanical, electromechanical, or
situations where the recording of sound has piezoelectric (piezo for short). Typical uses of
importance as the system works automatically. It is buzzers and beepers include alarm devices, timers,
a very useful and application based project. and confirmation of user input such as a mouse click
or keystroke.
Keywords-Arduino, IoT, Bluetooth, Sound sensor
II. Bluetooth Module HC-05
I. INTRODUCTION HC 05 Bluetooth is a wireless communication
protocol; it is used in two devices as a sending and
Noise pollution is a growing problem in modern receiving the information. The Bluetooth is free to
cities, thanks to rapid population growth, use in the wireless communication protocol as the
urbanisation and new technologies. Moreover, at range of the Bluetooth is less than the other wireless
times, a noisy neighbour or co-worker can drive you communication protocols like WiFi and Zigbee. The
crazy and affect your well-being. Bluetooth operates at the frequency of the 2.41 GHz
Talking loudly is an annoying habit in an office and also used in many small ranges of applications.
environment. Having a loud co-worker can distract I. Sound sensor module
us from our work and harm our productivity. To
He sound sensor is one type of module used to
notice the sound. Generally, this module is used to
help solve this problem, we bring to you today a detect the intensity of sound. The applications of this
noise detector with automatic recording system. This module mainly include switch, security, as well as
device notifies users whenever it detects loud noise monitoring. The accuracy of this sensor can be
(when the sound crosses certain limits), as well as it changed for the ease of usage. This sensor employs
automatically records the sound and saves this a microphone to provide input to buffer, peak
recorded sound in a file. This system can be used in detector and an amplifier. This sensor notices a
library, office and classroom environments to sound, & processes an o/p voltage signal to a
identify noisy people so that necessary action can be microcontroller. After that, it executes required
taken against them. processing. This sensor is capable to determine
noise levels within DB’s or decibels at 3 kHz 6 kHz
The system basically runs the code of arduino
frequencies approximately wherever the human ear
which helps in the detection of the sound after
is sensitive. In smartphones, there is an android
raising to certain level and the buzzer notifies that
application namely decibel meter used to measure
the sound level.
II. Arduino Nano IV. Applications
This system has many applications in numerous
The Arduino Nano is a small, complete, and fields because it detects, notifies and also records at
breadboard-friendly board based on the the same time.
ATmega328P (Arduino Nano 3.x). It has more or
less the same functionality of the Arduino
Duemilanove, but in a different package. It lacks
It can be used in libraries and workplaces for
maintaining the silent atmosphere.
only a DC power jack, and works with a Mini-B
USB cable instead of a standard one. The Arduino
Nano can be powered via the Mini-B USB
It can used in houses as home security in
connection, 6-20V unregulated external power case of intrusion alerts.
supply (pin 30), or 5V regulated external power
supply (pin 27). The power source is automatically
It can also be used in sabotaging meetings
selected to the highest voltage source. It uses the and illegal deals.
Arduino IDE for the program processing.
It is useful because we don’t need to switch
it on, it works automatically.
It acts as a noise pollution meter along with
voice recorder.
So far the project has almost reached the
end. The hardware is working properly with no
problems in the components, in the software
department there is a small problem about the
recording. The recording is getting restricted to only
2 seconds isn’t able to sustain more that. In future,
we could modify the system into more sophisticated
version by making some changes in the program.
VI. Literary Survey
8.https:// Limus Woods 2016 Over time, any noise that surrounds your home may eventually damage your hearing.
15-facts-stats-noise- The noise does not have to be as loud as a
pollution/ construction site. Someone who lives near an
airport or a subway train may become
accustomed to the sounds around them. But
what they are not aware of is that the constant
noise pollution is actually harming them.
9. Bernard Marr 2015 The Internet of Things is here and it’s growing rapidly. Internet of Things (IoT) or
/sites/bernardmarr/2015/ Internet of Everything (IoE) refers to devices
10/27/17-mind- or objects that are connected to the Internet,
blowing-internet-of- like your smartwatch, Fitbit, or even your
things-facts-everyone- refrigerator. These devices are able to collect
should-read/ and transmit data via the Internet, contributing
#6b07b64e3505 to our big data world.
Smart, connected devices are already
transforming our world and the competitive
forces in business. To demonstrate how fast
this sector is growing and what an impact it
will have on our lives and business, I’ve
rounded up 17 of the most mind-boggling IoT
numbers and stats that prove that the
phenomenon is here and here to stay.
10. V.Kameshwaran, Ms. 2018 International Poor air quality is one of the environmental
hub/2018-119- Radhika Baskar Journal of Pure risks faced by every human being. The air and
18/2/131.pdf and Applied sound pollution are increasing in the day to
Realtime Low-Cost Air Mathematics day environment. Meanwhile, most of the
and Noise Pollution existing air quality measurement devices are
Monitoring System designed for professionals; they are expensive
and beyond the reach of average users. In this
paper, we proposed the monitoring system,
which can be used for monitoring various
pollutant gases and sound levels. The device
is connected to the Internet of Things (IoT)
platform. The sensor node is implemented
with a popular Raspberry pi 3 board and a
number of low-cost micro-sensors.
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