+ in Visual Learning Style: Learners Will Respond To and Use Some Phrases Such

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- Visual (V), Auditory (A), Kinesthetic (K) are learning styles. Learning
Styles is a theory that suggests people learn better using different methods of
- Everyone uses each of the learning styles to some degree. It is useful to
know the strength of your learning styles as they relate to each other. This
allows you to focus on maximizing your learning potential. In recent years,
many educators have started using knowledge of learning styles to improve
teaching methods in order to reach learners of all types.
- The VAK learning style model provides a simple way to explain and
understand learning style. The VAK learning style uses the 3 main sensory
receiver (vision, auditory and kinesthetic) to determine a person’s dominance or
preferred learning style.
- It was developed by psychologists in the 1920s
 Visual (V) learning style: is learning by seeing. You learn visually
whenever you gain information from sight. Visual learners benefit greatly
from teaching by charts, diagrams, videos,…
+ Characteristics of Visual learning style:
 Relate to written information notes, diagrams and pictures
 Visual learner could be good at remembering people’s faces
 Accurately recognizes body language and facial expression
 Enjoys learning from video presentations
 Learns well from flash cards
 Be able to picture things in their mind
+ In visual learning style: Learners will respond to and use some phrases such
as: I see what you mean; I get the picture; What’s your view
 Auditory (A) learning style: is learning by hearing. This type of learning
is helpful in the classroom environment. During a lecture, an auditory
learner is able to comprehend, process and receive information. Auditory
learning is not the only the ability to listen to spoken word, but also to do
with a high level of accuracy and efficiency
+ Characteristics of Auditory learning style:
 Learn from sopken instruction
 Written information has little meaning until it has been heard
 Auditory learner could be good at remebering people’s names
 Enjoys listening to audio books and storytelling
 Often skilled at speaking
 Remember by listening, especially with music
+ In Auditory learning style: Learners will respond to and use some phrases
such as: That rings a bell; I hear what you’re saying; That sounds OK to me
 Kinesthetic (K) learning style: is learning by physical experiences -
doing, touching, feeling, holding…. You learn in this manner whenever
you capture new information through the process of physical activity. It is
often referred to as a hands-on learning experience (knowledge or skill
that we get from doing sth rather than just reading about it or seeing it
being done)
+ Characteristics of Kinesthetic learning style:
 Kinesthetic learner will be good at learning through hands-on experience
 Usually enjoys physical education
 Often bored with traditional textbook learning
 Likes to move around and explore their environment
 Likes to touch objects and people
 Gets satisfaction from building with their hands
+ In Kinesthetic learning style: Learner will respond to and use some phrases
such as That feels right; How does that grab you; Let me try

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