Calculator SolarPVsystem SXPOL S4
Calculator SolarPVsystem SXPOL S4
Calculator SolarPVsystem SXPOL S4
Disclaimer: This calculator provides guidelines for a Stand Alone (Off the Grid) photov
To connect to the Grid you need a certified electrician, a transfer switch and other equ
By using this calculator you assume the responsibility and agree that we are not liable f
W Ave Daily
Power kWh/yr
Appliances w/Motor [W] days/week Hr/day Wh
Energy Star
Refrigerator 91 7 24 2192 800 Sticker
washer (3hrs/wk) 5 3 0
cloth drier 3000 0 0 0
blower 1500 0 0 0
water POZO motor 5500 0 0 0
microwave oven 1500 0 0 0 TOTAL 3,422
0 UNITS: Wh/day
Ave Daily 11591 W
Appliances w/o motor Power days/wk Hr/day Wh
10 LED lamps 0.7W each 7 7 5 35 W 1300
fan 100 7 10 1000 <1000 1
laptop 65 7 3 195>1000,<2000 1
cellphone charger 10 7 2 20>2000<4000 0
TV 100 7 5 500 >4000 0
cable box 65 7 5 325 12Vsum 2
dvd 7 5 0
apple tv 0
347 W
This system will use extension
cords to connect appliances,
for safety, tape cables to the
floor, to avoid tripping.
Inverter should be inside, away from the sun. (for off-the grid systems)
Do not get an inverter larger than you need. It will waste energy and cost more than is necessary.
Always keep the wiring short between battery and inverter.
The wiring from the inverter to the appliances can be longer as it is at a higher voltage
We recommend to disconnect laptop/cellphone chargers when watching TV,
Disconnect refrigerator while washing machine is on, to make batteries last longer.
Calculator by Dr. Sandra Cruz-Pol, with collaboration from Dr. Erick Aponte, UPR-Mayagüez
An inverter with Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) capability, maximizes power
FREE Download *Herbert A. Wade, "Solar Photovoltaic Systems Technical Training Manual"
This calculator is for a small system, with instant power of 4kW or less. The voltage give
Takes into account that motors take 3 times more current to start
out the appliances you want to use
ff the Grid) photovoltaic system. Do NOT connect to the breaker box, that could be fatal to emp
itch and other equipment. All electric work needs to follow applicable codes and be done by pro
we are not liable for anything that happens due to its use. Use at your own risk .
PANELS Batteries
LOSSES REGION* [W] [V] Battery Type:
Tropical Coast
Clody place (5-7 days on row)
10+Cloudy days on a row are typical
ss. The voltage given is the minimum recommended.
, that could be fatal to employees from Power Company
e codes and be done by professionals.
ur own risk .
Charge Shopping
Controller Inverter Qty
list Estimate
[A] 24 V
5 solar panels $1,000
65.00 2652 4 batteries 6V $600
2919.52 123,750 W 2 Charge Controller $244
140137 W 10.2 Inverter $785
2.00 Frame $340
24.6 cables $246
1 pv combiner $200
TOTAL $3,415
installation ?
Instrucciones: Llene todas los encasillados en amarillo abajo, con la información so
Descargo de responsabilidad: : esta calculadora proporciona guías para un sistema foto
Para conectarse a la red necesita un electricista certificado, un interruptor de transfere
Al usar esta calculadora, usted asume la responsabilidad y acepta que no somos respon
W Ave Daily
semana Hr/día Wh kWh/yr
Enseres con/motor Potencia [W]
Energy Star
Refrigerator 39 7 24 932 340 Sticker
El inversor debe estar adentro, lejos del sol. (para sistemas fuera de la red)
No adquiera un inversor demasido más grande de lo que necesita. Perderá energía y costará más de lo necesario.
Mantenga siempre el cableado corto entre la batería y el inversor.
El cableado del inversor a los dispositivos puede ser más largo ya que está a un voltaje más alto
Recomendamos desconectar cargadores de laptop / teléfono celular cuando ve televisión,
Desconecte el refrigerador mientras la lavadora está encendida, para que las baterías duren más.
Calculadora de la Dra. Sandra Cruz-Pol, con la colaboración del Dr. Erick Aponte, UPR-Mayagüez
Un inversor con capacidad MPPT maximiza la potencia salida
Descargue GRATIS este manual *Herbert A. Wade, "Solar Photovoltaic Systems Technical Training Manual"
Esta calculadora es para un sistema pequeño, con una potencia instantánea de 4kW o menos. El vo
Takes into account that motors take 3 times more current to start
n la información sobre los enseres que desea utilizar
ara un sistema fotovoltaico independiente (separado de la red). NO conecte a la caja de interru
rruptor de transferencia y otros equipos. Todo el trabajo eléctrico debe seguir los códigos aplica
ue no somos responsables de nada que ocurra debido a su uso. Úselo bajo su propio riesgo .
PANELS Batteries Charge
Battery Type:
Hrs of sun 260 24 Battery Type:
30% 3.43 # of panels 477 Deep Discharge 52.00
4.0 716 Maintenance-free battery 2928.36
2,979 869 3.3 955 Vehicle battery
Wh/day W Ah
Clody place (5-7 days on row)
10+Cloudy days on a row are typical
ará más de lo necesario.
Training Manual"
de 4kW o menos. El voltaje dado es el mínimo recomendado.
necte a la caja de interruptores, eso podría ser fatal para los empleados de Power Company
e seguir los códigos aplicables y debe ser realizado por profesionales.
bajo su propio riesgo .
Inverter Qty
list Estimate
24 V
4 solar panels $800
2121.6 4 batteries 6V $600
123,750 W 1 Charge Controller $195
140561 W 8.16 Inverter $628
2.00 Frame $340
15.7 cables $157
1 pv combiner $200
TOTAL $2,920
instalación ??
os de Power Company
list Cost
6 solar panels $1,200
4 batteries 6V $600
1 Charge Contr $160
1 Inverter $612
2.00 Frame $340
20.0 cables,tubes $400
5.0 breakers $120
2 pv combiner $160
TOTAL $3,592