EMarketing - The Essential Guide To Digital Marketing
EMarketing - The Essential Guide To Digital Marketing
EMarketing - The Essential Guide To Digital Marketing
Rob Stokes
and the Minds of Quirk
Fifth Edition
eMarketing: The essential guide to marketing in a digital world
By Rob Stokes and the Minds of Quirk
ISBN: 978-0-620-56515-8
All terms or names used in this book that are known to be trademarks or service
marks have been appropriately capitalised. Quirk (Pty) Ltd cannot attest to the
accuracy of this information. Use of a term in this book should not be regarded as
affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.
We have also made every effort to obtain permission for and to acknowledge
copyright material. Should any copyright infringement have occurred, please
contact us and we will make every effort to rectify the omission or error in the
event of a reprint or new edition. You can contact us on [email protected].
eMarketing: The essential guide to marketing in a digital world
Fifth Edition
By Rob Stokes and the Minds of Quirk
I am immensely proud to present the 5th Edition of the Quirk marketing textbook.
i. Preface
It is now 6 years since we began work on the first edition, and it’s quite amazing
to see how much it has grown. Not only in line with the changes in our industry,
but also through very important input from our passionate and kind community of
learners and educators.
Our textbook is now used in almost 1000 academic institutions globally. This is
largely due to brave and forward thinking educators to whom we owe a huge debt
of gratitude. They have walked a journey with us, embraced a book published
by an agency (a fact which hasn’t gained easy acceptance by the very traditional
academic community), and have provided us with tremendous encouragement and
invaluable feedback to ensure that this book keeps pace not only with a fast moving
industry, but with their evolving needs as well.
We believe in education. Educated people make better decisions and have more
potential for an improved life. We also believe that particularly for tertiary education
to have an effective future a partnership between the private and academic sectors
is vital. It ensures the very best education is as accessible as it can be to as many
people as possible. By making our textbook available for free online we hope to
propel this dream forward. In fact, less than 10% of the many institutions who use
our book actually pay for it and we are thrilled by this. At Quirk we want to make a
dent in the world and this is an important part of us achieving that.
Another important change for this edition has been the appointment of our
academic partner, Red & Yellow, who have helped us improve the pedagogy and
academic rigour of the textbook. Founded twenty years ago in 1994, Red & Yellow
is one of South Africa’s leading marketing colleges. Last year Quirk Education
merged with Red & Yellow to form an academic institution which we believe
will serve its students very well into the future. This new entity combines Red
& Yellow’s tremendous experience in marketing’s academic space with Quirk’s
digital skills and online training expertise. Relevant and practical content can
thus be delivered through the methodology best suited for the student – online,
contact or a hybrid of both. In order to effectively join forces, we must see the end
of the Quirk Education brand. This is slightly sad for me, but is part of an important
evolution and I am immensely excited about the high quality of students Red &
Yellow is already producing at this early stage of their combined adventure. The
future holds great promise indeed.
From a content perspective, this book is a real step up from the previous edition. As
with the 4th Edition, we’ve maintained Quirk’s Think, Create, Engage and Optimise
structure. We have, however, worked much harder to acknowledge the useful
links between disciplines throughout the book. The lines between disciplines
in the media landscape can be blurry, but we find the TCEO structure gives us
an effective way of tackling the big picture explanation for comprehension. This
foundation then enables us to focus on the nuance where the rubber hits the road.
Apart from a general update of facts, stats and case studies, we’ve made a few
other important changes. Firstly the Think section has been expanded, with a
much improved market research chapter and the addition of content strategy
chapter as well. The section is better equipped as a platform for approaching
the rest of the book and the marketing process in general. In the Create section
we’ve added a chapter on User experience design and in the Engage section the
Video Marketing and Mobile chapters have been greatly expanded to reflect their
growing importance in the marketing landscape.
The last update is a valuable one for readers of the printed edition. Because the
book is available for free download we wanted to give you extra reason to part
with your hard earned cash when buying a printed copy. To achieve this, we’ve
partnered with many great vendors to provide a wide array of useful vouchers that
will help you get started with what you learn from this book.
I started Quirk almost 15 years ago. Whilst we’ve grown successfully as a business
over that time this textbook remains my proudest achievement even though I didn’t
write it. I may have had the original idea, but it’s a team effort and I wouldn’t want
to take that away from the people who have worked so hard to make it a reality.
Putting each edition together takes a huge amount of work by many people. My
name is on the front purely because someone’s name has to be on the front.
Thankfully the font gets smaller and smaller every year.
In particular I want to recognise Kat Scholtz who has overseen the production of
this 5th Edition. I have worked with Kat for over 5 years now and you just couldn’t
find a better qualified person to lead such an effort. I mean this both from a skills
and experience perspective as well as the deep passion and excitement Kat has for
producing a great resource which we know will help many hundreds of thousands
of people. Kat has also surrounded herself with a phenomenal knowledge team
whose job it has been to synthesize the knowledge of our agency into an easy to
use guide which is accessible to all. To Kat and her team, from the bottom of my
heart I thank you so very much for your incredibly hard work in making this dream
a reality. You deserve all the credit for this fantastic book.
I’m proud of the book because it genuinely is good and it is genuinely free. To
have brought Quirk to a place where it can afford to make this contribution to our
industry and community is an incredible feeling.
We hope you enjoy our book and remember, the most important thing any human
can do is teach, even if you’re not a teacher. Share your knowledge and make the
world a better place.
ii. Some thoughts on Marketing from Seth Godin
Some thoughts on Marketing from Seth Godin.
I don’t think you’ll learn much from this textbook. It’s nothing specific--I actually
don’t think you can learn how to market from any textbook. As marketing textbooks
go, this is a very good one, but still, it’s not going to work.
The first thing you should do is obsess about the terms in this book. Vocabulary
is the first step to understanding, and if you don’t know what something means,
figure it out. Don’t turn the page until you do.
There are very few endeavors that are as open to newcomers, as cheap and as easy
to play with. You can’t learn marketing without doing marketing. Go find a charity
or a cause or a business you believe in and start marketing. Build pages. Run ads.
Write a blog. Engage. Experiment.
If you don’t learn marketing from this process (the book for vocabulary, the web
for practicing) then you have no one to blame but yourself. You’ve already made the
first step, don’t blow it now.
Seth Godin
Purple Cow, Permission Marketing and Linchpin
Reviews for eMarketing:
The essential guide to marketing in a digital world
Fifth Edition
Most people are looking for definitive answers in the digital space and you will find
there are not many. It is all about an approach and finding the solution that best
suits your company, strategy and organisational needs. The insights and approach
provide a well structured guide to the channels and approaches that you will need
to consider as you navigate the digital highway. A great companion to help you in
your journey.
I have found myself dipping in and out of it over the past few months, reaching for
it when I needed more information on a particular area of digital marketing, or
clarification of a technical term or phrase.
If you aren’t a marketer, this is a must have book; if you know a marketer, do him
or her a favour and get it for them; if you are just interested in eMarketing and want
to expand your general business knowledge, buy two copies – someone will want
to borrow them from you.
Quirk’s eMarketing handbook covers all the most important concepts which
are necessary for eMarketing excellence today. I would highly recommend it as
both a study guide and a practitioner’s reference manual. Congratulations to the
QuirkStars on all the thought, research and work that has obviously gone into this.
I found Quirk’s eMarketing textbook for my New Media Marketing class while
searching for a low cost alternative to keep textbook costs down for my students
... I found Quirk’s eMarketing textbook to be very well written, concise and to the
point regarding what people should know about internet marketing, as well as
being fairly comprehensive in the topics covered.
To show our commitment to the Open Education Declaration, all of the contents
of the textbook are freely available online, as are supporting materials for
lecturers and for students. We know how quickly things change when it comes
to the Internet, so we are committed to regularly updating this resource. A free
download of the textbook and further materials and resources are available at
Creative Commons recognises that content can be freely shared and distributed
without negating the rights of the author of the work. It’s an exciting charitable
organisation that is helping creators around the world to share their work
while still being recognised for their authorship. We have chosen a Creative
Commons licence for this work: that means the contents may be freely shared
and modified, as long the source material is acknowledged and it is not used for
commercial gain.
a website..................................................... 154 9.3 Understanding SEO .............................. 233
6.7 Case study – The Boston Globe ............ 157 9.4 Search engine friendly website
6.8 The bigger picture ................................ 162 structure ..................................................... 234
6.9 Summary .............................................. 162 9.5 SEO and key phrases ............................ 235
6.10 Case study questions.......................... 162 9.6 Link popularity...................................... 241
6.11 Chapter questions .............................. 163 9.7 User insights ........................................ 246
6.12 Further reading .................................. 163 9.8 What not to do....................................... 251
6.13 References .......................................... 163 9.9 Tools of the trade .................................. 252
9.10 Benefits and challenges ..................... 253
7. Writing for Digital ................................165 9.11 Case study: Viewpoints.com and the
7.1 Introduction ......................................... 166 Panda update.............................................. 254
7.2 Key terms and concepts ....................... 166 9.12 The bigger picture .............................. 256
7.3 Writing for your audience ..................... 167 9.13 Summary ............................................ 257
7.4 Types of web copy ................................. 170 9.14 Case study questions.......................... 257
7.5 HTML for formatting ............................. 181 9.15 Chapter questions .............................. 258
7.6 SEO copywriting.................................... 182 9.16 Further reading .................................. 258
7.7 Best practices for online copywriting .. 185 9.17 References .......................................... 258
7.8 Tools of the trade .................................. 190
7.9 Case study: Encyclopaedia
Britannica Online........................................ 191 10. Search Advertising .............................263
7.10 The bigger picture .............................. 192 10.1 Introduction ........................................ 264
7.11 Chapter summary............................... 193 10.2 Key terms and concepts ..................... 265
7.12 Case Study questions ......................... 193 10.3 Advertising in search .......................... 266
7.13 Chapter questions .............................. 193 10.4 The elements of a search ad .............. 268
7.14 Further reading .................................. 194 10.5 Targeting options ................................ 276
7.15 References .......................................... 194 10.6 Bidding and ranking for search ads ... 278
10.7 Tracking .............................................. 282
Part 3. Engage ................................197 10.8 Planning and setting up a search
introduction to engage ............................... 198 advertising campaign ................................. 283
10.9 Tools of the trade ................................ 284
8. Customer Relationship Management ...201 10.10 Advantages and challenges .............. 285
8.1 Introduction .......................................... 202 10.11 Case study – ‘Sister Act’ on
8.2 Key terms and concepts ....................... 203 Broadway .................................................... 287
8.3 A CRM model ........................................ 203 10.12 The bigger picture ............................ 288
8.4 Understanding customers.................... 204 10.13 Summary .......................................... 289
8.5 CRM and data ....................................... 206 10.14 Case study questions ........................ 289
8.6 The benefits of CRM ............................. 214 10.15 Chapter questions ............................ 289
8.7 Social CRM............................................ 217 10.16 Further reading................................. 289
8.8 Step-by-step guide to implementing 10.17 References ........................................ 290
a CRM strategy ........................................... 220
8.9 Tools of the trade .................................. 222
8.10 Case study: Fuji Xerox ....................... 223 11. Online Advertising .............................293
8.11 The bigger picture .............................. 225 11.1 Introduction ........................................ 294
8.12 Summary ............................................ 226 11.2 Key terms and concepts ..................... 294
8.13 Case study questions.......................... 227 11.3 Online advertising objectives ............. 296
8.14 Chapter questions .............................. 227 11.4 The key differentiator ......................... 298
8.15 Further reading .................................. 227 11.5 Types of display adverts ..................... 298
8.16 References .......................................... 227 11.6 Payment models for display
advertising .................................................. 301 14. Social Media Channels .......................365
11.7 Getting your ads online ...................... 303 14.1 Introduction ........................................ 366
11.8 Targeting and optimising .................... 309 14.2 Key terms and concepts ..................... 367
11.9 Tracking .............................................. 311 14.3 Social media channels ....................... 368
11.10 Step-by-step guide to online 14.4 Social networking ............................... 369
advertising .................................................. 311 14.5 Content creation ................................. 375
11.11 The future of online advertising ....... 313 14.6 Bookmarking and aggregating........... 387
11.12 Advantages and challenges .............. 314 14.7 Location and social media .................. 390
11.13 Case study – Toyota Prius ................. 315 14.8 Tracking social media campaigns ...... 390
11.14 The bigger picture ............................ 317 14.9 Social media marketing: Rules of
11.15 Summary .......................................... 318 engagement ............................................... 392
11.16 Case study questions ........................ 318 14.10 Tools of the trade .............................. 394
11.17 Chapter questions ............................ 319 14.11 Advantages and challenges .............. 394
11.18 Further reading................................. 319 14.12 Case study – Col’Cacchio
11.19 References ........................................ 319 #PriceSlice ................................................. 395
14.13 The bigger picture ............................ 401
12. Affiliate Marketing .............................321 14.14 Summary .......................................... 401
12.1 Introduction ........................................ 322 14.15 Case study questions ........................ 402
12.2 Key terms and concepts ..................... 322 14.16 Chapter questions ............................ 402
12.3 The building blocks of affiliate 14.17 Further reading................................. 402
marketing ................................................... 323 14.18 References ........................................ 402
12.4 Setting up a campaign ........................ 334
12.5 Tools of the trade ................................ 336
12.6 Advantages and challenges ................ 337 15. Social Media Strategy ........................405
12.7 Case study .......................................... 338 15.1 Introduction ........................................ 406
12.8 The bigger picture .............................. 339 15.2 Key terms and concepts ..................... 406
12.9 Summary ............................................ 340 15.3 Using social media to solve business
12.10 Case study questions ........................ 341 challenges .................................................. 407
12.11 Chapter questions ............................ 341 15.4 Step-by-step guide to creating a social
12.12 Further reading................................. 341 media strategy............................................ 413
12.13 References ........................................ 341 15.5 Documents and processes ................. 417
15.6 Dealing with opportunities and
13. Video Marketing ................................343 threats ........................................................ 422
13.1 Introduction ........................................ 344 15.7 Step-by-step guide for recovering from
13.2 Key terms and concepts ..................... 345 an online brand attack ............................... 424
13.3 Video content strategy ........................ 346 15.8 Social media risks and challenges .... 425
13.4 Video production step by step ............ 348 15.9 Case study – Super Bowl Social
13.5 Video promotion.................................. 356 Media Command Center ............................ 426
13.6 Tools of the trade ................................ 359 15.10 Summary .......................................... 427
13.7 Advantages and challenges ................ 360 15.11 Case study questions ........................ 429
13.8 Case study – Woolworths: ‘Cook like a 15.12 Chapter questions ............................ 429
MasterChef’ for MasterChef South Africa ... 360 15.13 Further reading................................. 429
13.9 The bigger picture .............................. 362 15.14 References ........................................ 429
13.10 Summary .......................................... 363
13.11 Case study questions ........................ 363
13.12 Chapter questions ............................ 363 16. Email Marketing.................................431
13.13 Further reading................................. 364 16.1 Introduction ........................................ 432
13.14 References ........................................ 364 16.2 Key terms and concepts ..................... 433
16.3 Email strategy and planning .............. 434
16.4 Step-by-step process ......................... 439 18.13 Chapter questions ............................ 522
16.5 Tools of the trade ................................ 454 18.14 Further reading................................. 522
16.6 Advantages and challenges ................ 455 18.15 References ........................................ 522
16.7 Case study – Zando............................. 456
16.8 The bigger picture .............................. 457
16.9 Summary ............................................ 458 19. Conversion Optimisation ....................525
16.10 Case study questions ........................ 458 19.1 Introduction ........................................ 526
16.11 Chapter questions ............................ 459 19.2 Key terms and concepts ..................... 526
16.12 References ........................................ 459 19.3 What can you test?.............................. 527
19.4 Designing tests ................................... 531
19.5 Step-by-step guide to conversion
17. Mobile Marketing ...............................461 optimisation................................................ 534
17.1 Introduction ........................................ 462 19.6 Tools of the trade ................................ 538
17.2 Key terms and concepts ..................... 463 19.7 Case study – Quirk Education............. 538
17.3 The role of mobile in personal 19.8 Bigger picture ..................................... 541
communication ........................................... 464 19.9 Chapter summary............................... 541
17.4 Mobile messaging channels ............... 467 19.10 Case study questions ........................ 541
17.5 Location and mobile ........................... 474 19.11 Chapter questions ............................ 542
17.6 Mobile commerce ............................... 477 19.12 Further reading................................. 542
17.7 Integrating mobile into online 19.13 References ........................................ 542
marketing ................................................... 483
17.8 Augmented reality .............................. 483 20. Appendix: Understanding the Internet ..543
17.9 Mobile analytics .................................. 485 20.1 History of the Internet ........................ 544
17.10 Advantages and challenges .............. 486 20.2 How the Internet works ...................... 548
17.11 Case study – Carling Black Label’s 20.3 How people access the Internet ......... 551
“Be the Coach” ........................................... 487 20.4 What does this have to do with
17.12 The bigger picture ............................ 488 marketing? ................................................. 551
17.13 Summary .......................................... 489 20.5 References .......................................... 551
17.14 Case study questions ........................ 489
17.15 Chapter questions ............................ 489 vii. Last Words .........................................553
17.16 Further reading................................. 490 Further reading .......................................... 555
17.17 References ........................................ 490
viii. Glossary ............................................557
Part 4. Optimise ..............................495
introduction to optimise ............................. 496 ix. Index ...................................................569
Once again, we have drawn on the expertise of professionals and agencies in our network and
used their feedback to ensure that this book is representative of the most recent developments
in our fast-paced industry.
This edition has a slightly different title: eMarketing: the essential guide to marketing in a digital
world. This reflects our insight that digital is more than just a channel and that the basic
principles of marketing remain the same; we simply have an ever-evolving array of technology
to apply them through.
The book is structured similarly to the fourth edition, enabling readers to follow it sequentially
and get an overview of how the different elements of digital fit together, while also providing a
guide for those who want to dip in and out of chapters or need to brush up on specific areas.
• Create: we build beautiful, highly functional assets and content for those brands
and campaigns
• Engage: we use the power of the connected web to drive traffic to those assets
and leverage the available channels to build strong customer relationships
• Optimise: we relentlessly use data and analysis to improve all our marketing efforts
Some of the content is wholly new (Content Strategy, User Experience Design), some of it
has been conceptually overhauled (Digital Strategy, Mobile Marketing, Web Development and
Design, Market Research, CRM, Video Marketing) and some of the core topics remain similar
but are fully up to date to reflect the latest changes in industry globally.
Within each chapter, there are notes along the way to point you in the direction of further
material and, at the end of each chapter, there are links to some great blogs or books relevant
to that chapter. If you want to keep up to date, these resources are a great place to start.
When you’ve finished reading, the next important step is to start doing! Put what you have
learnt into action. Throughout the book, we have listed low- and no-cost ways to get started –
all that’s needed is your brain, some enthusiasm and some time. There are several vouchers
in the print edition of the textbook, so you can get started with the practical application of what
you have read. If you don’t want to experiment with your own business, help out a friend!
What is digital? Bud Caddell defines ‘digital’ as “a participatory layer of all media
that allows users to self-select their own experiences, and affords marketers
the ability to bridge media, gain feedback, iterate their message, and collect
relationships” (Caddell, 2013). In other words, digital is a new way of exploring
content (for users) and connecting with customers (for marketers).
Digital is not just a set of marketing channels – it’s a different way of thinking about
how people engage with media, each other and the world around them. Digital
enables you to segment your audience and customise messages in a valuable and
measurable way. The availability of information, our inherent desire to contribute,
and user-friendly technology have rewritten the rules of engagement. People
are not passive consumers; they are empowered as publishers, editors and
commentators. The conversation is multi-directional and usually not started or
controlled by brands.
1.3 Understanding digital marketing
How does digital marketing fit into this definition? There is, in fact, no basic
difference between ‘traditional’ marketing and digital marketing. They are one
and the same.
Ultimately, the aim of any type of marketing is to keep customers and stimulate
sales in the future. Digital communication tools make it possible to connect and
build long-term relationships with customers.
Digital marketing helps to create consumer demand by using the power of the
interconnected, interactive web. It enables the exchange of currency but, more
than that, it enables the exchange of attention for value. This is referred to as the
attention economy.
Digital marketing is powerful in two fundamental ways. First, the audience can be
segmented very precisely – even down to factors like current location and recent
brand interactions – which means that messages can (and must) be personalised
and tailored specially for them.
Second, the digital sphere is almost completely measurable – every minute and
every click by a customer can be accounted for. In digital you can see exactly how
various campaigns are performing, which channels bring the most benefit, and
where your efforts are best focused.
1.3.1 Crowdsourcing
Crowdsourcing is a powerful example of the way digital tools have enabled
certain ways of thinking. In simple terms, crowdsourcing is a distributed
problem-solving and production model that relies on an active community
to find solutions to problems. Crowdsourcing relies heavily on the tools and
communication forms made possible by the Internet.
Given that the Internet connects people all over the world through different
publishing tools and technologies, the information and ideas on these channels
have become commodities in themselves. In the past, we had to gather physically
to create crowds. Now, with technology, crowds can be closely connected while
being geographically distant.
Using the Internet, a savvy organisation can tap a wider range of talent and
knowledge than is contained in its own resources. Tapping into this resource
can be done in one of three ways:
3. Microtasking, which involves breaking a big task or project down into tiny
components and asking many people to each complete a few of these
components, usually for payment. One company that uses microtasking
is BrandsEye (www.brandseye.com), which pays members of its crowd to
evaluate the sentiment behind mentions in social media.
Both the media landscape and people’s media habits have changed. There are
many fragmented and highly specific niche communities at play across multiple
digital media channels.
At the same time, people’s attention is fragmented by the many new media
channels and tools available – on top of traditional media, we now have social
networks, emails, web tools, mobile devices and more splitting our attention.
With so many choices and too little time, audiences have become very skilled at
ignoring marketing messages.
Figure 1. The ways in which people use digital media. (Source: InMobi,2012)
The key to succeeding is two-fold: ideas must be remarkable, and you must find a
niche group who are obsessed with your product and willing to devote their scant
attention to it. These fans may tell their friends and, in doing so, spread the word
over their interconnected digital networks. If most consumers are likely to ignore
your marketing message then the goal is to speak to those who are actually listening.
This leads to another key digital consideration. These days, people themselves are
media channels. After all, most of us create, share, comment on and link to content
that we find interesting – or that we think will interest our friends and followers.
These personalised digital broadcasts are intercepted by people who are interested
in what we are saying and have chosen to listen to us. Through this, individuals have
become conduits for information, ideas and news in a powerful way.
This exchange of ideas comes down to creating communities and nurturing
relationships. Digital helps us to understand these relationships better.
All of these ideas about niche communities, influential media personalities and
fragmented attention spans tie in to the ability to segment online audiences and
customise messages.
Digital offers a wealth of user information, the ability to target users based on
these factors, and the availability of technology for creating and managing large
databases. In digital marketing segmentation, customers can be reached across
a wide range of communication channels depending on their preferences and
needs. The focus should not be on separate channels, but on how digital channels
can enable and work with the strengths of what may be considered ‘traditional’
media such as TV or billboards. Today, digital often plays the role of a bridge for
customers between different marketing media, allowing them to respond to a
broadcast message on TV through a social media property for instance, where
they can obtain a deeper, richer and more interactive brand experience.
Once an audience segment has been created, the message sent to it can also
be customised (often automatically) thanks to the availability of the necessary
information and digital tools. This can be as small as adding the customer’s name
to an email greeting, or as significant as tailoring an entire page of content to their
buying history, connections and brand interactions. For example, Amazon provides
product recommendations to users based on the items that they have bought as
well as similar products purchased by others.
1.3.4 Measurability
The second factor that distinguishes digital is its measurability. Because of the
technology on which it is built, almost every action on the web can be tracked,
captured, measured and analysed.
The benefit for marketers should be clear. While traditional media are undoubtedly
effective, it’s sometimes hard to know exactly what is working, how well it’s
working, and why. Digital can help you pinpoint the success of campaigns down to
the channel, audience segment, and even time of day.
12pm 12pm
% of Volume
Transaction rate (%)
8am 4pm 8am 4pm
.13 .13
.15 .15 20 10
.20 .34
Figure 4. Measuring online data can tell you, for example, when the best time is to
send an email. (Source: Harvest Retail Marketing, 2013)
Web analytics – the discipline of tracking, analysing and drawing insight from
online data – can also go a step further to helping a marketer understand the
audience’s intent. While the data merely answers what people are doing, looking
at this in conjunction with other insights can help you understand why they are
doing it as well.
The diagram below illustrates the interrelation between the disciplines and
highlights how the Optimise function should be present at each stage:
THINK is the starting point in our approach. It is tasked with developing strategic
plans for the digital world. Like traditional communications planning, it includes
topics such as consumer insights, research, concept development, budget
allocation and channel planning.
ENGAGE is responsible for driving traffic and building relationships. Media buying
and planning, search engine optimisation, email marketing, social media and
campaign management are some of the key activities here.
eMarketing, the title of this book, is also a term that has lost some relevance since
our first edition. As the field matures and the effect of digital thinking, for lack
of a better phrase, becomes both more evident and acknowledged, terms and
practices will evolve to account for this.
For those with inquisitive minds who would like an introduction to how the Internet
itself works (and we know there are many of you!), we have included a break down
as an appendix at the back of this book. There you will also find a history of the
Internet. Both sections contain valuable information that will likely inform your
interactions on this powerful medium.
At its core, marketing is about conversations and the Internet has become a hub
of conversations. The connected nature of the Internet allows us to follow and
track these conversations and provides entry points for all parties. What follows in
this book are ways of conversing with existing and potential customers using the
Internet. This textbook can be read from back to front or used as a reference guide.
Key terms, concepts and interrelated subjects are highlighted in each chapter.
Apply the knowledge you gain for success and let us know how it goes!
1.5 References
Caddell, B., (2013) Digital Strategy 101. [Online]
Available at: http://www.slideshare.net/bud_caddell/digital-
[Accessed 23 August 2013].
Part 1
Introduction to Think
It seems too obvious to mention, but the foundation of consistently successful
marketing communications lies in thorough planning and strategic preparation.
Before you execute digital campaigns, you need to plan them. You need to
research and understand your product, your communication challenge, your
market, your competitors and, of course, your consumers. We call planning,
strategy and research Think.
Digital Marketing Strategy tackles how the Internet has changed and challenged
the world in which we market, and how best to use digital tools and tactics for
effective marketing strategies.
Market Research unpacks how to use the Internet to understand audiences and
campaigns. The Internet was originally developed as an academic tool for sharing
research. This is ideal for savvy marketers – this chapter addresses some
considerations for online market research.
Content Marketing Strategy lays out the building blocks for effectively using
content, not advertising, to reach audiences. Brands are required to think like
publishers – which means a consideration of far more than just the end product.
Content targeting, production, planning and distribution must be considered. This
chapter lays out concepts and processes that assist in creating relevant content.
02 Digital
What’s inside: An introduction to some key terms and concepts and a guide to
understanding strategy. We look at the questions to ask when compiling a digital marketing
strategy, and a digital marketing strategy in action.
2.1 Introduction
A strategy indicates the most advantageous direction for an organisation to take
over a defined period of time. It also outlines which tactics and means should be
used to execute this direction. Originating as a military term, strategy is about
using your strengths, as well as the context in which you are operating, to your
Term Definition
A particular set of rules and specifications that software
programs can abide by when communicating with each
other. It serves as an interface between programs and
facilitates their communication, similar to the way
programming interface
in which a user interface facilitates communication
between humans and computers. APIs are often used by
third-party developers to create applications for social
media websites such as Twitter and Facebook.
Pay per click is advertising where the advertiser pays
Pay per click (PPC)
only for each click on their advert.
Return on investment
The ratio of cost to profit.
eXtensible Markup
A standard used for creating structured documents.
Language (XML)
In 2012, Dr Philip Kotler defined marketing as “the science and art of exploring,
creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit.
Marketing identifies unfulfilled needs and desires. It defines, measures and
quantifies the size of the identified market and the profit potential” (Kotler, 2012).
In order to motivate people to pay for your product or service, or to consider your
organisation superior to your competitors, you need to create meaningful benefits
and value for the consumer. The value that a marketer should seek to create
should be equal to or even greater than the cost of the product to the consumer.
Doing this often and consistently enough will grow trust in and loyalty towards the
2.4 What is digital marketing?
If marketing creates and satisfies demand, digital marketing drives the creation
of demand using the power of the Internet, and satisfies this demand in new and
NOTE innovative ways. The Internet is an interactive medium. It allows for the exchange
What brand interactions of currency, but more than that, it allows for the exchange of value.
have you had that
you actually consider
A business on the Internet can gain value in the form of time, attention and advocacy
from the consumer. For the user, value can be added in the form of entertainment,
enlightenment and utility; content marketing is one powerful way to create value.
The reciprocity of the transaction is what’s important here – in other words, the
exchange is a two-way street that provides benefit to both parties simultaneously.
The Internet has changed the world in which we sell. It is not a new marketing
channel; instead, it creates a new paradigm for the way in which consumers
connect with brands and with each other. The complete scope of marketing is
practised on the Internet – products and services are positioned and promoted,
purchased, distributed and serviced. The web provides consumers with more
choice, more influence and more power. Brands have new ways of selling, new
products and services to sell, and new markets to which they can sell.
The roles played by marketing agencies are shifting too. So-called ‘traditional’
agencies are getting better at digital marketing, while agencies that started out
as digital shops are starting to play in the traditional advertising space. More
than ever, integrated strategies that speak to an overall brand identity are vital to
achieving an organisation’s goals. Consumers are increasingly more fluent in their
movement across channels and in their use of multiple of channels at once. They
expect the same from the brands with which they connect. Anyone still thinking in
the old ‘traditional versus digital’ dichotomy is sorely out of date.
However, marketing on the Internet does not mean throwing out the rule book
on marketing and business principles. Instead, the Internet provides a new
environment in which to build on these. Profit is still revenue less cost. The Internet
does not change that.
Brands build loyalty among users who love their products or services. Users fall
in love with products and services when their experience is tailored to their needs,
and not the needs of the brand. More than any other type of marketing, digital
marketing is measurable. This gives brands the opportunity to build tailored,
optimised brand experiences for consumers.
2.5 Understanding marketing strategy
2.5.1 Business and brand strategy
Before you can delve into marketing strategy, take a step back and consider the
business and brand with which you are working.
The end-goal of any business is to make money, in one way or another. Business
strategy asks the questions: ‘What is the business challenge we are facing that
prevents us from making more revenue?’ or, ‘What business objective should we
strive for in order to increase the money in the bank?’
The brand is the vessel of value in this equation. The brand justifies why the
business matters, and what value its adds to people’s lives. The value of the brand
is measured in terms of its equity – how aware are people of the brand? Does it
hold positive associations and perceived value? How loyal are people to the brand?
When you have the answer to this question, you can formulate a marketing strategy
to address the challenge or objective you’ve discovered.
For example, a new airline would need to consider how it is going to add value to
the category and differentiate itself from competitors; whether their product is
a domestic or international service; whether its target market would be budget
travellers or international and business travellers; and whether the channel would
be through primary airports or smaller, more cost-effective airports. Each of these
choices will result in a vastly different strategic direction.
1. The environment
2. The business
3. The customers
4. The competitors
Here are some considerations and tools for conducting your brand’s situational
NOTE An analysis of the business and brand environment will typically consider political,
This answers the economic, social, technological, legal and environmental (PESTLE) influences to
question: ‘What external identify a clear set of considerations or issues pertinent to the marketing strategy.
factors will have
an influence on the
marketing objectives
you set?’ Understanding the business
There are several marketing models that can be used to understand the business
and brand you are working with. Since it’s essential for all marketing messages
to encapsulate the brand’s identity and objectives, this is a very important step.
A crucial consideration is the brand itself. What does it stand for? What does it
mean? What associations, ideas, emotions and benefits do people associate with
it? What makes it unique?
Brand Idea
The essence of
your brand
The manifestation of the brand
in human characteristics
Emotional Benefits
How does your product service make
the consumer feel?
Functional Benefits
Summarises the tangible benefits to the consumer
Out of this, you can determine what the brand or product’s unique selling point NOTE
(USP) is. A USP is the one characteristic that makes your product or service better This answers the
than the competition’s – what unique value does it have? Does it solve a problem question: ‘What are the
special things about
that no other product does?
your brand that make
it marketable and
Understanding customers
In order truly to understand your customers, you need to conduct market research
(discussed in much more detail in the next chapter). Try not to make assumptions
about why people like and transact with your brand – you may find their values and
motives are quite different from what you thought. Ongoing research will help you
build a picture of what particular benefit or feature your business provides to your
customers, allowing you to capitalise on this in your marketing content.
One important area on which to focus here is the consumer journey – the series of
steps and decisions a customer takes before buying from your business (or not).
Luckily, online data analytics allow you to get a good picture of how people behave
on your website before converting to customers; other forms of market research
will also help you establish this for your offline channels.
On the Internet, a consumer journey is not linear. Instead, consumers may engage
with your brand in a variety of ways – for example, across devices or marketing
channels – before making a purchase.
NOTE The goal is to reach customers with the right marketing message at the right
The customer journey
stage of their journey. For example, you may want to use aspirational messages for
answers the question: someone in the exploration phase, but focus on more direct features and benefits
‘What do people
(such as a lower price) when they’re almost ready to buy.
really want from your
brand, and what would
convince them that you
offer this?’ Understanding competitors
Finally, it’s important to know who else is marketing to your potential customers,
what they offer, and how you can challenge or learn from them.
On the Internet, your competitors are not just those who are aiming to earn
your customers’ money; they are also those who are capturing your customers’
attention. With more digital content being created in a day than most people could
consume in a year – for example, over 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube
every minute (YouTube, 2013) – the scarcest resources these days are time, focus
and attention.
Once you have a clear sense of what the business challenge or objective is, and you
have defined how your marketing strategy will work towards fulfilling it, you can
start thinking about your digital marketing strategy.
Consider that in the early days of TV, when the new medium was not as yet
entirely understood, there were separate ‘TV planners’ who created a ‘TV
strategy’ for the brand. Over time, this was incorporated into the overall
marketing strategy (as it should be).
The same is going to happen with digital. Increasingly, digital thinking is being
incorporated into marketing strategy from day one. This section considers
digital strategy separately in order to highlight some differences in approach,
but this should change in practice over time.
the Internet allows for near-instantaneous feedback and data gathering, digital
marketers should constantly be optimising and improving their online marketing
User-centric thinking, which involves placing the user at the core of all decisions,
is vital when looking at building a successful digital marketing strategy. The
digital marketing strategist of today is offered not only a plethora of new tactical
possibilities, but also unprecedented ways of measuring the effectiveness of chosen
strategies and tactics. Digital also allows greater opportunities for interaction and
consumer engagement than were possible in the past, so it is important to consider
the ways in which the brand can create interactive experiences for consumers, not
just broadcast messages.
The fact that digital marketing is highly empirical is one of its key strengths.
Almost everything can be measured: from behaviours, to actions and action paths,
to results. This means that the digital marketing strategist should start thinking
with return on investment (ROI) in mind. Built into any strategy should be a testing
framework and the ability to remain flexible and dynamic in a medium that shifts
and changes as user behaviours do.
These strategy models are just starting points and ways to help you think through
problems; as you grow in experience and insight, you could find yourself relying on
them less or adapting them.
Porter’s Five Forces analysis is a business tool that helps determine the competitive
intensity and attractiveness of a market. The Internet’s low barrier to entry means
that many new businesses are appearing online, providing near-infinite choices
for customers. This makes it important to consider new factors when devising a
marketing strategy.
Power of Threat of
customers new entrants
Threat of
Power of
Competetive substitute
rivalry within
The Four Ps of marketing help you structure the components that make up a
brand’s offering, differentiators and marketing. They have been fundamentally
changed by the Internet and need to be looked at in the context offered by digitally
connected media and from the perspective of the consumer. How your brand is
positioned in the mind of your consumer will ultimately determine your success.
The Internet has enabled mass customisation. For example, Nike (nikeid.nike.com)
and Converse (www.converse.com) allow customers to customise their own
trainers. The Internet as a distribution medium also makes it possible for products
such as software and music to be sold digitally.
2. Price
The prevalence of search engines and of shopping comparison websites, such as
www.pricerunner.co.uk, www.pricecheck.co.za/ and www.nextag.com, makes it
easy for customers to compare product prices across a number of retailers; this
makes the Internet a market of near-perfect competition (Porter, 2008).
These stories then go on to build connections between people, ideas, brands and
products. Communities of people follow truly great brands because they want to
be part of their stories. Apple is a good example of a brand with a dedicated tribal
following. People want their products; they want the world to know that they have
an iPhone or a Macbook. This kind of tribal following spells success for any brand.
Technology such as APIs, SOAP services, RSS and XML allow information and
services to be distributed throughout the world. For example, the API for a hotel
reservations database allows a diverse range of websites to offer instant online
bookings for hotels in the inventory.
4. Promotion
The Internet, as an information and entertainment medium, naturally lends itself
to promoting products. The online promotional mix is an extension of the offline,
but with some significant differences. For one, online promotion can be tracked,
measured and targeted in a far more sophisticated way.
5. A new P: People
In addition to the existing Four Ps, the Internet requires you to consider a new
P: People. This element speaks to examining the powerful human element that
the digitally connected world permits: personalisation, peer-to-peer sharing,
communities, and consumer- centric organisations that allow people to participate
in the brand story.
The Cluetrain Manifesto (1999) describes markets as ‘conversations’. Humans
are storytellers; brands create stories, myths and legends around their products
and services. Ultimately, what people say about your product or service is a story
and now, more than ever, consumers are helping to craft the stories that define
Always have a purpose in mind when conducting a SWOT analysis. For example,
study the external threats to your business, and see how learning from these can
help you overcome internal weaknesses. This should tie back in to your business
and marketing objectives – strengths should be promoted, opportunities should
be sought out, while threats and weaknesses should be minimised as much as
possible. A SWOT analysis is part of a situational analysis and identifies the key
issues that direct the marketing strategy.
follow. In digital marketing, however, there is no single definitive approach – each
business must create its own roadmap. However, there are questions you can use
to guide the process.
A strategy needs to cover the questions of who you are, what you are offering and
to whom, as well as why and how you are doing so. The steps and questions below
cover what an organisation should be aware of when creating and implementing a
strategy that will meet its marketing objectives and solve its challenges.
1. Context
The first step in crafting a successful strategy is to examine the context of the
organisation and the various stakeholders. We’ve covered this under marketing
strategy earlier in this chapter, but it bears repeating:
• What is the context in which you are operating (PESTLE factors) and how is NOTE
this likely to change in the future? PESTLE is discussed in
more detail earlier in
this chapter.
• Who are you, why does your brand matter and what makes your brand
useful and valuable?
• Who are your customers, and what needs, wants and desires do they have?
• Who are your competitors? These may extend beyond organisations that
compete with you on the basis of price and product and could also be
competition in the form of abstracts such as time and mindshare.
2. Value exchange
Once you have examined the market situation, the second step is an examination
of your value proposition or promise: in other words, what unique value your
organisation can add to that market. It is important to identify the supporting
value-adds to the brand promise that are unique to the digital landscape. What
extras, beyond the basic product or service, do you offer to customers?
The Internet offers many channels for value creation. However, the definition
of what is ‘valuable’ depends largely on the target audience, so it is crucial to
research your users and gather insights into what they want and need.
3. Objectives
When setting your digital marketing goals, there are four key aspects to consider:
objectives, tactics, key performance indicators (KPIs) and targets. Let’s look at
each one in turn.
> Objectives
Objectives are essential to any marketing endeavour – without them, your strategy
would have no direction and no end goal or win conditions. It’s important to be able
to take a step back and ask, ‘Why are we doing any of this? What goal, purpose or
outcome are we looking for?’
• Specific – the objective must be clear and detailed, rather than vague
and general.
• Realistic – the objective must also be sensible and based on data and
trends; don’t exaggerate or overestimate what can be achieved.
> Tactics
Objectives are not the same as tactics. Tactics are the specific tools or approaches
you will use to meet your objectives – for example, a retention-based email
newsletter, a Facebook page, or a CRM implementation. As a strategy becomes
more complex, you may have multiple tactics working together to try to achieve the
same objective. Tactics may change (and often should), but the objective should
remain your focus. We’ll look at tactics in more detail in the next section.
> Key performance indicators (KPIs)
KPIs are the specific metrics or pieces of data that you will look at to determine
whether your tactics are performing well and meeting your objectives. For
example, a gardener may look at the growth rate, colour and general appearance
of a plant to evaluate whether it is healthy. In the same way, a marketer will look
at a range of data points to determine whether a chosen tactic is delivering. KPIs
are determined per tactic, with an eye on the overall objective.
> Targets
Finally, targets are the specific values that are set for your KPIs to reach within a
specific time period. Sportspeople need to reach targets to advance their careers
– for example, come in the top ten to qualify for the final, or run 10km in under
27 minutes. If you meet or exceed a target, you are succeeding; if you don’t reach it,
you’re falling behind on your objectives and you need to reconsider your approach
(or your target).
Here is an example:
SMART objective:
• Increase sales through the eCommerce platform by 10% within the next
six months.
• Search advertising
• Search advertising – number of search referrals, cost per click on the ads
• Search advertising – 1 000 search referrals after the first month, with a
10% month-on-month increase after that
4. Tactics and evaluation
Many digital tools and tactics are available once you have defined your digital
marketing objectives. Each tactic has its strengths – for example, acquisition
(gaining new customers) may best be driven by search advertising, while email
is one of the most effective tools for selling more products to existing customers.
The table below expands on some of the most popular tactics available to digital
marketers and their possible outcomes. These will be covered in far more detail in
the Engage section of this book.
Tactic Outcome
This is the practice of optimising a SEO has a key role to play in acquisition, as it ensures
website to rank higher on the search your organisation’s offering will appear in the search
engine results pages for relevant results, allowing you to reach potential customers. A site
search terms. SEO involves creating that is optimised for search engines is also a site that is
relevant, fresh and user-friendly clear, relevant and well designed. These elements ensure
content that search engines index a great user experience, meaning that SEO also plays a
and serve when people enter a role in retention.
search term that is relevant to your
product or service.
Online advertising covers advertising The main objective of display advertising is to raise brand
in all areas of the Internet – ads in awareness online. It can also be more interactive and
emails, ads on social networks and therefore less disruptive than traditional or static online
mobile devices, and display ads on advertising, as users can choose to engage with the ad
normal websites. or not. Online advertising can be targeted to physical
locations, subject areas, past user behaviours, and much
Video marketing Branding, customer retention and value creation
Video marketing involves creating Since it is so interactive and engaging, video marketing is
video content. This can either be excellent for capturing and retaining customer attention.
outright video advertising, or can be Done correctly, it provides tangible value – in the form of
valuable, useful, content marketing. information, entertainment or inspiration – and boosts a
brand’s image in the eyes of the public.
Social media, also known as From a strategic perspective, social media is useful for
consumer-generated media, is media brand building, raising awareness of the brand story and
(in the form of text, visuals and audio) allowing the consumer to become involved in the story
created to be shared. It has changed through collaboration. Social media platforms also play
the face of marketing by allowing a role in building awareness, due to their shareable, viral
collaboration and connection in a way nature. They can also provide crowdsourced feedback
that no other channel has been able and allow brands to share valuable content directly with
to offer. their fans.
Email marketing is a form of direct Email marketing is a tool for building relationships
marketing that delivers commercial with potential and existing customers through valuable
and content-based messages content and promotional messages. It should maximise
to an audience. It is extremely the retention and value of these customers, ultimately
cost effective, highly targeted, leading to greater profitability for the organisation as a
customisable on a mass scale and whole. A targeted, segmented email database means that
completely measurable – all of which a brand can direct messages at certain sectors of their
make it one of the most powerful customer base in order to achieve the best results.
digital marketing tactics.
Once the objectives and tactics have been set, these should be cross-checked and
re-evaluated against the needs and resources of your organisation to make sure
your strategy is on the right track and no opportunities are being overlooked.
5. Ongoing optimisation
It is increasingly important for brands to be dynamic, flexible and agile when
marketing online. New tactics and platforms emerge every week, customer
behaviours change over time, and people’s needs and wants from brand evolve as
their relationship grows. The challenge is to break through the online clutter to
connect with customers in an original and meaningful way.
Understanding user experience and the user journey is vital to building successful
brands. Budget should be set aside upfront for analysing user data and optimising
conversion paths.
Social thinking and socially informed innovation are also valuable and uniquely
suited to the online space. Socially powered insight can be used to inform strategic
decisions in the organisation, from product roadmaps to service plans. Brands
have moved away from being merely present in social media towards actively using
it, aligning it with actionable objectives and their corresponding metrics. This is
critical in demonstrating ROI and understating the opportunities and threats in
the market.
Managing the learning loop (the knowledge gained from reviewing the performance
of your tactics, which can then be fed back into the strategy) can be difficult. This is
because brand cycles often move more slowly than the real-time results you will
see online. It is therefore important to find a way to work agility into the strategy,
allowing you to be quick, creative and proactive, as opposed to slow, predictable
and reactive.
The biggest market for Nike products consists of young people between the ages of 15 and 25,
who spend 20% more with Nike than any other group. But these Generation Y customers weren’t
paying attention to big, top-down media, and were looking for a brand that offered constant change
and innovation, not just the same old thing over and over.
Nike realised that it needed a new approach to reach this digital audience.
Understanding that marketing in the digital age is a conversation, not a monologue, Nike dropped
its spending on TV and print advertising by 40% between 2010 and 2012 – but increased its overall
marketing budget to $2.4 billion in 2012.
Nike chose to use a combination of technological innovations, data analytics and social media
engagement to reach this new, digitally savvy audience.
Engineers and scientists associated with prestigious organisations such as MIT and Apple were
hired to build exciting new technologies and examine market insights. One of their biggest
accomplishments was the creation of Nike+ in 2010 – a device that lets users track their exercise
regimens, upload these to the web, monitor their progress, and share their achievements socially.
The product range grew to include the Nike FuelBand.
This new community created incredible volumes of data, which Nike used to track behaviours,
create online communities and spaces for Nike fans, and build meaningful relationships between
the brand and its customers. Nike moved its social media marketing team in-house so that it had
a closer connection to this data and the conversations being generated by its fans.
• A strong focus on storytelling: Nike advertising shifted from delivering one core ‘big
message’ about its products to talking about inspiration, aspirations and overcoming odds.
For example, Nike’s ‘I Would Run To You’ ad (essentially a funny short film) shows the story
of a long-distance couple reconnecting by running across the country to see each other.
• Being an authentic brand: The storytelling approach creates authenticity and a sense
of community. Nike also strives to understand and engage with the subcultures of each
sport, talking to them in the vernacular they are familiar with.
• Understanding and communicating with customers on their terms: When Nike created
its big-budget ‘Write The Future’ ad for the 2012 World Cup, featuring soccer superstars
Wayne Rooney and Cristiano Ronaldo, it flighted the ad on Facebook and YouTube rather
than on TV. Having seeded to a community and primed it with teasers, the ad received 8
million views in the first week and went viral.
• Being remarkable and shareable: Nike put up a 30-storey digital billboard in Johannesburg,
South Africa that was populated with constantly-updating user tweets, creating a buzz
around the campaign.
• Allowing mass customisation: The Nike iD online store lets fans create their own custom
shoe designs and have them shipped. The concept earned Nike over $100 million in its
first year.
Nike’s new approach – harnessing data for user insight and creating a diverse, social and engaged
digital strategy – has had excellent results.
Nike reaches over 200 million fans every day in an interactive dialogue, rather than having to rely
on big sponsored events such as the Super Bowl or World Cup to reach this number.
The massive volumes of freely shared user data produce meaningful brand insights, lead to
product innovations, and allow the brand to get closer to consumers.
In addition to this:
• Nike share prices rose by 120% between 2010 and 2012 – an important consideration,
since every business aims to make money, after all.
• Nike+ experienced a 55% growth in membership in 2012 – as of June 2012, 7 million users
have signed up for the service, and the majority of these connect with the brand several
times each week to upload and review their exercise data.
• As of August 2013, the main Nike Facebook page has over 15 million likes, the Nike
Football page has 19.4 million likes, and the Nike Basketball page has over 5 million –
posts typically see a high level of interaction and discussion.
• Similarly, on Twitter, the brand is also engaging millions of fans – 1.7 million on the core
Nike account, 1.2 million on the brand’s US-based Nike.com store account, and 1.4 million
on the Nike Football account.
A solid business and brand strategy should be the starting point of any marketing venture, and you
should always keep one eye on it as you develop specific campaigns, platforms and approaches.
After all, you should always remember that you are trying to reach your chosen audience by
communicating to them in the most effective way, to build lucrative long-term relationships.
While strategy helps you understand the questions you should ask, market research is the process
used to answer them. From there, content marketing strategy helps you put your ideas into
practice, creating materials that engage, enthral, convert and retain customers.
2.10 Summary
Strategy is the essential first step in positioning your brand within the market and creating a roadmap
for achieving your business goals. While there are many different paths one can take, there is a clear
process for understanding where you are, where you need to be, and how you will get there.
It all starts with understanding the business challenges that your brand faces. From here, an
effective marketing strategy looks at the market context, weighs the available options and makes
important choices, based on solid research and data. Digital marketing strategy adds a layer of
technology, engagement and iterative optimisation into the mix. The wide variety of tools and
tactics offered by the digital medium should inform your strategic choices.
Digital marketing strategy is highly empirical and your strategic thinking should be mindful of ROI
and how it can be measured. This will allow you to optimise your tactics and performance in order
to create a valuable brand story, an excellent user experience, the most optimised conversion
funnels, and the highest ROI.
1. What was the key insight that helped Nike develop a holistic marketing strategy?
2. What role do you think offline marketing and branding channels played in furthering the
digital strategy?
3. What should Nike take into consideration when rolling out new elements and campaigns as
part of their marketing strategy?
1. Why is it important to consider the business context when planning your marketing strategy?
2. How has the Internet affected marketing and the models we use to understand it?
3. Do you agree with the idea that customers are more empowered than they were before
digital communications were so prevalent? Motivate your answer.
smithery.co – A marketing and innovation blog that teaches marketers to ‘Make Things People
Want, rather than spend all their energy and resources trying to Make People Want Things’.
www.adverblog.com – A digital marketing blog that collates ideas from marketing campaigns
around the world.
www.baekdal.com – Thomas Baekdal’s articles provide perspectives and models of how the
Internet is changing marketing.
Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind – This book by Ries & Trout published in 2002 offers
excellent advice claiming space in the minds of consumers.
2.14 References
Brilliant Noise, (2012) Brilliant Model: the Loyalty Loop. [Online]
Available at: http://brilliantnoise.com/brilliant-model-the-loyalty-loop/#more-3873
[Accessed 28 August 2013].
Porter, M., (2008) The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy in Harvard Business Review,
January 2008, p86–104.
03 Market
What’s inside: We begin with an introduction, and then it’s into the key terms
and concepts of market research, quantitative and qualitative research, how to go about
gathering data, and the distinction between primary and secondary research. Learn about
online research communities, conducting research surveys and get to grips with the valuable
tools of the trade. Wrap things up with a chapter summary and a case study showing how
BrandsEye has developed with the market’s demands.
3.1 Introduction
The Internet is built for research. Whether it’s a consumer shopping around for
prices, a researcher exploring a topic or a fan looking up their favourite band, the
Internet makes finding and analysing information easier than ever before. That’s
because everything people do online leaves a data footprint.
This process can also work in reverse: brands can study who their customers are,
what they are interested in, how they feel about the brand, and the best times and
places to engage with them. This is what online market research is all about.
Term Definition
The number of people who view one page and then leave
Bounce rate
a website without viewing any other pages.
Observation/online When a researcher immerses themselves in a particular
ethnography environment in order to gather insights.
Really simple RSS allows you to receive updates without requiring you
syndication (RSS) to constantly visit web pages in your browser.
So, how can you keep your brand current and ensure you are meeting your
customers’ needs?
The answer is to conduct market research. Market research helps you make
informed business decisions. It involves systematically gathering, recording and
analysing data about customers, competitors and the market, and turning this
data into insight that can drive marketing strategies and campaigns.
Online market research is the process of using digital tools, data and connections
to glean valuable insights about a brand’s target audience. In other words, it’s
the process of learning about your audience by engaging and observing them
online. Technology plays a key role in gathering data and connecting with research
participants, and makes the whole process quicker and easier to manage than
traditional offline research methods.
Traditional and online market research have the same goals and underlying
principles, but online market research has the benefit of using digital technology,
which provides a range of benefits:
• The Internet is always on, meaning that data are readily available at any time.
• Many of the processes for finding, gathering and storing data can be
automated (for example, you can get an automatic email alert if someone
mentions your brand, or you can set up self-administered digital surveys).
• You have access to a large number of participants around the world at the
click of a button.
NOTE • A lot of the information you will use is already being automatically
Remember that collected (such as web analytics and social media data) – all you need to
comments made on do is access it.
social networks cannot
represent the views
of your entire target • People are often happy to share their own research, insights and
market. The validity methodologies online, so you can access this trove of resources to inform
of any data must be
considered in light of your own research.
your research design.
• Online market research can be much more cost effective and quick to set
up than traditional research techniques.
There are many reasons why you should conduct regular market research:
o Why potential customers might choose your brand over another one
If you are able to understand your customers and the greater business context, you
will be able to market more effectively to them, meet their needs better, and drive
more positive sentiment of your brand. All of this adds up to happier customers
and, ultimately, a healthier bottom line.
• Research methodology
• Sampling
4. Collect data
Most often, market research is focused around specific issues unique to a business
or brand. It is therefore not always possible to get hold of comparable information
to aid decision making. This is why it can be useful to start from a specific research
problem or hypothesis.
Your research question should guide your entire process, and will determine your
choice of data collection method (more on those later).
3.4.2 Primary and secondary research
The Internet is a useful tool when conducting both primary and secondary research.
Not only are there a number of free tools available when it comes to calculating
things such as sample size and confidence levels (see the section on Tools of the
trade for some examples), but it is also an ideal medium to reach large numbers
of people at a relatively low cost.
• The data can provide enough information to solve the problem at hand,
thereby negating the need for further research.
• Secondary data can provide sources for hypotheses that can be explored
through primary research.
Companies with online properties have access to a wealth of web analytics data
that are recorded digitally. These data can then be mined for insights. It’s worth
remembering, though, that it’s usually impossible for you to access the web
analytics data of competitors – so this method will give you information only about
your own customers.
Customer communications are also a source of data that can be used, particularly
communications with the customer service department. Committed customers
who complain, comment or compliment are providing information that can form
the foundation for researching customer satisfaction.
Social networks, blogs and other forms of social media have emerged as forums
where consumers discuss their likes and dislikes, and can be particularly vocal
about companies and products. These data can, and should, be tracked and
monitored to establish consumer sentiment. If a community is established for
research purposes, these should be considered primary data, but using social
media to research existing sentiments is considered secondary research.
The Internet is an ideal starting point for conducting secondary research based on
published data and findings. But with so much information out there, it can be a
daunting task to find reliable resources.
The first point of call for research online is usually a search engine, such as
www.google.com or www.yahoo.com. Search engines usually have an array of
advanced features, which can aid online research. For example, Google offers:
Many research publications are available online, some for free and some at a cost.
Many of the top research companies feature analyst blogs, which provide some
industry data and analysis free of charge.
• www.e-consultancy.com
• www.experian.com/hitwise
• www.nielsen.com
The Internet and primary research
Primary research involves gathering data for a specific research task. It is based
on data that has not been gathered beforehand. Primary research can be either
qualitative or quantitative.
Primary research can be used to explore a market and can help to develop the
hypotheses or research questions that must be answered by further research.
Generally, qualitative data is gathered at this stage. For example, online research
communities can be used to identify consumer needs that are not being met and to
brainstorm possible solutions. Further quantitative research can investigate what
proportion of consumers share these problems and which potential solutions best
meet those needs.
The Internet can be used to gather both qualitative and quantitative data. In fact,
the communities on the web can be viewed as large focus groups, regularly and
willingly sharing their opinions on products, markets and companies.
When both qualitative and quantitative research are used, qualitative research
usually takes place first to get an idea of the issues to be aware of, and then
quantitative research tests the theories put forward.
The main differences between quantitative and qualitative research are represented
in the following table.
Quantitative Qualitative
Data sources Surveys, web analytics data Focus groups, social media
Quantitative Qualitative
Purpose Tests known issues or Generates ideas and
hypotheses. concepts – leads to issues or
hypotheses to be tested.
Seeks consensus, the norm
Seeks complexity
Generalises data
Puts data in context
Web analytics packages are a prime source of data. Using data such as search NOTE
terms, referral URLs and internal search data can lead to qualitative information Read more about this
about the consumers visiting a website. However, when data is measurable and in the Data Analytics
specific, such as impressions and clickthrough rates, it leads to quantitative
3.4.4 Sampling
Because quantitative research aims to produce predictors for the total population,
sample size is very important. The sample size needs to be sufficient in order to
make statistically accurate observations about the population.
For example, if you have 4 000 registered users of your website, you don’t need to
survey all of them in order to understand how the entire population behaves. You
need to survey only 351 users to get a sample size that gives you a 95% confidence
level with a ±5% confidence interval. This means that you can be 95% sure your
results are accurate within ±5%.
There are several sample size calculators mentioned in the section on Tools of the
That all depends on a variety of factors, from your research question and purpose
to your budget and time. Here are some general pointers:
3.5.1 Surveys
Conducting surveys online allows for data to be captured immediately, and data
analysis can be performed easily and quickly. By using email or the Internet for
conducting surveys, geographical limitations for collecting data can be overcome
cost effectively.
You can run ongoing online surveys at minimal cost. Simple polls can be used in
forums and on blogs to generate regular feedback. Website satisfaction surveys
are also an easy way to determine the effectiveness of a website or marketing
Designing surveys
How you design a survey and its questions will directly impact on your success.
A survey can include any number and type of questions, and more complicated
questions should appear only once users are comfortable with the survey.
Be careful that you do not introduce bias when creating questions by asking
leading questions.
Replace with: What are your thoughts on the changes to the website?
In general, you will also find that you get more accurate answers when phrasing
questions in the past tense than in the continuous tense.
Replace with: In the past month, how many times did you buy take-away food?
Questions in the survey should be brief, easy to understand and easy to answer.
1. Open-ended
What features would you like to see on the website for the digital marketing
textbook (www.quirk.biz/digital marketingtextbook)?
2. Closed
What features of the digital marketing textbook website do you use? Tick all
that apply.
Case studies
Free downloads
Additional resources
3. Ranked or ordinal
Rate the features of the digital marketing textbook website, where 1 is the
most useful and 4 is the least useful.
Case studies
Free downloads
Additional resources
These types of questions can be used to quantify qualitative data. Respondents are
asked to rank behaviour or attitude.
Rate the features of the digital marketing textbook website according to the
following scale:
1 = love it, 2 = like it, 3 = no opinion, 4 = dislike it.
Case studies
Free downloads
Additional resources
Online focus groups are ideal for having frank, detailed conversations with people
who have an interest in your brand – this means they result in primary, qualitative
data. This information can then be used to create quantitative research questions.
Online focus groups can be conducted by using a range of technologies. The
simplest is to use a text-based messaging program or online forum – there
are many options available. More sophisticated tools allow for voice or video
conferencing, and can make it easier for the researcher to pick up clues form
the respondent’s voice and facial expressions. Some tools allow the researcher
to share their desktop screen with respondents in order to illustrate a concept or
• Skype: www.skype.com/en
• GoToMeeting: www.gotomeeting.com/fec
Focus groups are less formal than surveys: the researcher will have specific
questions to ask, but the conversation usually grows and develops organically as
participants discuss their impressions. Usually running for between one and two
hours, focus groups are used to get consumer views on:
• Ideas for how the brand could improve its position or branding.
Online focus groups are excellent for collecting a lot of qualitative data quickly.
When setting up the group, try to include enough participants to keep the
conversation alive, but not too many so that some get drowned out by others –
eight to ten is a good range. Also consider that you may run into technical troubles
if people are connecting from different locations and Internet connections – be
prepared to do some basic troubleshooting if this happens.
There are a number of different ways that you can recruit participants for an
online focus group. This could include inviting people from your existing customer
database, going through a traditional market research recruiting agent, or putting
a call out on your website or social media communities. It is common practice to
offer a small incentive to people who participate in a focus group, as it is a fairly
time-intensive activity.
Online tools allow a company to track mentions of itself, its staff, its products, its
industry and its competitors – or anything else that is relevant. This is called online
monitoring or online listening – you are simply using digital tools to find and tap
in to existing conversations. The tool then gathers and collates all the mentions it
finds, so that you can analyse the data for insights.
Typically, searches include the following main focus areas:
• Company
• Brand name
• Key products
• Industry
• Conferences
• Patents
• News
• Competitors
• Brand names
• Product launches
• Website updates
• Job vacancies
• Key people
There are four different types of searches you can perform to track relevant brand
keywords. Each modifies the specific type of data collected and aims to improve
the quality and depth of the data you gather.
• Broad match – e.g. Apple Computers. This is when any of or all words
must be found in the mention.
Combinations of these four types of searches (operators) can be used to improve
Applying this theory to the groupings above, some keywords used for Apple might be:
• “Apple computers”
• “www.apple.com”
• “Steve Jobs”
• “Consumer Electronics Show” +“Las Vegas”
• Microsoft
• www.microsoft.com
It is also important to track common misspellings, all related companies and all
related websites.
Tracking the names of people key to a company can highlight potential brand
attacks, or can demonstrate new areas of outreach for a company.
Brand names, employee names, product names and even competitor names are
not unique. To save yourself from monitoring too much, identify keywords that will
indicate that a post has nothing to do with your company, and exclude those in your
Google has several bespoke search services, and periodically adds more to the
list. With the services below, an RSS feed is available for the search (Google Alerts
sends weekly or daily emails with updates), so that all updates can be available
through a feed reader.
There are several search engines that focus solely on tracking blogs, news and
other social media, and can provide trends for searches. As well as providing
regular updates of new postings, these search engines can also provide an
overview over a certain period of time.
In addition to these mostly free tools, there are also a number of premium paid
tools available to make the process easier and more robust. See the section on
Tools of the trade for more suggestions.
accessed quickly and in one place, without the need to visit hundreds of websites. NOTE
Social media engagement is often the next step in keeping these customers Read more about this in
engaged. the Social Media Strategy
Personal interviews
There are various tools available to the online researcher for conducting personal
interviews, such as private chat rooms or video calling. The Internet can connect
a researcher with many people around the world and make it possible to conduct
interviews with more anonymity, should respondents require it.
Observation/Online ethnography
Taking its cue from offline ethnography, online ethnography requires researchers
to immerse themselves in a particular environment. In this way insights can be
gathered that might not have been attainable from a direct interview. However,
they do depend more heavily on the ethnographer’s interpretation, and are
therefore subjective.
Listening labs
When developing websites and online applications, usability testing is a vital
process that will ensure the website or application is able to meet consumers’
needs. Listening labs involve setting up a testing environment where a consumer
is observed using a website or application.
Conversion optimisation
Conversion optimisation aims to determine the factors of an advert, website or
web page that can be improved in order to convert customers more effectively.
From search adverts to email subject lines and shopping cart design, tests can be
set up to determine what variables are affecting the conversion rate.
NOTE The Conversion Optimisation chapter covers tools for running tests, such as A/B
Read more about
split testing and multivariate testing.
this in the Conversion
Optimisation chapter.
3.5.5 How to get responses: Incentives and assurances
As the researcher, you know what’s in it for you when sending out a survey: you
will receive valuable insights that will aid in making business decisions. But what
is in it for the respondents?
According to Survey Monkey, the ways in which the surveys are administered play
a role in response rates, and these can be relative:
Some researchers feel that monetary incentives are not always a good thing. Some
respondents may feel that they need to give ‘good’ or ‘correct’ answers that may
bias your results. Alternatively, you may attract respondents who are in it just for
the reward. One approach could be to run the survey with no incentive, with the
option of offering one if responses are limited.
Designing the survey to assure respondents of the minimal time commitment and
their privacy can also help to increase responses.
3.5.6 Room for error NOTE
Understanding the
limitations of your
With all research, there is a given amount of error to deal with. Bias may arise during research design is
surveys and focus groups (for example, interviewers leading the respondents) or crucial to delivering
useful results. If
be present in the design and wording of the questions themselves. There could decisions are to be made
be sample errors or respondent errors. Using the Internet to administer surveys based on the data you
supply, you must be sure
removes the bias that may arise from an interviewer. However, with no interviewer that your findings are
to explain questions, there is potential for greater respondent error. This is why valid.
survey design is so important, and why it is crucial to test and run pilots of the
survey before going live.
Respondent errors also arise when respondents become too familiar with the
survey process. The general industry standard is to limit respondents to being
interviewed once every six months.
Sample error is a fact of market research. Some people are just not interested,
nor will they ever be interested, in taking part in research. Are these people
fundamentally different from those who do? Is there a way of finding out? To some
extent, web analytics, which track the behaviour of all visitors to your website, can
be useful in determining this.
3.7 Tools of the trade
Creating and managing online surveys:
• SurveyMonkey: www.surveymonkey.com
• Wufoo: www.wufoo.com
• www.usereffect.com/split-test-calculator
• www.rogerwimmer.com/mmr/samplesizecalculator.htm
• www.internetworldstats.com
Google Think
• www.google.com/think
• www.silverbackapp.com
• www.instantafrica.com (SA)
• www.ideo.com/work/ideo-method-card-app
• BrandsEye: http://www.brandseye.com/
3.8 Advantages and challenges
Market researchers are increasingly turning to online tools in their research
processes. The Internet allows for research at a far lower cost; it can also more
easily cross geographic boundaries and can speed up the research process.
This is not to say there are not downsides. While the Internet makes it possible to
reach a far larger group of people without the cost of facilitators, this does come
with some challenges. For example, you cannot control the environments in which
information is being gathered. For an online sample, it’s important to focus on
getting the correct number of people to make your study statistically viable. If your
questions are not carefully drafted, confusing questions could lead to answers that
are flawed or not relevant. Additionally, online incentives could lead to answers
that are not truthful, meaning that the value of the data could be questionable.
The Rocking the Daisies music festival used online monitoring to measure return on investment
(ROI) for sponsors and unearthed accurate insights to create a better festival experience.
Rocking the Daisies is a South African-born music festival that takes place every October in Darling
in the Western Cape. For festival organisers, measuring the success of the event is crucial to the
planning process for the next one. They ask questions such as: ‘How do we prove that the event is
increasing in popularity?’, and ‘How do we prove that this year’s festival is more successful than
last year’s?’
The problem is that measurement of sponsored events is challenging, as attendees are often
unwilling to interrupt their experience to respond to research questionnaires, and research
conducted after the experience loses its impetus and accuracy.
3.9.3 The solution
Enter BrandsEye, an online monitoring tool that captures organic conversations in real time
across multiple online platforms, offering insight for both organisers and sponsors. BrandsEye
also offers a range of metrics used to track festival performance.
For two consecutive years, event organisers have used BrandsEye to track online conversation
before, during and after the festival. As a result, they can understand the festival audience’s needs
and preferences, garner insights in order to answer the most pressing questions around the
festival’s success, identify new commercial opportunities, and assist in assessing ROI for sponsors.
For a festival this large, online conversation across social media, blogs, forums, press and various
other platforms begins six months (or more) before the event. For the 2012 festival, BrandsEye
began its tracking around May, and slowly watched the volumes of online conversation increase
as the festival approached.
All data collected during the period was processed and displayed on BrandsEye’s customised
measurement dashboards, which automatically updated in real time. Additionally, users could
apply filters to explore the data and mine them for insights.
2011 2012
Volume of conversation 7 748 14 979
Positive 25.7% 20.6%
* The amount which would be spent on online advertising for the same exposure.
The overall sentiment towards the Rocking the Daisies festival in both years was overwhelmingly
positive. Although the share of positive conversation didn’t increase in 2012, the percentage
in relation to the volume increase was still significant. Furthermore, the share of negative
conversation in 2012 noticeably decreased, with a corresponding increase in neutral conversation.
Total Mentions
Mon 01
Mon 07
Mon 14
Mon 21
Mon 23
Jun 01
Mon 04
Mon 11
Mon 18
Mon 25
Jul 01
Mon 02
Mon 09
Mon 16
Mon 23
Mon 30
Aug 01
Mon 06
Mon 13
Mon 20
Mon 27
Sep 01
Mon 03
Mon 03
Mon 17
Mon 24
Oct 01
Mon 08
Mon 15
Mon 22
Mon 29
Figure 2. Between 1 May and 22 October 2012, Rocking the Daisies was mentioned 14 979 times
Predictably, 50% of the total online conversation took place over the festival weekend (4 to 7
October 2012). A more interesting question is: what caused the spike in conversation on June 28?
By inputting the date range (28 June) into BrandsEye’s filters, Rocking the Daisies organisers saw
that their announcement of an international band headlining the festival caused huge excitement
among consumers.
In 2011, the top themes of conversation had revolved around the party atmosphere of the festival,
being away and camping for the weekend, and tickets – prices, purchasing and being sold out. In
2012, the same conversation themes were evident; however, Bloc Party was a notable addition.
Figure 4. A word cloud depicting themes in the conversation around the festival.
In fact, online conversation on 28 June alone created 3 098 545 opportunities to see (OTS). OTS is
the number of potential views made possible by the total number of online mentions. The same
amount of paid media coverage would have cost R707 284.
‘Tickets’ were another top theme of online conversation. This was split between excitement about
purchasing them, and disappointment at not buying tickets before they sold out. Additionally,
people in other areas of the country expressed disappointment at being unable to attend it.
BrandsEye also picked up all blogger communications regarding ticket giveaways, which gave
consumers one last chance to get tickets for the festival.
BrandsEye’s data illustrated that 79.1% of online conversation took place on Twitter and 15.1%
on Facebook, with various other platforms taking up small percentages as well. Of this, 4.3% of
online conversation came from press sources.
Volume Category
80% 76.9%
20% 16.8%
79.1% 0% 0
twitter.com www.facebook.com www.bizcommunity.com http://twitter.com
Figure 7. A graph depicting the spread of conversation across platforms and press sources.
The high level of Interest from the press demonstrates the popularity of the event. When it comes
to proving a return on investment (ROI) to sponsors, Rocking the Daisies was able to monitor
usage of the sponsor names in connection with the festival. BrandsEye tracked these keywords
and was able to rank the sponsors by who was mentioned most frequently online.
The most frequently mentioned sponsors were the ones whose names were displayed on a stage.
Furthermore, sponsors with favourable branding and signage gained additional exposure through
online conversation.
Lastly, certain conversation trends have enabled organisers to identify opportunities for specialist
sponsors based on attendees’ complaints and desires. At future events, sponsorship deals with
car wash products and flu remedies (for example) could simultaneously benefit concertgoers,
organisers and sponsors.
Based on these insights, BrandsEye could offer Rocking the Daisies three valuable
1. Since the response was so large and positive, Rocking the Daisies should plan to
introduce more international content at future festivals, based on the hype it creates.
2. Because of the high demand and buzz around tickets, Rocking the Daisies organisers
could substantiate an increase in sponsorship and ticket fees in the long term.
3. Since branded stages in particular provided a higher ROI, organisers could increase
the costs of sponsorship packages or facilitate bidding for these positions, thereby
increasing sponsorship revenue accordingly.
Overall, an online monitoring and insights tool such as BrandsEye is valuable for making
appropriate business decisions based on real insights. This allows organisers to begin planning
the next festival with confidence knowing that:
Market research will define the content you create in your content marketing strategy, which
naturally affects channels like email marketing, web writing, SEO and online advertising. It helps
you find your audiences on social channels by indicating where they spend most of their time,
and how they like interacting with your brand. It also helps you meet their needs by defining the
touchpoints they expect from your brand, especially when it comes to creating web and mobile
The more data you can gather about your audience, the better you will be able to optimise and
improve your marketing efforts: market research is an excellent supplement to the quantitative
data you can gather through data analytics.
3.10 Summary
Market research means gathering and analysing data in order to gain consumer insights,
understand a market and make business decisions. Information can be gathered about customers,
competitors and the market.
Research can be conducted based on secondary data, which refers to information or data that is
already published, or based on primary data, which is data gathered specifically for a particular
research problem.
Research can also be qualitative or quantitative. The Internet provides the tools for gathering
qualitative data, while online tools such as surveys and web analytics packages are ideal for
gathering quantitative data.
Surveys, online focus groups and online monitoring are three excellent ways to conduct research
Analytics and online report tools play a big role in providing data. While these are digital marketing
tactics in themselves and are covered later in this book, keep in mind that they also provide
information that can feed into research conducted for a particular purpose.
2. How can the festival organisers take what they’ve learned to make changes? Suggest
some ideas.
3. What role does online research play in the overall market research toolkit?
3.14 References
Brand Graphics., (2013) Ipad hangout landscape. [Online image]
Available at: http://timothybrand.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/03_ipad-hangout_landscape.png
[Accessed 30 September 2013].
BrandsEye., (2013) Rocking The Daisies, Cape Town.
Flacy, M., (2012) Google + Users can now use hangouts on iPhone, iPad. [Online]
Available at: http://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/google-users-can-now-use-hangouts-on-
[Accessed 30 August 2013].
Flacy, M. [2012] Google + Users can now use hangouts on iPhone, iPad [online]
[Accessed 30 August 2013].
04 Content
What’s inside: This chapter look at brands as publishers who need to understand
those for whom they are producing content. Content marketing strategy is explained and
situated within the greater marketing mix. Organisational and conceptual requirements are
considered in line with your overall marketing strategy.
4.1 Introduction
While the phrase ‘content is king’ has been referenced for some time, it is only in the
recent few years that Content Marketing Strategy has been solidified into a discipline
of its own. Defining content marketing strategy can be tricky, however, with some
practitioners focusing more on the role it plays in information architecture and
others believing that it should be considered on a campaign by campaign basis. This
chapter looks at content marketing strategy from a holistic perspective, as a process
that includes an understanding of all the content your brand is creating, those for
whom it is intended, and to what purpose. There is a need to understand the brand
and consumer context and match these to the best route to customer (in terms of
tactics). Ultimately this supports the design of communication that impacts people
enough to make them want to share the content on.
• To understand the role of content marketing strategy within your marketing plan
• To be familiar with the steps involved in developing your content marketing
• To recognise some models for understanding how types of content are
absorbed or experienced by your target audience.
Term Definition
An algorithm is a mathematical, computational or statistical
method pre-determined to take a number of variables into
account and output a single, quantifiable result that is a function
of all the variables. A good example of a commonly used
algorithm is the one used by Google to determine which pages
rank more highly on SERPs.
Information The way data and content are organised, structured and labelled
architecture to support usability.
4.3 Defining Content marketing
Content marketing is an umbrella term, one which focuses on matching content
(information or entertainment) to your customer needs at whichever stage they are
in the buying cycle or customer journey. Unlike TV, where the advertiser pushes
messages to a captive audience, the focus is on engaging content, which means
that marketers must think like publishers (attracting an audience) rather than
seeing themselves as advertisers (buying an audience) of a product. The Internet
has, in many respects, cut out the middle man. Consumers and brands can now
connect directly through a number of easily accessible online platforms.
This definition applies to all the spaces in which you share content – your website,
campaigns and competitions, a company blog or the social media space – as well
as the way in which that information is shared.
Kristina Halvorson suggests the model illustrated below for approaching the
different areas of content marketing strategy.
Substance Workflow
Structure Governance
Content components
People components
As you can see in the above discussion, Halvorson suggests that one consider
the bigger picture of content creation rather than just the product which is the
end result. Content marketing looks at staff, tools, processes and outcomes. The
end goal for these processes is, as outlined in the Content Marketing Institute
definition, the delivery of a “profitable customer action”. All content should be
created with a strategic outcome in mind.
The brand essence is a sentence which sums up the unique attributes of a brand
and the basis for its emotional connection with customers. Your brand essence
should assist in defining a tone of voice for your brand and the style in which it
engages with its customers. The brand essence can be a useful guide for ensuring
that the content you create (and your marketing activity) represents the brand
appropriately. Some relate this to your brand story. What is your reason for being,
and how do you connect that with the interests of your customers?
Will it Blend? is a video series by Blendtec which builds on this principle. Blendtec
produce industrial blenders. Their value proposition is that they can blend anything,
and their very popular videos demonstrate this.
Figure 2. Blendtec produce a series of entertaining videos focused on blending
objects discussed in popular culture, such as iPhones.
(Source: Blendtec, n.d.)
The sweet spot for content marketing lies in an intercept between the marketing
goals of a brand, the brand personality as it guides and differentiates that brand in
the marketplace, and the consumer motivation for paying any attention to a brand
at all. One device that is used in addressing consumer needs is the development
of a consumer persona.
A persona is a profile that a writer creates to embody the characteristics of the NOTE
target audience for whom he or she is writing. Read more about this
in the Writing for Digital
Personas are based on the profile of users of your content. Creating a profile is all chapter.
about considering the characteristics of your readers and their needs and desires.
It’s important to focus on the motivations of the persona that you may create,
rather than exterior signifiers that lead to the creation of a stereotype. The
persona assists you in segmenting and understanding your target market and is a
framework through which you can guide any content that you create.
Linked to the brand identity are certain themes, which could also be called content
pillars. These are areas of focus that support the creation of content that match
to a consumer’s interest. These themes must be true to the brand essence, not
focused directly on sales, and should also speak to the interests of the audience.
Pillar POV Execution
Figure 3. Content pillars can be considered in line with the brand’s essence, and
then situated within the context of the reader.
For Coca-Cola, for example, consumer interests filtered through the brand
essence of ‘Coke brings joy’ could result in the following pillars:
• Friendship
• Sharing is caring
• Spreading smiles.
These pillars are then used as the basis on which to develop content ideas.
In the above tweet, we can see how a particular content pillar was translated
into a question that is focused on relationships and family. It also encourages
engagement from the audience by asking for their input.
Another example which demonstrates this is how Corona brought their brand
essence to life through an interactive documentary. The documentary depicted the
first encounter that people from Bulin in China, 7 500km from the coast, had with
the beach. You can view it here: http://www.coronaextra.eu.
Figure 5. Corona created an interactive documentary that tied their brand essence
to a powerful human story (http://www.coronaextra.eu/china/).
Awareness Purchase
Competitions Celebrity
Widgets Endorsements
Branded Videos Reviews
Infographics Demo Case Studies
Press Releases
Checklist Data Sheet
As discussed in the Digital Marketing Strategy chapter, determining your objectives
is an essential part of your marketing planning, and should feed into your content
marketing strategy. Understanding the journey your consumers go through as
they approach your ultimate sales goal will enable you to match content formats
to their needs. A humorous video may be successful in initially making potential
customers aware of your brand. Once you have their attention, however, a research
paper or useful case study could be more effective in convincing them that you are
the best choice in the market.
Figure 7. ‘The New York Times’ is a media brand that has embraced interactive
media features for presenting complex news stories. (Source: The New York Times)
The New York Times also often publishes infographics that demonstrate this
principle powerfully.
1 Section Page URL Description Keep/Edit/Delete Notes
2 About Us
Vision about-us/ Company vision statement, Edit, add info from Mission
3 vision drawn from main brochure page, add annual reports.
(now outdated)
Mission about-us/ Company value statements. Delete
mission Seems to replicate Vision
4 page. Includes links to annual
reports (PDFs)
The team about-us/ Lists bios of key staff Edit: update bios, edit to Second most-
team members. Missing some staff, make more consistent. visited page in
5 other bios 3-5 years out of Add email addresses. section.
date, some bios very brief,
some very long.
Contact about-us/ Contact details: physical, Update with Google map. Most visited
6 details contact phone, email. Includes Operational hours needs page in section
operational hour info. more prominence.
News about-us/ News items, currently divided Keep, but suggest deleting
news into press releases; news; most old articles &
7 announcements; ‘from the removing categories.
boss’. 32 items over 3 years.
Events about-us/ Mixture of business and Delete. Suggest publishing
event external events. No events event info as news items &
8 loaded this year. 13 events promoting on homepage.
over past 3 years.
While you can either thoroughly immerse yourself in this process or attempt to get
a more time-efficient overview, the goal is to map what is currently on offer with
what is necessary in mind. It is important not just to understand what you have, but
also how it is currently organised and accessed by your audience.
Many practitioners suggest the use of a spreadsheet to achieve this. Content can
be found to be either mismatched to the goals of the organisation, or spot on. Most
importantly, you can establish what is missing. Are your customer needs being
addressed? Where do the opportunities lie?
4.5 Content creation
4.5.1 Learning from publishers
The term brand as publisher refers to repositioning the function of the marketer
or brand manager. Rather than focusing on the immediate sale or conversion, a
publisher focuses on value and interest for the reader, and building a relationship
based on supplying information or entertainment that suits the customer’s needs.
Makeup.com by L’Oreal is an oft-cited example of a brand publishing useful tips
and content that does not link to a product or sales directly, but demonstrates how
the brand can give consumers the lifestyle they desire.
Some organisations opt to have a central role for someone who oversees content;
others build in-house departments. Whether you are outsourcing to a publishing
house, or training a team in house, the decision must be made and planned for so
that workflow can be mapped in order to facilitate your strategic needs.
Given that a large part of the global population is constantly engaging with content
via various digital devices and platforms, it is necessary to consider content
creation in terms of not only short campaign bursts, but ongoing delivery and
engagement. Consider the illustration below.
Content Frequency // An ‘Always On’ approach
Campaign/ Campaign/
Activation Activation
t ra teg
en tS
C ont s
a y s on o n ship
Alw a ti
Figure 10. ‘The Dewarists’ was a TV show sponsored by alcohol brand, Dewars.
Flow content has a lower production value and a quicker production and publishing
time frame. Images depicting what is going on at a business on any given day, for
example, freshly baked goods at a bakery, can be placed in this category.
Figure 11. Cake Boss posts images depicting their preparations on their
Facebook page.
Both types of content should be considered for balancing out a content strategy.
4.6 Content channel distribution
4.6.1 Algorithmic curation
Algorithmic curation is a term that refers to the algorithms platforms have created
for dealing with information overload. Various platforms, like Facebook and the
search engine Google, use algorithms to filter out the amount of information that
is delivered to users. Each algorithm will use a number of factors to determine
what is actually relevant and interesting to the person doing a search, or looking
at their news feed. One of the factors that influences whether a piece of content is
considered relevant is how much an individual engages with the brand’s presence
on that platform over time. Posts shared by a Facebook page, for example, may
reach only users who have previously engaged with posts from that page through
commenting or liking. It is therefore important to create content that encourages
engagement and sharing.
• Content calendars
Content calendars assist the content marketer in planning the content
they will be sharing, across which platforms, and when. The more
advance planning is undertaken, the easier it is to react quickly to tactical
• Workflow map
A workflow map documents the path a piece of content takes when it is
created. What are the steps in approval, how is it optimised for digital
publishing, who has final sign off? Is it a duplicate of existing content, and
where else can it be used? A workflow map assists you in streamlining
this process.
Does the copy
already exist?
Publisher No
Advise on copy
edits (if necessary)
Legal dept
Marketing dept
Figure 12. An example of a workflow map for an article. (Adapted from: Ingserv)
One of the more powerful benefits, however, is that you can learn a lot about your
target consumer through the content with which they do or do not engage. The
more targeted and ongoing your content, the more data you can gather about how
effectively you are reaching those you need to.
One of the great challenges in content marketing is providing content that is truly
interesting and engaging to the right people – the right mix of subject matter and
brand. Matching content to the required outcome for your strategic purposes takes
dedication and focus. In the context of ongoing content production, it can also be a
challenge to maintain levels of quality over time, which is why process and quality
assurance steps must be put in place. Consider that the goal is not to create as
much content as possible, rather it is to focus on relevance and content that matches
strategic outcomes.
Coca-Cola decided that it needed to harness the power of content marketing in order to engage
‘Liquid’ embodies the notion that our networked and connected world enables ideas to spread
rapidly – liquid ideas are those that capture the imagination and cannot be controlled once they
are put out in the world.
While liquid ideas are creative, they are grounded in a linked strategy. ‘Linked’ makes sure that
ideas are always centred on the core brand story and experience – in other words, liquid ideas
must reflect positively on the Coca-Cola brand. It also means that all the brand channels should
be coherent and unified.
4.9.4 The outcome
Rather than focusing on traditional advertising, Coca-Cola has thrown its weight behind a global
content strategy to meet its rather ambitious goals. It identified that audiences are now largely in
control of the brand, and that it is more important to have an open conversation with them than to
broadcast advertising at them.
1. Storytelling: As part of the liquid principle, Coca-Cola has recognised the power of
storytelling. Stories create an emotional connection, connect people and spread ideas,
which leads to conversations. In dynamic storytelling, a brand idea is released to the
audience and picked up in various conversations and channels. One of Coca-Cola’s key
brand stories is ‘living positively’ and showing how the brand makes the world a better
place. This content idea also forms part of the company values, showing the importance of
aligning business and content objectives. Each sub-brand has a big-picture content plan
that outlines key elements of the story and how they will be disseminated.
3. Unified brand experience: Finally, Coca-Cola puts a lot of emphasis on creating a unified,
coherent and accessible brand experience. While there are many stories to be told about
the brand, it is still necessary to filter and edit these to ensure that they speak to the
brand’s key values. By focusing on content excellence, Coca-Cola is creating value and
engagement, not merely noise. Maintaining this means that the brand must communicate
effectively with staff around the world.
In keeping with the ‘linked’ principle, these ideas will always be linked to business data and
business objectives to solve problems (TheCognitiveMedia, n.d.).
Content on the web will spread regardless of whether a brand is involved or not – but Coca-Cola
has picked up that they can steer the story themselves. By engaging proactively, building powerful,
viral brand stories and giving consumers some control over how the brand is expressed, they are
able to steer the conversation to their benefit – this is the true power of content marketing.
4.10 The bigger picture
Content is a significant component of many digital marketing disciplines. When creating content,
you should always keep the principles of writing for the web in mind.
• Email marketing relies on great content – since most people suffer from email fatigue, they
will only stop to read emails that they know are of high quality and that provide excellent
• Social media marketing also depends on sharing relevant and valuable content with social
fans. While your brand promise may get them to your social page, your ongoing stream of
quality content will encourage them to interact and share, spreading the word about your
• Search engine optimisation is strongly influenced by the quality, frequency and value of
content. Not only will search engines favour your site, but others will choose to link in to your
content, creating a valuable referrer for your brand.
• Video marketing is a whole new approach to content, in which you create dynamic and
shareable videos specifically tailored to the interests and needs of your audience.
• Mobile marketing also requires that you consider the unique requirements of your audiences
across a series of devices. If you understand the role that each device plays in a user’s life and
buying cycle, you can tailor content to optimally address their needs.
4.11 Summary
Content marketing presents a pull mechanism for the marketer rather than a push one. Brands
must consider their brand identity and the market they are trying to reach in order to create
targeted and valuable brand content that delivers on strategic objectives.
It’s about more than creating a piece of content – content marketing strategy looks at how you
structure your organisation to create that content, and how you match specific types of content and
methods of delivery for achieving strategic outcomes.
These ideas need to resonate with people rather than simply existing across an array of media
with which they are presented.
3. What do you think about the content audit? Is it a process you would undertake?
4.13 Chapter questions
1. What is content marketing strategy?
2. Why is the customer journey or buying cycle relevant to content marketing strategy?
3. How do you decide what new forms of content your brand needs?
4.15 References
Blendtec, n.d. Will it Blend?. [Online image]
Available at: http://willitblend.com/
[Accessed 1 October 2013].
Halvorson, K., 2010. Core strategy diagram by Brian Traffic. [Online image]
Available at: http://conversationagent.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341c03bb53ef0147e077f98a970b-320wi
[Accessed 30 September 2013].
Halvorson, K., 2010. Kristina Halvorson, Content Strategy on Conversation Agent. [Online]
Available at: http://www.conversationagent.com/2010/12/kristina-halvorson-content-strategy.html
[Accessed 12 August 2013].
Liubarets, T., 2013, Is Your Website in Dire Need of a Content Audit? [Online]
Available at: http://writtent.com/blog/is-your-website-in-dire-need-of-a-content-audit/
[Accessed 7 October 2013].
O’Brien, J., (2012) How Red Bull Takes Content Marketing to the Extreme on Mashable
Available at: http://mashable.com/2012/12/19/red-bull-content-marketing/
[Accessed 12 August 2013].
Part 2
Introduction to Create
Research, planning and strategy lay the foundation for building successful digital
assets – such as websites, mobile sites, web and social media applications, videos
and even simple landing pages. In the next few chapters, we detail how to create
some of these digital assets.
One of the biggest challenges is creating assets that make the most of rapidly
evolving technology, while remaining accessible to the range of users in your
market. In writing these chapters, we faced a similar challenge: technology is
constantly in flux. Because of this, we have focused on principles for success.
Creating digital assets is not a solitary job. There are many different teams of
experts who work together to create something that will delight users. So, it
stands to reason that there are many aspects to consider when looking at creating
digital assets.
This is a book aimed at marketers, rather than developers and designers, but it is
important that you also understand the opportunities and challenges of the web.
This is a vast subject, but hopefully the next few chapters will leave you feeling
equipped to ask the right questions when relying on others to get the job done
for you.
05 User
What’s inside: An introduction to the world of User Experience (UX), and some key
terms and concepts you need to understand. This is followed by a breakdown of the key UX
principles you should always keep in mind, and some special considerations for mobile UX.
From there, we take you on a step-by-step journey to implementing a UX project, including
substantial guidelines on testing and optimising the results of your UX design process.
5.1 Introduction
Have you ever visited a website that was just plain confusing, with broken links,
unintuitive navigation and long, rambling text? Or, conversely, have you had a web
experience that just worked, where everything was clear, easy and even enjoyable
to use? If so, you’ve encountered the extremes of user experience design. Excellent
UX can delight and convert customers. Conversely, bad UX can lead to lost revenue
and less chance of repeat visitors.
Term Definition
The content that appears on a screen without a user
Above the fold
having to scroll.
A common rule or tried-and-tested way in which
something is done.
5.3 Understanding UX design
User experience (UX) can be defined as all the experiences (physical, sensory,
emotional and mental) that a person has when interacting with a digital tool.
User experience (UX) is the overall satisfaction a user gets from interacting
with a product or digital tool.
User-centred design (UCD) is the design philosophy that prioritises the user’s
needs and wants above all else, and places the user at the centre of the entire
experience. This often entails research and testing with real users of the site or
User interface (UI) is the user-facing part of the tool or platform – the part of the
actual website, application or tool that the user interacts with.
Usability means how user friendly, efficient and slick the digital product is.
NOTE 1. Functional UX. This covers the elements of the user experience that
User experience design relate to actually using the tool – such as working technical elements,
roles differ in the navigation, search and links.
skills needed and the
functions performed.
Try this UX job title 2. Creative UX. This is the bigger, harder-to-define impression created
generator for a bit of by the tool – the so-called ‘wow’ factor that covers visual and creative
fun: aaronweyenberg.
com/uxgenerator elements.
• Desirability – do I want to use it? Is it a pleasant experience, or do I dread
logging in?
• Usability – is it easy to use? Are the tools I need intuitive and easy to find?
• Usefulness – does it add value to me? Will I get something out of the time
I spend interacting with it?
There are some real, tangible benefits to applying UX design to digital marketing
Good UX research and design allows you to find the best solution for your needs.
Every business, website and online service is unique in some way, which means
that the way it is set up must be unique too.
Amazon’s $300 million button is perhaps the most dramatic example of how a
simple UX fix can impact the business. Amazon managed to gain an extra $300
million worth of sales simply by changing their ‘Register’ button to one that
read ‘Continue’ instead. The number of customers increased by 45% because
they no longer felt they needed to go through an onerous registration process
simply to fulfil a basic shopping action. In fact, nothing else about the purchase
process had been changed!
Every marketer knows that the ideal customer is a happy customer. People who
love the experience you give them will become loyal clients, and possibly even
brand evangelists – people who will sing your praises far and wide.
Applying UX principles means that you can get your digital tools working earlier,
with much better functionality, at a lower cost. This is because you can cut out
features and elements that you simply don’t need, and focus on the core user
experience. This optimised development process leads, in turn, to sites that are
easier and cheaper to maintain, upgrade and support across multiple platforms.
5.4 Core principles of UX design
5.4.1 User-centric design
While this may seem like the most obvious point, it’s surprising how often the
user is forgotten in the user experience. Business owners, marketers and web
developers frequently focus on creating the web platforms they want and think are
best, instead of really interrogating what the user needs. Often, the performance
of web assets is compromised when the design process is driven only by internal
business needs (for instance, ensuring that each department in the company has
a space that it controls on the home page) at the expense of what the user needs.
When designing for the user, you need to ask the following questions:
• What are the user’s wants and needs from your platform?
• What are the user’s capabilities, web skills and available technology?
• What features would make the user’s experience easier and better?
NOTE The answers to these questions will come out of user research, as discussed in the
Market Research chapter earlier in this book.
Read more about this
in the Market Research
Figure 1. It’s essential to give users exactly what they need. (Source: XKCD.com)
Of course, many users may not know exactly what their wants and needs are! It
is the UX practitioner’s job to discover these through research and interpret them
in the best way possible. Keep Henry Ford’s famous quote in mind here: “If I had
asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”
• The logo in the top left hand corner, which is linked to take the user back NOTE
to the home page Can you think of any
other web conventions?
• Search boxes placed at the top of the page, using standard wording such How have these evolved
as ‘search’, or a magnifying glass icon. over time, and how
important is it to stick
to the rules?
Ensure that all website elements (such as menus, logos, colours and layout) are
distinct, easy to find and kept consistent throughout the site.
There are some key ‘don’ts’ when it comes to building a user-friendly and usable
• Don’t use entry or splash pages (a page that site visitors encounter first
before reaching the home page).
• Never build a site entirely in Flash – most search engine spiders cannot
effectively trawl Flash sites, and these will not work on many mobile
It’s useful to consider usability guidelines to ensure that your website is on track.
MIT Information Services & Technology provides a usability checklist online at
5.4.3 Simplicity
In UX projects, the simpler option is almost always the better, more user-friendly
one. Though your service or product may be complex, that doesn’t mean your
customer-facing web portals need to be. In fact, it’s important to remember that
most customers want only the most basic information from you, such as “What is
this?” and “How does it work?”
Figure 2. The Harvest website has a clean, simple and inviting design.
5.4.4 Credibility
Credibility means how trustworthy and legitimate something looks, and is a big
consideration for web users when deciding to use your website or not. Here are
some of the cues that visitors use to determine the credibility of a website:
• Informative and personal ‘about us’ – your customers want to see the
inner workings of a company and are especially interested in learning
more about the head honchos. Consider including employee pictures
and profiles to add personality to the site.
• Logos of associations and awards – if you belong to any relevant
industry associations or have won any awards, feature them. Not only
does this go a long way towards establishing your credibility, but it will
show that you’re at the top of your game, a notch above the competition.
5.5 Mobile UX
Mobile should not be an afterthought, in UX or any other digital endeavour – it NOTE
should be prioritised in strategy, design and implementation. The ‘mobile first’ Another concept to
movement supports this notion, and aims to create mobile user experiences first, consider here is ‘content
first’. This is the notion
and then adapt these for the web (instead of the other way around). Designing that you should decide
this way has many advantages, since the principles of good mobile UX works just which content to provide
on your site, depending
as well on full sites – simple designs, linear interfaces and clear buttons and on whether someone is
features. Mobile first also focuses you on deciding which content is most essential. viewing it from a mobile
device or a desktop
computer, and then
5.5.1 Mobile devices adapt the layout and
material to that device.
The thread uniting these
One of the biggest challenges to mobile UX, and indeed any venture involving different approaches
is a desire to place the
mobile, is the sheer number of different device categories and models available
user’s needs at the
– one estimate puts the number of mobile phone handset models at over 6300, centre of the design.
running over 20 distinct operating systems (CEM4Mobile, 2011).
Broadly speaking, there are five main categories that mobile devices can fall into.
• Dumb or basic phones offer no Internet access, just basic call and SMS
• Feature phones are rudimentary mobile phones that can perform basic
communication functions, and possibly connect to the web, but have
limited functionality.
• Smartphones are powerful mini-computers that have full web access,
larger screens, and a wide range of functionality.
• Time conscious. There are two aspects to this. On the one hand, mobile
users are often looking for urgent or time-sensitive information (such
as the address of the restaurant they are looking for), so answers
NOTE should be available as quickly as possible. On the other hand, the
Some mobile users mobile device is also frequently used to kill time or as a source of
use their phones for
browsing in a similar entertainment (reading articles on the couch, or playing games while
way one would use a waiting in a queue), so content is also crucial. User research will tell
desktop computer. How
you which of these groups your users fall and how you need to structure
does your audience use
their devices? your site accordingly.
• Search dominant. Even users who know what they are looking for tend
to navigate there via search (for example, typing the brand name into
Google) rather than accessing the page from a bookmark or typing the
URL directly into the browser bar.
• Locally focused. 50% of all mobile searches in 2012 were for local
information (Sterling, 2012). Since mobile phones are always carried,
users turn to them to find information on things in their surroundings –
from local businesses to more detail on a product they have just seen.
Figure 4. Reasons why people conduct mobile searches. (Source: Sterling, 2012)
• Small screens. Even the largest smartphones are screens many times
smaller than a standard laptop (and tablets fall somewhere between
the two). This, quite simply, means that the user has a much smaller
window through which to perceive and understand the website, so
it’s difficult to get an overall impression of where things are or what’s
5.5.4 Universal mobile UX principles
As will be discussed in the Web Development and Design chapter, there are three
main approaches to creating mobile-accessible content:
Read more about this
in the Web Development
and Design chapter. 1. Mobile websites (called mobi sites)
Whether you’re designing a mobi website, an app or a nifty responsive site, there
are some principles you should always keep in mind:
• Simplify. Show information only when it’s needed. While you should
ensure that the mobile asset provides all the same information as
the desktop equivalent, this doesn’t need to be presented in the same
format or volume.
• Reduce loading time. Try to keep content and actions on the same page,
as this ensures better performance as there are fewer page loads.
• Give feedback. Ensure that it is clear when the user performs an action.
This can be achieved through animations and other visual cues.
NOTE • Predict what your user wants. Include functionality such as auto-
Mobile users generally complete or predictive text. Remove as much manual input as possible
prefer to scroll in one to streamline users’ experience.
5.6.1. Conduct research and discovery
Step one involves conducting detailed research on the business, the users, and the NOTE
technology involved. This is covered fully in the chapter Market Research, which
Read more about this
includes user research. Doing this lets UX practitioners know exactly what they in the Market Research
need to do to address the needs of the business and audience. This will generate a chapter.
IA operates on both the micro and the macro level – it covers everything from
the way individual pages are laid out (where the navigation and headings are, for
example) to the way entire websites are put together.
Most websites have a hierarchical structure, which means there are broad,
important pages at the top, and narrower, more specific and less important pages
further down. Hierarchical structures can either be very broad and shallow (many
main sections with few lower pages) or very narrow and deep (with few main
sections and many pages below). It’s up to the UX practitioner to find the right
balance of breadth and depth.
Content or
submenu pages
Figure 5. A broad, shallow hierarchy on the left, and a narrow, deep hierarchy on the
right. (Source: Lynch and Horton)
5.6.3. Analyse content
If you’re working on a website that already exists, it will be populated with a wide
variety of content. In this case, you need to perform a content audit, which is an
examination and evaluation of the existing material.
NOTE If the website is new – or if you plan to add new content to an existing website – you
need to put together a content strategy. This is a plan that outlines what content is
Read more about this in
the Content Marketing needed and when and how it will be created. There’s no single template or model
Strategy chapter. for this – every content strategy will be unique.
The content strategy is largely the responsibility of the strategy, copy and concept
teams, but the UX practitioner needs to get involved in a few key roles. The points
that UX needs to address are:
• What the site should achieve. Naturally, the content should work
towards achieving the site’s and business’ objectives.
• What the user wants and needs. By conducting thorough user research
you should be able to answer this question. Provide only content that
will add real value to the user.
NOTE • The tone and language used. You need to give thought here to the tone
Don’t forget SEO. There (fun, light, serious, and so on), register (formal or informal) and style
are lots of ways in you will use across your content. Make sure this is consistent across
which a website can be
optimised during the
text, images, videos and other content types.
UX planning process
– have a look at the
SEO chapter for some
guidelines on what to
Principles of creating content
include. There are three key points you should consider here.
1. Structure
Content needs to be written so that users can find the information they need as
quickly as possible. The chapter on Writing for Digital will cover this in more detail.
Copy can be made more easily readable by:
2. Hierarchy
On the page, use an inverted pyramid style for your copy. The important information
should be at the top of the page, to make for easy scanning. The heading comes
first, the largest and boldest type on the page. The subheading or blurb follows
this, and then the content is presented in a descending scale of importance.
3. Relevance
Above all, the content on the page must be relevant to the user and the purpose of
the page itself. If a user clicks to read about a product but ends up on a page with
content about the company, their experience is going to be tarnished.
Financial Investment
Stats Calculator
To create the visuals for your sitemap, you can follow this process.
1. Start by defining your home page – this should be the top item in the
4. Continue adding pages below this until you have placed all your content.
Make sure that every page is accessible from at least one other page – it
may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how often this is overlooked!
The term ‘sitemap’ can have two meanings. One is the way it’s defined above –
the structural plan of the website. The other is a page on your website that lists
all the pages available in a logical and accessible way. An example is the Apple
website’s sitemap: www.apple.com/sitemap. This sitemap should be available
from every page. Dynamic sitemaps can be employed so that the sitemap is
updated automatically as information is added to the website. Different sitemaps
exist for different purposes, so investigate what your users would find most useful.
1. Where am I?
Navigation should let the users know where they are in the site. Breadcrumb links,
clear page titles, URLs and menu changes all help to show the user where he or
she is. The larger your site is and the more levels it has, the more important it
becomes to give your users an indicator of where they are in relation to everything
else on the site. This helps the users to understand the content of the page that
they are on, and makes them feel more confident in navigating further through
the site.
Figure 7. Google’s search results have clear navigation options.
Breadcrumb navigation often indicates the general path a user may have taken. In
the case of site search, the keyword used should be indicated on the results page.
Navigation clues let a user know where to go to next – such as ‘add to cart’ on an
eCommerce site, or a contextual link that indicates ‘read more’. The key is making
the options clear to the user.
Left Right
Sidebar Central Content Sidebar
Each of these typically contains certain types of elements and content, such as:
1. The header, at the top of the page – used to identify the site and provide
basic tools
• Main navigation
• Login feature
• Search bar
• The actual content specific to the page – text, images, videos and
more (this can be broken into several columns)
NOTE 3. The sidebar, either on the left or the right, or sometimes on both sides –
Users consider used to present secondary content and tools
information in sidebars
to be less important, • Secondary navigation bar, or other navigation features (for
so don’t put your key example, blog article archive by date)
message here.
• CTAs, including buttons and signup forms
4. The footer, at the bottom of the page – used for important but non-
prominent content and resources
The most important consideration for any page layout is the content – what needs
to be included, what is the most important action or piece of information, and how
can this be structured to meet the user’s needs? After all, web pages are created
to support a user’s journey.
Another important consideration here is the different types of pages that make up
your website. Not all page types can, or should be, structured in the same way. For
example, your home page is a unique location where you want to showcase the
most prominent news, offers, features or tools. The pages you use for, say, blog
articles or product listings will be laid out quite differently from the home page,
but will have the same structure as each other. Then you might have other page
types for the login page, and an entirely different approach for your eCommerce
Wireframes are the skeletal outlines of the layout of a web page. Their purpose
is to map out the placement of various elements on the page as a guide for the
designer to create the visual design, and the web developer to create the code
and interactivity required. Wireframes can be low fidelity (very rough and basic
sketches, barely resembling the final output) or high fidelity (very detailed,
complex layouts including creative elements). Any website project will have
several wireframes – at least one for each template page. Capture your first ideas
on paper – it’s the fastest and best way to capture good ideas.
Hero image /
Booking widget
Secondary Secondary
Promo Promo
Secondary Secondary
Promo Promo
Banner Ad
Banner Ad
120 x 600 IMU
Banner Ad
468 x 60 IMU
(Full Banner)
National Rail
Prototypes are a step up from wireframes, in that they are interactive. Prototypes
are essentially sets of wireframes that have been linked together like a website, so
that they can be navigated through by clicking and scrolling.
Prototypes are excellent tools for testing the flow and function of a proposed website
before diving into the costly and lengthy design and development phases – they can
save a lot of time, money and effort by identifying problems and improvements
upfront. Again, paper prototyping is the best method for fast, iterative UX design.
NOTE • Calls to action. CTAs can take a variety of shapes and forms, from in-
Paper prototypes make text links to large buttons.
testing quick and easy
- they’re portable, easy
to use, and don’t require
• Forms. These are interactive fields where users can enter their contact
complex tools, internet details or other information, for example, to sign up for a newsletter or
connections or user enter a competition.
• Search. Many sites can benefit from having a search function, both to
help users navigate and to make finding specific information easier.
Calls to Action
Successful CTAs are simple, quick, clear actions that don’t require the user to do
anything scary or make a commitment. They should always do exactly what they
state to instil confidence and clarity. It’s all about managing the user’s expectations
– do they actually go where they think they will, or perform the action they expect?
The primary CTA should usually appear above the fold to capture the attention
focused here. Other CTAs can appear below the fold, and the main CTA can also be
repeated lower down.
A single web page can be built around one CTA, or could incorporate a wide range
of possible desirable actions. This all comes down to what the page and website
overall is seeking to achieve, based on the business requirements.
When multiple CTAs are used, there should be one primary one that stands out
strongly and the others should be more muted, playing a supporting role. CTAs
can be differentiated through colour, shape, placement and size. The less choice,
the better.
Secondary CTA
Primary CTA
Figure 9. The Lumosity website has a clear primary CTA (in orange) and a less-
prominent secondary CTA (in grey).
Any CTAs that can be clicked must look ‘tactile’, or touchable. This means they must
stand out somehow from the background and from static elements. One approach
is to make the button look like a real button, standing out from its environment.
Another train of thought advocates for the ‘flat design’ approach as a more elegant
and modern expression of this.
Finally, be sure not to overwhelm users with too many choices. Stick to one central
CTA per page, making it obvious to users what the main goal, action or outcome
of the page is.
Forms are extremely useful tools for gathering user information and encouraging
interaction on the site. Users are generally familiar with them and have some
experience filling them out, and there are lots of web conventions that govern how
these should be set up. As a general rule, the shorter you can make your form, the
better. The fewer fields a user has to fill out, the more likely they are to complete
the process.
Figure 12. The Kalahari.com checkout process clearly indicates the steps (and
forms) that the user must complete.
NOTE Simplicity is a key consideration – forms should be as short and clear as possible.
Be aware of local The effort must be equal to the reward gained. All of the fields included must be
laws that define what clearly relevant to the purpose of the form, otherwise the user may get confused
information you’re
allowed to collect, and or suspect that you are harvesting their information.
how you can use it.
It is a good idea to include help for users filling out forms. This is especially the
case where a specific field requires inputs to be entered in a certain way – and
doubly so for password fields with special rules. Users will not instinctively know
the rules associated with specific fields, so you must give plenty of guidance along
the way.
Figure 13. A simple form that provides assistance to users. (Source: Basecamp)
Validation means giving the user feedback on the inputs they have submitted –
whether correct or incorrect. Validation can happen at two points – after the user
has submitted the form, or during the process of filling out the form. The latter,
called ‘live inline validation’, usually results in a much better user experience as
the users know that their information is correct before submitting the form.
Figure 14. Twitter has a simple, intuitive sign-up form that provides clear guidance.
NOTE Search
For large sites, it can Search has three useful functions on a website – not only does it help users to find
also be useful to allow
users to search within
specific things, it also serves as an essential navigation aid for larger sites, and
categories. On Amazon, collects valuable data from keyword research about what the user is looking for.
for example, you can
search just within the
category ‘books’.
For the most part, the way the search functions is created by the web developer,
so we won’t go into any technicalities here. From the UX practitioner’s perspective,
there are some important non-technical principles to bear in mind.
Search will either be the primary starting point for your site, or it will be a useful
additional tool. In the former case, for example, on a large eCommerce site such
as Amazon, the search tool should be positioned centrally and visibly to encourage
the user to use this as the main navigational tool. In the latter case, best practice
dictates that it should be in the top right corner, or easily accessible in the sidebar.
Figure 15. The Amazon.com search bar is located prominently at the top of the page.
The better you can interpret what your user is searching for, the more relevant and
accurate the search results can be. Google works very hard to fine-tune its search
algorithm to ensure that users don’t just get what they searched for, but what they
actually wanted in the first place.
User research can suggest why someone would search your site in the first place,
and what they would typically be looking for. Popularity and recentness of content
are other key considerations.
When it comes to displaying search results, there are a few key questions to ask:
• What happens if there are no results? If no search results are found,
this should be stated clearly, followed by a list of the closest match
of content to the search query – it’s quite possible the searcher didn’t
know the exact term from what they are looking for or made a typo
(though the site should be forgiving of these).
Colour has an incredible psychological effect on people. Based on our culture,
preferences and learned cues, people interpret colours in very specific ways – and
this can be used to inform and steer the user’s experience.
When choosing the colour palette for the website, be aware of legibility and
accessibility concerns. Using a lot of open or white space often makes sites appear
simple and easy to read.
Figure 16. The Avast! website lays information out clearly and legibly, with good use
of colour for emphasis.
The choice of images used on the website can have a massive effect on how users
behave and interact on the page. You can never be quite certain which images will
have the best results, so this is one area where you will need to do a lot of testing
(more on that below).
Humans tend to gravitate towards and identify with pictures of other humans.
We have an innate instinct to look at faces to understand a person’s feelings and
mood – and we even look in the same direction as these characters, according to
usability specialist James Breeze (Breeze, 2009).
The goal of user testing is not to eliminate each and every potential problem on a
website – that’s simply not possible (especially if you consider how subjective this
can be). The goal is to work towards creating the best possible experience for the
user by constantly improving and optimising.
The two biggest questions around testing tend to be ‘What do I test?’ and ‘When do
NOTE I test it?’ The answers are simple – test as much as possible, as often as possible,
and as early as possible.
Of course, in the real
world, time and budget
limitations will certainly
have an impact on how
much you can test – but
your goal should always
be to maximise testing, Create new
in whichever way you can. version
improvements Test
User testing follows a set process.
Spend a little time nailing down exactly why you want to perform a test and what
you hope to learn from it. Formulating a simple, clear set of questions to test will
allow you to focus on what’s important, and will make choosing participants and
techniques easier.
Once you know what the purpose of your test is, you can decide on a specific
methodology to use. To choose the right one, answer these questions:
User-testing methodologies
There are many ways to conduct UX user testing. Here are a few options to get
you started.
Hallway testing
Hallway testing is the name given to quick, informal tests conducted in the
office – they often literally involve stopping someone in the hallway and asking
them to take part in a quick test.
This is a great way to perform broad, rough testing to help spot any glaring
errors that the UX team haven’t seen.
User labs tend to involve one participant at a time being tested and observed
by one or more researchers. Specialised testing labs have features such as
one-way mirrors and video feeds to facilitate this, but you could easily set up a
webcam streaming to a computer outside the room to simulate the same effect.
NOTE Split testing and multivariate testing
Read more about
A split test, also called an A/B test, involves creating two distinct versions of
this in the Conversion the same web page, usually with one specific element changed (for example, a
Optimisation chapter.
different image or CTA). The versions are served to separate groups of users,
and the tester then analyses which page is more effective.
A multivariate test functions in the same way, except that several different
elements on the page are changed at the same time, showing which combination
of elements works best. The chapter on Conversion Optimisation explains these
in more detail.
Eye tracking
Eye tracking is the process of recording what exactly users are looking at, and
how their gaze travels across a web page.
Eye tracking tests are useful for discovering if the user understands and can
follow the basic flow of the web page, as well as to determine if certain elements
are where users expect them to be. These can be conducted with webcams or
specialised software that tracks a user’s gaze or a mouse cursor.
NOTE Surveys are questionnaires, usually distributed remotely via the website, that
SurveyMonkey ask users for their impressions of the site in question. Surveys are excellent for
(www.surveymonkey.com) canvassing opinions of your website after it has gone live.
is a free, easy-to-use
tool for creating your
own web-based surveys. Surveys can help to answer the ‘why’ questions that arise from quantitative data
(such as web analytics). For example, you may find that users are abandoning a
specific page on your website even though it has interesting content. The survey
may reveal that they find the layout confusing or simply aren’t as interested as
you thought they’d be.
3. Find subjects
Possibly the biggest challenge in the testing process is that of finding the right test
subjects. So, how do you do this?
First of all, draw up a list of criteria that you want your subjects to fulfil – must they
be men or women, of a certain age, in a certain industry, with or without children?
The considerations can be endless, so limit yourself to the top three or not more
than five most important ones.
Now, spread the word about the test through the most appropriate channels to this
group. This can involve everything from advertising in a glossy magazine to posting
on a Facebook page to chatting to some friends or neighbours. You can also pay a
market research recruitment agency to find suitable candidates. The method you
choose will depend largely on your budget and timeline, as well as on how many
participants you want to recruit.
Once you get enough responses, you will have the chance to screen applicants.
Screening is the process of filtering people into those who are suitable for the test
and those who are not, because they do not meet certain criteria.
4. Test
At this point, you are ready to begin testing! Tell the user what you want them to do,
and let the test run. Don’t interfere!
5. Analyse
Analysing means taking all of this existing data and transforming it into accurate,
objective and useful insights.
For example, your user observation study found that users tended to click on
‘contact us’ when looking for the opening times of a restaurant. It’s up to the
researcher to analyse this – were the users confused by something? Was there no
other obvious place to click? Were they expecting to find this information easily,
but found themselves struggling and making a best guess? Discovering the reason
can then lead to possible solutions – possibly the opening hours should be placed
on the home page or in the header; or perhaps they should simply be added to the
‘contact us’ page. It’s these practical outcomes that are the cornerstones of UX
6. Report
Reporting is the process of sharing your UX test results with the people who
need them. Reports provide insights, information and recommendations by
summarising the results of the testing phase, and the UX practitioner’s analysis
of what happened. Ideally, the whole team should be involved in analysing the test
data to encourage them to buy in to the UX process.
7. Implement
Implementing means putting your user testing outcomes into practice. This will,
of course, mean very different things at different stages of the project. If you’re
testing your overall approach in the beginning planning phase, the implementation
could involve taking a new direction on the project. Testing a working high-fidelity
prototype may reveal that some design elements need to change.
8. Start again
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – testing is not a once-off action, it’s a
constant process. Once you’ve run your test and implemented your solutions, your
project can continue – but very soon you’ll need to test again. Aim to run a test
every time you reach a major new stage of the project, or add something that is
brand new or has raised controversy in the team. Even after the project has gone
live, there is space and reason to keep testing, iterating and optimising.
Gliffy (www.gliffy.com) is a web-based tool that allows you to create a wide range
of diagrams – everything from wireframes to sitemaps to charts. It offers a free
version, with a paid Pro Account that offers more advanced features. While its
strength lies in wire-framing, it also creates sitemaps, which means you could
have several features in one place.
5.8 Case study: Rail Europe
5.8.1 One-liner
Rail Europe applied solid UX principles to overhaul their website and create an excellent
user experience.
In Europe, the rail network is comprehensive and frequently used. In the US, however, rail travel is
uncommon and often unsatisfactory, so American customers are either unfamiliar with it (sparking
uncertainty) or have likely had a negative experience, meaning they would be hesitant to try again.
The challenge was to create an experience that would resonate with US customers, provide them
with accurate and useful information, and give them the confidence to book a railway journey.
While Rail Europe already offered an advanced booking engine that covered 15 000 destinations,
the key was to give customers a variety of flexible booking options, encourage them to actively
explore, and to come out of the process feeling fully informed and confident.
Naturally, it was vital to understand the users and their unique needs, wants and concerns. The
following information and research was collated:
• A prioritised list of information that was crucial for customers to make the
correct booking
• Feedback from current website users and customers
• Usability barriers that Rail Europe had already identified
• Best practice guidelines and insights from other travel sites
Rather than launching directly into the website build, Adaptive Path took time during the concept
stage to interrogate the data and hone in on what customers really needed. Their research process
covered a series of conceptual phases:
1. They devised a user journey, corresponding to what 80% of Rail Europe customers would
typically do, that flowed from the exploration stage (scheduling, planning) right through to
booking and purchase.
2. From this, they identified key decision-making moments and information, which included
dates, times, schedules and customer service.
3. They then developed a sequence of interactions that would lead customers through the
booking and purchase process, ensuring that all the necessary information was visible
and that the customer could easily move back and forward through the process.
4. Finally, Adaptive Path revised the interface to make sure its American audience had a
seamless travel experience, taking factors such as travel times, connections, available
amenities and correct seat bookings into account.
Figure 18. Rail Europe user research insights. (Source: Adaptive Path)
Once the final proposal was ready, Adaptive Path and Rail Europe worked together to refine and
improve the model, taking both UX principles and specific customer knowledge into account.
After launching the website redesign, Rail Europe achieved a 3% conversion rate – the highest in
its history, and impressive for an online booking site. It also found that certain badly performing
products were now on an upward booking trend.
By the end of 2012, Rail Europe had become the number one online distributor of rail tickets,
serving 900 000 customers that year. This indicates that good UX is not important just for short-
term gains; it helps a brand build its reputation for professionalism, great service and reliability.
5.9 The bigger picture
UX touches on so many aspects of digital marketing that it’s hard to list them all. It’s involved right
up front at the strategy and research phase, and then touches on all the Create disciplines – web
development, design and copywriting.
It also helps make the most of Engage tactics by ensuring they are conceptualised with users
in mind. For example, when it comes to search engine optimisation (SEO), Google introduced an
update to its algorithm that would assess the UX design on a website as part of the overall decision
on where to rank it. Matt Cutts, a Google Engineer, stated that: “We’ve heard complaints from
users that if they click on a result and it’s difficult to find the actual content, they aren’t happy with
the experience.”
Social media, email marketing, display advertising, video marketing and other fields can also
benefit from solid UX thinking – what do users want, need and expect from you on these channels?
Finally, UX goes hand in hand with web analytics data – both disciplines aim to understand users
and create real, actionable insights from the data gathered about them. Quantitative and qualitative
data make up the basis of sound UX thinking and decision making.
5.10 Summary
Users come first when creating any web-based marketing channels. Core UX principles such as
user-centric design, web conventions, simplicity and credibility are essential for creating web
experiences that are seamless, memorable and valuable to users.
Mobile UX is a special subset of the discipline that takes the unique context and characteristics
of mobile users into account – whether for designing a mobi site, an app or a responsive website.
1. Identify business requirements – what does the business need to get out of the site?
2. Conduct user research – who are you building the site for, and why? What information
do they need? How will they move through the site?
3. Create the basic structure – what goes into a solid information architecture?
4. Analyse and plan content – how should content be put together here?
6. Build and develop the navigation – how will users get to where they need to go?
7. Create the layout – what will each page look like, from top to bottom? What content is
needed for this page to achieve its business goals?
8. Add other useful elements – how will CTAs, search tools and forms behave?
9. Conceptualise the visual design – how will the visual layer add to the overall UX
10. Conduct user testing – are there any errors on our site, and is it easy to use?
2. Why would it be important for a customer to move backwards and forwards through the
booking process?
3. Find an example of an online booking process that you find frustrating, and explain why.
2. Should the UX practitioner be involved at every step of the process when designing
online experiences, tools and interactions? Why, or why not?
3. What sources can a UX practitioner turn to in order to gain user data? Are these limited
to online sources only?
http://www.alistapart.com - A List Apart provides insightful tips, advice and discussions on all
things UX.
http://www.lukew.com - The blog of Luke Wroblewski, one of the world’s foremost UX experts -
it’s filled with research and practical advice for working UX practitioners.
5.14 References
Adaptive Path, n.d. Rail Europe. [Online image]
Available at: http://www.adaptivepath.com/work/case-studies/rail-europe
[Accessed 18 May 2013, Link no longer active].
Breeze, J., 2009. You look where they look. [Online]
Available at: http://usableworld.com.au/2009/03/16/you-look-where-they-look/
[Accessed 29 October 2012, Link no longer active].
NorthernUX., 2011. Rapid Prototyping with Axure RP Part 3 – Using Axure for Usability Testing.
[Online image]
Available at: http://www.slideshare.net/NorthernUX/rapid-prototyping-with-axure-rp-part-3-
[Accessed 28 May 2013].
Roller, C., 2010. Abundance of Choice and Its Effect on Decision Making. [Online]
Available at: http://www.uxmatters.com/mt/archives/2010/12/abundance-of-choice-and-its-
[Accessed 1 October 2013].
06 Web
and Design
What’s inside: This chapter introduces you to web design and designing for
persuasion. It offers understanding of how web properties are built to be technically solid,
user-friendly and in line with marketing goals. Following on from the UX lessons in the
previous chapter, readers will learn about the web development process.
6.1 Introduction
Websites are, in many ways, at the heart of successful digital marketing. They are
your home on the web, a shop window over which you have full control, and often
the first place people stop to find out more about you.
Web development and design applies to more than just websites – the principles
can be used for any digital assets you create, from mobile platforms to social
media profiles.
Creating online assets involves three key processes – planning and design, which
create the appearance, layout and style that users see, and development, which
brings this imagery to life as a functioning web tool.
NOTE The fundamental principle of good development and design is to understand your
users: the people who will actually be using and interacting with your website.
Read more about this
in the Digital Marketing What are they looking for? What are their objectives? Your offering must have user
Strategy chapter. experience central to the process.
Branding (or visual
How your logo, colours and styling elements are
identity or corporate
translated from traditional print-based assets to digital.
Unlike proprietary software, open source software
makes the source code available so that other
Open source
developers can build applications for the software, or
even improve on the software.
Search engine results The actual results returned to the user based on their
page (SERP) search query.
eXtensible Markup
A standard used for creating structured documents.
Language (XML)
designers need to keep in mind the technical aspects of design, as well as the all-
important human factor. Digital properties shouldn’t just be beautiful; they also
need to create a good experience for the visitor and meet business objectives.
Design is not just about aesthetics, although looks are very important. Design is
about the visual clues we give users so that they know what to do next. Design is
the way in which we communicate with our users. It assures web visitors of our
credibility and ability to answer their questions, and turns them into customers.
Good interface design involves many things (including years of training and
experience), but here are a few basic considerations. These are closely linked to
UX and the visual designer plays a key role in defining them:
• Navigation: the signage of the site, indicating to users where they are
and where they can go.
• Footers: as you may have guessed, the usually consistent bottom part
of the page.
• Credibility: telling users that you are who you say you are.
Visual identity
The visual identity answers the question: “How do users know it’s us?”
Certain design elements should be carried through on all web assets created for
a brand, as well as print and traditional communication media. Often, the visual
identity guidelines for the web are codified into a Digital Style Guide document
to ensure consistency across different agencies, designers and teams. This
document can include guidelines for creating all manner of web assets, including
banners, social media content, and website design elements.
The logo is the most prominent way to reinforce your brand identity on the website.
The logo is part of a brand’s corporate identity (CI). Be aware that logos designed
for printing on letterheads will need to be adapted for the web and legibility,
particularly when it comes to resizing.
The primary font is typically used for prominent headings on the site, while body
copy is often set in a standard web font that closely matches the primary font.
Menu and button style, as well as icons, are also part of a site’s visual identity. Even
when a user is viewing a small part of a site or page, it should look as if it belongs
to the site as whole.
Design can be a pretty precise science – there is a lot of research out on what
makes for effective design. A lot is also common sense and practice based on
accepted web standards. Here are some concepts you should know.
The fold NOTE
The fold is the imaginary line at the bottom of the monitor that divides the Not every user will see
immediately visible part of the website (content above the fold) from the part that the same amount of
content above the fold,
is visible only after scrolling down (content below the fold). since some screens
are smaller than
Your most important message, content or Call to Action should usually be placed others. Check your web
analytics data to see
above the fold. It is worth mentioning here that the concept of above the fold has what common screen
come across some scrutiny, because it is not always useful. sizes are used and
tailor your content to
the lower end of the
spectrum to ensure that
Consistency more people see your
Consistency in use of visual elements is vital to your online presence – across key message.
all your properties and channels (such as your email newsletter, Facebook page
and mobi site) – as users do not perceive differences between platforms or even
on- or offline. They perceive it as one message on multiple touchpoints. Within a
website, elements should also be consistent. Colour coding, or colour themes, can
be used very successfully to group areas or features on a website. For example, if
the help button and help navigation are coloured yellow, then the user will quickly
associate yellow with support and assistance. This is another useful shortcut to
making the site usable and intuitive.
White space
Spacing on the page allows the eye to travel easily between chunks of information
and allows scanning. This can be done by using what is called white space. This
space is not necessarily white, but instead is merely empty. It refers to the space
between elements on a page.
Always steer clear of cluttered pages. This is especially true for landing pages,
where a very specific message is expected. Make your pages as simple and easy
to understand as possible.
If you look at the example below, you can see how detailed information can be
simplified, which in this case led to a 14% increase in website visitors.
Old Design
New Design
6.3.3 Colour theory
The colour wheel
helps designers to find
colours that work well
together and create a
colour scheme. Colours
that appear opposite
each other, like red and
green, are known as
complimentary colours.
For example, red and
green are often used
for buttons that appear
close together as the
colours contrast and
highlight each other.
Figure 4. A colour wheel shows how the colours red, yellow and blue appear when
mixed together. (Source: Ibrahim, 2010)
Most of the colour choices will be dictated by the CI, but tones and shades will be
selected by the designer.
Contrast is very important when displaying text online. If the text and background
are the same colour and there is no contrast, this means that the text will not be
readable. Best practice is to use a light background colour and a dark colour for
the text. Black text on a white or light grey background works well. Contrast is also
a good way to draw your reader to and differentiate between different aspects of
the page.
Colours also hold different meanings and associations for people. Ensure that you
know these meanings for the audience that you are targeting – for example, red
signifies luck in Asian cultures, but danger in many western cultures.
Figure 5. What different colours signify for North Americans. (KISSmetrics, 2010)
There are some colour-related web design conventions you should follow:
• Green is used for successful actions, next steps and correct submissions.
Your Call to Action is one of the most important parts of your website and can be
displayed as a link or button. As this is meant to attract the eye, choose a colour
that stands out. When Dmix tested this out, as you can see in this example, they
experienced an increase of 72% in conversions by using the more striking red
button instead of the green one (Chopra, 2010).
6.3.4 Collecting and collating design assets
Elements such as your logo and brand colours represent your brand. The latest
versions of these brand assets need to be available to the designer or marketing
agency designing your website.
Getting the right brand assets to designers in a good-quality format that they
can easily access saves time and avoids expensive mistakes. By doing this, your
campaign won’t be designed with the wrong version of your logo or with incorrect
brand colours.
Here is a list of brand assets that a designer requires to start working on your project.
The quality, format (or file type) and file size are all important considerations.
• Logo and other key brand elements. These could be in Illustrator format
(ai) or Photoshop format (psd). Best practice is to have your logo designed
using vector graphics. If your logo or other brand assets are created in
this format, they can be enlarged without losing quality. Other formats
do not allow scaling and if displayed larger than the original designer
intended will result in a poor-quality image. If you do not have a vector
version of your logo available, then you should make sure that your image
is at least 1 000 pixels wide.
• Image libraries. Photographs and images can be hosted online, where NOTE
the designer can access them with a login. They can also be sent to the If you do not own the
designer on a CD. Make sure the images are of sufficient quality. It is image and the copyright
is not owned by you it is
best practice to provide images that are 300dpi. This is the measure of
illegal to use the image
a high-quality image that will retain its quality if resized. Although all on your site without
images on the web are displayed at 72dpi, a higher quality image will permission from the
owner. If you require
give your designer room to optimise and resize and crop or cut images images, these can be
where needed. purchased from stock
libraries online such as
iStock or Shutterstock.
• Fonts folder. You will need to provide both Apple Mac and PC versions Avoid using images from
of the fonts that are listed in your Style Guide. Many designers work on Google Image Search on
your pages.
Macs, which use different font versions from those read by PCs.
• Any existing creative assets that have been created for your brand over
time such as:
o Print designs
o TV ads
• Any additional assets your designer may need that can be downloaded or
sent, such as your price guides or product descriptions.
Copy conveys your brand message to your client or customer and should be easy
to read and search engine friendly. The CI is expressed through fonts, also known
as typefaces.
Typographic layout can draw attention to the content users should see first.
Indicate which pieces of information take precedence. Importance can be signified
by text size, colour, weight, capitalisation and italics. Placement also contributes
to how important text appears.
Some fonts are common to all computer users. These fonts are known as web-
safe fonts. Anyone accessing websites that use these fonts will be able to view
them as the designer intended and search engines will be able to search these
websites easily. Fonts that are not web safe may appear very differently on some
NOTE computers. Designers don’t always like to be limited to using only web-safe fonts,
Some web-safe fonts and brand guidelines in most instances don’t take web-safe fonts into account.
are: Times New Roman; This means that fonts must be embedded by a developer using tools such as
Arial; Helvetica; Courier
Typekit, or alternative fonts need to be selected.
New; and Lucida
Console. See the full
list here: http://www.
Arial Comic Sans Courier New
Trebuchet Verdana
6.4 Web development
Web development is the process of taking finished web designs and transforming
them into fully functioning, interactive websites. Development is what gives life
and movement to the static designs, and enables users to access the website
through their web browsers. This is done by translating the designs into web-
coding languages that can be interpreted and displayed by web browsers.
Learning to code your own website is not in the scope of this textbook and requires
years of practice and some considerable technical know-how. But we can teach
you to understand the aspects that go into creating a website, the process that
should be followed, and how to help in making key choices about your website.
When developing a website, you need to make three key decisions (don’t worry,
we’ll explain each one below):
A static website, as the name implies, is one that does not change often – other
than the occasional update, the website stays the same over time and no new
content is added. Should new content be required, a web developer would need
to add it.
CMS stands for content management system. A CMS is used to manage the content
of a website. If a site is updated frequently and if people other than web developers
need to update the content of a website, a CMS is used. Today, many sites are
built on a CMS, which can also allow content of a website to be updated from any
location in the world by signing into an online management interface for the CMS.
• Off the shelf: A CMS can also be pre-built by an external company or
developer. These can be bought like any other software on the market.
While this may have fewer custom features, it’s potentially a more cost-
effective option than a bespoke CMS.
• Open source: There are many open source, pre-built CMS options
available, some of which are free. Open source means that anyone can
see the code that the CMS is built with, and can manipulate or improve it
(and share this with everyone else using the CMS). An open-source CMS
can be more rudimentary than paid options, but is also easy to tailor to
your needs, and there is often a community that can create the solutions
you need.
• WordPress (www.wordpress.com)
• Joomla (www.joomla.org)
• Drupal (www.drupal.com)
A CMS should be selected with the goals and functions of the website in mind. A
CMS needs to be able to scale along with the website and business that it supports,
and not the other way round!
Of course, the CMS selected should result in a website that is search engine friendly.
NOTE Here are some key features to look out for when selecting or building a CMS:
Read more about this
in the Search Engine • Meta and title tag customisation: the CMS should allow you to enter your
Optimisation chapter. own meta tags for each page, as well as allow full customisation of title
tags for each page.
• URLs: instead of using dynamic parameters, the CMS should allow for
clean URLs by using server-side rewriting. Clean URLs consist only of
the path to a webpage without extra code (a clean URL could look like
this: http://example.com/cats, while an unclean URL could look like
this: http://example.com/index.php?page=cats). It should allow for the
creation of URLs that are:
o static
o rewritable
o keyword rich
Be careful when building clean, descriptive and dynamic URLs from CMS
content. Should you use a news heading (‘Storm’, in this example) as part
of your URL (http://www.site.com/cape/storm) and someone changes
the heading to ‘Tornado’ (http://www.site.com/cape/tornado), this will
alter the URL and the search engines will index this as a new page, but
with the same content as the URL which had the old heading. Bear this in
mind before adding dynamic parameters to your URLs.
• The CMS needs to have good support for managing SEO considerations
such as URL rewriting and avoiding duplicate content issues.
• Customisable image naming and alt tags for images: a good CMS will
allow you to create custom alt tags and title attributes.
Finally, using a CMS that supports standards-compliant HTML and CSS is very
important, as without it, inconsistencies may be rendered across various browsers.
It also ensures faster loading time and reduced bandwidth, makes mark-up easier
to maintain, supports SEO efforts and ensures that every visitor to a website, no
matter what browser they are using, will be able to see everything on the website.
A web application
6.4.2 Server-side languages framework (WAF)
is software used to
help create dynamic
Server-side languages are the ‘hidden’ web coding languages that determine how web properties more
quickly. This is done
your website works and communicates with the web server and your computer.
by accessing libraries
The most popular server-side framework for each language is also discussed. of code for a specific
language and other
automated or simplified
When choosing a server-side language, you need to consider:
processes that do not
need to be coded from
• Cost: The cost varies depending on the language you choose for your scratch.
web development project, as the language chosen directly influences the
salary of the developer. If information is processed where your website
is housed, as opposed to on the client’s computer, it increases the
costs. Some languages also require on-going website management and
maintenance, which is an additional cost to consider.
• Scalability: When planning a project where scalability is a factor,
consider whether there are developers readily available to develop in this
language. Also find out if there are supporting libraries and frameworks
available that suit your project.
Some of the most common and popular server-side languages include PHP, Java,
Ruby and the .NET languages. Ask your web developer to advise you on the best
language for your specific project.
NOTE Web users have come to expect rich, interactive experiences online, and interactive
There are many free
website interfaces are a part of that. Front-end languages, or “client-side”
resources online that languages, are languages that are interpreted and executed in the user’s browser
teach you how to code.
rather than on the web server.
One is Codecademy:
These experiences range from simple animations through to highly responsive
interfaces that require input from the user. There are several technologies available
to create such experiences, each with its own opportunities and challenges.
As with server-side languages, you need to consider a few properties of the front-
end language you want to use. Bear in mind that server-side languages and front-
end languages are often used together, as all web projects require front-end
languages for development.
• Features: HTML, CSS and JavaScript are open source languages often
used together and are compatible with most hardware and software.
Content developed in these is also more search engine friendly. Flash is
known for its video, animation and interactive multimedia capabilities.
In many cases, similar results can be achieved with HTML, CSS and
JavaScript. Flash can be used alone or in conjunction with other
languages. What your end users will be able to view should always be the
most important consideration.
• Browser and OS support: With front-end languages, you have to cater
for browser and operating system support. A website will look different
on each browser and operating system and this needs to be factored in.
If a feature cannot be displayed under certain conditions, work-arounds
have to be implemented.
There are several options to choose from when it comes to front-end languages,
although the most popular by far are HTML, coupled with CSS and JavaScript.
HTML is the language for creating websites and HTML5 is the fifth iteration of the
language. It is also the name for a range of technologies that enable modern web
browsing features. It’s a specification published by the web standards body (W3C)
describing what features are available and how to use them. HTML5 is different
from proprietary web software such as Adobe Flash in that the specification is
the result of contributions from many organisations, and can be implemented by
anyone without having to pay for royalties or licensing fees. You do, however, pay
for the development tools provided by the companies.
HTML5 simplifies many common tasks when building a web page, such as
including multimedia content, validating forms, caching information and capturing
user input data such as date and time.
HTML5 allows browsers to play multimedia content without the use of Flash or a
similar plug-in. There is also a technology called Canvas, which allows developers
to create rich interactive experiences without the constraints that came with
previous versions of HTML. For example, a 3D animated video can now be played –
something that used to require the use of Flash or Silverlight.
The goal is a website that just works, without the need for particular browsers or
plug-ins to enable certain functionality. To this end, having a standardised way of
implementing common features means that the web is open and accessible to all,
regardless of competency.
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and is a style sheet language used to
instruct the browser how to render the HTML code. For example, the plain text on
a web page is included in the HTML code and CSS defines how it will appear. CSS
can set many properties including the size, colour and spacing around the text, as
well as the placement of images and other design-related items.
This is the most common client-side language used to create rich, dynamic web
properties. Because it is an open-source language, many developers have added
functionality that can be more quickly implemented. For example, there are over
1 000 different gallery systems created by JavaScript developers for JavaScript
Adobe Flash is a language for creating rich, interactive experiences. It supports
video, and is often used to create game-like web experiences. Although widely
supported by desktop browsers, it has limited (and lessening) support on mobile
devices, and is not usable on Apple devices such as the iPhone and iPad. It has
a history of being problematic for SEO, although there are ways to work around
much of this.
6.5 Mobile development
Remember, mobile goes
beyond just the mobile
phone – also consider
tablets, game consoles, Mobile Internet usage has increased dramatically in the last few years and,
netbooks and a range according to the Washington Post, is predicted to continue increasing by 66%
of other web-enabled
devices. globally each year (Kang, 2013).
Because of this, it’s important for all brands to make themselves accessible on NOTE
mobile devices. As you learnt in the User Experience Design chapter, mobile devices Read more about this
can fall into a range of categories. in the User Experience
Design chapter.
Developing for the mobile phone requires an understanding of the opportunities
and challenges presented by mobile technology. Challenges include the obvious,
such as a smaller screen and navigation limitations, as well as more complex
issues such as file formats.
When creating a platform for mobile users to access your content and brand, you
have three options:
1. Mobile website
2. Mobile application
3. Responsive website
Mobile websites make it possible for users to access information about your brand
on the move wherever they may be, as long as their phone has a browser and an
Internet connection.
Mobile websites need to be designed with the mobile device in mind. Mobile
website interfaces demand a simpler approach, and a consideration of screen size
and input method.
A native mobile app is software designed to help users perform particular tasks.
Examples include a tool for checking the weather, a fuel calculator or a recipe
Mobile apps can be sold, or made available for free. There are many developers
who create apps in order to derive an income, while free apps that offer users
value are often sponsored by brands or advertising. An app can be an excellent tool
for connecting with your customer.
The key difference between native applications and mobile websites is that
websites can be accessed using any Internet-enabled mobile device, while
applications are designed for particular handsets and operating systems and have
to be downloaded to the mobile device. That said, mobile apps generally allow for
more integration with the device and hence a better user experience, depending
on the complexity of the functionality.
Figure 9. An example of a branded app from the iTunes App Store.
Should you wish to target Apple and BlackBerry users, for example, you will need to
create two different applications or focus on making a cross-platform application –
something that can be difficult and expensive.
It is a good idea to focus on mobile sites when targeting a broader group and
building an application when wanting to reach a niche or targeted audience.
NOTE A responsive website is a website that changes its layout depending on the device
Open a responsive it is displayed on – it looks one way on a desktop computer, but then adapts to the
website in your browser. smaller screen size and layout on a tablet or mobile phone. In this way, a single
Now use a tool like
development project can cater for multiple device form factors.
com to change the
size of the window and
see how the website
responds in real time.
Creating a responsive website means you only need to build one website for the
full range of devices, from desktop to mobile. This can be a technically challenging
exercise and will require a lot of planning upfront to make sure that the site
displays correctly on each device.
Here is a table that compares the relative strengths and weaknesses of each
option. There’s no right or wrong answer on which one to pick – choose the option
that suits your brand, target audience and digital objectives best.
Strengths Weaknesses
Mobi site Accessible from any web-enabled Limited functionality
Uses a separate code base from
Generally the simplest, cheapest the full website
and quickest option to develop
Easy to use
Can link to content within and
outside of the site and reap the
SEO benefits
Native app Versatile and creative tools can Doesn’t work on feature phones
be created
Different versions needed for
Interactive and fun different phone makes and
Can create real added value
through innovative approaches Entirely different and complex
not possible via a web browser development process
Ideal for frequently repeated or User needs to choose to
routine tasks download them
Promote brand loyalty Users without additional phone
storage may not have enough
Enables access to core phone space to install the app
functions such as GPS,
accelerometer, camera, etc. All apps must go through formal
app stores, and need to be
Could generate income as a ‘paid approved in some instances
Changes need to be released
Performance benefit in some cases through version updates
Responsive Technically elegant and device- Could be complex to develop
site ‘agnostic’ solution
Site needs a lowest common
One consistent site accessible denominator approach to cater
across many devices for all devices
One data set to work from May not work correctly on all
sizes and shapes of devices
Future-proof option that will work
on most new devices No agreed standard way yet to
develop responsive sites
We will look at mobile sites now and return to responsive sites in more detail later.
Design your site so that the information your users want is not only on display, but
also easy to get to. The limited screen space is valuable, so you can’t necessarily
have the full site navigation on every page. The information architecture of your
site is therefore essential to ensuring you make the most logical use of navigation
in line with what your site visitors need. There are benefits to mobile development
that can help you get around this.
There are few mobile standards currently in place. Creating content (including
images, text and beyond) that can be correctly formatted on most phones (or at
least legible on phones where formatting is flawed) is still not entirely possible.
There is therefore a certain amount of trial and error involved in designing a mobile
site. The process is certainly worth it, though, considering that there are 3.4 billion
unique mobile phones, and a fair number of these are accessing the mobile web
(International Telecommunication Union, 2013).
Mobile handset emulators allow you to see how your work-in-progress website will
be formatted, depending on which device you are emulating. It has been suggested
that nothing can replace testing on actual mobile devices, so if you are doing the
testing, recruit contacts with different handsets to show you the difference in
Some emulators:
• BlackBerry – www.blackberry.com/developers/downloads/simulators
Responsive websites are designed for a range of screen widths. When deciding
whether to create a responsive site or separate mobi and desktop sites, consider
your customer first:
• How much of your website traffic comes from (specific) mobile devices?
If this is a large percentage, consider building a dedicated mobile
site. Bear in mind that the popularity of particular mobile devices can
change quickly as consumer preferences evolve.
• Do your desktop users have the same goals as your mobile users? If
your mobile consumer’s goals are very different, then you may want to
consider building a separate mobile site.
• What is your budget and how quickly do you need your website to
be built? Responsive websites take longer to build and can be more
expensive. You could save money long term by going this route, but
there is a sizeable upfront investment.
Responsive design comes with a fair bit of terminology, but there are three key
concepts with which you should be familiar.
Flexible grid
Typical websites are designed as a large, centred, fixed-width block. With
responsive design, the page elements (the heading; the text or copy; the main
image; and other blocks of information) are arranged in a grid of columns that have
predefined spacing. Each element relates proportionally to the other elements.
This allows elements to rearrange or resize in relation to each other whether the
screen is tiny or huge and the screen quality is high or low. Although this system
allows for flexibility, an extremely narrow screen can cause the design to break
down. In this case we can make use of media queries.
Media queries
Media queries are bits of code that allow websites to ask devices for information
about themselves. It then selects the website style that will suit the device best
from a list of styles defined in a CSS. Media queries ask for information about
the device’s browser window size, orientation (landscape or portrait) and screen
display quality.
6.6 Step-by-step guide to building a website
This section discusses the process of building a website from the client’s
perspective. There are different approaches to building a website. The one
described here is the waterfall process, where one step follows the other. This is in
contrast with other methods such as the Agile methodology, which involves faster
iteration and greater collaboration, but doesn’t afford clients as much control and
upfront clarity on the deliverables and timelines.
• Business: What are your business objectives? How should this digital
property help you to achieve those objectives? (For example, should it
generate leads for you to follow up on? Is it an eCommerce store?)
• Users: Who are your users, your potential customers? What problem
does your website need to help them solve? (For example, collate travel
information in one place, such as with www.tripit.com.)
This research helps you to plan your website strategically, ensuring that it is
aligned with both user needs and business objectives.
In research and planning, you should also reach an understanding of what tasks
(or actions) users need to do on your website. These are usually in line with your
business objectives. Some tasks a user may need to do include checking the
availability of a hotel, signing up to a newsletter, or printing information.
But a lot more information can be included in this. Domain names can carry the
following information:
• TLD – the top level domain, uppermost in the hierarchy of domain names
The TLD can indicate the country in which a domain is registered, and can also give
information about the nature of the domain.
Domain names must be registered and in most cases there is a fee for doing so.
Many hosting providers will register domain names on your behalf, but you can
also do it yourself.
Before a website is designed and developed, it should be sketched out using
wireframes. These should then be reviewed by everyone involved in the web design
and development project to make sure that they are feasible, as well as to identify
new ideas or approaches for design and development. It’s much easier to change
track in the planning and research phase than down the line when design and
development have started.
NOTE At the same time, consider what content you want to include on your site – will it be
Have a look at the
a relatively static site that doesn’t change often, or will you need an editable CMS
discussion on choosing to regularly add and update content, such as blog posts, images and products?
a static versus a CMS
website earlier in this
Should the website be large enough to require it, a functional specification
document should be created, using all the information compiled so far. This
document details the development requirements for the website, and can be used
to communicate any specific design constraints.
Search engine optimisation (SEO) has its own chapter in this textbook, but here are
the key considerations when it comes to web development and design.
The Writing for Digital and Search Engine Optimisation chapters provide details on
NOTE writing copy for online use and for SEO benefit. When it comes to web development,
Read more about this the copy that is shown on the web page needs to be kept separate from the code
in the Writing for Digital
and Search Engine that tells the browser how to display the web page. This means that the search
Optimisation chapters. engine spider will be able to discern easily what content is to be read (and therefore
scanned by the spider) and what text is an instruction to the browser. Cascading
style sheets (CSS) can take care of that.
• Text in an image file (that’s why you need descriptive alt tags and title attributes)
If the search engine cannot see the text on the page, it means that it cannot crawl
and index that page.
Step 5: Design
Design happens before development. According to the steps explained earlier
in this chapter, the designer will transform the wireframes and basic planning
materials into beautifully designed layouts – these are static images that show
how the website will look once it’s coded.
Step 6: Development
The development phase usually kicks in once the design is finished, although
developers will sometimes start their involvement as early as the wireframe stage
by creating low-fidelity prototypes to support the user-testing process. Normally,
the developer uses the design templates to code the actual website, using the
front-end language that you have chosen. Server-side development and CMS
considerations may also be part of this phase.
Testing is an important part of website development and design, and it should take
place throughout the process of planning, designing and building, leaving just final
quality assurance (QA) testing before the site goes live. Test subjects should be
real potential users of the website, not just members of the development team!
The site needs to be tested in all common browsers to make sure that it looks and
works as it should across all of them. All links should be tested to make sure that
they work correctly, and it’s always a good idea to get a final check of all the copy
before it goes live.
Make sure your web analytics tracking tags are in place, after which it will be time NOTE
to take your site live. Now, you need to move on to driving traffic to your newly Read more about this
in the Data Analytics
launched site – that’s where all the Engage tactics in this textbook come in handy.
6.7.2 The problem
The Boston Globe is an American daily newspaper and needed a website that would be viewable
and usable on a range of devices. They turned to Upstatement, editorial designers who specialise
in websites and applications, to assist them in solving this problem (Bottitta, 2012).
Upstatement decided to build a responsive site for Boston Globe, to cater to all the devices on
which their target market would be viewing the site.
Before this website could be built, there were some key decisions that needed to be made. Among
a few other considerations, the project leaders needed to establish the various breakpoints.
Breakpoints are the points at which the device screen is too narrow or wide to display the site
optimally. Once identified, the elements that needed to change at each of these breakpoints could
be accounted for and a smooth user experience could be created (Bottitta, 2012).
• What content appears on the home page, various section fronts, and article page?
In order to identify the breakpoints, a variety of available devices were looked at: PCs, laptops,
tablets, smartphones and dumb phones were among these. Upstatement identified six breakpoints.
Some of these were specifically for smartphones and the iPad (Bottitta, 2012).
• 1 200px
• 960px
• 768px
• 600px
• 480px
• 320px
Key pages were then designed to accommodate these different widths (Bottitta, 2012).
The process
Designing with mobile in mind first is a well-supported school of thought, but this team designed
with the desktop in mind first, at least for the design phase. They found it easier to design this way
since most content fits in the desktop version. The design was then simplified for smaller screens.
In the coding stage, the mobile first approach was used. They found this worked well and used it in
their subsequent projects (Bottitta, 2012).
Designing for desktop is the most complex, since most elements are included, but it is also
easier to design for, since the elements are all likely to fit in. Different breakpoints were looked at
throughout the design process, with the mobile breakpoints providing the greatest insight. Given
the limited screen size provided by mobile phones, tough decisions had to be made about which
elements were the most important to display. Simplicity was a key theme in this design process,
with the question constantly asked being, ‘what’s absolutely necessary and how I can simplify?’
(Bottitta, 2012).
Designing for 768px
When designing for the smaller screen size of 768px, header elements that had previously fitted
no longer did. To solve this, they looked at what could be excluded. ‘Home’ couldn’t be excluded,
and menu items couldn’t be shortened and stay meaningful (Bottitta, 2012).
As a solution, ‘My Saved List’ was moved from the navigation to save space (Bottitta, 2012).
The ‘Today’s Paper’ section was included in the ‘Sections’ dropdown to save space, and the search
box became an icon which expands to an input box when the user needs it (Bottitta, 2012).
6.8 The bigger picture
Web development and design can be seen as the thread that holds digital marketing together.
After all, websites are the first thing we think of when talking about the Internet.
With the crucial role that search engines play in the way in which people explore the Internet, web
development and design go hand in hand with SEO. And, of course, online advertising campaigns,
social media channels, email marketing newsletters and even affiliate programs lead people to
click through to your website, and sometimes to a customised landing page. That’s the web design
jumping into the mix again.
Setting up analytics correctly on your website is also essential to managing and monitoring your
marketing success.
Successful website development and design is all about the right preparation, and the resulting
website usually forms the foundation of any digital marketing to follow. Make sure you understand
your users’ needs, and you’re building on a strong base.
6.9 Summary
Successful websites come from strong planning with a focus on user needs. Websites should be
built to be accessible and usable, search engine optimised and shareable.
• Designing your website according to best practices following the process of getting a
website developed from start to finish
• Enhancing user experience through design and guiding a visitor seamlessly through a
website, as opposed to distracting visitors from their goals
2. Constantly simplifying the design is important as screen size decreases. What should you
ask yourself about the user in order to make these decisions?
3. Why would designing and coding with a mobile first or desktop first approach be beneficial?
6.11 Chapter questions
1. What is an XML sitemap?
html5weekly.com – a weekly newsletter filled with the latest must-know HTML5 tips and trends
6.13 References
Bottitta, T., 2012. How to Approach a Responsive Design. [Online]
Available at: http://upstatement.com/blog/2012/01/how-to-approach-a-responsive-design/
[Accessed 16 May 2013].
Chopra, P., 2010. Lessons learned from 21 case studies in conversion rate optimization. [Online]
Available at: http://www.seomoz.org/blog/lessons-learned-from-21-case-studies-in-conversion-
[Accessed 7 January 2013].
du Plessis, J., 2012. Responsive versus mobile website design comparison. [Online]
Available at: http://www.gottaquirk.com/2012/09/17/responsive-versus-mobile-website-design-
[Accessed 8 January 2013].
International Telecommunication Union, 2013. Mobile subscriptions near the 7 billion mark. [Online]
Available at: https://itunews.itu.int/En/3741-Mobile-subscriptions-near-the-78209billion-
[Accessed 15 May 2013].
Writing for
What’s inside: An introduction to writing for digital reveals that content is king,
and gives you the key terms and concepts needed for this chapter. How it works discusses
personas, the importance of layout, and some HTML basics. If you are writing online, you
will need to look at short copy, which includes the all-important Call to Action features and
benefits, and writing search adverts. Long copy still requires attention to the elements that
make sure you are read, and we look at the all-important SEO copywriting. The web is full of
neologisms and buzzwords, but you’ll keep on top of them with our tools of the trade.
7.1 Introduction
Online copy is a hardworking multi-tasker. It must provide information to visitors,
engage with them, convince them to take a desired action and, all the while, convey
brand ethos. It also has to provide context and relevance to search engines. It
needs to achieve all this without making it look as if the author is trying too hard.
You will see in this chapter that writing for digital is different from writing for
more traditional media. Because of the sheer volume of information on the
Internet, quality content is king – many people argue that it is one of the most
significant determinants of the success of your online campaigns. Considering
it is one of the most direct lines of communication with your consumers, this is
not surprising. Therefore, you will see many links between this chapter and the
NOTE chapter on Content Marketing Strategy.
Writing for digital does not mean the traditional rules of writing need to be
abandoned. By and large, the foundations remain.
Term Definition
The content that appears on a screen without a user
Above the fold
having to scroll.
Benefit The positive outcome for a user that a feature provides.
Search engine results The actual results returned to the user based on their
page (SERP) search query.
Unique selling point The aspect that makes your offering different from your
(USP) competitors’.
One of the assumptions you can make about writing is that it is done for an
audience. In marketing and advertising, knowing your audience is vital: it will
guide you in developing your content strategy, determining the topics they are
interested in, and help you organise information in a way that makes sense to
them. It will direct how you express your copy for your audience.
Ultimately, understanding who you are writing for will ensure that you are able
to communicate your message to them and thereby increase the likelihood that
your copy will achieve the desired result.
Step one of writing for digital is to ensure you have researched your audience and
understand what they want. Once you have a clear idea about this, you can figure
out how to fulfil those needs using your copy.
Holly Buchanan of Future Now (Buchanan, 2008) summarises this with three
questions you should ask:
1. Who is my audience?
2. What actions do I want them to take?
3. What information do they need in order to feel confident taking action?
When you are researching your audience, there are two useful concepts to bear in
mind: the audience of one, and personas.
Price and Price go on to argue that the Internet has led to an audience of one
(Price & Price, 2002). What does this mean? While your audience is not literally
one person (and if it is, thank your mum for reading your copy, but spend some
time growing your readership), it is not a vast, vaguely defined crowd either.
Instead, the web has many niche audiences who are used to being addressed as
When you are writing marketing material, you need to identify that ‘individual’,
investigate what he or she wants, and write as if you are speaking directly to him
or her. The individual that you have in mind when you are writing could also be
called a persona.
7.3.2 Personas
Personas are based on the profile of readers of your copy. Creating a profile is
all about considering the characteristics of your readers and their needs and
desires. When you are building this profile, there are a number of things that you
should consider about your audience:
Once you understand these simple characteristics, you can ask yourself some
more in-depth questions. If you are selling something, questions include:
• Do they make lists of questions and call in for assistance with decision
making, or do they make purchase decisions spontaneously based on a
special offer?
Tailoring your copy to your audience does not necessarily limit you to one persona.
Digital copy can be structured so that it caters for several personas. Also consider
that your various marketing channels may have different audiences, so ensure that
you have a persona for each main platform you use. However, you need to spend
time understanding their needs before you are able to write copy that addresses
these personas.
• Easy to read
• Well written
• Well structured
Content written for the web can be divided into two broad categories: short copy
and long copy. The division is by no means scientific.
On the web, writers often have very little time and space to get a message across
to a visitor, and entice them to take action. This is especially true of banner and
search adverts, but is also important across all digital marketing disciplines.
Probably the most important short copy anywhere is the Call to Action.
Call to Action
Users scan web pages and look for clues on what to do. Tell them. A Call to Action
is a short, descriptive instruction that explicitly tells a reader what to do (for
example, ‘Click here’ or ‘Buy this now’). Any time there is an action you want a
reader to take, a Call to Action should instruct them on what to do. This means
using active verbs when you write, and crafting hyperlinks to be clear instructions
that resonate with your visitors at each step in the conversion process.
Banner advertising involves clear Calls to Action, and they can also be used in
social media posts, search adverts, content marketing and more. Call to Action
copy is not limited to short copy: email newsletters and promotions should also
make use of Calls to Action, and we even see them all over web pages.
Figure 2. CTAs should be clear and enticing.
A good Call to Action resonates with the action the visitor needs to take, as opposed
to the technical function that is performed. For example, if a user has entered an
email address to sign up to your email newsletter, the action button should say
‘Sign up’ and not ‘Submit’.
Also consider what actions mean offline. For an email newsletter, ‘Sign up’ can
Since the Call to Action
have very different connotations from ‘Subscribe’. Furthermore, ‘Subscribe’ is is key to converting
very different from ‘Subscribe for free’. Whereas subscriptions have connotations customers, this is an
important element to
of costs, ‘Sign up’ does not carry the same burden. However, ‘Subscribe for free’
test. What iterations of
could imply greater value – something that would normally carry a cost is available your main Call to Action
to you for free. could you try?
NOTE Titles and subject lines
The Huffington Post Titles and subject lines often form part of a body of long copy. However, they are
is well known for
publishing articles
important enough to be discussed as stand-alone short copy. Titles and subject
with compelling lines are there for a very important reason: they tell a reader whether or not they
headlines. Visit www.
should read further. They are the gateway to your content.
to have a look at how
their headlines grab the Consider the following titles:
reader’s attention.
• Guide to online copywriting
The second title conveys more information and excitement to the reader, which
helps the reader to make a decision to read further.
NOTE Subject lines are like headlines for emails, and can make the difference between
An email subject line an email being deleted instantly and being opened and read. As with a headline,
is the first cue your which should be carefully crafted like the headline of a newspaper, use the subject
audience receives
to help them decide line to make it clear what the email is about. For example, if there is a promotion
whether to open an in the email, consider putting it in the subject line as well.
email or not. How can
you make it count?
Titles, headlines and subject lines need to be both persuasive and enticing.
Consider what need your copy is meeting for your readers, and express that first.
Search adverts
Search adverts have very limited space and time to get a message across, as well
as plenty of competition for a reader’s attention. These four lines of copy need to
work hard to ensure a top return on investment.
Search adverts typically follow the same basic structure and have strict character NOTE
limits for each line: Read more about this in
the Search Advertising
Heading (max. 25 characters) chapter.
Social copy
Social media allows brands to have conversations with their customers and fans.
This gives consumers a powerful voice and the ability to tell brands what they want.
There are a few considerations to keep in mind when creating content for social
Figure 5. Relevant and on-brand social media copy.
NOTE All of these points are covered in more detail in the chapters on social media.
Read more about this
in the Social Media
Channels and Social
7.4.2 Long copy
Media Strategy chapters.
Online copywriting is not just about short, sharp Calls to Action and attention-
grabbing headlines and adverts – it also covers longer pieces of content.
Longer copy has advantages. Primarily, it allows you to provide more information
and encourage the reader to convert. You can foster a relationship with a reader,
whether it is on a blog, through email communications, or through articles and
news releases. With more words and space available, you are able to build a voice
and a personality into your writing.
Long copy needs to be structured and formatted so that it’s easy for attention-
starved web readers to digest. Web users tend to scan pages quickly to determine
whether or not they will read further. Specifically in longer copy, you need to take
this into consideration.
There are many types of long online copy. Here, we will focus on a few that are
useful for marketing:
• News releases
• Emails
• Blog posts
• Advertorials
• Website
News releases
The news release is a staple of public relations. As the Internet grows, so does the
overlap between PR and marketing. As a result, many copywriters are called upon
to write news releases for online distribution as this is a standardised format for
releasing information. Originally intended to provide information for journalists,
news releases are increasingly being read without going through the journalists
first. This means that they should be written in the brand tone, be accessible to
the general public, and be optimised and formatted according to the principles of
good web writing (more on those later). Also remember to focus on a compelling
headline to win over your reader.
NOTE For example, a hotel management company could write articles about travel tips
A compelling headline
and advice, while a pet food seller could create content around ways to keep pets
makes all the difference. healthy and happy.
For your reader to
engage with an article
they must believe
Articles are submitted to online article directories, from where they are picked up
that reading further and republished on other sites.
is worth it, and your
headline needs to do
the convincing. Pay as
As the articles contain links and key phrases relevant to your site, the benefits for
much attention to your SEO can be excellent. But the strategy won’t work unless people want to read your
headline as you do to the
articles – so they need to be interesting, informative, and not just thinly disguised
rest of your article.
adverts. You are aiming to inform your audience, position your brand as an expert
in your field and demonstrate authority and thought leadership. While this practice
is not as widely used as it once was, a well-executed online article syndication
Read more about this
in the Search Engine strategy can still yield results.
Optimisation chapter.
Email as a channel is an integral part of many online marketing strategies. Of
Read more about this course, content is a huge part of this; it comprises the words in an email with
in the Email Marketing
chapter. which a user engages.
By virtue of their nature, emails are the ideal medium for communicating and
building relationships with your consumers. Successful email campaigns provide
value to their readers. This value can vary from campaign to campaign. Newsletters
can offer:
Blogs can be very successful marketing tools. They’re an excellent way to
communicate with staff, investors, industry members, journalists and prospective
customers. Blogging also helps to foster a community around a brand, and
provides an opportunity to garner immediate feedback. This is an audience made
up of players vital to the success of a company – which is why it is important to get
blogging right. A key consideration is the quality of your headlines - you have to
convince your reader to grant you attention..
There is plenty to be gained from the process of blogging and obviously, the value,
NOTE as with email marketing, lies in the content. This communication channel provides
Read more about this an opportunity for you to foster an online identity for your brand as well as giving
in the Social Media
your company a voice and a personality. This happens through the content you
Channels chapter.
distribute as well as the tone you use to converse with your readers. There is more
information on blogging in the chapter on Social Media Channels.
Website copy
Digital copywriters need to structure content effectively so that users want to
engage on the site and read on. Some ways to create digital copy that is usable and
appropriate for an online audience include:
• Limiting each paragraph to one main idea or topic. The leading sentence
should give a clear indication of what the paragraph is about. Readers
can scan each paragraph without missing any essential information.
• Cutting the fluff. Get rid of meaningless turns of phrase and words that
bulk up copy unnecessarily.
• Get to the point. With limited screen space, there really is no room for
wordy text. You need to determine exactly what your message is and get
to the point quickly!
• Put the important bits up front. This includes contact information and
navigation links. Word these clearly so that people can take the right NOTE
action. Once users have decided
to navigate further into
• Condense information to its simplest form. But ensure that it still makes your mobile website, you
can increase the amount
sense and is grammatically sound. of copy on the pages.
Figure 10. Mobile-optimised copy.
7.5 HTML for formatting
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, and it’s the foundation of
documents on the web. HTML tags tell browsers how to present content. HTML
tags are written in brackets that look like arrows: < >.
A good digital copywriter will also be able to use basic HTML to lay out copy,
knowing that the appearance of the page will get his or her words read. It should
be easy for users to skip and skim the copy, and it should be easy for them to find
the parts that are most relevant to them.
When writing online copy, you can use an HTML editor, where you insert the tags
yourself, or a ‘What You See Is What You Get’ (WYSIWYG) editor, which works in a
similar way to a word processor.
Basic HTML is not hard to use, and will help you format your content. Here are
some basic HTML tags:
The tags also help search engines to identify how the content has been laid out on
the page.
The best way to get to grips with HTML is to start using it online, where you can Right click on any web
page and click ‘view
see how the tags work. source’. Can you find the
paragraph tag <p>?
7.6 SEO copywriting
A good online copywriter will have a thorough understanding of SEO and how this
can be integrated into his or her writing. Key phrases are used in long and short
copy alike, to great effect.
One of the most notable differences between writing for print and writing for digital
is that when it comes to the latter, you are writing not only for an audience, but also
for the search engines. While your human audience should always be your first
priority, your copy also needs to speak to the search engines in a language they
can understand. This digital tactic will be covered in greater depth in the chapter
Read more about this
in the Search Engine on Search Engine Optimisation.
Optimisation chapter.
Optimising your copy for search engines is important because your target audience
is likely to be using a search engine to find the products or services you are offering.
If the search engine is not aware that your content can give users the answers
they are looking for on a particular subject, it won’t send traffic to your website.
Optimising your content for search is the process of telling search engines what
content you are publishing. Keywords and key phrases are an integral part of this.
SEO copywriters need to know how to blend keywords into their content and how to
use them in conjunction with text formatting and meta data. In addition to assisting
you with structuring your content, these tags indicate relevance and context to
search engines. Some of the tags are used by screen readers, and so they assist
visitors with technical limitations to access your content. The meta description
can also be used by search engines on the search engine results pages (SERPs).
A keyword refers to a single word used in a search query, while a key phrase refers
to more than one word used in the search query.
NOTE Key phrase research is an important element of digital copywriting, and is covered
Read more about this
in detail in the chapter on SEO. Having identified the themes of your web pages,
in the Search Engine keyword research should be used to identify what phrases your target audience
Optimisation chapter.
use when searching for you. It is important to know what people are searching for,
so that you can give them what they need.
Once you have a good idea of the words people are using to find information online,
you can use these phrases in your copy as a signal to search engines that your
content is relevant to these users.
A good copywriter is able to weave a predetermined set of key phrases into a piece
of copy seamlessly, so that the reader cannot detect that they have been included.
Each page should be optimised for a primary key phrase, and can be optimised for
a secondary and tertiary key phrase as well. Usually a web page is optimised for
three key phrases, but can be optimised for up to five (although only if the page
is very long). Any more than that and you are better off creating new, niche web
Key phrases can be integrated into nearly every type of content that you write for
the web. Below are a few places where we tend to include key phrases on our
Page title
The page title appears at the top of a user’s browser and should be able to tell the
user (and the search engine spiders, of course) what the main theme of the page
is. The page title is usually limited to 71 characters (including spaces). The key
phrase should be used as close to the beginning of the title as possible, followed
by the name of the company or website.
Page URL
The main key phrase for the page should be used whenever possible in the URL for
the page. If you are using a blogging tool or content management system (CMS),
the URL is generated from the page title, so using the key phrase in the page title
should ensure that it is in the URL as well.
Meta description
The meta description is a short paragraph describing the page content. This NOTE
summary is usually shown on the SERPs if it contains the search term, which Every page on a website
means that it needs to entice users to click through with a strong CTA. The spiders must have a unique
URL, page title and meta
use the meta description to deduce the topic of the page, so using targeted key
phrases is important here. Copy is limited to 156 characters (including spaces).
Meta keywords
Meta keywords are the list of the words and phrases that are important on a
web page. Using targeted key phrases is important, but remember – no keyword
stuffing. The meta keywords are limited to 200 characters (including spaces).
This is, however, no longer a major source of information used by search engines
(though it certainly doesn’t hurt to include these).
Heading structures:
• <h2> Sub-headings
On-page copy
The number of times you use the key phrases is entirely dependent on how long
the page of copy is. You want to optimise the page for the key phrases without their
use being overt.
For SEO effectiveness, a page of web copy should be at least 250 words long. On
a 250-word page, you could use the primary and secondary key phrases several
times (this includes use in meta data, headings, title and body copy). Make sure that
these integrate seamlessly into the text and that it sounds as natural as possible.
The page should not be so long that the user needs to scroll continuously to get to
the end of it. If you find the page is getting exceptionally long, consider breaking it
into different web pages for different sections. In this way, you could add several
pages of optimised copy focused on one theme, instead of one very long page.
Links to your optimised page NOTE
The text used to link from one page to another is considered important by search When submitting
promotional copy to
engine spiders, so try to ensure that your key phrase is used when linking to the other sites that includes
optimised page. The anchor text of links should include the key phrase of the page links back to your
own website, which
being linked to, and not the page being linked from.
phrases would be most
important to include in
this link text?
4. Does the copy convey the features and benefits necessary to make your
point (if applicable)?
The rest of this chapter will be dedicated to ensuring that you have the knowledge
and tools to answer these questions.
7.7.1 Conceptual copywriting
Most of the points in this chapter have focused on the practicalities of writing
online copy, such as getting information across and encouraging user actions and
Your copy should also express an idea that grips readers. Conceptual copywriting
is about making an idea memorable merely by using words to express it – the idea
is central, and the words are the vehicles that convey it. Clever wording, smart
ideas and thoughtful copy should make the reader pause, think, and want to
engage more deeply with your idea.
While images are often used to express powerful ideas, words can be just as
effective. Consider this famous example, which demonstrates how a small change
in the copy can radically affect one’s perception of an idea:
Writing conceptually means understanding who your audience is, knowing what
meaning you want to convey, and then expressing this cleverly through words. The
idea is to write so engagingly that people just can’t stop reading!
As a result, online copy is judged at a glance, not just on content, but first and
foremost on its layout. It needs to look as if it’s easy to read before a user will
choose to read it.
• Short paragraphs
• Descriptive links
It’s easy to see this in practice.
Before After
Tea has been drunk for thousands Worldwide, tea sales are increasing
of years, and as people are growing as people are becoming more health
more health conscious, tea sales are conscious. Here are some tips on
increasing. Personal preference plays making the perfect cup of tea:
an important role in making the perfect
cup of tea. However, using fresh water • Use fresh water (for
ensures maximum oxygen in the maximum oxygen)
tea, and warming the teapot first is • Warm the teapot first
standard practice. Tradition dictates
• Use one teabag per person,
one teabag per person, and one for the
and one for the pot
pot. Tea is served with milk, lemon,
honey or sugar, according to taste. The perfect cup of tea is based on
personal preference and taste. Tea
can be served with:
• Milk or lemon
• Honey or sugar
7.7.3 Language
The basic principles of good writing apply online, but because your audience’s
attention is limited (and often divided), it is best to keep it simple and tailor your
language to your audience.
The tone of your content should be consistent with the brand you are writing for.
Brands will often have full tone-of-voice documentation – if they don’t, read some
of the brand material to get a feel for the company’s style of communication.
Compare the difference in tone in the examples below.
Since Investec was founded in South Africa in 1974, it has expanded through a
combination of substantial organic growth and a series of strategic acquisitions
in South Africa, the United Kingdom and other geographies.
Example of Tone B: Nando’s
500 000 years ago Civilisation as we know it was born. People have started to
cook with fire and the idea that food is more than just nourishment. A community
spirit is emerging as people gather together around a flame, talking, sharing
and laughing, in wait for their meal.
Active voice
Grammatically speaking, people expect characters to execute actions that have an
impact on objects or other characters.
This is known as the active voice. Unfortunately, writers often use the passive
voice. This turns the object into the subject. For example: The chocolate was eaten
by the girl. The human brain automatically translates this into the format that
it expects. According to Price and Price, this adds 25% to the time required to
understand a sentence (Price & Price, 2002).
When writing for the Web, it is better to use the active voice.
With new services and products being developed daily, it can feel as if the list of new
words (and their uses) is growing faster than you can keep up with. Dictionaries
and reference guides celebrate this regularly with a ‘word of the year’, usually one
that has been in heavy use on the Internet for the three years preceding its entry
into a dictionary.
For example, in 2005, ‘podcast’ was voted word of the year by the editors of the New
Oxford American dictionary (Oxford University Press, n.d.), while ‘blog’ had its day
in 2004 when it was declared word of the year by Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary
(Merriam-Webster, Inc., n.d.). The word ‘blog’ was coined in 1999 (Wikipedia, 2012).
Always remember you are writing for your users – and talk in the same way as
they talk. If your content is aimed at cutting-edge early adopters, then pepper it
with the latest buzzwords. If your audience does not know the difference between
Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer, then be cautious when using a word that did
not exist the day before.
Features and benefits are very different. Features are important to the company
that provides the product or service. Benefits are important to those who decide to
use the product or service.
Persuasive writing makes use of features, benefits and active verbs to create
appealing messages for your personas:
Enjoy cinema-quality movie nights in your own home with a surround-sound home
entertainment system.
7.7.4 Logic
Start with the summary or conclusion – the main idea of the article.
News lead
Key facts
While clever word play in headings can attract some attention, these need to be
written in line with the objective you want to achieve. The copy is multitasking: not
only is it informing visitors of what to expect; it is also telling search engine spiders
what the page is about.
For an online dictionary and an online thesaurus, you can visit www.dictionary.
reference.com and www.thesaurus.com. Thinkmap’s Visual Thesaurus at www.
visualthesaurus.com is a thesaurus, but also has an interactive map that lets you
explore words. It’s easy to spend a lot more time on this website than you originally
NOTE planned!
Read more about this
in the Search Engine When it comes to keyword research, there are a host of tools available. Have a
Optimisation chapter.
look at the tools suggested in the chapter on SEO.
7.9 Case study: Encyclopaedia Britannica Online
Encyclopaedia Britannica increased sign-ups by 103% by applying web copy best practices.
Encyclopaedia Britannica is a household name, renowned for producing accurate and up-to-date
content. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online is a subscription-based digital service that offers a range
of informational tools and articles. The site also offers a free trial subscription that lets interested
people try out the service before committing to a purchase.
The web page on which users could sign up for the free trial was performing adequately, but it was
bogged down by structural and copy mistakes. The brand was not sharing a value proposition or
driving users to complete the desired on-page action – signing up for the trial version.
In order to increase sign-ups, Encyclopedia Britannica completely transformed the copy on the
‘free trial’ page of the website. Some of the changes made included the following:
• Heading: The heading and subheading were rewritten to grab the reader and express
the value and content of the offer. The heading changed from the rather generic “Why
try Encyclopedia Britannica?” to a clear, specific offer: “Get unlimited access to all 32
volumes of Encyclopedia Britannica during your FREE TRIAL…”
• Copy: the amount and type of copy on the page was drastically reduced. Rather than
paragraphs of persuasive ‘power’ copy, the new version launched directly into the content
of the offer, making clarity the guiding principle.
• Benefits: Member benefits were moved from an out-of-the-way column on the left to the
centre of the page, and were reformatted into bullet points with bolding for emphasis.
• Images: The old page included lots of images but none of them were specifically
relevant to the product or offer. This was changed to a single large image displaying the
encyclopedias and a computer screen. The image was also given a caption that reinforced
the value offering.
• Call to Action: Several aspects of the CTA were changed to make the offer more appealing.
The main button was rewritten from ‘Take a free trial’ to ‘Get instant access now’
(emphasising that the user would receive something rather than having to take it). The
saving was also included and highlighted in yellow to draw the reader’s eye.
• Form: Rather than having the user click away to another page, the reworked version
included a form with the catchy title ‘Activate your free trial’, making it clear that the
user would get the benefit by providing their information. This allowed the user’s through
process to flow directly from understanding the benefits to signing up directly.
To make sure that the experiment was working, the new page was tested alongside the original in
an A/B split test (more on this in the Conversion Optimisation chapter).
Figure 14. Before and after versions of the Encyclopaedia Britannica sign-up page.
(Source: Marketing Experiments)
The new version of the page, filled with effective and targeted copy, had a clickthrough rate of
2.03%, compared to just 1% previously. This garnered a 103% increase in conversions – in other
words, more than doubling the number of people who signed up for the trial version. Aside from
this, the brand was able to communicate their offer and express their value proposition upfront,
leading to greater clarity.
While content marketing strategy may tell you what content to create, knowing how to create it
comes down to great web writing skills.
Writing for digital also overlaps strongly with SEO, since copy is the basis of all web optimisation
(search engines can’t read images, videos or other rich media content).
Your writing needs to have the reader in mind first and foremost. The copy should be strong, clear
and easily readable, while still making maximum use of key phrases.
1. How could bad copy prevent someone from signing up to a valuable, free service like the
trial offered by Encyclopaedia Britannica?
2. Why do you think the more specific headings performed better than a vaguer, more
intriguing heading?
3. Identify the web writing best practices that were included in the new version of the
Encyclopaedia Britannica website.
2. Why should users dictate your content? List some ways that users’ needs determine
4. For some real online copywriting practice, choose an article in a magazine or newspaper,
and rewrite it for an Internet audience.
7.14 Further reading
To get started on writing for digital, Hot Text – Web Writing That Works is an easy-to-read and
thorough resource. The website for the book is www.webwritingthatworks.com.
Another excellent resource is The Idea Writers: Copywriting in a New Media and Marketing Era
www.copyblogger.com has regular articles and case studies on writing online copy that converts.
7.15 References
Buchanan, H., 2008. What is Web Copy and How Should I Use It?. [Online]
Available at: www.grokdotcom.com/2008/03/17/what-is-web-copy
[Accessed 11 April 2013].
Oxford University Press, n.d. ‘Podcast’ is the Word of the Year. [Online]
Available at: http://www.oup.com/us/brochure/NOAD_podcast/
[Accessed 11 April 2013].
Price, L. & Price, J., 2002. Hot Text: Web Writing That Works. Indiana: New Riders.
Part 3
Introduction to Engage
The next few chapters deal with driving traffic to your online assets – and engaging
this stream of potential and existing customers by building relationships with them.
The beauty of the Internet is that you can track your traffic-driving campaigns and
then use that information to measure your results, report on campaigns, and
target your marketing more effectively.
It’s useful to consider all of these tactics in terms of their influence on the sales
cycle. The sales cycle is the typical sequence of phases through which a customer
moves. It’s often represented as a funnel, indicating that there are fewer consumers
further along in the sales cycle – you learnt about this model in the Think section.
NOTE While one could argue that all channels are important at every phase of the
purchase cycle, some are clearly more influential at specific times than others.
Google has some
intriguing insights about
the role each channel Online Advertising is the crucial first step – this is a tactic that builds awareness
plays, depending on
about and interest in your brand. Sometimes, performance marketing or Affiliate
the industry you work
in. Have a look here: Marketing is used to drive traffic and awareness.
Once a potential customer knows about you, they can search for you. Search
purchase.html. marketing, which comprises Search Engine Optimisation and Search Advertising,
is powerful because it is closely aligned with a customer’s stated intent (in the
form of a search query).
Choosing you as their preferred option often hinges on how favourably you are
seen by others in the market. Being well represented on Social Media is important
for brands marketing online, and online monitoring tools help you to understand
how digital communities perceive brands.
Video Marketing is another excellent tool for engaging and capturing your
audience’s attention.
Digital then takes it further into the realm of building relationships with customers,
using digital channels to interact and engage with them. Again, social media plays
a big role here, as do traditional Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
tactics such as Email Marketing.
With the explosion in web access via mobile devices, it’s important to understand
these various channels from a mobile perspective. Mobile Marketing is used to
create awareness, drive direct action and build relationships.
While measurement and tracking will be discussed in each chapter, it’s worth
going into the Engage chapters with an understanding of how we track, report on
and pay for various online campaigns.
There are several terms you will see used throughout these chapters:
• Click: exactly what it sounds like – when a user clicks on a link or advert.
This is different from an interaction, because when a user clicks, they go
to a different page on the web.
These terms are reflected in the different ways of paying for and measuring online
campaigns. Sometimes we talk about campaigns in terms of cost per thousand
impressions (CPM). This is when campaigns are paid for based on the number
of times content has been served. It’s a technique used frequently in online
advertising, but is also a way of measuring social content.
One can also look at the cost of a user interacting with a piece of content. Some
of the most successful online campaigns are run on a cost-per-click (CPC) basis,
where you don’t pay for content to be served, but rather for each click on that
content. Lastly, payment or measurement can be regarded in terms of the cost per
action (CPA): the cost of a user taking a specific action (excellent for the advertiser
but risky for the publisher).
As you work through the following chapters, the above will be become clearer to
Remember, the chapters that follow are important arrows in your digital marketing
quiver. However, a strategic approach is required in order for you to determine the
best solutions to meeting your online goals. You don’t need to tackle everything
at once: focus on the foundations first, and then track and measure in order to
determine which channels are working best, optimising as you go. And always put
your audience’s needs and wants first.
There is a truism that a happy customer tells one person, but an unhappy customer
tells ten. With your customers’ voices being heard on blogs, forums, review sites and
social media, they can talk really loudly and impact your business much more easily.
• The role that customers play in shaping and steering your business
• How to collect, store, analyse and update your essential CRM data
8.2 Key terms and concepts
Term Definition
Retain, win-back, cross-sell, up-sell
Bonded Customer
As you can see, a good CRM strategy turns strangers into customers, customers
into friends, and friends into advocates for your business.
Consumer touchpoints are all the points at which brands touch consumers’ lives
during their relationship. This is the starting point for all CRM – a brand needs
to speak with one voice across all of these touchpoints and deliver a rewarding
experience every time it interacts with its customers. Touchpoints can be brand
initiated (for example, a brand sending an email newsletter) or customer initiated
(for example, the customer making a purchase in a store).
People don’t start out as customers; they begin as prospects – people who merely
view a business’s offering. Once a prospect has expressed interest, CRM can help
to convert them into a customer. Some people will always shop on price – they
need to be converted to loyal customers. Here brand perception and service are
often the differentiators. Consider the prospect who walks into a car dealership
and is given outstanding service. In this case, CRM – in the form of an aware and
trained sales force – can help turn a prospect into a customer.
Pre-purchase or pre-usage covers the various ways brands and prospects interact
before the prospect decides to conduct business with a company. The brand’s
goals here are to:
• Gain customers
• Indicate how the brand provides value and fulfils the needs and wants of
• Instil confidence
• Deliver value
Post-purchase or usage covers all the post-sale interactions between the brand
and customer. Now, the brand wants to:
• Develop a relationship
NOTE The main objective of any CRM strategy should be to gain customer loyalty over
the long term. But what is loyalty? This may mean different things for different
Think of a brand that
has extremely loyal organisations. Ultimately, it is about acquiring and retaining customers who:
fans - for example,
Apple, Nike or Harley
• Have a projected lifetime value that makes them a valuable prospect to your
Davidson. What do you
think the brand did that business
encouraged people
to support them so • Buy a variety of your products or use your services repeatedly during their
time as a customer
• Provide honest feedback on these products and services, and their experiences
But data on its own is meaningless if it is not analysed and acted upon. Through
analysis, data can be turned into insights, which can then inform the various CRM
processes and, indeed, the business itself.
Data should be used to drive consumer loyalty across all possible touchpoints.
Consider the consumer who shops on her store card at a retail outlet. Her
transactions are recorded against her card – she is sent offers that detail the latest
fashion trends and earns points on her card shopping for these. At some point, her
transactional data shows that she has started shopping for baby clothes – she can
now be cross-sold products to do with babies, and rewarded with double points
when she buys them. Now she is upping her spend in the store, cross-shopping
for both herself and her family and being rewarded for this, thus ensuring that the
retail outlet is offering her value and retaining her business.
A good CRM programme begins with data. Who are my customers and what do
they want? Why did they choose me in the first place? How many of them are
active, and continue doing business with me? Why do the others stop?
Often, you will need to research this information. If the company has a database, NOTE
conducting surveys, focus groups or dipstick telephonic research can help you get Read more about this
an idea. Consider that an Audi Q7 driver is vastly different to an Audi A1 driver, for in the Market Research
instance. They both pick the brand for the same reasons, but their motivations
behind choosing the products vastly differ.
Data can give you these insights. It can enable a company to create real value
for the customer and thereby gain true loyalty. There is little point in running a
customer insights survey, looking at the results and saying “that’s interesting”
without putting into action any changes suggested by the results. It also means
customers are less likely to take part in surveys going forward, and quite rightly
so – what’s in it for them? Conversely, if you do action changes, customers will feel
increased ownership in the brand and its offering.
The actual database in which you choose to gather and collate data is also crucial.
Remember that there are many facets to CRM, and the quality and accessibility of
the data will have a major impact on how well these processes run.
When looking at data, it is essential to keep in mind the Pareto principle. The
Pareto principle, or 80/20 rule, holds that in many situations approximately 80% of
profits are delivered by 20% of customers. Also keep in mind that 20% of customers
are responsible for 80% of problems related to service and supply (Koch, 2008).
This means designing solutions with efforts directed at the 20% of customers who
generate the most profits. To do this, you should segment customers effectively.
You’ll also want to consider the exact data to collect. While this will depend largely
on your business objectives, here are some considerations:
CRM data is gathered from a variety of touchpoints. Let’s look at some of the
possible opportunities for CRM data capture and analysis. Each avenue discussed
below collects a range of data from whichever touchpoints the business deems
• Shipping and fulfilment dates, such as when orders were shipped and delivered
Data mining
Data mining involves analysing data to discover unknown patterns or connections. NOTE
It is usually conducted on large datasets and looks for patterns that are not obvious. Data mining is
Data is analysed with statistical algorithms that look for correlations. It is used by typically performed by
computers, which can
businesses to better understand customers and their behaviour, and then to use sift through massive
this data to make more informed business decisions. For instance, women might amounts of data and
find tiny (but significant)
traditionally be shopping for nappies during the week. But on the weekend, men patterns that a human
become the primary nappy-shoppers. The things that they choose to purchase on researcher may
the weekend, such as beer or chips, might dictate different product placement in
a store over a weekend.
Analytics data
Analytics data is generally captured through specialised analytics software NOTE
packages. These packages can be used to measure most, if not all, digital Read more about this
marketing campaigns. Web analytics should always look at the various campaigns in the Data Analytics
being run. For example, generating high traffic volumes by employing CRM
marketing tactics like email marketing can prove to be a pointless and costly
exercise if the visitors that you drive to the site are leaving without achieving one
(or more) of your website’s goals.
• Social media profiles on sites like Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn (which can
also be considered databases of sorts).
CRM software can be used to automate lead and sales processes, and to collect
all of this customer information in a centralised place, allowing a company to get
a holistic view of the customer – from this, meaningful data insights can emerge.
NOTE Organisations can be large, and a customer often speaks to several members
of the organisation, depending on the nature of the communication. It would be
Have you ever had a
frustrating service extremely frustrating for the customer to have to explain all previous dealings with
experience yourself as the organisation each time, and equally frustrating for an organisation not to know
a customer? How did
you feel about the brand who has spoken previously with a customer and what was dealt with. This could
afterwards? be a touchpoint at which a company falls down, and leaves a less than positive
impression with the customer.
Fortunately, there are many technological options that help to record all this
information in one place. Most of these services can also schedule elements of the
sales process, and set reminders where appropriate for follow-up action.
Call it what you will, but “stale”, “outdated” or “unhealthy” data doesn’t benefit
anyone. Some generic older data can help you assess trends over time, but
identifiable customer data is usually useless if not up to date. People move house,
update their contact numbers and email addresses, change jobs. They earn more
or less, stop working, start working, have kids, retire. All of these mean that
their needs change, and their contactability changes, so maintaining a customer
relationship and delivering the things they want becomes impossible.
For generic data (like web analytics), you must continuously monitor trends and
note what causes changes over time. This is also useful for monitoring trends and
identifying gaps in data when a business evolves. For instance, if you know that you
generally receive increased website and store visits during December, but your
sales drop, you know that you need to gather more data around your inventory and
in-store environment during that time.
Keeping identifiable data current means you need to facilitate regular dialogue
with contacts on your database. Whether it’s through a call centre, an online
prompt or a quick question at your in-store point of sale, there needs to be a plan
for updating details at regular intervals.
8.5.5 Analysing data for marketing
One of the most powerful features of interactions and transactions over the Internet NOTE
is that everything is tracked and recorded (see the Data Analytics and Conversion Read more about this in
Optimisation chapters). This provides a wealth of data that can be analysed to make the Optimise chapters.
business decisions.
For CRM, this means that the customer acquisition source can be recorded and
analysed against sales data. This leads to a very accurate return on investment
(ROI) calculation and indicates where CRM and marketing efforts should be
ROI stands for return on investment – and it’s key to understanding whether
marketing efforts have been successful. Here’s a simple example: Company A
sells accounting software and makes R10 000 on each product it sells. It sends
an email to its customer base – people who have bought a previous version of the
software and might be interested in upgrading. The campaign has an overall cost
of R100 000. Of the 5 000 people who receive the email, 10% decide to buy. That
means it cost R200 to acquire each of the 500 customers. The company has made
R5 million – an ROI of 50:1.
The key to effective use of technology in CRM is integration. Ensure that all
channels can be tracked, and that information is usable to all parties within
an organisation. Knowing where your customers come from, but not what they
purchase, is pointless: these two metrics need to be compared in order to produce
actionable insights.
• Campaign analysis – find out which marketing campaigns are leading to the
best returns so you can refine them and increase ROI
• Event monitoring – tie offline events, like shows or sales, to your online NOTE
interactions and sales Mobile marketing can
play a key role in offline
• Predictive modelling – predict a customer’s future behaviour and meet this events - after all, the
mobile phone is portable
need at the right time
and connected to the
internet, meaning that
• Improved customer segmentation, including: people can engage with
a brand directly on
o Customer lifetime value (CLV) analysis – predicting each customer’s location.
o Advanced customer profiles that identify certain behaviours, such as
big spenders or those who look for bargains by attending sales. This
information can be used to tailor marketing communications accordingly
It’s important to look at your customer base and segment them according to
how often they purchase and how much they spend with your company. Very
often, customers who spend more cost more to acquire, but they might also
stay with the company for longer. Referrals made by a customer can also be
included as part of the revenue generated by the customer.
The key is to understand these costs and then target your CRM strategies
appropriately. CLV lets you decide what a particular type of customer is really
worth to your business, and then lets you decide how much you are willing to
spend to win or retain them.
Analysing the amount spent on your search campaign against the sales
attributed to the campaign will give the cost per acquisition of each sale. In this
case, this is the cost of acquiring the new customer.
As the user’s now signed up to your newsletter, each month you send her
compelling information about products she might be interested in. These
newsletters could be focused on her obvious interest in photography, and
highlight additional products she can use with her new camera. The costs
associated with sending these emails are the costs of maintaining the
relationship with the customer. When she purchases from you again, these
costs can be measured against the repeat sales likely to be made over the
course of the customer’s lifetime.
Assuming that a customer buys a new camera every three years, moves up
from a basic model to a more expensive model, perhaps buys a video recorder
at a certain point – all of these allow a company to calculate a lifetime value and
ensure that their spending on a particular customer is justified.
Not all loyalty programmes are created equal. Many brands have embraced them
as a way to improve their sales, and consumers have come to believe that they are
simply a way of extorting more money from them.
• Rewards are key to success – you need to reward the customer in a way
that is real and desirable
• Digital allows for innovation – this can apply to new payment technology,
digital communications channels and more
• Trust is pivotal to success – customers need to know that their data is being
protected and that you will honour your commitments
• Loyalty programmes are not quick wins – consider up-front how the
programme might come to a close or you risk alienating and disappointing
customers and undoing any positive results
• A cost perspective – decreasing the amount you spend on customers; it
costs more to attract a new customer than maintain an existing one
• A sales perspective – turning the people who know about your service or
product into people who have made a purchase
• A service perspective – ensuring people who have interacted with you are
satisfied and delighted.
Effective CRM can also create a powerful new marketing and referral force for
a company: its happy customers. Delighting customers fosters positive word of
The first step to any CRM initiative is to understand the value of a customer
relationship to a business.
CRM should infuse every aspect of a business (in the same way that marketing
should be integral to everything you do), but it is useful to look at the different ways
CRM is implemented.
• Conduct personalised targeting and profiling across a range of marketing
channels such as telemarketing, email marketing, social media marketing
and campaign management projects.
• Place the right mix of a company’s products and services in front of each
customer at the right time.
• Ensure the customer receives the correct product.
o Call management
o Contact management
o Ad management
o Sales force automation (including territory)
o Account and lead management systems
• Enable all parties in the transaction to interact with one another.
• Include systems that put sales reps directly in touch with customers at the
point of sale.
8.7 Social CRM
Widespread social media usage means that CRM has to be conducted in this forum
in order to deliver an all-round experience for the customer. Not only should social
media be integrated into any existing CRM strategy and looked at from a touchpoint
and channel perspective, but social media can also be used to drive CRM.
CRM should embrace the social customer – effectively summed up by social CRM
expert Paul Greenberg as follows:
“Social customers are not the customers of yore. They trust their peers, are connected
via the web and mobile devices to those peers as much of a day as they would like. They
expect information to be available to them on demand … They require transparency
and authenticity from their peers and the companies they choose to deal with”
(Greenberg, 2010).
Social media platforms allow customers to easily share their brand experience
(good or bad) with their online social connections, who in turn can share this
experience on. This means a potential word-of-mouth audience of millions
could witness a single user’s brand experience and weigh in on the situation.
Social customers place a great deal of value on the opinions of their peers, and
are more likely to look favourably on a brand, product or service if a peer has
recommended or praised it. In fact, the 2012 Edelman Trust Barometer, an annual
trust and credibility survey, saw trust in social media increase by 75%, noting that
respondents are placing more and more importance on information gathered from
this space (Edelman, 2012).
Brands have realised that they need to leverage this in their CRM strategies and
now understand that communication is not one way (from brand to consumer),
or even two way (between consumer and brand) but multi-directional (brand to
consumer, consumer to brand, consumer to consumer).
The convergence of social media with CRM has been termed social CRM or CRM
2.0, and has developed into a field on its own.
Social customers are increasingly turning to social media channels for support.
With the immediate accessibility offered through mobile devices, they see this as
a convenient channel to communicate with brands. This means that brands need
to respond quickly and transparently to consumers’ questions, gripes and even
compliments. A support query going unanswered on Twitter, for instance, is likely
to cause frustration for the consumer, and prompt them to take a situation that is
already visible to other consumers even further, potentially causing a brand crisis.
NOTE Brands should carefully consider whether all social media channels are
Zappos, an online
appropriate for them, and be prepared for any eventuality. Brands that are well
retailer based in the US, liked will generally have positive responses on social media, those that receive
has an excellent social
a mediocre response from consumers will have a bit of a mixed bag, but those
media support strategy.
Have a look at twitter. that have a lot of support issues are likely to experience very large numbers of
com/Zappos_Service to complaints that need to be addressed.
see their personalised,
effective and positive
support strategy in Social support staff should have access to all the historical data relating to
action. customer issues – such as all the data collected about previous complaints and
reference numbers. In this way, they can respond directly to the consumer in the
social channel that they’ve selected and escalate the problem appropriately.
Social CRM can also make use of online reputation management and monitoring
tools. Online monitoring, or reputation management, entails knowing what is being
said about your organisation and ensuring that you are leading the conversation.
By using these tools, brands can rate and sort these mentions based on their
sentiment. This allows them to effectively test the temperature of the online
community’s feeling towards the brand, which can then guide any future action.
Effective CRM places the customer’s needs first in all dealings with the brand.
However, there is a vast difference between a customer-centric organisation and
a customer-driven one.
Savvy organisations can also provide tools to customers to drive their business,
passing on tasks to customers that might ordinarily have been performed by the
organisation. For example, many airlines now allow travellers to check in online
prior to arriving at the airport. As more travellers elect to check themselves in,
staff costs for airlines can be reduced. The travellers are doing the job for free (and
are getting a better experience too).
Figure 2. A CRM email reminder to check in for a flight, from airline EasyJet.
Customer-centric strategy, on the other hand, uses data to present the best
possible experience to the customer. Amazon’s collaborative filtering is an
example of a customer-centric approach. Using customer data, Amazon will share
products that you are more likely to prefer.
Customer-centric experiences are about personalisation: using data to create
a tailored experience for the customer. Customer-driven experiences are about
customisation: providing the tools that let a customer tailor their own experience.
Ideally you should have individual goals for each department – and all members
within the organisation should buy in to the strategy in order to drive it successfully,
from the highest rank to the lowest. Implementing successful CRM across the
organisation is a process, with stakeholders making decisions collectively and
sharing their views and needs. Decisions should be based on realistic budgets and
resources and full calculations carried out before any kind of loyalty currency is
decided upon.
CRM is about the customer. You might have identified a range of business needs,
but what about the needs of the customer?
NOTE Two elements of CRM in particular – service delivery and customer support – are
Keep a close eye on actually all about meeting the needs of the customer. And what’s the best way of
consumer complaint sites determining customer needs? By asking them, of course. There are various ways
(like hellopeter.com) to
identify any significant or to find out what customers want, but in all of them, it is important to listen. Use
recurring issues. online monitoring tools and insights from social media to gather a more rounded
view of what your customers think, feel and want. Look at past behaviour, churn
rates, successes – a detailed data mining exercise could also be on the cards, as
you will need to understand which of your customers is the most valuable and why.
8.8.3 Step 3 – Set objectives and measurements of
The metrics you select for measurement will depend on these objectives. NOTE
There are numerous metrics that you can choose from when measuring your
Read more about this
performance, and the actual metrics you choose are generally referred to as your in the Data Analytics
key performance indicators (KPIs). chapter.
Once you’ve identified all of the objectives of your CRM implementation, you will
need to determine how you are actually going to roll it out. What channels will
you use? What touchpoints will you leverage? What data will you need for this?
And what tools will you need to gather this data and implement your initiatives
across these channels? How will you address the shift and communicate with your
internal stakeholders before you launch the initiative to your external ones?
You will need to make choices based on what is available to you, or what you intend
on embracing. The digital space offers a range of innovative spaces for CRM
delivery; you simply need to get creative in your execution.
There are lots of excellent CRM tools available, but these are useless without a
clear CRM strategy in place. You can only select your tools once you know what
your objectives are, what touchpoints and channels you are going to utilise and
what data you need to collect and analyse.
CRM systems that gather information on customer preferences and needs, as well
as information on competitors and in the industry in general, let organisations
focus on providing customer solutions instead of simply pushing products.
We’ve outline a host of options in the Tools of the trade section below.
transactions and communications with potential and existing customers, and
generate detailed reporting on the sales process.
Marketing automation tools identify current customers and use their response
information to manage email marketing lists. The tools can also identify prospects,
as well as unhappy customers.
These tools can help target marketing campaigns at customers and predict future
sales and customer spending.
KXEN (www.kxen.com) is a popular analytical CRM tool with the ability to forecast
customer behaviour and shed light on customer preferences and spending power.
It also allows you to tailor marketing campaigns to specific customers, segmented
by various demographics.
Due to organisational growth and an increase in services offered, Fuji Xerox Thailand needed
to find a more efficient way to gather and store customer data. The company was also under
pressure to provide better business forecasting, which relied heavily on their ability to analyse
accurate customer data (Sundae Solutions, 2012).
To achieve this, they decided to invest in a CRM system that would allow them to centrally store
information and capture everything in one place.
Up until that point, they had used Excel spreadsheets and paper systems to record data, which
lead to inaccuracies due to:
For the company this meant a loss of sales due to long turn-around times on quotes or discount
requests. It also meant that information silos created obstacles to formulating long-term business
strategies (Sundae Solutions, 2012).
By implementing an integrated CRM system, namely the Sage CRM solution, they created a
centralised repository for information. Fuji Xerox also needed a system that would integrate
well with their existing systems. These included an Oracle ERP system at the backend (Sundae
Solutions, 2012).
The Oracle ERP system is an enterprise resource planning software solution that enables
businesses to manage all facets of their organisation from development to manufacturing and
sales. The company was also using Microsoft Office on their desktops, which means the system
needed to integrate with Outlook calendars and email (Sundae Solutions, 2012).
The system offered contact and customer management functionality as well as sales force
automation, and placed the focus on the customer and their needs (Sundae Solutions, 2012).
By implementing a CRM system of this nature, Fuji Xerox essentially enabled the sales team to
manage their sales pipeline effectively.
Generally, CRM systems allow organisations to choose the exact sales process journey to follow
by inputting information such as:
• The industry
8.10.4 The results
Through the new system, the sales team was empowered with information. This meant:
In the past, sales representatives could only submit quotes or discounts for approval to their
managers back at the office, which would take a few days and decrease the likelihood of sales
conversions. The new system meant sales representatives had software that would simulate
cost, profit and discounts immediately. This meant quick preparation of quotes and confidence in
knowing that these were accurate and made sound business sense.
The new CRM solution also meant quicker response times to sales and support queries, improving
customer experience (Sundae Solutions, 2012).
After implementing the system, the Fuji Xerox sales teams saw an 8% improvement in customer
satisfaction ratings. There was also clear revenue growth as a result of the initiative (Sundae
Solutions, 2012).
Successful email marketing is built on two very basic customer needs: privacy and permission.
The very first step in using email to communicate with a customer is gaining their permission.
Data mining and segmenting customer databases allows email marketing to be tailored and
personalised. Email is often the primary point of contact for service-related messages.
Online advertising is a double-edged sword when it comes to CRM. It can be a very effective
acquisition tool for new customers, but intrusive advertising can attract attention for all the wrong
reasons. Effective online advertising speaks to customers’ needs and presents solutions to them,
attracting attention without being overly intrusive. The key is to be relevant and useful wherever
Affiliate marketing started by making the most of existing relationships other parties have with
potential customers. Affiliate marketing can be an excellent sales and acquisition channel, but is
not without its problems from a CRM perspective. Another entity is acquiring leads on your behalf,
which can mean a loss of control.
Search engine optimisation and search advertising start with customer intent. Existing customer
data can indicate where to focus search engine marketing efforts, especially when it comes to
analysing how well a website caters to the intent indicated by a customer’s search term.
Social media marketing is based on customer needs and preferences. It is also a powerful tool
for turning delighted customers (who are expressive online) into advocates for an organisation.
Social media creates new communication channels for an organisation, enabling discussions and
customer service to take place where the customer feels most comfortable.
Effective web development and design starts with understanding and catering for customer
needs, and should focus on the experience of the web user. Designing for customers first and
foremost gives web visitors a seamless experience - CRM data can tell you what your customers
need, and web experiences can support the customer journey. Web designers and developers can
also create sophisticated customer service portals to manage CRM, such as the Nike+ support
page: nikeplus.nike.com/plus/support.
Through all of the digital marketing tactics, effective analytics is the most useful CRM tool. It
allows each channel to be measured on its merits, and the customers acquired by each channel
can be analysed.
8.12 Summary
Customer relationship management is the cornerstone of your interactions with customers. Digital
technology makes the process of discovering key insights seamless, effective and very useful, but
CRM cannot be restricted to only digital channels as customer interactions happen offline too.
There are many benefits to implementing a CRM strategy – from reduced customer service costs
to happier customers and more tailored and effective communications.
Naturally, understanding customers is the biggest outcome of CRM – and this understanding
leads to meeting their needs much more effectively, which in turn has direct bottom-line benefits
for the brand.
There are many facets to CRM that you should consider before deciding how you will approach it.
The key ones are:
• Brand touchpoints – how do customers interact with the brand, and vice versa?
• The tools you need for your business – operational CRM, analytical CRM, collaborative
CRM and sales force automation are the main categories.
• What channels are available to you to communicate with your clients?
• Implementations – CRM can be implemented for sales, marketing and customer support
and service fulfilment.
• What are the steps you need to take within your organisation to ensure a successful CRM
• What cost are you looking at – and what return on investment are you expecting?
• Your long-term aims – CRM is never a short-term solution.
• What are your data capabilities and needs – are you gathering the correct data, storing it
correctly, updating it constantly and then analysing it for insights?
8.13 Case study questions
1. What type of CRM solution did Fuji Xerox implement?
2. Which pitfalls and problems did the new CRM system solve?
3. What other potential improvements could the CRM system make in the long term?
3. What ethical problems do you think customers might raise with regards to behavioural
www.churchofthecustomer.com – This useful blog regularly features guest writers and experts in
the field of social media and CRM.
www.cluetrain.com – Home of the Cluetrain Manifesto, a set of guiding principles geared towards
conducting business in the digital world.
8.16 References
Edelman, 2012. Edelman Trust Barometer 2012. [Online]
Available at: http://www.scribd.com/doc/79026497/2012-Edelman-Trust-Barometer-Executive-
[Accessed 8 May 2013].
Greenberg, P., 2010. The impact of CRM 2.0 on customer insight. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Koch, R., 2008. The 80/20 Principle: The Secret of Achieving More with Less. United States: Doubleday.
Sundae Solutions (10 April 2012) CRM Case Study: Fuji Xerox Thailand
[Accessed 22 May 2012].
NOTE Google says it uses more than 200 different factors in its algorithm to determine
relevance and ranking (Avellanosa, 2012). None of the major search engines
Other types of websites
that rely on search, like disclose the elements they use to rank pages, but there are many SEO practitioners
YouTube and Facebook, who spend time analysing patent applications to try to determine what these are.
will have their own
algorithms. Facebook’s
News Feed Algorithm, SEO can be split into two distinct camps: white hat SEO and black hat SEO (with, of
for example, uses course, some grey hat wearers in between). Black hat SEO refers to trying to game
around 100 000 factors
to rank and sort content the search engines. These SEOs use dubious means to achieve high rankings, and
that appears in a user’s their websites are occasionally blacklisted by the search engines. White hat SEO,
news feed.
on the other hand, refers to working within the parameters set by search engines
to optimise a website for better user experience. Search engines want to send
users to the website that is best suited to their needs, so white hat SEO should
ensure that users can find what they are looking for.
• How specialised search – such as mobile, social and local search – can
affect your rankings, and how to optimise for these
9.2 Key terms and concepts
Term Definition
The ‘alt’ attribute for the IMG HTML tag. It is used in
HTML to attribute a text field to an image on a web page,
normally with a descriptive function, telling a search
Alt text
engine or user what an image is about and displaying
the text in instances where the image is unable to load.
Also called Alt Tag.
App store optimisation The process of optimising mobile and web applications
(ASO) for the specific web stores in which they are distributed.
All the links on other pages that will take the user to
a specific web page. Each link to that specific page is
Backlink known as an inbound/backlink. The number of backlinks
influences your ranking, so the more backlinks the
better – get linking!
Hypertext Markup Certain HTML tags are used to structure the information
Language (HTML) and features within a web page.
The number of times a keyword or key phrase appears
Keyword frequency
on a website.
9.3 Understanding SEO
Search engines need to help users find what they’re looking for. To make sure they
list the best results first, they look for signals of:
• Popularity
• Authority
• Relevance
• Trust
• Importance
“PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its
vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page’s value. In essence, NOTE
Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page A good place to keep
B. But Google looks at more than the sheer volume of votes, or links, a page track of Google search
algorithm updates is this
receives; it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages handy resource from
that are themselves ‘important’ weigh more heavily and help to make other Moz: moz.com/google-
pages ‘important’.”
Search engine optimisation is a fairly technical practice but it can easily be broken
down into five main areas:
• Link popularity
• User insights
NOTE To ensure that search engines can access your content, you must remove technical
barriers. Those who want to achieve the best results must follow best practices.
Read more about this
in the Web Development These best practices are outlined in the chapter on Web Development and Design.
and Design chapter.
The key is to make sure that there are direct HTML links to each page you want the
search engines to index. The most important pages should be accessible directly
from the home page of your website.
NOTE The information architecture, or how content is planned and laid out, has
important usability and SEO implications. Users want to find what they are looking
Read more about this
in the User Experience for quickly and easily, while website owners want search engine spiders to be able
Design chapter. to access and index all applicable pages. In fact, Google has released an update
that penalises sites with poor user experience (such as no content above the fold,
or a high bounce rate) (Cutts, 2012).
There are times when user experience and SEO can be at odds with each other, but
usually if you focus on building usable, accessible websites, you have made them
search engine friendly as well.
Another technical challenge to search engines is Flash. For the most part, search
engines struggle to crawl and index Flash sites. There are some workarounds, but
the best approach from an SEO perspective is to avoid building sites or delivering
key content in Flash. Instead, use HTML5, which provides similar interactivity and
visuals while remaining easily crawlable.
The chapter on web development and design delves more deeply into building a NOTE
search engine friendly website. Read more about this
in the Web Development
and Design chapter.
9.5 SEO and key phrases
How do you start building your key phrase list? It requires a little thought and a fair NOTE
amount of research and insight, using tools that are readily available to help you Keyword or key phrase?
These are usually
grow and refine your list of keywords. used interchangeably
to refer to single or
Key phrases are the very foundation of search. When a user enters a query on multiple words used for
optimising websites.
a search engine, he or she uses the words he or she thinks are relevant to the
search. The search engine then returns those pages it believes are most relevant
to the words the searcher used – and, increasingly, the implied meaning of the
Search engines have built a sophisticated understanding of semantics and the way
in which we use language. So, if a user searches for ‘car rental’, the search engine
will look for pages that are relevant to ‘car rental’ as well as, possibly, ‘car hire’,
‘vehicle hire’, and so forth. Search engines have also built up knowledge around
common misspellings, synonyms and related searches.
Because of this, it is crucial that you implement keywords that are likely to be used
by their target audience. Websites need to appear when their potential customers
are searching for them. A large part of keyword research is understanding search
psychology. When we build our key phrase lists, we are tapping into the mental
process of searchers and putting together the right mix of keywords to target.
NOTE There are four things to consider when choosing a keyword:
If you’re researching
keywords using the
Search volume
Google AdWords How many searchers are using that phrase to find what they want? For example,
Keyword Planner, note
that it reports only on there is an estimated monthly search volume of over 338 million for the keyword
paid search volume, not ‘hotel’, but an estimated 6 600 searches per month for a key phrase such as ‘Cape
on total volume.
Town Waterfront hotel’.
Figure 2. The AdWords Keyword Planner shows the volume of global and local
monthly searches.
How many other websites out there are targeting that same phrase? For example,
Google finds over 2 800 000 000 results for ‘hotel’, but only 3 210 000 for ‘Cape
Town Waterfront Hotel’.
Propensity to convert
What is the likelihood that the searcher using that key phrase is going to convert
on your site? A conversion is a desired action taken by the visitor to your website.
Related to propensity to convert is the relevance of the selected term to what you
are offering. If you are selling rooms at a hotel at the V&A Waterfront, which of
the two terms (‘hotel’ or ‘Cape Town Waterfront hotel’) do you think will lead to a
higher rate of conversions?
Both are terms used by someone wanting to book a hotel in Cape Town, but it is
likely that someone looking for a luxury hotel is intending to spend more. That
means that that particular lead has a higher value, particularly if you have a hotel-
booking website that offers a range of accommodation.
Step 1: Brainstorm
Think about the words you would use to describe your business, and about the
questions or needs of your customers that it fulfils. How would someone ask for
what you are offering? Consider synonyms and misspellings as well.
Bear in mind that people may not ask for your services in the same way as you
describe them. You may sell ‘herbal infusions’, whereas most people would ask for
‘herbal teas’, and some might even request a ‘tisane’.
Even common words are often misspelt, and you may need to consider common
misspellings – for example, ‘jewelry’ or ‘morgage’.
Misspellings are
important, but consider
what these tell you
about the traffic you are
getting – analyse this
traffic to ensure that
you’re getting quality
Look to see what terms customers are already using to find you, and add those to
your list. If they are already sending you some traffic, it is worth seeing if you can
increase that traffic.
Step 3: Use keyword research tools
There are several tools available for keyword discovery, and some of them are free.
Some tools will scan your website and suggest keywords based on your current
content. Most will let you enter keywords, and will then return suggestions based
on past research data, along with:
• Similar keywords
• Common misspellings
• Frequency of the keywords in search queries
Try it now: Pick one of
the tools listed at the • Industry-related keywords
end of the chapter and
try a little of your own • Keywords that are sending traffic to your competitors
keyword research. Can
you discover any useful • How many sites are targeting your keywords
keywords that your
favourite brand should
be using? See Tools of the Trade for some tools that you can use.
Bearing in mind the factors that make a good keyword, you need to aim for the right
mix of keywords. Low-volume terms with low levels of competition may be a good
way to get traffic in the short term, but don’t be scared off by bigger competition
in the high-value, high-volume areas. It may take longer to get there, but once you
do, the revenue can make it all worthwhile.
It is a good idea to create a spreadsheet of the list of keywords, along with additional
information about each one.
This will help you to choose the right keywords to target. These lists should be
created for the whole website, and can then be broken down for each page you
want to optimise.
9.5.2 Optimising content for key phrases
Once keywords and phrases are selected, we need to ensure the site contains
content to target them. You must ensure that the content is properly structured
and that it sends signals of relevance. Content is the most important part of your
website: create relevant, targeted content aimed at your selected key phrases.
As you know from the content strategy chapter, content already has several roles NOTE
to play on your site: Read more about this in
the Content Marketing
Strategy chapter.
• It must provide information to visitors.
Now it must also send signals of relevance to search engines. You need to use the
keywords on the content page in a way that search engines will pick up, and users
will understand.
Each web page should be optimised for two to three key phrases: the primary key
phrase, the secondary and the tertiary. A page can be optimised for up to five key
phrases, but it is better to have more niche pages than fewer unfocused pages.
1. Title tag: use the key phrase in the title and as close to the beginning as
2. H1 header tag: use the key phrase in the header tag, and as much as
possible in the other H tags.
3. Body content: use the key phrase at least three times, more if there
is a lot of content and it makes sense to. You should aim for about 350
words of content. But don’t overdo it! That could look like spam to the
search engines.
7. Link anchor text: try to ensure that the keyword is used in the anchor
text of the pages linking to you.
8. Domain name: if possible, use the key phrase in your domain name.
Optimising media
Images, video and other digital assets should also be optimised with the relevant
keywords. Search engines cannot decipher multimedia content as well as text, so
Read more about this
in the Video Marketing they rely on the way that media is described to determine what it is about. Screen
chapter. readers also read out these descriptions, which can help visually impaired users
make sense of a website. In addition, media such as images and video are often
also shown on the SERPs. Proper optimisation can give a brand more ownership of
the SERP real estate, and can also be used effectively to target competitive terms.
Just as rich media can help emphasise the content on a page to a visitor, they can
also help search engines to rank pages, provided they are labelled correctly.
Here are some ways to optimise images with key phrases for SEO:
• Make sure that the header tags and images are relevant to each other.
Also think about what other digital assets you have, and whether these can be
optimised in line with your key phrase strategy. For example, consider app store
optimisation (ASO) – the process of optimising your mobile and web apps for the
specific web stores they are distributed in.
Here are some ways in which you can optimise your apps:
• Give your app a catchy name that also includes your most important
keyword or phrase.
• Spell out the features and benefits clearly, including key phrases where
• In your app store listing, add links to your major social media platforms
and your website – and don’t forget to link the other way too!
• Include as much meta data as you can, including tags, categories and
descriptions (this will depend on the app store in question) (Bulygin,
Figure 5. An example of a page targeting the phrase ‘handmade bags’.
The best way to ensure results is to focus on writing quality content while sticking NOTE
to a few guidelines on tags and URLs. Remember, you want search engines to As search engines
become ever more
rank you highly for your content, but you also want to ensure that the content is a
sophisticated and
pleasure to read. user focused, creating
entertaining and
readable copy will be
Regularly adding fresh, valuable content will also encourage the search engines to
much more important
crawl your site more frequently. than simply including
keywords in your text.
Use your website and its pages to establish and reinforce themes. Information can
always be arranged in some kind of hierarchical structure. Just as a single page
can have a heading and then get broken down into sub-headings, a large website
can have main themes that get broken down into sub-themes. Search engines will
see these themes and recognise your website as one with rich content.
Besides allowing search engine spiders to find websites, links are a way of
validating relevance and indicating importance. When one page links to another,
it is as if that page is voting or vouching for the destination page. Generally, the
more votes a website receives, the more trusted it becomes, the more important it
is deemed, and the better it will rank on search engines.
Links help send signals of trust. Signals of trust can come only from a third-party
source. Few people will trust someone who says, “Don’t worry, you can trust me!”
unless someone else, who is already trusted, says, “Don’t worry, I know him well.
You can trust him.” It is the same with links and search engines. Trusted sites can
transfer trust to unknown sites via links.
Links help to validate relevance. Text links, by their very nature, contain text
(thank you, Captain Obvious). The text that makes up the link can help validate
relevance. A link such as ‘Cape Town hotel’ sends the message that, “You can
trust that the destination site is relevant to the term ‘Cape Town hotel’.” If the
destination web page has already used content to send a signal of relevance, the
link simply validates that signal.
• <a href> and </a> are HTML tags that show where the link starts and
• Anchor Text is the visible text that forms the link. This is the text that
should contain the key phrase you are targeting.
The link sends a signal that the target URL is important for the subject used in the
anchor text.
There is a lot more information that can be included in this anatomy, such as
instructions telling the search engine not to follow the link, or instructions to the
browser on whether the link should open in a new window or not.
<a href=“http://www.targeturl.com/targetpage.htm” rel=“nofollow”>Anchor Text</a>
• rel=“nofollow” can be included in links when you don’t want to vouch for
the target URL. Search engines do not count nofollow links for ranking
purposes. This was introduced by Google to try to combat comment
Of course, not all links are equal. While link volume is the number of links coming
to a specific page of your site, link authority looks at the value of the links. Some
sites are more trusted than others. So, if they are more trusted, then links from
those sites are worth more. Likewise, some sites are more relevant than others to
specific terms. The more relevant a site, the more value is transferred by the link.
Well-known and established news sites, government sites (.gov) and university
domains (.ac) are examples of sites from which links can carry more weighting.
Links form websites that have a higher PageRank also carry more link weight.
Why are government
and university websites
considered to have more
authority? What sorts of
websites would they be
Figure 6. Links from universities and government bodies carry more weight. likely to link to?
The search engine algorithm will also determine the relevancy of the referring
website to the site being linked to. The more relevant the sites are to each other,
the better.
Also consider that linking to valuable, relevant external resources can help to
improve the visibility of your own site.
With links playing such a vital role in search engine rankings and traffic for a
website, everyone wants more of them. There are certainly dubious means of
generating links, most of which can actually result in being penalised by the search
engines. However, here are some ways for ethical and honest website owners and
marketers (and that’s what you are) to go about increasing links to their websites.
Create excellent, valuable content that others want to read
If people find your site useful, they are more likely to link to it. It is not necessary
(or possible) to try to write content that will appeal to the whole of the Internet
population. Focus on being the best in the industry you are in, and in providing
value to the members of that community. Make sure that valuable content is
themed around your key phrases.
Figure 7. Ensure that you create remarkable, valuable content that people want to
link to.
Infographics are visual and graphic representations of data, and are a popular type
of content that is useful to users, and can encourage lots of traffic and inbound
Figure 8. The BBC website has several interactive elements, such as this BMI
Create games
Creating a game that people want to play is a great way to generate links. Make
sure that the theme of the game is based on the key phrases for your website, so
that when others talk about and link to the game, they are using your key phrases.
9.6.4 Competitor analysis
You can find out who is linking to your competitors, and which non-competing sites
are ranking highly for your key phrases. Use this information to identify sites to
target for link requests.
Using Google search, the following search operators can be used to find these
links and websites:
Try it now: Type in the
URL of a brand you like
along with one of the • Link:url.com
search operators above.
How many sites are • Link:http://www.url.com/page.html
linking to them?
• Link:url.com –site:url.com
With all link-building tactics, make sure that you use your key phrases when
communicating. You will be telling people how to link to you, and ensuring that
search engines notice your authority.
User data is the most effective way of judging the true relevance and value of a
website. For example, if users arrive on a website and leave immediately, chances
are it wasn’t relevant to their query in the first place. However, if a user repeatedly
visits a website and spends a long time there, it is probably extremely relevant.
When it comes to search engines, relevant, valuable sites are promoted, and
irrelevant sites are demoted.
Site speed, that is, the performance of your website, is a contributing factor to
ranking in Google. Google confirmed in April 2010 at this was one of over 200
ranking signals (Singhal, 2010).
So, what does this mean for SEO? When it comes to a website, it must:
• Convert visitors
There are several social factors to consider when it comes to social and search.
Figure 10. A Google search for Coca-Cola turns up several social media profiles.
4. Optimise for social search engines.
NOTE While Google is the biggest search engine worldwide, YouTube is the second
biggest. Even within social properties, users still use search to find the content
Read more about this in
the Social Media Strategy they are looking for. Content that is housed on these properties should be
chapter. optimised for the relevant social search engine as well.
Figure 11. A YouTube search for ‘Chrysler’ turns up official branded videos in the
top positions.
Mobile search input can also be different from desktop search. As well as typing
in search keywords, mobile users can search by voice, or by using images or
scanning barcodes.
As with mobile web development, mobile SEO is a little different from desktop
Read more about this SEO, although the fundamental principles remain the same. Build usable and
in the Web Development
and Design chapter. accessible sites with great content, and you’ve already come a long way.
Where there are differences in approach for mobile SEO, these are largely because:
The fundamentals of mobile SEO are not so different to those of desktop SEO.
Local search refers to search behaviour and results where location matters. Either
results returned are local in nature, or results returned can be map based.
With blended SERPs, map-based results can be returned together with other types
of results, depending on the type of search. As search engines become ever more
sophisticated, location can be inferred and influence the type of results.
Figure 12. A Google search for ‘pizza in Florence’ turns up a range of location-based
results, displayed on a map.
For example, a user may search for ‘plumber london’, and the search will know
to return results for London plumbers. These may even be returned on a map.
However, a user in London may search just for ‘plumber’. The search can infer
from the user’s IP address that the user is in London, and still return results for
London plumbers (since someone searching for this term is likely to be looking for
a nearby service).
For search engines to return location-relevant results, they need to know the
location of things being searched for. This is often determined from sites that
include the name and address of a business. Note that this site may not be yours.
Location results are often determined from various review sites, and the results
can include some of those reviews.
Search engines also allow businesses to ‘claim’ their locations. A business can
verify itself through a process with the search engine, and ensure that location
information is correct. Google+ Local is a good example of this – the business can
claim a listing, add their details, and even receive reviews.
Have a look for a
location that’s related to
your business and see
whether a Google+ page
Figure 13. A Google search for a specific business reveals its Google+ Local page has been automatically
set up by Google for it.
in the SERP.
Black hat SEO refers to practices that attempt to game the search engines. If a
search engine uncovers a website using unethical practices to achieve search
engine rankings, it is likely to remove that website from its index.
• Don’t create pages that include malicious behaviours such as phishing
or installing viruses, trojans, or other malware.
• Avoid ‘doorway’ pages created just for search engines or other ‘cookie
NOTE cutter’ approaches, such as affiliate programmes with little or no
original content. If your site participates in an affiliate programme,
Read more about this in
the Affiliate Marketing make sure that your site adds value. Provide unique and relevant
chapter. content that gives users a reason to visit your site first.
The bottom line: design websites for users first and foremost, and don’t try to trick
the search engines. It will only be a matter of time before they uncover the black
hat techniques.
Trellian’s Keyword Discovery Tool
SEO PowerSuite Rank Tracker (the trial version has limited functionality)
Online forums
Webmaster World (www.webmasterworld.com) is frequented by SEOs and
webmasters aiming to stay current with latest trends and search engine updates.
SearchStatus (www.quirk.biz/searchstatus) allows you to see a given website’s
Alexa and PageRank rankings.
Search engines update their algorithms regularly. Each update is an attempt NOTE
to improve search results, but can result in loss of rankings for some websites, The SEO community
is constantly sharing
depending on the update. A contingency plan, such as a prepared search insights about search
advertising campaign, needs to be in place to cope with a sudden drop in rankings. algorithms - whenever a
new one is released, do
some research into the
As with any digital marketing practice, SEO should not be the only focus of digital best ways to avoid being
marketing efforts. It works best when part of a holistic online marketing strategy. penalised.
9.11 Case study: Viewpoints.com and the Panda update
9.11.1 One-liner
Viewpoints.com recovers from a Google SEO update that halved its traffic and reinvents its
Viewpoints.com is an online portal for consumer reviews and product rankings. Launched in
2007, the website became very popular and, by 2011, was doubling its traffic year on year and had
attracted over 2.7 million unique users. The site housed over 600 000 original product reviews that
had been personally written by its 250 000 members, and the site was always run with good SEO
practices taken into account.
In 2011, Google announced that it would be launching a new algorithm update called Panda – the
aim was to penalise websites that were merely content and link farms and that did not provide
any value to searchers. As mentioned in the notes, search engines are constantly tweaking their
algorithms to stay a step ahead of SEO spammers and exploits, and the Panda update was another
attempt to ensure Google was serving the most relevant and useful results.
Despite their good SEO practices, Viewpoints.com unexpectedly lost around 50% of their organic
search traffic from one day to the next – because of the new rules of the Panda update. The
company was then faced with the following challenges. They had to:
1. Understand what it was about their site that was harming rankings
3. Revamp the website user experience in line with the algorithm update
Viewpoints.com realised that it would take more than just a few little tweaks to fix their rankings
– this would require a radical rethink of their entire approach to the website. They took on a multi-
pronged approach and made some massive changes.
• In three months, they implemented quick fixes such as removing 40% of the ads on the
site, improving the site speed threefold, and deleting over 80 000 low-quality reviews.
• To combat apparently thin content pages, they amalgamated short reviews onto single
pages, eliminating over 600 000 unique pages from the site. Users were also given a
minimum review length to cut down on one-line reviews.
• Viewpoints.com removed over 300 non-product-related categories (totalling 90 000
reviews) to focus on their core offering of product reviews.
• They focused strongly on optimising for mobile and social channels, echoing Google’s own
search focus.
• To improve site credibility, they eliminated over 15 unnecessary features from product
pages, enforced user logins for reviewers, and completely redesigned the pages to be
more usable.
Figure 15. The new Viewpoints.com product review page.
Viewpoints.com did manage to recapture the vast majority of their earlier traffic. But more
importantly, their business was improved as a result. They also challenged some fundamental
issues with their website – which resulted in a more useable, user-friendly and contemporary site
that delivered exactly what it promised (Moog, 2012).
SEO and content marketing go hand in hand, since SEO relies on fresh, relevant and popular
content, and content marketing can be informed by SEO key phrases and insights.
For example, search advertising campaigns can provide valuable keyword research, which can
then be fed into the SEO strategy. Social media marketing can generate an enormous amount of
links to a website. Digital PR aims to generate links too, and these can be optimised for search
User research and web analytics can generate insights into how users find the website, which
can inform SEO strategy – and effective SEO techniques can provide insights into user behaviour.
9.13 Summary
The average website receives a significant proportion of its traffic from search engines, highlighting
the importance of SEO.
• Paid results
SEO aims to improve a website’s ranking in the organic results. Search engine optimisation is a
fairly technical practice but it can easily be broken down into five main areas:
4. Link popularity
5. User insights
Growing trends in SEO include the influence of social content on search results, mobile SEO and
local search.
4. Do you think search engine algorithm updates can help businesses become better at what
they do?
9.15 Chapter questions
2. Why is it better to have more niche pages of content than fewer pages that cover a lot of
3. How can analysing the links to a competitor’s website help aid your own link building
5. If meta data are no longer used for ranking purposes, why do they still have an important
role in SEO?
www.seobook.com – Aaron Wall’s SEOBook.com provides training and tools for SEO, as well as
regular articles and posts.
9.17 References
Avellanosa, N., 2012. Half of 200 Signals in Google’s Ranking Algorithm Revealed. [Online]
Available at: http://blogirature.com/2012/07/01/half-of-200-signals-in-googles-ranking-
[Accessed 4 April 2013].
Bulygin, D., 2013. App Store Optimization Infographic – How To Promote Your App. [Online]
Available at: http://trendblog.net/app-store-optimization-infographic-how-to-promote-your-app/
[Accessed 4 April 2013].
Google , n.d. webmasters. [Online]
Available at: http://www.google.com/webmasters/
[Accessed 4 April 2013].
Moog, M., 2012. One Year Later: How Google Panda Changed Our Business. [Online]
Available at: http://techcrunch.com/2012/03/03/how-google-panda-changed-our-business/
[Accessed 4 March 2013].
Singhal, A., 2010. Using site speed in web search ranking. [Online]
Available at: http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2010/04/using-site-speed-in-web-
[Accessed 4 April 2013].
Sullivan, D., 2013. Google Still World’s Most Popular Search Engine By Far, But Share Of Unique
Searchers Dips Slightly. [Online]
Available at: http://searchengineland.com/google-worlds-most-popular-search-engine-148089
[Accessed 4 April 2013].
10 Search
Search advertising continues to evolve, and formats available range from simple
text adverts through to rich media banners and even video adverts. PPC advertising
revolutionised the online advertising industry, and today, search advertising
generates 95% of Google’s revenue (Peterson, 2013).
Adverts on search engines are easy to spot – they’re clearly labelled as advertising
and are separated from organic search results. They can appear on the top of the
results page, usually in a box, and also on the right hand side of the results page.
For the advertiser, the beauty of search advertising is that adverts are displayed
when potential customers are already expressing intent – they are searching for
a product or service. It allows advertisers to present their offering to a potential
customer who is already in the buying cycle.
Google is, by a wide margin, the leader in the search advertising field; because of
this, the chapter is very Google-centric, though the same principle should apply to
any other search advertising platforms. Other platforms to be aware of are Bing,
Yahoo and Baidu.
• The process of bidding on key phrases and how this affects your ranking
• How to plan, set up and run your own search advertising campaign
Term Definition
Clickthrough A click on a text ad link that leads to a website.
Cost per click (CPC) The amount paid when a link is clicked on.
A measure used by Google AdWords to indicate how
Quality score (QS) relevant a keyword is to an ad text and to a user’s search
Return on investment
The ratio of profit to cost.
Search engine results The actual results returned to the user based on the
page (SERP) search query.
Sponsored results Search engine results that are paid for by the advertiser.
With so many search engines out there, which platform should you choose?
There are some small differences from platform to platform in terms of editorial
policy, and each system has a different user interface. There is some theory that
different platforms are better for different industries, for example, that Yahoo fares
better than Google on travel advertising. However, this is subjective, and most
large advertisers will run PPC campaigns on a number of platforms. As with most
things in digital marketing, it is all about testing.
Google AdWords is the best known and is considered the industry standard; it
allows users to transact in the currency of their choice, is tied to a comprehensive
analytics tool, and offers training programmes and certifications. Google AdWords
also currently has the best contextual and geographical targeting worldwide,
although geo-targeting is also offered by Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads
and YouTube video ads (which is closely linked to AdWords).
10.3.1 Structuring your search advertising campaign
When you start running search advertising, you shouldn’t just create a whole
stream of ads – you need to have a plan.
Your AdWords account is your home for all the ads you are currently running, and it
should be structured to reflect your business and marketing strategy. Within your
account, organise your search adverts in groupings – called campaigns – according
to your strategy and the ads you are running. Within each campaign, you should
have ad groups – these are sets of ads that have a common characteristic or focus.
For example, if you are selling books online, you may have ad groups focused
around a specific genre, author, event and special offer, as well as some ad groups
around general themes such as promoting local stores, or making online sales.
Many search advertisers
create ad groups
for branded terms,
competitor terms and
generic key phrases
related to the industry.
Structuring your account in this way will help you to easily oversee your advertising
spend, determine the effectiveness of your ads, manage your ads and bids, and
switch off any ads that aren’t working effectively.
10.4 The elements of a search ad
Basic search adverts all follow a similar format:
Ad extension
As you can see, these consist of several elements – the key is to make these work
together harmoniously in order to get searchers to click through to your website.
The three main components are:
• Keyword-optimised ad text
• Ad extensions
10.4.1 Ad text
The ad text is the main component of a search ad. Search engines limit the
characters in each line. There are also restrictions on what you are allowed to
write in an advert. Here are some of the editorial guidelines from Google AdWords:
• No claims of ‘best’, ‘number one’ or superlatives may be used unless
they can be verified by a reliable third-party source.
People who are searching for something usually have a specific intent – they
are looking for information, guidance, comparisons, tools, or solutions to their
problems. It’s important to understand why somebody would look for your brand
or product – and what keywords they would use to find it – when crafting your
search ads. Look at the considerations for choosing keywords that are covered in
the Search Engine Optimisation chapter – these often overlap. Read more about this
in the Search Engine
Optimisation chapter.
Use compelling and well-crafted Calls to Action so that users know what to do and
what to expect: ‘try now’, ‘sign up now’, ‘buy now’.
Many advertisers test offers in the advert copy, such as a discount or limited- NOTE
time voucher. Product or service benefits make for good advert copy, such as free Read more about this
shipping, secure shopping or fast delivery. in the Writing for Digital
If you are running many ads at once, it can be quite a lot of work to create unique
copy for each one. Dynamic keyword insertion (inserting the search keyword
dynamically into the advert copy that appears) or using the keyword in the advert
copy can help. Dynamic keyword insertion takes the keyword in your campaign that
matches with the user search query and inserts it into the ad automatically. This
way, the ad looks more relevant to the user than a generic ad. The search engine
will mark words that match the search term in bold, making the advert stand out
a little bit more.
The downside of using dynamic keyword insertion is that you have less control
over when an ad is shown to a user, and the results may not be as good as with a
standard SEM campaign. The goal is to generate as many clicks as possible, but
sometimes the advertiser is better off with fewer, high-quality clicks that generate
actual sales.
The long tail
Moz, a respected SEO blog, asserts that 70% of searches on the web are unique
(Moz, 2012). This means that the sum of searches that are unique is higher than
the sum of non-unique searches. Looking a little more closely at search terms will
show a small number of high-volume searches, and then a large number of lower
volume searches stretching out to those unique searches.
Coffee Beans
Medium Roast
Coffee Beans
Vacuum Pack
Coffee Beans
Medium Roast Coffee
Beans Vacuum Pack
NOTE This is sometimes referred to as the long tail of search. Discovering these low-
volume, niche search terms can do wonders for a search advertising campaign.
What’s more important
to your brand - a high Generally there is not much competition for these search terms, and the search
volume of traffic, or term itself is very much targeted, so it will likely be cheaper to bid on and may yield
a smaller number
of qualified leads? a high conversion rate. While long-tail phrases are generally cheaper and lead to a
Consider your strategy higher rate of conversions, you will need to use a much larger number of them to
when deciding whether
to use short or long-tail make up for the lower traffic volume that they generate.
Also consider that search engine users may be at various stages of the buying
cycle, and it could be worthwhile to craft a long-tail keyword strategy targeting
those who are at the end of the buying cycle and know specifically what they are
looking for.
For example, if you sell cameras, targeting the term ‘camera’ may not bring in
much targeted traffic (since someone searching for ‘camera’ may be looking
for information, pictures, price comparisons, or even something completely
unrelated). But someone looking for ‘buy Canon DSLR camera in London’ has a
clear intention in mind and could be a great target for advertising.
Search ads allow you to include a display URL. The URL shown is not necessarily NOTE
the URL that the user will click through to – the display URL (what is shown on the The display URL
advert) actually directs to the destination URL (what the actual URL of the page is). should be short, clear
and meaningful to
The display URL is sometimes also called a vanity URL. the viewer. It should
indicate what type of
page the user will be
taken to if they click.
The display URL must be the same domain as the destination URL. Google will
show only one advert per domain.
The page that the user is taken to is called the landing page, which can be any page
on your website, not necessarily the home page. The aim should be to send users
to a web page that is as specific to their search, and the PPC advert, as possible.
This is known as deep-linking.
Landing pages
Search advertising is not just about creating adverts and bidding for keywords. The
process continues once a user has clicked on your advert. The page that the user
reaches by clicking on an advert is called a landing page – either an existing page
on your website, or a new custom-built page for the campaign at hand (useful if
you are running a competition or special offer).
Figure 5. The Social Safe landing and home page.
Landing pages can make or break an advertising campaign. Poorly executed PPC
campaigns will send all users to the home page of a website. Campaigns that
convert will make sure that users land on a page that is relevant to their search
with a very visible Call to Action. The aim is to keep the user as focused on the goal
– conversion – as possible. Sending users to the home page gives them too many
other options to choose from.
For example, if someone searched for ‘Canon EOS 450D’, a poorly run campaign
would send that user to www.canon.co.uk.
A better campaign would have the user clicking through to www.canon.co.uk/For_
Landing pages also indicate relevance to the search engine, which can increase NOTE
the Quality Score of the advert, and in turn lower the cost per click (CPC) of the Read more about this
keyword. Adding keyword-rich pages to the website can also have SEO benefits. in the Search Engine
Optimisation chapter.
PPC campaigns often have thousands of keywords, which can mean that you will
have a lot of landing pages to build. Creating dynamic landing pages means that
with a simple script, unique keyword-rich landing pages can be created for every
search. The script will take the keyword that the searcher has used, and insert it
in predefined places on the landing page. The user will then be landing on a page
that is highly relevant to their search.
10.4.3 Ad Extensions
Google offers several ways to add value or information to search adverts. These NOTE
are referred to as Ad Extensions. For a search advertiser, the Ad Extensions offer
Google is constantly
a way to get additional information into a search advert without affecting standard testing and adding new
advert copy limits. Ad Extensions – check in
often to see what’s new.
1. Location Extensions
Location extensions allow you to add location information and maps to your
advert. To use the extensions, you can either insert your address manually
or link your AdWords account to your Google+ Local (www.google.com/local)
2. Call Extensions
The call extension allows you to display a local phone number in a line below
the standard text advert. This is particularly effective in mobile ads, where the
user can click and call directly from their phone.
3. Social Extensions
NOTE The social extension indicates how many Google+ users have +1ed or followed
Read more about this the brand. This provides added social relevance on search results and is also
in the Social Media
a contributor to ad quality score.
Channels chapter.
4. Seller Ratings
Google will match the domain used in the advert to review sites and display
rating information together with your text ad. This is very useful if you have
excellent ratings!
5. Sitelinks
Sitelinks allow you to display up to six additional links, each with a unique
destination URL, with your advert. Each link is limited to 35 characters.
Sitelinks allow you to direct users to more relevant areas of your website, all
from one advert. They are suitable for advertising on more general or branded
6. Offer Extensions
By linking your AdWords account to your Google Merchant Center account NOTE
and supplying a product feed, you are able to include product images in your Not all countries have
search adverts when available. This is particularly useful for eCommerce access to the Google
Merchant Center - check
advertisers. in occasionally to see if
yours has been added.
7. Image Extensions
At the time of writing, these are still in beta, with only a few advertisers
allowed to use them. These allow images in ads to extend, so that advertisers
can promote products through an image directly from the ad itself.
10.5 Targeting options
Search adverts are targeted in a variety of ways, depending on how you want to
reach your intended audience. Targeting your adverts means you know that the
traffic you are getting is relevant to your product.
It’s not enough simply to pick the right keywords; you need to know about the
different ways in which the search engine interprets and matches the search term
to your chosen keyword.
Most search engines require the advertiser to enter the search keywords for which
their advert should appear.
• Exact match
• Negative match
Broad match means that your advert will appear for the keywords you have
entered, as well as search terms that contain your keywords and any other words
in any order, as well as some variations of your keywords (such as misspellings
and synonyms).
The broad match modifier is an additional targeting option that gives you tighter
control than broad match (by excluding synonyms but including other versions of
the word, such as plurals. It’s implemented with a + before the keyword.
Phrase match, which is denoted with quotation marks around the keywords
(‘phrase match’) means that your advert will appear only for search terms that
have your keywords in them, in the same order, though other words may also be
in the search term.
Exact match, denoted by square brackets ([exact match]), means that the advert
will appear for search terms only exactly the same as the keywords selected.
Figure 13. How search engines interpret and match search terms. (Source: Google)
Advertisers can assign as many keywords as they want to an advert, but only one
advert for each URL will be shown. If two advertisers are bidding to show adverts
for the same domain, only one will be shown. Which advert will be shown is based
on the bids being placed and on the quality of the adverts – more on that later.
Search engines have versions customised for specific regions and languages,
based on the user’s settings and where in the world they are searching from. As
a search marketer, you can choose the language and the location of the search
engine to target. This is known as geo-targeting.
For example, you may want your advert to show only to English searches in Asia,
or to French searches in Johannesburg. Targeting your advert means that your ads
won’t be seen by people outside your target area, and you won’t pay for traffic that
you cannot convert into customers.
Using AdWords, you can re-target visitors who came to your site via an AdWords
advert based on actions that they took. This means that if someone came to
your site, but did not complete a purchase, you can target adverts to them in the
NOTE SERPs (or through other online advertising channels, such as the Google Display
Read more about this in Network). This is called re-marketing or re-targeting, and can be very effective
the Online Advertising for remaining top of mind until the user is ready to convert. It is usually advisable
to cap the number of times a re-marketing ad is shown to an individual to avoid
annoying them.
The different advertising platforms offer advanced bidding options, all aimed at
helping you to run your advertising campaign better. You can bid for placement on
the SERP, or you can bid based on how much you are willing to pay per click. You
are also able to tailor your approach to, for example, bidding for adverts during
certain times of the day only.
NOTE Search advertising is usually run as a Vickrey auction model, so advertisers place
A Vickrey action is a bids to appear based on certain criteria. The advertising platform determines when
sealed auction where adverts are eligible to appear and serves them as appropriate. The advertiser then
bidders do not know
what bids others have
pays the advertising platform when their advert is clicked on.
A1 $2.50 $2.36
A3 $2.35 $2.06
• Selects the keywords or criteria for which that advertisement should
• Chooses the maximum amount – the cost per click (CPC) – that they are
willing to pay for a click on the advert.
Search engines look at factors such as relevancy to try to ensure that it is not just
advertisers with deep pockets that can land the top ad listing. Search engines need
to ensure that users find the adverts relevant, otherwise they’ll be less likely to
click on them – and no click means no revenue for the search engine.
Studies repeatedly show that those adverts nearer the top of the page attract the
highest clickthrough rates (CTRs) (Soames, 2013). Competition for these top spots
can be fierce and the cost per click can be very high.
• The CPC bid is competitive and outbids other ads of the same quality.
Conversion - took
action on the website
- clicked on the advert
- “saw” the advert
You may think that more clicks are better, but is this necessarily the case? Being
in the top position means that you may pay more per click. When your advertising
budget is limited, it is often more cost effective not to bid too much for your
keywords and to occupy the lower ad positions. Because you’ll pay less per click,
you can achieve more clicks (and potential customers) for your limited search
advertising budget.
Advertisers need to consider what a user does after clicking through to the
advertiser’s website from the search engine. When planning a search advertising
campaign, it is therefore crucial to set the goals of the campaign upfront, and
make sure that these are attainable. With a goal set up, the advertiser can track
how many of the users that clickthrough to the website follow through to that goal.
This is called a conversion.
• Sending an enquiry
• Booking a flight
We know that the CTR of an advert is the number of clicks out of the total
The cost per action (or the cost per each conversion) is the total cost of the
campaign, divided by the number of conversions.
The average cost per click is the total cost of the campaign divided by the number
of clicks.
As the advertiser, you also need to know the value of each conversion. If the value
of a conversion is less than the cost of achieving it, you effectively lose money with
every conversion. Knowing the value to your business of a conversion will enable
you to run search advertising campaigns profitably.
Impressions Clicks CPC Total Cost CTR Conversions Rate CPA
Advertisers need to determine the maximum they are willing to pay for a click on
their advert, and they need to decide this for each keyword they enter for an advert.
This bid is the maximum cost per click (max CPC).
However, this will not necessarily be the CPC that the advertiser must pay for a
click. Every time a search query is entered, the search engine runs an auction to
determine the placement of the adverts where advertisers have bid on that search
term. This auction is known as a Generalised Second Price (GSP) auction, which is
a variation on the Vickrey auction.
In the GSP auction, each advertiser will pay the bid of the advertiser below him,
plus a standard increment (typically $0.01), for a click on their advert.
Say three advertisers, A1, A2 and A3, bid $2.50, $3.00 and $2.35 respectively on the
same keyword. The search engine has set a minimum price of $2.05 on that same
keyword. Here is how the adverts would be positioned, and what they would each
pay for a click:
A2 $3.00 $2.51
A1 $2.50 $2.36
A3 $2.35 $2.06
10.6.3 AdWords Quality Score
When it comes to ranking, of course, it’s not quite as simple as that (it rarely is!).
As well as the bid an advertiser places on a keyword, the search engine will take a
number of other factors into account. In the case of Google AdWords, this is known
as Quality Score. Quality Score is applied on a keyword, ad group and account
level. It is important that your entire account has a good Quality Score, as it affects
ranking and the cost per click.
Another way to think of the Quality Score is as a discount that is applied to your
campaign. For instance, an advert with a great Quality Score can achieve a top
position at a lower bid than a competing ad with a poor Quality Score; for example,
an advertiser with a Quality Score of 5 will have to pay twice as much for a certain
position as an advertiser with a Quality Score of 10.
10.7 Tracking
In order to report on campaigns all the way through to conversion, you need to
use appropriate conversion tracking. Conversion tracking is usually accomplished
with a small tracking pixel that is placed on the conversion confirmation page of
the website.
Google AdWords offers conversion tracking tags, which will allow you to report
on AdWords campaigns from impression through to conversion. The AdWords
interface provides a wide range of useful reports.
In order to track many other networks, however, third-party tracking needs to be
used. Most ad serving technology will also enable pay-per-click tracking (usually at
a nominal additional cost per click). If you are running display campaigns through
these networks as well, this has the benefit of reporting on how the campaigns
might influence each other.
If you are sending traffic to a website that uses Google Analytics, you can use
campaign tracking to track and report on campaigns that are driving traffic to the
site. You can link your AdWords and Analytics accounts to share information across
these platforms (such as the cost paid per click in Google Analytics and some basic
analytics information in AdWords).
1. Do your homework
For a successful campaign, you need a full online and offline analysis of the
business, customer demographics, industry and competitors. While it is relatively
quick to set up a campaign, pre-planning will show dividends later. You need a
brand, an identity and a clear, unique selling point. You get only three lines to
advertise, so you need to make sure you know what must be included and how to
make the most impact.
4. Keyword research
You need to determine what keywords potential customers are likely to use when
searching for the service that you offer. Along with that, you need to know:
• What words would show that they are not likely to purchase from you
(words such as ‘free’ and ‘cheap’).
As part of your keyword research, you need to look at expected volumes for your
keywords, so you know how to bid. There are also tools that will show you similar
or related keywords, so you can expand your keyword list even further. See Tools
of the trade (below) for some suggestions.
Make sure you use an appropriate display URL, and that you target the landing
page for each advert.
7. Tracking
Get your tracking tags in place, especially any conversion tracking tags.
NOTE Consider seeing how changing the text, image or video of your advert can increase
Remember: you can the CTR, or your conversion rate. Test different landing pages to see what converts
pause, edit or delete better.
your ads any time you
want - if something is
not working, take a step Test the networks too. Your Bing campaign may perform better than Google, or
back and re-evaluate your Facebook account may drive cheaper traffic. Always keep your goals in mind
your approach.
and work, work, work to achieve them.
Keyword volume tools
• www.freekeywords.wordtracker.com
• tools.seobook.com/general/keyword
Google AdWords has an Ad Preview Tool, which allows you to see whether your
advert is appearing on the page (without using the search engine and thereby
skewing quality score data). This can be accessed at adwords.google.com/select/
• www.wordtracker.com
• www.advancedwebranking.com
Also consider other ways to research your industry and brand – for example,
Google Trends (http://google.com/trends) can show keyword search volume over
Spreadsheets, such as Microsoft’s Excel, are useful to aid you in building your
keyword lists. Getting to grips with functions such as Concatenate and Vlookup
will be useful.
• You’re giving your customers what they want
Search advertising lets you put your advert in front of people who are searching
for your product. It lets you provide a solution, as opposed to creating an
Search advertising campaigns are quick to set up, can provide high volumes of
traffic, and are highly trackable. But there are some pitfalls that you ought to be
aware of.
• Click fraud
Click fraud occurs when your advert is clicked on by someone who is not a
legitimate potential customer. Because an advertiser has to pay for every
click, sometimes unscrupulous competitors can click on the advert to force
the payment. There are even automated bots that can click on adverts, costing
advertisers millions.
Search engines have taken measures to combat this and click fraud is no
longer widely prevalent. Advertisers can report suspected click fraud, and the
search engines will refund invalid or fraudulent clicks after investigation.
What can you do? Keep an eye on your campaign. Any sudden leap in CTR
should be investigated, and you should pay particular attention to see if
the conversion rate drops (which would indicate potential fraud). Pause the
campaign if you suspect fraud, and alert the search engine.
Keep focused on your campaign goals and ROI, and keep investigating to find
(cheaper) niche keywords that work for you.
10.11 Case study – ‘Sister Act’ on Broadway
‘Sister Act’ on Broadway, a well-known and popular show, needed to increase ticket sales. Just
under a third of tickets were sold on their website, SisterActBroadway.com, so they needed to
increase online traffic to meet this goal. Apart from on their website, tickets were also being sold
on broker sites alongside other show tickets. These websites were not always correctly updated
or professionally laid out. Potential theatre goers could also be distracted by competing shows
and book for those instead. If the ‘Sister Act’ Broadway website was positioned as the official site
to buy tickets, theatre goers who set out to watch the show could purchase without distraction
(Google, 2012).
‘Sister Act’ on Broadway teamed up with SpotCo, an entertainment advertising agency, to meet
these challenges (Google, 2012).
Media Ads are video ads served on Google, specifically designed for the entertainment industry.
They are also unique in that instead of selecting keywords, Google’s automated process serves ads
to users whose search queries match the advert title. These adverts are also charged at a flat-rate
cost per click, unlike most search advertising, where advertisers bid on key phrases (Google, n.d.).
These video ads can be viewed in high definition and expand to fill much of the viewer’s screen,
greying out the background to hold the viewer’s attention. These ads are displayed in the top
position, occupying more real estate than regular search ads. This space was used to deliver key
messages, including pertinent information and a preview thumbnail (Google, 2012).
Other promotional efforts included cast changes, a TV promotion, a ‘Nun Run’ flashmob in Central
Park and a confessional booth in-theatre where theatre goers could share their ‘Sister Act’
experience (Google, 2012).
10.11. 4 Results
Around 14% of searchers interacted with the Media Ad video, with a good percentage of them
watching the video. These efforts resulted in 20% more ticket sales on the official site and double
the search marketing return on investment delivered the previous year (Google, 2012).
Figure 17. Brand search ads and organic results appearing together.
Search advertising is an excellent source of keywords and conversions. This insight can be used
to improve the SEO of a site, as you will already know the relevance of these keywords to your
intended audience. In turn, improved SEO rankings and social media interactions can help to
reduce the CPC of your search advertising campaign, improve your Quality Score and raise your
CTRs throughout.
Search advertising can also help to give your brand immediate search engine presence for your
offline campaigns, when these might not yet be highly ranked in the natural search results. Search
advertising can also be used together with online crisis management. If a company is unable
to combat negative search results through the natural rankings, they are always able to bid for
search adverts that can present their view.
Having a firm grasp of search advertising on search engines will provide a good foundation for
running digital advertising campaigns across other networks and ad types.
10.13 Summary
Search advertising is advertising on the results pages of search engines where an advertiser
typically pays for each click on an advert. These adverts consist of text, links and Ad Extensions.
They are listed above and alongside the organic search results, and are marked as adverts so that
users are aware that these are paid-for listings.
The success of an advert may be determined by its CTR, but the success of a campaign will be
determined by its conversion rate and its ability to achieve a target CPA. After all, it’s not enough
for people just to click on your adverts – you want them to take specific actions on your site once
they get there.
1. Why were video ads such a great choice for this marketing campaign?
2. Media Ads are sold on a fixed-rate cost per click – how does this differ from typical cost-
per-click search advertising?
2. When should you use certain search types for AdWords, and why would this matter? How
does it affect the number of conversions?
3. Why should one use relevant landing pages when running a search advertising campaign,
and how does this affect the number of conversions?
www.searchengineland.com – This blog covers not only search advertising, but the entire
spectrum of search engine marketing, providing useful insights for all your search activities.
10.17 References
Google, 2008. A guide to building successful AdWords campaigns. [Online Image]
Available at: http://static.googleusercontent.com/external_content/untrusted_dlcp/www.google.
[Accessed 8 May 2013].
Google, (2013), New Image Extensions Enable You to “Show” and “Tell” with Search Ads. [Online]
Available at: http://adwords.blogspot.com/2013/06/new-image-extensions-enable-you-to-show.html
[Accessed 30 September 2013].
Peterson, T., 2013. Google Finally Crosses $50 Billion Annual Revenue Mark. Company begins to
reverse CPC declines, mobile pricing stabilizing. [Online]
Available at: http://www.adweek.com/news/technology/google-finally-crosses-50-billion-
[Accessed 7 May 2013].
Purcell, K, Brenner, J, Rainie, L., 2012. Search Engine Use 2012. [Online]
Available at: http://pewinternet.org/~/media//Files/Reports/2012/PIP_Search_Engine_Use_2012.pdf
[Accessed 1 October 2013].
Soames, C., 2013. The Number One Spot – how to use the new search curve CTR data. [Online]
Available at: http://www.smartinsights.com/search-engine-optimisation-seo/seo-analytics/the-
[Accessed 20 May 2013].
The main objectives of online advertising are to increase sales, improve brand
awareness and raise share of voice in the marketplace. It is based on the simple
economics of demand and supply. Advertisers aim to stimulate a consumer need
(demand) and then satisfy that need (supply).
Although the Internet provides new scope for creative approaches to advertising, we
see its true advantages when we realise how trackable (and therefore measurable)
Internet advertising is. It is possible to track all interactions with the advert itself:
the number of impressions served, how many clicks it received, post-click-and-
view data, and how many unique users were reached. This leads to valuable data
that can be used to make sensible, effective business decisions.
• The various business objectives you can meet with online advertising
• All about the various ad formats, payment models and ad types available
Term Definition
Ad server The technology that places ads on websites.
An online advertisement in the form of a graphic image
that appears on a web page.
Unique selling point Unique selling point (or proposition) – what makes your
(USP) offering different to your competitors’.
NOTE Making people aware of a brand or product is an important long-term goal for any
Brand awareness is marketer. Once customers know about it, they are more likely to trust the brand.
essential for launching The better known a brand is, the more business it can do. And the ultimate goal is
a new brand or product,
or approaching a new
to sell more of the product or service.
Online advertising is largely visual, making it an ideal channel for promoting brand
imagery and making people familiar with its colours, logo and overall feel.
11.3.2 Creating demand
Once somebody wants a product, they need to find out how to satisfy that desire.
At this point it is important for the marketer to show the customer how their
particular brand or product will best meet that need.
Figure 3. A banner ad that meets the customer’s need to save money.
All forms of digital marketing need to drive traffic and sales in the long term.
However, the immediacy of online advertising also drives traffic and sales in the
short and medium terms. Unlike traditional media advertising, online advertising
can turn the potential customer into an actual customer right there and then.
What’s more, it is possible to measure accurately how effective the online
advertising campaign has been in this regard.
Standard banner sizes
There are standard sizes (measured in pixels) for static, animated and rich media
banner adverts. Creating banners in these sizes means the ads can be placed
on many websites (advertisers sell space in these sizes as well). And here, size
(both dimensions and file size) does matter – you can expect varying rates of
clickthroughs and conversions across the range of sizes. Bigger is usually better,
but if you want to know what works best for your brand, test.
Banner sizes available on the Google Display Network include (all sizes are in
Google AdWords offers
pixels): a rich media banner
advert builder. You can
• Banner (468 x 60) find it in the ‘Ads’ tab in
the AdWords account
• Mobile leaderboard (300 x 50)
Banners may be animated, static or Flash, but must be under 50k in file size.
Bear in mind that the advertising network often includes a small graphic overlay
on the bottom of the advert, and does not resize your advert to accommodate this.
To avoid this obscuring your advert, you can leave a few pixels of blank space on
the bottom of your advert.
All adverts need to be supplied with a destination URL. Some rich media adverts
allow for multiple destination URLs.
These are banners shown between pages on a website. As you click from one page
to another, you are shown this advert before the next page is displayed. Sometimes
the advert can be closed.
11.5.3 Popups and pop-unders
As the name suggests, these are adverts that pop up, or under, the web page being
viewed. They open in a new, smaller window. You will see a popup straight away,
but will probably become aware of a pop-under only after you close your browser
These were very prominent in the early days of online advertising, but audience
annoyance means that there are now ‘popup blockers’ built into most good web
browsers. This can be problematic as sometimes a website will legitimately use a
popup to display information to the user.
NOTE This advert appears in a layer over the content, but is not in a separate window.
Remember: your goal is Usually, the user can close this advert. In fact, best practice dictates that a
to inform and motivate prominent close button should be included on the advert, usually in the top right
customers, not annoy
hand corner. Floating adverts are created with DHTML or Flash, and float in a layer
above a site’s content for a few seconds. Often, the animation ends by disappearing
into a banner advert on the page.
Figure 4. An expanded banner ad, including video, on the Los Angeles Times
This advert changes the background of the web page being viewed. It is sometimes
possible to click on an advert of this type, but not always. The effect of these adverts
is difficult to measure as there is often no clickthrough, and its chief purpose is
11.5.6 Map adverts
This is advertising placed on an online map, such as Google Maps. This type of
advert is ideal for local businesses and is usually based on keyword searches for
the brand’s offering.
11.6.1 CPM
CPM stands for cost per thousand impressions (M is the Roman numeral for a
thousand). This means the advertiser pays for every thousand times the advert
loads on the publisher’s page. This is how a campaign is normally priced when
brand awareness or exposure is the primary goal.
CPM rates for rich media adverts are usually higher than for standard media
adverts. This is often based on file size.
11.6.2 CPC
CPC stands for cost per click. This means that the advertiser pays only when their
advert is clicked on by an interested party, regardless of how many times it has
been viewed. CPC advertising is normally associated with search advertising,
NOTE although it has become very popular in display advertising too, especially when
Read more about this in using ad networks. Banners can be priced this way when the aim is to drive
the Search Advertising traffic and conversions. It is also a payment method sometimes used in affiliate
marketing, when the aim is to drive traffic to a new website.
11.6.3 CPA
CPA refers to cost per acquisition. This model means that the advertiser pays
only when an advert delivers an acquisition after the user clicks on the advert.
Definitions of acquisitions vary depending on the site and campaign. It may be a
user filling in a form, downloading a file or buying a product.
CPA is often the best option for advertisers because they pay only when the
advertising has met its goal. For this reason, it is also the worst type for the
publisher, as they are rewarded only if the advertising is successful. The publisher
has to rely on the conversion rate of the advertiser’s website, something that
Read more about this in
the Affiliate Marketing the publisher cannot control. The CPA model is not commonly used for banner
chapter. advertising and is generally associated with affiliate marketing.
11.6.5 CPE
With the cost per engagement (CPE) model, advertisers pay for interactions with
adverts, normally placed in videos or applications (such as Facebook applications).
An interaction, referred to as an engagement, usually starts with a rollover (or
mouse-over) that expands the ad. Once expanded, an advert may contain a video,
game, form, or other interactive content. The ad doesn’t take the user away from
the web page, and marketers pay only when an individual completes an action.
11.6.6 What payment model can you expect?
The advertiser rarely has a say over the payment model used – this comes down
to the website owner or publisher, advertising type and other factors, such as the
popularity of the site.
CPM favours the publisher, while CPA favours the advertiser. Sometimes, a hybrid
of the two payment models is pursued.
Niche websites with a targeted audience are more likely to offer CPC or CPA NOTE
advertising to advertisers with an appropriate product. These can also fall under Read more about this in
the umbrella of affiliate marketing. the Affiliate Marketing
Types of advertising can be seen on a scale from more intrusive (and thus potentially
annoying to the consumer) to less intrusive. In the same way, payment models can
be scaled from those that favour the publisher to those that favour the advertiser.
When planning a campaign, it is important to know how the advertising will be NOTE
paid for and what kinds of advertising are offered by publishers. A lot of this can Which is the best
be solved by using a company that specialises in advert serving, media planning payment model for you?
This will depend on the
and media buying. purpose of your ads and
the return you expect on
your investment. Each
11.7 Getting your ads online payment model can be
effective and lucrative if
used appropriately.
To get your ads to appear online, you need to find and pay for the space where it
will appear. There are several options for doing this:
11.7.2 Advertising networks
Rates are often negotiated with the network, and placements are booked over a
period of time.
Advertising exchanges, on the other hand, are where unsold advertising space
– called inventory – is placed by publishers for bidding. The inventory is sold to
the highest bidding advertiser. Giving advertisers far more control, this type of
advertising mimics the PPC model of search advertising (Generalised Second Price
auction) – but bids are for audience profiles and space rather than for keywords.
It allows publishers to fill unsold inventory at the highest available price, and can
give smaller advertisers access to this inventory.
11.7.4 Social media advertising
Many social media platforms offer an advertising option, as this is their primary
source of revenue. Social media can be an excellent place to reach prospects
because you can usually target very accurately based on user-provided
demographic information.
Facebook offers four paid-for advertising solutions:
1. Facebook Ads are standard adverts that appear in the user’s right-hand
sidebar. They have no minimum spend and can be bought on either a cost
per thousand impressions (CPM) or cost per click (CPC) basis. These
adverts are served based on interests and demographic information.
For example, an advertiser can request to have their advert shown to all
women in London who are interested in men, who are single and between
the ages of 25 and 35, and who like dogs or puppies.
Facebook will show you
the size of the audience
you have targeted and
how much each click is
likely to cost.
4. Promoted posts allow you to publicise an existing post that you have made.
A page must have at least 400 Likes before this option becomes available.
Facebook Advertising
information can be
found at www.facebook.
com/advertising. Figure 8. Ads on Facebook.
Twitter offers a self-service ad platform with several options and allows a degree
of specific targeting. The service is still relatively new, which means that it changes
frequently, and not all options may be available to all regions or user accounts.
• Promoted tweets are tweets that appear at the very top of a user’s
timeline, or in Twitter mobile apps. There is no minimum spend, and
advertisers pay when users retweet, @reply to, favourite or click on a
promoted tweet.
• Promoted accounts are user accounts that appear on the left of the
user’s Twitter timeline, in the section called “Who to follow”, which
recommends accounts the user may like. Advertisers pay when a user
follows the promoted account.
YouTube NOTE
YouTube offers a wide range of advertising formats and options for businesses. You can find out more at
These are covered in detail in the chapter on video marketing. advertise.
LinkedIn Read more about this
in the Video Marketing
LinkedIn Ads is a self-service advertising platform that allows you to create and chapter.
place adverts on prominent pages on the LinkedIn website, including a user’s
home page, search results pages, groups and more. There are many targeting
options available, including job title, job function, industry, geography, age, gender,
company name, company size, and LinkedIn Group. There is a minimum budget
requirement of $10 a day (though no minimum spend), and ads can be served on
a CPM or CPC basis.
More information about
LinkedIn advertising
can be found at
There are three types of mobile networks that you can choose from when
embarking on a mobile advertising campaign.
Blind networks
These networks target a large number of independent mobile publishers, and
generally allow you to target by country or type of content, but not by specific
websites. Payment tends to be on a CPC basis, which can vary. An example of this
kind of network is BuzzCity (www.buzzcity.com).
Premium blind networks
Advertising on premium blind networks tends to be more expensive, but allow
the advertiser to target better-known brands and high-traffic sites. Broadcasters
or operator portals fall under this category. Payment here is often on a CPM
basis. Millennial Media (www.millennialmedia.com) is an example premium blind
network. While targeting options are available, different networks can work in
different ways, with varying levels of support.
Premium networks
These networks often offer sales as a direct extension of the big brands that they offer.
More detailed targeting and sales support is available, but they also charge higher
rates. An example of this kind of network is Widespace (www.widespace.com/en).
The Mobile Marketing
Association publishes a
set of useful guidelines
for mobile advertising.
Download the latest
version at time of
publishing here: www.
mobileadvertising.pdf. Figure 11. Widespace is an example of a premium mobile ad network.
11.7.6 Ad servers
Ad servers are servers that store advertisements and serve them to web pages.
Ad servers can be local, run by a publisher to serve adverts to websites on the
publisher’s domain, or they can be third-party ad servers, which serve adverts
to web pages on any domain. Ad servers facilitate advert trafficking and provide
reports on advert performance. They have two functions: to help publishers
manage their ad inventory, and to help advertisers monitor and optimise their
The benefits of ad servers
Rather than distribute copies of each piece of creative advertising to each publisher
or media buyer, you can send out a line of code that calls up an advertisement
directly from the ad server each time an advert is scheduled to run. The agency
loads the creative to the server once and can modify rotations or add new units on
the fly without needing to re-contact the vendors. This is referred to as third-party
ad serving.
• Frequency capping: this limits the number of times a specific user sees
the same advert in a set time period.
• Exclusivity: this ensures that adverts from direct competitors are not
shown on the same page.
The ad server can also target adverts based on the business rules of the advertiser
or the profiles of the users:
• Day and time: advertisers can choose the time of day or day of the
week when their adverts are shown. Advertisers can specify when their
campaign should flight, down to the minute. This usually depends on
the client’s objective for the campaign or the product itself.
• Contextual advertising: the ad server deduces the optimum adverts to
serve based on the content of the page. For example, on an article about
mountain bike holidays in Europe, the ad server would show adverts for
new mountain bikes, or adverts from travel companies offering flights
to Europe, or perhaps adverts for adventure travel insurance.
11.9 Tracking
The trackability of online advertising is what makes it so superior to conventional
advertising. Not only can an advertiser tell how many times an advert has been
seen (impressions), but also how many times the advert has been successful in NOTE
sending visitors to the advertised website (clicks). As discussed in the chapter Read more about
on conversion optimisation, the tracking needs to continue on the website to this in the Conversion
Optimisation chapter.
determine how successful the advert has been in creating more revenue for the
website (conversions).
• Connection type
• Browser
• Operating system
• Time of day
Many third-party ad servers will set a cookie on impression of an advert, not only
on clickthrough, so it is possible to track conversions that happen indirectly (called
view-through conversions). Simply put, third-party ad servers can track not only
the post click data, but also the post view data: when a user sees an advert, does
not click on it, but goes to the website after viewing the advert (either by typing in
the URL, or by searching for the site).
Using this information, the ad server can target the adverts displayed, helping
advertisers to optimise campaigns and get the most from their budgets.
11.10 Step-by-step guide to online advertising Don’t forget to keep an
eye on any non-digital
Knowing the various types of display options and payment models available is all advertising that the brand
is doing – this could have
very well, but you may be wondering how to put this all together as you plan your a significant effect on
campaign. Here is a step-by-step guide that you can follow to ensure that you run your results, and you
want to ensure that you
effective adverts. are communicating the
same message.
1. Determine the goal of your campaign.
Are you embarking on a branding campaign, or is your primary focus direct
5. Set a budget.
Most advertising platforms will let you set and dynamically manage your
budget. Decide how much you are willing to pay per click, impression, action
or engagement, and set your total budget in line with this.
• Attract attention
• Convey a message
• Entice action
Animation attracts attention, but be wary of being one of several animated
banners on a website. Banners should not be considered in isolation, but
rather in the context of the website on which they will appear.
Web users respond well to being told what to do, and the content of an online
advert should be concise and directional. Examples of these CTAs include:
• “Donate now.”
While we have become used to the Internet as a free medium where we can
read and interact with any content we want, it is the fact that it is an advertiser’s
medium that keeps it free. And that means that as technologies evolve and the way
we interact with content changes, so advertising follows.
Previously the level of interaction a web user had with a website could be measured
by the number of pages of that website the user viewed. Now, technology such
as AJAX and rich media such as video mean that the time spent on a web page
can be more meaningful than the number of pages viewed. The key word here is
‘engagement’, and technology and data analysis is working towards being able to
determine how websites can quantify the level of engagement with a viewer.
A little online research will reveal plenty of commentary declaring the decline of
display advertising. Increasingly, consumers are becoming both weary and wary
of advertising. Clickthrough rates on banners are dropping, so the effectiveness of
display advertising is being questioned by some. With the focus in digital marketing
on tracking and measuring response and engagement, should a company spend
money on less measurable activities such as ‘brand building’, where they are
paying on a CPM basis?
NOTE Using third-party ad servers and post-impression tracking, the effect of different
advertising and marketing channels on each other can be observed. Banner
conversions are advertising can see an increase in search volume, for example.
important to look at
as well, especially
if your campaign is
What does this tell us? Measurement should take place across all channels, and
focused around raising no channel should be utilised in isolation. The best results will be gained through
an integrated and holistic approach to digital marketing.
Banner advertising goes a long way towards bridging the advertising divide.
Adverts have a set size, they can look very similar to print adverts, and they occupy
a particular bit of real estate in a publication with a particular number of views. It’s
easy to understand, and it does the things with which buyers are familiar.
Online advertising can take advantage of the emotive qualities of images, videos
and animations. Some campaigns are better suited to images rather than plain
Since banners can contain rich media, they offer levels of interactivity that other
forms of advertising cannot achieve. This allows your target market not only to see
your banner, but also to play with it. Interaction builds a bond and improves the
chances of the consumer remembering your brand tomorrow. Cognitive learning
is a powerful outcome of interactive display advertising.
Banner ads, like all digital marketing tactics, are measurable. Track clickthrough
rates and you get an idea of exactly how many people are responding to your Call
to Action. Some publishers even have the ability to do post-click tracking, which
means that you can track the user all the way to a sale if that is the purpose of the
Bandwidth can also be an issue, although this is a shrinking problem. However, NOTE
campaigns should be planned according to demographics in determining the Advertising blindness
is not a problem that’s
richness (and investment) of interaction. unique to the web - for
example, TV viewers
Consumers are suffering from advertising fatigue, so while new technologies are increasingly fast-
forwarding through
can provide great results, as soon as the market moves mainstream it can get ads or watching
saturated. Consumers are increasingly ignoring adverts. episodes through online
streaming services.
The Prius is a hybrid electric car. Toyota needed to raise awareness and drive sales around the
introduction of new models to the Prius line. To address this challenge, they brought the Saatchi
& Saatchi LA team on board (WorldsBestCaseStudies.com, 2012).
Since the idea for the second Prius had been conceived, debate had surrounded the question of
what exactly the term for the plural of Prius would be (Walsh, 2013). The Saatchi team identified
this as a potential talking point among customers and launched the ‘Prius goes plural’ campaign.
The promotional video posted on YouTube asked fans what they thought the plural of the name
‘Prius’ should be. The video then gave social media users a month to vote for the best term.
In order to drive awareness and interest in the campaign, they created a series of animated,
interactive display ads.
Some of the display ads featured animated Prius vehicles that sped into life by driving across the
page into the text that the viewer was reading.
11.13.4 Results
The display advertising campaign was incredibly successful in driving awareness, interaction
and traffic to a range of portals. It achieved this by incorporating a fun concept with some eye-
catching display adverts that also encouraged interactivity – a perfect blend that speaks to display
advertising best practice.
Here are some figures that demonstrate the success of this display advertising strategy:
• The YouTube video alone was viewed over 250 000 times, with almost 300 comments
(ToyotaUSA, 2011).
• The Facebook Page received over 400 000 likes with 1 141 likes for a single post, although
comments on posts were lacking (Toyota Prius, 2000).
• The campaign received just 1.2 million votes – and the Prius plural was announced as Prii
(Walsh, 2013).
• This campaign also drove sales with a record of over 1 million Prius sales, even in a tough
economy (WorldsBestCaseStudies.com, 2012).
Figure 13. An interactive ad that allowed users to enter their suggestions.
As mentioned, online advertising can be used as an acquisition channel, reaching out to a new
audience. It can be used to initiate a buying cycle and customer relationship, which then plays out
across other online channels. Addressing advertising and other channels to complement each
other will result in a consistent message, and optimum results. Online advertising can be used to
reach a large audience, and then other digital marketing tactics can be used to refine and engage
this audience further. Social media advertising in particular is crucial for building communities
and keeping the brand top of mind.
Online advertising and affiliate marketing go hand in hand. Affiliate networks also act as advertising
networks, allowing for advertising to be purchased on a performance basis.
When seeding new products and viral campaigns, display advertising can be used to reach a wide
audience at a low cost. It can expose a campaign to many new users, and increase the chance that
those who are most likely to pass on a message receive it in the first place. Display advertising also
supports other advertising and marketing channels, such as search advertising and marketing.
11.15 Summary
Online advertising has two main objectives:
• Branding
The Internet allows for highly targeted and highly trackable advertising across a variety of online
media. Some ways that advertisers can use the Internet are:
• Banner adverts
• Interstitial banners
• Floating adverts
• Wallpaper adverts
• Map adverts
Ad servers provide trafficking, tracking and reporting solutions to both advertisers and publishers.
They allow advertisers to target display adverts based on parameters, including:
• Behaviour
• Exclusivity
• Context of content
Technology allows for increased levels of interaction within an advert, and for advertising tailored
to engagement media such as online videos and social network applications.
1. Why did display advertising play such a critical role in the Prius campaign?
2. Why did people find the concept of coming up with a plural for Prius so engaging?
3. What is the benefit of using interactive adverts, as demonstrated in the case study?
11.17 Chapter questions
1. Online banner advertising and outdoor display advertising both use images to try to increase
sales. In planning, both need to consider placement so as to be seen by their most likely
audience. What are the key differences?
11.19 References
Toyota Prius, 2000. Toyota Prius. [Online]
Available at: https://www.facebook.com/prius
[Accessed 8 May 2013].
ToyotaUSA, 2011. Prius Goes Plural - When One Becomes More. [Online]
Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=nUor4gdFoyg
[Accessed 08 May 2013].
12 Affiliate
Imagine that the restaurant gave you 10% of the bill for every person you referred.
They would be paying you a finder’s fee for new customers. There are a number
of businesses that market in this way offline. Brokers for insurance products are
an example, but these referrals can be hard to track. Online, they are very easy to
track. This system of reward, where compensation is based on referral, is called
affiliate marketing, and this term is used to describe this type of marketing in an
online environment.
• Which tools and resources you will need to sell products through
Term Definition
A specified task performed by a user, which results in
the affiliate being awarded commission. Actions include
purchasing a product, signing up for a newsletter or
filling in a form.
A text file sent by a server to a web browser and
then sent back unchanged by the browser each
time it accesses that server. Cookies are used for
authenticating, tracking, and maintaining specific
information about users, such as site preferences or the
contents of their electronic shopping carts.
The number of conversions divided by the number of
Conversion rate
visitors, expressed as a percentage.
The amount paid when a certain action is performed by
Cost per Action (CPA)
a user.
Cost per Click (CPC) The amount paid when a link is clicked on.
Commission structure where the affiliate earns a fixed
Cost per Lead (CPL)
fee for a lead sent to a merchant.
The owner of the product that is being marketed or
When a user clicks on a link from one site to another,
the site the user has left is the referrer. Most browsers
Referrer log the referrer’s URL in referrer strings. This
information is vital in determining which queries are
being used to find specific sites.
Commission structure where the affiliate earns a
Revenue share
percentage of a sale.
Return on investment
The ratio of profit to cost.
The period that a user with a unique cookie spends on a
website during a specified amount of time.
eXtensible Markup
A standard used for creating structured documents.
Language (XML)
3. The merchant rewards the affiliate for each desired action that results
from the affiliate’s referral.
Clicks on Purchases at
Visitor Affiliate Ad Merchant
Affiliate Network
However, there are many different ways in which an affiliate might market a
merchant’s offering; there are many different actions that can be rewarded; and,
most importantly, there needs to be some way to keep track of the whole process.
NOTE Affiliate marketing can be used to promote any type of website – there just needs
Affiliate marketing is to be an agreed-upon action resulting in an affiliate earning commission. Different
most commonly used for types of merchants will have different required actions. The actions and the type of
eCommerce websites,
but it doesn’t have to be
commission can be summed up as:
limited to this. If other
actions on your site are • Cost per Action (CPA) – a fixed commission for a particular action.
valuable, it may be worth
considering engaging an
affiliate. • Cost per Lead (CPL) – a fixed commission for a lead (that is, a potential sale).
• Revenue share (also CPS or Cost per Sale) – an agreed-on percentage of the
purchase amount.
• Cost per Click (CPC) – a fixed amount for each clickthrough to the website
(although this forms a very small part of the affiliate marketing mix).
Here, the action could be anything from downloading a white paper or software to
signing up to a newsletter.
Merchants who offer CPL commissions are usually those who need to convert
a lead into a sale offline. This means they will generally need to complete the
transaction over the phone with the customer, or that the process is quite
complicated. Typically, insurance companies and banking institutions offer this
type of commission. Membership sites that offer a free trial period, such as online
DVD rental, can also use this commission structure.
You may be wondering why merchants are willing to pay for a lead, instead of only
for completed transactions.
Affiliates prefer this model, as they are not in control of the offline conversion
process. It is the merchant’s job to be able to complete the transaction. Some
merchants may be wary that the leads will not be of a high enough quality. This is
why they will usually have conversion targets with which the leads generated need
to comply as a quality control.
Revenue share
Revenue sharing is the ideal commission structure as both the merchant and
the affiliate are rewarded for performance – the more sales, the more revenue
generated for the merchant, and the more commission for the affiliate. Websites
where a sale can be performed instantly are ideal for revenue sharing. Online
retailers and instant online travel agents are perfect examples of merchants who
offer a revenue share commission. The affiliate earns a percentage of the sale.
We have seen that there are different types of actions that can result in commission
being awarded, and that these usually suit the website that is being promoted.
This means that any industry that is online can most likely be promoted through
affiliate marketing.
Affiliates have many options open to them to promote merchants’ websites. But
before we get to that, we need to take a look at tracking – the thread that holds it
all together.
12.3.2 Tracking
The key to affiliate marketing is being able to track the whole process from
potential customers being sent to a website through to a completed action, so that
the merchant is able to award the correct affiliate with the correct commission.
Specialised affiliate tracking software is used to track affiliate campaigns, and this
is usually supplied and supported by an affiliate network. Often, the merchant and
the affiliate will also use their own tracking software to make sure that there are
no major discrepancies.
Affiliates send traffic to merchants through links or URLs, and the tracking
software allows each affiliate to have a unique identifier in the URL. These links
set a cookie on the customer’s computer, which allows the software to track the
Here is the URL for the same product, but with affiliate tracking:
You can see some of the information being recorded. It has been shown in bold in
the URL:
Can you spot the original URL in the one with the tracking?
When the customer completes the required action on the merchant’s website,
the cookie will allow the tracking software to collect the information needed to
award the commission. For example, if a customer were to use an affiliate link
to purchase a gift from a merchant (using the same URL as before), the following
information would be collected:
All this information will allow the merchant to confirm that the sale is valid, as
well as the amount of commission that is due, without ever releasing any of the
customer’s personal information.
• Impressions
• Clicks
• Conversions
All this information helps to build up data in order to strengthen the campaign.
Affiliates will use this information to determine the success of their marketing
efforts. Remember that affiliates invest money in marketing various merchants,
and they are rewarded only on commission. An affiliate will use the above
information to determine whether or not to promote a merchant, and how much
they should invest in promoting a particular merchant.
Merchants can use the information on their campaign to determine how best to
optimise. For example, if a particular type of banner seems to be doing better than
others, they could use that to improve other banners that they offer.
There are merchants who offer what is called an affiliate lock-in. Here, the first
affiliate to refer the customer earns commission for the lifetime of the customer:
every purchase that the customer makes will earn the affiliate commission.
NOTE Affiliates tend to prefer a longer cookie period; it increases the likelihood of being
What is the fairest awarded commission.
option? This will depend
largely on the type of
action or product in
question. Tracking issues
Successful tracking is fundamental to any digital marketing campaign, and
especially so to affiliate marketing. As affiliates are paid only for performance,
if anything goes wrong in the tracking process, it is the affiliates who suffer. The
merchant will still get the desired sales, but the affiliates won’t be rewarded.
It is therefore good to bear in mind some of the problems that can be faced with
For example: A user sees a banner on a website he visits promoting a weekend
in Paris, booked with Eurostar. The user clicks on that banner and checks out
the deals on the Eurostar website. A cookie is set, as the first website is an
affiliate of Eurostar.
He doesn’t book right away, but after chatting to his girlfriend, they decide to
book the trip. He goes to Google, searches for ‘Eurostar weekend in Paris’, and
clicks on one of the PPC adverts. This has also been placed by an affiliate, but
a different one.
This time he books the trip. But which affiliate should be rewarded the
Usually the most recent referral is awarded the commission, although there are
some merchants who also offer compensation to other affiliates involved in the
sales process. In the example above, the affiliate who placed the PPC advert would
get the commission for this sale.
Deleted cookies
Consumers sometimes delete cookies from their computer. If this happens, then
the sale will never be attributed to the affiliate. This practice does not seem to have
a drastic effect on numbers, however, and so most affiliates will calculate this into
their return on investment (ROI).
Clashing cookies
Merchants will often use some kind of tracking so that they can better optimise
their own marketing efforts, or a merchant may make some kind of technical
change to their website. It is crucial that any of these changes are tested first
with the tracking software, to make sure that they do not create any conflict.
It is generally accepted practice that even if a merchant’s marketing effort is
responsible for the final sale, the affiliate still gets the commission if it is within
the affiliate’s cookie period.
Affiliates are digital marketers who are paid on a performance basis. Every type of
marketing strategy will be found in the affiliate world, and affiliates can often be
seen at the forefront of breaking technology and applying it to marketing strategies.
The basic aim of an affiliate is to send targeted traffic (that means customers who
are very likely to perform the desired action) to a particular merchant’s website.
Affiliates may promote as many merchants in as many industries with as many
tactics as they want, but they usually specialise.
Most of the tactics will be the same as those that the merchant employs, but will
reach a different part of the Internet population. Effective tracking takes care
of any overlap, and will help merchants to adjust their spending for the most
effective ROI.
NOTE • Content and niche sites. These are websites created specifically around
This is one direct way to a topic, and any products promoted will carry affiliate tracking. For
monetise your quality example, an affiliate may create a site dedicated to digital cameras, with
content. Some bloggers
earn a comfortable living tips and downloads to help you get the most out of your camera. It could
by including affiliate review a number of different cameras, and offer links to purchase those
links on their blogs.
cameras online. All of those links will be affiliate links. Seasonality is
also a key time for content sites. Websites can be created specifically for
Christmas, Mother’s Day, and many more key retail seasons.
• Email lists. Some affiliates run large opt-in email lists, and they market
particular merchant offers through their email newsletters. Some
renegade affiliates use spam email to promote merchant offers, but as
affiliate marketing has matured, there are usually terms and conditions
to prevent this in reputable industries.
• Coupon and promotions sites. Some affiliates use unique coupons and
offers to get users to click on their links; this benefits the affiliate, who
earns a commission, and the buyer, who gets a promo or discount.
Affiliates will find any means possible to promote offers. As new products and NOTE
platforms become available, marketers and affiliate marketers find new ways to Affiliates often come
make them work. Some other examples of affiliates promoting merchants include: up with innovative
marketing approaches
for new online platforms,
• Toolbars and other browser extensions pioneering the way for
• Social network applications other online marketers.
They can be a good
source of inspiration for
All that is required is that the clickthrough to the merchant’s website is tracked. your own efforts.
The website is designed with several coupons on offer. Users can ‘clip’ the
coupon, share it, like it, print it, and even tweet it. This website has been
optimised with a strong Call to Action that entices users to take action. The
coupons are informative and the calculator in the top right hand corner of the
website updates how much the user is saving.
What makes this affiliate marketing programme unique is that the users
can print the coupons. This form of affiliate marketing provides users and
merchants with both online and offline experience. Therefore, merchants earn
returns not only when a coupon is clicked on, but also when they are printed.
This is an example of a website that truly has the user experience in mind, and
makes online coupon shopping fun!
12.3.4 Affiliate networks
As well as the affiliate and the merchant, there is generally a very important third
party in the affiliate marketing mix – the affiliate network.
While some small affiliate programmes and some very large affiliate programmes
(such as Amazon Associates) are run by the merchant, most merchants opt to
use an affiliate network to provide most of the technical solutions required for an
affiliate programme.
Affiliate networks publish the terms of the affiliate programme, provide tracking
solutions, report on programmes, host creative banners, give commission payment
options, and support both affiliates and merchants.
When the affiliate logs into a network, they will see the programmes on offer and
all the relevant metrics they need in order to decide whether the programme on
offer is worth promoting.
The Affiliate Network will also provide information on the programme and the
terms and conditions, to incentivise the affiliate to join.
NOTE The affiliate network will have creative assets, such as images, banners and text,
that the affiliate can use.
The affiliate is also
able to create their own
unique creative assets.
Figure 5. Links to creative assets such as images and text, provided by the affiliate.
For example, by clicking on the banner link, the affiliate can choose which image
will best work for them.
All affiliate programmes will have some restrictions to ensure the affiliate is
providing value. Hotels.com has the following policies:
Affiliate networks have many affiliates and merchants signed up to them, so they
are an ideal source for recruiting affiliates if you are a merchant, or for finding
merchants to promote if you are an affiliate. To the merchants, they provide a
one-payment solution as the merchant will be invoiced for all the commission
collectively owed, which is then dispersed to the affiliates.
NOTE Affiliate networks usually do not charge affiliates to join. They can charge a
merchant a setup fee, which will cover the cost of making sure that the tracking
It’s essential for
affiliates to choose solution is successfully integrated, and can charge a monthly management fee,
campaigns that are depending on the level of support offered to the merchant. Affiliate networks
relevant to the content
they create to ensure usually charge the merchant a percentage of the commission earned by the affiliate
they are effective, (called a commission override), so that there are incentives for the networks if they
and to maintain their
reputations. The Hotels. perform well. As a rough guide, this is typically 30% of the commission rewarded
com campaign would to the affiliate.
probably perform better
on a travel blog than a
political news site, for Some leading affiliate networks are:
• Commission Junction – www.cj.com
• LinkShare – www.linkshare.com
• TradeDoubler – www.tradedoubler.com
First, you need a clear idea of your business’s identity, goals and unique selling
points. No doubt you will have competitors that affiliates already promote; you
need to be able to give affiliates compelling reasons why your programme is better.
With this in mind, you need to determine the goal of your affiliate marketing. If
you are a new business, you may just want to build traffic and brand awareness.
Depending on what industry you are in, your goal could be new customer leads, or
it could be increased retail sales. Make sure that you are clear on what you want,
and that your website reflects this.
Then, you need to decide whether you are going to run your own programme,
from affiliate recruitment to tracking and paying, or whether you are going to use
an affiliate network. If you are using an affiliate network, you’ll need to do your
homework on the best networks to join. Look at:
You’ll also need to decide whether you will hire an affiliate manager to run your
programme, whether you will outsource your programme management, or
whether you already have the resources to run the programme yourself.
• Commission tiers
• Cookie periods
• Creative offerings
• Networks
• Product feed
Test the tracking software on your site, and make sure that it does not conflict with
any other tracking you are using.
Now, you should recruit affiliates. Use your competitor analysis to contact potential
affiliates, promote your programme through affiliate forums, use your affiliate
network contact channels to approach affiliates, and approach sites that you think
fit your user demographic.
And it doesn’t all stop once you’ve launched! The key to successful affiliate
marketing is ongoing communication with and marketing to your affiliates.
You need to make sure you are on top of validating sales, so that they get their
commission. You need to ensure that you stay competitive with your commission
offering. And you need to keep your affiliates up to date with any information that
could make them send more customers your way – more revenue for you and
therefore more cash for them.
NOTE Any retailer should have a product feed, in either XML or CSV. A product feed is
This product feed can a way of providing information about the products on a merchant’s website in a
also be submitted to the way that breaks up the information easily, and is standardised. A product feed will
Google Merchant Center
(available in a few
probably contain the following information for each product:
countries including the
US and the UK). This will • Product name
allow your products to
be served as ads in the • Product URL
search engine results,
leading to even more • Picture
sales. • Price
• Description
• Shipping price
• Stock status: in stock / out of stock
Affiliates, particularly search affiliates, can then use this to promote individual
A product feed is made available on a simple URL, and displays content that
affiliates can use in their campaigns. You can view a product feed by visiting:
NOTE Merchants need to create a set of banners and buttons that can be placed on
affiliate websites. At a minimum, the following sizes should be available:
Read more about this in
the Online Advertising
chapter. • 468 x 60 (banner)
• 120 x 60 (button)
Having interactive banners, such as gift wizards or product searches, means that
potential customers can interact with the brand before they even come through to
the merchant’s website.
If the merchant or the affiliate network hosts the banners, these can be updated
without the affiliates having to do anything. This means that the message can be
kept current across all of the merchant campaigns.
Merchants need to consider who will be monitoring and driving the success of
the affiliate campaign. Merchants may be able to run the programme in-house
with current staffing resources, or hire an affiliate manager. It is also possible
to outsource the management of the affiliate programme to an agency that
specialises in affiliate marketing.
Lastly, merchants need to keep in touch with their affiliates: the networks have
channels for communicating with a large number of affiliates, but it is also
worthwhile to interact on some of the affiliate marketing forums in order to keep
For affiliates, keeping up to date with merchants, other affiliates and the industry
is probably the key to growth. That, and finding the time to put it all into practice!
Joining forums and keeping tabs on industry leaders will help to do just that.
• Webmasterworld: www.webmasterworld.com/advertising
and sales drop, depending on how reliant the merchant had been on that
affiliate. Similarly, merchants may decide to terminate a programme,
meaning a loss of revenue for affiliates. Particularly if little notice is
given, affiliates may have spent time and money setting up promotions,
only to have the campaign pulled out from underneath them.
• Affiliate programmes are not easily scalable, since they often include a
lot of admin and technical setup.
• The merchant’s sales force just became bigger, as well as its branding
• There is a very low barrier to entry for both affiliates and merchants.
Customer acquisition is therefore a priority for eCommerce retailers, and they often turn to a wide
range of online marketing channels to find and attract new markets. The Search Agency worked
with a well-known ebook retailer – which offers over 3 million products in 170 countries – to get
their flagging in-house affiliate programme to deliver real results.
12.7.3 The solution
The Search Agency analysed the way in which the ebook retailer was running its affiliate
programme and developed a solution that it called the ‘Affiliate Triple A strategy’. It was structured
in the following way:
• Affiliate Acquisition focused on finding and retaining a high number of quality affiliate
partners. This involved creating a marketing campaign and recruitment programme
aimed at these affiliates.
• Affiliate Activation involved creating special offers and deals to encourage affiliates to
get on board. This included creating a basic informational guide to the programme and
benefits, and contacting previous affiliates who had since stopped sharing the retailer’s
• Affiliate Activity wrapped this up by encouraging sales and getting affiliates more deeply
engaged in the programme. They created a merchandising calendar, banner ads, copy,
and a product feed to inform and support the affiliates on the programme.
Through proper planning, engagement and incentives, The Search Agency managed to smash the
ebook retailer’s target of 100% more sales over 12 months. Their actual results over were:
The success of the initiative meant that the retailer has now included affiliate marketing as a
core component of their online marketing strategy. It has also allowed the business to expand its
business in Australia and Europe.
But as a merchant, how does affiliate marketing fit into the overall marketing mix?
For starters, affiliate marketing can allow merchants to add elements to their digital marketing
with a fixed CPA. As an example, a merchant may want to promote their products through search
advertising, but may lack the expertise to run a campaign. Instead of paying an agency, the
merchant can recruit search affiliates to run search advertising, and the merchant will only ever
pay for performance.
Working closely with affiliates, merchants can get many more case studies for analysing and
optimising their websites, particularly when it comes to conversion. As affiliates are paid for
performance, they will be more than willing to advise on ways to improve conversion rates.
Affiliate marketing can be used to complement other campaigns, offline or online. Making sure
that there are banners to support these campaigns, the merchant can ensure a wider audience for
their other marketing efforts.
Affiliate marketing allows for targeted traffic from niche websites. While the merchant can focus on
a broad spectrum of websites, affiliate marketing allows for the targeting of niche traffic sources.
12.9 Summary
Affiliate marketing is performance-based marketing where merchants reward affiliates
commission for successful referrals.
• Revenue share
The most essential element in affiliate marketing is tracking. Tracking software places a cookie on
a user’s browser when that user clicks on an affiliate link. The cookie period is determined by the
merchant. If the user performs the desired action within the cookie period, the affiliate is awarded
Affiliate networks are often used as an intermediary between affiliates and merchants. Affiliate
networks provide tracking solutions, reporting and support to both affiliates and merchants.
• Personal websites
• Email lists
One of the keys to successful affiliate marketing is ongoing communication between merchants
and affiliates.
12.10 Case study questions
1. 1. Why is having a strategy such an important part of running a successful affiliate
2. 2. What role did each of the ‘Triple A’ strategy components play, and how did they build on
each other?
2. 2. What is the difference between a lifetime cookie and a lock-in cookie? How do you think
lock-in cookies affect the commission levels offered by merchants?
3. 3. Why do you think some affiliates run affiliate programmes for their own websites?
4. 4. How can a merchant try to ensure that their own marketing efforts do not overlap with
those of their affiliates? Why would a merchant want to reduce overlap?
blog.affiliatetip.com – a blog from Shawn Collins, an affiliate since 1997 and founder of Affiliate
Summit, the leading industry conference.
12.13 References
The Search Agency, n.d. Affiliate Marketing Case Study: eBooks Retailer. [Online]
Available at: http://www.thesearchagency.com/sites/default/files/TSA_casestudy_eBooksRetailer.pdf
[Accessed 5 June 2013].
13 Video
What’s inside: An introduction to video marketing and the key terms and concepts
you need for this chapter. We look at how to produce an online video within a sound content
strategy, and how to promote it through paid, earned and owned media channels.
13.1 Introduction
Unlike text and even images, video offers an extremely rich, engaging and
stimulating experience for viewers. With the increased availability of bandwidth
and improvements in video technology, people have started watching and sharing
videos on a scale never seen before. From music videos and funny clips of animals
to reviews, how-to’s and exciting commercials and movie trailers, people are
turning to video for entertainment, information and valuable content.
In early 2013, Google was the world’s largest search engine with almost 19.5 billion
searches in January alone representing a 67% market share in the US (comScore,
2013). Interestingly, the second largest search engine was in fact YouTube, the
popular video-sharing website. This indicates that people are turning to YouTube
with precise, intent-driven behaviour: they’re not just browsing randomly or
waiting for a link to land in their inbox. YouTube boasts over 1 billion unique users
per month (YouTube, 2013).
Online, we turn to search engines to help us answer questions and find content.
That content can be anything, from images to text, and of course, video. Text
content can be read by search engines, but content such as images and video
cannot be read nearly as well. With more and more people using searches to find
video content, understanding how to create videos for online and optimise videos
for searching is an important part of any digital strategy.
According to YouTube, there are more than four billion hours of video viewed
each month on its website, while every minute, 100 hours of video are uploaded
(YouTube, 2013).
Videos can come from anyone, and from anywhere. Small home videos can
experience massive global reach, as was the case with the popular Charlie Bit
My Finger video which has accumulated 558 million views as of September 2013.
Musicians often use social video platforms to share their music videos and, of
course, brands use video-sharing platforms to communicate messages via video.
People are increasingly interacting with brands via video by creating opinion
videos, parodies and responses. More importantly, they have the power to market
themselves, their ideas, who they are and what they do. For example, Laura Vitale
has created a series of engaging cooking videos right at home – her informative
and valuable videos (created on a budget) have garnered over 69 million views and
500 000 subscriptions.
Video content helps you connect with your audience, creating an experience and
encouraging engagement.
In this chapter, you will learn:
• Why video marketing is such a powerful, versatile and effective
marketing channel online
Term Definition
A comment or instruction (usually added as text) on a
YouTube video. A YouTube annotation may contain links
directing users to other pages within YouTube or, if a
brand is willing to pay, to outside websites.
Search engine results The actual results returned to the user based on a
page (SERP) search query.
13.3 Video content strategy
Videos are powerful because they can have a strong emotional effect on viewers –
it’s no secret that funny, shocking, amazing and inspirational videos do particularly
well online. Video is the ideal tool for experiential marketing – giving viewers the
chance to experience something alongside the onscreen actors and consider
how they would feel or act in that situation. It also helps to show off a brand’s
personality, tone and communication style.
Many people are still under the misconception that online videos are expensive
and difficult to produce. That’s not the case – the many millions of successful
home video bloggers (vloggers) and marketers prove otherwise.
Unlike content made for TV, web video content can be filmed at a much lower cost
and quality, using readily available home video equipment. Affordable high-quality
cameras have made quality content production a reality for everyone. Viewers
don’t necessarily expect a super-slick offering (though even this is possible with
some basic video editing software). To get started with making video marketing
content, you will need:
• A camera – depending on what you can afford, this can range from a
simple webcam or your mobile phone’s camera to a (top-of-the-line)
professional camera, though there are many excellent mid-range options
available at a low price.
NOTE • Video editing software – you will need a software package to cut, edit and
There are many useful, finish your video; there is a wide range of options, including free built-in
free resources and software (Movie Maker for Windows and iMovie for Mac) and professional
tutorials on creating
videos online - video editing suites (such as Final Cut Pro or Adobe AfterEffects), which
www.wikihow.com is can be more costly. YouTube also offers an online video editing tool.
a good place to start
1. Video content: These are videos made to entertain, inform, share updates
or otherwise enlighten or delight the viewer. Much like syndicated articles
or blog posts, these are usually not directly promotional, but instead
provide shareable content that gives value to the viewer. Some examples
of video content include:
• How-to guides and tutorials • Conference talks
Think about it now: if
• Video presentations • Valuable industry updates your company or brand
wanted to create content
• Educational lectures • Product reviews and advice videos, what format and
approach would you
• Entertainment use?
2. Video ads: These are simply adverts that are filmed and formatted for
online use. These can be existing TV commercials that are shared online,
or custom ads made specifically for the web. We’ll cover a range of options
for posting your video ads below, in the section on paid video promotion.
The holy grail of video marketing (and, in fact, any marketing on the web) is having
a piece of content ‘go viral’. This means that the content spreads from person to
person through the web at a very high rate, attracting an exponentially growing
audience as it gains popularity. The key to this viral effect is social media, where
each user is connected to a wide network of others and can easily share content
with their friends. Because this is a trusted social referral, it’s more likely that they
will view and share it themselves (if it’s good enough).
Figure 1. A screenshot of the Will it Blend video on YouTube, indicating the number
of times it has been viewed.
Nobody quite knows the secret recipe for getting content to go viral, and quite
possibly there isn’t one – the sheer variety and scope of viral videos shows that
almost anything might catch the interest of the Internet on the right day. This
means that it’s very difficult to craft a video in order to make it go viral. But there
are some principles that can help you make great video content with the potential
for viral spread:
• Make it unique. The Internet loves new, fresh, crazy ideas – so don’t
rehash somebody else’s success or stick to a formula. Be truly creative
and inventive.
• Make it shareable. Include the tools and incentives to make your video
easy to share; consider social media chiclets, annotations, encouraging
comments and more.
• Make it short. With very few exceptions, successful viral videos tend to
be short, impactful clips. People have short attention spans, so make
sure you get the message across quickly.
As always, you first need to identify the audience for whom you are creating this
video content. What are their wants and needs? What video content are they already
consuming? How can you engage their attention, provide something valuable, and
promote your brand at the same time?
Some solid market research will reveal the answers to these questions.
13.4.2 Planning and concept
Now you need to come up with the core concept for the video, which will be dictated
by what will resonate with your target audience. Will it be a once-off clip or part of
an ongoing series? What marketing message do you hope to convey? Decide on the
best style and tone in which to convey this.
Once you have decided these aspects, it’s time to start planning your actual video
shoot. You will need to write a script (or at least prepare a breakdown of what the
video should include), and schedule the shoot – consider the venue, crew required,
actors, and any other props or elements you need. How long this takes will depend
on the complexity of the video you’re planning.
Once you have the video, you need to decide where it will be uploaded to.
There are two options for making your video content available online. These are not
mutually exclusive and there are techniques for both to ensure the best distribution
and search coverage for your video. For example, you could be embedding videos
posted elsewhere on your site.
Online video can be hosted on your own site, or it can be posted to one or many
video distribution channels. If you post your video somewhere such as YouTube or
Vimeo, it is then easy to embed it into your website as well.
YouTube (www.youtube.com) should be your first port of call when posting videos,
since it is the biggest and most popular video hosting site on the web. Rather than
posting a video under a normal username, create a branded channel – a YouTube
‘home page’ for videos created by your brand.
YouTube channels allow you to add a logo, background, branded elements, a brand
description and links to your other web properties. This means you can customise
the page as you see fit. Channels also have a range of analytical features for
measuring video engagement, and as an added bonus, they work well on mobile
devices, too. Furthermore, you gain many benefits in ranking well on the world’s
most popular search engine – Google.
Other good options for video hosting include:
• Vimeo (www.vimeo.com)
• MetaCafe (www.metacafe.com)
• Dailymotion (www.dailymotion.com)
If your video is hosted on your own website, the obvious advantage is that you have NOTE
control over the whole website and environment in which it is hosted, from the YouTube Analytics lets
you see where people
look and feel to on-page text, meta data and user experience. When it comes to are viewing your videos
advertising and related content, you control both, and you decide how to monetise - this can give you
insight into your most
it. Traffic and links go directly to your website, and can therefore be integral to a
effective video-sharing
longer-term search strategy. However, consider embedding your videos from your channels.
account on your chosen video-sharing site. Not only does this allow you to cross-
pollinate content, but you will also gain more views via more points of entry.
13.4.5 Optimising
At this point, you need to optimise your video for easy discovery on the web.
Most searching on the web is keyword based: you type keywords relevant to your
query into a search box, and the results of the search should list content that
matches your keywords. Whether you are using a search box on a website, on
YouTube, or Google, this outlines the very basic way in which we expect the search
function to work.
The search engine tries to match your keywords to the content it has indexed,
and is also trying to determine how to rank the results so that you get the most
relevant content at the top of your search results page.
This is all covered in great detail in the Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) chapter.
Optimising video for search involves understanding the basics of SEO, and then the
particular challenges and tactics of optimising video content.
Search engines rely on being able to use text in the content to determine what it
is about, and other indicators to determine how relevant that content is. When it
comes to web pages, search engines can ‘read’ the text on the page to determine
what the page is about, and can measure the links coming in to determine how
relevant the page is. When it comes to video, the search engine cannot ‘watch’ or
‘read’ the video in the same way that a human can (though there are technological
solutions that are starting to make this possible). Instead, it must rely on other text
on the page, as well as the meta data added, to determine what the video is about.
The search engine also needs to look for ways to measure relevance.
Marketers and website owners now need to optimise all their various forms of
content – be they text pages, images or videos – in order to achieve better rankings.
Video search engine optimisation (VSEO) involves the use of basic SEO foundations
and additional creative optimisation methods to ensure that online video content
appears higher up on the SERPs.
Figure 3. A search for the words “dog waits patiently for treats” brings up website
and video results.
Optimising video for video-sharing sites such as YouTube means that you will
appear not only in search results on the video-sharing site, but also on SERPs such
as Google. While each video-sharing site will use its own algorithm, the guidelines
below can be considered best practice across most of the video-sharing sites.
If you are creating
a video series, use
a standard naming
structure for the title
to make all the videos
Figure 4. Video title.
easier to find.
Figure 5. Video description.
YouTube Suggest and Google Suggest are useful tools for generating ideas.
5. Optimise the thumbnail.
Consider adding an enticing thumbnail frame. YouTube allows you to choose any
moment in the video to be the thumbnail. Simply optimising the thumbnail image
can encourage increased clickthroughs and views, which helps to increase search
6. Use annotations
Use annotations to link to and from other video properties. Annotations allow you to
add text boxes with clickable URLs (which are crawled by the search engine spiders
A great way to use
annotations is to link as well) at points of your choosing in your video. Annotations in already popular
to some of your other and current videos can be used to drive traffic to new videos, although it should be
videos at the end - this
standard practice to include them in a video as soon as it has been uploaded. It’s also
works similarly to
“articles you may like” a great way to encourage viewers to subscribe to your YouTube channel.
at the end of a blog post.
The nature of YouTube is such that the number of views for pages on which videos
are watched is always higher than channel views. However, if a paid search
campaign is being run, the option to play clicked videos on the channel page exists.
This is optimal as it could boost interactions with the branded channel header
image, increase engagement with the playlist, and raise the channel view stats.
The amount of content you upload is also dependent on the service or product your
brand offers, and your video budget. It’s a careful balance of not overloading your
channel with useless media and keeping content fresh and engaging.
13.4.6 Promoting
We’ve covered promoting your video in detail in the next section. There are three
ways you can promote your video – using owned, earned and paid media channels.
3.4.8 Reporting
As with all digital marketing tactics, in video marketing it’s essential to track and
analyse data about your activities, and then optimise your strategy accordingly.
When creating video content, use the various measurement options available to
determine what you can do better going forward.
YouTube Analytics is a free tool that enables anyone with a YouTube account to view
detailed statistics about the videos they upload to the site. You can see how often
videos are viewed in different geographic regions, as well as how popular they are
relative to all videos in that market over a given period of time.
You can also delve deeper into the lifecycle of videos, such as how long it takes for
a video to become popular, and what happens to video views as popularity peaks.
YouTube even breaks down the specific seconds when people stop watching the
Using these metrics, you can increase your videos’ view counts and improve
popularity on the site. For example, you might learn that your videos are most
popular on Wednesdays, that they have a huge following in Spain, or that new
videos that play off previous content become more popular more quickly. If you
see people dropping off halfway into the video, add an annotation to mix things up.
There are many creative ways to approach this.
With this information, you can concentrate on posting compelling, fresh content
that appeals to selected target audiences, and post these videos on days when you
know these viewers are on the site. You could even go a step further and customise
the video, dubbing it in Spanish (closed captions also support SEO efforts). The
range of possibilities to customise – and optimise – your content is limited only by
the brand’s level of willingness.
• A user knows what sort of video they are looking for and goes directly
to a search engine to search for content. This relies on SEO (or search
advertising, if you decide to promote the content on Google).
• Someone knows exactly what they are looking for and navigates to the
appropriate URL directly. This relies on good branding and market awareness.
• The user finds the video through paid advertisements and promotions. This
relies on paid advertising.
YouTube video search optimisation
YouTube, which is owned by Google, is the dominant player in the video-sharing
market. While we focus in this section on optimising for YouTube in particular,
many of the same approaches apply to other video-sharing sites.
Once you’ve determined how users are already accessing your videos and where
they appear in SERPs, you can use various techniques to improve your rankings.
While YouTube, like Google, keeps its search algorithms a closely guarded trade
secret, digital marketers can speculate and experiment to see what works (and
what doesn’t).
Firstly, the following components are evaluated on a keyword and key phrase level
by the search engine spiders:
• Titles
• Descriptions
• Tags
• Playlist additions
• Inbound links
• Video views
• Channel views
• Ratings
• Comments
• Shares
• Embeds
• Subscribers
• Age of video
Keeping YouTube content current and entertaining is vital if a video is very new.
This will allow the video to engage with viewers. Remember, a new video growing
in popularity (that is, views), will take preference in the SERP over an older video
with more views.
Social sharing
You should initiate and encourage social sharing – ask your viewers to post
your video on social networks, aggregators, social bookmarking sites and other
channels. The more people share, the wider an audience you can potentially
reach – and the more likely your video is to go viral (or, at least, spread far and
wide). Social sharing and recommendations are also increasingly relevant ranking
factors for search engines.
13.5.2 Paid video promotion
In the same way as with Google’s search advertising, you can pay to have your
video recommended on YouTube. You are able to bid on searches or popular videos,
show pre-rolls on other videos, and have your video content displayed alongside
the search results of other videos.
Paid promotions on YouTube are a cost-effective and quick way to promote video
content, especially if the content is topical. It’s targeted and controlled. For
InStream, you pay only when a user watches 30 seconds or more of your video,
or, if your video is shorter than 30 seconds, you’ll pay only if they finish watching
the entire clip. For InSearch and InDisplay, you pay per click on your video. This
is a great opportunity for brand awareness, coupled with a potentially lower cost.
However, some users find this form of advertising highly intrusive, particularly in
markets where bandwidth is slow and expensive, and it may take several seconds
for the ad to load before it can be skipped. Some ad blockers block YouTube
• TrueView In-Search: These video ads appear to the right of the search
results on the YouTube search pages. These ads are triggered by
NOTE keywords, so it’s important to know what users are searching for and
The video you use for ensure your ads contain the right keywords.
these ads doesn’t have
to be an advert in itself
– you could choose to
• TrueView In-Display: These ads appear to the right of the YouTube video
promote some of your the user is currently watching.
regular video content
too. Ensure that the key
message appears in the
• TrueView In-Stream: These ads appear at the start of regular YouTube
first few seconds, to videos. Viewers have the option of skipping these ads after five seconds.
get viewers intrigued
enough to keep
13.5.3 Owned video promotion
If you are hosting your video content yourself, you can and should still optimise the
content around it for best search opportunities. As with posted video, it’s the text
content on the page with the video that is so important.
Make sure that your page title is descriptive, as well as the video title and the video
file name. The text on the page with the video is important, so optimise it to reflect
the content of the video.
You can also use speech-to-text software such as Blinkx or Spinvox to transcribe
the video. The text can then be used in the video meta data.
Use social media sharing chiclets to make it easy for visitors to share the video on
their social networks, aggregators and blogs. If you have a Facebook page, post it
there. If you have a Twitter account – tweet about it!
And don’t forget to drive website visitors to your video content – put a link or strong
Call to Action on your home page or main landing pages, to encourage visitors to
view and engage with your videos.
YouTube is the king of video content marketing and offers a full suite of tools – from
video hosting and optimisation to paid advertising, analytics and social promotion.
TubeMogul (www.tubemogul.com) is a video advertising tool that lets you buy paid
video placements across the web. This simplifies the process of placing and paying
for video adverts.
Feed (feedcompany.com) is a video seeding tool – a very handy thing to have if you
host your videos on a variety of video platforms. Video seeders allow you to upload
the video once, and then automatically upload that video to all of your chosen
profiles and platforms for you.
13.7 Advantages and challenges
Posting regular video content shouldn’t result in any negativity, provided it is done
in a focused, engaging way. Videos are great for engaging viewers and growing
your social media community.
By studying analytics, platform insights and comments, you can see which videos
on your channel are providing users with what they’re looking for. You can then
choose to advertise your best videos with the various formats YouTube and Google
have on offer.
The number of views you get is an important factor in getting ranked or featured
on YouTube and, by pushing your best content through the paid medium, you can
get the ball rolling and significantly increase your chances of picking up organic
traction (both within YouTube and Google’s universal SERPs).
Starting out with video production can be a bit challenging as you learn the ropes
of what makes a viewable, entertaining video. It can also be difficult to come up
with constantly new and interesting ideas – but this will become easier with time.
Optimising video can also take a while to show results (as with normal SEO).
food enthusiasts. The video marketing strategy utilised the MasterChef brand to achieve its goals,
which included:
Quirk negotiated with Google to allow Woolworths to use YouTube functionality that allowed users
to click out to the Woolworths site) from within videos. Externally linking directly to the Woolworths
website from YouTube in this way was a first in Africa.
During the video, annotations directed viewers to bespoke recipe pages on the Woolworths online
store, or subtly encouraged them to subscribe and share the videos easily with their connections.
Figure 11. One of Woolworth’s ‘Cook like a MasterChef South Africa’ campaign videos.
Engaging users directly
Engaging with users directly drives better engagement. Strategies to encourage this included
asking viewers about their video experience and requesting suggestions for future improvements
to be incorporated.
The aim was to get a view rate of at least 10% and a cost per view of under $0.20. The most cost-
effective engagement and awareness driver was AdWords for Video. Between 20 March and 31
July 2012, it generated:
• 17 332 clicks
Overall, the video content was well utilised to meet the brand goals, maximised reach and
engagement of the video assets on relevant cost-effective platforms. Finally, it met the overarching
goal of facilitating brand association with MasterChef South Africa and Woolworths.
Videos can also be added to marketing messages such as email newsletters to improve
Because search engines serve a range of media types on their results pages, video content plays
an important role in search engine optimisation. Not only can optimising videos for search increase
your search engine ranking, but data show that it increases clickthrough rate from the search
engine results pages, and that these visits are longer and more engaged than other search visits.
Social media provide a great tool for spreading your video, and video content can be a strong driver
for people to join your social media platforms. Make sure that you provide great value.
13.10 Summary
Video has become an integral part of the online world. The potential for exposure – as well
as interaction – is massive, and brands that fail to capitalise on this risk being left behind as
competitors build thriving communities.
As with most content, it is up to the brand to decide how to represent its video content. Videos
can be hosted on popular video-sharing websites to capitalise on already existing audiences and
developed interfaces, or on bespoke websites that allow for free reign in customisation.
Brands should then aim to optimise their videos on the chosen platforms to increase their visibility
on search engines.
Creating a healthy community is also important in increasing exposure. Very rarely, if ever, does
an audience come to video content without input from the creators. On top of optimising for search
and other tweaks, brands should upload content regularly or risk losing any ground gained.
Social media should also be considered as its platforms allow for the sharing of content, as well
as commentary.
Overall, brands should be aware that there is no quick fix for video. It requires planning and
investment as well as long-term commitment to creating brand advocates.
2. Why is the way in which the video appears as part of the playlist important?
3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of different types of paid advertising?
4. What possible obstacles could a brand face when seeding a viral video?
13.13 Further reading
www.reelseo.com – Regularly posts updates and developments in the world of online video.
13.14 References
ReelSEO, n.d. Online Video Dictionary - Glossary of Online Video Terms
Available at: http://www.reelseo.com/glossary/
[Accessed 5 June 2013].
comScore, 2013. comScore Releases January 2013 U.S. Search Engine Rankings. [Online]
Available at: http://www.comscore.com/Insights/Press_Releases/2013/2/comScore_Releases_
[Accessed 24 April 2013].
14 Social
What’s inside: An introduction to social media channels and the important differences
between these and more traditional forms of media. You’ll find an explanation of the
categories into which these channels fall – social networking, content sharing, aggregation
and location – as well as the powerful role they can play in the marketing process.
14.1 Introduction
In many ways, social media epitomises what the web is about: collaborating and
sharing content, ideas and information. Social media is behind the explosion of
content on the Internet, as various channels have allowed anyone with an Internet
connection to create and share content easily and for free. Because social media
has so many participants, it is also very dynamic. In fact, this is the chapter that is
most likely to be out of date the second this book has gone to print.
Simply put, social media are media (from written to visual to audio) that are
designed to be shared. Sharing means that it easy to comment on, send and copy
the media, and that there are no high costs associated with this. And, because
of the connected nature of the Internet, it means that sharing, commenting and
viewing can all be tracked and measured.
Social media are also referred to as Web 2.0, consumer-generated media, citizen
media and new media. In fact, comparing social media to traditional media is
probably the most useful way of defining what exactly this means.
Finite Infinite
Control Freedom
NOTE The Internet, and the software developed to run on it, has made it simple for
anyone to publish and distribute media. It has also made it simple for anyone to
You don’t need
sophisticated coding or access the content that has been published.
technical skills to set
up your online presence
The realm of social media is about collaborating, creating content, sharing and,
any more. Most services
provide pre-made most of all, connecting.
templates, widgets and
tools that allow you to
This chapter focuses on the various social media channels, while the next chapter
jump right in.
looks at how to use those channels strategically.
In this chapter, you will learn:
Term Definition
A type of website that allows users (bloggers) to post
Blog entries on different topics and often allows readers to
comment on these posts.
In the online sense, a type of website model where
Social network individual members become part of a broader virtual
To keep up with their audiences, traditional media have had to adapt. This has
changed the way in which they publish, both online and offline, as well as how they
can sell advertising.
For example, many newspapers now publish their content online as well as in their
print publications. Online, they can get instant commentary on their articles. This
snapshot of what their readers think can then be used to make editorial decisions.
Print stories can be supplemented online with video, and this has been embraced
by many news organisations. Visit www.bbc.co.uk/news/video_and_audio to see
how one newspaper is using video online. News also comes from citizen journalists
– people on the ground who post instant updates to social media about events
unfolding around them.
The following chapter addresses the strategic use of social media to achieve
a variety of outcomes. Here we look at the various social media channels.
Categorising social media into channels is challenging, but it is a useful way to
compare them.
And not all platforms fall neatly into one channel – for example, Twitter is part
microblog, part social network, part aggregator, and even includes some location-
based elements. We’ve categorised the platforms below according to their
dominant properties, but always keep in mind that these aren’t exclusive and may
change as social channels adapt to meet their users’ growing requirements.
Social media channels can be categorised as: NOTE
These are broad groups,
• Social networks: social channels that are built around social profiles. not absolute categories.
One platform could have
• Content creation: using social channels to create and share content. the characterisitics of
several channels, for
• Bookmarking and aggregating: social curation and sharing content. example.
Social networking is all about using the tools of the Internet to connect and
build relationships with others. Social networking sites such as Facebook
(www.facebook.com), MySpace (www.myspace.com) and LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com)
allow users to create personal profiles and then interact with their connections by
sharing media, sending messages and blogging. Not only do social networking
sites allow you to interact with the members of your own virtual Rolodex, but they
also allow you to extend beyond your personal network. In addition, organisations
– anything from businesses to bands and charities – can also create and maintain
profiles on many of these networks.
Social networks have created new meaning for the term ‘friend’, with many
connections existing solely online. In the realm of social networking, it is
unnecessary to have met someone in order to connect with them.
NOTE Personal profile pages remove much of the anonymity of the Internet. Users of
To see how much of
social networks reveal a great deal of information about themselves, from basic
your social data is being demographics such as age, gender and location, to nuanced and detailed lists of
shared publicly, try
likes and dislikes. They are also divulging this information to the networks, and
logging out and viewing
your profiles as an hence to the networks’ advertisers to allow more relevant targeting. Users tend
anonymous viewer. Are not to be aware of the data that is amassing in their online profile, and this can lead
you surprised by what
you see? to privacy risks and concerns.
There are social networking platforms that allow anyone to build their own social
network using the underlying technology of the platform. One example of this is
Ning (www.ning.com).
14.4.1 Facebook
Facebook has become the most dominant personal social network in the world.
According to official figures, over 1 billion people are now registered on the
platform – that’s one in every seven humans on earth – and more than half of them
are active on Facebook every day (Facebook, 2013). Because people are spending
so much time on Facebook, advertisers and marketers naturally want to capitalise
on this audience.
Over the past few years, Facebook has launched a number of ways for brands and
organisations to use the social network to connect with potential customers.
A Page is profile for a brand, organisation or celebrity. It looks very similar to a
personal profile, and in the same way in which two people can add each other as
friends on Facebook, people can choose to connect with a brand on Facebook by
liking its Page.
Figure 2. The Yuppiechef brand page on Facebook.
Each Page consists of the following elements:
• Some ‘About’ information that can include links and more detailed
• The ‘Wall’, where the brand’s posts and interactions are displayed in a
chronological timeline
Tabs are distinct pages of information on the brand’s Page. Tabs can be used to
house richer, more graphic content. Information in the tabs can be served through
an application or through an iFrame, allowing for interactions within them.
Applications are developed by third parties, and include games such as Farmville
(www.facebook.com/farmville), contests, virtual gifting, photo uploaders, interactive
tools, and more.
Applications are a way for organisations to create branded experiences for their
Facebook fans. Sharing can be built right into the application, exposing it to the
user’s Facebook friends, and making it easier for the user to invite friends to use
the application as well.
Figure 4. The Budgetanator is an example of a Facebook application developed for
Capitec Bank. It provides a convenient way for peope to manage their budgets.
Facebook makes frequent updates that may affect applications, so they’ve made
several developer resources available. The one to watch is the Developer Roadmap
Facebook Connect
Facebook Connect allows users to log into services external to Facebook using
their Facebook login details. They can then grant permission to have information,
such as profile data and photos, shared between Facebook and the service they
have logged in to. This can make it easier for users to log in to new services
without having to create new usernames and passwords. They can also easily see
who else in their social circle is using that service, and share information back to
their social circle.
NOTE Like button
You can set up your own The Facebook Like button allows users to indicate that they like or recommend
Facebook Like button content, images, media or websites, and to share that recommendation with their
from here: https://
developers.facebook. social circle. The Like button can be used by any website, allowing visitors to
com/docs/reference/ recommend their site and content easily, and to see who of their friends might like
the same content.
News feed
The news feed is the stream of content that users see when they log in to Facebook.
It’s a selection of recent posts and updates from their friends, and from the brands
with which they have connected on Facebook. Facebook uses an algorithm, based
on relevance to the user, to determine what information to show in their news feed.
This algorithm is called the News Feed Algorithm, and is a more sophisticated
version of the original algorithm, which was called EdgeRank. According to an
official Facebook update, the following factors are considered by the algorithm
before it displays content in a user’s news feed:
• Would you complain about seeing this content in your News Feed?
(Facebook, 2013)
Brands want their Page posts, stories and comments to appear in a user’s news
feed. The user is more likely to interact with content in the news feed, or to follow
through to the page, than if there were nothing to prompt them. It is therefore vital
to ensure that your page content takes this algorithm into consideration.
14.4.2 Google+
Google+ is Google’s answer to social networking giant Facebook, and is slowly but
surely being integrated into all of Google’s products.
• Circles allows users to create customised groups (friends, family,
classmates, and so on) and target their sharing to just the right people. By
using Circles, users are able to limit sharing by breaking up their network
into distinct clusters of contacts.
• Google+ Local integrates user data based on the person’s location, and
shares information about nearby businesses, events, places and user
reviews pertaining to where the user is.
Most social networks offer opportunities for brands to create a presence on the
social network, and to make use of the existing social network to connect with and
reach out to customers.
The key word here is free: there are no fees for joining, whether you are uploading
or viewing content (although premium paid-for memberships can provide added
features). This means that these sites attract an enormous audience. In fact,
according to Alexa rankings, YouTube is the third largest website in the world
(Alexa, 2013)!
Most of these websites rely on advertising to support the free services they offer.
Some do, however, have premium memberships that are advert free.
People love to share photos, images, art and funny pictures online. Images tend
to attract higher engagement than text-only posts (as you saw with Facebook’s
EdgeRank above).
Flickr (www.flickr.com) is a website that allows users to store and share their
photos online. Users can publish these publicly or share them privately with
chosen connections.
NOTE Instagram (instagram.com) is a mobile-based photo app that allows you to take a
Instagram pictures
picture with your phone camera, and then add an interesting artistic filter to make
can be labelled with a it look polished and beautiful. These can then be shared on social networks for
hashtag to categorise
followers to view and comment on.
them - popular tags
include #love, #me and
#cute. Pinterest (pinterest.com) takes image sharing to a new level by allowing users to
create virtual pinboards of their favourite curated images (either their own ones,
or images they have found online). These boards are usually grouped by topic or
theme; images can be shared, commented on, or ‘repinned’ to another user’s
Figure 6. Pinterest allows users to share their favourite images.
Online video consumption continues to grow year on year as bandwidth gets faster
and cheaper. Sharing video content is easy with social video sites such as YouTube.
Anyone can upload videos captured on simple devices such as webcams and
mobile phones, or on high-end professional cameras.
There are several video-sharing platforms. Some of the most popular include
YouTube (www.youtube.com), Vimeo (www.vimeo.com), Instagram Video
(instagram.com) and Vine (vine.co).
Vine is a video-sharing
tool that allows you to
On YouTube, which is owned by Google, users upload 100 hours’ worth of video append six-second video
every minute, and 4 billion hours of video are watched every month (YouTube, clips to tweets on Twitter
and Facebook.
2013). This makes it the premier social video-sharing site on the web. Most video
consumption is based on social media – the top videos have succeeded because
they have been spread virally over vast social networks – and over one billion
unique users visit YouTube every month (YouTube, 2013).
YouTube offers many features to video uploaders and viewers, and is simple to use.
While it is possible for unregistered users to watch most of the publicly available
videos, a quick, straightforward registration process allows members to upload
an unlimited number of clips, comment on and add video responses to them,
NOTE and subscribe to content feeds that catch their attention and interest. Frequently
The most watched video
enhanced functionality and clever features continually push YouTube to deliver
in YouTube history is bigger and better services to its ever-increasing user base.
PSY’s Gangnam Style
music video, which has
netted over 1.7 billion
views. YouTube and marketing
There are two aspects to marketing through YouTube: promoting video content
through YouTube, and advertising next to (or during) content on YouTube.
YouTube offers Brand Channels. Brands can sign up for and customise their
own channels on YouTube, adding backgrounds, logos, playlists and additional
community features. Organisations and brands can also promote their own
content using YouTube’s Promote Your Video feature, and can post adverts through
Google AdWords.
Read more about this Using social services such as YouTube allows video creators to tap into an existing
in the Video Marketing
chapter. community of avid video viewers. For example, YouTube has changed the way we
view video commercials. Marketers have shown that if an advert is good enough,
many people will choose to watch it. Super Bowl commercials, for example, are
highly anticipated each year, and the best ones receive millions of online video
views. These are people who have chosen to watch this advert at a media cost of
zero! Other advertisers have realised that far longer adverts can be created and
uploaded. As long as the content is good, people will watch (and hopefully share).
Time constraints are not the same as they are for television networks.
Online video sharing also makes it possible for conferences to generate a far
greater audience than ever before. The companies that run these conferences
are able to engage with a massive audience by posting videos of the conference
presentations – an excellent example of content marketing. TED (www.ted.com)
and Nokia’s, which runs Nokia World, are excellent examples of organisations that
increase interest by making their remarkable presentations available for free.
14.5.3 Blogging
A blog is a website where entries (blog posts) are typically displayed in reverse
chronological order. Technorati, a blog and social media tracking engine, defines NOTE
a blog as a “regularly updated journal published on the web”. Blogs usually allow Read more about this in
readers to comment on blog posts. A typical blog will feature text, images and the Content Marketing
Strategy chapter.
links to other related blogs and websites.
Blogs can be about anything – from personal journeys to political commentary and
everything in between. They can be written by one person or by a group or company.
Some are aimed at the blogger’s immediate family and friends, and others rival
leading newspapers in terms of reach and readership. Blogs are mostly text based,
but can comprise solely of images, videos, audio or a combination of any of these.
According to Wikipedia, by 2012, there were 77 million Tumblr blogs and 56.6
million WordPress blogs worldwide – that’s a lot (Wikipedia, 2013).
The basic elements of a blog post are:
• Title: the title of the blog post, which is usually used to create a unique
URL, or permalink, for the blog post.
• Tag: the categories used to describe the blog post, and aid services such
as Technorati in categorising them.
• RSS feed: an RSS feed allows readers to subscribe easily to the blog.
• Build a community.
Corporate blogging
Blogs can be very successful marketing tools. They’re an excellent way to
communicate with staff, investors, industry members, journalists and prospective
customers. Blogging also helps to foster a community around a brand, and
provides an opportunity to garner immediate feedback on developments.
• Writing posts
Positive claims are more believable if the blogger is able to express negative views
as well. For example, Robert Scoble, in his popular blog www.scobleizer.com,
admitted that the Firefox browser was better than Microsoft’s Internet Explorer.
Robert Scoble was an employee of Microsoft at the time. This honesty gave him
a credible voice, and so his positive views on Microsoft are respected by the
• Industry relevant
• Posted regularly
Blogging and SEO
Search engines value regular, fresh content, and blogging can create just that.
NOTE The more you post, the more often search engines will crawl your site, looking
Read more about this
for additional, relevant content. Basing your blog on the keyword strategy created
in the Search Engine during the SEO process can also ensure that your website ranks for those key
Optimisation chapter.
phrases. Blogs, by their social nature, can also increase the incoming links to your
• Each blog post should be assigned a unique page that can easily be
accessed and indexed by the search engines (this is called a permalink).
• Each post should be able to have its own unique metadata (title,
description and key phrases).
Promoting blogs
While there may be around 200 million blogs on the web, it doesn’t mean that all of
these will still be up and running a year from now (Hughes, 2013). Longevity rests
in the hands of the blogger, but here are some tips to raise the profile of a blog:
• List the blog in blog directories: while they’re not as popular as search
engines, many Internet users do visit them when looking for information.
Examples include Blogarama (www.blogarama.com), Bloggeries (www.
bloggeries.com) and BlogCatalog (www.blogcatalog.com).
• Participate in the blogosphere: You can’t expect anyone to engage on
your blog if you’re not engaging on theirs. It’s all about fostering a sense
of community.
We’ve provided some guidelines for corporate blogging, but marketers do not
need to be bloggers to benefit from this tool. As with all other social media, blogs
provide a snapshot of audience sentiment regarding a brand. Marketers can also
listen to blog activity around competitors to gain market insights.
Although blogging is the best way to engage with bloggers, companies can also
interact with bloggers by commenting on relevant posts. Demonstrating the
capacity to listen to bloggers and then respond using the same medium can reap
tremendous benefits with this community.
Blogging platforms that can be used to set up a blog quickly and easily include:
Tumblr is a unique
• WordPress (www.wordpress.com)
blogging platform
• Tumblr (www.tumblr.com) that encourages very
short posts, usually
• Blogger (www.blogger.com) featuring images. It falls
somewhere between a
blog and a microblog.
14.5.4 Microblogging
Microblogging is a form of blogging that allows a user to publish short text updates,
usually limited to 140 characters, that can be viewed by anyone or restricted
to a specific community. The most popular microblogging service is Twitter
(www.twitter.com), which was launched in July 2006. These 140-characters posts,
called tweets, are usually short thoughts or links to interesting articles. As of June
2013, Twitter has more than 500 million members, with 400 million Tweets being
written each day (Smith, 2013).
Figure 9. Profiles on Twitter can be branded to represent your organisation’s identity.
• @username: users are denoted with @ and their chosen name (e.g.
@robstokes for www.twitter.com/robstokes). Tweets can be directed to a
specific user simply by typing their @username at the start of the tweet.
Twitter has proved immensely valuable in breaking events, where real-time
information is useful and powerful. For example, Twitter users broke the news of
events such as the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings.
Its immediacy allows for news to be broadcast to dedicated followers and fans
first, as pop star Lady Gaga has done with single releases (@ladygaga).
Twitter also has a series of self-service advertising options, which are covered NOTE
in detail in the module on online advertising. These include Promoted Tweets, Read more about this in
Promoted Accounts and Promoted Trends. the Online Advertising
14.5.5 Podcasting
NOTE A podcast is a digital radio (or video) programme downloadable from the Internet. It
is possible to subscribe to a podcast as one would to a blog. You can listen to a whole
Have a look at the
National Public Radio range of programmes and voices; just as blogs have allowed people to become
podcast shows as writers without having to deal with a media channel controlled by someone else,
one good example
of a traditional radio podcasting has allowed anyone who fancies doing so to become a broadcaster.
broadcast embracing Many traditional radio shows are now also available in podcast format.
podcasting: http://www.
podcast_directory.php ‘Podcatching’ software allows you to download the latest edition of any podcast
you subscribe to automatically. Most people use iTunes – go to www.apple.com/
itunes/store for loads more information on podcasting and a huge list of available
podcasts. You can listen on your computer or transfer the file to an iPod or MP3
player. Podcasts are usually free, and the most successful ones have very high-
quality content and production value.
Creating a podcast
Podcasts are usually recorded and edited using home equipment, and done
for the love of it. There is specialised podcasting software available, such as
Apple’s Garage Band or QuickTime Pro. These packages make it quite simple to
record, mix and format the audio files correctly. Just like bloggers, though, many
podcasters are trying to figure out ways of making money from their podcasts and
turn listeners into revenue.
Podcasts are:
• Targetable: you can create highly relevant, niche content and then
promote it to a specific target market.
• Measurable: you can see exactly how many downloads and subscribers
you have.
However, the content must be:
This is not about advertising or even just product information. It is about coming up
with ideas for real programmes that, through informing or entertaining, enhance
your customers’ experience of your brand.
Social bookmarking sites, however, allow you to store these links online, use tags
to describe them, and share these lists with other users. Some of these sites allow
you to submit URLs that other users vote on, while others allow you to use the tags
saved to browse through the lists and libraries that have been generated.
These services allow you to see what the community of web users finds useful,
interesting or humorous. You are able to find other users with similar interests to
yours, and explore the websites that they have found that you might not have come
across yet.
Content submitted to a social bookmarking or aggregating site can dramatically
increase traffic to a website, and expose the site to many new views.
Appearing on the top of these lists generates a huge increase in traffic for the
content sites, so much so that servers can crash if the leap in visitors is unexpected.
Getting into the top listings is the goal of many a marketer, but any attempt to
manipulate listings usually backfires and can generate plenty of community
The communities around these sites differ demographically, and this is reflected
in the content. For example, Digg has been technology focused, while Reddit tends
to feature more general news.
Stumbleupon (www.stumbleupon.com) allows you to explore the web through your
interests, based on how other web users tag content. Users select categories of
interest and bookmark URLs to those categories. You can then choose to ‘stumble’
through the web using the category of your choice. The service will randomly show
you a website that has been submitted to that category.
Seeing how users categorise your content will give you an idea of how your audience
perceives your website and company. It may be remarkably different from what you
think they see you as. Look at other websites which are tagged similarly. You may
find new competitors, and possibly new ideas.
You can also use these services to share what other URLs your company finds
interesting. This can be a useful resource to add to an online press room, as well
as a utility that fanatics of your company would get really excited about.
To generate links and traffic, investigate the sort of content for which your target
audience loves voting, and create that content. A word of warning: never do the
content submission and voting yourself. It’s one sure-fire way to incur the wrath of
these communities.
Organic growth is the only way to go here. It may take time as you build your
reputation and value among the community, but the end result can be very
14.7 Location and social media
Social media have also seen the introduction of location services such as
Foursquare (foursquare.com) and Facebook Places (www.facebook.com/about/
location). These services allow users to ‘check in’ at locations they visit with
equipment such as mobile phones and tablets.
By checking in, users are able to share their location with their friends and find
others who are checked in as well. Depending on the tool, they can add reviews, post
messages and upload photos of the locations they are checked into. Foursquare
lets users become ‘mayors’ of locations they have visited more than anyone else.
These location services appeal to marketers for a number of reasons, since they
can obtain, engage with and retain customers by leveraging their interactions
with the real-world. For instance, if people see their friends checking in at certain
places, they are more likely to want to go there, particularly if their friends have
posted a positive review of the location.
These services also offer rewards and special deals to users who have checked in,
incentivising them to return and share the location with their friends. Starbucks
offers a range of location-based incentives, for example, offering all mayors of
Starbucks stores a discount at any branch.
With most social networking channels, you do not actually host your presence,
which means that custom tracking is limited. There is often a strong reliance on
the built-in tracking offered by the various channels, although new third-party
tracking services are emerging and offering competitive and sophisticated tools
(often for a fee). In some cases, it is also possible to integrate tracking to some
extent if you are directing traffic to a web property that you own.
14.8.1 Facebook Insights
YouTube Analytics is available to all YouTube users for their videos and channels. NOTE
As well as showing video views and popularity broken up by geographical territory, You can also see where
people watched the video
there is some demographic information shown as well. Discovery data shows how - did they come to the
people got to your video. dedicated YouTube watch
page, or did they view
the embedded video in a
One of the most useful reports for any video is audience attention, showing when website, email newsletter
people stop viewing a video, or rewind sections of video, and comparing this to or social profile?
videos of a similar kind.
Currently, Twitter Analytics is available only to Twitter advertisers, but there are
a number of tools that use the Twitter API to provide analysis. HootSuite’s Twitter
management tools have built in analytics (www.hootsuite.com), and Twitalyzer
(www.twitalyzer.com) is another tool that can provide insightful data.
Important metrics for Twitter include how many people interact with your content
by clicking through on links, replying to you or retweeting messages.
URL shorteners offer analytics that show how many people are clicking on links,
when they are clicking, and where in the world they are. When you are sharing
links on services like Twitter, you should be tracking this data. When selecting a
URL shortener, consider whether or not they keep the click analytics private.
URL shortening services provide an easy way to share long links by generating
a short URL that redirects to the original link. This is especially important when
sharing links in messages with limited character counts, such as tweets.
There are several URL shortening services: bit.ly, goo.gl and ow.ly are three
examples, and some websites have their own bespoke services, such as nyti.ms
for The New York Times (which is excellent for reinforcing brand recognition).
For example, we may want to tweet a link to a blog post on GottaQuirk, Quirk’s
blog. The URL to a post may be:
That’s 89 characters!
Using bit.ly, a URL shortening service, the link becomes: http://bit.ly/153sjC6. It’s
now just 19 characters long, and can be tracked.
Even better, some link shorteners allow you to customise your link, so the result
could be: http://bit.ly/QuirkyTips, which is much easier to read and share.
NOTE Web analytics software such as Google Analytics plays a part in social media
tracking. On Facebook, tracking script can be inserted in applications and tabs
Read more about this
in the Data Analytics where content is served through an iFrame. When you are sharing links to your
chapter. own site and content, campaign tracking parameters can be used to track the
source of visits and report on them in your web analytics tool.
NOTE For example, we may use campaign tracking before we shorten the URL, so the
You can easily create URL before shortening becomes: http://www.gottaquirk.com/2013/02/08/my-
a tagged campaign quirky-tips-for-digital-marketing/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social_
tracking URL with
Google’s URL Builder: media&utm_campaign=ORM
google.com/analytics/ The campaign tracking is appended on the end of the URL:
Although they are engaging publicly with a wide audience, marketers need to
remember that they are communicating with individuals. While marketers should
engage in the conversation, and possibly lead it, they cannot control it.
Supply content creators with the tools and resources they need to talk easily about
your product, including links to your social profiles, Twitter handles and hashtags.
When using social media to reach out to content consumers, go to where your
consumers are. The media you use is dictated by your users. For example, a
nightclub for students can create a Facebook Page to advertise its weekly specials,
and interact with fans, while Land Rover enthusiasts may be more comfortable
with a discussion forum.
many opportunities for targeting advertising, and for finding creative ways to
reach an advert-fatigued demographic. It also introduces the risk of dealing with
personal information – make sure you’re up to speed with the relevant laws in your
Figure 15. Facebook ads are often used as a form of targeted advertising.
Social media allows you to engage with an online community and allows you to
connect your brand to the appropriate audience, creating an online community
for your brand and its supporters. Social media has created a forum for brand
The numerous interactions allow you to garner feedback from your communities,
which helps drive both future business insights and innovation, as well as
marketing strategies. You can learn more about your audience’s likes, dislikes,
behaviours and needs.
However, companies need also be aware that bad messages spread as quickly as NOTE
good ones, and the connectedness that can prove so useful can also be a conduit Read more about this in
for negative messages and brand attacks. the Social Media Strategy
This new landscape is one in which the customer really is king, and any attempt to
dethrone the king can have dire consequences. Efforts to control the conversation
in social media are soon found out, and can backfire horribly. Any company
embarking on a social media strategy needs to be sure to monitor their reputation
online regularly. It is crucial to know what is being said in order to be able to
respond timeously and communicate in the social media sphere.
Finally, never forget that special rules and laws apply when you are dealing with
personal information provided by users – be very careful how and where you use
this data.
The challenge lay in finding a unique and innovative mechanism to drive their social media
presence. The brand had already established a Facebook brand page, as well as a Twitter profile
with around 2 100 followers. However, content on these channels had been largely promotional in
nature, as opposed to tactical or engaging.
The key lay in leveraging their existing efforts to drive awareness, and ultimately increase ROI.
They also needed to define the brand identity and tone of voice through their social media channels.
To achieve this, Col’Cacchio partnered with the social media team at Quirk to create the #PriceSlice
Twitter campaign, a pay-with-a-tweet-inspired activation that would encourage Twitter users to
eat more pizza.
The campaign mechanism was simple yet effective, working on the basis of value exchange – tweets
for discounts. Twitter users were prompted to tweet a message using the #PriceSlice hashtag, and
the more tweets the hashtag received, the higher the in-store discount on Col’Cacchio pizzas.
Figure 16. The landing page for the Price Slice campaign.
As people tweeted, Quirk automatically captured and recorded them. Once they reached a certain
level, the temperature would rise on the thermometer represented on the campaign landing page.
Figure 17. The campaign landing page with the thermometer showing a R10 discount.
The campaign also involved in-person activation through blogger engagement. Pizzas were delivered
to selected bloggers, with the campaign message secretly hidden beneath the pizza slices.
The campaign got off to a great start. After one hour, the #PriceSlice hashtag was trending in Cape
Town, and within three hours both @Colcacchio and #PriceSlice were trending in South Africa:
The results in the campaign showed the following:
• A total increase of 23% in Twitter followers through the course of the campaign, and in the
days following it.
• Around 21% of the campaign website visitors returned to the site more than once,
indicating that they were following the discount and were likely to visit a Col’Cacchio
branch to take advantage of it.
• The campaign achieved a great deal of PR and blogger engagement through a variety of
posts crafted around the campaign mechanism:
During the course of the campaign, the Quirk social media team closely monitored the campaign
and noted some other interesting observations:
• The campaign seemingly drew new individuals to the Twitter platform, since a number of
users created Twitter accounts simply to participate in the promotion.
Even bloggers not targeted through the pizza delivery activation crafted posts about the promotion:
• There was also a great deal of positive sentiment about the campaign itself, shared via
Twitter and other online channels:
Figure 23. A Twitter search reveals the brand featured in Top Tweets.
Col’Cacchio and Quirk also went further to capture a range of data related to online mentions of
the campaign.
• There was an increase of 440% in @mentions of the @Colcacchio Twitter handle during the
campaign, when compared to the days prior to launch.
• There was also an increase of more than 800% in the number of @Colcacchio retweets during
the campaign when compared to the week prior to it.
• Over 3 000 mentions of the #PriceSlice hashtag were achieved through the course of the
• As a result of the exposure of the campaign across various channels, the campaign reached
just short of three million ‘opportunities to see’, meaning that the Price Slice initiative
potentially reached almost three million Internet users. For example, if a Twitter user with
2 000 followers tweeted about the campaign, then 2 000 people had ‘opportunity to see’.
• The majority of Price Slice conversation came from respected sources in the online community.
This campaign not only highlights the value of social media engagement for a brand, but also
indicates how offering consumers something in return can really endear a brand to its followers.
Col’Cacchio and Quirk embraced the strengths of Twitter and used the platform to build brand
awareness in a positive and meaningful way.
14.13 The bigger picture
Social media can tie in nicely with any of your other online marketing tactics – a holistic digital
marketing strategy is always the best strategy.
Social media is inextricably linked to content marketing strategy, since content is the foundation
of any social media marketing endeavour – whether you’re creating digital copy, images, videos
or other media.
Social media can have SEO benefits for a website. By using social media services, either to create
or share content, websites can attract links and generate engagement, helping to enhance search
engine rankings. Signing up to several social media channels can help a company to own a larger
chunk of the search engine results page. Companies can also use their SEO keyword strategy to
focus their social media efforts.
Social media can provide a targeted network for online advertising, allowing detailed demographic
information to play a role in media planning and buying. Companies can also make use of increased
consumer engagement to create interactive advertising for these mediums, such as advertising
within videos and social network applications, or merely making use of increased time-on-page
metrics to create more intricate advertising.
Affiliates often use the opportunities presented by social media to find new avenues for targeted
traffic, resulting in revenue growth for the company being marketed this way.
Social media plays a large role in online monitoring and reputation management, viral marketing
and digital PR. Social media is used to express opinion, and so is the bedrock of online reputation.
Any company that wants to communicate to this connected audience needs to listen to social media.
14.14 Summary
Social media refers to the creation and sharing of content by consumers on the Internet. All Internet
users – companies included – now have the opportunity to be creators as well as consumers of content.
Social media refers to the online platforms that allow users to:
Most social media services are free to all users and rely on advertising for revenue. Social media
provides targeted demographic information to advertisers looking to direct their advertising.
14.15 Case study questions
3. Comment on the interaction between offline and online touchpoints used in this campaign.
1. Visit www.guardian.co.uk. List the ways in which this print publication is embracing social
2. Why is transparency so important to marketing using social media? Has this halted or
accelerated the use of social media for marketing?
3. What is the difference between advertising using social media and marketing using social
media? What are the benefits of social media to each, and what are the challenges?
14.18 References
Alexa, 2013. Top Sites. [Online]
Available at: http://www.alexa.com/topsites
[Accessed 17 May 2013].
Facebook, 2013, News Feed FYI: Showing More High Quality Content. [Online]
Available at: https://www.facebook.com/facebookforbusiness/news/News-Feed-FYI-Showing-
[Accessed 20 September 2013].
Hughes,S., 2013. 5 Reasons Why Blogs Fail and How You Can Avoid Them.[Online]
Available at: www.steamfeed.com/5-reasons-why-blogs-fail-and-how-you-can-avoid-them
[Accessed 17 May 2013].
15 Social
What’s inside: This chapter is an expansion on the previous chapter dealing with
social media, the different ways of creating and then engaging with a thriving community,
and how social media has wiggled its way into almost every facet of the online world. We
discuss guidelines when dealing with difficult customers, and how to map out a social media
plan. We then wrap it up with a case study showing how communities and brands can come
together for the good of all involved.
15.1 Introduction
In the previous chapter, we introduced the concept of social media, and detailed
some of the major social media channels and platforms. This chapter addresses
how to use these spaces strategically. While the channels and platforms available
may change, the foundations of a successful social media strategy won’t. By
planning and thinking strategically, while leaving room to be flexible and dynamic,
you’ll be able to make the most of what social networking has to offer.
Social media channels are communication channels that can be used to solve
business, marketing and communication challenges. As more time is spent by
consumers online, and that time is increasingly dominated by social media usage,
organisations need to incorporate social media into their marketing strategies.
The Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project shows that 67% of
Internet users visit social networking sites (Center, 2013). The Nielsen and NM
Incite’s Social Media Report indicates that American computer users spend about
20% of their time online visiting social networks, while mobile users spend 30% of
their time on these sites (Nielsen, 2012). This means more time is spent on social
media than on any other category of sites.
• Which documents and protocols you should have in place for social
media success
Term Definition
The rules and principle that community members must
Community guidelines
adhere to when communicating on a brand platform.
A service that allows you to centralise management of
Social media dashboard
your social media properties.
URL shortener A web tool that creates a shorter version of a full URL.
• Community management
• Support and customer service
Not all businesses face
all of these challenges -
• Reputation management which ones are relevant
to your brand?
• Advertising and awareness
Sales and
lead use of Reputation
generation Social Media
and SEO
Figure 1. Social media marketing can help with a number of business challenges.
15.3.1 Communication and outreach
Unlike other options, social media offers brands an effective two-way communication
and real-time broadcast channel. This bi-directional communication is what
makes social communities so exciting (and challenging). Just as consumers can
communicate with each other, and send messages to businesses and brands,
so businesses and brands can use this medium to communicate with and reach
out to the public. Increasingly, social media is becoming a highly effective public
communications tool.
NOTE Businesses, governments and other organisations use Twitter and Facebook to
Ideally, you want to be
broadcast timely messages, allowing interested parties to keep informed in real-
the trusted go-to source time. This is fast becoming a vital aspect of newsworthy and breaking news events
of information about such as elections, disasters and global sports. Many organisations also use social
your industry.
media tools to broadcast service updates.
Social media platforms are built around communities, and are sometimes virtual
representations of real-world networks and communities. This feature of social
media can be used to build and maintain a community around, or supported by,
your organisation.
Creating, building and nurturing a community means that organisations don’t just
participate in conversations that are happening around and about them, but also
actively lead and guide those conversations. These communities are generally
made up of the organisation’s biggest fans: brand evangelists who feel as if they
have a big stake in that organisation. This creates an environment where those
fans can interact directly with the organisation, and where the organisation can
send messages directly to those fans and solicit their feedback.
Figure 2. MWEB responding to customer queries on Twitter.
Figure 3. FNB responding to customer queries on Twitter.
The need for online reputation management and monitoring is growing, and
brands are now realising this. Through the combination of search and social
media, all mentions of a brand or individual are only a quick search away, whether
they are positive or negative. Social media are in one of the spaces where a brand
or individual can easily respond to mentions, create a stir, or find ways to further
their own agenda.
Brands can use social media in two ways to manage their online reputations – first,
by monitoring what customers and fans are saying to identify issues proactively;
and second, as a means of communicating and getting their side of the story out.
15.3.5 Advertising and awareness
Where there is an audience, there is advertising. The more time people spend
in social media, the more brands want to advertise there. It’s not just the time
people spend on social networks that make them appealing to advertisers – it’s
also the rich demographic and psychographic targeting opportunities. Adverts can
be targeted based on the profile information that individuals provide, either overtly
or through their actions on the social network.
Most social networks offer advertising options that are accessible to both the small NOTE
advertiser as well as the big spender. This is a dynamic space, as the networks
Read more about this in
experiment with different formats and models. The advertising opportunities for the Online Advertising
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn are covered in full in the Online Advertising chapter.
15.3.7 Search engine optimisation (SEO)
Social media plays an important role in SEO. It provides additional assets that can
be optimised so that a brand ‘owns’ the results page for searches for their brand.
A savvy SEO strategy will also make use of social media assets, links and likes for
strengthening the position of other web assets in the search engine results pages.
Try this yourself: do a
search for your favourite
brand and see how many
of the results are social
media profiles.
With a little bit of planning and keyword research, a brand can use social assets
effectively to own searches on their brand name. This ties back neatly to managing
their online reputation, too.
Social media can be a very powerful insight and research asset, but the information
needs to be judged in its proper context. When you are planning a campaign, social
media can provide a rich source of data, both demographic and preference based.
You can use the information people share freely to understand more about your
market, brand or product. ORM tools help you to track mentions and sentiment,
giving you insight into how you are perceived. Using social network ad planners,
such as Facebook or YouTube’s offerings, can give you rich information about the
size of your market, and things that they like. You can measure sentiment and
the changing number of mentions to help you understand the impact of other
campaigns. These can be offline or online campaigns.
Building your online community also gives you a group you can reach out to for
information and feedback, creating an always-on online focus group. However,
bear in mind that they are inherently biased just by the fact that they would join
your social community.
Doing a Twitter search of branded keywords can reveal what users are saying about
your brand. You could also use communities such as Flickr to see what people are
sharing about their lives, without even realising. Head over to www.flickr.com and
search for ‘in my fridge’ for a snapshot of this in action.
This social data can be very valuable, but must be treated correctly. It is qualitative
and quantitative information, and is in many ways secondary research. For
research purposes, it can and should be used to help form research questions for
further evaluation.
1. Get buy-in
It’s important that there is buy-in for your foray into social media. It may be seen NOTE
as a free resource, but even if you are not paying for exposure, there is a time Be sure to consider the
risks of not being on
and resource investment required. A number of stakeholders will need to be
social media as well!
aware of your social media plans, and these may be both internal and external.
And, of course, you will need sign-off for any budgeting or additional resourcing
Addressing the various stakeholders will also force you to do the necessary
research and planning to take the next steps.
Some important questions to answer include:
• What conversation already exists around your brand, your industry and
your competitors?
• Who is doing most of the talking? What can you, as a brand, add to this
conversation? Is it valuable?
3. Analyse
Using all the data you have been gathering, analyse! Think critically about social
media and your brand, as well as your brand’s broader marketing, communication
and business challenges. All of this should be looked at within the context of
the information that you already know about your local marketing and business
• A list of the social channels and platforms your brand should be in. This
is based on who your customers are, where they interact, and where
they expect to interact with you.
4. Set objectives
Your objectives are the desired outcome of your social media strategy. These
should be based within the context of your marketing and business challenges.
Firstly, you need to address how you will use social media for your organisation.
You then need to set objectives for each of those.
To make them tangible and measurable, establish key performance indicators
(KPIs) for your objectives, with benchmarks and targets where appropriate.
Achievement or progress can be
Objective is possible to attain
(important for motivational effect)
Time period for achievement is
clearly stated
For example, your objective could be to grow a community of fans around your
brand in a particular country. Your KPI might therefore be fan numbers, and you
could set a target of 5 000 Facebook fans over six months.
This is where you need to make sure that you have created the necessary
documents and processes that form the foundation of your plan.
• Decide on the roles and responsibilities of the project team and other
• Determine what social media tools you will make use of.
6. Implement
This is the fun part! It’s time to kick off your plans and put all that research and
thought into action. Set up your platforms according to the guidelines they specify.
Alert stakeholders that you are starting your engagement plans, and make sure
you have tracking in place. Continue to monitor for mentions of your organisation, and
responses to your messages. Keep to your general plan, but be prepared to adapt.
There are several tools you can use for tracking social media. You will need to build
a suite of tools to suit your measurement and reporting requirements.
Platform insights
Facebook, YouTube, and other social media platforms offer analytics and insights.
These are a useful starting point for reporting on your social media efforts, from
numbers of followers or fans, to interactions with the content you share.
Web analytics
NOTE If you are using social media channels to send traffic to your own website, you
Read more about this should tag the links so that you can segment that traffic in your website reports.
in the Data Analytics In Google Analytics (www.google.com/analytics), you would use campaign tracking
URL shorteners
URL shortening services such as bit.ly and ow.ly offer usage data that will tell you
how many people click on links you share, when they click on them, and where in
the world they are from.
Social media dashboards
There are a number of services that make it easier for you to centralise NOTE
management of your social media properties, as well as making collaborative Some dashboards even
management easier. They also integrate analytics data from a number of sources, let you schedule or
respond to posts directly
making reporting easier. from the interface.
• HootSuite (www.hootsuite.com)
• Spredfast (www.spredfast.com)
• CoTweet (www.cotweet.com)
• Socialbakers (www.socialbakers.com)
• Tweetstats (www.tweetstats.com)
Start with the documentation and processes you already have in place for marketing
and communication: for example, brand and tone of voice guidelines, or PR
policies. Build on these to create a robust foundation that suits this spontaneous,
dynamic space.
A social media checklist is a good starting point to make sure that you have
everything in place. Examples of community guidelines, conversation calendars
and escalation protocols are also included for you.
Never write down
or share account Account logins:
passwords in these
documents! Only the • Facebook
people working directly
on the channels should • Twitter
know them.
• YouTube
• Blog
As well as a privacy policy and terms and conditions, it’s a good idea to establish
community guidelines for the communities you manage, especially when the
community is on behalf of a brand. Community guidelines help to set the tone for
the community, and are useful to refer to should community members behave in a
way that is undesirable. They indicate what will, and will not, be tolerated, such as
hate speech, profanity, discrimination and other inappropriate content. Of course,
community guidelines don’t prevent such behaviour, but are useful to fall back on
should you need to remove comments or community members.
Guidelines should be friendly, with the tone in keeping with your community or
brand. You can use the information here as a starting point, but customise it for
your situation.
Figure 7. Community guidelines on the Woolworths Facebook Page.
15.5.2 Content plan
Content plans help you to plan your community conversations. More than that, they
are also useful, centralised planning documents that ensure that various teams
are all aware of each other’s efforts, and that communications are integrated. For
any kind of content and communication strategy, content plans are invaluable.
As you learnt in the Content Marketing Strategy chapter, reaching social audiences
requires you to create content that truly resonates with them. Successful social
Read more about this in
the Content Marketing content must be interesting, relevant, shareable and remarkable. It is especially
Strategy chapter. useful to plan and create social content around your content pillars, since this
gives you a solid structure and starting point to follow.
To start creating a conversation calendar, you should plot everything that is relevant
to your community. This could include public events, dates and anniversaries, or
events and communications already planned by your organisation.
You should also use your conversation calendar for reporting. Keeping track of
interactions and responses to your planned posts will help you to determine what
kind of posts your community responds to, what days are best for posting, and
what frequency works best for your community.
Planning the conversation helps to keep momentum, especially in the early days
of building a community. However, it should not replace spontaneity – this is a
conversation, after all!
Date Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
There are many fields
that can go into a Theme
conversation calendar
(such as suggested Facebook
copy, links, and more).
Take the basic calendar Twitter
on the right and adapt
it to your needs and
preferences. Figure 8. The conversation calendar.
A communication and escalation protocol should include:
* Note: this process was created predominantly for Facebook, but these basic principles
apply to most social media networking platforms.
15.6 Dealing with opportunities and threats
The use of social media has equipped consumers with a voice and a platform,
and the ability to amplify their views and truly inform their decision making.
The connected nature of the Internet makes these views easy to share, and the
accessibility of social media tools makes it easy for other consumers to find these
views, and respond and build on them. All of this contributes to the perception of
the brand.
The best way to show that you are listening to customer comments, complaints and
questions online is the same as with a normal conversation. Comment when it’s
appropriate, listen with interest, be polite, be respectful, and add value wherever
possible. Brands should become active participants in the conversation.
Brands that are successful in communicating with their audiences are constantly
on the lookout for opportunities to propel their brand forward, and are keeping
their eyes peeled for risks that may threaten their reputation. In both situations,
the power sits in how the brand responds. This response can range from a direct
engagement to a full new marketing campaign. Ultimately it depends on how
powerful the opportunity or risk is.
Stakeholders are being positive about the brand because their expectations are
being exceeded. Unfortunately, expectations change. Brands need to stay on their
toes and constantly be on the lookout for new and innovative ways to meet and
develop their brand promise.
When negative things are being said
Negative statements should be understood as broken brand promises. There is
underperformance on expectation, and it must be dealt with as a matter of high
priority. During this period, brands need to be very careful not to stir up any more
conversation than is absolutely necessary. That said, it’s certainly not all doom
and gloom. If the conversation is broadly negative, it is normally because there is
some underlying problem, and this information provides the business with focus
to resolve it.
Complaints are from stakeholders who have had dealings with a company which NOTE
hasn’t met their expectations. By complaining, this customer is, often unwittingly, In fact, resolving a
giving the company the opportunity to make things right, and is probably indicating serious complaint to the
customer’s satisfaction
where the company can improve. Usually, the skilled customer service department can gain you a loyal brand
of a company should deal with these. They should also share insights with the advocate - someone who
has first-hand experience
business strategy department so that the underlying problems can be prioritised that your brand cares and
and resolved. goes the extra mile.
If a complaint is online, the resolution should be there as well, although you can try
to have it taken offline first. Even though the customer service will likely take place
either over email or by phone, posting a personalised comment in a blog post, for
example, will demonstrate to the community that the company listens, responds,
and serves the critical objective of actually resolving the underlying issues.
15.6.2 Responding
Responding involves recognising that consumers hold the upper hand in the
relationship. They are better trusted, there are more of them and, in most cases,
the barriers to exit from a brand are relatively low.
When responding, be transparent, be honest, and treat the person as you would
like to be treated. At all times, remember that you are engaged in conversation,
not a dictation.
15.7 Step-by-step guide for recovering from
an online brand attack
These rules to recovery provide a practical approach for brands facing an online
No brand is immune from an online brand attack. The best brands have strategies
in place to identify a reputation crisis immediately and respond to it quickly enough
to stop the negative word of mouth spreading.
Keep your brand in front of consumers by engaging in the conversation. This can
be done by making use of blogs, communicating with customers, and being as
open and honest as possible. Engaging in, and leading, the conversation allows
you to build an authentic voice. If a crisis hits, you will be well placed to respond in
a way that is authentic.
The easiest way to solve most brand attacks is to respond quickly. A brand that
shows it is listening and does indeed care will go far when it comes to ensuring a
solid online reputation. Acknowledge what has been said and react accordingly.
NOTE If the attack on your brand is factually incorrect, send the person evidence that
they are wrong, and in a friendly tone, ask them to remove or retract the entry, and
Cultivating a loyal
community of fans offer to keep them informed of future news. If the person doesn’t react or respond,
can help immensely add a comment.
when clearing up false
information. You will
look much more credible
if your fans back up your 15.7.4 Step 4: If what they’re saying is true...
If the mention is negative but true, send your side of the story and try as hard as
you can to take the conversation offline. If appropriate, apologise and offer to make
15.7.5 Step 5: Keep the negative pages out of the
search engines
Keeping more people from reading negative things about your brand is imperative. NOTE
Knock them off the first page of the results with basic SEO and some social media Read more about this
pages, such as Facebook, Twitter or blog posts. Keep adding pages and links until in the Search Engine
Optimisation chapter.
you’ve forced the offending pages out of sight.
The social media space is used by unhappy customers (who are free to post
detractive comments). Even if the only feedback you are getting is negative, this is
good feedback! Now you have an opportunity to do something about it.
It requires ongoing attention and monitoring. Social media channels may be free,
but there is still a time and resource investment required to make your strategy a
success. Understand what your objectives are for using social media, and budget
the time required to meet those.
It can be difficult to measure the impact of the campaign. Social media can be
difficult to measure, but that does not mean your campaigns are not successful.
Don’t expect to find a solution (or success) overnight. Start with measuring things
that can be measured easily, and watch for case studies in this space that will help
you to turn your social media investment into revenue for your organisation.
15.9 Case study – Super Bowl Social Media Command Center
The organisers behind the Super Bowl, the most watched sporting series in the world, used social
media to monitor and manage massive crowds.
The command centre monitored around 300 keywords from Facebook, Foursquare, YouTube and
a series of Twitter hashtags. They responded, gathered data, and kept track of sentiment and
congestion, reaching about 49 000 people in the area. Through retweets and shares, they reached
around 1 million impressions a day. In total, that translates to about $3.2 million in marketing
The team focused on responding to fans who needed advice or help while attending the event. For
example, they sent out links to parking information to drivers stuck without a spot.
They sent tweets about handy downloads for watching the game and also posted useful information
about things such as open Wi-Fi networks in the stadium.
The team managed to identify and respond to several safety issues even before the official
organisers knew about them. They were also ready with a crisis communication plan in case of a
large-scale emergency.
The potential benefits of a system like this are great – from better public safety and smoother
crowd management, to branding and social engagement.
Simply monitoring what people say can provide an incredible amount of useful, immediate
feedback – something that’s essential in this fast-paced digital world (Laird, 2012).
15.10 Summary
Social media can be used strategically in a number of marketing and communication challenges:
• Community management
• Reputation management
Creating a social media strategy requires careful planning, and a strong foundation that will allow
you to be dynamic.
The steps to creating a social media strategy include:
• Get buy-in
• Analyse
• Set objectives
• Implement
Social media is a vital strategic consideration for any brand. Whether your organisation is actively
involved in social media or not, your consumers are. If nothing else, this means that there is
market data available to you, if you just take a little time to find it.
Organisations that make a considered move in the social media sphere will find it both challenging
and rewarding. The rapid feedback loop can often change preconceptions or even marketing plans,
as the voice of the customer is amplified through social media. However, the collaboration with
passionate customer stakeholders is extremely rewarding.
15.11 Case study questions
1. How would you describe the link between social media strategy and the social customer?
2. How would you advise the strategists in the Social Media Command Center to respond to a
very unhappy fan?
2. What skills do you think are important for a great community manager to have?
3. Should all brands be active in social media spaces? What brands have less to gain from
trying to create an online community?
socialmediatoday.com – Social Media Today offers news, insights and analysis of social media trends.
15.14 References
Center, P. R., 2013. Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project. [Online]
Available at: http://pewinternet.org/~/media/Files/Reports/2013/PIP_SocialMediaUsers.pdf
[Accessed 11 April 2013].
Laird, S., 2012. Super Bowl’s First Social Media Command Center an ‘Enormous Success’. [Online]
Available at: http://mashable.com/2012/02/07/super-bowl-social-media-command-center/
[Accessed 7 May 2013].
Nielsen, 2012. Social Media Report 2012: Social Media Comes of Age. [Online]
Available at: http://www.nielsen.com/us/en/newswire/2012/social-media-report-2012-social-
[Accessed 11 April 2013].
16 Email
What’s inside: An introduction to email marketing, and the key terms and concepts
you need for this chapter. We look at email strategy and planning as key to its success, and
how to grow a database and explore the creative execution of emails. We also look at how and
when to deploy emails and how email analytics can be used to track and measure campaigns.
Finally we suggest some handy tools of the trade and provide a useful case study along with
a view of the bigger picture and a summary of the chapter.
16.1 Introduction
Simply put, email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses electronic
means to deliver commercial messages to an audience. It is one of the oldest and
yet most powerful of all digital marketing tactics. The power comes from the fact
that it is:
• Highly targeted
• Completely measurable
Email marketing is a tool for building relationships with both existing and potential
customers. It should maximise the retention and value of these customers, which
should ultimately lead to a greater return on investment. Email is being used not
only to drive retention, but also for acquisition, mobile strategies, and even social
16.2 Key terms and concepts
Term Definition
This refers to the ‘alt’ attribute for the IMG HTML tag. It is
used in HTML to attribute a text field to an image on a web
Alt Text page, normally with a descriptive function, telling a user
what an image is about and displaying the text in instances
where the image is unable to load. Also called Alt Tag.
Business to Consumers
When businesses sell products/services to consumers.
Internet Protocol (IP) An exclusive number that is used to represent every
Address single computer in a network.
Internet Service The company providing you access to the Internet, for
Provider (ISP) example, MWEB, AOL, Yahoo.
Return on investment
The ratio of profit to cost.
Simple Mail Transfer A protocol for sending messages from one server to
Protocol (SMTP) another.
As discussed in the chapters on analytics and conversion optimisation, you will NOTE
decide on the key performance indicators (KPIs) for your campaign. KPIs are the Read more about this in
metrics that indicate how well you are performing. the Data Analytics and
Conversion Optimisation
Promotional emails will usually have an immediate goal:
Newsletters tend to focus on longer-term goals and are usually geared at creating NOTE
and retaining a long-term relationship with the reader – so your KPIs are more A third type of email is
important here. Useful KPIs include: called a “transactional
email”. These are sent
in response to customer
• Open rate interactions with the
brand (for example,
• Clickthrough rate a confirmation email
sent after a completed
• Number of emails forwarded
• Number of social shares
• Database growth
• Conversion rate (activity on your site generated by the email)
• Delivery or bounce rate
Figure 2. The Quirk digital marketing newsletter provides useful content and insights.
Know your audience! They will dictate which interactions you should measure.
NOTE An email service provider (ESP) is a partner who can help manage your email
We’ve listed some ESPs
design and send. For bigger organisations, it often makes sense to purchase your
in the tools of the trade own software and server, or partner with an ESP. This is especially true if you are
section at the end of this
sending more than 50 emails at a time. Most ESPs are do-it-yourself services that
do not manage or strategise your campaign, but will give you the tools you need to
manage it yourself.
There are some important questions to ask when choosing an email service provider.
• Can you upload and migrate the contact list? It’s important that you own
your lists.
• What is their deliverability like?
• How is the data stored, processed and secured? Who owns it?
With the adoption rate of smartphones increasing, more and more people are
viewing their emails on mobile phones. As of January 2013, 42% of emails opened
are accessed on mobile devices (Litmus, 2013).
This is a challenge. The mobile screen is obviously much smaller than a desktop
screen, and so the way an email is displayed differs vastly as well. Not only that,
but different mobile devices also make use of different mobile operating systems,
meaning that each one has different standards and default settings and, as such,
also renders emails in a unique way.
To make things even more difficult, very few people view an email on only one
device. They switch from their smartphone to their laptop to their tablet and
back to their mobile phone during the course of a day. This means that, although
sending two versions of your email is an option (one for mobile, one for desktops), NOTE
it’s probably not the best solution. You want an email that displays well across as Read more about this in
many different clients and operating systems as possible. One way to achieve this the Web Development and
Design chapter.
is through responsive email design.
Figure 3. The Campaign Monitor email template responds to the screen size of the
device on which it is viewed.
Some smartphones do render HTML emails and even auto-fit them to fit the
mobile screen, but not all handsets do this.
The most important things to keep in mind when designing an email for mobile are:
So, your content must be easy to skim, with clear Calls to Action.
NOTE Here are some common best practices to follow when designing your emails, to
Don’t worry if some
ensure optimal rendering on mobile devices:
of this sounds a bit
too technical. Your • Generally, most emails are designed to be 600px wide to display well in
web developer will
an email preview pane – and this scales well on typical mobile screen
understand and be able
to advise you. sizes. On a 320px screen, an email can be zoomed out to 50% and
display perfectly; similarly, on a 480px screen it can display at 75%.
• Host your email newsletters online and link to them from your
preheader. That way, anyone who opens your email on a mobile – even
those whose mobile phones display emails in plain text – can click
straight through to an HTML version of your newsletter.
• Design your email in a grid system. This means your content needs to
be laid out in vertically and horizontally aligned blocks, with gaps in
between. Doing this will make it easier for various operating systems
and email clients to scale your email down to fit a mobile screen. This
is not a guarantee that the email will display properly in mobile, but it
should solve the problem for most mobile devices (such as iPhone and
BlackBerry) which auto-fit HTML emails.
• Make sure that you include alt text for your images! Your email needs to
convey its message with or without images.
• Mobile devices that don’t automatically scale your email down will
display the content on the left of your email first. Make sure that your
most important content is placed here.
Many mobile devices have touchscreens. This means that, instead of clicking on
your links with a mouse, users will be tapping at your links with their fingers. If
your links are placed too close together, it will be difficult for users to click on
one link without accidentally also tapping the other. To make the user experience
easier, make sure your links are placed in a 30–45px area, with a margin of at least
15px around them. By spacing links like this, it will be easier for touchscreen users
to follow through on your Call to Action.
16.3.3 Rules and regulations
There are a number of laws across the world to protect people from unsolicited
emails and stop businesses from abusing this communication channel. While
they vary in severity according to the country (and we recommend that you do
some research into your local legislation), it’s important to acknowledge one very
important rule. If someone requests to be unsubscribed from your communication,
you have to meet their request or face penalties in many jurisdictions.
Permission must be explicitly given by all people to whom emails are sent.
Companies that abuse this can put their reputation in jeopardy, and in many
countries, legal action can be taken against companies that send unsolicited bulk
email – also known as spam.
It is important to track the permissions that are generated for each user – a time
stamp is a key part of the data capture and opt-in process and helps to protect you
against spam complaints and potential legal action.
Spam is unsolicited bulk email – it means that the recipient has not given
permission to be sent that email. It is said to account for 72.1% of all email
(Lab, 2013).
Mail 27.9%
Growing this database, while keeping it targeted, is a key factor in any email campaign.
The database need have only one entry – the prospect’s email – but the following
should also be considered:
Fields such as name, surname and title should be separated in your database. You
should also gather date of birth as opposed to a prospect’s age – it ensures that
your database can stay up to date.
However, don’t be tempted to ask for more information than required. The more
information a marketer can gather, the better he or she can customise marketing
messages. However, the more information a prospect is required to give, the less
likely they are to sign up. Further information can be requested over time.
NOTE There are a myriad of ways to attract prospects to opt in to a database. An email
sign-up form on a company website is vital. Visitors to a website have already
As always, the best
long-term strategy for expressed an interest in a company by clicking through – this is an opportunity to
growing your database develop that interest further. Following the same principle, any other properties
is to create valuable,
shareable content that where newsletter sign-up can be promoted should be taken advantage of. Consider
people want to read. a sign-up form on your company blog, email signatures, Facebook page, and mobi
site, or perhaps mention it during presentations you deliver. And don’t forget other
offline marketing channels that you’re already using, such as flyers, posters or
in-store displays.
Here are some best practice tips for sign-up forms:
• Put the sign-up form where it can be seen – above the fold and on every
• State your anti-spam stance explicitly, and be clear that you value
subscribers’ privacy.
• Tell subscribers what they will get, and how often they will get it.
Include a benefit statement.
• Call out your email campaign on your social networks, and link through
to your subscription form.
Emails should be created and viewed as HTML for desktop and most mobile
devices. Simpler phones require basic text emails.
Text emails are the small, plain ones – text only, as the name suggests. If you use
a Windows operating system, and you open Notepad and type there, you will be
creating a text file. As these are text only, the copy really counts here.
HTML emails are the emails with more complex design. These emails can contain
images, different fonts and hyperlinks. It’s probably what you’ve had in mind
throughout this chapter when we referred to email marketing.
Given that HTML emails are likely to take longer to download and use up more
bandwidth, you should give your subscribers the choice of how they would like to
view your email – in plain text or HTML.
NOTE Parts of an email
Refer to the images of
the full newsletter later
Sender information
in this chapter to see
how these elements This includes the ‘to’, ‘from’ and ‘reply to’ fields. These are opportunities to build a
look in context.
relationship through creating a perception of familiarity. In other words, the reader
needs to perceive that the newsletter is somewhat unique and sent personally
by the publisher. Using a personalised company email address (for example,
[email protected]) for the ‘reply’ field creates familiarity and builds trust with
the reader. The ‘from’ address should also include the organisation’s name. A
meaningless ‘from’ address that the reader cannot identify serves only to confuse
the origin of the newsletter.
Subject line
NOTE The subject line may be the most important part of an email! Subject lines help
the reader to identify the email and entice them to open it. The subject line is
You could also try
personalising the also scrutinised by spam filters, and so you should avoid using characters, for
subject line with the example, ‘#2$%&^^%###’ or ‘!!!!!’. Consistent subject lines, using the name of
recipient’s name or
location to make your the company and the newsletter edition, can build familiarity and help readers to
email stand out. sort their inbox. Subject lines should also reflect the content of the email. As with
everything online, testing different subject lines will lead marketers to the formula
that works for them.
The preheader is a line or two of text displayed above your email header. Most
commonly, it’s the line of text that will redirect you to ‘View online’. With more and
more people viewing emails on mobile phones, the preheader is also the ideal
space in which to redirect to the mobile version of your email. Where possible,
try including your Call to Action in the preheader. This could be difficult, given
the limited space – but it does ensure that every recipient (even those who don’t
necessarily open the email, but who view only the preheader within the preview
pane or inbox) will still be exposed to it.
The header is the colourful banner or image that is included in many emails. This
often contains the logo, which is important for branding, as well as a CTA or image
to catch the recipient’s attention. Not every email will have a header, but these do
provide added impact.
Personalised greeting
With a database that has the capability to store readers’ names, it is possible
to personalise the greeting of the email. “Hi, Kim Morgan” can elicit far better
responses than “Dear Valued Customer”, but it is possible to create a greeting
with personality without personalising it. Occasionally, the subject line can be
personalised as well to boost responses.
This is where the content of the email goes. Don’t be tempted to use too many
images; they can increase the size of the email, and obscure text when images do
not load. Be sure that text is not on the image, but instead can be read without an
image being loaded. The structure must allow readers to scan and navigate the
email easily. Short paragraphs, emphasis through bolding and colours, as well as
sectioning information with bullets and borders, all contribute to a well-structured
A standard footer for emails helps to build consistency, and is the customary place
to keep the contact details of the company sending the email. At the very least,
this should include the name, physical address and contact email of the company.
It can also include the privacy policy of the sender. One way to grow the email list
is to add a ‘forward to a friend’ link in the footer. The most important part of the
footer is a clear unsubscribe link. Some ESPs enable you to place social media
sharing buttons and links in the footer, allowing subscribers to share your email
on their social networks.
Unsubscribe link
In many countries, it is mandatory to have an unsubscribe link on all commercial
emails. In best practice terms, you should also include a link for managing
subscription preferences – this lets the receiver decide exactly which emails they
receive from you, rather than opting them out from all of your email marketing.
A custom-designed email template will allow you to plan your own content
structure and ensure it displays well across many email readers and devices.
When having your template designed, it’s important to test it with a number of
email readers, browsers and mobile devices so that you can ensure that it displays
correctly. Given that many people choose to look at an email in their preview pane,
this can become more challenging.
Design considerations
How an email looks is integral to how well it is received by your database. Design
also refers to how it is built, which can impact on whether the email is delivered
and on how likely users are to interact with it. Some design considerations are
included below. A few of these are a little more technical, so make sure that your
email partner has these covered for you.
Figure 11. Online, people tend to read in an F-shape. (Source: Nielsen, 2006)
Cluttered inboxes and busy subscribers mean an email that’s lengthy and difficult
to get through probably won’t be read. Help your subscribers by structuring your
email content into segments, making use of borders or colour blocks to accentuate
and divide content. It’s important to balance image and text in your emails. Make a
point of placing images next to the relevant text.
Designing for the preview pane
Many email users use desktop clients to manage their email. Given the number of
emails people receive on a daily basis, many do not open emails but prefer to view
them in their preview panes. This has added another challenge for designers who
want to ensure that their emails display properly.
Images and layout should consider the preview pane and be tested for rendering.
Preview panes can be vertical or horizontal.
• There is no set width, and we reiterate that testing is the way to go. A
width of 600px works best for preview pane display.
• Preview panes favour the top left-hand side of an email. While each
preview pane may vary according to client or user settings, the most
commonly favoured preview pane dimensions cover the area in the top
300–500px of your email (Hamilton, 2012). Given the width of 600 pixels,
you’re then (generally speaking) looking at the top 600px x 300px of your
email as being most likely to be displayed in a preview pane.
• Ensure that plain, email-friendly fonts are used toward the top of your
email in order to ensure that the first text encountered is properly
• Consider carefully what images you display in the top section of your
email, and test display accordingly.
• Placing your logo prominently in the top left of your email can ensure
optimal brand recognition and exposure.
• Try to include your Call to Action in the area displayed in the preview
pane. That way, even if subscribers choose not to read your email,
they’ll still see your primary message.
• Some successful email templates use the area likely to be seen in the
preview pane to provide a table of contents for the email. Users know
what they can look forward to when opening the email.
Tips for using images in email design:
• In the past, background images did not render well in emails, but this is
changing. A block background colour tends to display well across most
email clients.
• When including images in your HTML, be sure to declare the height and
width for each image to ensure consistent rendering across most email
Emails that make sense without images, and render correctly across all platforms, NOTE
are more likely to persuade a reader to load the images (and open the email), as The images you use in
well as click through to the website. the email should support
the overall message,
rather than convey it
directly. If the image
doesn’t appear, the
message should still be
Figure 12. Good use of clear image alt tags in an email newsletter.
Generally, both text links and CTA buttons are effective for generating clickthroughs.
While you should use buttons for links that support your CTA (for example, ‘make
a booking’, ‘check availability’), your email shouldn’t be littered with them, and
hyperlinks should be used for additional links. The best thing to do is test them to
see what kinds of CTAs perform best for you.
The design should be tested to ensure that it renders clearly in as many clients as
possible. Make sure that images line up, that copy is clear and that all the links work.
• Humour
• Research
• Information
• Promotions
• Exclusive content
NOTE Determining the content of your email is an important element of your overall
Read more about this in
brand content strategy.
the Content Marketing
Strategy chapter. Any copy written for your brand should follow a pre-determined brand voice guide.
Consistency is important and will dictate how your customers trust and build a
relationship with your brand.
The principles of writing good online copy apply. You should start with the most
important information first, and make sure that your language is scannable (meaning
that it makes use of the appropriate formatting, such as bolding and bulleted lists).
NOTE It may be helpful to review the Writing for Digital chapter at this stage, but there
Read more about this
are two elements that are important to highlight with respect to writing for email
in the Writing for Digital marketing.
1. The first is in-email links. It’s important to consider that any links you
include in your email copy will lead readers away from your email. You’ll
want to keep these to a minimum, and include a link only when it is a Call
to Action, a legal requirement or a service feature.
2. The second element is the all-important subject line. Many users decide
whether or not to open an email based on their first point of contact – the
subject line.
For an email newsletter, it’s useful to put together a recurring content structure.
The example shown here depicts a consistent content structure with repeating
Subject line
Note how the same
Body elements recur every
month, creating
consistency and
delivering on reader
Unsubscribe link
If your newsletter contains a lot of content, it is advisable to include enticing snippets
with a link to the full article displayed elsewhere, such as in your company blog.
Sending out too much long content in your newsletter can be daunting for time-
starved readers, and they may not make it all the way through your newsletter.
However, if your newsletter consists of only one article, it may help to publish it
in full.
Customisation covers everything from using the recipient’s name, to sending the
correct email version to their device, to sophisticated measurement of a recipient’s
preferences and tailoring content to suit them.
16.4.5 Deploying
By creating valuable content, establishing the correct frequency and testing the
email for display and deliverability, an email marketer should be able to ensure an
excellent delivery rate. Consistency in deploying newsletters also aids in fostering
trust and fulfilling expectations.
When should you send emails? Common sense tells you not on Monday morning
or Friday afternoon, but this varies by audience. Testing will guide you. Generally
speaking, the best days of the week to send emails are between Tuesday and
Email reputation
Email reputation is a score given to you depending on how well your emails are
regarded by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and your subscribers. If the sender’s
score falls within the ISP’s thresholds, a sender’s messages will be delivered. If
not, the sender’s emails may arrive in the bulk or spam folder, be quarantined, or
be bounced back to the sender.
How it works: There are various authentication systems that can impact your
reputation score. One of these is the Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) and
Domain Name System (DNS). DKIM associates domain names with individual
email addresses, ensuring that each organisation has to take responsibility
for emails sent that are associated with their domain. Basically, DKIM signs
out any outbound emails. The DKIM signature is added to the email header
and includes an encrypted code. The receiving mail server will then take that
DKIM signature and verify it with the DNS system to find the matching DKIM
public key. Once it has this key, it can use it to unlock the encrypted code – if
the code hasn’t been changed, the email hasn’t been tampered with, which
means it can be authenticated and passed into the receiving mail server.
An email’s reputation score can be checked at www.senderscore.org.
NOTE If the recipient has given permission to be sent marketing messages by email,
The success of your then it is not spam. Users give permission when they tick a box that says: “Yes,
email marketing relies please send me offers from your company by email”. The email address can be
on people explicitly
indicating that they want
provided to another company only if the user ticks a box that says: “Yes, please
to hear from you - don’t send me offers by email from third parties selected by you”.
break your customer’s
Permission must be explicitly given to the company. Trying to gain permission in a
sneaky way is illegal and should never be done.
16.4.6 Measuring
As with all things digital marketing, tracking, analysing and optimising are key to
growth and success. Email tracking systems produce statistics in a user-friendly
• Number of bounces (this should be separated into hard bounces and soft
Some metrics are more useful than others. A good example of this is the open
rate. Emails are tracked using an image that gets downloaded, but many email
desktop clients block the downloading of images. This means that people may be
reading a text-only version of your email.
What you should be interested in is what activity takes place based on an email.
So you’ll need to track leads or actions. You can do this through link tagging
(appending tracking parameters to a URL in your newsletter). These parameters
are then identified by the Google Analytics of your website, registering that the
user has come to the site through your email. Google Analytics will then take the
information in the tag and store it in a cookie, from which it can track the user’s
interactions with the site after they arrived at the landing page.
Here is a link to the Quirk website as it may appear in a Quirk email campaign:
campaign=digital marketing2013
These can then be used to report on traffic from that email using Google Analytics.
Generic email benchmarks can be used as a guide to see how well your campaigns
are performing, but the best way to monitor performance is to benchmark your
own campaign.
Smaller lists tend to have a higher open rate, but this is probably because
they’re more targeted. The overall average open rate is 11.2%, while the overall
clickthrough rate is 1.6%. Overall rates are quite low because far too many
ignorant or lazy email marketers bring down the average. It’s best to look at the
average open rate for your industry, rather than the overall rates. You can do this
by checking the Email Stat Centre website (EmailStatCenter, n.d.).
Once the reports have been generated, it is time to work out what the numbers are
revealing, and then use this information to improve the next email sent out.
16.4.7 Testing
In order to make sure that your email marketing efforts are continually improving,
it’s important to test your campaigns. NOTE
Read more about
The most common form of email testing is to conduct an A/B split test. This is a this in the Conversion
test that involves sending one version of your newsletter to a specified percentage Optimisation chapter.
of your database, while sending a modified version to the remainder of your
database. Some factors to test include:
By monitoring the results of each send, you can determine which version yielded
the desired results. You can, for instance, test variations of your subject line to
determine which is more effective in persuading subscribers to open your email.
• Database segmentation
• Call to Action
Testing and monitoring your send statistics go hand in hand. It’s important to
analyse your results after sending to ensure you’re implementing the most
effective strategies for your database.
More advanced ESPs that offer a range of message and campaign management
facilities, as well as broader data management and delivery value, include
ExactTarget (www.exacttarget.com), Silverpop (www.silverpop.com) and
Responsys (www.responsys.com).
All emails need to be tested for email client compatibility as well as for any
potential spam problems.
For email client compatibility, as well as mobile rendering, you can test your email
at: www.pivotalveracity.com/email-marketing-solution/email-rendering.html
Once an email has been sent, results need to be analysed to pinpoint areas for
growth for the next campaign. Use your ESP’s built-in analytics feature and
correlate this with your Google Analytics data.
When used to foster relationships with a customer base, email marketing can go a
long way to increasing the lifetime value of that customer.
Email marketing is highly measurable, and databases are able to be easily and
thoroughly segmented.
However, with the increasing numbers of companies and individuals using email
marketing, many consumers are email fatigued. It requires ingenuity, focus and
dedication to maintain an email database and consistently deliver useful quality
emails that will be read.
It does not take much for email to be marked as spam, and it can be difficult to
recover from being branded as a spammer by the ISPs.
16.7 Case study – Zando
16.7.1 One-line summary
Zando achieves a 78% open rate by implementing email marketing best practices.
Zando approached Digital Fire, a digital marketing agency, to assist them with their email
campaign. Zando wanted to create brand awareness, target new customers, grow their existing
email database with quality leads, and increase traffic to their website in an effort to boost sales.
Ideal new customers who fitted into their target market would need to be high-earning female
South African urbanites (Digital Fire, 2012).
The campaign profiled and tracked user actions, and allowed readers to pass the email on to their
friends easily. The Call to Action ‘click here to enter’ prompted readers to fill in their own details,
and those of a friend, for the Zando database (Digital Fire, 2012).
The email was sent to 70 000 people in Zando’s target market from a well-maintained opt-in email
database, with a second follow-up email sent later (Digital Fire, 2012).
The follow-up email was sent to competition entrants, thanking them for entering the competition
and encouraging them to have a look at the Zando website. An astonishing 78% of these recipients
clicked though, which resulted in more than 5 000 new visits to the Zando (Digital Fire, 2012).
• Striking design
• Effective copy
• An enticing incentive
• The entering mechanism where the reader and a friend’s details were requested
The viral sharing element particularly contributed to the campaign’s success (Digital Fire, 2012).
There should never be a disparity between the content, tone or design of an email when compared
to the rest of a company’s offerings. In-store promotions can be reinforced and promoted to an
email database, or website information can be summarised for email.
Custom landing pages, if required, should be created for any promotions being communicated by
email. For the most part, marketing emails should aim to get the customer to the site; landing
pages are therefore essential. They need to be optimised to close the Call to Action. So the email
gets the subscriber onto the page and the landing page gets them to sign up, buy, or engage. The
idea is to create a flow between the two that brings the ‘selling’ process full circle – whether it’s
actually buying something or just reading through the content to engage them with the brand.
Email marketing and social media work very well together for cross-channel promotion. Where
email can create a one-on-one feel between a brand and an individual, social media can move that
attention towards a sense of community and keep your reader involved in a dialogue.
16.9 Summary
Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that can deliver the best ROI of any digital marketing
tactic. It is:
• Cost effective
Gaining explicit permission to send email marketing to a person is a prerequisite for successful
email marketing. Once you have this permission, all emails sent by an organisation and the
individuals in that organisation can be seen as marketing opportunities.
Successful email marketing requires careful planning and testing. HTML emails need to be tested
across a range of email clients, and should be tested for a spam score, before being deployed.
All email sent to a list of subscribers needs to provide an easy and accessible unsubscribe link in
the email. Make sure you adhere to your local regulations for email marketing.
2. What role did the database play in this example? Why was it so important?
3. Explain how viral sharing played a role in the success of this campaign.
16.11 Chapter questions
2. What are the key differences between direct marketing by email and direct marketing by post?
4. Emails that are expected and recognised are more likely to be read. How can a marketer use
this knowledge to increase the readership of emails?
16.12 References
Digital Fire., 2012. Digital Fire generates a 78% open rate for Zando and 10 000 new sign-ups in 24
hours. [Online]
Available at: http://www.bizcommunity.com/Article/196/16/76600.html
[Accessed 1 October 2013].
Hamilton, S., 2012. How To Design an Email Newsletter Template in 7 Simple Steps. [Online]
Available at: http://blog.crazyegg.com/2012/04/06/design-email-newsletter-template/
[Accessed 4 April 2013].
Lab, K., 2013. Kaspersky Security Bulletin: Spam Evolution 2012. [Online]
Available at: http://www.securelist.com/en/analysis/204792276/
[Accessed 4 April 2013].
Nielsen, J., 2006. F-Shaped Pattern For Reading Web Content. [Online]
Available at: http://www.nngroup.com/articles/f-shaped-pattern-reading-web-content/
[Accessed 4 April 2013].
17 Mobile
What’s inside: The key terms and concepts required for understanding mobile
marketing. We then include an introduction to marketing through SMS, MMS, USSD and
augmented reality. We explore mobile analytics and mechanics for measuring your mobile
marketing efforts.
17.1 Introduction
The mobile web is ubiquitous; six out of every seven people in the world use a
mobile phone – that’s six billion people (Wang, 2013). More people are active on
Facebook through mobile devices than desktop (Tam, 2013); comScore research
shows that Americans spent 225.4 billion minutes on the Facebook mobile app and
mobi site during the second quarter of 2013, and 18.4 billion minutes on Twitter’s
mobile app and site (Vranica, 2013).
Mobile devices are important to consider in any marketing strategy, and this
chapter looks at the ways in which we can use mobile as part of an engagement
NOTE Mobile engagement extends far beyond just the mobile phone, or just SMS
Google’s marketing
marketing. It’s a mindset rather than a specific tactic. It’s all about context –
philosophy involves reaching people at exactly the right time, place and mood to facilitate their needs,
“reaching people in
provide a convenient touchpoint and encourage them to convert.
the moments that
matter”. Mobile plays an
essential part in this. It’s important to note that mobile marketing is very different in the developed
world – where smartphones dominate, delivering rich web and application user
experiences – and the developing world – where many phones are still text based,
have crude WAP browsers, and radio, USSD and SMS are the most prolific services.
Mobile users have a hierarchy of needs, which are fulfilled to various degrees by
the capabilities of their devices:
Basic communication
Figure 1. The mobile hierarchy of needs, devised by the Quirk Think team.
At the foundation, people use mobile devices to communicate – by voice, text or
web access. Belonging addresses the need to be social and to form communities,
using tools such as mobile social networks. Further up, mobile devices allow a
great degree of on-the-go convenience, such as online shopping, research, mobile
banking, career listings, coupons, and more – these more advanced capabilities
are not available on very basic mobile devices. Education and information gathering
also fit in here. Finally, mobile phones can entertain through games, apps and rich
Understanding where your target market falls on this scale will allow you to
communicate more effectively with them, using the correct mobile channels and
• The role that mobile can play in a holistic marketing strategy, taking
advantage of its unique features
Term Definition
Third Generation of mobile communications systems. A
set of wireless protocols or standards used to transmit
3G data to and from mobile devices. It is faster than previous
generations, offering users a wider range of advanced
services while achieving greater network capacity.
A special number or code that can be used to address SMS
Common Short Code
and MMS messages from mobile phones or fixed phones,
usually to get something in return.
Tomi Ahonen, an expert in mobile communications, has laid out six features
that are unique to mobile and act as a framework for understanding mobile
communications (Ahonen, 2008). These features affect the way we create and view
mobile content.
1. Mobile devices are personal. NOTE
While most computers do present a personal connection to the Internet, they are Think about your own
habits: when was the
not as personal as mobile devices. Mobile phones are part of people’s personal
last time your mobile
presentation and their social affiliations. phone was out of reach,
or turned off?
The implication for marketers: Respect for privacy and permission is important in
all aspects of marketing, particularly when it comes to mobile.
The implication for marketers: Messages sent to mobile devices will most likely be
accessed within minutes of being received. Messages sent to recipients can be
read and acted on immediately.
The implication for marketers: Marketers need to be even more sensitive with their
marketing communications. Not many people would appreciate an SMS at 4am
informing them of a special offer.
The implication for marketers: Consumers are willing to pay for services and content
on their mobile devices. Advertising is not the only way to generate revenue for
The implication for marketers: This feature can be used to encourage interactivity
within campaigns created for mobile. It presents the mobile device as a useful
NOTE tool in viral campaigns based on consumer-generated content. The flipside is that
Read more about
people can also post negative brand messages in the heat of the moment if they
this in the Customer have a bad experience; online monitoring and CRM should be considered here for
managing any potential backlash.
Management chapter.
The implication for marketers: Aggregated data provides profiling and segmenting
opportunities for targeting the right audience. Campaigns can also be accurately
measured and tracked for their return on investment (ROI). As always, make sure
you are respecting your customers’ privacy and obtaining their consent.
Of course, many people own more than one mobile device, or use it in connection
with various other devices. This phenomenon of multiscreen usage is very
important for marketers to understand. Here are some common scenarios:
• GSM is the most widespread global network standard and is found across
Europe, Africa, and most other parts of the world
• CDMA is predominantly found in the US, Canada and some Asian countries
17.4.1 SMS
Short Message Service (SMS) is the largest data application on the planet. By the
end of 2013, mobile users will be sending 19.5 billion SMSs per day (Clark-Dickson,
2013). It is also one of the simplest and most effective mobile marketing channels
available. Interestingly, SMS messages were initially designed as a way for network
engineers to conduct tests on mobile networks, and not for commercial use at all.
SMS messages can be a maximum of 160 characters long, although it is possible
to string several together in order to send longer messages (this is called
concatenating). Messages can be sent from one phone to another or from a
desktop computer to a phone and vice versa.
Almost all mobile phones support SMS. The restriction on the amount of data that
can be communicated through SMS demands simplicity, and so consideration
must be given to working creatively within the space of the small screen.
NOTE SMS has useful marketing applications. It enables two-way communication, which
Many smartphones allows subscribers to activate services and cheaply access important information.
allow users to block However, abusing this type of communication can also be problematic. The mobile
spam numbers directly
from the device - make phone is a highly personal device, and the potential to invade a mobile user’s
sure that your SMS personal space is much greater.
communications don’t
compel your customers
to do this!
SMS and marketing
With the massive volume of SMS messages being sent every day, SMS marketing
must be considered by marketers. However, mobile phone users have proved
reluctant to hand over their phone numbers for marketing messages, perhaps
fearing a similar deluge of spam to the one they receive in their email inboxes.
This is changing to some extent, with the prevalence of Common Short Codes
(CSC) in marketing. CSCs are short codes used in text messages, usually to get
something in return, such as a competition entry. These can be sent to and from
consumers, and often use keywords. There are two standard keywords that should
always elicit a standard response:
As consumers are comfortable with using text messages for their communication,
no extensive education process is required to have consumers access marketing
campaigns based on CSCs.
There are several ways that SMS messages can be used to complement an existing
marketing strategy.
SMS messages allow you to send timely sales promotions to a large database
for a relatively low cost. These can be targeted to a particular time of day when
prospects are most likely to be out shopping.
Receiving messages
CSCs are often used to receive messages from prospects or customers. They
provide a fast, instant and trackable means for the public to enter competitions,
voice opinions, or make requests. Even better for a company, the costs can often
be passed on to the consumer, meaning that it can be a cost-effective way to
receive marketing messages.
17.4.2 MMS
MMS messages are particularly useful in viral campaigns, encouraging participants
to use their phones to create content (photographic, audio or video) and pass on
content. However, MMS usage doesn’t appear to be a cost-effective method for
marketers as it requires the recipient to bear considerable data costs to receive
the messages.
Apart from cellular network connectivity, most modern mobile devices have the
ability to connect via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.
These services are often used by networks to provide a service to a customer, such
as requesting balance information, adding credit to a prepaid contract or passing
on credit to another mobile phone user. Using USSD can also help you build up a
profile of your customer, by tracking the kinds of interactions and services they
engage in. On top of that, USSD can be used to gather data for CRM purposes, and
to conduct surveys, in which you can gather specific data about respondents.
USSD also allows users to complete a double opt in, which is required in some
jurisdictions before you can send marketing messages to a recipient.
01 02
(0) Options
It is a rudimentary navigation process, but with far faster response times and lower
costs when compared to SMS or to mobile browsing. In lower-income markets
where web access is not prevalent, USSD can be a very powerful tool for engaging
mobile users – it has a high success rate, low technological barrier to entry, and a
low cost for the marketer.
M-Pesa has been so successful in Kenya that is has over 10.5 million active
monthly subscribers, who have transferred over $5.9 billion (between October
2012 and March 2013) through 65,547 registered agents around the country
(Safaricom, 2013).
M-Pesa has been rolled out to countries across sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.
IM applications are available to users who own smartphones and also on some
feature phones. Some of the better known are BlackBerry Messenger, WeChat and
WhatsApp, which can be installed on any smartphone and some feature phones.
Other device-agnostic services include Google Talk and Skype.
From a marketer’s point of view, IM can offer a channel for customer support, but
presents even more of a risk in terms of alienating or angering consumers. This
is a space reserved for personal contacts. That said, instant support gives you the
chance to reach customers when they are focused on your service or product. This
relies on the assumption that you are available to provide the information needed
instantly. The alternative would just frustrate users.
17.4.6 QR codes
QR codes, also called 3D barcodes, offer a way to compress complex information
into an image that can be decoded by your mobile phone.
QR codes can offer users with camera phones a convenient way to get information
with just one click. Once you have installed a QR code reading app, these barcodes
can be interpreted by the phone’s camera to provide website URLs, contact
information, discount vouchers, or even to activate downloads.
The image on the left may look like a hybrid between a crossword and a Sudoku
puzzle, but it’s really the QR code for the URL of the mobile version of the marketing
blog GottaQuirk, m.gottaquirk.com.
QR codes are a pull technology – they allow users to take the actions they want
conveniently and quickly. They can be useful for sharing product or promotional
information. One of the exciting benefits of QR codes is that they offer a way to
activate offline advertising and make it interactive and measurable. A print
campaign can, for example, include a barcode that can be used to send a user
directly to your website.
QR codes are especially popular in East Asian countries, where the large prevalence
of sophisticated smartphones makes accessing and using them easy.
However, QR codes do have their issues. They can be prone to bugs, and they also NOTE
face a large barrier to entry for most smartphone users (since it is necessary to Have you ever scanned
first install a specialised app before you can scan and use QR codes). a QR code with your
phone? What was the
experience like? If not,
what is holding you
17.4.7 Automated voicemail messages
These days, mobile phones can also be controlled through voice commands.
Sophisticated voice-activated applications like Siri on the iPhone allow users to
perform complex tasks simply by asking a question or requesting an action out
loud. For example, Siri responds to queries like “What is the weather like in
Denver?” and “Can you move my 9am meeting to lunch time?” by analysing the
key words used and returning the correct information, or completing the task. You
can find out more about Siri here: www.apple.com/ios/siri.
There are also less-complex versions of voice-based control, for example in Google
search, where the user can speak a query rather than typing it (which is beneficial
on mobile, considering the typical hassle of typing on a small device).
Another mobile voice technology is interactive voice response (IVR). IVR is used
in automated telephone systems to navigate through the menus. Rather than
pressing a specific key to select an option, the user simply speaks their choice.
Voice technologies are exciting, convenient and easy to use. However, there is still
a relatively high rate of inaccuracy in the technology, leading to misunderstood
voice inputs and frustrations.
A survey conducted by the Pew Internet and American Life Project found that
74% of smartphone users use their mobile phones to find locations. Google
found that 68% of mobile users visited the business after searching for it on a
smartphone (Google, 2012). And 67% of users surveyed shared that they would be
more likely to buy if the website were designed for mobile devices (Google, 2012).
17.5.1 Geo-location
Combining mobile marketing techniques with geo-location can go a long way in
providing customers with what they need.
There are a few different scenarios possible for implementing location in your
mobile marketing campaigns. Location-targeted search offers some significant
benefits. If searching for a local doctor, for example, it would be immensely useful
to find the closest one and a map to his or her location in the first listed result.
Localised news results could also offer a better user experience for someone
conducting a mobile news search. Combining short codes or QR codes with print
advertising in an area is another way to provide consumers with geo-relevant
information. A QR code in a store or on a poster could offer a discount voucher to
someone coming to the local retail outlet, for example.
NOTE To reach customers in areas of the world where data is scarcer and more
Google Free Zone is expensive, some online services are turning towards a ‘zero rating’ system –
another example of a which means that users don’t pay for data when accessing that particular service.
zero-rated service. It
allows people in specific
countries to access For example, Facebook launched its Facebook Zero service in Africa to massive
Gmail, Google+ and success. Accessing the simple, text-based website was free to all users. Just 18
Google search on mobile
without incurring any months after launching, the number of Facebook users in Africa had increased
data costs. by 114% (Mims, 2012).
When combined with location awareness, mobile search offers a targeted user
If a website can detect what device someone is using and where they are, content
customised to their location could be delivered, either automatically or after user
• m.facebook.com
• m.twitter.com
In addition, there are several social networks created specifically for mobile
devices and centred on the potential of location-specific awareness. One example
is Instagram (instagram.com).
One successful example of mobile social networking is Mxit. This South African
company runs a messaging and social networking platform that is popular among
the South African youth. With 7.5 million monthly active users (McConnachie, 2013),
Mxit is a cheaper messaging alternative to standard SMS. In addition to the chat
rooms in which users interact, Mxit offers brands the option to sell multimedia
downloads and customised skins, and to create branded chat rooms for specific
competitions or promotions. Mxit has its own currency – Moola – which enables
purchases via Mxit’s Tradepost commerce system. This ties in with Toni Ahonen’s
important observation about mobile devices having a built-in payment system –
after all, Moola can be purchased using prepaid airtime and then spent on games,
images, music tracks and more.
Many social media and social networking sites are also adopting and encouraging
geo-tagging as a way for users to comment on posts. Services such as Foursquare
(www.foursquare.com) and Facebook encourage users to ‘check in’ when they
are at various locations. Foursquare also offers a social incentive to check in at
locations – the people who visit the most become the ‘Mayor’ and can get cash
discounts or vouchers at participating locations.
Coffee giant Starbucks and clothing brand Gap are two brands that make frequent
use of Foursquare for deals, limited-time offers and loyalty rewards. Have a look at
their listings here: foursquare.com/starbucks and foursquare.com/gap.
Some platforms allow people to tag locations with notes or information, and to let
their friends or contacts know where they are. Some users prefer not to do this,
but for others, the ability to comment on their daily lives is exciting and connects
them with people who may not be physically near them through content.
Mobile social networks can also have operational value, especially from a sales
and leads perspective. As getting work done becomes more important than where
it is done, communication tools are more and more essential to CRM. And mobile
devices lie at the centre of this.
NOTE As the different networks evolve, it is worth considering the potential of social
Read more about this search as well. Product or brand searches based around social networks and
in the Search Engine location can be a powerful tool: personal referrals are now combined with location-
Optimisation chapter.
specific information.
For this reason, marketers need to provide a method for people to unsubscribe.
You could consider contacting users through alternative channels in order to check
up on the service and allow them to customise the kinds of messages they receive.
It must be said, however, that implementation has not always lived up to potential.
Possibilities such as geographic report-backs on the efficacy of campaigns in
certain areas could be immensely valuable, but all of these services and ideas
need input from mobile operators, advertising networks and marketing agencies.
Network operators often closely guard all user information. Not all devices have
the same capabilities of revealing their location. In other words, options seem
endless, but beware of the hype.
Since there are so many physical, electronic and mobile payment options available, NOTE
ensure that you cater to your market by providing a wide range of popular payment One interesting mobile
options. Do some research to discover what consumers in your region are using. payment tool is Square
(squareup.com) - it
consists of a small
17.6.1 Mobile shopping device that attaches to
the merchant’s mobile
phone, allowing them to
Mobile shopping has become hugely popular because of the flexibility and swipe and process credit
card purchases on the
immediacy of the mobile device – by 2014, a quarter of Chinese smartphone and spot.
tablet users will shop online. This is twice as many as the rest of the world – still a
large number (Naidu-Ghelani, 2013).
Users can purchase goods or services wherever they are via the mobile web. They
are also able to search for and compare products and prices. A spokesperson
for eBay finds that mobile users follow through with purchases more often
than desktop users do. A quarter of their new customers are on mobile devices
(Kucera, 2013).
Apps and music are currently the most popular items bought through mobile
NOTE devices, most likely because they involve smaller payments and less risk
Read more about this (Lightspeed Research, 2010). This does not mean that other categories remain
in the Market Research unexplored, however. The graphic below demonstrates that entertainment and
content items dominate as the most popular currently.
Figure 10. Types of goods purchased over mobile phones. (Nielsen/Yahoo, 2011)
There are various factors that influence a mobile shopper’s behaviour and
interests. The device and its interface, as well the context within which shopping is
explored, have a significant impact on a mobile user’s actions. Nielsen and Yahoo
conducted research into mobile shopping and established nine mobile principles
that define a user’s mobile shopping experience (Nielsen, 2011).
These are:
2. Goal orientation – Users actively shop and look up category information and
know what they need to do and how to achieve it.
3. Attentiveness – Users often give their full attention to category information.
5. Taking my time – Consumers use as much time as they need to complete a task.
9. Trust and security – Users want to access a trusted and secure source.
• Keep the menu short and clear, with only the most important items
displayed. Focus on goals rather than simply long lists of items or categories.
• Lay out individual product pages simply, with the most important
information at the top and a clear ‘buy’ button visible.
• Include an ‘add to wishlist’ or ‘save this’ button so that customers can find
their favourite items later. This is especially handy if you also have a full
eCommerce site, since customers can browse and research on mobile and
then evaluate their purchases later at their desktop computers.
Build the payment system with good security, and reassure users that their details
are secure – after all, most people are afraid of transacting on mobile because
of security concerns. Include a privacy policy and information about the security
measures you have taken for users who want to access this information.
If you want to venture into mobile commerce, it is recommended that you start
by developing a mobi site before you spend time and money creating a dedicated
store application. Not only are people more likely to find you through web search,
but the barriers for entry are much lower, since a site does not require the user
to download anything. Program your full eCommerce site to redirect mobile
customers to the mobi site to improve their experience.
Finally, promote your mCommerce platform across your other media (your
website, social media channels and offline promotions). Offering a special mobile-
only coupon can drive traffic to this platform and will make customers feel more at
ease, since they are being directed there from more trusted sources. You can also
experiment with QR codes, depending on whether your market is aware of and
comfortable with this technology.
A mobile wallet is a way of storing currency (or other payment methods, such
as credit cards or PayPal account details) on a mobile device and then using the
device to make payments. NFC is the most common technology used for this.
Mobile wallets are typically used to make small purchases, such as movie tickets,
snacks from vending machines and public transport tickets, but can also be used
for bigger purchases in place of a credit card.
Figure 11. Using a mobile phone to make an NFC payment. (Jargon Media, 2011)
NFC payment has the potential to provide a seamless experience for the user. NOTE
And it can potentially be used for far more than just payments – such as personal Some public transport
identification, loyalty cards, membership cards, and perhaps even the keys to your networks use NFC to
make travelling quicker.
home or car. For example, the
Oyster system allows
Londoners to swipe an
17.6.3 Mobile ticketing and coupons NFC-enabled smartcard
every time they want to
take a bus, tube, tram
Mobile ticketing allows consumers to use their mobile devices to purchase and or train.
receive tickets for things such as their daily commute, secure parking, and concert
Once a ticket has been purchased, a barcode, password or other identifiable piece
of data is sent to the phone via SMS or MMS, and presented at the ticketing station.
Mobile barcodes can be scanned quickly, making this paperless administration a
lot easier, cheaper and more easily accessible.
Mobile coupons work in a similar way. Customers can receive a coupon from the
brand – for example, by subscribing to an SMS marketing list, as a reward for
completing a USSD survey, or simply by walking near a location-based mobile
offer in a store window. Coupons are excellent for driving sales, offering free
trials, retaining customers and more – especially among customers in the young,
mobile-native demographics.
This type of payment allows consumers to pay via a mobile phone using either
e-currency or a mobile voucher. These are governed by the banking laws within
a specific country. The major difference is the ability to draw money from the
system. For merchants to make the most of these services, they must have online
shopping enabled and register with the particular service.
There are various options available, such as M-Pesa, which is available in many
African countries. For developing regions such as Africa – where 95% of adults do
not have bank accounts (Heinrich, 2012), but almost all have access to a mobile
phone – this is a significant benefit.
One of the key benefits of M-Pesa is that money can be sent by SMS or USSD,
meaning that an Internet connection is not required. M-Pesa users can send
e-money to other mobile users, regardless of their network provider. These
mobile users can then convert the e-money back into cash via an M-Pesa outlet
or a Nedbank ATM. Outlets are available at retail stores, Nedbank branches and
elsewhere. This type of currency can work for even the most basic phone.
17.6.5 Carrier-based payments
NOTE Mobile banking services are available through different mobile channels:
Have you ever used
mobile banking? Do you • Mobile web: Mobile web banking is when mobile users gain access to
consider it more or less modified web versions of the bank’s online site. This means that users
secure than banking on
a desktop computer? have full access to their accounts in order to make payments, transfer
funds and more. Mobile banking through this channel doesn’t usually
cost the user more than the online banking subscription.
• Mobile app: Mobile banking applications give users the ability to access
a variety of account features through simple mobile-friendly processes.
Through apps, users will have full access to their accounts.
• Mobile text: Mobile banking can also be conducted via SMS and USSD.
This is useful for non-smartphone users. Mobile text banking involves
banks sending alerts to customers via SMS, or allowing them to perform
simple tasks, like transfers, via USSD. Alerts can be sent for account
balances, payments, direct deposits, and other account activity. These
services can be free or available at an additional cost, depending on the
provider. The text messages themselves are for the consumer’s cost with
their mobile phone carriers.
17.7 Integrating mobile into online
As you may have noticed, many of the chapters in this book discuss mobile
applications or variations of standard online marketing strategies. We’ve
done things this way because mobile is a mindset, not a specific and separate
channel – so it should always be taken into account as a facet of any strategy
you implement.
To recap, here are some of the key mobile implementations you can consider –
have a look in the relevant chapters for more:
• User experience
• Email marketing
• Social media
• Mobile advertising
• Search advertising
While AR devices are relatively new, they do have a history outside their use in
mobile. They can and have been used in medicine (superimposing surgical
information onto a patient’s body), architecture (superimposing virtual buildings
into a space where they are yet to be built), or for long-distance collaboration
where participants can’t be in the same room.
Mobile-controlled concert in Japan
In 2013, Tokyo’s Shiba Park played home to a one-of-a-kind concert – one
controlled entirely by the audience’s mobile phones. Concertgoers were asked
to download the Odoroki app, which was specially built to enable interactions
with one’s environment. The area was turned into a mobile-operated theme
park. Through interacting with the app, visitors could control vehicles,
fountains, lighting, stage performances and even the illuminations on the city’s
iconic Tokyo Tower (Japan Trends, 2013).
At present, applications have been interesting but often more gimmicky than
useful. Some of the examples include an Ikea campaign that allowed people to
view virtual versions of their furniture in their homes through their phone cameras
(Butcher, 2010).
17.8.3 The quantified self
Another way in which mobile devices are adding a digital layer to the real world
is through the trend of the ‘quantified self’, also referred to as personal analytics.
In essence, this is the practice of using mobile devices to measure your physical
behaviours in order to improve health, better understand your habits, get fitter and
measure your daily life in more detail.
• Step counters built in to mobile phones to measure how active you are
• Sleep-tracking apps that show how peacefully you sleep and what
nightly rhythms and patterns you display
• Devices like the Nike+ FuelBand that measure exercise and calories
• Time-tracking apps to show how much time you spend reading emails,
on social media, and more
Traditional analytics, focusing on the web rather than the mobile web, has come NOTE
a long way in providing us with information about what keywords brought users to Read more about this
our sites, which referrers were used, and how long people spent on a page, as well in the Data Analytics
as a number of other metrics. Through various tools, you can gain insight into your
users’ actions and from there deduce information about their intent, using this to
refine your web presence and campaigns.
While some would argue that both spheres face data collection challenges, there
is an understanding that mobile analytics presents more challenges in terms of
sourcing reliable data.
The first thing to acknowledge is that users of mobile analytics may be looking for
different kinds of information. Given design challenges, primary information would
include what device is being used, what network is being used, what browser is
used, and then information about screen size.
Judah Phillips of Metrics Insider lists the following challenges for mobile analytics:
• Not all mobile browsers support JavaScript, meaning that the most
common method for collecting data is not available on a lot of mobile
devices. Mobile analytics packages have had to come up with alternative
implementation methods such as packet-sniffers and accessing log files.
Beyond this, however, there are a number of tools that have developed to provide
mobile analytics data. Some of the ones most often discussed include the offerings
from AdMob and Google Analytics, which are both available for free. Google
Analytics for mobile offers options for tracking iPhone and Android applications,
and for tracking mobile websites. Its server-side tracking options can be used to
track sites on phones that don’t support JavaScript.
NOTE Mobile devices are even less standard than PCs. Not only do device models present
How can responsive
myriad screen sizes; there are also several operating systems and browsers
web design help that are used. This can make standardising websites and campaign materials a
meet the challenge of
non-standard mobile
Mobile devices usually have a small screen and keypad or touch interface. When
it comes to the mobile web, consider that devices do not have a mouse and full
keyboard. These limited navigation options mean that inputting information and
browsing can be harder.
17.11 Case study – Carling Black Label’s “Be the Coach”
Carling Black Label, a well-known South African beer brand, wanted to engage its market in
an unprecedented way. The target market they wanted to reach had a low Internet penetration
rate, but had a high rate of mobile access. They knew that many Black Label drinkers are also
passionate soccer fans – who, like all fans around the world, thought that perhaps they could do a
good job at coaching their favourite team, Kaiser Chiefs.
To create a feeling of involvement in the sport, Black Label created the “Be the Coach” campaign.
Using mobile devices, fans could choose players for the team and even substitute a player right in
the middle of a match. The campaign was advertised on Black Label bottles, TV and radio, as well
as other media.
Fans used the code on the inside of the beer bottle cap to participate. Communicating through
USSD, they voted on which players to include, and then participated during the live match by
choosing which players should be substituted.
A mobile site was also purpose-built for the campaign, where team, player and voting information
could be viewed, and fans could access the “Be the Coach” Facebook and Twitter profiles.
Participants used their mobile numbers to sign in to the site; this low barrier to entry made the
campaign easily accessible. Web-enabled mobile devices could access the campaign information
through the site in real time.
Facebook ads, display ads and digital PR were also used to promote the campaign. Another
important mobile aspect was the use of Mxit. The campaign was advertised for two weeks on this
portal. Fans could create a “Be the Coach” profile on Mxit and visit the mobile site from there.
Figure 13. A video for the “Be the Coach” campaign.
• Fans voted more than 10.5 million times over the seven-week voting period.
• A record 85 000 tickets to the game were sold, and millions more watched from home.
• The Facebook and Twitter accounts grew by 450% and 600% respectively.
• The equivalent PR value of all this attention came in at over R83 million.
• The mobi site had 31 088 visitors (18 405 of these were unique), and users visited
6.97 pages on average, with an average time on site of 5 minutes 30 seconds.
On the day of the game, rival team Orlando Pirates won, but the fans did get to “Be the Coach” for
Kaiser Chiefs (Ogilvy & Mather South Africa, n.d.).
One of mobile’s powerful characteristics is its ability to stitch media together – especially online
and offline marketing channels, since the mobile device can be physically located in the real-world
space, and access the digital world at the same time.
We’ve listed earlier in this chapter some of the many marketing tactics of which mobile can form
part. Mobile should also be a central consideration in your marketing and content strategy –
consider the context of the user and how mobile content is consumed differently.
Mobile is also excellent in CRM and customer support, where it provides an always-on, always
accessible channel to answer queries, resolve issues and reward customers.
17.13 Summary
The mobile device cannot be ignored as an important tool in any marketing campaign. There
are messaging capabilities unique to mobile that can be very effective – from SMS to USSD and
Exciting technological developments also open up the opportunities for interactive campaigns and
mobile experiences. Although not widely adopted yet, QR codes can be the point of interaction that
connects other media to the mobile device. Augmented reality campaigns can also create a rich
interactive experience for a user by adding a layer of information to the real world.
As with any digital marketing approach, planning is vital. While mobile can offer a dazzling array
of marketing and communication opportunities, knowing your audience will help you to best plan
those most suited to your market and your campaign.
2. Describe how the device combined real world experiences with digital options.
3. Are there any other mobile marketing options that you would have incorporated into this
2. When is it a good idea to invest in an augmented reality application for your brand?
4. How would you go about deciding which engagement method is the best one for your target
17.16 Further reading
mobithinking.com – mobiThinking offers the latest stats and research into the rapidly changing
mobile world.
17.17 References
Ahonen, T. T., 2008. Mobile as 7th of the Mass Media. London: Futuretext.
Butcher, D., (2010) IKEA takes its product catalog mobile with augmented reality app [online]
Available at: http://www.mobilecommercedaily.com/ikea-takes-its-product-catalog-mobile-with-
[Accessed 29 September 2013].
Clark-Dickson, P., (2013) Press release: OTT messaging traffic will be twice the volume of P2P SMS
traffic by end-2013. [Online]
Available at: http://blogs.informatandm.com/12861/news-release-ott-messaging-traffic-will-be-
[Accessed 22 July 2013].
Fast Company, (2011), Visa beats Apple to iPhone NFC payments in Euro Experiment.
Available at: http://www.fastcompany.com/1722944/visa-beats-apple-iphone-nfc-payments-
[Accessed 23 September 2013].
Google, 2012. What Users Want Most from Mobile Sites Today. [Online]
Available at: http://google.com/research-studies/what-users-want-most-from-mobile-sites-
[Accessed 16 May 2013].
Heinrich, E., 2012. The Secret of Africa’s Banking Boom: Mobility. [Online]
Available at: http://techland.time.com/2012/08/16/the-secret-of-africas-banking-boom-mobility/
[Accessed 16 May 2013].
Japan Trends, (2013) Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, au KDDI’s Odoroki turn Tokyo into interactive digital
theme park. [Online]
Available at: http://www.japantrends.com/kyary-pamyu-pamyu-au-kddi-smartphone-odoroki-
[Accessed 22 July 2013]
Juniper Research, (2012) Press Release: Mobile Tickets Quadruple to 23 billion Globally by 2016 as
Tickets Find a Place in the Mobile Wallet. [Online]
Available at: http://www.juniperresearch.com/viewpressrelease.php?pr=298
[Accessed 22 July 2013].
Kucera, D., 2013. Ebay Sales Beat Estimates as Donahoe Pushes Mobile Sales. [Online]
Available at: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-01-17/ebay-sales-beat-estimates-as-
[Accessed 16 May 2013].
Lightspeed Research, 2010. 29% of European Mobile Consumers Respond to Mobile Adverts They
See. [Online]
Available at: http://www.lightspeedresearch.com/press-releases/29-of-european-mobile-
[Accessed 1 October 2013].
McNulty, M.A., 2013. Groups Explore Payment, Transport Uses For Near-Field Communications
Tech. [Online]
Available at: http://www.businesstravelnews.com/Expense-Management/Groups-Explore-
[Accessed 16 May 2013].
Mims, C., (2012) Facebook’s plan to find its next billion users: convince them the internet and
Facebook are the same. [Online]
Available at: http://qz.com/5180/facebooks-plan-to-find-its-next-billion-users-convince-them-
[Accessed 31 July 2013]
Mobile Marketing Association (2013) Glossary. [Online]
Available at: http://www.mmaglobal.com/wiki/mobile-marketing
[Accessed 5 August 2013]
mobiThinking, 2012. The insider’s guide to mobile Web and marketing in Kenya 2012. [Online]
Available at: http://mobithinking.com/country-guides-home/guide-mobile-web-kenya
[Accessed 16 May 2013].
Naidu-Ghelani, R., 2013. Chinese Take to Mobile Shopping Faster Than Peers. [Online]
Available at: http://www.cnbc.com/id/100713504
[Accessed 16 May 2013].
Ogilvy & Mather South Africa, n.d. Ogilvy One Worldwide. [Online]
Available at: http://www.ogilvyone.co.za/carling-black-label-be-the-coach/
[Accessed 6 May 2013].
Tam, D., (2013) Facebook by the numbers: 1.06 billion monthly active users. [Online]
Available at: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-57566550-93/facebook-by-the-numbers-1.06-
[Accessed 2 August 2013]
Wang, Y., (2013) More People Have Cell Phones Than Toilets, U.N. Study Shows. [Online]
Available at: http://newsfeed.time.com/2013/03/25/more-people-have-cell-phones-than-toilets-
[Accessed 2 August 2013]
Part 4
Introduction to Optimise
Planning, research and strategy are important for executing digital marketing
campaigns that resonate with audiences. As part of executing these strategies,
you need to create digital assets, and then use various channels to drive traffic to
those assets, and build relationships with your visitors.
As you are doing all of this, it’s important to know: is it actually working? And how
might it all work better?
This is where Optimise comes in: the process by which we track, analyse and
optimise our digital assets and campaigns to achieve the best results. (Yes, that’s
track, analyse and optimise, or TAO, so you’ll never forget it.)
As Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman of Google, said: “The Internet will transform
advertising because of its trackability, not its beauty.” Because most actions online
are recorded, we can build a rich, data-driven picture of how our digital assets
and online campaigns are performing. Digital allows us to use this data to test
and improve our marketing efforts – and then release new, better versions of
campaigns rapidly.
With user-friendly reporting interfaces and free, powerful web analytics tools such
as Google Analytics, there is no excuse for not knowing what’s happening in your
campaigns. The chapter on Data Analytics will help you with the concepts and
definitions you need, and will also help you to set objectives and key performance
indicators (KPIs) so that you know what you need to measure.
It’s easy to rely on web analytics tools to report the ‘what’ without applying your
brain to understand the ‘why’ – and the ‘what next’.
The chapter on Conversion Optimisation takes you through the steps of turning
data into something useful: insights that let you transform website visitors into
active customers.
Getting into a routine of using data to understand how your visitors are behaving
and how you might influence that behaviour is what conversion optimisation is
about. You need to use the web analytics data not just to report on how campaigns
and digital assets are performing, but also to understand how to make them
perform better.
18 Data
What’s inside: You will learn about the different types of web analytics packages, and
the benefits and challenges of each. The metrics for data analytics are introduced, as well as
an approach to understanding and analysing web data. Single page analysis packages and
approaches are also explained.
18.1 Introduction
Picture the scene: you’ve opened up a new fashion retail outlet in the trendiest
shopping centre in town. You’ve spent a small fortune on advertising and branding.
You’ve gone to great lengths to ensure that you’re stocking all of the prestigious
brands. Come opening day, your store is inundated with visitors and potential
And yet, you are hardly making any sales. Could it be because you have one cashier
for every hundred customers? Or possibly it’s the fact that the smell of your freshly
painted walls chases customers away before they complete a purchase?
NOTE While it can be difficult to isolate and track the factors affecting your revenue in
Analytics data can be
this fictional store, move it online and you have a wealth of resources available to
found in many places, assist you with tracking, analysing and optimising your performance.
not just your website:
consider data from
email, social media,
To a marketer, the Internet offers more than just new avenues of creativity. By its
mobile and more. very nature, it allows you to track each click to your site and through your site. It
takes the guesswork out of pinpointing the successful elements of a campaign,
and can show you very quickly what’s not working. It all comes down to knowing
where to look, what to look for, and what to do with the information you find.
• How to set solid objectives, goals and measurements for your digital
marketing campaigns
• How to capture web analytics data, and what data you can find
A defined path that visitors should take to reach the final
Conversion funnel
Key performance
A metric that shows whether an objective is being achieved.
indicator (KPI)
18.3 Working with data
In the days of traditional media, actionable data was a highly desired but scarce
commodity. While it was possible to broadly understand consumer responses to
marketing messages, it was often hard to pinpoint exactly what was happening,
and why.
In the digital age, information is absolutely everywhere. Every single action taken
online is recorded, which means there is an incredible wealth of data available to
marketers to help them understand when, where, how and even why people react
to their marketing campaigns.
Don’t worry if you’re not a ‘numbers’ person – working with data is very little about
number crunching (the technology usually takes care of this for you) and a lot
about analysing, experimenting, testing and questioning. All you need is a curious
mind and an understanding of the key principles and tools.
Data analytics is all about monitoring user behaviour and marketing campaign
performance over time. The last part is crucial. There is little value in looking at
a single point of data – you want to look at trends and changes over a set period.
NOTE For example, it is quite meaningless to say that 10% of this month’s web traffic
converted – is that good or bad, high or low? But saying that 10% more people
Pay close attention
to any changes in the converted this month, as opposed to last month, shows a positive change or trend.
expected data, good or While it can be tempting to focus on single ‘hero’ numbers and exciting-looking
bad, and investigate any
anomalies. figures (‘Look, we have 5 000 Facebook fans!’), these really don’t give a full picture
if they are not presented in context.
‘Big data’ is the term used to describe truly massive data sets – the ones that are
so big and unwieldy that they require specialised software and massive computers
to process. Companies like Google, Facebook and YouTube generate and collect so
much data every day that they have entire warehouses full of hard drives to store
it all.
Understanding how it works and how to think about data on this scale provides
some valuable lessons for all analysts.
• Measure trends, not absolute figures. The more data you have, the more
meaningful it is to look at how things change over time.
• Focus on patterns. With enough data, patterns over time should become
apparent – consider looking at weekly, monthly or even seasonal flows.
Data mining is the process of finding patterns that are hidden in large numbers
and databases. Rather than having a human analyst process the information, an
automated computer program pulls apart the data and matches it to known pat-
terns to deliver insights. Often, this can reveal surprising and unexpected results,
and tends to break assumptions.
US retail chain Target uses data mining to market specific products to consumers
based on their personal contexts. Target gathers a range of personal, psychographic
and demographic data from customers and then analyses this against their
shopping habits. They analyse their data and predict the products customers might
be interested in, based on their lifestyle needs and choices (Duhigg, 2012).
Each customer is given a unique code called the Guest ID number. This is linked
to all interactions the customer has with the brand, from using a credit card or
calling in to the help line, to opening an email. They then gather data, including
the following:
• Age
• Marital status
• Whether the customer has children, and how many
• Estimated salary
• Location
• Whether they’ve moved house recently
• Which credit cards they use
• Which websites they visit
Target is also able to buy data on their customers from other companies to
supplement this, like:
• Ethnicity
• Employment history
• Favourite magazines
• Financial status
• Whether they’ve been divorced
• Which college they attended
• Their online interests
• Their favourite coffee brands
• Political leanings
One father of a teenage girl complained to the store about sending his daughter
marketing materials of this nature – but apologised to the retailer a short
while later, after discovering that his teenage daughter was in fact pregnant,
indicating that the predictor model did actually work (Duhigg, 2012).
NOTE However, Target has decided to be a bit subtler in how they use their valuable
Do you think Target’s
behaviour was ethical
and appropriate? Is this
an invasion of customer
privacy? 18.3.4 A world of data
Another consideration to keep in mind is that data can be found and gathered from
a variety of sources – you don’t need to restrict yourself simply to website-based
analytics. To get a full picture of audience insights, try to gather as wide a variety
of information as you can. Some places to look:
• Online data – aside from your website, look at other places your audience
interacts with you online, such as social media, email, forums and more.
Most of these will have their own data-gathering tools (for example, look
at Facebook Insights or your email service provider’s send logs).
• Software data – data might also be gathered by certain kinds of software
(for example, some web browsers gather information on user habits,
crashes, problems and so on). If you produce software, consider adding
a data-gathering feature (with the user’s permission, of course) that
captures usage information that you can use for future updates.
• Offline data – and don’t forget all the information available off the web –
such as point-of-sale records, customer service logs, in-person surveys,
in-store foot traffic, and much more.
The goal of a website or campaign in web analytics refers to an action that a user
takes on a website or a type of user behaviour. This action could be making a
purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or viewing a certain number of pages in a
visit. A completed goal is called a conversion. Goals are derived from objectives,
and answer the question, “What do we need users to do in order to achieve our
objective?” Goals related to visitor
behaviour, such as
time spent on site or
Key performance indicators or KPIs are metrics that are used to indicate whether pageviews per visit,
objectives are being met. There are many metrics to be analysed, and determining are referred to as
engagement goals.
which are important will help to focus on what really matters to a particular
campaign. KPIs relate closely to goals, and answer the question, “What data do we
need to look at to see if goals are being completed?” For example, if your objective
is to increase website traffic, you may look at the number of website visitors, the
percentage of new visitors, and how long users stay on the site.
Create Generate Assist
Awareness Leads clients
Download Vehicle
Branded Requests Claim
insurance inspection
Traffic for quotes submissions
brochures centres
Targets are the actual target values that KPIs need to meet in order for the
campaign to be declared a success. If one KPI is ‘newsletter subscriptions’, then
a target might be ‘100 subscriptions every month’ – if one month falls short at 70,
this will quickly reveal that a fix is required.
Although a website has an ultimate goal, the process of achieving that goal can
be broken down into several steps. These are called events or micro-conversions.
Analysing each step in the process is called funnel analysis or path analysis and is
critical to understanding where problems in the conversion process may lie.
For example, on a hotel website, the ultimate goal is that visitors to the site make
a booking on the website with a credit card.
Each step in the process is an event that can be analysed as a conversion point.
Event 1: Perform a search for available dates for hotels in the desired area.
Event 4: Enter personal and payment details and confirm booking (conversion).
One naturally expects fewer users at each step. Increasing the number of visitors
who progress from one step to the next will go a long way to improving the overall
conversion rate of the site.
13,430 total visitors to the site Persuasion
of visitors
of visitors
of visitors
of visitors
Here are some examples of objectives, goals and KPIs for different websites.
Conversion rate
Cost per visitor
Average order value
Length of visit
Average time spent on website
Percentage of returning visitors
KPIs help you to look at the factors you can influence in the conversion process.
For example, if your objective is to increase revenue, you could look at ways of
increasing your conversion rate (that is, the number of visitors who purchase
something). One way of increasing your conversion rate could be to offer a
discount. So, you would have more sales, but probably a lower average order
value. Or, you could look at ways of increasing the average order value, so that
the conversion rate would stay the same, but you would increase the revenue from
each conversion.
Once you have established your objectives, goals and KPIs, you need to track the
data that will help you to analyse how you are performing, and will indicate how
you can optimise your website or campaign.
Cookie-based tracking
The most common method of capturing web analytics is to use cookie-based
tracking. Here’s how it works:
1. The analyst adds a page tag (a piece of JavaScript code) to every page of
the website.
3. When the browser loads the page, it runs the page tag code.
The data gathered this way can capture a wide array of factors about each visitor,
from their device, operating system and screen resolution, to their long-term
behaviour on your website. This is currently the most common option for most
website tracking.
Server-based tracking
Web servers are the computers that websites are stored on so that they can be
accessed online. Server-based tracking involves looking at log files – documents
that are automatically created by servers and that record all clicks that take place
on the server. A new line is written in a log file every time a new request is made –
Pixel tracking can be
for example, clicking on a link or submitting a form.
used to track email
campaigns. Here, a tiny
Server-based tracking is very useful for tracking mobile visitors (since many 1 x 1 pixel is placed in
the email. When you
phones cannot execute the cookie-based JavaScript tags) and is also essential for
load the images in the
universal analytics, discussed below. email, you will also
load the tiny image that
tracks your activity.
Cookie-based tracking can be less Log files are very accurate – they record
accurate than server-based tracking. every click. Log files also record visits
If a user’s browser does not support from search engine spiders – useful for
JavaScript, for example, no information search engine optimisation.
will be captured.
Page tags are proprietary to each Log files are in a standard format, so it
vendor, so switching can mean losing is possible to switch vendors and still be
historical data. able to analyse historical data.
Page tagging shows only successful Log files record failed page requests.
page requests.
Because these two options use different methods of collecting data, the raw figures
produced will differ. For example, caching occurs when a browser stores some of
the information for a web page, so that it can retrieve it more quickly when you
return. Opening this cached page will not send a request to the server. This means
that the visit won’t show up in the log files, but would be captured by page tags.
Website analytics packages can be used to measure most, if not all, digital
marketing campaigns. Website analysis should always account for the various
campaigns being run. For example, generating high traffic volumes by employing
NOTE various digital marketing tactics such as SEO, PPC and email marketing can
Read more about prove to be a pointless and costly exercise if visitors are leaving your site without
this in the Conversion achieving one (or more) of your website’s goals. Conversion optimisation aims to
Optimisation chapter.
convert as many of a website’s visitors as possible into active customers.
Universal analytics
Google recently announced a new feature in its analytics suite called universal
analytics. The biggest problem web analysts have faced up until now is that they
can’t actually track individual people – only individual browsers (or devices), since
this is done through cookies. So, if Joe visits the website from Chrome on his home
computer, and Safari on his work laptop, the website will think he’s two different
people. And if Susan visits the site from the home computer, also using Chrome,
the website will think she’s the same user as Joe.
An additional concern is that cookies are on the decline. Most modern browsers
allow users to block them, and many mobile devices simply can’t access or execute
them. With growing consumer privacy concerns, and new laws like the EU Privacy
Directive (which requires all European websites to disclose their cookie usage),
cookies are falling out of favour.
Universal analytics allows you to track visitors (that means real people) rather
than simply sessions. By creating a unique identifier for each customer, universal
analytics means you can track the user’s full journey with the brand, regardless
of the device or browser they use. So, that means you can track Joe on his home
computer, work laptop, mobile phone during his lunch break, and even when he
swipes his loyalty card at the point of sale.
Crucially, however, tracking Joe across devices requires both universal analytics
and authentication on the site across devices – in other words, Joe has to be
logged in to your website or online tool on his desktop, work laptop and mobile
phone in order to be tracked this way. If he doesn’t log in, we won’t know it’s the
same person.
• How visitor behaviour changes the longer they are a fan of the brand – do they
come back more often, for longer, or less often but with a clearer purpose?
Another useful feature of universal analytics is that it allows you to import data NOTE
from other sources into Google Analytics – for example, CRM information or Universal analytics is a
data from a point-of-sale cash register. This gives a much broader view of the powerful leap forward
in data analytics. How
customers and lets you see a more direct link between your online efforts and
might this affect how
real-world behaviour. brands understand
their customers? And
what privacy concerns
18.5.2 The type of information captured may users have?
KPIs are the metrics that help you understand how well you are meeting your
objectives. A metric is a defined unit of measurement. Definitions can vary between
various web analytics vendors depending on their approach to gathering data, but
the standard definitions are provided here.
• Counts – these are the raw figures that will be used for analysis.
Here are some of the key metrics you will need to get started on with website
Building-block terms
These are the most basic web metrics. They tell you how much traffic your website
is receiving. For example, looking at returning visitors can tell you how well your
website creates loyalty; a website needs to grow the number of visitors who come
back. An exception may be a support website – repeat visitors could indicate that
the website has not been successful in solving the visitor’s problem. Each website
needs to be analysed based on its purpose.
• Hit – one page load (though this is an outdated terms that we recommend
you avoid using).
• Page – unit of content (so downloads and Flash files can be defined as
• Visit or session – an interaction by an individual with a website consisting
of one or more page views within a specified period of time.
NOTE o New visitor – a unique visitor who visits the website for the first time
New visitors show that ever in the period of time being analysed.
you are reaching new
audiences and markets, o Returning visitor – a unique visitor who makes two or more visits (on
while returning visitors
are an indicator of brand the same device and browser) within the time period being analysed.
loyalty. Most websites
should aim for a healthy
balance between the two.
Visit characteristics
These are some of the metrics that tell you how visitors reach your website, and
how they move through the website. The way that a visitor navigates a website is
called a click path. Looking at the referrers, both external and internal, allows you
to gauge the click path that visitors take.
• Landing page – the page intended to identify the beginning of the user
experience resulting from a defined marketing effort.
Figure 4. Visitor behaviour in Google Analytics.
• Referrer – the URL that originally generated the request for the current
• Clickthrough rate – the number of times a link was clicked divided by the
number of times it was seen (impressions).
• Page views per visit – the number of page views in a reporting period
divided by the number of visits in that same period to get an average of
how many pages are being viewed per visit.
Content characteristics
When a visitor views a page, they have two options: leave the website, or view
another page on the website. These metrics tell you how visitors react to
your content. Bounce rate can be one of the most important metrics that you
measure. There are a few exceptions, but a high bounce rate usually means high
dissatisfaction with a web page.
• Page exit ratio – number of exits from a page divided by total number of
page views of that page. NOTE
A high bounce rate is
• Single page visits – visits that consist of one page, even if that page was not always bad. On a
viewed a number of times. blog, for example, most
people click through
• Bounces (or single page view visits) – visits consisting of a single page from a search to read
one article and, having
view. satisfied their curiosity,
leave without visiting
• Bounce rate – single page view visits divided by entry pages. any other pages.
Conversion metrics
These metrics give insight into whether you are achieving your analytics goals (and
through those, you overall website objectives).
Mobile metrics
When it comes to mobile data, there are no special, new or different metrics to
use. However, you will probably be focusing your attention on some key aspects
that are particularly relevant here – namely technologies and the user experience.
NOTE • Device category – whether the visit came from a desktop, mobile or
Why do you think Google tablet device.
Analytics has a separate
category for tablets, • Mobile device info – the specific brand and make of the mobile device.
rather than including
them under mobile
devices? • Mobile input selector – the main input method for the device (e.g.
touchscreen, clickwheel, stylus).
• Operating system – the OS that the device runs (some popular ones
include iOS, Android and BlackBerry).
Figure 6. Mobile device categories in Google Analytics.
Now that you know what tracking is, you can use your objectives and KPIs to define
what metrics you’ll be tracking. You’ll then need to analyse these results, and take
appropriate actions. Then the testing begins again!
1. Analysing behaviour data infers the intent of a website’s visitors. Why are
people visiting the website?
3. A wide range of data tells us about the user experience. What are the NOTE
patterns of user behaviour? How can we influence them so that we Read more about this
achieve our objectives? in the User Experience
Design chapter.
Web users’ behaviour can indicate a lot about their intent. Looking at referral URLs
and search terms used to find the website can tell you a great deal about what
problems visitors are expecting your site to solve.
For example, consider the keywords a user may use when searching for a hotel
website, and keywords they may use when on the website.
Once on the website, the user may use the site search function to find out more.
Keywords they may use include:
• Table Mountain
• Pets
• Babysitting service
Analytics tools can show what keywords users search for, what pages they visit
after searching, and, of course, whether they search again or convert.
At the end of the day, you want people who visit your website to perform an action
that increases your revenue. Analysing goals and KPIs indicates where there is
room for improvement. Look at user intent to establish if your website meets the
users’ goals, and if these match with the website goals. Look at user experience to
determine how outcomes can be influenced.
100 80 20 10
Figure 7. Reviewing conversion paths can give you insight into improving your website.
After performing a search, 100 visitors land on the home page of a website. From
there, 80 visitors visit the first page towards the goal. This event has an 80%
conversion rate. 20 visitors take the next step. This event has a 25% conversion
rate. 10 visitors convert into paying customers. This event has a 50% conversion
rate. The conversion rate of all visitors who performed the search is 10%, but
breaking this up into events lets us analyse and improve the conversion rate of
each event.
User experience
In order to determine the factors that influence user experience, you must test and NOTE
determine the patterns of user behaviour. Understanding why users behave in a
Read more about
certain way on your website will show you how that behaviour can be influenced to this in the Conversion
improve your outcomes. This is covered in the next chapter on Conversion Optimisation. Optimisation chapter.
18.6.2 Segmentation
Every visitor to a website is different, but there are some ways in which we can
characterise groups of users, and analyse metrics for each group. This is called
Figure 8. Default segments in Google Analytics.
Referral source
Users who arrive at your site via search engines, those who type in the URL directly,
and those who come from a link in an online news article are all likely to behave
differently. As well as conversion rates, click path and exit pages are important
metrics to consider. Consider the page that these visitors enter your website from
– can anything be done to improve their experience?
Geographical location
Do users from different countries, provinces or towns behave differently on your
website? How can you optimise the experience for these different groups?
First-time visitors
How is the click path of a first-time visitor different from that of a returning visitor?
What parts of the website are more important to first-time visitors?
Software such as Crazy Egg (www.crazyegg.com) can show you exactly where
users click on a web page, regardless of whether they are clicking on links or not.
It produces information that helps you to know which areas of a website are
clickable, but attract few or no clicks, and which areas are not clickable but have
users attempting to click there. This can show you what visual clues on your web
page influence where your visitors click, and this can be used to optimise the click
path of your visitors.
There are many factors that could be preventing your visitors from achieving
specific end goals. From the tone of the copy to the colour of the page, everything
on your website may affect conversions. Possible factors are often so glaringly
obvious that one tends to miss them, or so small that they are dismissed as trivial.
Changing one factor may result in other unforeseen consequences and it is vital to
ensure that you don’t jump to the wrong conclusions.
Below are some leading providers:
• SiteCatalyst – sitecatalyst.omniture.com/login
NOTE When it comes to running split tests, if you don’t have the technical capacity to run
Read more about
these in-house, there are some third-party services that can host them for you.
this in the Conversion Content Experiments is a built-in feature of Google Analytics that lets you run split
Optimisation chapter.
tests quickly and easily, and even helps you to figure out whether your results are
statistically significant.
Figure 10. Content Experiments allows you to test different versions of key web pages.
When you use cookie-based tracking, you need to add code tags to your web pages
– and these need to be maintained, updated and changed occasionally. Google Tag
Manager (www.google.com/tagmanager) makes it easy to add and work with these
tags without requiring any coding knowledge. Other professional tag management
tools include TagMan (www.tagman.com), Ensighten (www.ensighten.com) and
Tealium (www.tealium.com).
However, it can be easy to become fixated on figures and metrics, instead of looking
at broader trends and using them to optimise campaigns. Generally, macro or
global metrics should be looked at before analysing micro elements of a website.
1. The first part involved website visitors getting a quote for an extended car warranty. The
user needed to fill out three short forms to get a quote (this level of information is required
as the product is financially regulated and has strict legal guidelines). For every three us-
ers who began the process, only one completed it.
2. After that, if the visitor was happy with the quotes, there were another three short forms
to complete in order to sign up and pay for the product.
When the analysts looked at the conversion funnel, the trend they discovered was that visitors
were lost at each point. A close inspection of the forms themselves revealed that the language was
quite formal. While the benefits of the product were mentioned up front, these were not reinforced
further along in this information gathering process.
In the second part of the process, visitors needed to sign up and enter credit card information to
complete the process. As with the quote process, marketing messages outlining the benefits of the
product were also absent along this part of the conversion funnel. And once they had completed
the first part of the process successfully, the same marketing messages were used to motivate
them to complete the second part.
The design was reworked so that the marketing message, crafted to motivate visitors to complete
the process, was consistently communicated. The most important information was placed in the
top-right position on the page, where most of the visitor’s attention is focused. The benefits were
clearly laid out on the form, and the terms and conditions were placed at the bottom of the page.
For visitors who had started the process, but had become frustrated, the company’s phone number
was placed clearly at the top of the page, and a short contact form was also provided to save any
information that had already been entered.
Before the changes, 31% of visitors completed the second process; after the changes, this number
rose to 69% – the number of people submitting their credit card information had doubled. With
minimal spend and no change to their marketing strategy, Motoreasy managed to grow their
business four-fold.
The business benefited from key marketing insights gained from looking at Motoreasy’s conversion
funnel. These were:
• Looking at the drop-off rate at each stage in the conversion funnel was important to
identify problems.
• A high drop-off rate across the conversion funnel could highlight a general problem with
the process itself, in this case the content of the forms themselves (the benefits were
not being reinforced at each stage and key information was not being placed where the
visitor was most likely to see it).
• It was important to direct visitors by spelling out the action they should complete while
clearly and consistently communicating the benefits of doing so. This would motivate
them to complete the conversion funnel (Dainow, n.d.).
18.10 The bigger picture
Tracking, analysing and optimising are fundamental to any digital marketing activity, and it is
possible to track almost every detail of any campaign.
Most analytics packages can be used across all digital marketing activities, allowing for an
integrated approach to determining the success of campaigns. While it is important to analyse
each campaign on its own merits, the Internet allows for a holistic approach to these activities.
The savvy marketer will be able to see how campaigns affect and enhance each other.
The data gathered and analysed can provide insights into the following fields, among others:
• SEO – what keywords are people using to search for your site, and how do they behave
once they find it?
• Email – when is the best time to send an email newsletter? Are people clicking on the
links in the newsletter and converting on your website?
• Paid media – how successful are your paid advertising campaigns? How does paid traffic
compare to organic search traffic?
• Social media – is social media driving traffic to the website? How do fans of the brand
behave compared to those who do not engage socially?
• Mobile – how much of your traffic comes from mobile devices? Is it worth optimising your
site for these?
18.11 Summary
The ability to track user behaviour on the Internet allows you to analyse every level of a digital
campaign, which should lead to improved results over time.
The foundation of successful web analytics is to determine campaign and business objectives
upfront and use these to choose goals and KPIs (grounded in solid targets).
Web analytic packages come in two flavours – server-based and cookie-based tracking – although
some packages combine both methods.
Data can be analysed to discover how users behave, whether outcomes have been achieved, and
how appealing the user experience is. Testing to optimise user experience can demonstrate ways
in which to influence user behaviour so that more successful outcomes can be achieved.
18.12 Case study questions
1. What is a conversion funnel?
2. Describe what was done here to ensure that more site visitors did what Motoreasy wanted
them to do.
Web Analytics 2.0 by Avinash Kaushik – if you are looking to get started in web analytics, you can’t
go wrong with this book by the web analytics legend.
18.15 References
Dainow, B., n.d. Case Study - 400% increase in sales in less than 3 months. [Online]
Available at: http://www.thinkmetrics.com/web-analytics-case-studies.php
[Accessed 30 April 2013].
Duhigg, C., 16 February 2012. How Companies Learn Your Secrets. [Online]
[Accessed 16 July 2013]
Kaushik, A., 2010. Web Analytics 101: Definitions: Goals, Metrics, KPIs, Dimensions, Targets. [Online]
Available at: http://www.kaushik.net/avinash/web-analytics-101-definitions-goals-metrics-kpis-
[Accessed 6 June 2013].
For example, the till may be at the front of the store. It may be worth testing to
see if moving the till to the middle of the store affects sales. Here, this would
require tracking sales over a period of time with the till in the front of the store,
then shutting down for a few days while the store is reorganised, and then tracking
sales with the new layout – all a little impractical.
NOTE However, if we have an online store, we can just show slightly (or very) different
Remember the
versions of web pages to visitors, and track how different versions affect sales. We
example from the User don’t need to shut down our website to create new versions, and we can watch the
Experience Design
real-time results emerge as hundreds of customers pass through the store. The
chapter, where Amazon
made an extra $300 cycle of tweaking and testing websites in this way is called conversion optimisation.
million by changing just This chapter will take you through the steps in a conversion optimisation process,
one button? This was
the result of consistent helping you to understand how to make things work better.
conversion optimisation.
In this chapter, you will learn:
• How to pick the right test for your goals and purpose
Term Definition
A small text file that is used to transfer information between
Cookie browsers and web servers. They help web servers to provide
the right content when it is requested.
You can also test delivery days and times for your email, either with a split test or
by testing with your whole group at different times of the year.
There are many different conversion points you may want to test with advertising.
You can test to see how different adverts may improve clickthrough rate, or you can
test to see how different adverts affect the conversion rate of the traffic coming to
your website.
Different Calls to Action in the adverts can be tested, as well as different headlines.
When it comes to display advertising, completely different versions of banner
adverts can be tested.
If you are broadcasting or distributing messages via social media, you should test
your messages to see which perform better. Usually, you will be testing to see
how you can increase engagement, whether that’s replying to messages, liking
Facebook posts, retweeting posts shared on Twitter, or clicking through on links
Types of messages can be tested to see which increase interactions: some options
to try are direct questions, shared links, overt requests to take an action, or other
messages to generate engagement. Types of media can be tested, like images
versus video. Time of day or day of the week can also be tested, to see how these
affect interactions.
Figure 2. What kinds of social media posts make the biggest impact on your followers?
A landing page is the first page a visitor sees on a website. In some web analytics NOTE
packages, it is referred to as an entrance page. Any page of your website could be Your landing page does
a landing page, especially if people are coming to your website via search engines. not have to be your
home page.
However, when you are running online campaigns that utilise tactics such as email
marketing or online advertising, you often send visitors to a specific landing page.
Because you choose the page that visitors see first, you have an opportunity to
craft a page that converts. There are many things you can test on landing pages:
• Copy: style, tone, layout and length of copy can all be tested, as well as
things like the font size.
• Colour: test the colours of buttons – green and red are two common
choices to try.
• Offer: don’t forget, you can also test different types of offers on a
landing page or word the same offer differently.
19.3.5 eCommerce
There are many things you can test on eCommerce websites, but the most obvious
are to test your product pages and your checkout process. With eCommerce, you
are usually testing to increase your conversion rate (more people buy from you) or
to increase your basket size (people buy more from you). As your testing becomes
more sophisticated, you will hopefully be achieving both.
On product pages, you should be testing to see how you might encourage users to
start the purchasing process. Some things to test include:
• Call to Action: “Add to cart” or “Buy now” may affect shopper behaviour.
NOTE Product pages are also a good place to test how you might increase basket size.
Also consider your You can test displaying complementary or similar products. If you spend time
mobile shoppers - how on Amazon, you’ll see that they display items that customers bought together,
can you optimise their
experience? suggesting you should do the same.
Figure 3. Amazon recommends items based on past purchases and site usage.
If possible, you should test a single-page checkout versus the multi-page approach.
Test credibility and reassurance statements in the checkout process. Font size can
also have an effect on conversions.
The above should give you an idea of where you can start with your conversion
optimisation, but it is by no means an exhaustive list.
We can run A/B tests. Here each version being tested is different from all the
others. A/B tests often involve just two versions being tested: the original and an
alternative. There can also be many alternatives being tested.
Version A Version B
A/B tests are ideal for an initial foray into conversion optimisation, as they can be
easy to set up. If you are running just one alternate and the original, it can also
mean that you get a quicker result.
When conducting A/B testing, you should only change one element at a time so
that you can easily isolate which factors have an impact on your conversion rate.
Multivariate tests can be more complicated to set up, but allow you to test more
elements at once. Multivariate tests are ideal when you have large traffic volumes.
If traffic volumes are not very high, it can take a very long time to reach a statistically
significant result, especially if there are many combinations being tested.
There are several factors that determine which tests you can run. Relatively
simple calculations help you to determine how long a test is likely to take, which
is based on the number of participants as well as the improvement in conversion
rate. We’ve included some sample size calculators in the Tools of the Trade section
of this chapter.
Number of participants
The number of participants in the test is determined by how many people actually
see the page being tested, as well as what percentage of your potential customers
you want to include in your test.
The number of people who see the page being tested may not be the same as
the number of visitors to your website. You’ll need to use your data analytics to
determine the number of people viewing that specific page. Of course, if you are
running advertising campaigns to direct traffic to the page being tested, you can
always spend a bit more money to increase the number of people coming to that page.
You also want to determine what percentage of people will be involved in the test.In a NOTE
simple A/B test, if you include 100% of your visitors in the test, 50% will see version For sites with lots of
A and 50% will see version B. If you include only 50% of your visitors, 25% of your traffic, limit your test to
about 10% of visitors.
overall visitors will see version A, and 25% will see version B. Including 100% of your
visitors will give you results more quickly. However, you may be concerned that your
alternative version could perform worse, and you don’t want to compromise your
performance too much.
Number of variations
The more variations you have, the longer it will take to determine which combination
performs the best.
These factors can then be used to calculate the suggested length of time for a test
to run. There are several online calculators that do this for you. A good one to try is
this one, offered by Visual Website Optimizer: http://visualwebsiteoptimizer.com/
# Test combinations 2 2 2 3
% Expected improvement 20 40 20 30
It is usually preferable to test bigger changes or variations, rather than very small
changes, unless you have a very large audience.
1. Gather data
2. Analyse data
4. Design tests
5. Run tests
The very first step is to gather data about the site you are testing so that you can
make smart decisions about what to test and how. There are many sources that
can be used, depending on the nature of the site that you are testing. Of course,
you also need to know the business for which you are testing: what do you want
website visitors to do?
NOTE • Analytics data: existing web analytics data can be used to determine
Read more about this which pages in your site should be tested. You can also gather data
in the Data Analytics about particular pages on your site using tools such as Crazy Egg
(www.crazyegg.com) or ClickTale (www.clicktale.com).
Figure 7. Tools such as KISSmetrics offer a range of web analytics features.
• Customer service data: if you are running tests for a site where users NOTE
also speak to customer service, you can gather data about the site from
Read more about
customer service representatives. They should have information on this in the Customer
common reasons why visitors make a phone call. Your CRM system may Relationship
Management chapter.
also hold some valuable data.
19.5.2 Analyse
Having gathered data, you need to analyse it intelligently so that you can start
designing tests.
There are some key questions that you need to answer at this stage.
You could run a test to see what would reduce the bounce rate of a page. The aim of
an online bookstore is to sell books, but they could also test to increase newsletter NOTE
signups, and focus on selling books later. Micro-conversions can also refer to the
You can find the
path to conversion. Often, there are established steps a visitor should take in the Visitor Flow report in
conversion process. Conversion optimisation can look at each step. The Visitor Google Analytics in the
Audience section.
Flow report in Google Analytics can be a great help in providing this insight.
Figure 8. Visitor flows in Google Analytics.
Knowing what actions or conversions you are testing is about knowing the business
and its website well.
To understand why these visitors come to your website, you need to be able to
analyse your sources of traffic. The search keywords sending you traffic should tell
you something about the intent of your visitors, for example.
Look at which page is the most visited landing page, especially as this may not be
the home page. Look to see which pages are exit pages, and determine if those
should be the last pages a user sees on your site. You can use internal site search
information to see if visitors are looking for particular information on your website.
For example, if you have a beautifully designed website that sells custom couches,
but is featured in a website design gallery, you may get a lot of traffic that is coming
only to look at your site, and not to buy couches.
By now you should know what areas of your site need testing, so it’s time to design
Establish the starting point (called the null hypothesis), the alternatives and the
expected outcome, and get testing!
19.6 Tools of the trade
Online, conversion optimisation relies on being able to record which version of
a test a web visitor sees, and whether or not that visitor converted. A returning
visitor should also see the same version they saw the first time to avoid confusion.
There are many software solutions that help you to do this.
There are many split test calculators online that help you to determine the
significance of split tests if you are running them yourself. www.usereffect.com/
split-test-calculator and abtester.com/calculator are just two options.
ClickTale is a web analytics tool that helps you to visualise how particular pages
are performing by showing heat maps of mouse movements and clicks on a page.
It also offers form analysis, showing how particular form fields may be affecting
completion rate: www.clicktale.com
For Quirk Education, the most important conversion page is the course details page. This is where
visitors can sign up for a course or download a course info pack. It is the core of Quirk Education’s
online efforts.
While conversions were coming in, Quirk Education needed to maximise their conversion rate to
get as many course registrations as possible.
19.7.3 The solution
The analytics team took up the challenge to improve the conversion rate on a course page with
minimal effort and expense. They understood that a well-placed picture or a splash of colour
could be the difference between someone clicking on through the site, or leaving without a second
thought. A/B testing allowed them to determine which images would have the best results.
Google has made split testing much easier by introducing Google Content Experiments – a tool
that combines split testing with other analytics within the usual Google Analytics interface.
Google Content Experiments was used to test a simple image swap to discover whether changing
one image on the course information page would increase the conversion rate on that page.
The original pages featured a photo of a smiling student; the test page replaced that student with
the Digital Media and Marketing Association (DMMA) logo. The DMMA is a South African body
that represents the digital marketing profession and also endorses the courses provided by Quirk
Figure 9. Original version: Smiling student (this is what the website looked like at the time of this
case study).
Figure 10. Variation page: DMMA logo.
Two different test pages – one with an image of the woman, and the other with an image of a DMMA
logo – were created for each of these four courses:
After these pages were created, a few lines of tracking code were implemented on the variation
pages. The Google Content Experiments code then served the different versions to different people
(taking care to ensure that each visitor would only ever see one version to avoid confusion) and
recorded the results.
19.8 The bigger picture
As you’ve seen at the start of this chapter, conversion optimisation applies to just about every part
of your digital marketing strategy. Almost any tactic can be tweaked, tested and improved – in fact,
this is best practice and highly recommended.
Conversion optimisation also speaks to a bigger consideration about keeping your channels up to
date in the ever-changing online marketing space. Keeping things fresh and constantly improving
is the way to go. Not only does this entice your customer, it also reflects on your bottom line
– making valuable, incremental improvements increases your earnings in the short term, and
decreases the need for radical changes over time.
Tests are either A/B tests, or multivariate tests. It’s important to understand the business and
customers, so you can create appropriate, useful tests.
1. Gather data
2. Analyse data
4. Design tests
5. Run tests
3. Discuss why the one image led to more conversions than the other.
19.11 Chapter questions
1. Describe a situation where an A/B test would be more suited as a data-gathering method
than a multivariate test.
3. What can you test on an eCommerce product page? List three examples.
www.whichtestwon.com – Anne Holland’s Which Test Won shows case studies where you can guess
the result, and compare your prowess to that of other visitors.
Always Be Testing: The Complete Guide to Google Website Optimizer by Bryan Eisenberg, John
Quarto-von Tivadar and Lisa T. Davis
19.13 References
Makoma, S. L., 2012. Google’s New Content Experiments Tool: A Case Study [Online]
Available at: http://www.gottaquirk.com/2012/08/29/googles-new-content-experiments-tool-a-
[Accessed 2 October 2013].
the Internet
There is no doubt about it: the Internet has changed the world we live in. Never
before has it been so easy to access information, communicate with people all over
the globe, and share articles, videos, photos and all manner of media.
Digital marketing embraces a wide range of strategies, but what underpins its
success is a user-centric and cohesive approach.
Over the past few decades, marketers have begun to wake up to the power
of the Internet, both as a platform for communication and as a way of tracking
By its very nature, the Internet is a network of interlinking nodes. Marketers use
these nodes to track conversations and behaviour patterns.
A company named Symbolics becomes the first registered dot-com
National Science Foundation (US) is the catalyst for the surge in
1987 funded work into the Internet.
Mosaic introduces the first web browser with graphical interface and
is the forerunner of Netscape Navigator.
First online shopping malls and virtual banks emerge, as does
evidence of spam.
2000 Pay-per-click campaigns are introduced for top ten search rankings.
UK online monthly consumer shopping breaks through the £1 billion
2002 barrier.
Google AdWords charges on a PPC basis instead of CPM.
2003 eBay topples Amazon as the most visited UK website.
CD-WOW loses court case and rights to source cheaper CDs outside
EU, undermining the global concept of the Internet.
Facebook launches from the Harvard dorm room of Mark
Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz, Chris Hughes and Eduardo Saverin.
Iceland leads the world with broadband penetration: 26.7 inhabitants
per 100 have broadband compared with 15.9 per 100 in the UK.
YouTube launches.
Google buys Android Inc.
Google buys YouTube for $1.6 billion.
Facebook membership opens to everyone.
Twitter launches.
Technorati notes that a blog is created every second of every day.
TIME Magazine names ‘You’ as person of the year, as a result of
online activity.
Facebook launches Facebook Ads.
Apple launches the iPhone.
The Google Phone, with the Android operating system, launches.
Google launches Gmail.
Firefox 3.0 launches with over 8 million downloads in 24 hours.
Groupon launches, to become the fastest growing company of all
2008 time.
Google Chrome, a browser, launches.
Apple opens the App Store.
Facebook adds the ‘like’ feature.
Foursquare launches.
Facebook reaches 500 million users.
24 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute.
Pinterest launches.
Apple releases the first iPad.
Google launches Nexus One.
The number of Internet users tops 1.9 billion worldwide.
Instagram launches.
Astronaut TJ Creamer sends the first tweet from space.
200 million tweets are sent daily on Twitter – about one billion a
Social media is credited with a crucial role in political movements in
2011 Egypt, Tunisia and Libya.
Apple’s App Store downloads top 10 billion.
Google+ launches.
YouTube reaches 1 trillion views.
Facebook tops 1 billion users.
Apple releases the iPad Mini.
The number of Internet users tops 2.4 billion worldwide.
2012 Online advertising spend surpasses print advertising spend for the
first time.
Facebook buys Instagram for $1 billion, as the service tops 100
million active users.
Video-sharing service, Vine, launches.
Smartphone sales overtake feature phone sales globally. What new developments
2013 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute. have happened
recently? Keep an eye
Over 45 billion apps have been downloaded from the Apple App on the news for digital
20.2 How the Internet works
In its simplest form, the Internet is a collection of documents connected by
A hyperlink is a virtual link from one document on the World Wide Web to another.
It includes the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the linked-to document, which
describes where on the Internet a document is. It is what you enter in the address
bar of the browser, because it is the address of that document on the Internet.
When you enter a URL into the address bar of a browser, the Domain Name System
(DNS) record indicates where the document you are linking to is.
Confused? Look at the domain name and IP address for Quirk’s website:
IP address:
But a lot more information can be included in this. URLs can carry the following
information: subdomain.domain.tld/directory
TLD – the top level domain, uppermost in the hierarchy of domain names.
The TLD can indicate the country in which a domain is registered, and can also give
information about the nature of the domain.
Domain names must be registered, and there is a fee for doing so.
Web server /
application server
computers All of this happens in a
with Web fraction of a second!
browsers Request
Sometimes, the server is not able to fulfil the request (it cannot return the content
requested), and instead it returns a status code. Two common status codes you
will encounter in this book include the below.
• 301: This is used to indicate that the content requested has moved
permanently, and the new version of the content is returned instead.
These 301 redirects are often used in search engine optimisation (SEO)
or when a new website is launched to make sure that old links are
redirected to the correct, new content.
• 404: This is returned when the content has not been found on the server,
either because there was an error in the link, or because the content has
been moved or deleted. Website owners can design a custom page for
when a 404 error occurs, giving users useful information.
Figure 3. A fun custom 404 page from Kiss.com.
NOTE This information can be sent via Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), or HTTPS,
How aware are you
which is a combination of HTTP with a secure way of transmitting information.
of security when HTTP makes it easy to request and transfer information. It’s what makes our
browsing the web? Pay
websites load, and allows us to connect with people on social networks. However,
close attention to the
sites that use secure the information that is transferred is not transferred securely, meaning that it could
protocols - what does be viewed by third parties. If this was the only way of sending information online,
this say about them?
it would be a bad idea to bank online, or to purchase anything over the Internet.
This is why we use HTTPS to encrypt information when it is sensitive. In order to
make use of HTTPS, the relevant website needs to get a security certificate, which
ensures that various details have been verified by a trusted third party.
If you’re unsure, look in the browser address bar to check whether the site you are
on is HTTP or HTTPS. Most browsers will indicate a secure site with a little padlock
in the address bar, or somewhere else in the browser, to make sure that you know
you are in a secure site.
20.3 How people access the Internet
People connect to the Internet and access content in many different ways. When it
comes to the physical connection to the Internet, the market presents a number
of options:
• Dial-up
• 3G connection
• Wi-Fi and WiMAX
• Broadband
The list goes on. The devices people use vary from mobile phones and expensive
tablets to personal notebooks and desktop computers. The environment that
people are in when they access the Internet also differs:
• At home
• At the office or place of work
• At libraries and education centres
• In Internet cafes and coffee shops
• On the go
Not only do these environmental factors affect how people use the Internet, but
their reasons for using the Internet also have an effect on how they interact online.
For some people, the Internet is primarily a communications channel, and their
online activity is focused on their email inbox, while for others it may be a research
channel, with search engines playing a large role in their online experience.
20.5 References
Go-Gulf.com, (2012), Things That Happen On Internet Every Sixty Seconds. [Image]
Available at: http://www.go-gulf.com/blog/60-seconds/
[Accessed 23 September 2013].
Last Words
The Internet is a dynamic and exciting environment. It has changed the way we
communicate and express ourselves, and it has forced companies and individuals
to change the way in which we do business.
With this textbook, you have a solid guide to the tools and tactics of digital
marketing. Each of the tactics on its own can do wonders to boost your business,
but the best digital marketing strategy comes from an integrated, customer-
centric approach.
As marketing geeks the world over will tell you, markets are conversations. The
Internet has given customers a platform for responding to the marketing and
advertising messages to which they are being exposed, revealing opportunities
for companies and brands to engage in two-way conversations instead of one-way
broadcasts. It has revealed the declining effectiveness of one-size-fits-all mass
communication, and instead allows for cost-effective mass communication.
Owing to the nature of the Internet, digital marketing campaigns are highly
trackable and measurable, and can be targeted and customised. Response and
awareness can be measured and monitored through online monitoring tools.
Companies and customers can use the same social media platforms to express
themselves and communicate with each other.
Keeping up to date
NOTE With the web being so dynamic, we can only ever hope to offer you the foundations
Google is your friend!
for your digital marketing in a printed textbook. Every chapter includes some of
If you want to find out the best resources we know of from industry experts who will help you to keep
more about anything
up to date with this exciting medium.
digital, start your quest
with a simple Google
search. This book is also supported by an online resource centre at www.quirk.biz/
emarketingtextbook. That’s the first place to look for any updates, as well as more
case studies showcasing the techniques outlined in this book.
If you have feedback for us or some unanswered questions, or if you think there is
anything we’ve missed, let us know! You can email us directly on [email protected].
vii. Last Words
The next step
We hope you’re even more enthusiastic about the web than when you began –
and now is the time to turn that enthusiasm into action!
Why not start a blog? It’s free to start a blog using www.wordpress.com or
www.blogger.com. Open a Twitter account for yourself at www.twitter.com. As
mentioned earlier, you can follow the QuirkStars to get a taste of what can be
found on Twitter, and they’ll often retweet or mention other people who are good
to follow.
Use what you’ve learned in order to help out a small business or non-profit
organisation. Perhaps set up their first Facebook page, or a simple website using
www.withtank.com or www.yola.com. Use Google alerts (www.google.com/alerts)
to get an overview of who is talking about your brand (or even about you!).
Go through the chapters and start your own reading list based on the ‘Further
Reading’ sections.
Take your learning a step further, and get a certification that proves how much you
know! Google offers certifications for both AdWords (www.google.com/adwords/
professionals/individual.html) and Google Analytics (www.conversionuniversity.com).
For a more structured approach, have a look at the courses on offer from Red
& Yellow. They offer an ever-evolving and updated knowledge base on digital
marketing and communications, and also offer online training courses that can be
accessed the world over. You can find these at www.redandyellow.co.za.
Further reading
www.cluetrain.com – the website for the Cluetrain Manifesto, where you can
read the entire book at no charge. This seminal work shows how ‘markets are
Above the fold The content that appears on a screen without a user having to scroll.
Accessibility The degree to which a website is available to users with physical challenges or
technical limitations.
Action A specified task performed by a user, which results in the affiliate being awarded
commission. Actions include purchasing a product, signing up for a newsletter or
filling in a form.
Active verb A word that conveys action or behaviour, and in a Call to Action, tells a reader
what to do.
Affiliate The person who markets the products of the merchant. Also called a publisher.
Alt tag Information that is displayed if an image cannot be displayed; used by search
engines to determine what an image is.
Alt Text The “alt” attribute for the IMG HTML tag. It is used in HTML to attribute a text
field to an image on a web page, normally with a descriptive function, telling a
search engine or user what an image is about and displaying the text in instances
where the image is unable to load. Also called Alt Tag.
Analytical CRM Software that assists a business in building customer relationships and analyses
ways to improve them.
App store The process of optimising mobile and web applications for the specific web stores
optimisation (ASO) they are distributed in.
Application Software that is developed specifically for smartphones and other mobile devices.
Also known as an app. There are two types: mobile web apps and native apps.
Backlink All the links on other pages that will take the user to a specific web page. Each link
to that specific page is known as an inbound/backlink. The number of backlinks
influences your ranking, so the more backlinks, the better – get linking!
Blog A type of website that allows users (bloggers) to post entries on different topics
and often allows readers to comment on these posts.
Bluetooth A short-distance wireless transfer protocol for connecting devices.
Bookmarking Saving the web address of a web page so that you can easily refer back to it
again. Bookmarks can be managed with a browser, or with an online tool.
Bounce rate The number of people who view one page and then leave a website without
viewing any other pages.
Branding (or How your logo, colours and styling elements are translated from traditional
visual identity or print-based assets to digital.
corporate identity)
Breadcrumbs Links, usually on the top of the page, that indicate where a page is in the
hierarchy of the website.
Call to action (CTA) A phrase written to motivate the reader to take action (sign up for our newsletter,
book car hire today, and so on).
Canonical The canonical version is the definitive version. In SEO, it refers to a definitive URL.
Caption Text that appears over a video that labels a scene, identifies a location or person,
or narrates dialogue onscreen. Captions can be either open or closed.
Cascading Style A programming language that defines the styles (fonts, colours, and so on)
Sheets (CSS) used to display text and content. Web pages are among the places in which this
language is used.
Chiclet A small icon adjacent to a blog post, article or web page to indicate the availability
of an RSS feed, or to allow users to share the information via social media. Named
after the gum of the same name because of its unique, pillow-shaped icon.
Clickthrough rate The total number of clicks on a link divided by the number of times that link was
shown, expressed as a percentage.
Cluetrain Manifesto A set of 95 theses organised as a Call to Action for businesses operating within a
newly connected marketplace.
Collaborative CRM Umbrella term for all the interactive options for serving customers. It is people-
based customer support that includes: collaborative browsing, web-based text and
voice chat, desktop sharing, application sharing, file transfer, and phone support.
Commission The bounty paid by a merchant to an affiliate when the affiliate makes a
successful referral.
Common Short A special number or code that can be used to address SMS and MMS messages
Code (CSC) from mobile phones or fixed phones, usually to get something in return.
Community The rules and principles that community members must adhere to when
guidelines communicating on a brand platform.
Content audit An examination and evaluation of the existing content that a brand publishes.
Content A system that allows an administrator to update the content of a website, so that
Management they do not require a developer to do so.
System (CMS)
Content strategy A plan that outlines what content is needed for a web project and when and how
it will be created.
Conversion Completing an action or actions that the website wants the user to take. Usually
a conversion results in revenue for the brand in some way. Conversions include
signing up to a newsletter or purchasing a product.
Conversion funnel A defined path that visitors should take to reach the final objective.
Conversion rate The number of conversions divided by the number of visitors, expressed as a
Cookie A text file sent by a server to a web browser and then sent back unchanged by the
browser each time it accesses that server. Cookies are used for authenticating,
tracking, and maintaining specific information about users, such as site
preferences or the contents of their electronic shopping carts.
Cost per action The amount paid when a certain action is performed by a user.
Cost per click (CPC) The amount paid when a link is clicked on.
Customer A person who buys or uses goods or services, with whom a company should
develop a relationship.
Customer lifetime The profitability of a customer over their entire relationship with the business.
value (CLV)
Customer A strategy for managing a company’s relationships with clients and potential
Relationship clients. It often makes use of technology to automate the sales, marketing,
Management (CRM) customer service, and technical processes of an organisation.
Customer-centric Placing the customer at the centre of an organisation’s business planning and
Data Statistics and facts collected for analysis.
Data mining The process of analysing data to discover unknown patterns or connections.
Database In email marketing, the database is the list of prospects to which emails are sent.
It also contains additional information pertinent to the prospects.
Domain name The easy-to-read name used to identify an IP address of a server that
distinguishes it from other systems on the World Wide Web: our domain name is
DomainKeys An email authentication system designed to verify the DNS domain of an email
sender and the message integrity.
Double opt-in The act of getting subscribers to confirm their initial subscription via a follow-up
email asking them to validate their address and in that way opt-in again.
dpi Dots per inch (in an image). On the web, the screen resolution is 72dpi.
Dynamic keyword In paid search advertising, this allows keywords used in searches to be inserted
insertion automatically into advert copy.
Editor A person who determines the ultimate content of a text, traditionally understood
in the newspaper, magazine or publishing industry context.
Email service A service that helps you design and send emails.
provider (ESP)
Embedding Taking video from an online video provider and posting it elsewhere on the web.
Flash A technology used to show video and animation on a website. It can be bandwidth
heavy and unfriendly to search engine spiders.
Focus group A form of qualitative research where people are asked questions in an interactive
group setting. From a marketing perspective, it is an important tool for acquiring
feedback regarding new products and various topics.
Goal The defined action that visitors should perform on a website, or the purpose of
the website.
Google AdWords Google’s search advertising program, which allows advertisers to display their
adverts on relevant search results and across Google’s content network.
Hard bounce The failed delivery of email communication owing to an undeviating reason, such
as a non-existent address.
Heading tags Heading tags (H1, H2, H3, and so on) are standard elements used to define
headings and subheadings on a web page. The number indicates the importance,
so H1 tags are viewed by the spiders as being more important than H3 tags.
Using target key phrases in your H tags is essential for effective SEO.
Heat map A data visualisation tool that shows levels of activity on a web page in different
Home page The first page of any website. The home page gives users a glimpse into what
your site is about – very much like the index in a book, or a magazine.
House list An email database a company generates itself without purchasing or renting names.
HTML5 A broad range of technologies that allow for rich media content and interaction
on the scale of Adobe Flash, but unlike its counterpart does not require
additional third-party plugins. It allows rich multimedia content to be displayed
that can easily be viewed by users, computers and devices. HTML5 is the next
iteration of the HTML standard.
Hyperlink A link in an electronic document that allows you, once you click on it, to follow the
link to the relevant web page.
HyperText Markup The code language predominantly used to create and display web pages and
Language (HTML) information online.
iFrame Stands for inline frame. An HTML structure that contains another document – you
can draw information from another website to display, such as with Facebook tabs.
Information The way data and content are organised, structured and labelled to support
architecture usability.
Internet Protocol An exclusive number that is used to represent every single computer in a
(IP) Address network.
Internet Service The company providing you with access to the Internet, e.g. MWEB, AOL, Yahoo.
Provider (ISP)
JavaScript A popular scripting language. Also used in web analytics for page tagging.
Key phrase Two or more words that are combined to form a search query – often referred to as
keywords. It is usually better to optimise for a phrase rather than a single word.
Keyword A word found in a search query. For example, searching for “blue widgets”
includes the keywords “blue” and “widgets”.
Keyword frequency The number of times a keyword or key phrase appears on a website.
Keyword rankings Where the keywords or phrases targeted by SEO rank in the search engine results
– if your targeted terms do not appear on the first three pages, start worrying.
Keyword stuffing The process of putting too many keywords into the meta data of the website, or
using many irrelevant keywords. Search engines can penalise websites using this
Landing page The first page a user reaches when clicking on a link in an online marketing
campaign. The pages that have the most success are those that match up as
closely as possible with the user’s expectations.
Lead A person who has shown interest in a brand, product or service and could be
converted into a customer.
Link A URL embedded on a web page. If you click on the link, you will be taken to that
Link bait A technique for providing content that attracts links from other web pages.
Listening lab A testing environment where the researcher observes how a customer uses a
website or product.
Log file A text file created on the server each time a click takes place, capturing all
activity on the website.
Market share In strategic management and marketing, the percentage or proportion of the
total available market or market segment that is being serviced by a company.
Meta data Information that can be entered about a web page and the elements on it to
provide context and relevant information to search engines.
Meta tags Tags that tell search engine spiders what exactly a web page is about. It’s
important that your meta tags are optimised for the targeted key phrases. Meta
tags are made up of meta titles, descriptions and keywords.
Micro-conversion A small conversion in the path to a conversion, such as going from step 1 to step
2 in a checkout process.
Microblogging The practice of publishing brief text, image and video updates, usually limited to
between 140 and 200 characters.
Multimedia A media-rich extension on SMS, which allows picture, sound or low-quality
Message Service videos to be sent on a wireless network.
Multivariate test Testing combinations of versions of the website to see which combination
performs better.
Native mobile A mobile application designed to run as a program on a specific device or mobile
application operating system.
Navigation How a web user uses the user interface to navigate through a website, and the
elements that assist in maximising usability.
Null hypothesis The default or general position, usually implying that where there is no statistical
difference, there is no difference between the populations specified in the
original hypothesis.
Open rate The percentage of emails determined as opened out of the total number of
emails sent.
Open source Unlike proprietary software, open-source software makes the source code
available so that other developers can build applications for the software, or even
improve on the software.
Operational CRM Entails supporting the “front-office” business processes, which include customer
contact (sales, marketing and service).
Opt-out Also known as unsubscribe. The act of removing oneself from a list or lists so
that specified information is no longer received via email.
Organic results Also known as natural results. Search results served by the search engine’s
algorithm. The search engine does not charge website owners to list these results.
Page tag A piece of JavaScript code embedded on a web page and executed by the browser.
PageRank Google’s secret algorithm for ranking web pages in search engine results pages.
Paid search Usually refers to advertising on search engines, sometimes called PPC
advertising advertising. The advertiser pays only for each click on the advert.
Permalink A unique URL that points to the permanent location of a single blog post and its
associated comments and TrackBacks.
Primary research The collection of data to present a new set of findings from original research.
Proprietary Any software that one or more intellectual property holders own and license to
software others in exchange for compensation, subject to certain restrictions. Licensees
may not be able to change, share, sell or reverse engineer the software.
Prototype Interactive wireframes that have been linked together like a website, so that they
can be navigated by clicking, scrolling and so on.
QR code Also known as a 2D barcode. These are scannable barcodes that can be read
by certain mobile applications (by taking a photo of the barcode). They contain
information such as a URL.
Qualitative data Data that can be observed but not measured. Deal with descriptions.
Quality Score (QS) A measure used by Google AdWords to indicate how relevant a keyword is to an
ad text and to a user’s search query.
Quantitative data Data that can be measured or defined. Deal with numbers.
Really simple RSS allows you to receive updates without requiring you to visit web pages in your
syndication (RSS) browser constantly.
Referrer When a user clicks on a link from one site to another, the site the user has left is the
referrer. Most browsers log the referrer’s URL in referrer strings. This information is
vital in determining which queries are being used to find specific sites.
Referrer The URL that originally generated the request for the current page.
Research A community set up with the intention of being a source for research.
Responsive design Designing a website so that it changes depending on the device on which it is
Revenue share Commission structure where the affiliate earns a percentage of a sale.
Robots.txt A file written and stored in the root directory of a website that restricts the search
engine spiders from indexing certain pages of the website.
Sales force A type of program that automates the business task of sales associated with
automation effective implementation, productivity forecasts.
Search engine The actual results returned to the user based on their search query.
results page (SERP)
Search engine Programs that travel the web, following links and building up the indexes of
spiders search engines.
Search term The keywords a user enters when searching on a search engine.
Segmentation Filtering visitors into distinct groups based on characteristics in order to analyse
Sender alias The name that is chosen to appear in the sender or from field of an email.
Sender ID A method used by major ISPs to confirm that an email does originate from the
domain that it claims to have been sent from.
Sender policy An extension of SMTP that stops email spammers from forging the “From” fields
framework (SPF) in an email.
Search Engine The page that shows the results for a search on a search engine.
Results Page
Session The period that a user with a unique cookie spends on a website during a
specified amount of time.
Short Message Text messages that can be sent to mobile phones from the Internet or from other
Service (SMS) mobile devices. Usually limited to 160 characters.
Simple Mail A protocol for sending messages from one server to another.
Transfer Protocol
Simple Object A simple XML-based protocol to allow for the exchanging of structured
Access Protocol information over HTTP.
Sitemap On a website, a page that links to every other page in the website, and displays
these links organised according to the information hierarchy. In UX terminology,
this is the visualised structural plan for how the website’s pages will be laid out
and organised.
Social media A service that allows you to centralise management of your social media
dashboard properties.
Social network In the online sense, a type of website model where individual members become
part of a broader virtual community.
Soft bounce The failed delivery of an email owing to a deviating reason, such as an overloaded
mail box or a server failure.
Spam Email sent to someone who has not requested to receive it – EVIL!
Sponsored results Search engine results that are paid for by the advertiser.
Statistically A sample that is big enough to represent valid conclusions.
Strategy A set of ideas that outline how a product line or brand will achieve its objectives.
This guides decisions on how to create, distribute, promote and price the product
or service.
Taxonomy Classification and division into ordered categories, usually hierarchical. In social
media, taxonomy can refer to the categorisation of content on the Internet.
Text Text emails or plain text emails do not contain graphics or any kind of markup.
Thumbnail The still image that is shown at the start of the video. This can be selected, and
can make a video more enticing.
Tone of voice The register, formality and personality that comes through in the text.
TrackBack A mechanism used in a blog that shows a list of entries in other blogs that refer
to a post on the first blog.
Unique forwarders This refers to the number of individuals who have forwarded a specific email.
Unique selling point The aspect that makes your offering different from your competitors’.
Universal Resource A web address that is unique to every page on the Internet.
Locator (URL)
Unstructured A messaging protocol used to connect mobile devices with a service provider’s
Supplementary computers, often enabling a variety of applications and creating a real-time
Service Data (USSD) connection that allows two-way interaction.
URL shortener A web tool that creates a shorter version of a full URL.
Usability A measure of how easy a system is to use. Sites with excellent usability fare far
better than those that are difficult to use.
User experience The process of applying proven principles, techniques and features to create
design (UXD) and optimise how a system behaves, mapping out all the touchpoints a user
experiences to create consistency in the interaction with the brand.
User interface (UI) The user-facing part of the tool or platform – the actual website, application,
hardware or tool with which the user interacts.
User-centred The design philosophy where designers identify how a product is likely to be
design (UCD) used, taking user behaviour into consideration and prioritising user wants and
needs, and placing the user at the centre of the entire experience.
Video search engine Optimising videos for search engines, similar to to the way in which one would
optimisation (VSEO) optimise a website to rank higher on the SERPs.
Video syndication The process of distributing and getting search coverage for videos.
Views The number of times a video has been seen. Multiple views can come from one user.
Viral video A video that becomes immensely popular, leading to its spread through word-of-
mouth on the Internet via email, social networks and other hosting websites.
Visitor An individual visiting a website that is not a search engine spider or a script.
Vlogger Video blogger. A person who produces regular web videos about a chosen topic
on a video-enabled blog.
W3C World Wide Web Consortium, which oversees the Web Standards project.
Web application Software used to help create dynamic web properties more quickly. This is done
framework through access to libraries of code for a specific language or languages and
other automated or simplified processes which then do not need to be coded
from scratch.
Web server A computer or program that delivers web content to be viewed on the Internet.
White list A list of accepted email addresses that an ISP, a subscriber or other email
service provider allows to deliver messages regardless of spam filter settings.
Wireframe The skeletal outline of the layout of a web page. This can be rough and general,
or very detailed.
Wireless Fidelity The transfer of information from one device to another over a distance without
(Wi-Fi) the use of wires.
XML sitemap A guide that search engines use to help them index a website, which indicates how
many pages there are, how often they are updated, and how important they are.
2D Barcode 464, 543 AJAX, 314
301 Redirect 549 Alexa rankings 375
3G 105, 463, 551 algorithm 70, 81, 118, 127, 209, 230, 232, 233,
4 Ps of marketing 24–26 243, 253, 254, 265, 266, 349, 352, 357,
80/20 principle (Pareto principle) 207
algorithmic curation 81
alt tag 132, 145, 156, 231, 240, 433, 447
alt text 132, 185, 231, 433, 438, 446
A/B test (split test) 122, 498, 526, 531, 531,
532, 533, 538, 539, 541 analytical CRM 223
above the fold 94, 114, 132, 137, 166, 234, 441 anchor text 185, 231, 239, 242, 243
accessibility 94, 96, 119, 132, 185, 207, 217, Android 486, 512, 546
422 annotations 345, 348, 353, 354, 356
active verb 166, 170, 189 API (application programming interface) 16,
ad servers 294, 303, 304, 308–309 25, 391
benefits of 309 app store optimisation (ASO) 231, 240
AdDynamo 292 Apple 25, 33, 54, 55, 110, 141, 148, 150, 175,
386, 473, 480, 503, 546, 547
ADSL 551
application programming interface [see API]
advertorial 175
augmented reality 463, 483-485, 484, 489
AdWords (Google) 252, 265, 266, 267, 267,
268, 273, 275, 276, 278, 279, 283, 284, brand communications 484
285, 289, 295, 299, 345, 378, 528, 545, future of 484
546, 555 personal analytics (“quantified
Keyword Planner 236, 236 self”) 485
Quality Score 282 automation tools (for CRM) 223
for Video 359, 362
affiliate marketing 30, 198, 225, 302, 303, B
317, 321–341, 324, 327 B2B [see Business to Business]
[see also CPA, CPC, CPL, revenue share] B2C [see Business to Consumer]
action and reward 324–325 backlink 231
advantages 337–338 Balsamiq 124, 130
building blocks of 323–334 benefits of CRM 214–216
campaigning 327, 334–336 black hat 230, 251, 252
challenges 337–338 blacklist(ed) 230, 338
key terms and concepts 332 blog aggregator 379
networks 324, 332–334, 332, 333 blogging 178, 183, 369, 379–380
promotion of merchants 329–331 blog aggregator 379
tracking software 326–329 corporate 380–381
affiliate(s) 109, 252, 321–341, 401, 519 marketing tool 383
[see also affiliate marketing] micro- 367
aggregating/aggregators 357, 359, 367, 368, promotion of 382–383
369, 379, 383, 387–389, 388, 389, 393,
401, 466, 509 SEO 382
blogosphere 367, 381, 383 campaign analysis 211
blogroll 380 canonical 231
Bluetooth 463, 470, 470, 489 cascading style sheets (CSS) 133, 148, 156
bookmarking/bookmarks 56, 104, 159, 356, case studies
357, 367, 382, 387–389, 393 Carling Black Label’s “Be the
bounce rate 40, 234, 246, 435, 511, 516, 535, Coach” 487
536 Coca-Cola Company 83
bounces 452, 511 Col’Cacchio #PriceSlice 395
brand awareness 23, 30, 205, 294, 296, 301, eBook retailer 338
302, 334, 360, 400, 456, 503
Encyclopaedia Britannica Online 191
brand style guide 81
Fuji Xerox 223
branding (visual identity or corporate
identity) 133, 135–136, 136 Mini: Coupons 331
BrandsEye 6, 37, 40, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, Motoreasy 519
222, 414 Nike Digital Strategy 32
breadcrumbs/breadcrumb links 94, 110, 111, Quirk Education 538
133 Rail Europe 125
Brightcove 359 Rocking the Daisies – 2011 & 2012 61
broad match 54, 276 ‘Sister Act’ on Broadway 287
browser/web browser 17, 101, 104, 105, 136, Super Bowl Social Media Command
143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 151, 153, 156, Center 426
157, 162, 181, 183, 185, 216, 232, 242,
The Boston Globe 157
245, 295, 296, 300, 310, 311, 315, 318,
323, 331, 340, 367, 381, 387, 444, 462, Toyota Prius 315
477, 485, 486, 499, 503, 506, 507, 508, Viewpoints.com and the Panda
510, 512, 516, 527, 545, 546, 548, 549, update 254
549, 550
Woolworths – ‘Cook like a MasterChef’
business needs analysis 220 for MasterChef South Africa 360
Business to Business (B2B) 433 Zando 456
Business to Consumers (B2C) 433 chiclets 348, 359, 367, 387, 387, 393
BuzzCity 307 click fraud 286, 309
buzzwords 188–189 click path 498, 510, 516, 517, 526
click tracking 283, 315, 391–392
C clickability 115
cached page 507 clickthrough 239, 265, 280, 300, 311, 313,
call to action (CTA) 16, 94, 133, 137, 140, 166, 322, 324, 331, 354, 447, 447, 511
167, 170–174, 171, 172, 174, 180, 191, clickthrough rates 47, 192, 246, 265, 279, 280,
272, 315, 331, 331, 359, 433, 438, 440, 295, 299, 314, 315, 362, 433, 435, 452,
441, 442, 446, 447–448, 454, 456, 456, 453, 454, 511, 527, 58
457, 459, 526, 527, 529, 530, 532
client-side 148
clickability 115
cloaking 251
positioning 114
cloud computing 64, 359
prioritisation 114
Cluetrain Manifesto 16, 26, 227, 555
quantity 115
CMS [see content management system]
collaborative CRM 222, 226 content models 79–80
colour theory 139, 140, 140 content strategy model 71
commission 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, content pillars 73–75, 74
329, 330, 332, 334, 335, 336, 340, 341, content planning 78
344, 544
definition of content marketing 71
Commission Junction 334
destination 80
common page elements 133
distributed thinking 80
common short code (CSC) 464, 468, 468
key terms and concepts 70
community guidelines 406, 415, 417, 418,
418, 419 market research 73
content audit 70, 77, 77, 94, 108 content strategy vi, 1, 71, 79, 80, 94, 106, 108,
155, 167, 239, 448
content creation 369, 375–387
contextual advertising 311
blogging 379–383, 379
conversion funnel 35, 499, 505, 519, 520
image sharing 376
conversion optimisation 122, 192, 211, 311,
video sharing 377–379 435, 508, 513, 526–542
content management system (CMS) 133, advertising: display and search 528
143-145, 183
analysis of data 535–537, 536
customisable navigation 145
designing tests 531–534, 531, 537
meta/title tag customisation 144
[see also the entries for various types of
support 145 test; testing]
types of CMS 143 eCommerce 530–531
URLs 144 email marketing 527–528
content marketing strategy 69–87 gathering of data 534–535, 535
advantages 82–83 landing pages 529
algorithmic curation 81 repeating of tests 537
building blocks 72–77 reporting of results 537
challenges 82–83 running of tests 537
consumer personas 73 social media 528–529, 529
content audit 77 step-by-step guide to 534–537
content calendar 82 conversion rates 57, 126, 265, 270, 280, 280,
content channel distribution 81 281, 284, 286, 289, 302, 323, 340, 435,
content creation 78–80 447, 504, 505, 506, 515, 515, 516, 519,
527, 528, 530, 531, 532, 533, 533, 536,
content frequency 79 537, 538, 539, 540
cookies 246, 252, 309, 310, 311, 323, 326, CSS (cascading style sheets) [see cascading
328, 329, 335, 340, 341, 453, 499, 506, style sheets]
507, 508, 517, 518, 520, 527, 537 customer
copywriting (SEO) 10, 127, 166, 172, 174, care 214
data 207–208
best practices 185–190
lifetime value (CLV) 202, 203, 212–213
conceptual 186
loyalty 206, 213–214
headings/sub-headings 184
segmentation 207, 211, 212, 223, 225
key phrases 182–183
social 217–220, 222
language 187–190
understanding of needs of 204–206,
[see also the main entry for language] 220–221
layout 186–187, 187 customer lifetime value 202, 203
legibility 186–187, 187 customer loyalty programmes 206, 213–214
links 185 customer relationship management
logic 190, 190 (CRM) 198, 201–227, 432, 433, 469
on-page copy 184 analytical tools 223
optimisation 182 automation tools 222–223
meta description 183 benefits of 214–216
meta keywords 184 business needs analysis 220
page title 183 collaborative 222, 226
URL 183, 183 customer data 207–208
cost per acquisition (CPA) 213, 295, 302 customer lifetime value (CLV) 202, 203,
cost per action (CPA) 199, 265, 280, 283, 323, 212–213
324 customer loyalty programmes 206,
cost per click (CPC) 29, 199, 265, 273, 279, 213–214
281, 282, 283, 295, 301, 305, 323, 324 facets to 207, 226
cost per lead (CPL) 323, 324 implementation of 215–216, 220–222
cost per mille/thousand (CPM) 199, 295, 301, key terms and concepts 203
303, 305, 307, 308, 312, 314, 545, 546 marketing automation
creating content, principles of 108–109 marketing perspective 215
hierarchy 109 measurement of success 221
relevance 109 model 203–204, 204
structure 108 operational 222, 226
credibility 95, 97, 102–103, 102, 127, 135, 217, sales perspective 215–216
255, 530, 531, 540
setting objectives 221
CRM [see customer relationship
management] social 217–220, 222
understanding of customer needs 204– setting objectives 503–506, 504
206, 220–221 targets 501–502
customer-centric approach 203, 204, 218– tracking data 506–513
[see also the main entry for tracking
customer-driven approach 203, 204, 218–220 data]
trends 503
D universal 508–509
data working with data 500–503
analysing for marketing 209 data mining 10, 203, 209, 220, 225, 501–502
analytics 209 database 502
collating 209–210 deep linking 271
mining 209 Delicious 56, 388
organising 209–210 Dell Hell 392
social media monitoring 209 design for touch 438
traditional CRM system 208 design theory 136–138, 137, 138
data analytics 497–522 Digg 388
advantages 518–519 digital audiences 6–8, 7
analysis of data 513–517 digital marketing 3–11
behaviour of users 513, 514 audiences 6–8, 7
“big data” 503–504 crowdfunding 5
browser 516 crowdsourcing 5, 6
challenges 518–519 customising messages 8
collecting data 506–513 measurability 9, 9
connection speed 516 microtasking 5
data mining 501–502 segmenting messages 8
database 502 TCEO model (Think, Create, Engage,
first-time visitors 517 Optimise) 9–10, 10
funnel analysis 504–505, 505 understanding 5
geographical location 517 digital marketing strategy 15–36
heat maps 517, 517 brand strategy 19
key elements 513–515 building blocks 23–26
key terms and concepts 498 business strategy 19
landing pages 516 context 19
operating system 516 creation of 27
outcomes 513, 515 definition of digital marketing 18
performance monitoring 503 definition of marketing 17
referral source 516 evaluation 30–31
segmentation 515–517 four Ps of marketing [see the main entry
setting goals 503–506, 504 for four Ps of marketing]
setting KPIs 503–506, 504 key performance indicators (KPIs) 29
key terms and concepts 16–17 email [see throughout]
objectives 28 body 443
optimisation 31–32 creation of content 448–450, 449
Porter’s Five Forces analysis 23, 24 designing 441–448, 445
purpose of 19 footer 443
SMART objectives 29 header 443, 443
tactics 28, 30–31 images 441, 443, 446
targets 29 marketing [see email marketing]
understanding competitors 22 mobile phones 437–439
understanding customers 21, 21 personalised greeting 443, 443
understanding the business 20, 20 preheader 442, 442
understanding the environment 20 promotional 435, 435
value exchange 27 reputation 451–452
digital, writing for [see writing for digital] segmentation 450
display adverts 298–301 sender information 442
banner 298–299, 300 service provider (ESP) 436–437
floating 300 subject line 442, 442
interstitial banner 299 templates 444
map 301, 301 unsubscribe link 444, 444
payment models (CPM, CPC, CPA) 301– email marketing 10, 31, 66, 81, 85, 127,
303 162, 178, 198, 209, 215, 223, 225, 312,
pop-unders 300 431–459
popups 300 advantages 455
wallpaper 300 best practice for sign-ups 441
display network 295 call to action (CTA) [see the main entry
for call to action]
Display Network (Google) 278, 299, 304, 304
challenges 455
domain name 154, 155, 231, 239, 433, 545,
548, 549 creation of content 448–450, 449
domain name system (DNS) 433, 544, 545, customisation 440, 450, 455
548 deploying 450–451
DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) 433, 451 design guidelines 438, 441–448, 445
Dopplr 370 email for mobile phones 437–438
double opt-in 433 email service provider (ESP) 436–437
dpi 133, 141 images 446–447, 447
Drupal 144 key measurables 452–453
Dynamic Keyword Insertion 167, 269 key terms and concepts 433
dynamic parameter 144, 145 newsletters 435, 436, 438, 440, 440, 441,
442, 447, 448–450, 453, 455
E planning 434–439
eBay 478, 546 preview pane 446
promotional emails 435, 435
rules and regulations 439 results 118
segmentation 450 search 118
step-by-step process 439–454 sections 116
strategy 434–439 simplicity 116
templates 437, 444 steps 116
testing 448, 453, 454 validation 117
email service provider [see ESP] forum 45, 49, 52, 62, 75, 202, 216, 217, 245,
embedding 136, 345, 349, 351, 353 245, 253, 335, 337, 367, 393, 395, 408,
502, 545
entry page 510, 511
four Ps of marketing 24–26
ESP (email service provider) 436–437
people (new) 25–26
Evly 404
placement (or distribution) 25
eXtensible Markup Language (XML) [see XML]
price 24–25
external referrer 511
products (and services) 24
eye tracking (testing) 122
promotion 25
front-end languages 143, 146–148, 157
funnel analysis 504–505, 530
Facebook [see throughout]
conversion funnel 35, 499, 505, 519, 520
applications 372, 373
Connect 373
Like button 374
geo-location 474–475
news feed 374
geo-targeting/geographical targeting 266,
News Feed algorithm 374 277, 310, 464
Pages 370, 371 Godin, Seth ix, xvi, 35, 422
promotions and competitions 373 Google [see throughout]
FAQ 109 Google AdWords [see AdWords]
feature phone 103, 151, 471, 472, 547 Google Alerts 56, 414, 555
Feed (seeding tool) 359 Google Analytics 185, 283, 362, 392, 416, 453,
feed reader 56 455, 486, 496, 506, 509, 510, 512, 513,
Feng-gui 523 516, 518, 522, 535, 536, 538, 539, 555
Flash [see throughout] Google Maps 301, 301
Flickr 56, 218, 247, 375, 376, 376, 413 Google Merchant Center 253, 275
focus group 40, 44, 46, 46, 48, 51–53, 59, 67, Google Webmaster Tools 252
207, 413 Google+ 274, 374–375, 547
forms 116–119, 117 Google+ Local 250, 251, 273
[see also user experience design (UXD)] GottaQuirk 392, 472, 473, 554
accuracy 118 GPS 151, 464
assistance in filling out 116 Graphic Mail 430
positioning 118 grey hat SEO 230
relevance 116 GSM 467
H1 header tag 239 Jarvis, Jeff 392
hallway testing 121 JavaScript 146, 147, 148, 156, 298, 486, 499,
hard bounce 433, 452 506, 507
heading tags 231
heat map 499, 517, 517, 527, 538 K
hidden text/links 251 key brand elements 141
home page 98, 99, 107, 110, 111, 112, 123, key performance indicators (KPIs) 28, 29,
183, 231, 234, 242, 271, 272, 272, 307, 203, 221, 295, 312, 406, 415, 434, 435,
313, 331, 349, 359, 515, 537 499, 503–506, 504
house list 433 key phrase/keyword 108, 176, 179, 182–184,
193, 231, 232, 233, 235–241, 242, 244,
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) [see 245, 246, 256, 257, 265, 279, 357, 382,
throughout] 555
HTML5 133, 136, 147–148, 163, 234, 298 brainstorming 237
hyperlink 140, 170, 231, 441, 447, 548 competition 236
HyperText Markup Language [see HTML] data gathering 237
hypothesis 40, 43, 44, 59, 527, 537 long tail 270
optimisation of content 239
I optimisation of media 240
Idea Bounty 6 propensity to convert 236
iFrame 367, 372 research 238
inbound link 244, 249 research tools 238
information architecture 70, 107, 110, 127, search volume 236
145, 152, 155, 234
step-by-step research 237–238
Instant Africa 38
targeted 238
instant messaging 216, 471–472
user insights 246–251
WhatsApp 472, 472
value per lead 236
intellectual property 134
keyword frequency 232
internal referrer 511
keyword rankings 232
internal site search 537
keyword research 118, 182, 190, 208, 235,
Internet 238, 238, 257, 283–284, 285, 412
primary research 41, 43, 44, 46 keyword stuffing 167, 184
secondary research 41, 43, 44, 45, 57, keyword suggestion tools 285
keyword volume tools 284, 285
Internet Explorer 189, 296, 310, 381
KPI [see key performance indicator]
Internet Protocol (IP) address 231, 295, 434,
544, 548 Krug, Steve 99
Internet Service Provider (ISP) 295, 311, 434,
451 L
IP address 231, 295, 434, 544, 548 landing page 133, 138, 162, 232, 271–273,
ISP (Internet Service Provider) 295, 311, 434, 272, 278, 279, 282, 284, 313, 359, 396,
451 397, 453, 458, 510, 516, 527, 529, 537
language (copywriting) 187–190 understanding 4
active voice 188 understanding digital 5
benefits 189 marketing mix 324, 330, 332, 339
buzzwords 188–189 mass customisation 24, 33, 167, 450, 455
features 189 merchant 298, 322, 323, 324, 324, 325, 326,
neologisms 188–189 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 334, 336,
337, 338, 339, 340, 480,481, 482
tone 187–188
meta data 133, 167, 182, 184, 240, 249, 345,
link bait 232 351, 359
link popularity 234, 241–246, 257 meta tags 134, 135, 232
LinkShare 334 micro-conversion 504, 527, 535
listening labs 57 microblogging 367, 383–385
local search 230, 249–250, 250, 257 microsite 313
location-based services 464 Microsoft 55, 285, 381, 410
log files 486, 507, 507 Microsoft Advertising Intelligence 253
microtasking 5
M MMS (multimedia message service) 464, 550
market research 39–68 mobi sites 106, 127, 137, 151, 440, 462, 480
advantages 61 mobile advertising 307–308
assurances 58 blind networks 307
challenges 61 premium blind networks 308
cost of 59 premium networks 308
importance of 41–43 mobile analytics 485–486
incentives 58 mobile banking 482
key concepts 43–48 mobile commerce 477–482
key terms and concepts 40 airtime as currency 482
online research methodologies 48–59 banking 482
[see also the main entry for online best practices 479–480
research methodologies]
carrier-based payments 482
primary research 41, 43, 44, 46
currency 481
qualitative data 46–47, 46–47
mobile coupons 481
quantitative data 46–47, 46–47
mobile shopping 477
research methodology 43
mobile ticketing 481
responses 58
mobile wallets 480
room for error 59
Near-Field Communication (NFC) 480,
sampling 47–48 480
secondary research 41, 57, 413 online purchasing 478, 478
market share 16, 221, 344,561 mobile development 10, 148–153
marketing options 149–151
automation tools (for CRM) 223 mobi sites 149–151, 151
digital audiences 6–8, 7 native app 149–151, 151
responsive site 150, 150, 151 limitations of 105
websites 149 universal principles 106
mobile devices/phones 6, 30, 99, 103–104, users 104–105, 105
463–475, 466 mobile websites [see mobi sites]
email for 437–439 multimedia message service (MMS) 464, 550
geo-location 474–475 multivariate testing 58, 122, 532
overview 466–467 Mxit 460
personal 465 MySpace 369
role of, in personal
communication 464–467
social networks [see various entries
relating to social media] native mobile application 133, 149
advantages 486 new visitor 503, 509, 510, 510, 511, 514
augmented reality (AR) 463, 483-485, newsletter 28, 94, 95, 114, 133, 137, 154, 162,
484, 489 167, 170, 171, 177, 177, 199, 205, 212,
213, 302, 322, 324, 330, 362, 433, 435,
challenges 486 436, 438, 440, 440, 441, 442, 447, 448,
hierarchy of needs 462, 462 449, 450, 450, 453, 455, 456, 457, 498,
integration of, into online 503, 504, 521, 526, 527, 535, 554
marketing 483 null hypothesis 527, 537
key terms and concepts 463
location-based 474–475 O
role of mobile in personal observation/online ethnography 41, 57
communication 464–467 online advertising 30, 62, 66, 162, 198, 199,
mobile messaging channels 467–474 225, 264, 278, 293–319, 385, 401, 411,
instant messaging [see instant 529, 547
messaging] ad servers 308
MMS [see multimedia message service] [see also the main entry for ad servers]
QR codes [see QR codes] advantages 314
SMS [see short message service] building brand awareness 296, 296
USSD [see the main entry for USSD] challenges 314
mobile networks 307–308, 465, 467 contextual 311
blind networks 307 creating demand 297, 297
premium blind networks 308 display adverts 298–301
premium networks 308 [see also the main entry for display
mobile network standards 467 adverts]
mobile search 104, 105, 248–249, 474 driving direct response and sales 298
mobile UX 103–106 future of 311–313
devices 103–104 key differentiator 298
key terms and concepts 294 Optimal Workshop 91
objectives 296–298 organic search engine listing 133, 232
optimisation 309–311 organic search results 257, 265, 288
paying for advertising space 301–303 organic search traffic 254, 521
[see also payment for online advertising] original referrer 511
satisfying demand 297 ORM (online reputation management) 16,
step-by-step guide 311 41, 218, 406, 410
targeting 309–311
tracking 311 P
online brand attack 424–425 page exit ratio 511
online copywriting 165–194, 137, 399 page tags/tagging 499, 506, 507
[see also writing for digital] page views 509, 510, 511, 533
identifying audience 165–170 PageRank 232, 233, 243, 253
key terms and concepts 167 paid search 236, 330, 337, 354
writing for audience 165–170 paid search advertising 167, 173, 265, 295
online dictionary 190 paid search volume 236
online forums 52, 216, 253 Pareto principle 207
online marketing, integration of mobile pass-on rate 452
applications into 483 pay per click 17, 29, 30, 264, 278, 280, 283,
online monitoring 40, 48, 53–57 295, 312, 358, 546
tools for 55–57 payment for online advertising 301–308
online press release 175 advertising exchanges 303, 304
online press room 389 advertising networks 299, 303, 304
online reputation 401, 410, 412, 424 mobile advertising 307–308, 483, 484
online reputation management [see ORM] [see also the main entry for mobile
online research methodologies 48–59
premium booked media 303
conversion optimisation 57
social media advertising 305–307
listening labs 57
[see also various types of social media]
observation 57
payment models for display advertising 301–
online ethnography 57 303
online research communities 57 cost per acquisition (CPA) 302
personal interviews 57 cost per click (CPC) 301
surveys 48–53 cost per engagement (CPE) 302
tools for online monitoring 55–57 cost per mille/thousand (CPM) 301
online thesaurus 190 expectations of 303
open rate 434, 435, 453, 454, 527 flat rate 302
Open Site Explorer 252 sponsorships 302
open source (software) 134, 144, 146, 147, Permalink 367, 380, 382
148, 516
persona 20, 70, 73, 82, 167, 168, 169, 169, 171
operational CRM 222, 226
map 82
personal analytics (“quantified self”) 485 flexible images 153
personalised targeting 215 media queries 153
PESTLE factors 20, 27 return on investment (ROI) 17, 23, 172, 211,
phishing 252 227, 266, 323, 329, 432, 434, 455, 466,
plug-in 148
return visitor 537
podcast/podcasting 189, 386–387
revenue [see throughout]
creating a podcast 386
revenue share 323, 324, 325
marketing tool 386–387
Robots.txt 134, 145, 232
popup 295, 300, 315, 318
ROI [see return on investment]
Porter’s Five Forces analysis 23–24, 24
RSS (really simple syndication) 17, 41
press release 75, 77, 109, 175, 175, 192
primary research 41, 43, 44, 46
privacy policy 109, 112, 418, 443, 479
sales force automation 216, 222, 224, 226
profiling (for marketing purposes) 215, 466
sample size 41, 44, 47, 47, 48, 60, 532–534,
proprietary software 134, 147 533
prototype 95, 114, 120, 123, 124, 157 scripting language 499
Ps of marketing [see four Ps of marketing] search advertising 29, 30, 30, 167, 198, 225,
253, 257, 263–290, 265
Q advantages 285
QR codes 464, 472–473, 472, 474, 480, 489 AdWords Quality Score 266, 273, 274,
qualitative data/research 40, 41, 43, 46, 46, 282, 284, 285, 288
47, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 57, 60, 66, 127, analysis of ROI
209, 413, 534 bidding for ads 278–282, 278, 288
quality score (QS) 266, 273, 274, 282, 284, bidding process 281
285, 288
bidding wars 286
quantitative data/research 40, 41, 43, 46, 46,
47, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 57, 60, 66, 122, budget 279
127, 209, 413, 534 challenges 285
Quirk [see throughout] clickthrough rates 265, 279, 280
constituents of campaign 267, 267
R conversion rates 265, 270, 279, 280,
ranking 17, 95, 167, 230, 231, 232, 233, 243, 280, 281, 284, 286, 289
246, 247, 251, 252, 253, 254, 257, 265, cost per action (CPA) 265, 280, 283
278–282, 278, 288, 350, 352, 353, 357, cost per click (CPC) 265, 273, 279, 281,
375, 388, 401, 406, 545 282, 283
really simple syndication [see RSS] display URL 271–273, 271
Reddit 383, 388, 388 elements of an advert 268–273
reputation score 451, 452, 455 extensions 273–275, 273, 274, 275
research community 41, 49, 57 key terms and concepts 265
research methodology 41, 43 keyword research 283–284, 285,
responsive design 95, 152–153 landing pages 271–273, 272
flexible grid 153 long tail keywords 270, 270
placing of bids 278 user insights 246–251
planning campaign 283 website structure 234
ranking of ads 278–282, 278, 288 SEOBook 252, 258
setting up and structuring SERP (search engine results page) 30, 95,
campaign 283–284 134, 167, 182, 230, 232, 264, 266, 294,
targeting options 276–277, 277 345, 362, 401, 412
tracking 282 Serperture 228
writing effective copy 269 server-side languages 143, 145–146
search engine [see throughout] Short Message Service (SMS) [see SMS]
search engine optimisation (SEO) [see SEO] customer relationship management
(CRM) 469
search engine results page [see SERP]
marketing 468
search engine spider(s) 99, 133, 134, 156,
183, 185, 190, 231, 232, 234, 242, 354, promotions 469
357, 499, 507 receiving messages 469
search query 119, 133, 134, 167, 182, 184, sending messages 469
198, 232, 265, 266, 269, 279, 281, 345, simple mail transfer protocol [see SMTP]
Simple Measure of Gobbledygook
search referrer 511 (SMOG) 190
search term 30, 47, 183, 225, 264, 266, 269, simple object access protocol [see SOAP]
270, 276, 277, 277, 281, 282, 353, 514
single page visits 511
SearchStatus 245, 253
sitemap 95, 109–110, 109, 124, 127, 134, 155,
secondary research 41, 43, 44, 45, 57, 413 233, 249
segmentation 207, 211, 212, 223, 225, 450, skyscraper 113, 299, 336
smartphone 104, 105, 437, 438, 462, 463, 467,
sender alias 167 471, 472, 472, 473, 474, 477, 477, 480,
sender ID 434, 451 482, 484, 484, 508, 547
sender policy framework (SPF) 434, 451 SMOG (Simple Measure of
SEO PowerSuite Rank Tracker 253 Gobbledygook) [see Simple Measure of
SEO (search engine optimisation) 17, 95,
127, 145, 156, 166, 167, 229–259, 288, SMS (Short Message Service) 17, 464,
351, 406, 412–413, 549 467–469
accessing of data 246–247 SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol) 434
benefits 253 SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) 17
challenges 253 social bookmarking 56, 104, 159, 356, 357,
367, 382, 387–389, 393
copywriting [see copywriting (SEO)]
social media [see also various types of social
key phrases 235–241 media]
key terms and concepts 231 advantages 394
link popularity 241–246 advertising 303–309, 305, 317, 411
search rankings 230, 231, 232, 233, 243, campaigns 390
246, 247, 251, 252, 253, 254, 257
challenges 394
social content 247–248
channels 365–402
understanding 233–234
dashboard(s) 407, 417
location 390 escalation protocol 420–421
marketing 392–393 insight and research 412–413
online monitoring 401, 410, 414, 416 key terms and concepts 406
platform insights 408, 416 outreach 408
risks 425 processes 417–421, 421
solving business challenges 407–413 recovery from online brand attack 424–
strategy [see the main entry for social 425
media strategy] reputation management 410
tracking campaigns 390–392 responding 423
web analytics for 392 response process 421
social media advertising 303–309, 305, 317 sales and lead generation 411
on social media platforms 305–307 search engine optimisation (SEO) 412,
social media channels 365–402 412
[see also the various types of social solving business challenges 407–413
media] step-by-step guide 413–417
advantages 394 [see also the main entry for step-by-
aggregating 367, 368, 369, 379, 383, step guide to creating a social media
387–389, 393, 401 strategy]
bookmarking 367, 369, 382, 387–389, support 409–410, 410
393, 401 value of knowing when to talk 422–423
challenges 394 social networking 367, 369–375, 369, 390,
checklist 418 406, 475
key terms and concepts 367 soft bounces 434, 452
marketing tools 375 spam 239, 243, 330, 338, 434, 439, 439, 441,
442, 451, 452, 455, 458, 468, 544, 545
social media dashboards 407, 417
splash page 99
social media marketing 33, 85, 215, 226, 257,
367, 392–393, 401, 407 split test (A/B test) 58, 122, 192, 453, 498,
518, 526, 527, 528, 531, 538, 539
to content consumers 393
calculator 60, 518, 538
to content creators 393
sponsored results 266
to content sharers 393
stakeholder(s) 27, 203, 204, 220, 221, 413,
social media monitoring 48, 209, 426 415, 416, 417, 421, 422, 423, 428
social media strategy 405–429 static website 143–145
advertising and awareness 411 step-by-step guide to creating a social media
communication 408, 420–421, 421 strategy 413–417
community guidelines 418–419, 419 analysis 414
community management 408 creating an action plan 415
content plan 420 dashboards 417
customer service 409–410, 410 getting buy-in 413
dealing with oopportunities and implementation 416
threats 422–423 listening 413
documentation 417–421 online monitoring software 416
optimisation 416 number of variations 533, 533
platform insights 416 repeating of tests 537
setting objectives 414–415, 415 running of tests 531
tracking 416 sample size 532
understanding the landscape 413 starting over 124
URL shorteners 416 types of tests 531, 531, 532
web analytics 416 testing methodologies 121–122
Stumbleupon 389, 389 eye tracking 122
subject line 57, 166, 172, 442, 442, 443, 448, hallway testing 121
449, 454, 527 multivariate testing 58, 122, 532
surveys 48–53 observation and user labs 121
design of 49 split testing 122
focus groups 51–53 surveys 122
online monitoring 53–57 text emails 434, 441
tools for online monitoring 55–57 Thinkmap’s Visual Thesaurus 190
types of questions 50–51 thumbnail 287, 345, 348, 354, 354
SWOT analysis 26, 26 Time Magazine 546
syndicate 21, 396, 418, 555 title tags 144, 185, 239
tone of voice 72, 81, 167, 187, 396, 415, 417
T touchscreens 104, 105, 106, 438, 512
targeting 276–278 TrackBack 367, 368, 380, 382
behavioural 277 tracking codes 295, 537, 540
demographic 277 tracking (data) 506–513
location 277 building-block terms 509–513
language 277 content characteristics 511–512
taxonomy 368 conversion metrics 512, 512
Technorati 56, 379, 379, 380, 383, 546 cookie-based 506, 507
testing 120–124, 531–537 mobile metrics 512–513, 513
[see also user experience design (UXD)] server-based 507, 507
analysis 123 type of information captured 509
change in conversion rate 533 universal analytics 508–509
choice of test 121 visit characteristics 510–511
design of tests 531–532, 537 visitor behaviour 511
finding subjects 122 traditional media 6, 8, 9, 166, 295, 298, 366,
formulation of question(s) 121 368, 387, 394, 500, 544
implementation 123 Trellian’s keyword discovery tool 253
iterative process 120 TubeMogul 359
length of tests 532 Tumblr 379, 383
methodologies 121–122 Twitter [see throughout]
number of participants 533 @username 384
hashtag 384 analysis of content 108–109
marketing tool 385 assembly of website 114–119
retweet 384 calls to action (CTA) 114
trending 384 clickability 115, 115
tweet 384 content audit 94, 108
Twitter Analytics 391 content strategy 94, 106, 108
conventions 99
U core principles of 98–103
UI [see user interface] credibility 102–103, 102
unique selling point [see USP] definition of visual 119–120
universal resource locator [see URL] forms 116, 116
unstructured supplementary service data [see also the main entry for forms]
[see USSD] key terms and concepts 94
unsubscribe link 444, 444 layout 111–114, 111
URL (universal resource locator) [see navigation 110–111, 111
positioning 114
URL shorteners 391–392, 407, 416
principles of creating content 108–109
user-centred design (UCD) 95, 96
prioritisation 114
user experience design [see UXD]
quantity 115
user experience (UX) [see UX]
research and discovery 107
user interface (UI) 16, 95, 96, 266
search 114
user testing methodologies [see testing
methodologies ] simplicity 100, 101
USP (unique selling point) 21, 167, 283, 296, site structure 107–108, 107
297, 334 sitemap 109, 109
USSD (unstructured supplementary services step-by-step guide 106–124
data) 462, 464, 470–471, 471, 481, 482, testing 120–122, 120
487, 489
[see also the main entry for testing]
UX (user experience) 30, 32, 35, 93–129, 132,
understanding 96–97
146, 149, 158, 162, 222, 230, 234, 253,
331, 349, 351, 348, 462, 474, 479, 483, usability 99
510, 512, 513, 515, 521 user-centric 98, 98
[see also user experience design (UXD)] visual design 113, 119–120, 119
benefits of 97
content strategy 155 V
creative 96 video [see throughout]
functional 96 content strategy 346–348
mobile 103–106 production [see the main entry for video
[see also mobile UX] production]
universal mobile principles 106 video content strategy 346–348
UXD (user experience design) vi, 1, 90, video hosting 349–351
video marketing 31, 81, 85, 127, 198, 343–364 web application framework (WAF) 134, 135
[see also video production] web copy 170–180
advantages 360 [see also copywriting (SEO); online
challenges 360 copywriting]
content v ads 346–347 blogging 178, 178
content strategy 346–348 call to action (CTA) 170–171, 171
going viral 347–348, 347 emails 176–177
key terms and concepts 345 long 174–175
promotion of video 354, 356–359 news/press releases 175, 175
video production 348–356 online syndication 175–176, 176
choosing a platform 349–351 search adverts 172–173
engaging the community 355 short 170
Identification of audience 348 social copy 173–174, 174
optimisation 351–354, 352, 353, 354 subject lines 172
planning and concept 349 titles 172
producing the video 349 types of 170–180
promotion of video 354, 356–359 website copy 179
reporting 355–356, 355 writing for mobile 179–180, 180
uploading to platform 349–351 web design 10, 131–164, 226
video promotion 354, 356–359 collating assets 141–142
earned 356–357 collecting assets 141–142
owned 357 designing for persuasion 132
paid 358, 358 fonts 142, 142
search optimisation 357 theory (colour and design) 136–140
social sharing 357–358 visual identity 135–136, 136
video search engine optimisation [see VSEO] web development 10, 131–164, 226
video syndication 345 content management system
(CMS) 143–145
viral marketing 401
static website 143–145
viral video 296, 345, 348
web server 134, 145, 146, 499, 507, 527, 549,
visual identity or corporate identity 549
(branding) 133, 135–136, 136
Web Standards 134, 136, 147, 151
VSEO (video search engine
optimisation) 345, 352 website
design 157
W development 157
W3C [see World Wide Web Consortium] domain name 154–155
WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) 464, launch 157
469 planning and research 154
Web 2.0 366 search engine visibility 156
step-by-step guide to building 154–157
testing 157
UX and content strategy 155–156
WhatsApp 472, 472
white hat SEO 230
white list 434, 451
Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) 464, 470, 476, 551
widget 75, 113, 245, 245, 265, 375
Widespace 308, 308
Wikipedia/Wiki [see throughout]
wireframe 95, 113, 113, 114, 124, 156, 157
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) [see
Wireless Fidelity [see Wi-Fi]
WordPress 144, 319, 379, 383
WordTracker 253, 285
WordTracker Keyword Questions 253
World Wide Web [see throughout]
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) 134
writing for digital 165–194
[see also online copywriting]
audience of one 168–170
personas 168–170
types of web copy 170–180
[see also Web copy]
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) 17, 25,
134, 163, 232, 249, 323, 337, 545
Yahoo! [see throughout]
YouTube [see throughout]
YouTube Analytics 355, 355, 362, 391
It takes a village to raise a child, and a lot of people to publish a book!
Our acknowledgement and thanks go to:
Firstly to Sarah Blake who did an enormous amount of work in compiling the first
editions of this book. Sarah’s great work set a high standard to maintain.
To all the QuirkStars who provided expertise so that this could happen the fifth
time around – this project wouldn’t have been possible without you. Particular
acknowledgment goes out to:
There are also a number of experts from the marketing field who contributed to
various chapters. Our great appreciation and thanks go to:
Dr Carla Enslin
Jonathan Gluckman
Kathryn McKay
Michael Walker
Michaela Kissack
Melody Maker
Nic Van Den Berg
Peta Broomberg
Richard Mullins
x. Contributors
Finally, the publishing team who have worked tirelessly must be acknowledged.
Katharina Scholtz
Editorial Assistant
Anna Malczyk
2nd Assistant
Zara Vorwerk
Production Team
Caroline Johnson
Lyndi Lawson-Smith
Di Charton
Abby Mills
Megan Hughes
Cover Design
Anka Joubert