1horenstein H Black and White Photography A Basic Manual
1horenstein H Black and White Photography A Basic Manual
1horenstein H Black and White Photography A Basic Manual
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in 2013
Second Edition, Revised
by Henry Horenstein
Drawings by Carol Keller
Second Edition
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Horenstein, Henry.
Black and white p h o t o g r a p h y .
Includes index.
1. P h o t o g r a p h y . 1. T i t l e .
TR146.H793 1SS3 770\28 82-24967
I S B N 0-316-37313-3
I S B N 0-316-37314-1 ( p k b . I
H C : 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
I ' B 3 0 2 9 2 8 27 2 6
Printed in the United States of America
This book is for Lew.
I m a g e F o c u s / Q u a n t i t y of L i g h t / T h e I m a g e A r e a / D e p t h of
C o n t r o l l i n g T i m e / C o n t r o l l i n g M o v e m e n t / T y p e s of S h u t t e r s
The Print: Reversing t h e Photographic film and p a p e r react to light in much the same way.
W h e r e a s film has a light-sensitive silver-halide and gelatin emulsion
Negative on a clear plastic base, photographic p a p e r has a light-sensitive emul-
sion on a white p a p e r base. T h e emulsions a r e similar, but not exactly
the same. W i t h p a p e r as with film, e x p o s u r e to light causes an invisible
clumping (or binding) of silver crystals, which d a r k e n when chemically
developed. T h e g r e a t e r the exposure, t h e g r e a t e r t h e binding, and
the d a r k e r t h e p a p e r becomes when processed. Unexposed or lightly
exposed a r e a s of printing p a p e r remain w h i t e or light. T h e chemical
process r e m o v e s the unexposed (thus t h e unbound) silver-halide crys-
Photographic p r i n t s a r e m a d e by exposing p a p e r to light projected
through a negative. The amount of light t h a t reaches t h e p a p e r varies
with several factors, including the density of the negative. Dense
n e g a t i v e s will block more light t h a n thin n e g a t i v e s , and r e q u i r e a
longer p r i n t exposure.
More important, all n e g a t i v e s have a r a n g e of densities. Thin
(shadow) a r e a s of a negative allow more light to reach the p a p e r t h a n
dense (highlight) areas. Since those a r e a s of the p a p e r receiving most
light p r i n t dark, and vice versa, t h e negative image is r e v e r s e d in t h e
developed print. Thin a r e a s of a negative are r e n d e r e d as d a r k a r e a s
in the print; dense a r e a s are r e n d e r e d as light areas. T h e r e f o r e , the
p r i n t reproduces t h e original subject, r e n d e r i n g a positive image.
Most prints are made with t h e use of an enlarger, an i n s t r u m e n t
that projects light through a negative and a lens on t h e e n l a r g e r t h a t
focuses t h e image onto photographic paper. In some ways, the enlar-
g e r is to t h e printing process what the camera is to t h e negative-
making process.
E x p o s u r e of p a p e r to light can be controlled by several factors, but
as with film exposure, the quantity of light reaching t h e p a p e r and
the duration of time for which t h a t light strikes t h e p a p e r a r e the two
critical factors. E n l a r g i n g lenses, like camera lenses, have a p e r t u r e s
that can be a d j u s t e d to allow more or less light through to expose the
paper. The duration of time for which t h e light strikes t h e p a p e r can
be controlled by t u r n i n g the e n l a r g e r light on and off, leaving the
light on for a longer or s h o r t e r period of time, much as adjustable
s h u t t e r speeds on c a m e r a s control the length of time film is exposed.
• It s t o r e s film.
• It a d v a n c e s film to allow d i f f e r e n t e x p o s u r e s .
• It provides a s y s t e m of viewing and focusing t h e subject.
• It contains a lens (sometimes removable) t h r o u g h which light
exposes t h e film, a s h u t t e r t h a t controls t h e length of time
of t h a t e x p o s u r e , and o f t e n a light m e t e r to aid in d e t e r m i n i n g
the correct e x p o s u r e for each light condition.
A 35-millimeter negative.
35-millimeter packaged in a metal
A roll-film negative.
Size 120 roll film wrapped in a paper
A sheet-film negative.
Size 4" x 5" sheet-film holder.
is confusing; m o s t film is packaged in rolls, but this t y p e is p r o t e c t e d
by a p a p e r backing, s o m e w h a t longer t h a n t h e film, which is w r a p p e d
along with t h e film a r o u n d a spool.
The film format with roll films d e p e n d s on t h e p a r t i c u l a r camera
used. A s q u a r e n e g a t i v e m e a s u r i n g 2'/i" x 2'A" is most common,
but several o t h e r f o r m a t s a r e also available, such as 2 l /j" x 1%",
2Vi" x 2%", and 2Va" x 3 W . Size 120 roll film p r o d u c e s 12 exposures
with a 2V.\" x 2'/«" camera, 8 e x p o s u r e s with a 2'/«" x 3'/i" c a m e r a , and
10 exposures with a 2 W x 2:{/i" c a m e r a . Size 220 is considered a
professional film; it is double t h e size of 120, so produces twice as
many negatives. Some roll-film c a m e r a s accept odd-size films, such as
127 and 620, but t h e s e a r e less common.
C a m e r a s using roll film a r e often called medium-format cameras.
Sheet-film cameras a r e used only by serious a m a t e u r and profes-
sional p h o t o g r a p h e r s . Sheet films provide 1 e x p o s u r e p e r s h e e t , and
for use m u s t be preloaded into special film holders t h a t fit into t h e
back of the camera. Common sheet-film f o r m a t s are: 4" x 5" and
8" x 10", though o t h e r sizes a r e available, such as ZVa" X 4Vi" and
5" x 7".
C a m e r a s using 4" x 5" or larger films are r e f e r r e d to as large-
format cameras.
Instamatic, snapshot, sub-miniature, and instant cameras vary
widely as to t y p e s , models, and sizes. S o m e t a k e film packed in rolls;
o t h e r s t a k e film packaged in cassettes. Film sizes include 110, 126,
127, and 16 millimeter. I n s t a n t c a m e r a s produce small p r i n t s directly
without a usable n e g a t i v e (though Polaroid makes a black-and-white
m a t e r i a l that produces both an instant n e g a t i v e and positive). While
most of t h e s e c a m e r a s a r e useful (and some a r e complex and expen-
sive). many lack important f e a t u r e s such as a c c u r a t e e x p o s u r e and
fine focusing control.
Viewing a n d Focusing All but the simplest camera bodies include both a viewing and focusing
system. A viewing system provides the m e a n s of seeing how the
the Subject photograph will be f r a m e d ; in o t h e r words, w h a t t h e film will record.
A focusing s y s t e m provides a method of c r e a t i n g a s h a r p image on
t h e film.
C a m e r a s a r e classified according to their viewing and focusing sys-
tems. F o r example, a single-lens reflex c a m e r a is one that has a single-
lens reflex viewing and focusing s y s t e m . H e r e is a list of common
s y s t e m s , followed by explanations of how each works:
s i n g l e - l e n s reflex
t w i n - l e n s rellex
view a n d p r e s s
Through-thc-lens viewing and focus- the lens records. (Actually, many S L R viewers "cut o f f " a v e r y small
ing. Light reflects off the subject, p a r t of the image on its edges.)
through the lens, off a mirror, and Since t h e film is loaded directly behind t h e lens, a complex mecha-
upward to a ground glass. The im- nism is required to bypass t h e film, and allow through-the-lens view-
age is focused on the ground glass ing. A f t e r all, it is impossible to look through t h e film.
by turning the lens. It is viewed by
looking through an eye-level viewer This "bypass," or reflex, mechanism uses a m i r r o r and a prism to
to a prism that reflects the image redirect light. A mirror at an angle to the film is positioned in front
from the ground glass. of the film and behind the lens. Light coming in through the lens
m e e t s this mirror, and is reflected upward onto a ground-glass surface.
In a f e w SLR models, the photographer looks down on the ground
glass to view and focus the image. In most, an eye-level viewer,
containing a prism, is located over the ground glass. The prism has
several mirrored surfaces that reflect light f r o m t h e ground glass
through a viewer, so t h e p h o t o g r a p h e r sees the ground-glass image
at eye level. E i t h e r way, with a single-lens reflex camera, t h e pho-
tographer sees exactly what the lens sees!
The mirror in back of the lens p r e v e n t s light f r o m reaching t h e film.
(The s h u t t e r also blocks light, but m o r e on s h u t t e r s in c h a p t e r 4.) It
has a hingelike mechanism, and when the picture is taken, t h e m i r r o r
swings upward and allows t h e film to be exposed. It snaps back into
place immediately a f t e r the exposure.
It is the n a t u r e of all lenses to turn images upside down. In t h e
S L R , the m i r r o r and prism placements t u r n t h e image right-side up
again for easier viewing.
Focusing a single-lens reflex camera is simple. The ground glass is
located at the same distance from the lens as t h e film is from the lens.
If the image a p p e a r s s h a r p on the ground glass, it will also appear
Rangefindcr camera
rotating1 prism
Viewing and focusing through a s h a r p on t h e film. As the lens is t u r n e d for focusing, t h e image on t h e
viewfinder. Light reflects off the ground glass (and t h e film) becomes e i t h e r s h a r p e r or less sharp.
subject and enters the camera T h e means for j u d g i n g t h e focus of t h e image varies with t h e t y p e
through both the viewer (on the top of ground glass used. Several t y p e s a r e available. With some, out-of-
left) and the piece of glass (on the focus images appear as b l u r r y or fuzzy and in-focus images a p p e a r
top right). A prism located behind s h a r p with clearly delineated lines, much as one's eyesight might go
the glass rotates on a pivot as the
in and out of focus. O t h e r t y p e s of ground glass use a screen p a t t e r n ,
lens is turned to focus the image.
w h e r e u n s h a r p images a r e r e n d e r e d as tiny clots that reduce in size
The image from this prism reflects
and disappear as the image is focused. A popular t y p e of ground glass
to a mirror positioned behind, and
employs a split-image screen, w h e r e a line in the middle of t h e viewer
then through the viewer. So, there
divides the image (or p a r t of t h e image) in half. W h e n it is out of
are two superimposed images — one
focus, part of the subject a p p e a r s to be split in two; w h e n it is in
reflecting through the viewer and
the other from the prism on the focus, the t w o halves line up. Many m o d e r n c a m e r a s h a v e a ground
right. When the two images come glass t h a t combines t w o or t h r e e of t h e s e types.
together, as the lens (and mirror) In r e c e n t y e a r s , t h e single-lens reflex camera has become e x t r e m e l y
are turned, the image is in focus.
popular. It is versatile, easy to use, and accurate. Most b u t not all
single-lens reflex c a m e r a s use 35-millimeter film.
Rangejinder cameras do not h a v e through-the-lens viewing and
focusing. A glass v i e w e r is located on the top of t h e c a m e r a , to t h e
left of the lens. With most rangefinders, this v i e w e r is parallax cor-
rected: t h a t is, it is aligned with the lens by the m a n u f a c t u r e r to
eliminate the difference b e t w e e n what t h e v i e w e r sees and t h e lens
records. (Despite this correction, some r a n g e f i n d e r c a m e r a s do have
parallax problems, especially when focused at close distances.) A rec-
tangle within the v i e w e r indicates the subject t h a t t h e lens records.
Twin-lens reflex (TLR) cameras
ground glass
v i e w i n g lens
t a k i n g lens
Viewing and focusing through the The t e r m rangefinder r e f e r s to the focusing s y s t e m . A piece of glass
top lens. Light reflects through the is located above the lens, to the right of the viewer. A prism is
viewing lens (on top) to a mirror positioned behind this glass, and is coupled with t h e lens so t h a t it
and up onto a ground glass for view- rotates on a pivot as the lens is turned to focus t h e image. Light
ing and focusing. The image is ex- reflecting off the s u b j e c t reaches the prism, and is reflected by it to
posed onto film by the taking lens the left, toward the viewer. A fixed mirror, located within t h e viewer,
(on the bottom). reflects the image from the prism back through t h e viewer, so t h a t
the image off the prism is superimposed onto the image seen through
the viewer.
As the lens is focused, t h e prism pivots and the two images come
together. A double image indicates an out-of-focus subject; a single
image indicates a focused subject. Usually t h e double images a r e not
seen in t h e entire viewer, but only in a small area located at t h e c e n t e r
of the viewer.
In recent years, r a n g e f i n d e r cameras have become less popular.
However, t h e y a r e accurate, reliable, and, often, m o r e reasonably
priced than single-lens reflex cameras of comparable quality. Most
rangefinder c a m e r a s use 85-millimeter film.
View camera
Viewing and focusing directly Twin-lens reflex (TLR) c a m e r a s h a v e two lenses, one placed over
through the lens. Light reflects the other. On top is a viewing lens, through which t h e image is viewed;
through the lens directly on a on t h e bottom is a talcing lens, t h r o u g h which film is exposed to light.
ground glass. The image is focused Most T L R s a r e parallax c o r r e c t e d , so t h e viewing lens sees what the
by expanding or contracting the bel- taking lens records.
lows that is positioned between the
A m i r r o r is located behind t h e viewing lens at an angle to t h e film,
lens and film.
and reflects light t r a v e l i n g t h r o u g h this lens up onto a ground glass
for viewing and focusing t h e image. T h e film is located behind the
taking lens and a t t h e s a m e distance f r o m this lens as the viewing
lens is from t h e ground glass. T h e lenses a r e mounted t o g e t h e r , so
t h a t as t h e c a m e r a is focused (usually with a knob on t h e side of the
camera body), t h e y move simultaneously. W h e n t h e image f r o m t h e
viewing lens is r e n d e r e d s h a r p on t h e g r o u n d glass, t h e image f r o m
the taking lens will be r e n d e r e d s h a r p on t h e film.
A focusing hood fits around t h e g r o u n d glass of most T L R s to block
e x t r a n e o u s light and help make t h e viewing screen b r i g h t e r . A spring-
mounted magnifier is sometimes built into t h e hood for critical
A disconcerting fact about t h e T L R viewing and focusing s y s t e m is
t h a t t h e p h o t o g r a p h e r looks down on the g r o u n d glass at a r e v e r s e d
image. T h e left side of t h e subject a p p e a r s to be on t h e right, and
vice v e r s a . Sophisticated T L R s o f f e r an accessory p r i s m t h a t fits on
top of t h e ground glass, and allows eye-level viewing t h a t corrects
this r e v e r s e d image.
Twin-lens reflex c a m e r a s use 120 or 220 roll film, and generally
p r o d u c e a 2 , /i" x 2'A" n e g a t i v e .
View can/eyas h a v e t h r o u g h - t h e - l e n s v i e w i n g and f o c u s i n g (some-
what like a n S L R but w i t h o u t m i r r o r s ) , and use s h e e t film. T h e i m a g e
is viewed on a g r o u n d g l a s s located d i r e c t l y behind t h e lens. T h e lens
is m o u n t e d on a lens board, which is a t t a c h e d t o t h e c a m e r a back by
a bellows — a light-tight, collapsible cloth or c a r d b o a r d t u b e . A g r o u n d
glass is mounted on t h e c a m e r a back. A s t h e bellows is c o n t r a c t e d or
e x p a n d e d , t h e lens m o v e s t o w a r d or a w a y f r o m t h e g r o u n d glass, t h u s
focusing or blurring t h e image. W h e n t h e i m a g e h a s b e e n v i e w e d and
focused, t h e c a m e r a back is opened and a sheet-film h o l d e r slid into
place behind t h e lens t o m a k e a single e x p o s u r e .
View c a m e r a s mostly use l a r g e - f o r m a t film. T h e most common for-
mat is 4" x 5", t h o u g h several o t h e r sizes a r e available. A n accessory
roll-film back is available for some v i e w c a m e r a s t o a d a p t t h e c a m e r a
for use of size 120 or 220 film.
View c a m e r a s h a v e d i r e c t t h r o u g h - t h e - l e n s v i e w i n g since t h e film
is not placed behind t h e lens until it is r e a d y t o b e e x p o s e d . Since
view c a m e r a s do not u s e m i r r o r s , t h e i m a g e will a p p e a r upside down
on t h e g r o u n d glass. A focusing hood or cloth m u s t be fitted a r o u n d
t h e g r o u n d glass t o block e x t r a n e o u s light, which would m a k e t h e
image on t h e glass pale and difficult to focus.
View c a m e r a s p r o v i d e m a n y a d v a n t a g e s . L a r g e - f o r m a t n e g a t i v e s
p r o d u c e p r i n t s t h a t a r e s h a r p , with much detail and little grain ( m o r e
on g r a i n later). Also, in a view c a m e r a , t h e relationship b e t w e e n t h e
lens and film can be a d j u s t e d f o r s e v e r a l useful p u r p o s e s , such as to
i n c r e a s e t h e a m o u n t of s u b j e c t focus and s t r a i g h t e n o u t c o n v e r g i n g
lines w h e n p h o t o g r a p h i n g up at a tall building. F u r t h e r m o r e , view
c a m e r a s can accept a wide v a r i e t y of accessories, lenses, and film
A m a j o r d r a w b a c k of t h e view c a m e r a is i t s bulk. I t is l a r g e and
c u m b e r s o m e , and n e e d s a t r i p o d t o hold it, t h u s m a k i n g f a s t or candid
p h o t o g r a p h y impractical.
Press cameras a r e p o r t a b l e view c a m e r a s . T h e y contain a r a n g e -
finder-type focusing s y s t e m for quick use, and can also be used on a
tripod for v i e w i n g and focusing on a g r o u n d glass.
Camera lens
largest focusing ring
serial n u m b e r
focal l e n g t h
The lens is located on the front of Head-on view of a camera lens and Top view of a camera lens.
the camera body with the film posi- its markings.
tioned directly behind it.
QlJOntity Of Light Light must pass t h r o u g h the lens opening or aperture to reach the
film. The a p e r t u r e is adjustable on all but the simplest lenses. It can
be opened wide to allow m o r e light in, or closed down to k e e p out
The a p e r t u r e size is critical to good film exposure. In general, when
photographing in low light, a large a p e r t u r e is required to allow
enough light to reach t h e film; when photographing in bright light, a
smaller a p e r t u r e is needed to reduce the amount of light reaching the
F-stop is a m e a s u r e m e n t of the size of t h e lens opening. Most all
camera lenses offer a variety of f-stop settings. T h e s e a r e common
f 1.4
f 2
f 2.8
f 4
f 5.6
f 8
f 11
f Hi
f 22
f 22 f 16 r 11 f8 f 5.6 f4 f 2.8 f2 f 1.4
Jhe I m a g e Area l e n s controls the image area, or t h e angle of view t h a t the lens
"sees" and "records." This image area is determined by the focal
length of the lens used. Focal length is a m e a s u r e m e n t of t h e lens
size. The longer the focal length of the lens, t h e n a r r o w e r t h e angle
of view; the shorter the focal length of the lens, t h e w i d e r t h e angle
of view. Focal length is usually measured in millimeters. A 28-milli-
m e t e r lens is s h o r t e r and provides a wider angle of view t h a n a 135-
millimeter lens.
The m e a s u r e m e n t of a lens for focal lengt h is not based on the actual
size of the lens p e r se. but is the distance b e t w e e n t h e film plane of
Image area
wide a n g l e
The angle of view that the lens "sees" and "records" varies with the focal
length of the lens. The shorter the lens, the wider the angle of view; the
longer the lens, the narrower the angle of view.
A normal lens with a 35-millimeter A short (or wide-angle) lens has a A long (or telephoto) lens has a nar-
camera has an angle of view of ap- broader angle of view. Pictured rower angle of view. Pictured here,
proximately 46c. here, a 28-millimeter lens on a 35- a 135-millimeter lens on a 35-
millimeter camera has a 75° angle of millimeter camera has an 18° angle
view. of view.
j — U
depth of Held
Focal length: the longer the focal
length of the lens, the smaller the
depth of field.
I h
i> 8 12" _ 2'
50 mm 35 mm
d e p t h of field
Selective focus
Subject focused close to the camera, 3 feet away Same subject focused farther from the camera, 20 feet
away, has greater depth of field.
Subject taken with a telephoto lens, a focal length of Same subject taken with a wide-angle lens, 24 milli
200 millimeters. meters, has greater depth of field.
Depth of field varies with In some situations, it is important to know exactly w h a t t h e depth
of field will be before taking t h e picture. H e r e a r e t h r e e m e t h o d s of
A. Lens opening previsualizing depth of field: using the p r e v i e w s e t t i n g on t h e c a m e r a ,
The smaller the aperture, the reading the depth-of-field scale on the lens, and focusing in zones.
greater the depth of field.
Previeiv setting. Depth of field can be previsualized easily w h e n
B. Distance using cameras with through-the-lens viewing and focusing s y s t e m s ,
The farther the focusing distance, such as single-lens reflex and view c a m e r a s . When the a p e r t u r e is
the greater the depth of field. opened (set at t h e lower numbered f-stops), t h e depth of field visibly
decreases; when it is closed (set at the higher numbered f-stops), the
C. Focal length d e p t h of field visibly increases.
The longer the focal length of the W i t h S L R s fitted with automatic lenses, the a p e r t u r e r e m a i n s wide
lens, the smaller the depth of field.
open until the s h u t t e r button is pressed. T h e r e f o r e , the depth of field
usually a p p e a r s minimal, since it r e p r e s e n t s the image s h a r p n e s s at
the widest opening of t h e lens regardless of the p r e s e t f-stop. To
compensate for this, most S L R s have a previeiv setting (or manual
switch) to allow previsualizing d e p t h of field at any f-stop.
The preview setting is usually located on t h e camera body n e x t to
the lens or on the barrel of the lens. W h e n t h e s e t t i n g is activated,
the a p e r t u r e closes down to its p r e s e t f-stop for viewing what the
depth of field will be at t h a t a p e r t u r e . F o r example, an f 2 lens set at
f 11 will generally show a minimal depth of field — what it would be
at f 2. When the preview setting is switched on, t h e lens will close
down to f 11 for previsualizing the depth of field a t what it would be
with t h e lens set at f 11.
U n d e r dim lighting conditions, especially at small f-stops, t h e d e p t h
of field may be difficult to judge because the viewfinder will be d a r k .
A f t e r using the preview setting, turn it off, refocus t h e subject if
necessary, and take the picture.
Depth-of-field scale. A distance and depth-of-field scale located on
t h e lens indicates in feet and m e t e r s how much of t h e image will be
in focus a t each f-stop setting.
The distance scale, usually located on the lens, t u r n s as t h e image
is focused and indicates how far away the focused subject is from t h e
camera. That distance is indicated b y a m a r k e r located on t h e lens
opposite the distance scale. If the focused subject is 10 feet away,
"10" on the distance scale will line up with the m a r k e r .
Surrounding the distance m a r k e r on both sides is t h e depth-of-field
scale; it incorporates the s t a n d a r d f-stop designations and reads:
16' 8' 4' A 1' 8' 16'
To discover the d e p t h of field a t any focusing distance, when t h e lens
is set at any f-stop, match up the focus-distance m e a s u r e m e n t with
the m a r k e r and look at e i t h e r side of the m a r k e r for t h e p a r a m e t e r s
of t h e d e p t h of field at each f-stop. The distance figures opposite t h e
two f-stop designations indicate t h e f r o n t and r e a r distances f r o m the
film t h a t will be in focus at t h a t f-stop.
F o r example, a focused subject 10 f e e t a w a y will r e g i s t e r on t h e
distance scale opposite t h e m a r k e r a t 10 f e e t . To discover t h e d e p t h
of field when set a t f 8 at t h a t distance, look at the distance scale
opposite "8" on both sides of the m a r k e r . On one side, it indicates 8
feet, and on t h e o t h e r side 14 feet. So t h e d e p t h of field at f 8, w h e n
focused at 10 feet, r a n g e s from 8 to 14 feet a w a y from t h e camera.
At smaller f-stops, such as f 11 or f Hi, t h e d e p t h of field increases;
at larger f-stops, such as f 5.6 and f 4, it decreases.
T h e distance scale can be used to g u a r a n t e e an a d e q u a t e d e p t h of
field when s h a r p focus is critical. F i r s t , d e t e r m i n e the distance from
t h e camera of t h e closest and f a r t h e s t p o i n t s in t h e subject t h a t r e q u i r e
s h a r p n e s s b y focusing on each point and r e a d i n g t h e distance scale on
t h e lens. Say t h a t t h e closest point n e e d i n g s h a r p focus is 5 feet away
f r o m t h e camera, and the f a r t h e s t point is 11 feet a w a y . Set t h e focus
on t h e lens at 7 feet — a mid-point according to the l-to-2 r a t i o (2
feet in f r o n t and 4 f e e t in back of the focus point). Check t h e depth-
of-field scale on the lens to see what f-stop is needed to provide a
d e p t h of field f r o m 5 to 11 feet. If 1' 11 is needed, use f 11 or a smaller
a p e r t u r e , such as f 16 or f 22.
Depth-of-field scale
The moving subject is sharp and the moves d u r i n g e x p o s u r e , t h e e n t i r e image will not b e r e n d e r e d as
background is blurred due to camera s h a r p . Too slow a s h u t t e r speed is a common cause of blurring f r o m
movement in the direction of the ac- c a m e r a m o v e m e n t . Single-lens reflex c a m e r a s a r e particularly prone
tion during the exposure. to accidental movement since t h e y a r e relatively h e a v y and contain
m i r r o r s t h a t can cause vibration as t h e y flip u p and down.
To minimize blurring, hold t h e camera as still as possible, and t r y
to shoot at a s h u t t e r s p e e d of 1 60 or f a s t e r . E a c h person's ability to
hold a camera s t e a d y varies, but the f a s t e r t h e s h u t t e r speed, t h e less
the image blur — for everyone!
W h e n a s h u t t e r speed slower t h a n 1 60 is indicated, use a tripod to
s t e a d y the camera. If a tripod is unavailable, try bracing t h e camera
against a t r e e or on a table. A b e a n b a g placed b e t w e e n t h e c a m e r a
and its brace will help cushion m o v e m e n t .
T y p e s Of Shutters The t w o common s h u t t e r t y p e s are:
leaf s h u t t e r
focal-plane s h u t t e r
Leaf shutter. Located in the r e a r of the lens, a leaf s h u t t e r consists
of several overlapping metal "leaves" t h a t open and close in a circular
p a t t e r n . Leaf s h u t t e r s a r e mostly used with rangefinder, twin-lens
reflex, and view cameras.
Focal-plane shutter. Located in t h e camera body, a focal-plane
s h u t t e r is a curtain positioned behind the lens and immediately in
front of the film. When opened, the curtain moves in a horizontal or
vertical direction, exposing film one section a t a time in rapid succes-
Focal-plane s h u t t e r s a r e ideal for cameras with interchangeable
lenses, particularly S L R s . Since the camera body incorporates the
s h u t t e r , there is no need for s e p a r a t e s h u t t e r s in each accessory lens.
Focal-plane s h u t t e r s allow f a s t e r speeds t h a n most leaf s h u t t e r s ,
with 1/1000 or 1/2000 as a common maximum speed. However, they
are somewhat more noisy and prone to vibration t h a n leaf s h u t t e r s .
F u r t h e r m o r e , focal-plane s h u t t e r s are less flexible t h a n leaf s h u t t e r s
when using flash. (See chapter 10 for more details on setting s h u t t e r
speed when using flash.)
Leaf shutter
Located in the rear of the camera
Consists of overlapping metal
"leaves" that open and close in a cir-
cular pattern.
Foe a I-plane shutter
Located in the camera body behind
the lens and just in front of the film.
Consists of a curtain that opens in a
horizontal or vertical direction, ex-
posing sections of film in rapid
C o n t r o l l i n g Exposure A well-exposed negative has good overall density. Both highlight and
shadow a r e a s must retain some detail. The highlight a r e a s must be
d a r k but not too dense; and t h e shadow a r e a s must be light but not
too thin. To this end, t h e correct amount of light must reach and
expose the film. Too much light will cause too g r e a t a silver buildup
on t h e film, thus a dense negative; too little light will cause a thin
negative, lacking silver buildup. (Of course, film e x p o s u r e c r e a t e s a
latent image only; the film must b e developed chemically b e f o r e t h a t
image is visible.)
T h r e e variables control film exposure:
lens o p e n i n g
s h u t t e r speed
film speed
A print made from a section of a 400 ASA negative: A print made from a section of a 32 ASA negative has
note the coarse grain. finer grain.
film), t h e f-stop must b e closed down (to let less light s t r i k e t h e film)
to make an equivalent exposure. T h e following combinations of f-stop
and s h u t t e r speed will produce t h e exact same film e x p o s u r e :
f IB a t 1/30
f 11 at 1/60
f 8 a t 1/125
f 5.6 a t 1/250
f 4 a t 1/500
open use this and change
indicated aperture shutter development
shutter speed by speed time as follows
T h r o u g h - t h e - l e n s light m e t e r types
(as seen through the viewer)
Matching-needle. The two needles
move as the f-stop and shutter
speed are changed. They come to-
gether (or "match") when the cor-
rect exposure combination is
Electronic diodes. A readout of the
chosen f-stop and shutter speed as
they appear through the viewfinder. S o m e c a m e r a s use electronic diodes i n s t e a d of needles. One s y s t e m
has t h r e e diodes positioned vertically on t h e edge of t h e viewfinder.
T h e c e n t e r diode lights up w h e n t h e correct f - s t o p and s h u t t e r speed
a r e chosen. T h e t o p and bottom diodes indicate u n d e r - or overexpo-
Digital r e a d o u t s in t h e viewfinder a r e u s e d in m a n y m o d e r n cam-
e r a s . S o m e t i m e s t h e readout simply displays t h e f-stop and s h u t t e r
s p e e d chosen, and s o m e t i m e s additional information, possibly related
to a coupled flash a t t a c h m e n t , is provided.
It is easy to get carried a w a y with o r confused by c a m e r a technol-
ogy. T h e wide variety of t h r o u g h - t h e - l e n s m e t e r i n g s y s t e m s s e e m s
endless a n d is e v e r changing. Most all s y s t e m s work well. S o m e
p h o t o g r a p h e r s find electronic r e a d o u t s in t h e viewfinder a s e r i o u s
distraction; o t h e r s like t h e clarity t h e y provide. M a k e choices a f t e r
t r y i n g out d i f f e r e n t c a m e r a s . C a m e r a s t o r e s a r e t h e b e s t sources of
t h e latest information on t h e variety of f e a t u r e s of t h e c u r r e n t models.
Hand-held meters. T h e s e m e t e r s a r e s e p a r a t e f r o m a n d work in-
d e p e n d e n t l y of t h e camera. (Some c a m e r a s have light m e t e r s a t t a c h e d
to t h e body t h a t function like hand-held models; t h e s e a t t a c h e d m e t e r s
do not r e a d light t h r o u g h t h e lens.)
To u s e a hand-held m e t e r , first set t h e A S A of t h e film b e i n g used,
then point t h e m e t e r at t h e subject. T h e m e t e r r e a d s light reflecting
back f r o m t h e s u b j e c t , and t r a n s l a t e s t h a t r e a d i n g into one or m o r e
f-stop and s h u t t e r - s p e e d combinations.
T h e r e a r e s e v e r a l t y p e s of hand-held light m e t e r s . Some u s e a
needle to indicate exposure, while o t h e r s use a digital r e a d o u t . H e r e
is how a typical hand-held m e t e r w o r k s :
A needle on t h e m e t e r indicates how much light reflects back f r o m
t h e s u b j e c t . T h e needle points t o a light-intensity scale. One end of
t h e scale r e p r e s e n t s a maximum amount of light, while t h e o t h e r end
r e p r e s e n t s the absence of light.
With many hand-held m e t e r s , t h e light-intensity scale is r a t e d nu-
merically. T h e s e r a t i n g s v a r y depending on t h e m e t e r used. The low
n u m b e r s r e p r e s e n t little light; the high n u m b e r s r e p r e s e n t a lot of
light. The needle responds to light f r o m t h e s u b j e c t , and indicates a
numerical value on the light-intensity scale. This value can be matched
up to a dial with f-stop and s h u t t e r - s p e e d combinations located else-
w h e r e on t h e m e t e r . A m a r k e r on t h e dial can t h e n be m a t c h e d up to
t h e light value and several f-stop and s h u t t e r - s p e e d combinations will
be indicated.
Some hand-held m e t e r s do not use light values. I n s t e a d , the needle
points directly to possible f-stop aAd s h u t t e r - s p e e d combinations.
O t h e r t y p e s of hand-held m e t e r s use c h a r t s of f-stops and s h u t t e r
s p e e d s r a t h e r t h a n dials.
Digital hand-held m e t e r s h a v e no needle. W h e n pointed at t h e
s u b j e c t , t h e y provide a direct readout of a r e c o m m e n d e d f-stop and
s h u t t e r speed o r a light value.
Hand-hold light m e t e r
film-speed setting
Reflected light Light m e t e r s r e a d e i t h e r reflected or incident light. Some read j u s t
reflected light; others r e a d j u s t incident light; many r e a d both. Re-
flected and incident m e t e r s will produce t h e same e x p o s u r e informa-
tion when correctly used. T h e y vary in how t h e y d e t e r m i n e that
Reflected light is t h e light t h a t reflects off the subject and bounces
back to t h e m e t e r . To read reflected light, t h e m e t e r is pointed directly
at the subject. Most light m e t e r s read reflected light.
Incident light is the light that falls onto the subject. M e t e r s t h a t
read incident light h a v e a diffuser attached over their light-sensitive
cell. T h e m e t e r is brought to the subject, and pointed back t o w a r d
T h e light t h a t r e f l e c t s off t h e s u b -
the camera position for a reading.
j e c t . T o t a k e a r e f l e c t e d light r e a d -
ing, p o i n t t h e m e t e r a t t h e s u b j e c t . Some m e t e r s a r e averaging meters and some a r e spot meters. The
difference is the angle of light each reads. An a v e r a g i n g m e t e r r e a d s
a large angle of light, p e r h a p s 30° to 50°, while a spot m e t e r r e a d s a
much n a r r o w e r angle, p e r h a p s 1° to 10°. A few m e t e r s offer a choice
of either a spot or an a v e r a g e reading.
Some models, called center-weighted meters, combine an a v e r a g e
and a spot reading. T h e s e m e t e r s read light through the lens, and
assume t h a t the subject area shown in the c e n t e r of t h e v i e w e r is of
Incident light
more importance for the purpose of determining e x p o s u r e than the
area on the edges of the viewer. T h e light from the c e n t e r is t h u s
camera "weighed" more heavily t h a n t h e light f r o m t h e edges when t h e m e t e r
calculates t h e recommended exposure.
Actually, the t e r m s "average" and "spot" are a bit deceptive. Both
m e t e r t y p e s "average" light; t h a t is, t h e y record all t h e light values,
d a r k and light, in the subject, and a v e r a g e t h e m to arrive at a rec-
ommended exposure. A spot m e t e r simply averages light off a smaller
section of the subject than an a v e r a g i n g m e t e r . Some p h o t o g r a p h e r s
p r e f e r a spot-meter reading to g u a r a n t e e correct e x p o s u r e for specific
T h e light t h a t falls o n t o t h e s u b j e c t . p a r t s of the subject. F o r example, if the main subject is a t r e e in t h e
To t a k e an incident-light reading, middle of the forest, a spot m e t e r is ideal to g u a r a n t e e an accurate
point t h e m e t e r b a c k t o w a r d t h e reading of t h e light reflecting off t h a t t r e e , r e g a r d l e s s of the light
camera position.
reflecting from the r e s t of t h e forest.
T h a t is, m e t e r s a v e r a g e w h a t e v e r light t h e y r e a d , w h e t h e r f r o m a
dark, light, or g r a y s u b j e c t . The a v e r a g e r e p r e s e n t s t h e g r a y , that
is, halfway b e t w e e n black and white.
This a v e r a g e r e a d i n g usually w o r k s well enough, since most sub-
j e c t s h a v e approximately equal a m o u n t s of d a r k and light areas. How-
ever 1 , when t h e subject is primarily either d a r k or light, t h e m e t e r
r e a d i n g will be inaccurate. M e t e r s do not discriminate a m o n g different
subject m a t t e r . They a r e calibrated only to a v e r a g e the light. T h e r e -
fore, the photographer must do the discriminating.
F o r example, a m e t e r pointed at a d a r k (or shadow) area of the
subject will read on the low end of the light scale. Since d a r k a r e a s
absorb light, the m e t e r will indicate t h a t little light is reflecting back
from t h e subject. It will recommend an f-stop and s h u t t e r - s p e e d com-
bination that allows a lot of light to reach the lilm to compensate for
this relative absence of light. L e t ' s say t h e subject is a woman with
dark hair. If the m e t e r is pointed only a t t h e hair, it might give a
reading of f 4 a t 1/60.
If, instead, the m e t e r is pointed at a light (or highlight) area of t h e
same subject, it will read on the high end of t h e light scale, and
indicate much more light reflecting back. Light a r e a s reflect light.
Therefore, the m e t e r would provide an f-stop and s h u t t e r - s p e e d com-
bination geared to compensate by allowing less light to reach the film.
A reading made off t h e woman's white s w e a t e r might be f 16 a t 1/60.
A m e t e r reading made off t h e same woman's middle-gray skirt
would provide still a n o t h e r reading. Her gray skirt will reflect less
light back to the film than h e r white s w e a t e r and more light back than
her d a r k hair. Say this reading is f 8 at 1/60.
So. t h r e e entirely different readings are given for t h e same subject,
depending on w h e r e the m e t e r is pointed. Both the readings from t h e
dark and light a r e a s would produce inaccurate exposures. Why? Be-
cause m e t e r s read for middle g r a y . Most subjects combine enough
light and dark a r e a s to simulate t h a t g r a y . H o w e v e r , when light
readings are made largely from either d a r k or light a r e a s , the result-
ing exposure will be inaccurate.
T h e first n e g a t i v e w a s m a d e w i t h a n
exposure t a k e n directly from the
m e t e r ' s recommendation — f 8 at
1/125. T h e s e c o n d n e g a t i v e w a s
t a k e n with an exposure the equiva-
lent of o n e f - s t o p m o r e — 1*5.(5 a t
1/125, a n d t h e t h i r d n e g a t i v e w a s
t a k e n w i t h an e x p o s u r e t h e e q u i v a -
l e n t of o n e f - s t o p less — f 11 at
T h e rule-of-thumb is:
T a k e t h e m e t e r r e a d i n g in t h e d a r k e s t s h a d o w a r e a
a n d expose f o r t h e e q u i v a l e n t of t w o f - s t o p s less.
A s u b j e c t lit f r o m b e h i n d is e x p o s e d
a t t h e m e t e r r e a d i n g of f 11 a t
1/125. It is in s h a d o w .
The s a m e subject has g r e a t e r detail
w h e n e x p o s e d f o r t h e e q u i v a l e n t of
two f-stops m o r e exposure — f 8 at
1/60. H o w e v e r , t h e b a c k g r o u n d is
now too bright.
A subject in shadow The problem with increasing exposure in this way is t h a t the back-
ground may receive too much light, and become blocked up — too
If t h e m a i n s u b j e c t ( h e r e , t h e girl) is dense on the negative and too bright in the print. This problem can
in s h a d o w , a n d t h e r e s t of t h e pic- be compensated for by using a flash, developing t h e film for less time,
t u r e is in b r i g h t e r l i g h t , a d d light t o or "burning in" the background d u r i n g the printing process. T h e s e
a g e n e r a l light-meter r e a d i n g to solutions a r e explained in subsequent chapters.
g u a r a n t e e t h a t t h e m a i n s u b j e c t will There is a form of backlighting t h a t occurs when t h e main subject
b e well e x p o s e d . T h i s p h o t o g r a p h is in shadow and t h e background contains brightly lit areas. F o r
w a s t a k e n a t an e x p o s u r e of 1/250 a t
example, if the subject is positioned u n d e r a tree, in shadow, and the
f 8, e v e n t h o u g h a g e n e r a l r e a d i n g
entire image includes brightly lit a r e a s around the tree, t h e subject
s u g g e s t e d 1/250 a t f 11.
is effectively backlit. If the bright background a r e a s t a k e up a small
part of the picture, then a normal m e t e r r e a d i n g will probably be
accurate. If the bright .-.reus are more dominant, an exposure increase
equivalent to one or two f-stops is needed.
Low-light conditions
S u b j e c t s in low light r e q u i r e a f a s t
film, a s l o w s h u t t e r s p e e d , a n d o r a
wide aperture. Sometimes, addi-
t i o n a l e x p o s u r e is r e q u i r e d s i n c e
light m e t e r s m a y u n d e r e s t i m a t e t h e
a m o u n t of e x p o s u r e n e e d e d . T h i s
p h o t o g r a p h w a s t a k e n w i t h 401) A S A
film; t h e m e t e r s u g g e s t e d 1 60 at
f 2.8. but t h e e x p o s u r e w a s m a d e at
1/60 at f 2. j u s t t o b e s u r e .
Low-light conditions. Photography in dim light is sometimes re-
f e r r e d to as available-light photography, and causes a whole set of
technical problems. The crux of the m a t t e r is how* to c a p t u r e w h a t
little light exists.
Inevitably, low-light photography r e q u i r e s a fast film, a slow s h u t -
t e r speed, and/or a wide a p e r t u r e . As a result, the pictures will be
relatively grainy. They may also be blurred and will probably h a v e
minimal depth of field. (Slower film can sometimes be used in a camera
on a tripod with longer exposures to make less grainy pictures, pos-
This picture was exposed at f 2 at
sibly with g r e a t e r d e p t h of field.)
1/30, e v e n t h o u g h t h e m e t e r r e c o m -
m e n d e d t h e e q u i v a l e n t of o n e f - s t o p To complicate matters, light m e t e r s a r e least accurate u n d e r low-
less (f 2 a t 1/60), t o g u a r a n t e e a light conditions. T h e y frequently u n d e r e s t i m a t e the amount of expo-
good, printable negative. s u r e needed. Additional film development, know : n as "pushing film"
Subject with mostly highlight areas
< v • H I Q b K mm
S u b j e c t s c o n s i s t i n g of p r e d o m i n a n t l y b r i g h t t o n a l v a l u e s , s u c h a s s n o w or
sky, frequently need more exposure than a general light-meter reading sug-
g e s t s . T a k e a g e n e r a l r e a d i n g a n d a d d t h e e q u i v a l e n t of o n e o r t w o f - s t o p s
of e x p o s u r e .
(see c h a p t e r 7), can sometimes solve this problem. H o w e v e r , at o t h e r
times, the light is simply too low and artificial light (such as flash)
must be used.
T h e r e are few choices available when taking pictures in low light.
A fast film, probably 400 ASA, is a must. The s h u t t e r speed has to
be slow, with 1/30 or 1/60 the likely possibilities unless a tripod is
used. The a p e r t u r e must be wide open, say f 1.4, f 2, or f 2.8. Some
combination of t h e s e s h u t t e r speeds and f-stops will w o r k u n d e r m a n y
low-light conditions.
If possible, add the equivalent of one f-stop of e x p o s u r e to the
recommended m e t e r reading. H e r e , overexposure is far b e t t e r t h a n
u n d e r e x p o s u r e because detail in the shadow a r e a s is more likely to
be p r e s e r v e d . Besides, indoor light is so variable (for example, a lamp
in one place and total d a r k n e s s in another) t h a t some sort of backlight-
ing is common, so m o r e exposure is desirable. If the main subject is
sitting on a Couch in a low-lit room, and the m e t e r reads f 2 a t 1/60,
use instead f 2 at 1/30 or f 1.4 at 1/60.
.4 subject with mostly highlight areas. If t h e subject has mostly
highlights (such as brightly lit sky, sand, snow, or water), the m e t e r
will read too much reflected light and suggest too little exposure. The
result will be an underexposed negative. To compensate, add the
equivalent of one to two f-stops of exposure to t h e m e t e r reading.
F o r example, if the subject is framed by a lot of b r i g h t sky and the
m e t e r reading is f 16 at 1/250, use instead f 11 at 1/250 or f 16 at
1/125. E x t r e m e cases, such as a skier framed by brightly lit snow,
may r e q u i r e still another f-stop of exposure.
equipped t h a n most home darkrooms. In addition, a g r o u p of inter-
ested photographers, with ideas and information to s h a r e , may g a t h e r
around school, community, or rental darkrooms, and make the dark-
room time more informative, interesting, and fun.
Negative envelopes
Translucent glassine envelopes that hold individual Clear plastic envelopes that hold an
strips of film. entire roli of film.
Chemicals N e e d e d Several chemicals are needed for film processing, and m a n y different
b r a n d s of each chemical are available. T h e r e is a list of most b r a n d
names in Appendix F o u r .
Chemicals a r e packaged in either powdered or liquid form. The
powder must be mixed w i t h w a t e r to make a stock solution — the
form in which chemicals a r e generally s t o r e d . Chemicals t h a t come
packaged as liquids a r e essentially premixed stock solutions. T h e y are
more convenient and easier to use and store t h a n p o w d e r e d chemicals.
Most stock solutions must b e diluted with w a t e r b e f o r e use. The
usable form of the chemical ( w h e t h e r diluted or undiluted) is called a
working solution. Most stock solutions store for a longer time than
working solutions, though many working solutions can be stored and
r e u s e d for a while if bottled in d a r k , ' filled containers.
T h e s e a r e common film-developing chemicals, followed by descrip-
tions of their functions:
film developer
stop bath
fixer with hardener
fixer remover
wetting agent
Film developer. The p r i m a r y processing chemical is the developer,
which r e a c t s with the film to make the latent image visible. The
developer w o r k s to bind t o g e t h e r only the exposed silver crystals and
turn t h e m into clumps of d a r k metallic silver. T h e g r e a t e r t h e film
exposure, t h e d e n s e r t h e silver.
Many different b r a n d s of film d e v e l o p e r s a r e available, each claim-
ing its own characteristics. F o r e x a m p l e , some d e v e l o p e r s w o r k to
produce n e g a t i v e s with finer grain t h a n others, while some produce
n e g a t i v e s with g r e a t e r contrast t h a n o t h e r s (more on contrast later).
Despite their different characteristics, all d e v e l o p e r s do develop
film. Poor negatives a r e r a r e l y c a u s e d b y t h e t y p e of developer used.
More likely causes are:
inaccurate film exposure
improper loading of film onto the reel
chemicals mixed incorrectly
wrong processing temperatures or times
Most common negative problems, probable causes, and solutions are
listed in Appendix T h r e e .
Stock solutions of d e v e l o p e r a r e p r e p a r e d and used in different
ways, d e p e n d i n g on the b r a n d . Some must be diluted with w a t e r ,
while o t h e r s can be used undiluted. Some develop film quickly, while
o t h e r s take much longer. "One-use" developers a r e used one time
only, then thrown out; others can be replenished and reused.
A replenisher is a chemical used to extend the useful life of a
developer. It replaces those chemical components of the developer
that a r e used up d u r i n g the processing.
T h e developing time is determined by several factors including the
t y p e of film, the t y p e of film developer, the dilution of that developer,
and the t e m p e r a t u r e of the solution. A time-temperature chart is
provided with most packages of film or developer. (If not available,
inquire at a camera store or contact the m a n u f a c t u r e r of t h e film or
developer for a chart.) Here is a sample t i m e - t e m p e r a t u r e chart:
Temperature Time
65° F 11 minutes
(>8° F 10 minutes
70° F Wi minutes
72° F 9 minutes
75° F 8 minutes
A. R e m o v e t h e p r o t e c t i v e c o v e r . H e r e ,
a can o p e n e r is u s e d t o p r y o p e n t h e
m e t a l c a s s e t t e t h a t h o l d s a roll of B. C u t off t h e film l e a d e r . M a k e s u r e
3 5 - m i l l i m e t e r film. t h e cut is s t r a i g h t .
C . B e g i n t o roll t h e film o n t o t h e r e e l .
K e e p t h e film p i n c h e d s l i g h t l y be- L). T u r n t h e r e e l c o u n t e r c l o c k w i s e , a n d it will pick u p t h e
t w e e n t h e t h u m b and forefinger. film a n d load a l m o s t a u t o m a t i c a l l y .
1. Developer Varies; refer to time- Monitor temperature care- "One-use" type should be
temperature chart. fully; 68 ; t o 70° is best, but discarded immediately after
range of 05' to 75° is ac- use; others can be replen-
ceptable; agitate by rotat- ished and used for many
ing and inverting lank for rolls.
fii*st 30 seconds, then for 5
seconds of every 30 seconds
4. Fixer remover 2 minutes Optional step, but highly 10 rolls of 36-exposure, 35-
recommended; agitate for millimetcr film per quart of
half the fixer-remover time working solution.
at same temperature as de-
6. Wetting agent 30 seconds Do not agitate; use at same Many rolls; discard periodi-
temperature as developer; cally.
keep film on reel and place
reel in wetting agent.
- These times and capacities are intended as guidelines. They vary according to the brands used and t h e conditions of use.
Refer t o manufacturer's instructions before proceeding.
35-millimeter film, 1 roll of size
** A roll of 36-exposure, 35-millimeter film is approximately equal to 2 rolls of 20-exposure,
120 film, and 2 sheets of 4" x 5" film
The D e v e l o p i n g Chemical solutions a r e poured in and out of t h e processing t a n k in the
_ following order: developer, stop bath, and fixer. The processed film is
t h e n washed, preferably with a fixer r e m o v e r and a short w a t e r rinse.
Finally, the film is t r e a t e d with a w e t t i n g agent and h u n g up to dry.
Read o v e r t h e s e s t e p s until totally familiar w i t h t h e m b e f o r e begin-
ning. This process needs to be timed, and should move smoothly from
s t e p to step, so make s u r e all of the solutions and containers a r e easily
accessible. Follow t h e s e steps:
1. Take the temperature of the developer, and determine the correct
developing time a t t h a t t e m p e r a t u r e by r e f e r r i n g to the t i m e - t e m p e r -
a t u r e chart for t h a t developer/film combination. F o r best results, k e e p
solution t e m p e r a t u r e s as constant as possible t h r o u g h o u t all t h e pro-
cessing steps, including t h e w a t e r tfash.
2. Pour the developer into the processing tank, holding t h e t a n k at
an angle to facilitate pouring. S t a r t t i m i n g t h e development as soon
as all the developer is in the t a n k .
3. dentil/ tap the bottom of the tank against a table, counter, or
sink to dislodge any air bubbles t h a t may h a v e formed in t h e solution.
If the tank has a cap, cover t h e opening with it. (The cap m u s t be
removed and replaced with each s t e p . )
4. Agitate the tank for the first 30 seconds of development. To
agitate, gently r o t a t e t h e t a n k in a circular direction, t h e n invert it.
R e p e a t the rotation and inversion for t h e full 30 seconds. (Some plastic
t a n k s h a v e no caps on t h e top, so should b e r o t a t e d only and not
inverted to keep t h e solution from spilling out.) W h e n t h e 30 seconds
are up, s t o p agitating. F o r t h e remaining time in t h e developer,
agitate the tank for about 5 seconds out of e v e r y 30 seconds. Over-
agitation can cause t h e film to become overdeveloped o r s t r e a k e d at
its edges.
5. Start pouring the developer out of the tank approximately fifteen
seconds before t h e developing time is up. If t h e d e v e l o p e r is a "one-
use" type, discard t h e used solution. If it is r e u s a b l e , store t h e solution
in a clean bottle and m a r k it "used d e v e l o p e r . " A f t e r the film has been
processed, replenish the used d e v e l o p e r with a replenisher solution
according to the directions packaged with the r e p l e n i s h e r .
(5. Pour the stop bath into the tank as soon as all of t h e developer
is poured out. Use e i t h e r a plain w a t e r or mild acetic acid bath.
7. Agitate the tank continuously for a t o t a l of 15 seconds, r o t a t i n g
and inverting t h e t a n k , as described in s t e p 4.
8. Pour out the stop bath j u s t b e f o r e the 15 seconds a r e up, and
save t h e solution for r e u s e .
9. Pour in the fixer.
The film-developing process
T a k e t h e t e m p e r a t u r e of t h e P o u r t h e d e v e l o p e r into t h e t a n k . T a p t h e t a n k g e n t l y t o dislodge a i r
developer. bubbles.
A g i t a t e t h e t a n k b y r o t a t i n g it a n d P o u r t h e d e v e l o p e r o u t of t h e t a n k . A r u n n i n g - w a t e r w a s h . T h e film is
i n v e r t i n g it f o r t h e f i r s t 30 s e c o n d s still o n t h e r e e l a n d t h e r e e l is still
of d e v e l o p m e n t , a n d 5 s e c o n d s of in t h e t a n k .
every succeeding 30 seconds.
10. Agitate the tank for a t least one-half t h e r e c o m m e n d e d fixing
time. Most regular fixers w o r k in 5 to 10 minutes; rapid fixers w o r k
in 2 to 4 minutes.
11. Pour out the fixer and save it for r e u s e . (Before reusing t h e
fixer, t e s t its usefulness with a fixer-check solution.) Once the time in
the fixer bath is up, the reel can be removed and the film unwound
for viewing. Unwind only a few f r a m e s , and handle t h e w e t negatives
with care. Rewind t h e film onto t h e reel b e f o r e proceeding to wash
the film.
12. Add a fixer-remover solution to help facilitate t h e film-washing
process. T h e time is generally about 2 minutes, d e p e n d i n g on the
b r a n d of fixer r e m o v e r used. Agitatg for a t least half t h a t t i m e . Some
m a n u f a c t u r e r s recommend a s h o r t w a t e r w a s h prior to t r e a t m e n t in
the fixer r e m o v e r .
13. Pour out the fixer remover. Some b r a n d s can be stored and
14. Wash the film by r e m o v i n g t h e top of the processing tank, and
allowing w a t e r to r u n directly into t h e tank. Keep the film on t h e reel
and in the t a n k for best r e s u l t s , so all p a r t s of the film a r e washed
with equal efficiency. P o u r out the w a t e r in t h e t a n k e v e r y 30 seconds
or so to g u a r a n t e e a complete change of w a t e r . A plain w a t e r wash
t a k e s about 20 to 25 minutes. A w a s h preceeded by a fixer r e m o v e r
t a k e s about 5 minutes and w a s h e s the film more thoroughly.
Keep the t e m p e r a t u r e of t h e w a s h w a t e r as constant as possible,
consistent with t h e processing t e m p e r a t u r e s , ideally at 68° to 70° F.
If t h e w a t e r t e m p e r a t u r e f r o m t h e faucet varies significantly, fill a
bucket of w a t e r at the same t e m p e r a t u r e as t h e processing solutions.
Then pour w a t e r from t h e bucket into t h e open tank, close up the
tank, and agitate for 30 seconds. P o u r out t h e w a t e r , refill the t a n k
from t h e bucket, cover and a g i t a t e t h e t a n k for 30 m o r e seconds. If
t r e a t e d first in a fixer remover, t h e film should receive a thorough
wash — at a constant t e m p e r a t u r e — with a total of ten changes of
15. Pour the wash water out of the tank once t h e wash is complete.
16. Take the developing reel out of the tank and place it gently in
a container of diluted wetting agent. Do not a g i t a t e . It m a y cause
s t r e a k i n g on the s u r f a c e of the film. Keep t h e film in the w e t t i n g agent
for approximately 30 seconds.
p i n on t h e b o t t o m of t h e film t o k e e p
it f r o m c u r l i n g . ( O p t i o n a l ) W i p e t h e 17. Take the reel out of the wetting agent, carefully remove the film
film w i t h c a r e , u s i n g a p h o t o s p o n g e from the reel, and hang the film to dry in a d u s t - f r e e environment.
o r c h a m o i s -soaked w i t h d i l u t e d w e t - Handle t h e film b y its edges to avoid damaging it as wet film is
ting agent. especially susceptible to gouging and scratching. Use a s p r i n g - t y p e
clothespin to hang the film from a t a u t piece of s t r i n g h u n g like a
clothesline. Place another clothespin on t h e v e r y b o t t o m of the film to
keep the film from curling.
18. (Optional) Gently wipe the film front top to bottom on both sides
with a photo sponge or chamois, soaked with diluted w e t t i n g agent.
This helps the film to d r y more quickly and with less streaking. Be
s u r e the sponge or cloth is clean, or it might scratch t h e film. Film
takes about 1 to 4 hours to dry, depending on t h e t e m p e r a t u r e and
humidity of the environment.
19. Store the film as soon as it dries to keep it clean and scratch-
free. Carefully cut t h e roll of negatives into s t r i p s of five or six f r a m e s
each (depending on the size of t h e storage envelopes used), and slip
the strips into protective envelopes, one s t r i p in each. Use either
plastic or glassine envelopes.
i?" y^y'r:
Because they receive so little light, t h e s h a d o w s form much more
rapidly on the negative d u r i n g development t h a n do highlights. If the
normal developing time for a roll of film is 10 minutes, t h e n the
s h a d o w s form fully in about half that time, or 5 minutes. T h e remain-
ing 5 minutes of development affect mostly t h e highly exposed a r e a s
— the highlights.
All t h r e e n e g a t i v e s w e r e e x p o s e d f o r t h e s a m e l e n g t h of t i m e . N o t e t h a t t h e
s h a d o w a r e a s of all t h r e e h a v e a p p r o x i m a t e l y t h e s a m e d e n s i t y , r e g a r d l e s s
of d e v e l o p m e n t t i m e s . O n l y t h e h i g h l i g h t a r e a s a r e a p p r e c i a b l y a f f e c t e d .
T h e g r e a t e r t h e d e v e l o p m e n t time, t h e d e n s e r t h e highlights and t h e
greater the contrast.
A print from that negative. A print from that negative. Note A print from that negative. Note
the decreased contrast. the increased contrast.
To increase contrast:
U n d e r e x p o s e by t h e e q u i v a l e n t of o n e f - s t o p a n d overdevelop by
50%, o r i n e x t r e m e c a s e s :
U n d e r e x p o s e by t h e e q u i v a l e n t of t w o f - s t o p s a n d overdevelop bv
100% to 150%.
Si u |
m &
A negative given normal exposure N e g a t i v e of t h e s a m e s u b j e c t t h a t A n e g a t i v e of t h e s a m e s u b j e c t t h a t
a n d d e v e l o p m e n t — f 8 at 1/125 — has b e e n o v e r e x p o s e d b y t h e equiv- has been u n d e r e x p o s e d by t h e
d e v e l o p e d n o r m a l l y f o r 10 m i n u t e s . a l e n t of o n e f - s t o p — f 5 . 6 a t 1/125 e q u i v a l e n t of o n e f - s t o p — f 11 a t
— a n d u n d e r d e v e l o p e d b y 20% — 8 1/125 — a n d o v e r d e v e l o p e d b y 50%
minutes. — 15 m i n u t e s .
A print from that negative. A print from that negative shows A print from that negative shows
decreased contrast. increased contrast.
d a r k , so will be r e n d e r e d too d e n s e on t h e negative. To r e d u c e t h a t
density, u n d e r e x p o s e t h e negative. Less e x p o s u r e m e a n s thinner
s h a d o w s (which, in t u r n , will p r i n t d a r k e r ) .
If t h e m e t e r indicates an exposure of f 8 a t 1/125, u n d e r e x p o s e by
t h e equivalent of one f-stop: f 11 a t 1/125 o r f 8 at 1/250.
With low-contrast light, a r e a s of t h e subject a r e not v e r y bright,
so will be r e n d e r e d too low in d e n s i t y on t h e negative. W h e n t h e film
is underexposed, the highlights become even less dense.
To increase highlight density, overdevelop t h e film. If normal de-
veloping time is 8 minutes, overdevelop by 50%. U s e 12 minutes.
The increased development will not appreciably affect t h e shadow
detail (which is d e t e r m i n e d by exposure), but it will increase highlight
density. T h e r e f o r e , t h e difference b e t w e e n shadow and highlight den-
sity — the contrast — will increase, which will m a k e for a more
printable negative.
Pushing Film Pushing film means overdeveloping to simulate increased film speed.
F o r example, film r a t e d at 400 A S A can be pushed to a r a t i n g of 800
or 1600.
In effect, pushing film is t h e same as u n d e r e x p o s i n g and over-
developing; however, t h e t e r m is usually applied when shooting u n d e r
low-light conditions. Generally, film is not pushed to increase negative
c o n t r a s t (though that is a result), b u t to r e n d e r enough d e n s i t y on t h e
B e c a u s e of t h e low-light c o n d i t i o n s ,
t o m a k e t h i s p i c t u r e , t h e film w a s
"pushed" — underexposed and
Both these negatives have been shot
on 400 ASA film rated at 1600. At
400 ASA, the light-meter reading
was f 2 at 1/15. At 1600 ASA. the
reading suggested the equivalent of
two stops less exposure: f 2 at 160.
So, at this reading, the film is un-
derexposed and must be "pushed"
for enough contrast to make a good
A negative exposed at f 2 at 1 60
and developed normally for 10
n e w film
speed r a t i n g u n d e r e x p o s e by o v e r d e v e l o p by
To push films with a rating other than 400 ASA, double the r a t i n g
for each time the exposure is halved. F o r example, 125 ASA film,
underexposed by the equivalent of one f-stop, should b e r a t e d a t 250
ASA, then overdeveloped by 50%.
Obviously an entire roll of film must be pushed a t t h e same time.
Special extra-active, "high-speed" developers are made for pushing
film. These work by simulating increased development, times, so t h a t
normal developing times with t h e s e developers a r e like increased
times for normal developers. Follow the developing times provided
with these developers, not the above guidelines for increasing devel-
opment. Appendix F o u r provides a list of brand n a m e s of some of
t h e s e products.
The following are potential disadvantages to pushing film:
Grain G m i n r e f e r s t 0 t k e tin
> : ' s a n d l i k e particles visible in some prints. It
is an inherent part of film emulsions, and is caused by t h e clumping
t o g e t h e r of silver crystals a f t e r film is exposed and developed. Grain
is small and not really noticeable in the negative, but it is magnified
and sometimes quite obvious in an enlarged print.
In general, grain is not desirable. It t e n d s to m a k e t h e image appear
less s h a r p and clear. However, sometimes grainy p h o t o g r a p h s a r e
effective: t h e y can s e e m soft, fuzzy, or even romantic. In t h e s e specific
cases, coarse grain can be used as a tool, b u t it should be used
Some negatives h a v e fine grain, barely noticeable, while others
have coarse grain, obvious and obtrusive. H e r e a r e some of the many
factors that affect how grain a p p e a r s in the final print:
film used
film developer used
negative density
processing temperatures
n e g a t i v e size
e n l a r g i n g lens
enlarging timer
focusing magnifier
processing trays
print tongs
b r u s h o r a i r blower
film c l e a n e r and s o f t cloth
print washer
print drier
paper safe (optional)
paper trimmer
graduates, funnels, and storage bottles
p r i n t squeegee
piece of glass
can be used, but special enlarging timers are more accurate and
These timers connect directly to t h e enlarger. W h e n set and acti-
vated. t h e y automatically turn t h e enlarger on and off. R e p e a t i n g
timers are the best kind. T h e y r e p e a t t h e p r e s e t exposure, unless
changed, over and over, t h u s providing consistency from print to
Focusing magnifier. A magnifier enlarges the projected image to
facilitate more accurate focusing. T h e image can be focused without
a magnifier, but the results a r e less likely to b e sharp. A grain
maffu.'Hcr enlarges the ; - :<in p a t t e r n s of t h e projected negative, al-
lowing even easier accurate focusing.
Processing trays. T r a y s hold t h e chemicals for print processing. At
least four t r a v s a r e needed. T h e size should b e chosen according to
t h e anticipated p r i n t size. S t a n d a r d t r a y sizes are: 5" x 7", 8" x 10",
11" x 14", and 16" x 20".
Print tongs. T o n g s should be used instead of b a r e f i n g e r s to handle
w e t enlarging p a p e r and c a r r y it from t r a y to t r a y . S e p a r a t e tongs
should be used for each t r a y of chemicals, so at least t h r e e tongs a r e
T h e main purpose of tongs is to minimize chemical contact with
skin, t h u s eliminating contamination. F i n g e r s wet with one chemical
may cause print staining when dipped into a second chemical, o r when
touching clothes, negatives, and equipment. In addition, some people
A safelight illuminates the
darkroom. develop skin allergies to t h e chemicals.
Safeligkts. E n l a r g i n g p a p e r is sensitive to most colors of light, so
special colored safelights are used to illuminate t h e d a r k r o o m . Most
safelights are simple 15- to 25-watt light bulbs, p r o t e c t e d b y a housing,
and covered b y a colored filter, usually r e d or a m b e r .
Safelights should be positioned at least 3 or 4 feet a w a y f r o m the
e n l a r g e r and developer t r a y . In a small d a r k r o o m , one safelight should
be sufficient; a larger room may r e q u i r e two or more.
Easel. An easel holds printing p a p e r flat and in place u n d e r t h e
e n l a r g e r . It consists of t w o p a r t s : a base on which the p a p e r is laid
and positioned, and a hinged top piece with crossing metal "blades"
to hold t h e p a p e r flat. T h e desired image size of t h e p r i n t is set by
a d j u s t i n g the metal blades along a ruled molding on t h e edges of t h e
top piece of t h e easel.
Easels are available in many sizes according to the largest size
printing p a p e r t h e y will accommodate. An 8" x 10" easel holds
ruled molding
A n e a s e l holds p r i n t i n g p a p e r flat
a n d in place u n d e r t h e e n l a r g e r .
8" x 10" or smaller paper. F o r most purposes an 8" x 10" or 11" x 14"
easel is adequate. Some easels a r e made for one size only; o t h e r s hold
several sizes but are not a d j u s t a b l e . Most easels produce white bor-
ders on all four edges, but some create p r i n t s without borders.
The best (and m o s t expensive) easels have four a d j u s t a b l e blades.
They allow a wider variety of centering and b o r d e r possibilities t h a n
less expensive models.
Brush or air blower. Dust t h a t accumulates on n e g a t i v e s should be
cleaned off before beginning t h e printing process. Otherwise, the dust
will show up on the final print. T h e r e a r e several inexpensive tools
available to eliminate dust, such as a soft, wide brush, a r u b b e r
squeeze blower, or a simple e a r syringe. Canned air u n d e r p r e s s u r e
is popular and effective for removing dust, but it is expensive, and
needs periodic replacement.
Film cleaner and soft cloth. Dirty negatives m a y require a serious
cleaning. Film can be rewashed in water, but chemical film cleaners
a r e quicker and easier to use. A soft wipe, such as a chamois cloth,
antistatic cloth, or lens tissue, should be used with the cleaning so-
Print washer. A t r a y or washer must be used for print washing.
Specially made print washers are available in a variety of models. A
simple processing tray, preferably a large one with a special tray
siphon (described later), will also do t h e job.
Print drier. P r i n t s can be dried electrically or by air. Large, ex-
pensive driers are highly efficient, but most people working on their
own need a less costly solution. Some options include a portable elec-
tric drier, a blotter book, a clothesline and clothespins, or a homemade
d r y i n g screen (plastic screening material s t r e t c h e d t a u t over a wood
Paper .safe. A paper safe is a light-tight box t h a t holds and allows
easy access to unexposed printing paper. It is a nice convenience, but
not a necessity.
Paper trimmer. Printing p a p e r sometimes needs cutting. Special
paper t r i m m e r s cut squarely and accurately. If necessary, a pair of
scissors or a utility knife and straightedge will do the job.
Graduates, funnels, and storage bottles. Similar equipment to that
used for film developing is necessary for m e a s u r i n g and storing chem-
icals. E x t r a bottles are needed to s t o r e used chemicals s e p a r a t e l y —
those used for p r i n t s from those used for film.
Print squeegee. A fiat, r u b b e r blade or r u b b e r roller, called a squee-
•;;<: . is needed to squeeze excess w a t e r from a washed print to facilitate
drying. A soft, r u b b e r sponge can also be used.
Piece of glass. T w o pieces of glass a r e needed: one for contact
printing (explained later) and the o t h e r for holding the p r i n t while it
is being squeegeed. Each piece should b e l a r g e r than t h e largest size
printing p a p e r used. Plexiglas may also be used when squeegeeing
Towel. Clean, cloth towels or rolls of p a p e r tow-els a r e needed to
k e e p hands d r y d u r i n g t h e printing process. H a n d s should b e rinsed
off and dried regularly to minimize chemical contact with skin.
c r e a s e and d a m a g e less easily and d r y f l a t t e r , with less wrinkling or
curling. H o w e v e r , double-weight p a p e r is significantly m o r e e x p e n s i v e
than single-weight p a p e r .
Tone. Tone r e f e r s to t h e color bias of t h e printing p a p e r . S o m e
p a p e r s a r e warm tone, t e n d i n g t o w a r d brown, while o t h e r s a r e cold
tone, m o r e n e u t r a l black. Some w a r m - t o n e p a p e r s literally produce
p r i n t s of b r o w n and white tones. Cold-tone p a p e r s usually h a v e a
p u r e r , cleaner w h i t e base; w a r m - t o n e p a p e r s have a c r e a m i e r , off-
w h i t e base. F o r practical purposes, t h e d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n m a n y cold-
and w a r m - t o n e p a p e r s is subtle.
P r i n t d e v e l o p e r s also affect t h e t o n e of t h e p r i n t , so for m a x i m u m
effect they should complement t h e t y p e of p r i n t i n g p a p e r used. While
most all print d e v e l o p e r s work with all printing p a p e r s , t r y t o process
cold-tone p a p e r s in a cold-tone developing solution. U s e a w a r m e r
developer for w a r m - t o n e p a p e r s .
Surface. Most p a p e r s a r e available in a wide v a r i e t y of surfaces,
most commonly: glossy, lustre, semi-matte, and m a t t e . T h e glossier
t h e surface, t h e s h a r p e r t h e a p p e a r a n c e of t h e image.
Contrast. C o n t r a s t r e f e r s to t h e d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n t h e light and
d a r k tones in a print. Low-contrast (soft or flat) p r i n t s a r e g r a y , with
few b r i g h t or d a r k areas; high-contrast (hard) p r i n t s a r e mostly light
and d a r k , with f e w e r g r a y a r e a s .
Most b r a n d s of paper a r e available in m a n y d i f f e r e n t g r a d e s of
c o n t r a s t . To a g r e a t extent, t h e c o n t r a s t of t h e final print is controlled
by t h e g r a d e of p a p e r used.
E a c h p a p e r m a n u f a c t u r e r has its own s y s t e m of g r a d i n g p a p e r s ,
but in all cases low n u m b e r s r e p r e s e n t lower c o n t r a s t than high num-
bers. H e r e is a typical scale of p a p e r grades:
#1 = low c o n t r a s t
#2 = average contrast
#3 = slightly high contrast
#4 = high contrast
#5 = very h i g h c o n t r a s t
A print made on a #1-grade print- A print made from the same nega-
ing paper. tive on a #2-grade printing paper
has increased contrast.
Printing C h e m i c a l s Processing chemicals for prints are basically the same as those used
for processing film. The one exception is t h e developer. Film and
p a p e r developer perform the same function (developing the latent
image), but their chemical composition is slightly different so it is
necessary to buy separate film and paper developers.
Stop bath, fixer, and fixer remover are all the same for film and for
paper. Dilutions and times may vary, so be s u r e to check package
instructions. When storing these chemicals, differentiate b e t w e e n pro-
cessing solutions used for film and those used for paper.
Set up four trays for t h e printing process. If the darkroom has a
large enough counter (or sink) space, position t h e t r a y s in a line, and
work from left to right with developer, stop bath, fixer, and w a t e r ,
in t h a t order. The t r a y s should be filled to approximately one-half
capacity. For an a v e r a g e work session, fill a 5" x 7" tray with about
16 ounces of solution; an 8" x 10" tray with 32 ounces; an 11" x 14"
tray with 64 ounces; a 16" x 20" tray with 1 gallon; and so forth. F o r
a short printing session, use less solution to save money.
F o u r t r a y s s e t up for p r i n t i n g with
print tongs.
Chemicals d e t e r i o r a t e at different r a t e s d e p e n d i n g on many factors,
such as t h e brand used, t h e f r e s h n e s s of the solution, and t h e n u m b e r
and size of the p r i n t s processed. As a v e r y g e n e r a l guideline, process
no more than the equivalent of t w e n t y to twenty-five 8" x 10" p r i n t s
(forty to fifty 5" x 7" prints; and so forth) in each q u a r t of working
solution of e v e r y chemical, except for fixer r e m o v e r . P r o c e s s approx-
imately half as m a n y p r i n t s in t h e fixer r e m o v e r — t e n to fifteen
8" x 10" p r i n t s .
Diluted developer and s t o p b a t h , once used, should not b e stored
for r e u s e ; d e v e l o p e r e x h a u s t s too rapidly, and s t o p bath, though it
will keep, is cheap and should b e used f r e s h to help extend t h e capacity
of the fixer, which is significantly m o r e e x p e n s i v e . Diluted fixer and
some fixer r e m o v e r s can be r e u s e d , if t h e y h a v e not p r o c e s s e d too
many p r i n t s , and if t h e y have been s t o r e d in tightly capped bottles.
F i x e r check can be used to d e t e r m i n e w h e t h e r t h e u s e d fixer is ex-
All solutions should be mixed and diluted according to t h e manu-
f a c t u r e r s ' instructions. T h e s e can vary widely.
Always use an acid bath for processing fiber-based prints. T h e acid
should be diluted to a mild solution, the s a m e as for film developing.
A plain w a t e r stop bath is a d e q u a t e for resin-coated p a p e r s .
Some fixers r e q u i r e a lot of dilution, while o t h e r s are used undiluted.
A h a r d e n e r is incorporated into some t y p e s of fixer, and m u s t be
added s e p a r a t e l y to others. RC papers, like film, scratch easily, so a
hardened fix is required to protect t h e emulsion. F i b e r - b a s e d p a p e r s
a r e more scratch-resistant, and can b e p r o c e s s e d safely with or with-
out a h a r d e n e r . P r i n t s that a r e not h a r d e n e d d r y flatter and a r e easier
to wash thoroughly and spot (touch up) t h a n h a r d e n e d prints. Also,
p r i n t s t h a t a r e to be s u b j e c t e d to heat (in t h e process of d r y i n g or
mounting) should be h a r d e n e d for protection.
Some p h o t o g r a p h e r s use a two-bath fixing s y s t e m for processing
prints. T w o t r a y s of fixer a r e set up. r a t h e r t h a n one. F i x e r f r o m t h e
first t r a y exhausts more rapidly t h a n fixer f r o m t h e second, so w h e n
it is discarded, the second fixer is used as t h e first, and a n e w second
fixer solution is mixed. Two-bath fixers a r e a good method to g u a r -
a n t e e efficient print fixing, since t h e second b a t h will always remain
fresh, even when t h e first bath is e x h a u s t e d .
The fourth t r a y , called a holding bath, consists of plain w a t e r . A f t e r
fixing, fiber-based p r i n t s a r e held in w a t e r until t h e end of t h e printing
session (or until t h e t r a y fills up), at which point t h e accumulated
p r i n t s a r e washed t o g e t h e r . The w a t e r in t h e holding b a t h needs
changing e v e r y half hour or so to minimize t h e accumulation of fixer
in the water. Resin-coated p r i n t s should be washed soon a f t e r t h e y
h a v e been fixed.
Chemicals should be mixed to be approximately 70°. In time, solu-
tions will become room t e m p e r a t u r e , so the processing t e m p e r a t u r e
is not as easily controllable for p r i n t s as for film (unless the room is
t e m p e r a t u r e controlled). However, t r y not to w o r k in either an ex-
tremely cold or hot room.
P u t a s t r i p of n e g a t i v e s in t h e n e g a - P u t t h e n e g a t i v e c a r r i e r in t h e en-
tive carrier. l a r g e r s o t h e e m u l s i o n (dull) s i d e of
the negative faces down.
9. To set the image size, move the enlarger housing up and down
on its post. The position of t h e easel on the e n l a r g e r base will need
to b e a d j u s t e d until t h e p r o j e c t e d image is framed tightly by the easel
blades. As t h e housing moves up the post, t h e p r o j e c t e d image be-
comes l a r g e r ; as it moves down, t h e i m a g e becomes smaller. Once the
desired image size is set, lock t h e housing in place on t h e e n l a r g e r
It is not necessary to print t h e full negative each time. W h e n only
a section of t h e n e g a t i v e is printed, t h a t n e g a t i v e is said to b e cropped.
F o r example, if t h e negative is a portrait of a m a n from his head to
his waist, the e n l a r g e r housing can b e moved up on t h e post to project
an image of only his head and shoulders. A cropped p r i n t may have
less s h a r p n e s s and show coarser grain because of t h e e x t r a enlarge-
Open t h e l e n s t o its m a x i m u m T o s e t t h e i m a g e size, m o v e t h e en- Focus t h e negative by t u r n i n g t h e
aperture. larger housing up and down the focusing knob to expand o r contract
post. t h e bellows.
strip of
Close down t h e a p e r t u r e to a C o v e r m o s t of t h e s t r i p of p r i n t i n g p a p e r w i t h a n
s m a l l e r f - s t o p , s a y f 8 o r f 11. o p a q u e p i e c e of c a r d b o a r d .
2. Stoj) bath 15 to 20 seconds for Agitate constantly; use mild Twenty to twenty-five
fiber-based papers; acetic acid bath for fiber- 8" x 10" prints (or equiva-
5 to 10 seconds for based papers; plain water lent) per quart of working
RC papers. bath for RC papers. solution.
5. Fixer remover 2 to 1 minules Optional, but highly recom- Ten to fifteen 8" x 10"
mended with fiber-based prints (or equivalent) per
papers; do not use with RC quart of working solution.
papers: agitate constantly.
These times and capacities are intended as guidelines. They vary according to the brands used and the conditions of use.
Refer to manufacturers' instructions before proceeding.
The following are approximately equivalent to twenty 8" x 10" prints: forty 5" x 7" prints: ten 11" x 14" prints; five
16" x 20" prints.
time. Also, for an accurate t e s t strip, developing time as well as
exposure time should be a known and consistent factor.
2. Lift the fully developed test strip out of the developer with tongs
at one corner of the paper. F o r a few seconds let the excess developer
drain off the bottom corner of the strip.
3. Put the test strip in the stop bath for 5 to 10 seconds, if using RC
paper, or 15 to 20 seconds, if using fiber-based paper. Agitate it for
the entire time. The stop bath neutralizes the developing activity, and
produces no visible change in t h e image.
4. Remove the test strip from the stop bath with print tongs, and
let the excess solution drain off.
5. Place the test strip in the fixer. The fixing time depends on the
t y p e of p a p e r used and the f r e s h n e s s of the solution. With resin-coated
paper use a time of 2 minutes; with fiber-based paper, use 5 to 10
minutes. Rapid fixers require even less time. Agitate for at least half
the fixing time by rocking the fixer t r a y .
T h e fixer clears the printing paper of its unexposed silver, and
allows the t e s t strip to be viewed u n d e r room light. A strip or a print
can be looked at a f t e r it has been in the fixer for about 30 seconds; if
the strip or print is to be saved, it must t h e n be r e t u r n e d to the fixer
for t h e full remaining fixing time. (Before t u r n i n g on t h e room lights,
be sure all unexposed printing p a p e r is safely stored away.)
6. Remove the test strip from the fixer with tongs, and let the excess
solution drain off.
7. Put the test strip in the holding bath — a tray of plain w a t e r —
until it is r e a d y to be washed. (Print washing is described in full later
in this chapter.) The t e s t s t r i p does not need to be saved; it can be
left in the holding bath for reference until the final print f r o m t h a t
negative is made, then thrown away.
To view a t e s t s t r i p (or a final print), remove the p r i n t from the
fixer or w a t e r and put it in a clean t r a y . T u r n on an overhead light.
F o r the best viewing, use a 60- to 75-watt incandescent light bulb,
not fluorescent. F o r convenience, the bulb should be positioned above
the processing t r a y s . View the print with the tray placed at an angle
to, and about 3 feet away from, the light source. The brightness of
the light and the angle at which it strikes the print can make a big
difference in how the print looks.
The finished test s t r i p will have a range of five exposures; some
may be light and some dark. If all five exposures a r e either too light
or too dark, make another test strip. The ideal strip is d a r k on one
end and light on the other.
I r' the entire s n i p is < o dark, cut back the exposure. E i t h e r close
Test strip
15 seconds
12 seconds
9 seconds
i> seconds
3 seconds
ThG Final Print Once a good test s t r i p is made, examine it carefully and choose the
exposure that looks best. If in doubt, look for important highlight and
shadow a r e a s of the image — for example, Caucasian skin or bluejeans
— and see if those areas look right. Caucasian skin should be light
but not washed out; j e a n s should be dark, but retain detail.
Sometimes the correct exposure is somewhere b e t w e e n t w o sections
of the t e s t strip. If the 6-second exposure looks too light and the 9-
second exposure looks too dark, choose 7 or 8 seconds instead.
Place a f r e s h , full sheet of printing p a p e r in the easel, and expose
it for t h e time chosen. Do not change the f-stop setting. Develop,
stop, and fix the exposed p a p e r in the same way as t h e t e s t strip. If
the two-bath fixing system is used, fix the print for half t h e recom-
mended time in t h e first fixer bath, and the o t h e r half in the second
In evaluating the quality of this print, consider t h e s e factors:
b u r n i n g and d o d g i n g
A p r i n t t h a t is t o o l i g h t , h a v i n g r e -
c e i v e d t o o little e x p o s u r e .
A print from the same negative that
is t o o d a r k ; it n e e d s less e x p o s u r e .
A p r i n t w i t h t h e right a m o u n t of
b r i g h t n e s s ; it h a s r e c e i v e d n e i t h e r
too little n o r too m u c h e x p o s u r e .
A print with too little contrast; it is
too gray overall.
A print with too much contrast; its
shadow areas are too dark and its
highlight areas too bright.
A print with average contrast con-
tains dark areas with detail, light
areas with detail, and plenty of
grays in between.
3. Turn on the enlarger again, and move the cardboard so that the
projected light falls only on the area of the paper that needs darkening,
such as a corner of t h e print.
4. Move the cardboard back and forth slightly while adding extra
exposure to p r e v e n t t h e " b u r n " f r o m c r e a t i n g a noticeable line on the
print. In effect, t h e print t o n e s must m e r g e t o g e t h e r evenly. (Ac-
tually. p a r t s of t h e a r e a s a d j a c e n t to t h e "burned-in" a r e a will receive
some additional e x p o s u r e , but if d o n e correctly, this added exposure
will not be enough to affect t h e print significantly.)
The additional e x p o s u r e c a u s e s only a p a i l of the print to become
d a r k e r upon development. The amount of b u r n i n g n e c e s s a r y to make
a perceptible change varies with each print, b u t s o m e t i m e s it is con-
siderable. To d a r k e n an area moderately, t r y a 40% to 50% " b u r n " (or
4 to 5 seconds additional e x p o s u r e for a 10-second original exposure).
F o r a more significant darkening, b u r n for at least 100% of the original
exposure time (a 10-second burn for a 10-second exposure). It is not
unusual to "burn" for four or five times t h e original e x p o s u r e (40 to
50 seconds more for a 10-second exposure), or even longer.
To burn in an area in the c e n t e r of a print, use a piece of opaque
cardboard with a hole cut out. First expose the e n t i r e p a p e r for t h e
correct time. Then position t h e cardboard about halfway b e t w e e n the
lens and the easel, and turn on the enlarger again. L e t light project
through the hole to t h e a r e a s of the p r i n t that need darkening. Be
sure to keep moving the cardboard so the b u r n i n g m e r g e s evenly with
the a d j a c e n t areas in the print.
The size of the projected beam of light through the hole can be
varied by stocking several pieces of cardboard, each with different
size holes, and by varying the position of the board u n d e r the enlarger.
When the cut-out is close to the lens, the beam of light reaching the
p a p e r is b r o a d e r than when it is close to t h e paper. (If held close to
the paper, t h e cardboard needs to be large enough so that light doesn't
"spill over" and expose the corners and edges of t h e p a p e r b y acci-
A long initial exposure time is not desirable if substantial burning
is indicated. Say the required exposure is f 11 at 20 seconds, and a
burn of five times t h a t exposure is needed in an area. One hundred
seconds is too long a time to burn in easily. Open the lens to f 8, and
cut t h e exposure time to 10 seconds; then burn in for 50 seconds.
T o d o d g e an a r e a in t h e c e n t e r of a
print, use a stiff wire handle with a
piece of c a r d b o a r d t a p e d on.
Many t y p e s of electrically heated d r i e r s a r e available for both resin-
coaled and fiber-based prints. Simple models have a m e t a l heating
unit with a cloth cover. P r i n t s a r e placed b e t w e e n the cloth and t h e
metal plate, and the heat dries t h e m . More expensive models h a v e an
electrically r o t a t i n g d r u m as a h e a t i n g unit t h a t p u s h e s p r i n t s through
and dries t h e m automatically.
Some d r i e r s a r e set up to handle resin-coated p a p e r s , and o t h e r s
a r e not. Air d r y i n g is always recommended for R C p r i n t s unless a
good electric RC print d r i e r is available. A hand-held hair d r i e r can
be used for quick d r y i n g , b u t is generally not r e c o m m e n d e d .
c u t t i n g tool
cutting surface
Cutting toot. A utility knife, available a t any h a r d w a r e store, will
m a k e a good, straight cut. Special mat c u t t e r s are available to make
a beveled (angled) cut — the p r e f e r r e d way to cut an o v e r m a t .
Straightedge. A heavy-duty s t r a i g h t e d g e or r u l e r makes it easier
to cut o v e r m a t s . Art s u p p l y s t o r e s sell stainless-steel s t r a i g h t e d g e s
with a r u b b e r backing to p r e v e n t slippage. T h e s e a r e ideal, though
simple rulers will work.
Cutting surface. A Hat c u t t i n g surface, such as Masonite or a n o t h e r
piece of mount board, is needed to p r o t e c t table tops f r o m scratching
and to provide a smooth area for mat cutting.
Board. T w o pieces of board of equal size a r e needed: an overmat
and a backing board. T h e o v e r m a t is visible, so needs to b e clean and
attractive; the backing board is hidden so can b e less p r e s e n t a b l e .
Tape. T h e o v e r m a t and t h e print need to be attached to t h e backing
board. Masking t a p e can be used; white linen t a p e is m o r e expensive,
t a c k i n g iron
dry-mounting tissue
A . U s e a t a c k i n g iron t o a t t a c h t h e d r y - B . C u t off t h e w h i t e b o r d e r of t h e p r i n t
m o u n t i n g t i s s u e t o t h e b a c k of t h e with a utility knife and s t r a i g h t e d g e
print. (or a p a p e r t r i m m e r ) .
C . C e n t e r t h e t r i m m e d p r i n t on t h e I). L i f t u p a c o r n e r of t h e p r i n t a n d
mount board. tack t h e dry-mounting tissue to t h e
mount board.
E . P l a c e t h e p r i n t a n d m o u n t b o a r d in
t h e dry-mounting press.
heating plate of t h e p r e s s and the board. Close t h e p r e s s for about 30
seconds, or until the print is affixed firmly to t h e board.
13. Take the mounted print out of the press and lay it under a flat,
heavy object, such as a large book, until it cools o f f . T h e surface of
the p r i n t should be protected at all times by a clean s h e e t of p a p e r or
14. Bend the board gently to test the binding. If t h e p r i n t is not
affixed firmly, it will begin to lift off t h e board, so p u t the print and
board back in t h e p r e s s for a longer time.
A clothes iron can b e used in lieu of a d r y - m o u n t i n g p r e s s , but with
less efficiency. The iron should contain no w a t e r , and its t h e r m o s t a t
should be set at a low t e m p e r a t u r e . P r e h e a t both t h e p r i n t and the
board by covering each completely with a sheet of k r a f t or o t h e r
dry-mounting tissue paper, and ironing t h e m in a circular motion for about 2 m i n u t e s on
each side. A f t e r tacking the dry-mounting tissue to t h e back of the
print, t r i m the print borders and center t h e t r i m m e d print on the
mount board. Tack t w o diagonal corners to t h e mount board, and
cover t h e p r i n t and board with a protective s h e e t . Then, iron t h e m
for several m i n u t e s until t h e print and board a r e firmly bonded to-
g e t h e r . S t a r t t h e ironing motion a t t h e c e n t e r of t h e p r i n t and move
out to each corner to g u a r a n t e e an even bond.
Filters Filters a r e used in front of the camera lens to protect the lens or to
effect a variety of tonal changes in the print. Most filters a r e made of
glass, though sheets of gelatin or acetate filters are also available.
Glass filters a r e cased in a metal or plastic rim. T h e rim is attached
directly to the front of the lens with either a screw or bayonet mount-
ing s y s t e m . A screw mount r e q u i r e s placing t h e rim fiat against t h e
front of the lens, and screwing the filter on. A bayonet mount r e q u i r e s
a short turn once the filter is positioned against the lens.
F i l t e r s come in a variety of sizes, m e a s u r e d in millimeters, to fit
different lenses. The sizes r e p r e s e n t t h e d i a m e t e r of t h e f r o n t of a
lens, thus a 52-millimeter filter is needed to fit onto a lens with a 52-
millimeter d i a m e t e r .
Do not confuse t h e filter size with film format or focal-length mea-
s u r e m e n t s . F o r example, a 35-millimeter camera may have a 50-
millimeter lens t h a t t a k e s a 52-millimeter filter. The "35" r e f e r s to t h e
film size the camera uses; "50" to t h e focal length of t h e lens; and "52"
to the diameter of t h e front of the lens.
Clear filters a r e used to protect the front of t h e camera lens, keeping
it clear and f r e e f r o m scratching. Some p h o t o g r a p h e r s keep clear
filters on each lens a t all times. At the least, t h e y should be used
when photographing n e a r t h e water, sand, or u n d e r any conditions
w h e r e the lens might be subject to d a m a g e . The best protective filters
are completely clear glass, skylight, haze, or ultraviolet (U.V.) filters.
Colored filters work to d a r k e n or lighten certain colors in the subject
and, thus, tones of g r a y in t h e image. A filter lightens its own color
in t h e final print, and t e n d s to d a r k e n complementary colors.
A print from a negative shot with no filter on the lens. A print from a negative of the same subject shot with a
The sky is very light. yellow filter on the camera lens. Note that the blue sky
is darker.
A p r i n t f r o m a n e g a t i v e s h o t w i t h n o filter o n t h e A p r i n t f r o m a n e g a t i v e of t h e s a m e s u b j e c t s h o t
lens. N o t e t h e g l a r e r e f l e c t i n g off t h e s u b j e c t — a w i t h a p o l a r i z i n g filter o n t h e l e n s t o r e d u c e t h e
storefront. glare.
E v e r y 0.30 density on t h e s e filters c u t s down the light b y t h e
equivalent of one full f-stop. So, if t h e m e t e r r e a d s f 4 a t 1/60, use a
0.30 neutral-density filter for an exposure of f 2.8 a t 1/60 (for less
depth of field) or f 4 at 1/30 (for a more blurred subject). To cut down
the light b y the equivalent of two f-stops, use a 0.60 filter, and so
Most colored filters also cut down the amount of light passing
through the lens and reaching the film. T h u s when using filters, ad-
ditional film e x p o s u r e is needed. E a c h filter has a filter factor t h a t
indicates how much e x t r a e x p o s u r e is needed when using t h a t filter.
T h e s e factors are printed on t h e rim of t h e filter or in t h e accompany-
ing instruction s h e e t . Some typical filter f a c t o r s are:
yellow ' 2x
green 4x
orange 4x
red 8x
polarizing 4x
1.5x % f-stop
2x 1 f-stop
3x 1 % f-stop
4x 2 f-stops
fix 2 % f-stops
8x 3 f-stops
12x 3 % f-stops
16x 4 f-stops
Flash Flash units provide a convenient source of artificial lighting when the
existing light is inadequate. Most a r e small and portable, and can be
attached directly to t h e camera. L a r g e r , bulkier models a r e available
for studio photography.
Flash lighting comes in various forms. The earliest units, long since
outmoded, held powdered explosives. W h e n t h e p h o t o g r a p h e r lit the
powder, it exploded with a flash that provided the light necessary to
expose t h e film.
Flash bulbs replaced powdered flash. T h e s e w e r e f a r s a f e r and more
reliable, but each bulb still held only one flash. P h o t o g r a p h e r s had to
carry around a supply adequate for a day of work. Besides, the process
of replacing bulbs a f t e r each e x p o s u r e w a s inconvenient and time-
consuming. Flash bulbs a r e still in use, b u t mostly for simple cameras.
With t h e s e cameras, cubes and b a r s , each containing several flash
bulbs, h a v e all but replaced the traditional "one-shot" bulb.
Today, electronic flash (sometimes called strobe) is widely used by
both snapshooters and "serious" p h o t o g r a p h e r s . Consisting of a reus-
able t u b e powered by a b a t t e r y (or household current), electronic flash
provides a convenient, efficient, and invaluable auxiliary lighting-
A negative made with a flash at- i'5.6. Since the flash illumination has been reduced by one-fourth, the
tached to an SLR camera with a lens must be opened up by two f-stops.
focal-plane shutter set at 1/250 — While distance and f-stop a r e the p r i m a r y f a c t o r s in controlling film
too fast a speed to synchronize with exposure, film speed and quantity of light must also be considered.
the flash. As a result, the shutter Film speed. The f a s t e r the film, t h e more quickly it accepts light,
covers part of the film while the
and the smaller t h e needed a p e r t u r e to make a good exposure. This
flash goes off, and only part of the
is t r u e , of course, w h e t h e r using flash or not.
film registers the image.
Quantity of light. The more powerful t h e flash unit, the more light
it produces, and the smaller the needed lens opening. T h e power of a
flash varies widely f r o m model to model.
(2)- 1/8
(4 f X
4 1/8
16 X
4X 2
X 1/2
A l e n s s h a d e t h a t is t o o s m a l l f o r
t h e f o c a l - l e n g t h l e n s u s e d can block
l i g h t f r o m t h e c o r n e r s of t h e film
and cause vignetting.
Photofloods and reflectors, like flash, provide a source of artificial
light for picture-taking indoors or in o t h e r dimly lit conditions. Pho-
tofloods are like o r d i n a r y light bulbs, b u t m o r e powerful: 250, 500, or
1000 w a t t s . Reflectors a r e c u r v e d metal units t h a t house photofloods,
and help direct light in a particular direction. T h e y can be positioned
on top of a light stand — a tripodlike device — or directly onto an
existing object, like a table, with a clamp accessory.
Lens tissue paper and cleaning solution a r e used for cleaning
s m u d g e s and d i r t off lenses. To use, apply v e r y little solution and r u b
t h e front of t h e lens gently with t h e tissue. A chamois or an anti-
static cloth can be used instead of lens tissue. H o w e v e r , since t h e s e
cloths a r e reusable, be s u r e to k e e p t h e m clean or t h e y may scratch
t h e lens. *
A motor drive or power winder a t t a c h e s to t h e bottom of t h e camera
body and automatically advances and exposes film in rapid succession.
Motor drives a r e f a s t e r , t h u s deliver m o r e f r a m e s p e r second t h a n
power winders.
E i t h e r accessory is ideal for s p o r t s and o t h e r t y p e s of action pho-
t o g r a p h y w h e r e t h e picture possibilities change rapidly. Both a r e
expensive, drain b a t t e r i e s , and use up a lot of film.
A motor drive.
High Contrast High-contrast p r i n t s have black shadows and white highlights with
little or no detail in either. G r a y tones are minimal or nonexistent.
E x t r e m e l y high-contrast prints a r e pure black and white.
T h e r e are two basic m e t h o d s for making high-contrast prints. Ei-
t h e r make a high-contrast negative and print it; o r use a high-contrast
printing technique.
Shouting for high-contrast negatives. High-contrast negatives can
be made either by shooting with special high-contrast film, or manip-
ulating film e x p o s u r e and development. N e i t h e r technique g u a r a n t e e s
a totally black-and-white print. H o w e v e r , the higher the contrast of
t h e original subject, the easier it is to achieve a v e r y high-contrast
Several b r a n d s of high-contrast copy film a r e available for special
applications, such as the copying of line drawings. Most b r a n d s a r e
available in sheet form. Kodak Technical P a n is a 35-millimeter high-
contrast film, as is Kodak Kodalith film, which is packaged only in
100-foot bulk rolls. (See Appendix T w o for an explanation of bulk
Copy films a r e "slow." T h e y produce sharp, fine-grain n e g a t i v e s
that make excellent e n l a r g e m e n t s . Most copy films are orthochromatic
— not sensitive to red light — so t h e y can be handled in a room
illuminated by red safelights.
Copy film is shot like any o t h e r film. Set the film speed on t h e light
m e t e r , take a reading, and follow t h e m e t e r ' s f-stop and s h u t t e r - s p e e d
recommendations. Because of the slow film speeds, a tripod may be
Development v a r i e s slightly from o t h e r films. A special high-con-
t r a s t developer should b e used for t h e best r e s u l t s . Develop for t h e
time recommended by t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r , and t h e n stop, fix. and w a s h
t h e film for about half the time t h a t regular films need.
High-contrast negatives m a y also be m a d e b y manipulating t h e
e x p o s u r e and development of normal films by u n d e r e x p o s i n g and
overdeveloping (see c h a p t e r 7 for details). This will not turn a negative
into a totally black-and-white image (unless t h e subject c o n t r a s t is
e x t r e m e l y high), but t h e n e g a t i v e c o n t r a s t will be heightened. How-
ever. t h e increased developing time will also increase t h e grain of the
The p r i m a r y a d v a n t a g e to this approach is in maximizing film speed.
Copy films may give higher-contrast results and finer grain, but t h e y
a r e slow.
Printing a negative for high-contrast results. T h e r e a r e two ways
to make a high-contrast print f r o m an existing negative: manipulate
t h e printing process, or t r a n s f e r t h e negative onto high-contrast film
and t h e n p r i n t it.
The easiest way to m a k e a high-contrast p r i n t is to use high-contrast
printing paper. A #5-gracle p a p e r will always give a higher-contrast
result t h a n a # 2 - g r a d e paper. If t h e negative has a lot of c o n t r a s t to
begin with, a # 5 p a p e r will make a print with few, if any, g r a y tones.
If the negative has normal or low contrast, t h e high-grade p a p e r will
merely increase that contrast.
Processing solutions can be altered to increase p r i n t contrast some-
w h a t , though not dramatically. The g r e a t e r the concentration of t h e
print developer, t h e higher t h e p r i n t c o n t r a s t . Use stock solution of
the developer r a t h e r than diluting it according to the m a n u f a c t u r e r s '
Also, h e a t i n g up t h e developer and e x t e n d i n g the developing time
will increase print contrast somewhat. F o r example, using an 80°
developer and doubling the recommended developing time will make
a noticeable difference. Take care when using resin-coated papers: a
hot developing solution may melt the plastic.
The best way to g u a r a n t e e a totally black-and-white print is to
t r a n s f e r an existing negative onto a sheet of high-contrast copy film,
such as Kodak Kodalith. This film is similar to Kodalith roll film,
except it is sold in a variety of sheet sizes; 4" x 5" Kodalith is econom-
ical and easy to use for m a k i n g e n l a r g e m e n t s .
Kodalith sheet film is handled j u s t like printing paper. Use a dark-
room illuminated by red safelights (the film is orthochromatic), and
project a negative in the enlarger onto a sheet of Kodalith film. Make
a t e s t strip to d e t e r m i n e the exposure, and process the sheet of
Kodalith in t r a y s with Kodalith high-contrast film developer. (Undi-
luted print developer will also work, but not as well.) U s e the same
stop bath, fixer, and fixer r e m o v e r as for prints. Processing times
vary with the materials and t h e solutions used, but t r y :
developer 2 minutes
stop bath 10 seconds
film fixer 2 minutes
fixer r e m o v e r 1 minute
wash 3 minutes
A solarized print.
The distinct lines s e p a r a t i n g the highlight and s h a d o w a r e a s a r e
called Mackie lines. Tliese a r e caused w h e n chemical b y - p r o d u c t s from
the first p a r t of the development r e t a r d additional development. T h e
results a r e lines of low density, r e n d e r i n g as light on both a solarized
negative ( t h e r e f o r e d a r k on a print of t h a t n e g a t i v e ) and a solarized
print. Mackie lines show up m o r e dramatically on solarized n e g a t i v e s
t h a n on solarized prints.
To solarize:
1. Develop and agitate the film or paper normally.
2. One-third to halfway through the development (for prints, when
t h e image begins to form), remove the film or paper from the developer
and put it in a tank or tray of water for about 10 seconds, without
agitation, to slow up t h e development ^process.
3. Now reexpose the film or paper to light briefly (usually no more
t h a n 2 seconds), using a low-power bulb (15 to 25 w a t t s ) positioned 3
or 4 feet a w a y . W i t h roll film, b e s u r e all p a r t s of t h e film receive
equal a m o u n t s of r e e x p o s u r e by t a k i n g t h e film off t h e reel and holding
it taut at an equal distance f r o m t h e bulb. H a v e a n o t h e r person in the
darkroom r e a d y to t u r n the light on and off.
4. Put the film or paper back into the developer for the remaining
development time. Agitate normally.
5. Stop, fix, and wash the film or paper normally.
E x p o s u r e time varies widely d e p e n d i n g on several factors, such as
the t y p e of film or p a p e r used, t h e size of t h e light bulb, and t h e
distance f r o m t h e film or p a p e r to t h e bulb. E x p e r i m e n t or m a k e test
strips to d e t e r m i n e t h e r e e x p o s u r e t i m e for a specific film or print.
T r y a fraction of a second of r e e x p o s u r e for film and 2 seconds for
p a p e r as a s t a r t i n g point.
H e r e a r e some suggestions for maximizing t h e r e s u l t s when solar-
• Slow films a r e easier to w o r k with since fast films are likely to
r e q u i r e an extraordinarily s h o r t r e e x p o s u r e time.
• High-contrast-grade p a p e r s give a more d r a m a t i c solarized effect
t h a n do lower-contrast g r a d e s , particularly since solarization has t h e
added effect of lowering i m a g e c o n t r a s t .
• Use a negative with a lot of s h a d o w area or a p r i n t with a lot of
highlights for m a x i m u m effect, since r e e x p o s u r e affects t h e s e a r e a s
• Sheet films a r e easier to use for solarization t h a n roll films. T r y
enlarging a 35-millimeter n e g a t i v e onto Kodalith film, t h e n making a
Kodalith negative, and solarizing t h a t negative d u r i n g development.
T h e additional a d v a n t a g e to this method is t h a t the original negative
remains intact, so if t h e solarization is not successful, t h e process can
be repeated. Also, this way t h e original negative can still be used for
a normal print, if desired.
• A solarized p r i n t is difficult to r e p r o d u c e exactly, w h e r e a s a solar-
ized negative can be r e p r i n t e d often, with consistency.
• Underexpose the film or p a p e r slightly prior to r e e x p o s u r e . S t a r t
by exposing film for the equivalent of one f-stop less t h a n the m e t e r
suggests; and exposing prints for 15% to 20% less t h a n the t e s t strip
suggests. A l t e r t h e s e figures according to experience.
• With p r i n t s , use a more diluted developer t h a n normal. If the
m a n u f a c t u r e r recommends diluting 1 p a r t of p r i n t developer to 2 p a r t s
of w a t e r , dilute it l-to-4 instead.
• I n f r a r e d film is heat-sensitive, so s t o r e it in a r e f r i g e r a t o r
before and a f t e r it is used. T a k e it out of the r e f r i g e r a t o r
about 2 hours b e f o r e use, r e t u r n it to its original container
a f t e r use. and r e r e f r i g e r a t e it. (Always leave r e f r i g e r a t e d
film in its original packaging until it is r e a d y for use to
p r e v e n t condensation f r o m forming.)
• Load and unload i n f r a r e d film into the camera in total d a r k n e s s .
This point is critical. I n f r a r e d radiation can p e n e t r a t e t h e felt
strips of the film c a s s e t t e . If possible, use a changing bag to
load the film into the camera and onto the processing reel,
even in total d a r k n e s s .
• Handle both processed (and unprocessed) infrared film with
great c a r e by its edges. It scratches v e r y easily.
Some problem negatives and prints can be treated; others cannot. Here are
common problems with some probable causes and possible remedies.
Defect Probable Cause Remedy
Low contrast with no shadow detail Film underexposed, and possibly Print on high-contrast paper grade:
underdeveloped* next time expose and develop for
correct time
Low contrast with adequate shadow Film exposed correctly, but under- Print on high-contrast paper grade;
detail developed* next time develop for longer time
Low contrast with dense shadows, Film overexposed and under- Print 011 high-contrast paper grade;
but too little highlight density developed* next time expose and develop for
correct time
High contrast with no shadow de- Film underexposed and overdevel- Print on low-contrast paper grade;
tail, and dense highlight areas oped* next time expose and develop for
correct time
High contrast with good shadow de- Film correctly exposed but over- Print on low-contrast paper grade;
tail but dense highlights developed* next time develop for correct time
Entire image blurry Camera moved during exposure or Xo immediate remedy. Hold the
focused inaccurately camera steady next time; shoot
either with faster film or at a
faster shutter speed; or use a tri-
pod; or focus with more care
Part of image in focus, part out of Not enough depth of field: or inac- No immediate remedy. Use a
focus curate focusing; or film not lying smaller aperture for more depth
fiat enough in camera of field in future; take more care
focusing; have repair shop check
camera hack
Overlapping negative frames Film-advance mechanism on camera No immediate remedy. Tighten film
not working on take-up spool in camera before
shooting a roll; have advance
mechanism fixed
Pinholes (tiny clear dots) on nega- Stop-bath concentration too strong; No immediate remedy. Use more di-
tives or d u s t o n film in c a m e r a b e f o r e lute stop bath in future; blow out
exposure dust from inside of camera body
Discoloration of negatives sometime Film not fixed or washed adequately Try refixing and rewashing nega-
after processing tives; in future, fix and wash
thoroughly with fresh solutions
Dark, crescent-shaped marks on Film bent while being rolled onto No immediate remedy. Load film
negatives reel with care; use spotting solution on
Entire roll of negatives with more Too much agitation during develop- No immediate remedy. Agitate for
density on edges than in the ment less time or with less intensity;
middle burn in edges when making print
Black streaks on clear edges of neg- Film exposed to light before fixing; No immediate remedy. Use fresh
atives either camera back opened, room cassette when bulk-loading film;
not dark when loading film on be sure lights are out when film is
reel, or light leak in film cassette, unprotected; check out camera
camera, or processing tank and processing tank for light
Muddy, cream-colored negatives or Negatives not fixed for long enough Fix them again and rewash; always
brownish strip down center of time or fixed in exhausted or con- use fresh fixer for correct amount
processed negatives taminated solution of time
Defect Probable Cause Remedy
F i l m w i t h black s t r e a k s , c a u s e d by
e x p o s u r e to light while in t h e cam-
e r a , film c a s s e t t e , o r p r o c e s s i n g
P a r t i a l l y e x p o s e d f r a m e s , c a u s e d by
Hash not s y n c h r o n i z i n g w i t h c a m e r a
C l e a r film, with no e d g e n u m b e r s or
p r o d u c t identification, c a u s e d b y film
b e i n g p r o c e s s e d in fixer b e f o r e
Defect Probable Cause Remedy
Film totally clear, except for edge Film not exposed: it did not go No immediate remedy. In future, be
numbers and product identifica- through camera, but was devel- sure film is loaded correctly: have
tion markings oped correctly film advance mechanism checked
Defect Probable Cause Remedy
Low-contrast print Printing paper grade too '•soft" for Reprint, using higher-contrast paper
negative grade
High-contrast print Printing paper grade too "'hard" for Reprint, using lower-contrast paper
negative grade
Shadow areas mottled (blotchy) with Print overexposed and developed for Reprint, reducing exposure and in-
no solid black areas too little time creasing developing time
Spots on print: thin, dark lines Paper scratched before or during Reprint with new sheet of paper
Spots on print: off-color blotches Inadequate fixing Reprint, agitating well during fixer:
use fresh solution for correct
a m o u n t of t i m e
Defect Probable Cause Remedy
Spots on print; brown-red blotches Water rust Filter water before using, then re-
Spots on print: brown-purple stains Bad developer Reprint with fresh developer
Spots on print: fingerprints Paper touched with wet or greasy Reprint; use tongs; handle paper on
hands before processing edges only; and be sure hands are
dry when touching paper
Spots on print: yellow stains after Print not washed for long enough Reprint with adequate wash; use a
print is dry time fixer remover prior to water wash
Spots on print: large dark or black Paper fogged, exposed to light prior Reprint with fresh, unexposed pa-
marks on white border or in im- to exposure by enlarger per
age area
Image blurry: throughout entire Negative out of focus in enlarger, or Recheck focus in enlarger and re-
print when picture was taken print
Image blurry: in part of print, same Enlarger out of alignment Align enlarger and reprint
area in all prints
Image blurry: in pan of print, a dif- Negative curling in negative carrier Reprint; be sure negative carrier
ferent area from print to print or paper curling in easel and easel hold paper fiat
Print curled when dry Drying air too humid; too much har- Rewash and dry; if fiber-based pa-
dener in fix per, put in dry-mounting press
for a while; let it cool down under
heavy weight
Here is a list of common and obscure brands of films, papers, and chemicals
for black-and-white films. These brand names change often, so be sure to
check with the supplier for current availability and new products.
ASA (American Standards Association): system used to bayonet mount: rapid mounting system for attaching a
rate film speed. The higher the ASA number, the more lens to a camera or a filter to a lens. To attach firmly, the
sensitive the film is to light, hence the "faster." lens or filter is dropped into place and turned slightly,
acetic acid: chemical used (in extremely diluted form) as bellows: light-tight, collapsible cloth or cardboard tube
a stop bath for processing film and paper, mounted between the lens and the film in a camera or an
angle of view: area that a lens sees or a light meter reads. enlarger, and used for focusing the image,
A telephoto lens takes in a narrow view, whereas a wide- bounced light: refers to reflecting a flash or other artificial
angle lens takes in a wide view. A spot meter reads light light off a surface, usually a ceiling or wall, rather than
from a narrow angle, and an averaging meter reads from aiming it directly at a subject. It has the effect of softening
a wider angle. the light.
aperture (or lens opening): hole in the lens through which bracketing: a way to ensure a well-exposed negative; first
light travels to strike the film (or paper). In most photo- take an exposure of a subject according to the light-meter
graphic lenses, the aperture size is adjustable and mea- reading, then take extra exposures of the same subject at
sured in f-stops. f-stops or shutter speeds on either side to allow both more
aperture priority: camera type in which the photographer and less light to reach the film.
selects the f-stop (aperture size), and the camera auto- bulb (or h>: shutter-speed setting that permits the shutter
matically sets the shutter speed. to stay open for as long as the shutter button is pressed
archival: refers to the relative permanence of photo- down.
graphic materials. When processed and stored to archival bulk film: long rolls of film that can be manually loaded
standards, negatives and prints are less likely to fade or into reusable film cassettes. "Bulk loading" is more eco-
deteriorate with time. nomical than buying film packaged in individual cassettes,
automatic lens: one that remains open to its maximum burning: printing technique used to darken areas of a print
aperture for viewing until the shutter button is pressed, by selectively adding more light after the initial exposure.
then closes down automatically to a preset f-stop.
averaging meter: type of light meter that reads a large cable release: flexible wire that screws onto a shutter
area (or angle) of light. button, making it possible to release the shutter button
while standing away from the camera,
h: see bulb. center-weighted meter: light meter that combines an av-
back litfhtintf: refers to a lighting situation in which most erage and a spot reading, but gives more value to the spot
of the light is in back of, rather than directed at, the reading in recommending the exposure,
subject. chromogenic: refers to films with chemical dyes rather
than silver compounds making up the negative image,
base: supporting material that holds the light-sensitive
close-up lens: accessory that is attached to the front of a
emulsion — clear plastic for negatives and white paper for
lens, like a filter, and allows the subject to be focused at
a close distance.
cold-tone: refers to a neutral black-and-white print color, dodging: printing technique used to lighten areas of a print
condenser: glass lens(es) used in an enlarger to spread by selectively withholding light during the print exposure,
evenly the light that projects through the negative, dry-mounting: method of attaching prints directly to
contact print: a print that is the same size as its negative, mount board using dry-mounting tissue, which becomes
contact sheet: sheet of printing paper that contains a sticky when heated.
series of contact prints, usually from a single roll of neg- dry-mounting press: large press used to dry-mount
atives. prints.
contrast: difference between the dark and the light tones dry-mounting tissue: thin paper that becomes sticky
in a negative, a print, or a lighting situation. High contrast when heated that is used for dry-mounting prints.
refers to a large tonal difference — a lot of darks and
lights with few grays. Low contrast refers to little tonal easel: darkroom accessory used to hold printing paper flat
difference — mostly grays. and in place under the enlarger.
covering power: the circle of even illumination that a lens electronic flash: reusable flash tube powered by an elec-
projects. trical source, usually a battery,
cropping: printing part of the negative rather than the emulsion: light-sensitive layer of film or paper,
whole image. exposure: combination of f-stop and shutter speed (or
time) used to allow the correct amount of light to reach
darkroom: literally a room without light used to process the film (or printing paper).
photographic materials. Safelights are used to illuminate extension tubes: accessory that fits between the lens and
darkrooms when making prints and in processing some the camera body to allow the subject to be focused close
films. up.
dedicated flash: fully automatic Hash units; with these
units, just set the ASA of the film used and shoot, f-stop: numerical indication of how large a lens opening
density: thickness of the silver buildup on a negative or (aperture) is. The larger the f-stop number, the smaller
print; high-density areas are dark and low-density areas the opening; for example, f 1(5 represents a smaller opening
are light. The greater the exposure to light, the greater than f 2.
the accumulation of silver, and the denser (blacker) the fast film: film that is particularly sensitive to light; the
result once the film or paper is developed, higher the ASA rating, the faster the film.
depth of field: zone from the points closest to the camera fast lens: one that opens wide to allow a lot of light
to the points farthest from the camera that are in accept- through. A lens with a maximum aperture of f 1.4 is
able focus. "faster" than one with a maximum aperture of f 2.
depth-of-field scale: set of numbers on a lens that indi- film format: negative size, such as 35 millimeter,
cates how much depth of field each f-stop will produce, 2'/i" x 2'/.", and 4" x 5".
developer: chemical that converts exposed silver-halide film plane (or focal plane): plane in the camera back
crystals into black metallic silver, making the latent image behind the lens along which the film rests and the image
visible. is focused.
diffuser: translucent piece of glass or plastic used in some film speed: sensitivity of film to light, commonly measured
enlargers to spread evenly the light that projects through by an ASA rating. The higher the ASA number, the more
the negative to be printed. sensitive the film is to light, and the "faster" it is.
distance scale: one that indicates how far the focused filter: piece of glass, acetate, or gelatin usually placed in
subject is from the camera. It is generally located on the front of a camera lens to protect the lens, or alter the
camera lens. nature of the light reaching the film. Filters are used for
such purposes as darkening sky tones and reducing un- half-frame: film format approximately half the size of a
wanted reflections. They can also be used in printing with 35-millimeter negative.
variable-contrast papers to control print contrast, hard: describes a negative or a print with high contrast.
filter factor: number that indicates how much extra ex- "Hard" can also refer to a high-contrast lighting situation,
posure is needed when a filter is used, hardener: chemical usually in the fixer that toughens the
fixed lens: lens that is permanently attached to a camera film or print emulsion, making it more scratch-resistant,
body. highlight areas: those parts of a negative or print rep-
fixer: chemical used in film and print processing to remove resenting light areas of the subject. In a negative, high-
unexposed silver and make the image safe to view under light areas are dense (dark); in a print, they are thin
room light. (light).
holding bath: tray of water where prints are kept after
fixer check: solution used to test whether a fixer solution
is exhausted. the fixing bath until they are washed,
fixer remover: solution used in negative and print pro- hot shoe: slotted coupling on the camera body that incor-
cessing before the final wash to shorten the final wash porates an electric contact allowing a flash unit to syn-
times. chronize with the shutter without a pc cord.
flare: dark spots or streaks on a negative caused by un- hypo: slang for fixer.
wanted, extraneous light reflections.
incident light: light that falls onto the subject,
flash bulbs: glass or plastic tubes that produce a single
burst of artificial light. infrared: a part of the light spectrum that is invisible to
the human eye. It can be recorded with infrared film,
flat: describes a negative or print with low contrast. "Flat"
interchangeable lens: lens that can be removed from a
can also refer to a low-contrast lighting situation.
camera body and exchanged for a different focal-length
Hush mount: method of dry-mounting prints without bor-
lens or other accessory.
ISO: international standard for rating film speed.
focal length: measurement of the size of a lens. Focal
lengt h is the distance between the film plane of the camera
latent image: invisible image created by light striking film
and the optical center of the lens when the lens is focused
or paper. The image becomes visible when developed
on infinity.
focal-plane shutter: shutter located in the camera body,
leader: curved part of film at the beginning of a roll of
just in front of the film, that moves horizontally or verti-
35-millimeter film.
cally across the focal plane.
leaf shutter: shutter located in the rear of a camera lens,
fog: non-image light that exposes film or paper, usually
consisting of overlapping blades.
by accident. Fog appears as dark or black marks or spots
on negatives or prints. lens: part that fits on a camera or enlarger to focus light
and help control film or print exposure,
grain: clumps of silver crystals on a negative that appear lens opening: see aperture.
as tiny, sandlike particles in a print. lens shade: accessory that attaches to the front of a lens
gray card: piece of cardboard used to determine correct to keep extraneous light from entering and causing flare,
film exposure. light-intensity scale: usually found in hand-held light me-
guide number: measurement of the intensity of light pro- ters, this scale indicates the quantity of light the meter
duced by a flash unit. Guide numbers can be used to figure reads.
film exposure with flash. light meter: instrument used to measure light and trans-
late that measurement into the correct combination of separate, such as with rangefinder or twin-lens reflex ca-
f-stop and shutter speed for the given light conditions. meras.
Some meters are built into the camera and others are pc cord (or synch cord): electrical connection between a
separate from the camera. flash unit and a camera body that allows the flash and
light stand: tripod that holds photofioods and other arti- shutter to synchronize.
ficial light equipment. photoflood: bright light bulb used as a source of artificial
macro lens: lens specially made to focus close up.
photogram: photograph made without a camera by posi-
manual lens (or preset lens): lens that must be opened
tioning one or more objects between a light source and
manually to its widest f-stop for focusing, then closed down
photographic film or paper.
manually to the correct f-stop to expose film,
motor drive: accessory that attaches to the bottom of a polarizing filter: filter used in front of a camera lens to
camera body and rapidly advances film automatically after reduce or eliminate undesired glare or reflections of light,
each exposure. positive: image normally rendered. In a positive, the dark
areas of the subject render as dark and the light areas as
mounting: refers to affixing a print to a support — usually light.
a piece of stiff board — for display.
power winder: accessory that attaches to the bottom of a
camera body and rapidly advances film after each expo-
negative: reversed image. In a negative, the dark areas
sure. Similar to a motor drive, but slower,
of a subject appear light and the light areas appear dark,
preset lens: see manual lens.
negative print: negative image rendered on printing pa-
per. preview setting: setting on most single-lens reflex cameras
that allows previsualizing depth of field at any
neutral density filter: filter that cuts down the quantity
of light reaching the film. It only affects exposure and does
not alter the image in any other way. pushing film: artifically increasing film speed by under-
normal lens: lens that sees and records an image much as exposing and overdeveloping film. Pushing is generally
the eye sees it. used in low-light situations.
Books and magazines are wonderful sources of information This best-selling photographic text is excellent:
about photography and photographers. Technical books
Upton. Barbara and -John. Photography.
and articles can teach about a wide range of photographic
Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1981.
techniques or concentrate on specific areas. Books of good
photographs provide creative ideas and inspiration. The Aperture History of Photography is a series of
Kodak publishes data books that cover a wide range of small, inexpensive monographs, each concentrating on the
subjects. They are inexpensive and available in many cam- work of one important photographer. They provide a good
era stores or directly from Kodak. A free index of Kodak introduction to some of the most important photographers
publications is available by writing to: in the history of photography. Published by Aperture,
Inc., of Millerton, New .York, the titles include:
Department 412- L
Eastman Kodak Company Eugene Atget
Rochester, New York 14650 Wynn Bullock
Henri Cartier-Bresson
These are a few of the many useful Kodak publications,
Walker Evans
with their order numbers in parentheses:
Andre Kertesz
Black-and-White Processing for Permanence (J-19) Dorothea Lange
Creative Darkroom Techniques (AG-18) Ja cq ues-Hen ri La rtigu e
Kodak Darkroom Dataguide (R-20) Man Ray
Kodak Professional Black-and-While Films (F-5) Erich Salomon
Preservation of Photographs (F-30) .4 ugust Sander
Edward Steichen
The Life Library of Photography, published by Time- Alfred Stieglitz
Life Books, is a handsomely produced series of books cov- Frank Meadow Sutcliffe
ering a wide range of photographic topics. Here are some Weegee
of their most useful titles: Clarence H. White
The Art of Photography This widely read narrative of the history of photography
The Camera provides an excellent general perspective:
Frontiers of Photography
Great Photographers Newhall, Beaumont.
Light and Film The History of Photography:
The Print From 18.19 to the Present Day
Boston: New York Graphic Society, 1982
The New Ansel Adams Photography Series, written by
Ansel Adams with Robert Baker and published by New Light Impressions is a mail-order house specializing in
York Graphic Society, Boston, is another important source a wide range of photographic books and supplies. For a
of technical information. These books are more complex free catalogue, write to:
than most "basic" books, but they are excellent reference Light Impressions
guides. The series consists of the following titles:
Box 3012
The Camera Rochester, New York 14614
The Negative Here is a listing of some of the many important written
Polaroid Land Photography sources relating to all aspects of photography — technical,
The Print historical, collections of photographs, and magazines.
S o m e of t h e b o o k s a r e o u t of p r i n t a n d a v a i l a b l e only E d g e r t o n , H a r o l d . Electronic Flash/Strobe. Cambridge,
t h r o u g h l i b r a r i e s a n d good p r i v a t e collections. M a s s a c h u s e t t s : M . I . T . P r e s s , 1979.
F e i n i n g e r , A n d r e a s . The Complete Photographer. En-
g l e w o o d Cliffs, N e w J e r s e y : P r e n t i c e - H a l l , 1965.
Focal Encyclopedia of Photography. N e w Y o r k : Mc-
B a l s v s , Algis, a n d L i l i a n e D e C o c k - M o r g a n , e d s . The G r a w - H i l l , 1969.
Morgan and Morgan Darkroom Book. D o b b s F e r r y , N e w G a s s a n , A r n o l d . Handbook for Contemporary Photog-
Y o r k : M o r g a n a n d M o r g a n , 1980. raphy. R o c h e s t e r , N e w Y o r k : L i g h t I m p r e s s i o n s , 1977.
B l a k e r , A l f r e d A . Photography: Art and Technique. San H a t t e r s l e y , R a l p h . Beginner's Guide to Photography.
F r a n c i s c o : W . H . F r e e m a n , 1980. G a r d e n C i t y , N e w Y o r k : D o u b l e d a y , 1982.
B o d i n , F r e d r i k I). The Freelance Photographer's Hand- H a t t e r s l e y , R a l p h . Photographic Printing. Englewood
book. Somerville, Massachusetts: Curtin and London. Cliffs, N e w J e r s e y : P r e n t i c e - H a l l . 1977.
1981. H e d g e c o e , J o h n . The Photographer's Handbook. New
Boni, A l b e r t , e d . , 2 vols. Photographic Literature. Y o r k : A l f r e d A . K n o p f , 1977.
D o b b s F e r r y , N e w Y o r k : M o r g a n a n d M o r g a n , 1972. H o r e n s t e i n , H e n r y . Beyond Basic Photography: A
C a r r o l l , J o h n S . Photographic Lab Handbook. New Technical Manual. B o s t o n : L i t t l e , B r o w n a n d Co., 1977.
Y o r k : A m p h o t o , 1979. K o b r e , K e n n e t h , Photojournalism: The Professionals'
C o l e m a n . A . D., P a t r i c i a G r a n t z , a n d D o u g l a s I. S h e e r . Approach. Somerville, Massachusetts: Curtin and London,
The Photography A-V Program Directory. Staten Island. 1980.
N e w Y o r k : P h o t o g r a p h y M e d i a I n s t i t u t e , I n c . , 1980. L e w i s , S t e v e n . J a m e s M c Q u a i d . a n d D a v i d T a t e . Pho-
C r a v e n , G e o r g e M. Object and Image: An Introduction tography Source and Resource. S t a t e College, Pennsyl-
to Photography. E n g l e w o o d Cliffs, N e w J e r s e y : P r e n t i c e - vania: T u r n i p P r e s s , 1973.
Hall, 1982. L o n d o n , B a r b a r a . A Short Course in Photography. So-
C r a w f o r d , William. The Keepers of Light: A History and m e r v i l l e , M a s s a c h u s e t t s : C u r t i n a n d L o n d o n , 1979.
Working Guide to Early Photographic Processes. Dobbs M c C a n n . Michael. Health Haza rds Manual for Artists.
F e r r y , N e w Y o r k : M o r g a n a n d M o r g a n . 1979. N e w Y o r k : F o u n d a t i o n f o r t h e C o m m u n i t y of A r t i s t s (280
C u r t i n , D e n n i s . Into Your Darkroom Step-By-Step. So- B r o a d w a y , S u i t e 412), 1981.
m e r v i l l e , M a s s a c h u s e t t s : C u r t i n a n d L o n d o n . 1981. M o r g a n . Douglas O., David Vestal, and William L.
C u r t i n , D e n n i s , a n d J o e D e M a i o . The Darkroom Hand- B r o e c k e r , e d s . Leica Manual. Dobbs F e r r y , N e w York:
book: A Complete Guide to the Best Design, Construction, M o r g a n a n d M o r g a n , 1973.
and Equipment. Somerville, Massachusetts: Curtin and N e b l e t t e , C. B. Fundamentals of Photography. New
L o n d o n , 1982. Y o r k : V a n N o s t r a n d R e i n h o l d . 1970.
D a v i s , P h i l . Beyond the Zone System. Somerville, Mas- P i c k e r , F r e d . Zone VI Workshop: The Fine Print in
s a c h u s e t t s : C u r t i n a n d L o n d o n , 1982. Black-and-White Photography. N e w York: Amphoto,
D a v i s , P h i l . Photography. D u b u q u e , I o w a : William C. 1974.
B r o w n C o . , 1982. P i t t a r o , E r n e s t M . , e d . The Compact Photo Lab Index.
D u n n , J . F . . a n d G. L . W a k e f i e l d . Exposure Manual. D o b b s F e r r y , N e w Y o r k : M o r g a n a n d M o r g a n , 1978.
D o b b s F e r r y , N e w Y o r k : M o r g a n a n d M o r g a n , 1975. R h o d e , R o b e r t R . , a n d F l o y d H . McCall. Introduction
D u r e n , L i s t a . Frame It: A Complete Do-It-Yourself to Photography. N e w Y o r k : M a c m i l l a n , 1976.
Guide to Picture Framing. B o s t o n : H o u g h t o n Mifflin. S e e l e y , J . High Contrast. Somerville, Massachusetts:
197(5. C u r t i n a n d L o n d o n , 1980.
E a s t m a n K o d a k C o . The Joy of Photography. Heading. S h i p m a n , C a r l . Understanding Photography. Tucson,
M a s s a c h u s e t t s : A d d i s o n - W e s l e y , 1979. A r i z o n a : H . P . B o o k s , 1974.
E a s t m a n K o d a k C o . More Joy of Photography. Reading, S n y d e r , N o r m a n , Carole Kismaric, and Don Myrus, eds.
M a s s a c h u s e t t s : A d d i s o n - W e s l e y , 1981. The Photography Catalog: The Best Equipment, Materi-
E a t o n , G e o r g e T. Photographic Chemistry. Dobbs als, Techniques, and Resources. N e w York: H a r p e r and
F e r r y , N e w Y o r k : M o r g a n a n d M o r g a n , 19(55. R o w , 1976.
Stone. Jim, ed. Darkroom Dynamics: .4 Guide to Cre- Coe, Brian. Cameras. From Daguerreotypes to Instant
ative Darkroom. Techniques. Somerville, Massachusetts: Pictures. New York: Crown. 1978.
Curtin and London. 1979. Doty, Robert. Photo-Secession: Stieglitz and the Fine
Stroebel. Leslie. \'iew Camera Technique. New York: Art Movement in Photography. New York: Dover. 1978.
Focal Press, 1980. Edgerton, Harold E.. and James R. Killian. Moments
Stroebel. Leslie, and Hollis Todd. Dictionary of Con- of Vision: The Stroboscope Revolution in Photography.
temporary Photography. Dobbs Ferry, New York: Mor- Cambridge, Massachusetts: M.I.T. Press, 1979.
gan and Morgan. 1974. Freund, Gisele. Photography and Society. Boston:
Sussman, Aaron. The Amateur Photographers Hand- David R. Godine, 1980.
book. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1973. Gassan, Arnold. A Chronology of Photography. Roch-
Swedlund. Charles, /'holography: A Handbook of His- ester, New York: Light Impressions. 1981.
tory, Materials, and Processes. New York: Molt. Rinehart Gcrnsheim, Helmut and Alison. The History of Photog-
and Winston, 1981. raphy. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969.
Vestal, David. The Craft of Photography. New York: Goldberg, Vicki. ed. J'hotography in Print: Writings
Harper and Row. 1978. from 1810 to the Present. New York: Touchstone, 1981.
Wade, Kent E. Alternative Photographic Processes. Green, Jonathan, ed. Can/era Work: A Critical Anthol-
Dobbs Ferry, New York: Morgan and Morgan, 1978. ogy. Millerton. New York: Aperture, 1975.
White, Minor. Richard I). Zakia, and Peter Lorenz. The Hill. Paul. Dialogue with Photography. New York: Far-
New Zone System Manual. Dobbs Ferry, New York: Mor- rar. Straus and Giroux, 1979.
gan and Morgan. 1970. Hurley, F. Jack. Portrait of a Decade: Roy Stryker and
Witkin, Lee. and Barbara London. The Photograph Col- the Development of Documentary Photography in the
lectors Guide. Boston: New York Graphic Society. 1981. Thirties. New York: Da Capo, 1977.
Zakia. Richard I)., and Hollis N. Todd. 101 Experiments Jussim, Estelle. Slave to Beauty. Boston: David R.
in Photography. Dobbs Ferry, New York: Morgan and Godine, 1981.
Morgan, 1969. Lyons, Nathan, ed. Photographers on Photography. En-
glewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1966.
Malcom, Janet. Diana and Nikon. Essays on the Aes-
BOOKS ABOUT AND HISTORIES O F thetics of Photography. Boston: David R. Godine, 1976.
PHOTOGRAPHY Newhall, Beaumont. The Daguerreotype in America.
New York: Dover. 1976.
Adams, Robert. Beauty in Photography. Essays in De-
Newhall, Beaumont. Photography: Essays and Images.
fense of Traditional Values. Millerton, New York: Aper-
Boston: New York Graphic Society, 1981.
ture, 1981.
Petruck. Peninah R., ed. The Camera Viewed: Writings
Barthes, Roland. Can/era Lucida. New York: Hill and
on Twentieth-Century Photography. 2 Vols. New York:
Wang. 1981.
E. P. Dutton, 1979.
Beaton, Cecil, and Gail Buckland. The Magic Image:
Pollack. Peter. The Picture History of Photography.
The Genius of Photography from 18.1ft to the Present Day.
New York: Abrams, 1977.
Boston: Little. Brown and Co., 1975.
Scharf, Aaron. Art and Photography. Baltimore: Pen-
Berger, John. About Looking. New York: Pantheon
guin Books, 1974.
Books, 1980.
Sontag, Susan. On Photography. New York: Dell, 1979.
Bernard, Bruce. Photodiscorery: Master/corks of Pho-
Taft, Robert. Photography and the American Scene.
tography 18^0-191,0. New York: Abrams, 1980.
New York: Dover, 1964.
Braive, Michel F. The Photograph: .4 Social History.
Trachtenberg, Alan, ed. Classic Essays on Photogra-
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966.
phy. New Haven, Connecticut: Leete's Island Books, 1980.
Buckland, Gail. Fox Talbot and the Invention of Pho-
Zakia, Richard D. Perception and Photography. Roch-
tography. Boston: David R. Godine, 1980.
ester, New York: Light Impressions, 1979.
Buckland. Gail. Reality Recorded: Early Documentary
/'> 'ography. Boston: New York Graphic Society. 1974.
C O L L E C T I O N S O F P H O T O G R A P H S BY INDI- Clark. Larry. Tulsa. New York: Lustrum Press, 1971.
VIDUAL P H O T O G R A P H E R S Connor. Linda. Solos. Millerton. New York: Apeiron
Workshop, 1979.
Abbott. Berenice. Photographs. New York: Horizon
Cosindas, Marie. Marie Cosindas: Color Photographs.
Press, 1970.
Boston: New York Graphic Society, 1978.
Adams, Ansel. The Portfolios of Ansel Adams. Boston:
Crane. Barbara. Barbara Cram: Photographs 191,8-
New York Graphic Society, 1977.
1980. Tucson. Arizona: Center for Creative Photography,
Adams. Robert. From the Missouri West. Millerton,
New York: Aperture, 1980.
Cunningham. Imogen. Imogen Cunningham: Photo-
Allard, William Albeit. Vanishing Breed: Photographs
graphs. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1975.
of the Cowboy and the West. Boston: New York Graphic
Curtis, Edward S. The Xorth American Indians. Mil-
Society. 1982.
lerton. New York: Aperture, 1972.
Arbus, Diane. Diane Arbus. Millerton. New York: Ap-
Davidson, Bruce. Bruce Davidson Photographs. New
erture, 1973.
York: Agrinde, 1978.
Arnold. Eve. In China. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Disfarmer. The Heber Springs Portraits. 1949-1946.
Danbury, New Hampshire: Addison House. 1976.
Atget, Eugene. The Work of Atget: Old Franee. Boston:
Doisneau. Robert. Three Seconds from Eternity. Bos-
New York Graphic Society. 1981.
ton: New York Graphic Society, 1980.
Avedon, Richard. Avedon. New York: Farrar. Straus
Duncan. David Douglas. Self-Portrait U.S.A. New-
and Giroux, 1978.
York: Abrams, 1969.
Beaton, Cecil. Beaton. New York: Viking Press, 1980.
Eisenstaedt. Alfred. The EyeofEisenstaedt. New York:
Bellocq. E. J. Storyville Portraits. New York: The Mu-
Viking. 1969.
seum of Modern Art. 1978.
Emerson, P. H. P. H. Emerson: The Fight for Photog-
Bourke-White. Margaret. The Photographs of Margaret
raphy as a Fine Art. Millerton. New York: Aperture.
Bourke-White. Boston: New York Graphic Society. 1972.
Brady, Matthew. Historian with a Camera. New York:
Erwitt, Elliott. Recent Developments. New York: Si-
Crown, 1955.
mon and Schuster. 1978.
Brandt. Bill. Shadow of Light. New York: Da Capo.
Evans. Frederick H. Frederick H. Evans. Millerton,
New York: Aperture. 1973.
Brassai. The Secret Paris of the Thirties. New York:
Evans, Walker. Walker Evans: First and Last. New
Pantheon Books. 1976.
York: Harper and Row, 1978.
Bravo. Manual Alvarez. Manuel Alvarez Bravo. Boston:
Frank. Robert. The Americans. Millerton, New York:
David R. Godine, 1979.
Aperture. 1978.
Burrows. Larry. Compassionate Photographer. New
Freed. Leonard. Black in White America. New York:
York: Time-Life Books, 1972.
Grossman, 1969.
Callahan, Hairy. Callahan. Millerton, New York: Ap-
Friedlander. Lee. Lee Fried lander Photographs. New
erture. 197(5.
City. New York: Haywire Press, 1978.
Cameron, Julia Margaret. Julia Margaret Cameron:
Gardner, Alexander. Photographic Sketchbook of the
Her Life and Photographic Work. Millerton. New York:
Civil War. New York: Dover. 1959.
Aperture. 1975.
Garnett, William. The Extraordinary Landscape: Aer-
Capa. Robert. Images of War. New York: Grossman.
ial Photographs of America. Boston: New York Graphic-
Society, 1982.
Caponigro. Paul. Paul Caponigro. Millerton, New York:
Go win, Emmet. Emmet Gowin Photographs. New
Aperture. 1972.
York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1976.
Carroll. Lewis. Lewis Carroll: Photographer. New
Halsman. Philippe. Sight and Insight. New York: Dou-
York: Dover, 1970.
bleday, 1972.
Cartier-Bresson. Henri. Henri Cartier-Bresson: Pho-
Harbutt. Charles, Travelog. Cambridge. Massachusetts:
tographer. Boston: New York Graphic Society, 1979.
M.I.T. Press, 1974.
Heath. David. A Dialogue with Solitude. Culpeper, Vir- Michaels, Duane. Real Dreams. Danbury. New Hamp-
ginia: Community Press. 1965. shire: Addison House, 1976.
Heinecken, Robert. Heinecken. Carmel. California: The Mili, Gjon. Gjon Mili: Photographs and Recollections.
Friends of Photography. 1981. Boston: New York Graphic Society. 1980.
Hine. Lewis. America and Lewis liine. Millerton, New Model, Lisette. Lisette Model. Millerton, New York:
York: Aperture. 1977. Aperture. 1979.
Jacobi. Lotte. Lotte Jacobi. Danbury, New Hampshire: Morris. Wright. God's Country and My People. Lincoln:
Addison House. 1979. University of Nebraska Press, 1981.
Karsh. Yousuf. Karsh Portraits. Boston: New York Muybridge. Eadweard. Human and Animal Locomo-
Graphic Society. 1976. tion. New York: Dover. 1979.
Kennedy. David Hume. Shooter. New York: Newsweek Newman. Arnold. One Mind's Eye. Boston: New York
Books, 1980. Graphic Society, 1978.
Kertesz, Andre. Andre Kertesz: Sixty Years of Photog- O'Sullivan. Timothy. American Frontiers. Millerton.
raphy 1912-1972. New York: Grossman, 1972. New York: Aperture. J981.
Kinsey, Darius. Kinsey, Photographer. San Francisco: Owens. Bill. Suburbia. San Francisco: Straight Arrow
Chronicle Books. 1978. Books, 1974.
Klein. William. William Klein: Photographs. Millerton, Parker. Olivia. Signs of Life. Boston: David R. Godine,
New York: Aperture. 1981. 1981.
Koudelka. Josef. Gypsies. Millerton. New York: Aper- Penn. Irving. Worlds in a Small Room. New York:
ture. 1975. Viking, 1980.
Lange, Dorothea. Dorothea Lange. New York: The Mu- Porter. Eliot. Intimate Landscapes. New York: The
seum of Modern Art. 1966. Metropolitan Museum of Art. 1979.
Lartigue. Henri. Diary of a Century. New York: Vi- Ray-Jones. Tony. .4 Day O f f . Boston: New York
king. 1970. Graphic Society, 1974.
Levitt. Helen. A Way of Seeing. New York: Horizon. Riboud. Marc. Visions of China. Photographs by Marc
1981. Riboud 1957-19X0. New York: Pantheon Books, 1981.
Lee. Russell. Russell Lee: Photographer. Dobbs Ferry, Riis, Jacob. Jacob .4. litis: Photographer and Citizen.
New York: Morgan and Morgan, 1978. Millerton. New York: Aperture, 1974.
Lyon, Danny. Pictures from the New World. Millerton, Sander, August. Men Without Masks: Faces of Ger-
New York: Aperture, 1981. many 1910-1938. Boston: New York Graphic Society,
Lyons, Nathan. Notations in Passing. Cambridge. Mas- 1973.
sachusetts: M.I.T. Press, 1974. Siskind, Aaron. Photographs. New York: Horizon, 1959.
Maholy-Nagy, Laszlo. Photography and Photograms. Smith, Eugene. W. Eugene Smith: His Photographs
New York: Pantheon. 1980. and Notes. Millerton, New York: Aperture, 1969.
Man Ray. Man Ray. Boston: New York Graphic Soci- Steichen. Edward. A Life in Photography. New York:
ety, 1975. Doubleday, 1963.
Manos, Constantine. A Greek Portfolio. New York: Vi- Stieglitz, Alfred. Alfred Stieglitz: Photographer. Bos-
king, 1972. ton: Museum of Fine Arts, 1974.
Mark, Mary Ellen. Falkland Road: Prostitutes of Bom- Strand, Paul. Paul Strand: Sixty Years of Photographs.
bay. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1981. Millerton, New York: Aperture, 1976.
McCullin, Donald. Heart of Darkness. New York: Alfred Sudek, Josef. Sudek. New York: Crown, 1978.
A. Knopf, 1981. Uelsmann, Jerry N. Twenty-five Years: A Retrospective.
Metzker, Ray. Sand Creatures. Millerton, New York: Boston: New York Graphic Society, 1982.
Aperture. 1979. Ullman, Doris. The Darkness and the Light. Millerton,
Meyerowitz. Joel. Cape Light. Boston: New York New York: Aperture, 1974.
Graphic Society, 1979. Van Der Zee, James. James Van DerZee. Dobbs Ferry,
New York: Morgan and Morgan. 1973.
Weegee. Weegee. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1977. Steichen. Edward, ed. The Family of Man. New York:
Weston, Brett. Brett Weston: Photographs from Five The Museum of Modern Art. 1955.
Decades. Millerton, New York: Aperture. 1980. Stryker. Roy Emei"son, and Nancy Wood. In This
Weston, Edward. Edward Weston: His Life and Pho- Proud Land. Boston: New York Graphic Society, 1975.
tographs. Millerton, New York: Aperture, 1979. Szarkowski, John, ed. From the Picture Press. New
White, Minor. Rites and Passages. Millerton, New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1973.
York: Aperture, 1978. Szarkowski, John. Looking at Photographs. New York:
Winningham, Geoff. Friday Night in the Coliseum. The Museum of Modern Art, 1973.
Houston: Allison Press, 1971. Szarkowski, John. Mirrors and Windows: American
Winogrand, Garry. The Animals. New York: The Mu- Photography since 1960. New York: The Museum of Mod-
seum of Modern Art, 1969. ern Art, 1978.
Szarkowski, John. The Photographer's Eye. New York:
COLLECTIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHS BY The Museum of Modern Art, 1980.
GROUPS OF PHOTOGRAPHERS Worswick, Clark, ed. Japan: Photographs 1851-1905.
New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1979.
Capa, Cornell, ed. The Concerned Photographer I. New
York: Grossman, 1968.
Capa, Cornell, ed. The Concerned Photographer II. P H O T O G R A P H Y M A G A Z I N E S
New York: Grossman, 1972. Afterimage
Conrat, Maisie and Richard, eds. Executive Order 9066. .4 m e rica n Ph otographer
Cambridge. Massachusetts: M.I.T. Press, 1972. Aperture
Doty, Robert, ed. Photography in America. New York: British Journal of Photography
Random House. 1974. (U.K.)
Edey, Maitland. Great Photographic Essays from Life. Camera Arts
Boston: New York Graphic Society, 1978. Creative Camera (U.K.)
Hodgson. Pat. Early War Photography. Boston: New / mage
York Graphic Society. 1974.
Industrial Photography
Leekley, Sheryle and John. Moments: The Pulitzer
Prize Photographs. New York: Crown. 1978.
Modem Photography
Lyons. Nathan, ed. Persistence of Vision. New York:
New York Photo District News
Horizon Press, 1967.
Petersen's Photographic
Lyons, Nathan, ed. Photography in the Twentieth Cen-
Photo (France)
tury. New York: Horizon. 1967.
Photo Canada
Maddow, Ben. Faces. Boston: New York Graphic Soci- Photo Communique (Canada)
ety, 1977. Photo Life (Canada)
Margolis, Marianne Fulton, ed. Camera Work: .4 Pic- Photographers Forum
torial Guide. New York: Dover. 1978. Photomethods
Naef. Weston J., and James X. Wood. Era of Explo- Popular Photography
ration: The Rise of Landscape Photography in the Amer- Professional Photographer
ican West 1860-1SS;5. New York: The Metropolitan Mu- Rangefinder
seum of Art, 1975. Studio Photography
Norfleet, Barbara P. The Champion Pig: Great Mo- Tech nical Photograph y
ments in Everyday Life. Boston: David R. Godine. 1979. Zoom (France)
O'Neil, Doris C.. ed. LIFE: The First Decade. 1936-
1945. Boston: New York Graphic Society, 1979.
Steichen, Edward, ed. The Bitter Years, 1935-19.',1.
New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1962.
Acetic acid (as s t o p bath). 73-74. 112. 120 Clearing b a t h . Sec F i x e r remover Easel, 10(5 7. 106, 113
Angle of view. 21, 23, 25. 27 Close-up photography: accessories. 175- Emulsion (film). 3, 76
A p e r t u r e (camera), 6. 20, 27. 1(M; and 77. /;'."; and depth of field, 175-77. 178; Emulsion (paper), 6
depth of field, 33, 35; and film exposure. film. 177: and s h u t t e r speed, 177-79; use Enlargement: and negative grain, 99. 114-
19, 36: and Hash, 169: for low-light pho- of tripod, 177. 181; underexposure in, 15; and p r i n t contrast, 128
tography. 65-67. See also F-stop; 179 Knlarger(s). 101-1. 10J. 113; filters for.
Lens(es) Condenser, 103 Ill
A p e r t u r e (enlarger), 117 Contact prints. 138-40, 1.19, 188 E n l a r g e r housing, 101, 104, 114
Artificial lighting, 67. 165, 184. See also Contact sheet, 138 Enlarging timer, 104-5
Flash: Light Contrast (in negatives), 86-!M). 87.8.9, 124, E x p o s u r e m e t e r s , 117. See also Light me-
ASA number/setting, -15. 17—18: and over- 125-26 ters
exposure. 92: and pushing film. 97: and Contrast (in prints), 109, 123-24, m , 125; E x p o s u r e s y s t e m s , 55-60
underexposure, 92. See also Film speed and developer. 128: and enlargement, E x p o s u r e time (film): and a p e r t u r e . 13-
128; and filters. 125-2(5; and negative 44; automatic, 21, 170; for backlighting.
Backlighting. 62-63, 62 quality. 125-26; anil p a p e r grade, 125- 62-63, 62; and blocking up, 63; in close-
Bellows (camera). 17. 18. 176, 177-Til 28 up photography. 177-79; and contrast,
Bellows (enlarger). 104. 115 8(5-92; control 'of. 49. 91; for d a r k sub-
Bracketing, 59, 60, 17!) Darkroom: equipment, 69-71; light leaks, j e c t s . 57, 59-60, 61: and depth of field.
Bulk-loading procedure, 205-6. 204-1' 47: anil f-stop stilting, 19-21, 45-49; and
77: safelights, 106, 106; safety, 77: ven-
Burning, 128-31. I-.'If film speed, 44-45, 47; with filters. 164—
tilation. (58. 77, 114 65; with flash. 167-74; for infrared film,
Dark slide. 12 196; for light subjects. 56, 59. 66,157; for
Cable release, 181-183, 181 Depth of field, 28, 29, .10, .12; in close-up low-light conditions, 6$. 65, 67; for neg-
Camera accessories/equipment, 179-84; photography, 175-77. 178; defined. 27: ative prints, 193; overexposure, 61, 8 8 -
buying guide, 201-3: cleaning, 203: re- determining factors, 27. 35: maximized, 92: for photograms, 192-93: and reci-
pairs. 203. See also specific accessories 29: p r evisualized, 33-35; scale. 3:5-35, procity failure, 48-49: for sandwiched
Camera(s): buying guide, 201-2: classifi- -ly. and s h u t t e r speed, 96; zone of focus, negatives, 195; and s h u t t e r speed, 36-
cations, 8, 12; cleaning, 203; exposure 27, 29 38. 11. 45-19: underexposure, 88-92,
compensation setting, 92; focusing sys- Developer (film), 72-73, 75, 81-82. 112; 179, 188. 191
tems. 12 (see also Focus/focusing sys- buying guide, 213; and grain structure, Exposure time (prints), 6. 117. 118-19,
tems: specific camera types)-, function. 98; high-contrast, 187; high-speed, 97 121 23. 128. 140. 142: for contact prints.
6, 8; movement. 3&-40, h , JO. 96: view- Developer (prints), 112, 120; buying 110: and b r i g h t n e s s . 123, 12',; in burn-
ing systems, 12 (see also Viewing/focus- guide, 213; and paper type, 109: and ing. 130-31: in dodging. 131-34: for
ing systems; Focusing s y s t e m s ) print contrast. 128
Camera types: aperture-priority, 49: au- Developing reel, 77, 84 highlights, 14(1—41; and paper grade.
tomatic. 21, 49-50; half-frame, 8; insta- Developing time (prints), 142. 187, 188, 128, 141: and p a p e r size, 142
matic. 3, 10; instant. 10: large format. 199 Extension tubes. 175-77. 176
10: manual, 19-50: medium-format. 10:
p r e s s , 17.1 7, 18;rangefinder, 1 4 - 1 5 , 1 , . Diffuser. 103
18. 21. 41. 1(57, 175; reflex. 41; roll-film. DIN film-speed rating, 45 F-stop, 19-21, 2o, 43-14; and aperture, 47:
8-10, 12: semiautomatic, 49-50; sheet Distance: camera -to subject, 27. 35, 167: and filter factor, 164-65: anil flash, 168-
film. 10. 12: single-lens reflex: see sep- flash-to-subject, 167-458: scale. 33-34 71; half-stop, 20; for printing, 117; and
arate listing; snapshot, 10: sub-minia- Dodging. 128. 131-31. 1JJ s h u t t e r speed, 45-49. See also Aper-
ture. 10; 35-millimeter, II: twin-lens re- Dodging tool. 133, 188 ture: Lens(es)
flex: see separate listing', view: see Dry mounting: by iron, 15.!. 157; by press, Fiber-based paper prints. 108. 193; buy-
separate listing; viewfinder, 12, 18 152-57. 153 ing guide. 212: curling, 157; developing
Changing bag. 71. 77 Drying screens, 135-36 time. 119-20: drying, 136-38; fixing
time. 121: h a r d e n e r for. 112: stop bath
for, 112, 120; washing, 1:54-35. See also Flare, 182, 183 stop: see separate listing; fast. 20; fixed,
Paper; Prints, Resin-coaled paper Flash/flash units, 67, 166-69; automatic, 18; focal length. 21-28, 25, 27, 104, 177-
Film. 10; advancing. 11-12; bulk, 8, 204- 170: for blocking up. 63: bounced, 167- 79; function of, 6, 18; interchangeable,
6, 201,-6; buying guide, 212: cassette, 68, 171,173; direct, 172; electronic, 165, 18; macro, 177; nodal point of, 23; open-
11, 7«S; chromogenic, 198-99; for close- 166, 170, 171; features, 174-75; and film ing: see Aperture; preset (manual). 21;
up photography, 177; composition of, 3: speed, 169, 170-71; guide number, 169: shade, 1X2. 183; slow, 20; taking, 16;
copy, 1X5; dense areas, 4; development; light, 167-68, 171. 175; manual. 170, viewing. 16. See also Aperture; F-stop;
see separate fisting-, emulsion, 3; for- 174: and quantity of light, 168, 169; re- Focus; and specific camera types
mats, 8. 9, 10, 23; gelatin emulsion, 6; cycling time, 171; and s h u t t e r synchro- Lens(es) (enlarging), 7. 104, 113
grain structure, 98-99; for high-contrast nization, 165-67, 169; and s h u t t e r type, Lens categories: normal. 22, 23, 21,, 27,
photography, 185. 187; infrared, 196— 42, 166-67 35; telepholo. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 35,
98, 197; and light, 3; light-sensitivity. Focal lengt h (of lenses), 21-23, 10.',, 177- 201: wide-angle, 22, 23-24, 24, 26, 27,
48; loading, 10-11, 205-6; orthochro- 79; and depth of field, 27; and film for- 35, 201; zoom. 28, 25-27
matic, 185, 187; for photograms, 191; mat, 28; and image distortion, 25; with Light: artificial, 67, 165, 184; backlighting,
roll. 8-10, 9, 78; sheet, 9, 90, 187-8«; teleconverter, 25 62-63, 62; bounced, 167-68, 171: dif-
35-millimeter, 8, 9; unloading. 11. See Focus/focusing systems, 12, 18: in close- fused, 171-74; and film, 3: flash, 167-68;
a/so Negative(s) up photography, 175-77; by distance high-contrast, 90; incident, 53, 53, 59;
Film-advance lever, 11 scale, 33-34; on ground glass, 13-14, 17. indoor, 67; low-contrast, 90-92, 96; and
Film developmenL'processing, 8, 91; for 21; guess, 35; for infrared film, 198; low-light conditions, 64, 65-67, 92-96,
blocked-up negatives, 63; chemicals for, rangefinder (prism), 15; reversed im- 175; natural, 175; non-image, 188; re-
72-77, 75, 81-82; and contrast, 88-90, age, 16; screen pattern, 14; selective. flected, 4, 4, 53, 53. 67
S9\ equipment, 69-71; evaluation of, 99- 29, 31: split-image screen, 14; zone, 85; Light meters, 49; accuracy of, 53-55. 65;
100; for high-contrast negatives, 186- zone of, 27. 29. See a/so Viewing/focus- and ASA setting, 49; averaging, 53, 51,;
87; loading film for. 77-80, 79; for low- ing systems center-weighted. 53: digital readout
light photography, 65-67; overdevel- Focusing hood. 16. 17 system, 51, 52; electronic diode system,
oped, 88-92: procedure, 82-85, 83, 8/,; 51, 51; general reading from, 55-57, 56-
and reciprocity failure, 48-49; time-tem- 57; hand-held, 50, 51-52, 52, 54, 55; in-
p e r a t u r e chart for, 73, 82; underdevel- camera, 3, 49; and incident light, 49, 53,
oped, 88-92. See also Negative(s): Gelatin emulsion, 6 59; and infrared film, 1%; light-intensity
Printing process Grain, graininess, 17. 46, $7; of negatives, scale, 51-52: and low-light photography,
Film exposure, i , 6, 99-100. See also Ex- 47, 76. 98. 98-99. 18G: of prints, 97-99, 65. 96; matching-rieedle system, 50, 51,
posure time (film) 114-15 52; principle of, 54-55; and reflected
Film plane, 23 Gray card. 57-58, 58, 177 light. 53; separate, 3; and shadow den-
Ground glass: viewing focusing on. 13-14, sity, 60: spot. 53, 51,, 60; through-the-
17, 21 lens. 50-51, 50-51, 54, 55, 165. 177
Film speed: and a p e r t u r e , 48; chromo- Light readings: averaged shadows and
genic film, 199; and depth of field, 47; H a r d e n e r s , 74, 112 highlights, 59; bracketed, 59; from gray
and exposure time, 44-45, 47; fast. 4 4 - Highlight density, 88. 90, 92, 100 card, 57-58; from incident light, 59;
45, 47. 48; and Hash. 169, 170-71: and Holding bath. 112-13, 121 from shadows. 59-60, 61: from skin, 5 8 -
grain structure, 98; for low-light pho- Hot shoe, 166, 167 59
tography, 65, 67, 92-%; rating, 45; Hypo. See F i x e r
slow, 14-45, 47, 48
Filter factor. 164-65, 198
Filters (camera): and black and white
Image: area. 21. 22, 24; blurred, 88, 39; Mackie lines, 190
prints, 161-62; clear. 159; colored, 159-
65, 160; density, 162; glass, 159; for distortion, 24-25, 26\ latent. 3,117. 119: Manufacturers: chemicals, film, and pa-
infrared film, 196-98; neutral density, reversed. 16; size, 113. 151 per, 212-13
162: polarizing, 162, 163, 164; principle Infrared, 196 .Mat c u t t e r , 150
of, 159-62; sizes, 159; use of, 161-64 ISO film-speed rating, 45 Motor drive, 184, 18.',
Filters (enlarging), 111 Mounting, 149-57, 149, 154: dry-mount-
Filters (printing), 109-11, 125-28 Kodak Kodalith film, 185. 187-88, 190, ing, 152-57, 153. 156; flush-mounting,
Fixer {hypo): buying guide, 213; for film. 191, 200 157. 157
74. 81-82, 84: for prints, 111. 112. 120. Mounting board: for overmats, 149-52,
121 Latent image, 3, 117, 119 149, 151.154; size of, vs. print size, 149-
Lens(es) (camera), 18. 19; angles of view, 51
Fixer (hypo) check, 74. 84: buying guide. 21, 23, 25, 27: aperture: see separate
213 listing; automatic, 21: board, 17; buying Negative(s), 5, 6; blocked up, 63, 90;
Fixer remover, 74, 81, 84, 111. 112, 120; guide, 201; cleaning, 184, 203; close-up, cleaning of, 107, 115; contact-printing
buying guide, 213 176, 177; covering power, 101, 105; f- of, 138; contrast, 86-90.87, 89, 124,124,
125-26; cropping, 114-15, 116; defects, 193-94, 195; preserving. 142—43; quality 199; for printing, 113. 119
207-10, 208, 209; density, 43. 44-45, 99; of, 123-24; solarized (reexposed), 189- Test strip: for contact prints, 140. 188;
evaluation of, 99-100; exposure: see Ex- 91, 189; spotting. 145-48, 156; toning, developing, 119-21; for exposure time,
posure time; film, flare on. 182, 183; fo- 144-45; viewing, 121; washing, 121. 128; how to make. 117-19, 118, 122; for
cusing, 115; graininess, 57, 76, 98-99, 134-35, 135, 136 photograms, 193; for spotting, 147—18
98, 186; high-contrast (hard), 86, 185- Processing tank, 70, 77, 80 Through-the-lens viewing/focusing, 13,
86; highlight (dense) area, 5-6, 6-7; low- Pushing film, 65-67, 92-97, 93-95 13, 15, 17. 165; and depth of field, 33;
contrast (flat), 86; Mackie lines on, 190; with lenses, 20; with light meters, 5 0 -
preparation for printing, 113-15, 115- 51
Reciprocity failure. 48-49, 179
15; preserving, 142-43; properties of, 4:
Reel, (59, 70 Thyristor circuitry (in flash units), 175
sandwiched, 195-96, 195: shadow (thin)
area, 6-7; sizes, 8, 99: solarized (reex- Replenisher (for developer), 73 Toners, 144-45; buying guide. 213
posed). 189-91; transfer, 187-88; under- Resin-coated (RC) paper/prints, 108, 113, Tripod, 179-81, 179; and s h u t t e r speed,
exposed, 67; vignetting on, 183. See also 193; buying guide, 212; developing time, 40,180; with slow film, 185; used in tele-
Film 119-20; drying, 136-38; fixing time, 121; photography. 25, 181
h a r d e n e r for, 112; spotting solution for, Twin-lens reflex (TLR) camera: and close-
Negative carrier, 103-4, /'/J, 113 148; stop bath for. 112. 120; washing. up photography, 175; film for, 17; and
Negative envelopes, 71, 71 134-35. See also Fiber-based paper, flash. 167: lenses, 18, 21; shutters. 41;
prints; Paper; Prints viewing/focusing system, 16
Reticulation, 75, 76
Overmats, 149-52; and framing, 158
Rewind button, 11
View camera, Hi. 17; and close-up photog-
Panning, 38-40, 50 raphy, 175: and depth of field, 3:?; and
Paper (photographic/printing): base type, Sabattier effect. 189-91 flash. 167; lenses, 16, 18, 20-21; shut-
108; buying guide, 212; contrast grades, Selenium toner. 144-45 t e r s . 11
109, 110, 125-28, 141, 142; developing Sensor (in Hash units), 170 Viewing/focusing systems, 18; on ground
time, 119-20; emulsion, 6. 108; exposure Sepia toner. 144 glass. 13-14. 17, 21; preview setting. 33;
time, 6, 7, 117, 118-19. 121-23, 128; Shadow density, 88, 90-92, 96 through-the-lens, 13, 13, 17, 20, 33, 165.
high-contrast, 187; kinds: see Fiber- Shutter(s): button, 6, 37, 38; electronic, See also Focus-focusing systems
based paper; resin-coated paper for neg- 37; and film exposure. 36-38; and flash, Vignetting. 183. 183
ative prints, 193; for sandwiched nega- 42; focal plane, 41, 52. 166; functions,
tives, 196; tone, 109; variable-contrast, 36: leaf. 4 1 , 5 1 , 167; mechanical. 37
Wetting agent/solution. 75. 81-82, 84-85;
Shutter speed. 6. 36-37; and blurred im-
109, 125-2(5; weight. 108-9 age. 39, 40; in close-up photography, buying guide, 213
Parallax, 12 178-79; dial settings, 36-38, 37, 14; and Working solutions. 72. 75-77
Pc (synch) cord, 166, 167 exposure time, 36-38, 44; and f-stop,
Photoflood, 184, 185 45-49: for low-light photography, 05-67,
Photograms, 191-93, 192 96-97: and movement of camera, 38-40,
Print blotters, 136 39: and movement of subject, 38; and
Print driers, 107; electric, 138 tripod. 40. 180
Print washer, 135 Silver halide, 3. 6. 108
Printing process(es), 120; burning in, 63, Single-lens reflex (SLR) camera, 12-13,
128—31, 129, 130, 134, 141; chemicals. 13: and camera movement, 40; and
111-13, ill, 120: dodging, 128, 131-34, close-up photography, 175 77: and
122; equipment. 101-8; filters in, 109- depth of field, 33: and flash, 166; focus-
111; gang-printing. 142; high-contrast, ing viewing mechanism, 13-14, 13;
185-88; for infrared film, 198; negative lenses, 18, 20, 21; shutters. 42
preparation, 113-15, 114-15; pushing Solarization, 189-91, 200
film. 65-67, 92-97. 93, 95; temperature. Spotting, 145-48
113. 119: two-bath fixing system. 112, Stock solutions, 72-75
120. 123 Stop bath: buying guide, 213; for film. 73-
74, 81-82; for prints. 111. 112, 120, 121
Prints. 5: archival standards for, 142-43;
contact. 138-40, 139, 188; contrast, 109.
110, 123-24, 124, 126; curling of, 135,
136, 157: defects, 210-11; drying. 135- Tacking iron, 153, 153
38, 137; fine-tuning. 141; flare on. 182, Take-up spool, 10
183; framing, 150, 158; graininess of, Teleconverter, 25, 25
97-99, 114-15: high-contrast, 186-88, Temperature: of dry-mounting press. 155:
186; mounting. 149-57, 155: negative, for film development, 73, 75-77, 82. 99,
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I Icnry H o r e n s t e i n is a w e l l - k n o w n p h o t o g r a p h e r w h o c u r r e n t l y teaches p h o t o g r a p h y at t h e
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