Secondary Learners MHPSS Activity Guides

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GRADE AND SECTION:_____________________________________________________


Validating Feelings and Normalizing Reactions


What’s Up?

Hello there! How are you today? Before we go on with the succeeding activities let’s
check how much do you know about COVID-19 Pandemic. There are no right or wrong
answers here. Write you answer in the space provided.

Put Your Hands on This

 What do you know about COVID-19?

 What are the signs and symptoms of having COVID-19?

 Give at least four (4) health measures/ways to avoid COVID-19.

 What are the changes have you observed in your community during this COVID-19

Think About This!

COVID-19 is a disease that is caused by a new strain of a coronavirus that can make
the body sick. Cough, fever and difficulty in breathing are the common symptoms. Experts
around the globe are working hard to learn more about it and know how to keep people safe.
The best way to prevent and slowdown the transmission is to be well informed about it.
Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands or using alcohol-based rub
frequently and not touching your face.

Knowing this, can you see yourself and your family safe from COVID-19? How so?
GRADE AND SECTION:_____________________________________________________

Validating Feelings and Normalizing Reactions


What’s Up?

KUMUSTA KAYO? This is a strange crisis situation that we are all experiencing,
don’t you agree? So how are you? Are you okay, not okay? Were you not okay three months
ago? How about today this time? May I ask you to identify 5 feelings or emotions that you
have experienced during the past few months/weeks or days? I will give you time to think
about this.

Put Your Hands on This

 Using a sheet of paper, create a graph of feelings/emotions that you have or may
have had during Pandemic/crisis situations that you experienced. On the x-axis, write
down each of the feelings/emotions. On the y-axis, write the numbers 25, 50, 75 and
100 to represent the percentage of time that you were feeling that way. Rate each
emotion/feeling based on how much or how often you would feel that way over the
past few months/weeks/days.
 In each emotion/feeling that you identified kindly write your reactions or why you felt
them? An example of feeling would be; “I felt bored because..” Or, “I felt afraid
because of..”
Y Axis
25 X Axis

Emotion #1 Emotion #2 Emotion #3 Emotion #4

Emotion/Feeling #1
“I felt ..__________________________________________________________

Emotion/Feeling #2
“I felt ..__________________________________________________________

Emotion/Feeling #3
“I felt ..__________________________________________________________

Emotion/Feeling #4
“I felt ..__________________________________________________________
Emotion/Feeling #5
“I felt ..__________________________________________________________

Think About This!

Today you learned that our reactions to the stressful events of Pandemic, or any other form
of disaster, were normal and valid. How does this new learning -YOUR reactions and
feelings toward Covid-19 are normal after all?

How can you apply this learning in your life?

Common Reactions of Students to Stressful Events

 feel a strong responsibility to the family.

 feel anxious brought about by uncertainty of the future.
 feel intense or prolonged grief for not being able to wake.
 may become self-absorbed and feel self-pity.
 may experience changes in their relationships with other people.
 may also start taking risks, engage in self-destructive behavior, have avoidant
behavior, and become aggressive.
 may experience major shifts in their view of the world accompanied by a sense of
hopelessness about the present and the future.
 may become defiant of authorities and parents while they start relying on peers for
socializing through social media.
 may feel guilty and anxious having been separated from their loved ones due to
GRADE AND SECTION:_____________________________________________________

Calming Down and Managing One’s Emotions and Thoughts


What’s Up?

Hello again! So far, we’ve talked about your reactions to the Pandemic. Today, we
will talk about how to manage your feelings. Do you like to talk about your feelings? Or do
they (emotions/feelings) like to talk about you?

Put Your Hands on This

 Recall some of those feelings that you mentioned yesterday. Write some of those
FEELINGS column write what you usually do to manage those feelings. Identify your
actions whether healthy or unhealthy coping by placing a check ( ) in the
appropriate column.


 How do you feel after your response (actions) to your feeling/emotions?


Deep Breathing
Mindfulness and relaxation techniques can reduce stress levels and are useful
methods to manage pain and emotional turmoil.

One of the techniques for mindfulness and relaxation is deep breathing.

1. Observe proper posture. Make sure your feet are flat and parallel on the floor. Relax
your shoulders and arms and maintain a straight back.
2. Place your palms on your lap. Keep your hands close to your abdomen. Make sure
your hands are forming an oval by letting the tip of the thumbs touch each other.
3. Look at the horizon and lower your gaze away from the body without focusing on
4. Close your mouth and relax your jaws.

5. Focus on your breath.

6. Exhale on your mouth.

7. Inhale on your nose.

8. Give out a long exhale through the nose and do a long inhale through the nose.

9. Repeat ten times. Focus on your breathing.

Source: Zen Center Manila, Fostering Wellness, Solidarity, and Service “A
Guide for Parents and Household Members”
Think About This!

Tell yourself: The next time I experience intense feelings, which are normal, I would take a
deep breath 5X to calm down, and then check, change the feelings by reframing my
thoughts. How else can you apply your newfound knowledge that having intense feeling are
normal to your daily life?


What Helps (Healthy Coping)

 Talking to another person for support or spending time with others
 Engaging in positive distracting activities (sports, hobbies, reading)
 Getting adequate rest and eating healthy meals
 Trying to maintain a normal schedule
 Scheduling pleasant activities
 Taking breaks
 Reminiscing about a loved one who has died
 Focusing on something practical that you can do right now to manage the situation
 Using relaxation methods (breathing exercises, meditation, calming self-talk,
 Participating in a support group
 Exercising in moderation
 Keeping a journal
 Seeking counseling

What Doesn’t Help (Unhealthy Coping)

 Using alcohol or drugs to cope
 Extreme withdrawal from family or friends
 Overeating or failing to eat
 Withdrawing from pleasant activities
 Working too much
 Violence or conflict
 Doing risky things (driving recklessly, substance abuse, not taking adequate
 Extreme avoidance of thinking or talking about the event or a death of a loved one
 Not taking care of yourself
 Excessive TV or computer games
 Blaming others
GRADE AND SECTION:_____________________________________________________

Calming Down and Managing One’s Emotions and Thoughts


What’s Up?

Do you have a journal or diary? Do you enjoy writing the events of your life on a daily
or weekly basis? For this activity you are to recall the activities together with your family for
the past few months.

Put Your Hands on This

 On a special paper (it can be a craft paper, stationary paper or a collage of your own
design), write down two to three (2-3) activities you enjoyed together with your family
at home during the Community Quarantine last..
o Three months ago with your parents/grandparents/caregivers
o A month ago with siblings/cousins
o A week ago with pets/plants or environment
 You may write in English or Filipino
 Why did you enjoy those activities you mentioned?

Think About This!

When you have a problem and you're stressed, keeping a journal can help you
identify what’s causing a stress or anxiety. Keep in mind that journaling is one aspect of a
healthy lifestyle for better managing stress, anxiety, and mental health conditions. How do
you feel after this activity?
GRADE AND SECTION:_____________________________________________________

Calming Down and Managing One’s Emotions and Thoughts


What’s Up?

Hello again! Do you enjoy listening to music? Do you have a playlist of your favorite
songs? For this activity you will share those songs that you like or enjoy listening to. Who
knows we might have the same songs we enjoy listening to.

Put Your Hands on This

 Create your personalized playlist on the provided categories, five (5) songs per
category. Select one to two (1-2) song choices. Briefly describe/explain why you
chose those particular songs.
 Song categories:

o 5 Happy Songs
1. …
2. …
3. …
4. …
5. …
o 5 Uplifting/Inspiring
1. …
2. …
3. …
4. …
5. …
o 5 Upbeat/ Hyper
1. ..
2. ..
3. ..
4. ..
5. ..

o 5 In love
1. ...
2. ..
3. …
4. ..
5. ..
o 5 Hugot Songs
1. ..
2. ..
3. …
4. …
5. …


Think About This!

Studies show that listening to music can benefit overall well-being, help regulate
emotions, and create happiness and relaxation in everyday life. Music as a therapy has also
been used to help enhance communication, coping, and expression of feelings such as fear,
loneliness, and anger. How did music/songs help you survive this pandemic?
GRADE AND SECTION:_____________________________________________________

Identifying and Addressing Needs


What’s Up?

Hi! We have discussed about feelings, thoughts and how to accept and reframe
them. Today, you will learn about how to refer people in need and how to address those

Put Your Hands on This

 Take a look at the common needs of survivors after a disaster or pandemic below.
Do you think it is complete? What other needs should be on the list?
 Take a look at this list of needs of people during a pandemic and how to access
 On the NEEDS FORM, list down all the members of the family whom you live with on
the first column. On the second column, identify the immediate needs of this person
that your family cannot address as of this moment. On the third column, identify
where you can refer this person to or who you can approach in order to ask for help
regarding the needs of this person. If you do not know anyone who can help that
person, just leave it blank first.

List of Common Needs During a Pandemic and how to access them

Relief Goods Receive relief goods and “ayuda” from the

Barangay, City Mayor, and DSWD.
Selling of Product and Goods Provide waterline to homes, to gain access
to source of water for multiple purposes,
food for x number of days
Transportation within your area. If you need to travel within your area of
vicinity, go to your Barangay Center and
request for a vehicle to go to a Grocery
Store, Market place, Supermarket or
Pharmacy store. A quarantine pass is
issued by your Barangay. Wearing face-
mask is always needed.
Transportation outside your city or Go to your Barangay Center to get a travel
municipality pass that will allow you to pass major
thoroughfares. Make sure you are Covid-
free. Make sure also that you wear your
face-mask. They also provide you with
Cash Assistance or Social Amelioration The DSWD releases cash amounts in three
Program (SAP) tranches to poor but deserving families.
Contact your local DSWD.
Cash Assistance to OFW Overseas Foreign Workers (OFW) may
avail of Government Cash Aid by the DOLE
and workers who have been displaced due
to Pandemic.


Family/Relative/Friend Current Immediate Need Refer to

Think About This!

Why do you think it is important for ALL of you to learn about whom one can go to for one’s
own needs and the needs of one’s family?


Why do you think it is important for YOU to learn about whom you can go to for your own
needs and the needs of your family?

GRADE AND SECTION:_____________________________________________________

Identifying Sources of Strength


What’s Up?

Have you tried flying a kite? When was the last time you have flown one? For this
activity we will try to identify your inner strengths by being a kite and the elements that make
kites fly. Let’s fly!

Put Your Hands on This

 On a separate paper draw a kite with a diamond with 4 parts.
 On each part of the kite’s diamond, write down what you think are your sources of
strength. Write what makes you strong despite what you have gone through during
the past few months of pandemic. An example would be, “ang pagiging matatag, buo
ang loob, masayahin, at may tiwala sa sarili.”.
 Identify what or who acts like the wind for you. On the areas outside the kite, write
down the names of these people or things that act like the wind for you.
 Write a poem or a RAP song about your kite.
Think About This!

What have you realized about yourself after drawing the kite?

How are you similar to the kite? What are your strengths as a person?
GRADE AND SECTION:_____________________________________________________

Identifying Sources of Strength


What’s Up?

Hello! How was your activity with the kite? If you enjoyed drawing, we will be doing
more of it in this activity. This activity is to improve your capacity on self-discovery. Are you
ready? Let’s st-ART!

Put Your Hands on This

 With your available coloring materials draw/design/color on a separate sheet of paper
a shirt and write down your name/nickname at the middle.
 Write 3 things you value most at the bottom of your name/nickname
 Write 3 Traits/Qualities /Characteristics on the left shoulder of the shirt
 Write 3 favorite things/ activities on the right shoulder of the shirt
 Write your wish/aspiration at the very bottom of the shirt.

3 Traits/
Qualities / 3 favorite
Characteristics things

3 things you
value most

Name / Nickname

Right Side Wish / Aspiration Left Side

Think About This!

What have you realized in this activity? It is important to reflect on our self which
leads to self-discovery of our strength and to face the challenges in life.


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