a. R.A. 7836
b. R.A. 7610
c. R.A. 10533
d. R.A 10353
2) Teacher Janine creates an environment in her classroom that promotes fairness, safe and
conducive to learning. What NCBTS domain is she adhering to?
a. Diversity of Learners
b. Personal Growth and Professional Development
c. The Learning Environment
d. Social Regard for Learning
3) Teacher Kevin organizes the parents of his students into a Homeroom Parent-Teacher
Association so that he will be able to establish a learning environment that responds to the
needs of the children and the community as well. Which NCBTS domain is he adhering to?
a. Planning, Assessing and Reporting
b. Community Linkages
c. The Learning Environment
d. Social Regard for Learning
4) Student-Teachers are given the chance to develop and try out learning tasks, instructional
materials and assessment tools, what field study course are they exposed to?
a. Learner's Development and Environment
b. Technology in the Learning Environment
c. Exploring the Curriculum
d. Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process
5) What is the main legal bases on the access and equity of education in the Philippines?
a. 1987 Constitution
b. R.A. 9155
c. R.A. 6655
d. R.A. 7836
6) Teacher Nathalie engages her students in class activities that will develop the Higher Order
Thinking Skills (HOTS). What 21st century teaching skill is she utilizing?
a. Information, Media and Technology skills
b. Learning and Innovation skills
c. Life and Career skills
d. All of the above
7) The language problem is considered as one of the factors attributed to poor learning among
school children. Hence the use of vernacular was recommended. In what grades should this be
a. Grades 1 to 3
b. Grades 1 to 4
c. Grades 1 to 5
d. Grades 1 to 6
8) Which educational approach focuses on what the learners are expected to know, understand
and be able to do?
a. Outcome-Oriented Education
b. Outcome-Based Education
c. Understanding by Design
d. Result-Oriented Learning
10) The teacher returns the checked test papers to the students with corresponding scores and
comments. What phase of the teaching process is involved?
a. Planning
b. Implementing
c. Feedback and reflection
d. Evaluation
11) Which feature of a curriculum describes how much of the teaching was learned?
a. Performance
b. Strategies and methods
c. Knowledge, skills and values
d. Community partner
12) In participative curriculum planning, who deserves to participate in mapping the plan
through inputs from past experience in curriculum development?
a. Administrators
b. Teachers
c. Students
d. District officials
13) Which of the following school practices best applies the tenet of ensuring the right of all to
proper education?
a. Conducting of the NCAE
b. Selective retention
c. Inclusive education
d. Selective admission
14) The vernacular has been used in schools since 1929 and must be applied from ________.
a. Grades 1 to 2
b. Grades 1 to 5
c. Grades 1 to 6
d. Grades 1 to 7
16) Based on the curriculum requirement provided by all countries sampled, the language which
is seemingly universal is?
a. Spanish
b. Chines
c. English
d. French
17) Which of the following refers to using learning technologies to introduce, reinforce,
supplement and extend skills?
a. Technology Integration
b. Educational Media
c. Instructional Technology
d. Technology Education
18) Are the following terms synonymous: Technology in education, Instructional technology,
and Technology integration in education?
a. Yes, because all of them refers to technology.
b. Yes, because all of them refers to education.
c. No, they just compliment with one another.
d. No, they differ in terms of degree and application to education.
19) From the etymology of the word technology, which of the following means craft or art?
a. technique
b. technology
c. techne
d. technological
20) Educational technology serves as learning tools that help learners understand. This is
according to whom?
a. the Traditionalist
b. the Behaviorist
c. the Cognitivist
d. the Constructivist
21) Which of the following is NOT a part of the phases of a systematic approach to instruction?
a. the formulation of instructional objectives
b. the process of instruction itself
c. the assessment of learning
d. the planning of the lesson
22) Which of the following is the role of educational technology in learning according to the
traditionalist point of view?
a. It engages learners in active, constructive, intentional, authentic, and cooperative learning.
b. It serves as a presenter of knowledge, just like teachers.
c. It serves as tools to support knowledge construction.
d. It is a social medium to support learning by conversing.
23) Which philosophical framework of educational technology believes that the role of teachers
is to become facilitator providing guidance so that learners can construct their own knowledge?
a. Behaviorism
b. Cognitivism
c. Constructivism
d. Pragmatism
25) Which role of technology in learning is tapped when teachers represent and simulate
meaningful real-world problems, situations and context in teaching?
a. Technology as context to support learning by doing.
b. Technology as tools to support knowledge construction.
c. Technology as intellectual partner to support learning by reflecting.
d. Technology as information vehicles for exploring knowledge to support learning by
26) What role of technology in learning is used when a teacher encourages her students to work
on their assignments in groups using the social media network?
a. Technology as context to support learning by doing.
b. Technology as tools to support knowledge construction.
c. Technology as intellectual partner to support learning by reflecting.
d. Technology as a social medium to support learning by conversing.
27) Teacher Ramelyn makes her students play games in a computer to give them a rest period
during classes. Is she integrating technology with her teaching?
a. Yes, because the students used a computer.
b. Yes, because computer games are interesting to students.
c. No, because there is no integrative process involved.
d. No, because computer games are not related to the lesson.
28) Which of the following manifests technology integration in teaching and learning?
a. The teacher teaches the students how to install software.
b. The teacher used PowerPoint presentation with inserted video clips in teaching.
c. The teacher instructed the students to troubleshoot a computer problem.
d. The teacher had the students edit a document in Microsoft Word.
29) Among the following instructional equipment or tools, which is known to be the most
traditional but very effective technology in the classroom?
a. Chalkboard/blackboard
b. Slide projector
c. Overhead projector
d. Bulletin board
30) Which of the following is referred to as vehicles or various ways of information and
a. News print
b. Cable television
c. Mass media
d. Advertising
31) What instructional material can a science teacher use to show a close representation of the
Earth and its location in the entire solar system?
a. Cartoon
b. Diagram
c. Map
d. Model
32) A communication arts teacher wants to teach patterns of dialogues among characters in a
story. What visual symbol can she use to represent what the characters of the story say?
a. Strip drawings
b. Chart
c. Diagrams
d. Cartoon
33) What kind of chart can be used to show and analyze a process from beginning to end?
a. Gantt chart
b. Organizational chart
c. Flow chart
d. Time chart
34) In a mathematics lesson, Teacher Gilbert wanted to present to his class the number of male
and female in class in a more concrete way. What visual symbol may be used by Teacher
a. Bar graph
b. Pie graph
c. Pictorial graph
d. Graphic organizer
35) A type of graph that illustrates a particular data series through rectangles is called
a. Bar graph
b. Pie graph
c. Pictorial graph
d. Line graph
36) This a way for students to visit art museums that they may not have access to otherwise.
a. Social action projects
b. Telementoring
c. Virtual field trips
d. Keypads project
37) Which of the following rules can help teachers make sure they are complying with copyright
laws when they use materials from Internet sites?
I. Never use copyrighted items unless you credit the source site.
II. Use copyrighted items only with permission from the site owner.
III. Use as few items as possible from any copyrighted pages.
IV. Never use any items that are clearly from copyrighted pages.
a. I only
b. II only
c. I, II and III
d. III and IV
38) Which of the following is a face-to-face communication that is made possible through a
a. E-mail
b. Google
c. Twitter
d. Skype
41) What is that three-dimensional (3D) image presentation reproduced from a pattern of
a. GPS
b. Audio-visual
c. GUI
d. Hologram
42) A file format that can be used by a student or teacher if they want to store or send video
sequences on a network is ________.
d. PDF
43) If you download a copy of a document such as an application form, it is usually in this
format to make it easier to transfer with its original format and appearance.
a. BMP
b. PDF
44) You can use this kind of software either to create new web pages or modify existing ones:
a. HTML editor
b. FTP software
c. server software
d. browser editor
45) What kind of images should be selected or inserted in a slide or page to make the
presentation readable?
a. Matching
b. Modeling
c. Mixing
d. Moving
46) Which of the following is a conceptual model of learning created by the application of
educational technology that enables students to willingly perform class work to find connections
between what they already know and what they can learn?
a. Meaningful learning
b. Generative learning
c. Discovery learning
d. Constructivism
47) Which of the following conceptual models of learning refers to the role of learning to help
the individual live or adapt to his personal world?
a. Meaningful learning
b. Generative learning
c. Constructivism
d. Discovery learning
49) In discovery learning, students perform tasks to uncover what is to be learned. Which
statement refers to this conceptual model of learning due to application of educational
I. New ideas and new decisions are generated in the learning process, regardless of the need to
move on and depart from organized set of activities.
II. Students already have some knowledge that is relevant to new learning.
III. The learner builds a personal understanding through appropriate learning activities and a
good learning environment.
IV. The learners gives focus to new experiences that is related to what they already know.
a. I only
b. I and II
c. II and IV
d. I, II, III and IV
50) What kind of tool is technology as evidence by its use in word processing, database,
spreadsheets, graphic design and desktop publishing?
a. Analyzing tool
b. Calculating tool
c. Encoding tool
d. Productivity tool
CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT (words to remember)
The teacher is the sole athourity in her subject area or field of specialization
Excellence in education, back to basics and cultural literacy
Teachers help students think with reason based on socratic methods of oral exposition or recitation,
explicit or deliberate teaching of traditional values
Use of great books and return to liberal arts
Subjects are interdisciplinary, integrative and interactive
Curriculum is focused on students interest, human problems and affairs
School reforms, relevant and contextualized curriculum, humanistic education
Teacher act as agents of change and reform in various educational projects including research
Equality of educational opportunities in education, access to global education
a. It is based on students’ needs and interest
b. It is always related to instruction
c. Subject matter is organized in terms of knowledge, skills and values
d.the process emphazise problem solving
e. Curriculum aims to educate generalist and not specialist
Learning should be organized so that students can experience success in the process of mastering the
subject matter
Learning constitutes a logical method for organizing and interpreting learning
Curriculum is concerned with the process not the products personal needs not subject matter
psychological meanings and environmental situations
Implement or component of the curriculum provides the bases for the selection of content and learning
experience which also set the criteria against which learning outcomes will be evaluated
What subject matter is to be included
A learner will value the content or subject matter if it is meaningful to him/her
When content or subject matter will contribute the basic ideas, concepts, principles and generalization to
achieve the overall aim of the curriculum then it is significant
Subject matter is the curriculum should be within the range of the experience of the learners
Usefulness of the content or subject matter may be relative to the learner who is going to use it.
In the CIPP Model by Stufflebeam the goals, instructional strategies, the learners, the teachers the content
and all materials needed in the curriculum
Refers to the environment of the curriculum or the real situation where the curriculum is operating
Refers to the ways and means of how the curriculum has been implemented
Indicates if the curriculum accomplishes its goal
Design model in developing curriculuk is attributed to Dewey, Rouseau, Pestallozi and Froebel
Curriculum is ancored on the needs and interest of child
A periodic assessment and adjustment during the try out period
Content/Performance standard
Essential understanding
Essential Question
Self knowledge
Firm up
1. Universal Kindergarten
2. Contextualization and Enhancement
3. Spiral Progression
4. Mother Tounge-Based Multilingual Education
5. Senior High School
6. College and Livelihood readiness, 21st Century Skills