Trends in Food Science & Technology: Spirulina e From Growth To Nutritional Product: A Review
Trends in Food Science & Technology: Spirulina e From Growth To Nutritional Product: A Review
Trends in Food Science & Technology: Spirulina e From Growth To Nutritional Product: A Review
Energy Centre, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, M.P, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, M.P, India
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 26600 Pahang, Malaysia
Article history:
Received 12 April 2017 Background: Spirulina is multicellular and filamentous cyanobacteria that have achieved a considerable
Received in revised form popularity in the health sector, food industry and aquacultures. It develops and grows in water, can be
18 June 2017 harvested and processed easily. It has very high content of macro and micronutrients, essential amino
Accepted 25 September 2017 acids, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Spirulina is considered as a complete food
Available online 28 September 2017 supplement to fight against malnutritional deficiencies in developing countries. Spirulina is deemed
safe for human consumption as evident by its long history of food use and latest scienti fic findings. In
Keywords: recent years, Spirulina has gathered enormous attention from research fraternity as well as industries
Spirulina as a flourishing source of nutraceutical and pharmaceuticals.
Pharmaceutical Scope and approach: The primary objective of this paper is to review the utilization of Spirulina as a
Nutritional use
dietary supplement in the food industry. In the present work, the three main area of Spirulina research:
Dietary supplement
growth, harvesting and potential application are presented.
Open pond
PBR Key findings and conclusion: The important growth parameters have been studied to enhance Spirulina
biomass productivity qualitatively and quantitatively. This review provides useful information on
commercially viable technology for Spirulina cultivation. Mass cultivation and Innovative formulations
are further needed to fortify conventional foods with Spirulina based protein system.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
microalgal biotechnology are biofuels, agricultural biostimulants
for crop plants, waste water treatment etc. Microalgal bio-
Algae are photosynthetic organisms that convert light energy
technologies refer to the production of different products as
from the sun into the chemical energy by the process of photo-
phycocyanin, carotenoids, fatty acids and lipids for application in
synthesis. Algae possess simple reproductive structure. The
health food, cosmetics, food supplements, pharmaceuticals and
biomass of algae contains various compounds with diversified
fuel production. Microalgal groups of major importance are chlor-
structures and functions. Algal biotechnology is divided into
ophyte, bacillariophytes, while macroalgae are harvested from
microalgae, macroalgae and cyanobacteria with its unique speci-
natural habitats. Algae that is currently cultivated for its maximum
ficity (Becker, 2007). Sometimes cyanobacteria are also included
protein content is the cyanobacterium species Athrospira, which is
in microalgae. Microalgae classification includes prokaryotic and
commonly known as Spirulina.
eukaryotic unicellular and multicellular. Microscopic are micro-
Spirulina was first discovered by Spanish Scientist Hernando
algae, Cyanobacteria, are prokaryotic. The Spirulina is Earth's
Cortez and Conquistadors in 1519. Cortez observed that Spirulina
oldest living plant approximately 3.6 billion years ago and a first
was eaten at the tables of the Aztecs during his visit in Lake
photo- synthetic life form that has created our oxygen atmosphere
Texcoco in the Valley of Mexico. Pierre Dangeard discovered the
so all life could evolve. Blue-green algae are the evolutionary
health benefits of Spirulina who observed that flamingos were
bridge be- tween green plants and bacteria. At present the main
surviving by consuming blue-green algae. Botanist Jean Leonard
directions in
supported the findings of Dangeard and people soon started to
commercialize Spirulina to reap its benefits (Ugwu, Aoyagi, &
Uchiyama, 2008). The first Spirulina processing plant, Sosa
* Corresponding author. Energy Centre, Maulana Azad National Institute of Texcoco, was set up in 1969 by the French.
Technology, Bhopal, M.P, India.
Spirulina is the most nutritious, concentrated food that is known
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (R.A. Soni), [email protected]
(K. Sudhakar).
0924-2244/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
158 R.A. Soni et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 69 (2017) 157e171
Table 1
Comparison between Spirulina production in open, closed and hybrid system (Roberto, 2015).
Factor Open systems (raceway ponds) Closed systems (photobioreactors) Hybrid system
(Open Pond þ PBR)
provide exactly what that algae facility needs, resulting in opti- photobioreactors cannot be easily tempered without high
mized yields. The open roof greenhouses design provides technical efforts. Efforts have been taken in designing
complete protection against undesirable weather conditions, while temperature- controlled photobioreactors, such as double-walled
the full vertical vent promotes optimum light and air movement. internally- lighted photobioreactor with both heating as well as
Fig. 1 illustrates the flowchart for Spirulina cultivation phases cooling water circuit (Chetsumon et al., 1998). Photobioreactors,
(from Phase a e Phase e) from strain selection to pellets formation. despite their costs, have several major advantages over open
systems (Tsoglin, Gabel, Fal’kovich, & Semenenko, 1996).
2.2. Photobioreactors
● Photobioreactors minimize the contamination and allow hyge-
nicalgal cultivation of monocultures.
A photobioreactor can be an enclosed, illuminated culture
vessel designed for controlled biomass production. ● Photobioreactors offer better control over conditions such as pH,
temperature, light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration etc.
Photobioreactor refers to closed systems that are closed to the
environment having no direct exchange of gases and contaminants ● Photobioreactors reduce carbon dioxide loss.
with the environment. The closed system commonly called as ● Photobioreactors prevent water evaporation.
photobioreactors, is closed equipment which provides a controlled ● Photobioreactors permit higher cell concentrations.
environment and also re- sults in high productivity of algae. ● Photobioreactors enhance the production of complex
Photobioreactors facilitate better control of culture environments
such as carbon dioxide supply, water supply, optimal temperature, ● PBR permits the cultivation of various microalgal species.
efficient light intensity, culture density, pH levels, gas exchange, ● PBR design provides the uniform illumination of the culture
surface and the fast mass transfer of carbon dioxide and oxygen.
aeration and culture density. Algal culture systems can be
illuminated by artificial or natural light or by both. Naturally ● PBR has a minimum non-illuminated part.
illuminated algal culture systems with large illu- mination surface
areas include open ponds (Hase, Oikawa, Sasao, Morita &
Watanabe, 2000), flat-plate (Hu, Guterman, & Richmond, 1996), 2.2.1. Vertical-column PBR
horizontal/serpentine tubular airlift (Camacho Vertical-column photobioreactors are easy to operate compact
Rubio, Acie´nFern´andez, Sa´nchezPe´rez, García Camacho, & and low-cost (Miro´n, Garcıa, Camacho, Grima & Chisti,
Molina 2002). Various designs and scales of vertical column
Grima, 1999), and inclined tubular photobioreactors (Ugwu, photobioreactors
Ogbonna, & Tanaka, 2002). In order to overcome the problems have been reported for the cultivation of algae (Vega-Estrada et al.,
with open ponds, much attention is now focused on the develop- 2005; Kaewpingtong et al., 2007) which are very promising for
ment of suitable closed systems such as flat-plate, tubular, vertical large-scale cultivation. It was reported that bubble-column and
column and internally-illuminated photobioreactor. Generally, airlift photobioreactors (up to 0.19 m in diameter) can attain a
laboratory-scale photobioreactors are illuminated artificially final biomass concentration and a specific growth rate that are
internally or externally using fluorescent lamps or other light compa- rable to tubular photobioreactors (Gallardo-Rodríguez et
providers. Some of these photobioreactors include bubble column al., 2012). Some bubble column photobioreactors are equipped
(Degen, Uebele, Retze, Schmidt-Staigar, & Trosch, 2001; Ogbonna, with either draft tubes or constructed as split cylinders.
Ichige, & Tanaka, 2002; Ugwu et al., 2002), airlift column
(ChiniZittelli, Rodolfi, & Tredici, 2003; Harker, Tsavalos, & Young, 2.2.2. Flat plate PBR
1996), stirred-tank (Kaewpintong, Shotipruk, Powtongsook, & For cultivation of photosynthetic microorganisms flat-plate
Pavasant, 2007), helical tubular (Ogbonna, Soejima, & Tanaka, photobioreactors have received much consideration due to their
1999) conical (Hall, Fernandez, Guerrero, Rao, & Grima, 2003), large illumination surface area. The work reported paved a way to
torus (Watanabe & Saiki, 1997), and seaweed type (Pruvost, Pottier, use flat culture vessels for the cultivation of algae (Samson &
& Legrand, 2006) photobioreactors. Some photobioreactors can Leduy, 1985). A flat reactor was developed and equipped with
be easily tempered. Large scale outdoor systems mainly fluorescence
160 R.A. Soni et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 69 (2017) 157e171
Fig. 1. Different phases of Spirulina cultivation system (a) strain selection (b) Growth systems (c) growth parameters (d) Harvesting system (e) Final product as capsules or pellets.
Table 2
Spirulina productivity and Photosynthetic efficiency.
Reactor system Location Light path Photosynthetic Efficiency Productivity (ton ha—1yr—1) Reference
Raceway pond La Mancha, Mexico 0.1e0.25 1.5% 43.1 (Olguín et al., 2003)
Raceway pond Florence, Italy 0.035 1.5% 20.0 (Tredici & Materassi, 1992)
Raceway pond Malaga, Spain 0.30 1.5% 23.6e30.0 (Jime´nez, Cossío, & Niell, 2003)
Raceway pond Australia 0.30 1.5% 91.0 (Borowitzka, 1999)
Horizontal Tubular Florence, Italy 0.06 1.8e3% 30.0 (Tredici & Materassi, 1992)
Flat Panel US 0.10 3.8% 22.1 (Richmond & Zhang, 2001)
(Chaumont, Thepenier, & Gudin, 1988; Molina, Fern´andez, Acie the advantages of the two different types of reactor and overcome
´n, & Chisti, 2001; Pirt et al., 1983; Watanabe & Saiki, 1997), the disadvantage of other. Integrated airlift system and external
vertical (Tredici & ChiniZittelli, 1998) conical (Lee & Low, 1991) tubular loop placed horizontally in a thermostatic pond of water
inclined (Torzillo et al., 1986; Ugwu et al., 2002). Mixing and have been reported (Zittelli, Biondi, Rodolfi, & Tredici, 2013). The
aeration of the cultures in tubular photobioreactors are usually reactor had a total volume of 200 L. The external loop acts like the
done by air-pump or airlift systems. Mass transfer becomes a light-harvesting unit and gives high surface area to volume ratio
problem when tubular photobioreactors are scaled up. Many have and controls the temperature of the culture. The airlift system acts
reported that very high dissolved oxygen (DO) levels are easily as a degassing system where probes can also be integrated in
reached in tubular photo- bioreactors (Gallardo-Rodríguez et al., order to regulate the other culture variables. It has the advantage
2012; Pirt et al., 1983; Richmond, Boussiba, Vonshak, & Kopel, of better control over culture variables, enabling higher
1993; Ugwu, Ogbonna, & Tanaka, 2003, 2005a). It is difficult to productivities and reducing power consumption (Cuaresma et al.,
control culture temperatures in most tubular photobioreactors. 2011; Pohl, Kohlhase, & Martin, 1988; Singh and Sharma 2012;
They can be equipped with a thermostat to maintain the desired Ugwu et al., 2008). Hybrid systems have the features of open
culture temperature and it could be very expensive and there will ponds and PBRs (Hoekema et al., 2002). First can be covered open
be difficulties in implementing. pond this concept reduces the possibility of contamination,
evaporative losses, and CO2 desorption. The other type is a
2.2.4. Internally-illuminated PBR partially filled tubular design widened and inflated to approximate
These photobioreactors can be internally illuminated with an open pond; this design is mainly aimed at reducing costs
fluorescent lamps. Air and CO2 are supplied to the cultures through (Hoekema et al., 2002; Olguín et al., 2003; Tredici & Materassi,
the spargers with continuous agitation by impellers. This photo- 1992). Some of the advantages and limitations of various
bioreactor can also be modified in such a way that it can utilize cultivation systems are listed in Table 3.
both solar and artificial light system (Ogbonna et al., 1999). The
artificial light source is used whenever the solar light intensity
decreases below a set value as during cloudy weather or at night. 2.3.1. Polybags
It has been reported, on the use of optic fibers to collect and The cultivation of algae using natural ponds is easy, but turning
distribute solar light in cylindrical PBR (Matsunaga et al., 1991; Mori, it into a viable feedstock is very difficult. So to enable higher pro-
1985). A major advantage of internally-illuminated duction levels, least investments and operating costs, greater
photobioreactor is that it can be heat-sterilized under pressure biomass density, better climatic controlled conditions, and indus-
and by this contamination can be minimized. A continuous supply trial scalability, this technique can be implemented. Thin, floating,
of light to the photobioreactor can be maintained both day and flexible, multi-compartment photobioreactors (PBR) can be
night by integrating artificial and solar light devices. Outdoor mass deployed either on land, in salt water ponds or ditches, or in any
cultivation of algae in this type of photobioreactor would have water body. The bag floats because its water is relatively less
some technical difficulties. Flat plate photobioreactors are dense than what it is floating in. Density can be controlled in
generally more efficient in sunlight utilization than tubular different ways, allowing the bags to be vertical to facilitate
photobioreactors because they have a wider surface area. Most harvesting. The productivity results have indicated that growing
early tubular PBRs used tubes 10e30 cm in diameter, but almost algae in floating bags can be much more efficient than other
all tubular reactors used now have a tube diameter of 4 cm. The cultivation methods. Poly Bags achieve optimal light exposure with
narrower tube diameter not only improves the light utilization good productivity results as they float in a cushion of water.
efficiency, but also provides more mixing, which enhances growth Compared to other closed algae systems, this PBR technology has
(Tredici, 2004). In photobioreactors (PBRs), the microalgae get ad- many advantages, including site selection, optimum temperature,
heres to the transparent surfaces which lead to biofouling and low-cost materials, scalabil- ity, optimal light intensity, high
along with it reduces the solar radiation penetration the PBR. Light biomass concentration, low energy consumption and effective
intensity reduction within the PBR reduces the biomass produc- environmental condition (Licamele and White 2011).
tivity which also reduces the photosynthetic efficiency of the The diameter of the culture vessel is inversely related to cell
Spirulina cultivation system. Adherence of the cells to wall tubes is density with a fixed level of light penetration. However, these bags
very common in tubular photobioreactors. Designing of photo- are superior in productivity to similar rectangular volume fiber-
bioreactor surfaces with proper materials, functional groups or glass reactors or plastic tanks. They are, nevertheless, inefficient
surface coatings, to prevent microalgal adhesion is essential for when compared with internally illuminated cultures. Polyethylene
solving the biofouling problem. Such a significant advance in bag cultures have a relatively short life because the internal
microalgal biotechnology would enable extended operational pe- surface attracts culture trash and bacteria, which collectively
riods at high biomass productivity and depreciate the maintenance reduces light penetration and also increases contamination. At the
costs (Zeriouh et al., 2017). end of a cul- ture run it is necessary to renew the bag. Large
diameter bags are inefficient but bags less than 30 cm diameter
2.3. Hybrid system can be effective because the surface area to volume relationship
for light penetra- tion is improved (Algae Industry Magazine,
A hybrid type of photobioreactor is most widely used to exploit 2012).
Table 3 16
Prospects and limitations of various cultivation systems (Chojnacka & Noworyta, 2004; Vymazal, 1990; Ugwu et al., 2008; Vree, Bosma, Janssen, Barbosa, & Wijffels, 2015; Newsted, 2004). 2
Vertical Column
PBR 0.2 m diameter and 0.015 ± 0.002 h—1 High mass transfer, Small illumination surface area,
4 m column height good mixing with low shear stress, construction require sophisticated materials,
low energy consumption, shear stress to algal cultures,
high potentials for scalability, the decrease of illumination surface area upon scale-up
easy to sterilize,
good for immobilization of
algae, reduced photoinhibition
and photo-oxidation So
Flat plate PBR 0.07 m wide, Large illumination surface area, Scale-up require many compartments and support ni
1.5 m height, 2.5 m length et
suitable for outdoor cultures, materials, difficulty in controlling culture temperature,
Volume 250lts good for immobilization of algae, some degree of wall growth, /
Productivity - 1.0 g/L day good light path, good biomass the possibility of hydrodynamic stress to some algal strains Tr
productivities, relatively cheap, en
easy to clean up, ds
readily tempered,
low oxygen buildup od
Tubular PBR D ¼ 3e10 cm 0.055 h—1 Large illumination surface area,
Gradients of pH, en
suitable for outdoor cultures, ce
dissolved oxygen and CO2 along the tubes, fouling,
fairly good biomass productivities, &
some degree of wall growth,
relatively cheap Te
requires large land space ch
Internally (2
Illuminated PBR Not Specified Large illumination surface area, Outdoor mass cultivation of algae require some 01
can utilize both solar and artificial light system, technical efforts. 7)
contamination can be minimized in this system 15
Table 4
Chemical composition of different growth media (Madkour, Kamil, & Nasr, 2012; Atlas & Parks, 1997; Venkataraman, Bhagyalakshmi, & Ravishankar, 2005; Pandey, Tiwari, &
Mishra, 2010).
Ingredient Zarrouk's Media Rao's Media CFTRI Media OFERR Media George's Media Conventional growth Reduced Cost
(gms/l) (gms/l) (gms/l) (gms/l) (gms/l) Media (gms/l) Media (gms/l)
nitrogen source in the light intensity range of 2e5 klux. This apparatus to cultivate Spirulina platensis and obtained a cell pro-
behavior suggests that, at a relatively high light intensity (108 ductivity of 0.5 g/L/day, which was considered a relatively high
mmol photons m—2 s—1), cell growth was accelerated by the faster value in open pond cultivation system.
photosynthetic production of ATP and NADPH; but, when cell Toyoshima, Aikawa, Yamagishi, Kondo, & Kawai, 2015 reported
concentration reached 5800 mg L —1, the growth stopped likely due the maximum biomass productivities of Spirulina platensis in the
to photo saturation or shadowing. warm temperature habitat. 9 g dry biomass m—2 day—1 in summer
and in the subtropical habitat 10 g dry biomass m—2 day—1 in
autumn and. 6 g dry biomass m—2 day—1 in winter in the closed
3.7. Growth rate & productivity
bioreactor. The maximum specific growth rate of 0.141 was found
◦ ◦
Salinity or nutrient concentration affects the growth rate of at 32 C for Spirulina platensis and that of 0.144 was found at 37 C
algae. Specific growth rates of Spirulina were reported to be lower for Spirulina fusiformis. Maximum biomass production of 2.4 g l—1
in increased salinity concentrations. The highest growth was ach- and
chlorophyll a production of 16.6 mg l —1 were observed at 32 C for
ieved at the lowest salinity ratio for studies performed with
Spirulina platensis. Maximum biomass production of 2.3 g l —1 and
various concentrations of NaHCO3 and NaCl salts. The growth rate ◦
chlorophyll - a production of 14.2 mg l —1 were observed at 37 C
of Spir- ulina undergoes simple cell division. Thus, under normal
growth conditions the specific growth rate is described by the Spirulina fusiformis (Allen, 2016; Rafiqul Islam, Hassan, Sulebele,
following equation: Orosco, & Roustaian, 2003). Spirulina, (Arthrospira platensis) is
t dx normally cultivated in high salinity (>100 g/L) media or in high
m¼ (4) bicarbonate (16 g/L alkalinity) waters to allow stable growth and
x dt
reduce the harmful bacteria and fungi invasions. The maximum
Calculation of specific growth rate has been described in many productivity of biomass Spirulina is in the range of 21e13.2 g m2/
ways. Most commonly used formula is d (Vonshak, 1997). Maximum biomass yield of Spirulina reported in
ln x — ln x the large open pond is lower than other species. Spirulina biomass
yield of 35 tonnes/hectare/yr has been reported in a commercial
open mass cultivation pond at Siam Algae, Bangkok (Habib et al.,
m¼ 2 1
(5) 2008, pp. 1e41).
t2 — t1
Where x1 and x2 are biomass concentration at time interval t1 and 4. Review of harvesting system
t2 The simple equation that combines the specific growth are (m)
and the doubling time or the generation time (g) of the culture is: The best time for harvesting is early morning for following
ln 2 0:633
g¼ ¼¼ ¼ d:t (6)
m ● Percentage of proteins in the Spirulina is highest in the morning.
● Cool temperature makes the work easier.
Cell productivity (PX) is a function of the independent variable, ● More sunshine hours will be available to dry the product.
which is described as the lowest difference in the cultivation time
(TC). Harvesting is carried out in two steps:
According to Grobbelaar (Miro´n et al., 1999), one of the
most ● Filtration - to obtain a biomass containing about 10% dry
important factors to obtain high biomass productivity is the matter and 50% residual culture medium,
nutritional content of the culture medium. The use of certain nu- ● Removals of the residual culture medium to obtain the fresh
trients can alter production costs and affect growth or biomass Spirulina biomass, containing about 20% dry matter.
composition (Grobbelaar, 2007; Sassano, Gioielli, Almeida, Sato,
Perego, & .ConvertiCarvalho, 2007). Annual biomass production Different harvesting techniques used are
of Spirulina in PBRs is 3000 tonnes which are maximum when
compared to other microalgae species (Bharathiraja et al., 2015; ● filtration,
Jayati et al., 2015) Productivity is a measure of how much algal ● flotation,
biomass is produced per area per unit of time. Production up to ● centrifugation,
127,000 kg ha—1 yr—1 can be achieved in high-rate raceway ponds. ● precipitation,
Productivity rates between 20 and 30 gm —2day—1 (73e109,000 kg ● ion exchange,
ha—1yr—1) are in the range of usual open raceway performance ● Electrolytic and
(Bharathiraja et al., 2015). ● Ultrasonic vibration.
The productivity of the system g is defined as
Harvesting of microalgae Spirulina is done using a filter or
g ¼ mx (7) mesh cloth of at least 50 microns to efficiently collect Spirulina
from its medium.
Where m is the specific growth rate in units of reciprocal of time and
x is the biomass concentration. 4.1. Centrifugation
The cell productivity (P X) is calculated as the ratio of the varia-
tion in cell concentration (Xm- Xi) to the cultivation time (TC) Centrifugation is a method to separate Spirulina algae from the
media. Centrifugation and chemical precipitation are economically
PX ¼ (Xm e Xi) / TC (8) feasible, where centrifugation being in appreciably better A
centrifuge is an equipment, driven by a motor, that puts an object
As demonstrated in the earlier work (Miro´n et al., 1999), there in rotation around a fixed axis, applying a force perpendicular to
is an optimal biomass concentration which corresponds to the the axis. This method is reasonably efficient, but sensitive algal
high- est productivity. cells may be damaged by pelleting against the rotor wall.
Masojídek et al. (2003) applied a peristaltic pump as circulation
166 R.A. Soni et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 69 (2017) 157e171
Fig. 2. Dried Spirulina (a) Spirulina flakes (b) Powdered form of Spirulina.
FEBICO (Far East Bio-Tec Co.) (Taiwan) ( from a vegetarian diet because no fruit, vegetable, grain, or legume
Spirulinea (France/Laos) ( contains it. Spirulina has four times as much vitamin B 12 than raw
Spiruline de Burkina (Burkina Faso) liver, which was considered to be the best source of this nutrient.
( Green Valley (Germany) Spirulina is also recognized as an excellent source of vitamin E
( comparable to those found in wheat gram (Yin, Daoust, Young,
Natesis Spirulina (France) Tebbs, & Harper, 2017). The primary antioxidant vitamins con-
( Spirulina.PL (Poland) tained in Spirulina are b-carotene, carotenoids, and vitamin E.
All Seasons Health (United Kingdom) (
NaturKraftWerke Spirulina (Switzerland) ( 5.1.3. Minerals
Sanatur Spirulina (Germany) ( Spirulina contains mineral such as iron, magnesium, calcium,
Marcus Rohrer Spirulina (Netherlands) and phosphorus. Spirulina is a splendid source of iron which con-
( Taiwan Chlorella (Taiwan) tains 20 times more iron than wheat gram. Iron is a mineral that is
( RBC Life Sciences (USA) mainly present in foods from animals, such as meat, and fish
( (Balasubramani et al., 2016; Roberto, 2015). Spirulina is very ad-
vantageous for athletes, vegetarians, pregnant women, and teen-
Gerophyta Nutraceuticals Company in Tamil Nadu, India offers agers. Average nutritional analysis of Spirulina per 100 gm is
a wide range of products, as Spirulina Powder, Spirulina Capsules, shown in Table 5.
Spirulina tablets, Spiruvita-C, Dr. Spirulina Diavita-C, Spirulina
herbal face pack. Other companies also offers a wide range of
5.2. Pharmaceuticals and nutraceutical applications
products as spirulina bar, spirulina green tea, Spirulina personal
care products, Spirulina chocolates, spirulina drinks, spirulina
Spirulina is the best complete nutritional food source of
honey etc.
protein, beta carotene, GLA, B Vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll,
sulfolipids, glycolipids, superoxide dismutase, phycocyanin,
5. Spirulina benefits enzymes, RNA, DNA, and supplies many nutrients that are lacking
in most of the people's diets. Nutraceutical food products
5.1. Nutritional composition of Spirulina supplement the diet as well as facilitate the prevention or
treatment of a disease or dis- order. There are many Nutraceutical
Spirulina is a microalga that has been consumed for decades and Functional food products which are commercially available
due to its high nutritional value and reported health benefits. with researched and approved health benefits. The current
Today Spirulina is endorsed as a secret, potent superfood, also estimated global market size for nutraceuticals products is
considered as the miracle that grows naturally in oceans and salty approximately 30e60 billion dollars, which is primarily in the
lakes in subtropical climates. Spirulina contains practically all the United States, Japan, and Europe. Spirulina products have a
compo- nents found in the ideal complete food. A considerable potential short-term growth market demand of over 197 billion
proportion of proteins, vitamins, mineral salts, carbohydrates, dollars. As the demand for nutraceuticals and food supplements is
pigments, trace elements, and essential fatty acids are present. increasing, organisms that can rapidly produce nutritional
Unlike other algae, Spirulina is easier to consume. compounds are in demand. The ability of Spirulina as a potent for
anti-viral, antiecancer, hypocholesterolemic and health
5.1.1. Protein improvement agent is getting attention as a nutraceutical and
Spirulina is the richest source of proteins. Spirulina is abundant pharmaceutical.
in plant protein, which makes up 60%e70% of its weight Spirulina has the following health benefits.
(Balasubramani et al., 2016). Soya flour, contains about 35% protein.
Qualitatively, Spirulina provides complete proteins as it contains ● Helps athletes with long lasting energy and vitality
the full range of essential amino acids which is 47% of total ● Nourishes people with digestion, assimilation & elimination
protein weight. ● Prevents diabetes
● Aids in reducing stress
5.1.2. Vitamins ● Prevents depression
The vitamins naturally found in Spirulina are b-carotene, B1, B2, ● Concentrated impressive nutrients to weight loss
B12, E. Its b-carotene content is unusually high which is about 30 ● Improves memory and mental clarity
times higher than found in a carrot. Spirulina is also exceptionally
rich in vitamin B12 cobalamin. This vitamin is, most difficult to get
168 R.A. Soni et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 69 (2017) 157e171
Table 5
Average nutritional analysis of Spirulina per 100 g (Roberto, 2015).
Components Nutritional Value (in mgs) Components Nutritional Value (in mgs)
of media concentration to avoid intrusion of prevention of photobioreactor for continuous culture of Porphyridiumcruentum e from lab-
facultative pathogens. oratory to pilot plant. In T. Stadler, J. Morillon, M. S. Verdus, W. Karamanos,
H. Morvan, & D. Christiaen (Eds.), Algal biotechnology (pp. 199e208). London:
● Climatic factors, light intensity and aeration are very important Elsevier Applied Science.
in Spirulina growth system. The culture conditions also Chetsumon, A., Umeda, F., Maeda, I., Yagi, K., Mizoguchi, T., & Miura, Y. (1998). Broad
influence the growth phases of Spirulina platensis, causing spectrum and mode of action of an antibiotic produced by Scytonema sp. TISTR
8208 in a seaweed-type bioreactor. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology,
changes in its composition. Growth rate and doubling time can 70e72, 249e256.
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We are very thankful to the Honourable Ex-Director, Dr. ISBN 978-92-5-1061060.
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fluid-dynamics and mass transfer and assessmentof biomass productivity.
this research work. This research did not receive any speci fic grant
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from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit Harker, M., Tsavalos, A. J., & Young, A. J. (1996). Autotrophic growth and carotenoid
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