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Manuel M. Olan Bsme - 1B Evaluated By: Sir. Efren Mayani Assessment Task # 1-1

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Manuel M.



Evaluated by: Sir. Efren Mayani


Check your understanding of the input by answering the following questions:

1. What are models of communications? Why do you think they are introduced?

The models provide pictures, or visual representations, of complex interactions. They are useful
because they simplify the basic structure of communication and can help us to understand that
structure not just verbally, but also visually.

2. How can one observe ethics in communication?

One can observe Ethics in Communication by having an eye to eye contact -- having an eye to
eye contact is one way of saying you are telling the truth and/or you are interested in socializing;
using polite words, applying appropriate hand gesture in the words being spoken, saying the only
the truth without hiding small details of it.

3. Why is it important to have a code and conduct of ethics?

A code of ethics is important because it clearly lays out the rules for behavior and provides the
groundwork for a preemptive warning.Regardless of size, businesses count on their management
staff to set a standard of ethical conduct for other employees to follow.

4. Could you explain the communication flow in the given model on Figure 2s, the
SourceEncoder-Decoder and Signal?

Berlo's model of communication is outlined into six stages: the communications source, the
encoding of the message, the message, the delivery method of the message, the decoding of the
message, and the message receiver. It explains the different components that comprise the
fundamental communication process. Because it emphasizes message coding and decoding, this
communication tool may be utilized for more efficient communication

View on YouTube the Speech of President Rodrigo Duterte at the 2020 SONA on January 27,
2020. Do you think the five principles of effective oral communication were followed? Which
ones were followed? Which ones were not? What advice would you give to make the speaker
more effective? Write your thoughts below.

For me duterte do all of the principles of communication but, in my own capacity to

understand duterte speaking is not effective. On the speech he provides there is a clear purpose,
complete message, concise, and also there is natural delivering of message. But the feedback
never happened because durterte is the only one who spoke in his SONA.

Therefore, I conclude that duterte is not a good speaker, but in his SONA he followed the
principles of success oral communication. But, the way he speak is not clear and every time I
watch his speech even its not a SONA on the Tv, I will repeat it in order to understand what he
was saying in his speech. I advice our president to speak clear and nice to anyone and do not
always speak bad words and evil things.


1. How did English become the global lingua franca or an international language?

Due to the fact that is the common language or mode of communication that enables people to
understand one another regardless of their cultural and ethnical backgrounds. It makes
communication a lot easier and understanding one another has become efficient.

2. Watch “The History of English in Ten Minutes” on YouTube”


After watching it, come up with your list of the factors that led English to take its global


Chapter 1: Anglo-Saxon (450 AD) (2000 words)

Chapter 2: The Norman Conquest (1066) (10000 words)

Chapter 3: Shakespeare (2000 words)

Chapter 4: The King James Bible (1611)

Chapter 5: The English of Science (before 17th century)

Chapter 6: English and Empire

Chapter 7: The Age of the Dictionary (1746) (Oxford English Dictionary)

Chapter 8: American English (19th)

Chapter 9: Internet English

Chapter 10: Global English

3. How do you feel about the role and status of English in the Philippines?

Here in the Philippines some of the Filipino don’t understand English most especially the people
in thrives and some ethnic groups but not them all. And here in our country many Filipino base
that if you are fluent in English you are smart or wise. And as a role we Filipino combine the
English word into tagalog as our daily language.


A. Explain the meaning of the following Filipino slangs to correct English terminology or


1. plastic Fake friends 6. hitmen Gun for hired

2. do _________________ 7. Tip Reward

3. salvage brutally killed 8. megastar

4. double dead Animal that already died and use to sell or eat 9. trip like

5. flip drug addict 10. Toxic Bad attitude

B. Give the meaning of some common foreign terms below.

1. de luxe -rich or superior in quality

2. a la carte -- menu or restaurant

3. croissant -a flaky rich crescent-shaped roll

4. esprit de corps - a sense of pride, fellowship, and mutual allegiance felt

by members of a specific organization

5. meme -a humorous image, video, piece of text

6. bona fide -sincerely; without intention to deceive.

7. status quo- the current situation

8. entrepreneur - a person who organizes and operates a business or

businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.

9. persona non-grata - a person who is unacceptable or unwelcome

10. modus operandi - a particular way or method of doing something,

especially one that is characteristic or well-established.

Infographic of Pros and Cons of Social Media

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