Is 5182 23 2006 PDF
Is 5182 23 2006 PDF
Is 5182 23 2006 PDF
Indian Standard
Ics 13.040.01
0 BIS 2006
This Indian Standard (Part 23) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the drafi finalized by-the
Environment Protection and Waste Management Sectional Committee had been approved by the Chemical Division
Particulate matter (PM), is the term for particles found in the air, including dust, dirt, soot, smoke, and liquid
droplets. Particles can be suspended in the air for long periods of time. Total suspended particulate (TSP) includes
part icles of various sizes. A significant fraction of TSP consists of particles too large to enter the human respiratory
tract, Fig. 1 shows typical particulate penetration in the human respiratory system, therefore, TSP is not a good
indicator of health-related exposure. There is now an increasing amount of scientific evidence which indicates
that respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM) or PM,0 portion of the TSP is correlated to health impacts of
particulate matter.
Almost all fine particulate are generated as a result of combustion processes, diesel fuelled engine combustion,
and various industrial processes, including incineration. Emissions from these anthropogenic sources tend to be
PM,0 and/or PM, ~. Their chemical and physical composition, vary depending on location, time of the year and
meteorology. He;ith effects short-term exposure to PM ~(}can irritate the lungs and perhaps cause immune responses;
lung constriction, producing shortness of breath and cough may result. The materials dissolving from the particles
can also damage cells. Larger particles deposit in the upper respiratory tract, while smaller inhalable particulate
travel deeper into the lungs and are retained for longer periods of time. Long-term, lower level PMIOexposure
may cause cancer and premature deaths. Both PM,0 and PMZ~can accumulate in the respiratory system and are
associated with numerous health effects.
United States EPA’s National Ambient Air Quality Standards (US NAAQS) has set an air quality standard of
50 pghns for long-term l-year average concentrations of PM IO,short-term, 24 h PMIOconcentrations should not
exceed 150 yg/ms more than once a year. Long-term (annual) PM2,5 concentrations should not exceed
“1s~g/m~ more than once a year and the short-term (daily) PMZ,5concentrations should not exceed 65 pg/m3 more
than once a year. The WHO has a 50 ~g/m3 annual average guideline limit.
The sampling and analysis of any pollutant is of fundamental importance. There are large number of sampling
system available for PM,0 measurement each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Since the inlet determines
which particles are excluded and which pass through the collection system, the inlet is actually defining the
particle cut-off size and thus the species captured. The correct use of the inlet, the flow rate and the general
operation of the system is vital to the accuracy of PM lodetermination. Other methods for measurement of RSPM
are in the consideration of the Committee for formulation as separate Indian Standard.
There is no 1S0 Standard on the subject. The standard is prepared based on the measuring techniques available
and use in India.
The composition of the Committee responsible for formulation of this standard is given at Annex A.
In-reporting the result of a test or analysis made in accordance with this standard, if the final value, observed or
ca Iculated, is to be rounded off, it shall be done in accordance with 1S2: 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical
values (Yev2.wci)’.
IS 5182 (Part 23) :2006
Indian Standard
The standard listed below contains provisions which, 5 RANGE AND SENSITIVITY
through reference in this text, constitutes provisions
5.1 Lower Quantifiable Limit
of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions
indicated was valid. All standards are subject to For a 24 h sample duration at about average
revision and parties to agreements based on this 1000 l/rein, the lowest detection limit is determined
standard is encouraged to investigate the possibility by the reproducibility of the filter weight difference
of applying the most recent edition of the standard which shows a standard deviation (cr) of
indicated below: approximately +2 mg. The three c detection limit is
then approximately 3.5 Lg/m3. The three o lower
1SNo. Title
quantifiable limit depends on the filter used and may
4167:1980 Glossary of terms relating to air be even 5 ~g/m3.
pollution @rst revision)
5.2 Upper Quantifiable Limit .,, ,
For a 24 h sample duration at about average
3.1 For the purpose of this standard, the definitions 1000 l/rein, the upper quantifiable limit is 1 000pg/m3.
given in IS 4167 and the following shall apply. However, the exact value depends on the nature of the
aerosol being sampled; very small particles will clog
3.1.1 Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter
the filter at a relatively low mass loading while larger
(PA41J, PM,, size convention closely resembles
particles will bounce off during sample transport at high
the thoracic size distribution (see Fig. 1) and has a concentrations.
50 percent penetration at 10 micron equivalent
diameter/aerodynamic diameter. Figure 1 shows the size 6 INTERFERENCES
distribution of particulate penetration in different
portions of the human respiratory tract and the 6.1 Passive Deposition
PM,O size distribution adopted by the international Passive deposition occurs when windblown dust
community. deposits on a filter both prior to and after sampling.
3.1.2 Inhalable Particles (1PM), are particles that can 6.2 Re-circulation
be breathed through the nose or mouth — or all particles
that enter the human respiratory tract. Re-circulation occurs when the blower exhaust, which
contains carbon and copper particles fi-omthe armature
3.1.3 Thoracic Size Distribution (TPM), includes and brushes, is entrained in the sample air. Positive
particles that travel past the Larynx and reach the gas biases of 0.15 pg/m3 have been measured, which are
exchange region of the Lungs. insignificant mass interference but which may affect
carbon and copper measurements. Re-circulation can
be minimized by assuring a tight seal between the
Air is drawn through a size-selective inlet and blower and the sampler housing or by ducting blower
through a 20.3 cm x 25.4 cm filter at an flow rate of exhaust away from the sampler. If the cyclone walls or
about 1 000 l/rein. Particles with aerodynamic diameter the cup below are not cleaned and have accumulated
less than the cut-point of the inlet are collected by the too much particulate some of these may get re-entrained
IS 5182 (Part 23) :2006
100 L I I I I I I Ill I I I I I I I I [1
1 2.5 4 10 20 50 100
and reach the filter paper causing erroneously high 6.5 Shipping Losses
PM,0 values to be reported. Particle loss during transport occurs when filters are
6.3 Filter Artifact Formation heavily loaded with large dry aerosols. It is more
prevalent on membrane than on glass fibre filters.
Sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, nitric acid and organic Particle loss is minimized by shorter sample duration
vapours can be absorbed on the filter medium along in heavily polluted environments, use of fibre as
with the suspended particles thereby causing positive opposed to membrane filters, folding the filter prior to
biases. Samples taken in the presence of high transport and careful shipping procedures.
SOZconcentrations have been shown to yield up to
10 ~g/m3 of excess sulphate on glass fibre filters. 7 APPARATUS
7.1 Sampler — The essential features of a typical
6.4 Filter Conditioning
cyclonic fractionating sampler for respirable particulate
Filter conditioning environments can result in different matter are those of a compact unit consisting of
mass measurements as a fimction of relative humidity protective housing, blower, voltage stabilizer, time
(RH). Hydroscopic particles take on substantial totalizer, rotameter and filter holder capable of
quantities of water as RH increase, especially above supporting a 20.3 cm x 25.4 cm glass fibre filter. A
the deliquescence point of approximately 70 percent typical schematic sampler is shown in Fig. 2.
RH. Increased mass deposits of 50 percent or more
7.2 Cyelonic Size SelectiveInlet for PMIOSampling
have been observed as RH increases to 100 percent.
Twenty four hours at a constant temperature and RH is 7.3 Volume Flow Controllers — For a PMIOSampler
considered adequate for sample equilibration. flow rate is maintained within 15 percent of the
IS 5182 (Part 23): 2006
. . . . . . . . .. .
I 1
lE&w.. .,,
designed flow rate (1 000 l/rein) for the cyclone 7.9 Psychrometer
separating device. An automatic flow controller with
7.10 Filter Media — A 20.3 cm x 25.4 cm glass fibre
flow sensing device and feedback should be provided
to constantly monitor the flow rate and compensate for
decrease in flow rate due to filter choking by dust load NOTE — Glass fibre filters meet requirements in most
or flow rate changes on account of voltage fluctuation. categories with the exception of artifact formation and blank
levels. Sampling efficiency is very high for all particle sizes.
A voltage stabilizer may be provided to compensate Blank levels for several elements of interest are high and
for voltage fluctuation. variable. Glass tibre filters may exhib]t organic carbon artifacts,
Appropriate filter media should be used in case filters are
NOTE — The flow rate decreases as-thefilter deposit increases.
subjected to chemical analysis.
Sampling should be stopped and the filter paper should be
replaced when the flow rate decreases to 850 litre/m in. 7.11 Filter Jacket — A smooth, hea-vy paper folder
or envelope is used to protect the filter between the lab
7.4 Analytical Balance — having a sensitivity
and field and during storage. Filter and sampling data
of 0,01 mg.
are often recorded on the outside of the jacket, but this
7.5 Elapsed Timer — accurate to + 1 min. should not be done while the filter is in the jacket to
prevent damage.
7.6 Flow Metering Device — accurate to +5 percent.
7.7 Equilibration Rack— The rack to separate filters 8 PROCEDURE
from one another so that the equilibration air can reach 8.1 Calibration of Sampler
all parts of the filter surface.
The sampler shall be periodically calibrated at least
NOTE — A photograph record rack serves this purpose well
once in six months or whenever a major repair/
7.8 Numbering Machine — An incrementing replacement of blower takes place, by using top loading
numbering machine that prints 4 to 8 digit ID numbers. calibrator traceable to national standard.
IS 5182 (Part 23) :2006
IS 5182 (Part 23) :2006
Organization Representative(s)
IS 5182 (Part 23): 2006
Organizufkwr Representative(s)
Member Secretary
Director (CHD), BIS
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed, if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS CataIogue’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. CHD 32 (1217).