Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information

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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 5182-4 (1999): Methods for Measurement of Air Pollution,

Part 4: Suspended Particulate Matter [CHD 32: Environmental
Protection and Waste Management]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 5182 ( Part 4 ) : 1999
( Reaffirmed 2005 )


( First Revision )

ICS 13.040.01

0 BIS 1999


NEW DELHI 110002

Muy 1999 Price Group 3

Air Environmental Protection Sectional Committee, CHD 32


This Indian Standard (Part 4) (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft
finalized by the Air Environmental Protection Sectional Committee had been approved by the Chemical Division

Serious damage may be caused by polluting substances discharged into the atmosphere from various sources.
Such emissions can adversely affect agricultural land and crops, can soil clothing and building, can corrode
metal installations and can have a harmful effect onthe health of the community.

The pollutants emitted into the air may be arbitrarily classifed as follows:

4 Solid material, such as grit, coarse enough to settle out fairly rapidly. The quantity of such material
may be assessed by the method described in IS 5 182 (Part 1) : 1969 ‘Methods for measurement of air
pollution:Part 1 Dustfall’.

b) Finer material which tends to remain suspended in the air, but can be collected by filtration. Heavy
concentration of such materials can limit visibility or cause blackening of buildings and clothing. A
method of quantitative assessment is given in this standard.

c> Gaseous impurities, which can be separated from the air by chemical means. An example of such
impurities is sulphur dioxide, which causes corrosion and presents a health hazard. A method for the
determination of this pollutant is given in IS : 5182 (Part 2) : 1969 ‘Methods for measurement of air
pollution: Part 2 Sulphur dioxide (under revision)‘.

Suspended matter~means all particulate material which is too small in size to have an appreciable falling velocity
and which, therefore, persists in the atmosphere for lengthy periods.

Suspended particulate matter consists of smoke, dust, fumes and droplets of viscous liquids. Suspended
particulate matter varies in size from well below 1 micron to approximately 100 microns. These arise from
many sources, such as incomplete combustion of solid, liquid or gaseous fuels; wastes from metallurgical,
chemical and refining operations; incineration and numerous other processes. Besides, natural sources also
contribute suspended materials like spores, salt water spray, pollens, etc.

Among the effects of particulate pollutants are reduction of visibility, soiling and deterioration of materials,
plant damage, irritation of tissues, and possible damage to health.

The determination of composition of suspended particulate matter in the atmosphere sheds light on the nature
of particulate pollution. A detailed chemical analysis of particulate samples from urban and rural areas provides
basic data that is valuable in the overall assessment of air pollution. Such data may be useful in pin-pointing
sources of pollution in predicting potential health effects.

This Indian Standard was published in 1973; however, in view of experience gained so far, the technical
committee decided to revise this standard. In the revised version, correction factors for pressure and temperature,
have been introduced.

In reporting the result of a test or analysis made in accordance with this standard, if the final value, observed or
calculated, is to be rounded off, it shall be done in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical
values (revised)‘.
IS 5182 ( Part 4 ) : 1999

Indian Standard



(First Revision)

1 SCOPE 5.1 Particulate matter which is oily, such as

photochemical smog or wood smoke, may block the
1.1 This standard (Part 4) prescribes a method for the
filter and cause a rapid drop in air flow to a
determination of concentration of suspended
non-uniform rate. Dense fog or high humidity can
particulate matter in air.
cause the filter to become too wet and severely reduce
1.1.1 This method gives a direct measure of the mass the air flow through the filter.
of the materials filtered out from the sample of air.
5.2 Glass-fibre filters are comparatively insensitive to
1.1.2 This method does not coverparticle counting or change in relative humidity, but collected pariculates
sizing. can be hygroscopic.
2 REFERENCE 5.3 Whenever the concentration of particulates is
The following Indian Standard contains provisions abnormally high, there may be loss of particulates
which through reference in this text, constitutes because of the weak adhesion of the particles to the
provision of this standard. At the time of publication, filter.
the edition indicated was valid. All standards are
subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on
this standard are encouraged to investigate the 6.1 Sampler
possibility of applying the most recent edition of the
standard indicated below: The sampler shall be composed of three main parts,
IS No. Title a) the face plate gasket and retaining ring,
4167 : 1980 Glossary of terms relating to air b) the filter adapter assembly, and
pollution lfirst revision) c) the motor fan unit.

3 TERMINOLOGY The sampler shall be capable of drawing ambient air

through a portion of a clean glass fibre filter of
For the purpose of this standard the definitions given
8” x 10” size with an effective area of not less
in IS 4 I67 shall apply.
than 400 cm2 at a flow rate of I m’/min with a
4 FIELD OF APPLICATION permissible variation of 0.3 tn’/tnin, over 24 hours.
The motor shall be able to operate continuously for
4.1 Sampling flow rate shall not be less than 0.8 m”/
24-hour period with input voltage unit through
min. Average tlow rates within 1.1 -1.4 m3/min over
automatic voltage stabilizer giving an output voltage
24 h sampling, shall give satisfactory results. If
ranging from 190-230 V at 50 - 60 Hz and shall be
particulate levels are unusually high, a satisfactory
properly earthed. The housing for the motor unit may
sample may be obtained in 6-8 hours. For
be of any convenient construction as long as the
determination of average concentrations of suspended
assembly remains air-tight and leak-free.
particulates in ambient air, a standard sampling period
of 24 hours is recommended.

4.2 Mass is determined to the nearest 0.1 mg, air flow

rates to the nearest 0.03 m’/min. and time to the nearest
2 min and maa\ concentration reported to the nearest
microgram per cubic tnetre.
IS 5182 ( Part 4 ) : 1999

6.2 Sampler Shelters of 0.03 m3/min in the flow range of 0.8-I .7 m’/min
It is important that the sampler shall be properly when calibrated against a standard orifice meter. The
installed in a suitable shelter. The shelter is subjected calibration of the device shall be checked at least once
to extremes of temperature, humidity, and all types of in 3 months.
air pollutants. For these reasons, the materials of the 6.4 Orifice Calibration Unit
shelter shall be chosen carefully. The sampler shall be
mounted vertically in the shelter so that the glass-fibre This consists of a metal tube of 7.6 cm internal
filter is parallel with the ground. The shelter shall be diameter and 15.9 cm in length, provided with a static
provided with a roof so that the filter is protected from pressure tap 5.1 cm from one end. The tube end
precipitation and debris. The internal arrangement nearest to the pressure tap is flanged to about 10.8 cm
and configuration of a suitable shelter with a gable roof in external diameter with a male thread of same size
are shown in Fig. 1. as the inlet end of the high volume sampler. A single
metal plate, 9.2 cm in diameter and 0.24 cm thick,
The clearance area between the main housing and the
having a central orifice of 2.9 cm in diameter, is held
roof at its closest point shall be 580 + 195 cm2.
in place at the air inlet end with a female threaded ring.
The main housing shall be rectangular, with
The other end of the tube is flanged to hold a loose
dimensions of about 29 cm x 36 cm.
female threaded coupling which screws on the inlet of
6.3 Flow Metering Device the sampler. A gasket and five multi-hole resistance
This device is usually a rotameter or U-tube plates (5, 7, 10, 13 and 18 holes) are positioned
manometer or orifice meter and shall have an accuracy between the orifice and sampler. The 18 hole metal


IS 5182 ( Part 4 ) : 1999

plate simulates the resistance of a clean glass-fibre having visible defects shall not be used. A small brush
filter while other plates represent a filter with is useful for removing loose particles. Equilibrate the
increasingly heavy dust loading. An orifice filters in the filter conditioning environment for
calibration unit is shown in Fig. 2. 24 hours. Weigh the filters to the nearest one-tenth
milligram and record the tare weight and filter
6.5 Positive Displacement Meter
identification number. Folding the filter before
Calibrated in cubic meters to be used as a primary collection of the samples. as far as possible. shall be
standard. avoided.
6.6 Barometer
8.2 Sample Collection
Capable of measuring atmospheric pressure to the
nearest millimetre of mercury.
Open the shelter, loosen the wing nuts and remove the
6.7 Filter Conditioning Equipment retaining ring from the filter holder. Install a weighed
Balance room or desiccator maintained within and numbered glass-tibre filter in position with the
20-30°C with less than 50 percent relative humidity. rough side up, replace the retaining ring without
disturbing the filter and fasten secures.
Undertightening will allow air leakage, overtightening
7.1 Filter Media will damage the sponge rubber gasket. During

Glass-fibre filters or equivalent having a collection inclement weather, the sampler may be removed to a
efficiency of at least 99 percent for particles of 0.3 pm protected area for filter change.
diameter shall be used for the quantitative
measurement of concentrations of suspended 8.2.1 Close the roof of the shelter, run the sampler for
particulates. If a more detailed analysis is about 5 minutes, connect the flow-metering device to
contemplated, care shall be exercised to use filters that the nipple on the back of the sampler. and take the
contain low background concentrations of the reading of the float fixed with the flow-metering
pollutant being measured. Careful quality control is device kept in a vertical position. Estimate the
required to determine background levels of these reading to the nearest whole number. If the ball is
pollutants. fluctuating too rapidly, tilt the flow-metering device
and slowly straighten it rrntil the tloat gives a constant
reading. Disconnect the flow-metering device from
8.1 Filter Preparation the nipple and record the initial flow-metering device
Expose each filter to the hght source and inspect for reading and the starting time and date. on the filter
pinholes, particles or other imperfections. Filters folder.

0 0



IS 5182 ( Part 4 ) : 1999

8.2.2 Sample for 24 hours, and take a final flow-meter 9.1.2 High Volume Sampler
reading at the end of the sampling period. Record the Assemble a high volume sampler with a clean filter in
final flow-meter reading, ending time and date on type place and run for at least 5 minutes. Attach a
filter holder. Remove the filter retainer as described flow-metering device , read the float, adjust so that the
above and carefully remove the filter from the holder, float gives a reading of 65 and seal the adjusting
touching only the outer edges. Fold the filter mechanism so that it cannot be changed easily. Shut
length-wise so that only surfaces’ with collected off the motor, remove the filter and attach the orifice
particulates are in contact and place in an envelope. calibration unit in its place. Operate the high volume
Record on the envelop, the filter number, location and sampler at a series of different but constant rate of air
any other factors such as meteorological conditions flows, usually six. Take the readings of the differential
etc, that might affect the final results. manometer from the orifice calibration unit and record
8.3 Analysis the readings of the flowmeter for each flow-rate.
Measure the pressure and temperature of the ambient
Equilibrate the exposed filters for 24 hours in the filter atmosphere. Convert the differential manometer
conditioning environment and then weigh again. readings into m”/min. that is Q; then plot a graph for
The weighed filters can be used later for detailed tlowmeter reading against Q.
chemical analyses.
A modification of the high volume sampler
9 PROCEDURE incorporating a method for recording the actual
9.1 Calibration airflow over the entire sampling period is also
acceptable for measuring the concentration of
Since only a small portion of the total air sampled suspended particulates. This modification consists of
passes through the flow-meter during measurement, the an exhaust orifice meter assembly connected through
tlow-meter rnust be calibrated against actual air flow a transducer to a system for continuously recording
with the orifice calibration unit. Before the orifice airflow on a circular chart. The volume of air sampled
calibration unit can be used to cal’ibrate the flowmeter, is calculated by the following equation:
the orifice calibration unit itself must be calibrated
against the positive displacement primary standard.
Q = average sampling rate, m’/min; and
Attach the orifice calibration unit to the intake end of T = sampling time, in min.
the positive displacement primary standard and attach The average sampling rate, Q, is determined from the
a high volume blower unit to the exhaust end of the recorder chart by estimation, if the flow-rate does not
primary standard. Connect one end of a differential vary more than 0. I I m’/min during sampling period.
manometer to the differential pressure tap of the If the flow-rate does vary more than 0.1 I m7/min
orifice calibration unit and leave the other end open to during the sampling period, read the flow rate from the
the atmosphere. Operate the high volume chart at 2 hour intervals and take the average.
motor-blower unit so that a series of different, but
constant airflows, usually six, are obtained for definite 10 CALCULATIONS
time periods. Record the reading of the different 10.1 True Air Volume
constant airfows, which are obtained by placing J
True volume of air at atmos-
series of loads, one at a time, between the calibration
unit and the primary standard. Place the orifice, before pheric temperature, in m3 V([ _ (I+ ~-
- Pact) x Vrll
the inlet reduces the pressure, at the inlet of the primary
standard below atmosphere. A correction must be Pa = barometric pressure, in mm of mercury;
made, therefore, for the increase in volume caused by Pm = drop in pressure at inlet to reference
this decreased inlet pressure. Attach one end of a orifice, in mm, of mercury; and
second differential manometer- to the inlet pressure tap Vm = volume measured using the standard
of the primary standard and leave the other end of the orifice, in m3.
manometer open to the atmophere. During each 10.1.1 Cotwcrtirm Fcrctonr
of the constant airtlow measurements made above,
measure the true inlet pressure of the primary standard Inches of mercury x 25.4 = millimetres of mercury;
with this second differential manometer. Measure the Inches of water x 73.48 x IOF’ = inches of mercury;
atmospheric pressure and temperature. Correct the Cubic feet of air x 0.028 4 = cubic metres of air.
measured air volume to true air volume as given 10.1.2 Tsue Air Flow Rcrte
in 10.1, then obtain the true air tlow rate, Q, as given
in 10.1.2 Plot the graph for the differential manometer True air flow rate,Q, in m’/min = $
readings (of the orifice unit) against Q.

IS 5182 ( Part 4 ) : 1999

where where
T = duration of sampling, in min. Q2 = corrected flow rate, m3/min;
QI = flow-rate during high volume calibration,
10.2 Sample Volume Conversion
Convert the initial and final flow-meter readings to TI =
absolute temperature during orifice unit
true air tlow-rate, Q, using the calibration curve calibration, K;
established in accordance with 9.1.1. PI = barometric pressure during orifice unit
calibration, in mm Hg;
10.3 Calculation of Volume of Air Sampled
T2 = absolute temperature during high volume
(QI + Q2) x T calibration, “K; and
Volume of air sampled, V, in m3 = 2 Pz = barometric pressure during high volume
where calibration, in mm Hg.
Ql = initial air flow rate in m’lmin, 10.5 Calculation of Mass Concentration of
Q2 = final air flow rate in m3/min, and Suspended Particulate Matter
T = sampling time, in min.
10.4 Corrections for Pressure or Temperature
sp= @~-MI) x lo6
If the pressure or temperature during calibration of where
high volume sampler is substantially different from the SP =mass concentration of suspended
pressure or temperature during orifice calibration, a particulates in j.Lg/m’.
correction of the flow rate, Q may be required. If the Ml = initial mass of filter, in g;
pressures differ by not more than 15 percent and the M2 = final mass of filter, in g;
temperatures, in “C, differ by not more than 100 v = air volume sample, in m3; and
percent, the error in the uncorrected flow-rate will be IO6 = conversion factor from grams to
not more than IS percent. If necessary, obtain the micrograms.
corrected flow- rate as given below. This correction Masses are determined to the nearest 0. I ,mg; airflow
applies only to orifice meters having a constant rates are determined to the nearest 0.03 m’/min; times
overflow coefficient. This coefficient for the are recorded to the nearest 2 min; and mass
calibrating orifice described in 6.4, has been shown concentrations are reported to the nearest pg/m3.
experimentally to be constant over the normal
operating range of the high volume sampler, of 0.6 to
2.2 mjlmin. Based upon collaborative testing, the relative standard
deviation for single analyst variation, or repeatability
Calculate corrected flow rate according to the formula:
of the method, is 3.0 percent. The corresponding
value for multilaboratory variation, or reproducibility
of the method is 3.7 percent.

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau oi lndian Standards Act, 1986 to
promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality
certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in
any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, tn
the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes,
type or grade designations. Enquiries realting to copyright be addressed to the Director
(Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards
are also revie-wed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such
review indicates that no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed.
it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they~are in possession
of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook’ and
‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot : No. CHD 32 ( 144).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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