Activities For Midterm
Activities For Midterm
Activities For Midterm
1. Parents of Jose Rizal.
Teodora Alonso Realonda and Francisco Mercado
Assignment :
There are importance in every person’s context and his/her awareness in such various problems in
today’s society. As we faces tomorrow we are obliged to be aware in our surroundings. Today’s living is not
like the way we used to live, there are changes and so we do.
There are different problems in our community today. As we all know that the source of our different
problem today is the pandemic due to Corona Virus 2019. This virus not just affect our community but the
whole world. From our normal living without masks and face shields on our faces, these are now today’s
essential to live and survive. From riding on public vehicles we are now living into distances to eliminate
further damage to others. From a full event into 50% of its capacity. All of these changes are part of what so
called new normal wherein we live to be normal in this time.
We, people of our community has different point of view on how we assess these challenges. Some
can manage themselves and their family while others are still in the process of coping in this time. As a
student, I am greatly affected by this pandemic because of the changes of learning like other students. From
face-to-face classes we are now in the mode of Online Class or in modular form. Phases like this aren’t easy
for us started into interacting with our instructor but now we are adjusting into the new normal of learning.
Some students find it difficult for them to survive the school year because of the expenses and other
concerns such as difficulties in understanding with the new mode of learning. The changes that I have face
throughout this pandemic isn’t easy but I can through others who supported me.
The Life, Works and Writings of Jose rizal
Flexible Learning Packets
Specific Objectives:
At the end of this exercise, you will be able to:
1. Have undergone the first steps toward the development of a positive self-concept
2. discuss and realize the importance of having a positive self-concept
3. give the relationship of positive self-concept with the characteristics of a person with
a healthy personality and ideal Filipino citizens;
4. relate Dr. Rizal's self-concept with his being an ideal Filipino; and
5. apply the leanings gained from this exercise.
Present Realities:
Self-concept or self-esteem is a set of beliefs about one's personal qualities and typical
behavior. Moretti and Higgins (1990) stated that: "when people live up to their personal standards
ideal selves), they experience high/positive self -concept, when they don't meet their own
expectations, their self-concept suffers." Harter (1993) said that: "the foundations for the high or low
self-concept appear to be laid early in lite" For this reason, psychologists have focused much of their
attention on the role of parenting in sell-concept development. Indeed, there is ample evidence that
personal involvement, acceptance, support, and exposure to clearly defined limits have marked
influence on their children's sell-concept. The nature of man's self-evaluation has profound effects on
his thinking process, emotions, desires, values, and goals. It is the single most important key to his
behavior, therefore, his becoming an ideal Flipino citizen who is socially productive, and morally
upright is dependent on his having a positive or good self-concept."Colonial mentality" (preference for
foreign ideas and goods), "hiya" (shyness or unexplained humility) "inggit" (envy for anothers goad
fortune) among Filipinos are contributony factors to the Filipinos' obvious low sell-concept which
probably hinder their development into concerned, patriotic, ideal Filipino citizens who could help in
The Life, Works and Writings of Jose rizal
Flexible Learning Packets
Follow the instructions and write your answers in the space provided.
1. List down your strengths and your weaknesses and explain how these developed. Do this list
at home, in the privacy of your room, or in any quiet place.
STRENGTHS- I can adjust into different situation easily; I let myself experience different
WEAKNESSES- I am sensitive; I don’t share what I feel; I am scared of negative feedback
My strengths are the one I see myself wherein I can adapt easily in a different environment.
These develop since I was a child until today, I let experience different things for myself to
adapt and to adjust in different situation.
My weaknesses are the one I have notice to myself when I am alone or feeling lonely. I am not
an open person to all, I just wanted to be alone, it was starts when my grandmother died. I feel
lonely and wanted to be alone. I find this hard for me lately because my friends told me that I
have changed.
2. Have the above mentioned list ready on the day set for this exercise on developing a positive
4. Give the relationship of a positive self-concept with the characteristics of persons with a
healthy personality and ideal Filipino citizens.
A self-concept can affect a behavior or the characteristics of a person. A positive self-concept
can lead to positive behaviors or characteristics. For a woman like me grew up in a non-
positive environment but the other people taught me not to adapt it. I have my own behaviors
based on what I have learned and what I think is right. We can say that a healthy personality
comes with every positive characteristics, but not all. We all have our limitations in life, we are
sensitive but not all the time. If a person is classified as an ideal Filipino citizen he or she can
have the positive behaviors or characteristics that a positive self-concept have.
5. How can you apply to yourself these learning’s gained from this exercise?
The Life, Works and Writings of Jose rizal
Flexible Learning Packets
I can apply what learnings I have gained in terms of analyzing myself in the times that I doubt
it. I barely know myself in my acts so that I ask myself why does this happen to you or how it
does becomes like this. I always put myself into the situations I find easy but in the end I had
to put a lot of work and it will remind me of doing the hard one with the shorter time. For me to
eliminate this behaviors I must analyze every situation and find something alternative for me to
gain a positive self-concept.
In two or three statements, answer the following after completing the activity.
I realize that:
Each of us can have a positive self-concept but have different behaviors as we have different
behaviors and capacity to adapt in any situation. I also realize that if a person has a bad
characteristics or behavior for others it cannot make him a negative self-concept because we are
totally different from one another.
I resolve that:
There are significance between having a positive self-concept and the characteristics of a healthy
person. I have also resolved that the characteristics of a healthy person is not what we usually think
of, it will defend on the environment, surroundings and adaptation. So we cannot say that a person
doesn’t have a positive self-concept for having a one negative characteristics without knowing
Student Journal #6
Reflect on why Rizal highlighted the story of the moth in the last chapter of his Memorias. What was
the message intended by Rizal through this story? Is the moral of the story still applicable for today's
generation? What does the light symbolize?
The story happened when Rizal was not focused on her mother reading. He focused on the moth that was
playing around the fire. Rizal’s mother told him a story with moral lesson. The little moth doesn’t listen to his mother
so he got hurt and caught by the fire. I think Rizal highlighted it because he knew that the youth is the hope of our
nation so that we, the fellow youth must know how to listen and act well.
This story tells us that listening is more way important since we are in our younger years. Listening has the
greatest impact for us. Sometimes we get distracted but we should balance things for us to keep in path. Being
distracted and not getting your attention back was a problem. You will build disobedience by that because you don’t
The moral of the story was very applicable in today’s generation. Children today can be distracted easily by
many things around them. The moral was if you don’t listen to the elderly you may be leading on the wrong way. We
must know how to listen and to do what we have listen for us to be in place and knowledgeable.
2. examine critically the positive and negative implications of some values that
families, community, and Philippine society have instilled in them
3. examine carefully Rizalian values that are worth appreciating and learning and are
relevant to good citizenship
4. accept that values, both positive and negative, are determinants of personally
formation, and
5. relate the importance of value formation to the formation of an ideal Filipino citizen
Present Realities:
Values are desirable, Worthy, or right precepts or beliefs. These serve as the standards by
which man evaluates and judges himself and others. He also employs values to decide what issues
are worth or not worth arguing about, what is worth or not worth doing, what cause is worth or not
Worth espousing. And finally, man employs values its Standards to guide processes of conscious
and unconscious justification and rationalization of action, thought and judgment. Thus, the ultimate
function of human values is to provide man with a set of standards to guide him in all his efforts to
satisfy his needs, and at the same time maintain and, as much as possible, enhance self-esteem
which is also a determinant of personality formation. Values, according to Weiten and Lloyd (2000),
are beliefs that people use to evaluate the various aspects of life- religion, politics, social, and
aesthetic issues. Some values are more important to Some people than other values, and higher-
ranked values usually nave more influence on behavior than those r a government official believes
that his Family s economic stability is more important than the economic stability or his country, he
may opt to commit graft and corruption in the department that he is managing. To recognize the
relevance of Rizal's values to the present conditions to the community and the county, Filipinos must
examine them carefully, s0 that they could use these values in the solution of day-to-day situations
and problems of contemporary life.
Follow the instructions and write your answers in the space provided.
1. List down five values that you learned/caught from your family/parents. How were
these values transmitted to you?
The Life, Works and Writings of Jose rizal
Flexible Learning Packets
Learned to eat together especially in dinner, be thankful and say thank you, being obedient,
marriage before living together, tell the truth even if it puts you on different situation. I grew up
with my grandparents and they taught me that eating together is very important for a family.
Saying thank you to others that I have learned make other people happy for their service or
work. It can also change a persons’ mood from bad to good. As I child being obedient was the
first ever value that was taught. As I grew up with my grandparents, they taught me that
marriage is a very important stage especially for a woman like me. My grandparents can tell if
I’m lying so I do not lie whenever it comes to question which can be the best for me.
2. List down five Filipino sub cultural/cultural values that you learned/caught from your
neighbors/schoolmates/fellow Filipinos. How were these values transmitted to you?
White lies are lies which are for the goodness of a person that I have adapted through my
friends. They have told me that white lies are not bad but I have realized that was the same
thing but different goals. I have a friend that was Christian, she taught me to attend church and
worship, these made me to believe again because there are times that I feel hopeless.
Procrastination is one of a negative trait that I do not know that I have been adapted until I
learn of it.
3. Examine critically the positive and negative implications of the above mentioned values
that you have learned/caught from your family, community, and Philippine society.
As I have mention above, telling the truth is one of the values that I still value today. I do not
implement this in my life always, I’ve got to choose and balance everything to be fair not just
for me and I think I should enhance my skill for me to change that negative into positive. I have
taught before that we are studying for us to support our parent in the future wherein it is not
bad but my parents must tell us to study hard for ourselves in the future. I always think that I
must do the best for my parents in the future not letting myself in. I found it negative while
growing up and I am changing it, I will repay everything because I am their child not
because they let me study. Culture may also be interconnected if I was born in a
The Life, Works and Writings of Jose rizal
Flexible Learning Packets
specific area wherein they believe something I must do it too, but for everyone out of the
boundary it was not necessary.
4. List down at least 10 Rizalian values which you have to learn in order to increase your
chances of becoming a good Filipino citizen. Explain your answers fully.
These are the 10 Rizalian values which I have learned in order for me to become a good
Filipino citizen- social intelligent; valuable person; strong faith; willingness to help; wisdom
through words; Selflessness; Family oriented; Leadership; Humble; hopeful. The values that I
have mention can be learn for me to adapt in order to increase the chances of becoming a
good Filipino Citizen. A social intelligent value refers to being critical in terms of socially
inclined matters, this will help each Filipino to understand each other. Being a valuable person
means you gave importance to anything you see and receive. You value what you see that
was acted with kindness, you value anything even a small matter because you appreciate it.
Strong faith will keep anything you do in line, you must have a strong faith in order for you to
keep in your goal. Being distracted may lead into misleading on your goal. Rizal was known
for his words to be his weapon, his wisdom through words courage us as a Filipino to stand
with him and to stand for our country. Also, wisdom through words may have a positive affect
for our fellow Filipino citizen, each of us may be encourage and inspired. For the braveness he
shows selflessness which we are taught for us to receive what was the best. As a Filipino, we
are known to be family oriented, as Rizal was we brought it until today we do value elders and
families we have. If someone know ow to lead right, the people of a country will follow. A good
leadership turns to have a good people to help and improve. Though we achieve what we
want we have to show humility, being humble doesn’t mean you turn down your achievements
it’s a way for us to show our comfort. Being a hopeful person doesn’t mean you do rely only
with that. It just doing things with hopes to courage ourselves.
5. Do values influence personality formation? Explain your answer and relate these with the
formation of an ideal Filipino citizen.
In my perspective values do influence my personality formation. It is not because it was
taught and learned, it was because of the acceptance and adaptation. If an ideal Filipino
The Life, Works and Writings of Jose rizal
Flexible Learning Packets
citizen must have strong faith we must have it. But we must accept first the thing that our faith
will be having. If we dream for a better world we must accept first that we have imperfection so
does our world, our faith of change will keep up and going. Being valuable person for me is
very significant for a personality formation. I do value little things “thank you” and “please” can
make a person’s day better. If you do learn to value little things you won’t find it little because
you are grateful. I become this person today because I do learn to value a person, acts, and
other matters.
6. Case analysis: Base your analysis on the parental /cultural and Rizalian values that you
have listed down and examined in numbers 1,2,3, and 4. Comment on the following
a. Maria sees nothing wrong with cheating during examinations.
If she do value negative things like this she won’t have progress. She will be believing that she
can pass without hard works because of that cheating. Parents must be guiding their child in a
proper way, asking is very significant for them to know the status of their child. Analyzation for
the situation, being aggressive won’t help but words and encouragement to do the right things.
b. Senator Luz thinks that senators and congressmen think that they should not be given
“Pork Barrel Funds” which they say they will use for the development of their
Social intelligence will be interconnected, if these things or acts may affect their community
people in negative way why do push to give it, right? Those funds are from corruption and
mishandling of the taxes, we must first identify the persons that may do this things again for us
to eliminate the same thing to happen. Saying that they will used it for the development of their
districts, why not fix the inner court first. Inner peace for the community people get what
they deserved.
The Life, Works and Writings of Jose rizal
Flexible Learning Packets
e. Don Placido’s yardstick for success is the size and number of bank accounts that one
keeps and the beauty and number of lovers that one has in his “harem”
This means that his yardsticks for success is as many as bank accounts wherein one keeps,
that’s too much for him I guess. If we do compare it to the beauty and number of lovers that
was separated this was less than Don Placido’s Yardstick for success. The number of lovers
will be counted as one even if they are two or more, but they are powerful as a colony. I
wanted to say that though you have greater success but lack of love, you can’t say you
succeed but you just got to your goal.
In two or three statements, answer the following after completing the activity.
I realize that:
What I have become today is due to the values I have learned and living until today. My personalities
shows that I have those values in the past and I still bring it today. Those values have been
made me who I am and what am I like to others, my social interaction to others may differ due
to the adjustments of the values I see.
The Life, Works and Writings of Jose rizal
Flexible Learning Packets
I resolve that:
Being a good Filipino citizen will show in any little acts. The values of a good Filipino citizen will first
accept its imperfection as its fellow man was. The love for our country may not be seen but showing
these values will tell how much love do you have for the country.
Reflect on the importance of influencers in an individual’s life. Who are the most influential in your
life? How did they affect your outlook about different aspects of your personal, academic, and even
social life? Can a person live without the influence of others?
I do believe that influencers have significance in anyone life. An example of that is the rising number of
influencers today wherein more of our youth would follow their steps. Influencers can have positive and negative
influence in someone’s life. I think we do choose our influencers so does the negative effects will be in our hands.
The most influential persons in my life in my life are my grandparents, as I have said I grew up with them so
does the values I have today comes from them. They have influenced me in the best way they can. They let me study
without letting me to work, I am lucky for that. They encourage me to be clean as I grow because I will became a
The Life, Works and Writings of Jose rizal
Flexible Learning Packets
Specific Objectives:
At the end of the exercise, the students should be able to :
1. Identify important traits and virtues of Dr. Jose Rizal;
2. Examine carefully Dr. Jose Rizal’s important traits and virtues comparison with their own traits
and virtues.
3. Decide of Dr. Rizal’s important traits and virtues are worth emulating; and
4. Relate the importance of Rizalians traits and virtues to the formation of an ideal Filipino citizen,
and to becoming a successful professional.
Present realities:
Rizalian traits and virtues are considered by a good number of the current young and middle-
aged Filipino as “old-fashioned.” They usually associate these with “nerds” or with the “all work and
no play” type of persons. For them, their ideal person is described as “tunay na lalaki” or “macho,”
walang inuurungan,” “ maabilidad” and as a song goes, “maginoo pero medyo bastos.” It is really
quite different to try be like Rizal in a period and society with different standards. People tend to look
askance at anyone who tries to do anything heroic or who declares that he wants to be like Rizal.
Revisiting the traits and virtues of Dr. Jose Rizal is therefore recommended for the Filipino youth in
order to rekindle the latent patriotism within them. Being like Rizal is an act which requires brains,
determination, courage to be different, and most of all, a lot of heart. Although the country is no
longer under foreign rule or dictatorship. Filipinos still have to be Rizal- like in order to progress as a
nation. Corruption, human rights violations, poor and the marginalized members of society, and
others must be remedied if the Philippines wants to improve its third-world country status. Only
individuals with Rizal’s traits and virtues could pull this country out of this “quagmire.
Follow the instructions and write your answers in the space provided.
1. Listed below are some important traits and virtues of Dr. Jose Rizal:
■ Love for God
■ Courage
■ Initiative
■ Thrift
■ Gratitude
2. Cite particular occasions or events given in the book where Rizal showed, manifested, or
practiced the traits and virtues listed above.
According to my research online, Based on the letters Dr. Rizal wrote, it can be said that his
concept of God could be summarized into three (3) notions. First, he believed
that God existed. Second, he believed that God was Plus Supra. Lastly, he believed
that God was the origin of nature; that is, nature was the expression of God. He do believe
God and trust God for his mother when he’s in Spain.
Love for parents, he literally shows that his love for his parents was unconditional. He went to
Spain for him to study and became selfless for his sacrifices.
Love for the country, he do shows values of being selflessness in times of the Spanish
Colonization. He pursue his studies along being a hero.
Love for fellowman, as he do love his country he do also love his fellowman. He shows the
love for the country as well as for the Filipino citizen. He pursue our independence through his
words that was written.
Rizal was known to be involved in the environmental planning before. That shows his
love for the environment of his country.
The Life, Works and Writings of Jose rizal
Flexible Learning Packets
Being courageous is one of his great values that everyone must acquire. He do fight for our
freedom so does we must fight for our rights.
Initiative, deciding to fight through his own ways and believing that every Filipino Citizen is with
Courtesy and Politeness, Rizal was courteous and polite ever since he was young. He do
bring this until he was a man.
Thrift, Rizal do know how to value money. Rizal thrifted things and used old one than buying.
When he was studying his family suffers to financial problems that’s why he used to be like
Gratitude, he do believe that appreciation into smaller things may help them to reach out.
That’s why Rizal was being grateful to others who help him through his studies abroad.
3. Examine carefully Dr. Rizal’s important traits and virtues, compare them with your own traits
and virtues, and decide if you would like him to be your role model.
I have notice that the values he have are the most values of Filipino Citizen. I found some of
his values that are in me but I think he was more of his values than me. I mean I cannot
surpass what he have become because of his values. From the above mention values I would
love him to be my role model. It is because I know that it would lead me to the path that was
5. What is the advantage of having Rizal as a role model? Will it increase chances of becoming
an ideal Filipino citizen and a successful professional?
The advantages of having Rizal as a role model is that the values he acquire are the values of
an ideal Filipino citizen. We do value things as him as a role model. We do love our fellowman
as how he love his fellowman. Rizal as a role model will results in the goodness of the nation
and increase of faith together.
6. Who is your personal hero? Does she or he have Rizal’s traits and virtues?
My personal hero was my grandmother, she do literally save me. My mother and father
have a misunderstanding that leads of their separation. My grandmother do help me
The Life, Works and Writings of Jose rizal
Flexible Learning Packets
until I become like this. She do have values that Rizal acquire which I have adapted through
the years. It helps me to mold my personality and be independent in life. I am very grateful and
thankful for my grandmother who do put efforts to raise me.
In two or three statements, answer the following after completing the activity.
I realize that:
Rizal’s Virtues are almost perfect so does it is a comparison to be an Ideal Filipino Citizen. It was
shown that the great values he acquire was one that was ideal.
I resolve that:
Having a role model is very significant for every individual. This shows how one’s personality and
behavior develops. A role model must be positive for us to be in positive way also.
1. Who are the Member of Rizal’s family that influence Jose Rizal?
The first person who influence Rizal was his Mother Teodora Alonso. His brother Paciano
Rizal stand as his guardian and he do influence Jose Rizal, he always updated Rizal for the
happenings in the Philippines while he was in Spain.
2. He was a classmate of Don Francisco who lived at the Rizal home to be a tutor of Spanish and
The former classmate of Don Francisco was Leon Monroy he became the tutor of Rizal in
Spanish and Latin.
3. The birthplace of Rizal, which was derived from "kalan-banga", meaning "clay stove" (kalan) and
"water jar" (banga)
Calamba, Laguna
4. The only brother of Rizal who became the general of the Philippine Revolution
His brother Paciano Rizal
The Life, Works and Writings of Jose rizal
Flexible Learning Packets
6. The sister with whom the hero talked about wanting to marry Josephine Bracken.
Her sister Maria Rizal
7. How many languages does Rizal Know? What are these languages?
He knew to speak 22 languages. These languages includes Spanish, Greek , Swedish,
English, Japanese, Dutch, Arabic, German, Portuguese, Italian, Chinese, Hebrew and Filipino
8. Of all the members of Jose Rizal’s family, who do you think has been the most influential to his
life? Explain why.
I think the most influential family member to Rizal was his mother. It is because Rizal take the
risk to study abroad for her mother who have illness. It was clear that his values comes from
his mother. He became our hero because he was greatly influence by her mother.
9. What can you say about Jose Rizal’s relationship with his parents and siblings?
I may say that the relationship of Jose Rizal to his siblings was as good as his mother and
him. They are not like the other siblings in today’s generation. They do help each other and
like Paciano did when Jose was in abroad pursuing his study. Jose was dedicated to his
parents as he will do anything for them. Taking risk and not knowing what will happen next is
so much dedication and love.
The Life, Works and Writings of Jose rizal
Flexible Learning Packets